Observation+ Over speeding of vehicles were noticed in the site area.
%ate o Inspection+ Inspection+ 10 12 201
Contro. 5eas)res I**ediate.on6er ter* action
Ti*e &ca.e
I**ediate action+ Establish & enforcement of site rules for safe driving.
Put Signs for drivers and pedestrians in a workplace road
$a3ard / Conse4)ences Conse4)ences:: Over speeding can lead to accident at site which can result up to loss of life of worker, properties damage and can affect the work progress at site
Disciplinar action to be taken against driver for over speeding
&hort ter*+ Driv Driver ers s shou should ld be trai traine ned d for for safe safe driving.
!i"ed traffic control measures such as speed humps, chicanes and #rumble strips$ should be implemented
Speed control sstem should be implemented.
Lon6 Ter*+ Segregated traffic routes for vehicles.
03 02
Observation+ )isk of trips and falls due to trailing cables in the work area. 'orkpl 'orkplace ace *+ealt *+ealth, h, Safet Safet and 'elfar 'elfare e )egulations --. .
$a3ard / Conse4)ences+ /rips and falls can cause severe in0ur to worker.
1 | P a g e
I**ediate action+
1able management should be followed2 followed2 trai traili ling ng cabl cables es shou should ld be mana manage ged d immediatel.
&hort ter*+
One week
3ood +ousekeeping
Lon6 Ter*+ (onitor and check workplace regularl. (ake emploees aware of the ha4ards b providing information and training.
E"cavation trench was found without an barriers & caution boards and the welding crew moving ver close and single worker was working in trench without presence of another worker working above ground.
Stop the work unless other worker 0oins him to work above ground.
+ard barricading around the e"cavation area and good visible signage$s including placing warning light for night as well.
Provide diversions for vehicle movement & persons.
$a3ard / Conse4)ences+ +a4ard associated with E"cavation trench are2 5!alls into trenches or e"cavations 5/ripping over e6uipment, debris and spoil
&hort ter*+
5E"cavated material or other ob0ects falling
5Provide flickering light if an activities re6uired at night
on workers
-provide training to workers
+a4ards involving e"cavations, in particular trenches, can lead to serious incidents involving workers at construction sites.
Lon6 Ter*+ Ensure prescribed measures and procedures are carried out in the workplace Prepare and review, at least annuall, a written occupational health and safet polic for the workplace, and develop and maintain a program to implement that polic.
2 | P a g e
Path wa blocked b construction materials such as bricks, debris.
)emove debris and e"cavated soil near %mmediate e"cavation site 9s. ;
Hazard & Consequences:
&hort ter*+
8locked path ma lead to slip, trip and fall. 7nd a severe in0ur can be happened.
Proper designated area should be proved for the stacking of materials.
/wo 'eek
Lon6 Ter*+
One (onth
%mprove work laout with designated walk wa. +ousekeeping to be maintained
Ti*e &ca.e
I**ediate action+
)isk of falling ob0ect from scaffold platform due to loose tools stored on scaffold platform having no guardrails around it.
area to be provided with ade6uate ventilator > e"haust and dustbin
$a3ard / Conse4)ences+
&hort ter*+
Smoking near waste ha4ardous material can lead fire at workplace and will lead to propert damage and sometime loss of human life
Provide ade6uate e"tinguishers
Immediate action:
?o appropriate PPE@s is worn b the workforce e"cept helmet.
Provide PPE to the worker.
Hazard & Consequences: 'orking without proper and ade6uate PPE can lead to severe ha4ard to worker e.g. working without safet glass can lead to damage of ee, working without mask can lead to lungs problem etc.
4 | P a g e
Ti*e &ca.e
Lon6 Ter*+ Proper awareness training should be provided
%mplement & enforcement of site safet rules.
One week
One 'eek
Short term: 1onduct proper in5house training for the usage of PPE@s & its importance
One 'eek
Long Term: Regular Monitoring.
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