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DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH vs. PRISCILLA G. CAMPOSANO, ENRIQUE L. PEREZ, and IMELDA Q. AGUSTIN FACTS Respondents Caposano, Caposano, Pe!e", and A#$st%n a!e &o!e! ep'o(ees o& t)e Depa!tent O& Hea't) * Nat%ona' Cap%ta' Re#%on +DOHNCR-. Soe one!ned DOHNCR ep'o(ees &%'ed a op'a%nt /e&o!e t)e DOH Res%dent O/$dsan R%n#p%s a#a%nst D%!. Ma0a!a%s, At%n# Ad%n%st!at%ve O&&%e! III Ho!a%o Ca/!e!a, and !espondents, a!%s%n# o$t o& an a''e#ed anoa'o$s p$!)ase /( DOHNCR o& 1,233 /ott'es o& Fe!!o$s S$'&ate 423 #. 5%t) 6%ta%n 7 Cop'e8 and Fo'% A%d aps$'es 5o!t) P993,333.33 &!o L$a! P)a!ae$t%a' La/o!ato!(. T)e!ea&te!, t)e Res%dent O/$dsan s$/%tted an %nvest%#at%on !epo!t to t)e Se!eta!( o& Hea't) !eoend%n# t)e &%'%n# o& a &o!a' ad%n%st!at%ve )a!#e o& D%s)onest( and G!ave M%sond$t a#a%nst !espondents and t)e%! o!espondents. S$/se:$ent'(, S$/se:$ent'(, t)e Se!eta!( o& Hea't) &%'ed a &o!a' )a!#e a#a%nst t)e !espondents and t)e%! o!espondents &o! G!ave M%sond$t, D%s)onest(, and 6%o'at%on o& RA 931;. A&te!5a!ds, t)en E8e$t%ve E8e$t%ve Se!eta!( To!!es To!!es %ss$ed A.O A.O No. 4;< !eat%n# !eat%n# an ad)o o%ttee to %nvest%#ate t)e ad%n%st!at%ve ase &%'ed a#a%nst t)e DOHNCR ep'o(ees. T)e sa%d AO 5as %ndo!sed to t)e P!es%dent%a' Co%ss%on A#a%nst G!a&t and Co!!$pt%on +PCAGC-. Conse:$ent'(, t)e PCAGC too= ove! t)e %nvest%#at%on &!o t)e DOH. A&te! t)e %nvest%#at%on, %t %ss$ed a !eso'$t%on &%nd%n# !espondents #$%'t( as )a!#ed. T)en P!es%dent Raos %ss$ed AO No. 9;3 d%s%ss%n# t)e !espondents &!o se!v%e as !eoended /( t)e PCAGC %n t)e%! !eso'$t%on. S$/se:$ent'(, t)e Se!eta!( o& Hea't) %ss$ed an O!de! d%spos%n# o& t)e ase a#a%nst !espondents and Ca/!e!a d%s%ss%n# t)e &!o se!v%e. Respondents and Ca/!e!a &%'ed t)e%! sepa!ate appea' 5%t) t)e CSC 5)%) 5as /ot) den%ed. Respondents> ot%on ot%on &o! !eons%de!at%on 5as den%ed on Septe/e! 93, 1;;;. ?)%'e Ca/!e!a>s ot%on &o! !eons%de!at%on 5as den%ed on @an$a!( 4, 4333. Respondents, )o5eve!, !ee%ved t)e !eso'$t%on den(%n# t)e%! ot%on &o! !eons%de!at%on on Nove/e! 4331 5)%) 5as p!o$'#ated on . T)$s, Ho!a%o Ca/!e!a 5as a/'e to appea' to t)e CA t)e CSC>s !eso'$t%ons a)ead o& !espondents. T)e pet%t%on o& Ca/!e!a 5as #!anted /( t)e CA sett%n# as%de t)e !eso'$t%ons o& t)e CSC and e8one!ated Ca/!e!a o& t)e ad%n%st!at%ve ad%n%st!at%ve )a!#ed a#a%nst )%. Not sat%s&%ed 5%t) t)e den%a' /( t)e CSC o& t)e%! appea', !espondents /!o$#)t t)e atte! to t)e CA
5)%) nonet)e'ess $sed t)e sae 'e#a' /ases &o! ann$''%n# t)e CSC>s Reso'$t%on a#a%nst !espondents and )e'd t)at t)e PCAGC>s 0$!%sd%t%on ove! ad%n%st!at%ve op'a%nts pe!ta%ned on'( to p!es%dent%a' appo%ntees. T)$s, t)e Co%ss%on )ad no po5e! to %nvest%#ate t)e )a!#es a#a%nst !espondents. Mo!eove!, %n s%p'( and op'ete'( !e'(%n# on t)e PCAGC>s &%nd%n#s, t)e se!eta!( o& )ea't) &a%'ed to op'( 5%t) ad%n%st!at%ve d$e p!oess. Hene, t)e Pet%t%on. ISSUESB a- ?)et)e! o! not t)e PCAGC )ave 0$!%sd%t%on to %nvest%#ate t)e anoa'o$s t!ansat%on %nvo'v%n# !espondents /- ?)et)e! o! not t)e )ea't) se!eta!( )ad d%s%p'%na!( a$t)o!%t( ove! !espondents - ? )et)e! o! not a Depa!tent Se!eta!( a( $t%'%"e ot)e! o&&%%a's and !epo!t &ats &!o 5)%) a de%s%on a( /e /ased d- ?)et)e! o! not t)e Hea't) Se!eta!( )as t)e opetene and a$t)o!%t( to de%de 5)at at%on s)o$'d /e ta=en a#a%nst o&&%%a's and ep'o(ees 5)o )ave /een ad%n%st!at%ve'( )a!#ed and %nvest%#ated e- ?)et)e! o! not t)e O!de! o& Hea't) Se!eta!( %s va'%d RULINGB a- ES. PCAGC PCAGC )ave 0$!%sd 0$!%sd%t% %t%on on to %nvest%#at %nvest%#ate e t)e anoa'o$s anoa'o$s t!ansat%on %nvo'v%n# !espondents. E8e$t%ve O!de! No. 121 #!anted t)e PCAGC t)e 0$!%sd%t%on to %nvest%#ate ad%n%st!at%ve op'a%nts a#a%nst p!es%dent%a' appo%ntees a''e#ed'( %nvo'ved %n #!a&t and o!!$pt%on. F!o a $!so!( !ead%n# o& %ts p!ov%s%ons, %t %s ev%dent t)at EO 121 a$t)o!%"es t)e PCAGC to %nvest%#ate )a!#es a#a%nst p!es%dent%a', not nonp!es%dent%a', appo%ntees. In %ts P !ea/'e, spe%&%a''( %n %ts ?)e!eas 'a$ses, t)e EO spe%&%a''( tas=ed t)e PCAGC to %nvest%#ate p!es%dent%a' appo%ntees )a!#ed 5%t) #!a&t and o!!$pt%on Mo!e po%nted'(, Set%on 9 states t)at t)e Co%ss%on s)a'' )ave 0$!%sd%t%on ove! a'' ad%n%st!at%ve op'a%nts %nvo'v%n# #!a&t and o!!$pt%on &%'ed %n an( &o! o! anne! a#a%nst p!es%dent%a' appo%ntees. T)e Co$!t notes, )o5eve!, t)at !espondents 5e!e not %nvest%#ated p$!s$ant to EO 121. T)e %nvest%#at%on 5as a$t)o!%"ed $nde! AO No. 4;s po5e! to !eate t)e Ad Ho Invest%#at%n# Co%ttee annot /e do$/ted. Hav%n# /een onst%t$t%ona''( #!anted &$'' ont!o' o& t)e E8e$t%ve Depa!tent, to 5)%) !espondents /e'on#, t)e P!es%dent )as t)e o/'%#at%on to ens$!e t)at a'' e8e$t%ve o&&%%a's and ep'o(ees &a%t)&$''( op'( 5%t) t)e 'a5. ?%t) AO 4;< as andate, t)e 'e#a'%t( o& t)e %nvest%#at%on %s s$sta%ned. S$) va'%d%t( %s not a&&eted /( t)e &at t)at t)e %nvest%#at%n# tea and t)e PCAGC )ad t)e sae opos%t%on, o! t)at t)e &o!e! $sed t)e o&&%es and &a%'%t%es o& t)e 'atte! %n ond$t%n# t)e %n:$%!(. Pa!ent)et%a''(, t)e pe!e%ved va$$ %n EO 121 5%t) !e#a!d to ases %nvo'v%n# non p!es%dent%a' appo%ntees 5as !et%&%ed %n E8e$t%ve O!de! No. 14. 5)%) !eated t)e PAGC. Non p!es%dent%a' appo%ntees 5)o a( )ave ated %n onsp%!a(, o! 5)o a( )ave /een %nvo'ved 5%t) a p!es%dent%a' appo%ntee, a( no5 /e %nvest%#ated /( t)e PAGC. /- ES. T)e Ad%n%st!at%ve Code o& 1;s !eoendat%on, /$t $st pe!sona''( 5e%#) and assess t)e ev%dene #at)e!ed. T)e!e an /e no s)o!t$ts, /ea$se at sta=e a!e t)e )ono!, t)e !ep$tat%on, and t)e '%ve'%)ood o& t)e pe!son ad%n%st!at%ve'( )a!#ed. In t)e p!esent ase, t)e )ea't) se!eta!(>s t5opa#e O!de! d%s%ss%n# !espondents pa'es %n opa!%son 5%t) t)e p!es%dent%a' at%on 5%t) !e#a!d to D!. Ma0a!a%s. P!%o! to t)e %ss$ane o& )%s sevenpa#e de%s%on, P!es%dent F%de' 6. Raos ond$ted a !est$d( o& t)e doto!>s ase. He even noted a v%o'at%on t)at )ad not /een ons%de!ed /( t)e PCAGC. On t)e ot)e! )and, Hea't) Se!eta!( Reod%a s%p'( and /'%nd'( !e'%ed on t)e d%spos%t%ve po!t%on o& t)e Co%ss%on>s Reso'$t%on. S)e even %s:$oted %t /( %nadve!tent'( o%tt%n# t)e !eoendat%on 5%t) !e#a!d to Respondents En!%:$e L. Pe!e" and Ie'da Q. A#$st%n. e- NO. ?)%'e t)e Hea't) Se!eta!( )as t)e po5e! as ent%oned a/ove, D$e p!oess %n ad%n%st!at%ve p!oeed%n#s !e:$%!es op'%ane 5%t) t)e &o''o5%n# a!d%na' p!%n%p'esB +1- t)e !espondents> !%#)t to a )ea!%n#, 5)%) %n'$des t)e !%#)t to p!esent one>s ase and s$/%t s$ppo!t%n# ev%dene, $st /e o/se!ved +4- t)e t!%/$na' $st ons%de! t)e ev%dene p!esented +9- t)e de%s%on $st )ave soe /as%s to s$ppo!t %tse'& +- t)e!e $st /e s$/stant%a' ev%dene +2- t)e de%s%on $st /e !ende!ed on t)e ev%dene p!esented at t)e )ea!%n#, o! at 'east onta%ned %n t)e !eo!d and d%s'osed to t)e pa!t%es a&&eted +- %n a!!%v%n# at a de%s%on, t)e t!%/$na' $st )ave ated on %ts o5n ons%de!at%on o& t)e 'a5 and t)e &ats o& t)e ont!ove!s( and $st not )ave s%p'( aepted t)e v%e5s o& a s$/o!d%nate and +t)e de%s%on $st /e !ende!ed %n s$) anne! t)at !espondents 5o$'d =no5 t)e !easons &o! %t and t)e va!%o$s %ss$es %nvo'ved. T)e CA o!!et'( !$'ed t)at ad%n%st!at%ve d$e p!oess )ad not /een o/se!ved %n t)e p!esent &at$a' %'%e$. F$!t)e!o!e, T)e O!de! o& Se!eta!( Reod%a den(%n# !espondents> Mot%on &o! Reons%de!at%on a'so &a%'ed to o!!et t)e de&%%en( %n t)e %n%t%a' O!de!. S)e %p!ope!'( !e'%ed on t)e P!es%dent>s &%nd%n#s %n AO 9;3 5)%), )o5eve!, pe!ta%ned on'( to t)e ad%n%st!at%ve )a!#e a#a%nst D!. Ma0a!a%s, not a#a%nst !espondents. To !epeat, t)e C)%e& E8e$t%ve
!eo#n%"ed t)at t)e d%s%p'%na!( 0$!%sd%t%on ove! !espondents /e'on#ed to t)e )ea't) se!eta!( 5)o s)o$'d )ave &o''o5ed t)e anne! %n 5)%) t)e P!es%dent )ad !ende!ed )%s at%on on t)e !eoendat%on. T)e P!es%dent>s endo!seent o& t)e !eo!ds o& t)e ase &o! t)e app!op!%ate at%on o& t)e )ea't) se!eta!( d%d not onst%t$te a d%!et%ve &o! t)e %ed%ate d%s%ssa' o& !espondents. L%=e t)at o& P!es%dent Raos, t)e de%s%on o& Se!eta!( Reod%a s)o$'d )ave onta%ned a &at$a' &%nd%n# and a 'e#a' assessent o& t)e ont!ove!s( to ena/'e !espondents to =no5 t)e /ases &o! t)e%! d%s%ssa' and t)e!ea&te! p!epa!e t)e%! appea' %nte''%#ent'(, %& t)e( so des%!ed. Inas$) as t)e )ea't) se!eta!(>s t5%n O!de!s 5e!e patent'( vo%d &o! 5ant o& d$e p!oess, t)e CA d%d not e!! %n !e&$s%n# to d%s$ss t)e e!%t o& t)e PCAGC>s o! t)e Ad Ho Co%ttee>s !eoendat%ons. S$) a d%s$ss%on s)o$'d )ave /een ade /( t)e
)ea't) se!eta!( /e&o!e %t o$'d /e passed $pon /( t)e CA. In !ep!esentat%on o& pet%t%one!, t)e O&&%e o& t)e So'%%to! Gene!a' %ns%sts t)at !espondents a!e #$%'t( o& t)e )a!#es and, '%=e D!. Ma0a!a%s, dese!ve d%s%ssa' &!o t)e se!v%e. S$&&%e %t to st!ess t)at t)e %ss$e %n t)%s ase %s not t)e #$%'t o& !espondents, /$t so'e'( d$e p!oess. AD@UDICATION ?HEREFORE, t)e pet%t%on %s pa!t'( #!anted. t)e assa%'ed de%s%on o& t)e o$!t o& appea's %s od%&%ed %n t)e sense t)at t)e a$t)o!%t( o& t)e ad )o %nvest%#at%n# o%ttee !eated $nde! ad%n%st!at%ve o!de! 4;< %s s$sta%ned. 7e%n# v%o'at%ve o& ad%n%st!at%ve d$e p!oess, t)e o!de!s o& t)e )ea't) se!eta!( a!e ann$''ed and set as%de.
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