271796035 Test Bank for Business Intelligence and Analytics Systems for Decision Support 10th Edition Sharda Delen Turban

January 12, 2019 | Author: Ahmadd | Category: Decision Support System, Decision Theory, Decision Making, Risk, Business Intelligence
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download full le at http://testbankcafe.com Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support , 10e (Sharda) Chapter 2 Foundations and Te Technologies chnologies for Decision a!ing

1) When HP approaches problem-solving, the first step in solving business problems is building a model that enables decision makers to develop a good understanding of the problem. Answer !A"#$ %iff & Page 'ef ( &) *n a decision making environment, continuous change alwa+s validates the assumptions of the decision makers. Answer !A"#$ %iff 1 Page 'ef  () he most important feature of management support s+stems is the computational efficienc+ involved in making a decision. Answer !A"#$ %iff & Page 'ef 1 ) Web-based Web-based decision support s+stems can provide support to both individuals and groups that act in a decision-making capacit+. Answer '/$ %iff 1 Page 'ef & 0) #ingle decision makers rarel+ face decisions with multiple obectives in organi2ations and so are not the focus of data anal+tics tools. Answer !A"#$ %iff ( Page 'ef & 3) he design phase of decision making is where the decision maker e4amines realit+ and identifies and defines the problem. Answer !A"#$ %iff & Page 'ef ( 5) 6nl+ after the failed implementation of a decision can the decision maker return a prior stage of decision making. Answer !A"#$ %iff ( Page 'ef ( ) Web-based Web-based collaboration tools 7e.g., 8##) can assist in multiple stages of decision making, not  ust the intelligence phase. Answer '/$ %iff & Page 'ef 

download full le at http://testbankcafe.com

download full le at http://testbankcafe.com 9) /ncovering the e4istence of a problem can be achieved through monitoring and anal+2ing of the organi2ation:s productivit+ level. he derived measurements of productivit+ are based on real data. Answer '/$ %iff & Page 'ef 0 1) ;ualitative elements of a problem cannot be incorporated into formal decision models, so one can onl+ seek to minimi2e their impact. Answer !A"#$ %iff & Page 'ef 3 11) #ince the business environment involves considerable uncertaint+, a manager cannot use modeling to estimate the risks resulting from specific actions. Answer !A"#$ %iff ( Page 'ef 5 1&) A normative model e4amines all the possible alternatives in order to prove that the one selected is the best. Answer '/$ %iff & Page 'ef 9 1() #ince a descriptive model checks the performance of the s+stem for onl+ a subset of all  possible alternatives, there is no guarantee that a selected alternative will be optimal. Answer '/$ %iff & Page 'ef 0-01 1) 8enerating alternatives manuall+ is often necessar+ in the model-building process. he best option for the decision makers is to generate as man+ of these alternatives as is conceivable. Answer !A"#$ %iff & Page 'ef 0& 10) 8enerall+ speaking, people intuitivel+ estimate risk
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