28347719 Final Fantasy Rpg

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INTRODUCTION "The world is veiled in darkness. The wind stops, the sea is wild, and the earth begins to rot. The people wait, their only hope, a prophecy...." - Final Fantasy

Welcome to the Final Fantasy Role-Playing game, 2d6 edition. The FFRPG originally began life as a project founded by Scott Tengelin in February of 1995. Development began with a small initial group of designers and administrators consisting of Tengelin, Martin Drury, Chris Pomeroy, and Matthew Martin. After many years and changing of hands, it became a fully-realized dream – the current third edition is hosted at http://www.returnergames.com/ and I highly recommend it. However, I found that the ruleset presented in the Returner’s FFRPG was too difficult for tabletop use and frustratingly restrictive. Thus, I began a slow conversion of the rules systems into something that I felt was more conducive for casual play. But, as things often do, the more work I put into the system the more complex the rules became, until finally they took on a life of their own and became a total system modification. I forged on ahead. I attempted to replicate combat rules that accurately reflected the feel and style of the Final Fantasy series. I attempted to create a world of epic battles and grand possibilities, but most importantly, a world of heroic action. Titanic struggles between good and evil for the fate of the world is an accurate summary of the typical adventurer's day, and that's just before breakfast. Whether or not I succeeded is up for debate, but I find myself content with this ebook in its current incarnation. At least for now. This work is free distribution and not for sale under any circumstances.

I hope you enjoy playing the Final Fantasy 2d6 as much as I enjoyed creating it.

The Final Fantasy Role-Playing Game is not affiliated with or owned by Square Enix or any of its affiliated companies. Much of the material here is copyrighted by Square Enix and its various contributors such as Yoshitaka Amano. A portion of the copyrighted material that appears here (such as images) are asserted to be Fair Use under international copyright law.


Chapter 1 – p.1 – Gameplay Chapter 2 – p.2 – Character Creation Chapter 3 – p.21 – Jobs ….…p.23 – Black Mage ….…p.25 – Blue Mage ….…p.28 – Dark Knight ….…p.30 – Dragoon ….…p.32 – Engineer ….…p.35 – Entertainer ….…p.37 – Fighter ….…p.39 – Gambler ….…p.42 – Geomancer ….…p.47 – Monk ….…p.49 – Ninja ….…p.51 – Paladin ….…p.53 – Ranger ….…p.55 – Red Mage ….…p.57 – Samurai ….…p.60 – Thief ….…p.62 – Thief ….…p.64 – White Mage / Summoner

Chapter 4 – p.67 – Defining a Hero ….…p.67 – Shared Abilities ….…p.71 – Skills ….…p.78 – Destiny ….…p.80 – Traits

Chapter 5 – p.87 – Equipment ….…p.91 – Weapons ….…p.100 – Legendary Weapons ….…p. 104 – Armor ….…p. 106 – Sample Adventuring Gear ….…p. 109 – Accessories and Ammunition ….…p. 112 – Synthesis ….…p. 114 – Cooking ….…p. 115 – Grafts

Chapter 6 – p.118 – Combat ….…p.123 – Status Effects ….…p.125 – Leveling Up ….…p. 127 – Recovery and Death ….…p. 129 – Limit Breaks ….…p.133 – Non-Combat Challenges

Chapter 7 – p.135 - The World ….…p.138 – Magitek ….…p.141 – Judges and the Law ….…p.142 – Distant Places

Chapter 8 – p.143 – Magic …….p.146 – Black Magic ….…p.151 – White Magic ….…p.156 – Blue Magic ….…p.159 – Time Magic ….…p.164 – Arts ….…p.166 – Summoning

Chapter 9 – p.173 – Beastiary A blank character sheet is provided at the end of this book.

For Lilah

CHAPTER I: GAMEPLAY "Know, and prepare for battle." - Prof. Bordam Daravon

The following section offers an overview of the basic mechanics of the FFRPG, and includes many important concepts and game terms. Although some of these explanations may be familiar to experienced roleplayers, much of the information presented here will be expanded on in the remainder of the Core Rulebook. As a result, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with this material before moving on. Dice Like most pen-and-paper RPGs, polyhedral dice are an indispensable part of the FFRPG experience, determining everything from how much damage a Firaga spell inflicts to whether or not a character is able to swim against the current. This rulebook abbreviates all dice rolls as d[number of sides]; thus a 6-sided die would be called a 'd6'. A number before the 'd' indicates that more than one die is used – '2d6' simply means two six-sided dice are rolled and their totals are added together. A number after the type of die, like 'd6+2', means that that number is added to the result of the roll. If the d6 comes up as a 5, for example, the total score would be 7. All you’ll need to play the FFRPG is this book and a handful of d6’s…usually two per player…and perhaps a single d4 dice to calculate percentile chances. More on this below. Random Targets and Percentile Rolls Often, the FFRPG will call for a random target to be chosen. A fair way to determine this would be to have all eligible targets roll 2d6, with the lowest roller ending up as the target. When the system states that an effect has a 50% or 25% or occurring, you could resolve this by rolling a 1d4 or continuing with your normal 2d6 dice. A 25% chance is 9 or more on 2d6, a 50% chance is 7 or more, and a 75% chance is 5 or more. Use whatever method is easiest for you and your group! Critical Successes and Failures In many game systems which use d20s, a result of 1 is a spectacular, automatic failure, where a roll of 20 is an automatic success. In the FFRPG, which uses a 2d6 Roll for the majority of checks, there is a chance that the result will come up with both dice landing on sixes, for a result of 12. This is known as a critical success. In Combat, this instant success means that the character performs a never-miss Critical Hit and possibly a Limit Break. (p.122 and the Limit Break chapter has more information regarding this) On skill checks, such a roll counts as an automatic success, the strength of which is gauged by a character’s skill level – the difference between a begrudging admittance of ‘beginner’s luck’ and an overwhelming, unarguable success. Simultaneously, when both dice land on 1s, this is an automatic failure. Since Final Fantasy heroes are often beyond beginner’s mistakes, a critical failure often stems from outside influence - such as the guards coming to investigate what all that noise is about. In Combat, a critical failure is an automatic miss, but very rarely with more dire consequences. Jobs In the FFRPG, every character belongs to a Job which determines their basic abilities, which are as diverse as they are many. Black Mages are fearsome users of destructive elemental energies, where White Mages are healers and protectors. Spear-wielding, gravity-defying Dragoons soar the skies even as Geomancers tap into the very powers of the earth. Job Abilities Each Job is distinguished from others by a unique pool of talents, collectively called Abilities. These range from the capacity to cast magic, to being call forth various effects with a Gambler’s dice, or steal from a hapless foe. All Jobs start with four Abilities; two of which are automatic, and specific to each job (known as Epic and Innate abilities), and two of which are chosen upon character creation – either from the Job Ability list, or the Shared Ability list which all characters have access to. As they advance in Their adventuring careers, characters may continue to obtain more abilities from these lists.


CHAPTER II: CHARACTER CREATION "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! THIS IS YOUR STORY." - Auron

Step One: Concept The first and most obvious step is to start giving some thought to the character you are planning on playing. At this point you will probably be painting with fairly broad strokes -- 'neurotic Black Mage with a troubled past' or 'narcissistic, charismatic Thief' are some basic examples of concepts that could be spun out into a well-defined character with a bit of thought. However, a concept is nothing more than the base of a character -- in order to start fleshing out the person behind the idea, details you should settle on as early as possible include: Name In a universe populated by heroes with monikers like Cloud Strife, Zidane Tribal or Laguna Loire, a good name can go a long way towards making a memorable character. Ideally, a good name should be evocative and a little unusual. Age Age nearly always equates to 'experience'; often drawing the fine line between a fresh-faced adventurer brat and a grizzled, world-weary veteran. Most heroes will be of average adulthood for their species, though there are exceptions on both ends. Young characters, as a result of their age, are generally weaker but more charismatic. Conversely, older characters tend to be weaker but more knowledgeable. Aside from the effect this might have on the character's Attributes, characters of either type will encounter serious social discrimination from same-species people around them; comments like 'old-timer' and 'squirt' are likely to follow them everywhere they go, and some will actually refuse to take them seriously, regardless of how many times they prove themselves. Race Humes make up the standard population of most worlds, but there are many other races that populate the worlds of Final Fantasy. Your racial choice can have both obvious and less obvious repercussions and perks; the most immediate effect, however, will be on the character's potential Attributes. Job A character's chosen Job helps determines his or her Abilities, their starting Hit and Magic Points, and a whole slew of other factors. For this reason, choosing a Job is the most important decision a player makes during the character creation process. (Jobs are presented in full detail in Chapter 3) Appearance Although a character’s physical features, height, weight, build, and hair, eye and skin color are important, remember that a character's Appearance as a much a measure of their 'style' as anything else. Do they lean towards all-concealing black cloth, or a wardrobe consisting entirely of loud pastels? What about jewelry or other distinguishing features such as tattoos? How does the character carry themselves, and what impression do the character's general posture and expression give others? Quote Just as effective at establishing a character as any number of descriptive paragraphs. This can be


anything from an often overused catchphrase ('...Whatever.') to a short and pithy comment typical of the character's general outlook on life ('You thought a little thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?'). At the GM's discretion, simply filling out a character sheet complete with a Quote is enough to award 1 EXP at the start of a new game, as opposed to a full character backstory.

Step Two: Statistics Attributes Attributes represent a character's physical and mental prowess, and serve as a general indicator of their capabilities in and out of combat. Characters have a total of five Attributes, each with a numerical value ranging from 1 to 30 – the higher the value, the better the character’s abilities in that particular category. The highest maximum value a normal character can possess in any attribute – via magical or physical enhancements – is generally 30. Truly powerful and experienced characters can bypass this attribute cap, no longer restricted by a maximum rating. (See the Limit Break chapter for more information on this) Following is a brief description of each Attribute and its functions. Strength (STR) - This score is a representation of how much you can physically lift, move, or how much force you can exert. It reflects overall vigor and muscle mass, and determines how much damage melee weapons inflict in the character’s hands. Vitality (VIT) - This score represents endurance and general stamina. Characters with higher Vitality are naturally more resistant to disease and fatigue. The higher a character’s Vitality, the more Hit Points he will possess. It also helps characters use the heaviest types of armors. Dexterity (DEX) - Dexterity measures speed, physical agility and hand-eye coordination, as well as factoring into damage caused by ballistic weapons such as Guns. A character with a high dexterity score will evade more attacks than someone with an average dexterity. When multiple characters are racing towards a goal, the one with the highest Dexterity stat will arrive there first. Intelligence (INT) - This score represents your capacity for knowledge, your speed of understanding, and general mental agility. It is used primarily in resolving the effectiveness of spells and granting a higher MP stat, and it is also used to determine starting number of skill points. Attribute Score Rating Charisma (CHA) - Charisma represents a sense of self, and an 1 0 understanding how you fit in with the world. Characters with higher 2 0 charisma may be attractive or suave, but they also are more confident 3 1 and driven. They have a bloody-mindedness that characters with a lower 4 1 5 1 Charisma simply do not possess. This score is useful for a myriad of 6 2 abilities and skills, as well as helping the character shake off detrimental 7 2 status effects. 8 2 Each starting character has a total of 30 Attribute Points to divide between the five Attributes - Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma - as the player chooses. Attribute Points are spent at a one-toone ratio and start at 0; by placing 6 Attribute Points in Strength, for example, a character would start with a Strength of 6, and a STR Rating of 2. Your Attribute Rating is the always-positive number which will be used in Skill checks for a given attribute, and is also used to determine things like how many times per session certain abilities can be used – but generally, your attribute SCORE is the stat that will matter the most. You receive a point in an attribute rating for every three points you possess in the associated attribute. Consult the table to the right for clarification. A character cannot have a starting attribute score of less than 1. Attributes in the 1-2 range represent a character who is extremely subpar in some way, because in game terms you're going to have a lot of trouble doing something with Attributes that low. Remember, every point counts!


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Etc...

3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 Etc...

Characters have a maximum ‘cap’ for their attributes upon character creation, known as Racial Maximums - no starting character may begin the game with any Attribute's rating exceeding these. For instance, Humes have a maximum starting Strength of 10, and Moogles have a starting racial maximum of 14 Charisma. Things such as equipment or Grafts, which provide straight attribute bonuses, allow the character to have a higher-than-maximum value in a given stat upon creation. After initial character creation, these attribute maximums can be calculated by adding together a Race’s attribute maximum by your chosen Job’s racial maximum. For example, An Elvaan Monk wants to be the strongest character she can possibly be. So upon character creation, she allocates as many points to strength as she can – which is 12, due to the Elvaan racial maximum for that attribute. Monks have a maximum of another +15 STR, giving her a theoretical maximum STR of 27 throughout the entire game. Upon hitting level two, this character is sure to continue adding more points to Strength, giving her 13 points total – still with a maximum cap of 27 in that category. Keep in mind that generally, all Attributes have their uses regardless of your chosen Race and Job.

Step Three: Race The world of Final Fantasy is populated by an odd assortment of humanoids and monsters. Over the course of many games, the mantle of world-savior has variously fallen on the shoulders of rat-girls, catrobots, feral sasquatches, moon-people, and other creatures too strange to describe in just a handful of words. However, for the purposes of the tabletop game, only seven race choices are generally available at character creation. The following pages go into more detail on each of the seven core races. Racial Maximums Race Hume Android Elvaan Galka Viera Tarut Moogle

STR 10 10 12 10 10 8 6

VIT 10 10 10 12 8 8 6

DEX 10 10 10 8 12 10 10

INT 10 10 8 10 8 12 12

CHA 10 6 10 10 12 12 14

Bonus Abilities Humes: Additional HP Elvaan: +1 EVA, Military Training Galka: +2 Synthesis Skill Viera: +2 Awareness Tarut: Additional MP, Small Size Moogles: Limited Flight, Small Size Android: Start play with biomechanical Grafts. No need to eat/drink.


HUME Wildly diverse and infinitely tenacious, their ability to make a home in even the most inhospitable of environments has made them the standard against which all other races are measured. Resourceful, stubborn and proud, their goals and desires are as diverse as they are. Typical Height 1.6 – 1.8m (Male) 1.5 – 1.7m (Female) Typical Weight 68 – 102kg (Male) 52 – 91kg (Female) Hair Colors Blond, black, brown, auburn, white Eye Colors Brown, blue, green Habitats Any Lifespan Young is 5 -16 years old. Average is 17 - 59 years old. Old is 60 - 90 years old.

Society As it develops, Hume society inevitably gravitates towards government of the masses headed by a single leader. In primitive societies, this may be an elder or high priest; in more advanced circles, a President, King, or Emperor. As a result, the aspects of a given Hume society tend to reflect in its leadership; an altruistic king begets a benevolent populace, whereas power-hungry emperors typically breed a harsh and militaristic one. Stratification is a common feature of Hume civilization, pitting rich against poor, believers against nonbelievers, aristocracy against peasantry, education against ignorance. This often leads to deep and powerful inequalities; ‘class’ can be as much of a identifying and motivating factor as a spark for conflict. Roleplaying Hume personalities are largely shaped by upbringing and social backgrounds, and can be as varied and complex as the cultures that spawned them. Background, too, affects choice of profession; characters from rough-and-tumble surroundings may turn to the sword – or a life of crime – to make ends meet, while those with wealth and education seek out loftier callings. Interaction between different social strata can be


fraught with tension; for rich sophisticates, the lower classes are ignorant boors, while the poor view the wealthy as arrogant and utterly detached from reality. Language Humes invented the Common Tongue, with regional accents ranging from the mild to the incomprehensible; a trained ear can often pick out a speaker’s nationality and education with only a handful of sentences. Hume scholars often dabble in various other languages, and point out how the Common Tongue has picked up a smattering of slang, curses, and exclamations from different languages altogether, and incorporated them into everyday speech. Bonuses They are adaptable, and there are no doors closed to them. They may pursue any Job choice, and their attributes suffer no exploitable weaknesses. Furthermore, Humes are a tough and hardy people. All Humes add an additional +2 HP at first level, and another +2 HP every level thereafter whenever they level up and calculate maximum hit points. In addition, they never suffer the effects of racial discrimination or automatic social stigmatism when traveling – other races have come to the conclusion that Humes are as diverse as they are many, and one cannot judge a single member of the race by the actions of another. Common Jobs Humes run the gamut from sly and crafty to noble and virtuous, and there’s no distinct Job that the race favors over any other. Gamblers are more commonly Hume than any other race – perhaps this is a direct link to the carefree, chaotic lives they lead. Restrictions None.


ELVAAN Though they resemble Humes, Elves are taller, slightly thinner, with more muscle definition, long necks, and oval faces. Their skins are darker than the average man’s, ranging from light tan to a bronze or copper color. Their best-known features, however, are their pointed ears, which protrude from their heads at lengths between fifteen and twenty centimeters. These proud humanoids have been involved in bitter civil wars and protracted conflicts with other races since the dawn of time, and it is only now that they have finally laid their swords to rest and allowed themselves the luxury of several generations of peace.

Typical Height 1.8 – 2.1m (Male) 1.7 – 2.0m (Female) Typical Weight 51 – 87kg (Male) 45 – 69kg (Female) Hair Colors Blond, black, gray, white Eye Colors Gray, green, blue Habitats Any Lifespan Young is 12 -20 years old. Average is 21 - 80 years old. Old is 81 - 120 years old.

Society Elvaan civilization is highly developed, yet regimented to extremes – a draconian perfection achieved centuries ago, and perpetuated ever since. For its citizens, lawfulness, order, and obedience to the state are the cardinal virtues; to this end, most Elvaan nations sport an extensive army as well as a well-staffed civil police force. Both of these depend heavily on levies, with all able-bodied Elvaan citizens receiving at least some level of training in arms; should the time come for an Elvaan nation to march to war, the line is held not by the knights of the royal families but by the citizens’ militias. Leadership within Elvaan society is strongly aristocratic, divided clearly into the Haves and Have-Nots. Prodigious Elvaan lifespans mean that rulers’ reigns can stretch fifty years or more, leaving eligible regents and heirs with plenty of time to engage in courtly intrigue over the succession. In most cases, these squabbles are invisible to the general population, but when the participants choose to fight with weapons instead of words, civil war is almost inevitable. Though the king theoretically derives his divine right to rule from his ancestry, frequent in-fighting among the aristocracy means that rulership can quickly fall to an heir or relative. This deep-seated instability – coupled with the dangers of the world at large – has contributed significantly to the Elvaan’s mastery of warfare. It was the Elvaan who first turned their attention to the


properties of mythril and adamantite, and created a series of powerful weapons and relics, and were also the first to domesticate the Chocobo, and can field exceptional cavalry in times of crisis. Roleplaying Pride is at the root of the Elvaan psyche. From early on, Elvaan are taught to be proud of their race's accomplishments, the culture and achievements in warfare that predate other races' by centuries at a time. As a result, they treat other races with a haughty condescension – one that turns to out-and-out fury should that 'Elvaan superiority' ever be challenged. Tellingly, Elvaan have just as little patience for their own kind; duels over slights and insults – both real and imagined – are a common occurrence in their society, and can set the stage for family feuds destined to last for a century or more. Duelists usually favor the ‘honorable’ sword over more modern implements of war; for this reason, Elvaan Fighters are both numerous and impeccably skilled. Language Elvish is a needlessly complicated language, but an oft-spoken one, though years of study are required to utter even a single word without deeply offending any Elvaan listeners. Bonuses The Elvaan are powerful combatants, with great strength that is virtually unrivaled. They have almost all received intensive military training, which grants all Elvaan characters the ability to use the Medium Armor skill regardless of their starting Job. Furthermore, this training provides them with greater speed and ferocity in combat, and Elvaan characters receive a permanent +1 bonus to their EVA score. Having been deeply integrated into Hume culture, many racial mannerisms and characteristics are beginning to dwindle and fade – however, all Elvaan are still members of a noble and proud race, and they take care of their own. While wayward Viera who leave the woods are generally shunned, and Humes care little for their own bretheren, Elvaan have started wars over even the smallest of racial insults; to anger one Elvaan is to anger all of them. Common Jobs Elvaan are renowned for their martial combatants – Samurai, Fighters, Monks, Dragoons, and Dark Knights primarily. Very few Elvaan choose the aesthetic life that comes with a magical upbringing – though those that do often avoid the ‘pure’ schools of Jobs of White and Black, and choose Red Magic instead. Restrictions No self-respecting Elvaan would ever allow himself to dedicate his life to be an amusement to others. An Elvaan may not choose the Entertainer Job.


GALKA The heavyset Galka are quite an interesting sight. Standing two and a half meters tall and weighing almost triple that of an average Hume, Galkas sport smooth, greenish-gray skin and a rigid, mediumlength tail – a counterweight for their top-heavy frames – with a hint at reptilian ancestry, but their expressive faces are covered with a short fur. They are consummate Craftsmen; despite a brutish outward appearance and loud, overpowering natures, they are not stupid by any stretch of the imagination, excelling in mining, metalwork and other matters of engineering. Unlike most other races, Galka have no gender, though their outward appearance and manner is distinctively male. Many cultivate lavish facial hair in their later years, often styling it in a wide range of outlandish shapes.

Typical Height 2.5 – 2.8m Typical Weight 160 – 220kg Hair Colors Black, brown, gray, red Eye Colors Blue, green, brown Habitats Deserts, Towns, Underground Lifespan Young is 16 -24 years old. Average is 25 - 50 years old. Old is 51 – 90+ years old.

Society The Galka may have once had a culture to call their own; if so, it has been lost to history since the race's glory days, leaving a nomadic people that makes its home in any society willing to accept them. Finding such hosts is rarely difficult; as architects, artisans or simple physical labor, Galka have the potential to easily drive an entire economy. Unfortunately, their generally passive nature has made them a prime target for exploitation by other races; it is not uncommon to see Galka pushed too hard for too little pay and only the barest regard for their well-being. They have a legendary reputation as craftsmen; equipment of Galkan manufacture is both prized and sought-after, and – in the right hands – may outlast its creators by centuries. Due to a lack of written language, the passage of history and culture is entrusted to ‘Talekeepers’ who act as a repository of ancestral memory. Outsiders see Talekeepers as shamanistic fossils, spreading their superstitions and fairytales in hushed tones. In truth, however, these wizened Galka are key to a complex process that ensures their race’s continued survival. Few are aware that the Galka undergo a cycle of reincarnation; the details of this process are nebulous even to the Galka themselves. Though they visibly age and readily succumb to war, disease, or starvation, actual deaths of old age are almost unheard of. Rather, upon reaching a certain age, a Galka simply bids his friends and fellows farewell, giving away what possessions and wealth he acquired over


the course of his life, and sets out into the wilderness. The timing of this journey is carefully calculated through consultation with the Talekeeper over a period of several weeks, during which time the leavetaker is invited to speak freely and at length of his life, his insights and achievements in the spirit of closure. Thus unburdened, the Galka goes on his way, keeping only the clothes on his back and the little he needs to keep his strength up on the march. Though the departing adult is never seen again, in time, a juvenile Galka will arrive to seek the Talekeeper’s counsel, still innocent to the ways of the world and his people. It is the Talekeeper’s responsibility to ensure the newcomer is suitably indoctrinated, to dispense the knowledge he needs to eventually fill his predecessor’s shoes. An elder Galka will be assigned to act as the boy’s ‘father,' providing practical guidance and shelter. As the juvenile grows, he meets with the Talekeeper time and again, gleaning more of his purpose until he is at last a full member of Galkan society. For their part, Talekeepers seem to be possessed of almost unnatural longevity, reliably serving their purpose for generation after generation. Roleplaying Though sometimes seen as slow-witted or apathetic, Galka are creatures of deep emotion and rigid selfcontrol. From early on, they are taught to bottle up negative feelings such as anger, frustration, and hatred, releasing them only in their final meeting with the Talekeeper. In this manner, Galkan wisdom goes, the race is protected from feelings that could ultimately destroy it. Faced with a potentially infinite lifespan, Galka try to adopt a detached world-view, outwaiting and outliving hardships instead of tackling them head-on. To this end, most grievances are simply swallowed and disagreements rarely voiced – a fact that encourages other races to callously exploit the uncomplaining Galka. Fighting is seen as an acceptable, albeit temporary outlet for pent-up anger. Inevitably, Galka that choose to take up arms are the most troubled of their kind, permanently torn between reason and rage. The fear of death is an unknown terror; though Galka felled by war or disease are forever gone in both body and memory, with no possibility of replacement, the concept of true and absolute Death is still a foreign concept for most of the race. For the adventuring Galka, conflict is rarely avoided and often plunged into head-first, and their self-control after a lifetime...or potentially multiple lifetimes....finally gives way to unmitigated, ragingly powerful emotions. The majority adopt their names from the nicknames and epithets given to them by other races rather than choosing their own, taking monikers such as ‘Vicious Eye,' ‘Hound,’ or ‘Earth Drinker’ – often the first act of submission a young Galka undertakes. Only a small portion are named by their adoptive parents in accordance with the old traditions. Language Though they have a complex spoken tongue, no written Galkan language exists. When living among other races, Galka rarely use their own tongue; those who speak it tend to do so in a halting, awkward manner. Bonuses Galkan are enormous and possess a stamina from lifetimes of labor that other races can barely comprehend. In addition, they are legendary artisans, and receive a +2 bonus modifier to Synthesize checks. Common Jobs Galkas are a bit of an oddity – despite their peaceful nature and massive bulk, these gentle giants are common as warrior Jobs such as Samurai and Monk, as well as casters of all types despite their low INT – especially White Mages. Restrictions Galka cannot take the Androgynous trait, as there are no females of their kind to impersonate. Nor can they take the Sexy trait. They suffer large penalties to Disguise to impersonate other races. The ever level-headed Galkas also cannot take levels in the Gambler Job class.


VIERA The Viera are an almost exclusively female race composed of slender, silver-haired forest-dwellers. They have slim, limber legs and long fingers, and are almost physically identical to Humes save for one notable difference; the Viera exhibit animalistic features such as rabbit or feline characteristics. In fact, the race is split evenly between two sub-races, each exhibiting one set of these animal-like appearances; the temperate forest-dwelling Viera sport a pair of rabbit-like ears sprouting almost a foot from their heads, where the jungle-dwelling, amazonian Mithra are possess cat-like ears, eyes, noses, and tails. Both subraces have bodies which are smooth-skinned and entirely humanoid in proportion. The Viera and Mithra are also distinguished by their deeply skewed gender ratio; out of every ten births, only one on average will be male. Centuries of imbalanced breeding have left the females toned and slender, physically superior to their male counterparts in every respect. Face-paint and tattoos, marks of status and accomplishment in Viera tribes, are common among older females. Even Viera living in more ‘civilized’ countries use these decorative devices; traditions die hard.

Typical Height 1.6 – 1.8m (Male/Female, excluding ears) Typical Weight 49 – 66kg (Male/Female) Hair Colors Universally silver or red. Eye Colors Silver, red, green, blue Habitats Forests, Plains Lifespan Young is 8-17 years old. Average is 18-90 years old. Old is 91-180 years old.

Society Viera come together in small tribes dominated by a matriarchal government, usually in the form of a tribal Chieftainness or village wise-woman. The tribe's day-to-day affairs, too, are entirely in the hands of its females; theirs is the lot of the hunter, the fisher, the crafter, the breadwinner. This structure is a product of simple necessity; due to their scarcity, a tribe’s males are too valuable to expose to the dangers of the world at large, and are generally forbidden from leaving the village. Viera tend to be distrustful of advanced technology, particularly anything that involves the use of nonrenewable resources; to them, maintaining harmony with nature is more important than fleeting comfort or convenience. In fact, their rigid laws demand that nature be treated with care and respect, and thus, visitors to Viera villages are spurned, out of concern for outsiders damaging their homelands. Driven by longing or curiosity, many Viera pursue adventuring paths, seeking to better themselves and


see the world beyond their villages. Due to their physical beauty, Viera have little trouble melting into Hume societies; though they rarely strike up relationships with other races. Many Viera believe that other races are weak, and by establishing friendship or even staying too long in the company of such creatures, they, too, will become inferior. Some Viera have been known to become romantically involved with other species; Such relationships are extremely frowned upon by other members of the Viera race. Roleplaying Viera are natural adventurers, combining natural curiosity and energy with a wise, thoughtful nature that makes them amenable company on long journeys. Viera society is low-key, but not uncultured by any stretch of the imagination; they love games and stories, have an affection for dancing and the theatre, and a deep-seated respect for skilled raconteurs and artisans. Though their animalistic nature may lead some to believe that Viera hate water, they are excellent, nimble swimmers. Language Due to the relative simplicity of their own language, Bhasa Mithra, most Viera tend to need a running start when it comes to learning Common Tongue. Bonuses In addition to their unnatural agility, charisma and grace, Viera possess unusually sharp senses that allows them to track movement with unerring accuracy, and receive a +2 bonus to all Awareness checks involving sight or sound. Common Jobs As one may expect, Viera are at home with Jobs that allow their incredible nimbleness to shine. Thieves and Rangers are common, as well as Ninjas and Dragoons. Viera Geomancers tend to be the only ones that rise to positions of power within their tribes. Restrictions Viera cannot take the Androgynous trait, as it is difficult for them to blur the gender line – not because male Viera cannot disguise themselves to appear as the other gender, but because most individuals assume that any far-from-home Viera they may encounter are likely female. They may also not take Face In The Crowd or Machine Savvy.


TARUT A diminutive race of magically active beings. The Tarut are characterized by babyish faces, large eyes, pronounced Elfin ears and bear-like features. Their bodily proportions are equivalent to those of Hume children, with large heads atop a pudgy, short-limbed body, a combination that appears utterly harmless up until the point the fireballs start flying. Some speculate the small creatures' mastery of magic is a kind of acquired survival trait; as most lack the endurance and strength to be serious warriors, they have little else to protect themselves from the dangers of the world. For their part, the Tarut call it a mark of divine favor, proof that some higher power is watching out for them.

Typical Height 0.8 – 1.0m (Male / Female) Typical Weight 34 – 38kg (Male) 32 – 36kg (Female) Hair Colors Brown, blond, red, blue, grey, green Eye Colors Brown, blue Habitats Forests, Towns Lifespan Young is 2 -6 years old. Average is 7 - 20 years old. Old is 21 - 40 years old.

Society The Tarut live in a geniocracy, a society ruled by scientists, sages, thinkers, and other experts on worldly matters. In the eyes of the Tarut, what one knows defines everything – prestige, social standing, and privileges. Accordingly, competition for wisdom is fierce and those in positions of authority live in constant fear of being usurped by younger, more knowledgeable individuals. This in turn creates enormous pressure to pursue new ideas and innovations, setting up the intellectual 'engine' that allows Tarut society to progress. While Tarut scholars turn their attentions to many subjects, the study of magic is by far the most prestigious; spellcasters are the geniocracy's first line of defense, revered for their martial prowess and respected for their intellectual accomplishments. Tarut travel mainly for social advancement, lured by the prospect of lost spells, rare alchemical ingredients, or ancient relics of legendary power. As competitive as they may be, however, Tarut are also firm believers in the mantra ‘strength in numbers.’ Tribes often band together into larger federations for protection, surrendering individual sovereignty to a ruling council composed of the wisest members of each tribe. Leader of the council is the member regarded as the most knowledgeable by mutual consensus; this role is generally prized more for its prestige than its attached powers, which are minimal


at best. Because of this, tribes actively jockey for the leadership role, recalling and replacing their representatives whenever a more suitable candidate emerges. As may be expected, magic is an everyday fact of Tarut life; it powers mechanical constructs, gives new life to worn-out fields, enhances crops, and even protects tools and clothing from wear and tear. Though somewhat menial compared to the glamour of hurling offensive magicks in the name of the Tarut nation, many able mages make profitable careers out of these mundane applications. Only metalworking is generally shunned; as a rule, Tarut favor organic materials such as wood and cloth, finding such resources far easier to alter with magic than their intractable metallic counterparts. As a result, almost every metal item used by the Tarut tends to be the work of outside hands. Roleplaying Though childlike in body, Tarut are highly intelligent beings, albeit ones possessed by an inexhaustible curiosity about anything and everything in life. No self-respecting Tarut will miss the chance to obtain new knowledge – or show off the fruits of their studies whenever opportunity allows. Though they make little distinction between the trivial and the life-saving where information is concerned, the little creatures' intellectual posturing generally comes through when it's most needed. While not as outright distrustful of advanced technology as the Viera, Tarut do tend to be wary in the presence of non-magical machinery; to them, grinding gears, steam, and clockwork are ruthless, soul-less things, lacking the innate warmth and vitality of a magic-driven device. Language Many scholars and collectors of ancient lore have dabbled in Tarutaru, despite the convoluted intricacies of the language. The Tarut themselves use it almost exclusively, finding Common to be simply too lacking in description for their purposes. Bonuses Tarut are a collective of prodigies and intellectuals, and boast a potential IQ that surpasses all other races. Due to their Small Size, Tarut gain a +1 Modifier on Stealth rolls and other skill checks in situations where their small stature is beneficial. More importantly, Tarut are born mages. Any job that uses MP adds an additional +2 MP at first level, and another +2 MP every level thereafter whenever they level up and calculate maximum magic points. Common Jobs Magic is the Tarut way, and accordingly, they boast an impressive array of most types of spellcasters – Black and White, Red and Summoners. Geomancers are far more rare, but still exist. Restrictions Tarut, despite the warriors among them, are never capable of performing truly amazing feats of strength. They may not take the Inhuman Might trait. In addition, Blue Magic is an abomination to the Tarut people. Finally, due to their Small Size, a Tarut cannot use Massive weapons unless they also take the Special Training ability in order to do so.


MOOGLE Moogles are furry little semi-magical creatures - one-part cat, one part bear cub; a race for which the words ‘disarmingly cute’ are all but tailor-made. Though they sport tiny, bat-like wings that allow them to perpetually hover, only the smallest and slightest of Moogles can use them for flight. Wings aside, the Moogles' most distinguishing characteristic is the curious 'pom-pom’ connected to the top of their heads by a small, thin stalk, referred to by the Moogles as a 'Deely-Bopper.' Its true purpose is unknown, though some speculate that it may have reproductive or telepathic properties. Moogle fur is generally white and downy, though many mutations and variations exist in the world; striped, brown and purple are among the most common, but many others have arisen over the years. Some Moogles also sport a thick 'ruff' of fur around their neck; this feature tends to evolve in colder climates, and is usually accompanied by a correspondingly denser coat of fur.

Typical Height 0.9 – 1.2m (Male / Female) Typical Weight 24 – 30kg (Male / Female) Fur Colors White, grey, brown, purple Deely-Bopper Colors White, green, red, yellow, purple Habitats Forests, Mountains, Underground, Towns Lifespan Young is 1 -10 years old. Average is 11 - 24 years old. Old is 25 - 30 years old.

Society Traditionally, Moogle tribes seclude themselves in small villages hidden away in forests or caverns, subsisting on foraged nuts and roots, their locations known only to those select outsiders who have earned the tribe's trust. Such groups number anywhere between ten and fifty; the oldest Moogle in the tribe usually acts as a nominal leader, though group consensus guides most decisions. This bucolic, carefree existence is balanced by a love of travel and adventure. Once they come of age, many Moogles leave the safety of their villages, embarking on journeys that can easily span the breadth of the globe. What happens next depends on the individual. Some find the outside world too chaotic, too confusing for their liking; disenchanted, they return to the stable familiarity of their villages. Others are captivated by the sights and opportunities of their wanderings, and settle down in the company of other races. Moogles have an innate genius for social adaptability – no matter how alien the society they find themselves in, it is only a matter of time before they learn its ins and outs, picking up all the trappings of civilization along the way. Out of respect for those who have turned their backs on the outside world, however, 'civilized' Moogles make no effort to bring the marvels of progress back to their native villages. As a result, every Moogle is given the rights to pursue its own idea of happiness, whether bliss is found in the boughs of an ancient tree or the guts of an airship. Because Moogles settle according to their personal pilgrimages, these small beings can be found almost


anywhere in the world. In spite of their scattered nature, Moogles still manage to maintain a close-knit social network by regularly trading news and gossip from city to city. Roleplaying Though mischievous, sassy, and occasionally sarcastic, Moogles are incapable of genuine malice or cruelty – a rarity among intelligent beings. Base emotions such as hate, greed, and violence are generally unheard of among the 'primitive' Mogri, and extremely uncommon in expatriates. Because of this, Moogles are perhaps a little more trusting of others than is strictly warranted, though 'trusting' doesn't translate to 'stupid' – they have no patience for cheaters and frauds, and will take steps to get even with anybody who tries to take advantage of their good nature. Language Despite the fact that their native tongue uses just a single word, Moogles have a superb aptitude for languages, and many speak Common Tongue. Their only trouble is a tendency to slip in the word ‘kupo’ in at random intervals, a linguistic quirk that even experienced speakers can't seem to shake. Bonuses Moogles possess an intense likeability, an unusual sense of empathy, and natural affability that allows the Moogles to make themselves welcome anywhere, and their natural Charisma is unmatched. Due to their Small Size, Moogles gain a +1 Modifier on Stealth rolls and other skill checks in situations where their small stature is beneficial. And finally, though most cannot fly, Moogles are able to hover and Float when unencumbered. Doing so while holding any objects is a tiring process, limiting the amount of time a Moogle can feasibly spend airborne. When wearing equipment or holding any items, a Moogle may Float for a number of rounds per session equal to their Vitality attribute rating. Common Jobs Entertainers make up the VAST majority of the fun-loving Moogle race, especially the sort that focuses on mystical dances. The charismatic Moogles make exceptional thieves, much to the chagrin of other races, and they boast an aptitude for Geomancy, Red, Black, and Blue magic. Restrictions Moogles are inherently alien to concepts such as hatred and vengeance, and thus, they are unable to take levels in the Dark Knight job, or take the Vengeful trait. They may also not take the Inhuman Might trait. Furthermore, a moogle who becomes too Shadow Affiliated may be removed from play. These innocent, joyous creatures cannot mentally coexistent with malevolence in any of its forms. And finally, due to their Small Size, a Moogle cannot use Massive weapons unless they also take the Special Training ability in order to do so.


ANDROID Androids are the result of mad experimentation between man and machine, and are empty shells fueled by a functional brain. Most have proportions similar to that of a normal Hume, though many sport obviously mechanical appendages or features, such as conduits and wires peeking through their ‘skin.’ Their clothes are often little more than rags, and their eyes cannot disguise their true natures; empty and often pupilless black pools, they offer no reflection, and belie no spark of life.

Typical Height Varies. Usually 1.6 – 1.9m. Typical Weight Varies. Generally 200kg+ Hair Colors Any Eye Colors Black Habitats Any Lifespan All Androids were constructed at roughly the same time, and are 200-205 years old.

Society Androids are the result of Magitek tinkering from two hundred years ago, during the time of the Great War. The cadavers of soldiers who had fallen in battle were taken en masse to secret laboratories and factories, and their badly-mutilated bodies were reinforced and rebuilt with cold iron. Holy energy was pulsed through their bodies as their minds were wired with electrodes and conduits, connecting them mentally to what were essentially man-shaped M-Tek Armors. These Androids were built with various weapons and devices, and sent back into the fires of war over and over again. Those that survived the war learned that their designated functions had begun and ended there, and, with no further directive, found themselves mostly unable to cope. As the world recovered from the war, the Androids found themselves beginning to travel, seeking purpose and meaning for their lives. To be fair, some did indeed find a purpose. Some developed feelings of affection, a semblance of love, for a person, or place, and found themselves as guardians and protectors. But with the passage of time, their loved ones passed on, and the cities they called home either crumbled to dust, or began to evolve far too quickly for the warforged minds of the Androids to comprehend. And with the passage of time, the things they found themselves attached to were lost.


These days, most remaining Androids can be found working for a Guild known as the Unwanted Legion – a collective of mostly-mechanical soldiers with nothing to live for. They fiercely defend the poor, the sick, and the empty, but can be found just as often acting as hired muscle, cutting down their foes with emotionless, robotic efficiency. Many other Androids can be found working almost as slaves in major metropolitan areas, are to handle levels of heat, pressure, and severe workloads that other races simply couldn’t deal with. The death of an Android in an unsafe work environment, as well, is a little-mourned occasion. Roleplaying The drives and goals of an Android are always peculiar. Some seek love, others, a place to call home. Some seek to learn more of the Great War, why they were created, and then abandoned. Some have lost memories, and seek their own pasts. Some adventure simply for the thrills of doing so, to be free of monotony, no matter how briefly. Still others find themselves filled with a cold rage at their creators, at the people who have left them to rust. To love, and then, to inevitably lose, often takes its toll on the remaining psyche of an Android. Many lose themselves to their own natures, and become callous and hollow, and truly robotic. Language Androids speak Common, but many pursue additional languages in attempts to fit in with polite society no matter where they go. The Binary language, being little more than a series of zeroes and ones, may be spoken by highly-trained linguists, but never as nearly as fluently as when utilized by an Android. Bonuses The perks to being an Android are as many as there are detriments. They do not need to eat or drink, and the biomechanical Grafts that they each possess allow them to have truly unique weapons and tools at their disposal. An Android character starts play with 5 points worth of Grafts – see Chapter 5: Equipment. Common Jobs With so few options available to them, most Androids choose the path of the Fighter or Thief, though there are a surprising number of Android Blue Mages. Restrictions Having been forever torn from the embrace of the lifestream, Androids are unable to take levels in the following Jobs; Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage, Paladin, Dark Knight, and Geomancer. (An Android may take levels as a Blue Mage, but he must integrate bits and pieces of slain enemies to use monster abilities instead of merely learning them.) They suffer a great deal of social aversion, with other races almost instantly distrustful or dismissive. Finally, an Android may never take the Famous trait. He's just a robot; who cares what he's done?


Step Four: Calculating Combat Statistics As their name suggests, Combat Statistics gauge a character's performance in battle, including their ability to deal and receive damage. FFRPG characters have six Combat Statistics: Hit Points (HP): A reflection of the character's general physical condition. Damage done to a character reduces their Hit Points; if their HP is ever reduced to 0 or lower, they fall unconscious – or worse. To calculate initial HP, the Formula is HP = 10 + VIT score + Your Job’s HP Modifier On each level up, you add a permanent value equal to your Job’s HP score, plus your total VIT score. (Not the VIT rating!)

Accuracy (ACC): The base likelihood of a character being able to land a blow with a conventional weapon. Accuracy is your Weapon Skill rating with the equipment you are trying to use (such as Axes or Katanas), as well as a bonus granted from your Job. Some equipment and abilities also grant bonuses to your ACC score temporarily. Armor (ARM): A sum of the character's protection against physical attack. The higher the rating, the less damage they will suffer. Whenever a character would take physical damage, their ARM score is subtracted from the amount they would be dealt – for example, a character with 5 ARM would reduce 30 damage down to 25. This attribute is simply calculated by adding up the total ARM granted by your equipment.

Magic Points (MP): Magic Points represent a character's reservoir of spellcasting energy. Spells and other magical powers reduce a character's MP when used. To calculate initial MP, the Formula is MP = 10 + INT score + Your Job’s MP Modifier On each level up, you add a permanent value equal to your Job’s MP score, plus your total INT score. (Not the rating.) Note that any Job without an MP Modifier will always have zero MP, regardless of INT. Evasion (EVA): The character's affinity for reflexively dodging or parrying incoming physical attacks. Evasion is your Dexterity rating combined with the bonus granted from your Job. Some equipment and abilities grant bonuses to your EVA score temporarily. Whenever an attack roll is made, it must equal or surpass the target’s Evasion score to have any effect at all. If the total attack roll including Accuracy is lower than the target’s Evasion score, the attack ‘misses’ and nothing happens. Certain attacks and status effects are capable of ignoring or nullifying your EVA score temporarily, but characters retain their Evasion score even if they don’t know the attack is coming, or where it’s originating from.

Magic Armor (M. ARM): The character’s protection against magical attacks. The higher the rating, the less damage they will suffer. Whenever a character would take magical damage, their M.ARM score is subtracted from the amount they would be dealt – for example, a character with 20 M.ARM would reduce 60 damage down to 40 instead. This attribute is simply calculated by adding up the total M.ARM granted by your equipment.

Affiliation The concepts of Good and Evil are merely moral standpoints, subject to endless debate. Therefore, in the FFRPG, they represent a character's lean towards one of the two Cosmic Elements; Shadow or Holy. Holy is generally a benign, benevolent and selfless force, where Shadow is often self-serving, deceptive, and prone to vices and indulgence.


All characters start at Neutral unless decided otherwise with the GM, or if automatic alignment points shift you one way or another. Having a high-end affiliation on either end of the scale will result in taking different amounts of elemental damage. When a character’s Affiliation hits certain points on the bar, they will start to develop weaknesses and resistances to both Holy and Shadow magic. -10 Shadow: Weakness to Holy, Immunity to Shadow -5 Shadow: Vulnerable to Holy, Resistance to Shadow Neutral: No change 5 Holy: Vulnerable to Shadow, Resistance to Holy 10 Holy: Weakness to Shadow, Absorbs Holy A ‘Weakness’ means the character takes 200% damage from attacks of that element. ‘Vulnerable’ means the character takes 150% damage from attacks of that element. ‘’Resistance’ means the character takes only 50% damage from attacks of that element. And ‘Immunity’ means the character takes no damage or effects from attacks of that element. And ‘Absorbs’ means that the character gains HP instead of taking Damage. Furthermore, a character who has reached the maximum level of Holy or Shadow affiliation does additional damage with all spells, abilities and effects of that elemental type. Treat such a character as having the Holy or Shadow-Enhancer weapon ability at all times (see p.93 for more information on this), meaning they do 150% damage with all Shadow or Holy based elemental attacks. They also receive an inherent Immunity to Fear, representing a commanding, unshakable presence that even the most dangerous of monsters can’t disturb. A character who has achieved -10 Shadow affiliation can no longer gain EXP. Unlike other elemental immunities and weaknesses, these effects cannot be lost or altered by any other means, including powerful boss abilities. Such high Affiliation scores represent an innate connection with the fundamental powers behind the cosmos.

Step Five: Traits, Job Abilities, and Magic Choose your Traits to give a little personal flavor to your character (and gain some great bonuses in the process). Each newly-created character receives two character Traits of your choice, which are Destinyactivated abilities with various effects. Traits can change over the course of a game, but it’s not a likely occurrence. You’ll gain two more additional traits as the game progresses. Then, consult your Job ability list. You automatically receive the Innate ability and the Epic ability listed there. Then choose two additional abilities of your choice – these may be either from the list of Jobspecific abilities, or the list of Shared Abilities found on p.67. Finally, most MP-using classes begin the game with at least one spell, which can be found listed in Chapter 8. (see p.143) A typical Job may have a magic-using chart that appears similar to Spell Rank Level the one seen here. This means that at levels one the character begins play with two ‘Rank one’ spells of his choice. At levels two, 1 1, 1, 3, 2, 4 three and four, the character receives another ‘Rank one’ spell from 2 6, 9, 12 their list. And levels six, nine, and twelve, they can take a ‘Rank 3 15, 18 two’ spell instead if they so choose, and so on. 4 21, 24 5 28


CHAPTER III: JOBS "You've all heard this before. How life has infinite possibilities. I don't believe that one bit. There weren't many paths for me to choose. Sometimes, there would only be one. From the limited possibilities I faced, the choices I made have brought me this far. That's why I value the path I chose... I want to hold true to the path that HAD to be taken." - Irvine Kinneas

There are a total of 18 Jobs, and you may choose any one Job you like at Character Creation unless restricted by your race. Each has their strengths and weaknesses; use the brief descriptions below to familiarize yourself with the different options available to you.

Black Mage - A spellcaster who possess few tricks – only unmatched destructive capability. He assaults his foes with overwhelming elemental attacks and a variety of negative status effects. As they grow in power, the devastation they can unleash is globally feared. Blue Mage - A strange hybrid of both melee and spellcaster, Blue Mages are enigmatic power-seekers better known as the Immortals. They are renowned for both their bizarre magicks stolen from the very foes they slay, and their rapidly dwindling sanity. Dark Knight - Combining vicious black magic that drains life and slams their enemies with vicious status effects, these heavily-armored warriors go to every means necessary to exploit their target's weaknesses and fill their foes with terror. Dragoon - The masters of the lance leap into combat with a unique and fitting companion; a young dragon. Between their unique aerial maneuvers and their familiar's powerful breath attacks, Dragoons are tacticians and commanders of the highest degree. Entertainer - These artisans, mimics and minstrels contribute far more than just swaying hips to an adventuring troupe. With a unique brand of magic that is channeled through their expressive Arts, they can inspire their allies to new heights of greatness.

Engineer – Masters of clockwork contraptions and peculiar inventions, Engineers keep themselves and their allies outfitted with fantastic – if improbable – weapons, armor and gadgets. Armed with explosive substances created from defeated enemies, these brilliant heroes can replicate even the most powerful of magicks without ever needing to learn a single spell. Fighter - A warrior who can wield any weapon with ease. His combat abilities allow him to adapt to any situation, and his aggressive style spells disaster for anyone who gets in his way. Gambler - Tempt fate, roll the dice, and shoot first and ask questions later. These card-wielding swashbucklers taunt the powers-that-be with their unique support abilities that spell disaster for a party slightly less often than they save the day. Geomancer – These peaceful casters have formed a strange connection to the powers of Creation, able to call forth the very terrain to do their bidding…without requiring the use of magical energies. As their influence grows, they are able to perform feats that few others could ever hope to match.


Ninja - A subtle warrior who is famed for his ability to fight flawlessly with two weapons. These swift and stealthy assassins assault their foes with a nonstop barrage of attacks – ensuring that their victims can neither run nor hide.

Monk - A melee combatant who seeks to make their body the ultimate weapon, eschewing the use of armor. By channeling Ki through their bodies, they are resilient, powerful warriors on the way to attaining physical perfection.

Paladin - Though these knights have harnessed the power of White Magic to provide additional healing and restorative abilities, don't expect them to be sitting on the back lines. With inherent leadership abilities and unrivaled defense, Paladins are holy swordsmen who are often the first to kick down a door and charge into the fray.

Thief - These fleet-of-foot combatants walk on the wrong side of the law and possess a variety of dirty tricks. As comfortable exploring ancient ruins and dungeons as they are in an urban setting, Thieves have taken the fivefingered-discount to a whole new level.

Ranger - Most comfortable in the wilderness, these selfreliant warriors use bows and guns to deliver accurate and deadly long-ranged attacks to unsuspecting foes. Red Mage – Also known as Rune Knights, and perhaps most infamous as the Jack-of-all-Trades. Eschewing the belief that they need to choose only one path in life, these romantic mages dabble in swordsmanship, Black and White magic, and a peculiar power all their own, capable of draining the magical energies out of the very air. Some Red Mages have even unlocked the secrets to Time Magic and Summoning, calling themselves Sages and wielding a magical strength that few others can match.

Time Mage – Able to reshape the forces of time and space, these unpredictable cosmic dabblers are as powerful as they are scarce. Shrouding themselves in magical barriers, they can cast formidable spells that stretch seconds into hours. White Mage - This dedicated healer is not nearly as fragile as his Black Mage opposite, but still prefers to remain in the back lines as he tosses out nigh-endless healing and resurrection abilities. White Mages are welcomed with open arms to any adventuring party they join. White Mages are also able to follow the call of the Summoner – though in these troubled times, few would choose to answer. Still, they may bring forth powerful beings known as Espers into combat and fuse with them, to wield otherworldly magic the like of which lesser mages can only dream.

Samurai - A noble warrior who follows the strict code of Bushido, turning simple skill with a blade into an art-form as exotic and beautiful as it is deadly. Their supernatural attacks tear through the physical and magical defenses of foes, and allow them to perform amazing feats as they travel the land, spreading hope to the downtrodden.

Once you’ve selected a Job, here’s several phrases you’ll see and what they mean. Hit/level: Upon leveling up, add this number + your VIT to your current maximum HP. MP/level: Upon leveling up, add this number + your INT to your current maximum MP. Job Abilities: A description and effects of all the Job Abilities possessed. How they work and what they do. Epic Ability: When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher. When in times of dire need, the truly destined can tap into the inherent, hidden reservoir of magical energy within every person, and perform feats of an incredible nature. Each Job possesses a truly powerful ability that requires 3 Destiny Points to activate, and can only be used once per game session. Activating an Epic Ability is an Instant Action which is unaffected by the Seal status effect, though several, such as the Black Mage's, still do require the user to be able to cast spells on their own power in order to function. (See chapter 4 for more information regarding Destiny) Innate Ability: Upon choosing a Job, you automatically gain access to one power. This might be as simple as the ability to use magic or as complex as a Dragoon’s wyvern companion. This automatic power does not count toward the two other job abilities you get to choose for your character. Special: Some Jobs have additional notations, bonuses or penalties associated with their abilities, which are explained here.


BLACK MAGE 黒魔道士 Masters of elemental and destructive magic, Black Mages can stop even an army in its tracks. Black Magic, while not practiced with any degree of secrecy, is a dangerous art. There are far too many who have lost themselves to madness or fully given in to the destructive forces they command. These wayward practitioners must live a reclusive life or find themselves the target of city-wide manhunts, seeking to dispose of the growing threat before lives are lost. Though the power of Ultima has not been seen in many decades, many believe it is a force far too powerful for any one man to command.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +10 VIT: +10 INT: +15 CHA: +15 HP/level: +2 MP/level: +3 Weapons: Daggers, Staves Armor: Light Skill Points: 14 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 5 Automatic Affiliation: Though very few Black Mages are evil, the art in which they dabble in is invariably tainted, and it is sometimes easy for them to begin the slippery descent into darkness. All Black Mages start the game shifted one point to Shadow.

Spell Rank 1

Level 1, 1, 3, 4, 5

2 3 4 5

6, 8, 10, 12 14, 16, 18 20, 22, 24 27, 30

Epic Ability: Manafont - Instant, Self The Black Mage is an untapped reservoir of power, able to tap into the secrets of magic itself and draw forth spells of inexpressible potency. Upon using Manafont, the Black Mage can now cast spells that are one Tier higher than he actually has access to; for example, a level 10 Black Mage could access Tier 3 spells. In addition, they have access to all spells their Tier or lower, even if they did not choose to ‘learn’ these spells previously. The character must still be able to pay the MP cost of any spell cast in this method, and they must still possess any prerequisites for the selected spell. If the character has access to Tier 5 magic, then Manafont increases the damage of all spells cast by 50% and increases the difficulty to resist status effects by +4, instead of granting access to a new, sixth Tier.

Innate Ability: Black Magic - Standard, Varies Black Magic can be defined as the destructive power of the elements themselves, with effects ranging from the ability to call forth flame, to cataclysmic, earth-shattering spells, capable of leaving entire cities in utter ruin. Though others may boast the ability cast a selection of spells from this magical school, only Black Mages have true mastery over the full breadth of devastating power that it offers.


Job Abilities Elemental Seal – Instant, Self

Personal Element – Instant, Self

By activating this ability, a Black Mage is capable of ignoring a foe’s magical resistance. Treat the target of your next spell as though he had a M.ARM of zero and ignore the effects of Shell. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Black Mage’s CHA rating.

The character has a deep, personal connection and familiarity with one of the world's elements, and is capable of wielding it with fierce power. When taking this ability, choose one of the six standard combat elements – Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Earth, or Lightning. By spending a moment to concentrate, he will instantly negate the damage he would receive from the next offensive spell of the chosen element that would affect him. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Black Mage’s VIT rating, and this ability may be taken multiple times, choosing a new element each time.

Coldhearted - Passive The Black Mage specializes in freezing his foes in subzero temperatures. The damage step has increased by one for all Ice elemental damage dealt by the character. (If an attack or spell was to do (INT x 1) points of Ice damage, it would now do (INT x 2) instead, and so on.) This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by one each time.

Fluid Thought - Passive The Black Mage is naturally drawn to Water-elemental spells, and has mastered their use. The damage step has increased by one for all Water elemental damage dealt by the character. (If an attack or spell was to do (INT x 1) points ofWater damage, it would now do (INT x 2) instead, and so on.) This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by one each time.

Obliterate – Slow The Black Mage is destruction incarnate, capable of imposing his will on colossal inanimate objects (and even truly powerful magical artifacts and wards), turning them all into piles of rubble. Normally a character must make a STR check against the object’s Hardness score to destroy it (see p.133 for more information on this). Upon using Obliterate, the Black Mage may make such a check but with a +4 bonus to the roll, and may use his CHA attribute instead of STR. Obliterate can target objects up to Long Range.

Eye of the Storm - Passive The Black Mage concentrates on the control of pure electrical currents. The damage step has increased by one for all Lightning elemental damage dealt by the character. (If an attack or spell was to do (INT x 1) points of Lightning damage, it would now do (INT x 2) instead, and so on.) This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by one each time.

Pyromaniac - Passive The Black Mage is at his most potent when wielding Fire magic, controlling infernos and blazes with his will alone. The damage step has increased by one for all Fire elemental damage dealt by the character. (If an attack or spell was to do (INT x 1) points of Fire damage, it would now do (INT x 2) instead, and so on.) This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by one each time.

Earth’s Embrace - Passive The caster is as stoic and patient as the earth itself; his studies reflect this magical preference. The damage step has increased by one for all Earth elemental damage dealt by the character. (If an attack or spell was to do (INT x 1) points of Earth damage, it would now do (INT x 2) instead, and so on.) This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by one each time.

Resist Curse – Passive Powerful spells exist than can place a hex on enemies and turn their most powerful attacks into pathetic annoyances. The Black Mage has researched these spells extensively, and is now immune to the negative status effect Curse. Whenever the Black Mage would normally become Cursed, they may make an immediate physical or magical Counterattack.

Unnecessary Force - Passive The Black Mage’s spells are so powerful that they can literally blast their opponents away. Upon taking this ability, the Black Mage may now also add a Medium Range knockback effect to all Tier 3 or higher spells that deal damage.

Counter Magic - Passive With his supreme mastery of the magical arts, the Black Mage is capable of striking back when he’s the target of an enemy spell. If the Black Mage takes damage from a spell he knows, cast on him by an enemy, then he may return fire with the same spell automatically as a Counterattack. The spell still costs MP, but is considered an Instant action. The Black Mage can use Counter Magic even if he is occupied with a Slow action of his own, but not if the spell was Reflected. (see p.122 for more information on this)

Astral Echoes - Passive The Black Mage is capable of harnessing the natural elemental strength in an area to fuel their craft. When casting an elemental spell in the appropriate Elemental Terrain (for example, an Ice spell in a raging blizzard or a thunder spell during a severe storm), the character can choose to spend double the standard MP of the spell in order to increase their damage by an additional 50%. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage percentage by 50% each time.


BLUE MAGE 青魔道士 Monsters have a form of magic unknown in standard magic academies. Blue Mages make a living of learning their craft from these monsters. They're trained in melee combat to survive encounters with the ferocious beasts, but their true power shines once the unique magic has been acquired. However, true power comes at an unspeakable cost, and many advanced Blue Mages find themselves rapidly descending into insanity.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +15 VIT: +5 INT: +10 CHA: +15 HP/level: +3 MP/level: +2 Weapons: Daggers, Katanas, Swords, Staves Armor: Light Skill Points: 14 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 7 Spell Rank 1 2 3

Level 1, 1 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30

Epic Ability: Azure Lore - Instant, Self There are spells that exist in the universe that cannot ever be truly learned and harnessed by the Immortals; though the greatest of these mages still retain the ability to replicate them. After using Azure Lore and seeing a powerful monster spell or ability used in the current combat, the Blue Mage may return fire with the same spell. Damage is calculated with the Blue Mage’s statistics, and he is subject to any penalties that may exist for the usage of such a powerful attack such as fatigue or self-damage. The Blue Mage need not know the name of the attack; just a simple description will suffice.

Innate Ability: Blue Magic – Standard, Varies To Learn a Blue Spell, a Blue Mage must be able to understand it. Without tomes or teachers to fall back on, 'understanding' mostly boils down to just one thing: experiencing the Spell's effect first-hand. A Blue Mage will, if he so chooses, automatically acquire any Blue Spell cast on him by a monster (not another Blue Mage!) during a battle in which the Blue Mage is an active participant. The Spell cannot be learned if it reduces the Blue Mage to 0 or fewer Hit Points. Unlike regular magic (in which mages select their spells from a list at each level), Blue Mages may only ever ‘choose’ one spell – the one they begin the game with at level one. From then on, they must encounter monsters in order to learn such spells. Rank 2 spells require level 11+, and Rank 3 spells require level 21+. There is no maximum or minimum to the number of spells a Blue Mage will Learn as the game progresses. Players are encouraged to speak to their GMs outside of the game to discuss spells that particularly appeal to them, so encounters may be planned accordingly.

Special: Metamorphosis Blue Mages constantly walk the fine line between power and madness, and this ability reflects that. If the character ever reaches -10 Shadow Affiliation, they are immediately removed from player control as the beast within takes over. Their bodies undergo a rapid biological change that leaves them completely unfamiliar in appearance, and they become a ravenous brute of pure evil. In game terms, this means that the Blue Mage is finished, and the player will need to create a new character. The Blue Mage may still make an appearance as a monster within the game – simply triple the character’s hit point maximum and add a handful of Monster properties such as Large or Multiple Parts, and set the creature’s reaction to Hostile.


Job Abilities Chimera’s Blood – Self, Passive The elements flow deep in the Blue Mage’s monstrous blood, and provide him with additional weaknesses and protections. Upon taking this ability, choose one of the seven basic combat elements - Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Earth, Shadow, or Lightning. The Blue Mage now has Immunity to that Element, and takes no damage from spells or effects of that type. However, he must then choose a second element from the list, which he will forever have a Weakness against, taking 200% damage from attacks of that elemental type. The Blue Mage may take this ability up to three times, choosing new elements for the Immunities and Weaknesses each time. He may never obtain a resistance or immunity to the element which he is now weak to, even through equipment or other job abilities.

Observe – Passive Durability aside, keen observation and a sharp analytical mind are the Blue Mage's best friends. By carefully watching the magic woven by an opponent, they can gather enough information for a kind of mystical reverse engineering, allowing them to Learn monster magic without putting themselves in harm's way. A Blue Mage with this ability no longer needs to be targeted by a Blue Magic spell to acquire it – only see it used during a battle in which the character is an active participant. Observe has no effect if the Blue Mage is Unconscious or affected by any of the following Status Conditions: Berserk, Blind, Charm, Confuse, Sleep, Stone, Stop, or Zombie. And again, a Blue Mage may not learn a spell from another Blue Magic user – only from the original monster. Several Blue Magic spells are defensive instead of aggressive, and are much easier to obtain by someone with the Observe ability.

Sapphire Seal – Instant, Self The magic wielded by a blue mage is not to be trifled with, and is difficult to divert or absorb. After activating Sapphire Seal, the next spell cast will ignore the effects of Reflect, as well as any elemental Resistances, Immunities or Absorbencies the foe may possess. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Blue Mage’s CHA rating.

Immortal – Passive Blue Mages are renowned for being extraordinarily difficult to kill. Some say this is because of the beast blood that runs through their veins, others attribute it to divine ordinance. Whatever the reason, it’s a well-known fact that, ever since the first Blue Mage adopted the title of ‘Immortal,’ the name has proved to be frighteningly accurate. Whenever a Blue Mage uses Destiny points to ‘Cheat Death’ as described in chapter 4, the costs for doing so is reduced by 2. This ability may be taken multiple times, but the costs for Cheating Death can never be reduced to less than 3.

Deadened Nerves – Passive Capable of shrugging off pain that would stop any normal warrior, Blue Mages are almost globally renowned for their determination in battle. Upon obtaining this job ability, the Blue Mage may ignore any effects of permanent injury. If he sustains a broken arm, he may still fight normally with it. If he suffers from a pierced lung, no ill effects will be shown. It is entirely possible for a Blue Mage to be killed from pushing himself too hard while in such an injured state. Furthermore, the Blue Mage now also automatically succeeds at any non-opposed VIT check, and are Immune to effects from a Ranger’s Disabling Shot ability.

Absolute Power – Special Long hours of study and experimentation with monster magic has left the mage’s body physically weaker, but the power that the character gains in trade is perhaps enough to forever deny the grip of death. Once per game session when a Blue Mage would gain one or more points of EXP, a Blue Mage can choose not to take any experience points and receive one point of Destiny instead.

Aura Magic – Instant, Self Monstrous spells, whilst powerful, are often limiting – most notable in the fact that all Blue Magic is designed to battle individual foes and not large groups. With this ability in his repertoire, the Blue Mage is no longer limited in such a fashion. After using Aura Magic, a Blue Magic spell becomes Group target, allowing their normally one-foe attacks to affect the entire enemy group. However, the Blue Mage loses 25% of his maximum HP after the usage of this ability. This may be used a number of times per session equal to the Blue Mage’s VIT modifier.

Resist Death – Passive An Immortal defeated by a single attack? Laughable. Upon obtaining this Job Ability, the Blue Mage gains Immunity to instant-Death-inducing magic and attacks, including Doomsday and Lv.? Doom, and many special abilities performed by Summoned Espers. Whenever the Blue Mage would normally be afflicted with an InstantDeath attack, they may now make an immediate physical or magical Counterattack.

Chimera’s Soul – Special The Blue Mages suffer deep emotional changes on a day-by-day basis, and their personalities are in a state of constant flux. After obtaining this ability, the character Traits of the mage are no longer static – they can be changed at will. Before a game session the player may replace any or all of their Traits, and they are no longer denied by racial restrictions.


Mutation – Special By adopting the magical traits of monsters and learning how to best defeat them, some blue mages have even begun to succumb to bizarre physical changes. Whenever you take this ability, choose one of the 11 monster categories below. You are treated as being that type of creature – in addition to Humanoid – for the purposes of job and weapon abilities. You also receive the bonuses listed. This ability can be taken multiple times. Whenever the Mutation ability is taken, however, the Blue Mage is moved two steps closer to being Shadow Affiliated, represented by moving further and further away from the standard morals of humanity. Aerial – Whether through wings or other means, the character is capable of flight. Although you can’t hover in place as per the Float status, short-range weapons suffer a -4 penalty to hit you while airborne. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Aerial Killer property, dealing 200% damage to flying foes with attacks and spells. Amorph – The Blue mage begins to lose discernable anatomy and their internal organs begin to liquefy as they become more slime-like. An Amorph-mutated character acts as if they have the ‘Small Size’ racial ability (gaining a +1 Modifier on Stealth rolls and checks in situations where the ability to reduce their size would be beneficial) and are capable of squeezing through openings one-tenth of their normal body size – such as putting an arm through a keyhole. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Amorph Killer property, dealing 200% damage to bloblike foes with attacks and spells. Arcana – Raw magic flows through the character’s bloodstream. They are immune to opponent’s spells, abilities and weapon properties that destroy or drain their MP (Aspir, Rasp, Osmose, MP Drain, and so on). The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Arcana Killer property, dealing 200% damage to purely magical foes with attacks and spells. Aquan – The Blue Mage is as comfortable in water as he is on land, able to breathe and move normally without penalty. The character receives +2 to his Swimming skill and never needs to make skill checks to hold his breath underwater. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Aquan Killer property, dealing 200% damage to underwater foes with attacks and spells. Beast – After becoming more bestial, the character may use his Awareness skill to track down humanoids or creatures he has met at least once before, able to follow their scent at incredible distances up to hundreds of miles. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Beast Killer property, dealing 200% damage to animalistic foes with attacks and spells. Construct – The character is as much machine as human, and receives any one Graft of their choice as well as the Auto-Repair Graft. (see p.115 for more information on this) The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Construct Killer property, dealing 200% damage to machine foes with attacks and spells. Dragon – The mage is capable of casting and moving when clad in layers of protection; even the heaviest armor feels like a second skin. The Blue Mage now treats both the Medium and Heavy Armor skills as though they were Job skills. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Dragon Killer property, dealing 200% damage to Dragons with attacks and spells. Fiend – A Blue Mage with the Fiend type has completely lost his humanity, sacrificing all remaining integrity and righteousness for power. The character moves five more points towards Shadow Affiliation, and all monsters with the Hostile attitude treat the Blue Mage as if they were Wary instead – a representation of the unnatural kinship such evil beings now feel with the mage. Without provocation, very few monsters will attack the character on sight. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Fiend Killer property, dealing 200% damage to Fiends with attacks and spells. Lizard – The Blue Mage is capable of falling into a deep, hibernal state, healing even the most grievous wounds while he sleeps. Whenever the character regains HP and MP through Travel Rest, they recover as if it was a Full Rest instead. (IE; 50% recovery is now 100% recovery. See p.127 for more details on this.) The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Lizard Killer property, dealing 200% damage to reptilian foes with attacks and spells. Plant – The character’s skin takes on a greenish tint, allowing them to photosynthesize nourishment. For every hour the Blue Mage spends outside of combat in direct sunlight, they recover 10% of their total maximum HP and MP back passively, and never need to eat food to keep up their strength. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Plant Killer property, dealing 200% damage to vegetative foes with attacks and spells. Undead - After an Undead blue mage is killed they return to 100% HP and MP after 24 hours. Certain white magic spells such as Banish can prevent this. However, they are also afflicted with the curse of the Undead; Cure spells, restorative items and Healing abilities will now instead deal damage instead of restoring HP. The Blue Mage also automatically gains the Undead Killer property, dealing 200% damage to undead foes with attacks and spells.


DARK KNIGHT あんこく Even as there is good in the world, so must there be evil. Thus, even as the Paladins are the chosen of Light, so there are the chosen of Shadow to match them. Unlike the Paladin, the Dark Knight does not have to go through tests of spirit and emotion to prove their worth, and in that respect they often claim their superiority to their light brethren. The powers of darkness gladly aid those who wish to serve them. Thought not all Dark Knights are corrupt, many possess a cold, calculated hatred that simmers just beneath the surface. Dark Knights channel the unholy energies of the masters of the darkness through their blades, and are fearsome foes in combat.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +15 DEX: +10 VIT: +15 INT: +10 CHA: +5 HP/level: +4 MP/level: +2 Weapons: Massive, Brawl, Axes, Swords Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy Skill Points: 14 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 6 Automatic Affiliation: The truly despicable and unwholesome drives Dark Knights onward, serving forces of shadow and despair, and no matter the cause you fight for, your every action is tainted. All Dark Knights start the game shifted three points to Shadow.

Spell Rank 1

Level 1, 2, 4

2 3 4 5

6, 9, 12 15, 18 21, 24 28

Epic Ability: Soul Eater - Instant, Self The name of this truly feared and rarely-spoken of ability is neither embellishment nor metaphorical. The ability to devour the souls of their fallen foes is the ultimate expression of a Dark Knight’s ruthlessness and utter lack of mercy. For the remainder of combat, any foe brought to 0 HP by the Dark Knight is instantly killed and cannot be resurrected in any manner short of expending destiny to Cheat Death. Furthermore, the Dark Knight’s combat prowess is temporarily augmented for every fallen foe. The user of Soul Eater receives a +1 increase to ACC and their damage step per enemy killed in this manner. The effect is cumulative – for example, a Dark Knight who normally has 4 ACC and deals (STR x 2) damage will have 10 ACC and deal (STR x 8) damage after killing 6 opponents.

Innate Ability: Black Magic – Standard, Varies Though they will never achieve the level of dominance over the black arts as their Black Mage brethren, Dark Knights are capable of casting their share of spells from the same school.


Job Abilities Last Resort – Passive, Self Dark Knights become stronger as they near death - not weaker - and are capable of making truly tremendous attacks even when they may be too injured to stand. When the Dark Knight is at 25% or fewer HP he deals additional damage with all physical attacks. If a weapon was to do (STRx1) points of damage, it would now do (STRx2) instead, and so on. In addition, all damage dealt while the Dark Knight is at 25% health or less is treated as ARM Shadow damage. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by 1 each time.

Darkside – Standard, Single The Dark Knight strikes his target, his blade burning with a black fire, fueled by his ceaseless rage. Make a normal attack action. If successful, 200% ARM Shadow damage is dealt by the attack. While powerful, Darkside has a price – if damage is dealt by this attack, the Dark Knight suffers damage equal to 25% of the Dark Knight's maximum HP. The damage done to the Dark Knight ignores Armor and all defensive statuses. This is a Short Range attack that may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dark Knight’s VIT rating.

Night Sword – Slow, Single No Mercy – Slow, Single The Dark Knight is capable of performing terrifying finishing moves, striking fear into the hearts of his foes. Upon obtaining this job ability, a deathblow may be performed on any foe that has been reduced to 0 hit points. The specifics of the move are up to you decapitating the head of an enemy, ripping out his spinal column, or worse - but a successful completion of a deathblow will cause foes who are not Shadow Affiliated to be afflicted with the negative status effect Fear for one round. This effect may only be used once per combat. Obviously, it will also instantly kill the unconscious target.

Resist Poison – Passive Whether from a supernatural gift or simply resilience to disease granted from prolonged exposure to various poisons, Dark Knights never suffer from the effects of toxins. Upon obtaining this Job Ability, the Dark Knight gains Immunity to Poison in all its forms, including such things as monster venom and alcohol. Whenever the Dark Knight would normally become Poisoned, they may make an immediate physical or magical Counterattack.

Dark Harvest – Standard, Local Dark Knights are capable of cutting down their enemies in great numbers, not needing to pause to deal with lesser enemies. Make a normal attack action which deals 50% damage, but strikes every foe within Short Range. Dark Harvest cannot be a critical hit.

Blood Weapon - Passive Serving the forces of shadow and death inevitably means that many Dark Knights revel in gore and bloodshed. Whenever a negative status effect (except Unconsciousness) is applied by the Dark Knight’s weapon, the status effect will not wear off in several rounds as per normal, and must be cured with magic or restorative items. For example, the status from an AutoPoison weapon will not fade after several rounds, but can still be removed with Antidotes, Poisona, and similar effects.

The Dark Knight points his sword at the target, and an ethereal red spike rips through them from below. Make a normal attack action, and treat the weapon as though it has the HP Drain ability – the Dark Knight recovers hit points equal to 50% of the damage done. This is a Medium Range attack. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dark Knight’s INT rating.

Deteriorate – Passive Dark Knights are masters of hitting their enemies where it hurts. After obtaining this job ability, the difficulty on rolls to resist status effects – such as Blind, Zombie, or Poison - caused by the Dark Knight’s magic or weapon is now at a +2 higher difficulty for his enemies. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the difficulty to resist by 2 each time.

Killing Machine – Passive Some Dark Knights have abandoned the usage of magic entirely, instead allowing the dark elemental energies to empower their strikes and bodies. Whenever a character with this ability would gain a spell, they can choose to gain a +1 bonus to any attribute instead. Killing Machine still does not allow the Dark Knight to ignore the maximum attribute caps.

Fatal Wound – Slow, Single The Dark Knight aims a vicious strike at his foe which saps his strength – often causing a slow, agonizing demise. Make a normal attack action. If successful, the target takes normal ARM damage but has been afflicted by a Fatal Wound. The target takes the same amount of damage each following hour until the wound is attended to with a Healing check (difficulty 11), or the target dies. The effects of this ability also end if the Dark Knight dies.

Black Sky – Instant, Self The Dark Knight walks hand-in-hand with death and destruction. After activating Black Sky, the Dark Knight may turn the effects of the spell Arise, Curse, Poison, Blind, Drain, or Zombie into Group target spells as opposed to Single target spells. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dark Knight’s CHA rating.


DRAGOON 竜騎士 Dragoons are warriors who have been trained to mimic the actions of a dragon by use of their internal energies. Whereas most Jobs are ground-bound, Dragoons have the capability to leap unbelievable heights, earning a place in legends as "those that fly like a dragon." They often have a reputation of completing even the most suicidal missions. Often they serve as soldiers positioned within an army's cavalry or infantry, but some Dragoons may find it more feasible to hone the supernatural aspect of their Dragon arts outside the realm of the military. In some regions, the Dragoon may be referred to as a 'Dragon Knight', often being one that lends his services to royalty.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +15 VIT: +5 INT: +15 CHA: +10 HP/level: +6 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Polearms, Swords Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 8

Epic Ability: Dragon’s Spirit - Instant, Self By expending three points of Destiny the character may allow his Wyvern to empower him, bringing the warrior back from even the brink of death. The Wyvern is instantly Unconscious and the Auto-Life status is granted on the Dragoon. If the Dragoon is already unconscious, the spell is used instantaneously (If the Dragoon is truly deceased and not merely unconscious, then this ability has no effect.) Furthermore, the Dragoon’s type changes from ‘Humanoid’ to ‘Dragon’ for the remainder of combat, and he receives the effects Seal-Proof and Fear-Proof. This Epic Ability may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the Dragoon’s turn, and the abilities ‘Wyvern Companion’ and ‘Deep Breathing’ cannot be used until the Dragoon’s companion is revived.

Innate Ability: Wyvern Companion – Special Dragoons are accompanied by a freshly-born wyvern of one of two types, based on the Dragoon’s alignment. A Crystal wyvern will accompany a Holy-aligned Dragoon, and a Bone wyvern will accompany a Shadow-aligned Dragoon. Neutral characters may choose either of these. Whenever the Dragoon performs a critical hit or limit break, the Wyvern can attack as well to deal additional damage automatically. Crystal Wyverns deal nonelemental M.ARM magic damage, and Bone Wyverns deal physical ARM damage based off the Dragoon’s DEX stat. Consult the following table. Wyvern damage is calculated and combined with the Dragoon before the 200% (or more) increase from the critical hit. Dragoon Level Damage done by Wyvern The Wyvern increases in size as the Dragoon levels. Though it 1 (2 x DEX) begins no bigger than a hatchling, it is roughly four feet tall by level 5 (3 x DEX) 10. At level 20, it stands slightly higher than a typical Hume and can 10 (4 x DEX) carry moderate loads including the Dragoon. At level 30, it can be 15 (5 x DEX) ridden with ease by the party and is a full-fledged adult Dragon. The 20 (6 x DEX) bond between the Dragoon and his Wyvern is very strong however, 25 (8 x DEX) and in many ways they function like a single being. Any negative 30 (10 x DEX) status effect on the Dragoon is also inflicted upon the Wyvern, and the Wyvern cannot function well while its master is Unconscious or separated from it. A Wyvern has a very thick hide, even in youth, and takes no damage from normal spells and attacks.

Special: Dragon’s Crest All Dragoons are required to spend years learning a lance-based fighting style; Dragoons deals a critical hit on any arrack roll dice result from 11-12 when using a Polearm weapon instead of just on the standard 12.


Job Abilities Jump – Standard, Self Dragoons have the unique ability to break the bonds of gravity and soar into the skies with a single bound. Jump can carry the Dragoon up to a Medium range – vertically, horizontally, or a combination of both. Jump essentially functions as a Slow Action; once the Dragoon has Jumped, she will land during her next turn. While in the air, the Dragoon is Immune to any attacks that target her alone, and can only be affected Group abilities. Status Conditions continue to affect the Dragoon ‘in-flight’. As with any Slow Action, anything that would prevent the Dragoon from completing the Jump will automatically cancel it, returning her to the field of battle. When the Dragoon lands they may make an Instant attack against any target within Short Range, and they are counted as having ‘charged’ the foe for the purposes of calculating extra damage with a Polearm weapon. The effects of Haste do not change how Jump functions in any way, and Jump may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dragoon’s DEX rating.

Dragon’s Eyes – Passive, Self Day by day the Dragoon becomes more like the mythical creature he emulates. After obtaining this ability, the Dragoon is immune to the negative status effect Blind and can see perfectly in adverse weather conditions and pitch blackness – even magical darkness like the sort caused by a Black Mage’s Twilight spell, and can see through trickeries caused by the Illusion spells. Whenever the Dragoon would normally become Blinded, they may make an immediate physical or magical Counterattack.

Ancient Circle – Standard, Group Intense training has given the Dragoon insight into the vulnerabilities of the creatures he imitates, and this ability is the proof. This ability grants the Dragoon and his allies the Dragon Killer ability on any weapon they wield a number of round equal to the Dragoon’s VIT rating. Dragoon Killer allows them to inflict 200% damage against Dragon-type monsters with all attacks. This ability may only be used once per session.

Deep Breathing – Standard, Group A Dragoon’s companion, though young, is still capable of using its draconic breath attacks to damage foes. Make a normal attack action. The effects of Deep Breathing differ depending on the type of Wyvern. Crystal: White-hot bolts of energy are discharged from the Wyvern’s mouth, electrocuting all short-range enemies for (CHA x 4) + 2d6 points of Lightning damage. In addition, this ability has a 50% chance to inflict the negative status effect Seal. Bone: A cone of black flame jets from the Wyvern’s mouth, scalding all short-range enemies for (CHA x 4) + 2d6 points of Fire damage. In addition, this ability has a 50% chance to inflict the negative status effect Blind. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dragoon’s CHA rating.

Impale – Passive, Group Intensive training with a single weapon does have its advantage - a Dragoon is capable of felling multiple enemies with a single, powerful strike. A dragoon with this ability is treated as having the Follow-Through weapon property on all Polearm weapons he wields. In addition, when making an Instant attack caused by their Jump ability, the Dragoon is treated as having the Triple Critical property on his polearm as well.

Scan – Instant, Single For these master tacticians, knowing thy enemy plays a great role in determining the best course of action. With a moment’s appraisal the Dragoon can judge minute details about any opponent. After using this ability, the Dragoon can learn the level, species, elemental strengths and weaknesses, Job and Traits of a single target. Since monsters lack the latter two statistics, this ability works best on humanoid enemies. The target is aware that he’s being ‘sized up.’ This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dragoon’s INT rating.

Ride the Storm – Passive, Group While the elements often pose a threat for large armies, the Dragoon is a tactical master of the highest degree and has learned how to use adverse weather to his advantage. Whenever the Dragoon fights in weather conditions that would normally apply a negative modifier to combat rolls (such as a raging blizzard or torrential downpour) these are applied as bonuses instead. The effect extends to the Dragoon’s allies as well, and this ability has been the trump card in more than one unwinnable battle over the years.

High Jump – Passive, Self The Dragoon is a master of the skies, and their Jump ability is now Long range instead of Medium. After using Jump, the Dragoon no longer needs to land the following turn, but may stay airborne nearly indefinitely. Spells and effects treat the Dragoon as having Flight and Float during the duration of High Jump. A character will not take falling damage when using High Jump, and the range does not increase past Long with the Defy Gravity shared job ability. You must have Jump to use this ability.

Lancet – Slow, Single Lancet is a mysterious ability passed on through the ages from Dragon to Dragoon. By utilizing this technique, the character may draw forth a foe’s life energy and use it to heal himself and his allies. Make a normal ARM attack action that deals 50% damage and reduces the target’s HP and MP by the same amount. The damage done is then returned to each member of the party in the form of both HP and MP. This ability is a Short-Ranged attack that may be used a number of times per session equal to the Dragoon’s INT rating.


ENGINEER モーグリ Drills, robots, airships – the Engineer's mechanical wizardry conjures any number of miracles from bolts, oil, and a little ingenuity. Though their talents extend to all machines great and small, Engineers channel most of their energy into bewildering creations that utilize bits and pieces of fallen enemies. Despite the occasional explosive malfunction, failure only seems to redouble the Engineer’s determination. These indomitable inventors remain the intellectual backbone behind more than one prosperous party.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +15 CHA: +5 HP/level: +3 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Staff, Gun, Brawl, Weapon Systems Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 20 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 6

Epic Ability: Clockwork Tools - Instant, Self When in peril, the Engineer is capable of quickly creating and using weapons the like of which the world has never seen. Upon using Clockwork Tools, the Engineer chooses one effect from the following list and gains the benefits of that Tool until the end of combat. The higher the Engineer’s Systems skill, the higher the level of Clockwork Tool the character is able to choose. For example, Auto-Crossbow requires the character to have a minimum of 1 skill in Systems, where the Drill requires a minimum skill of 4 to choose. Clockwork Tools only applies to the Engineer’s standard weapon attacks and do not work in conjunction with Refined Items. Skill 1

Tool “Auto Crossbow”


“Bio Blaster”


“Noise Blaster”

4 5

“Drill” “Flash”

6 7

“Chainsaw” “Air Anchor”


“Micro Missile”

Gained Properties The character’s attacks deal normal damage to all enemies instead of a single target. Attacks can be made at Medium Range. Whenever the Engineer deals damage to a foe, the target also receives the effects of the negative status effect ‘Poison.’ Whenever the Engineer deals damage to a foe, the target also receives the effects of the negative status effect ‘Confusion.’ All of the Engineer’s attacks ignore ARM and Protect. The character deals 200% damage with all attacks. Furthermore, whenever the Engineer deals damage to a foe, the target also receives the effects of the negative status effect ‘Blind.’ The character deals 300% damage with all attacks. The character deals 200% damage with all attacks, and critical hits reduce the target’s health to 0 instantly. This is a ‘Death’ effect. Attacks can be made at Medium Range. The character deals 300% damage to all enemies with each attack. Furthermore, attacks can be performed at Long Range and gain the Break Damage Limit and Triple Critical properties.


Innate Ability: Refine – Special Refined battle items are the mainstay of the Engineer; while Fighters use special combat moves against the enemies and mages are helping friends or targeting foes with combat magic, the Engineer is employing technology to turn defeated foes into useful – and often explosive – items. At the end of each combat, the Engineer automatically receives one Refined item from the enemy of his choice, so long as the enemies have been permanently defeated. The character cannot refine items from enemies who fled the battle, for example! Refined items can only be used by Engineers, and the complete list of what items can be refined from what monsters is listed below, as well as a brief description of which spell the item mimicks. Refined items cannot be sold. All Refined Items take up inventory slots and can generally only be used once, after which time the item is destroyed. When the Engineer uses an item, the GM rolls 2d6 – anything other than a critical success or failure means the item works normally, and the listed ‘effect’ is used. On a critical failure, the item explodes – all enemies and allies take damage equal to 25% of their maximum health. On a critical success, the item works normally but is not ‘used up’, and remains in the character’s inventory for another try. Name Accelerator Air Gem Antarctic Wind Arctic Wind Bomb Fragment Bracchus Wine Cactus Thorn Chef’s Knife Cherub Down Chocofeather Dark Matter Deadly Waste Dragon Scale Dynamo Stone Earth Drum Earth Gem Echo Grass Electro Marble Farplane Shadow Fish Scale Grenade Hourglass Ice Gem Ink Lightning Gem Lightning Marble Lunar Curtain Molotov Mute Mask Mystery Fluid Second Chance Shear Feather Smoke Bomb Sticky Web Supreme Gem Three Stars Tribal Drum War Gong Water Gem Windmill Zombie Dust

Effect Casts Force Field, granting an ally an Immunity to random elements Casts Aeroga, dealing (INT x 6) + 2d6 Group Wind damage Casts Blizzara, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 Ice damage Casts Blizzard, dealing (INT x 2) + 1d6 Ice damage Casts Fire, dealing (INT x 2) + 1d6 Fire damage Casts Berserk, turning one target into a mindless combatant Casts 1000 Needles, doing 100 or 1,000 damage to a target Casts Death, instantly killing an enemy Casts Float, allowing one ally to hover and avoid Earth damage Casts Quick, granting the Engineer the Haste status Casts Black Hole, reducing a target’s health by 75% of maximum Casts Bio, dealing (INT x 3) + 2d6 damage and Poisoning the target Casts Watera, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 Water damage Casts Ray Bomb, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 nonelemental damage Casts Stone, dealing (INT x 2) + 1d6 Earth damage Casts Stonaga, dealing (INT x 6) + 2d6 Group Earth damage Casts Vox, removing the Seal status from one companion Casts Thunder, dealing (INT x 2) + 1d6 Lightning damage Casts Condemned, causing the target to be Cursed for 1d3 rounds Casts Water, dealing (INT x 2) + 1d6 Water damage Casts Fira, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 Fire damage Casts Hastaga, granting all allies Haste until combat ends Casts Blizzaga, dealing (INT x 6) + 2d6 Group Ice damage Casts Blind, robbing a foe of the ability to see Casts Thundaga, dealing (INT x 6) + 2d6 Group Lightning damage Casts Thundara, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 Lightning damage Casts Barrier, negating all ranged attacks Casts Firaga, dealing (INT x 6) + Group 2d6 Fire damage Casts Seal, preventing a target from using spells or job abilities Casts Quarter, reducing a target’s health by 25% of maximum Casts Life, bringing an ally back from unconsciousness with 1 HP Casts Aero, dealing (INT x 2) + 1d6 Wind damage Casts Escape, allowing the party to flee from battle Casts Lock, wrapping the target in layers of webbing. Casts Supernova, dealing (INT x 20) + 2d6 damage All allies receive the effects of Haste, Protect, Shell and Float Casts Stona, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 Earth damage Casts Brave, rendering all allies immune to Fear until combat ends Casts Wateraga, dealing (INT x 6) + Group 2d6 Water damage Casts Aerora, dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 Wind damage Casts Zombie, causing one enemy to suffer the curse of the undead


Dropped From: Flan, Gilgamesh Wyvern Chimera Dingo Bomb Imperial Soldier Cactuar Tonberry Killer Bee Chocobo Demon, War Machine Antlion, Malboros Hydra Chocobo Eater Ogre Mamool Ja Leafer, Funguar Larvae Lost Soul, Deathgaze Achelous Magic Urn Various Bosses Iron Giant Ahriman Evrae Couerl Various Bosses Imperial Commander Mandragora, Exoray Anacondaur The Four Fiends Condor Goblin Spider, Antlion Various Bosses Various End Bosses Ochu Gigas Geosgaeno Zu Skeleton, Demonolith

Job Abilities Salvage – Standard, Single The Engineer is a master of shutting down dangerous constructs, and using their spare parts to further his arsenal of Refined weapons. After making a successful melee attack against a Construct type enemy, the Engineer may choose deal 0 damage and instead, pull out a handful of important parts and wires. The Engineer makes a DEX or INT check opposed by the opponent’s STR or DEX, whichever is higher. If the Engineer wins the construct is reduced to 0 HP instantly, and they receive one additional Refined item when combat ends. Advanced Arsenal – Passive Engineers are capable of utilizing rather curious and unexpected gear to bring low their enemies. Whenever the Engineer wields a weapon that is not on the standard list (This list being Axe, Bow, Dagger, Fist, Massive, Katana, Gun, Polearm, Staff, Sword, and Weapon Systems) that he has invested skill points in, he does an increased damage step. That is, if the weapon was to do (STR x 1) points of damage, it would now do (STR x 2) instead, and so on. This bonus does not work with improvised weapons as they are covered under the Brawl skill. Maintenance – Passive, Special Veteran Engineers keep a close eye on their comrades' equipment, ensuring that it is always in top condition. Choose one ally – that character receives the Indestructible property on all weapons, accessories and armor, and is unaffected by the Thief’s Steal ability. The Engineer may choose to change Maintenance targets only outside of combat. Efficient Construction – Instant, Special Normally, a character who attempts to create something from scratch suffers a penalty without proper mechanisms and a feasible workspace. The Engineer with this ability is able to quickly cobble together his inventions with little more than the tools at hand and some old-fashioned elbow grease, and never takes negative penalties to Synthesis checks. Junkyard – Instant, Special The Engineer’s exhaustive experience with the inner working of machines of all types allows him to point out weak spots to his allies. This ability grants the Engineer and his allies the Construct Killer ability on any weapon they wield for a number of round equal to the Engineer’s INT rating. Construct Killer allows them to inflict 200% damage against Construct-type monsters with all attacks. This ability may only be used once per session.

Soul of Thamasa – Passive This illustrious ability is what truly separates Engineer caftsmen from the merely talented. For every point of Destiny that the Engineer spends when Synthesizing a weapon or armor, the equipment is treated as being one tier higher than it really is for the purpose of choosing weapon properties. The weapon still does not receive more than the standard number of properties, only gains access to properties that would otherwise not be allowed. For example, an Engineer could spend six points of destiny to grant a Tier 2 weapon the ‘Break Damage Limit’’ property normally reserved for legendary equipment. Chemist – Special The character has a natural flair for fiddling with alchemy, and is much more adept than most at utilizing potions and supplies in the heat of combat. Whenever a character with this ability takes damage, he may use any healing item currently in his inventory as an Instant action. In fact, he may even use this ability when he would normally be prevented from using an item – such as taking damage enough to drop him to 0 or below in order to use a Phoenix Down, or when he would be affected by a negative status effect such as Petrify or Sleep. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Engineer’s DEX rating. Gillionaire – Special The Engineer knows how to turn a small profit with his inventions, able to earn some additional income outside of the normal amount received for adventuring and saving damsels in distress. A character with Gillionaire can make a Trade check (difficulty 11) prior to each game session when in a populated area where he could feasibly sell his designs and services. On a successful check, the Engineer receives (50 x character’s level) gil. Regardless of the outcome, Gillionaire can only be attempted once per game session. Pandora’s Box – Standard, Local The Engineer possesses a strange box that – when opened – inflicts negative status effects to either every enemy or every ally. Although dangerous and unreliable, the Pandora’s Box can be a powerful tool as a last resort. Upon using Pandora’s Box, roll 1d6 and consult the chart below for the status ailment. Then flip a coin – calling it correctly means the status afflicts all enemies, whereas an incorrect call means all allies are affected instead. This ability may be used only once per combat. Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Twin Accessory – Passive A character with this ability is capable of equipping a total of two accessory-type items at any time, and gaining the benefits of both.


Result Red Spring – Poison Blue Screw – Blind Green Gear – Stop Silver Disc – Sleep Gold Battery – Haste Rainbow Moogletron –Protect and Shell

ENTERTAINER 吟遊詩人 It has been said that all of life is but a dream. The Entertainer knows better: Life is a song. A dance. A masquerade. A wonder. There are secrets everywhere, a subtle harmony playing out in the background of the world. Each person, place, and thing has its own sound, contributing to a grand orchestra that resounds through the fabric of the world. The Entertainer is a strange sight on the battlefield. Dressed lightly and moving with odd liquidity, they seem out of place – until they begin to perform the mystic arts that are their livelihood. Then the truth is easily discernable – that the Entertainer is only at full power when he's surrounded by some powerful friends...or enemies. Whether jugglers, mimes, bards, rock stars or dancers, Entertainers are held in the utmost respect the world over, and their secrets are unfathomable.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +10 CHA: +15 HP/level: +2 MP/level: +2 Weapons: Daggers, Brawl, Staves Armor: Light Skill Points: 18 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 6

Epic Ability: Fantasia - Instant, Self With a flourish and a moment of deep concentration, the Entertainer begins their craft. The harmony extends far beyond one simple Art, and becomes a veritable orchestra of intermingling magical effects. They synchronize and build upon each other, creating a grand crescendo of power that would make other magical wielders turn a bit pale and steady themselves. For the remainder of combat, there is no limit to the number of Arts the Entertainer may have active at a single time. Multiple copies of the same Art have no further effect. Furthermore, any Arts can have its target type changed to Group instead of Single if the Entertainer wishes; this allows the Entertainer to bolster the fighting potency of all of their allies at once, or severely decrease their enemies’ attributes with a single Art.

Innate Ability: Art – Standard, Varies The precise magical effects an Entertainer is able to generate varies greatly. Whether it be through song, dance, painting, mimicry, sculpture, juggling and tumbling….though the execution is always different, the magic remains the same. And because of their truly unique style, their spells function entirely differently from those found in all other sorts of magic. Firstly, Art magic requires a conduit. Whether this is an Entertainer’s voice, dance, hand motions….Art cannot be performed without these actions. Decide your focus upon character creation. Secondly, Art spells are not chosen as normal upon leveling up – instead, for every point in the Perform Skill possessed by the Entertainer, they attain one additional spell. This means that a newly-created Entertainer will often have more in their arsenal than your typical mage. Conversely, higher-level Entertainers will be limited to a lower maximum number of spells, far less than any other casting Job. Thirdly, each Art has two different effects, as each spell has a second usage known as a ‘Reversed’ spell. The Entertainer can use either of the two effects at will, but not both at the same time. The effects of Arts are as long as the Entertainer sustains them, and their usage does not interfere with other combat actions. A juggler can continue to attack and use skills whilst keeping an Art active, and a bard can hum a tune to keep his party’s spirits high for days on end. Most Arts are Local effects. And finally, only one Art can be kept active at any given time, whether Reversed or Normal.


Job Abilities Flirt – Standard, Single The first power many Entertainers learn is the simple flirt. It is non-magical in nature, and involves the Entertainer making herself look both harmless and friendly towards the target. The character makes an opposed CHA check with one enemy. If the Entertainer is successful, the foe will not directly attack them unless there are no other targets available. Collateral damage (such as Group or randomly targeting attacks) can still happen, but the monster will not attempt to specifically target the Entertainer. This effect is broken if the character attacks the creature. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Entertainer’s CHA rating, and will be useless against nonintelligent or particularly bestial or malevolent creatures, at the GM’s discretion. Flirt may be attempted only once per combat.

The Last Word – Passive As a champion of the craft, an Entertainer cannot be silenced even in their last moments. When reduced to 0 or fewer HP by an attack, the Entertainer can switch or begin an Art as an Instant action. Note that during the effects of this action, the character is considered to be at 0 HP and already fallen, and thus cannot use The Last Word while he has the effects of Auto-Life or the like. Furthermore, the effects of Arts persist even after the Entertainer is reduced to 0 hp, and lasts until the remainder of combat even if the character dies.

Resist Seal – Passive Though not all Entertainers utilize Arts that require sound, the magic of the Art itself cannot be quieted by any means. Upon obtaining this Job Ability, the Entertainer gains Immunity to Seal. Whenever the Entertainer would normally become Sealed, they may make an immediate physical or magical Counterattack.

Smile – Instant, Special Adding a little more combat prowess to their repertoire, an Entertainer with this ability is sure to put a smile on the faces of his allies, if not his enemies. After activating Smile the Entertainer may throw up to three Juggling Balls (or other, unique thrown weapons if the character prefers, such as pots of paint or heavy books) with a single standard action this turn. Remember that Balls generally do (DEX x 1)+1d6 damage. This attack may be split between multiple targets, or the Entertainer may choose to do damage to only one foe. The attack automatically hits and the damage dealt is unaffected by ARM. If the Entertainer chooses to throw the maximum three balls at a single foe, then this ability will also interrupt most special techniques that monsters and bosses possess as if the Entertainer used a Teamwork Attack. (See the Bestiary for more information on enemy techniques, and p.121 for details on Teamwork Attacks.)

This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Entertainer’s DEX rating, and has a Medium Range.

Mimic – Standard, Varies During battle, an Entertainer can observe others' actions and copy them. When using this ability the character will perform the last action taken before his turn by an ally – this is subject to several important restrictions. Any rolls for the attack are determined by your stats. Skill-based abilities (such as Steal) use the Acting skill in place of the skill normally be used by the ability. The action must be performed on the same target(s). If the Entertainer does not have enough MP to cast a spell, then that spell cannot be Mimicked. Any actions that involve the use of thrown weapons, consumables or items that the user simply does not have, cannot be performed. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Entertainer’s INT rating.

Super Mimic – Passive The character has further learned the secrets of the mimes, better able to copy the actions of others. Upon taking this ability, choose one of the following ways to enhance your Mimic ability. The Entertainer may now: …use the mimicked ability on either himself, the original target, or the original user. ….Mimic any action made previously in the round instead of just the prior turn. …. Use the ability an infinite number of times per session. Mimic is no longer restricted by the character’s INT rating. Super Mimic can be taken multiple times to obtain all three effects.

Tricks of the Trade – Passive Upon taking this ability the Entertainer receives +1 to either their Negotiate, Disguise, Inquiry or Perform skill, and can no longer critically fail at their chosen skill. This ability may be taken multiple times. Remember that the Entertainer also receives a new Art upon gaining an additional dot of Perform.

Spellbound – Slow, Special The Entertainer challenges any competitor to test their mettle – or metal – against his superior skills. When this ability is used the Entertainer makes a Perform check opposed by the target’s CHA or Perform skill, whichever is higher. If successful, the Entertainer may cast the Rasp spell (exactly as it appears on p.147) as an Instant action, destroying the target’s MP.

Showstopper – Passive Entertainers were born destined to be in the limelight, the stars of their own personal epics. Some live to be the center of attention – whether it be from hundreds of cheering, screaming fans or merely the result of performing daredevil feats to shock and astonish their allies. Whenever the Entertainer critically succeeds on a Perform check he will receive a point of Destiny as well as +2 to combat, skill and ability rolls until all the action has died down.


FIGHTER 戦士 The Fighter is a combatant without roots or restrictions, with incarnations ranging from grizzled soldiers and mercenaries to warriors of the highest caliber. Though many have perfected a single talent or spent a lifetime honing their abilities with a particular type of weapon, for most Fighters, their training ground is the battlefield, and their skills are mastered by virtue of necessity and raw survival. An experienced Fighter is a formidable presence in any combat situation, able to adapt to anything their foes can throw at them.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +15 DEX: +10 VIT: +15 INT: +5 CHA: +10 HP/level: +8 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Axes, Bows, Daggers, Brawl, Guns, Katanas, Massive, Polearms, Staves, Swords, Weapon Systems Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 2 EVA Bonus: 7

Epic Ability: Bonecrusher - Instant, Self When lives are on the line, the Fighter can make truly devastating, crushing attacks. After making a successful noncritical attack action, a fighter may activate this ability. The attack now deals 500% normal damage, and all special abilities of the weapon are automatically activated as if Bonecrusher was a critical hit. (This does not include basic weapon properties such as a Massive weapon’s knockback.) Bonecrusher cannot be combined the Wild Swing ability.

Innate Ability: Heroic Destiny – Passive It’s impossible to know what the future holds for the heroes of our time. Some may start or end wars, or discover the secrets of the past. Fighters, however, all know their one true calling. Whenever Destiny is awarded to the party for defeating a Boss or an End Boss, the Fighter receives one additional point automatically.

Special: Juggernaut A Fighter is capable of equipping or unequipping Weapons and Shields as an Instant action on his turn instead of a Standard action, able to quickly grab whatever blade would be best for the situation at hand.


Job Abilities Provoke – Standard, Single Through the choice use of a few taunts, the Fighter can stir an enemy into a rage. Make an opposed Charisma check. If successful, the target will change tactics specifically and exclusively attack the Fighter for several rounds, or until the Fighter is Unconscious. There is no restriction in how the target can do this, but all offensive attacks must either be directed at the Fighter, or include the Fighter among the targets. If the Fighter cannot be targeted, the enemy may attack freely, but will continue to go after the Fighter if the opportunity presents itself. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Fighter's CHA rating.

Skin of Iron – Passive, Self A Fighter's body is very resistant to pain – after obtaining this ability, whenever a critical hit or Limit Break is successful against the Fighter, there is a flat 25% chance for it to be negated, and normal damage is done instead. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the percentile chance to ignore Critical Hits up to 100%.

Berserker – Instant, Self The Fighter has managed to harness his rage, and use it as a weapon. Using this ability causes the Fighter to gain the Berserk status until the end of the current combat or situation. However, Berserker can only be used when the Fighter is at 50% HP or less. After obtaining this ability, the Fighter is not limited to only making Attack actions when under the effects of Berserk, and can also use Job Abilities. However, he still may not use any non-combat maneuvers and must remain fighting until all foes lie dead. While Berserk, the Fighter is Immune to the Charm status, and their STR rating is doubled for the purposes of lifting, throwing and breaking objects, as though they possessed the Destructive Strike shared ability. A Berserk status caused in this way ends when combat completes, or if the character is reduced to 0 HP.

Armor Mastery – Instant, Self A Fighter is a versatile and flexible combatant, able to rapidly change tactics to deal with any type of foe. Once per session the Fighter may choose to swap his ARM and MARM armor scores, making himself more resistant to physical damage if wearing Light armor, or more resistant to magical damage if in Heavy armor. The effects of Armor Mastery cannot be reversed until they wear off normally at the end of combat.

Warcry – Standard, Group The fighter lets loose a vicious warcry, spurring on the entire party. All allies (including the fighter) have their physical and magical damage increased by two steps – if a weapon was to do (STRx1) points of damage, it would now do (STRx3) instead, and so on. The effects of the Warcry only last until the end of the Fighter’s next turn. This ability may only be used once per session.

Wild Swing – Standard, Single The Fighter stands against overwhelming odds, and often triumphs. Make a normal attack action. If the attack is successful, and the targeted foe is at least 3 levels higher than the Fighter, a Boss or End Boss, 200% ARM damage is dealt by the attack. On a successful attack against a foe who does not meet the level or difficulty criteria, 50% damage is dealt instead. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Fighter's CHA rating.

Cleave – Standard, Group In a flawless display of speed, strength and accuracy, the Fighter delivers a single blow to every foe in range. Make a normal attack action which deals 50% damage, but strikes every foe within Short Range. Cleave cannot be a critical hit.

Zodiac Warrior - Passive The Fighter is a master of many combat styles, able to shift stances at a moment’s notice. Upon obtaining this ability, the Fighter receives an additional +1 to their ACC score for every weapon-based combat skill he possesses at 3 or higher. In addition, they will no longer be treated as having an EVA score of 0, under any circumstance (short of the Time Mage’s epic ability) when using a weapon they have 3 or higher skill in.

Unstoppable – Instant, Self A Fighter with this ability is a one man army, capable of wading through hordes of enemies and coming out almost unscathed. Whenever the character or his party is outnumbered he can summon reserves of inner strength to receive the effects of Auto-Regen. This effect lasts until the enemies no longer outnumber the party.

Trauma – Instant, Self The character has trained to fight no matter the condition his body is in, and indeed finds an inner strength through suffering. When afflicted with any negative status effect the Fighter’s damage is increased by one step - if an attack was to do (STRx1) points of damage, it would now do (STRx2) instead, and so on. This ability can be taken multiple times, increasing damage by one additional step each time.

First Strike - Passive A trained Fighter learns to prepare themselves for combat at any and every opportunity; accordingly, when the time for battle arrives, the Fighter is always amongst the first to strike a blow. After obtaining this ability, a Fighter may always act in Pre-emptive combat – although he won't always know what's going on. Furthermore, the Fighter may make an immediate physical Counterattack whenever they take damage in the Pre-Emptive Round.


GAMBLER ギャンブラー The Gambler is the gamer, the big spender, and the epitome of luck and fate. Gamblers believe in placing objects or sums of great value on the line, hoping to win even greater prizes - both inside and outside the casino - and many a gambler has lost his life to the mere toss of a coin. Despite their dangerous lives, long-term planning and strategic thinking mean nothing to the carefree Gambler, as they perceive everything in life as a bet. When these bets pay off, however, they can bring the parties they accompany anything from additional exp to bringing dying allies back to life. The Gambler's Abilities in battle are unpredictable, relying almost wholly on chance. And when a Gambler activates his "Cheat Fate" epic ability, he can perform feats that other characters can only dream of. What will Lady Luck bring to the adventure? Roll the dice, load the gun, spin the reels, and find out!

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +10 CHA: +15 HP/level: +5 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Daggers, Swords, Guns, Brawl Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 18 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 7

Epic Ability: Cheat Fate – Instant, Special When lives are on the line, the Gambler is able to alter the course of destiny itself. However, those who push their luck tend to find that luck pushes back. Upon using this ability, the Gambler may alter the result of any one die roll made by himself or an ally, to any other result he likes. (That is, a Gambler could turn a roll of 2 into a roll of 12 or vice-versa.) Obviously, a Gambler can’t increase a roll past its theoretical maximum or minimum. After doing so, the Gambler may take this one step further, and declare he would like to use his Epic Ability without spending the normally required three points of Destiny! (However, the Gambler must still have the three points available.) If he does so, flip a coin. There is a 50% chance that the Gambler will be successful in his gambit, and no Destiny points will be consumed in the use of his Epic Ability. There is also a 50% chance that, not only will the Destiny be used up, but the Gambler will be subject to Bad Luck in the near future. At the GM’s discretion, at a later time (perhaps as soon as a round or two later, or even sessions away…) one of the dice rolled by the Gambler will automatically be a critical failure (and cannot be altered by Gambler abilities!), usually at an extremely dangerous moment. Even worse, Bad Luck is cumulative, and repeated attempted uses of a ‘free’ Cheat Fate could result in a character suffering from a string of colossal failures, resulting in permanent injury, or often, death. Bad Luck cannot affect a future usage of the Cheat Fate ability. This Epic Ability may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the Gambler’s turn.

Innate Ability: Slots – Standard, Varies By conjuring forth three magical slot machine reels in the air, a Gambler is capable of betting with fate using the lives of himself and his allies as ante. When using the Slots ability, the Gambler chooses one of the three options listed below (based on the desired effects), rolls 3d6 dice and checks for numerical matches. If none of the three dice rolled show the same number, then this is known as a Bust. If two of the dice match, then the party will receive the listed beneficial effects. If all three dice match up, this is known as a Jackpot. Any effects that may occur are effectively Group spells, affecting all allies within Medium Range including the Gambler. Each Slot effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Gambler’s CHA rating + 2, and the Gambler may not use Slots again until the current effect has ended.


Gambler's Reels Bust: Slots may not be used again during the current encounter. The Gambler either receives 1 EXP less for this combat, or the Gambler is subject to a point of Bad Luck, as explained in the Cheat Death epic ability description – player’s choice. Normal: When combat is finished, if the Gambler’s Reels are active at this time, all allies receive an additional 1 EXP for the encounter. Jackpot: When combat is finished, if the Gambler’s Reels are active at this time, all allies receive an additional 1 EXP and one point of Destiny for the encounter. Furthermore, all Allies may reroll dice that naturally result in 1 while the Gambler’s Reels are active.

Explosive Reels Bust: The damage of all allies is reduced by 50% until the effect of the Reels fades. Normal: The damage of all allies is increased by one damage step. Jackpot: The damage of all allies is increased by two damage steps, and all allies receive a +2 bonus to their ACC and EVA scores.

Hero's Reels Bust: Allies cannot receive the benefits of any healing – whether magical or nonmagical in nature – for the duration of this Slot effect. Normal: Allies receive (VIT x 1) HP (as Regeneration) and (INT x 1) MP per round. These calculations use the stats of the Gambler to determine the recovery value, not of the party members. Jackpot: Allies receive (VIT x 3) HP (as Regeneration) and (INT x 3) MP per round. Furthermore, all allies receive the benefits of an Auto-Life spell, which fades when the effects of this roll wear off. If an ally is already at 0 or lower, the spell is activated instantly.

Special: Restricted Rolls None of the Gambler’s roll-altering abilities, not even Cheat Fate, are usable on Synthesizing skill checks. They also cannot be used to alter percentile-based effects, which are normally rolled by the GM (25% chance for weapon to break, etc.)


Job Abilities Wild Card – Passive A Gambler in his element is never truly unarmed. Even if separated from his gear, a Gambler has the ability to use Cards and Dice (see the Equipment section) as Job weapons. The Gambler uses his Gun weapon skill to hit with attacks made by either of these weapon types, and deals damage as though he was using his standard weapon. Thrown Cards and Dice always use the user’s DEX to determine damage.

Save The Day – Slow When things look their most grim, you can always rely on a Gambler’s bravado and overconfidence to turn the tables. This ability requires the Gambler to make a heroic speech or suave one-liner, and when the Slow action resolves on their following turn, they may immediately make either a skill check with a +4 bonus, or a standard attack roll that, if it hits, is automatically a critical hit. A Gambler cannot use a Limit Break with this technique. Upon using Save The Day, the Gambler is noted to receive a point of Bad Luck as described in their Epic Ability.

Reload - Passive The Gambler is now one with their weapon, able to refill a cartridge of bullets instinctively whilst dodging a hail of gunfire. After obtaining this ability, the Gambler may move during any round in which they fire a Gun, much like a Ranger.

Spare Change – Standard, Group As a last ditch effort, the Gambler can use his winnings as a weapon to save his own life. Through a long time of wheeling and dealing, the Gambler becomes so adept at handling gil, that he can now throw it at enemies with enough skill and aim to inflict heavy damage. Every 10 gil thrown equals 1 HP of damage. There is no limit to how much of his gil he can throw at the enemies, as long as he has enough gil for the assault. However, the Gambler still must make a ranged attack, else the gold be scattered and the attack be ineffective. Use the Gambler’s Gun skill for this unusual attack. The damage caused is divided between each target within the enemy group. For example, if the Gambler throws 600 gil total, the Gambler will inflict 20 damage to each enemy. The damage caused in this way is not reduced by ARM or similar effects.

Winning Streak - Passive Whenever the Gambler rolls a Critical Hit or critically succeeds on a skill check while in combat, he may immediately take another Standard action. This does not ‘stack’ with the Follow-Through weapon property.

Twist Fate – Instant People have often asked why good things happen to bad people. The answer, of course, is Gamblers. After obtaining this ability, the Gambler can make any nearby ally or enemy, including himself, reroll one die. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Gambler's CHA rating, but never multiple times on the same die, even by different Gamblers.

Showstopper – Passive Many Gamblers share a love of grandstanding and grandeur, and have gone to great lengths to ensure their daredevil feats get the attention they deserve. As a master of hogging the proverbial limelight from foes and allies alike, whenever the Gambler critically succeeds on a on an action deemed by the GM to be of great personal risk or swashbuckler-like daring (for example, kidnapping the star of an opera in the middle of a public performance, or leaping through glass from a dazzling height, guns blazing), he will receive a point of Destiny as well as +2 to combat, skill and ability rolls until the action has died down. This bonus does not apply on the Gambler’s ‘Slots’ abilities, but does work in combination with other job abilities such as Wildfire and Slot Shot. If there happens to be any source of music in the surrounding area, whether an Entertainer’s song or a royal orchestra, the tune immediately changes to be upbeat and synched with the Gambler’s actions.

Slot Shot – Standard, Self With this multipurpose ability a Gambler can imbue his bullet or ranged attacks with random elemental properties. After using Slot Shot, roll 1d6 to determine the element and treat all ranged damage as though the weapon possessed the corresponding [Element] Strike weapon property. This lasts for a number of attacks equal to the Gambler’s INT rating. (see p.92 for more information on [Element] Strike)

Roll Result 1 - Earth 2 - Wind 3 - Water 4 - Lightning 5 - Ice 6 - Fire 7 - Shadow 8 - Holy

Wildfire – Standard, Special The Gambler lets loose a wild barrage of attacks, dealing large amounts of damage but with the potential of harming allies…or even himself. All enemies and allies roll 2d6, and compare results. The two lowest rollers are each targeted by the Gambler’s Wildfire ability and take 200% normal damage from the assault.


Furthermore, all Dice weapons deal an additional 50% more damage whenever elementally-infused by this ability, making them potent, explosive alternatives against physically-resistant foes.

GEOMANCER 風水士 In a world where man has the power to defy the laws of nature with magic and science, the Geomancer is something of an oddity. Rather than ignore the natural order, he has learned to become one with it, calling the spirits of the land for aid in his time of need. As his bond with the world increases, Geomancers become capable of truly amazing feats - summoning a blizzard within a volcano, creating an oasis of water in the desert, and striding through molten lava untouched. Whatever the Geomancer needs, the land will usually provide. Many of their abilities are keyed to operate in the wild, and Geomancers enjoy a natural camaraderie with such places. For that reason, most practitioners of geomancy live secluded lives far away from civilized areas.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +10 VIT: +15 INT: +15 CHA: +5 HP/level: +4 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Axes, Brawl, Polearms, Staves Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 18 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 6 Automatic Affiliation: Though the forces of creation are often violent and primal, Gaia is the cause of all life and growth, and is a great reservoir of positive energy. All Geomancers start the game shifted one point towards Holy.

Epic Ability: Force of Nature - Instant, Self The Geomancer can summons forth the most powerful of elements at a whim without restrictions – he can create a hurricane of flames in the coldest tundra, or freezing rain in an endless desert. The Geomancer is now able to use Geotrance as a standard action this turn, and choose any effect from the list; including Maelstrom abilities or effects from an entirely different terrain.

Innate Ability: Geotrance - Slow, Varies Geomancers can call upon and control the powers of a terrain, unleashing powerful attacks and granting beneficial effects. There are eleven terrains in all: Plains, Town, Forest, Mountains, Desert, Swamp, Water, Underground, Snow, Lava, and Cosmic. The Geomancer may only use the Geotrance abilities of the current terrain the party is on – sometimes this can be two or more different types, in which case they may choose from either list. (Such as Town and Forest, for example.) The only exception to the rule is when the Geomancer has activated the Force of Nature epic ability, allowing him to choose any Geotrance effect. Each terrain type has three different effects – an offensive, a defensive, and a Maelstrom effect. To use Geotrance, first choose whether you’d like to use an Offensive or Defensive effect. If you choose an offensive Geotrance ability, roll 2d6 and add your highest attribute rating – if this is better than your foe’s EVA score, the attack succeeds. (For example, a character with a +4 VIT rating might choose to roll 2d6+4) Damage is calculated with either the character’s CHA or STR score, whichever is higher. They are almost all Medium range attacks. If the attack roll for the Geotrance is a critical hit, then the Maelstrom ability may be used in place of the normal Offensive ability. All possible Geotrance effects are listed below. Geotrance may be used a number of times per session equal to the Geomancer’s Survival skill.




Buildings and areas of habitation constructed by intelligent life. Because of its broad focus, this terrain set encompasses everything from ancient temples to bustling metropolitan areas. A building or complex does not have to be in active use to qualify for this terrain type, but must be in good repair; if it is collapsing or crumbling, it should be treated as belonging to the Underground terrain set.

Open areas of relatively level and dry ground where grass and scrubland are the dominant plant life. Temperatures in this terrain can range from temperate to sub-tropical. Colder grasslands such as taiga will generally use the Snow terrain set, while hotter, drier grasslands such as steppe may use the Desert set. This set is also used for conditions far away from solid ground, high in the clouds or simply aboard an airship or other flying construct.

Offensive: Plasma Medium range. A cylinder of multicolored energy rotates up from the ground, dealing 100% M.ARM nonelemental damage to a single target. Defensive: Back Alley The Geomancer concentrates, moving walls and buildings, creating doorways where there was nothing before, and shifting the streets and passways around the party. They are instantly separated from their foes, lost in an urban maze. This Geotrance ability instantly removes the party from combat, much like the white magic spell Escape. Maelstrom: Spirit Flame Walls of ivory fire surround the Geomancer, crackling with energy that’s particularly effective against the undead. The flames deal 300% ARM damage to all foes, but deal 500% normal damage to Undead enemies and has a 25% chance of destroying them instantly. Undead destroyed with Spirit Flame cannot self-resurrect as normal.

Offensive: Wind Shear Medium range. Multiple blasts of cutting air are launched through the sky toward the target, dealing 100% M.ARM Wind damage to a single target. Defensive: Sun Bath Golden light shimmers and dances over the battlefield, providing (INT x 2) + 2d6 healing to all party members. Maelstrom: Tempest An unstoppable cyclone fills the area, bolts of thunder crisscrossing the sky. The attack has a flat 50% to reduce each enemy in the area to 1HP. In addition, it knocks back foes Medium distance and has all the other effects that such a gale would normally cause. This is a Lightning-based magical effect. Furthermore, the Elemental Terrain of the current combat then becomes Lightning for several rounds. All Lightningbased spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.



Terrain marked by extensive tree growth. Forests can range in size from a small wood to a sprawling rainforest, and cover a wide range of climate types. Colder, snowblown forests can use the Forest or Snow terrain sets, while moist, water-logged jungles qualify as both Forest and Swamp, depending on the party's current location.

Rocky, elevated terrain with cooler temperatures and spare, if not outright non-existent vegetation. At the highest elevations, air temperature can drop to freezing levels and sharp winds frequently blow; these conditions may qualify for the Snow terrain set.

Offensive: Elf Fire Medium range. Blue-white flames appear in midair around a single enemy. They dance as they sear the target for 100% M.ARM damage, also causing a 25% chance to Confuse. Defensive: Wild Bear A large, blue-furred bear spirit appears, blesses a single party member, and then vanishes. The spirit's blessing acts like the Esuna spell, healing the target of all negative status conditions. Maelstrom: Hell Ivy Thick-vined ivy with sharp, barbed thorns sprouts up all over the battlefield and strike at every opponent standing in Medium range. The vines deal 300% Earth M.ARM damage and cause the opponent to suffer Speed Break for several rounds, which reduces their DEX rating by 50%, rounded up, and also halves their EVA and ACC scores.

Offensive: Local Quake Medium range. The power of the Geomancer causes the earth to shake violently, dealing 100% M.ARM Earth damage to a single target. Defensive: Soil Evidence With a soft entreaty, the Geomancer convinces the mountain spirits to release their grip on the party. All allies receive the effect of Float. Maelstrom: Landslide This exertion of power causes stones, dirt, and debris of all kinds to be sent cascading across the battlefield. The wave of matter deals 300% Earth M.ARM damage to all enemies, who are also knocked back a Short range. Any ally affected by the negative status effect Petrify is cured of this condition, and any enemy who took damage from Landslide is afflicted with Stop for several rounds.




Dry areas of often intense heat and relatively little plant growth. Sand and dust are an omnipresent feature of the landscape, and are easily whipped up by passing winds.

Covers subterranean areas both natural and artificial, including -- but not limited to -- caverns, tunnels, and ruined underground complexes. These environments tend to see little sunlight, making them both cool and frequently damp. Abandoned buildings above ground may also qualify for this terrain set, provided they are in an advanced state of disrepair.

Offensive: Sandstorm A fierce gust of sharp wind and stinging sands sweeps up around the Geomancer, lashing out violently at all targets within Short Range. Roll for damage once – 200% M.ARM Earth damage is dealt to both enemies and allies alike in range – with the exception of the Geomancer himself. Defensive: Quicksand The dune beneath one enemy's feet turns to liquid goo, which tries to suck the opponent beneath the ground. This automatically causes Stop and Stun for one round on a successful attack. Maelstrom: Desert Winds The desert storms howl, plastering foes with particles of sand. Moving becomes difficult as flesh is slowly transmuted to stone. The attack causes Petrify to each enemy in the area. This is an Wind-based magical effect. Furthermore, the Elemental Terrain of the current combat then becomes Wind for several rounds. All Wind-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.

Offensive: Snare Long range. The earth beneath the target’s feet becomes a whirling vortex, sucking it down several feet before resolidifying. On a successful attack roll the target is trapped, and inflicted with the negative status effect Stop. Defensive: Earth Heal Greenish-brown dust swirls forth from nowhere and settles onto the party members, providing (2xINT)+2d6 healing. Maelstrom: Cave-In With a roar and a rumble, the ceiling of the location begins to collapse, and huge boulders rain down from overhead. A total of 1d6+2 boulders strike, each one dealing 200% ARM Earth damage. However, each boulder strikes a randomly-determined target – which includes the allies of the Geomancer, but not the Geomancer himself. Furthermore, the Elemental Terrain of the current combat then becomes Earth for several rounds. All Earth-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.



Low-lying wetlands with relatively little solid ground. A swamp can be composed primarily of mud, slow-moving, or stationary shallow water, and often features a rich array of vegetation. Jungles with high levels of rainfall or tree growth close to a body of water can also exhibit swamp-like terrain.

Areas of extreme heat. Typically volcanic terrain, though fierce blazes, industrial structures such as blast furnaces and magical fire may qualify for this terrain set. Offensive: Fire Whip Medium range. A globe of constantly-flickering red, orange, and yellow streaks across the battlefield, dealing 100% M.ARM Fire damage to a single target.

Offensive: Will ‘o Wisp A ghostly, ominous shape slowly materializes from the end of the Geomancer’s weapon. This Short-range attack deals 200% Shadow damage on a successful hit, and has a 25% chance to inflict the negative status effect Zombie. Defensive: Heavy Dust An eerie mystical haze rises to envelop the battlefield, reducing the effectiveness of enemy magical attacks. The Geomancer gains the effects of Shell for several rounds, as well as all Shadow-Affiliated companions. Maelstrom: Poison Mist A massive cloud of evil, vile-smelling mist rises from the ground to choke out the air itself. To breathe is to suck venom into your lungs, but as the alternative is death, enemies are left with little choice. All enemies are automatically inflicted with the negative status effect Poison until they leave the area – a Medium-range zone.

Defensive: Shining Air Clouds of heat and steam fill the area, adding atmospheric conditions that creatures native to the area have never before experienced. Enemies in the Mediumrange area (with the exception of the Geomancer) no longer have an Immunity or Resistance to Fire damage. This effect lasts until the remainder of combat. Maelstrom: Prominence White-hot fury begins to explode all around you, searing the sky with crimson and boiling the very ground itself. All enemies take 400% M.ARM Fire damage. Furthermore, the Elemental Terrain of the current combat then becomes Fire for several rounds. All Fire-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.




Large bodies of fresh- or saltwater, ranging from small lakes to great rivers and the mighty ocean itself. Smaller water-based features, such as a pond found in a forest or a mountain stream, generally do not qualify as Water terrain, unless they are prominently involved in a battle.

This is a catch-all category for terrains that don’t fall under any of the prior nine categories. Whether in the coldest reaches of space, or a dimensional rift between worlds, Cosmic energy empowers the Geomancer in even the most far-reaching of realities.

Offensive: Sliprain Short range. Bright light refracts in a mysterious pattern through the water, disorienting and damaging an enemy. The attack deals 100% M.ARM Water damage to a single target, and has a 25% chance to inflict the negative status effect Blind.

Offensive: Dark Flare Long range. A cannon blast of shadow energy erupts from the Geomancer, ripping through a foe with tremendous force. Dark Flare deals 200% M.ARM Shadow damage to a single target, and 50% M.ARM Shadow damage to the Geomancer.

Defensive: Waterfall A soft blue glow surrounds all party members, providing (INT x 2) + 2d6 healing.

Defensive: Cosmic Embrace With a word, the Geomancer bathes one ally in the light of all creation. The target of this Geotrance receives the positive status effect ‘Regen’ for several rounds. Furthermore, all his equipment is treated as having the Indestructible weapon property as long as the Regen lasts.

Maelstrom: El Nino The anger of the ocean itself awakes, washing over all enemies in an unstoppable tidal wave. All enemies take 300% M.ARM Water damage and are knocked back a Medium range. Furthermore, the Elemental Terrain of the current combat then becomes Water for several rounds. All Water-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.

Maelstrom: Great Gospel The light of Gaia shines down upon the battlefield – if applicable, this is accompanied by a light rain. Until the remainder of combat, all participants (both friends and foes) may perform Limit Breaks whenever they roll a critical success of their attack roll, regardless of their current remaining HP.

SNOW Areas of extreme cold, typically at freezing point or below. Includes environments with high levels of snowfall, though cold tundra and terrain such as icebergs and glaciers also qualify for this set. Offensive: Icicle Medium range. Blades of extreme cold sweep upwards from underfoot, dealing 100% M.ARM Ice damage to a single target. Defensive: Ice Rabbit A small floppy-eared snow bunny appears, wiggles it’s noses in the air, then vanishes. This simple act provides (INT x 2) + 1d6 healing. Maelstrom: Freezeblink Snow, ice, and stinging cold envelop all opponents as a veritable blizzard begins to form. The attack has a flat 50% to reduce each enemy in the area to 1HP. In addition, it knocks back foes Medium distance and has all the other effects that such a blizzard would normally cause. This is an Ice-based magical effect. Furthermore, the Elemental Terrain of the current combat then becomes Ice for several rounds. All Ice-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.


Job Abilities Master of Elements – Passive, Special While the Geomancer's most effective powers are best utilized while in combat, Geomancers still have a general ability to harness the essence of the world around them for their own purposes. This manifests itself as a bonus of +2 to all skill checks in a specific skill for the Geomancer and all his allies. The skill bonus depends on the natural terrain around the Geomancer. Consult the following list. Plains – Riding Forest – Acrobatics Underground –Thievery Desert – Survival Lava – Synthesis Town – Vehicles Mountains - Climbing Swamp – Stealth Snow – Awareness Water – Swimming Cosmic – All Lore skills

Skyforged – Standard, Self The Geomancer can allow the natural energies of a place flow into his weapon, allowing it to take on the properties of the surrounding area. Whenever there is an Environmental Terrain active, the Geomancer can take a standard action to add the same [Element] Strike property to his weapon. For example, a Geomancer would receive Fire Strike when in Fire Terrain. This lasts until the end of combat or until Skyforged is used again.

Dreamstate – Self, Special By meditating for roughly an hour, the Geomancer is capable of entering a trance-like state of transcendence, where his spirit becomes one with the land itself, and he is connected to Creation in a primal, utopic sense. In game terms, this means that the Geomancer is able to tell the precise location of every physical object within a Long Range, from the tiniest pebble to a rampaging monster. The Geomancer is no longer required to make Navigation skill checks until he leaves the current area, able to always succeed on such checks if he so chooses. Be warned, some extremely powerful magical items and beings have a dangerous resonance that can actually inflict physical harm upon the meditating Geomancer if his spirit comes into direct contact with it.

Geowareness – Slow, Local Even in the busiest metropolis, the pulse of creation resonates. Upon obtaining this ability, Geotrance can now be used as a Standard action instead of a Slow action. Furthermore, the gentlest touches of displaced air now warn the Geomancer when danger approaches, and give ample time to prepare accordingly. This drastically reduces the risk of a Preemptive attack.

Intuitive Magic – Special The Geomancer can call upon the primal force of creation itself, commanding the elements for mundane tasks. They have the ability to use Intuitive Magic as if they were a mage, able to mimic any effect they have access to with Geotrance for noncombat functions.

Imbue Equipment – Special One of the most-renowned abilities of the Geomancer is to weave the threads of the elements directly into simple garments. The geomancer chooses one of the following elements – Fire, Ice, Water, Wind, Earth, or Lightning – and an item – whether it be as common as a magic sword, simple as a rough copper ring, or extravagant as a full set of heavy armor. This is a process that takes several days at the very minimum, though there have been stories of Geomancers taking almost months to imbue a single item. When the imbuing is complete, the wearer of the imbued item has an Immunity to the chosen element – unless the wearer already possesses a Weakness or Vulnerability to the Element in question, in which case the imbued item has no effect. The Geomancer may choose to imbue another item at any time, but only one may exist at any given time, and no single person may have multiple Imbued items in their possession.

Primal Might – Self, Passive The Geomancer no longer takes damage from Adverse environmental conditions, leaves no tracks in natural surroundings, and obtains an Immunity to natural poison. For example, they may wade through lava without suffering direct damage, or ignore the harmful gases in a poisonous swamp. Natural, hurricane-force winds leave them untouched. They can breathe underwater with no difficulty and will never suffocate in a small, enclosed space. However, they can still be crushed by falling rocks, wounded by made-made poisons or made ill by ingesting poisoned food, among other things.

Beastmaster – Self, Passive The Geomancer can understand and make himself understood by animals simply by speaking his native tongue. The creatures respond with their own postures and/or vocalizations – though this doesn’t make critters smarter, calm or loyal, most recognize a Geomancer by this ability instantly and have enough respect that they’ll hear the character out before defaulting to aggression, panic, or indifference. However, most creatures will generally attempt to be helpful. This is different than knowing the Monster Talk language, which allows players to communicate with creatures that, while intelligent, simply cannot speak the Common Tongue. Beastmaster allows the Geomancer to hold intense, interesting and logical conversations with critters normally lacking the intelligence to do so. Additionally, this ability provides a +1 bonus to Ride checks in most situations.

Resist Petrify – Passive Those who can shape the very earth will never find themselves entrapped by it. Upon obtaining this Job Ability, the Geomancer gains Immunity to Petrify. Whenever the Geomancer would normally become Petrified, they may make an immediate Counterattack, either a standard physical attack or a Geotrance.


MONK モンク Sometimes referred to as Black Belts, the Monk is master of the world's unarmed combat styles; a tough, pugnacious combatant formed by years of hard exercise and rigorous training. Their control over their internal energies is no less absolute than that over their bodies. As a master of unarmed and staff combat, the Monk's body is as dangerous a weapon as any sword or spell, combining crippling bare-handed blows, spectacular energy attacks, and spiritual discipline to devastating effect. However, these talents require the Monk to remain almost entirely unencumbered, to the extent of making armor more of a hindrance than a benefit; an experienced Monk thus learns to rely on their own agility and fortitude more than any piece of protective gear.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +15 DEX: +15 VIT: +15 INT: +15 CHA: +15 HP/level: +6 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Brawl, Staves Armor: None Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 2 EVA Bonus: 6

Epic Ability: Blitz – Instant, Self By tapping into some immense reservoir of power, a monk’s hands and feet become almost a blur, pummeling a single foe with a series of punishing blows. On the Monk’s next normal attack action, he instead makes one attack for every point in the Brawl weapon skill at no penalty. This ability may only be used against a single target, and Limit Breaks cannot be activated during Blitz.

Innate Ability: Martial Arts – Passive Through intensive physical training, Monks have mastered a unique combat styles that allows them to overcome their opponents. Each Monk possesses one of the following types of fighting techniques, chosen at character creation: Empty Fist: The Monk may use the Disarm shared ability as an Instant action or in place of a Counterattack to attempt to relieve a foe of his weapons. Disarm may only be used successfully once per combat; if the attempt fails, a Monk of the Empty Fist may try again. Raging Yeti: First introduced by a mad monk named Remy, the Raging Yeti style is said to imitate powerful beasts from the north. A Monk with this style can utilize improvised weapons as well as unarmed strikes as though he had his standard weapon still equipped. Furthermore, the Monk can treat his allies as ‘improvised weapons’; The character can perform Teamwork Attacks by picking up and throwing an ally at one enemy. Neither character takes the standard -2 accuracy penalty for performing a Teamwork Attack done in this fashion. Unbreakable Form: The Monk has undergone extreme physical trials to hone and temper his body. His limbs and muscles are like solid darksteel. The Monk gains an additional +4 Hit Points at first level, and every level up thereafter – making his total HP/Level +10 instead of +6. Student of Enlightenment: Some Monks seeks serenity and oneness with the cosmos instead of methods to inflict violence; their understanding of internal medicine allows them to overcome foes without fighting. Once per combat the Monk may choose to deal zero damage with an attack or Counterattack, and instead afflict his target with the negative status effect Sleep. Furthermore, the Monk begins play with a +1 bonus to his Healing skill.

Special: Brawler Monks have mastered a variety of combat styles, allowing them to strike more rapidly than warriors encumbered by equipment. A Monk is always treated as though he is dual wielding with the Two Weapon skill at maximum. This allows him to roll three dice instead of two for attack and damage rolls. (Only the highest two dice are used to calculate attack accuracy.) Furthermore, an unarmed Monk deals damage and possesses weapon properties as though he still had his standard weapon still equipped. A Monk who wears armor of any sort is unable to use this Innate ability.


Job Abilities Shockwave – Standard, Special The Monk gathers their Ki, then slams his fist into the ground and releases the accumulated energies in a wave of force, erupting in a shower of rocks and debris. The attack can either travel in a straight line and damage one target up to a Long range away, or the Monk can use the ability as a Local attack to effect all enemies, allies and objects (excluding himself) within Medium Range. Regardless of how Shockwave is used, the Monk makes a normal attack roll against each target in the blast seperately – if successful, it deals 100% Earth ARM damage. Furthermore, the monk must also make a Strength check to determine the level of destruction caused to the surrounding area, based on the path the Shockwave traveled through. (see p.133 for more information on objects and hardness)

This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Monk's STR rating.

Counter - Passive Moving with superior speed, the Monk is able to make devastating counterattacks. Whenever the character is dealt ARM damage by an opponent within Short Range, he has a 25% chance to Counterattack the enemy that struck the blow. No attack roll is required, but the Counterattack cannot be a critical hit. Finally, attacks from other Monks cannot be countered. Instead, whenever a Counterattack would take place, instead of striking back, the Monk blocks the incoming attack and reduces ARM damage taken to 0. This ability can be taken multiple times, increasing the percentile chance to Counterattack up to 100%.

Formless Strikes – Passive Legends speak of Monks who, in their great age, possess a sliver of understanding about the greater workings of the cosmos. This extraordinarily powerful ability gives credence to such stories – it is said that some Monks can strike at their opponent’s Ki directly, brutalizing their foe’s spirit instead of their physical body. A Monk may choose to have his attacks deal nonelemental magical damage instead of physical damage if he wishes at any time. The type of damage done must be declared prior to making an attack roll.

Aura Bolt – Slow, Single The Monk fires a powerful beam of blue-white energy from their palms, cutting into the target at Medium range. Make a normal attack action which deals 200% Holy M.ARM damage and causes a Medium Range knockback. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Monk's INT rating.

Martial Mastery – Special The Monk has studied under various teachers and thus possesses a vast array of techniques. Upon taking Martial Mastery, choose an additional type of martial art from the Monk’s Innate ability that the character possesses. Alternatively, the character has studied under a sensei who taught him an extremely obscure form of martial arts, or perhaps he has begun to formulate a style completely his own. If you so choose, you may work with your GM to develop a specific style and the bonuses associated with it. This ability may be taken multiple times.

Focus – Passive, Self Using their Ki to supplement a repertoire of alreadyformidable martial arts, the Monk becomes faster, precise, and more accurate. Upon obtaining this ability, the Monk recieves a permanent +1 bonus to both their ACC and EVA scores. This ability may be taken multiple times.

Shatter Armor – Standard, Single After making a successful melee attack, the Monk may choose deal 0 damage and instead, destroy the armor or shield the target currently has equipped. The Monk makes a STR check opposed by the opponent’s STR or VIT, whichever is higher. If the Monk wins the armor is destroyed, and if the foe wins there is no effect. Broken equipment can usually be recreated for 25% of their normal price – half what it would cost to create armor from base materials. It still takes several days or more, and many targets without armor are exceptionally vulnerable. This ability may only be used once per session. Armor with the Indestructible property is immune to this attack.

Chakra – Slow, Self One of the most renowned abilities of the Monk, they are able to tap into their inner strength to cleanse their bodies of impurities and damage. All negative status effects are removed and the Monk regains 25% of their total HP. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the percentage of HP the Monk regains up to 100%. This ability can be used a number of times per session equal to the Monk's INT rating.

Hamedo – Passive The Monk has taken the ability to counterattack his foes to an entirely new level, able to anticipate blows and respond with brutal retribution even before they land. After obtaining Hamedo, rather than counterattacking after damage is calculated, the character may perform a Counterattack as soon as a foe makes an attack that beats their EVA score, and prior to damage being determined. In addition, Counterattacks made by the Monk now also cause a Short Range knockback. This effectively negates the opponent’s attack.


NINJA トウ Underneath a cover of all-concealing blackness, the Ninja combines the talents of infiltrator, spy and assassin in one finely-trained body, ruthlessly independent by nature and owing allegiance to no one. Ninja are schooled from early on in the virtues of silent action and caution, the art of killing from a distance as well as a hair's breadth away -- few, if any, spend much time worrying about the morality of their actions, selling their skills out to the highest bidder without a second thought Their cold-hearted attitude and apathetic disregard for life accounts for most of their power and mystique - indeed, a Ninja would happily commit deeds any other warrior would balk at - but at the same time makes them unpredictable allies at best.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +5 CHA: +15 HP/level: +4 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Katanas, Daggers, Two Weapons Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 8 Automatic Affiliation: Though the Ninja may not be evil himself, the training they must endure leaves them emotionally hollow. All Ninja start the game shifted two points to Shadow.

Epic Ability: Oblivion - Instant, Self Ninjutsu is about many things – deception, stealth, and sacrifice – but most importantly, it is about fear. This ability embodies a ninja’s greatest strength – to forever weaken those who choose to face them in single combat. Until the end of the current combat, whenever a Ninja deals damage, it also permanently reduces the target’s maximum health by the same value.

Innate Ability: Throw – Standard, Single Whenever a fast and inconspicuous attack is needed, the Ninja's natural affinity for throwing weapons comes to the fore. Throw allows the Ninja to launch a single weapon with devastating force and accuracy at an opponent - treat this as a normal Attack Action which automatically hits regardless of the target's EVA. Use the thrown weapon’s stats for calculating damage, not the weapon the ninja currently has equipped. Damage is always calculated using the Ninja's DEX Attribute, even in case of weapons whose damage code normally defaults to STR or other. For example, a ninja who throws a Tier 4 katana at the foe would deal (DEX x 4) + 1d6 points. This technique does comes with a price, however; anything used in conjunction with Throw - including objects or legendary weapons - will be irretrievably lost and may not be recovered after the battle is over. Weapon abilities cannot be utilized from a Thrown attack, except for those on Shuriken, Darts, or Skeans. A character with the Catch ability will still be able to ignore damage from these Thrown weapons, but will be unable to keep them – such Thrown weapons will shatter upon impact, leaving nothing remaining. A Ninja may throw improvised weapons as well, dealing the standard (DEX x 1) + 1d6 damage with them. Throw can damage opponents who are up to a Medium range away.


Job Abilities Mobility - Passive After obtaining this ability, the Ninja receives an automatic +2 to his Athletics skill. If the ninja has a passive Climb skill of 5 or more he can now ascend almost anything, scaling sheer, vertical cliffs and moving along rooftops without handholds as quickly as they can run. Gravity is not a factor, and falling is almost never a possibility – only spells, abilities and attacks that would cause a knockback effect on those standing on normal terrain will shake the Ninja from his perch. If the Ninja has a passive Acrobatics skill of 5 or more, he can move across the surfaces of water. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the bonus to Athletics by +2 each time.

Shadowbind – Passive Though many of a Ninja’s foes will contemplate fleeing, this ability ensures they stay precisely where the Ninja wants them. After obtaining this maneuver, whenever you successfully damage your foe with the Throw ability or a ranged attack, there is a 25% chance that the target will be inflicted automatically with the negative status effect Stop, lasting until the beginning of your next turn.

Sunken State – Slow, Self After utilizing this ability, the effective Stealth of the Ninja is increased by +1, or +2 if under the cover of darkness and shadow. The effects of Sunken State are lost as soon as the Ninja performs a combat-based action (such as using a different Job ability or attacking), or upon taking damage. Furthermore, the EVA score of the ninja is increased by their (newly adjusted) Stealth skill. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Ninja’s CHA rating, and lasts until broken.

Shatter Weapon – Standard, Single Ninjas are renowned for a variety of unique – and often dirty – tactics. This ability is one of the most renowned in a ninja’s repertoire. After making a successful melee attack, the Ninja may choose deal 0 damage and instead, shatter a weapon the target is currently holding. The Ninja makes a STR check opposed by the opponent’s STR or DEX, whichever is higher. If the Ninja wins the weapon is destroyed, and if the foe wins there is no effect. Broken weapons can usually be reforged for 25% of their normal price – half what it would cost to create a weapon from base materials. It still takes several days or more, and many targets without their weapons are helpless indeed. This ability may only be used once per session. Obviously, weapons with the Indestructible property are immune to this attack.

Nightfall – Instant, Special After activating this ability, the Ninja may Throw up to three Shruiken with a single standard action this turn. Remember that Shruiken generally do (DEX x 1) + 1d6 damage. This attack may be split between multiple targets if the user chooses. No attack roll is needed, and the damage dealt is unaffected by ARM. If the Ninja chooses to throw the maximum three Shruiken against a single foe and the attack succeeds, then this ability will also interrupt most special techniques that monsters and bosses possess, such as Unusual Defense, Final Attack, and Counterattack, as if the Ninja used a Teamwork Attack. (See the Bestiary for more information on enemy techniques, and p.121 for details on Teamwork Attacks). This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Ninja’s INT rating and can target foes up to a Medium range.

Shadow Blade - Passive The Ninja uses finesse and speed in combat, even with larger weapons that normally require strength to use effectively. The character may now calculate damage with DEX instead of STR when using any melee weapon.

Return Fire – Passive, Self With their superior dexterity, a Ninja can attempt to grab incoming projectile attacks and hurl them back at the original thrower. Keep in mind that this Ability can only be used to catch thrown or launched weapons that are tangible, such as bullets, shuriken or arrows. Intangible items (such as bullets or needles from the 1000 Needles spell) cannot be caught, as they are not in a state of matter that can be palmed when they reach the Ninja's grasp. Every time the Ninja is targeted with a projectile attack, there is an unmodified 50% chance of catching it before it hits. If successful, the Ninja will take no damage and will immediately use the Throw ability in conjunction with the caught object as an instant action. This ability may be taken a second time, increasing the chance to 100%.

Ninjutsu Tool Mastery – Passive A Ninja with this ability specializes in the unique – and usually illegal – tools and methods passed down from clan to clan for generations, and knows where to obtain them through underworld contacts. Smoke Bombs, Skeans, Shruiken and Darts can be purchased at 50% their normal price. Furthermore, all of these items (when carried by the Ninja) act as though they have the ‘Concealable’ weapon property, making them impossible to spot with anything less than an impressive (difficulty 13) Awareness check. Lastly, the ninja may carry any number of these items at a time, and they don’t count toward the maximum number of items a character may have in his inventory.

Unspell – Slow, Single With a simple two-fingered gesture, the Ninja strips his foe of any magical protections. This ability functions exactly like the Dispel magic, removing all positive status effects that currently affect the target, though it requires no MP to use. This ability can be used once per session and can affect targets up to a Medium range.


PALADIN おとこだて The Paladin is a sacred knight, following in the footsteps of the infinite mercy and justice of creation, the powers of Holy - and they are chosen by the light they follow, not the other way around. Although there are many who have one or several of the qualities that make a Paladin, only those who are truly the epitome of purity are so blessed to become one of these famed knights. Paladins, much like Samurai, follow a strict code of honor and nobility, and are welcomed wherever they go, usually clad in shining heavy armor and carrying a great shield. Paladins are capable of shielding another party member from danger and can channel the Holy energies of the light through their swords, making them awesome warriors indeed.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +5 VIT: +15 INT: +10 CHA: +15 HP/level: +6 MP/level: +2 Weapons: Swords, Massive, Polearms, Staves Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 6 Automatic Affiliation: You fight for higher causes and better days; Justice and truth guide your sword, and Chivalry your every action. You are the embodiment of purity, the champions of the light. All Paladins start the game shifted three points to Holy.

Spell Rank 1

Level 1, 2, 4

2 3 4 5

6, 9, 12 15, 18 21, 24 28

Epic Ability: Invincible – Instant, Self Of all the powers in all the world, none is as simple, and flawless, and all-encompassing, as the Paladin’s. By spending 3 or more points of Destiny, a Paladin may instantly negate all damage and effects from all attacks. The effects of this ability last for a number of rounds equal to the number of Destiny expended in its usage, negating all damage and negative effects taken for the duration. In addition, while Invincible is active, all damage dealt from the Paladin is treated as Holy M.ARM damage. All damage taken from effects such as Cover is also nullified while the Paladin is Invincible. This Epic Ability may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the Paladin’s turn.

Innate Ability: White Magic– Instant, Self Though inferior to a true White Mage, a Paladin is capable of wielding a large amount of Holy energy, channeled through their blades and bodies.


Job Abilities Cover – Instant, Special Though a powerful natural combatant, a Paladin's training also takes into account the well-being of their allies, teaching them to sacrifice themselves if another's life is at stake. When using Cover, the Paladin chooses an ally to be covered; for the remainder of the battle, the Paladin will automatically leap in front of the ally in question whenever they are struck by Physical Damage, assuming the terrain and distance between the two allows for such an action, at the GM's discretion. All Covered damage that would be taken by the ally is instead applied to the Paladin (using the original target’s ARM and M.ARM scores), after which point the Paladin will return to their original location. Once Cover has been used, the Paladin has no choice in whether or not they wish to take the damage. The Paladin may only Cover one ally at any time. Cover may only be initiated on the Paladin's turn, and they may only choose to stop Covering their ally or choose a new target to Cover on their turn, as well.

Pure Soul - Passive With this ability, a Paladin gains a powerful resistance to enfeebling magic. All negative status effects against the Paladin (except Fear and Unconscious) have an automatic 25% chance of failure, regardless of circumstance. Whenever the Paladin would normally become afflicted with a Status Effect that they then negate, they may make an immediate physical Counterattack. This ability may be taken multiple times, up to a maximum of 100%.

Astra – Instant, Single The Paladin is capable of protecting an ally by focusing his will to create a magical shield. The target ally negates all effects and damage from the next attack they receive, at which point the benefit of Astra is lost. This ability cannot be used on the Paladin, nor can more than one ally have the benefits of this ability at any given time. However, Astra can be used even when it is not the Paladin’s turn. This ability may be used once per session.

Holy Circle – Standard, Local Allies The Paladin raises his blade to the sky, parting the clouds to encase the party in a beam of divine light. This ability grants the Paladin and his allies the Undead Killer ability on any weapon they wield for a number of round equal to the Paladin’s VIT rating. Undead Killer allows them to inflict 200% damage against Undead-type monsters with all attacks. This ability may only be used once per session.

Shield of Light – Instant, Self The Paladin glows with a heavenly light and braces themselves. If the Paladin takes damage before the start of their next turn, they retaliate, making an immediate counterattack that deals 100% M.ARM Holy damage that ignores M.ARM and Shell. If the Paladin has a shield equipped, the damage is increased to 200%. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Paladin’s INT rating.

Last Stand – Passive, Self When the Paladin is at 25% or fewer HP he receives 200% healing from all White Magic spells and the AutoRegen status. In addition, all damage dealt while the Paladin is at 25% health or less is treated as ARM Holy damage.

Sentinel – Special More than one Paladin has lamented the difficulty of channeling magic while dealing with monsters intent on using you as a toothpick. Whenever a character with this ability would lose his Slow-casting spell due to a knockback, critical hit, etc, he may choose to use Sentinel and continue casting. If multiple sources of damage attempt to interrupt the cast, then Sentinel must be used multiple times. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Paladin’s CHA rating.

Leadership – Passive, Local You will combat evil even to the ends of the earth, and are a symbol of hope for your comrades. The Paladin, all allies and friendly humanoids are Immune to Fear, Berserk, and Charm when they are within a Medium Range of you. A Fighter with the Berserker ability may still use it to willingly afflict himself with the Berserk status, and former foes who have been Charmed to fight on your party’s side are also unaffected.

Saint’s Cross – Passive, Local The mere presence of the Paladin helps spur allies towards greatness and lessen the damage they take from magic-based assaults. The character and all nearby allies receive an automatic bonus to M.ARM equal to the Paladin’s job level. Furthermore, whenever the Paladin or any ally increases their Affiliation to Holy, they move one additional step.

Radiant Aura – Instant, Group The Paladin glows with a divine, astral light, causing foes to recoil and shield their eyes. All enemies within a Short Range of the Paladin are afflicted with the negative status effect Blind until Radiant Aura ends – even if the target is normally Immune to Blind. Furthermore, while Radiant Aura lasts, the Paladin gains the Indestructible property on any Heavy Armor he may be using, including Shields. Radiant Aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Paladin’s CHA rating. This ability may be used once per session and may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the Paladin’s turn.


RANGER かりうど Rangers are also known as Hunters or Snipers – or, depending on if they utilize modern weaponry, Gunners or Fusiliers – and they specialize in fighting with ranged weapons. These patient and precise warriors hone their art through skill and a few subtle (and not-so-subtle) tricks. Often protective of their homes, Rangers often prefer either the wilderness or a heavily urban setting. They use their environment to their advantage to overcome much more dangerous foes. With a ranged weapon in hand, these ever-vigilant adventurers can make accurate attacks that other Jobs can only dream of, cripple enemies by aiming for specific parts of their bodies, and utilize other practical abilities that make them invaluable to any party.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +15 CHA: +10 HP/level: +3 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Bows, Daggers, Guns Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 6

Epic Ability: Sharpshot - Instant, Self In times of great need, it’s almost like an invisible hand is guiding a Ranger’s attack. By expending three points of Destiny, the Ranger is capable of making their next attack action Instant and causes the attack to be flawlessly accurate and unable to miss. It also ignores the target’s ARM score. Roll the attack action as normal, as although this ability cannot miss, it is still possible for it to be a critical hit or a Limit Break. If the attack is a ranged attack, the Sharpshot can strike a target at any Range, generally even if it is a beyond conceivable firing distance. A Ranger on a mountain ten miles away from the nearest forest could pluck an apple from a tree with this attack. They could make a bullet follow the curvature of the planet in order to strike a nearby enemy in the back, and so on. As long as the character is not restricted by walls or other barricades, they can shoot anything, anywhere. Sharpshot cannot be negated by other, non-epic Job Abilities (such as Return Fire or Catch) and may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the Ranger’s turn. Sharpshot can be combined with the Ranger abilities Disabling Shot and Sidewinder, but not Trick Shot.

Innate Ability: Reflexes – Passive, Special While normally most comfortable fighting at a distance, a Ranger who is forced into melee with enemies is hardly defenseless. While being able to dodge a blow or dive out of the way of incoming fire is a handy trait for any character to have, Rangers have taken this outlook to an extreme. Relying on instinct and pure quickness, they are so adept at dodging attacks that foes are just as likely to hit other, nearby monsters as they are the Ranger. Whenever an adversary’s attack misses the Ranger due to evasion the Ranger may choose to have the attack deal damage to another, second enemy within Short Range of the character instead. Reflexes therefore makes Rangers extremely adept at handling entire groups of enemies at once, as they turn their foes own imprecise attacks back at each other. While powerful, Reflexes lacks usefulness when dealing with only one enemy.

Special: Reload Unlike other jobs that can utilize a bow or gun, a Ranger is one with their weapon, able to refill a cartridge of bullets or nock an arrow instinctively. Rangers can move in the same turn while firing any ranged weapon.


Job Abilities Take Aim - Slow, Single Take Aim uses training and patience to find the perfect moment to attack. The Ranger is able to track his target perfectly, capable of landing shots even in situations where it would seem impossible. When using Take Aim, the Ranger automatically hits the target for 100% ARM damage. Take Aim cannot be a critical hit. This ability can also be used outside of combat for precise and silent aimed shots, such as firing a grappling gun up a castle wall.

X-Fight – Slow, Special Letting loose with everything he’s got, the Ranger can unleash a rapid fire volley of attacks to his opponents, firing up to four times. The Ranger makes four normal attacks, targeted on either one or multiple enemies. Each attack does only 50% of normal damage, however, and none of the attacks can be a critical hit. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Ranger’s STR rating.

Camouflage – Passive Charge - Slow, Single Another method used to increase the effectiveness of a Ranger’s assault is simply to wait for a perfect shot. This is a normal attack action which deals 150% ARM damage. A hasted Ranger can still choose to perform Charge as a Slow action if they so choose.

Disabling Shot - Standard, Single The Ranger fires a well-placed, crippling shot intended to cripple the target’s fighting ability. Make a normal attack action – on a successful hit, the target takes no damage but takes additional penalties depending where the Ranger was aiming. Obviously, some creatures will be unaffected by this ability – take size, lack of appendages, and similar considerations into account. Arms: The target drops any contents currently held in one hand, as chosen by the Ranger. This could by a weapon, a shield, or an item. If the target is using a twohanded weapon, the chances of the weapon being dropped are reduced to 50%. A character usually needs to make a standard action to recover a dropped item; see the Disarm shared job ability for more information. Legs: The Target cannot Escape from combat with spells or abilities, nor can they attempt to Run Away. Vitals: The enemy suffers a -2 penalty to their ACC or EVA score, (Ranger’s choice) until the end of combat.

Aerial Maneuver – Passive Though showy and ostentatious, a Ranger with this ability is capable of making precise shots delivered while jumping, diving, or free-falling, and ignores all associated penalties when doing so. Furthermore, after being affected by a knockback or while in midair (after leaping from a great height for example, the ranger cannot, say, hop in place to obtain this bonus), the Ranger receives a +2 bonus

to his EVA score until the end of his next turn when he lands.

Resist Sleep – Passive Ever-vigilant, a Ranger is far too perpetually alert to find himself magically coerced into dozing off. After obtaining this ability, the Ranger is immune to Sleep, and also no longer requires any sort of nightly rest whatsoever. They can remain awake 100% of the time and suffer no ill effects. Whenever the Ranger would normally become afflicted with the Sleep status effect, they may make an immediate Counterattack.

The Ranger is at home in his environment, able to deliver precise shots without being detected. You may add half of your Survival skill (rounded up) to your Stealth skill on all checks.

Trick Shot – Passive The Ranger is a master marksman, capable of making ranged attacks that initially seem impossible. By declaring a Trick Shot, the Ranger is capable of ‘banking’ a ranged attack off of surfaces before it reaches its target. For each surface a Ranger wishes to bounce a shot from, add -1 to the final result of the attack roll. Thus, a Ranger could shoot around a corner by banking a bullet off of a wall at a -1 penalty, or fire a bullet that bounces off several walls and shatters every source of light in the room at a much higher penalty, or other such feats. This ability, of course, may be used in conjunction with any other Ranger ability. The Trick Shot is ineffectual if the attack roll misses – in the above example, a ranger would not be able to extinguish only one or two light sources on an almost-successful attempt.

Blackout – Passive There are a myriad of viable weak spots on an unsuspecting target, but several of them are more appealing targets than others. The Ranger is treated as always having the Blind Touch property on any ranged weapon he wields.

Sidewinder – Instant, Special The Ranger lets loose a barrage of extremely powerful missile attacks that send a foe hurtling backwards, attempting to pin them to a wall or the ground. After using Sidewinder, the Ranger’s next successful attack also causes a Medium Range knockback and causes Stop for one round. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Ranger’s STR rating, and can only be used in conjunction with ranged attacks.

Advice – Standard, Group The character takes a moment to locate an enemy’s weak point and announces it to his allies. Until the end of the Ranger’s next turn, all attacks ignore a single foe’s ARM and M.ARM scores. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Ranger’s INT rating


RED MAGE 赤魔道士 The Red Mage is the classic jack of all trades, a profession whose versatility stands in stark contrast to the regimented, often restrictive training of other Mage Jobs. Indeed, rather than keeping their examinations confined to a single school of magic, these versatile spellcasters satisfy curiosity (and often, boredom) by dabbling in a little bit of everything. Still, as the manifesto goes, they are the jack of all trades - but masters of none. Their versatility comes at the cost of power; but power is rarely the final goal of a Red Mage, as most prefer to dedicate their lives to the constant pursuit of the unachievable. The quintessential free spirits, Red Mages tend to dress elegantly and flamboyantly, using the romantic idealism of swashbucklers as a template. This carries over into their choice of arms; they are particularly adept with bladed weapons, preferring to fight with rapiers, sabers, daggers, and other weapons that allow them to take full advantage of the additional mobility afforded by their light armor. Though other spellcasters may find Red Mages a little too flighty for their liking, there is no denying that their palette of abilities is a potent one.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +10 DEX: +10 VIT: +5 INT: +15 CHA: +15 HP/level: +2 MP/level: +1 Weapons: Swords, Daggers, Staves Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 18 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 6 Spell Rank 1 2 3 4

Level 1, 1, 2, 3, 4 6, 9, 12 15, 17, 21 24, 27, 29

Epic Ability: Doublecast - Instant, Self One of the most famous abilities of the Red Mage, Doublecast allows for exactly that – the rapid chain-casting of two spells back to back in a single turn, usually followed up by a flourishing melee attack. Upon using this ability, the Red Mage may use any two spells he knows as Instant actions.

Innate Ability: Red Magic – Standard, Varies While most casters are content to focus on a particular form or school of magic, the Red Mage prefers gain as much unique knowledge as possible. Red Magic combines the awesome offensive power of Black Magic with the healing and support of White Magic. However, this lack of specialization creates a special limitation – Red Mages will never have access to the most powerful of magic, forever unable to take Rank 5 spells.

Special: Charismagic Most Red Mages scoff at the notion that magic takes years of diligent study to understand, and years more to learn. They wield raw power with only limited understanding but a great deal more practice than the Mages who garb themselves in robes of black or white, and direct powers beyond their understanding with a flair and flourish. Whenever a spell uses the character’s INT in a calculation – such as healing for white magic or damage for black magic – the Red Mage may substitute his CHA score instead. The Red Mage still calculates his MP with INT as normal.


Job Abilities Mystical Assembly - Special

Runic – Standard, Local.

A character with this ability is an artisan of no small talent, capable of weaving magical energies into weapons, armor and other knickknacks with greater ease than most. Choose a type of Synthesis Skill when you take this ability. When using that skill, the total Gil cost is reduced to one-third of the normal item price instead of one-half.

The Red Mage uses their weapon as a sort of magical lightning rod, focusing a spell's own magic power into their body. Runic absorbs and negates the first spell cast in the Red Mage's presence, be it from friend or foe. Use of Runic lasts until the Red Mage either successfully absorbs a spell or makes another action. Summons cannot be captured by Runic, nor can Global spells. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Red Mage’s VIT rating.

Steal Heart – Standard, Self With little more than a tip of his hat and a charming smile, the Red Mage can get precisely what he or she wants – even if it means turning a newly-enraptured foe against their former allies to save the mage’s skin. The character chooses a single Humanoid-type foe of the opposite sex (or otherwise potentially interested), designates it to be the target, then makes an opposing CHA check. If the Red Mage is successful the target is affected by the status effect Charm until the end of the current combat or until the Red Mage has departed. This effect is broken if the Red Mage or any of his allies attack the creature in question. Steal Heart may be attempted only once per combat, and a maximum number of times per session equal to the Red Mage’s CHA rating.

Crimson Seal – Instant, Self The diverse nature of the Red Mage limits maximum spellcasting capabilities compared to mages dedicated to a particular form of magic. To compensate for this, Red Mages have developed a method to cast spells much more rapidly than their single-school brethren. While most spells are Slow actions - that is, they don't activate until the start of the user's next turn - Red Mages have undergone a great deal of training to speed up their spellcasting to be superior to other mages. After activating Crimson Seal, casting any non-summon spell now takes only a Standard action as opposed to a Slow Action. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Red Mage’s CHA rating.

Convert – Passive, Self True masters of Runic are capable of not only forcing the spells they absorb into their own bodies, but converting the energy into a form usable by them. After obtaining this ability, after a spell is absorbed by Runic, the Red Mage gains MP equal to the spell’s casting cost.

Return Magic - Special Rather than merely being able to absorb a spell to prevent its effects, the Red Mage may now redirect the same spell back to its caster. In a situation where the Red Mage has absorbed a spell using Runic, he may choose to launch it back upon the original caster, using the Red Mage's attribute modifiers instead. Returned spells only affect the original caster, even if it was originally a Group spell. Return Magic cannot activate if the Red Mage is Sealed, and counts as a ‘Reflected’ spell for the purposes of calculating damage from the Overwhelm ability.

Overwhelm - Special Red Mages exult in the sheer power of free flowing magical energies, and nothing is more ripe for harnessing than spells that ricochet wildly after bouncing off a Reflected target. Even if it isn’t his turn, the Red Mage can declare he’s using Overwhelm whenever any spell is Reflected. After doing so, the spell will deal 200% of its original damage or healing. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Red Mage’s INT rating.

Resist Charm – Passive Amateurs. After obtaining this ability, the Red Mage is immune to the effects of Charm, an Entertainer’s Flirt ability, and may shrug off coercion to act in a certain way when the Sexy trait is targeting the Red Mage. Many Red Mages still allow themselves to be manipulated in these ways, preferring the swashbuckler-like ‘romance’ behind it all.

Natural Aptitude - Special The Red Mage is experienced and worldy, having dabbled in even the most obscure skills. Whenever the Red Mage employs a skill that he has invested two or fewer points into, he is treated as having exactly two points in it instead. This applies to standard skills, ‘nonexistant’ skills such as Lore (Tapestries), bonuses to accuracy when using an unfamiliar weapon, and even the most obscure Lore and Synthesis types.

Magic Burst - Passive, Self Following up a dazzling burst of magic with a physical strike is standard fare for these versatile casters. Whenever the Red Mage makes an attack roll against a target that was affected by one of their spells in the same round, they receive a +2 bonus to their ACC and EVA score until the start of their next turn.

Sagacity- Special The character is a Sage, and has dabbled in even the most obscure magical arts. Sages have obtained the ability to cast Time Magic or utilize Summoning magic. (See the White Mage ability of the same name for rules on Summoning.) This ability can be taken multiple times.


SAMURAI 侍 Samurai are tradition-bound warriors with deep beliefs in what is known as Bushido. Literally translating to 'the path of the brave warrior', the Samurai's code of martial conduct is one which stresses bravery, honor, chivalry and selfdiscipline in as well as out of battle. A Samurai is a versatile combatant; though many Samurai are also trained in the arts of mounted combat and archery, able to engage their opponents up close as well as at a distance, their weapon of choice is the Great Katana. Skilled swordsmen, the secret of the Samurai's success with their weapon of choice lies in its construction; the metal of the katana entraps a nature spirit, or ‘Kami’, bound to the weapon during the forging process. Learning how to free these imprisoned spirits in order to channel their energies into an attack is an integral and long-winded part of the Samurai's training; those Samurai who distinguish themselves through their accomplishments in battle will eventually learn to expand this talent into harnessing the power of free-roaming Kami of earth and the elements into ever-more devastating effects. They are often seen moving bare-footed over lakes on cushions of water spirits or travelling through the bitterest cold cloaked by fire Kami; such mastery.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +15 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +5 CHA: +10 HP/level: +4 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Katanas, Bows Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 18 ACC Bonus: 1 EVA Bonus: 8 Automatic Affiliation: You follow a code of ethics which places as much emphasis on nobility and honor as it does on strength. All Samurai start the game shifted one point to Holy.

Epic Ability: Duel - Standard, Varies By expending Destiny, a Samurai may choose a single foe and battle him without interruption, engaging them in honorable one-on-one combat. Duel lasts until either the Samurai or his chosen opponent is reduced to 0 hit points and lies at the feet of the other. Duel is subject to a few important restrictions. First, neither the Samurai nor his target can receive aid from their allies in any fashion; whether this be through group combat bonuses granted by Job Abilities, spells that strengthen or heal, items tossed into the fray, or any similar attempt. They simply have no effect on the Samurai or his opponent. Secondly, no other individual may alter the course of the Duel by damaging or targeting the Samurai or his opponent with detrimental effects. And finally, neither party may end the Duel prematurely or Escape from combat under any circumstances. However, the Samurai is rarely at a large disadvantage even when fighting foes much more powerful than he. While the Duel persists, each round of combat the Samurai has a passive 25% chance of being able to use a Limit Break that round as an Instant action for no Destiny cost. Limit Breaks performed in this way are not subject to the rules that the character must be below 25% health to use the maneuver. Once the fight has ended, normal rules of reality reassert themselves.

Innate Ability: Draw Out – Standard, Special Draw-Out is a technique not to be taken lightly; as much as the Samurai value their Katana, circumstances may force them to sacrifice their weapon to unleash the full force of the blade's trapped spirit. By using their turn to shatter their weapon, the sword spirit trapped within is released. 200% ARM weapon damage is dealt, of the same elemental type as the Kami within the sword. It also causes additional effects based on the following list. A Samurai may choose to use a lower tier Draw Out than the level of his current weapon if he so chooses.


Weapon Tier 1 2

3 4 5 6

7 8

Effect “Dispatch” – An unseen specter-sword slashes at the target. No additional effect. “Bizen Boat” – Blue flame encircles the Samurai before engulfing one enemy. The Samurai receives the effects of Shell and Protect for one round, and Undead foes take 400% damage instead of 200%. “Shooting Star” – A beam of white light blasts into one foe. The Samurai receives the effects of Haste for several turns. “Tornado” – An enormous hurricane sweeps over the battlefield. All enemies are affected by the damage dealt with this Draw-Out and are Knocked Back a medium range. “Purifying Blossom” – The party is basked in a brilliant white light. The MP of the entire party is restored, and all negative status effects (except Fear and Unconsciousness) are removed. “Banishing Blade” – Five glowing spheres of energy decimate the target. The foe receives the effects of all the Samurai Break abilities – all stats are reduced by 50% (rounded up) for several turns. “Climhazzard” – The Samurai strikes multiple times before the katana shatters, in a lightningquick display of weapon mastery. 500% weapon damage is done instead of 200%. “Ultimate End” – As the Masamune has never been used for this technique, nobody can say for certain what the results would be.

The Samurai may only use this ability when the weapon is actually in their possession, and when the Samurai uses Draw Out to intentionally destroy a weapon, the weapon’s elemental kami is gone, even if the weapon is repaired. Thus, Draw Out may only be used once per weapon unless the character also has the ‘Iaido’ Job Ability. (see the following page)

Even Indestructible weapons can be destroyed with Draw-Out.

Special: Unburdened Soul Within each Katana lives a Kami sword spirit – an elemental manifestation of the Bushido. At times they can provide noncombat assistance to the wielder of their blade, able to exercise slight control over their element. For example, a Water Kami could allow the Samurai to breathe underwater or battle Roll Kami Element a foe on top of a lake's surface. A Fire Kami could allow the Samurai to pull orphans out of a burning building unharmed. 1 Fire Though powerful, the Kami are far from omnipotent, and never mischievous or 2 Earth 3 Wind malicious. When a Samurai synthesizes a Katana weapon, he may choose the 4 Water elemental type of Kami within his sword – otherwise the elemental type is chosen 5 Lightning randomly. Katanas that have the Elemental Strike or Element Enhancer property use a Kami 6 Ice of the same type where applicable. A nonlegendary Katana can never have a Holy or Shadow Kami within it.


Job Abilities Warding Circle – Standard, Local Allies

Armor Break – Slow, Single

There is no greater blight on this earth than the Fiends, creatures of supernatural descent serving the forces of evil. The warriors of Bushido seek to rectify that. This ability grants the Samurai and his allies the Fiend Killer ability on any weapon they wield for a number of round equal to the Samurai’s VIT rating. Fiend Killer allows them to inflict 200% damage against Fiend-type monsters with all attacks. This ability may only be used once per session.

A conflagration of blue flames blazes the enemy, searing flesh and bone. Make a normal attack action. If successful, the foe is afflicted with Armor Break, which reduces his VIT rating by 50%, rounded up. The foe’s maximum health is reduced by half. The effects of this last until the end of combat, and some bosses may be immune to this ability.

Third Eye – Instant, Self When used, all damage and effects from a Singletargeted physical or magical attack will be negated. Ineffective against limit breaks, multi-hit abilities, and some Boss abilities. This ability may be used at any time, even when it isn't the Samurai's turn, and may be used a number of times per session equal to the Samurai’s INT rating.

Magic Break – Slow, Single The world seems to darken as the Samurai propels a glowing silver sphere of energy at the target. Make a normal attack action. If successful, the foe is afflicted with Magic Break, which reduces his INT rating by 50%, rounded up. All magical INT-based damage and healing is halved. The effects of this last until the end of combat, and some bosses may be immune to this ability.

Ikishoten - Passive

Iaido - Passive Iaido is the smooth, controlled art of drawing a blade from its sheath, striking an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard in a single motion. By learning this art of graceful strikes, a Samurai becomes more adept at calling forth a blade’s true power without damaging the sword. Whenever a Samurai uses Draw-Out, there is now a 25% chance that the katana will not be destroyed and that Draw-Out can be used again with the same weapon. This ability can be taken multiple times, up to a maximum percentage of 50%.

Speed Break – Slow, Single An angry swarm of red and blue energy emerges from the katana, ripping into the Samurai’s foe. Make a normal attack action. If successful, the foe is afflicted with Speed Break, which reduces his DEX rating by 50%, rounded up. The target’s EVA, ACC, and all DEX-based damage is halved. The effects of this last until the end of combat, and some bosses may be immune to this ability.

Flawless Form – Passive, Special The Samurai eschews the use of armor, garbing himself in humble, simple garments that never hinder the character’s movements – they use superior swordsmanship to parry and deflect attacks. When not wearing Armor of any type, the Samurai is treated as having an ARM and M.ARM score of equal to double his current level. Thus, a level 8 Samurai would have 16 ARM and M.ARM. When the character reaches level 20 or higher, the bonus granted from Flawless Form is triple the character’s level instead. A level 25 Samurai would have 75 ARM and M.ARM. Often, the defenses granted from Flawless Form are equal to or better than he would obtain from purchasable equipment.

Of all the types of warriors that scatter the land, none is more dangerous in single, one-on-one combat than a Samurai. Increase all damage by one step - if a character's attack was to do (STR x 1) points of damage, it would now do (STR x 2) instead, and so on. This ability is only active if all of your allies are unconscious, or you battle a foe without their assistance. This ability can be taken multiple times, increasing the damage by one additional step each time.

Soul Break – Slow, Single Intangible cherry-blossoms swirl around the target, burning into his very soul. Make a normal attack action. If successful, the foe is afflicted with Soul Break, which reduces his CHA rating by 50%, rounded up. Any magical resistances, such as Absorbency or Immunity, are lessened by one step. For example, an Immunity becomes a Resistance instead. Furthermore, all CHAbased damage is halved The effects of this last until the end of combat, and some bosses may be immune to this ability.

Two-handed Grip - Passive Samurai have spent many years learning to fight with their single, chosen weapon, and they can use it to deadly effect. A Samurai cannot be disarmed if he does not choose to be, whether through spells, limit break effects, or combat maneuvers. In addition, the weapon receives the Indestructible property.

Power Break – Slow, Single An unearthly whisper seems to flow from the Samurai’s blade which brings even the strongest foes down. Make a normal attack action. If successful, the foe is also afflicted with Power Break, which reduces his STR rating by 50%, rounded up. All physical STR-based damage is halved. The effects of this last until the end of combat, and some bosses may be immune to this ability.


THIEF シーフ A master at misdirection and confusion, the Thief emerges from the shadows that give her shelter, prepared to steal what he wishes, or to strike against those who detect her. Thieves move with the grace and skill that is required to practice their art. To the Thief it is an art form to steal, both in the heat of battle and out of it, and it is an art they have mastered to perfection.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +15 VIT: +10 INT: +10 CHA: +15 HP/level: +3 MP/level: N/A Weapons: Dagger, Sword, Brawl Armor: Light, Medium Skill Points: 18 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 8

Epic Ability: Master Thief - Instant, Self At the pinnacle of their livelihood, the perks to becoming a Master Thief (even for a moment!) are twofold. First, the activation of this ability turns the Thief into a blur of motion, capable of evading all physical attacks. They are treated as having an impossibly high EVA score, but can still be automatically struck (by a critical hit or the Ranger’s Epic Ability, for example) and damaged by magic. Secondly, Master Thief allows the user to expand the list of things he can steal from a hapless opponent even further – whilst this epic ability is active, the user may use their Innate Ability to Steal Exp or Steal HP from their target! Steal HP and Steal Exp may only be attempted one time each per usage of this Epic Ability, successful or not. When you successfully Steal HP (with a standard Thievery roll opposed by STR or DEX, as outlined in the Innate Ability paragraph below) the target loses 50% of their remaining hit points, which are added to the Thief’s total hp directly. Stealing Exp functions much the same way – the target loses 1 EXP and the Thief gains 1 permanently. If the target is a monster (who generally do not possess EXP) or the loss of an experience point would cause the target to lose their most-recently-gained level, the target does not suffer any loss – but the Thief still gains 1 point of experience regardless. This Epic Ability may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the Thief’s turn. Master Thief lasts until the Thief takes damage.

Innate Ability: Steal - Standard, Single The hallmark of the Thief is the ability to Steal from anyone, anytime, anywhere - including in the midst of battle. You may use the Thievery skill to pickpocket in combat, and with a much wider variety of possibilities at the GM’s discretion; often everything from snatching your opponent's weapon to the clothes off his back, proving once and for all that the hand is indeed quicker than the eye. In order to Steal in the midst of combat, an opposed check is required – the Thief rolls his Thievery skill versus the opponent’s STR or DEX rating, whichever is higher. A success means that the Thief managed to nab his chosen prize, where a failure means that Steal has no effect.


Job Abilities Flee – Standard, Self

Mug – Passive

Nothing – no, NOTHING – catches a Thief. Upon using this ability as a Standard action, the Thief may move a Long Range. Alternatively, this ability may also be used to grant each party member a +2 bonus for one round when making Escape checks to Run Away from combat.

Catch – Passive, Self An indirect method of stealing, doubling as a means of protection, the Thief can attempt to grab incoming projectile attacks. Keep in mind that this Ability can only be used to catch thrown or launched weapons that are tangible, such as bullets, shuriken or arrows. Intangible items (such as needles from the 1000 Needles spell) cannot be caught, as they are not in a state of matter that can be palmed when they reach the Thief's grasp. Every time the Thief is successfully targeted with a projectile attack, there is an unmodified 50% chance of catching it before it hits. If successful, she will take no damage and will now own the caught projectile, if appropriate. If the attempt fails, the Thief will take damage as usual, and the item will be unaffected by the attempt to catch it. The Thief must have at least one free hand and be aware of the attack in order to Catch a projectile. This ability may be taken a second time, increasing the chance to 100%.

Treasure Hunter - Passive The Thief has obtained a sixth-sense, able to spot danger – and treasure! – before the rest of his party. You may choose to use your Thievery skill in place of your Alertness skill on all checks.

No longer content with simple larceny, the Thief has achieved the pinnacle of armed robbery, able to deliver punishing blows to his enemies even as he rifles through unprotected pockets. Whenever you roll a critical hit, you may also steal gil or items from the enemy, at the GM’s discretion. Obviously, most non-humanoid creatures will not be carrying currency. Normally, (100 x Enemy’s Level) gil can be stolen on a successful Mug, though some foes may be carrying more.

Resist Stop – Passive The first lesson a Thief learns is simple; never, ever let them catch you. Upon obtaining this Job Ability, the Thief gains Immunity to Stop. Whenever the Thief would normally become Stopped, they may make an immediate physical Counterattack, or attempt to Steal from the opponent as per their innate job ability.

Assassin's Kiss – Passive The Thief is capable of taking advantage of helpless foes, and able to perform vicious strikes. When striking a target who is affected by the negative status effects Stop, Stun or Sleep, is unconscious, or otherwise denied their EVA score, your damage is increased by one step. That is, a weapon that would normally do (DEX x 1) points of damage would now do (DEX x 2), and so on. Targets affected by a Thief’s Feint ability fall under this category as well. This ability can be taken multiple times, increasing the damage by one additional step each time.

Aura Steal – Special Sleight of Hand – Passive The Thief is a master of misdirection and deception, capable of directing his target’s attention elsewhere whilst he rifles through their pockets. After obtaining this ability, Thievery skill checks cannot be opposed with an Awareness roll – proving that the hand is indeed quicker than the eye. Furthermore, the Thief gets a +2 bonus to his rolls when using his Steal Innate Ability.

Feint – Standard, Single A Thief is capable of performing a bluff attack to throw his opponent off-guard, making him easier for his allies to hit. Make an opposed Intelligence check. If you win, your opponent will have an effective EVA of 0 until the end of your next turn. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the Thief’s INT rating.

Ambush – Passive The Thief is a master of planning the strategic strike. With this ability, the Thief and all allies do 200% damage with all spells and abilities during the Pre-emptive round of combat.

In an unusual maneuver, the Thief is able to steal even the very protective auras possessed by his foes, and use them as his own. Upon obtaining Aura Steal, the Thief can now use his Steal ability to pilfer positive status effects. As always, the Thief rolls his Thievery skill versus the opponent’s STR or DEX rating, whichever is higher. If he succeeds, one positive status effect – Shell, Protect, Auto-Life, Haste, or the like – of the GM’s choice is removed from the foe and added to the Thief instead. The remaining duration of the status effect does not change.

Preemptive Footwork – Passive Using lightning-fast reflexes, the Thief can start moving before the rest of the party. After obtaining this ability, a Thief may always act in Pre-emptive combat – although he won't always know what's going on. Furthermore, the Thief may make an immediate physical Counterattack whenever they take damage in the PreEmptive Round.


TIME MAGE 時魔道士 Sometimes called ‘Dimension Mages,’ Time Mages tap on the forces of the time and space themselves. In reshaping the elusive power of the cosmos, they can freeze an opponent in their tracks or rain flaming meteors down upon them; open gates in time and space, or banish someone into another reality entirely. The most powerful are capable of folding up history in the blink of an eye or travelling across the eons by sheer willpower alone – a fact that makes most other spellcasters glad of the Time Mages' relative scarcity. A Time Mage’s staff is something of an oddity. Due to their natural forgetfulness, many of the founding members of this magical school chose to attach items of sentimental value to their staves to remind them of the past. Many fledgling mages have chosen to follow this tradition out of respect to the originators of Time Magic,. Feathers, wedding rings, articles of clothing of their fallen comrades, all these and more can be found attached to a Time Mage’s staff, and has served as the punchline for many a joke.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +10 VIT: +10 INT: +15 CHA: +15 HP/level: +2 MP/level: +3 Weapons: Staff Armor: Light Skill Points: 16 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 8 Spell Rank 1

Level 1, 1, 3, 4, 5

2 3 4 5

6, 8, 10, 12 14, 16, 18 20, 22, 24 27, 30

Epic Ability: Cosmic Standstill - Instant, Self The Time Mage’s total understanding over the primal forces that drive the universe itself allow him to do the unthinkable – stop time. The entire universe comes to a quiet halt with the Time Mage at the center of everything, giving the user of this galaxy-altering spell a few precious minutes outside the flow of reality. Upon casting Cosmic Standstill, the Time Mage immediately takes a number of additional rounds equal to the number of points of Destiny spent. They may perform any abilities, actions or skill checks they like during this time, even actions that may not normally be performed while in combat. Enemies are treated as having 0 EVA while Cosmic Standstill persists, and the Time Mage cannot change the location of anything, whether animate or inanimate. Haste does not affect the number of rounds a Time Mage gets while Cosmic Standstill is active. However, there is a downside to such a powerful ability. Any spells the Time Mage casts during this Epic Ability cost double the normal MP cost, and ‘hang’ in the air until time begins to flow normally again. When Cosmic Standstill ends, all the spells still act as though they were Slow actions – they all deal damage simultaneously at the beginning of the Time Mage’s next turn. This often gives spellcasting enemies enough forewarning to throw up magical defenses, or even Reflect.

Innate Ability: Time Magic – Standard, Varies Despite the name, Time Magic actually uses cosmic fundamentals to produce a wide range of effects – the manipulation of gravity to attack, magnetic fields to protect, and the ability to halt the flow of time. Its practitioners harness the withering power of novas, lengthen seconds into weeks, and tear through the fabric of reality outright.


Job Abilities Stasis Sword – Passive The Time Mage is exceptionally good at neutralizing and paralyzing his foes with magic. Whenever the Time Mage inflicts the negative status effect Stun on an opponent, the duration of the status effect lasts for one additional round. This ability can be taken multiple times. Etherite – Passive Practical and levelheaded, the Time Mage has conducted extensive studies on items that restore the user’s magical potency. This ensures that the character gets the most out of such concoctions. Upon obtaining this ability, the MP recovered by items such as Ethers used by the Time Mage is doubled. Spell Combo – Passive The Time Mage can respond swiftly, reforming his damaging spells mid-cast so they are better able to support his allies. A character with this ability can participate in Teamwork Attacks without needing to declare it in advance. Whenever the Time Mage chooses to participate in a Teamwork Attack – whether physically or magically – they no longer take a -2 penalty to their attack, nor do they need to declare it a turn in advance when casting. However, all other characters participating in the Teamwork Attack take a -4 penalty to their accuracy roll instead of the standard -2. Rewind - Special Being a true master of the time means never having to say “I wish I would have….” With this awe-inspiring ability, the Time Mage actually shifts himself and all nearby allies backwards in the timestream. Rewind may not be used in combat due to the absolute concentration required. Upon activation, the Time Mage chooses a number of hours that the party will travel backwards in time. The number of hours can be no greater than the Time Mage’s current level. Be aware that the party only travels in time and not space, meaning they will arrive at the same physical location, merely earlier. The party can never encounter themselves nor cause a paradox, since they have actually rewound reality and started over. However, there is a very large downside to the usage of this ability. Upon activating Rewind, the Time Mage instantly ages; the character receives a -2 permanent loss to any one attribute of the GM’s choice and appears to be roughly a decade older. A character who is reduced down to 0 in any attribute is instantly forever torn from reality and lost in time.

Levitate – Passive, Self The Time Mage perpetually hovers several inches above the ground, and receives the effects of Auto-Float at all times. Floating characters take no damage from Earthbased spells and abilities, nor do they damage from falling.

Phantom Weapon – Standard, Special The Time Mage bends and shifts the dimensions, items instantly appearing in the character’s hands out of thin air. A Time Mage with this ability is never caught unprepared, and he has access to his Inventory at all times no matter how far separated from his possessions he may be. Critical Blink – Instant, Special By activating this ability, the Time Mage may automatically take a turn and interrupt an enemy’s action. Critical Blink allows the Time Mage to take a Standard action that can only be performed on an enemy’s turn, and the Time Mage must be at 25% or less health to use this ability. Critical Blink can be combined with Haste to allow the Time Mage to cast spells on enemy turns. This ability may be used once per combat. Telekinesis – Passive, Special The Time Mage is capable of using nearby objects as a weapon as skillfully as a monk or master of improvised weapons, hurtling them towards foes with the power of his mind alone. The Time Mage deals damage with improvised weapons as though he was using his standard weapon, and uses the Staff skill instead of the Brawl skill to determine accuracy. Improvised weapons are now considered to be medium ranged attacks. (Until the Time Mage also obtains Mind over Matter, he can still not ‘throw’ objects that he could not physically lift.)

Furthermore, the Time Mage can Instantly cast the spell Tractor for no MP a number of times per session equal to their STR rating.

Mind over Matter – Passive, Special The character’s ability to control the flow of gravity and the dimensions often allows him to perform feats of strength with nothing but the power of his mind. The Time Mage may substitute his INT score and rating for his STR attribute for the purposes of opposed skill checks, moving or throwing objects, breaking matter by overcoming its hardness, the Gravity and Gravija spells, and also for calculating the number of times per session they can use abilities tied to the STR rating. Magic Shield – Special, Self Able to twist pure magical plasma into a type of defensive bubble, the Time Mage can lessen the physical harm caused by enemy attacks. The Time Mage can declare he is using Magic Shield as a Standard action – it then persists until it is cancelled as an Instant action, the character’s MP becomes 0, the end of the game session, or when the character is knocked unconscious. While Magic Shield is active, all enemies who attack the Time Mage are treated as if they had the MP Damage weapon property – 50% of the total damage they deal targets the Time Mage’s HP, and the other 50% targets their MP.


WHITE MAGE 白魔道士 White Mages are defenders of life, using their spellcraft to knit together wounded flesh or create glowing defensive charms around their allies. Given time and experience, they can cure almost any ill, raise the fallen back to fighting strength, or even create barriers utterly impervious to physical damage. Far more patient in demeanor than the headstrong, temperamental Black Mage, these dedicated healers have given their entire life to working with – not mastering – the powers of Holy. Then there are those that have taken years to scratch the surface of the Esper world, and have begun a Pilgrimage to seek the powers of the Espers themselves.

Max Attribute Modifiers STR: +5 DEX: +10 VIT: +10 INT: +15 CHA: +15 HP/level: +2 MP/level: +3 Weapons: Staves Armor: Light Skill Points: 14 ACC Bonus: 0 EVA Bonus: 6 Automatic Affiliation: From the moment their training begins, White Mages are taught to be peaceful, humble, and kind. No matter the road that lies ahead of them, these virtues are taught to be the most important things in life. All White Mages start the game shifted two points to Holy.

Spell Rank 1

Level 1, 1, 3, 4, 5

2 3 4 5

6, 8, 10, 12 14, 16, 18 20, 22, 24 27, 30

Epic Ability: Benediction - Instant, Group Tapping into an immense reservoir of Holy energy, the White Mage becomes a living conduit for healing energy. The HP of every nearby party member is instantly returned to maximum, and all negative status effects other than Fear and Unconsciousness are removed. Unconscious characters are revived with 1 hp. All party members other than the White Mage also regain their maximum MP as soon as Benediction is used. This Epic Ability may be used at any time, even when it isn’t the White Mage’s turn.

Innate Ability: White Magic – Instant, Self White Magic encompasses a variety of useful and beneficial effects, tempered with a dash of offensive power for good measure. White Mages that drift into Shadow affiliation will lose the ability to cast these holy-aligned spells.


Job Abilities Divine Seal – Instant, Self By activating this ability, a White Mage is capable of imbuing her next healing spell with far more magical energy than normal. If it was to heal a target for (INT x 1) hit points, it would now heal the target for (INT x 2) instead, and so on. This ability may be applied multiple times to the same spell, and this ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the White Mage’s CHA rating.

Devotion – Passive, Special The White Mage is a master of smiting her foes, bringing even the strongest of evil creatures to their knees. All offensive Holy and Wind spells now do increased damage; if such spells were to do (INT x 1) points of damage, they would now do (INT x 2) instead, and so on. This ability may be taken multiple times, increasing the damage step by one each time.

MP Stroll – Passive, Self Shieldbearer – Passive, Self Some White Mages have been trained in the use of shields in addition to their basic magical education. Upon gaining this job ability, White Mages treat all shields as though they were Light Armor or Medium Armor instead of Heavy. Furthermore, they may wield a shield and a Staff weapon simultaneously, as though a Staff was a one-handed weapon. Staves still deal 2d6 damage.

Simply by keeping their mind and spirit pure, the lifestream continues to flow into the White Mage, rejuvenating them with magical energies. For every hour the White Mage spends outside of combat, they recover 25% of their total maximum magic points back passively. Upon taking a Fitful rest or partaking in Travel Rest, the White Mage also regains 100% of their MP instead of the normal value.

Peaceful Messenger – Passive The White Mage is welcomed with open arms wherever they may travel, and their pleas to be heard are enough to give pause to even the coldest hearts. You may add half of your Healing skill, rounded down, to your Inquiry and Negotiate skills on all checks.

Martyr – Instant, Single White Mages are taught that the lives of others are more important than their own, and this Job ability reflects it. Upon using this ability, the White Mage sacrifices any amount of HP. A target of the White Mage’s choice instantly recovers the same amount of HP. The White Mage may not target themselves. This ability may be used a number of times per session equal to the White Mage’s VIT rating.

Body and Soul – Special The White Mage is capable of using and administering obscure salves and healing items in conjunction with their white magic, able to quickly revive fallen comrades once battle has ended. Outside of combat, the White Mage can perform a Healing skill check (difficulty 9) to return unconscious allies to 1hp.

Blessed Existence – Instant, Self The White Mage leads a charmed life, avoiding harm in mundane, day-to-day activities with unsurprising alacrity. This same quiet protection can also be extended to the White Mage’s allies to protect them from distressing failure. Once per game session, the White Mage can allow themselves or one ally to reroll any Critical Failure die result. Blessed Existence cannot be used on any rolls that have been altered by a Gambler’s abilities, nor can it be used to negate automatic critical failures from such things as a Gambler’s Bad Luck.

Clear Mind – Instant, Special Being a battlefield healer is no easy feat; all too many White Mages have watched their spells fizzle when their allies need it most. To this end, they have learned methods to empower their magicks by putting more of themselves into their spells. Whenever a spell would be interrupted due to knockback, limit break, critical hit, or teamwork attack, you may activate this ability. By paying the MP cost for the spell a second time, you may continue casting uninterrupted and the spell is not cancelled.

Summoner - Special Many mages argue over which school of magic is more useful - the destructive power of Black, the peerless support of White, the unique powers of Blue, or the indispensable manipulation of Geomancy. But all agree on one point - that none can compare to the limitless potential of Summoning. To pay for this potential, Summoners must endure grueling trials to obtain the power of even the weakest of Espers, if there is such a thing. Summoning the Espers themselves requires large amounts of magic power and time. But the payoff is extraordinary - healing, status effects, support spells, and all types of damage, in magnitudes that eventually surpass even the most advanced spells of the standard schools of magic. It's a long and hard road that the Summoner - and her party - must endure, but the end results are always worthwhile. This ability functions unlike any other ability in the game, in that it completely changes the White Mage’s role in a group. In fact, they’re no longer even addressed by that title, taking ‘Summoner’ as an honorific. The Summoner must search out the powers of the Espers to obtain them on a journey known as a ‘Pilgrimage’, where their mettle will be tested in dangerous and sometimes even horrifying ways.


Upon taking the Summoner ability, the character may choose spells from the Summons magic list as well as the White Magic list. None of the summons are automatic, and must be earned via various trials. Speak with your GM to talk about specific Espers that appeal to you, so they can be worked fluidly into the story. The only exception to this rule is a new character who starts the game with the ‘Summoner’ ability – their first level spell may be any of the rank one Espers on the list. New Ability: Summon – Slow, Local Using intense concentration and magical energy, the Summoner draws a legendary Esper into the physical world with Summoning. Summoning is a Slow action which costs MP equal to (10 x Esper's Rank). Thus, summoning Bahamut, a Rank 5 summon, would cost 50 MP. An Esper's Attributes and Statistics are determined as follows: Level = Same as the Summoner. Attributes = Same as the Summoner. HP = (Summoner's HP) x (Esper's Rank) MP = As MP is drawn solely from the Summoner, Espers have no independent MP pools. ARM, MARM, and EVA are zero for all Summoned Beasts, in exchange for their HP bonus. Many Espers have inherent support abilities, such as an elemental weakness or an Auto-Status. As such, any inherent effects the Summoner may have on his or her equipment, like an Auto-Status or elemental defense, do not apply to the Esper. They all have the inherent ability Status-Proof, making them immune to effects such as Slow, Poison, Zombie and the like. They also cannot be affected with abilities such as Knockback or Disarm, cannot have their equipment targeted or broken, do not take falling damage, and cannot be swayed or affected by Skills of any sort, such as an attempt to intimidate or coerce. A summoner who is under the effects of the negative status effect ‘Charm’ is unable to summon Espers. An Esper may act immediately upon being Summoned. Any action that costs MP will draw that MP from the Summoner's pool, and if the Summoner runs out of MP, then the Esper will vanish. While an Esper is in battle, the Summoner may not be targeted by any Single action, such as attacks or single-target spells, but they will be included in Group, Local, and Global targeting effects. Any Status Conditions existing at the time of Summoning, such as Poison, will have their durations suspended until Summoning ends, at which point they will resume taking effect. The Esper can stay on the battlefield for up to six rounds before automatically being dismissed. An Esper can be dismissed sooner than this if the battle ends, if it loses all of it’s HP, if the Summoner sends it away, or if the Summoner is reduced to Unconsciousness. If dismissed by losing all of it's HP, an Esper cannot be Summoned again in the same game session. An Esper that survives in combat will be returned to 100% HP after the battle. Once an Esper is dismissed, the Summoner once again becomes an active target for damage and all status conditions inflicted continue to take effect. An Esper may not choose to pass their turn and take no action. If the Summoner chooses to take no action with the Esper, then it is dismissed and returns to the Summoner’s turn. On the sixth turn, an Esper receives the ability to use one final, powerful ability known as an Astral Flow before vanishing. These attacks are of immense power, capable of altering entire landscapes with their destructive properties.

Grand Summon – Passive, Special With the change in title that comes from White Mage to Summoner, so too does the character’s outlook on life and combat change. Upon taking this ability, the Summoner no longer has access to the White Mage epic ability, ‘Benediction’ – instead, they obtain the new epic ability, ‘Grand Summon’. When used, the currently summoned Esper may utilize their Astral Flow ability for no MP cost, even if they have not been on the field for the required 6 turns.



Although having a name and a Job is a great start for a character, this chapter will explore how you can further develop your hero’s uniqueness through skills, Traits, and more – and get some great bonuses along the way. We’ll start with….

Shared Abilities Outside of each Job’s specific abilities, they may choose from a list of shared abilities that every character has access to.

Animal Companion – Passive The character is accompanied in his journeys by a faithful animal, such as a trained dog or a mount, or something more exotic such as a summoned creation. The Animal Companion is small or agile enough to avoid damage in combat; if the character controlling the Animal Companion is reduced to 0 HP or otherwise incapacitated, it will not act until its owner has been revived. Attacks from an Animal Companion cause damage which is insignificant enough that they do not bother participating in combat. Rather, they are versatile and skilled, able to follow simple instructions and relay information to their owner nonverbally. The exact powers of an Animal Companion are determined by selecting a combination of talents from the list below totaling 10. Unique (1): The creature is one-of-a-kind. Though this has no readily-foreseeable game advantages, GMs are encouraged to take note of this fact. Loyal (1): The Companion is fiercely loyal to its master, and can never be persuaded to act in any way contrary to the direct wishes of the PC. This ability also makes the Animal Companion Immune to Charm. Familiarity (2): Both you and your companion are of shared mind, and have an understanding that far exceeds intuition. You receive a +1 bonus to the Ride skill checks when your companion is acting as the mount, or you as a player can choose to take control of your animal companion in non-combat situations. Sentient (2): The Animal Companion has intelligence comparable to a man’s, and is capable of speaking and understanding one language. Taking this ability multiple times allows for more languages. Packrat (2): The Animal Companion can carry a few of the character's odds and ends, and acts as an emergency reserve. In game terms, this means that the Companion can carry up to 5 additional items for the character, effectively increasing their total inventory space up to 15. Attribute (2): The Animal Companion is strong, fast, or smart enough to help the party out when needed. In game terms, this gives the Companion an Attribute Rating of 2 in one Attribute of the creator's choice, and allows it to make checks with that Attribute if it ever is in a position to do so. Though this ability may be taken multiple times, no more than 4 points may ever be in the same attribute rating. Large (2): The Companion is larger than normal. If used in conjunction with Mount, up to four characters may ride it. Strange Attack (3): The companion is able to attack by spitting poison, breathing small bouts of flame, or other such abilities. Work out the precise details with the GM beforehand. This may allow the creature to do small amounts of attack damage, or add an elemental type or a potential status effect. Some creatures such as Chocobos already have Blue Magic that the player may choose from – the creature may have this spell as its Strange Attack. Skilled (3): The Animal Companion has a certain talent that comes in handy for its owner – a monkey trained in Stealth, for instance, makes an ideal pickpocketing accomplice with a budding Thief. The companion receives two dots to place anywhere in its Skills. Though this ability may be taken multiple times, no more than 4 points may ever be in the same skill. Flying (3): The Animal Companion has wings or the ability to soar under its own power, giving it the ‘Flight’ ability. Mount (5): The Animal Companion can be ridden with a successful Riding Skill Test, reducing travel times accordingly. (see p.133 for more information on this) A normal-sized Mount can carry up to two people. Search (6): The Animal Companion is constantly sniffing around and digging in the search for usable items. Once per session, a character who’s Animal Companion has the Search talent gains one free Item of the GM’s choice, with a Tier or usage value appropriate to the character's current Level. This does not reduce any other item rewards the character obtains. Pending GM approval, the player can use the Animal Companion ability to make other allies such as hirelings or robots. This Ability may be taken multiple times, adding 10 more points to an existing pet each time.


Defy Gravity - Passive After obtaining this ability, the character no longer takes damage from jumping or falling, no matter the distance. In addition, the character’s horizontal and vertical jumping distance is tripled. Without this ability, falling from a Long Range causes the character to take 50% of their maximum HP in damage.

Destructive Strike – Passive A character with this ability is capable of taking out walls, objects, anything that gets in his way. When making a Strength check to destroy an object, the character is treated as having DOUBLE the strength score before rolling. For example, a character with +4 STR normally would instead be treated as having +8, in addition to his 2d6 roll result. When taking this ability, choose a weapon type. Destructive Strikes may only be done with that weapon. Magic may not be used. In addition, the character may make attack rolls to destroy large objects (at the GM's discretion) that would otherwise collide with him – such as falling rocks or hurled machinery.

Devour – Standard With this…..unique ability, the character becomes a gourmet of the most unusual of cuisines – defeated foes. By taking a standard action, the character may attempt to completely eat any enemy that has been brought to 0 HP or below. This may have potentially negative effects such as HP loss or statuses such as Poison, but it may also act as a Snack or Meal effect (see p.114, Cooking, for more information). A Blue Mage with the Devour ability may also learn their spells from devouring he remains of fallen foes, in addition to (or instead of!) the normal methods. This ability cannot be used to munch on matter that is not monstrous in nature – at least, no more than normal. A character with the Devour ability cannot chew through steel bars or a wooden wall, despite the fact that they may have just swallowed whole an Iron Giant earlier.

Disarm – Standard, Single After obtaining this ability, a character with Disarm may relieve enemies of their weapons. After making a successful ranged or melee attack action, he may choose deal 0 damage and instead, knock an item or weapon from his foe's grip. Both parties make either a STR or DEX check, of their choice – if the disarmer wins the weapon is knocked aside, and if the foe wins there is no effect. It may take one or more rounds for the disarmed foe to recover his weapon, depending on circumstance. (More information regarding Disarming in combat can be found on p.123)

Dual Wield - Passive A character with this ability has received the training to use multiple weapons. They may now use the Two Weapons skill as though it was a Job weapon skill. A character who can effectively use Two Weapons gains the following benefits; First, whenever he makes an attack roll, he may roll 3d6 instead of 2d6, and drop the lowest. In addition, he may use all of the magical properties of both of his weapons in a single attack roll. However, as mentioned in the Skill section earlier, an attack made with two weapons uses the lowest skill to determine accuracy - either that of the weapons of that of the Two Weapons skill. A Fighter with this ability may dual-wield Massive weapons as well, but does not obtain any additional damage or bonuses for doing so. Whenever a character using two weapons rolls a critical hit or uses a Limit Break, the damage is calculated using the lowest Tier of weapon he currently has equipped. Thus, it is in a player’s best interest to keep both weapons equally well-maintained in order to maximize damage.

Favored Terrain – Passive, Self Some individuals have honed their skills in one particular environment, Upon taking Favored Terrain, choose one of the following eleven locales; Plains, Town, Forest, Mountains, Desert, Swamp, Water, Underground, Snow, Lava, and Cosmic. The character receives a +2 to almost all rolls when in this environment – the Gambler’s Reel ability and Synthesis checks are unaffected by this bonus.

Favored Spell – Passive, Self A character with this ability has become extremely familiar with one spell, and may cast it at a moment's notice. Upon taking this ability, choose any spell you can currently cast – you may now use this spell as a Standard action instead of a Slow action. If the spell ever increases in rank numerically (Cure, Cure II, Cure III, etc) then Favored Spell applies to all of its versions. However, alternate, similarly-named spells (i.e.; Curaga) remain unchanged. Favored Spell can also be applied to the entire Summoning school of magic. A Summoner who utilizes Favored Spell in this way can cast any Esper summon as a Standard action. An Esper called forth in this way may act on the same turn it appears.


Knack – Special A character with a knack has an aptitude for a few skills – he might be able to swing a sword and strike a foe’s vulnerable spots regardless of his physical strength, or an intimidating sort might decide that he can ‘negotiate’ simply by cracking his knuckles. After taking the Knack ability, choose three skills. The character may now use any attribute they like when determining the maximum number of skill points in that category they may have – regardless of the standard attribute it may be ‘tied’ to. For example, a player might choose the Two Weapons skill, crossing out ‘DEX’ on their character sheet and making it a ‘STR’ based skill instead. This ability cannot be taken multiple times. Furthermore, some GMs will require their players to explain a feasible way the attribute could apply to the skill – for example, a player would be hard pressed to explain how their character can use a high Charisma score to Swim.

Limit Breaker – Passive Normally, a character must have 25% HP or less in order for a Limit Break to be used. A character with this ability may use their limit breaks upon rolling a critical hit at 50% health or below, instead.

Mediator – Passive A character with this incredible ability is capable of turning even the most bloodthirsty of foes into reluctant allies with the power of persuasion alone. Mediators may attempt to persuade defeated foes to join them for a time – or at least coerce general cooperation – with a successful Negotiation check opposed by the Monster’s INT rating. The Mediator must be able to speak the creature’s language, and Bosses and End Bosses cannot be affected with this ability. Furthermore, upon successfully persuading a monster to assist the party, the character with the Mediator ability forfeits his share of the gil reward for overcoming the creature. This is similar to causing the Charm status in foes, but the creature retains free will and there is no fixed duration. A Monster who fights for the character retains the same attacks and abilities listed in their Bestiary entry, and acts on the same turn as the Mediator. This ability may only be used once per session.

Onion Knight - Passive So the story goes, the Onion Knights were heroes from ages long past. Despite being little more than children they were attuned to the unique resonance of the Crystals and able to draw energy from them. Upon taking the Onion Knight ability, choose one of the 18 jobs. By expending 1 point of Destiny at any time, you may gain access to any one ability belonging to that Job for one round. Regardless of how many uses per session the new ability may have, the Onion Knight can only use it until his turn ends. Onion Knight does not grant access to either Innate or Epic abilities, and they may only spend a maximum of one Destiny per round. This ability may be taken multiple times, choosing an additional Job each time. This broadens the character’s options in terms of abilities. However, Shared Abilities are never available to be used by the Onion Knight in this temporary fashion.

Skillful Hero – Special The character possesses a repertoire of useful abilities and talents, with great proficiency in one or more fields of study, synthesis, or even simply a natural flair for the physical. Upon taking this ability, the character receives an additional 5 skill points to distribute anywhere he sees fit. Remember that skills points do not have to be spent immediately.

Special Vehicle – Passive The character is far more mobile than most, possessing an airship, land vehicle, cybernetic armor system or the like, that allows for greater speed and/or maneuverability. The exact powers of a Special Vehicle are determined by selecting a combination of talents from the list below totaling 10. If forced into a combat situation, a Special Vehicle has the same ARM and MARM values as the character who took the ability, and 50% of that character’s maximum hit points. Enemise can still target the pilot of the vehicle, but at a -4 penalty to hit due to their added speed and likely protection granted by the vessel.


Power Source (1): The vehicle is powered by a unique or renewable power source, entirely self-sufficient. Whether it be through hot air, solar power, or a Crystal core, the vehicle never needs to land and refuel. Unique (1): The vehicle is one-of-a-kind, likely built from scratch by the owner - or perhaps no similar models remain in existence. Though this has no readily-foreseeable game advantages, GMs are encouraged to take note of this fact. Iconic (1): The differences between Iconic and Unique are slight, but significant. This represents your vehicle is associated with certain connotations, and provide a +1 bonus on Negotiation rolls in which the image would be an asset - whether you're a state senator making a grand entrance, or raising the pirate flag high, your vehicle helps achieve the desired effect. Movement (2): This ability may be taken multiple times, and is the key attribute for many vehicles. A Vehicle's Movement is added to your ‘Vehicles’ skill checks as a positive modifier. For example, Orim, a Dragoon, has an airship with a Movement of 2 - slow, but steady - and a Vehicles skill of 3. The imperial soldiers chasing him in their armored pods have a Vehicles skill of only 1, but Movement speeds of 4. Neither side has a clear advantage here it's all up to the dice. Magic Touch (2): No other user than the initial owner is capable of utilizing the vehicle. Whether this is a case of security precautions or simply "Nobody else can fly this baby but ME!" is entirely up to the player. Large (1): The Vehicle is larger than normal - it can carry two passengers as a land vehicle, or up to a few dozen as an air vehicle. (Animal Companions with the Large talent count as an individual passenger.) Unorthodox Travel (3): It's a fact of life - airships can't travel through gale-force hurricanes, motorcycles have trouble running in waist-deep sands. That is, assuming the creator of the vehicle didn't put points in Unorthodox Travel. Choose a type of terrain other than water, or any atmospheric condition - the vehicle can travel just as well in these conditions as it does normally. For example, an airship could descend into an active volcano with no ill effects, or drill through the earth’s crust. Indestructible(5): The vehicle is nigh-unbreakable, reinforced with special materials and carefully protected from harm. In combat, the vehicle recives double the standard ARM and MARM values. Outside of combat, the vehicle takes no damage from any source, with magic and heavy weaponry barely even scratching the paint. Flying (5): The vehicle is capable of flight, and can carry the members of the party in rather cramped quarters. Anyone else taken aboard would push the vehicle past its maximum passenger capacity, and make for a very uncomfortable ride. (Unless, of course, the special vehicle is also Large.) Buoyant (3): The vehicle is a sailing vessel of some sort, or simply doesn't sink in water. This can refer to anything from a wooden canoe to an airship capable on traveling on water as easily it does in the air. Weapon Systems (5): The vehicle is affixed with torrents, Pulse cannons or the like - speak with your GM to determine the exact nature of these weapons. Generally, they operate at the same Tier level as the user’s weapons. However, they may never be unmanned systems, and can never fire of their own accord. Pending GM approval, the player can use the Special Vehicle ability to make other creations such as drilling machines or battlecruisers. (see p.133 for more information on average vehicle travel times) This Ability may be taken multiple times, adding 10 more points to an existing vehicle each time. For example, a fortified (5) thirty-man (2) airship (5) owned by a notorious gambler (1) and operated ONLY by him (2) and decked out with powerful weapons (5) with a Movement of 4 (8) would require this Ability to be purchased three times in total.

Weapon Training – Passive Training outside the norm, the character is capable of using a weapon that is unusual for his job. The character can choose one additional Weapon or Armor type his Job would normally not have access to, with the exception of Two Weapons. This weapon need not be on the typical ability list, but be aware that not all weapons categories in existence have Legendary versions.

Weapon Throw – Special Upon obtaining this ability, the character is passively capable of targeting flying enemies without taking the standard -4 penalty for using a short range weapon. How this bonus manifests is up to the player; perhaps the character is a master of throwing (and then catching) his weapon, or uses telekinesis to move said weapons around him and through the air. He may even project energy beams or the like from his equipment. However the effects are described visually, this shared ability functions exactly the same. Furthermore, once per game session a character may use a melee weapon to target and damage a foe whom is at a Medium Range.


Skills "You think your skills will save you against me? Allow me to shatter your illusions of grandeur." - Amarant Coral

During the course of the game, situations will arise where a character wishes – or is required – to use an Attribute or Skill to perform a task. In the case of Skills, the range of tasks each Skill is used for should be relatively self-explanatory; for Attributes, sample tasks include: Strength: Lifting or destroying heavy objects, grappling, arm wrestling, pushing or pulling loads. Vitality: Resisting diseases or poison, fighting fatigue, ignoring the effects of serious wounds or exhaustion. Dexterity: Catching items, reflexes, outrunning others. Intelligence: Remembering information, figuring out a logic puzzle, analyzing a situation. Charisma: Stealing the spotlight, resisting mental torture,

Task Difficulty Elementary: 5; Spot a Galka in a crowd, get directions to the nearest town Easy: 7; Create a rudimentary shelter in the wild, pocket an apple in a crowded marketplace. Average: 9; Pick an average lock, see the Tonberry hidden in the shadows. Challenging: 11; Cook a banquet for the royal family, Hack a major computer, disarm an ancient trap. Impressive: 13; Drive a motorcycle across a collapsing bridge, slip out of a pair of locked manacles. Heroic: 17; Successfully disguise yourself as an NPC's longtime lover, forge and use a powerful weapon. Godlike: 20; Swim up a waterfall, catch a bullet with your bare hands. Impossible: 25 or higher; Collapse a fifty-story building by ‘putting your back into it.’ The number of ranks you possess in any given skill is limited to the rating you have in the corresponding attribute, plus one. For example, a character may wish to take levels in the Riding skill. The attribute for this particular skill happens to be DEX, and the character, having 12 DEX, has a +4 attribute rating. Therefore, he may have up to a maximum of 5 skill ranks in Riding. If the character had an automatic +1 bonus in the Riding Skill – say, from an Animal Companion – then the maximum number of skills he could he could possess in Riding would be 6 instead, and so on. Characters receive one skill point at each level up, and at the start of the game, receive a number of skill points listed by their job, as well as an additional +1 for every point of INT the character possesses. Social skills such as Acting or Negotiation will never have a direct impact on player characters – a player’s control over his character’s beliefs and attitude is absolute. On the following few pages is a list of most common skills and their general usage.


Acrobatics - DEX The ability to tumble, jump, balance, and take falls. A character with this Skill has refined their coordination, balance and flexibility to the point of being able to execute complex acrobatic maneuvers as if they were second nature. On a successful Skill check, you can perform a difficult feat of agility, such as leaping through a two-foot-square window without hurting yourself. Acting - CHA A character with this Skill has the ability to lie, fake emotions and devise new personalities for himself. With a successful Skill check, the character may attempt to use Acting to bluff, improvise, or simply enhance a disguise. Awareness - INT Characters with this Skill possess a certain sixth sense when it comes to spotting potential dangers or noticing when something isn’t quite right – whether in the form of a con-man attempting to swindle the party out of its Gil with counterfeit Elixirs or a dozen slavering beasts waiting in ambush around the corner. Climbing – STR / DEX Whether light free-climbing or full-fledged mountaineering, a character with this Skill can scale vertical surfaces with a reasonable degree of success. One or more Skill checks may be needed for a successful ascent; in the event of a failure, no progress is made or the character could slip and fall. Disguise – CHA / INT The ability for a character to assume a new appearance, ranging from a simple change of clothing to a full-blown transformation. Note that this only covers the physical appearance; the actions a character makes while disguised are covered by a separate Skill check via Acting to maintain the illusion. A Disguise check can also be used to conceal small objects on the character’s person. Escape – DEX Everyone gets caught sometimes -- for this reason, the ability to slip out of a tight bind can prove to be a valuable asset. A character with this Skill can worm his way out of rope, manacles, grapples, or what have you. Failure simply means a character remains trapped; a critical failure can just as easily result in injury, tangled bonds, or suspicious captors checking in to see what all the banging around is about… This skill also allows characters to flee from combat if faced with overwhelming odds, and it’s recommended that fledgling adventurers invest at least a few points into this skill. (See p.198 for more information about Running Away in combat.)

Healing - INT A character with this Skill knows enough about the body and its workings to diagnose and treat most kinds of sickness and injury. Failure in either could have drastic consequences for the patient. It also doubles as a helpful tool in allowing an injured party to get a better night’s rest in adverse conditions, or popping joints back into place in the thick of battle. Inquiry – INT / CHA Whether it's the location of an ancient tomb, an obscure local legend, or just the address of the nearest inn in town, characters with the Inquiry Skill are adept of digging up the information they need as quickly and painlessly as possible. One Skill check must be made for each piece of information the character wishes to locate; the amount of time taken for the search can vary between half an hour and several days, depending on the breadth of resources available to the character. A failure simply means the character has not been able to locate the information; a critical failure may indicate the character has stumbled into serious trouble during the course of searching. Language - INT With this Skill, a character can understand and communicate in a particular language – at lower levels, fluently enough to converse with others, at higher levels with the proficiency of a skilled orator and writer. All newly-created characters automatically start with one language of their choice; generally Common


Tongue, but the decision is ultimately up to the player. Each point spent in the skill allows the character to obtain one additional language. The standard languages of the world are as follows; Ancient - The spoken or written tongues of the world’s precursor races, sometimes known as Lufenian or Lefenish. Ancient languages see very little usage in the world’s day-to-day affairs, particularly in their spoken forms; these are usually the domain of scholars and adventurers canny enough to realize that sooner or later everything comes down to mysteriously-inscribed slabs and relics. Bhasa Mithra - The Mithran/Viera language is constructed around a relatively limited set of words, placing heavy emphasis on prefixes and context instead. The flowery, flowing language of the Viera is learned by instinct, not social saturation. This causes the dialect to be hard to learn and follow, as it does not have roots in any other language. Common Tongue - The standard Hume tongue, lingua franca on most continents. Most, if not all, adventurers will be fluent in this language to one degree or another. Elvaan - Complex and florid, Elvaan has its roots in antiquity; like all other aspects of Elvaan culture, it is a source of racial pride and jealously guarded against dilution from outside sources. Galkan - Few Galka are capable of speaking their blunt, unsentimental native language, let alone writing it; adventurers are most likely to encounter it in ancient, Galkan-built structures and on racial artifacts. Mogri - The language used by the Moogle race. Though most non-Moogles may wonder how much communication can be achieved solely using the word ‘Kupo’, Mogri is surprisingly subtle; though untrained listeners will only hear that one word, those fluent in the language know it's all about slight variations. Few non-Moogles are fluent in this speech. Monster Talk - Used to communicate with beasts and intelligent creatures that cannot utilize Common Tongue, this language is typically non-verbal in nature. Though scholars would balk at calling the resulting collection of grunts, growls and posturing a ‘language’, there is considerable study involved in mastering it. Tarutaru - Used by the enigmatic Tarut, this language sees great use in the scholarly world due to the vast amounts of lost magical artifacts and rune-embedded treasure which is unearthed. Planar - This language can only be learned by someone who has dedicated his life to linguistic study you must have a minimum of 5 points in Language. This is used by the strange creatures that traverse the wholly-magical planes. Binary - Binary is a language of zeros and ones, usually written, but can be spoken with a crude vocal processor that emits boops and bleeps. Much like Planar, a minimum of 5 points in Language is required to select this language unless the character is an Android. Lore - INT Skills which cover a character's understanding of a particular concept or area, abstract or not – facts, figures, and essential information relating to a subject the character has studied in at least some detail. Better skill tests mean the GM can provide more quality, quantity, and detail in terms of information granted, but you cannot retake Lore tests. A GM makes Lore checks privately, and a failure represents the information you receive is incorrect as opposed to simply a 'I don't know.' Learning that this particular species of Dragon is not dangerous to people with a failed Lore roll may be an awkward situation for your party to find itself in.... Lore (General): Detailed knowledge of the world the characters live in; geography of a particular area, major landmarks and guilds, current events and local customs. Lore (History): General knowledge of key events in history, including dates, personalities, and other minutiae. Also includes popular mythology, ranging from ancient sagas to contemporary 'urban legends' Lore (Monsters): What is a Malboro's preferred food source? Just how fast does a Cactuar actually run? A character with Monster Lore is a treasure trove of facts and trivia on the planet's inhuman inhabitants. Lore (Esper): A primer on the habitats, histories, strengths, weaknesses and personalities of the Esper society, as well as routes and passages taken on the Summoner's pilgrimage and the like. Lore (Relics): This covers everything from long-forgotten family heirlooms to the potential magical properties of a jewel-encrusted sword. This Lore skill allows players to determine the exact magical properties of a given item, at a difficulty determined by the GM on a case-by-case basis. Navigation – INT Through the use of landmarks, the stars, and other environmental features, a character with this Skill can travel from location to location without losing his way. In addition, the character's well-honed sense of


direction can be a valuable asset in mazes and other confusing situations. Negotiation – CHA The fine art of getting your way. A character with this Skill can use their powers of persuasion to do anything from bartering for an item to convincing that troublesome Captain of the Guard that, no, they really aren’t an Imperial sympathizer, thank you all the same. This skill covers everything from seduction to intimidation to begging for your life. Perform - CHA A character with this skill can express himself. Generally, this skill is utilized by Entertainers - miming, dancing and singing are a big part of their repertoire. It also is used for checks regarding tuning and maintaining a particular instrument, as well as having a ready selection of songs at hand, and related information. For example, a character is likely to be able to tell a waltz from a gavotte, and knows enough of the general etiquette and required steps to avoid stepping on people’s toes in the process. Riding - DEX A character with this Skill knows the basics of staying on and controlling a mount like a Chocobo or Dragon. To interact with animals that you don’t necessarily intent to use as transportation, most GMs will opt for a straight Charisma skill check instead. Stealth - DEX This Skill gives the character a basic understanding of subterfuge, allowing him to secrete himself in darkened corners to escape detection and sneak around without arousing too much suspicion. It also allows for sleight-of-hand tricks, forgery, and the like. In addition, it also covers the art of picking pockets. The ability to sneak small items out of their owners' possession without them noticing and raising alarm is part of any skilled thief’s repertoire. Survival - INT A character with this Skill is able to locate drinking water, forage food and avoid natural hazards that could easily take the life of a less-experienced traveler. One successful Survival Skill check is required for a character for each day she attempts to sustain herself in the wilderness; if the character is foraging for others, additional Skill checks may be needed. This skill also allows players to mask their travels, preventing others from following. Swimming – STR / VIT A character with this Skill has the training to float, swim and dive in water. Skill checks are required if a character is attempting to reach a particular location underwater, to stay afloat in rough current or for long periods of time, as well as for actions undertaken underwater. (See p.133 for rules regarding holding one’s breath and drowning.)

Synthesis - INT A character with this Skill can create items of varying size and complexity from scratch using a wide range of materials and methods, as well as repairing damaged equipment. A successful Synthesis check will reduce the creation cost of the item in question by 50%. Such crafting is specific to a type of manufacture, the most prominent of which are as follows; Synthesize (Alchemical): Through their intimate knowledge of the reactions of compounds, a character with this Skill can attempt to brew up a wide variety of useful mixtures, potions and tinctures. Synthesize (Armorsmithing): Handling both Medium and Heavy armor, this skill allows a craftsman to create, reinforce, and repair most types of protection, including shields. Synthesize (Cooking): Though some may question the value of haute cuisine in adventuring life, they're liable to change their tune when the only alternative is another week's worth of dried meat. A character with this Skill knows how to prepare and identify all types of dishes with a successful Skill test, and may


even be able to augment their comrades’ abilities in battle with appropriate foods. Synthesize (Machines): The least useful of the crafting types in day-to-day affairs, Machines covers huge, many-month projects such as airships, land vehicles, and other large technological leaps. Synthesize (Tailoring): Tailoring is the Synthesis skill that covers Light Armor of all sorts, as well as several unique items. Synthesize (Tinkering): Tinkers create accessories and relics, handle items that increase raw Skills, produces items which deal in status conditions; both granting beneficial effects and preventing unwanted ones... and finally, they also have a bizarre assortment of gadgets and inventions at their disposal. Synthesize (Weaponsmithing): Every Adventurer needs one, and these are the artisans who make it so. Some famous Artisans have crafted weapons of truly epic proportions. Systems - INT A multipurpose Skill which allows a character to work with complex mechanisms, including electrical wiring, robots, constructs, and computers. A successful Skill check can be used to either set up, interrupt, or tamper with a system; failure will damage the system but usually allows the character enough leeway to attempt to repair the problem. It is possible, however, for a critical failure to destroy particularly complicated systems beyond the point of salvage. Thievery - DEX A character with this Skill can open perform all manner of illegal activities with speed and style. They can open locks on doors, treasure chests and anything else others consider worth securing, given a few simple tools, a little elbow grease and a successful Skill check. They may rummage through pockets undetected, cheat at cards, and disarm – or set – traps of varying complexity and lethality. Trade - CHA A character with this Skill knows her way around the art of buying cheap and selling high. A successful Skill check can be used to locate a particular piece of equipment; the amount of time spent tracking the item down and the final price are placed at the GM's discretion. A similar test can also be made to locate merchants or shops in a town or city, or to haggle a price with a reluctant dealer. In addition, and possibly most importantly, a character with Trade will have a good eye for details, and can easily appraise items of mundane value to determine their true worth and authenticity. Trade does not allow characters to discover the properties of magical items; Lore: Relics is needed instead. Vehicles - DEX This Skill enables a character to helm most vehicles with a reasonable degree of reliability, though in adverse conditions, things might be a little bit more difficult. This skill governs everything from motorcycles to Magitek armor to Airships. Special maneuvers naturally require an advanced level of ability to pull off without wrecking the vehicle in question in the process. It can also be utilized to repair damaged vehicles to which the Systems skill doesn’t apply.


Weapon Skills Anyone can swing a stick, but to do so with finesse takes considerable time and dedication on the part of the wielder. For this reason, Weapon Skills are the bread and butter of virtually all professions, governing the usage of everything from Swords to Magitek cannons. Axes - STR/DEX This Skill covers the usage of the heavy and often cumbersome Axes. They are especially good at cutting through Plant monsters and cleaving paths through wilderness areas. Bows - DEX This Skill allows a character to draw, fire, and reload Bows with speed and accuracy. Characters other than rangers are unable to move in the same round they fire a bow, forced to take aim to achieve any kind of result at all. Bows are, for this reason, used almost exclusively by Rangers. Bows can fire at Medium Range accurately, and at Long Range at a -4 penalty. Daggers - DEX This skill covers the smaller, bladed weapons known as Daggers. They can generally be kept hidden from sight, making them preferred by combatants that value stealth. Brawl – STR/DEX Brawl is basic unarmed or improvised combat. Inelegant but effective in a pinch, it allows the character to rely on their bare hands in a fight if no other weapons are available, as well as teaching the character the ins and outs of Fist weapons and turning mundane, everyday items to deadly weapons. Guns - DEX This Skill covers those technologically sophisticated ranged weapons known as Guns. Characters other than rangers may not move in the same round they fire a gun, representing the need to reload the weapon. Guns can fire at Medium Range accurately, and at Long Range at a -4 penalty. Katanas - DEX This skill covers both the infamous Ninja weapon and the more noble, larger-sized katana used almost exclusively by the Samurai. The Katana used by Samurai differ due to the ‘Kami’ spirit which inhabits them. However, no matter the wielder, Katanas are designed to pierce through armor to make deadly attacks. Massive – STR This highly unspecialized skill covers any double-handed weapon of immense size, such as scythes, Greatswords, Buster swords, and more. A character using a Massive weapon can use their powerful strikes to send foes flying. Polearms – STR/DEX This skill allows a character to wield lances, spears, and other Polearms with finesse. Designed for mounted combat and Dragoons, these weapons can do extra damage with sufficient momentum. Staves – DEX/INT This skill covers blunt, bludgeoning rods and cudgels. Though few combatants ever choose to wield a Staff, there are those who have devised ways to channel innate magical energies into their foes using these otherwise ordinary poles. Swords – STR/DEX This skill covers the staple adventurer’s weapon, the Sword. It's tried and true, and is by far the most common weapon in the world.


Two Weapons – DEX This Skill represents the specialized training needed for a character to fight with more than one weapon at a time, wielding a weapon in each hand. In practice, this means a character may equip a weapon in each hand, provided a Shield is not equipped and that neither is a two-handed weapon. When making an Attack Action with Two Weapons, the character rolls 3d6 instead of 2d6, and uses only the two highest dice to determine ACC – but uses all three to determine damage. In addition, he may use all of the magical properties of both of his weapons in a single attack roll. However, their attack bonus is equal to the LOWEST skill of the ones being used - for instance, a character wanting to use a Dagger and a Katana in conjunction would need skill points in Daggers, Katanas, and Two Weapons. If he had 3 skill dots in katanas and daggers, but 0 skill points in Two Weapons, then he would make his attack roll at a +0 bonus. Thus, there is nothing that stops characters from utilizing multiple weapons, save for the penalties if the Two Weapon skill is not possessed. In addition, critical hits and limit breaks while dual-wielding calculate their damage using the lowest Tier weapon currently equipped – thus, the constant money sink of dual-wielding is the primary trade-off for incredible accuracy and consistently more damage. Weapon Systems - INT This Skill governs the use of any weapon too large to be feasibly man-portable – some obvious examples of this would be a cannon mounted onboard an airship or a Magitek Armor's Tek Missile weapon.

Armor Skills With so many magically-enhanced sets of bodily protection scattered across the land, it’s no wonder that specialized training exists. Armor skills help you get the most out of your armor – if your skill is too low, you’ll be unable to access the special effects offered by armor, and take -2 penalties to all actions when wearing gear that you simply can’t move well in. The three types of Armor are expressed below. Light Armor – DEX / INT Most often worn by mages, light armor is designed for fluidity and elemental protection. Though it offers virtually no defense against blades and bullets, these fine garments are notable for their outstanding Magical resistance. Medium Armor - DEX Covering everything from leathery monster hides to thick, multi-layered garments, medium armor is designed for one thing – mobility. Granting a middle-of-the-road protection to both physical and magical attacks, Medium armor is best for characters that prefer evasion and speed. Heavy Armor – STR / VIT Head-to-toe steel armors provide the best protection by far, allowing the wearer to shrug off physical blows with ease. However, the magical protection offered by this armor is minimal, and it may even reduce the wearer’s evasion due to sheer bulk. Shields are a type of Heavy Armor, and this skill covers their usage as well.


Destiny “Your actions have meaning only if they hold true to your ideals.” - Ramza Beoulve

Destiny Points are a metagame representation of a Character’s potential impact on the world. All characters receive one point of Destiny upon character creation, and more are earned through a completion of a character’s goals, and when the character performs a dramatic (though not necessarily life-threatening) action. The watch-word here is ‘dramatic’ – this means disarming a city-leveling bomb at the four second mark, supporting an entire two-story house with nothing but muscle power, or leaping a twenty-foot drop to catch a rope dangling from the side of a getaway vehicle.

Earning Destiny Though some GMs may choose to alter these methods slightly, the standard ways to receive Destiny are as follows; Defeating a Boss or End Boss awards each member of the party one – or more! – points of Destiny, Members of the ‘Fighter’ Job class always receive an additional point for this due to their innate ability. Dramatic Heroism, as described above, awards each member of the party one point of Destiny. Completing Goals allows individual characters to recover Destiny, as well. One point might be awarded for a small goal, and up to three could be awarded for seeing the end of a lifelong dream (such as building the world’s first airship or becoming king. GMs are encouraged to talk with their players to determine what goals the character has in life, to be able to award Destiny appropriately and fairly.

Spending Destiny Destiny has five primary uses, discussed below. Using Traits: A single point of Destiny will further allow a character, in short, to do what he does best. Traits are discussed in more detail in the following section. A character who spends valuable Destiny and uses a Trait in order to keep the plot moving is the best sort of player a GM can hope for. Make sure that their contribution is remembered.


Synthesizing powerful weapons and armor: The world is filled with people capable of imbuing otherwise ordinary materials with a little extra something, forging potent and unique gear that could reshape the world, playing key roles in the rise and fall of heroes and villains, nations and empires. Whenever a character wishes to Synthesis a piece of equipment with the Special Ability property, one point of Destiny must be spent per ‘special ability’ the weapon would possess. This does not refer to standard properties like [Element] Strike or Alchemy, but specifically for when a player wishes to create a weapon that performs a unique function. This Destiny can be spent by anyone, not necessarily the crafter. (p.112 has more information on Synthesis) Using Epic Abilities: Each Job has an ability, obtained naturally at first level, which is unrivaled in terms of combat deadliness. Epic Abilities cost three points of Destiny to use. Using Limit Breaks – Upon reaching level 5, characters can create signature attacks that can eventually be even more powerful than a job’s Epic ability. Able to turn near losses into clear victories, these mighty attacks can only be accessed when the character is near death. By expending 3 Destiny when their character is at 25% or fewer Hit Points (but conscious!), a player may use any Limit Break they know as a standard action on their turn. Regardless of how many Destiny Points the character possesses, this option may not be used more than once per round. Cheating death - Death is a fact of life in the worlds of Final Fantasy – after all, no saga is truly complete without at least one tragic demise or inspiring sacrifice. However, the death of a leading character in a storyline can have major repercussions on the story as a whole, particularly for the unfortunate player now left scrambling for a replacement. With at least 7 points of Destiny, a player can restore their deceased character to life or escape a situation which would otherwise kill the character outright. However, all the character’s Destiny is consumed when Cheat Death is used, no matter how many points they had saved up. Players are encouraged never to announce that they are Cheating Death – rather, telling the GM in private by slipping a note or the like is the best way – it makes for far more dramatic play when the character reappears. This ‘resurrection’ will never be an immediate one; if engaged in a battle, the character will not revive until after the battle is over and won. If caught in a certaindeath situation, their survival will not be apparent until some time has passed – and the rest of the party has already given them up for dead. How the character manages to escape the Reaper is left to the player to explain. It’s important to note, however, that cheating death doesn’t mean the would-be victim gets away scot-free. Broken bones and lingering wounds may leave the character bed-ridden or temporarily incapacitated – the narrow miss can even translate to permanent physical injuries, such as blindness or a forever crippled arm.


Traits "Most people have to act the roles given to them. Then again, most of them haven't even noticed they're acting." - Delita Hyral

Breaking physical and mental limits to accomplish tasks is bread and butter for Final Fantasy heroes, and Traits are a reflection of this. A Trait is a character-defining personality feature, which can be activated for special effects at the cost of Destiny. They represent everything from your character’s true calling or personality, to how others react to them upon first meetings. For example, an Outsider will always be treated as such instinctively, even in a new area where he’s never met anyone. A character who has Grand Entrance always seems to have the light silhouette them perfectly as they appear on the scene at the most dramatic moment – even if they didn’t spend Destiny! A character with the Coward trait seems to get into fights far more often than most; they just look like an easy target to push around. Upon character creation, players choose two Traits to keep for the rest of the game, and will receive two additional Traits as they gain in experience levels. By expending a single point of Destiny, a character may use any of his Traits to receive the bonuses granted. There is no limit to the number of times they can be used consecutively or a maximum number of uses in a single campaign. Thus, a character could possess the Agile Trait, allowing him to add an extra 1d6 dice to the result of any DEX check. By expending a whopping three points of Destiny, a character would roll a total of 2d6 dice for his DEX check, allowing him to perform truly superhuman feats. It is possible for a Trait to be lost – that is, if a Sexy character was horribly burned or maimed, a Famous character to fake a death and walk the streets in disguise, or the like. In such a situation, the GM is encouraged to allow the player to take another, fitting Trait in place of the lost one. Finally, players can call Traits by whatever name they like. While it is unlikely for a persuasive Moogle to be ‘Sexy,’ it might use its Cuteness or natural Charm to negotiate instead. AGILE The character possesses almost superhuman nimbleness and coordination. Destiny Use - When making a Dexterity check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. AMNESIA Through trauma or magic, the character has little – if any – memory of his own past. People and places of his past will go unrecognized, and sometimes he won't even know his own name. Destiny Use - By spending a point, the character treats any skill check as though he had four points in that Skill. ANCIENT HISTORY Special: This Trait may be only taken by Tarut. The Tarut have a deep connection to the Ancients, the vanished race, and dealing with the inventions and artifacts of the past sometimes nudges a long-forgotten racial memory to the surface. Destiny Use - The character can automatically activate a piece of Ancient machinery, deduce the function of a mysterious mechanism, or the like. ANDROGYNOUS Regardless of their true sex, the character blurs the gender lines just enough to leave everybody guessing – at times to his own advantage. Destiny Use - The character can successfully Disguise himself as a member of the opposite gender


without penalties or a roll, or they can ignore any penalties to Skill checks normally incurred by their gender for the remainder of the game session. They may use abilities that require a target to be of the opposite gender – such as a Red Mage’s ‘Steal Heart’ – regardless of their target’s sexual persuasion. ARTISAN The character is a gifted craftsman; in his hands, dull metal can become magnificent weapons or amazing relics and machines. Your work is renowned, no matter the field. Whether a master chef or alchemist, or tailor or painter or metalworker, your skills are beyond what the average professional can ever hope to match. Destiny Use - When making a Synthesis check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. BOTTOMLESS POCKETS The character has notoriously sticky fingers, pocketing and pilfering almost subconsciously. Still, you never realize how valuable a strategically-bent piece of wire is until you’re staring at the inside of a locked prison door. In keeping with this philosophy, the character has an odd or end for every situation. Destiny Use - The character can ‘conjure up’ a mundane item, no questions asked – provided it’s small enough for them to be carrying around. Even if they have no logical reason to be hauling around armor polish, ten feet of rope or invisible ink, the rest of the party can rest assured it’ll be there when they need it the most. BRILLIANT The character is a natural-born genius. Destiny Use - When making an Intelligence check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. CHILD OF THE FOREST Special: This Trait may be only taken by Viera. Viera have a close relationship with nature, and you are no exception. By honoring and respecting the primal forces of creation in your day-to-day life, you can communicate with nature in a way that no other race possibly can. Destiny Use - By spending a point while in a natural forest, the Viera can obtain information as though from an NPC. For example, they could discern the location of any object or life form currently within the forest, or that has recently passed through – but locations obtained in this manner may be vague rather than direct (“The Beast has passed through the cold grove into the rift of ancient battle.”) and may require interpretation to be of any use to the party. COMPETITOR The character is driven to be the BEST, and competition just fuels this desire. When placed in a situation where he is in competition with another person, he performs better, and usually comes out on top. Destiny Use – The character may add an additional d6 dice to any noncombat opposed rolls. CONFIDENT A confident character is driven, ambitious and motivated. They are certain of their own abilities and can often sway others to their way of thinking with riveting oratory and an unshakable belief in themselves. In addition to their uncanny likability, a character with this Trait is often adept at shaking off the effects of negative statuses. Destiny Use - When making a Charisma check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll.


COWARD Whilst not the most heroic of traits to have, all Cowards know how to save their own hides and live to fight another day. Destiny Use – By expending a point of Destiny, the character may instantly be removed from the current combat. He can take no actions whatsoever until it resolves, and cannot be targeted by offensive actions or attacks. CRYPTIC Who is that mysterious masked man? A Cryptic character seems to operate on a different level of reality than the world around him, knowing things nobody else is privy to. Destiny Use - The character can request a useful fact or piece of information regarding the party’s current situation from the GM in private. This information should be something none of the other characters could know, even with successful Lore checks. This Traits functions almost exactly like Intuitive. CYNIC Some characters step into adventuring life with a certain measure of innocence. Others are so hard-bitten and world-weary that nothing can surprise them anymore. Destiny Use - The character can identify a ruse or scam. Fake charities, ‘legendary’ items of dubious authenticity, or robed strangers asking them to retrieve the Doom Book they need to cure their poor, sick grandmother all apply. When a player states he's spending a point for his Cynical trait, it's spent; regardless whether or not there's a ruse to detect. FACE IN THE CROWD The character has the kind of features that just doesn't stay in the memory; those who see him once will rarely remember him even five minutes later. Destiny Use - The character can automatically escape recognition and detection in a situation in which he is under scrutiny. Alternatively for one point, the character can ensure that no reliable permanent records are kept on him; photographs and physical descriptions are vague enough to almost guarantee nobody will ever recognize him on the street. FAMOUS No matter where you go, it seems like everybody knows who you are – and what you’ve done. While the baying throngs awaiting you at each and every town may be good for the ego, the well-wishers aren’t the only ones taking an interest. Destiny Use - The character can use her celebrity to leverage a favor; Information, front-row seats, or low-key items from her admirers. FLASHBACKS Special: This Trait may be only taken by Galka. The character is plagued by vivid flashbacks to a past life he can’t entirely remember. So powerful are these flashbacks that he essentially ‘relives’ the experience, losing all connection to the outside world…and taking the party with him. Destiny Use - The character undergoes a flashback imparting some piece of information useful to the character or party, either immediately or in the near future. Unlike other information-providing Traits like Cryptic and Mantic, Flashbacks literally pulls the party into an ancient Galkan memory, which may even include combat or span multiple game sessions. They cannot change the present with their actions.


FLIGHT Special: This Trait may be only taken by Moogles. The Moogle’s wings are slightly stronger than most belonging to its species, and is capable of allowing the moogle to lopsidedly fly as opposed to merely hover. Destiny Use – The character gains flight, with the ability to fly in any direction as a normal move action. Melee attacks suffer a -4 penalty to hit a Moogle in flight. At the GM’s discretion, certain areas may reduce the speed of the Moogle due to winds or similar effects. The effects of this Trait last for several hours after Destiny is spent. FREE SPIRIT Special: This Trait may be only taken by Humes. You do not feel restricted by the conventional rules of society or the restraints of 'common sense,' and often act in a manner that in intentionally provoking, shocking, or supremely deviating from the norm. You're spontaneous and unpredictable, which often comes in handy. Destiny Use - After spending the point, your character may act in a way which is totally contrary to his Affiliation with no ill effects, such as becoming more prone to Shadow or Holy, depending on the action taken. The effects of this last for an entire game session, and apply to any and all actions taken. Alternatively, if the user of this trait is a Samurai, they may briefly act against their Code without penalty or loss of job abilities. HOTSHOT DRIVER The character is a master of pursuit no matter the vehicle, and his daredevil feats are legendary. Destiny Use - After using a destiny point, any vehicle in which the character is driving will manage to miraculously hold together for the duration of the encounter, regardless of how much of a beating it sustains in the process of a chase or escape. Alternatively, when making a Vehicles check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. GRAND ENTRANCE Some characters have a knack of arriving at just the right moment. Destiny Use - By spending a Point, the character can instantly join – or rejoin – a group at any point during a session; in the middle of a desert, on a battlefield, atop a deserted mountain peak – even if it was common knowledge that the character was elsewhere. How and why the character happens to be show up there is left up to the group’s imagination. GUARDIAN You can quickly come to the defense of others. Their survival means more to you than your own. Destiny Use - You throw yourself in front of an ally, taking damage in their stead. This ability only works for physical attacks, or magical attacks with a Single target. You may not use ARM or M.ARM, or any damage reduction such as Shell or Protect for the purposes of this ability. HEIGHTENED SENSES The character has enhanced hearing, smell, or sight, allowing her to spot things that would normally not be obvious. Destiny Use - When making an Awareness check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. INHUMAN MIGHT The character possesses incredible physical strength. Destiny Use - When making a Strength check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll.


INTUITIVE Whether through natural curiosity or merely a natural inclination to examine any given situation for information, an intuitive character can pick up on subtle clues where other people may simply overlook them. Destiny Use – The character can request a useful fact or piece of information regarding the party’s current situation from the GM in private. This Traits functions almost exactly like Cryptic. LONE WOLF The character is ill at ease around the company of others; her poor ability to judge responses and gruff demeanor tend to cause offense more often than not. They simply don't fit into society properly, and thus have difficulty in all social interactions. Potential backlashes here is that failures in Negotiation can become FAR more critical - bartering a room for the night can end up with the Lone Wolf cooling his heels in prison. Destiny Use - When a player leaves his group to accomplish something important something on his own, he can expend a point of Destiny to add an additional d6 dice to his result for any skill check. PARANOID You're always on your toes, waiting for the proverbial axe to fall. Destiny Use - When the GM declares a Preemptive round is beginning, you may expend a point. By doing so you are able to gather information about what is causing the attack, as well as act in the Preemptive round even if no other combatant is entitled to do so. In addition, you will receive the first strike before all other combatants, regardless of circumstance. Alternatively, you can use this ability to negate damage from a Trap. (Applies to small things like explosive chests, poison needles and the like, and not to large-scale scenario Traps such as rooms rapidly filling with water, or walls closing in.) MACHINE-SAVVY Some characters are naturally adept around technology, preferring to get involved with machines than people even if another alternative presents itself. Their grasp of complex devices is simply better than the average person. Destiny Use - When making a Systems check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. MENTALIST The character can sometimes foresee tiny fragments of the future or inklings of a destiny yet to come, or read the thoughts of those around him. How the character derives this knowledge varies from person to person; some may use smoke and tea leaves, and others are simply born with a strange telepathy Destiny Use - The character can peer into the mind of an NPC, detecting surface thoughts and probing for information. NOTORIOUS The character has an out-and-out dangerous reputation – as a merciless killer, a traitor, an overly-shrewd diplomat, or simply as a criminal of the highest caliber. Whether justified or just the result of hearsay, this Notoriety makes his life that much more interesting. Be aware that this Trait can have unusual backlashes. Innkeepers refusing service, local authorities taking a close interest in the character’s actions, or howling mobs hounding him out of town are all fair game. Destiny Use - When making a Negotiation check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. OUTSIDER The character has managed to make himself highly unwelcome in society, or grew up in the wilderness. Whether a Wild Child or an outcast from the civilized world, the character knows how to take care of himself better when immersed in nature than when in a city. Destiny Use - When making a Survival check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll.


OVERCLOCKED Special: This Trait may be only taken by Androids. Shifting to backup or auxiliary reserves of power, the Android is capable of far surpassing human reflexes, speed, and combat expertise for a brief period. Destiny Use – By expending a point of Destiny, the character receives the effects of Auto-Haste until the end of combat. Afterwards, the character is drained and must recuperate, and they may only take very limited, non-physically-demanding actions for a 24-hour period, assuming they are able to walk at all. PRETENDER People want to believe the best of you. They have no doubts accepting that you are who you say you are. Destiny Use - When making an Acting check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. SEXY While the definition of 'attractive' continues to be hotly debated in pubs the world over, a character with this Trait taps into some timeless, universal standard of beauty that never quite goes out of fashion. Be aware that this trait can have backlashes. Persistent admirers who will stop at nothing to woo, unwanted attention, or the inability to blend into a crowd are all fair game. Destiny Use - The character can use her beauty to obtain a favor or a gift from an admirer, or the character can add an additional d6 to a Negotiation Skill roll aimed at any willing or plausibly willing target. STRAIGHT ARROW The character has unusually upstanding moral values and disarming honesty – the kind of man who prides himself on being able to read another’s character off the basis of a handshake. However, the character’s overwhelming honesty can cause trouble for the party. Destiny Use - The character can instantly determine the truthfulness of any one statement or person. STUDIOUS The character has spent his entire life in the pursuit of various knowledge, and is a walking library of obscure facts. In his chosen field, this character is an expert, simply knowing everything there is to know. Destiny Use – You may roll an additional d6 die for any Skill Test for Lore, even if you do not have the points in that type of Lore. For example, a Studious character could utilize Lore (Monsters) with a bonus die, even if he is an herbalist by trade. TRUE LOVE The world is a dark, hostile place, where even Heroes succumb to hopelessness, greed, and hate. The character has found a ray of light in an otherwise merciless world, and True Love gives him strength when things seem darkest. Destiny Use – The character may expend a point of destiny to add an additional +2 to any roll. It is likely that this trait could be lost with the death of one’s True Love, but this is not always the case. In such a situation, the character may only take Vengeful, Lone Wolf, or Cynic in exchange. UNYIELDING The character is far more tough and pugilistic than most others. Destiny Use - When making a Vitality check, add an additional d6 dice to your roll. VENGEFUL The character has dedicated himself to the absolute destruction of another person, species, job class, followers of a certain religious order, etc, that he believes has wronged him greatly in some way. When he is fighting this type of foe or this specific player, he is determined to win at all costs. Destiny Use - Declare the target of your revenge when taking this Trait. By spending a point, and when the player is fighting the Person/Species/Job /etc that he has sworn vengeance against, the character may continue to fight normally even when he reaches 0 hit points and would otherwise be


incapacitated and unconscious. After spending the Destiny, this effect lasts for the duration of the combat. The Character may continue to fight until he reaches negative hit points equal to half of his base HP, at which point he is dead normally. If the targeted foe is slain while the character is at 0 HP or below, then the character has had his revenge and is at peace, and becomes incapacitated; and if in negative hit points, begins to die as normal. WALKING DISASTER “Walking disaster” is as apt a description of the character’s activities as any; he seems literally incapable of walking into a situation without walking away from it as smoldering rubble. Even when he tries his hardest to behave, things seem always to react violently, become damaged, or detonate into spectacular fireballs when this character gets involved. Destiny Use - You automatically critically succeed any Skill check involving the destruction of a machine, obstacle, building, magical object, or the like, all at the GM's Discretion. WEAPON MASTER Special: This Trait may be only taken by Elvaan. The character has the fires of battle in his Elvaan blood. To him, a weapon is a weapon; No matter the shape or size, the function is always the same. Often, weapon masters are focused and unrelenting, and only truly feel at home when knee-deep in corpses. Destiny Use - You may use objects - whether intended to be used as a weapon or not – as though it was your standard weapon for a combat. A character who has been disarmed and forced to fend off foes with a spoon and a chair will still do the same damage as he would with his Tier 6 Axe, for example. The improvised weapons must be things the character could feasibly lift, and abilities and effects that the character’s standard weapon possesses cannot be used. The character rolls 3d6 for accuracy (as though he was using Two Weapon fighting) when Weapon Master is active, whether or not he has the ability to Dual Wield normally.


CHAPTER V: EQUIPMENT "Hmph. I daresay I've soiled my cuffs. If a dungeon's waiting for us at the end of the night, it had best have a change of wardrobe. Incidentally, what IS the going rate for rescuing Princesses these days? Food would be a good start -the good stuff, mind you." - Balthier Mid Bunansa

The 500 Gil characters receive during character generation are only the tip of the iceberg; before long, they'll have the money to set about seriously arming and armoring themselves against the dangers which await them in their travels. This chapter covers the most essential portions of an adventurer's gear, from the humblest Longsword to the finest Genji Armor - and beyond. Currency The Gil (G) is the standard currency of the Final Fantasy universe. Barring inflation, a single gil piece is pocket change; 10 gil buys a meal for one or a ride on a Chocobo, while 100,000 gil is the going rate for a well-appointed beachfront house. Prices do, however, fluctuate wildly from world to world - and even from region to region - in accordance to the demands of scarcity and prosperity. Countries and nations tend to mint their own individual gil currency; while these may be known by particular names within that country, at the end of the day, a gil is a gil is a gil - lightweight, easy to spend, and readily accepted the world over. The latter is due to the gil's composition; traditionally, a gil piece is made of pure gold - indeed, the name 'gil' itself plays on this tradition. Changing times and growing populations may force governments to 'water down' the currency, however, replacing the scarcer material with more common metals such as bronze and silver. Paper bills are also increasing in popularity as an easily-concealable alternative to the bulky, often inconvenient coins. Where such changes take place, they usually do so on a worldwide scale, ensuring a continued and universal acceptance for the currency. Store Types No matter where you are in the world, specialized stores exist for nearly every form of merchandise imaginable - even in the remotest regions, small traders and traveling merchants will be more than happy to do business with anyone able to afford their goods. Sample types characters may run into over the course of their adventures include: Weapon Stores stock weapons of all types. A good portion of these stores manufacture their inventory inhouse, incorporating separate forges and workshops beneath the premises. Armor Stores cover Armor of every type, from Light cloth robes to Heavy plate and shields. As with Weapon Stores, it is not uncommon to find skilled metalworkers attached to the store's premises, producing goods for sale. General Stores service the population at large, selling Recovery and Support Items as well as miscellaneous equipment. In smaller towns, a General Store may also stock a limited selection of basic Weapons and Armor if no other stores in the area sell them.


Relic Stores tend to be rarer fixtures in settlements; most of their stock comes from items recovered by adventurers and explorers. As the name implies, they deal in curios and unusual items, including Accessories of all shapes and sizes. Bazaars are stores with a twist – you never know quite what you're going to get. Generally only found in larger cities, bazaars offer a wide range of strange and unusual goods, ranging from genuine rarities and powerful artifacts to the buffed-up junk sold by unscrupulous con men looking to make a quick Gil. As with all shopping, finding a bazaar takes time, though they usually tend to be easier to locate than individual stores. Unlike normal shops, players don't come to a bazaar with a shopping list – rather, they will get a number of purchase options, each given a description rather than a firm name. A Mithril Bow found in a town bazaar might be described as 'a well-polished ancient crossbow, shining like the sun,' while a normal Staff may be called 'an iron-shod stick made of durable wood.' There are only two ways to positively identify a good: buy it, or make a successful Trade roll with the appropriate modifiers. So why bother with bazaars? Not only do they hide some amazing pieces of gear, bazaar goods can save players some coin, assuming they're careful enough to avoid the scams – that 'bag of ten dusty bottles with illegible labels' retailing for 50gil could be a budgetpriced pack of potions... or simple colored water. Because the GM decides what's on offer, it can be difficult to achieve the right balance between money-wasters and genuinely good buys – aim for unpredictability, but let the players score some bargains if they play their cards right. Auction Houses are the preferred haunts of the noble and well-to-do, auction houses allow selected members of the public to bid on a variety of rarities and antiquities. Generally speaking, ordinary equipment and items are unlikely to end up on the auction block – what's up for grabs tends to run the gamut from useless bric-a-brac like model airships and collectible porcelain to dungeon keys and artifacts of mystic significance. Auction house items can easily be the start of a great adventure or change the course of the current one. Auction houses are rarely found outside of major cities. Even then, access isn't a given – some houses may only cater to the upper classes, making it difficult for rough-and-tumble adventurers to get in without the right connections. Buying Equipment It should be fairly obvious that a player cannot just walk into any given weapon store and ring up a dozen Excaliburs -- Equipment availability also factors into purchases. Simply put, certain types of equipment will be more or less readily available than others, whether due to rare materials, a particularly complex manufacturing process or simple technological limitations. What does all this mean in game terms? Simple. Characters obtain higher tiers of weapons and armor as the game progresses. And it is nigh-impossible to skirt this. Rare and Legendary Equipment While most of a player's equipment will end up coming from over-the-counter sales, the very best items take a little more effort to obtain - the kind of effort that typically involves going toe-to-toe with demon lords or traversing ancient, monster-haunted ruins. Rare gear is uncommon but not one-of a kind, but there are certain items in the universe that are denoted as Legendary gear, and enjoy near-mythical (or notorious) status. Such equipment is powerful enough to change the course of an entire campaign, turn the heroes into mortal gods, and are obviously not easy to acquire.


Selling Equipment As characters upgrade to better equipment, they may wish to sell their older gear to merchants. These will typically pay around 50% of the listed price for items, rounding down, though this may be adjusted for wear and tear - or any number of other factors - at the GM's discretion. For example, a dagger purchased for 3000g would only be worth a maximum of 1500g if sold, provided it was still in good condition at the time. Carrying Equipment In order to simplify the process of carrying equipment, all characters have four basic Equipment 'slots' which can be filled by various items over the course of the game - in the FFRPG, such items are said to be equipped, and allow the character to benefit from any and all properties they offer: Left Hand, Right Hand, Armor, and Accessory. Accessory is a catchall category for the enchanted rings, pendants, headgear, gauntlets, boots and other items which fall under the Accessory category. A character can equip only one Accessory at a time to receive the benefits of it. All other items which a character may have stocked in his or her pockets, bags and backpack, is known as a character’s Inventory. Regardless of a character’s strength, any character may only carry a combined total of 10 items in their inventory; once the limit has been reached, the character must drop or sell some of their equipment before they are able to take on more. Beyond the equipment purchased during character creation, a character may have a few items of purely sentimental or personal value -- a signet ring passed down from generation to generation; a necklace or locket given to them from a loved one; a lucky coin or talisman; in short, anything that does not have a price tag as such, but still holds some importance. Such items do not occupy positions within a character’s limited inventory. Arms and Armor There are eleven different types of weapons in the world. Axe - Heavy, unsubtle and fearsome in the hands of a trained warrior, Axes are particularly favored by Geomancers, who use them to devastating effect in the close confines of the wilderness or underground. Axes can be held as either a one or two handed weapon, and deal 1d6 or 2d6 points of damage respectively. They have the special property ‘Plant Killer,’ meaning that all Axes deal 200% damage to monster species of the Plant type, such as Malboros. Bow - Short bows and longbows both require their share of strength and patience to master, but a good marksman’s ability to deal damage from a distance can prove invaluable in many situations. Bows are ranged weapons that deal 2d6 damage and use the user's DEX instead of STR to calculate damage. They can utilize ammunition to add further bonuses, as well. Dagger - Also known as dirks or knives, Daggers can be easily secreted up a sleeve or underneath a cloak to give the wielder an unexpected edge in combat, wielded or thrown. A typical dagger measures between 6" to 10", and are plentiful weapons the world over. Daggers are one-handed weapons that deal 1d6 damage, and use the user's DEX instead of STR to calculate damage. They possess the special property ‘Concealable,’ making them impossible to spot when hidden with anything less than an Impressive (difficulty 13) Awareness check. Fist - Whether a simple unarmed strike, a padded leather glove, or foot-long steel claws, Fist weapons allow a character to put more damage into what would otherwise be an unarmed attack. Fist weapons are sold as pairs, and are thus treated as a two-handed weapon that deals 2d6 damage. Unarmed attacks and are treated as Tier 1 weapons that deal 1d6 points of damage. Massive - The ultimate representation of the physically powerful warrior, years of training are required to use Massive Weapons with any degree of finesse or elegance. Their weight requires considerable effort


on the wielder’s part to use with any degree of success, but the results can be devastating. Massive weapons include everything from buster swords to sledges to scythes, and are two-handed weapons that deal 2d6 damage. They possess the special property ‘Knockback,’ able to send his foes flying. After making a successful attack, the wielder of a Massive Weapon may choose deal 50% damage instead and perform a Short Range knockback on his target. Thus, Massive weapons are renowned for their ability to disrupt and annihilate pure spellcasters. Katana – These slightly-curved blades are formed by repeatedly folding a single sheet of metal, creating a lightweight yet durable weapon designed for graceful movement. Many Samurai consider their weapons an extension of their own bodies, and thus, consider the art of crafting a Katana to be a noble one indeed. Katana can be held as either a one or two handed weapon, and deal 1d6 or 2d6 points of damage respectively. They also possess the special property ‘Piercing Strike,’ allowing the user to treat the weapon as though it was a Piercing weapon on one attack per session. Piercing weapons completely ignore their foe’s ARM rating. Gun - Bulky but powerful, Guns carry a great deal of long-range offensive capacity, able to deliver a single bullet across great distances. Guns are a ranged one-handed 1d6 damage weapon that can use the user's DEX instead of STR to calculate damage, and can utilize ammunition which may add further bonuses. Polearm - The basic principle behind the Polearm is to inflict damage at a respectable distance in melee combat -- to this end, Polearms consist of a length of wood or metal 5' to 8' in length, topped by a heavy blade. Spears, lances, pikes, halberds and naginata are all prime examples of this type of weapon. Polearms are two-handed weapons that deal 2d6 points of damage. They possess a special property known as ‘Charging.’ Whenever a polearm wielder moves a Medium range before their attack, they do an additional level of damage. (STR x 1) becomes (STR x 2), and so on. Some abilities, such as the Dragoon’s Jump and High Jump attacks, count towards the movement requirement. The medium range movement must always be TOWARD the enemy. A character cannot, say, charge out of melee and then back in a single turn, in order to abuse the extra damage on a charging attack. Staff - Made of bound wood or metal, a Staff can inflict a respectable amount of damage if wielded by a skilled user, though most contain a small quantity of magic which can be tapped on when wielded by a mage. They also possess the special property ‘Spell Effect,’ allowing even the most unskilled mages to imbue such weapons with one of their most commonly-used magicks. Upon a critical hit, the weapon will cast the pre-set spell for no MP cost, Instantly. The wielder may also choose to cast the spell directly from the staff as a Standard action, with a 25% chance that the staff will be destroyed beyond repair in the process. Any one weapon may only have one Spell Effect. (see p.93 for more information about the Spell Effect ability)

Sword - The weapon of choice for adventurers everywhere. While Swords come in many shapes and sizes, the humble long- or broadsword is by far the most widely-used; the keen edge and versatility of these weapons go a long way to accounting for their popularity. Swords are a one-handed weapon. They possess the special property ‘Reliable,’ allowing the user, once per session, to reroll any attack roll including critical failures. Weapon Systems – This refers to any weapon too large to be feasibly man-portable, or which is aimed or operated using a computer interface – some obvious examples of this would be a railgun mounted onboard an airship or a Magitek cannon. They are often too large to lift, and generally use a character’s DEX instead of STR to calculate damage. A character whom has not put a single point into a Weapon Skill for a certain type of equipment may still use that weapon. They will not receive any bonuses to their accuracy, and weapon damage will be less, as if the character was using an Improvised weapon. (see p.121 for more information on this) For example, an tier 3 axe normally does (STR x 3) + 1d6 points of damage – a character who has never used an axe before will deal (STR x 1 ) + 1d6 points of damage instead.


Weapons Though the actual cost of blades and bullets vary from place to place across the globe, most stores have a rough price standard to which they adhere. Obviously higher tiers of weapons will cost more, be harder to create with the Synthesis skill, and be extremely rare in smaller towns. The following charts show what you can expect to pay for weapons of each tier, as well as their damage and how many special abilities (which are listed further down the page) come with different Tiers of each weapon. Almost all weapons – with the exceptions of Guns, Daggers, Bows, and Systems – use STR for their damage-modifying attribute. The Difficulty (and Creation Type) listed is the difficulty of the Synthesis check required to make the item at 50% normal cost. Tier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Cost 100g 500g 1200g 3100g 7000g 15000g 30000g N/A

Creation Type Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing N/A

Difficulty 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 N/A

Damage Dealt (Attribute x 1) + 2d6 (Attribute x 2) + 2d6 (Attribute x 3) + 2d6 (Attribute x 4) + 2d6 (Attribute x 5) + 2d6 (Attribute x 6) + 2d6 (Attribute x 7) + 2d6 (Attribute x 8) + 2d6

Additional Abilities Only standard weapon properties One additional equipment ability One additional equipment ability One additional equipment ability Two additional equipment abilities Two additional equipment abilities Three additional equipment abilities Eight additional equipment abilities

Equipment Abilities The following list describes all Equipment Abilities that can be chosen for a weapon purchase (and can sometimes be found on Armor.) Note that in the case of weapons, offensive special effects only apply for normal Attack Actions, and cannot be used in conjunction with an Ability unless specifically allowed in the Ability's description - this remains the case even those which take an Attack Action as a basis, as is the case with Mug. Attribute Bonus (example; +2 DEX) Requires a Tier 2 weapon The item increases the indicated Attribute by +2 as long as it remains equipped - thus, a character with STR 14 using a +2 STR weapon would have an effective STR of 16. Upon leveling up, weapons and armor that increase a player’s VIT and INT statistics will also help permanently increase HP and MP scores respectively. For example, a character who has 10 VIT would gain 10 HP plus the bonus from his job. With +2 VIT armor equipped, the character has effectively 12 VIT, and would thus gain 12 HP instead of the usual 10. This ability can be added multiple times, granting up to +6 to an attribute on a non-legendary weapon. Alchemy Requires a Tier 2 weapon A weapon with this effect causes healing items used by the wielder to have double normal effect. This only increases the effectiveness of items that restore HP, not MP or restore statuses. Auto-[Status] (example; Auto-Haste) Requires a Tier 2/6 weapon The item adds the indicated Status Condition to the character using it at all times. Status Conditions added in this manner cannot be removed through the use of Spells or Abilities such as Dispel. The exception to this is Auto-Life, which cancels as normal if used to resurrect the character and will not be re-added for the remainder of a battle. A Tier 2 weapon is required for Negative status effects, and a Tier 6 weapon is required for Positive status effects. Break Damage Limit Requires a Tier 8 weapon This ability is only to be found on Artifact-level weapons. It allows the wielder of such a weapon to do more than 999 damage in a single round, whether the damage be magical or physical (or both!) in nature.


[Element] Enhancer (example; Fire Enhancer) Requires a Tier 3/5 weapon The item is sympathetic to a particular kind of elemental energy, dramatically raising the power of all attacks associated with that element. Any Ability or Spell which deals Elemental damage belonging to the type enhanced by the item inflicts 150% damage for as long as the item remains equipped; in the case of Holy Enhancer, this also allows recovery spells to restore 150% HP instead. Shadow or Holy Enhancer-type weapons require the base equipment to be Tier 5, not Tier 3. [Element] Proof (example; Fire Proof) Requires a Tier 4/7 weapon Such equipment provides total Immunity to a single element. Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder, Earth and Water can be negated with Tier 4 or better gear; Tier 7 equipment is required for Holy or Shadow Proof. [Element] Strike (example; Fire Strike) Requires a Tier 3/6 weapon The weapon has an affinity to one of the eight Elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, or Holy, and all damage dealt by the attack is of that elemental type. As a result, a successful attack with this weapon will inflict 150% damage if the target has a Vulnerability against the listed element, or 200% if they are Weak to it, etc. Resistances and Immunities also apply. A Tier 3 or better weapon can be attuned to most of the elemental types, but Holy or Shadow weapons require a Tier 6 or better piece of equipment. [Element] Ward (example; Fire Ward) Requires a Tier 2/4 weapon Wearing this piece of equipment confers the character Resistance to the indicated Element. A Tier 4 weapon is required to obtain Resistance to Holy or Shadow. Follow-Through Requires a Tier 4 weapon On a successful Critical Hit, the wielder may make another immediate attack action on the original target, or on a second target within Short Range of the first. Follow Through will not activate again if this second attack is a Critical Hit. Limit Breaks do not activate Follow Through. Indestructible Requires a Tier 3 weapon Weapons and Armor with this ability cannot be destroyed with normal means. No forge can reshape them, no spell or attack can break them. A Ninja’s Shatter Weapon ability won’t leave so much as a scratch on an Indestructible target. In some rare cases, such items CAN be destroyed, but the means to do so are usually campaign-based. Note that all Legendary equipment must have this property. HP Drain Requires a Tier 5 weapon In addition to dealing damage, every successful Attack with this weapon restores the wielder's Hit Points by an amount equivalent to 50% of the damage inflicted by the Attack after modifying for Armor. Undead opponents reverse this ability. MP Drain Requires a Tier 5 weapon In addition to dealing damage, every successful Attack with this weapon restores the wielder's Magic Points by an amount equivalent to 50% of the damage inflicted by the Attack after modifying for Armor. MP Damage Requires a Tier 2 weapon Rather than doing normal damage, each successful Attack made with this weapon inflicts 50% damage to the target's HP and 50% to its MP after modifying for Armor. If the target does not have an MP score, then this weapon property is ignored and all combat damage is dealt to HP, as normal.


[Monster] Eater (example; Aerial Eater) Requires a Tier 2 weapon Whenever a character equipping a weapon with this ability slays a monster of the appropriate type, the wielder gains back an amount of HP and MP equal to the amount of damage done in the same round. [Monster] Killer (example; Undead Killer) Requires a Tier 3 weapon All damage done to creatures of the appropriate type isincreased to 200%, whether magical or physical in nature. Overdrive Requires a Tier 6 weapon It is said that this weapon is tied to its wielder's spirit, and that the color and capabilities of the blade will shift to reflect the heart and mind of a strong-willed fighter. When using this weapon, a character may utilize Limit Breaks at 50% or less health, as though they had the Limit Breaker job ability. Piercing Requires a Tier 4 weapon This weapon is designed to pierce defenses both natural and man-made. When calculating damage inflicted by any physical Attack using this weapon, the target's ARM rating is ignored. SOS-[Status] (example; SOS-Reflect) Requires a Tier 2/3 weapon The item adds the indicated Status Condition to the character using it if they are reduced to 25% of their maximum Hit Points during the course of a battle. Status Conditions added in this manner cannot be removed through the use of Spells or Abilities such as Dispel; they will only be cancelled if the character's current Hit Points are raised beyond 25% of their maximum value or the battle ends. The exception to this is SOS-Auto-Life, which cancels as normal if used to resurrect the character and will not be re-added for the remainder of that battle. Tier 2 weapons are required for negative status effects, and Tier 3 weapons are required for Positive status effects. Special Ability Requires a Tier 2 weapon The weapon possesses a unique talent outside of those described here. It may allow a character to use a Job Ability they would not normally have access to, or enhance a current one. As a Special Ability could be almost anything, it is highly recommended that GMs use cautious judgment when allowing characters to purchase and describe gear with this weapon property. Spell Effect Requires a Tier 3 weapon Upon a critical hit, the weapon will cast a specific magical spell. The wielder may also choose to cast the spell directly from the item with a 0 Mp cost, with a 25% chance to destroy the item. Artifact-level weapons will never be destroyed by releasing the spell within. Any one weapon may only have one Spell Effect, and a character who purchases a weapon with the Spell Effect property must choose a spell that he himself can cast, and characters cannot purchase Spell Effect weapons capable of casting Rank 5 magic. [Status] Proof (example; Poison Proof) Requires a Tier 3/6 weapon Wearing this piece of equipment confers the character Immunity to the indicated Element or Status Condition type. A Tier 3 of better weapon can prevent the status effects Berserk, Blind, Confusion, Mini, Poison, Sleep, Stop, or Zombie. A Tier 6 or better weapon is required for the status effects Petrify, Curse, Seal, Slow and Charm.


[Status] Touch Requires a Tier 2/6 weapon On a successful Critical hit, the weapon will add the named Status Condition to the target. Status Conditions afflicted in this way last for only a few rounds. A Tier 2 or better weapon can cause the status effects Berserk, Blind, Confusion, Poison, Sleep, Stop, or Zombie. A Tier 6 or better weapon is required for the status effects Petrify, Slow, Curse, Mini, Seal, or Charm. Triple Critical Requires a Tier 5 weapon Due to its power, any Critical Hits caused by this weapon inflict 300% damage, rather than the normal 200%. Unusual Weapon Types These are example weapons that don’t fit into any other single category, but are popular the world over. Buster Sword: A Buster Sword is a Massive weapon that may, as an instant action, be broken down into multiple different types of blades – daggers, multiple swords, Katanas, etc - with the same damage die as a typical weapon of that type would have, but keeping the same weapon properties and abilities. A Buster Sword can be turned back into a Massive weapon as a Standard action. Chakram: Chakrams, boomerangs and oversized shuriken all make excellent throwing weapons, with good range and a keen edge that always returns to the thrower's hand regardless of how far they are thrown. Boomerangs and Chakram are considered Medium Ranged despite their lack of ‘ammunition’ required to be used, and they may use the thrower's DEX or STR to calculate damage. Chakrams require the Weapon Training ability, as they don’t fit into any other category. Fork: Originally used by a long-forgotten race, these outsized Forks are ideal for combat and for roasting one's food over the fire. They are otherwise identical to a Polearm, and use the same combat skill. Gunblade: Exactly how it sounds, a character using this weapon in melee combat uses his Sword skill for accuracy, but may also use it to fire rounds of ammo into combat at a short or medium range, using his or her Gun skill. Damage dealt from range use the user's DEX instead of STR to calculate damage. A character who uses a Gunblade must also purchase and utilize gun Ammunition, and gains all the effects from it when making ranged attacks. Harpoon Gun: This heavy rifle is armed with peculiar ammunition. When fired, instead of launching a typical bullet, it instead launches a fifteen-inch silver spear attached to a long, thin rope. Three metal prongs at the tip of the harpoon snap open upon connection with a target, to prevent the harpoon from being easily dislodged by pulling or putting pressure on the rope. If the weapon is fired into a living creature which tries to remove the harpoon, they can do so at the cost of taking the damage from firing a second time. The rope can hold roughly (Weapon Tier x 200lbs) before becoming very strained and potentially snapping; in such a situation, the harpoon gun will need to be repaired before it can be used again. Grappling Guns are similar, possessing a heavy, hooked head at the end of the rope, and are useful for scaling parapets and walls much. Homing Cannon: As Pulse Cannons but with a very important single distinction - they are controlled by a gunner strapped into a computer targeting system, or are controlled by artificial intelligence. Homing Cannons use the DEX stat to calculate damage. In addition, they possess the ‘Lock-On’ feature. After a foe is struck in combat by a ranged attack by a Homing Cannon, the gunner receives a +2 temporary modifier to their attack rolls against that target; until they miss. Pulse Cannon: Pulse cannons are found on combat vehicles, as main or secondary weapons against whatever threats the vehicle and its crew may face. They draw their power from the vehicle's reactor, even though they require a gunner to aim and fire them. Pulse Cannons deal use the gunner’s INT stat to calculate and determine damage, and Pulse Cannons and their brethren are all made with the Synthesis – Machines skill. Whip - Leather whips are constructed by wrapping thin strands of leather into a long tapering lash, whereas chain whips simply consist of interconnected iron links. A whip possesses the ‘Disarming’ property. When a character who has the Disarm ability attempts to do so with a Whip, they have an automatic 25% chance to succeed without needing to make an opposed roll. Whips require the Weapon Training ability, as they don’t fit into any other category.


Thrown Weapon properties Throwing Weapons Cost Creation Type Difficulty Thrown Weapons are all assumed to Dart 200g Tinkering 10 be Tier 1 ranged weapons, and deal Juggling Ball 20g Tinkering 8 (DEX x 1) + 1d6 damage. They are Skean 200g Alchemy 12 most commonly used by Ninjas, Dice 10g Alchemy 8 Gamblers and Entertainers, who have Cards 10g Alchemy 8 special abilities that often incorporate Shruiken 40g Weaponsmithing 10 such unusual weaponry. Prices given in the listings are per one item, and attacks with thrown weapons are usually resolved in the same manner as ones made with any other attack; however, regardless of whether the Attack hits or misses, the thrown weapon is consumed, destroyed, and removed from the Inventory. Most thrown weapons have special properties of their own, and a brief description of each is given below. Dice: Found in gaming establishments all across the world, small plastic dice can be used by Gamblers in a pinch if no other options are available. Not only do they possess the ‘Concealable’ weapon property most often found on daggers, but they also cause 50% more damage whenever they are infused with elemental-based energy from a Gambler’s Slot Shot ability. Cards: Unlike all other Thrown Weapon categories, the price listed for ‘Cards’ refers to an entire deck of these potential projectiles. Cards are a one-time purchase that are not consumed when thrown, and can be used over and over again. Like Dice, they possess the ‘Concealable’ weapon property, but also grant a +2 bonus to Thievery checks to help the user cheat at card games. Dart: A popular choice in conjunction with contact poisons, Darts require a considerable amount of accuracy on the thrower's part to inflict any significant damage. They’re hollow, and have the ability to be filled with various liquids or gaseous materials, which are released through a hole in the tip upon contact with a target. Darts, when purchased, are filled with one of three materials; Malboro Poison, which causes Poison upon damage, Dream Dust, which causes Sleep upon damage, or Loco Weed, which causes Confuse upon damage, If the damage from the Dart’s attack would be negated due to effects such as Protect or ARM, or even the Catch job ability, the status effect also automatically fails. Juggling Ball: Balls are small, solid metal spheres capable of inflicting heavy concussive damage when thrown with enough force – or skill - at a target. Some types augment this with the addition of spikes, blades, or elemental magic. As jugglers are common across the world of Ivalice, few guards will bat an eye at an Entertainer carrying even the most bladed, vicious-looking juggling balls. Shruiken: A classic Ninja weapon, this is a small, sharp metal disc with multiple cutting edges that can be thrown at a target in rapid succession. While the damage inflicted is normally far from grievous, a trained hand can turn them into an accurate and deadly weapon. Skean: Skeans are double-edged short daggers whose curved blades afford the thrower additional distance and accuracy, and elemental enchantments ensure optimal stopping power for minimal cost. Skeans are purchased with an elemental affiliation of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice or Lightning. They have the [Element] Strike weapon property accordingly – for example, a Fire Skean would have Fire Strike, dealing additional damage against targets who are weak or vulnerable to that element. GM’s Note The ‘Weapon Training’ shared trait means that characters will have the ability to use almost anything they can dream up as a weapon, from bells to heavy books to biomechanical blades that change color depending on the user’s mood. When designing a new weapon category, remember these simple rules. First, any weapon can use any attribute for calculating damage – STR, DEX, VIT, INT and CHA are all fair game if argued well enough. Secondly, all weapons have one ‘Special Ability’ upon creation. This might be anything from a +1 bonus to all Lore skills for using a Book, or the ability to dispel Elemental Terrain when playing on an elementally-aligned Harp or set of Drums. Ranged weapons are special - the ability to target distant foes IS the weapon’s ability. Finally, under no circumstances should a unique weapon allow the user to attack multiple opponents.


Sample Weapons Many unusual and unique weapons that can be found in shops scattered across the globe. Following is a sample of these, constructed with the rules listed in the previous section. Devastator

Yoichi Bow

Tier 2 Axe, Plant Killer, Special Ability

Tier 7 Bow, Fire Strike, Fire Proof, Special Ability

This strange weapon is covered in runes and glyphs. It appears to have no special properties whatsoever except being surprisingly heavy – but when used to destroy any non-weapon object – walls, armor, or what have you – the character is treated as possessing the Destructive Strike ability.

The wooden arrows from this bow only remain solid until they’re fired – then they burst into jets of flame, turning the foe into a blazing pincushion. These attacks can’t be prevented with the Catch or Return Fire abilities. Merely possessing the Yoichi Bow is said to provide its owner with some measure of defense against Fire in all its types.

Maneater Tier 3 Axe, Plant Killer, Humanoid Killer

Mage Masher

This wickedly curved axe appears to have a pommel made of several human bones. It was created by a twisted artisan thousands of years ago with the intent on wiping out his own species.

Tier 2 Dagger, MP Damage

Berserker's Axe Tier 6 Axe, Plant Killer, Auto-Berserk, +2 STR

The blade on this axe appears to be in the shape of a flowing flame, with a handle wrapped in black leather. It seems normal enough until carried into combat, at which point the weapon takes over. The eyes of the wielder are filled with madness and a berserker’s rage, and he will only regain control of his senses when all foes lie dead before him. Sky Render Tier 5 Bow, Aerial Eater, Aerial Killer

This simple wooden bow appears almost splintered at both ends, and it takes a keen eye to discover that the weapon was designed with that appearance. It is especially adept at defeating flying enemies.

Though the name might raise a few eyebrows, there’s nothing humorous about this weapon. A target struck with this weapon feels a hopeless sense of longing as their magical energies are torn away, spilling out of them like silvery dust on the wind. Swordbreaker Tier 4 Dagger, Special Ability

This dagger is favored by one-on-one fighters, especially Elvaan nobles who find themselves constantly dueling. With just a flick of the wrist, the Swordbreaker is capable of destroying even the mightiest of weapons. Once per session, the wielder may use the Ninja’s Shatter Weapon ability as a standard action. Assassin’s Knife Tier 5 Dagger, Humanoid Killer, Special Ability

This machete-like weapon seems to be cut from a single piece of obsidian, and grants its wielder the Assassin’s Kiss job ability.

Heartbreaker Tier 6 Bow, Charm Touch, Piercing

Dragon Claws

Made of melded wood and gold, this weapon has caused more than a few fights within adventuring troupes who stumble upon it. Fittingly appropriate, as the arrows from this bow are capable of melting even the coldest hearts, stirring jealousy and envy, and ‘encouraging’ even the most wicked of foes to fight alongside you.

Tier 3 Fist, Dragon Killer

As the name suggests, these five wickedly-curved spikes set into a leather glove are designed for piercing the tough hide of draconic monsters. Kaiser Knuckle Tier 5 Fist, +2 Strength, Special Ability

A staple weapon for well-to-do Monks everywhere, the Kaiser Knuckle is forged from some longforgotten alloy and weighs close to half a ton Foes on the receiving end of such a punch will find themselves hard-pressed to stay standing. Whenever a successful attack is landed, the target receives a Short Range knockback effect.

Destroyers Tier 7 Fist, Follow-Through, Overdrive, Auto-Haste

While Final Heaven is a weapon that has achieved legendary status, the Destroyers – sometimes referred to as the ‘God Hand’ – are not far behind. Created from an Orichalum alloy, this glove Has been used by some of the greatest martial artists since the dawning of history.



Genji Blade

Tier 5 Gun, Seal Touch, Spell Effect: Seal

Tier 7 Katana, Auto-Regen, Auto-Haste, Follow Through

This black, crimson and aqua-colored firearm lets loose bursts of steam and hums with energy whenever it is reloaded. The guns imbues all of its ammunition with the ability to completely Seal all of its targets magical attacks and special abilities. Blackjack Tier 2 Gun, Special Ability

Years of gambling, shuffling cards and rolling dice have paid off, and the owner of a Blackjack finds himself able to better put his foes to the ground without ever once drawing his firearm. With the Blackjack equipped, a Gambler finds himself better able to utilize improvised weapons. All damage dealt by Dice and Cards are increased by one step – for example, if a thrown card was to do (DEX x 1) damage, it will deal (DEX x 2) damage instead, and so on. Valiant

The Genji period was a short-lived historical period thousands of years ago, named after the master swordsman who used this blade and a suit of armor to forcibly take the throne. He ruled for one year before resigning, leaving the kingdom in turmoil. At first glance, the Genji Blade appears to be an enormously powerful weapon; however, there is a catch. The Genji Blade may never be used alone, and must be dual wielded with Two Weapons for it to have any of the above abilities. Ironside Tier 3 Massive, Special Ability

Forged from its namesake, this cold iron battleaxe chills to the touch. It seems to drain the very warmth from the air. A Dark Knight wielding Ironside may now use Night Sword as a Standard action instead of a Slow Action.

Tier 5 Gun, SOS-Protect, Special Ability


It’s a dangerous life, and there’s always someone who’ll be wanting to slit your throat when you sleep. Presumably, that thought was the driving force behind the creation of the Valiant, a weapon that ensures its owner is never caught unawares. With the Valiant equipped, the character is treated as though he has the Preemptive Footwork job ability, and may always act in Preemptive combat rounds.

Tier 5 Massive, HP Drain, MP Drain

It appears at first glance to be little more than a common farmer’s scythe, used for harvesting fruits and vegetables and weeding gardens. That is, of course, until some poor foe finds his life force and magic rapidly dissipating under the unrelenting attacks of a Scarecrow. The Ogre


Tier 5 Massive, Triple Critical, Special Ability

Tier 2 Katana, Special Ability

Named after great, hulking beasts of legend, this double-headed greatsword is almost six feet tall, and made from a stone blade attached to an iron hilt. It is warm to the touch and emanates a low, rumbling growl whenever enemies are nearby.

A simple katana used by many still in training – or at least, by the ones who plan on living to see their training end some day. The bearer of Vigilante receives a +2 bonus to their EVA at the start of every combat. This effect lasts until they take damage, after which time the additional bonus is lost for that encounter. Kotetsu Tier 3 Katana, Fiend Killer

This katana was clearly forged by a master of his art, the blade sharper than a razor’s edge and perfectly weighted. It is especially effective against Fiends of all types.

Valhalla Tier 6 Massive, +4 VIT, Special Ability

The ability woven into this seven-foot golden axe is an unusual one. Whenever the wielder of this weapon would drop to 0 HP or less, they have a 50% chance to remain at 1 HP instead. Colossus Tier 7 Massive, +2 STR, Overdrive, Triple Critical

This mighty weapon is made entirely of orichalcum with no decoration whatsoever. It seems plain in every way save for its immense weight, which can surprise even the mightiest of warriors.

Heaven's Cloud Tier 5 Katana, Earth Proof, Special Ability

A warrior equipped with Heaven’s Cloud need not remain earthbound. The Kami within this blade also provides any wielder to Instantly receive the effects of Float for several rounds, once per session.



Sage's Staff

Tier 7 Massive, Indestructible, Holy Strike, Auto-Blind

Tier 3 Staff, Spell Effect: Varies

Known in many circles as the Lightbringer, this powerful two-handed greatsword shares several traits with the Excalibur. Illumina exudes constant light in a wide area, bright enough that it is difficult to look directly at the blade, and foes struck by it are often physically blinded by the radiance. Unlike the Excalibur, however, Illumina is a weapon of immense size and weight. It boasts a blade that is almost three feet wide at its base.

There are many Sage’s Staves in the world, each with a distinctive spell incorporated into it. Whether White, Black, or Blue magic, these wooden tribal-looking rods are often as unpredictable as they are fragile. When casting the Spell Effect directly from a Sage’s Staff, the chance for it to be destroyed by the attempt is increased to 25%. Ascalon

Dragon Whisker

Tier 7 Staff, Auto-Life, Alchemy, Special Ability

Tier 2 Polearm, Dragon Eater

A pair of pristine ivory wings decorate the top of this ruby-studded staff, obviously designed to be reminiscent of an angel. A single glowing crystal has been carefully wrapped into the staff’s tip with golden bands. In addition to the very powerful Auto-Life ability, Ascalon has an additional function when held by a White Mage with the MP Stroll ability. Instead of recovering 25% of the White Mage’s total MP every hour, the mage regains 100% instead.

The name is no euphemism; this polearm was actually created from several massive pieces of draconic chin hair, woven together to create a supple rod and topped with a bone tooth or iron point. Aura Lance Tier 3 Polearm, Spell Effect: Flash

This glowing polearm is armed with a mysterious power – upon command, it can unleash a blast of illumination capable of damaging and blinding foes. Flash is a Blue Magic spell.

Regal Cutlass Tier 2 Sword, Special Ability

Obelisk Tier 6 Polearm, Triple Critical, Special Ability

Often used by Tarut Dragoons, this weapon has one very interesting property; against foes who would physically overpower the wielder, the Obelisk strengthens the wielder accordingly. Whenever battling a foe with a higher STR rating than the wielder, all damage dealt by physical attacks is increased by one step – for example, if the weapon was to do (STR x 6) damage, it will deal (STR x 7) damage instead, and so on. Petalchaser Tier 2 Staff, Special Ability

The reasons for the original creation of this unusual weapon have forever been lost in the annals of history; we can only speculate. In its regular form, the Petalchaser is little more than a flowering rose, small enough to be easily worn in the hair. In this form the Petalchaser is Indestructible, and it will never wilt or show signs of aging. With the slightest thought, though, the rose can transform itself into a full-length staff made of green iron and vegetable material, and covered in small thorns. The primary function of the Petalchaser these days is often as a form of concealed defense for Entertainers, but many Red Mages have been spotted with a rose protruding from their trademarked crimson chapeaus, as well.

This jewel-encrusted blade, often a target for sticky-fingered thieves, is a sign of royal heritage. Anyone wielding the Regal Cutlass receives a +2 to all Negotiate checks. Enhancer Tier 3 Sword, Special Ability

This thin, dull silver sword appears to have no special properties until the wielder casts a spell. The sword will then burst to life, glowing with the corresponding elemental color, and receive the corresponding [Element]-Enhancer ability. For example, upon casting Firaga, the sword would glow a brilliant crimson and would receive the effects of Fire-Enhancer, causing 150% damage from all the following fire spells and effects. The elemental enhancement will remain unchanged for 24 hours, after which time the sword will return to its original dull color, and a new spell may be cast, and a new elemental enhancement received. Blood Sword Tier 5 Sword, +2 STR, HP Drain

Orange light glows from within this rune-covered blade and the hilt is warm to the touch. The sword is cracked in several places and appears extremely old, but pulsates with a red-hot heat.


Soul Saber

Ancient Sword

Tier 4 Sword, Special Ability

Tier 6 Sword, Petrify Proof, Petrify Touch

This crystalline sword appears relatively ordinary, save for the magical runes etched into the hilt and blade. However, if the Soul Saber is wielded by a Red Mage, the character may use the Runic ability an additional one time per session. Even after the character has used Runic his maximum number of times per session, the Red Mage may continue to use the ability indefinitely, but with a 50% chance that the sword will shatter each time, becoming lost forever.

Made from a dull grey stone, this blade seems ready to crumble at any moment. Such appearances are obviously deceiving, as the Ancient Sword – created by the long-lost race of warrior-mystics – is one of the most powerful of its kind. However, there is one large detriment to using the blade; whenever a foe is afflicted with the Petrify status caused from the blade, the wielder will instantly age roughly five years. Though growing old in this way will never cause premature death, most adventurers are shocked at the concept of giving up their youth and vanity in exchange for combat prowess.

Defender Tier 6 Sword, Holy Enhancer, Auto-Protect

This thin blade is well-known and used commonly the world over, as it is one of the most reliable, useful, and simplistic creations of all the magical weapons. While designs vary, most feature a set of golden wings wrapped protectively around the blade.


Legendary Weapons Legendary weapons are the pinnacle of power when it comes to heroic armaments; they often possess special abilities that put Tier 7 weapons to shame. Players should never stumble across Legendary Weapons in dusty treasure chests or abandoned storerooms; rather, these weapons have stories and histories of their own, and often serve as the focal point for high-level quests. In addition to the listed properties, all Legendary Weapons have a few additional perks. First, once a weapon ‘finds’ an owner, it cannot be wielded by anyone else unless the current user passes away, or chooses to willingly give it to another owner. In the hands of anyone other than the weapon’s true owner, it acts as a Tier 1 weapon with only the ‘Indestructible’ property. Furthermore, the character who owns the weapon can cause it to instantly appear in their hands as a Standard action, no matter the distance. A partial list of Legendary weapons follows below, complete with suggestions for backstory and current location. Artemis Bow Tier 8 Bow Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, +4 DEX, Beast Killer, Plant Killer, Spell Effect: Angel Snack, Special Ability

Named after the goddess of the hunt, this crystalline bow was last wielded by the Viera Ranger, Serenla, in the Second War. It was destroyed in combat and its pieces were recovered from the battlefield, later returned to the dwarven stronghold deep within the center of the earth. As the dwarves had forged the weapon, it was concluded that only they could repair it. Whether or not they succeeded is the stuff of legends. Among its other properties, the Artemis Bow allows the user to use the Ranger’s epic ability, Sharpshot, once per game session with no associated Destiny cost. Apocalypse Tier 8 Sword Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Special Property While the origins of many legendary weapons are shrouded in mystery, the story of Apocalypse is surprisingly simplistic. It was designed as a weapon to be used in the war between Ancients and Espers, capable of defeating both sides should the need arise. When the war ended – presumably to the satisfaction of Apocalypse’s wielder – it was sealed away deep underground until such time as either side attempted to seize power once again. What Apocalypse lacks in sheer destructive power it more than makes up for with its unparalleled magical defenses. The wielder of this blade is immune to all damage from all eight elemental types, as though it possessed all eight [Element]-Proof properties. Furthermore, Apocalypse’s owner deals 200% damage to Espers and summoned creatures with all spells and attacks. Deathbringer Tier 8 Massive Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Shadow Strike, Shadow Enhancer, Immunity to Shadow, HP Drain, SOSBerserk, Spell Effect: Death

Many legends surround this ominous scythe, spoken in hushed voices and whispered terrors, and told and retold by the Galkan Talekeepers. The legends tell of Galkan Dark Knight, Zeid, who was one of the legendary Heroes that took up arms against the Shadow Lord. Upon their victory he crafted this weapon from one of the claws of the fallen Lord, tempered in hellfire and cooled it in the waters of the Styx; the river of death itself. In the aftermath of the Great War - armed with this obsidian-black scythe – Zeid proclaimed himself to be the Emperor of the Wastes, and took residence atop the throne of the fallen Shadow Lord. The Demons and monstrosities that did not bow to him were crushed mercilessly, and he ruled with fear. Some legends say that the Deathbringer brought the Wastes into an unending darkness


as it absorbed the very light from its surroundings, and tendrils of black shadow began to encroach the nearby lands. The ending to this ill-omened tale has become little more than a children’s bedtime story, as parents tell of the Paladin Gabriel, one of Zeid’s old comrades, who traveled to the Wastes to find his former friend. Whatever they may have spoke of matters little and is known by none, but the battle that rocked the arctic fields of the Wastes for two days and nights is spoken of often. In the end, Gabriel emerged, barely alive and unarmed, and passed away in peace, known eternally as the greatest Hero to have ever lived. Folklore states that the Deathbringer and Excalibur lie together in the heart of the Shadow Lord’s obsidian citadel, one emanating perpetual light, and the other, forever devouring it. But these are, of course, merely legends. Death Penalty Tier 8 Gun Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, +4 DEX, Death Touch, Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Special Ability

Death Penalty has changed hands many times over the years. It resurfaces in history every few millennia to perform some great – or depraved – mission, and then sinks back into folklore and obscurity. Little is known about this weapon save for its reputation to live up to its namesake. In addition to its other properties, whenever the gun is being used to punish the guilty, the immoral, or the decadent, it does 150% normal damage.

Excalibur Tier 8 Sword Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Holy Enhancer, MP Drain, Auto-Protect, Spell Effect: Holy, Special Ability

Many weapons were carried into battle against the Shadow Lord, but none so hallowed or oft-spoken of as the Excalibur, the blade of the gods themselves. How it came to be is unknown, for when the gathered few struck out to the Shadow Lord’s citadel, clad in magic-imbued raiments and with eyes prepared to see the world pass away, they were accompanied by a dusty-haired youth, innocent and unarmored, carrying only a sword forged from an unknown metal, and pulsing with white-hot light. The youth was named Andarius, known today as the greatest Hero to have ever lived. Stories tell of how, when faced with the unholy magic of the Shadow Lord, and the Heroes of destiny were wracked with pain and unable to move, Andarius alone had the power to stand, and drove the blade into the diamond-hard carapace of the ancient demon, the origin of sin, the Shadow Lord himself. When used by any character who is not Shadow Affiliated, the Excalibur glows with divine radiance, and the wielder cannot be affected by Disarm or Knockback abilities. In addition, when a Paladin uses the Holy Circle job ability, the damage is increased to 300% on Undead foes instead of the usual 200%.

Final Heaven Tier 8 Fist Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Follow Through, Auto-Haste, +4 STR, Triple Critical, Overdrive

Monks of great age and wisdom speak freely about this weapon, citing its immense power and ability to bring much good into the world. When questioned about prior owners, however, they grow silent, insisting only that “there is much we do not know.” Unlike all other weapons, the monks say, Final Heaven will find you – if you are truly worthy to bear its burden. Genesis Tier 8 Axe Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Triple Critical, Earth Strike, Plant Killer, Special Ability

Genesis was carried into battle by the geomancer Valken in the Second War. Many foes fell to the might of Genesis, and when the dust settled, Valken was one of the few heroes left standing. He was put to rest years later on the outskirts of the Wastes – in an oasis of flowers nestled in the frozen peaks, so the legends say. Most believe this weapon was buried with him…and that the flowers atop his grave continue


to bloom, year after year, even in the arctic winds and sunless blight of the Wastes. This weapon has a number of special properties. First, the wielder of Genesis receives the effects of Auto-Regen whenever they’re in direct sunlight. Secondly, they automatically receive the effects of the Geomancer job ability Primal Might, preventing them from taking damage from Adverse terrain conditions. Finally, whenever a Geomancer using this weapon uses a Maelstrom geotrance ability, they instantly regain 25% of their total HP and MP.

Gungnir Tier 8 Polearm Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Piercing, Overdrive, Dragon Eater, +4 ACC, Special Ability

Another dwarf-forged weapon, they have long hailed Gungnir as their finest work. It currently sits in the Halls of Legend in the dwarven stronghold, deep in the center of the earth. When a Dragoon wielding Gungnir uses Ancient Circle, the effects of Dragon Killer remain on the Dragoon until the end of combat, although they fade from all affected party members after several rounds, as normal. In addition, anyone wielding Gungnir is unaffected when foes utilize EVA-increasing abilities – the weapon has the uncanny ability to almost always strike its mark. Whether it be a Thief using Master Thief or an enemy’s special maneuver, you may always treat opponents as if their EVA stat did not increase from these effects. Masamune Tier 8 Katana Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Triple Critical, Piercing, Overdrive, Spell Effect: Barrier, Special Ability

The Samurai known as Lokus once bore this blade, and the good that he spread in his lifetime is far more legendary than the weapon itself. It is currently in the treasure trove of the great Wyrm, Shinryu, who takes great enjoyment from devouring and slaughtering those that seek it out. The Spirit within the Masamune is a Holy Kami, the only one in existence, and a Samurai who wields this blade can perform truly incredible feats. It is possible for the Masamune to be destroyed in only one fashion – a truly legendary Samurai could, in theory, Draw Out the Kami who lives within it, causing the blade to shatter. However, the raw energy unleashed from such an attack would have no equal, and many who study the magical arts philosophize that this could cause localized devastation – or beneficial forces – the like of which the world has never seen. Anyone who uses the Masamune automatically receives one additional Standard action every round; this can be combined with the Haste spell to allow a single character three standard actions every turn.

Nirvana Tier 8 Staff Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Magic Enhancer, Special Ability

Created by a White Mage named Auria only eighty years ago, Nirvana is by far the newest weapon of such power in existence. Nirvana sits in the central chamber of the Council of Four, sealed away with magical locks and barriers until such time comes as it is required. Nirvana increases the damage dealt with every sort of magical spell and effect under the sun by 50%, including non-elemental effects such as Ultima. It practically pulses with energy when held by any casting Job. Most importantly, Nirvana has the Special Ability ‘One MP Cost’, reducing the MP cost of all Black, White and Blue spells of Rank 4 and lower to merely one point of MP. Rank 5 spells are unchanged. A Summoner equipped with Nirvana gains the following benefits as well – first, the cost to Summon any Esper is reduced to one point of MP, though their individual spells and abilities still require an expenditure. Secondly, all Espers deal 50% more damage at all times, and also gain the Break Damage Limit ability.


Ragnarok Tier 8 Massive Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Triple Critical, Spell Effect: Flare, Humanoid Killer, Humanoid Eater, HP Drain, Follow-Through

According to legend, this sword is bloodthirsty to the point that once drawn, it cannot be returned to its scabbard without having first drawn blood. Despite such claims, the Ragnarok is still one of the most-sought of all legendary weapons. It was last wielded by Orden del Rios in the Second War, whose peaceful wishes often went against the sword’s corrupt nature. Finally, Ragnarok forcefully betrayed it’s master, causing the man later to become known as the Father of Freedom to commit suicide. The sword’s bloodthrist sated for a time, it was re-sheathed and hurled into the ocean by a fellow knight, never to be seen since. Save The Queen Tier 8 Dagger Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, +4 DEX, Stop Proof, Auto-Life, Special Ability

Only six inches in length, smaller than most daggers, Save the Queen is by far one of the most delicate weapon to ever demonstrate usefulness in combat – as well as one of the most powerful. Created entirely out of a single piece of Orichalum, the current whereabouts and former owners of this weapon are completely unknown. Upon equipping this weapon, the user may utilize the Paladin's ability Cover at will. It also increases the wielder's EVA by +2

Zanmato Tier 8 Katana Indestructible, Break Damage Limit, Triple Critical, Wind Strike, Follow Through, +4 DEX, Special Ability

Sometimes referred to as ‘The Tempest,’ this blade has never been wielded. Created by the warmongering Ancients, their civilization is believed to have been destroyed before this blade was put to use. It was found in the Wastes by a wandering merchant and sold, having exchanged hands many times since then. It now sits on display at Dragon’s Head Coliseum and waits to be given to one who proves themselves as the grand master. In addition to its regular abilities, Zanmato allows the user to use the Disarm ability once per combat as an Instant action. A character with the Ninja job ability ‘Shatter Weapon’ can now also use that ability as an Instant action.

Ultima Weapon Tier ? Sword ????????????

You will notice that this weapon’s abilities – and even tier – were intentionally left blank. This is because the Ultima Weapon is simply that; the end-all, be-all of any campaign, and it’s properties should be left decided by the GM. However, this weapon is intended to be used as a plot device – it’s abilities should not be chosen from the list above. Perhaps it allows the wielder to reshape reality at a whim, or sever the very lifestream itself. The ties this sword possesses with the monster of the same name should be determined as well by the GM.


Armor Angry monsters, unscrupulous soldiers, bandits, rogues, traitors, or the occasional weekend brawl with the ultimate evil - an adventurer can find themselves in any number of scrapes, given enough time and surprisingly little effort. In the heat of battle, even the most skilled fighters or demure mages will find themselves taking the odd hit; whether or not they survive the results is entirely down to their armor. Light Armor is usable by all Jobs, and allows for rapid movement, stealth, and spellcasting without impeding the user, but provides only the scantest protection against attacks. Medium Armor consists of heavier leathers and light metals, and, though it does not provide the same level of armor bonuses as Heavy armor, many adventurers feel safe enough in this type of garb to charge into melee with powerful foes. Heavy Armor consists of solid, overlapping plates of metal or another equally durable material for optimal protection against physical attacks. The Heavy Armor skill also includes a character’s proficiency with Shields. Regardless of the given name, Armor can look like anything the character wishes. ‘Rainbow Robes’ could be a snazzy business suit, or Full Plate could be spiked black steel, barely covering a scantily-clad female villain. The following lists some examples of common, store-bought armor, as well as their estimated prices. Note that all Legendary armor – like all legendary equipment – has the Indestructible property even though it isn’t listed.

Light Armor Name Cotton Robe Temple Cloth Silk Robe Mage’s Robe Chameleon Cape Snow Muffler Rainbow Robes Red Jacket Black Cape White Cape Mirage Clothes Farplane Shroud Lumina Robe Protect Cape Robe of Lords

Cost 100g 200g 400g 600g 1000g 1300g 2000g 3000g 4000g 5000g 7000g 8000g 10000g 12000g N/A

ARM 2 3 4 5 8 10 20 20 25 25 30 30 40 40 50

M.ARM 6 7 8 15 22 30 40 40 50 55 70 80 90 120 150

Effect +1 STR +1 INT +1 Disguise Ice Ward -2 Stealth Fire Ward Shadow Ward Holy Ward +2 Healing Auto-Protect Seal Proof


Tier 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8

Type Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring N/A

Difficulty 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 18

Medium Armor Name Leather Outfit Nomad’s Outfit Speed Suit Rubber Suit Aurora Clothes Gaia Gear Scorpion Harness Power Sash Windshear Vest Ninja Garb Reaper’s Garb Brave Vest Maximillian Force Suit Genji Gear

Cost 100g 200g 400g 600g 1000g 1300g 2000g 3000g 4000g 5000g 7000g 8000g 10000g 12000g N/A

ARM 4 5 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 65 80 100

M.ARM 4 5 6 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 65 80 100

Effect +1 EVA +1 Escape Lightning Ward Earth Ward +2 STR +1 EVA, +1 Thievery +2 INT Resist Fear Auto-Shell +4 EVA

Tier 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8

Type Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing N/A

Difficulty 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 18

Heavy Armor Name Chain Vest Standard Plate Knight’s Armor Viking Mail Full Plate Regal Armor Adamantite Plate Dragon Mail Diamond Armor Kaiser Plate Crystal Armor Mirror Mail Grand Armor Edincoat Aegis Armor

Cost 100g 200g 400g 600g 1000g 1300g 2000g 3000g 4000g 5000g 7000g 8000g 10000g 12000g N/A

ARM 6 7 8 15 22 30 35 40 50 55 70 80 90 120 150

M.ARM 2 3 4 5 8 10 15 20 25 25 30 30 40 40 50

Effect +1 VIT +1 Riding SOS-Berserk +2 Negotiate Fire Ward +2 VIT Auto-Reflect Auto-Protect Auto-Life

Tier 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8

Type Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing N/A

Difficulty 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 18

Shields Name Buckler Alert Targe Bronze Shield Heavy Shield Gold Buckler Hero’s Shield Mithril Shield Chemist’s Targe Diamond Shield Shell Shield Crystal Shield Venetian Shield Kaiser Wall Genji Shield Aegis Shield

Cost 50g 100g 250g 400g 625g 900g 1000g 2000g 3000g 4000g 4500g 7000g 8000g 10000g N/A

ARM 2 2 3 5 6 8 12 12 15 15 20 20 25 30 50

M.ARM 2 2 3 5 6 0 12 12 15 15 20 20 25 30 50

Effect Sleep-Proof -1 EVA SOS-Regen Alchemy -1 EVA SOS-Shell -1 EVA +2 VIT HP Drain Auto-Shell


Tier 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8

Type Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing N/A

Difficulty 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 18

Sample Adventuring Gear The following list is by no means complete, but shows a rough idea of what sort of common adventuring gear may be purchased on or before, or stumbled upon during, any adventure in the land of Ivalice. The listed prices only apply at character creation; what merchants will charge for these goods can vary wildly from place to place, assuming they are available at all. Name Ahriman Tears Choco Whistle Craftsman’s Tools Dream Dust Glowstone Gyshal Greens Incense, Prayer Incense, Swamp Kupo Nut Loco Weed Malboro Poison Oxygen Ball Tinker’s Tools

Cost 10g 100g 200g 100g 30g 50g 500g 10g 50g 100g 100g 150g 200g

Effect Temporary Immunity to Blind Calls Chocobos in the area. A necessity for Synthesists. Causes foes to fall asleep. A depleted crystal, provides dim light. Food for chocobos! Repels lesser hostile monsters for one hour. Repels Insects for one hour. Gives Moogles great strength! Confuses enemies. A deadly, foul-smelling poison. Allows underwater breathing. Provides a +1 bonus to simple skill checks.

Type N/A Tinkering Tinkering Alchemy N/A N/A Alchemy Alchemy N/A N/A N/A Tinkering Tinkering

Difficulty N/A 8 13 12 N/A N/A 16 8 N/A N/A N/A 14 10

Ahriman Tears: The name of this item is a misnomer; the peculiar, cycloptic fiends known as Ahrimans do not shed tears. Rather, these are juices extracted from the glands behind the creature’s single monstrous eye, and are used by alchemists in various crafts and studies. They are best known for their ability to restore vision, and are the primary component used in Eye Drops. However, by using these ‘Tears’ as a coating over one’s eyes, they grant the wearer Immunity to Blind for the next 24 hours. The price listed is for only several drops of this unusual liquid, enough for just one application. Bomb Core: Quite literally the remnants of a Bomb monster, this translucent crimson gem emanates a slight heat. When the delicate crystal is shattered, it releases a grenade-like burst of flames, causing 20+2d6 points of automatic M.ARM Fire damage to anyone and everything in a Medium Range, as a ‘Local’ effect. Some objects can provide cover and shelter from the blast. It is to be handled carefully, as they are extremely delicate, and react dangerously to even slight amounts of heat – stories abound of the unfortunate, sweaty-palmed adventurer who was killed as he clutched a Bomb Core just a little too tightly with his warm, bare hands. Choco Whistle: This ivory whistle is designed to mimic the call of a Chocobo, and blowing it will often lure one out. As Chocobos are curious and friendly in most regions of the world, it is rare for one to investigate the sound and then flee upon discovering the trick – and is thus a handy method of procuring potential transportation. Obviously these whistles do not work in all areas, and furthermore, often take some time for a nearby Chocobo to arrive. The loud, high-pitched ‘kweh!’ sound produced can be heard clearly for a mile in each direction. Craftsman’s Tools: No matter your profession – whether a professional cook, alchemist, blacksmith, or more – you can purchase a set of tools that have everything an artisan would need for even the most difficult of Synthesis attempts. Attempting a Synthesis check without appropriate tools will increase the difficulty. (see p.112 for more information on this) Dream Dust: This slick, glassy yellow pollen is refined from the bulbous mushroom cap heads of Funguar. If inhaled, it causes most humanoid races to instantly fall into a deep, coma-like sleep. This powder is highly illegal, employed mostly by thieves and kidnappers. When used in combat, the target automatically receives the effects of the negative status effect Sleep until it takes damage, or for several rounds, whichever comes first.


Glowstone: When a Crystal is depleted of energy, it becomes a worthless shell with little-to-no value. Oftentimes, the Crystal simply shatters, but when they simply dim, they can be ‘recharged’ slightly, serving as little more than expensive light sources. A Glowstone is small, blue and translucent, and radiates a dim light. Though normally reliable and permanent sources of illumination, in areas with high magical influence, the light often flickers and wanes, or goes out altogether. Gyshal Greens: These leafy plants are a favorite of the Chocobo, harvested in the fields of Gyshal. They provide a +1 to your Riding rolls when handling a Chocobo whom has just feasted on these small, bushy clumps of green leaves. They are not edible by other races, and those who do often find themselves extremely ill within several hours. Incense, Prayer: Often used in holy and religious ceremonies, these multicolored candles burn over the course of an hour, and release a sweet scent. Created in and shipped from the Holy City of Cornelia, using one acts as the white magic spell ‘Consecrate,’ preventing most hostile creatures from approaching as long as the candle burns. Incense, Swamp: The scent released by these green incense candles can hardly be considered pleasant, but it does serve a special purpose. The strong odor acts as a repellant to most Insects, and none will approach while the candles burn. Much like their more saintly candle cousins, a stick of Swamp Incense will only burn for a total of one hour. Kupo Nut: These large, reddish-brown nuts are in limited supply. The species of tree or plant they belong to is long extinct, and the Kupo Nuts, whilst delicious, are unable to take root and grow. All species can eat and enjoy Kupo Nuts, but it’s a delicacy of Moogledom. Moogles have been known to demonstrate kupo feats of strength after eating, or when tempted by, a kupolicious kupo nut. In game terms, a Moogle who eats one of these receives a +2 bonus on Strength-based skill checks for several minutes. Loco Weed: Growing only in the vast, uninhabitable plains of the Sinner’s Horizon, these barbed roots are deadly for lost heroes desperate for food. They cause madness and irrational behavior if ingested, lasting for hours at a time. Some enterprising black market bazaars have begun selling Loco Weed as a drug, crushed into a fine, green paste. If ingested, it can cause the negative status effect Confusion for up to several hours at a time. Like the Dream Dust, buying, selling or carrying Loco Weed carries heavy legal consequences. Malboro Poison: Extracted from the tentacle-like roots of a vicious Malboro, this thick, green toxin has great effect if ingested or penetrates the skin. Due to its overwhelming stench, it is nearly impossible for a victim to drink this poison unaware. If consumed, the user is affected with Poison, with no duration. If applied to a weapon, it causes the user to automatically causes the negative status effect Poison next time he causes damage with the blade, after which time the malboro poison ceases to function. It is highly illegal. Oxygen Ball: An unusual sphere that steadily releases air and, kept in the mouth, allows the user to breathe underwater. It can last for up to six hours before becoming fully depleted of oxygen and needing to be replaced. They begin to expel oxygen automatically when submerged – this means that characters cannot keep extra Oxygen Balls in their inventory in case of emergency, for example. Tinker’s Tools: The exact properties of each individual item vary greatly, but these are the rates for equipment created by Tinkers to make the common man’s life easier. Each one provides a +1 bonus to any skill check of your choice, as long as the difficulty of said check is not 11 or greater. For example, an extending rod designed to slice through materials such as glass without sound could provide a +1 bonus to Stealth. Short metal blades that line the fingertips which assist in cutting purse strings and garments could provide an increased Pickpocket skill. A cleverly-designed ratchet which fits around a rope, that assists with ascending and descending? Better Climbing. Electronic Net? Survival. An electronic compass? You get the idea.


Support Items In addition to equipment, characters have access to a variety of defensive materials which can give a party a considerable edge in a fight. All the following items are a one-time use, after which time the item is destroyed and removed it from the Inventory Slot. Name Potion Hi-Potion X-Potion Ether Hi-Ether Turbo Ether Eyedrop Soft Antidote Revivify Echo Screen Remedy Phoenix Down Phoenix Pinion Elixir Megalixir Tent Smoke Bomb

Cost 50g 100g 500g 50g 200g 500g 10g 100g 25g 50g 100g 500g 200g 500g 3000g N/A 500g 100g

Effect Restores 25 HP to a single, conscious target. Restores 50 HP to a single, conscious target. Restores 250 HP to a single, conscious target. Restores 25 MP to a single target. Restores 50 MP to a single target. Restores 100 MP to a single target. Remove the negative status effect 'Blind.' Remove the negative status effect 'Petrify.' Remove the negative status effect 'Poison.' Remove the negative status effect 'Zombie.' Remove the negative status effect 'Seal.' Remove all negative status effects except Unconscious. Restores unconscious character to 10% maximum HP. Restores unconscious character to 50% maximum HP. Restores 100% of a character’s HP and MP. Restores 100% of the party’s HP and MP. When used, the party may take a Full Rest. Casts Escape, allowing the party to flee.

Type Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy Alchemy N/A Tailoring Alchemy

Difficulty 8 10 12 8 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 14 16 N/A 12 10

Elixir: Due to the often detrimental side-effects of Elixir consumption, players may not receive the effects of this item for than once per game session. Additional Elixirs can be consumed, but no HP or MP will be restored to the target. Smoke Bomb: These explosives release thick grey smog, obscuring vision and allowing the user and his allies to physically escape confrontation as the smoke clears. When used in combat, all party members have the choice to instantly Escape from combat, as per the white magic spell. Those who choose to exit combat in this way will not receive experience or gil from the encounter.


Accessories In addition to armor and equipment worn in the left and the right hands, each character may utilize one Accessory. These items have vastly varying functions, costs, and creation types, and are purchasable from Relic Shops and created by players almost exclusively. They can otherwise be found in dark dungeons or in Bazaars by merchants that may or may not know their precise worth. Name N-Kai Armlet Yellow Scarf Tiger Mantle Magician Shoes Prism Cape Muscle Belt Hyper Wrist Germinas Boots Ruby Armlet Gale Hairpin Marvel Shoes Winged Boots Chocobo Outfit Sprint Shoes

Cost 500g 500g 500g 500g 500g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 2000g 6000g 3000g 20g 200g

Effect +2 STR +2 DEX +2 VIT +2 INT +2 CHA +4 STR +4 DEX +4 VIT +4 INT +4 CHA +4 All Stats Auto-Float Dress like a Chocobo! +1 to Escape checks when fleeing

Type Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring Tailoring

Difficulty 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 14 10 8 10

Goggles Peace Ring Rage Ring Reflect Ring Barrier Ring Protect Ring Echo Bangle Pod Bracelet Gigas Bangle Safety Bit Gold Hairpin Aegis Ring

500g 500g 100g 3000g 1500g 1500g 1000g 1000g 2000g 3000g 5000g 8000g

Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering

10 10 8 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 13 14

Angel Ring Wonderwatch Slave Crown Tetra Elemental Atlas Armlet Gauntlets

6000g 500g 1200g 5000g 7000g 4000g

Immune to Blind Immune to Berserk Adds the 'Berserk' status Adds the 'Reflect' status Grants the SOS-Shell status Grants the SOS-Protect status Immune to Seal Immune to Poison and the Bio spell Immune to ‘Break’ abilities and effects 50% chance for Immunity to death Resistance to Fire, Water, Earth and Air Immune to Blind, Berserk, Petrify, Zombie, Curse, Charm and Sleep User is capable of Flight Your party goes second in Initiative. Adds the 'Auto-Charm' status. Adds ‘Indestructible’ to all equipment. Immune to Knockback effects Immune to Disarm effects

Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Tinkering Armorsmithing

15 11 11 15 14 12

Sprint Shoes: These padded, comfortable shoes give the users an extra burst of speed when it counts. A character who has Sprint Shoes equipped receives a +1 bonus to their Escape checks for the purposes of Running Away from foes in combat. (see p.119 for more information on this) Chocobo Outfit: “Kweh!” Slave Crown: Upon donning the Slave Crown, the user is immediately affected with the negative status effect Charm, remaining until the Crown is forcibly removed. When created, the Crown is usually designed so that only one individual can issue orders to the Charmed subject. Furthermore, the wearer of a Slave Crown cannot remove the item themselves, and is, in fact, completely unaware of its existence, even if it is pointed out to them. Unlike normal victims of the Charm status effect, they follow instructions without care for their personal safety. Wonderwatch: This unusual item reverses the combat order; when battle begins, all adversaries always and automatically strike first instead of the party.


Legendary Accessories In additional to a handful of powerful weapons, rumors speak of strange artifacts that exist in hidden places across the globe. Any who would possess such a peerless artifact, it is said, would be less like a man and more like a god. All legendary accessories possess the Indestructible feature. Genji Gloves: You may utilize multiple Weapons as though you had the Dual Wield ability. Furthermore, equipping the Genji Gloves raises your Two Weapons skill to maximum, allowing you to fight flawlessly while dual-wielding. Magus Steeple: Black Mage Only. Grants +6 INT, +4 VIT, and reduces the MP cost of all spells by 50%. Blood Stone: Blue Mage Only. +6 INT, +4 DEX. Once per game session, the user may exchange one blue magic spell he knows for any other blue magic spell. Cursed Ring: Dark Knight Only. +6 STR, +4 INT. Whenever the Dark Knight deals damage to an opponent he may, as an Instant action, reduce the target’s Affiliation by 2. Further, whenever the Dark Knight deals damage to a foe with an Immunity to Shadow (such as targets reduced to -10 affiliation) he deals 200% damage. Rat Tail: Dragoon Only. +6 DEX, +4 STR. After the Dragoon has used his ‘Dragon’s Spirit’ epic ability, he also treats all skills as if they had 8 points, can activate his Limit Breaks for only 2 points of Destiny instead of the standard 3, and can use all Job abilities an unlimited number of times per session. This lasts until combat ends. Rosetta Ring: Entertainer Only. +6 CHA, +4 DEX. Once per round, a character with the Rosetta Ring equipped can use any Trait they possess without spending Destiny. Knight’s Crest: Fighter Only. +6 STR, +4 VIT. A Fighter with the Knight’s Crest may – prior to any game session – rewrite or change his limit breaks. Further, he receives 40 points to build his level 3 limit break instead of the standard 30. Trump Card: Gambler Only. +6 DEX, +4 CHA. Once per round, you may reroll any Slots abilities that result in a Bust effect. Flower Crown: Geomancer Only. +6 VIT, +4 INT. The Geomancer may cast the white magic spell Teleport as an Instant action for no MP once per round. Unlike the standard version of this spell, if used in combat the geomancer’s foes are teleported as well and the battle continues normally. Black Belt: Monk Only. +6 STR, +4 DEX. A Monk with the Black Belt equipped takes 0 damage from improvised weapons, unarmed strikes, and all other attacks that use the Brawl skill to determine accuracy. Furthermore, all ARM damage he takes from opponents with a STR rating of 4 or less is reduced to 0 as well. Sasuke: Ninja Only. +6 DEX, +4 CHA. With Sasuke equipped, the Ninja receives one additional Standard action per round. Solomon Ring: Paladin Only. +6 VIT, +4 INT. Invincible lasts an additional number of rounds equal to the Paladin’s CHA rating. Artemis Arrow: Ranger Only. +6 DEX, +4 INT. Once per game session, the Ranger may turn one of their attacks or abilities from a Standard target to a Group target, affecting all enemies. If the Ranger also has the Artemis Bow equipped, there is no limit to the number of times per session this ability can be used. Crimson Chapeau: Red Mage Only. +6 CHA, +4 INT. The user of the Crimson Chapeau has their Epic


Ability name changed from Doublecast to X-Magic, and they may now cast four spells instead of two as Instant actions when using their Epic Ability. Samantha Soul: Samurai Only. +6 STR, +4 DEX. Whenever a Samurai with the Samantha Soul equipped uses his Power Break, Speed Break, Soul Break, Armor Break or Magic Break abilities on the target, the foe also take 200% damage from all sources for several rounds, and attacks made against them can exceed the normal limit of 999 damage. This additional damage is caused even if the target is immune to the effects of Break Arts. Thief Gloves: Thief Only. +6 DEX, +4 CHA. Once per game session, when the user would take damage that would reduce him to 0hp or less, he may ignore the spell or effect and negate all damage from it. Minerva Bangle: White Mage Only. +6 INT, +4 CHA. Whenever the user uses a recovery item or healing spell on an ally, the user also gains the same amount of HP. Ribbon: This modest-looking red ribbon appears completely unmagical at first glance. The wearer is Immune to all negative status effects except Unconsciousness and Fear.

Ammunition Ammunition is required for characters using bows, guns, and the ranged attack from a Gunblade – the basic form of either bullets or arrows, respectively, is thus highly recommended as a purchased upon character creation. Characters may swap between any of the ammunition types they have as an Instant Action, and a character never ‘runs out’ of ammunition. Name Wooden Arrows Fire Arrows Medusa Arrows Light Arrows Yoichi Arrows Bronze Bullets Spartan Bullets Blindsnipe Riot Shot Onion Bullets

Cost 100g 500g 2000g 4000g 8000g 100g 500g 2000g 4000g 8000g

Effect None Fire Strike SOS-Petrify Touch Holy Strike +4 Ranged ACC, Follow-Through None +2 Ranged ACC Blind Touch Confusion Touch +4 Ranged ACC, Piercing

Type Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing

Difficulty 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 13 13 14

Vehicles All of the vehicles listed below are created with the Synthesis: Machines skill, which has no other function than to create vehicles of various types. Weeks or months of effort must be sunk into constructing any of the crafts listed below, and only when the building is nearing completion should the character attempting the Synthesis make his skill roll. A failure means additional time and resources must be spent to locate the problem – usually adding 10% more gil to the total cost and a few more weeks of tinkering. Name Airship, Basic Airship, Luxurious Land Vehicle M-Tek Mecha Hull

Cost 10000g 16000g 5000g 8000g

Effect Large, Flying, Movement 2 Large, Flying, Movement 3, Weapon Systems Movement 3 None

Type Machines Machines Machines Machines

Difficulty 12 14 12 12

Land Vehicle: Anything from a motorcycle to a crude 4-wheel vehicle with space for one rider. M-Tek Mecha Hull: Only Magitek Corp knows the exact final steps to turning an empty mechanical shell into a walking, magic-fueled weapon – the above creation is little more than an M-Tek Grunt Class without offensive capability.


Synthesis Having a crafter who can create almost any item in the game for 50% of the store price is unarguably one of any adventuring party’s biggest assets, but having the ability to whip up a skeleton key from scraps when locked within the castle dungeons, or repair the Fighter’s weapon after a brief dip in molten lava? Priceless. A character can only be working on one synthesis project at any given time, and crafting is subject to some additional situational modifiers, listed below. Condition Inadequate tools Inadequate workspace Completely infeasible workspace

Synth Difficulty Modifiers +2 +2 +4

Craftsmen’s Tools cost roughly 200g and are purchasable in almost any shop. The tricky part comes, of course, from bringing them with you. Delicate vials and beakers used in alchemy may not survive intense combat, and lugging around an anvil all day is hardly wise. It’s up to individual crafters to devise intelligent solutions to these seemingly complicated problems. The exact time it takes to complete a Synth varies greatly, and is ultimately left to GM discretion; minutes for a set of makeshift lockpicks, several hours for foods and alchemical supplies, days for low-tier equipment, and up to weeks…or even YEARS… for extraordinarily powerful weapons and armor. Failing a Synthesis Check A failed roll indicates that the final result is unstable, unworkable, or simply poor quality. The item is no better than scrap metal, fuming liquids or spare parts. In game terms, this means that although the character(s) spent 50% of the original item’s cost to attempt to create it, they’re ultimately left with nothing – the money and item are both lost. Destiny If, however, the Synthesis is successful, it costs one point of Destiny to create a weapon or armor with special abilities. Any player character may expend the Destiny, not necessarily the person crafting the item. Rare Materials Creating a piece of equipment with unique properties can sometimes be a little more complex. The price is still 50% of the normal cost, but crafting powerful items sometimes requires a special item to be consumed in the craft above…and beyond the normal prerequisites. The difficulty of obtaining this item, of course, varies based on precisely how powerful the intended craft would be. A suit of mail with a few unique abilities might require ore from a nearby undead-filled mine, whereas a weapon with nearlegendary status might require the horn of a behemoth.


There is no restriction as to the attributes that may be added to a weapon, and no table to determining which weapon effects are more powerful than others – GMs are simply expected to work with their players to create potential synthesis equipment that fits the power level of the campaign, and is an appropriate reward for the work the player must undergo to create such a weapon. A player who wishes to create a Tier 2, Indestructible weapon capable of casting Ultima is unrealistic, but a first level character who wants to make a Tier 7 Sword on par with one of the Legendary weapons shouldn’t be dismissed outright. The player simply needs to understand that – while possible to create such a weapon – it would be a life-long goal that may only see fruition near the end of the campaign. Conversely, if a player manages to obtain a high tier weapon at a far lower level than they should, think twice before restricting its usage or taking it away altogether. Weapons that grow and evolve as their user gains in strength are a staple in the Final Fantasy universe, especially for family heirlooms.

Synthesizing Armor and Ammunition The rules don’t specifically state how a character would go about crafting up a suit of armor or magically-imbued garments, and for good reason. For those GMs and players who are dissatisfied with the options presented here, we suggest the following: When creating armor or an accessory or something more unique with special properties, find a current item that’s ‘relatively close’ and use that as a template. Avoid changing the ARM and MARM values on equipment, and remember that function is less important than interesting.

GM’s Tip: Why Materials? When a player approaches the GM with the intent on synthesizing something, we leave the responsibility of deciding whether or not the item is feasible….and realistic….in the hands of both you and your players. The 'Materials' requirement merely allows you to preserve game balance without having to say No. 'Sure,' you might say, 'You can make that. But you're not sure you could craft something so powerful out of simple steel. You've heard rumors about Adamantite in the nearby mines...if you could get your hands on some of that, you might have a chance at making such a weapon." Essentially nothing more than adventure or plot hook, the GM can use Materials as a way to say yes to their players while making sure unrealistically powerful weapons are in the hands of the PCs too early on, and providing both short and long-term goals for characters.


Cooking Most food items are fairly mundane -- gingerbread Tonberries, glazed carrot cake and roasted condor may fill the stomach, but don’t exactly win battles on their own merits. However, truly skilled chefs can put a little something extra into their creations, turning an otherwise ordinary dish into a repast capable of spurring even jaded warriors on to greater achievements. In game terms, Cooking may be used to create items which grant certain positive effects. There are several types of foods which may be prepared: Snacks, Meals, and Banquets. Snacks may be used in or out of combat, and last for several hours after eating. Meals last for an entire game session. Banquets are the same as a Meal, except that it will feed the entire party. Remember, a character can only make one food item at a time. While this may not make sense in every case, it's done to be consistent with other crafting rules. Consult the charts below to determine what size of food will be created, then modify the cost and creation difficulties accordingly, based on the desired status effects. The ‘Cost Modifier’ is additive; meaning that if a character wanted Healing and Strength Up on the same item, you would multiply the base cost by x4. The ‘stat up’ effects increase the chosen attribute by +3, and Status Guard provides a flat 25% chance for all negative status effects to fail, with the exception of Unconsciousness. Healing restores 25% of a character’s maximum health. You can have multiple Effects on one type of food, and you could, in theory, eat multiple Meals or Banquets over the course of a single game session (use your common sense, here) to get multiple, different effects….such as Strength Up and Status Guard simultaneously. Type of Meal Snack Meal Banquet Type of Effect Healing Strength Up Vitality Up Dexterity Up Intelligence Up Charisma Up Status Guard Auto-Regen Auto-Life

Base Cost 100g 150g 300g

Creation Difficulty 8 10 12

Cost Modifier x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x5 x5 x8

Creation Difficulty +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +2 +4

Banquets and Craftsman’s Tools Characters who attempt to perform Synthesis checks without a set of proper tools increase the difficulty of Synthesis checks by +2. In Cooking, this is even more pronounced. Characters who lack a set of Craftsman’s Tools are unable to create Banquet-type meals under any conditions. For those who are wondering, a set of Craftsman’s Tools for aspiring chefs usually contains the following; Pots, skillets, cleavers, four kitchen knives, a meat tenderizer, kebab skewers, a whisk, stirring and serving spoons, an assortment of spices and herbs, and table settings for up to a dozen individuals. All of these items still only take up one spot in a character’s Inventory, as normal. Player’s Note: Such remarkable food cannot be purchased in a normal way, and cannot be stored for long periods of time. Food often spoils 24 hours after its initial creation.


Grafts Grafts are biomechanical appendages and weaponry developed by the Magitek Corporation. Most often used by Androids, they are also purchased (albeit unlawfully) by civilians who have suffered physical losses. It is highly illegal to purchase or affix a Graft, but there is no law restricting their usage. However, the connotations still exist, and people who have chosen to remedy their disabilities using this technology are frowned upon. The market price is roughly 1000 gil per ‘point’ of the Graft’s cost. For example, the Weapon Attachments are two point grafts – expect to pay 2000gil on the black market for such an item, plus an additional fee to have it attached. Of course, this is rarely the going rate, but a character with the Synthesis (Tinkering) skill can use those estimations as guidelines for creating Grafts of their own. A successful Healing check at difficulty 9 + (Number of Graft points) is required to affix a Graft, for a difficulty between 10 and 14. They can be created (or repaired!) by a Synthesis – Machines check at the same difficulty. All grafts are assumed to have 1 hit point, and are thus very vulnerable. If a character makes a successful attack against the possessor of a Graft, then the character may choose to deal zero damage and instead render the robotic appendage or graft inoperable. A graft damaged and rendered usable in this way provides no bonuses, but retains any penalties the graft may cause. The same Graft can generally be taken multiple times, but bonuses from identical Grafts are never cumulative. Most known Magitek Corp. Grafts are listed below in the following format. Name: The name of the Graft goes here. The listed point value is for starting Android characters who need to determine which combination of Grafts they wish to begin play with, since they may only choose up to 5 points worth. Location: Which body piece, appendage, or organ is replaced. Effect: The attribute/skill changes, or the abilities gained after obtaining this Graft. Synth-Flesh (1pt) Useful for covering burns as well as allowing Androids to appear more human in appearance. Synth-flesh is a realistic, pseudo-bio skin. Location: Anywhere Effect: If used by an Android, upon becoming damaged, Synth-flesh will expose the robotic frame underneath, but all Synth-flesh can grow back in several days. It can even cloak the micro-fusion emissions and exude standard human body temperature. Thus, heat detection devices will pick up the Android as human. Auto-Repair (1pt) Cherished by non-suicidal androids everywhere, this failsafe repair system is heavily advised upon. Location: All grafts Effect: If a Graft suffers damage and becomes nonoperational, this built-in organic system will slowly allow them to resume normal functionality over the course of several hours. Breathless (1pt) Whether it be underwater or simply in an area devoid of oxygen, you simply Can function normally without needing to breathe. Location: Internal Effect: The character does not take damage or penalties for functioning without oxygen.


Sleepless (1pt) Much like the Breathless Graft listed above, the user of this graft has been hardwired to never require sleep. Location: Internal Effect: The character never requires rest of any sort, and will never take penalties for functioning without it. However, this is not the same thing as Sleep Proof, and the character can still be magically coerced into such a state. Double-Jointed (2pt) By replacing several major bodily joints with mechanical parts, such as in the shoulders, kneecaps, elbows, and the like, the character becomes able to stretch in ways that would otherwise be impossible. Location: Throughout the entire body Effect: Adds an additional +1 to a character's Athletics skill. Data Link (2pt) The Data Link allows the user to 'plug in' to a computer network via an external port, usually located in the chest or on an arm. Location: Varies Effect: Adds an additional +1 to a character's Systems skill. Symbiotic Interface (2pt) More machine than human, the Android is capable of communicating in binary – subconsciously – with nearby machinery, even without touching it. There are no visual or auditory clues whatsoever that an Android is utilizing this ability, save perhaps for a rapid flickering of the eyelids as data pulses to and from his psyche. Location: Brain implant Effect: By taking a -2 penalty to his roll, an Android is capable of making a Systems skill test on any machine within roughly two meters, even if it is not within direct line of sight. Heavy Arm (2pts) An enormous, piston-driven robotic arm which provides the user with a surprising amount of pure, mechanical strength. Still relatively human, with normal girth and dimensions, and can pass unnoticed if covered with Synth-Flesh. Location: Replaces either the left or the right arm, attaches at the shoulder. Effect: This graft grants +2 STR and -2 DEX. Also penalizes the character with an additional -1 to most social rolls unless the player has taken the Synth-Flesh graft. Heavy Arm v2.0 (5pts) A colossal version of Magitek's previous Heavy Arm design, placing far more emphasis on sheer power and less on the user's ability to blend in with normal society. Location: Replaces either the left or the right arm, attaches at the shoulder, with diodes going all the way down or across a character's chest. Effect: This graft grants +4 STR and -4 DEX. Also penalizes the character with an additional -1 to most social rolls. Cannot be covered with the Synth-Flesh graft. Light Arm (2pts) In direct opposition to their previous line of limb replacement implants, the Light Arm is thin and dexterous, although easily damaged, and is often used by quick draws, con men, and the like. It's vastly different setup causes conflicts with the previous Heavy Arm line, and for this reason, they


cannot be used together. Location: Replaces either the left or the right arm, attaches at the shoulder. Effect: This graft grants +2 DEX and -2 VIT. Also penalizes the character with an additional -1 to most social rolls unless the player has taken the Synth-Flesh graft. Cannot be taken in conjunction with either Heavy Arm graft Weapon Attachment: Gun (2pts) Location: Varies - almost always an arm or hand. Effect: The character with this Graft is able to use and attach any Gun-type weapon to the specified location, and use it as an extension of himself. They may be removed and repaired, upgraded and broken like normal weapons. This has several benefits - first, if combined with the Auto-Repair graft, the weapon can be repaired after being damaged or destroyed for no cost. It also makes the user immune to the Disarm ability and effects that would otherwise make the user drop the weapon, such as aimed shots from a Ranger. Finally, a Gun weapon attached in this way may use the INT stat instead of DEX as the primary attribute required to level up the skill. A character who uses Two Weapon fighting only needs to take this Graft once, and it applies to both weapons. With GM permission, it is possible that a character could use a pulse cannon or other large magitek weapon instead, choosing to use the Weapon Systems skill instead of the Gun skill. If this Graft is damaged, the character cannot move and fire in a single round regardless of abilities that may allow him to do otherwise. This lasts until the Graft is repaired. Weapon Attachment: Blade (2pts) Location: Varies - almost always an arm or hand. Effect: The character with this Graft is able to use and attach any Sword, Katana, or Dagger-type weapon to the specified location, and use it as an extension of himself. They may be removed and repaired, upgraded and broken like normal weapons. This has several benefits - first, if combined with the Auto-Repair graft, the weapon can be repaired after being damaged or destroyed for no cost. It also makes the user immune to the Disarm ability and effects that would otherwise make the user drop the weapon, such as aimed shots from a Ranger. Finally, a weapon attached in this way may be drawn back into the body, making it essentially a Concealed weapon. A character who uses Two Weapon fighting only needs to take this Graft once, and it applies to both weapons. If this Graft is damaged, the character’s bladed weapon is stuck in a fixed position – if concealed at the time that the graft was damaged, the weapon cannot be drawn until the Graft is repaired, and vice-versa. Bionic Eye (2pts) Through the use of an optic implant, the user has flawless and natural 20/20 vision. Location: Replaces an eyeball. Effect: Adds an additional +1 to a character's Awareness skill. Bionic Eye v2.0 (3pts) Generally considered to be a vast upgrade over the previous model. In addition to perfect vision, the user is able to see basic heat signatures and the ultraviolet spectrum. Location: Replaces an eyeball. Effect: Adds an additional +1 to a character's Awareness skill, as well as the ability to 'sense' living creatures nearby with your Awareness checks, even if they’re not in direct line of sight.


CHAPTER VI: COMBAT "Why not? I don't have anything to lose but my life... and I got that for free!" - Setzer Gabbiani

Given the sheer number of fiendish monsters and evil Empires waiting to be vanquished in the name of justice, combat is an unavoidable part of day-to-day life in the worlds of Final Fantasy. This section covers these encounters -- and more importantly, how to emerge from them alive. What can I do in one round of combat? In a given round of combat, a character may perform as many Instant actions as they like. They may also perform one Standard Action, or start a Slow action. Instant Actions include speech, certain abilities, or non-skill effects that have no major impact on combat. They can also move up to a Short Range as an instant action, but this is only once per round. Standard Actions include most job abilities, drinking potions or using a potion on a party member, switching between weapons, attacking, or moving a Medium Range. Most actions characters take will be Standard actions. Slow Actions are longer effects that require concentration, time, or both. A character has to declare that they are initiating a slow action, which takes their entire turn. Slow Actions then resolve on the following turn unless interrupted by critical hit, limit break, Teamwork Attack or a knockback effect, and does not count towards any of the character’s actions on the second turn. Thus, a Black Mage could begin casting Fire on his first turn and on his second turn, if uninterrupted, the spell would be cast, allowing him to begin a second Fire spell in the same round. This second cast would finish in the third round of combat, and so on. Skills may either be Instant, Slow or Standard actions in combat, depending on the GM ruling. For example, Riding might be an Instant action because it requires no concentration normally, whereas to properly aid a fallen comrade with the Healing skill would likely be a Slow action. A character under the influence of the Haste spell essentially gets an extra half-turn. They may move an additional range increment OR take a second standard action, OR they may allow a Slow action to begin and finish in one turn. Some systems offer characters the ability to ‘Delay’ their actions, giving them time to think and plan or change the order in which attacks are made. The FFRPG generally frowns upon this, as it detracts from the fast-paced action that makes for a gripping encounter. How much damage do I do? Weapon damage is mostly pre-calculated. For example, we’ll use a sword that deals (STR x 1) + 1d6 points of damage. If the character wielding this weapon had 7 STR, then the damage is deals would be read as 7+1d6 in total. If the same character switched to a (STR x 2) weapon, then such attacks would deal 14+1d6 damage. The additional damage is based on the weapon’s size, and no additional roll is needed – you use the same results from your accuracy roll. One-handed weapons roll 2d6 for accuracy, and one of those d6 die are used for damage. You pick which. Two-handed weapons roll 2d6 for accuracy, and both d6 die are also used for additional damage. When multi-wielding two or more weapons, 3d6 is rolled for accuracy, and the lowest die is discarded and ignored. The two highest dice are used for both the accuracy, as well as additional damage.


Target Types Five types of targets exist in combat: The Party simply consists of the PCs and all immediate allies in the area. The typical Party will have between three and six members, though larger or smaller Party sizes may be encountered. For magical effects and spells, a 'Party' should be limited to 10 at most for balance reasons; if the PCs should find themselves at the head of a 200-strong army, the last thing a GM needs to deal with is Curaga healing an entire battalion at once. A Group is a formation of monsters, and can be made up of any combination of monster. If more than a dozen monsters are occupying the battlefield, you may wish to follow the same rules for magical spells and effects as mentioned above. Conversely, though, there’s something to be said for the dramatic effect of smiting tens of thousands of targets with world-shattering magic. Self is the user of the ability, or the caster of the spell. This type of maneuver can only be used on oneself. Local means the characters, the foes, the terrain in the area, everything within a moderate range is affected by this blanket spell. Finally, a Single target is – as the name implies – restricted to only one person, whether friend or foe. Such targets may be picked out of a larger formation, or exist simply because the Party is fighting against only one powerful foe. Running Away! Not every challenge the PCs encounter will be winnable, and sometimes discretion really is the better part of valor. There are a myriad of ways for players to remove themselves from combat – a Smoke Bomb item, the white magic spell ‘Escape’, or even the Coward trait. But if magic and misdirection fail, the players can always try to flee on foot. A character cannot Run Away by himself – it must be a group decision. When all conscious (above 0 HP) characters decide to Run Away, then they must each make an Escape skill check on their turn at difficulty 8 and take no other actions. If all players succeed at this roll, then combat ends, no gil or experience is awarded to the group, and they manage to escape with all of their fallen comrades. If any character does not manage to beat the difficulty 8 Escape check, then the Run Away attempt fails, and nothing happens other than the characters lost their turns for the current round. If the players Run Away from a Notorious or Boss monster, then it’s assumed that the creature is still out there, lurking and waiting for them to return. Fleeing from a regular monster group effectively means the encounter was nullified, and the players probably won’t encounter the same creatures a second time. Descriptive Attacks Combat in the FFRPG is fast-paced and furious, often pitting the heroes against near-impossible odds. The players will need to think quick and stay on their toes. A player who, on their turn, simply says “I attack” and rolls the dice is a character without strategy, and an attack without an attempt at description will impose a -2 penalty on the roll. Sometimes, a player may wish to make highly cinematic attacks, and such actions are to be rewarded for their creativity and resourcefulness as opposed to reducing the overall effectiveness of the attack. A character who spends a round climbing up the metal arrows imbedded in a massive dragon to reach a vital point (then attacking on the following round), might be allowed by the GM to treat the foe as having 0 EVA. A character who runs plunges their Indestructible blade into molten lava before striking should


receive a significant additional Fire damage bonus, and so on. Similarly inspired GMs should be able to come up with other appropriate rewards. What’s with these Range increments? Unlike many other tactical tabletop RPGs, the Final Fantasy game avoids forcing players to think in terms of ‘movement squares’ or exact numerical measurements to determine movement and range. Instead, only three types of distance exist. Short Range refers to anything conceivably the characters could reach or attack without much movement required beforehand. It generally denotes that an enemy is easily within melee distance. Short Range weapons are common, and include everything from Massive swords to unarmed brawling attacks. Such weapons are versatile and plentiful, but limited in situations with much more mobile combatants – for example, hitting Flying enemies with a Short Range weapon imposes a -4 penalty on the attack roll. Characters can move a Short Range as an Instant action once per round. Medium Range is a little harder to measure because it’s exact distance varies for dramatic purposes. Medium Range is the distance a character can move in a single round at a hard run, or how far a gun or bow can be comfortably fired. Medium Range could be a city block or from one side of an Airship to the other, for example. Almost all Ranged and Thrown weapons possess a Medium Range – though there’s no reason a gun or shruiken couldn’t be used to its fullest at point-blank. It normally takes a character a Standard action to move a Medium Range, unless they character is riding a fairly swift mount. Long Range denotes a distance greater than medium range, but still able to be seen. This could represent anything from a few city blocks to a few miles, depending on circumstance. Characters cannot normally move a Long Range without beneficial magic or when aboard a vehicle or mount. Defending As a standard action, a character may go into a defensive stance. This reduces all damage taken for by 50%, and lasts until the start of the character’s next turn. The 50% reduction is applied last, after armor and status effects and the like.

Preemptive Round At the beginning of combat, all allies or enemies who have the element of surprise may act first. When in the Preemptive Round, all non-participating characters are assumed to have an effective EVA score of 0. After the Pre-emptive round is completed, the heroes always act first. (see Initiative Order below)


Initiative Order Many game systems determine in which order combatants act by rolling. This is not the case in the FFRPG – after the Pre-emptive round of combat, the ‘heroes’ (generally the player characters) always go first. After all the PCs have taken their turns the monsters attack, after which the next round begins. If neither side is clearly the ‘good side’ – due to party infighting, for example – then you can settle who acts first by having the character with the highest DEX on each team make an opposed DEX roll. How long is a ‘Session?’ Many job abilities state that they are limited in use, only able to be activated for a number of rounds or a number of times per session. The exact definition of a session will surely vary from group to group. Friends meeting up for their weekly game will probably define a session as the time the group gets together to the time the game ends for the night. If the medium for play is email, messageboards or instane-messenger programs, however, the definition of a session might be one in-game day, or until the party completes their current mission. Knockbacks and Aerial Combat Quite a few weapons and abilities have the capability to cause a ‘knockback’ of various distances, which – in addition to making battle sequences much more dramatic – are incredibly useful to interrupt and cancel Slow actions. As a rule of thumb, creatures much, MUCH larger than the player attempting to cause a knockback are Immune to the effects, both to the movement and the loss of their action. A character who is affected by a Knockback does not land until the end of his next turn. This has no real in-game effect other than for the sake of description. Final Fantasy heroes are well-known for their ability to fight flawlessly even in mid-air, almost appearing to hover as they clash with foes a few dozen feet above the ground. Combat Multipliers This rule is brief, but important. Often, characters will gain large bonuses to their damage – a critical hit (200% damage) with Fire against an enemy weak to fire (200% damage) for example. These bonuses are additive; in this situation, 400% damage would be dealt. However, no attack may ever gain a total combat multiplier of higher than 500% for any reason. Attacking Multiple Foes Some Job abilities and special attacks affect more than one enemy, and call for the player to make a ‘normal attack roll’ to see if the ability works. In such situations, determine which foe is the most difficult to hit – usually due to a high EVA rating – and make the attack roll against that number. On a miss, none of the foes are affected, even the ones with much lower evasion scores. Difficult Terrain In addition to the normal dangers in combat, characters may be faced with other challenges. Perhaps a cluster of bomb cores sits in the middle of the room, capable of causing a massive explosion if accidently nicked with a Fire-based spell or attack. Perhaps the area is crowded with screaming, fleeing pedestrians, making firing a ranged weapon almost impossible. One of the most common complications, though, is Difficult Terrain. This could be anything from lava (causing damage to those who move through or into it) or high winds, sandtraps, or the like. Such difficult terrain often causes negative modifiers (usually between -2 and -4) to specific checks, or sometimes even all skill checks. Improvised Weapons and Unarmed Combat A hero who is unprepared, disarmed, or otherwise being forced to rely on his fists and crude, temporary weapons follows some special rules. Unless the character is a Monk, Gambler, or utilizing the Weapon Master trait, Improvised weapons and unarmed strikes deal damage as though they were one-handed Tier 1 weapons – thus, STR + 1d6 points of ARM damage – with no special properties. They use the Brawl skill to determine accuracy. Improvised Weapons have the weapon property ‘Fragile,’ meaning they break after several rounds of normal use and are automatically destroyed if targeted by Arm Shot, Disarm or Shatter Weapon abilities.


Teamwork Attacks It is assumed that all attacks in a round happen nearly simultaneously. However, two or more players can coordinate their attacks against a single foe, attempting to ruin his concentration and leave him (or it) staggered from the flurry of attacks. On their turn, players must simply declare and describe the teamwork attack. All players involved take a -2 penalty to their melee and ranged ACC, and, if a minimum of two attacks simultaneously strike the target, the Teamwork Attack was successful. Spellcasters may take part in Teamwork Attacks as well, but they must declare it ahead of time, and are treated as having an effective EVA score of 0 until the spell is cast. A successful Teamwork Attack will nullify most special techniques that monsters and bosses possess, such as Unusual Defense, Final Attack, and Counterattack. See the Bestiary for more information on enemy techniques. Two Weapon Fighting Characters who use the Two Weapons skill gain some fantastic bonuses, increasing their accuracy so that it’s almost impossible to completely miss a foe. They also gain the magical enhancements on both weapons. The following restrictions do apply, however. First, the character cannot use dual-wield two handed weapons, such as Staves, Polearms, Weapon Systems, and the Massive category. (Fighters are the one exception to this rule, able to dual-wield Massive weapons)

Secondly, Disarmed effects cause the player to lose both weapons instead of just one – they don’t simply default back to the standard 2d6 instead of 3d6 for attack and damage rolls. Until they recover both weapons, the character is in serious trouble. Finally, characters who fight with two weapons cannot ‘stack’ weapon properties to get double the effect. For example, a character could not have HP Drain on both weapons to gain 100% of the damage inflicted back as health. Nor could they gain quadruple healing instead of double healing when utilizing two weapons with Alchemy, and so on. Having +2 STR on each weapon for a total of +4 is fair game. Critical Hits When a character rolls a critical success on his accuracy roll, the hit is assumed to automatically land and deal 200% damage, also knocking the target back a Short range. If the character is at 25% or less heath, they may perform a Limit Break instead. (see p.129 for more information on Limit Breaks) Unimportant NPCs – such as nameless soldiers and city residents – do not have the ability to land critical hits, and are instantly reduced to 0hp when they are critically hit, no matter how much damage is dealt. Counterattacks Sometimes, weapon or abilities calls for a monster or creature to make a Counterattack. This means that the individual may use an ability, spell or attack Instantly, and on the opponent’s turn, against the foe that caused a counterattack to occur. Counterattacks are taken after the event that causes a counterattack – for example, a Black Mage will first be damaged by the opponent’s spell, then may respond with one of their own. No attack roll is required for Counterattacks, but only one Counterattack may take place each turn. A character cannot counterattack themselves or an ally under any circumstances. Unusual Maneuvers Some tabletop systems have a myriad of other combat techniques that players may utilize to get the upper hand over foes; grappling, trips, shoving, and the like. No rules are specified in the FFRPG for such maneuvers. GMs should handle such situations on a case-by-case basis, possibly calling for opposed attribute checks. However, they are encouraged to remember that in the Final Fantasy universe, even heavily encumbered warriors are capable of incredible speed, rapidity and technique, able to often ignore such mundane combat techniques or situations like prone fighting. Just as players will develop highly elaborate plans and methods for defeating your foes, so will the GM have to think fast in order to allow for spectacular results that don’t physically defeat foes without having to engage in standard combat.


For example, if a player decides to crash an airship into a Behemoth. It’s the GM’s responsibility to make sure that this mechanical sacrifice isn’t worthless, but also that players don’t get into the habit of evading combat through such spectacular stunts. Disarming The world of Final Fantasy is filled with enemies as diverse as they are dangerous. While some battle with fists of iron, poisonous spines and magical blasts, other foes – especially Humanoids - use tools as their primary means of attack. Whether this is a great tree torn out of the ground or a set of futuristic guns attached to a hulking mech, characters with the Disarm shared ability (p.68) can separate their opponents from their weapons. If the disarming character is not using a two-handed weapon and has a hand free, they can hang on to the item. Otherwise, the weapon is merely knocked aside, generally a Short Range away. There are no rules set in stone for how long an opponent remains without his weapon after being Disarmed, and GMs are encouraged to determine this on a case-by-case basis. For example, there is generally nothing stopping the disarmed opponent from moving to his lost weapon and retrieving it as a Standard action on the following turn. However, the player may state that they attempt to send their opponent’s sword hurtling, lodging it in a nearby tree; in such a situation the GM may rule that a STR check is required. If the weapon is knocked off the side of a mountain or into lava, retrieving it will prove more difficult; it may even be destroyed. Using the above example, if the character ‘disarmed’ an M-Tek mecha of it’s double arm-cannons, the warmachine has no way of even picking them back up, much less re-attaching its weaponry. Use common sense and fairness when dictating the results of a Disarm. GM’s Note: Combat Rewards! A party’s main source of Gil is from successfully defeating monsters. It may also come in the form of treasure obtained during the course of an adventure, or money given to the party by NPCs and other allies in exchange for services and other tasks. The income from these three combined should have the characters making around 100 x (Character Level) gil, apiece, per session. Thus, a level two party with five members should receive roughly 1,000 gil per session. A level two character should expect to make 200 gil per session. If more Gil are made available, bear in mind that this means that characters will have access to better equipment and more healing, decreasing the challenge level of future encounters. In games where Gil is scarcer, on the other hand, the death of money means the party will be less prepared to face battles. As a result, the difficulty level of the game rises accordingly. NEGATIVE STATUS EFFECTS There are many different things that can happen to a character besides taking damage. Negative Status Effects can do anything from inconvenience your character to completely crippling him. Generally, when a spell attempts to cause a Status Effect, the victim may make an immediate Charisma check to ‘shake it off.’ The difficulty of this check is (10 + Tier level of the spell used) for spells. Spells that cause status effects usually include a ‘Resistable’ descriptor and the target number to beat with a CHA check, for quick reference purposes. The list of negative status effects follow. Berserk: You go berserk, and can do nothing on your turn but attack the nearest enemy. This will not cause you to mistake friend for foe. Blind: You now use only roll 1d6 for combat accuracy rolls, regardless of dual-wielding or any other modifiers. Cured by Eyedrops. Charm: You fight on your enemy's side until the effect wears off. The player retains control of the character, but will battle against his former allies. Charmed characters still retain their understanding of the world and basic principles such as danger, and will rarely act foolishly or put themselves in harm’s way needlessly. Taking damage has a 25% chance of removing the Charm status. Cure: Receive Damage Confusion: You are confused and disoriented, causing you to take random actions each round. You may attack your friends, heal your enemies, or perform completely nonsensical actions, such as trying to use Inquiry on a tree or a Phoenix Down on yourself. The GM may determine the character’s random actions, or he may allow the player to do so. Taking damage has a 25% chance of removing the Confusion status.


Curse: All your attacks, both physical and magical, deal minimum damage. All attacks now are reduced to their lowest damage step – if an attack was to do (STR x 5) damage, it will now do (STR x 1) instead, and so on. Fear: Exactly like the effects of Stun, although only usable by Bosses and the Dark Knight ability ‘No Mercy.’ Your next turn is skipped completely. You can take no action whatsoever. Your EVA score is effectively zero. There are very few spells and effects capable of negating Fear. Mini: You are shrunk to a very small size. All damage you deal with weapons is halved. In addition, all damage dealt to you is increased by 50%. Petrify: You are transformed into a stone statue. You are completely immobile and can take no action. However, nothing can harm you while you are petrified- all damage dealt to you is reduced to zero, and you are immune to all negative status effects. Cured by Softs. Poison: When poisoned, you lose 10% of your max HP at the end of each of your turn. This can reduce your HP to zero. Cured by Antidotes. Seal: Your special abilities are sealed. You cannot use Abilities or Magic of any type, but can still use Skills and take other actions. Cure by Echo Screens. Sleep: You are magically put to sleep, and can do nothing until the effect ends. Any physical attacks automatically hit, but also waking you up. Your EVA score is effectively zero. Taking damage has a 100% chance of removing the Sleep status. Slow: Your actions take longer than normal. Instant actions become Standard actions, Standard actions become Slow Actions, and Slow actions resolve at the end of the player’s next turn instead of the beginning, essentially taking a full two rounds to use. This is one of the nastier status effects, and as such it is quite uncommon – almost completely exclusive to Time Magic. Slow overwrites and cancels the Haste status. Stop: You cannot move. You can still take actions, but cannot cover any distance and are stuck in your current location unless moved by a third party. Furthermore, your EVA score is effectively zero. Stun: Your turn is skipped completely. You can take no action whatsoever. Your EVA score is effectively zero. Unconscious: When your HP reaches zero, you are completely incapacitated. You can take no actions until revived by a Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, or resurrection spell. Curative Potions and Healing spells will have no effect. Zombie: Your body is infused with negative energy, partially transforming you into a creature of darkness. All curative spells, effects, and potions are reversed, dealing damage instead of healing it. Cured by Revivify.

POSITIVE STATUS EFFECTS Luckily, not all status effects are bad. Positive status effects, often granted by white magic, can bestow great advantages on your character- while they last. If your character is knocked unconscious, any positive status effects disappear immediately. All positive status effects have a duration of "Temporary." If a character wishes, they can prevent themselves from receiving a positive status effect with the same sort of Charisma check listed above. While rare, situations where such normally beneficial spells are a hindrance DO pop up…such as a Zombied character trying not to receive the effects of Regen. It should be noted that even a character with Immunities to status effects can choose to be affected by them if he or she wishes. Thus, a character with a Ribbon equipped – and thus Immune to all statuses – could still operate under the effects of Protect and Haste if they liked, or even allow themselves to be Charmed. Protect: All physical damage dealt to you is halved for the duration of the effect. The damage is halved after ARM reduces the initial amount. Shell: All magical damage dealt to you is halved for the duration of the effect. The damage is halved after M.ARM reduces the initial amount. Haste: You have time for an additional Standard action in the same turn. Slow actions begin and end on the same turn. Haste overwrites and cancels the Slow status. Auto-Life: If your HP is reduced to 0 while under an Auto-Life spell, you are immediately revived with 1 HP. Reflect: Most magic that would otherwise affect you is instead reflected towards a random target on the opposite side. For example, this means that casting Cure on a Reflected enemy will result in you or one of your allies being healed Regen: The literal opposite of Poison. While under the effects of Regen, a character gains 10% of his max HP at the end of each of his turns. Float: Floating characters take no damage from Earth-based spells and abilities, and hover several inches above the ground. They also take no damage from falling, but they don’t receive the same benefits to avoid Short Range attacks that truly Flying characters have.


Leveling Up "The way I see it, as long as you make it out of a battle alive, you're one step closer to fulfilling your dream." - Seifer Almasy

Upon gaining a level, the character chooses one Attribute and raises it by one point, and also receives one additional skill point. At level 3, and every 3 levels thereafter (3, 6, 9, etc) an additional Attribute is raised by one point. (Assuming this would not attribute may rise above the character's Maximum). At level 4, and every 4 levels thereafter (8, 12, 16, etc), a character obtains a new Job Ability of his choice. At levels 10 and 20, a character obtains a new Trait of his choice. At levels 5, 15, and 25, a character receives a new Limit Break. Use the following chart as a reference tool. Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Additional Benefits Standard Standard +1 to different Attribute Job Ability Limit Break #1 +1 to different Attribute Standard Job Ability +1 to different Attribute New Trait Standard +1 to different Attribute, Job Ability Standard Standard +1 to different Attribute ,Limit Break #2 Job Ability Standard +1 to different Attribute Standard Job Ability, New Trait +1 to different Attribute Standard Standard +1 to different Attribute, Job Ability Limit Break #3 Standard +1 to different Attribute Job Ability Standard +1 to different Attribute

5 points of EXP are required to level up. Experience is awarded as follows; Quote/Backstory - 1 EXP Upon character creation, players are encouraged to provide a backstory complete with goals and future ambitions. Or, for the easiest point of EXP you'll ever earn, top it off by filling out a clever and concise character quote on your sheet. Either one of these is worth 1 point of EXP right off the start. Doing both of these is worth 2 EXP before the first session even begins.


Combat - 1 EXP To defeat your foes, whether through direct combat, a successful plan, or other means awards 1 EXP. Sometimes sneaking past foes will not award this exp, as they were not 'Defeated,' merely temporarily overcome. No exp will be usually awarded if the foes were greatly below your level, not fighting back, or Charmed. Outsmarting your foes to overcome the challenge also generally counts as deserving of an EXP reward, at the GM's discretion. Bosses - 1 or 2 EXP To defeat a long-running or major campaign villain in an epic struggle will award an additional point of experience, or two if the villain was a truly titanic, save-the-world level End Boss. The foe must be defeated permanently for this exp to be retrieved in a skirmish in which a Boss manages to flee, this exp will not be received – however, the party does still receive the normal 1 EXP for Combat. Quest - 1 EXP To complete a story arc or a major quest will award 1 points of experience. Session - 1 EXP At the end of every single gaming session, all players who attended will be awarded 1 point of EXP. Heroism or Villainy - 1-3 EXP Sometimes, a character performs an act of goodness that ends up saving the lives of many, or the life of one at the cost of self-sacrifice. This is the ultimate expression of the definition of being a Hero, and characters who follow a selfless moral code often have their names such through the ages as true Heroes of their time. Choosing to lead an army into a losing battle may award one point of Heroism EXP, but choosing to defend city gates alone against an oncoming army to save the lives of hundreds would definitely grant more; up to three points. Be aware that Heroism can often be scoffed at as 'foolhardy' - which indeed, it often is. Similarly, Villainy experience points can be awarded if a character does something so blasphemous, so inherently horrifying that even evil gods would tip a hat to. Whether it be as grand as the destruction of an entire city by your hand or as localized as torturing a heroic character to insanity. Plain old cold-blooded murder, whilst definitely evil, is usually too common an event to receive this bonus, though certain situations may apply - again, at the GM's discretion.

When leveling up, please remember the following: - You may not switch gear directly prior to leveling up, since equipment with attribute bonuses are used when tallying new HP and MP increases. ‘Re-equipping’ gear before leveling, such as switching in VIT gear for higher hp increase, is unacceptable. - When leveling up, all attributes are increased first, then the new HP and MP values are rolled.


Recovery and Death "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier Mid Bunansa

Even the most cautious heroes will take a few lumps on the road to glory, and as the battles start coming in thick and fast, the injury tally is likely to rise in turn. This section looks at the aftermath: healing, resting, recuperating, and getting back to fighting fitness. Resting The ability to recover lost Hit Points is crucial to a party’s long-term survival. Magic and items can patch up injuries on the go, but can drain the party's resources if there's a lot of hurt to go around. The alternative is to let injuries heal up the natural way – with rest. To rest, characters need just two things: time and space. Time is self-explanatory – the longer the party has to kick back and relax, the more beneficial the rest will be. In order to benefit from a rest period, a character cannot undertake any complex or physically exerting activities during that time period unless they are directly related to the recovery process. In other words, taking the time to make splints and sewing wounds is fine; forging a sword or clearing boulders is not. Space is a little trickier. The default space requirement for rest is an area where the party can stretch out without fear of being attacked by marauding monsters and the like. In practical terms, this means that long stretches of rest are impossible in the middle of a dungeon thick with enemies unless the party can find some way to keep itself completely protected during that time - it's difficult to really relax when there's a perpetual fear of monster ambush. Full Rest (Inn) Well-furnished and comfortable, most Inns have also taken to hiring a few White Mages to tend the many adventurers that pass through, and are thus the highest form of luxury recovery available to a party, though prices can be a deterrent. After staying at an Inn for a full night, all characters – including Unconscious ones – will be restored to maximum HP and MP, and all Status Conditions currently affecting the Party, both positive and negative, will be canceled. Using a Tent always ensures the party gets a Full Rest, as long as the party spends at least a few hours doing so. Time Taken: 7 to 8 hours Travel Rest Travel Rest is typical of the kind of night's sleep a party will get on the road. Assuming the party can rest for a full night without interruptions, they recover 50% of their maximum HP and MP. No Status Conditions afflicting the party are cancelled during this time, and Unconscious characters are not revived. Time Taken: 7 to 8 hours Fitful Rest Fitful Rest can be defined as either sleeping fewer than the usual seven or eight hours or being interrupted in the night by a monster attack. At the end of a Fitful Rest period, all party members regain 25% of their maximum HP and MP values. Time Taken: 3 to 6 hours


Healing Skill Characters with the Healing Skill can use their talents to assist the natural healing process, increasing recovery gains in both the short and long term. During rest periods, characters may make a Skill Check at varying difficulties – usually 11 – to speed up the healing process. If the Check is successful, the party's recovery gains at the end of the rest period will be equal to the next-highest grade of rest. If the characters took a Fitful Rest, they'll get the benefits of Travel Rest, if they took Travel Rest, they'll get the benefits of Full Rest. The only thing that changes in this case is the actual recovery benefit; no additional time or resources are consumed. Failure means the character’s ministrations actually have the opposite effect, bumping the effects of resting down to the next-lowest grade. This means that a Fitful Rest actually has no impact on the party. Consecrated Areas Ordinarily, resting in the middle of a dangerous dungeon is out of the question. But in some cases, the PCs may discover small patches of consecrated ground in otherwise dangerous territory, usually marked by unusual features or simply a noticeable aura of magic energy. In addition, Paladins and White Mages have the ability to consecrate the earth. Such areas naturally repel monsters and other hostile creatures, making it possible to rest there for at least short periods of time. Critical Injuries All characters suffer a few scratches and scrapes during the course of their career, but some injuries can’t just be shrugged off with a Potion and a good night’s sleep. Things like broken arms, trauma and severed vocal cords are all examples of these kinds of Critical Injuries. Critical Injuries can bestow negative attributes as determined by the GM for as long a period as the injury remains. It can usually be treated by a mid-level White Mage or High-level Paladin, and lesser injuries such as broken bones heal in weeks of game time. Incapacitation When a character is reduced to zero health, they are incapacitated, unconscious, and unable to act in any way. There are a variety of ways to resurrect a comrade fallen in this way; Phoenix Downs, the Life spell, and more, can all return a character from near-death to life. An incapacitated character cannot take further damage. Death There are two ways for death to occur in the Final Fantasy RPG. The first is for the entire party to be knocked Unconscious. Most of the time, this doesn’t mean the end for the party; rather, they’ll wake up in a nearby safe location, lacking all EXP and Destiny they had saved up. Against Bosses and End Bosses however, this does often mark the end of the campaign. The second method is if a single character falls, and the opponents use the No Mercy ability on him. All Bosses and End Bosses have this ability, able to permanently end a character’s existence with a Slow Action. There is absolutely no resurrection for Dead characters without spending Destiny. Enemies and Death When foes are brought to 0hp, they are considered ‘defeated.’ What this MEANS, exactly, is up to the player and the GM to come to a conclusion on together. Deceased? Unconscious? Lacking any will to fight? Generally, foes are killed – but players shouldn’t feel this is morally wrong. The Farplane assures that existence after death is peaceful and pleasing for all races, and defeated monstrosities are dissolved into the universal holy energy of the cosmos.


Limit Breaks "You just don’t get it at all. THERE ISN’T A THING I DON’T CHERISH!!" - Cloud Strife

Limit Breaks are special abilities, which require no MP to use and are only accessible after a character sustains a substantial amount of damage. Some powerful foes may possess Limit Breaks, but this is rare. There are two ways to perform a Limit Break. First, they can be randomly accessed while making your attack's attack accuracy roll. When a character rolls a pair of sixes – a critical success - this represents a Critical Hit, and a possible Limit Break. If the character has 25% of his maximum health remaining or less, the character may use a Limit Break of their choice instead of his regular attack. Characters with the Shared Ability ‘Limit Breaker’ may perform such techniques at 50% or less of their health instead. Secondly, a character can use a Limit Break by spending three points of Destiny, the same as it would cost to perform their Epic Ability. Limit Breaks used in this way require a standard action to perform and can only be used on the character’s turn. Regardless of how the Limit Break is used, a character may only use one Limit Break per round. A Limit Break may have almost any effect. It may heal, revive, cause physical damage, magical damage, status effects, or any number of other things. Characters retain older Limit Breaks when they gain a new one. Thus, the character may choose to use any one of the Limit Breaks in his possession when they become accessible.

At the GM's discretion, the characters might not gain their final Limit Breaks when they achieve level 25. Instead, the characters must find a specific item (usually in a side quest) or achieve a longstanding personal goal that gives them that Limit Break. However, should the character find his item early, he may not learn it until he would be able to acquire the limit normally. When a character achieves his third Limit Break, he is no longer restricted by the maximum Attribute restrictions, and may raise any statistic as high as he likes. The Limit Creation System is used to create the set Limit Breaks that your character will learn over the course of his career. It uses a point-buy method to determine the exact effects of a given Limit Break; A Rank 1 limit break (obtained at character level 5) gives you 10 points to work with. A rank 2 (obtained at level 15) gives you 20, and a rank 3 gives you 30. Point costs are listed in each section, and vary from effect to effect. A complete list follows over the following pages.


Area Effect (5 Points) The limit break affects either all enemies or all allies. This ability cannot be combined with Healing.

Attack (Physical) (3 Points) The Limit is designed to inflict heavy damage on the target, using your equipped weapon. This sort of Limit break always deals physical damage, and uses your normal attack to determine how much damage is dealt – with some modifications. Consult the chart below. Limit Break Rank 1 2 3

STR/DEX Modifier +1 +3 +5

Thus, if Cid was to wield a Sword that did (STR x 1) + 1d6 points of damage, a Rank 1 limit break would alter this damage to be (STR x 2) + 1d6. A Rank 3 limit would alter this damage to be (STR x 6) + 1d6. Limit breaks are considered to be Medium-range attacks, no matter the weapon with which they are performed, and a physical attack of this sort is still reduced by ARM.

Attack (Magic) (3 Points) Attack (Magic) is the magical version of Attack (Physical). Rather than elaborate blade dances or crushing axe blows, you use the power of magic to burn, freeze, disintegrate, or otherwise destroy your foes in spectacular ways. This primary effect functions almost exactly the same way as Attack (Physical) – howver, you use your INT or CHA instead of STR or DEX to determine the damage dealt, Also, Attack (Magic) always deals magical damage, rather than physical damage, and is affected by M.ARM. Damage dealt in this way is Non-elemental unless you also take the Elemental effect. Limit breaks are considered to be Medium-range attacks, no matter the weapon with which they are performed.

Backfire (3 Point Refund) The limit break is dangerous to its user as well as to his enemies, for every time the power is used, there is a 25% chance that it backfires affecting the user instead of its intended target. May not be combined with beneficial Primary Effects such as Revive, Healing or Esuna, and may not be used in conjunction with Random Target. If combined with Area Effect, a Backfire causes all allies to be affected.

Break Arts (4 Points) Similar to Status Effects, Break Arts damage an opponent's stats in battle. Multiple Break Arts of the same type are not cumulative. 5 points will allow any of the following, of your choice. All ratings reduced by 50% are rounded up. Power Break reduces a foe's STR by 50% and halves all STR-based damage. Magic Break reduces a foe's INT by 50% and halves all INT-based damage and healing. Speed Break reduces a foe's DEX by 50% and halves the foe’s EVA, ACC, and DEX-based damage. Armor Break reduces a foe's VIT by 50% and the foe’s maximum health is reduced by half. Soul Break reduces a foe's CHA by 50%. Magical Resistances, Absorbencies and Immunities are lessened (reduced by one step) and all CHA-based damage is halved

Death Attack (10 Points) Attacks a single opponent with an attack that reduces the enemy's HP by 50% of its current value. Taking this ability twice reduces the opponent’s health to 0 instantly. This is considered an instant Death effect.

Debilitate (2 Points) Debilitate infuses the enemy with a random elemental weakness. Roll 1d6 and consult the following table to determine which one. If cast a second time, the new weakness will replace the first. Lasts until the battle ends or the weakness is overridden by a new attempt to Debilitate. If the target already possesses a Weakness, Resistance, Die Roll (d6) Inflicted Weakness Immunity or Absorbency to the resultant element, roll again. Taking 1 Fire this ability twice will allow for the user of the limit break to choose a 2 Ice weakness instead of rolling one randomly, and also allows the user of 3 Water the limit break to choose Shadow or Holy as an elemental weakness. 4 Lightning 5 Wind 6 Earth


Drain HP (4 Points) The limit break, which must deal damage of some type to the opponent, returns 50% of the damage dealt back to the user as health, restoring his HP. Taking the Effect twice will allow the user to return 100% instead. HP Drain may NOT be combined with Healing.

Drain MP (4 Points) The limit break, which must deal damage of some type to the opponent, returns 50% of the damage dealt back to the user as magical energy, restoring his MP. Taking the Effect twice will allow the user to return 100% instead. MP Drain may NOT be combined with Healing.

Elemental (1 or 3 Points) The attack carries a certain element with it - Fire, Ice, etc, and does damage of that type. If the limit break is used with a weapon that has an elemental property, the element of the limit overrides the element of the weapon. If your elemental choice is Holy, then the cost of this effect is increased from 1 to 3. If the target is immune or resistant to the Element of that type, normal damage is dealt instead. If multiple Elements are used in the Limit Break, treat the attack as whichever element would be most effective.

Elemental Mastery (2 or 6 Points) Grants one target Absorbency to one element for two rounds. All damage dealt by that element is reversed, restoring HP instead of reducing it. The element must be chosen when the ability is learned, and has no effect on Undead targets. For 6 points, the Absorbency lasts until the end of combat.

Esuna (5 Points) Esuna removes all negative status effects from the target, with the exception of unconsciousness.

Healing (5 Points) A target of your choice regains 50% of their HP or MP, chosen when this Effect is added to the limit break. Taking this ability twice will allow for both effects to occur once, or for the target to regain 100% of the chosen stat instead of 50%. To fully heal a target’s HP and MP would require this ability to be taken 4 times, for 20 points.

Movement (1, 2, or 5 Points) The Limit Break causes either the user or its target to move a distance based on the number of points spent – Short Range for one point, Medium Range for 3 points, and Long Range for 5 points. This can be used to knockback opponents, but also to get allies out of harm’s way or perform attacks at extreme distances. Allies do not have Slow actions interrupted when friendly characters perform beneficial Limit Breaks involving them, including Movement.

Multi-Attack (6 Points, see below) The Limit Break now requires an attack roll, and must be combined with the Attack (Physical) or Attack (Magical) effect. For 6 points, the character using the Limit Break now attacks twice, potentially dealing its damage twice. For 12 points, the character attacks 3 times. For 18 points, 4 times; so forth and so on.

Neutralize (4 Points) Neutralize removes all Weaknesses and Resistances from the target, and reduces all Immunities and Absorbencies to Resistances.

Piercing (2 Points) The attack, which must deal damage in some fashion, is able to penetrate even the strongest of enemy defenses. The Limit Break ignores ARM and M.ARM.

Random Target (1 or 5 Point Refund) The attack is chaotic in nature and cannot be completely controlled. For the 1 point refund, the technique targets a random enemy (or ally, if the limit break is beneficial). For the 5-point refund the target is completely random, and may be either an enemy or a friend.


Revenge (6 points) A Revenge attack – which must deal some type of damage – has greater effect as your health declines. A limit break with this effect does ADDITIONAL damage equal to half the difference between your max HP and your current HPi.e., half the amount of damage you have taken so far.

Revive (4 points) This effect revives a character whose Hit Points have been depleted, returning him to consciousness and restoring 1 HP.

Self-Only (1 Point Refund) The effect, which must be beneficial in nature, works in such a way so that it can only affect its user- no other ally may be targeted. May not be used in conjunction with Area Effect, Random Target, or Specialized Target (Humanoid only).

Short Range (1 Point Refund) Normally, all Limit Breaks are considered Medium Ranged, meaning they can target flying creatures or without penalty. However, with this effect the attack or is restricted to melee range. Must be combined with an offensive ability and cannot be combined with Self-Only.

Specialized Target (1 or 4 Point Refund) One or more types of monster is unaffected by attack. For one point, choose one type of creature from the following list that is Immune to the Limit Break; Abnormal, Aerial, Amorph, Arcana, Aquan, Beast, Construct, Dragon, Fiend, Insect, Lizard, Plant, or Undead. For a 4 point refund, ALL types of monsters are Immune to the attack except for one chosen category. Specialized Target cannot be taken more than once.

Stat Booster (6 points) Stat Boosters are effects that augment the subject's normal abilities, making him stronger, faster, smarter, and more powerful. Multiple Stat Boosters of the same type are not cumulative. When taking this effect, choose an attribute such as DEX or STR or INT, and increase the damage dealt by all attacks of that type by one step. For example, if a weapon was to do STR x1 points of damage, it will now do STR x 2 instead, and so on. This effect remains until the end of combat and may not be combined with Backfire.

Status Effect (Varies, consult chart below) The limit break bestows one or more positive or negative status effects on the target. Positive effects will always work, but negative effects require a successful attack roll. Each negative status effect also grants a negative modifier to the attack roll. If multiple status effects are used – say, Poison and Petrify – only the largest attack penalty is used. In that case, -4. Status Effect Point Cost Poison, Sleep 2 Confusion, Seal, Flight 4 Mini, Stun, Float, Reflect 5 Curse, Stop, Slow, Zombie 6 Petrify, Charm, Protect, Shell, Haste, Auto-Life 8

Attack Modifier -1 -1 -2 -2 -4

Stylish (1 Point) The Limit Break is combined with a dazzling display of light, color, or raw power to awe allies and enemies alike. After the Limit Break is used, all allies receive a +1 bonus to ACC and EVA until the beginning of your next turn. Alternatively, all enemies suffer a -1 penalty to ACC and EVA for the same duration. For each time Stylish is taken after the first, the cost increases by 1. (So to give all allies a +3 bonus, Stylish would need to be taken three times and cost 6 points in total; 1 for the first, 2 for the second, 3 for the third)

Transformation (2 or 4 Points) The character or the limit break’s target adopts a completely different form when the Limit Break is used, changing its type from the standard ‘Humanoid’ to any of the following categories; Abnormal, Aerial, Amorph, Arcana, Aquan, Beast, Construct, Dragon, Fiend, Insect, Lizard, Plant, or Undead. For 2 points, the category must be determined ahead of time. For 4points, the user determines the transformation type at the time the Limit Break is used, and may select multiple types. This lasts until combat ends.


Non-Combat Challenges Not every difficulty the PCs will face can be as easily defined as a horde of evil foes brandishing weapons. This section discusses Traps, Social challenges, and more. Social Challenges A smart group of adventurers doesn't get in a fight with every living thing they meet. Unfortunately, there are times when others block the way forward – uncooperative guards, recalcitrant informants, enemy spies, and prowling monsters will test the characters’ bartering, sneaking, and roleplaying skills to the limit. Unlike physical challenges, social challenges hinge on what a character says as much as how they roll. If a PC attempts to use a persuasive Skill like Negotiation, the player must act out the attempt as well as simply rolling for it. Good performances net the player a bonus or waive the roll entirely, assuming this is in character; no amount of smooth talking on the player's part can compensate for a critical failure on that Negotiation roll. Because many social challenges take the form of Opposed Checks, the PCs' opponents must have Skill Ratings of their own. Negotiation Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Who Would Possess It Non-cooperative monsters such as Tonberries. Your average peasant, a thug trying to keep out of prison. Your typical diplomatic adventurer. A shopkeeper in a backwater village, a low-level thief or gambler. High-level and well-rounded characters, a guild representative. A Guild secretary, a diplomat from a foreign nation. A smooth-talking high-level gambler, a Dragon. A legendary dealer that specializes in rare artifacts, a Sphinx. Characters who have spent their lives perfecting the art of speechcraft, an Esper.

Traps Traps can give a party plenty of headaches without ever straining their sword arms. If overcome, traps and hazards reward the party with Experience Points. They can deal damage directly, inflict statuses, sound alarms that summon or release monsters for the PCs to fight, and more. A common trap is a ‘Monster-In-A-Box’, a creature of almost any type that lives within the dark confines of a treasure chest, bursting out to attack unsuspecting adventurers. Travel Note that these are only rough estimates, and can vary depending on a number of factors – reliability of transportation, problems encountered on the road, weather, terrain. For instance, pouring rain could easily halve the amount of ground the party normally covers in a day's time.

Travel Type Walking (Normal) Walking (Hard March) Chocobo (Normal) Chocobo (Racing/War) Wheeled Vehicle (Primitive) Wheeled Vehicle (Modern) Ship (Sail) Ship (Steam) Airship (Primitive) Airship (Modern)

Speed 25km /day 50km /day 280km /day 400km /day 300km /day 700km /day 170km /day 960km /day 1200km /day 9000km /day

Submersion and Drowning At times Final Fantasy heroes will find it necessary to travel underwater to arrive at their destination, or battle foes beneath the waves. A simple (if rather difficult to believe) rule covers such situations – a character can hold their breath for a total number of rounds equal to (1 + their Swimming Skill + their VIT rating), after which time they are rendered Unconscious. A character can only be killed by prolonged submersion and suffocation under extreme conditions, such as an hour or more. Objects and Hardness Whether it be as complex as a suit of M-Tek Armor or as simple as a steel jail cell wall, players and characters alike will always find reasons to destroy inanimate objects. Although characters with the Destructive Strike ability are better suited to rip a path through their surroundings, anyone may destroy an


object or structure if they succeed at a Strength skill test. Thus, objects cannot slowly weaken under a continued assault of attacks; it’s all or nothing. The difficulty of breaking an object is referred to as its ‘Hardness’ – the character must make a STR check equal to or greater than this value to destroy it. Consult the chart below for information on typical – and not-so-typical – materials and objects. Equippable items – armor, shields, weapons, accessories, etc – cannot be broken or damaged with a simple STR check. Object Glass Wooden door or table A typical Graft Metal bars A thick stone wall An Airship’s steel hull Mythril Adamantite Fifty-story building Orichalcum

Hardness 5 7 11 15 17 19 21 25 40 50

Elemental Terrain From howling snowstorms to blistering heat, the environments that players will find themselves fighting in is nearly endless. But such conditions mean more than just running the risk of developing a case of heatstroke or the sniffles. Other chapters mention Difficult Terrain, and the suggested ruling of -2 to -4 to a particular skill check, or even all skill and accuracy rolls the character makes. But particularly strong weather or terrain conditions – like the inside of a volcano or in the middle of a hurricane – can warp and accumulate large concentrations of Elemental energy. Magical attacks made in Elemental Terrain have their damage increased by 50% if they share the same element. For example, characters battling in the freezing tundra might discover their Ice elemental spells or Ice-Strike weapons deal additional damage. Alternative uses for Magic Aside from causing direct damage, inflicting status effects and healing allies, characters may also use the power of the elements to manipulate the environment. Possible effects include: Earth: Can cause tremors that can quickly damage and destroy smaller environmental features, opening up previously inaccessible sections. Fire: Setting things on fire is the easiest way to make a battle a little more interesting. Structures and vegetation burn up slowly enough that they’ll most probably be ablaze for the rest of the battle; combatants, however, are far less durable. Anyone caught in the middle of a fire will suffer Fire Elemental damage equal to 10% of their maximum Hit Points for each Round spent in the fire. Environmental features set on fire and then rigged to fall on opponents do Fire Elemental rather than Physical damage. Ice: Ice Elemental attacks have the ability to freeze bodies of water or ice over soggy ground, turning previously traversable areas into Difficult Terrain. Fire is capable of melting through most ice formations. Lightning: Capable of powering – or overloading – heavy machinery and electronic devices. The exact results of such actions depend on the device in question, but could easily range from destroying a shield generator protecting a major villain to activating an elevator to high ground. Water: Can sweep smaller environmental features out of the way and soak into solid ground, turning it into muddy and Difficult Terrain. Wind: Knock things over or blow smaller objects away – a good way for retrieving things that would normally be beyond the party's reach. It may also disperse other atmospheric conditions, like snow and fog.


CHAPTER VII: THE WORLD “No matter how dark the night, the morning always comes. And our journey begins anew." - Balthier Mid Bunansa

Though the standard campaign setting for the FFRPG is a technologically advanced land called Ivalice, in reality, you can base the game in any location or world you wish. More than one Final Fantasy game has seen the cast board a shuttle to the moon or descend deep into the dwarven caves beneath the earth. If, however, you do choose to play in the land of Ivalice presented here, the following chapter contains suggestions for major landmarks, places, people and organizations across the globe.

Locations of Interest Grand City of Rios Rios is the most massive and most technologically-advanced metropolis in the world, bar none. It is the undisputed hub for free trade, as racial tensions mean little in a city filled with thousands of representatives from each of the major humanoid races. The city is built vertically, essentially composed of several mile-wide magical discs attached at a central hub known as the Spire. Thus, the layers of the city are built atop each other, and the entire city of half a million residents lives, works, and spends their days among the thirty levels of the city structure. Normally, transport among the levels would be difficult, but Trams (Essentially magically-animated floating platforms that follow clearly-marked, predetermined paths) move through the major streets of the city at regular intervals and can be boarded at a nominal fee. One of these trams runs along the middle of the Spire and to the Lower City, where paupers and low-class citizens make their homes on the ground in the shade of the elevated city. The soil there is devoid of life and caked due to lack of sunshine and rain, and the citizens live in near-perpetual darkness. In addition to the Trams, most of the levels of the city have an Airship hub near the outer edge, allowing those who wish to travel to do so in style. They are rather luxurious vessels, appealing to the wealthy. The city is ruled by a quartet of leaders, the Council of Four. Individually, they are most commonly known as Dukes, and are appointed by their peers. Once appointed, they can be elected out of office and replaced with an 85% or higher vote. However, by law, there can never be less than four ruling Dukes, and in a situation where the Dukes oppose the actions of one, only a vote by the people can change who occupies the seats in the Council. Thus, a charismatic, people-pleasing leader, despite his relation to the other Dukes, can remain in office and virtually untouchable until his death. Rios is home to several famous guilds, the most well-known of which is the aptly-named Adventurer’s Guild. Composed of hundreds of mercenaries, this guild dispatches it’s members to handle problems across the globe. Due to the sometimes-untrained nature of the members of this guild, they are under a strict magical pact, making them entirely unable to cause extensive damage within city limits and to prevent harm from coming to Rios’ countless innocent civilians. Ironically, the current leader of the Adventurer’s Guild is a Duke himself.


Adventurer’s Guild The Adventurer's Guild is an organization dedicated to assisting the paying customer, no matter what. The Guild allows enterprising individuals to 'lease' their employees for various uses. It is located on one of the highest levels of the Grand City of Rios, and subject to an ever-changing membership as new members are hired and discarded daily. The guild hall boasts dormitories, a training hall, a medical center, an enormous library, a pub, and the Hall of Heroes - part museum, part hall of fame, and part shrine to the departed. Officially, the Adventurer's Guild has a plethora of rules and regulations, though 99% of them are summarily ignored by everyone. Only one rule is enforced and abided with absolute dedication: Your fellow guild members are your family. To turn your back on a guild member in need is to find yourself out on your ass. In addition to the above, the guild also has no use for members who accept payment for an incomplete job. What the customer pays for, the customer gets. Come hell or high water. Though, if the customer decides to backstab the Guild, the members are free to return the favor. The Adventurer's Guild is both globally-renowned and idealized; it's common for children to yell "An Adventurer!" when asked what they want to grow up to be. However, parents of such tykes make it perfectly clear that as nice a Guild as the Adventurer's Guild may (or may not) be, their members can be dangerous fellows who one should not anger. Cornelia, City of Dreams Nestled deep within the mountains northeast of The Wastes - amidst the destruction and desolation of the area - lies Cornelia, a holy city of purest white. It is governed by a small ruling body of priests, known as the Virtues. Trade to and from the city is virtually nil. Candles and prayer beads are sent out in exchange for various foreign foods and clean water, but little else. In fact, even visitors are often denied entry by apologetic guards, explaining that their faith is not yet absolute. Those rare souls who are allowed into the City of Dreams find themselves escorted – weaponless - by esoteric Monks and silent, bare-footed priests, all the while humbly explaining the necessity of the accompaniment. Having been built within and atop the mountains, the city is filled with stairways and outcroppings, and the ground is bare and rocky. At the highest point in the city lies the Cornelia’s castle, a mysterious building where the Virtues are said to reside, as well as a collection of powerful relics and artifacts. Sinner’s Horizon The endless wastes of the Sinner’s Horizon spell death for the unprepared. At almost six thousand miles across, this massive expanse of desert is viewable clearly from space. Nomadic tribes of Cactuars make their homes here, as well as a surprisingly large variety of other creatures. Whirling sandpits often drag unprepared travelers under, into the ready grips of a hungry Antlion, or deposited in sunken ruins built in ages long forgotten. The only foliage here is Loco Weed, which hungry, lost wanderers often consume…and subsequently find themselves driven mad.


Thunder Plains The Gandof Thunder Plains are a long stretch of rocky ground, constantly bombarded by thunder and lightning from a neverending storm. It was a traveler’s nightmare until several hundred years ago, when a wealthy merchant saw possibilities to establish trade routes directly through the Plain as opposed to skirting it, and set up several towers to act as lightning rods. Unfortunately, as the merchant was struck by lightning and killed before the last few towers were built, this dream was never realized. Thus, the Plains were improved, but are still incredibly treacherous. Several feet of precipitation-induced mist hang above the ground, making the soil below perpetually wet, dark, and allowing the growth of bizarre flora and fauna of an invariably vicious temperament.

Gyshal Wind from Mt. Ordeals makes the air currents here notoriously unstable, creating land routes as popular as those of the sky for neighboring cities. In the past, villagers in the region erected windmills to catch the winds from the Naldoan Sea, and used them to mill the grain from the harvest. The windmills were destroyed long ago, and now stand merely as a reminder of the past. A surprising number of monsters make these lands their home. Those who study the Lore of monsters often speculate that Gyshal is a haven for beasts that do not enjoy the detached, isolated lives that others of their kind lead. Others say that it’s merely a pheromonal stimulus, and monsters flock here to mate with others of their species – or sometimes outside of their own race. Gyshal’s most noteworthy feature, however, has nothing to do with monsters or windmills. Rather, it’s the local vegetation that makes these plains so famous. These lands are the growing place for the crop known as Gyshal Greens, a chocobo’s favorite food. Many unusual breeds of these birds flock to these areas to live and grow, happily munching away on the local delicacy. Mount Ordeals Mount Ordeals is a set of temperate rocky peaks far to the north of the Gyshal. To climb the mountain externally is to invite death, and a great many passageways have been carved up within the peak to allow travelers seeking enlightenment or holy guidance to reach the summit. The Cave of Ordeals is well-known for its odd rock formations: overhangs forming roofs over the mountain paths, and lone spires of rock jutting toward the sky.


Magitek Magitek, commonly abbreviated M-tek, is a global and controversial company that deals primarily with the fusion of magic and machinery. Magitek originally worked in medical research before expanding into prosthetics, which evolved into the less-morally-acceptable Grafts. During the Second War, Magitek was the manufacturer of the Androids. They now dabble in a wide variety of projects; many of which are shrouded in mystery. Magitek is perhaps best known for their line of war machines powered by an ingenious invention known simply as the M-tek engine. Within an M-tek engine, the global energy of Creation in converted into a pure energy that is nearly as potent as nuclear power. In system terms, a mage can expend MP (the exact amount varies from item to item) to generate a charge. This charge can then be used to power its M-tek Cannon, or any other M-tek item as the GM sees fit. To charge up the M-tek Mecha, there is a small cover on the left side of its torso that conceals a palm indentation. All the user has to do is put their hand on it and concentrate. The Strength and defensive capabilities of a Magitek Mecha varies depending on the model, while any rolls calling for other stats (such as Intelligence for the cannon attacks, or opposed rolls when the user of such a vehicle is in combat) uses the driver's statistics instead.

M-tek Mecha The most well known use for M-tek power is that of the large robotic war machines. The tallest of the 5 used here is 15' tall, and while deadly to the normal person, they can be destroyed by mundane means. Each Mecha is divided into several individual pieces – usually Arms, Legs and Body. These sections are Multiple Parts of the same foe. If it loses all the hit points in a certain area, then that part is destroyed beyond repair and will need to be replaced. When all sections of the mecha are trashed, it’s probably only good for spare parts. An M-Tek Mecha with destroyed Legs is obviously unable to pursue foes, and is afflicted with the negative status effect ‘Stop.’ Each M-Tek Mecha part can be destroyed with a sufficiently high STR check like most inanimate objects, and the Destructive Strike ability thus provides a huge onus when battling these clockwork creations. All M-tek mecha come equipped with a basic radio receiver- known as the Communications Array - that allows the pilots to communicate with each other and their squadron leader. The basic radio has a range of roughly 2km and is fitted into the soldier's helmet. Also, for those looking to get through M-teks as fast as possible, All M-teks save for the scout have possibly one true weakness- the pilot's head and upper body is uncovered. The pilot counts as being a Ranged target for the purposes of calculating accuracy – thus, non-ranged weapons will generally take a -4 penalty to hit the poor bastard. This also results in taking out the M-tek without harming the machine itself. Resourceful M-tek pilots often try to block such attacks with one of the Mecha's arms. Accuracy for all of an M-Tek mecha’s non-magical attacks use the driver’s Weapon Systems skill.


The Grunt-class M-Tek Armor

The Gladiator-class M-Tek Armor

The Grunt is a large semi-humanoid war machine that resembles some 9' headless squat being. The torso is oversized compared to its stubby legs and arms that usually scrape the ground. Nonetheless, the Grunt is fast and agile for its appearance. The M-force cannon is located within the gut of the machine. The Grunt grants the rider an additional 20 ARM and MARM.

The Gladiator is a heavier armored variant of the Grunt. It's bigger and more sluggish than the original, but it can pack a mean wallop with its fists, which are often reinforced with heavy Adamantite. The missile pods are located in the Gladiator’s legs, and this M-Tek grants the rider an additional 30 ARM and MARM. Category: Construct Size: 12ft MP Cost to Activate: 40

Category: Construct Size: 9ft MP Cost to Activate: 30

HP: 350 (Main Body), 100 (Arms), 100 (Legs) STR: 24 (+8) DEX: 4 (+1)

HP: 250 (Main Body), 80 (Arms), 80 (Legs) STR: 18 (+6) DEX: 7 (+2)

Attacks: ‘Medium’ M-Tek Missiles, 40+2d6 Fire damage, Local or Group target (Legs) Steel Crush, 48+2d6 damage, target must succeed at an opposed STR check to prevent a Medium Range Knockback. (Arms)

Attacks: ‘Light’ M-Tek Missiles, 20+2d6 Fire damage, Local or Group target (Body) Punch, 36+2d6 damage (Arms) Metal Kick, 36+2d6 damage, target must succeed at an opposed STR check to prevent a Medium Range Knockback. (Legs) Magic: M-Tek Cannon, deals (INT x 3) + 2d6 damage, costs 20 MP Special: Multiple Parts, Counterattack, Vulnerability to Lightning Evasion: 9 ARM: 0, +20 to Rider MARM: 0, +20 to Rider

Magic: M-Tek Pulse Cannon, deals (INT x 5) + 2d6 damage, costs 40 MP Special: Multiple Parts, Counterattack, Status Touch: Stun, Vulnerability to Lightning Evasion: 8 ARM: 0, +30 to Rider MARM: 0, +30 to Rider

The Goliath-class M-Tek Armor

The Scout-class M-Tek Armor

The Goliath is the heaviest of M-teks ever created standing, at 15' tall and 3 tons in weight. They can easily crush humanoid races in their opposable hands, which are fitted with enormous claws that drag along the ground as it moves. The Goliath grants the rider an additional 50 ARM and MARM. Category: Construct Size: 15ft MP Cost to Activate: 80

A small, rapid unit, equipped only with a small gun and no M-tek cannon. It is used, as its name suggests, for scouting and reconnaissance and comes equipped with a state-of-the-art cloaking device. However, the cockpit of the Scout-class Armor is fully visible, making driving it a risk. The Scouts grants no additional ARM to the rider, but is generally loaded with Fog Bombs and Chaos Gas to sow discord during serious skirmishes.

HP: 500 (Main Body), 150 (Arms), 250 (Legs) STR: 30 (+10) DEX: 2 (+0)

Category: Construct Size: 7.5ft MP Cost to Activate: 20

Attacks: ‘Heavy’ M-Tek Missiles, 80+2d6 Fire damage, Local or Group target (Body) Claws, 90+2d6 damage (Arms) Magic: Wave Cannon, deals (INT x 7) + 2d6 damage, costs 60 MP Special: Multiple Parts, Counterattack, Magical Counterattack, Vulnerability to Lightning

HP: 150 (Main Body), 100 (Legs) STR: 10 (+3) DEX: 17 (+5)

Evasion: 7 ARM: 0, +50 to Rider MARM: 0, +50 to Rider

Attacks: Submachine Gun, 30+2d6 Group damage (Body) Magic: None Special: Multiple Parts, Reduced HP, Vulnerability to Lightning, Sunken State job ability. Evasion: 7 ARM: 0 MARM: 0


Magitek Equipment Although M-tek mecha provides a superior defense to most conventional armor, it also qualifies as a mobile weapon platform capable of doing incredible damage to everything in its way. With very few exceptions, all Magitek Mecha come equipped with a Magitek Cannon. Some special models are equipped with support weapons such as magitek laser cannons and Missile pods. Magitek cannons These awesome weapons create beams of pure magical energy. They generally have a diameter of 4’ and can fire a Medium Range with perfect accuracy. M-tek Missiles The nastiest M-tek weapons are arguably the missiles, capable of destroying everything in a large radius. Their main drawback is the fairly limited usage available - a pod loaded with small rockets only has a payload of 8 missiles. Consult the following chart for more details on each potential type of missile. The Capacity refers to the maximum number that can be ‘held’ in a missile pod at any given type. A pod cannot mix-and-match, and all listed missiles can be fired from Medium Range. As a vehicle-mounted weapon, the Weapon Systems skill is required to use M-Tek missiles as well. Type Light Medium Heavy Bio-Bomb Fog Bomb Chaos Gas

Damage 20+2d6 40+2d6 80+2d6 30+2d6 -----

Capacity 8 5 1 4 4 4

Bio-Bomb: A poison attack with a 50% chance to inflict the Poison status condition. The Poison caused by a Bio-Bomb wears off in several rounds after the afflicted have left the area. As long as the targets remain within the sickly green cloud caused by this attack, the status has no maximum duration. Fog Bomb: The missile creates a large cloud of thick incendiary smoke when it detonates, completely removing visibility. All combatants inside the cloud other than the pilots of M-Tek Mecha are afflicted with the negative status effect Blind, with no maximum duration for as long as they remain in the affected area. Chaos Gas: A favorite of particularly cruel commanders and generals in the Great War, this gas bomb has a 50% chance to inflict the Confusion status condition on all targets in its Medium Range radius, with no maximum duration for as long as they remain in the affected area.


Judges and the Law The heavily-armored, quasi-magical enforcers of the law known as Judges are a special order of knights under Imperial control. As independent nations and territories flourished over Ivalice, a rise in crime and regional conflicts quickly began throwing smaller communities into chaos. To reduce the amount of time required by judicial process, a military court was established - the Order of Judges. They are the supreme enforcers of law in the world of Ivalice, wielding extraordinary power in their own right over lower-ranked citizens. The higher ranked Judge Magisters (in addition to functioning as chief arbiters and enforcers of Ivalician law) are also the elite guard of the Council of Four, operating out of the Grand City Rios. A sample Judge is presented below.

Judge Level: 14 Category: Humanoid Location: Anywhere Size: 2ft Reaction: Neutral HP: 450 MP: 136 STR: 13 (+4) VIT: 9 (+3) DEX: 8 (+2) INT: 8 (+2) CHA: 6 (+2) Attacks: Arbiter’s Blade, 8 ACC, 65+2d6 damage (Disarmable) Imprison, 6 ACC, target is inflicted with the Lock spell and reduced to 0 HP. Imprison can only be used against targets that have knowingly broken Ivalician Law. Magic: Escape, Tractor, Advanced Law (20mp, all Local targets are affected by the Seal status.) Special: Final Attack: Escape (A Judge can teleport safely out of combat instantly when defeated, taking any Imprisoned targets with them), Seal Proof Evasion: 10 ARM: 30 (0 without Armor) MARM: 15 Rewards: None.

Almost all judges possess the ‘Straight Arrow’ trait, allowing them to instantly determine the truthfulness of any one statement or person by expending a point of destiny. While a disturbing concept, corrupted Judges do exist, allowing their unconditional and nearly omnipotent form of impartial justice to be swayed by money and power. Corrupt judges are tried in the Court of Order, given the same treatment as any common lawbreaker, and tried by a jury of their peers. A corrupt Judge is almost always sentenced to immediate execution. Despite their array of powers, Judges are in no way omnipotent. They do not possess any sort of precognition, and they lack the capacity to magically sniff out and track down lawbreakers. They are limited to mundane methods of pursuing the guilty, aided with a vast network of tentative allies.


Distant Places Outside of the familiar world our heroes likely inhabit, isolated dimensions and secluded realities give birth to powerful monsters and are home to cosmic wanderers, Espers, and even the souls of the dead. Below is a sample of two possible alternate dimensions that may appear in your Final Fantasy games.

The Void The Void refers to as an actual, physical dimension that can often take a form familiar to those who traverse it, or can be reshaped at will by the current denizens thereof. Entire deserts, fortresses, forests, caverns and so forth have been birthed within the Void, interconnected through a series of passages that often seem to contradict logic. The rules of space and time do not necessarily seem to apply the same way as they do in the normal world, and time does not seem to flow at all for any inhabitants of this place. In its unchanged state, the Void is a dimension of infinite nothingness. The Void is known to be a connective dimension, through which other realities and worlds can be reached. Due to this fascinating feature about the Void, countless numbers of power-hungry mages have sought to control it and wield the dimension as a cosmic weapon – and at times, they have come close to succeeding. The Void seems to possess the power to distort or destroy matter, consuming it utterly. The rampant nihilistic attitude of those seeking to make use of its power is well-recorded. Often times, this starts out as a simple desire for incredible power but inevitably leads to an intense desire to reduce all of everything to a state of non-existence. Some scholars speculate that this is because The Void is an intelligent, sentient being instead of this merely being the result of gaining use of such destructive power; they speculate that the Void controls its users just as much as they influence control over it. Entrance to the Void is as simple as stepping through a Dimensional Gate created with the Time Magic spell of the same name. However, leaving has always been much more difficult, which makes the Void a suitable prison…frozen in time…for the most fearsome beasts in existence. Some beings – such as Ultima Weapon and Gilgamesh – reside within the Void and use the powers of the dimension to hop between worlds.

The Farplane The Farplane is where the souls of the deceased reside, a peaceful afterlife that remains a mystery to all those but its permanent inhabitants. Only souls that are at rest travel here – the dead who still harbor resentment or have yet to accept their fate still wander the world, ultimately becoming Fiends suffused with the powers of hatred. The Farplane can be visited by the living, and often images of the deceased – little more than figments – can appear to those who seek them.


CHAPTER VIII: MAGIC “……..You can DO that?” -Tseng, FFVII

Magic is a fundamental and natural part of the world, manifest in all things animate and inanimate. The flow of magical energies in the world as a whole is essential to its well-being; only so long as the power of the elements is unchecked can the wind continue to blow, the earth continue to be fertile, the cycle of life and death go on. All of the world's inhabitants, whether conscious of it or not, have some small part of this force inside them; with training, it can be turned into a weapon more powerful than mere blade or brawn, more devastating than all but the farthest-reaching technologies. Crystalline items and formations have been found to be curiously sympathetic to the flow of magic, able to focus, store and even amplify natural elemental forces; the most renowned of these are the Elemental Crystals, whose powerful magical reservoirs can raise and destroy nations with equal ease. Lesser crystals, of course, most merely a conduit of the natural magic that flows through the planet, are in steady supply. Such items can be used for any number of purposes, from powering machinery to providing the raw ingredients for a wide range of Recovery Items. Most magically-empowered equipment is constructed by binding the rush of energy freed by the destruction of such objects into the item during the creation process; more powerful arms and armor may be made of pure crystal capable of absorbing and channel significant amounts of magical power. Raw magic can also temporarily be captured; in some instances, items may be ‘created’ upon a monster’s death if the creature was in the process of channeling a significant quantity of magical energy at the time of its demise. Such ‘frozen’ magic is typically more common in the remains of creatures of arcane origin, such as Bombs; virtually any fragment of their bodies can be used to unleash a small spark of offensive fire spellcasting....in the right hands, of course. Even as it sustains life, magic in turn creates its own ecology, ranging in scale from the animal-like Kami spirits – who travel the streams of magic like so many schools of fish – to the primitive elementals, a creature 'birthed' by large, concentrated masses of elemental energy coming together in one location. Tip of the proverbial totem pole are the Espers, known by a million and one names throughout the universe; such creatures were birthed on a plane of pure power, connected to a world by only the most tenuous of links, drawn into material existence by the persuasive talents of Summoners or their own wanderlust. The environment, too, interacts with raw flows of magic, resonating where the elements are most sympathetic. The heat of a volcano, for instance, can tie together many streams of Fire Elemental energy, creating a reservoir of power favorable to arcane creatures and spellcasters alike. Similarly, a lightning-strike during a ferocious thunderstorm attracts Lightning Elemental energy; a torrential rainfall leads to the accumulation of Water Elemental power. For those who rely on the might of the elements, careful consideration of one’ surroundings is an important factor in effectively shaping these energies.


Active wielders of magical power vary wildly in shape and scope. With sufficient training or natural talent, many people can channel elemental flows into their lives in tiny ways, from making the garden grow just a little larger, to knowing when to fold in a game of cards. Such people are rarely aware of their own talents. However, a true Mage's talent lies in their ability to actively twist and focus raw flows of magic into physical, visible forms; dark mists, freezing gales, howling storms and scorching waves of fire, and far more impressive feats. Paladins and Dark Knights are unique casters – instead of channeling the elemental energies from the world around them, they contain a reservoir of spiritually-aligned magic within; sheer potential. The Elements of Magic The compartmentalization and classification of magic in its many and diverse forms has occupied scholars for centuries; even to this day, the finer details of magical taxonomy can be fuel for considerable debate. Certain aspects, however, are considered to be universally agreed on. Among them is the fact that Energy is the basic building-block of magic; though further diversified and refined, raw Energy itself can be used to drive a wide variety of helpful and harmful effects. From here, all magic can be broadly broken up into three major forces – Elemental, Cosmic and Life. Every stands in opposition to its siblings, but the total sum of their parts forms of the base of all practical magic. The Elemental forces are sometimes also called ‘natural forces’, deriving that designation from the fact that they are inextricably tied to natural phenomena. The most common of these involve the four basic elements – Earth, Fire, Air and Water – which in turn combine to form the distinctive ‘para-elements’ of Lightning and Ice. The collective grouping of these six – Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Lightning, and Ice – is generally known as the Combat Elements; spells focusing their power are intended for harm and destruction more often than not. Completing this pantheon is Life Magic - Holy and Shadow. The inclusion of these is a bone of contention for those who see them as supernatural rather than mundane forces. In some quarters they are not considered elements at all, and simply excised from the reckoning. Without any doubt, Holy is the dominating force in the magical world, and in experimental conditions, advanced practitioners of the Arcane have come to the conclusion that the name itself is actually a bit of a misnomer - Holy, visually seen as a bright flash of white light, is actually pure and undiluted magical energy from the core of Creation itself, untainted by the color spectrum of fire, earth, air, and the like. Shadow, on the other hand, is Holy magic which has become tainted or corrupted through various means. Holy magic is incredibly rarer than the other venues of magical means, and is often treated with an intrinsic level of respect. Rules for easy reference. When you cast a spell, the MP is only used when the spell is successfully cast. If the spell is interrupted by a critical hit, the Seal condition, a limit break or a Knockback, no MP is spent – although Job abilities may have been wasted. All magic has a Medium Range unless noted differently, and never misses even the most Evasive of foes. No attack roll is needed unless specified otherwise, and magic can never critically hit. Elemental Affinities Many creatures, weapons, and relics have an affinity to a particular element. This means that they draw strength from that element, and often have a weakness to an opposing element. There are eight different elemental types; they are: - Earth is the essence of the planet itself. Electricity-using monsters are typically weak against Earth. - Fire is the essence of heat and flame. Plants, insects, undead, and cold-using monsters are typically weak against Fire. - Water is the essence of the ocean and of healing. Flame-using creatures are typically weak against Water. - Air is the essence of the sky and movement. Flying creatures are typically weak against Air. - Ice is the essence of cold and frost. Reptiles and flame-using monsters are typically weak against Ice. - Lightning is the essence of electricity and energy. Metallic and water-dwelling creatures are typically


weak against Lightning. - Shadow is the essence of darkness and evil. Angels and other strongly good creatures are typically weak against Shadow. - Holy is the undiluted, untampered light of Creation itself. Undead, demons, and strongly evil creatures are typically weak against Holy. Sometimes, a monster is so strongly aligned with a particular element that it is impervious to harm from that element, or even grows stronger from exposure to it. On the other hand, such a monster is often at the mercy of the opposing element. Certain Relics can also grant elemental affinities to player characters. There are five levels of elemental affinities: - Weakness means the character takes 200% damage from attacks of that element. - Vulnerable means the character takes 150% damage from attacks of that element. - Resistance means the character takes only 50% damage from attacks of that element. - Immunity means the character takes no damage or effects from attacks of that element. - Absorb means the character takes no damage from attacks of that element, and instead regains an amount of HP equal to half the damage rolled. Intuitive Magic A Red Mage stands on the crown of a hill, his crimson hat rippling in the wind as the sky overhead slowly clouds over. Below, the village watches the skies with awe as the season's drought draws to a dramatic conclusion. Many miles away, a Black Mage bends over the pile of twigs and kindling, starting the party campfire with a word and the slightest effort of will. Meanwhile, in the depths of a sunken library long lost to mortal man, a Blue Mage pores tirelessly over volume after volume of forgotten lore, the force of her magic gently turning pages that would crumble to dust under the pressure of her fingers. Elsewhere, a Paladin spends many weeks cleansing an evil artifact, infusing it with the powers of Holy, never needing to rest or sleep. Intuitive Magic is exactly that; magic used outside of combat to perform mundane (and not-so-mundane) tasks. The usefulness of Intuitive Magic is limited by the creativity of the player and the allowances by the GM. Intuitive magic performed by extremely high-level characters should be likewise powerful. A White Mage could dam a river with a magical wall, or a Dark Knight could corrupt the same river, making it poisonous to drink. How to read the spell lists Black and White magic are laid out in the following format: Spell Name (- MP) Target: Single, Group, Self, Local, Global Type: Elemental, Non-elemental, Skill, Status, Effect, Recovery Reflectable, Resistable 11 Description

The target should be self-explanatory, where the Type has no in-game impact – it merely allows players to read the entries better at a glance. If a spell inclues the phrase ‘Reflectable’ this denotes that the spell can be bounced around by the status effect ‘Reflect.’ ‘Resistable’ denotes that the spell contains a status effect, which can be nullified if the target of the spell succeeds at a CHA check at the listed difficulty. The description of the spell contains its damage and a rough idea of how the spell looks when cast. The latter can vary from character to character, as some mages have made stylistic choices about how their spells appear. Summoner magic and the Entertainer’s Arts are laid out slightly differently, but the same basic rules still apply.


Black Magic Rank 1 Blind (8 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 11 A blinding cloud of thick black fog surrounds the target, robbing it of all senses. The target is inflicted with Blind.

Thunder (6 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Lightning) Reflectable A brilliant bolt of lightning tears down from the sky, striking the target with barely-contained energy. Thunder inflicts (INT x 2) + 1d6 points of Lightning damage to the target.

Blizzard (6 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Ice) Reflectable A flurry of high-speed ice particles are launched at the target, inflicting (INT x 2) + 1d6 points of Ice damage to the target. Twilight (2 MP) Target: Local Type: Effect A darkness creeps outwards, reducing the illumination in the area. Bright light becomes shadowy, shadowy becomes dark, dark becomes pitch black. Penalties and Bonuses granted by this abrupt change in illumination is ultimately decided by the GM, but generally a -2 to attack rolls for those unable to see is appropriate. The effects of this spell last for several rounds. Fire (6 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Fire) Reflectable A burning sphere of fire rushes towards the target, exploding on impact. Fire inflicts (INT x 2) + 1d6 points of Fire damage to the target. Sleep (6 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 11 Clouds of light mist play around the target as the apparition of a moon appears overhead to shower soft starlight upon it. The target is affected with Sleep. Sickness (3 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Shadow) By casting this loathsome spell, the mage can cause natural illness and diseases possessed by their target worsen. For example, if this ability was used on an individual with a faint cold, it would later cause the afflicted to become bed-ridden with a hacking, infectious cough for several days. Proper Healing checks can help offset this, but it is still magical in nature. When used on targets with far more serious illnesses, such as fatal diseases, the severity is ultimately decided by the GM.

Stone (6 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Earth) Reflectable Several large chunks of earth rise from the ground at the caster’s feet, then hurl themselves at a nearby foe with surprising force. Stone inflicts (INT x 2) + 1d6 points of Earth damage to the target. Water (6 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Water) Reflectable Water begins to filter out of the air, forming a solid ball around the target that lifts it off the ground before bursting in a shower of liquid. Water inflicts (INT x 2) + 1d6 points of Water damage to the target. Poison (8 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 11 A frothing cloud of sickly violet bubbles swarms over the target with suffocating force, and the target is inflicted by Poison. Lock (2 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable A set of ghostly chains or similar shackles wrap around the target, causing the negative status Stop. The effect of Lock ends when the target makes a Difficulty 11 Escape or Strength check as a Standard action. Elemental Spikes (8 MP) Target: Self Type: Elemental (Varies) The mage is surrounded by globes of elemental energy. Declare which of three elements the Spikes will be tied to – Fire, Ice or Lightning – when casting this Spell. Anyone striking someone protected by Elemental Spikes will take elemental damage equal to the target’s CHA score. Spells or abilities that increase the damage steps of elemental spells have no effect here. The effects of this spell last until the end of combat.


Rank 2 Blizzara (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Ice) Reflectable Prerequisite: Blizzard The air around the target condenses to freezing point in an instant, encasing it in a towering spire of ice. Blizzara inflicts (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of Ice damage to the target. Fira (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Fire) Reflectable Prerequisite: Fire A furious explosion tears through the air as a column of incandescent fire erupts under the target. Fira inflicts (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of Fire damage to the target.

Zombie (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 12 The target disappears, swallowed by a wave of miasmic green smoke seeking to steal away its life force. The negative status effect Zombie is applied to the target.

Thundara (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Lightning) Reflectable Prerequisite: Thunder An electric-blue thunderbolt crashes into the ground, creating a deadly array of ball lightning to encircle the target. Thundara inflicts (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of Lightning damage to the target. Tractor (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Effect Gravitational force pulls strongly on the target, dragging it towards the caster. Tractor cancels out both natural and magical Float and Flight effects for several rounds, and drags mundane objects such as keys, tables or bodies across the ground. Extremely large or heavy objects will be unaffected by this spell. Stona (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Earth) Reflectable Prerequisite: Stone Fingers of stone burst forth from the ground, snatching shut around the target in a shower of flying stones and dirt before shattering. Stona inflicts (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of Earth damage to the target. Rasp (Special) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Shadow) Inexorably drawn by the lure of magical power, translucent spheres of violet energy spiral in towards the target, sapping the target’s energies before rushing away. The target’s MP is reduced by the same amount used to cast the spell.

Watera (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Water) Reflectable Prerequisite: Water The ground buckles and cracks as a column of water erupts, violently immersing an enemy before dispersing again. Watera inflicts (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of Water damage to the target.

Bio (35 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 12 Prerequisite: Poison Virulent green orbs begin to bubble out of the ground, quickly overwhelming the area with a deadly puddle of toxins. Bio inflicts (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of damage to the target, and inflicts the negative status effect Poison. Unlike normal Poison, however, this does not wear off after several rounds, and must be cured with a spell or item. Drain (25 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Shadow) Blood-red orbs circle the target, growing larger and more livid as they draw out the very essence of the target's life; once full, the orbs return to the caster, releasing their payload of stolen vitality on contact. Drain inflicts (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of Shadow damage to the target, and the caster regains a number of Hit Points equal to the amount lost by the target. Aspir(1 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Shadow) Orbs of blinding pink energy form around the target, growing larger and more luminous as they draw magical energies from the target; once full, the orbs return to the caster, transferring the stolen energy upon contact. Aspir destroys (INT x 1) + 2d6 points of the target’s MP, and the caster regains a number of Magic Points equal to the amount lost by the target.


Rank 3 Blizzaga (50 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Ice) Reflectable Prerequisite: Blizzara Particles of frost and snow accelerate towards the target, rapidly sealing it in layer after layer of solid ice before the entire edifice shatters. Blizzaga inflicts (INT x 6) + 2d6 points of Ice damage to all enemies. Firaga (50 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Fire) Reflectable Prerequisite: Fira A colossal sphere of white-hot fire crashes onto the target, sparking a furious explosion that engulfs it in a cloud of ash and cinders. Firaga inflicts (INT x 6) + 2d6 points of Fire damage to all enemies. Stonaga (50 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Earth) Reflectable Prerequisite: Stona An enormous stalagmite rips through the ground beneath the feet of the foes, impaling them on razor-sharp blades of rock. Stonaga inflicts (INT x 6) + 2d6 points of Earth damage to all enemies. Thundaga (50 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Lightning) Reflectable Prerequisite: Thundara A deafening peal of thunder rolls across the battlefield as lightning bolt after lightning bolt crashes to earth, trapping all targets in a sizzling sphere of electrical energy before dissipating again. Thundaga inflicts (INT x 6) + 2d6 points of Lightning damage to all enemies. Wateraga (50 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Water) Reflectable Prerequisite: Watera Winding streams of airborne water race towards all targets, quickly enclosing them in an immense liquid dome before dissolving into a foaming tidal wave. Wateraga inflicts (INT x 6) + 2d6 points of Water damage to all enemies.

Arise (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Effect Prerequisite: -5 Affiliation This spell is shunned by white mages and most individuals with even the basest of morals. The caster is capable of raising a recently-deceased creature of any size or race as a Skeleton, which serves the caster loyally. Though the creature does not retain any of their old attributes, skill, abilities or the like, and instead uses the low-level Skeleton monster stats, the size and shape of the creature remains. They lack free will or any memories of their old life. Creatures without bones, such as cactuars, flans, and beings composed entirely of magic, cannot be raised with this ability. Sleepaga (30 MP) Target: Group Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 The air is suddenly filled with a strange fragrance, compelling entire groups of otherwise vicious foes to let their guard down, and rest a moment…. All targets in the enemy Group are affected by the negative status effect Sleep. Death (140 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 Prerequisite: Caster must be Shadow Affiliated A decaying, hooded figure emerges from the ground in a cloud of dark smoke, raising a massive scythe to cleave the target’s life force in twain before fading away with a blood-curdling laugh. The target’s HP is reduced to zero. This spell does not work on many bosses. Paralyze (80 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 Waves of energy wrap around the foe in order to constrict movement and prevent the target from participating in combat for one round. The target is affected by the negative status effect, Stun. Berserk (60 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 The caster fills their target’s mind with thoughts of hatred and fury, attempting to release the beast within. The target is affected by the negative status effect Berserk.


Rank 4 X-Zone (60 MP) Target: Single, Special Type: Status Even as Summoners seek to unite the lifestream and overlap the magical realms with our own, Black Mages angrily confront the very notion. The mages’ intense dislike for the powerful beings known as Espers is enough that one of them crafted a spell with no purpose other than to banish the ‘abominations’ of summoned creatures back to their home plane. Upon successfully casting X-Zone, a dimensional hole is ripped open and the Esper is hurled through it, instantly reduced to 0 hit points and removed from the current combat. Effects that the Esper may possess – such as Auto-Life or Indestructible – will not allow the Esper to remain in combat after X-Zone is used, or summoned again in the same game session. X-Zone can be cast at a Long Range.

Flare (140 MP) Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable Prerequisite: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga Globes of pure magical energy blast into the target in a relentless stream, setting off one chaotic explosion after another before rushing out again. Flare inflicts (INT x 12) + 2d6 points of Non-Elemental damage to a single enemy. Flare can be cast at a Long Range. Quake (80 MP) Target: Local Type: Elemental (Earth) Prerequisite: Stonaga A violent tremor tears through the length of the battlefield, breaking up the ground into shuddering, crumbling fragments and yawning crevasses. Floating and Flying targets are immune to its effects. Quake inflicts (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of Earth damage to all enemies and allies.

Scourge (100 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Shadow) Prerequisite: Twilight, caster must be Shadow Affiliated A long shadow creeps over the ground, darkening the area as wicked spikes of unholy energy burst through to skewer all targets. Scourge inflicts (INT x 8) + 2d6 points of Shadow damage to all enemies.

Curse (110 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 14 A sinister black circle materializes under the target, streaming multi-colored lights and gasses before winking shut. The negative status effect Curse is applied to the target.

Freeze (80 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Ice) Reflectable Prerequisite: Blizzaga, Wateraga Chilly vapors float over the battlefield as fragments of blue ice cascade down on the target, forming a jagged, glacial prison to imprison it entirely. Freeze inflicts (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of Ice damage to a single enemy. Nuke (80 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Fire) Reflectable Prerequisite: Thundaga, Firaga Spheres of orange flame rush towards the target, engulfing it in an ever-growing explosion with the heat and fury of a newborn star. Nuke inflicts (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of Fire damage to a single enemy. Nuke can be cast at a Long Range.

Doomsday (250 MP) Target: Group Type: Status Resist 14 Prerequisite: Death, -5 Affiliation The sky darkens and black clouds roil above, and silently-screaming faces protrude from the sky like boils on creation. There is no initial effect – however, in three rounds, the HP of all affected enemies is reduced to zero, regardless of current Hit Points, ARM, or M.ARM. Osmose (1 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Shadow) Prerequisite: Aspir Spheres of white light erupt from the target as their magical reserves are stolen. Osmose destroys (INT x 5) + 2d6 points of the target’s MP, and the caster regains a number of Magic Points equal to the amount lost by the target.


Rank 5 Meltdown (250 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Fire) Reflectable Prerequisite: Flare A high-speed stream of heat and energy assails the target, immersing it in furious, bone-searing temperatures. Meltdown inflicts (INT x 16) + 2d6 points of Fire or non-elemental damage to a single enemy (whichever is more effective), and is unaffected by M.ARM and Shell.

Scathe (230 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Shadow) Prerequisite: Scourge, -5 Affiliation An agglomeration of shadowy energy flashes into existence above the battlefield, gathering before beginning its descent to earth, crackling with malevolent energy as it crashes down. Scathe inflicts (INT x 16) + 2d6 points of Shadow damage to all enemies.

Ultima (Special rules) Target: Group Type: Non-elemental Prerequisite: Any Rank 5 spell. An eerie calm falls over the battlefield as the sky grows dark, shading the combatants in blue and black. Only one sound breaks the silence; a single note, gaining in pitch as a dome of purest blue energy forms in the sky above the caster, growing outwards in an unstoppable, destructive rush that engulfs the area whole. The Black Mage becomes a conduit for the power of Ultima, the catastrophic spell radiating outwards from him. The sound reaches ear-splitting frequencies, and all of existence within the sphere begins to implode on itself .Every molecule, every atom within the reach of Ultima detonates at the speed of light, before Ultima finally flickers out of existence and leaves the shattered landscape still once more. This is a spell spoken of in hushed whispers. It is a power capable of destroying continents, of shattering stars. It is not to be used lightly. The casting of Ultima requires the Black Mage to have maximum MP, all of which is spent upon casting this spell. It also requests the expenditure of 3 additional points of Destiny – though this is not strictly REQUIRED, choosing not to pay the 3 Destiny for this spell will cause it to become a Local instead of Group spell, and thus deal damage not only to the enemy group, but also to the caster, all allies, and every creature and structure for hundreds of miles. Ultima deals (INT x 40) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to all foes. Heat beyond description rips through living entities, disintegrating flesh and bone instantly. Death caused in this way is painless and instantaneous. If used as a Local spell, the damage is dealt to all structures, terrain, and living creatures in a 500-mile radius. This is damage enough to destroy entire cities, and leave the ground barren and lifeless for decades, if not centuries, to follow. The devastation caused by an uncontrolled Ultima is unrivaled and globally feared.

Break (200 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Earth) Reflectable, Resist 15 Prerequisite: Quake The ground beneath the target explodes in a seismic nightmare of dust, soil and rocky spires. The negative status effect Petrify is applied to a single target – furthermore, there’s a 25% chance that the violent shaking will have shattered the petrified combatant, reducing the target to 0 HP instantly.


White Magic Rank 1 Banish (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental, Holy Beams of white light radiate from the caster’s outstretched hands, basking the area in a flickering white light. Banish inflicts (INT x 1) + 1d6 points of Holy damage to an undead target – all other foes are unaffected. In addition, this spell can be used to destroy the remains of fallen undead foes utterly – remnants crumble to dust, and thus preventing any Undead from self-resurrecting as normal. Cure I (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable Small, glittering particles of light twinkle down upon the target, filling their lungs and bathing their wounds in white. Cure I restores (INT x 1) + 1d6 points of HP to any conscious target. Dia (5 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental, Holy Reflectable Pinpricks of white light circle the target rapidly, blasting away with tiny beams of light for a moment before dissipating. Dia inflicts (INT x 1) points of Holy damage, and removes magically-granted Invisibility and natural Stealth from the enemy, as it is now dimly outlined with a white glow. Foes who have taken damage from the Dia spell cannot successfully make Stealth rolls until the end of combat, and their EVA score does not increase from the Invisible or Vanish spells or the Sunken State job ability.

Aero (15 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Wind) Reflectable Gale-force winds slam into the target, the first of a very unique set of offensive White Magic spells. Aero inflicts (INT x 1) + 1d6 points of Wind damage to the target. Vox (5 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable There are few things more vulnerable than a mage unable to cast – this simple (if oddly-named) spell prevents that. The target is no longer affected by the negative status effect Seal. Float (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Resist 11 Though not a true spell of flight, the caster is able to alter the air currents slightly, protecting allies from harmful falls and allowing them to hover a few inches above the ground. It nullifies damage caused by Earth-based spells and abilities, as well as damage caused by falling. The target of this spell receives the positive status effect Float for several rounds.

Stop (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 11 The joints of the target bend and lock suddenly, leaving the target unable to move. While definitely uncomfortable, the paralyzing effects of this spell are completely painless and cause no lasting damage. The target is affected by the negative status effect Stop.

Chivalry (0 MP) Target: Party Type: Effect Prerequisite: Caster must be Holy Affiliated The caster of Chivalry is the last line of defense for her allies, holding even the most vicious and vile foes at bay while her comrades escape. Upon casting Chivalry, all willing party members and allies other than the caster are instantly removed from combat and returned to the nearest safe location, as if they performed an Escape action successfully. They may not re-engage in the same encounter. If the caster of Chivalry defeats the remaining opponents, all party members – even those who did not participate in the encounter – gain experience points, items and gil as normal.

Poisona (5 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery By concentrating for a moment, the caster is able to neutralize the poisons and venoms within the body. The target is no longer affected by the negative status effect Poison. Although some truly potent poisons are unaffected by this spell, it remains a tried-and-true favorite amongst adventurers everywhere.

Faith (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Effect Proving once and for all that faith in one’s own abilities is the key to success, the caster’s unwavering belief in her comrades allows them to instill one friend with selfconfidence and conviction. The target of Faith receives an automatic +2 bonus to his next skill check, opposed roll, or attack.


Rank 2 Consecrate (10 MP) Target: Local Type: Effect Prerequisite: Caster must be Holy Affiliated Consecrated ground, blessed with holy energy, naturally repels monsters and other hostile, shadow-affiliated creatures for short periods of time. Though some foes are unaffected by Consecrate, lesser enemies will find it difficult to pass onto the sacred ground, and it will become possible for a party to rest there undisturbed until the spell ceases with little fear of random monster attacks in the night. The effects of this spell last until the caster leaves the consecrated ground, and do not repel extremely powerful creatures or ones with a Resistance to Holy. Aerora (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Wind) Reflectable Prerequisite: Aero A tempest storm throws a single foe into the air, buffeting their body with nonlethal force. Aerora inflicts (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of Wind damage to the target. Cure II (25 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable Droplets of astral light seem to fall from the skies, mending injuries and closing wounds instantly. Cure II restores (INT x 2) + 2d6 points of HP to any conscious target. Life (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery A smiling cherubim descends from the heavens and basks an unconscious ally in a golden glow – no matter how close to their demise the target may have been, they find themselves whisked safely from the brink of death. This spell may only be cast on allies with 0 HP or less, and returns them to 1 HP. Protect (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 12 A barricade of blue light explodes into existence in front of an ally, gleaming brightly. Protect bestows the effects of the positive status ‘Protect’ on one target. All physical damage they take (after ARM is calculated) is halved. This effect lasts until combat ends.

Shell (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 12 A semitranslucent, multifaceted sphere of pale light encases an ally, protecting them from the brunt of hostile magical attacks. Shell bestows the effects of the positive status ‘Shell’ on one target. All magical damage they take (after M.ARM is calculated) is halved. This effect lasts until combat ends. Seal (20 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 12 Near-invisible bands of force clasp around the target’s limbs and mouth, making it impossible to use abilities or spells. The target is affected with the negative status effect Seal. This prevents monsters from using Job Abilities, spells, Escape (10 MP) Target: Party Type: Effect Acting as a short-range teleport, this spell allows the party to exit dungeons with convenient swiftness. The spell returns all party members to the last safe location on or near the surface. This magick also doubles as a way to safely flee dangerous combat, as casting will instantly end combat and return the likely-wounded characters to the nearest safe resting location. Wall (50 MP) Target: Single Type: Effect The user of this spell is capable of forming a shimmering barrier of magical force, strong enough to deflect and absorb most projectile attacks. All attacks made against the target of a Wall spell from a Medium Range or Long Range are negated. Short Range attacks are unaffected, and the spell ends if the Walled character is ever the target of a Critical Hit or Limit Break, regardless of distance. This spell is not a status effect and cannot be removed with Dispel or similar methods.


Rank 3 Cure III (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable Green baubles of water and light shimmer around the target, restoring (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of HP to any conscious target. Life II (50 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery A pillar of faint holy energy illuminates the ground around the fallen target, helping them to return to their feet as if carried aloft by invisible hands. An unconscious or dying target is returned to a semblance of fighting form. The target recovers (INT x 2) + 2d6 points of HP, and this spell may only be cast on allies with 0 HP or less. Aeroga (50 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Wind) Reflectable Prerequisite: Aerora A hurricane-like blast of air is launched from the outstretched hands of the caster, quickly turning into a cyclone that sweeps through the area. Aeroga inflicts (INT x 5) + 2d6 points of Wind damage to all enemies.

Mini (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 With this unusual magick, even the most colossal of creatures can be shrunk down to the size of a small woodland critter. A single target is afflicted with the Mini status, which causes them to deal only half damage with physical attacks, and take an additional 50% damage for the duration. Inanimate objects cannot be affected by this spell. Some mages give this spell a little additional flair, using it to turn their foes into literal frogs for the duration. Stona (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Often referred to as simply ‘Soft’, this spell is able to restore someone who has been turned to stone. The target is no longer affected by the negative status effect Petrify. Regen (70 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable, Resist 13 Wounds mend, injuries knit, and bones re-set extremely rapidly with this powerful spell. The target receives the positive status effect Regen, recovering 10% of their max hit points every round. This spell has no effect on Unconscious targets.

Curaga (50 MP) Target: Party Type: Recovery Reflectable Rings of dancing green lights surround the caster and all his allies, restoring (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of HP to all conscious members of the party. Brave (30 MP) Target: Party Type: Status Prerequisite: Caster must be Holy affiliated The caster fills his allies’ hearts with hope, rendering them Immune to the negative status effect Fear until combat ends. Addle (80 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Another attempt by White Mages at combat aggressiveness, Addle affects both the body and mind of an enemy in order to cause them to react slower to attacks. Upon casting Addle, one target’s EVA score is reduced by a number of points equal to the caster’s INT rating. A foe’s Evasion score can never drop to less than 0, and the effects of Addle last until the end of combat. If a target is reduced to 0 EVA by this spell, they also take (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage as their joints stiffen and muscles seize up. Addle cannot be used in conjunction with the ‘Bladefoe Minuet’ Entertainer Art.

Teleport (100 MP) Target: Party Type: Effect Prerequisite: Escape Much like Escape, Teleport can take the entire party great distances in the blink of an eye. This is subject to a few important restrictions. First, the party cannot be in combat when this spell is cast. Second, the location can be anywhere in the world, so long as the caster has been there within the last several months and is familiar with the location. Third, the spell will fail if the location is extremely dangerous, such as submerged under lava or overrun by monsters. Finally, Teleport can only transport the party to geographical locations, never to an object or person. Confuse (60 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 This spell allows the caster to blur the mental line between friend and foe – a single target is afflicted with the Confuse status.


Rank 4 Cure IV (150 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable The most powerful of the standard Cure spells, invoking this magic surrounds one ally with globes of sapphire iridescence that mend even the most grevious of wounds. Cure IV restores (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of HP to any conscious target.

Haste (120 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 14 A six-faceted crystal of pure energy appears around the target, shattering in a brilliant confusion of mirror images. The target moves faster than he ever has before thanks to this spell, and receives the effects of Haste until combat ends.

Tornado (100 MP) Target: Group Type: Elemental (Wind) Reflectable Prerequisite: Aeroga A maelstrom of hurricane-force winds touch down, convalescing into a vortex of localized destruction. While some magic is notable for collateral damage, Tornado is surprising and unique in this fashion. Despite the massive injuries it can cause to foes, the windstorm doesn’t even uproot a single blade of grass or concern a single creature other than its intended targets. Tornado inflicts (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of Wind damage to all foes.

Esuna (60 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable A standard spell in almost every healer’s repertoire, Esuna fully cleanses the target of all negative status effects, with the exception of Unconsciousness and the countdown caused by the ‘Doomsday’ and ‘Lv.? Doom’ spells. Particularly powerful magical effects, such as eons-long Petrification, or bloodline Curses, may be outside the powers of this spell. At the GM’s discretion, Esuna may also remove the ongoing effects of other unhelpful spells, such as Addle or Gravity.

Reflect (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 14 A shower of green light splashes over the target, solidifying into layer after layer of shimmering magical protection. This powerful spell creates an anti-magic barrier around a target and grants them the effects of Reflect until combat ends. Auto-Life (130 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable Prerequisite: Life II, caster must be Holy Affiliated White magic teaches not only to mend wounds, but to begin the healing process even before the injuries are inflicted. The target receives the positive status effect Auto-Life, returning them to 1 HP as soon as a spell or effect would reduce them to 0 or less. If Auto-Life is cast on an Undead or Zombied foe, they are immediately reduced to 0 HP instead of the usual effect. Dispel (90 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable A shimmering blue mist engulfs the target, its power tearing away beneficial enchantments in an instant. Dispel removes all the following effects from a single target; Protect, Shell, Haste, Auto-Life, Reflect, Regen, and Float.

Barrier (100 MP) Target: Group Type: Effect A stronger version of the Wall spell, evoking the magic of Barrier creates an impenetrable shield of light around the user and all allies. Barrier negates all damage and effects from all Medium Range and Long Range attacks against the party. A Critical Hit or Limit Break will end a Barrier spell before damage is calculated, but the spell is not a status effect and cannot be Dispelled or removed with similar methods. Aura (150 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Reflectable, Resist 14 Spheres of white light surround and imbue the target, filling them with strength and the ability to stand against even the most powerful of fiends. The target receives the positive status effect Regen, but they recover 50% of their max hit points every round instead of the normal 25%. If the target is already under the effects of Regen, Aura overwrites the prior recovery rate and causes the target to gain 50% HP per round instead. This spell has no effect on Unconscious targets. Curaga II (100 MP) Target: Party Type: Recovery Reflectable Twelve pearls of softly-glowing light enclose all allies in twinned hexagons, restoring (INT x 8) + 2d6 points of HP to the caster and all nearby conscious allies.


Rank 5 Full-Life (300 MP) Target: Party Type: Recovery Prerequisite: +5 Affiliation All living allies – even characters with 0 or less HP - are returned to maximum health upon the casting of this spell. Though Full-Life does not remove detrimental status effects, it is nonetheless one of the most powerful spells in any healer’s arsenal. Holy Shield (200 MP) Target: Group Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 15 Holy Shield combines two of the most powerful White Magic spells, granting all allies the positive status effects Protect and Shell. These statuses last until the end of combat.

Holy (300 MP) Target: Single Type: Elemental (Holy) Reflectable Prerequisite: +5 Affiliation Spheres of white energy descend from the heavens, spinning around the foe quickly. These pearls of light encapsulate the target in silver glow, humming slowly and musically. Then the heavens part, and a brilliant blast of energy sears into them, burning his retinas with pure Holy energy and evaporating sinful flesh and bone. Holy deals (CHA x 20) + 2d6 points of Holy damage to a single foe.


Blue Magic Rank 1 Goblin Punch (5 MP) Learned From: Goblin Target: Single Type: Non-elemental The caster launches themselves at an opponent with unusual speed and suddenness, eschewing the use of his weapon. Make a standard Attack action; calculate damage as normal unless the target is of a lower level than the caster; in this case, the attack inflicts 300% damage.

Seed Cannon (10 MP) Learned From: Funguar Target: Single Type: Elemental (Earth) The caster tenses up before firing a heavy seed pod, pummeling the target. Seed Cannon inflicts (VIT x 2) + 1d6 Earth damage.

Pollen (10 MP) Learned From: Killer Bee Target: Single Type: Non-elemental A light dust drifts around the group, which is inhaled to leave the target slightly refreshed. Pollen restores (CHA x 2) + 2d6 HP and MP to one target.

Self-Destruct (20 MP) Learned From: Bomb Target: Single Type: Non-elemental The caster instantly converts their life force into explosive energy, creating a cataclysmic blast that rips through the enemy for a number of points of M.ARM Fire damage equal to the caster’s maximum Hit Points. After damage has been resolved, the Caster is automatically reduced to 0 HP.

Web Armor (5 MP) Learned From: Spider Target: Self Type: Non-elemental Strands of thin, translucent material wrap themselves around the caster's arms and legs, giving the caster Protect and Stop for as many rounds as the Blue Mage chooses to keep the spell active. If the Stop status effect is removed, the Protect also fades.

Blank Gaze (10 MP) Learned From: Ahriman Target: Single Type: Status The target stares into his target’s soul, eliminating magical protection with the power of the Evil Eye. Blank Gaze removes one beneficial magic effect from a random enemy, and their M.ARM score is reduced to 0 until the end of the caster’s turn.

Choco Ball (10 MP) Learned From: Chocobo Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable A crackling sphere of yellow energy forms around the caster, growing in size until it is launched at the target, inflicting (CHA x 2) + 1d6 damage. Aerial-type monsters take 200% damage from Choco Ball.

Poison Breath (10 MP) Learned From: Hydra Target: Single Type: Status Resist 11 A morass of multicolored toxins is exhaled in a sickly plume. The target is affected by Poison.

Homing Laser (10 MP) Learned From: Achelous Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable A salvo of searing laser beams arcs out of the caster’s body and blasts the target in a spectacular series of explosions. Homing Laser deals (INT x 2) + 1d6 damage, and has a 25% chance to cause Confusion. Homing Laser can be cast at a Long Range. Flash (40 MP) Learned From: Ochu Target: Single Type: Non-elemental, Status The caster directs a searing pulse of phosphorescent light at their opponents, inflicting (CHA x 3) + 2d6 damage. Both the caster and affected monsters are then affected by the negative status effect, Blind.

Laser Eyes (20 MP) Learned From: Anacondaur Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable Brilliant beams of energy pulse from the caster's eyes, slashing into the target for (INT x 3) + 2d6 damage. This damage is not affected by monsters that have the Unusual Defense ability. Revenge (20 MP) Learned From: Bunyip Target: Single Type: Non-elemental A wave of invisible force crashes into the target. For every 2 points of HP the Blue Mage is missing from his maximum health, the target takes 1 point of damage. This is not reduced by M.ARM or Shell.


Rank 2 Ultrawaves (40 MP) Learned From: Couerl Target: Single Type: Non-elemental, Status Purple waves of ultrasonic energy ripple from the caster’s body, inflicting (INT x 7) + 2d6 damage. In addition, both the caster and affected monsters are affected by the negative status effect, Confusion. Condemned (70 MP) Learned From: Tonberry Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable A cackling red skull appears over the target before slowly fading away. The foe receives the effects of the negative status effect Curse for 1d3 rounds, and does not receive a CHA check to resist the status effect. Electrocute (20 MP) Learned From: Chimera Target: Single Type: Elemental (Lightning) Reflectable The caster hovers in mid-air, conducting sparks of energy as green bolts of electrical energy blast through the air at random intervals to devastating effect. Any targets caught in the blast are struck for (INT x 6) + 2d6 Lightning damage. Drill Shot (20 MP) Learned From: Chocobo Eater, Antlion Target: Single Type: Non-elemental The caster jabs at the target, creating a stream of multicolored spheres that rush out towards it and explode on impact. Make a standard Attack action that deals 100% damage, ignoring ARM, Protect, and any other statuses that would reduce the physical damage dealt. Lv.? Doom (80 MP) Learned From: Deathgaze Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable Ghostly, fog-colored skulls materialize above the enemy, letting out a haunting laugh before fading out. When you cast this spell, roll 1d6 - Lv.? Doom only affects targets whose Level is a multiple of the number you rolled. Rolling a 1 means that all targets are affected. There is no initial effect – however, in three rounds, the HP of a target affected by Lv.? Doom is reduced to zero, regardless of current Hit Points, ARM, or M.ARM. Degenerator (100 MP) Learned From: Lost Soul Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable The caster emits a single burst of black energy that all but rips the life energy of out its target. Degenerator deals (VIT x 4) points of nonelemental damage and has a 50% chance to instantly reduce the target to 0 HP, regardless of the target's current HP and Armor rating.

Thrust Kick (80 MP) Learned From: Iron Giant Target: Single Type: Non-elemental The caster launches into an athletic flying kick, surrounded by a faint nimbus of energy as they slam into their target with a sound barrier-breaking crash. Make a normal attack action. If successful, Thrust Kick deals (STR x 3) + 2d6 damage and the target has a 50% chance of being knocked back a Long Range – directly upwards. In addition to effectively removing the target from combat for one round as if the target was afflicted by Stun, characters who are not immune to falling damage (from the Defy Gravity ability or a Float spell, for example) lose 50% of their maximum HP upon colliding with the ground again on the following turn. 1000 Needles (100 MP) Learned From: Cactuar Target: Single Type: Non-elemental One thousand stinging cactus thorns are shot from the caster’s body at the target in rapid succession. A successful standard attack roll is required. If successful, 1000 Needles inflicts 100 nonelemental points of damage to the target; Shell, Unusual Defense, and M. ARM and ARM have no effect on this damage. If the melee attack roll is a Critical Success, 1000 damage is inflicted instead of the normal 100. This spell cannot reduce a target lower than 1 HP. Aqua Rake (70 MP) Learned From: Chimera Target: Single Type: Elemental (Water) Reflectable The Blue Mage releases a blast of hurricane force wind that engulfs their a foe as it carries with it a barrage of water bubbles that explode upon touching anything, damaging one enemy for (INT x 3) + 1d6 Water damage and (INT x 3) + 1d6 Wind damage. Flamethrower (20 MP) Learned From: Chimera Target: Single Type: Elemental (Fire) Reflectable The caster releases a blistering stream of fire from their fingers, scorching their intended target for (INT x 6) + 2d6 Fire damage. Angel Snack (40 MP) Learned From: Evrae Target: Local Type: Non-elemental A cascade of sparkling blue stars showers down on everyone in the area – both allies and enemies negating all magic in the area. Angel’s Snack dispels all Status Conditions, beneficial or otherwise. Further, each target takes (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage for every status effect removed in this fashion. Angel Snack has no effect on unconscious foes or allies.


Rank 3 Wall Change (50 MP)

Stone Breath (120 MP)

Learned From: Gigas

Learned From: Adamantoise

Target: Single Type: Non-elemental A shimmering globe of energy encloses the target, cycling through a series of colors and hues before vanishing. Wall Change makes the target Resistant to all elements with the exception of one; roll 1d6 and consult the table below to determine which one. The combatant is Weak to Roll Weakness the chosen element. Roll 1 Earth again every round. 2 Fire This effect lasts until the end 3 Water of the current combat, or 4 Wind until the target falls to 0hp. 5 Ice 6 Lightning Force Field (50 MP)

Target: Single Type: Elemental (Earth) Resist 13 The caster exhales a cloud of creeping gray vapors that slowly drift to settle over the target. Stone Breath deals (VIT x 12) + 2d6 points of Earth damage and inflicts the negative status effect Petrify. Supernova (150 MP) Learned From: Atma Weapon

Target: Single Type: Non-elemental Reflectable Pure white light floods the area, turning all combatants into stark black shadows; a second later, a swarm of dark particles homes in on the targets, blasting them for (INT x 20) + 2d6 non-elemental damage. Supernova can be cast at a Long Range.

Learned From: Behemoth

Target: Single Type: Non-elemental The caster is enveloped by a prismatic glow, creating a rapidly expanding field which summons a flash of white light to engulf them, Roll Immunity gradually spreading out to 1 Earth and Fire cover their allies before 2 Water and Wind fading. Force Field 3 Ice and Lightning bestows an Immunity to 4 Shadow random elements. This 5 Holy spell lasts until the end of 6 Target’s Choice combat and may be cast multiple times on the same target(s).

Mighty Guard (100 MP) Learned From: Ultima Weapon

Target: Single Type: Status Resist 13 Brilliant green globes of energy form around the caster and their allies, fading into thin air a second later. Mighty Guard adds the Status Conditions Haste, Float, Protect, and Shell to one target. Roulette (150 MP) Learned From: Shinryu

Bad Breath (100 MP) Learned From: Great Malboro

Target: Single Type: Status Resist 13 The mage exhales a stream of dark, billowing toxic smoke, the billowing fume causing varying degrees of sickness almost instantly. Bad Breath inflicts multiple Status Conditions on the target. Roll a 1d6 and consult the table below to determine which Conditions are added to the target. Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Target: Local Type: Non-elemental All natural light suddenly ceases as a single spotlight begins to spin across the battlefield, drawing in tighter and tighter circles around the combatants until it stops on a single target, defeating it instantly. In order to determine the 'lucky winner' of this grisly fate, all active combatants should make a 2d6 roll once Roulette is cast. The lowest rolling combatant is immediately reduced to 0 HP, regardless of their current HP score, Armor or M. Armor rating. This ability works on all Notorious Monsters and Bosses, even if they are normally immune to instant death-inducing attacks. End Bosses remain unaffected.

Status Effects Berserk, Blind Berserk, Blind, Poison Berserk, Blind, Poison, Seal Berserk, Blind, Poison, Seal, Stop Berserk, Blind, Poison, Seal, Stop, Zombie Berserk, Blind, Poison, Seal, Stop, Zombie, Petrify

White Wind (100 MP) Learned From: Wyvern, Dragons Target: Single Type: Elemental (Holy) A dazzling constellation of pearls hovers around the caster, radiating waves of bright light to restore (Caster’s Current HP) HP to one ally of his choice. If combined with the Blue Mage ability ‘Aura Magic’, the 25% HP is subtracted before the caster and all allies recover health.


Time Magic Rank 1 Burn Ray (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Nonelemental Reflectable The air around all one enemy condenses, compressing into a tight ball until it explodes. Burn Ray inflicts (INT x 1) + 1d6 points of nonelemental damage to one enemy.

Sprint (5 MP) Target: Single Type: Status A series of red rings materialize around the target’s legs or equivalent anatomy, glowing with suffused power before fading away again. The target's movement speed is doubled for several minutes – they can now travel a Medium range distance instead of a Short range each round.

Meteorite (20 MP) Target: Single Type: Nonelemental The caster tears a small meteorite free from its path across the cosmos, pulling it down to earth where it crashes into all enemies. Meteorite inflicts (INT x 2) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to all enemies.

Float (5 MP) Target: Single Type: Recovery Resist 11 Though not a true spell of flight, the caster buoys a target into the air with anti-gravitational energy, protecting them from harmful falls and allowing them to hover a few inches above the ground. It nullifies damage caused by Earth-based spells and abilities, as well as damage caused by falling. The target of this spell receives the positive status effect Float for several rounds.

Analyze (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Effect The user is capable of determining the exact properties and Tier (if applicable) of any magical item. This ranges from weapons and armor to accessories and unmarked potions; even things like magical paintings and nondescript crystal fragments. For this reason, many shifty bazaar owners loudly declare that this spell’s authenticity is suspect, and that the mundane goods they’re trying to peddle truly are lost, powerful artifacts. Legendary Accessories cannot be ‘read’ with this spell, and extremely evil items can cause a magical backlash and cause the caster of Analyze physical harm. Eject (15 MP) Target: Single Type: Effect Reflectable With little more than a word and a gesture, the character reverses gravity around one enemy and sends him hurtling skyward. The target must make a difficulty 11 DEX check or be caught in the negative gravity zone and thrown into the air – and then smashed back into the ground when the caster reverses the spell. If successful, Eject causes any targets vulnerable to falling damage (creatures without Float, Flight, or Defy Gravity) to lose 50% of their maximum HP upon collision with the ground. Large creatures are immune to the Eject spell. Hold (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable At the caster’s command, a globe of dull gray energy encloses the target and reduces its physical movement and ability to dodge incoming attacks. Thanks to the heavy gravity-based burden, the target’s EVA is treated as being 0 for several rounds.

Illusion (10 MP) Target: Local Type: Effect The character can create a realistic, moving visual image that others can see. The spell does not make real, solid objects, instead conjuring only magical figments and trickeries. They can move and make noises as long as the caster is within a Short Range of his illusion, and they vanish utterly if he ever goes more than a Medium Range away. Illusion cannot create false textures or temperatures, and viewers are under no compulsion to believe the authenticity of what they see; no more than usual, anyway. In fact, viewers can make a Notice check (difficulty 11) to realize that the image is semitranslucent. Illusion cannot be used to change someone’s appearance flawlessly, nor can the spell’s effects occupy more than several meters of space. Magnetite Cloud (20 MP) Target: Local Type: Status By forming a magnetic photon field, the caster is able to restrict the movement of anyone relying on All enemies and allies who are using Heavy Armor or composed of magnetic metals (such as iron and steel, but not orichalcum or adamantite) are inflicted with the negative status effect Stop. Targets do not receive a CHA check to avoid the effects of Magnetite Cloud, and what materials and opponents are magnetic is ultimately up to the GM. Magnetite Cloud cannot cause metal-wielding foes to be Disarmed.


Rank 2 Tractor (10 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Gravitational force pulls strongly on the target, dragging it towards the caster. Tractor cancels out both natural and magical Float and Flight effects for several rounds, and drags mundane objects such as keys, tables or bodies across the ground. Extremely large or heavy objects will be unaffected by this spell. Ray Bomb (25 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable Prerequisite: Burn Ray Brilliant spheres of energy appear before the caster, joining together into a single searing burst of destruction. Ray Bomb inflicts (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage. Quarter (60 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 12 Spheres of black and violet surge out to enclose one opponent, crackling with audible force as the gravity inside the bubbles increases a hundredfold. Quarter reduces a target's HP by 25% of its maximum. Time Slip (35 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable A current of time swirls around the target, stirring up dust and decay as it pushes the unfortunate forward into old age and disability – or renders them youthful and strong, but inexperienced. Upon casting Time Slip, the target’s age will change rapidly; whether the character will grow Old or Young is determined randomly. Time Slip lasts for a number of rounds equal to the caster’s CHA rating. Old: The target is affected with Power Break and Speed Break, causing them to deal half damage with all STR and DEX based physical attacks. However, all offensive and healing spells have a 50% increased effect for the duration. Young: The target is affected with Magic Break, causing them to deal half damage with all INT-based magical attacks and healing spells. However, all physical attacks Deal an additional 50% damage for the duration. Invisible (30 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable Invisible makes an ally translucent, nearly impossible to target with melee attacks. The target’s EVA score and Stealth score increase by 6 for several rounds.

Escape (10 MP) Target: Party Type: Effect Acting as a short-range teleport, this spell allows the party to exit dungeons with convenient swiftness. The spell returns all party members to the last safe location on or near the surface. This magick also doubles as a way to safely flee dangerous combat, as casting will instantly end combat and return the likely-wounded characters to the nearest safe resting location. Gravity (40 MP) Target: Single Type: Nonelemental Reflectable The caster launches a dark bubble of energy, wholly enclosing the target before subjecting it to crushing gravitational force for a significant period of time. Gravity deals (INT x 2) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to the target at the start of each of their rounds, for a number of rounds equal to the caster’s STR rating. Furthermore, while Gravity lasts the target finds it difficult to move or be moved. They are Immune to knockback effects and can never physically move themselves more than a Short Range in a single round (though things like Teleport and Escape spells can bypass this). Hyperdrive (60 MP) Target: Local Type: Effect A hazy clock face shimmers into existence across the battlefield, hands shuddering as they begin to slow, eventually stopping dead. For a moment, the second hand wavers, almost seeming to move backwards before the clock explodes in a shower of fragments. All enemies and allies other than the caster may immediately take a standard action that doesn’t count towards their maximums for the round. These actions are presumed to happen simultaneously. Dimensional Gate (50 MP) Target: Local Type: Effect The fabric of reality ripples and twists, finally creating a tear in time and space itself Appearing as a black portal through which an infinite expanse of stars can be seen, captured moments continually flicker and replay across the rippling surface of the gate. If stepped through, the Dimensional Gate can lead the party to either the Void or the Farplane, depending on the caster’s wishes. (See p142. for more information on these locations.)

This spell cannot be cast in combat, and it closes a number of hours equal to the caster’s CHA rating after being cast – trapping anyone who has not yet returned on the other side, perhaps permanently.


Rank 3 Comet (60 MP) Target: Group Type: Magical Prerequisite: Meteorite The caster reaches towards the heavens, pulling a comet out of time to crash down in a shower of fire and molten rock. Comet causes 1d6 meteors to damage foes; each strike inflicts (INT x 6) + 2d6 nonelemental damage to all enemies. Demi (100 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable Prerequisite: Quarter, Resist 13 An opaque gray sphere encloses the target; seconds later, crushing gravitational forces compress, releasing the target only once the sphere has shrunk to a speck of its former self. Gravity reduces a target's HP by 50%, not modified for ARM or M.ARM. Demi still cannot exceed the normal damage limitation of 999. Shockwave Pulsar (60 MP) Target: Single Type: Magical Reflectable Prerequisite: Ray Bomb Gravity suddenly ceases to function as glowing sphere of stellar energy and gases materializes above the battlefield, drawing an adversary into its embrace before exploding in a violent burst of light and heat. Shockwave Pulsar inflicts (INT x 7) + 2d6 damage to one enemy. Temporal Shift (50 MP) Target: Local Type: Status In an instant, the caster is surrounded by ring after ring of translucent clocks, circling in a slow pattern before speeding up and shattering. The glittering debris hovers in mid-air for a moment, drawing the lines of an ethereal clock face before winking out of existence. Temporal Shift negates the status effects Stop, Stun, Slow, and Haste, and no enemy or ally may receive any of those status effects for the remainder of combat. Brainstorm (80 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 (Special) Hazy lights encircle the target as it wavers and fades, body suddenly out of sync with time around it – then the caster assaults the foe’s mind with waves of energy, robbing the target of wits and reasoning. One enemy target is afflicted with the Confuse status. The enemy does not get a CHA roll to resist the effects of Brainstorm if they are already afflicted with Stop, Slow, Stun, or Haste.

Teleport (100 MP) Target: Party Type: Effect Prerequisite: Escape Much like Escape, Teleport can take the entire party great distances in the blink of an eye. This is subject to a few important restrictions. First, the party cannot be in combat when this spell is cast. Second, the location can be anywhere in the world, so long as the caster has been there within the last several months and is familiar with the location. Third, the spell will fail if the location is extremely dangerous, such as submerged under lava or overrun by monsters. Finally, Teleport can only transport the party to geographical locations, never to an object or person. Disable (80 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 The target is encased in a bubble of turquoise light, freezing time and preventing the target from participating in combat for one round. The target is affected by the negative status effect Stun. Quick (100 MP) Target: Self Type: Support Resist 13 A translucent clock encases the caster, creating a pocket of localized time. Quick grants the positive status effect Haste to the caster. Slow (100 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 13 With target becomes incredibly sluggish, their movements easily measured in seconds. The target is afflicted with the negative status effect Slow. Advanced Illusion (30 MP) Target: Local Type: Effect Prerequisite: Illusion This spell is similar to the Illusion magick, but with the following changes. First, the caster needs not be anywhere near the spell for it to function, and the spell now also includes thermal, olfactory and textural trickeries as well – it is completely lifelike in every way. Viewers can make a Notice check (difficulty 13) to realize that the image is abnormal, unless the Advanced Illusion has been cast around an individual to change his appearance – there is no way to detect the spell if it has been cast in this way.


Rank 4 Flight (60 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Prerequisite: Float A shower of amber lights sparkles around the target, revealing the faint outline of an angelic pair of wings before disappearing again. The target recieves the ability to fly until combat ends. Targets with Flight are immune to falling damage, Earth damage, and short-ranged weapons suffer a -4 penalty to hit them (in addition to the obvious movement bonuses a flying character would obtain). Reset (80 MP) Target: Local Type: Status A glittering hourglass appears hovering beside the caster, filled with the sands of barely-suppressed temporal energy. After Reset is cast, the Time Mage can declare any enemy or ally must re-roll any one attack or check – the hourglass shatters on command, sending everyone back a few precious seconds in the timestream. After the Reset spell is cast, the Time Mage can force this reroll at any time until combat ends, even when it isn’t his turn. Reset lasts until a reroll is caused in this method, then the spell ends – casting the Reset spell a second time while the first is still active has no additional effect. Gravija (100 MP) Target: Group Type: Nonelemental Reflectable Prerequisite: Gravity The caster releases a black sphere of pure gravitational energy, causing thousands of tones of force to press upon and pulverize his enemies. Gravija deals (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to the target at the start of each of their rounds, for a number of rounds equal to the caster’s STR rating. Furthermore, while Gravija lasts the target finds it difficult to move or be moved. They are Immune to knockback effects and can never physically move themselves more than a Short Range in a single round (though things like Teleport and Escape spells can bypass this). Quasar (120 MP) Target: Group Type: Magical Prerequisite: Shockwave Pulsar The skies part, drawing down a searing shower of celestial debris and radiation to bombard the battlefield. Quasar inflicts (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to all enemies.

Time Stop (130 MP) Target: Special Type: Status (Time) Resist 14 The Time Mage creates a localized pocket of space around one target, freezing it and everything nearby in time for a moment. Time Stop causes the negative status effects Stun and Stop to one target, as well as all other enemies and allies within a Short Range of that target. Vanish (100 MP) Target: Group Type: Status Prerequisite: Invisible Vanish turns the entire party completely translucent, allowing them to move without detection and become nearly impossible to strike in combat. The EVA score and Stealth score of all party members increase by 8 for several rounds. The EVA and Stealth bonuses granted by Vanish do not stack with other such effects, such as the Invisible spell or a Ninja’s Sunken State ability. Black Hole (200 MP) Target: Group Type: Status Resist 14 Prerequisite: Demi A spinning vortex of gravitational energy forms above the battlefield, crackling as it begins to direct crushing pressure on all enemies. If unresisted, Black Hole reduces all foes to 25% of their maximum HP, not modified for ARM or M.ARM. Black Hole cannot exceed 999 damage. Haste (120 MP) Target: Single Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 14 The Time Mage slows the entire world with the exception of one target – thus making it seem as though they possess incredible speed. The target receives the effects of Haste until combat ends. X-Zone (60 MP) Target: Single, Special Type: Status The fabric of reality splits open in a flash of white light, revealing the alien stars beyond for brief instant. Otherwordly creatures such as Espers are forced back to their own reality by the casting of this spell. X-Zone only works on Espers – target is instantly reduced to 0 hit points and removed from the current combat. Effects that the Esper may possess – such as Auto-Life or Indestructible – will not allow the Esper to remain in combat after X-Zone is used, or summoned again in the same game session. X-Zone can be cast at a Long Range.


Rank 5 Hastaga (200 MP) Target: Party Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 15 Prerequisite: Haste A glowing red clock materializes below the caster’s allies, hands spinning at normal speed but increasing by the second before it fades in a flash, bestowing the Status Condition Haste on all allies until the end of combat.

Meteo (200 MP) Target: Group Type: Magical With a single motion, the caster splits the skies above the battlefield to reveal the stars and planets beyond – and a single fiery meteor hurtling towards the battlefield below, crashing down in a shower of rock and flame. Meteo deals (INT x 22) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to all enemies.

Flare Star (250 MP) Target: Group Type: Magical Reflectable Drawing on the forces of the cosmos, the caster bathes the battlefield in the light of a dying star, searing all opponents with pure stellar energy. Flare Star (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of Fire damage, (INT x 3) + 2d6 points of Shadow damage, and (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of Holy damage to all enemies.

Slowga (250 MP) Target: Group Type: Status Reflectable, Resist 15 Prerequisite: Slow A giant, hazy silver clock appears over the battlefield, spinning lazily as it slows down by the second. Slowga afflicted all foes with the negative status effect Slow.


Arts Swift Etude (0 MP) Normal: The target receives a bonus to their DEX score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: The target receives a penalty to their DEX score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. The value may not be reduced below 1.

Explosive Performance (0 MP) Normal: This Art is capable of destroying a Tier 1 (or less) weapon, or inflict serious damage on mundane items no harder than wood. Whether held or unattended, the nonmagical item instantly splinters and snaps, rendering it utterly unusable. Reversed: The Art repairs mundane objects over a period of several rounds, as long as all the individual parts of the broken item are nearby. It can also repair nonmagical weapons destroyed with the normal version of this Art.

Herculean Etude (0 MP) Normal: The target receives a bonus to their STR score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: The target receives a penalty to their STR score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. The value may not be reduced below 1.

Valor Minuet (0 MP) Normal: Increases the offensive capabilities of the party. All nearby allies receive a +2 to their ACC rolls. Alternatively, Valor Minuet may be used to increase only one ally’s ACC score by a value equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: Reduces the offensive capabilities of all enemies. All foes receive a -2 to their ACC rolls. Alternatively, Valor Minuet may be used to decrease only one enemy’s ACC score by a value equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Enemies can never have an ACC score lower than +0 with the use of this Art.

Battlefield Etude (0 MP) Normal: The target receives a bonus to their VIT score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: The target receives a penalty to their VIT score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. The value may not be reduced below 1. Logical Etude (0 MP) Normal: The target receives a bonus to their INT score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: The target receives a penalty to their INT score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. The value may not be reduced below 1. Soulful Etude (0 MP) Normal: The target receives a bonus to their CHA score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: The target receives a penalty to their CHA score equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. The value may not be reduced below 1. Paeon (0 MP) Normal: Whilst under the effects of Paeon, an adventuring troupe needs neither sleep nor rest. The mental and physical fortitude of the group increases, and it improves combat defenses accordingly. The party has an additional +2 to rolls to resist status effects, and are unaffected by fatigue and tiring travelling conditions. Reversed: The resistance to negative status effects of all foes are sharply reduced. All enemies have a -2 to rolls to resist status effects. Wake to Life (0 MP) Normal: With but a song, the Entertainer can imbue mundane objects with sentience for up to 24 hours. They become flexible and likely mobile, capable of understanding simple orders and carrying out basic tasks. Objects awakened in this way cannot participate in combat, are generally loyal to the Entertainer that created them, and are no more resilient than the material they are made out of. Reversed: With a Reversal of this Art, the entertainer may return any object animated in this fashion back to its former state.

Bladefoe Minuet (0 MP) Normal: Increases the defensive capabilities of the party. All nearby allies receive a +2 to their EVA. Alternatively, Bladefoe Minuet may be used to increase only one ally’s EVA score by a value equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Reversed: Reduces the defensive capabilities of all enemies. All foes receive a -2 to their EVA. Alternatively, Bladefoe Minuet may be used to decrease only one enemy’s EVA score by a value equal to the Entertainer’s Perform skill. Bladefoe Minuet cannot be used in conjunction with the Addle spell. Requiem (0 MP) Normal: This Entertainer Art is indistinguishable from the Black Mage spell, Lock. A set of ghostly chains wrap themselves around the target, who cannot be larger than a typical humanoid. The target may free themselves with an Escape or Strength check at a difficulty of 13. Reversed: This Art removes bonds, whether natural or magical in nature. If physical, they simply slide off the target, while they simply dissolve if they are magical. Requiem does not prevent the target from being caught by the same entrapment a second time. Routine Performance (0 MP) Normal: Your Art can truly soothe the savage beasts. One enemy within Short range of the caster is affected by the negative status effect Sleep unless they succeed at a difficulty 13 CHA check. Reversed: One ally is no longer affected by Sleep


Performance of Light (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Holy. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Holy. All Holybased spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage.Reversed: By reversing the Art of Light, the Entertainer can destroy illusions, magical trickeries and figments, and see the true form of monsters who have taken humanoid shape. It also negates the effects of Holy Elemental Terrain.

Performance of Wind (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Wind. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Wind. All Windbased spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: A Reversal of the Air Threnody negates the effects of Wind Elemental Terrain.

Performance of Shadow (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Shadow. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Shadow. All Shadow-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: By reversing this Art, the Entertainer can slowly close the gap between the realms of the living and the dead, showing glimpses of the Farplane. Ghostly animals may approach curiously, or the whispers of the newly-deceased may be able to impart knowledge to the party. Of course, it may just as easily be dangerous – many dwellers of the Farplane are unsatisfied, even angry, and getting too close can often prove disadvantageous. Performance of Earth (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Earth. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Earth. All Earthbased spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: A reversal of the Art of Earth will cause the ground to become calm and still, negating the effects of Earth Elemental Terrain. Song of Speed (0 MP) Normal: Song of Speed instantly grants the positive status effect Haste to one target. Reverse: A reversal of this Art causes one target to lose the effects of Haste (if they had it) and suffer the effects of Slow instead. This Art has little to no effect on enemies with the Auto-Haste ability. Victory March (150 MP) Special: The ultimate Art, this spell can only be used once per game session – either its normal function or the reversed version. Normal: Victory March grants the entertainer and all allies 1 additional point of EXP or Destiny (individual player’s choice) upon defeating a Notorious Monster, Boss, or End Boss. Reverse: A reversal of Victory March allows the Entertainer to transfer one or more points of his Destiny to another character. If combined with the Entertainer’s Fantasia ability, this allows ALL non-Entertainer allies to receive the same number of Destiny that the character gave up.

Performance of Fire (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Fire. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Fire. All Firebased spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: A reversal of this Art allows the entertainer to quench non-magical fires of a reasonable size. The fire simply acts as though there was no flammable matter left to consume, dwindling in size and finally vanishing after several rounds. It also negates the effects of Fire Elemental Terrain. Performance of Water (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Water. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Water. All Waterbased spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: With a reversal of this Art, the Entertainer can cause even the most turbulent waters to become calm and utterly still. This negates any penalties to Swim checks the water may have caused, and negates the effects of Water Elemental Terrain. Performance of Ice (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Ice. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Ice. All Ice-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: The temperature in frigid areas seems to warm slightly with the reversal of the Ice Threnody, turning blistering cold into a bearable chill. It negates the effects of Ice Elemental Terrain. Performance of Lightning (0 MP) Normal: The Entertainer is capable of exhibiting some minor control over the element of Lightning. The Elemental Terrain of the current combat becomes Lightning. All Lightning-based spells and attacks in the area – whether wielded by friend or foe – do an additional 50% damage. Reversed: Like the other core elemental Threnodies, a Reversal of this Art ends the effects of Lightning Elemental Terrain.



Summoned Beasts, also known as Espers, Avatars, Eidolons, Fayth, Aeons, and a variety of other names across the worlds, are the core of a Summoner's power. Espers always deal magical damage, even when attacking with seemingly physical attacks and abilities. Rank One Summons Bismarck Carbuncle Palidor Salamander Siren Sylph Valefor

Rank Two Summons Catoblepas Ifrit Leviathan Pandemonium Ramuh Shiva Titan

Rank Three Summons Asura Cerberus Fenrir Hades Phantom Seraphim Tritoch

Rank Four Summons Anima Atomos Diabolos Doomtrain Knights of the Round Maduin Phoenix Rank Five Summons Alexander Bahamut Odin Yojimbo


Rank One Summons Bismarck The haunting melody of a whale song fills the area as Bismarck, the great white humpback whale, swims through the air and dives into a pool of water that appears on the battlefield. Once submerged, he surfaces and sprays a mist from his blowhole. Spells Water, Vox Abilities Attack (0mp): The Great Whale slams his enormous bulk into one foe, doing (VIT x 2) + 1d6 points of damage. Geyser (10 mp): Bismarck dives beneath the surface, gathering water into his great mouth. The ground beneath the target ripples as the whale surfaces underneath it, with his blowhole situated beneath the target's feet. With a mighty blow, Bismarck fires a stream of water up at the foe, sending it flying into the air; just like the Eject spell, targets without Flight or an immunity to falling damage lose 50% of their maximum HP when they recollide with the ground. Astral Flow, Azure Crash (30 mp): Bismarck’s whale song fills the area as the entire battlefield is flooded with water. Without warning, he swims rapidly through the field, pulling a current of water with him and doing (VIT x 5) + 2d6 Water elemental damage to all enemies. Special Immunity to Water, Vulnerable to Lightning, Resistance to Fire

Carbuncle The summoner takes a small ruby out of her pocket and tosses it almost casually into the air. As the sun catches the ruby, a brilliant flash of light occurs. When the light clears, the ruby is clearly lodged in the forehead of a small, turquoise animal. Carbuncle does a little somersault in the air, glad to be of service to its summoner. Spells Dia, Wall, Meteorite Abilities Attack (0mp): The tiny gem within Carbuncle’s forehead sears a foe with ruby energy, doing 2d6 points of nonelemental damage that ignores MARM and Shell. Ruby Light (10mp): Carbuncle raises its head, causing the light of the sun to reflect off of its ruby brightly. The reflected light seems to coat one of the Summoner's party members. As the light dies, the affected party member feels lighter in spirit, as though the light is protecting him. The target gains the positive status effect Reflect for several rounds. Astral Flow, Searing Light (40mp): Carbuncle rears up onto its hind legs, staring at the sun. Suddenly, it launches itself into the air, spinning around quickly. Once it is several feet off the ground, it seems to pause, floating in midair as it collects the solar rays. Finally, it releases its accumulated light over the Summoner's party, coating each in a divine light and granting each party member with Reflect and Shell for several rounds, and restoring 50 MP to all party members, including the Summoner. Special Unusual Defense: Physical (Takes 200% damage from all physical sources and 50% from all magical)

Palidor You feel a hand on your shoulder, and your blood runs cold; standing behind you is a being of roughly twelve feet tall - Palidor, the Fallen Hero. His two angelic wings appear crumpled and broken extending from his back, and he hides himself beneath a long, hooded cloak which appears to have once been the purest white, but is now mud-smeared and tattered. With a nod, he kneels beside you in silent prayer. Spells Banish, Cure I, Poisona, Dia, Chivalry Abilities Exorcism (0 mp): Raising his blade feebly above his head, Palidor mumbles a few words. A target Undead enemy takes (CHA x 3) + 2d6 Holy damage. If an undead foe is killed in this way the remains are totally disintegrated, leaving nothing.


Astral Flow, Wrath of Heaven (30 mp): Something seems to come over this crumpled figure before you, and without a word, he rises staggeringly to his feet and throws back his hood, revealing a humanoid face of indescribable beauty. His tattered wings attempt to beat once as he extends his rusted blade, and a deafening blast of pure-white energy erupts from the tip of the sword. All foes take (CHA x 4) + 2d6 Holy damage, and all allies receive the effects of Brave – that is, they are immune to the negative status effect Fear for the remainder of combat – and the negative status effect Zombie is removed from all allies. Special Weakness to Shadow, Resistance to Holy

Salamander The summoner opens her palm to reveal a beautiful flower made of brilliant flame, which she lays on the ground. Out of this flower crawls a small scarlet lizard with brilliant beads of crimson fire for eyes. Crawling along the ground in front of the Summoner, it leaves tiny lizard-prints melted into every surface it touches. Though less than a foot long, this tiny lizard possesses unimaginable power; it is the living manifestation of fire. It is Salamander. Spells Fire, Elemental Spikes (Fire) Abilities Attack (0mp): The tiny lizard belches forth a sphere of flame, doing (INT x 1) + 2d6 points of Fire damage to one target. Fire Breath (20mp) : Salamander opens its mouth and hisses at one poor hapless foe, bathing in it in a stream of pure elemental Fire and dealing (INT x 4) + 2d6 points of Fire damage. Unfortunately, as Salamander draws closer to being banished, less and less flame is produced. Fire Breath inflicts full damage if Salamander has between 100-51% of his total HP remaining; 50% damage if between 50-26%; and a mere 25% when at or below 25% of maximum HP. Astral Flow, Crimson Roar (30mp): Salamander unleashes a massive torrent of pure flame, smothering all enemies in a sea of burning agony - dealing (INT x 7) + 2d6 points of Fire damage. Unfortunately, as Salamander draws closer to being banished, less and less flame is produced. Crimson Roar inflicts full damage if Salamander has between 100-51% of his total HP remaining; 50% damage if between 50-26%; and only 25% when at or below 25% of maximum HP. Special Resistance to Fire, Weakness to Water

Siren Soft harp music permeates the area, catching the attention of all present. Waves lap against the ground as a woman of unimaginable beauty strides out from the foam, wearing little more than a few strips of fabric and short boots. Her golden hair flows freely, wafting in even the slightest breeze. Although the harp is a peaceful instrument, something about Siren's face seems wild and untamed. Spells Water, Sleep, Vox Abilities Lunatic Voice (10mp): Siren plays her harp and sings a wordless song, her eyes locking on a single target. The target takes (CHA x 3) + 1d6 points of damage and has a 50% chance to become Berserk, growing angry at the prospect of not possessing her for his own. Astral Flow, Siren Song (10 mp): With a coy smile, Siren sings a soothing melody, backed up by her harp. The entire target group takes (CHA x 5) + 2d6 damage, and each has 50% chance to be instantly smitten with love and become Confused as they fight friend and foe alike for the rights to Siren's attention. Special Resistance to Water

Sylph A light breeze gusts through the battlefield, carrying sounds of young girls giggling. A small group of mischievous sprites appears, flitting about in front of the Summoner and leaving showers of pink pixie dust in their wake. It's never easy to discern just how many are there, as the Sylphs dart to and fro in a mindless dance around their summoner.


Spells Lock, Illusion Abilities Sylvan Touch (5mp): A single Sylph separates from the group, flying toward an enemy. With a mischievous giggle, she taps it lightly on the nose, drawing forth both health and magic. Wings fluttering, she flies back to the party and swoops around them, distributing the stolen energy in a shower of sparkling pink motes. Sylvan Touch drains both (DEX x 2) + 2d6 points of HP and MP from the target, then grants all party members (excluding the summoner) the same amount of HP and MP drained. Astral Flow, Sylvan Dance (40mp): Instead of a single sprite flying out, the entire cloud of Sylphs swarms the battlefield, dancing wildly around each of the enemies. After their twirl with the targets, the Sylphs return to the party and dance around them as well, distributing the health and magic that their first dance had drained. Sylvan Dance drains both (DEX x 4) + 2d6 points of HP and MP from all targets, then grants all party members (including the Summoner) the same amount of HP and MP drained. Special Resistance to Wind, Auto-Float, Vulnerable to Shadow

Valefor Descending from the sky on leathery wings, Valefor drifts slowly downwards and hovers in front of the Summoner, protecting them from those who wish to do her master harm. Valefor is a large avian creature that vaguely resembles a humanoid bird, with a plumage of red and purple downy feathers. As she hovers and awaits commands, she emits soft comforting cries from her silvery, steel-like beak. Spells Aero, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Water Abilities Attack (0mp): Valefor swoops in, slashing at the target with hooked claws and her hard-as-steel beak. The attack deals (STR x 2) + 2d6 points of damage. Sonic Wings (10mp): Valefor's wings beat slower and slower, seeming to slow time down for a moment. Gusts of wind caused by this movement blow towards the target, blasting them with (STR x 3) + 2d6 points of Wind damage and hindering their attacks. There is a 25% chance the target will be affected by the negative status effect Stun until the start of Valefor’s next turn. Astral Flow, Energy Blast (20mp): Soaring high above the battlefield, Valefor collects energy in her beak. With a burst of intense light the energy is released amidst the enemy group, scorching them for (STR x 5) + 2d6 points of non-elemental damage. Furthermore, all enemies damaged in this way have a 50% chance to be affected by Armor Break. Special Flight


Rank Two Summons Catoblepas A thundering of hooves announces the arrival of a great beast, though he seems much less impressive and much more intimidating up close. Catoblepas charges onto the battlefield from afar, legs flailing as he runs and casting great clouds of earth up in his wake. The large green-furred beast skids to a halt in front of the summoner, great head hanging low to the ground despite a very long neck. He snorts, his head very pig-like save for the mane and the single glowing eye. Spells Rasp, Ray Bomb Abilities Attack (0mp): The Esper overruns a single target, attempting to trample them with his many hooves. The attack deals (VIT x 3) + 2d6 points of damage Medusa's Eye (20mp): Catoblepas lowers his head to the ground and stares intently at the target, his eye glowing a dull orange. The target's eyes are drawn to the gaze and fixed with terror... then the beast blinks and lifts his head away from the ground, the look having shocked the system of the target to inflict (VIT x 5) + 2d6 points of damage and having a 25% chance to Petrify the target for several rounds. Astral Flow, Devil's Eye (60mp): Catoblepas lowers his head and stares across the battlefield, his single eye glowing a bright red. Visions of lifeless stones and statues float around his head, and all the targets attempt to break away from the beast's intent stare. When he finally closes his eye, all enemies are afflicted with the negative status effect Petrify for several rounds. Special Resistance to Earth, Beast Killer

Ifrit The ground rumbles and shakes as a fountain of magma erupts from the earth, carrying a giant muscular beast. The magma cools and hardens as Ifrit lands with a loud thud, his massive horns reflecting the ambient light. Flame erupts from his canine maw as he throws back his head and bellows. Spells Fire, Fira Abilities Attack (0mp): Ifrit leaps towards one target, tearing into them with wickedly-curved claws. The attack deals (STR x 4) + 2d6 points of damage Meteor Drive (30mp): Ifrit lets out a roar as his claws are engulfed in flames, then leaps toward his victim with insane speed and pounds upon it with his burning fists. This barrage deals (STR x 6) + 2d6 points of Fire damage Astral Flow, Hellfire (50mp): Ifrit grabs his victim and hurls it into the sky, then claws out a huge rock from the ground. The rock is engulfed in fire and melts from the incredible heat. With a powerful roar and a final burst of flames, Ifrit launches the ball of molten rock at the target to inflict a tremendous amount of Fire damage and a shortrange knockback. Hellfire deals (STR x 8) + 2d6 points of damage. Special Absorbs Fire, Weakness to Ice, Vulnerability to Water

Leviathan A briny smell is in the air as the ground before the summoner turns to water. Suddenly, the pool of water is disturbed as the sinuous form of Leviathan, lord of the depths, breaches the surface and rises into the air. Spells Water, Watera Abilities Attack (0mp): Leviathan crashes into a target, moving with superior agility to inflict as much damage as possible with its sinuous body. The attack deals (DEX x 4) + 2d6 points of damage


Jet (30mp): Leviathan unleashes a powerful keen as a wave becomes visible surging towards the enemies. The wave quickly reaches the monsters, washing over them to inflict (DEX x 5) + 2d6 Water damage to all foes. Astral Flow, Tidal Wave (40mp): Again, Leviathan keens, but this time, water is suddenly visible on all sides of the monsters. With a thunderous crash, the oceans of the world slam into the monsters, simultaneously drowning and crushing them. All monsters on the battlefield take grievous amounts of Water damage and are knocked back a Short Range; Tidal Wave deals (DEX x 7) + 2d6 points in all and even affects enemies who are Large or otherwise Immune to knockback. Special Immunity to Water, Weakness to Lightning, Resistant to Fire, Resistant to Ice

Pandemonium Winds begin to whip up the battlefield, quickly condensing into a howling tornado. What looms over the enemy when all has dispersed looks like something out of a fever dream: a faceless giant, purple skin dappled and mottled with splashes of pink and white, sizing the field up with an eyeless gaze. As three long tubes slung over one shoulder start drawing in the surrounding air, what at first appeared to be a tail begins to grow in size, swelling until it is almost spherical and creaking with tension. Pandemonium, Summon of Wind, is ready to strike. Spells Aero, Aerora Abilities Attack (0mp): The Esper swirls through the battlefield, leaving destruction in its wake. The attack deals (DEX x 4) + 2d6 points of damage to one enemy. Aerial Blast (30mp): Pandemonium releases the accumulated contents of his wind-bag in a single violent torrent that all but blasts the target out of the battle. Aerial Blast inflicts (DEX x 6) + 2d6 points of Wind Elemental damage. The damage from this attack cannot be reduced with M.ARM or Shell, or affected by Reflect. However, any foe defeated with Aerial Blast does not drop money or items, having been blown away in the storm. Astral Flow, Wind Blade (30mp): The 'mouths' of Pandemonium's air-tubes flare wide, unleashing three screaming torrents of wind that twist and intertwine as they surge towards the enemy. Wind Blade inflicts (DEX x 8) + 2d6 points of Wind Elemental damage to all eligible combatants in the targeted Group and causes a Long Range knockback. The damage from this attack cannot be reduced with M.ARM or Shell. However, any foe defeated with Wind Blade does not drop money or items, having been blown away in the storm. Special Absorbs Wind, Auto-Float, Aerial Killer

Ramuh Storm clouds gather overhead and the rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance, and bolts of lightning burst from the clouds and strike the ground in front of the Summoner. When the flash of light and peal of thunder have faded, the Summoner is accompanied by a wizened man with a long grey beard, dressed in loose green robes and carrying a gnarled old staff. Spells Thunder, Thundara, Elemental Spikes (Lightning) Abilities Shock Strike (20mp): Ramuh lifts his staff high, allowing it to be struck by an errant bolt of lightning from the clouds. Whirling the rod once over his head, he points it at the target and the electrical charge leaps towards it, shocking it with (INT x 5) + 2d6 points of Lightning damage and carrying 50% chance to dispel all positive status effects currently bestowed upon the target. Astral Flow, Judgment Bolt (30mp): Ramuh chants in an arcane language, and the sky grows dark from gathering clouds. The clouds swirl and twist above the targets, the winds howling and the sound of thunder growing louder with each second. Suddenly a volley of lightning crashes into the ground amidst the targets, electricity arcing between their bodies and jolting them all with Lightning damage; (INT x 7) + 2d6 points total. In addition, Judgement Bolt removes all positive status effects from the target. Special Immune to Lightning, Weakness to Water, Auto-float


Shiva Along with a blast of arctic wind a giant block of ice slams into the battle field. Encased in the ice is a beautiful woman with pale blue skin. Her eyes snap open and she shatters her frozen carapace, leaving behind the crystalline form of Shiva. Spells Blizzard, Blizzara, Elemental Spikes (Ice) Abilities Attack (0mp): The Esper sashays forward before striking one foe surprisingly hard with an ice-cold palm. The attack deals (CHA x 4) + 2d6 points of damage to one enemy. Heavenly Strike (20mp): Shiva regards her target with a cool, disdainful gaze. Judging the foe unworthy of effort, she waves her hand and freezes the air above the target into an enormous block of ice. The block immediately drops, delivering a crushing blow that inflicts (CHA x 6) + 2d6 Ice damage. Astral Flow, Diamond Dust (30mp): Shifting her stance for stability, Shiva gathers moisture from the air and concentrates it into a dense ball of ice. When the ball bursts it unleashes a blast of pure frigid might, encasing her enemies in a tomb of frozen walls. With the snap of her fingers the ice prison shatters, leaving the enemies of Shiva shivering on the ground and suffering from a great deal of Ice damage; (CHA x 7) + 2d6 points in all. Furthermore, all enemies damaged by this attack also receive a Weakness to Ice for the remainder of combat. Special Absorbs Ice, Weakness to Fire

Titan A deep rumbling is felt in the earth and the battleground is covered with a web of cracks and fissures. An immense muscular humanoid bursts out, covered with primitive tattoos and clad only with a loincloth. As dust and grit cascade off his body, Titan bellows with rage and glowers at those who would dare befoul his precious Earth. Spells Stone, Stona, Hold Abilities Attack (0mp): The Esper marches across the battlefield before slamming it’s boulder-sized fists into a foe. The attack deals (VIT x 4) + 2d6 points of damage. Debris Shower (10mp): Titan raises both arms, causing the earth itself to explode upward in a pillar of boulders and stone. Debris Shower deals (VIT x 6) + 2d6 points of damage to any enemy with Float or Flight. Guardian Golem (20mp): The Esper stabilizes its massive bulk and steps in front of one of the Summoner’s allies, ready to protect them from harm. This ability functions almost exactly like the Paladin ability, Cover. For as long as Titan remains on the field, all physical damage that would be taken by the ally is instead applied to Titan - without modifying for Armor and M.Armor as normal. Titan cannot stop protecting the target once Guardian Golem has been activated, and must continue to use Guardian Golem on each subsequent round until Dismissed. Astral Flow, Earthen Fury (30mp): Titan plunges his powerful fists deep into the surface and, with a deep snarling grunt, rips loose a large slab of rock. Growling and bellowing to express his rage, Titan slams the slab upon the targets, inflicting tremendous Earth damage to all the Summoner's foes; (VIT x 7) + 2d6 points worth. Earthen Fury also causes a short-range knockback. Special Immune to Earth, Resistant to Lightning, Resistant to Wind, Vulnerable to Water, Regeneration 10


Rank Three Summons Asura A beautiful woman floats down serenely from the heavens, bringing with her a sense of peace and balance. As she comes to hover in front of the summoner, it becomes apparent that Asura is actually three bodies and three faces sharing a single head, all sitting in the lotus position back to back. The first body is that of a lovely blonde woman, hands folded in her lap. Another is a woman with red skin and hair and a dark scowl on her face, threateningly brandishing a sword. The final body is a woman with blue skin and light yellow hair, a vacant smile on her face as she playfully tosses a dagger from one hand to the other. When Asura acts, she spins slowly in front of the party, each face bestowing a different gift. Spells Seal, Invisible, Float, Vox, Stop, Sleep, Wall Abilities Blessing (50mp): Roll a 1d6. A roll of 1-2 causes the Face of Yang effect. A roll of 3-4 causes the Face of Yin effect. A roll of 5-6 causes the Face of Asura effect. Face of Yang: Asura spins, and the red-skinned woman scowls at the party. A warrior by nature, she points her sword at them, urging them to defeat their enemies. The magic from this blessing surrounds the party, granting the Protect status to them until Asura uses her Blessing or Blessings of the Diety ability. Face of Yin: Asura spins, and the blue-skinned woman with the vacant smile faces the party. She gestures toward them with her dagger, granting a feeling of peace and happiness. Along with the serenity comes (INT x 6) + 2d6 healing to all party members. Face of Asura: Asura spins, and the blonde woman looks gracefully upon the party. With a vague nod of her head, fallen comrades find new hope. Asura casts Life upon all Unconscious allies – and has a 50% chance to cast Life on all defeated foes, as well. Astral Flow, Blessings of the Deity (0mp): The goddess of both peace and war offers her aid to the strongest, wisest and most beautiful combatant on the field, all three faces aligning in perfect harmony for only a moment . All enemies and allies make a STR check, an INT check and a CHA check. If the same character rolled higher than all other participants on two or more checks, they recover 100% of their HP and MP instantly, gain Auto-Haste, an Immunity to Critical Hits and an Immunity to all status effects for several rounds. Special Weakness to Holy, Weakness to Shadow

Cerberus A terrific howling is heard from the core of the earth. A gaping fissure opens in the ground, from which a tremendous three-headed dog leaps with a hideous snarl. Cerberus lands in front of the party, his three sets of fangs bared in a snarl. Spells Quick, Slow Abilities Attack (0mp): Cerberus tears into a foe with sharp teeth, dealing (DEX x 6) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage. Ragdoll (0mp): Cerberus grabs one foe and hurls him into another as he rushes through combat, causing chaos in the enemy ranks. This attack can only be used if at least two enemies exist on the field – the first target takes (DEX x 4) + 2d6 points of damage and is knocked back a Short Range. The second target takes (DEX x 8) + 2d6 points of damage and receives the negative status effect Stop for one round. Sonic Drive (20mp): All three of Cerberus' heads look towards the same foe. A hideous barking emerges from all three throats - the sound is so horrendous that the monster suffers from a sudden case of shaky knees and receives the effects of the negative status effect Stop until Cerberus is dismissed. In addition, he takes a penalty of -2 to his ACC and EVA scores. Astral Flow, Counter Rockets (50mp): Cerberus raises all three heads to the sky and unleashes a howl, calling forth the fighting spirit of the Summoner and his allies. All allies may take an immediate, instant Standard action, even though it is not their turn. These actions are presumed to happen simultaneously, similar to the Hyperdrive spell. Special Arcana Killer


Fenrir Dark clouds gather over the battlefield, turning day to night as a towering column of rock bursts forth from the ground. Suddenly, a howl rings out from on high. There atop the great rock face stands a majestic horned wolf, violet fur broken up by whorled tufts of white and gold that almost look like wings by what little light remains. Rearing his head back, Fenrir gives another howl and prepares to enter the fray. Spells Magnetite Field, Sleep Abilities Attack (0mp): Fenrir charges down a foe, dealing (VIT x 6) + 2d6 points of damage. Howling Moon (40mp): The dark clouds part, allowing a pale moon to shimmer into existence over the battlefield. Beams of light begin pouring down and envelope a single foe in their glow. Howling Moon deals (VIT x 12) + 2d6 points of damage to any foe who is afflicted by the negative status effect ‘Sleep.’ No damage is dealt otherwise. Astral Flow, Eclipse (30mp): With a fierce howl, Fenrir leaps from his perch, rocketing towards the Summoner's foes at such speeds that his very form begins to blur into a comet of green energy. Seconds before striking, the wolf's body separates into five ghostly images that whirl around the battlefield, creating a vortex to engulf the enemy. Eclipse inflicts (VIT x 12) + 2d6 points of damage on all eligible combatants in the targeted group. Furthermore, once Fenrir is dismissed after using this ability, the Summoner gains the effects of Haste for several rounds. Special Resistant to Lightning, Beast Killer

Hades A deep, mournful bell is heard as a thick mist rolls over the Summoner's party. As the mist clears, it reveals the figure of a skeleton clad in a deep purple robe hunched over a large cauldron. Hades looks gleefully up at the enemy party as if to let them know their time has come. Spells None Abilities Devil's Call (0mp): Hades reaches slowly into one of the sleeves of his robe, pulling out a dull iron bell. There is a 50% chance that Devil’s Call will affect a random enemy, and a 50% chance that it will affect a random ally instead. As Hades rings the bell the same mournful tone heard during his summoning rings out, and the affected target is filled with despair over the knowledge of its imminent demise. They are afflicted with the negative status effects Stun and Fear for three rounds. At the end of the third round the target is reduced to 0 hit points, similar to the Doomsday and Lv.? Doom spells. Reanimation (40mp): The skeletal demon draws forth a putrid substance from the cauldron, dripping it onto the form of a fallen enemy or ally. The target must be unconscious, and regains 1 hit point. They battle as if under the effect of Charm caused by the Summoner, and are an Undead creature. Astral Flow, Cursed Mist (0mp): Hades straightens up and begins a hideous chant. As he chants, a pale flame appears under the cauldron, causing whatever is within to begin bubbling. As the spell reaches its climax, a thick gray fog begins pouring out of the cauldron, washing over the enemy party and covering them with hideous toxins. The attack inflicts all enemies with the negative status effects Curse and Poison for several rounds. Special Undead

Phantom An eerie stillness fills the air. Seemingly from nothing, a figure engulfed in dark mist appears and then disappears, fading in and out of existence. When Phantom can be seen, a translucent cloak covers its entire body, save for two glowing eyes. Phantom has no fear of Holy energies however, being the long-dead spirit of a great force of good. Spells Seal, Invisible, Float, Barrier, Dia, Banish Abilities Pearl Light (20mp): Phantom's cloak pulls back slightly from its face and a brilliant white light shines from its eyes.


Whomever Phantom stares at with this pure light suffers (INT x 8) + 2d6 points of non-elemental damage. Astral Flow, Eternal Shroud (30mp): Phantom's cloak spreads out to cover the entire party, granting them the same ghostly essence that it enjoys. Phantom's essence invigorates the party like a chill breeze, granting all allies Float until the end of combat. Furthermore, all allies receive a +6 bonus to their EVA score and Stealth skill, as if they were under the effects of the Invisible spell. Special Resistant to Holy, Resistant to Shadow, Auto-Float

Seraphim The summoner bows her head and closes her eyes, imparting a prayer for assistance to the fates. As she does so, a golden beam of light shines down from above, and a winged woman wearing a simple white robe descends from the sky to gently touch down before the summoner. Spells Regen, Life, Dia, Escape Abilities Healing Rain (30mp): Seraphim gazes hopefully upwards and sings a single note. Light shines from the heavens and bathes a single party member in warmth, healing them of wounds. The target ally recovers (INT x 6) + 2d6 points of HP, and also receives the effects of Regen for several rounds. Astral Flow, Angelic Anthem (100mp): Seraphim spreads her wings and flies high into the air as an angelic chorus is heard from above. As her wings flap, feathers begin to slowly fall, showering the party. The feathers disappear as soon as they touch each party member, providing healing for the entire group. All members regain (INT x 10) + 2d6 points of HP, receive the effects of Regen for several round, and are simultaneously cleansed of negative status effects as per the spell ‘Esuna.’ Special Immune to Holy, Weakness to Shadow, Regeneration 40

Tritoch With the beating of feathery wings, the rainbow dragon Tritoch swoops down from the skies. Feathers and scales shimmer red, blue, gold and green in the light as he gently sets down on four short legs, taking your breath away. A tuft of iridescent fur tips the end of his twitching serpentine tail, a long tongue flicks from a beak-like mouth and battlehardened eyes peer from beneath an ancient bronze helmet. Spells Blizzara, Thundara, Fira Abilities Elemental Infusion (Special): Whenever Tritoch absorbs a Fire, Ice, or Lightning-based spell or effect, all damage dealt by Tritoch is increased by two steps until he is dismissed. This bonus is cumulative – thus, after the fifth spell absorbed in this way, Tritoch will deal an additional (STR x 10) damage Antipode (40mp): Rearing back his head, Tritoch lifts his wings and lets out a roar. Blue and red particles flow from his mouth, encircling the target in a whirlwind of fire and ice. The particles converge, causing a massive explosion as raging heat meets freezing cold. Antipode deals either Fire or Ice damage, depending on whichever element the target is most vulnerable to. Antipode deals (STR x 6) + 2d6 points of damage that ignores MARM. Tritoch may use this ability on himself. Sanctuary of Thunder (20mp): Tritoch bestows his elemental gift on all members of the party, filling them with a strong electrical current and granting them all an Absorbency to Lightning until Tritoch is dismissed. Tri-Nova (0mp): Taking to the air once more, Tritoch spreads wide his wings and whips his tail downward. Showers of energy rain from him onto the battlefield, engulfing the enemies first in searing flames, then freezing them in ice and finally unleashing a blast of thunder to shock the targets. Tri-Nova deals either Fire, Lightning, or Ice damage, depending on whichever element the target is most vulnerable to. However, there is a price for such a powerful attack. Tri-Nova deals (STR x 10) + 2d6 points of damage to a target enemy, as well as an equal amount to the summoner. Special Absorbs Fire, Absorbs Ice, Absorbs Lightning, Auto-Protect, Flight


Rank Four Summons Anima A blackened metal chain plummets out of the sky, plunging into the ground with a thundering jolt. The chain retracts as it slowly pulls something out of the shadowed depths of the earth. More chains spring out of the earth, pulling themselves taught around the emerging figure, a strangely fish-like creature who roars in impotent fury as she weeps boiling blood. This is the dark spirit Anima. Spells Zombie, Death, Scourge Abilities Spirit of Oblivion (Special): The damage done by Anima’s abilities is based off the Summoner’s Affiliation rating. If the Summoner is -5 points into Shadow or more, then Pain, Splintered Soul and Catastrophe deal 200% normal damage. If -10 points into Shadow, the attacks do 400% damage instead. Pain (30mp): Anima cries out to the battlefield as a drop of molten blood is flung from her eye upon the target. As the dark essence sears away at the target, the pure rage of Anima attacks their very spirit. In addition to causing (CHA x 6) + 2d6 Shadow Elemental damage, Pain has a 25% chance to kill the victim instantly. This secondary effect is considered a Death effect and may not work on bosses. Splintered Soul (60mp): Anima’s lower head lets out a scream of anguish, causing all who hear it to fall to their knees in agony. The attack deals (CHA x 6) + 2d6 Shadow Elemental damage to enemies and allies alike. Astral Flow, Catastrophe (50mp): The chain binding Anima to the surface snaps free, sending Anima plunging back into the earth. The chains themselves drag the enemy party down with her, allowing them to meet Anima's other face, a monstrous crowned skeleton, whose chains are near breaking point. As the combatants sink deeper into the darkness, the bindings snap, and Anima's other half is freed. With two gaunt arms she begins to vent all the pain and suffering of her existence into a single foe, slowly at first before picking up speed, doing (CHA x 14) + 2d6 Shadow Elemental damage to one enemy. Special Resistant to Shadow, Weakness to Holy, Auto-Stop, Auto-Zombie, Auto-Poison

Atomos A dark shadow envelops the battlefield as demon machine Atomos appears, its body barely more than a giant mouth hovering in the sky. A singular light glows deep in the void of its gaping maw, seemingly drawing in the surrounding light and causing the encroaching shadows. Its dark eyes flare open to survey those who the Summoner needs eliminated from existence, a thunderstorm of unreal proportions crackling across the sky behind it. Spells None Abilities Devastation (20mp): Atomos’ massive form encompasses almost the entire sky, and he is capable of reigning destruction down upon all he sees. Atomos jets forth a series of arcing lasers, striking the ground without aim or concern. Devastation deals (INT x 4) + 2d6 damage to every person and object in a several mile radius, including the summoner’s allies but excluding Atomos himself. Engulf (80mp): Atomos' hideous body turns to face one target. A powerful vacuum forms as its singularity pulls at the target, slowly sucking it inside. The target must brace itself quickly to defend against the 25% chance to be sucked into the dark void of Atomos' stomach and removed from the encounter, as if forced through a Dimensional Gate spell. Though the target is not truly killed, Engulf is considered a Death effect and some bosses may be immune to this ability. Astral Flow, G-Force Infinity (100mp): The singularity inside Atomos is fully revealed as the center of a black hole, causing an immense pull on all the Summoner's foes. The intense vacuum effect deals (INT x 14) + 2d6 points of nonelemental damage to all enemies and has a 50% draw them all into the deadly phenomenon, removing them from the current encounter. Like Engulf, being pulled through the black hole has the same effect as being forced into a Dimensional Gate spell. Some bosses may be immune to this ability. Special Indestructible (Takes zero damage from all sources), Auto-Float, Construct-Killer


Diabolos With a dry, dusty fluttering, a swarm of ethereal bats surround the summoner and fly up to form an immense globe of pure darkness. Silently, the demonic Diablos descends from this globe and flares his wings as he scans the battlefield. He hungers, and all are his prey. Spells Poison, Blind, Twilight, Bio, Drain, Aspir, Osmose, Shockwave Pulsar Abilities Camisado (100mp): Diablos lunges forward, his clawed hands burning with sickly purple flame, and rakes his talons through his chosen victim. No wounds are caused, but the victim can feel his very soul being shredded away by the attack. Camisado deals damage equal to (1d6 x 10) percent of the foe’s maximum health. The enemy can never be reduced to 0 HP from this attack and will always be left with at least 1 HP. Camisado is considered a ‘Death’ status effect. Astral Flow, Souls of Darkness (0mp): The globe of blackness that acts as Diablos' portal to this realm implodes back into a swarm of ethereal bats which gracefully pivot and fly through his enemies, causing no physical wounds but hammering away at their very essence before fading away and taking Diablos with them. Souls of Darkness deals damage equal to (2d6 x 10) percent of the foe’s maximum health. The enemy can never be reduced to 0 HP from this attack and will always be left with 1 HP, even if 100% or more HP loss is rolled. Souls of Darkness is considered a ‘Death’ status effect. Special Resistant to Shadow, Vulnerable to Holy, Auto-Float

Doomtrain The ringing of haunting bells suddenly sounds, signaling the approach of the runaway Doomtrain. A series of pale white traintracks crisscross the battlefield as the ghostly train chugs into view, it’s many undead passengers engaged in deep conversation. As Doomtrain carries the departed to…the other side…it has been signaled to stop for a moment to pick up a few more…. Spells None Abilities The Other Side (Special): Any target brought to 0 hp from Doomtrain is killed instantly. Their spirit boards the ghostly train wordlessly, never to be seen again. Last Call (0mp): Doomtrain’s mere presence begins to close the rift between life and death, bringing the living one step closer to joining him. The haunting call of Doomtrain’s whistle deals (DEX x 10) + 2d6 points of Shadow damage to all characters at 50% health or less, friend or foe alike. Astral Flow, Grand Train (120mp): The traintracks lead Doomtrain onto a collision course with a targeted enemy. The phantom train picks up speed before the collision, and ghostly hands reach out from the windows to grab at the foe and pull him inside the confines of the train. This attack deals (DEX x 14) + 2d6 points of Shadow damage, and inflicts the negative status effects Blind, Poison, and Berserk on the targeted enemy. If the enemy is at 50% or less health, the status effects Seal and Stun are also inflicted and all positive status effects are removed. Whether or not the foe survives such an assault, Doomtrain continues its ghostly journey off into the night. Special Resistant to Shadow, Vulnerable to Holy

Knights of the Round Impressive in their armor, and carrying a fierce variety of weaponry, three warriors enter the field, standing firm before the summoner. One stands larger than the other two, a white dragon’s head printed upon the flowing crimson of his cape. All three hides their faces with thick visors, but you get the impression that they’re smiling jovially. Spells Consecrate, Cure II, Life, Protect, Shell Abilities Hero’s Resolve (Special): The damage done by Eschaton and Ultimate End is based off the Summoner’s Affiliation


rating. If 5 points into Holy or more, then the Knights of the Round’s abilities deal 200% normal damage. If 10 points into Holy, their attacks deal 400% damage instead. Eschaton (30mp): The call to charge is given and the three warriors advance, striking out with their weapons. Swords flash, axes swing, spears twirl, and all enemies are struck for (VIT x 8) + 2d6 points of damage. Champion’s Call (40mp): The Knights raise their respective weapons high, displaying a confidence and camaraderie that inspires all who witness it. All allies receive the effects of Brave until the end of combat. Astral Flow, Ultimate End (90mp): Even legendary warriors can sometimes outdo themselves. One at a time, the three wade through the enemies’ ranks and strike with such force that the targets may as well not have any protection. Eschaton deals (VIT x 14) + 2d6 damage to all enemies, ignoring M.ARM and Shell. Special Auto-Protect

Maduin Proud and strong, Maduin rides into battle on a wave of brilliant light. The humanoid Esper glows with a pale lavender light, his well-muscled features and clawed appendages reminiscent of Ifrit. However, this unearthly warrior is peaceful and logical, adopting an oddly martial stance as he awaits for a command… Spells Haste, Reflect, Flare Abilities Riot Blade (20mp): Maduin’s hand snaps to his waist, drawing forth a thin sword with lightning-fast quickness. He darts forward and slashes one foe, dealing (STR x 8) + 2d6 points of non-elemental damage and having a 25% chance to cause the Confusion status. Trance (150mp): Maduin’s strongest ability is the power to unlock a human’s innermost potential. The Esper absorbs a copious amount of MP, channeling it directly into a single party member. Until Maduin is dismissed, that ally deals 200% damage with all attacks and spells, acts as though they possess the Break Damage Limit weapon property, and can utilize Flight at will. Trance can only be applied to one Ally at a time, and can never be used on the summoner or on Maduin himself. Astral Flow, Chaos Wing (0mp): Maduin rises in the air and begins to glow with a lavender light, no longer able to contain the power that exists within him. Streaks of energy jet from his skin, burning the ground around him and all foes within Short Range for (STR x 14) + 2d6 point of damage. In addition, any weapons or armor the targets may be wearing are destroyed. When Chaos Wing ends, Maduin is reduced to 0hp and dissipates into a fine purple mist. Special Auto-Shell, Auto-Reflect

Phoenix An ancient, ugly bird lands slowly on the ground before the summoner. It turns one sad eye towards the party before giving forth a beautiful song. Suddenly, the avian bursts into flames, still singing. Out of the conflagration, a giant bird covered in gloriously vibrant plumage soars suddenly into the sky. It spreads its wings in front of the summoner, and a beautiful circular rainbow appears briefly. Phoenix is once again reborn. Spells Fira, Firaga, Flight Abilities Blaze of Life (60mp): Phoenix begins circling above the battlefield, then dives forward, covering the entire area in a flame which spreads out from its wings. To the party, the flame does not burn; instead, it soothes the mind and calls unconscious comrades back to action, casting Life on all party members. The enemy, however, is scorched by the flame as it burns away their impurities, doing (CHA x 12) + 2d6 Fire elemental damage to all enemies. Astral Flow, Rebirth (250mp): Phoenix circles above the battlefield again, singing its powerful song. Finally, it dives again, wreathing its entire body in flame. To the party, the flame feels glorious as it awakens their fallen comrades, casting Full Life on all party members. To the opponents, it feels as though the sun has descended to incinerate them for (CHA x 14) + 2d6 Fire elemental damage. Special Auto-Life


Rank Five Summons Alexander The summoner closes her eyes and gives a small prayer, which is answered as a massive mechanical creature rises up behind her. Alexander, the holy guardian, towers over the battlefield, resplendent in brightly-ornamented silver armor. It may be humanoid, but nothing below the waist can be seen above the ground. The arms are massive pillars, leaning against the ground, though no hands are visible. Perhaps the strangest thing about Alexander is what appears to be a palace on its wide shoulders, with towers sprouting high up over its head. Spells Holy, Dispel, Esuna, Regen, Brave, Cure IV Abilities Ray of Light (50mp): A thin beam of light shines from Alexander's visor onto a target. The beam pulses with red energy as it begins to trace a glyph around the target, weaving ever faster. As the glyph has been etched onto the ground, the beam expands to fill the glyph, burning the target for (VIT x 20) + 2d6 Holy Elemental damage. Astral Flow, Holy Judgment (120mp): Alexander shudders and clanks as a pair of immense feathered wings emerge from its back, shattering metal and stone. The wings beat slowly in the air as a ball of Holy energy is formed in front of Alexander's body. Suddenly the wings stop, and the ball splits into thousands of thin streams of energy, spiraling around the battlefield until, one by one, each plunges into a different enemy. The energy explodes within the targets, searing them all for extreme Holy elemental damage; (VIT x 35) + 2d6. Holy Judgement can exceed the normal limit of 999 damage. Special Indestructible (Takes zero damage from all sources), Undead Killer

Bahamut The beating of massive wings can be heard as Bahamut swoops onto the battlefield and settles in front of the summoner, unleashing a roar loud enough to break the heavens. The King of Summoned Monsters has come, and even the strongest of heroes should fall to his knees in awe of such power. Spells Tornado, Quake, Brave, Flare Abilities Impulse (0mp): Bahamut raises his scaled hands, both of them burning and rippling with surging power. Releasing a mighty roar, he slams his hands together and directs the unleashed explosive energy over one enemy, crushing it for (STR x 20) + 2d6 points of non-elemental damage. Astral Flow, Mega Flare (300mp): The King of Summoned Monsters opens his jaws and gathers energy into a ball. Using the force of a deafening roar, he unleashes his full strength in a blast of raw magical power that engulfs the enemies in a catastrophic vortex of energy. The magnitude of the NonElemental damage inflicted is enough to fell even the strongest foes, doing (STR x 40) + 2d6 damage in total. Special Flight, Humanoid Killer, Resistance to all Elements except Holy, Break Damage Limit


Odin The sky above the Summoner and her allies darkens as the sound of a horse's gallop is heard. Suddenly, a giant form is seen leaping over the party. The form is slowly revealed to be a muscular, horned man atop an eight-legged horse. Odin draws his sword, Zantetsuken, ready to cleave his master's enemies in two. Spells None Abilities Atom Edge (50mp): Odin sizes up one opponent, studying his strengths and weaknesses. In a flash, he urges his horse Sleipnir into a gallop, slicing into the foe with a force strong enough to cleave a weak monster in two instantly. When struck, there is a 25% chance for the target to be sliced in half, reducing its HP to 0 regardless of current HP. If it survives, the force of the blow still does (DEX x 20) + 2d6 damage. Astral Flow, Zantetsuken (50mp): The sky above the summoner becomes darker as Odin draws his sword and readies himself. In a flash, he begins galloping forward, using his momentum to deliver a mighty slash to all foes, inflicting dire damage and possibly slicing his foes in two. There is a 50% chance for every target's HP to be reduced to 0, regardless of current HP (roll separately for each target). Any strong enough to survive receive (DEX x 35) + 2d6 points of damage. Special Atop a Pale Horse: Due to Sleipnir, Odin’s immortal mount, Odin can utilize Flight at will and can move up to a Long Range every round while still remaining able to attack.

Yojimbo A cloud of cherry blossoms fall from the sky as the heavens turn to night and a full moon appears overhead. Out of nowhere, a deep, guttural bark issues from the distance as a giant dog comes bounding in front of the summoner. Behind the dog, a giant swordsman wearing a wide-brimmed hat and ornate clothing strides slowly forward, taking a position in front of the summoner. Yojimbo extends one hand towards his summoner, waiting for payment and another opportunity to display his mastery of the blade. Spells None Abilities Tribute: Instead of MP, Yojimbo requires payment for his abilities. Daigoro (1,000 gil) - Yojimbo is unimpressed by the sum offered and sends his dog to do the job. The ghostly hound Daigoro leaps at a random target and mauls it to inflict some Physical damage. Each enemy and player roll 2d6 – the attack targets whomever rolls lowest, dealing (CHA x 15) + 2d6 points of damage. Kozuka (3,000 gil)- Yojimbo is satisfied with the payment offered and accepts the job. Once on the battlefield he reveals a set of well-made knives that he deftly throws at three random enemy targets, striking each to inflict (CHA x 20) + 2d6 points of damage. This attack is not affected by the targets' M.ARM rating. Wakizashi (5,000 gil)- Yojimbo is pleased by the payment and agrees to the task. In one fluid motion he draws the shorter of his two swords and slashes at the targets. He pauses for a moment to wipe the blood from his blade before sheathing it and awaiting his next command, while the monsters are left to bleed out the inflicted (CHA x 30) + 2d6 points of damage. Astral Flow, Zanmato (10,000 gil) - Yojimbo is silently elated with the sum offered, and decides to perform his most impressive technique. He takes a moment to survey the battlefield and assess his enemies, all the while subtly shifting his stance. With a sudden movement quicker than the eye can perceive, Yojimbo draws his katana and slashes at his targets, then returns the blade to its sheath. The enemies are motionless for a moment, and then one by one their heads roll off their shoulders and land at their feet with dull thuds, followed moments later by their twitching corpses. All normal foes, Notorious Monsters and Bosses are instantly killed by this attack, even if the target is normally immune to instant-death attacks. If a Final Boss is immune to this ultimate technique, Yojimbo will not perform Zanmato and will instead revert to Wakizashi. He will not, however, return the extra Gil required to contract his deadliest skill. Special Auto-Life, Fiend Killer


CHAPTER IX: BESTIARY "Hmph. I’ve fought worse." - Gilgamesh

The old adage maintains that good cannot exist without evil. Nowhere is this more true than in the worlds of Final Fantasy, where the road to one’s destiny is paved with the bones of evil, ravening, and outright bizarre foes. This section contains a sample of sample monsters and villains, as well as rules for constructing your own. Level As with PCs, monsters have a Level from 1 to 30+, reflecting their overall experience and toughness. Under most circumstances, the monster’s Level will be equal to the average Level of the Party it is intended for; a Level 5 Party, for instance, will generally be best off facing monsters ranging from Level 4 to Level 6. Monster Category Begin by selecting one or more of the fourteen Monster Categories outlined below; in design terms, each offers a broad template from which the finer details of the monster can be worked out. Categories are not mutually exclusive; dual-category monsters such as Dragon/Undead are perfectly plausible. In some cases, however, the Category might not be immediately obvious, in which event this step can be postponed until the monster’s other characteristics have been determined. Abnormal - ‘Generic’ monsters which fit in no other category, including unique or one-of-a-kind creatures. Aerial - Monsters with the power to defy gravity, usually through wings, but occasionally through more exotic means, such as inflated bladders, gas sacs, or magic. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Wind) Amorph - Shapeless monsters with no discernible anatomy; all but impervious against conventional weapons. Some Amorphs may be capable of shifting from one form to another. Recommended Abilities: Unusual Defense Arcana - Monsters created of raw magic. Aquan - Water-dwelling monsters. Though usually only encountered in their native element, they may occasionally venture onto dry land to terrorize its denizens. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Lightning), Elemental Resistance (Water) Beast - The ‘natural’ inhabitants of the world. Includes monstrous animals and other fauna twisted by magic.


Construct - Artificial creations, animated by technology or magic. Includes such series stalwarts as golems and robots. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Lightning), Drain Proof, Status Immunities Dragon - Monstrous reptiles with a serpentine bent. Covers the classic winged dragons as well as their ground-bound relatives. Fiend - Supernatural opponents serving the cause of evil, generally highly adept with the use of magic. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Holy), Elemental Resistance (Shadow) Humanoid - Creatures of humanoid proportions and modest intelligence. Insect - Insects of every shape and size, typically protected by tough, chitinous shells. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Ice) Lizard - Reptiles who don’t readily fall into the ‘Dragon’ category; typically rely more on natural means of offense than magical ones. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Ice) Plant - Animated and mutated plant matter as well as natural hazards such as carnivorous plants. Recommended Abilities: Elemental Weakness (Fire) Undead - The living dead are creatures reanimated by foul sorcery or supernatural circumstance. After an Undead creature is defeated, they return to 100% HP and MP after a varied period of time, ranging anywhere from several minutes to several years – although most undead can reanimate merely hours after their defeat. Certain white magic spells can prevent this, such as Banish. Recommended Abilities: Undead, Elemental Weakness (Fire), Status Immunities Location Where the monster is most likely to be encountered; usually its preferred habitat, or range of habitats. Basic concept and Category will take most of the guesswork out of this – Aquan monsters will be found in Water locations, where Plants are more at home in places like Swamps and Forests. The environment a monster lives in also provides a starting point for assigning things like Elemental Resistances and Immunities later on – obviously, a glacier-dwelling monster is more likely to be able to brave Blizzard Spells than one inhabiting a volcano. The eleven types of Locations are: Desert - Hot, arid, sandy regions. Forests - Dense temperate forests and woodlands made up of timber trees. Sometimes includes jungles, hot and humid areas of tropical rain forest, with heavy rainfall and even heavier vegetation. Lava – Places of extreme heat, such as the inside of a volcano or near the earth’s core. Swamp - Alternately known as marshes. Fetid wetlands notorious for their muddy, unstable ground. Mountains - Rocky highlands characterized by sparser, tougher vegetation and colder temperatures. Plains - Also called steppe or veldt. Typically large, unbroken stretches of rolling grassland. Water - Large, natural bodies of flowing or standing freshwater located inland, rivers and lakes. Towns - Areas of civilization. Though the term ‘town’ is used, this category applies to settlements of any size, from tiny hamlets to large cities. It also refers to ancient ruins and dungeon-like civilizations. Snow - ‘Cold deserts,' tundras marked by sparse vegetation, periodic snowfall and extreme temperatures. Underground - Caves, caverns, tunnels, mines, and any other areas characterized by persistent lack of sunlight and cool, damp environs. Cosmic – Outside the normal boundaries for reality, Cosmic locations are often interdimensional sites for epic boss confrontations. Size The monster’s overall size measured in meters. More of a cosmetic consideration than a practical one; whilst size does give some indication as to the monster’s overall resilience and power, small monsters are just as capable of dealing out grievous damage as large ones, if not moreso.


Attributes Like characters, monsters have five Attributes: Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Intelligence and Charisma. Attacks With the basic properties of the monster settled, it’s time to move onto its offensive capabilities. Attacks are the first and simplest of these; offensive, damage-dealing maneuvers carried out as Attack Actions in combat, and are not affected by the Seal status effect. Regardless of its range of abilities, every monster will have at least one or two 'natural' melee attacks to fall back on, typically in the form of a bite, punch, claw or horn. The exact form of the attack is largely dependent on the monster’s type. A Humanoid-type monster, for instance, might have a sword or spear, whilst a Plant-type monster could attack with thorns or vines. Reaction The monster’s Reaction gauges how the monster will react to the players when the inevitable encounter takes place, and offers a useful yardstick for how the encounter develops from there. Pick one of the four categories below: Friendly monsters offer advice, directions, items, or healing, depending on the circumstances. Some may expect compensation for their troubles, while others help the party for free. Neutral monsters are passive, and will retaliate only if threatened themselves. While they won’t go out of their way to help the players, they won’t attempt to hinder them either. If not attacked or otherwise intimidated and intelligent enough, they may be willing to barter or offer their assistance in exchange for payment or some other small favor. Wary monsters won’t pounce on the players outright, but it won’t take much to provoke their ill-will. If they feel threatened by the Party, they will almost certainly be the first to attack. Hostile monsters will attack PCs on sight, regardless of the circumstances and odds. This may be for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from territorial considerations to simple hunger.

Building a Beast Step One: Concept As with creating a character, the first step in building a monster is to decide what it is. Is it a small, quick fairy with magical attacks? Or is it a hulking Behemoth with incredible strength and power? First, decide if the monster Normal, Notorious, or a Boss.

Normal monsters are cannon fodder, and should make up around 75% of the opponents the Party runs into during the course of their adventures. However, this does necessarily not mean that the players will have an easy time with them. Notorious monsters are a step up, representing grizzled veterans, favored minions, and one-of-a-kind creatures. Notorious monsters are usually encountered at the end of every other session; the average adventure will usually have several of these to give the players grief. Unlike normal monsters, Notorious monsters and their superiors can have quite developed personalities, and should make for a memorable encounter if handled correctly. Bosses usually appear during an adventure's climax, and should be constructed as a typically epic showdown requiring a good deal of the Party’s resources and wit to overcome. End Bosses are the players’ most powerful archenemies. These are typically only encountered after a series of adventures, if not the end of a full-fledged campaign, and tend to be an integral part of the game’s ongoing storyline.


In game terms, Notorious, Boss, and End Boss monsters will have significantly higher Hit Points and possess certain Abilities at no additional cost. Several restrictions on attacks and attack modifiers are also waived for monsters of this kind, allowing them to deal significantly more damage to opponents. These are discussed in more detail in the relevant sections further along. Once you have chosen a Type, note down the Base XP and Gil Value given for it below and continue. Both Bosses and End Bosses are usually immune – or at least very resistant – to instant-death inducing attacks, and they always possess the ‘Break Damage Limit’ ability, allowing them to do more than 999 damage in a single round. Finally, Notorious Monsters, Bosses and End Bosses all posess the Dark Knight’s ‘No Mercy’ ability, which allows them to permanently kill a player who has fallen to 0 hit points as a Slow action. This is one of the few ways a Final Fantasy character can truly die. Unlike the standard version of the ability, there is no limit to the number of times per session that enemies may use No Mercy. Step Two: Base Stats Normal Monsters get a total of 30 + (Level * 1) points to allocate between the five stats, the same as characters. Notorious Monsters get a total of 30 + (Level * 2) points to allocate between the five stats. Bosses get a total of 30 + (Level * 3) points to allocate between the five stats. End Bosses may use as many points as the GM sees fit.

Step Three: Derived Stats In these equations, X is a variable number. For normal monsters, it’s 1. For Notorious, it’s 2. For Bosses, it’s 4. For End Bosses, 8. Hit Points are equal to 10 + (VIT * level) + (Level * X). Then, triple the creature’s HP. Magic Points are equal to 10 + (INT * level) + (Level * X).

Step Four: Monster Types, Evasion and Accuracy Monsters are divided into three further basic types – Strong, Fast, and Smart. Decide which type of monster you’re building, then calculate the creature’s EVA and ACC scores accordingly. Strong Monsters have a base EVA of 6, plus their DEX rating. They have a base ACC of 2, plus their STR rating. Fast Monsters have a base EVA of 8, plus their DEX rating. They have a base ACC of 0, plus their STR rating. Smart Monsters have a base EVA of 5, plus their DEX rating. They have a base ACC of 3, plus their INT rating. Notorious Monsters, Bosses and End Bosses receive an additional +1 bonus to their ACC and EVA scores.

Step Five: Abilities Monsters, like characters, have special and unique powers, and more powerful monsters have stronger, more powerful abilities. Multiple Parts: The monster is made up of several separate parts- the main body, which has normal HP, and up to three other parts. The total HP of the extra parts adds up to half the HP of the main body. The monster dies if the main body is destroyed, but the additional parts can often make this difficult. Each additional part has access to one power. If one part is destroyed, the monster may revive it as a standard action after at least 1d6 rounds have passed. This power is recommended for bosses only.

Unusual Defense: Due to some racial characteristic, the monster takes either half damage from Physical attacks and double damage from Magical attacks, or vice versa. As an alternate form of this power, the monster will automatically reverse its defenses every 1d6 turns - it shifts from being weak against Physical and strong against Magical, to being strong against Physical and weak against Magical.

Weakness: The monster has a Weakness to one or more elements.

Combination Attack: May only be chosen by a monster with Multiple Parts. If ALL parts are intact, they may all combine their actions for the round into one powerful attack that deals more damage than normal. Combination Attacks use one of the creature’s standard attacks, but deal 300% damage.

Controlled Defense: As Unusual Defense, but the monster may shift forms at will as an Instant action.

Flight: The monster is capable of flight, putting it out of reach of most weapons. Short-range weapons suffer a -4 penalty to hit flying creatures.

Item Use: The monster possesses one healing item it may use during combat – specify the exact item. Note that the characters will not necessarily find this item if the monster dies without using it.


Final Attack: When killed, the monster unleashes a

Lesser Counterattack: The monster has a 25%

powerful final attack. The attack can only be used when the monster dies, takes no MP, and is an Instant action.

chance to counterattack any physical attack against it with a normal attack.

Status Touch: The monster usually causes a

Immunity: The monster has an Immunity to one

negative status condition with its normal attack. 50% chance to become affected with the negative status effect.


Resistance: The monster has a Resistance to one

Lesser Magical Counterattack: The monster has a 25% chance to counterattack any magical attack against it with a magical technique of its own.


Undead: The monster is undead. All drain-type attacks are reversed, meaning the user loses HP or MP and the monster gains it. The monster gains Absorbency to Shadow damage, and a Weakness to Holy damage. Cure spells and Healing Techs deal damage instead of restoring HP. Items and spells that raise comrades at 0 hp or less – such as Life and Phoenix Downs – have an opposite effect on the Undead, destroying them instantly. This will be ineffective on Notorious Monsters, Bosses, and End Bosses.

Weak Status Touch: The monster can inflict a negative status condition with its normal attack. 25% chance to become affected with the negative status effect.

Call Minions: The monster can take one turn to call for one of its minions, who arrives at the end of the round to join the battle. The monster that is called must be at least 2 levels lower than the caller. There is generally a numerical listing beside the name of the minion; this represents how many appear each time the Call Minion ability is used.

Regeneration: The monster has a form of Regen, regaining the listed number of HP per round.

Magical Counterattack: The monster has a 50% chance to counterattack any magical attack against it with an Instantly-casted spell.

Call for Help: The monster calls for another monster of the same type, who arrives at the end of the round to join the battle. Because the monster must be the same type as the one that calls for help, boss monsters cannot choose this power.

Fear: The monster is so powerful that at the beginning of each round, all of its enemies have a 25% chance to be Stunned for that round. This can only be used by Bosses. Reduced HP: The monster does not follow the ‘triple health’ rule of regular monsters, for whatever reason, and either has x1 or x2 instead. This reflects pack monsters, harmless world critters, or regular racial representatives such as bandits.

Large: The monster is huge, making it Immune to Knockback and the action-interruption that knockbacks normally cause.

Counterattack: The monster has a 50% chance to counterattack any physical attack against it with a normal attack. Two Weapons: Without needing to have Multiple Parts, the monster has a variety of weapons at its disposal and can strike simultaneously with them, making its attacks harder to dodge. Like players who dual-wield, monsters with Two Weapons roll 3d6 for accuracy, and keep the best two. They also add the entire 3d6 when calculating damage instead of the standard 2d6.

Step Six: Rewards Monsters usually have an amount of gold equal to (Level * 50), and each character who participated in the combat receives this amount. Bosses often have more than this. Many monsters also leave behind items when they are defeated, or have items that may be stolen. Usually, the item is related to the monster or its abilities. For example, while a goblin may drop a short sword when defeated, a giant bird most likely will not. If a monster has a Drop Item, it has a 50% chance to give up the item when defeated. Steal Items can only be found by using the Thief’s Steal ability. A monster may have one, neither, or both types of items, and may have more than one of each. Likewise, a ‘Refined’ item is listed which can be obtained only with the Engineer’s Innate ability. Step Seven: Review Double-check your monster to make sure everything is in order. It’s the GM’s job to play fair, and it might be tempting to create monsters that could decimate your players in a single round of combat, or be Immune to everything they could throw at it. Avoid this at all costs, even for bosses! As the GM, you’re the final arbiter of the level of challenge present in the game for your players.



Killer Bee

Level: 1

Level: 1

The low, baritone hum fills the air even before you see what’s causing it. Then the striped, insectoid predator hovers into sight, its massive poisoned stinger poised to strike.

The curious albino rabbit looks up at you, with hindquarters seemingly lodged in a small, leafy bush. It wiggles its nose at you in annoyance as you approach. Leafers are one of the world's most common creatures. They're herbivores and almost entirely harmless, preferring to spend their days munching greenery to assaulting travelers. They're an unusual species in that they dislike foraging for food - instead, they use their hind feet to carry sources of nourishment around with them. This acts as both a makeshift bed and ready protection from predators, as well as always ensuring nourishment is close at hand. A leafer’s preferred source of bedding is Gyshal Greens. Some children keep Leafers as pets, and the creatures seem to put up with that with only minor reluctance. Category: Beast Location: Forests, Plains, Towns Size: 9 inches Reaction: Friendly HP: 20 MP: 0 STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 4 (+1) DEX: 12 (+4) INT: 2 (+0) CHA: 9 (+3)

Killer Bees, much like their name would suggest, are vicious members of a species otherwise normally content with gathering pollen and making honey. They have a mean streak a mile wide, and can use their stinger to poison targets over and over without being affected themselves. Most importantly, Killer Bees rarely travel alone, and a hive of them the size of a large tree is an intimidating sight indeed. Category: Aerial, Beast, Insect Location: Desert, Town, Forest, Swamps Size: 1ft (1.5ft including wings) Reaction: Hostile HP: 42 MP: 15 STR: 5 (+1) VIT: 3 (+1) DEX: 16 (+5) INT: 4 (+1) CHA: 3 (+1) Attacks: Claws, 4 ACC, 5+1d6 damage Stinger, 4 ACC, Inflicts poison, user takes 32+1d6 damage Magic: Pollen Special: Weakness to Ice, Weakness to Wind, Vulnerable to Fire, Call for Help, Auto-Float Evasion: 10 ARM: 3 MARM: 3 Rewards: 50 gil, Steal: Antidote, Refine: Cherub Down

Attacks: Incisor, 2 ACC, 2+1d6 damage Magic: None Special: Weakness to Fire, Reduced HP, Call for Help Evasion: 12 ARM: 0 MARM: 5 Rewards: 50 gil, Steal: Gyshal Greens, Refine: Echo Grass




Level: 1

Level: 1

The long beak of the avian has a peculiar axe-like shape, you can only presume is for spearing waterdwelling fish. It seems unconcerned by your presence however, barely glancing up as you approach The Condor is almost never dangerous. Though it’s exclusively carnivorous diet contains feat and even carrion, the Condor has never been known to feast on any of the major races. However, it will defend itself if provoked. Category: Aerial, Beast Location: Desert, Mountains, Plains Size: 1.2m Reaction: Neutral HP: 48 MP: 0 STR: 8 (+2) VIT: 5 (+1) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 3 (+1) CHA: 5 (+1) Attacks: Dive-bomb, 2 ACC, 8+1d6 damage Magic: None Special: Vulnerable to Lightning, Weakness to Wind, Flight Evasion: 11 ARM: 3 MARM: 3 Rewards: 50 gil, Steal: Potion, Refine: Shear Feather

The brown, mottled skin of the beast does little to conceal the taut muscles and thick veins just beneath the skin’s surface. A pair of gleaming yellow eyes peer at you, as if waiting – and hoping – for you to run. Typically these wild tundra predators are golden-orange in color, and hunt small game such as rabbits, rodents or lizards. Unlike many other canine predators, Dingos do not generally form large packs, but instead live in smaller family group. A Dingo is characterized by their increasingly-skeletal appearance and vile smell as they age, to the point that they can be mistakenly be thought to be undead at first glance. Though their tactics in combat aren’t subtle, a Dingo has the unusual ability to regenerate damage very rapidly. Not only does this advantage help them overcome stronger foes, but it also means that a wounded Dingo who flees can return with friends only a few minutes later, completely healed. Category: Beast Location: Mountains, Snow, Plains Size: 1.7m Reaction: Hostile HP: 45 MP: 0 STR: 9 (+3) VIT: 4 (+1) DEX: 8 (+2) INT: 5 (+1) CHA: 5 (+1) Attacks: Shred, 5 ACC, 9+1d6 damage Magic: None Special: Regeneration 5, Immunity to Ice Evasion: 8 ARM: 1 MARM: 5 Rewards: 50 gil, Steal: Potion, Refine: Arctic Wind




Level: 2

Level: 2

The meter-tall creature before you is dressed like a man, but the large, floppy ears and stout, humpbacked posture don’t leave any room for doubt. It carries a wicked looking blade and it’s black, pupilless eyes gleam as it looks you up and down.

The creature appears to be a set of Hume bones, bleached white and moving of their own accord. It carries both sword and shield, and two dim yellow lights flicker in its eye sockets maliciously as it moves towards you. Skeletons are the animated remains of the dead by high-level Black Mages, and when their master dies or dismisses them, they are left without orders, and shamble off into the world for reasons unknown. Possessing no real intelligence, these unholy grunts tend to find safety in areas where most races don't tread, such as wide deserts or abandoned ruins. They viciously attack any living thing that stumbles upon them, oblivious to the risks whether this is out of a dim memory of their former master's orders, or a genuine contempt and envy for the living is unknown. Category: Undead Location: Desert, Town, Underground Size: 1.7m tall Reaction: Hostile HP: 96 MP: 14 STR: 11 (+3) VIT: 10 (+3) DEX: 6 (+2) INT: 1 (+0) CHA: 5 (+1) Attacks: Slash, 5 ACC, 11+1d6 damage (Disarmable) Skeletal Claws, -1 ACC, 11+1d6 damage Magic: None Special: Undead

Goblins are a humanoid race in their own right – it’s only the violent tendencies of several tribes and subspecies such as the Black Goblins that prevent them from being recognized as such. They are nomadic creatures with different names across the globe – sometimes referred to as Imps, Baknamies, Gobbledyguks, Moblins, and Devils. Because of the vast differences in goblin’s goals, the race is, as a whole, unpredictable. You can never tell if the goblin you meet in the damp corners of an unexplored dungeon will be sticking his sword into your leg, or trying to haggle a fair price to sell it to you. Category: Humanoid Location: Desert, Forests, Lava, Swamp, Mountains, Plains , Towns, Snow, Underground Size: 0.9m Reaction: Wary HP: 108 MP: 20 STR: 7 (+2) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 6 (+2) INT: 4 (+1) CHA: 3 (+1) Attacks: Shortsword, 4 ACC, 7+1d6 damage (Disarmable) Unarmed Flail, -1 ACC, 7+1d6 damage Magic: Goblin Punch, Sleep, Blind Special: Item Use: Potion, Call for Help, Resistance to Ice Evasion: 7 ARM: 6 (2 without armor) MARM: 3 (0 without armor) Rewards: 100 gil, Drop: Potion, Steal: Tier 1 Weapon, Refine: Smoke Bomb

Evasion: 8 ARM: 7 (0 without armor) MARM: 2 (0 without armor) Rewards: 100 gil, Steal: Buckler, Refine: Zombie Dust




Level: 3

Level: 3

Intense, furious bursts of light and energy surround around what appears to be an oozing cocoon. The being hovers several feet in the air, leaving a few drops of still-sizzling multicolored ooze on the ground below it. The Larvae is an unusual creature, to be sure. Violent and prone to magical outbursts, it apparently lacks any goals other than its own survival. The fiend remains in this larval stage for several decades – after which time it can become dormant for years, then suddenly re-emerge as a wholly unique fiend. Some legends even say that Deathgaze was once a Larvae. Category: Amorph, Fiend Location: Desert, Lava, Swamp, Mountains, Plains , Water, Towns, Snow, Underground, Cosmic Size: 2.5ft Reaction: Hostile HP: 111 MP: 55 STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 3 (+1) INT: 14 (+4) CHA: 6 (+2) Attacks: None Magic: Elemental Spikes (Lightning), Thunder, Rasp, Aspir Special: Resistance to Thunder, Flight, Lesser Magical Counterattack, Auto-Float, Vulnerable to Holy Evasion: 6 ARM: 4 MARM: 8 Rewards: 150 gil, Steal: Ether, Refine: Electro Marble

A thick stalk supports four large, blood-red leaves, each bearing a mouth lined with sharp, carnivorous teeth. The roots could almost be confused with clawed feet and hands at first glance, and the whole creature moves back and forth with an unnatural sway. The Funguar is a deadly vegetative creature that grows in water of high salinity. Due to their hostile behavior, chemicals are often produced to prevent these creatures' growth, but all but the most lethal of mixtures fail to actually kill them. Those who study the Lore of such creatures have reached a terrifying conclusion – Funguars reproduce through pollination and can reach adulthood in less than two weeks. Based on these extraordinary powers of reproduction, many chemists have pressed for an increase in the use of such chemicals. Category: Arcana, Plant Location: Desert, Forests, Swamp, Plains, Towns Underground Size: 1.1m Reaction: Hostile HP: 111 MP: 43 STR: 5 (+1) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 7 (+2) INT: 10 (+3) CHA: 2 (+0) Attacks: Bite, 6 ACC, 5+1d6 damage Spore Rain, 0 ACC, Group, 10+1d6 damage and inflicts Stun Magic: Seed Cannon, Fire, Sleep Special: Weakness to Fire, Vulnerable to Ice, Blind-Proof, Call for Help Evasion: 7 ARM: 8 MARM: 4 Rewards: 150 gil, Drop: Dream Dust, Steal: Antidote, Refine: Echo Grass




Level: 3

Level: 4

The floating sphere seems to be made of living flame, bobbing unsteadily as the nearby air is superheated. Two small fingerless appendages – presumably arms – appear to keep it balanced. The Bomb’s mouth is wide and grinning, filled with what appear to be red-hot teeth, and the pupilless orange eyes stare at you with amusement, intensity…and maliciousness.

Your first warning is almost too faint to be recognized – a quiet chittering, similar to the sound of many blades tapping against stone rhythmically. These colossal predatorial arthropods are almost perfectly silent. Because of their size – and often broods of thousands upon thousands of eggs – they require much more meat than most carnivores, and therefore hunt larger prey when capable. They often wait in ambush, hiding in dark crevices and deep swamps.

Category: Beast, Insect Location: Desert, Forests, Swamp, Mountains, Plains, Snow, Underground Size: 9.8m Reaction: Neutral HP: 111 MP: 0 STR: 10 (+3) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 11 (+3) INT: 2 (+0) CHA: 2 (+0) Attacks: Bite, 5 ACC, 20+3d6 damage Spider Wrap, 2 ACC, 10+2d6 damage and Stop Magic: Web Armor Special: Weakness to Fire, Weakness to Water, Two Weapons Evasion: 9 ARM: 7 MARM: 5 Rewards: 150 gil, Steal: Potion, Refine: Sticky Web

Bombs – also known as Balloons, Purobolos, Grenades, Mines, and Pineapples – are a common magical creature that thrives in most areas of the world. They are often astonishingly aggressive, willing to even detonate themselves in a spectacular explosion to finish off their enemies. Some species are capable of what has been dubbed a "Chain-Reaction," where one bomb can make all the surrounding bombs self-destruct also. The remnants of a defeated bomb looks like an orange, halfdeflated and featureless balloon, which retains the explosive and flammable properties that the Bomb did in life. Category: Aerial, Arcana Location: Desert, Lava, Mountains, Plains , Towns Size: 2.5ft Reaction: Wary or Hostile, depending on species subtype HP: 138 MP: 26 STR: 9 (+3) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 11 (+3) INT: 3 (+1) CHA: 4 (+1) Attacks: Bodyslam, 3 ACC, 18+1d6 damage Magic: Self-Destruct, Fire Special: Weakness to Ice, Absorbs Fire, Auto-Float, Final Attack: Self-Destruct, Chain Reaction (Can cause other Bombs to Self-Destruct at the same time it does, but each Self-Destruct only deals 30% of the normal amount, for 41 points of Fire M.ARM damage) Evasion: 11 ARM: 10 MARM: 3 Rewards: 200 gil, Drop: Bomb Core, Steal: Potion, Refine: Bomb Fragment


Imperial Soldier


Level: 4

Level: 5

“That’s far enough! Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air, rebel scum!”

The earth rumbles as the green-skinned colossus approaches, his rancid breath visible in the cool air. The sound of metal grinding on metal accompanies each footstep thanks to the thing’s patchwork armor, and it draws a weapon twice as large as you….

Wherever civilization flourishes, there will always be those who seek to usurp power – these shock troops serve such aspiring dictators unwaveringly. Their loyalty is absolute, though their training is minimal and they are best known for their terrible aim. Imperial Soldiers can be either male or female, generally use low-technology guns as weapons, and wear helmeted uniforms of matching colors. They are often cleared for use of heavier weaponry should the need arise.

Category: Humanoid Location: Size: 3.1-4m Reaction: Hostile

Category: Humanoid Location: Varies Size: Varies by race Reaction: Usually wary

HP: 195 MP: 0 STR: 14 (+4) VIT: 10 (+3) DEX: 5 (+1) INT: 1 (+0) CHA: 4 (+1)

HP: 26 MP: 0 STR: 3 (+1) VIT: 3 (+1) DEX: 3 (+1) INT: 3 (+1) CHA: 3 (+1) Attacks: Bullet, 4 ACC, 15+2d6 damage (Disarmable) Wave Cannon, -5 ACC, 30+2d6 damage (Disarmable) Bomb Core, 3 ACC, Group, 20+2d6 Fire M.ARM Fisticuffs, 0 ACC, 3+1d6 damage Magic: None Special: Reduced Attributes, Lesser Counterattack, Call for Help, Reduced HP, Item Use: Potion Evasion: 6 ARM: 20 (0 without armor) MARM: 10 (0 without armor) Rewards: 100 gil, Drop: Bomb Core, Steal: Potion, Refine: Bracchus Wine

Ogres are physically imposing enemies found the world over. Blessed with only rudimentary intelligence, they arm themselves with weapons from steel mauls and flails, or simply use trees ripped out of the ground as makeshift clubs. Even a few Ogres can pose problems for an entire band of adventurers due to their extremely fast regenerative abilities.

Attacks: Chain Flail, 6 ACC, 28+2d6 damage (Disarmable) Crushing Finish, 0 ACC, 42+2d6, Short Range Knockback and has a 25% chance to Shatter Armor Ogre Pummel, 3 ACC, 14+2d6 damage Magic: None Special: Resistance to Fire, Resistance to Ice, Regeneration 10, Lesser Counterattack, Final Attack: Crushing Finish Evasion: 7 ARM: 13 (3 without armor) MARM: 7 Rewards: 250 gil, Steal: Any Tier 1 weapon, Refine: Earth Drum




Level: 5

Level: 5

The many fins on the strange yellow-orange creature seem to move independently, giving it a very graceful appearance. The darker-colored tips of each tentacle-like fin begin to shimmer – a moment later, a sizzling orange laser streaks through the water towards you, burning through everything in its path. While at first glance an Achelous could be mistaken for a bizarre species of fish, these aquatic predators are actually composed almost entirely of magic. Ancient cultures revered the Achelous, believing them to be the spirits that guided the fallen souls to the Farplane – which is why even today, so many burials are done in or near large bodies of water. While the Achelous begins to prepare their dangerous, Slowcasting Homing Laser attack, their fins glow with a shimmering light. Category: Aquan, Arcana Location: Water, Snow, Town Size: 2ft Reaction: Hostile HP: 135 MP: 75 STR: 4 (+1) VIT: 6 (+2) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 3 (+1) Attacks: Cutting Fins, 1 ACC, 16+1d6 damage Blinding Barrage, 1 ACC, 8+1d6 damage and inflicts Blind Magic: Homing Laser Special: Lesser Magical Counterattack, Blind-Proof, Weakness to Lightning, Resistant to Water

The gelatinous, cylindrical creature possesses two large humanoid eyes and a massive mouth that take up most of their semisolid surface. It moves slowly, as if having difficulty remaining in such an upright form, and does not appear to speak. Elemental energies arc and crackle out from the Flan’s surface. Whether known as Jellies, Puddings, Oozes, Mousse, or the variety of other names this magical species has been given, these multicolored slime-like creatures rarely attack on sight. With no need to consume nourishment, the motivations of these magic-wielding elemental blobs are mostly unknown. When attacked, Flans will lash out with everything they have, using their formidable offensive magic to heal themselves if they find themselves weakened. Category: Amorph Location: Lava, Plains , Water, Towns, Snow, Underground Size: Varies Reaction: Wary HP: 150 MP: 85 STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 7 (+2) DEX: 9 (+3) INT: 14 (+4) CHA: 3 (+1) Attacks: Slime Surge, 0 ACC, 4+2d6 damage Magic: Low-level offensive magic with the Flan’s same element (i.e.; Fire, Blizzard) Special: Unusual Defense: Physical, Call for Help, Absorbs[Element] (Varies) Evasion: 11 ARM: 15 MARM: 5 Rewards: 150 gil, Steal: Potion, Refine: Accelerator

Evasion: 11 ARM: 5 MARM: 10 Rewards: 250 gil, Steal: Ether, Refine: Fish Scale




Level: 5

Level: 6 (Notorious Monster)

“Kweh!” The lovable, large, and common avian creatures known as Chocobo have come in many different colors; some yellow, some blue, black, green, red, white and gold. They are used as transportation between many major cities, and Chocobo breeding, racing, digging, and taming has been around for hundreds of years. It’s only in the last few decades that airships have begun to replace these creatures as a primary method of travel. They possess remarkable senses, capable of hearing other Chocobos from miles away, and smelling buried objects deep underground. Though Chocobos are usually extremely friendly, some subspecies which have remained in the hostile wild for many years have developed aggressive, survivalist personalities. Category: Beast Location: Desert, Forests, Mountains, Plains , Towns, Snow Size: 1.3m Reaction: Almost always Friendly HP: 30 MP: 45 STR: 3 (+1) VIT: 3 (+1) DEX: 11 (+3) INT: 6 (+2) CHA: 13 (+4)

A long serpentine head begins to pull itself out of the swamp, the bog water running in long, drool-like rivulets from the beast’s gaping mouth. Then a second head rises, and then a third and a fourth…. These terrifying multi-headed beasts lurk underwater, waiting for prey of any sort to draw near. They are fearsome combatants with an independently-thinking mind located in each of its many heads. A Hydra hide can fetch a high price, as the thick skin is waterproof, doesn’t conduct electricity, and nearly impossible to damage with fire – however, more than one overconfident adventuring troupe have met their end to these dangerous beings. Category: Aquan, Fiend, Lizard Location: Swamps, Underground Size: 6-7m Reaction: Hostile HP: 282 (Body), 47 (Head) MP: 0 (Body), 64 (Head) STR: 8 (+2) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 7 (+2) CHA: 5 (+1)

Attacks: Peck, 1 ACC, 6+1d6 damage Choco Guard, grants the user Protect and Shell Magic: Choco Ball Special: Reduced HP x1, Vulnerable to Ice, Vulnerable to Shadow

Attacks: Bite, 5 ACC, 24+2d6 damage (Head Only) Sulfurous Breath, 16+2d6 Fire damage, has a 50% chance to inflict Blind (Head Only) Magic: Poison Breath Special: Resistant to Water, Large, Resistant to Lightning, Resistant to Fire, Resistant to Shadow, Multiple Parts, Combination Attack (Triple Threat, deals 300% damage)

Evasion: 11 ARM: 6 MARM: 0

Evasion: 10 ARM: 10 MARM: 15

Rewards: 0 gil, Steal: Hi-Potion, Refine: Chocofeather

Rewards: 500 gil, Drop: Blood Sword, Steal: Revivify, Refine: Dragon Scale




Level: 6

Level: 6

The bulbous, cycloptic monster is held aloft by two rapidly beating bat-like wings. It’s rubbery skin is the same shade as a Hume’s, with other similar features that genuinely disturb you if you think too much about it. The Ahriman is a winged, floating creature with a predominant single eye. Based on its appearance, the creature is often referred to as the Evil Eye or Float Eye. In Monster Talk, they refer to themselves as Buer. Ahrimans were once people, twisted and corrupted in undeath by fiendish magic. They fight with a great deal of caution and care for their own life, lashing out with powerful magicks before retreating to higher ground. Category: Aerial, Fiend Location: Desert, Forests, Swamp, Plains , Towns, Snow Size: 3m wingspan, 1m tall Reaction: Hostile

The draconic creature seems to possess a hard shell-like skin, glistening with moisture. It’s arms are muscled almost to the point of being ridiculous, and the squat purple dragon is clearly upset at the interruption… A Bunyip is, in fact, part of the dragonoid family. They prefer non-temperate environments where they can have their privacy, such as tropical rainforests and the middle of deserts. Extremely territorial, Bunyips rarely meet with others of their own kind. Category: Dragon Location: Desert, Forests, Plains , Snow Plains, Snow Size: 1.4m Reaction: Hostile HP: 300 MP: 20 STR: 10 (+3) VIT: 14 (+4) DEX: 2 (+0) INT: 6 (+2) CHA: 4 (+1)

HP: 192 MP: 80 STR: 8 (+2) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 6 (+2) INT: 10 (+3) CHA: 4 (+1) Attacks: Collision Course, 6 ACC, 16+1d6 damage Grim Gaze, -2 ACC, instantly reduces a target to 0 HP Magic: Fira, Thundara, Blizzara, Stona, Rasp, Bio, Drain, Aspir, Blank Gaze Special: Defense: Magical, Blind-Proof, Call for Help, Auto-Float Evasion: 7 ARM: 10 MARM: 10

Attacks: Slam, 5 ACC, 30+2d6 damage Dump-Tackle, 2 ACC, 20+2d6 damage and the target’s ARM score is reduced to 0 for several rounds. Magic: Revenge Special: Defense: Physical, Resistance Water, and the Fighter job ability ‘Skin of Iron’ (50%) Evasion: 6 ARM: 15 MARM: 5 Rewards: 300 gil, Steal: Potion, Refine: Dragon Scale

Rewards: 300 gil, Drop: Ahriman’s Tears, Steal: Eye Drops, Refine: Ink




Level: 7

Level: 8

The gigantic purple-black bird descends to the ground with a deafening beating of leathery wings, wasting no time before striking out with its claws and a mouthful of jagged teeth Fierce and ruthless carnivores, these massive avians are renowned for their lack of self-preservation when hunting. It’s not unheard of for a Zu to swoop into the middle of a crowded town and begin to slaughter everyone in the vicinity, paying no attention to any wounds it may be receiving as well. Only when the Zu is fully sated will it leave, carrying several stillflailing citizens back with it for a later snack. Some studiers of monster lore have determined that the Zu and its cousin, the Garudas, do not feel physical pain. Or at least, any discomfort they may feel is overwhelmed by the hunger pains caused by possessing four independent stomachs. Category: Aerial, Beast Location: Desert, Forests, Swamp, Mountains, Plains Size: 6m Reaction: Hostile HP: 219 MP: 45 STR: 14 (+4) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 9 (+3) INT: 4 (+1) CHA: 7 (+2) Attacks: Swoop, 4 ACC, 42+2d6 damage Titanic Jaws, 2 ACC, 56+2d6 damage and inflicts Armor Break Magic: None Special: Flight, Lesser Counterattack Evasion: 10 ARM: 10 MARM: 10 Rewards: 350 gil, Steal: Hi-Potion, Refine: Windmill

The orange feline lets out a low, burbling growl, it’s tail twitching at your approach. The creature’s entire body is tensed and ready to spring, the two large, multicolored whiskers beginning to glow softly. These aggressive predators prefer to take down their foes with a bombardment of magical attacks from afar before finally closing in for the feast. They are prideful hunters, and more than one Couerl has been reported as fleeing from a battle upon being physically wounded. They hunt in small packs of 3-4, and apparently communicate by slight movements in their ribbon-like whiskers. Often, Couerl will defer to the decisions of an elder of their species. They use Ultrawaves often in combat, attempting to sow discord among their opponents while being immune to normal backlashes of the spell. Category: Arcana, Beast Location: Desert, Forests, Plains, Snow Size: 2m long (not including tail) Reaction: Wary HP: 198 MP: 90 STR: 7 (+2) VIT: 6 (+2) DEX: 12 (+4) INT: 9 (+3) CHA: 4 (+1) Attacks: Raking Claws, 6 ACC, 21+2d6 damage Corner the Prey, 4 ACC, 21+2d6 damage and the target cannot Escape combat Magic: Ultrawaves, Wall Special: Absorbs Lightning, Call for Help, Immune to Confusion Evasion: 9 ARM: 10 MARM: 15 Rewards: 400 gil, Steal: Hi-Ether, Refine: Lightning Marble



Lost Soul

Level: 8

Level: 9

The distinctive-looking Mandragora peers up at you, holding it’s spherical head in its floppy, fingerless hands. Then it lets out a squeep and runs into the darkness, as fast as it’s little stalk-like legs will carry it. The Mandragoras are a sentient race of vegetables that live in a variety of temperate climates. They have a unique and surprisingly intelligent society (referred to as a ‘patch’) and exhibiting personalities surprisingly similar to ours. They are ruled by a monarchy and often wear small, tailored garments to protect them from the cold – which is deadly to the Mandragora people. There are many types of Mandragora, most of which live peacefully with one another – Alarunes, Pumpkin Heads, Wild Onions, Nightshades, Topstalks, Tomatoes, and more. If forced into combat, a Mandragora will usually attempt to call for help as much as possible, overwhelming larger and more dangerous foes with sheer numbers. Mandragoras are known to become hostile and aggressive if they take nourishment from soil where blood has been spilled. They are a very chatty species to anyone who possesses the Monster Talk language. Mandragoras are edible. They frown upon this.

Category: Plant Location: Desert, Forests, Swamps, Towns Size: 0.8ft Reaction: Neutral HP: 46 MP: 82 STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 4 (+1) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 8 (+2) CHA: 14 (+4) Attacks: Headbutt, 4 ACC, 30+2d6 damage Ripe Rampage, 0 ACC, 55+2d6 damage and the Mandragora is reduced to 0 HP Magic: None Special: Weakness to Ice, Vulnerable to fire, Reduced HP x1, Call for Help, Job ability Preemptive Footwork. High-ranking representatives of the species may not have Reduced HP. Higher than standard ACC.

The ghost appears both solid and semi-translucent, it’s body a dull brown. It possesses two large eyes which it does not seem to open, but no other facial features. Then the warmth begins to drain from the air, and the ghost drifts forward… Lost Souls haunt forlorn and forgotten places, bound to this fate until finally put to rest. They are purposeless, restless spirits with no continued reason for existance. Lost Souls often recall part of their former life, but it’s personality is fragmented by death and then manifestation as an undead spirit. Most Lost Souls have grown angry in the centuries that they have remained on the mortal plane, and attack any living being that stumbles upon them. Category: Undead Location: Desert, Dungeons, Forests, Swamps, Mountains, Plains, Towns, Snow, Underground Size: Varies Reaction: Varies. Almost always Hostile. HP: 246 MP: 154 STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 7 (+2) DEX: 5 (+1) INT: 15 (+5) CHA: 10 (+3) Attacks: Farplane’s Grasp, 0 ACC, inflicts Fear for 1 round Magic: Blind, Poison, Twilight, Sickness, Blizzara, Rasp, Bio, Zombie, Fira, Death, Degenerator Special: Undead, Lesser Magical Counterattack, Blind-Proof, Auto-Float, Auto-Protect Evasion: 9 ARM: 10 MARM: 25 Rewards: 450 gil, Steal: Revivify, Refine: Farplane Shadow

Evasion: 11 ARM: 0 MARM: 0 Rewards: 400 gil, Steal: Loco Weed, Refine: Mute Mask




Level: 9

Level: 10

The obviously planetoid creature brandishes four thorny tendrils at you, each tipped with a pair of hooked fingerlike vines. The creature’s gaping maw oozes a viscous, drooling sap, and it lets out a shockingly humansounding scream as it approaches Ochu are massive, man-eating plantlike Fiends that seem to possess no real intellect. Lacking a sense of self, they only seek to feed and destroy. Small tribes of Mandragoras sometimes revere the Ochu, referring to them as the ‘Lords of the Wood.’ Mandragoras will sometimes even leave out thoughtful makeshift gifts, in hopes this tribute will be perceived as an act of peace. The Ochu, not capable of understanding such a gesture, just eat them anyway. Category: Fiend, Plant Location: Forests, Plains Size: 2.7m tall, tentacles add an additional 1.5m Reaction: Hostile HP: 300 MP: 30 STR: 13 (+4) VIT: 9 (+3) DEX: 5 (+1) INT: 2 (+0) CHA: 10 (+3) Attacks: Earthquake, 6 ACC, Group, 39+3d6 damage Drain Vine, 3 ACC, Deals 39+3d6 damage and drains 39+2d6 MP Magic: Flash, Sleepaga Special: Weak Status Touch: Poison, Vulnerable to Fire, Weakness to Ice, Vulnerable to Holy, ), Flawless Spell (Flash can be cast Instantly, and costs no MP, once per round), Two Weapons

The black-skinned creature hisses, slithering forward and leaving long trails of slime in its wake. You feel yourself compelled to make eye contact, unable to rip your gaze away from its hypnotic red eyes. The Anacondaur, despite its appearance, is actually a lizard and not a snake, closely related to the Basilisk family. They utilize a variety of attacks in combat, able to turn their foes to stone with a look, crush them in a strangling embrace, spit a corrosive liquid, and even utilize a form of unique magic that allows them to strike enemies from afar. Category: Fiend, Lizard Location: Desert, Mountains, Plains, Water, Underground Size: 1.5m tall, 6m fully elongated Reaction: Hostile HP: 300 MP: 76 STR: 10 (+3) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 12 (+4) INT: 6 (+2) CHA: 4 (+1) Attacks: Slithering Strike, 5 ACC, 30+2d6 damage Poison Spit, 4 ACC, Group, 18+2d6 damage and inflicts Poison until combat ends Magic: Laser Eyes Special: Weak Status Touch: Petrify Evasion: 9 ARM: 20 MARM: 10 Rewards: 500 gil, Steal: Antidote, Refine: Mystery Fluid

Evasion: 7 ARM: 15 MARM: 15 Rewards: 450 gil, Drop: Hi-Potion, Steal: Ether, Refine: Tribal Drum


Chocobo Eater


Level: 10 (Notorious Monster)

Level: 11

The Cactuar gazes at you with caution, it’s jointless arms and legs continually moving in a mockery of a run.

The creature before you is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. The face is lizardlike, with cavity-filled molars jutting out in odd directions. The stench of something rotten is on its breath, and it’s two colossal arms drag along the ground beside it, easily twice as long as the beast is tall As the name suggests, this one-of-a-kind lizard has a very unusual diet, subsisting entirely off of Chocobo meat. It avoids attacking people unless cornered, or it must fight for a meal. More than one Chocobo breeder has put out a reward for the destruction of this beast, although as of yet, it continues its harvest uninterrupted. The Chocobo Eater’s most deadly attack is its Drill Shot maneuver, which allows the hulking creature to inflict normal damage despite any protection the target may have. It often uses Cleave to damage multiple foes at once. Category: Abnormal, Lizard, Location: Desert, Forests, Mountains, Plains Size: 2.5m tall, 4m arms Reaction: Neutral, Hostile vs. Chocobos HP: 564 MP: 100 STR: 17 (+5) VIT: 14 (+4) DEX: 3 (+1) INT: 7 (+2) CHA: 9 (+3)

The Cactuar are a race of intelligent creatures that physically resemble cacti, and are stuck in a stiff pose that resembles a runner’s movement – astute, because the Cactuar is the fastest species in all of Ivalice. The Cactuar is known for its characteristic attacks, but their high evasion and tendency to flee make them difficult prey. If a Cactuar takes damage but remains standing, it will often follow up the following turn by Escaping. Rumors speak of a Cactuar that has grown larger than all the rest, easily towering above most buildings. It is said to possess a curly moustache and a serious demeanor, though these claims are, as of yet, unfounded. Category: Abnormal, Plant Location: Desert, Plains Size: 4 inches Reaction: Neutral HP: 46 MP: 110 STR: 3 (+1) VIT: 3 (+1) DEX: 22 (+7) INT: 7 (+2) CHA: 8 (+2) Attacks: Cactuar Tackle, Never miss, 12+2d6 damage Magic: 1000 Needles, Flawless Spell (Escape can be cast Instantly, and costs no MP, once per round), Special: Counterattack, Reduced HP x1, BerserkProof, Sleep-Proof, Petrify-Proof, Stop-Proof, Immune to all Magic, Call for Help, Increased EVA

Attacks: Uppercut, 8 ACC, 85+2d6 damage Shakedown, 4 ACC, 68+2d6 damage, causes a Medium Range knockback and Disarms the target Magic: Drill Shot, Eject Special: Counterattack, Weakness to Fire, Cleave job ability. Evasion: 8 ARM: 25 MARM: 10 Rewards: 1000 gil, Steal: Hyper Wrist, Refine: Dynamo Stone


Evasion: 20 ARM: 0 MARM: 0 Rewards: 1100 gil, Steal: Sprint Shoes, Refine: Cactus Thorn

Magic Urn


Level: 11

Level: 12

The ceramic pot is not itself unusual, but an odd, erratically-blinking light emanates from it. As you approach, a small purple head pops out from the jar and stares at you with large yellow eyes, as if waiting expectantly for something. It is said that Magic Urns were once demons of legendary might, foes unto the gods themselves. The gods feared them and their power, and so changed their form to that of a harmless pot. It is further said that though their strength be stolen and their temperament cooled by transformation, they still possess terrible magickal powers. Whether true or not, more than one adventurer has made a friend from these otherwise cautious, mute being by offering it an Elixir. When a Magic Urn uses the Escape spell in combat to flee, they soar skyward as if propelled by an engine. Category: Abnormal Location: Varies Size: 0.6m Reaction: Friendly HP: 102 MP: 190 STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 2 (+0) DEX: 12 (+4) INT: 15 (+5) CHA: 10 (+3) Attacks: Throw Stone, Never miss, 36+2d6 damage Magic: Tractor, Drain, Rasp, Aspir, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Firaga, Sleepaga, Protect, Shell, Seal, Escape, Mini, Confuse, Curaga, Addle Special: Controlled Defense, Magical Counterattack, Reduced EVA, Reward (If the party gives a Magic Urn an Elixir, they receive 1 additional point of EXP and all other rewards as if combat resolved normally.) Evasion: 1 ARM: 0 MARM: 0

Waves of sand burst skyward all around you, and you only have a splitsecond to dive and roll away from the massive orange-brown jaws that snap at the air. The rest of the creature emerges from the sand pit only moments later, chittering angrily in some unknown monstrous language. An antlion has discovered you, and seeks to make you his next meal! Extremely aggressive carnivorous insects also sometimes known as Deathclaws, Antlions reside deep underground. They are not fussy eaters and are known to be able to make a single meal last for weeks. Rending flesh from their prey with large, envenomed jaws, Antlions are by far the most common nonmagical type of monster. Antlions often possess Geomancer abilities Category: Insect Location: Underground Size: 15-16m long Reaction: Hostile HP: 498 MP: 0 STR: 13 (+4) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 2 (+0) CHA: 5 (+1) Attacks: Spit Venom, 4 ACC, 36+2d6 damage, inflicts Poison Sandstorm, 2 ACC, Group, 72+2d6 Earth damage Antlion Bite, 8 ACC, 36+2d6 damage Magic: Drill Shot Special: Weakness to Water, Weakness to Ice, Resistant to Earth, Weak Status Touch (Poison), Large Evasion: 9 ARM: 15 MARM: 15 Rewards: 600, Steal: Hi-Potion, Refine: Deadly Waste

Rewards: 800 gil, Refine: Grenade




Level: 12

Level: 13 (Boss)

The abomination’s three heads- lion, rooster, and dragon - look at you simultaneously and let out a low warning growl.

The sheer size of the creature takes your breath away. Two vast wings disappear into the clouds above, and it’s glowing yellow eyes are larger than buildings. A sense of imminent dread settles deep into your soul at the very sight.

The Chimera is a monstrous beast with the head of a lion, rooster, and dragon. Each head has access to a different element of spell. The legends say that Chimeras were once mages, twisted into fell beings by the experiments of a man who was once called The Alchemist, and later became known as The Immortal, the first of the Blue Mages. Whether there is any truth to this rumor or not, it’s well-known that Chimeras do possess a special hatred for mages, especially those that utilize Blue Magic, and will ignore all other threats to target mages. Chimera almost always travel in packs. Category: Abnormal Location: Desert, Forests, Swamps, Mountains, Plains, Snow Size: 2.3m Reaction: Hostile HP: 354 MP: 166 STR: 10 (+3) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 5 (+1) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 7 (+2) Attacks: Claw, 3 ACC, 40+3d6 damage Cockatrice’s Gaze, Never misses, drains 51+2d6 mp and deals no damage. Magic: Electrocute, Flamethrower, Aqua Rake, Blizzara, Seal, Quick Special: Auto-Haste, Resistance to Water, Resistance to Lightning, Resistance to Fire, Resistance to Wind, Resistance to Ice, Two Weapons, Flight, Lesser magical counterattack, can ignore ‘Provoke’ abilities and similar effects.

The motives of the colossal winged undead known only as Deathgaze are a mystery. Every several hundred years it resurfaces to feed, flying from town to town to slaughter people by the thousands. Its motives are as inscrutable as the appearance of the monster itself. In combat, Deathgaze is reported to use his massive wings to knock foes up to miles away, then drawing targets back to him using Tractor to fight potential threats individually. Category: Aerial, Undead Location: Cosmic Size: 0.7 miles Reaction: Friendly, Neutral, Wary, Hostile HP: 849 MP: 257 STR: 17 (+5) VIT: 17 (+5) DEX: 9 (+3) INT: 15 (+5) CHA: 11 (+3) Attacks: Crush, 8 ACC, Group, 68+2d6 damage Abyssal Scream, 4 ACC, Group, 40+2d6 Shadow damage and Long Range knockback. Magic: Lv.? Doom, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Tractor (Long range), X-Zone Special: Fear, Status Proof, Large, Undead, Flight, Call Minions (10 Larvae), Destructive Strike ability, Skin of Iron job ability. (25%) Limit Break: Quasar. 85+2d6 M.ARM damage, Random Target and Debilitate (2) against Shadow. Evasion: 10 ARM: 25 MARM: 25 Rewards: 0gil, Drop: Ironside, Steal: Rage Ring, Refine: Farplane Shadow

Evasion: 9 ARM: 15 MARM: 25 Rewards: 600 gil, Steal: Tier 2 armor, Refine: Antarctic Wind




Level: 13

Level: 14

“The hideous plant possesses brownish-green mottled skin and writhing tentacles. It’s tooth-filled maw is filled with powerfully acidic saliva, and breathing the miasma that is its foul breath causes your head to pound and vision to swim. You feel your legs getting weaker for every second you spend near this accursed being.” The Malboro – often known as a Morbol or Oscar - is a mutanous form of plantlife that lacks the ability of photosynthesis and must feed on other creatures to survive. The Malboro is a fearsome foe most despised due to its horrible "Bad Breath" attack which inflicts a vast amount of status effects, capable of obliterating an entire party in a matter of seconds. Oddly, Malboros seem to rapidly petrify as they age, darkening and hardening their rubbery skin. These elder Malboros are more intelligent than the rest, and seem to command obedience from the younger examples of the race. In combat, a Malboro can use the Blue Mage ability ‘Aura Magic’, giving up 183 HP in order to make Bad Breath a Group-targeting attack. Category: Plant Location: Desert, Forests, Swamps, Plains Size: 2.1m tall, 1.8m tentacles. Reaction: Hostile HP: 732 MP: 75 STR: 10 (+3) VIT: 17 (+5) DEX: 6 (+2) INT: 4 (+1) CHA: 6 (+2)

"The dragon’s hot breath heats the air, it’s sharpened talons digging into the rocky earth. It’s arms are feeble, having been traded for forelimbs at some point in the creature's eons-long development. Then the Wyvern takes flight, a blur of motion as it wheels gracefully through the sky.” These lesser dragons, born inferior to others of their ilk, are nevertheless a fearsome foe. These species come in many colors, ranging from a dull mottled brown to a brilliant turquoise-blue that the Dragoons have emulated out of reverence. In ages past they were believed to be emissaries of some sort of War God, inspiring soldiers on the field to acts of foolhardy courage and bravery. Wyverns seem to be able to communicate telepathically with Dragoons, whom they never attack without provocation. Category: Aerial, Dragon Location: Mountains Size: 6.5m Reaction: Varies. Usually wary or Hostile.

Attacks: Tentacle, 5 ACC, 40+2d6 damage Cloying Breath, 20+2d6 damage and inflicts Seal and Slow Magic: Bad Breath Special: Status-Proof, Aura Magic, Growing Threat (At the start of each combat round, all players take a -1 penalty to their EVA and ACC scores. This penalty accumulates each successive round.) Evasion: 8 ARM: 20 MARM: 10 Rewards: 650 gil, Drop: Malboro Poison, Steal: Remedy, Refine: Deadly Waste

HP: 408 MP: 164 STR: 6 (+2) VIT: 8 (+2) DEX: 12 (+4) INT: 10 (+3) CHA: 8 (+2) Attacks: Bite, 2 ACC, 24+2d6 damage Inhale, 3 ACC, 40+2d6 MP is drained Magic: White Wind, Firaga, Invisible, Seal, Aeroga, Regen Special: Resistant to Wind, Flight Evasion: 12 ARM: 20 MARM: 30 Rewards: 800 gil, Steal: Dragon Mail, Refine: Air Gem




Level: 14

Level: 15

The creature is quite small, two to three feet tall. It has green skin and a round head, with a small snout and round yellow eyes. It resembles, to some small degree, a bipedal lizard, and stands upright. It's wearing a hooded cloak, dull brown, and it has a dolphin-like tail peeking out from beneath the hem. In its left hand, it carries a large lantern that illuminates the ground at its feet, and swings mournfully in time with its silent footsteps. In the other, the creature holds a long, sharp chef's knife, which gleams with the hatred of the living. A Tonberry, also localized as Dingleberry or Pug, is quite small, usually no larger than two or three feet (sixty to ninety centimeters) tall. They are truly vicious predators of the highest degree, believing it is their duty in life to make wandering adventurer's pay for their sins, and seek vengeance for the many monsters slain by the humanoid races. It is this lust for faceless revenge that drives Tonberries, and, though they speak the Common Tongue, very few have words to share. Category: Abnormal Location: Forest, Swamps, Town, Underground Size: 2ft Reaction: Hostile HP: 450 MP: 136 STR: 13 (+4) VIT: 9 (+3) DEX: 8 (+2) INT: 8 (+2) CHA: 6 (+2)

Demonoliths were created by some twisted, long-forgotten wizard to protect his valuables. These constructs are fueled with necromantic energy of the most horrific kind; when a Demonolith slays a trespasser, it waits many years for the flesh to fall from the bones before assimilating the victim’s remnants into itself. Some truly ancient Demonoliths are more bone than construct, and are capable of movement – most, however, have neither the strength nor size to escape their stony prison. Category: Construct, Undead Location: Towns, Underground Size: 2.2m tall Reaction: Hostile

Attacks: Approach, slow action, no effect. Chef’s Knife, 5 ACC, 156+2d6 damage (Disarmable) Everyone’s Grudge, Never miss, Group, Deals 100 damage for every Tonberry each target has slain. Karma, Never Miss, Instantly reduces a mediumrange target to 0 hp. This is considered a ‘Death’ status effect. Magic: Condemned Special: Status Proof, Slow moving – can only move a Short distance instead of a Medium distance each round. Tonberry cannot use other attacks until it has used Approach twice. If Tonberry is affected by a Knockback, it must start over. Tonberries possess the Dark Harvest and No Mercy job abilities. Evasion: 7 ARM: 20 (0 without armor) MARM: 20 (5 without armor)

The monolithic gravestone before you appears to bear words of sympathy for the fallen, listing many names. Several humanshaped bones appear to have been inserted into the grave during its construction, poking out at unusual angles. As you move in to inspect the epitaph further, the bones suddenly begin to stir and knit together of their own accord, slashing at the air where you stood only a moment ago…

HP: 480 MP: 220 STR: 11 (+3) VIT: 9 (+3) DEX: 1 (+0) INT: 13 (+4) CHA: 11 (+3) Attacks: Raking Claw, 7 ACC, 55+2d6 damage Pharaoh’s Curse, 5 ACC, Medium Range, deals 26+2d6 damage and inflicts Petrify Magic: Stona, Stonaga, Tractor, Lock Special: Status Touch: Curse, Undead, Auto-Stop, Mini Proof, Curse Proof Evasion: 0 ARM: 30 MARM: 20 Rewards: 750 gil, Drop: Revivify, Refine: Zombie Dust

Rewards: 700 gil, Steal: Safety Bit, Refine: Chef’s Knife


Mamool Ja

Imperial Captain

Level: 16

Level: 16

The beast before you is an unusual one – balancing on taloned, three-toed feet is a lizardlike creature clad in well-made warrior’s garb. It brandishes a scimitar and approaches you with loathing – and pity – in its milky, slanted eyes. A militaristic tribe of demihumans, the Mamool Ja are philosophers, poets, warriors and religious fanatics that seek nothing less than total domination over all other races. In their own tongue, Mamool Ja means 'brethren of the shining scale.' They are lead by an Autarch, a totalitarian, two-headed leader that rules with an oppressive iron fist. Category: Humanoid, Lizard Location: Varies, usually Jungles Size: 1.7-2.1m Reaction: Hostile, some rulers can be Neutral. HP: 498 MP: 214 STR: 9 (+3) VIT: 9 (+3) DEX: 8 (+2) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 8 (+2) Attacks: Vorpal Blade, 3 ACC, 45+3d6 damage (Disarmable) Somersault Kick, 7 ACC, 36+2d6 damage, Short Range knockback Fanatic’s Fervor, grants the user Haste Magic: Zombie, Arise, Protect, Shell, Seal, Stop, Brave, Confuse, Aerora, Aeroga, Vox, Life, Cura, Addle Special: Lesser Magical Counterattack (Seal), Two Weapons, Humanoid Killer, Item Use: Dream Dust Evasion: 10 ARM: 24 (10 without armor) MARM: 10 Rewards: 800 gil, Steal: Dream Dust, any Tier 2 weapon, Refine: Earth Gem

“Open fire! Leave no survivors!” Imperial Commanders, Captains and Generals are squad leaders for a handful of Imperial Soldiers – they use large serrated swords in combat as well as guns, often more advanced weaponry possessed by the rest of their team. Imperial Captains are often quite powerful and are not to be underestimated. They have undergone rigorous selection procedures to become the pride of the Imperial Army. Some possess Android grafts, allowing them to see even in pitch blackness or communicate with other Systems across a distance. They possess the Warcry, First Strike and Leadership job abilities, making any Imperial Soldiers even more dangerous. Category: Humanoid Location: Varies Size: Varies by race Reaction: Varies, often Wary HP: 200 MP: 55 STR: 4 (+1) VIT: 5 (+1) DEX: 5 (+1) INT: 4 (+1) CHA: 3 (+1) Attacks: Gatling Sword, 6 ACC, 75+2d6 damage (Disarmable) Superior Firepower, 4 ACC, 64+2d6 damage, inflicts Seal (Disarmable) Right Hook, 2 ACC, 4+2d6 damage Magic: Wall, Firaga Special: Reduced Attributes, Reduced HP, Increased ACC, Construct Killer, Weak Status Touch (Seal), Call Minions (4 Imperial Soldiers), Call for Help, Warcry, First Strike, and Leadership job abilities Evasion: 9 ARM: 50 (0 without armor) MARM: 40 (0 without armor) Rewards: 800 gil, Steal: Full Plate, Refine: Molotov




Level: 16 (Notorious Monster)

Level: 17

The humanoid construct has been forged from Darksteel, with gaping holes in the side of its body where whirring gears and strange devices can be clearly seen. Despite it’s apparent minimal intelligence, this great horned warmachine shakes the ground as it approaches.

An unearthly roar fills the cavern, cutting through the murky water like a blade. Moments later, a massive fish-like Fiend bursts forth from the depths, two curved claws snapping out at you. Swords and arrows can be seen lodged in this creature’s rocky skin, resembling those employed in ancient warfare. You can only assume how long this dangerous creature has lived… The Geosgaeno is said to be the father of all Fiends, protecting his twisted offspring with a cold, calculating human mind. It was long thought that the Geosgaeno was merely a myth, until one brave adventurer ventured to find proof – though the man’s life was lost in the attempt, the existence of this centuries-old threat was confirmed at last. Portions of the Geosgaeno’s body has petrified, becoming harder than stone. It prefers to remain in the deepest parts of the ocean, unable to exist on land. Category: Amorph, Aquan, Fiend Location: Underground Size: 16.1m Reaction: Hostile HP: 702 MP: 234 STR: 12 (+4) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 16 (+5) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 10 (+3) Attacks: Furious Charge, 7 ACC, 75+2d6 damage Magic: Zombie, Bio, Drain, Rasp, Osmose, Scourge, Death, Haste, Confuse, Dispel Special: Controlled Defense, Regeneration 10, Seal Proof, Immune to Float, Final Attack: Injection (launches poisoned spines into one foe, which contain Geosgaeno’s fiendish DNA. The target will slowly metamorph into a new – if smaller Geosgaeno over the course of two weeks unless healed, becoming a Fiend.) Evasion: 12 ARM: 30 MARM: 20

According to legend, the Gigases were weapons built by the Ancients, developed for no function other than the eradication of life. They were later sealed away in a holy shrine at the cost of many lives. Though the truth of such legends cannot be ascertained, more than one aspiring Tinker has agreed that the craftsmanship involved in these hostile entities far surpasses anything that has been created in recent centuries. They can randomly alter their one elemental weakness at will, and attempt to neutralize more threatening foes by shattering weapons and hurling them aside. Category: Construct Location: Snow, Underground Size: 2.7m Reaction: Hostile HP: 897 MP: 0 STR: 17 (+5) VIT: 16 (+5) DEX: 6 (+2) INT: 4 (+1) CHA: 4 (+1) Attacks: Crush Punch, 8 ACC, 102+2d6 damage Grab and Toss, 5 ACC, 51+2d6 damage, Long Range knockback, and causes the target to be Disarmed. Magic: Wall Change Special: Counterattack, Regen 20, Flawless Spell (Wall Change can be cast Instantly, and costs no MP, once per round), and the Fighter job ability ‘Skin of Iron’ (50%) and the Ninja ‘Shatter Weapon’ ability. Evasion: 8 ARM: 20 MARM: 40 (0 without armor) Rewards: 850 gil, Steal: Muscle Belt, Refine: War Gong

Rewards: 1600 gil, Drop: Defender, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Water Gem


Evrae and Evrae Altana Level: 18 (Notorious Monster)

You recognize the dragon before you instantly. How could you not, having been told tales of the Dragon of Ruin since as long as you can remember. It moves with an almost godlike grace, and in an instant all the heroism you possess rushes out from you. All that remains is terror, absolute horror at confronting the being before you; Evrae, The World Destroyer. Evrae has been known by many names. The Lindwyrm, the World Destroyer, the Dragon of Ruin. It ruled all other dragons – save for the great Shinryu – for centuries, until its power alone drove it to madness. In the end, when it became a threat to even the other dragons, it was driven from its home and vanished for eons. Until now. Evrae has existed for so long that it has learned a few tricks from various Job Classes – it can use the Dragoon’s ‘Scan’ ability to instantly learn its enemies elemental weaknesses, and it can also utilize the Red Mage’s ‘Runic’ and ‘Return Magic’ to launch a foe’s own spells against him. One of Evrae’s favorite tactics is to grab an opponent in its clawed hands, then drop them from a great height or drag them through water until they drown. Category: Aerial, Aquan, Arcana, Dragon Location: Underground, Water Size: 18.5m long Reaction: Neutral HP: 840 MP: 298 STR: 7 (+2) VIT: 13 (+4) DEX: 20 (+6) INT: 14 (+4) CHA: 12 (+4) Attacks: Bodyslam, 9 ACC, 42+2d6 damage, Short-range Knockback Grab, 2 ACC, 0 damage, Stopped until Evrae chooses to end the attack Magic: Angel Snack, Cure IV, Reflect, Aeroga, Invisible, Curse, Nuke, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Wateraga, Zombie Special: Flight, Large, Magical Counterattack, Fear, Seal-Proof, Destructive Strike ability, Final Attack: Rebirth (When Evrae is reduced to 0 hit points, it becomes Evrae Altana. HP and MP are restored to full, all negative status effects are cleared, and the battle continues. Evrae Altana has all the same abilities as Evrae, with the addition that it is an Undead type creature.) Has job abilities including Scan, Runic, Return Magic, and Sunken State. Limit Break: Twilight Breaker. 140+2d6 M.ARM damage, Random Target. Inflicts Zombie and then Auto-Life on the target.

Evasion: 15 ARM: 20 MARM: 30 Rewards: 1800 gil, Steal: Sky Render, Refine: Lightning Gem


Iron Giant


Level: 19

Level: 20 (Boss)

“Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!” The hulking metal brute seemed to have been crafted from iron and adamantite, with pure veins of the blue mineral running through its silver skin. Adamantite crystals produce from the creature’s shoulders and hands, and you can only speculate how much this humanoid golem would be WORTH if you melted it down. Your speculations are interrupted, unfortunately, by a whirr of anger coming from the core of the machine, and it raises its massive axe-shaped arm high…. The origins of the Iron Giants are unknown. They hail from the Wastes, deep in the coldest reaches of the eternal tundra. They never seem to tire, marching across the Wastes hidden within the raging blizzards, annihilating every living thing they come across. In combat, they prefer to destroy their opponent’s weapons and keep mages out of combat via Thrust Kick. Category: Arcana, Construct Location: Snow, Underground Size: 4.1m Reaction: Hostile HP: 1170 MP: 0 STR: 13 (+4) VIT: 19 (+6) DEX: 7 (+2) INT: 6 (+3) CHA: 4 (+1) Attacks: Iron Weapon, 6 ACC, 78+3d6 damage Ruin, 5 ACC, 52+2d6 damage and ignores ARM Magic: Thrust Kick Special: Lesser Counterattack, Two Weapons, Destructive Strike ability, Call Minions (1 Gigas), Flawless Spell (Thrust Kick can be cast Instantly, and costs no MP, once per round), Skin of Iron (75%) and Shatter Weapon job abilities. Evasion: 8 ARM: 50 MARM: 20 Rewards: 950 gil, Steal: Any Tier 4 weapon, Refine: Ice Gem

This grey-skinned, colorfully-dressed masked man possesses six arms, each of which is holding a different blade. He appears to be a dimension traveler, a collector of rare and powerful weapons, and a physically powerful fighter. Gilgamesh is accompanied at all times by his great hound, Enkidu. Though he seems fierce and single-minded, it should be noted that Gilgamesh has a softer side, displaying a sense of humor, a willingness to help the weak, and the capacity to break the ‘fourth wall.’ Gilgamesh is quite aware that he is a villain in a tabletop RPG. Category: Abnormal, Humanoid Location: Desert, Forests, Swamps, Mountains, Plains, Towns, Snow, Underground Size: 1.2m Reaction: Neutral HP: 1470 MP: 0 STR: 22 (+7) VIT: 20 (+6) DEX: 24 (+8) INT: 10 (+3) CHA: 16 (+5) Attacks: Excalipoor, 8 ACC, 1 damage, ignores ARM (Disarmable) Enkidu, 8 ACC, 110+3d6 damage, inflicts Berserk Mastermune, 8 ACC, 132+3d6 damage (Disarmable) Monarch Sword, 4 ACC, 154+3d6 damage, Long-range Knockback (Disarmable) Magic: None Special: Counterattack, Death-Proof , Two Weapons, Petrify-Proof, Defense: Magical, Item Use: Remedy, Item Use: Elixir (once), Destructive Strike ability, Final Attack: Escape (When Gilgamesh is defeated, he’ll flee from the battlefield.) Job abilities include Wall Run, Return Fire, and Preemptive Footwork. Limit Break: Gilgamesh Super-Special Destructo-Technique. Completely random target – could even affect Gilgamesh.154+2d6 ARM damage. Break Stats – reduces STR, DEX, INT, CHA, VIT, damage, EVA, ACC, maximum health and magical resistances by half. Evasion: 17 ARM: 40 MARM: 40 (0 without Armor) Rewards: 5000 gil, Drop: Genji Gloves, Steal: Genji Blade, Refine: Accelerator




Level: 21 (Notorious Monster)

Level: 22 (Notorious Monster)

The tortoise-like creature moves slowly, as if every moment is a testament to its age. Every scale has been honed to a razor’s edge, and the lumbering Adamantoise pivots to meet your gaze with a proud, almost challenging look.

“Looking upon the behemoth, you have no doubt that the stories were true, and it was a creature fashioned by the gods during the creation of heaven and earth. Its muscles look as hard as steel, and its purple skin is pulled taut over its flesh as though the core of the beast is straining to escape the confines of skin.”

Hunted almost to extinction for the Adamantite-filled shells for which the creature is named after, the few that remain have descended almost uniformly into the deepest parts of the earth. Even in these days of man-made alloys, the quality and strength of Adamantite is almost peerless. In combat, an Adamantoise will attempt to encase foes in stone before crushing them into a fine dust. Category: Abnormal, Beast, Lizard Location: Desert, Mountains, Plains, Snow, Underground Size: 6.2m Reaction: Hostile HP: 2238 MP: 0 STR: 20 (+6) VIT: 32 (+10) DEX: 5 (+1) INT: 9 (+3) CHA: 6 (+2) Attacks: Crush, 9 ACC, Group, 140+2d6 damage Particle Breath, 5 ACC, 70+2d6 damage, Blinds and Dispels Magic: Stone Breath Special: Lesser Counterattack, Auto-Protect, Large, MiniProof, Skin of Iron (100%) job ability. Evasion: 8 ARM: 80 MARM: 20 Rewards: 2100 gil, Steal: Kaiser Plate, Refine: Lunar Curtain

A man whom has never seen a Behemoth would describe it as such; it is a large, purple beast that uses its horns and magic to kill its opponents. It is estimated to be ten to twelve feet tall when standing. When attacking, it normally dashes on all fours, but when returning to an idle state it will usually stand upright. In battle, it will counterattack with a powerful horn rush and Thunder magic attacks. Anyone who HAS seen a Behemoth is person will have a very different description indeed, speaking in hushed tones about how the creature’s skin did not seem to heal, how it was covered with scars from every adventurer it had ever slain. How the beast’s entire form was a tribute to its awesome strength, and how it fought as if it drew knowledge from the dead souls trapped forever within its veins. The latter description is slightly more accurate. Category: Abnormal, Arcana, Beast Location: Mountains, Plains, Snow Size: 10-12ft tall Reaction: Hostile HP: 1542 MP: 250 STR: 18 (+6) VIT: 21 (+7) DEX: 15 (+5) INT: 10 (+3) CHA: 10 (+3) Attacks: Crush, 7 ACC, Group, 180+2d6 damage Gore, 12 ACC, 108+2d6 damage and Stun Magic: Force Field, Thundaga, Osmose, Haste, Reflect, Esuna Special: Lesser Counterattack, Mini-Proof, Large, Lesser Magical Counterattack, Seal Proof, Final Attack: Flare, Destructive Strike ability. Evasion: 12 ARM: 30 MARM: 50 Rewards: 2100 gil, Steal: Destroyers, Refine: Lunar Curtain


Great Malboro

Atma Weapon

Level: 22

Level: 24 (Boss)

The Malboro’s head is topped with a gleaming golden crown, and the air the creature breaths is so foul that inhaling is impossible in its presence. It is a Malboro that has gained rank in the vegetative hierarch, as it were, and the plant’s monstrous breath brings uncontrollable tears to your eyes. The Great Malboro – sometimes referred to as the ‘King’ is the highest rank of malboro, and wears a crown to prove it. It is still unknown how it came to wear its crown, or who, indeed, made it. There is a rumor which claims that, should a man slay the creature and don its crown, he will be at once transformed into a malboro king. Should this be true, it could very well mean that the crown is cursed with the vilest of magicks, and the beast that wears it was once was a man. The Great Malboro leads it’s lessers with a calculating intellect and a ruthless demeanor. In combat, a Great Malboro can use the Blue Mage ability ‘Aura Magic’, giving up 297 HP in order to make Bad Breath a Group-targeting attack.

Category: Plant Location: Desert, Forests, Swamps Size: 4.8m tall, 2.9m tentacles. Reaction: Hostile HP: 1188 MP: 154 STR: 14 (+4) VIT: 17 (+5) DEX: 7 (+2) INT: 6 (+2) CHA: 12 (+3) Attacks: Tentacle, 6 ACC, 112+2d6 damage Sour Mouth, 0 ACC, 98+2d6 damage, inflicts Slow and drains 50% of the target’s MP Magic: Bad Breath Special: Status Proof, Aura Magic, Call Minions (2 Malboro), Growing Threat (At the start of each combat round, all players take a -1 penalty to their EVA and ACC scores. This penalty accumulates each successive round.) Evasion: 8 ARM: 20 MARM: 40

“My name is.....Atma...... I am…pure energy…….and as ancient as the cosmos…...…left here since birth... Forgotten in the river of time... I've had an eternity to... ponder the meaning of things…..And now I have an answer...” The Atma Weapon is a strange entity. Partially biomechanical and partially undiluted energy, it was originally a weapon of war created by the Ancients. This is hardly a secret, as it's body is set with machineries and weaponry of a far higher order than anything made today. Though Atma is a construct, it was built with the ability to grow, and so it has evolved like a living creature. In combat, Atma uses massive damage to overwhelm foes and force them to fight defensively, relying on its enormous HP total to take whatever is thrown at it. Atma’s Supernova spell is more than enough to destroy almost any adventurer with but a single cast. Category: Abnormal. Construct Location: Cosmic Size: Roughly 29m Reaction: Hostile HP: 1974 MP: 874 STR: 16 (+5) VIT: 23 (+7) DEX: 16 (+4) INT: 32 (+10) CHA: 15 (+5) Attacks: Mind Blast, Never miss, 128+2d6 damage, adds Petrify Diffusion, Same effect as the Black Mage ‘Obliterate’ ability Soul Extraction, Never miss, Drains 160+2d6 MP Magic: Flare, Quake, Demi, Supernova, Flare Star, X-Zone, Addle Special: Final Attack: Flare Star, Fear, Large, Death Proof, Immune to all Status Effects except Poison and Stop, Destructive Strike ability, Vulnerable to Holy. Atma Weapon will be destroyed instantly if reduced to 0 MP. Evasion: 13 ARM: 40 MARM: 50 Rewards: 4500 gil, Drop: Ancient Sword and any legendary accessory, Steal: Megalixir, Refine: Hourglass

Rewards: 2000 gil, Drop: Remedy, Steal: Malboro Poison, Refine: Deadly Waste


War Machine


Level: 24

Level: 25

The encumbered hulk of a battlemech lumbers towards you, twin cannons beginning to hum dangerously… The two-legged Imperial machines – sometimes codenamed GEMINI – are fully-automated offensive juggernauts capable of going toe-to-toe with even the world’s most ferocious beasts and dragons. Designed by the ever-popular Magitek Corp, the War Machines are said to have three settings; patrol, eradicate, and total genocide. It has been equipped with a device that allows it to absorb thunder-elemental magic with no ill-effects. Category: Construct Location: Unknown Size: 3.1m Reaction: Hostile or Neutral HP: 966 MP: 0 STR: 22 (+7) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 18 (+6) INT: 0 (N/A) CHA: 2 (+0) Attacks: Gemini Gun, 9 ACC, 132+3d6 damage, can attack two different targets (Disarmable) Surge Beam, 7 ACC, 90+2d6 damage, inflicts Blind and Berserk (Disarmable) Metal Kick, 9 ACC, 110+2d6 damage, causes a Short Range knockback Magic: None Special: Poison Proof, Fear Proof, Two Weapons, Final Attack (Surge Beam), Controlled Defense, Weakness to Earth, Resistance to Fire, Absorbs Thunder, SOSBerserk Evasion: 12 ARM: 30 MARM: 30 Rewards: 1200 gil, Steal: Potion, Refine: Dark Matter

Cinders and a thick black smoke fill the air even as the soil beneath your feet crumbles and gives way. An arm is the first thing to emerge – jet-black skin and sickle-like claws, gripping the ground as it pulls itself out fully. It is impossible to mistake the being before you as anything but a Demon, an abhorrent creation spun from the evil powers of The Void itself. Born from negative energy, Demons are long-forgotten servitors of shadow that are often sent to carry out important, world-changing tasks. They often use their Advanced Illusion spell to impersonate a Hume, serving as someone with political sway - an advisor to a king or a commander in a war, for example. In combat they are capable of counterattacking with the fearsome Death spell, quickly dispatching unprepared heroes. Category: Humanoid, Fiend Location: Underground Size: 2.1m - 2.3m Reaction: Hostile HP: 1005 MP: 460 STR: 13 (+4) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 12 (+4) INT: 17 (+5) CHA: 11 (+3) Attacks: Chaos Blade, 8 ACC, 85+2d6 damage, inflicts Berserk and Charm (Disarmable) Poison Spines, 5 ACC, Group, 75+2d6 damage, inflicts Poison and Blind. Magic: Sickness, Bio, Drain, Arise, X-Zone, Scourge, Curse, Death, Flare, Advanced Illusion, Zombie, Addle Special: Weakness to Holy, Resistance to Fire, Fear Proof, Charm Proof, Absorbs Shadow, Poison Proof, Curse Proof, Stun Proof, Petrify Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack (Death), Regeneration 20, Humanoid Killer Evasion: 10 ARM: 40 MARM: 20 Rewards: 1300 gil, Steal: Hi-Potion, Refine: Dark Matter


Elemental Dragons Level: 25 (Notorious Monsters) The Six Elemental dragons are said to possess great interest in humanity, awakening from their slumber every several hundred years to observe the ways of man…before satisfying their endless hunger by devouring some and returning to their reclusive ways. They were some of the first beings to walk to planet, and have primal ties to the crystals and even the origins of magic. Often humorless and stoic creatures, the Dragons are quick to anger and quicker still to take offense. Category: Dragon Location: Varies by Elemental Type Size: Varies. Often 16-18m long Reaction: Wary

Water Dragon

HP: 1080 MP: 660 STR: 12 (+4) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 16 (+5) INT: 24 (+8) CHA: 16 (+5) Attacks: Flash Rain, 12 ACC, Group, 120+2d6 Water damage, 50% chance to inflict Blind Water Wing, 10 ACC, 92+2d6 Water damage, causes a Long Range knockback Magic: Analyze, Illusion, Hyperdrive, Watera, Wateraga, White Wind Special: Large, Flight, Absorbs Water, Weakness to Thunder, Seal Proof, Mini Proof, Curse Proof, Charm Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack

Earth Dragon

HP: 2280 MP: 360 STR: 16 (+5) VIT: 28 (+9) DEX: 8 (+2) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 16 (+5) Attacks: Magnitude 8, 8 ACC, Group, 160+2d6 Earth damage Shockwave, 4 ACC, 128+2d6 damage and inflicts Petrify and Stun Magic: Analyze, Illusion, Hyperdrive, Stona, Stonaga, Quake, White Wind Special: Large, Flight, Absorbs Earth, Weakness to Wind, Seal Proof, Mini Proof, Curse Proof, Charm Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack Evasion: 9 ARM: 60 MARM: 40 Rewards: 2,500 gil, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Supreme Gem

Evasion: 11 ARM: 40 MARM: 60 Rewards: 2,500 gil, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Supreme Gem


Ice Dragon

HP: 1080 MP: 510 STR: 12 (+4) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 18 (+5) CHA: 26 (+8) Attacks: Absolute Zero, 9 ACC, 108+2d6 Ice damage and inflicts Stop Freezing Dust, never miss, 216+2d6 damage. Only usable on enemies affected by Stop. Hailstorm, 4 ACC, Group, 96+2d6 Ice damage and has a 25% chance to Shatter Armor Magic: Analyze, Illusion, Hyperdrive, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Freeze, White Wind Special: Large, Flight, Absorbs Ice, Weakness to Fire, Seal Proof, Mini Proof, Curse Proof, Charm Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack Evasion: 11 ARM: 50 MARM: 50

Fire Dragon

HP: 1380 MP: 335 STR: 24 (+8) VIT: 16 (+5) DEX: 15 (+5) INT: 11 (+3) CHA: 14 (+4) Attacks: Molten Claw, 11 ACC, 144+2d6 damage and has a 25% chance to Shatter Weapon Blaze, 6 ACC, Group, 120+2d6 Fire damage Magic: Analyze, Illusion, Hyperdrive, Fira, Firaga, Flare, White Wind Special: Large, Flight, Absorbs Fire, Weakness to Water, Seal Proof, Mini Proof, Curse Proof, Charm Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack Evasion: 12 ARM: 60 MARM: 40 Rewards: 2,500 gil, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Supreme Gem

Rewards: 2,500 gil, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Supreme Gem


Thunder Dragon

HP: 1455 MP: 435 STR: 16 (+5) VIT: 17 (+5) DEX: 16 (+5) INT: 15 (+5) CHA: 16 (+5) Attacks: Electrode, 8 ACC, 96+2d6 damage and Thunder Dragon recovers 100% of damage done as HP. Gigavolt, 6 ACC, Group, 120+2d6 Thunder Damage and has a 25% chance to inflict Stun. Magic: Analyze, Illusion, Hyperdrive, Thundara, Thundaga, White Wind Special: Large, Flight, Absorbs Thunder, Weakness to Earth, Seal Proof, Mini Proof, Curse Proof, Charm Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack Evasion: 12 ARM: 50 MARM: 50 Rewards: 2,500 gil, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Supreme Gem

Wind Dragon

HP: 1305 MP: 360 STR: 16 (+5) VIT: 15 (+5) DEX: 24 (+8) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 13 (+4) Attacks: Cyclonic, 6 ACC, has a 50% chance to reduce the target to 1 HP instantly. Causes a medium range knockback Gale Breath, 5 ACC, Group, 96+2d6 damage Magic: Analyze, Illusion, Hyperdrive, Aerora, Aeroga, Tornado, White Wind Special: Large, Flight, Absorbs Wind, Weakness to Ice, Seal Proof, Mini Proof, Curse Proof, Charm Proof, Lesser Magical Counterattack Evasion: 17 ARM: 40 MARM: 60 Rewards: 2,500 gil, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Supreme Gem




Level: 26 (End Boss)

Level: 26 (End Boss)

“You impertinent fools.You miserable INSECTS! I, Garland, will KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN!!” “I am that which follows….Omega……” Shinryu is a greatwyrm of colossal size, the father of all Dragons. He was the first of his species and fully intends on being the last. In recent years, Shinryu has taken to collecting powerful weapons and items from those who challenge him and fail. Its most prized possession currently is the Masamune, implying that Shinryu took the life of one of bravest, most noble warriors seen in. Among other things, Shinryu has the Paladin job ability ‘Sentinel’, allowing it to ignore spell interruption up to 24 times. Category: Dragon Location: Unknown Size: Roughly 24m end-to-end Reaction: Hostile HP: 3150 MP: 1024 STR: 36 (+12) VIT: 32 (+10) DEX: 29 (+9) INT: 31 (+10) CHA: 44 (+24) Attacks: Atomic Ray, 15 ACC, 288+2d6 damage, removes all elemental Resistances and Immunities Magic: Flare, Haste, Regen, Confuse, Protect, Shell, Meltdown, Curse, Thundara, Thundaga, X-Zone, Roulette Special: Fear, Death Proof, Immune to Dispel, Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Large, Destructive Strike ability, Call Minions (8 Wyvern), Skin of Iron (50%) and Sentinel job abilities. Limit Break: Eraser. One target immediately loses 100% of his HP, which is returned to Shinryu as MP. Evasion: 16 ARM: 60 MARM: 60 Rewards: 10,000 gil, Drop: Masamune, Steal: Megalixir, Refine: Supreme Gem

Garland was an orphan raised as a genetic experiment, enhancing his abilities until he had the strength to become a knight and a hero of the people. But his mind had been twisted from the infusions, and he turned against the kingdom that had so honored him. Upon his defeat he was swallowed up by The Void and reborn in a different time, where he has begun anew. Confident that his defeat will only cause his inevitable rebirth, Garland is reckless and headstrong, with a love for bloodlust and war. Garland has a handful of abilities from melee jobs, including Shatter Weapon, Shatter Armor, Warcry, Dark Harvest and Berserker. Category: Fiend Location: Unknown Size: 6.8ft Reaction: Hostile HP: 2994 MP: 530 STR: 36 (+12) VIT: 30 (+10) DEX: 21 (+7) INT: 12 (+4) CHA: 21 (+7) Attacks: Crushing Strikes, 15 ACC, 288+2d6 damage. Psychokinesis, 10 ACC, 252+2d6 damage and inflicts Confuse, and has a 25% chance to cause Armor Break Magic: Quake, Barrier, Dispel Special: Resistance to Shadow, Immune to Knockback, Counterattack, Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Item Use: Megalixir, Garland causes a Short-Rage knockback whenever he deals damage, and possesses many different Job Abilities. Limit Break: Soul of Chaos. By releasing his inner demons and turmoil, Garland increases all STR-based damage he does by 5 steps. (An additional 180 damage on all melee attacks.) Evasion: 14 ARM: 80 MARM: 30 Rewards: 8,000 gil, Drop: Megalixir, Steal: Colossus, Refine: Three Stars


Emperor Mateus


Level: 27 (End Boss)

Level: 28 (End Boss)

"Reluctance to forgive has long been a human failing. It is man's nature to sin, yet you answer sin with violence upon violence. Is that not itself a sin?" The ruler of a small kingdom who aims to conquer the entire world. Calm, patient and frighteningly intelligent, the Emperior has absolute faith in his plots’ inability to fail. His mastery of White Magic has given him an abnormally long lifespan in which to dissect the secrets of the Void, and use the powers of that dark dimension to make his sovereignty unquestionable and unchallengeable. Category: Humanoid Location: Size: 5.9ft Reaction: Wary HP: 1650 MP: 928 STR: 16 (+5) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 22 (+7) INT: 26 (+8) CHA: 31 (+10) Attacks: Starfall, 12 ACC, 160+2d6 Holy damage Step Mine, 4 ACC, 128+2d6 damage, Long Range knockback, 25% chance to Shatter both the target’s Weapon and Armor Hellburst, 8 ACC, Group, 130+2d6 Fire damage Magic: All Tier 1-4 White Magic spells, Dimensional Gate Special: Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Resistance to Holy, Resistance to Shadow, Blood Magic (Whenever Mateus deals damage with Step Mine, Starfall, or Flames of Hell, he recovers 100% of the damage done as HP) Limit Break: Absolute Dominion. Mateus makes an attack roll against all Humanoid enemies, ACC 8. If successful, they are affected with Charm, Seal, Power Break, Magic Break, Speed Break, and Soul Break. Evasion: 13 ARM: 40 MARM: 70

"Once you are gone, eternal life will be mine." Master Xande was originally one of three students to a great sage named Noah. When Noah died, both of the other apprentices were given great magical powers. Master Xande was given a much stranger gift; the gift of mortality. Xande was quickly driven mad by the thought of dying, and in a blind rage, sought to disrupt the flow of time itself. He believes that if he is capable of permanently ending time itself he will no longer have to fear death. Category: Abnormal Location: Size: 5.5ft Reaction: Hostile HP: 1962 MP: 1270 STR: 7 (+2) VIT: 15 (+5) DEX: 18 (+6) INT: 37 (+12) CHA: 24 (+8) Attacks: Crystal Cortex, 16 ACC, 185+2d6 damage of a random elemental type Curse of Mortality, Group, 2 ACC, all affected targets permanently suffer a -1 loss to all attributes. Magic: All Tier 1-4 Time Magic spells, Protect, Shell, Meteo, Quake, Thundaga, Firaga, Blizzaga, Osmose, Rasp Special: Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Weakness to fire Limit Break: Particle Beam. Xande teleports a Long Range into the sky, receiving the postitive status effect Float. He releases a powerful beam which reduces one random enemy to 0 hit points, then deals an ADDITIONAL 481+2d6 damage, likely disintegrating them instantly.

Evasion: 12 ARM: 40 MARM: 40 Rewards: 11,000 gil, Refine: Three Stars

Rewards: 8,000 gil, Steal: Ascalon, Refine: Three Stars




Level: 28 (End Boss)

Level: 28 (End Boss)

“All the hatred in existence would not be enough to defeat me. Soon, the power of the Void will completely be mine, and the entire earth will kneel!" Hundreds of years ago, the Hume people turned to an alternative solution to purge their land of corruption and terror. They found a single tree and attempted to turn it into a solitary prison for the malevolent souls of the restless dead to inhabit. However, this taint spread throughout the branches of the ancient oak and it became self-aware….it took a human-like form and walked the land, as evil as the many souls that composed him. Thus, the monster Exdeath was born. Category: Plant, Fiend Location: Forests, Cosmic Size: 115m Reaction: Hostile HP: 4062 MP: 822 STR: 19 (+6) VIT: 40 (+13) DEX: 4 (+1) INT: 21 (+7) CHA: 36 (+12) Attacks: Almagest, 9 ACC, 133+2d6 Shadow damage White Hole, 4 ACC, Group, deals 361+2d6 damage, only to Shadow Affiliated targets Magic: Elemental Spikes (Shadow), Paralyze, X-Zone, Osmose, Doomsday, Flare, Seal, Addle, Reflect, Barrier, Dispel, Wall Change, Dimensional Gate, Time Stop. Special: Large, Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Humanoid Killer, Weakness to Holy, Absorbs Shadow, Soul Drain (Whenever a character is reduced to 0 HP by ExDeath they also lose 3 points of Destiny) Limit Break: Grand Cross. Exdeath makes an attack roll at 5 ACC against each Humanoid opponent. If successful, they are afflicted with Petrify, Zombie, Slow, Poison and Curse. Evasion: 8 ARM: 50 MARM: 60 Rewards: Steal: Ancient Sword, Refine: Three Stars

"The weak lose their freedom to the strong. Such is the way of the strong. And it is the providence of nature that only the strong survive. That is why I needed strength." Kuja is a cybernetic creation given a soul, created by an ancient race of people that believed in the eradication of all life. Kuja follows this function absolutely, believing it ‘unfair’ that the world could someday exist without him. He is an exceptional summoner with a love for luxury and elegance, with a highly metaphorical and poetic manner of speech. In combat, Kuja uses the Atomos summon almost exclusively to rain death down upon his foes. Category: Humanoid, Construct Location: Unknown Size: 5.8ft Reaction: Varies. Usually Hostile. HP: 2214 MP: 1310 STR: 6 (+2) VIT: 20 (+6) DEX: 21 (+7) INT: 42 (+14) CHA: 36 (+12) Attacks: Regal Cutlass, 18 ACC, 48+2d6 damage Magic: All Art magic (Perform skill 6), all Tier 1-2 Summons, and the Atomos, Odin, and Bahamut summons. None of Kuja’s espers have the Indestructible property. Special: Vulnerable to Holy, Destructive Strike ability, Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof Limit Break: Star Shield. Kuja receives Elemental Mastery (Absorbency) to all 8 Elements as well as the effects of Esuna. Evasion: 13 ARM: 20 MARM: 90 Rewards: 12,000 gil, Drop: Any legendary accessory, Steal: Regal Cutlass, Refine: Three Stars



King Behemoth

Level: 28

Level: 28 (Notorious Monster)

The three snapping pink jaws of the Exoray begin to make an awful screeching sound and the creature waves its stalks as if attempting to communicate – but not with you, you realize, watching the independently-moving stem-faces ‘converse’ amongst themselves. Sometimes casually referred to as Plant Brains, Exorays are patches of evil vegetation capable of taking over entire forests. Possessing surprising magical aptitude and speed, these cunning floral formations debilitate their enemies with overwhelming status attacks before using their bodies as . They often have a tribe of Mandragora acting as unhappy servants, or even Malboros. Category: Plant Location: Forests Size: Varies drastically from 2-3ft to 9-11m Reaction: Hostile HP: 702 (Core), 132 (Tendril) MP: 598 (Core), 0 (Tendril) STR: 2 (+0) VIT: 7 (+2) DEX: 17 (+5) INT: 20 (+6) CHA: 12 (+4) Attacks: Mycotoxin, 9 ACC, 100+2d6 damage and inflicts Slow and Poison Silver Powder, 4 ACC, Group, 80+2d6 damage, has a 50% chance to inflict Charm Magic: Addle, Bio, Zombie, Paralyze, Death, Stonaga, Berserk, X-Zone, Reflect, Osmose, Advanced Illusion, Brainstorm, Seal Special: Weakness to Fire, Weakness to Ice, Resistant to Wind, Seal Proof, Blind Proof, Poison Proof, Multiple Parts, Combination Attack (Vampire, deals 300% damage), Magical Counterattack (Brainstorm) Evasion: 10 ARM: 30 MARM: 30

“This is the end. This is the end of everything.” No other single creature is as globally feared as the King Behemoth. Presumably named for its regal, fluttering mane and triumphant roars (violent enough to shake the earth itself), King Behemoths have been known to speak Common and mock adversaries before shredding them. Legends say that a Behemoth who has subsumed the souls of enough heroes has almost ascended to godhood – these omnipotent predators are the Kings of their kind. Category: Abnormal, Arcana, Beast Location: Mountains, Plains, Snow Size: 21-24ft tall Reaction: Hostile HP: 1962 MP: 514 STR: 22 (+7) VIT: 21 (+7) DEX: 15 (+5) INT: 16 (+5) CHA: 12 (+4) Attacks: Reaping Slash, 10 ACC, Group, 220+2d6 damage Atomic Breath, 10 ACC, 176+2d6 damage and inflicts Stun Magic: Force Field, Thundaga, Osmose, Haste, Reflect, Esuna, Meteor, Flare, Slowga Special: Counterattack, Magical Counterattack, Final Attack: Meteor, Destructive Strike ability, Large, Curse Proof, Death Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Terrorize (Whenever the King Behemoth reduces a character to 0 HP, all characters have a 50% chance to be Stunned and Feared for one round) Limit Break: Comet Blast. One enemy is afflicted with Power Break, Magic Break, Speed Break, Soul Break, and Armor Break, then takes 208+2d6 points of Fire M.ARM damage. There is a 25% chance for this ability to backfire and affect King Behemoth instead of the intended target. Evasion: 12 ARM: 60 MARM: 60 Rewards: 5000 gil, Steal: Megalixir, Refine: Supreme Gem

Rewards: 1500g, Steal: Elixir, Refine: Mute Mask




Level: 30 (End Boss)

Level: 30 (End Boss)

“Nothing beats the sweet music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison…Uwee-hee-hee!” Kefka is loud, short-tempered, maniacal and destructive. He possesses a deep hatred of nearly everything on the planet and an infamously sadistic sense of humor. His trademark laugh – a high-pitched sociopathic cackle – is feared by the many magitek-infused henchmen that accompany him at nearly all times. In combat, Kefka often starts with the spell Doomsday, quickly ending the fight if his foes aren’t prepared. Failing this, he lets loose a magical assault at a distance before fleeing, often shouting out a taunting quip as he runs. Category: Humanoid Location: Varies. Avoids Deserts if possible. Size: 5.6ft Reaction: Hostile HP: 1875 MP: 1240 STR: 4 (+1) VIT: 20 (+6) DEX: 26 (+8) INT: 33 (+11) CHA: 51 (+17) Attacks: Morningstar, 15 ACC, 32+2d6 damage Magic: All Tier 1-4 Black Magic spells Special: Controlled Defense, Death Proof, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Vulnerable to Holy, Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Call Minions (3 War Machines), X-Magic (Kefka can cast 4 spells as a Slow action, dealing 50% damage with each. Kefka is Immune to Knockback effects while using X-Magic.) Limit Break: Forsaken. Debilitate (2) causes a weakness to Holy to all foes, followed by 462+2d6 Holy M.ARM damage to each enemy. Healing 2, Recovers MP to full. Evasion: 14 ARM: 10 MARM: 120 Rewards: 12,000 gil, Drop: Any legendary accessory, Steal: Slave Crown, Refine: Three Stars

“Only death awaits you all, but do not fear. For it is through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as part of me.” Sephiroth is a half-human soldier, the results of genetic experiments involving an extra-terrestrial entity. Raised to be part of an elite military organization, he later followed his own ruthless agenda. Having recently ascended to a new level of existence, his strength and agility can be referred to as godlike. He possesses job abilities from a variety of different Jobs, including a Ninja’s Shatter Weapon, the Black Mage Obliterate, almost all of the Samurai abilities, and a fair few from the Fighter list as well. Sephiroth’s largest – and possibly only – weakness is his disinclination to use magic. Category: Humanoid Location: Unknown Size: 6ft Reaction: Varies. Usually Wary. HP: 4450 MP: 0 STR: 48 (+16) VIT: 41 (+13) DEX: 52 (+17) INT: 22 (+7) CHA: 44 (+14) Attacks: Signature Blade, 17 ACC, 432+2d6 damage Havoc Wing, 12 ACC, 216+2d6 damage, ignores ARM and Protect, causes a Short Range knockback Magic: None. Special: Physical Counterattack, Flight, Death Proof, Flight, AutoHaste, Vulnerable to Holy, Curse Proof, Charm Poof, Mini Proof, Destructive Strike ability, Sephiroth can move faster than any being alive, and can move a Long range in a single round. Sephiroth possesses any and all job abilities the GM sees fit to grant him. Limit Break: Heartless Angel. Demi Attack. 576+2d6 damage. Until the end of combat, Dephiroth does an additional 48 damage with all attacks. Evasion: 26 ARM: 60 MARM: 70 Rewards: 0 gil, Drop: Any legendary accessory, Refine: Three Stars


Ultima Weapon Level: 30 (End Boss)

"A thousand years it has been since a challenger stood before me. Show me the power you possess. Defeat me if you can." The Ultima Weapon is a terrifying blend of monster and machine, created in ancient times by a race of people who sought to use it as an agent of peace. The remainder of Ultima’s origin is unknown – only that he still exists and the Ancients do not. And the creature’s motives are just as mysterious; Ultima has sealed itself deep within the earth, waiting with infinite patience to be disturbed once again. In combat, Ultima Weapon uses X-Fight to attack four times with either Ultima Drive or Celestial Beam at 50% effectiveness each, dealing upwards of 700 damage per round. If he manages to gain Haste, the party can expect to be vaporized in short order. Category: Abnormal, Fiend Location: Unknown Size: 11-12m tall Reaction: Hostile HP: 7955 MP: 1720 STR: 48 (+16) VIT: 50 (+16) DEX: 52 (+17) INT: 49 (+16) CHA: 51 (+17) Attacks: Ultima Drive, 19 ACC, 480+2d6 damage Diffractive Laser, Never-miss, 392 + 2d6 nonelemental M.ARM damage Celestial Beam, 19 ACC, 336 + 2d6 damage that ignores ARM and Protect Cosmic Realignment, Ultima Weapon recovers 100% MP. Magic: Mighty Guard, All Tier 1-4 White, Time, and Black magic spells, Meteo, Slowaga, Meltdown and Ultima. If any of Ultima Weapon’s spells are absorbed by Runic, the character is reduced to 0 HP instantly. This is NOT considered a ‘Death’ status effect. Special: Fear, Death Proof, Immune to Spell Interruption, Large, Weakness to Holy, Resistance to Shadow, X-Fight and any and all other job abilities the GM sees fit to give him. Limit Break: Particle Rain. 637+2d6 nonelemental M.ARM damage to all enemies. Revenge, recovers 100% of the damage dealt as health. Evasion: 24 ARM: 100 MARM: 100 Rewards: 80,000 gil, Drop: All job-specific legendary accessories, Steal: Ribbon, Refine: Three Stars


Four Fiends Level: Varies (Bosses)

“My true strength lies in death…taste my power, and die!” “Join me…in a watery hell…” “I will not underestimate you!” “I will restore your strength. Now…bring it on!” The Four Fiends are a set of four demons which represent the negative aspects of the four classical elements. They were brought into being at the same time as the four Crystals, but the exact correlation between them is unknown. The fiends are known as Scarmiglione of Earth, Cagnazzo of Water, Barbariccia of Wind, and Rubicante of Fire. Category: Fiend, Humanoid Location: Varies Size: Varies Reaction: Hostile.

Scarmiglione, the Blighted Despot

Cagnazzo, the Drowned King

Level: 8 (Boss)

Level: 12 (Boss)

HP: 340 MP: 86 STR: 18 (+6) VIT: 10 (+3) DEX: 8 (+2) INT: 9 (+3) CHA: 5 (+1)

HP: 780 MP: 130 STR: 12 (+4) VIT: 21 (+7) DEX: 10 (+3) INT: 8 (+2) CHA: 12 (+4)

Attacks: Slash, 8 ACC, 54+2d6 damage Evil Gas, causes Curse and Seal. Magic: Poison, Bio, Stone, Stona, Sickness, Arise Special: Weak to Fire, Zombie-Touch, Undead, Petrify Proof, Charm Proof, Confuse Proof, Vulnerable to Holy, Final Attack: True Form (When Scarmiglione is reduced to 0 hit points, HP and MP are restored to 50% of their maximums, all negative status effects are cleared, and the battle continues.) Limit Break: Warpath. Causes Soul Break and Speed Break to one opponent, then deals 72+2d6 ARM damage to them. (Only after using Final Attack: True Form and only works on Humanoids.)

Attacks: Bodyslam, 6 ACC, 48+2d6 damage Shell Defend, When Defending in combat, Cagnazzo also regains 78hp per round. Magic: Watera, Wateraga, Protect, Shell, Seal Special: Immune to Ice, Weak to Lightning, Petrify Proof, Charm Proof, Large, Curse Proof, Mini Proof, Absorbs Water, Vulnerable to Holy, Skin of Iron (25%) job ability. Limit Break: Tsunami. 60+2d6 Water M.ARM damage to all opponents, causing a Short-Range knockback.

Evasion: 8 ARM: 20 MARM: 10

Evasion: 9 ARM: 20 MARM: 15 Rewards: 2000 gil, Steal: Protect Ring, Refine: Second Chance

Rewards: 1200 gil, Steal: Rage Ring, Refine: Second Chance


Barbariccia, the Empress of the Winds

Rubicante, the Autarch of Flame

Level: 15 (Boss)

Level: 18 (Boss)

HP: 750 MP: 280 STR: 8 (+2) VIT: 12 (+4) DEX: 26 (+8) INT: 14 (+4) CHA: 15 (+5)

HP: 870 MP: 568 STR: 19 (+6) VIT: 11 (+3) DEX: 14 (+4) INT: 27 (+9) CHA: 15 (+5)

Attacks: Strike, Never miss, 32+2d6 damage Kiss, 2 ACC, Charm for several rounds Wind Shield, applies Protect to self for one round and Counterattacks with Thundara. Magic: Invisible, Protect, Haste, Seal, Cure II, Confuse, Thundara, Thundaga, Addle Special: Immune to Lightning, Weak to Fire, Flight, Auto-Shell, Charm Proof, Curse Proof, Absorbs Wind, Vulnerable to Holy. Limit Break: Sensory Overload. Casts Haste on self, then Seal and Confuse on all foes. 5 ACC on attack roll to do so.

Attacks: Flaming Blade, 8 ACC, 95+2d6 damage Cloak of Cinders, Never miss, 57+2d6 damage and gains Absorb Fire and Absorb Ice for one round. Magic: Fira, Firaga, Protect, Shell, X-Zone, Cure III Special: Absorbs Fire, Weak to Ice, Weak to Water, Charm Proof, Auto-Haste, Vulnerable to Holy. Limit Break: Inferno. Short Range and all enemies. Neutralize, Strength Break and Dexterity Break. 189+2d6 Fire M.ARM damage.

Evasion: 16 ARM: 20 MARM: 30

Evasion: 9 ARM: 30 MARM: 30 Rewards: 3600 gil, Drop: Tetra Elemental, Steal: Marvel Shoes, Refine: Second Chance

Rewards: 3000 gil, Steal: Barrier Ring, Refine: Second Chance


CONCLUSION "It was time to bring the world once more into the light." - Final Fantasy

I would like to thank the following contributors for their artwork and assistance: P. Kwon P. Shricker Lovelydagger of deviantart.com K. William B. Jador RJ. Palmer J. Bowers L. Shayson

Chris Hunsberger (questingraven.deviantart.com) graciously provided the images for the Hume, Elvaan, Galka, Moogle, and Tarut racial profiles. Beta testing of this system took place on rpol.net. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the following users for their support, interest, and feedback throughout.

kckolbe False Truce Iron Pyrite Dark Siren Sally

Shei-kun Ironox Kazuki Shogunboy

ArenTrel Yurim Jack of Sticks Irish Ninja

Extra special thanks to Steph, Gabe, Josh and Joe, among others. Your constant support and feedback made this thing a reality. No thanks whatsoever to Troy. And of course, none of this would have been possible without the original Final Fantasy RPG by The Returners, available at http://www.returnergames.com/ And that, as they say, is that.


Name: Race/Job:


Attribute Current Rating Maximum STR DEX VIT INT CHA HP:

HP/Level: MP/Level: Base ACC:



Attack Type



Special Properties


Attack Type



Special Properties


Acrobatics – DEX Acting – CHA Awareness – INT Climbing – STR / DEX Disguise – CHA / INT Escape – DEX Healing – INT Inquiry – INT / CHA Language – INT Lore (________) – INT Navigation – INT Negotiation – CHA Perform – CHA Riding – DEX Stealth – DEX Survival – INT Swimming – STR / DEX Synthesis (_____) - INT Synthesis (_____) - INT Synthesis (_____) - INT Systems – INT Thievery – DEX Trade – CHA Vehicles – DEX (____________) (____________) (____________)

Axes – STR / DEX Bows - DEX Daggers – DEX Brawl – STR / DEX Guns – DEX Katanas – DEX Massive – STR Polearms – STR / DEX Staves – DEX / INT Swords – STR / DEX Two Weapons – DEX Weapon Systems - INT (____________) (____________)

Light Armor – DEX / INT Medium Armor – DEX Heavy Armor – STR / VIT




Job Abilities

Inventory (10 Items Max)


Armor / Accessory



Limit Breaks Name






Gender: Weight: Birthdate:

Height: Age:



- Rank 1 Spells Name


- Rank 2 Spells -



- Rank 3 Spells Name




- Rank 4 Spells -



- Rank 5 Spells – Name





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