2600 Evo Radar Manual

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2600 Evo Radar Manual...


evo 2600 Radar Gauge


Radar Level Gauge (Non-contact, FMCW, 26 GHz)


TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1- Introduction .................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Pulse Radar Gauge Description ........................................................................... 7 1.2 Factors Affecting Accuracy .................................................................................. 7 1.3 Background of the User.......................................................................................... 8 1.4 Using the Manual: ...................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Safety Guidelines: ...................................................................................................... 8 Section 2- Installation .................................................................................................. 11 2.1 Interconnection: ...................................................................................................... 11 2.1.1 L&J Tankway Terminals ..................................................................................... 11 2.1.2 Optional Spot Temperature Input (3 wire) .................................................... 11 2.1.3 Optional Ground Level Display (GLD) with IR Ability................................... 11 2.1.4 Optional 4-20 Milliamp Output ....................................................................... 11 2.1.5 Earth Grounding ................................................................................................ 11 2.2 Mechanical Mounting and Location: .................................................................. 12 2.2.1 Fixed Roof Installation .......................................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Spherical Tank Installation ................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Still Well Installation ............................................................................................... 13 2.2.4 Floating Roof Installation ..................................................................................... 13 2.2.5 Riser and Cleaning Hatch Installation ............................................................... 13 2.2.6 Installation with Integral Stilling Well Antenna for Tape and Float Retrofit . 14 Section 3 – Local Interfaces ......................................................................................... 16 3.1 Local Displays: .......................................................................................................... 16 3.2 Error Codes: .............................................................................................................. 16

5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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Section 4 – Start-Up and Initialization ........................................................................ 16 4.1 Required Programming: ......................................................................................... 16 4.2 Overview: .................................................................................................................. 16 4.3 How to Gain Access to the Programming Menu from the display within the evo 2600 enclosure:....................................................................................................... 17 Step 1: ........................................................................................................................... 17 Step 2: ........................................................................................................................... 17 Step 3: ........................................................................................................................... 17 Step 4: ........................................................................................................................... 17 Step 5: ........................................................................................................................... 17 4.4 Data Entry Methods: ............................................................................................... 18 Selection list: ................................................................................................................ 18 Up and Down: ............................................................................................................. 18 Digits:............................................................................................................................. 18 Exiting a Function or the Program Menu: ............................................................... 18 How to Go to a Function Quickly: ........................................................................... 18 4.4.1 Steps to gain access to the MCG 2600 programming menu from the ground level display (GLD):.......................................................................................... 18 4.4.2 Contrast Adjustment on the Ground Level Display: ....................................... 19 Section 5 – Programming Functions........................................................................... 20 5.1 Function 01-e.CAL INTUITIVE SETUP WIZARD: ....................................................... 20 5.1.1 Steps To Start The e.CAL Setup Wizard: ............................................................ 20 5.1.2 The e.CAL Setup Wizard Prompts:...................................................................... 21 STEP 1: SET THE DISPLAY UNITS:................................................................................... 21 STEP 2: SET THE DATUM LEVEL: ................................................................................... 22 STEP 3: SET THE MINIMUM SEARCH LEVEL:................................................................ 22

5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

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STEP 4: SET THE MAXIMUM SEARCH LEVEL: .............................................................. 23 STEP 5: SET THE SEED LEVEL AND CALIBRATE: .......................................................... 23 5.2 Function 02-SET UNITS FOR DISPLAY: ..................................................................... 24 5.3 Function 03-SET THE DATUM LEVEL: ....................................................................... 25 5.4 Function 04-SET THE MINIMUM SEARCH LEVEL: .................................................... 25 5.5 Function 05-SET THE MAXIMUM SEARCH LEVEL: .................................................. 25 5.6 Function 06-SET THE SEED LEVEL: ............................................................................ 25 5.7 Function 07-LEVEL CALIBRATION: .......................................................................... 26 5.8 Function 08-ADJUST THE DISPLAY CONTRAST: ..................................................... 26 5.9 Function 13-SET THE OPERATOR PASSCODE: ....................................................... 26 5.10 Function 20-e.WAVE GRAPHICAL PROFILE: ....................................................... 26 Photograph of the e.WAVE Display as Seen On The Ground Level Display ....... 27 Graph User Controls and Item Descriptions .............................................................. 27 e.WAVE Graph Controls ............................................................................................... 28 Auto Profile Details ......................................................................................................... 29 Manual Profile Details .................................................................................................... 30 Debug Data Snapshot .................................................................................................. 31 5.11 Function 21-SET OUTPUT PROTOCOL TYPE: ........................................................ 32 5.12 Function 22-SET ADDRESS: .................................................................................... 32 5.13 Function 23-SET BAUD RATE: ................................................................................. 32 5.14 Function 24-SET PARITY: ......................................................................................... 32 5.15 Function 25-SET POWER TYPE: .............................................................................. 32 5.16 Function 26-SET TEMP INPUT TYPE: ....................................................................... 33 5.17 Function 27-SET THE RTD CURVE TYPE: ................................................................ 33 5.18 Function 28-CALIBRATE SPOT RTD TEMPERATURE: ............................................. 33

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Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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5.19 Function 33-RESPOND DELAY:.............................................................................. 34 5.20 Function 34-SET NORM/DIAG DISPLAY MODE: .................................................. 35 5.21 Function 35-SET LCD 2ND DATA ITEM TO SHOW: .............................................. 35 5.22 Function 36-SET LCD 3RD DATA ITEM TO SHOW: ............................................... 35 5.23 Function 37-ENBL/DSBL GROUND LEVEL DISPLAY: ............................................ 35 5.24 Function 44-SET THE ANALOG OUT ZERO LEVEL: ............................................... 35 5.25 Function 45-SET THE ANALOG OUT SPAN LEVEL: ............................................... 36 5.26 Function 46-TRIM ANALOG OUT CHANNEL #1: ................................................. 36 5.27 Function 47-TEST ANALOG OUT CHANNEL #1: .................................................. 37 5.28 Function 48-CONFIGURE THE ANALOG OUTPUT MODE:.................................. 37 5.29 Function 49-CONFIGURE FIXED ANALOG OUTPUT:........................................... 37 5.30 Function 59-SET THE SUPERVISOR PASSCODE: ................................................... 37 Section 6- Technical Information .............................................................................. 38 Section 7- Maintenance ............................................................................................. 39 7.1 L&J Maintenance and Repair Program: ............................................................. 39 7.2 Factory Support: ...................................................................................................... 40 7.3 Return Goods Program: .......................................................................................... 41 Section 8- Board Replacement .................................................................................. 41 8.1 Assembly/Disassembly: ........................................................................................... 41 Section 9- Hart Communications Option .................................................................. 43 Section 10- Modbus Communications Option ......................................................... 50 Section 11- Drawings ................................................................................................... 53

5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 PULSE RADAR GAUGE DESCRIPTION: The evo 2600 utilizes pulsed Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology operating in the K-Band frequency range of approximately 26GHz. By utilizing such technology, the evo 2600 is able to provide a standard accuracy of +/- 3mm. The Kband 26GHz frequency allows the radar to produce narrower conical beam angles than a standard 6GHz frequency radar gauge. This allows the radar gauge to be installed close to the tank walls and will help reduce interference from obstructions inside the tank. Another added benefit is the reduced size of the antenna due to the narrower beam angle, which also allows for easier installations than standard radar level gauges. There are numerous antenna configurations available for the evo 2600. The different antenna options include a standard 316SS conical horn antenna, parabolic antenna, and planar antenna. Each antenna can accommodate specific applications and process conditions. In its standard configuration, the evo 2600 is a two-wire loop-powered device. As with all L&J engineering products, the evo 2600 supports a multitude of digital protocols and external power supply options. This allows the user to easily interface the evo 2600 with any existing or future inventory management system. The evo 2600 uses L&J's communication highway module that allows you to easily switch protocols if your applications changes. A wireless version of the radar gauge is also available.

1.2 FACTORS AFFECTING ACCURACY: Outside influences can affect the accuracy of the installed radar gauge. These influences include but are not limited to the following: Surface Conditions - This includes foaming, boiling, heavy vapors and turbulence at the product surface that could degrade the quality of the signal being reflected. Antenna Conditions - The size and shape of an antenna affect the quality of the transmitted and received signals. A more focused signal (like with the parabolic antenna) gives a stronger reflection. Other influences include to a lesser extent, dirt or condensation on the antenna and the size and shape of the point of entry into the tank. Distance - For a greater distance there is a greater loss to the signal due to normal absorption by the air and vapors. Reflected energy will be weaker at greater distances. Dielectric Constant - Every product has a dielectric. A product with a high dielectric constant (like Water with 80) will reflect more energy while a product with a low dielectric constant (like hydrocarbons with 1.7 to 3.5) will reflect less energy. A higher dielectric constant means greater accuracy and reliability.

5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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Obstructions - The presence of support structures, pipes, tubes, heaters and mixing blades can adversely affect the level reading because those items reflect the signal which would normally reflect from the liquid surface. Datum - The datum, or mounting height of the radar gauge should be constant and stable regardless of the liquid level in the tank, weight on top of the tank, or pressure inside the tank. Since the principle of operation involves measurement of the distance between the datum and the liquid surface, a stable mounting point is critical.

1.3 BACKGROUND OF THE USER: It is assumed that the person using this guide have some familiarity with the functions and operations of the total operating system in general, in that the radar gauges are only one component part of a much larger tank gauging system. For this reason, the person maintaining the equipment should become familiar with other equipment connected to and working in conjunction with the evo 2600. The person maintaining the equipment will find it helpful to have actually operated the equipment before receiving maintenance responsibility. Only authorized personnel who have been trained to work on this equipment should perform maintenance.

1.4 USING THE MANUAL: This manual is primarily a reference to provide the user with guidance in installing, operating, and maintaining the evo 2600. It is assumed that the persons using this manual have some familiarity with the overall system that the unit is being installed in and any other equipment connected to, or working in conjunction with, the evo 2600. Before attempting to install or operate this equipment, the user should read and be familiar with all portions of this manual as well as the manuals for the other equipment used in the system. WARNING: Before attempting to install or otherwise operate this equipment, the user should read and understand the safety notices contained in this manual. Failure to follow the guidelines set forth in this section could result in loss of life and/or damage to equipment. Damage resulting from misuse will void the warranty.


1.5.1 Safety Guidelines-For US/Canada Models:

The evo 2600 Radar Gauge is designed for use in a Class I, Division 1, Groups: B, C or D and Class II, III, Division 1, Groups: E, F, or G hazardous areas. Installation and maintenance personnel working with equipment in a hazardous classified area must abide by all Federal, State, and Local regulations pertaining to the hazardous classification. In addition, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines must be followed. It is not within the scope of this manual to discuss the proper

5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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procedures for the installation of field wiring. Specific information regarding field wiring, regulatory agency requirements, and guidelines can be obtained from the following: National Electric Code (NEC) National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) American Petroleum Institute (API) Instrument Society of America (ISA) Canadian Standards Association (CSA) The evo 2600 complies with the following US and Canadian Standards: FM related Documents: FM 3600, FM3615, and FM3810. Canada related Documents: CSA C22.2 No.'s 0.4, 25, 30 and 142. The evo 2600 is rated as explosion-proof. When in a hazardous area do not remove the covers without first turning off the power. Always replace covers securely prior to restoring power. The MCG 2150 hand held infrared calibrator is rated as intrinsically safe and can be used in a hazardous area. For initialization of the evo 2600, all power-on functions can be performed from the hand held infrared calibrator. To check or change jumpers or switch settings, the area must either be cleared of explosive atmosphere or power must be turned off prior to opening the housing. To maintain the explosion-proof rating, all wiring to the evo 2600 must be properly terminated through an explosion- proof seal-off and the housing must be properly grounded in accordance with the NEC. Extreme caution must be used when installing or maintaining equipment in hazardous locations. Installation and maintenance of this or any equipment in a hazardous area should be performed only by well-trained, authorized maintenance personnel. If you have any doubts or questions, please check with your local electrical department, and/or safety authorities, for proper procedures.

1.5.2 Safety Guidelines-For ATEX Models:

The evo 2600 is rated as flameproof for use in hazardous locations: Group II, Category 1/2, Gas and Dust (Refer to technical section for markings). Installation and Maintenance Personnel working with equipment in a hazardous classified area must abide by all applicable regulations pertaining to the hazardous classification. The evo 2600 complies with the following European harmonized standards: EN 60079-0 EN 60079-1 EN 60079-26 EN60079-31

General Requirements for Explosive Atmospheres Equipment Protection by Flame Proof Enclosures Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga Explosive Atmospheres-Part 31: Equipment Dust Ignition Protection By Enclosure "t"

The user is cautioned to use wiring which is rated for a minimum of 10°C above the maximum ambient temperature.

5911 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL, 60162

Manual P/N 860791 Rev. 1.0

Phone: (708) 236-6000

Fax: (708) 236-6006


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The use of ATEX certified flameproof cable entry device with or without the use of a certified flameproof thread adapter is required on all ATEX models. All cabling methods must be suitable for the intended application. When in a hazardous area do not remove the covers without first turning off the power. Always replace covers and cover locks securely prior to restoring power. The evo 2600 has two Equipment Protection Levels. The first is the enclosure with flameproof path, and the second is a solid barrier consisting of the launch pin assembly.

1.5.3 Safety Warnings: Warning! The Wave Guide Adapter of the evo 2600 contains a plastic surface, which under certain extreme conditions could generate an electrostatic charge capable of ignition. During maintenance of the evo 2600, appropriate measures must be used to prevent an electrostatic discharge. Do not service this part in the presence of hazardous gases. Cleaning of the enclosure should only be done with a damp cloth. Warning! The painted surface of the evo2600 may store electrostatic charge and become a source of ignition in applications with low relative humidity
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