
July 13, 2018 | Author: Karyn Maria Lombrea | Category: N/A
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RUGGERO MORETTO Radionic, Radiesthesic Practitioner Qualified Biotherapist CEE Reiki Master Via Roma, 5 20045 LAMBRUGO (Como) - Italy Phone no.. 0039 339 3884301 http://www.biolifestyle.org

Email: [email protected]



(By Ruggero Moretto)


PREFACE …………………………… ………………………………………………..… …………………..…Page


THE USE OF THE PENDULUM ………..………………... Page


SEARCH OF OUR “KEY GUIDE” ……………………….. Page


HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH OUR “KEY GUIDE” …………………………… ……………………………………….….… ………….….… Page


HOW TO SEARCH THE MOST SUITABLE GUIDES FOR ANY ACTION ………………………………..……… ………………………………..……… Page




VARIOUS APPLICATIONS …………………………… ……………………………... ... Page




HIGH SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCES (Angels) TABLES ………………………… ………………………………….…..….. ……….…..…..(the last three pages)



PREFACE …………………………… ………………………………………………..… …………………..…Page


THE USE OF THE PENDULUM ………..………………... Page


SEARCH OF OUR “KEY GUIDE” ……………………….. Page


HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH OUR “KEY GUIDE” …………………………… ……………………………………….….… ………….….… Page


HOW TO SEARCH THE MOST SUITABLE GUIDES FOR ANY ACTION ………………………………..……… ………………………………..……… Page




VARIOUS APPLICATIONS …………………………… ……………………………... ... Page




HIGH SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCES (Angels) TABLES ………………………… ………………………………….…..….. ……….…..…..(the last three pages)



In this seminar we’re going to explain how to operate and to go on with any direct and immediate healing or vibrational action for all we conceive, with the help of the High Spiritual Intelligences of Hebrew Tradition who rule the Universe with the aid of a particular “FORMULA” or “PRAYER” and by a special big size rock crystal pendulum natural not pierced (twined by a proper metal wire used to make pendents with a gold or silver chain), for all the different cases of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional healing, for ourselves, for those we love, for every day life situations and for everything around us. This particular pendulum, as already mentioned, helps us by a simple method, to channel to the subject or to the object the energies or thought forms suitable for all the purposes; anyway, to adopt this vibrational healing method, it is necessary to have at least a basis of practical knowledge about the use of the radiesthesic instruments (in this case the pendulum) ; keeping this particular rock crystal pendulum between the thumb and the forefinger letting it fall in a perpendicular way in front of us after a short period of silence and concentration in a quiet place sitting on a chair with our back erect without leaning the elbows and the back on the chair-back, we can now express our prayer (we’ll see later on) written in front of us, asking the help to the High Spiritual Intelligences we tested at the start by our pendulum for everything we proposed to ourselves; at this point our particular pendulum to channel the beneficent frequencies to the subject or to the object, will oscillate in the way and for the time it considers suitable; in this case we just have to channel and to watch impassive as spectators the energies suggested by our spiritual guides; then when the pendulum spontaneously stops every movements this means that our work has finished so you can program how many sessions in the presence of the subject and at a distance you can carry out for a given case and repeat the same procedure carrying out this way a suitable therapeutic cycle. As we’ll see later on, it’s possible to apply this procedure even for liquids direct magnetization as the water contained in a white glass, simply keeping it in front of us to create some valid vibrational essences. Before going on to carry out any healing, first of all you have to know testing by your pendulum by the already acquired radiesthesic methods, the name or the names of the High Spiritual Intelligences bound to a given problem or situation for a given person we’ll need to complete our formula or prayer; we’ll see later on how to go on.



First of all, before going on, it’s necessary to explain the right use of the pendulum After having well washed the hands with cold water, comfortably sit at the writing-desk ( keep some  paper and a pen within reach to make notes of the answers you get besides all the needed material  foreseen for your search). You have to sit on the tip of a chair with your back erect without leaning it on the backrest and with open and relaxed shoulders, with your chin a little withdrawn, lightly straining the nape and pushing the summit of your head toward the top and the tongue against the palate. You have to stay in a silent room with soft lights, without disturbing factors and objects of any kind. You have to stay in a general sincere mental and spiritual opening in a most relaxed way ( to get the most reliable answers, the posture, the mental care and predisposition have to be protracted and kept either before than for all the time you’re using the pendulum; all that spontaneously leads you to get the fundamental state of consciousness either to begin than to bring successfully our work to the end ); as help and a valid preliminary you can even use all mental and breath control practices most suitable for you, as yoga, meditation or other things.

Take your personal pendulum by the small chain between the thumb and the forefinger of the right hand letting it fall wit hits point low in a perpendicular way on the object or subject to test or to seek without leaning your elbow on the table; you have to keep the left hand at three fingers under the navel, lightly pressing in this point with the forefinger and the middle finger until you feel a light dull local beat besides a light heat at the top of the fingers of the left hand ( keeping a light pressure for all the time in this point, which is the basic place of our personal energy known as “prana”, we stimulate our concentration even more and we get more easily our personal energy ); at this point you can start to take contact with your subconscious or your Spiritual Guides letting your energy or the Guides’ one soak the pendulum which will start then spontaneously to oscillate on the right and on the left, back and forth, to turn or to pull toward the low ( after few time  you could feel a sense of heaviness or a light sense of tickle on the palm of your right hand which could extend to the whole arm ); as you go on, anyway you will feel more and more concentrated and when you are ready after some minutes (times depends on each person and moment ) you can go on posing the pendulum your first question; when you’re using the pendulum, take care not to cross your legs or arms and since the beginning don’t wear necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets, buckles and any metal things.


SEARCH OF OUR “KEY GUIDE” Before going on with the search of the names of the High Spiritual Intelligences who will help us then to intervene on any case for any person, and so on….. we need to know asking our pendulum our personal “KEY GUIDE” of that precise moment who will help us to look for all we need for that particular case we’re going to solve; to look for the most receptive Guide and the most suitable for you go on like this: Spread out in front of you the radiesthesic radionic graphic No. 1 (Archangels); - put in the center of the graphic a white card on which it is writ ten in black ink the name and surname of the person, plant, water, situation, ambient, and so on…. writing also the object of the rebalance or healing relative action (even better if you have the picture or any other witness); for instance: “JOHN SMITH’S LIVER REBALANCE”; - put your pendulum in a perpendicular way and on the writing (and on the witness) letting your pendulum turn in an anti-clockwise sense for some minutes, impregnating it of the energy of the same witness; - at this point ask your pendulum the following question: WHICH OF THESE HIGH INTELLIGENCES “CAN HELP ME NOW” TO SEARCH FOR THE NAMES OF THE SPIRITUAL GUIDES WHO WILL HELP ME FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS ? …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… ) ? Then, your pendulum will show you oscillating the case corresponding to the name of the most suitable Guide Archangel you’ll make notes on a white paper sheet; at this point you can go on  following the instructions of the next page at the chapter “How to get in touch with our Key Guide” .

In case your pendulum shows you the case with the writing “no one or finished”, this means that “at that time” it’s not possible to get in touch with any guide for “that particular case”, so ask the pendulum the following question: AT WHAT TIME TODAY/TOMORROW AND SO ON…. CAN I SEARCH FOR THE GUIDE WHO “CAN HELP ME NOW” TO FIND THE NAMES OF THE SPIRITUAL GUIDES WHO WILL HELP ME FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on.....) NEEDS ? …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the same rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… ) ?

At this point you can program to carry out your “particular” search at the time the pendulum suggests you; in case your pendulum oscillates in a strange way or in a way you haven’t considered in your  personal code to get the answers, ask this other question: AM I ALLOWED TO SEARCH FOR ONE OF THESE HIGH INTELLIGENCES TO “HELP ME” TO GET THE NAMES OF THE SPIRITUAL GUIDES WHO WILL HELP ME FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on .....) NEEDS ? …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the same rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on…) ?

If your pendulum gives a negative answer (as the most of the times in these cases), this means that you can’t have in any way the helps from these High Intelligences for that particular action and/or for


that subject and/or for that object, then it is advisable not to force and to revalue the problem in question thoroughly, re-examining it from a different or more suitable point of view.


 HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH OUR “KEY GUIDE” Now we’ve got knowledge of our personal guide, we have to contact Him by the radiesthesic method by our particular pendulum mentally pronouncing a particular sentence described hereunder, so that we can get then His particular information in a clear and precise way and to bring our search to an end in an optimal way.

Take now your particular pendulum: -

hold it by the small chain with the thumb and the fore-finger letting it fall in a perpendicular way towards the low; when you feel ready and concentrated after doing all the preliminaries about the use of the pendulum in a correct way, mentally express the following sentence:

“ I ASK ” TO

(mention the tested Guide Archangel’s name )


TO “HELP ME” TO SEARCH FOR THE SPIRITUAL GUIDES’ NAMES WHO WILL HELP ME FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the same rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on ...), AND THAT EVERY ENERGY CONTRASING THIS AIM IS GIVEN TO THE EARTH-MOTHER, SO THAT SHE FEEDS ON AND CHANGE THEM IN LIGHT THIN ENERGIES. Now your particular pendulum will start to move little by little forwards and backwards to start turning little by little in the anti-clockwise sense and take off every obstacle to return then always little by little to oscillate forwards and backwards; at this point little by little the pendulum will start turning clockwise to charge itself with positive energy to return then little by little to oscillate forwards and backwards and always little by little it will spontaneously stop every movement; so this means that our work so far has finished; ( the times and the oscillation ways of our particular  pendulum for this radiesthesic use method are quite casual ); doing all this we draw in a direct way the energy of our KEY GUIDE we’ll need then for all the time of our search explained hereunder in the next page.

“ In this case and for all the time you will absolutely have an attitude of total silence, respect, care and attention; you just have to channel, to absorb and to watch impassive as spectators the energies suggested by our Guide ”.


 HOW TO SEARCH THE MOST SUITABLE GUIDES FOR ANY  ACTION At this point when we’re charged with our personal “KEY GUIDE” energy, we pass at once to the test of the High Spiritual Intelligences (Archangels) who will help us then by the previous radiesthesic method to channel the energies for any action and/or energetic situation. First of all set in front of you on the table No. 1 radiesthesic radionic graphic (Archangels); - put in the center of the graphic the same white card on which it is written in black ink the name and surname of the person, plant, water, situation, ambient, and so on…. writing also the object of the rebalance or healing relative action (even better if you have the picture or any other witness); for instance: “JOHN SMITH’S LIVER REBALANCE”; - put your pendulum in a perpendicular way and on the writing (or on the witness); - at this point mentally ask your “KEY GUIDE” the following question: I ASK TO (mention your Key Guide’s name) ARCHANGEL TO SHOW ME WHICH OF THESE ARCHANGELS “CAN HELP ME” FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on .....) NEEDS …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… ) Then, your pendulum will show you oscillating the case corresponding to the name of the most suitable Archangel and you’ll make notes of His name on a white paper sheet.

At this point we can express the question again in case there should be other Guides suitable for our problem, so ask the following question: I ASK TO (mention your Key Guide’s name) ARCHANGEL TO SHOW ME WHICH OTHER ARCHANGEL “CAN HELP ME” FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient,  plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… )

Go on re-proposing this last question till the pendulum turns oscillating on the writing “none or finished”; at this point you’ve finished the Archangels search. Let’s pass now at once to the test of the High Spiritual Intelligences (Angels) who will help us then by the previous radiesthesic method to channel the energies for any action and/or energetic situation. First of all set in front of you on the table No. 2 radiesthesic radionic graphic (the 25 cases); - put in the center of the graphic the same white card on which it is written in black ink the name and surname of the person, plant, water, situation, ambient, and so on…. writing also the object of the rebalance or healing relative action (even better if you have the picture or any other witness); for instance: “JOHN SMITH’S LIVER REBALANCE”; - put your pendulum in a perpendicular way and on the writing (or on the witness); - keep close to you only No. 1 Table (Angels’ first list); - at this point mentally ask your “KEY GUIDE” the following question: (a) I ASK TO (mention your Key Guide’s name) ARCHANGEL TO SHOW ME WHICH OF THESE ANGELS OF THIS LIST “CAN HELP ME” FOR WHAT (mention name and surname,


situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… ) Then, your pendulum will show you oscillating the case corresponding to the name of the most suitable Angel and you’ll make notes of His name on a white paper sheet; in case there aren’t Angels suitable for our problem, the pendulum will oscillate on case 25 corresponding to the sentence “NOT  IN THIS TABLE”, so at this point go on with your search passing to the following TABLE  No. 2 of the list of the names of the next 24 Angels.

At this point, in case your pendulum has showed you the case corresponding to the number of the most suitable Angel for your problem of No. 1 Table, you can express the question again in case there should be other Angels suitable for our problem, then mentally ask: (b) I ASK TO (mention your Key Guide’s name) ARCHANGEL TO SHOW ME WHICH OTHER ANGEL OF THIS LIST “CAN HELP ME” FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on…)

Go on re-proposing this last question till your pendulum turns oscillating on no. 25 case, corresponding to the sentence “NOT IN THIS TABLE”, (at this point you’ve finished your search of the Angels as for No. 1 Angels Table) so you can go on with your search passing to No. 2 ANGELS TABLE of the list of the names of the next 24 Angels, re-proposing (a) question for the search of the Angel who can help us to intervene on your problem, and then (b) question,….. and so on up to No. 3 ANGELS TABLE included; (at last, when your pendulum stops on case 25 that for this last No. 3 TABLE corresponds to the word “finished”, you’ve completed your test. Make notes of all the names of your High Spiritual Intelligences tested by the pendulum on a white sheet, grouping among them Archangels names and Angels ones.

“ Even in this case for all the time you will absolutely have an attitude of total silence, respect, care and attention; you just have to channel, to absorb and to watch impassive as spectators the energies suggested by the Key Guide ”.


THE MOST SUITABLE FORMULA Now we know all the names of the Angels and Archangels who will be able to help us for any given problem, we have to insert their name in the formula or prayer we previously used for the channelling of our Key Guide; write it then in black ink on a white paper sheet as follows:

“ I ASK ” TO

(write the name of the Archangel/Archangels who turned out positive to your previous test for

the problem your’re going to solve )


TO (write the name of the Angel/Angels who turned out positive to your previous test for the  problem you’re going to solve ) ANGEL/ANGELS TO “HELP ME” TO CHANNEL THE ENERGY FOR WHAT (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS THE MOST ……(AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the same rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on…), AND THAT EVERY ENERGY CONTRASTING THIS AIM IS GIVEN TO THE EARTH-MOTHER, SO THAT SHE FEEDS ON AND CHANGE THEM IN LIGHT THIN ENERGIES. As you’ll mentally read this formula, keep your particular pendulum by the small chain by the thumb and fore-finger letting it fall in a perpendicular way towards the law, the pendulum will start at once to oscillate little by little forwards and backwards to start turning little by little in the anti-clockwise sense to take off every contrasting energy to return then always little by li ttle to oscillate forwards and backwards; at this point little by little the pendulum will start turning clockwise to charge with positive energy what our situation or healing action in question really needs to return then little by little to oscillate forwards and backwards ( restoring this way the bio-energetic balance ) and always little by little it will spontaneously stop every movement; so this means that our work so far has finished; (the times and the oscillation ways of our particular pendulum for this radiesthesic use method are quite casual ); at this point we’ve finished our healing or vibrational mental action (ask before your Key Guide by your pendulum by the mental questioning how many times per day and how many days, weeks, and so on…. you have to carry out this operation by these Guides and/or for any case).

“ ABOVE ALL in this case and for all the time you will absolutely have an attitude of total silence, respect, care and attention; you just have to channel, to absorb and to watch impassive as spectators the healing energies suggested by the High Spiritual Intelligences ”.


VAROIUS APPLICATIONS As we said at the start of these lecture notes, by the same bio-energetic rebalance radiesthesic method we used here above, it’s possible to intervene on any kind of situation, action or magnetization of any subject or object, then it’s also possible to magnetize some water to do some valid vibrational remedies; carry out all the procedure from page 5, asking then your Key Guide which are the High Spiritual Intelligences who will help you to magnetize the water in the glass you’ll use as vibrational essence for any person, plant, situation, animal, and so on….; for instance: WHICH HIGH SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE CAN HELP ME TO MAGNETIZE THIS WATER OF THE ENERGY (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS THE MOST …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… ) ? Then, when you’ve written the complete formula of all the Guides for this particular vibrational action, fill up a glass of natural water, put it on a stool and let your particular pendulum fall in a perpendicular way on the same glass, then mentally express the sentence:

“ I ASK ” TO (write the name of the Archangel/Archangels who turned out positive to your previous test for the problem you’re going to solve) ARCHANGEL/ARCHANGELS AND TO (write the name of the Angel/Angels who turned out positive to your previous test for the  problem you’re going to solve) ANGEL/ANGELS TO “HELP ME” TO CHARGE THIS WATER OF THE ENERGY (mention name and surname, situation, ambient, plant, water, and so on …..) NEEDS THE MOST …… (AND TO THE LIMIT) FOR (briefly mention the same rebalance situation, healing, action, and so on… ).

- P.s.: in this case, it should be suitable and advisable before carrying out the water magnetization, to energetically “purify” it by another special formula by other Spiritual Guides (Incas) suitable for this particular vibrational action, able to take off every noxious energy which is in any situation, plant, animal, person, human body organs and any form of life; express then the following sentence:

I ASK TO “DON FLAVITO, DON BENITO, DON CARLOS”, TO HELP ME TO TAKE OFF ALL THE NOXIOUS ENERGIES WHICH ARE IN (mention the person name, the place, the animal, the plant, the particular situation,  this water , and so on…) AND TO GIVE THEM TO THE EARTH-MOTHER, SO THAT SHE FEEDS ON AND CHANGE THEM IN LIGHT THIN ENERGIES. At last you can put this magnetized water in a sterilized bottle with dropper and fill ed up for ¾, filling up the rest with some brandy for conservation, shake well your preparation for some minutes and take then in the next days 5 drops about under the tongue every time you think it suitable (ask the Key Guide the drops number and the period).

FOR TO ORDER THE BIG PENDULUM [email protected] or see here http://www.biolifestyle.org/en/index.php?pid=133 11


 ARCHANGELS  MICHAEL He’s the light and fire Archangel, his name, Michael, Ma-Ha-El, means “the Great God” or “Similar to God”. In fact, in Sanskrit, Maha means “great” and El is for God. Strong, young and handsome, in Renaissance paintings he’s portrayed with an armour on. He’s the prince and the commander-in-chief of the heavenly formations, so he’s considered the Roman Catholic Church protector, as well as the patron saint of Hebrew nation. He familiarly became Saint Michael Archangel, he’s got one of the most important task, the fight against Evil Forces. Michael is the one who protects the believers, sets their houses free, destroys black magic and witchcraft works, he clearly carries on an irreplaceable function, then he’s a collaborator loved and revered by everybody. Very handsome, shining in the light, bathed in victory, he’s preeminently “the sun Archangel”. He wears the armour and he brandishes the sword by which he defeated the eternal enemy: Satan, almost always represented as a snake or a creeping dragon. In fact, in the tradition, Michael the warrior, the protector from the snares coming from the Dark forces, is the light stronghold, the bulwark against darkness. His blazing sword, besides piercing through the dragon, breaks through the dark, defeats the darkness and bring back to his favourites the Light comfort. He’s got the central role of Heavenly armies chief, the Beast winner, the preeminently winner of all the fights. His aspect of winning and invulnerable warrior will assure him the great favour of all the armies, the soldiers and the sovereigns of all the times. At a human level, Michael Archangel helps the reaching of success, he makes easier the fight to get over the obstacles. For the tradition he’s assimilated to everything concerning the Power in all its positive aspects. He’s invoked in hundreds of formulas for the protection from witchcrafts and black magic works. As Sun Angel, Fire element, he dominates the Lion, the Aries and the Sagittarius constellation.


 RAPHAEL His name means “Heavenly Healer”, or “God Heals”. In his name, Ra-fa-el, Ra is for Sun and his vibration is: Sun-vibra-tion-God. He’s guardian Angels chief, the Providence Angel watching over all mankind. He’s the pilgrims’ protector: more than travellers in general, in fact, he takes care of who is engaged in a pilgrimage towards God. He travels with a stick and the sandals, the water-bottle and the sack across his back. He’s the Archangel who from the oldest times has in custody the power to heal. In more modern times his rule has extended over the medicine, the pharmacology, the chemistry. Raphael is mentioned in the Old Testament, when, disguised as any human being, he appears to young Tobia and accompanies and protects him in a long journey and full of dangers. (Tb 6,4 and 8,3). The cabalistic tradition has coupled Raphael to Mercury planet of which he’s the ruler Archangel. Even for Greeks Mercury was the Lord of Medicine, but this is a union which has its origins in the most ancient times. In the most ancient representations, Mercury has got a rod in his hand on which two snakes coil. His touch had an immediate healing effect. The occult meaning is very interesting: the rod represents man’s spine. The two snakes are the two nervous systems: the vagus and the sympathetic. The point from which the snakes start, with their tails touching, is the coccyx, the seat of the vital energy. Through seven spirals (the seven chakras) the two sakes face up but don’t touch. This symbol was so well-known and revered in ancient times it has come intact so far and it is still the badge of Doctors’ Order and of Chemists’ one. To Raphael is ascribed the drawing up of the so-called “Emerald Table”, the Magic unchangeable laws, still unsurpassed. Raphael is the chief Archangel of the numberless healer Angels formations. They’ve got the task to give out the healing energy to those who ask them for, invoking them. Besides, Raphael is the keeper of the scientific search, of the knowledge applied to the substance. He belongs to the Earth Element, he dominates the zodiacal constellation of the Virgo and the ones of the Taurus and Capricorn. According to traditional astrology, the Virgo is dominated by Mercury and under this sign there are nurses, chemists, scientific searchers. He’s also the keeper of the intelligence, of scientific speculation and of the inquiry. Mercury, in his totality is within Raphael’s rule, who controls the electromagnetic energy, also called etheric vitality or prana. Raphael’s vibrations have a violet color, in all its shades. This color results from red (Michael) and blue (Gabriel) mixture and corresponds to Raphael’s role as Michael and Gabriel collaborator in the creation of the red blood within the human body.


GABRIEL In the name Gabriel, Kha-Vir- El, according to the ancient Egyptian pronunciation, Ga or Ka show the wish, the feeling and the expressed love; Bir or Vir show the water element. In fact, Gabriel rules the water and the liquids, which form the three quarters of the planet. Gabriel is the superintendent of the whole physical kingdom. He’s also called “God’s Hero” and he’s the chief of the ambassadors for the mankind, as well as the Revelation Angel. Majestic, dressed up with rich clothes, in the Christian iconography he’s often portrayed on his knees in front of the Virgin Mary with his arms crossed on his chest or with a parchment, a sceptre or a lily in his hand. He’s also the messenger of good news. Gabriel is the keeper of the creativity expressed in all knowledge fields; he’s the one who opens man’s mind to the genius and beauty understanding, the one who makes “to conceive” ideas, since to him it belongs everything concerning the conception, both at physical levels and on the ones merely abstracts. Gabriel, acting through his Angels Legions, extends his rule even on everything concerning the physical and spiritual creation of a new creature. The common mortals, whatever is their religion, faith, race or color, either if they’re good or wicked, future saints or perverse men, all the creatures who are born or will be born on our planet, do their journey from the spiritual world to the physical one guided by the Angels subordinate to Gabriel who will stay at their side forever. From Gabriel then, come the boundless formation of the Guardian Angels, the patient assistants of mankind. They are creatures who help our species evolution but in their turn, evolve through us. Ruler of the Water element, Gabriel extends his influence on the Cancer, the Fishes and the Scorpio. He’s linked to the lunar sphere and to Cancer Water element. He represents the pregnancy water, in which develops the heavenly germ who will become incarnate in every human embryo, he’s the element who makes the human mind get the intuition leading to the stroke of genius and to scientific discovery, or to the art masterpiece creation.

 ANAEL He’s the Archangel bound to Venus sphere. He’s the one who has in custody everything existing which is fine and harmonious. He’s the artists inspirer, the one who makes resound to the most sensitive men the spheres harmony so that it’s rewritten in the form of music to be listened to through planet Earth instruments. Music, color, beauty, harmony and benevolence will be the means by which mankind will evolve in the next centuries. In the same way are influenced art and beauty, above all the color and everything which is linked to it. The influence the Archangel exerts through his Angels, will be greater and greater in the course of the years, it will wake up in the heart of men the feeling of benevolence. The aim will be the one to get the cosmic love, which is still very far from human understanding sphere. Our species, we think so evolved, watched from the High, it appears instead aggressive, quarrelsome… A bloodthirsty race who hasn’t learnt the simple human values of brotherhood and solidarity yet. Anael, belonging to Venus sphere, dominates the zodiacal constellation of the Scales and of the Taurus, but he positively influences the Aquarius and the Twins.


SAMAEL In the material body there is another Archangel , the ruler of the Earth element: Sham-A-El. Sham, means light; A, femininity or substance; El, God. The production of life phenomenon in the matter kingdom corresponds to the work of all the Archangels of the elements, but in particular of Samael Angel. According to the most rigorous tradition he’s defined “God’s right hand” or even the Punisher Angel since he’s the one who administers the heavenly justice, inflexible in his task. The astrological tradition ascribes him all Mars typical qualities: the strength, the fight, the bravery, the decision. He’s the fair observer of man’s works, defined the “Karma Lord”. From him come the formations of Beings who “keep the registers” making notes of the Karma state to decide which will be the tests to re-propose to human beings in the future incarnations. Samael protects from the dangers caused by the fires, by the explosions and by the weapons. He gives strength and decision to the intentions, supports the will, protects the leaders. He’s the ruler of Aries sign.

SACHIEL He’s one of the most invoked Archangel from the ancient times so far. He represents the wealth, the majesty, the riches, the physical well-being, the prestige, the money. It’s not for nothing the ancient divinity that once was called Jupiter was the most powerful of all gods, the one who reigned over the Olympus and to whom the minor divinities and the elements were totally subjected. Sachiel is very generous and don’t disdain to help men in reaching the well-being. Anyway, he carries out his ministry within the limits in which the individual destiny allows him to intervene. If in a man’s destiny the wealth is considered harmful for his spiritual evolution, if poverty is a test he has to get over since the wealth has been lived badly in a previous life, there will be no petitions or invocations which will move Sachiel or any other Angel. Nobody, but only the concerned person, by his/her will, getting over the tests he/she will meet on his/her way, will be able to change his/her own destiny. Sachiel and his Angels, are the attentive dispensers of the money-energy since the money, as the blood, is a real vital lymph. Its circulation has to happen in a well-balanced way, as for all the fluids inside the human body, without stagnations, without lacks and without haemorrhages.

CASSIEL Cassiel follows with a loving eye the elderly, the ones who like him, have carried out their task and see as spectators and no more as warriors the development of the events. Always under Cassiel’s rule, even called “Silence Angel”, we find everything which is in the subsoil, mines, deposits, rocks, clay, and so on. Cassiel oversees the mineral kingdom which, silently and in very long times, evolves in the long and unceasing march “from darkness to Light”, that besides is shared even by all the other Kingdoms, the human one included. Cassiel Archangel is the ruler of Saturn’s sphere, regent of the Capricorn sign.


URIEL In Uriel’s name, U-Ra-El, in the ancient Egyptian language: U is for space and  Ra is for Sun, that is Space-Sun-God   that is “God’s Light”, then Uriel’s task is the one to bring God’s Knowledge light to men. He’s the prophecies interpreter, the Last Judgement Angel and rules the Order and Harmony Law. His color is the silver white and, in the human body, he represents the co-ordinator action of the work done by Michael, Raphael and Gabriel Archangels. Uriel coupling with Uranus in the astrological tradition is recent enough, since anciently they thought the planets were only seven. With the progress of astronomic discoveries, it was necessary to fill up some gaps. Some divinities of the old times were revisited and adapted to the new knowledges. The rule of the very recent Uranus is very suitable for them. He’s the regent Archangel of the Aquarius constellation, extroverted and revolutionary sign, destined to influence the future mankind. Uriel suits well for the astrology and the electronics rule, typical of the Aquarius. He’s the explorers and the innovators protector and, considering his role as for the professions of the future, we could put under his protection even the spacemen, who couldn’t be taken into account in the ancient magic texts. Uriel gets the control on the forces which preside over the sharp and unforeseen changes, not only in the destiny of each person, but at a planetary level. The New Age, or Aquarius Age, is controlled in its event quick happening by this great Angel who still has got an immense task to carry out towards Mankind.

 METATRON  Power of powers. Metatron is Divinity’s special correspondent for all the matters belonging to our World: he determines the union between Wish and Reason, with the aim to project the abstract realities from Heavenly Worlds to Lower Worlds. In other words, Metatron grants to our mentality and sensitiveness the power to clearly get what exists in the Spirit Worlds in the form of possible creations, so that for us the Creation becomes a coherent whole. This Archangel offers us the Knowledge; reveals us the aim, the purpose, the Divinity’s plans. By the mind and the feelings, his energy reveals us the reason for which the things are like this. Thanks to him, we can know the future, our future: in fact the energy run by Metatron reveals the Creation complete Plan vision, a whole of particulars that haven’t been realized yet. Thanks to this vision, we can understand why it’s useful to adopt a determinate line of action, and also Cosmic Laws purpose. Metatron is the one who infuses the Will. We can say he’s placed at the top of a tower from which it’s possible to watch everything happening down: every question we ask him will have an answer fully caught by our mind and wholly understood by our feelings. Then Metatron doesn’t let us see what he explains us. It’s not his task to give rise to clairvoyance since we’re not able to get in just a picture the progressive development of a cosmic process. To men longing for perceiving his radiations, he reveals, in his various phases, the development of every single thing, from the initial germ to the conclusive solidification. If on one hand this Archangel allows us to know the past, in another way he reveals us the facts as they will be in a near or in a distant future. In conclusion, from Metatron we get the prophecy gift.


 RAZIEL Love and Knowledge power. He’s the one who passes on the Heavenly Virtues, the Way leading to the Creator and Universe Lord; the will manifestation in the tangible world. To show himself in these terms, the Archangel applies to Life Whirl energies. RAZIEL is the Initiator, the one who allowed us to do essential importance discoveries; He’s the active spark (in a permanent way) destined to light, to set on fire our Conscience. In the Thought World, the influence exerted by this Archangel is negative. This means that its influx doesn’t turn into active intelligence, to the Truth discovery, but that on the contrary RAZIEL and his Cherubs make use of the direct and immediate revelation, like lightnings flash when they suddenly light up the night landscapes. Then the one who is in search of the Knowledge will get it, by the Invocation to this Archangel and to his Cherubs but he/she has to be a person who has got an enough elevated moral level, as in subjects who are just curious and who have little spiritual interest these influences won’t produce positive consequences of a particular importance. Finally, RAZIEL Archangel is hostile to all the ones who live turning their back on Cosmic (that is Heavenly) Rules.

 BINAEL Concrete Thought Power. BINAEL – TSAPHKIEL is the Universe Orderer in the double valence of the term: he orders and sets in order. He transforms the cosmic energies (with a particular care to the ones coming from Hochmah – Raziel), in Laws allowing the Universe running and that, consequently, allow Men to discover first of all the Laws in question, to then be able to adopt a line of action according to them. Besides, it’s up to BINAEL – TSAPHKIEL Archangel to represent and to lay down the Laws. He’s the one who shows us how we have to act, the direction towards which we have to go on, the weight, the measure, the proportions of everything. Everything lets see as middle level man is not able to listen to this Voice, so that he transgresses the Rules with a great ease. Yet the non-observance of these rules fatally causes reverses and contrarieties of all kind. Since BINAEL – TSAPHKIEL Archangel sets up the Law, it’s up to Him to allow us (if we make an explicit request) to understand the Cosmic Machine running. RAZIEL grants this Knowledge by Illumination, by virtue of a Flash stroke, a fleeting intense Light flare. BINAEL requires the study, the reflection: our actual Life is what follows (and it’s well known!) other incarnations and when it concludes the synthesis of what we’ve built go up again Up There; then at the time of a new incarnation, BINAEL Archangel not only determines our future Life rules, but he rectifies within our human nature what is not in harmony with the Law (cosmic, natural, logic and rational). BINAEL is the father of all material creations, of all solidifications, of all cosmic crystallizations (macro or micro cosmic). BINAEL – TSAPHKIEL Archangel grants to men and women the Destiny – Space, where their tragedies will be lived. When it has been violated, this Archangel can make easy our return to the Law.


 HESEDIEL Prosperity, Wealth, Exuberance Power. HESEDIEL – TSADKIEL HESEDIEL is Heavenly Thought son, passed on by METATRON, RAZIEL, BINAEL, as well as Supreme Will (Heavenly Will) carrier; and has to invest this grain in FEELINGS new world. This energy – wish, is granted by the Archangel in question. Then, in HESEDIEL Archangel given energies there are the feelings powers, which push us to the conquest of everything existing on the Earth. But over the distance, this Archangel is even Justice messenger, of what will lead us to surplus renouncement, of every form of futile overplenty. The fact is that, in any way, HESEDIEL is well-being, satisfaction, pleasure, well-off life, euphoria, carrier. To grant us all this, the energies He chose in the Universe, that is the ones of Hesed Whirl, are able to favourably solve what concerns our interests.

CAMAEL Justice and Grace power. CAMAEL Archangel program is contained in the heavenly decree according to which man will have to earn his living by the sweat of his brow, but in a broad sense; that is: all the Man will emanate, the Human Work, will be done at the cost of the borne effort and even of suffering. Then, CAMAEL and Dominations Angels Chorus, represent the Fall (that is the entry) of the Man in a Lower World and are charged to lead back the Mankind, through his work, towards the luxuriant Lost Paradise. Powers’ Angels will introduce us to the World Laws Knowledge, not through Heavenly Illumination, but by the experience of their running; this will reveal us the Evil essence, that is what happens when one works on the borders of World Laws. Making use of his own “positive polarity” the Archangel lets us incorporate the Heavenly Law, while making use of his “negative polarity” He makes Evil disappear, that is he gets rid of everything which is contrary to GOD Law.

SANDALPHON Earth regenerating power. SANDALPHON, to whom the esoterism preferably assigns the qualification of Prince – Angel and not the one of Archangel, is yet the Regent of the energetic sphere of our Planet, the Earth; He exerts his influence through Fire, Air, Water and Earth elements. We could assimilate SANDALPHON Archangel to classic mythology Pluto. Actually, the myth teaches us that Pluto (Hades, according to Greek diction) was eaten up by his father Saturn, like Neptune. In other words, Saturn practical realization power (of Binael – Tsaphkiel) is the expression, the power of Metraton – Neptune and the one of Sandalphon – Pluto. Besides, everything gets complicated, since Saturn hasn’t eaten up his son Jupiter (Hesediel – Tsadkiel); in fact this one will take the power and will oblige Saturn to vomit the sons he has eaten up. Then Jupiter will offer to his brother Neptune (Metraton) the Seas rule (that is Feelings rule) and to his brother Pluto the Death rule, the Kingdom of the ones who live in the bowels of the earth. The esoteric Tradition, as mythology too, inform us that Pluto has the function to regenerate the corrupted nature of the Earthlings, of Men, of the Earth itself. 18

Well, on this point Pluto – Hades myth will supply us with notable explanations as for Sandalphon function, regent of Earth energetic Sphere or Whirl. Yet, Pluto – Hades is not the Demons leader, even if he stays in the Hell, according to the legend he rules Life permanent rebirth, just as Sandalphon is devoted to in the reality. Sandalphon (Prince Angel or Archangel) presides over material elements through immaterial creatures to whom the Tradition assigned the name of ELEMENTALS. It deals with Salamanders for the Fire element, Undines for Water element, Sylph for Air element and Gnomes for Earth element.




1) VEHUIAH Neptune’s formation Uranus Angel

2) JELIEL Neptune’s formation Saturn Angel

3) SITAEL Neptune’s formation Jupiter Angel

4) ELEMIAH Neptune’s formation Mars Angel

5) MAHASIAH Neptune’s formation Sun Angel

6) LELAHEL Neptune’s formation Venus Angel




           !" #" $ $   % " "" "&"" ' # "     #& (" )"$ "" "  ""    "   "  %    "&  % *"   #* "  +&$  &""   "" #    ,* %     " "*  -    "   ./ !" #" $ #&"$ &  "* "" 0 # " %   #""  $ "&$  %   ,  1" '     "*""  "2  " %  &$ #""$ #""$  *" % "  " %  " "& %   . 3   +"  '" 4 !" #" $   5" #  "*""  %  #& " "# "" % " "     1" '   +" $  "#  & " " % " ""&  &&  %"  '"     "  '" 6 !" #" $    "  #" 5" #& #  " " !    $  " " "  %    # 7&8   * "  '" /    "  '" 4 !" #" $ +" "   0" "  "  % " *$ "&$ "&$  # #&  " "  "  +& 5&" &$ " #  & &" #& " "   0*  '"     "  '" / !" #" $ $ "" "#  %$ )"  #& " "" "&""    "  "  9"#  " '*""  "  " %" " $ *  &  '""   # 20

 * 7) ACHAIAH Neptune’s formation Mercury Angel

8) CAHETEL Neptune’s formation Moon Angel

9) HAZIEL Uranus formation Uranus Angel

10) ALADIAH Uranus formation Saturn Angel

11) LAUVIAH (1) Uranus formation Jupiter Angel

12) HAHAIAH Uranus formation Mars Angel

13) IEZALEL Uranus

  '"     " 5"  '"  !" #" $ $ "" "#  :"$ " " "  "##"" '"     $   "" :" # "# $   #" && $ "  & "" '*  '" -    *"  '" ./ !" #" "" "#$ $  " % *"  *"$   " ""  " " ;"# $ * &"  """& %   $  """   "   ;   * " # &"&  Jupiter @&"" formation  Uranus Angel

26) HAAIAH Jupiter formation Saturn Angel

%"  @&"" 

27) YERATHEL Jupiter formation Jupiter Angel

5  @&"" 

28) SEHEIAH Jupiter formation Mars Angel

%"  @&"" 

29) REIYEL Jupiter formation Sun Angel

(  @&"" 

30) OMAEL Jupiter formation Venus Angel

5"  @&"" 

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