25237415 Bhavanakrama of Kamalasila

April 4, 2017 | Author: haraldtashi | Category: N/A
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'' A bodhisattva who has so generated bodhichitta himself practises "dana ' etc. by giving and engages in 'pratipatti' knowing that if one does not oneself give away one cannot (exercise) control (over) others. And, there is no attainment of bodhi without 'pratipatti' or the knowledge of the eight-fold path. As has been said in Arya-gayasiq;a, "The bodhisattvas with 'pratipatti' achieve bodhi and not those without "pratipatti". It has also been stated in Arya-samadhi-raja: "0 Kurnara! you should thus-wise instruct yourself: 'I shall possess the essence of 'pratipatti.' What for thus? Because, o Kumaral for one possessing the essence of 'pratipatti', 'anuttara-samyaka-sarnbodhi' is not difficult to attain." The "pratipatti ' of the bodhisattva along with the differentiation of 'paramita', 'apramana"" and 'sarngrahavastu '56 etc. has been described in detail in sutras like




Aksyamati-ratnamegha-sutra. When a bodhisattva has to learn even such material subjects as 'silpa.';" what then to speak of transcendental dhyana etc.? Otherwise, how will he fulfil all his commitments towards sattvas? Hence, in brief, the 'prajfia ' and 'upayaya" of a bodhisattva are neither only 'prajfia' nor only 'upayaya' alone. As has been said in Arya Vimala-kirti-nirdesa: ," prajfia ' without' upayaya ' and "upayaya ' without "prajfia ' are a bondage for the bodhisattva." 'Upayaya' (means) with 'prajfia' (wisdom) and 'prajfia ' with 'upayaya' are described as release. It is also said in Arya-gayasirsa: "In brief, these are the two paths for a bodhisattva. Equipped with this twin path, the 'rnaha-sattva' bodhisattva will soon be linked with 'anuttara-sarnyakasambodhi' or supreme enlightenment. What are these two? These are 'upayaya ' and 'prajfia'. Here, leaving aside the Perfection of Wisdom, all others such as the perfection of 'dana ', 'samgrah-vastu '59 etc., "ksetra-parisudh.i'j'" 'mahabhoga ', 'bahu-parivara-sampata'," 'sattva-paripaka ntrmana'? - etc. the collection of all these is called 'kusala upayaya' of meritorious effort. By thus differentiating through discrimination proper 'upayaya' and by properly fulfilling one's own and others' objectives, one does not contract 'samklesas" just as when mantra-sanctified poison is taken (and no harm comes). And, thus has it been expostulated in the sutra: "Upayaya is the knowledge of 'sarngrah'j'" 'prajna ' the knowledge of differentiation or discrimination/?" It is said in Arya-sradha-baladhana: "What is the skill in upayaya? It is the acquisition of all dharmas. What is 'prajfia'? It is the skill in analysing all dharmas," Both these - 'prajfia' and 'upayaya' and not 'prajria' alone or 'upayaya' alone have always to be practised even by bodhisattvas who have entered the 'bhumis'i'" because a bodhisattva's proper conduct in the "paramitas ' or perfections in all the ten 'bhumis'f? has been taught in Dasabhurnika etc. Of a bodhisattva who roams calmly in the eighth'" 'bhumi', 'vyuthana'f" (from it) is opposed by the Buddhas. This is understandable when the following (injunction) is



studied: "therefore, 0 jina-putra! of a bodhisattva who is established in this 'achala'?? stage and in the collected force of his earlier fixation or 'prani-dhana' and in the fundamental source of dharma," Lord Buddha calls a 'finis' (upasamhara)" to his previously acquired knowledge and He thus addresses him, "well done, well done, 0 Kulputra! This 'paramartha ksanti'73 is for pursuing all Buddha-dharmas. However, o Kulaputra! even so, that intellect which comprises ten 'balas?' and four qualifications" and is regarded as Buddha dharma's wealth is still not yours. So, yoke yourself into a search for the glory of that Buddha dharma; start effort; do never leave this doorway of 'ksanti', Even then, 0 Kulaputra! now that you have attained this 'santi-vimoksa-vihara'76 you must think of and own up those ignorance-common folks who, in their restless, disturbed state indulge in varying 'klesas' and whose minds are dogged with many arguments and counter-arguments. And again, 0 Kulputra! remember your earlier vows to make available to 'sattvas' a state of no worry through (the cultivation of) true 'jfiana '. 77This, o Kulaputra! is the dharmata" of all dharmas. Whether or not Tathagatas" are born, this state" of 'dharmata' and 'dharmadhatu "? stays just as 'sarva-dharma sunyata?" and 'sarvadharrnanu-plabdhi," i.e. the emptiness of all phenomena and the non-true existence of all phenomena. Not only are Tathagatas affected by it but even 'sravakas' and 'pratyekabuddhas attain to this 'avikalpa-dharmata'
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