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This ritual awakens cosmic power and strengthens the will. It originates from the Majapahit kingdom (circa 13-15th century AD). It is said that Gajah Mada, the revered Prime Minister of Majapahit during the reign of Hayam Wuruk, acquired powers from this ritual and made it possible for him to unite the kingdoms of Java into one single nation. Method: Begin fasting at dawn on a Thursday and continue this fast for a period of seven days. In this fast you are to eat nothing but plain white rice. No side dishes--nothing. You may eat three times daily as you will.

Indonesian Shaman and Grimoire

Every night during the fast, you are to sit in meditation in the appropriate magickal atmosphere and focus on the keris and chant the following mantra: Kinanthenan tekad teguh Kanti tekad sayeti Ingsun asesanti Ingsun madhep, mantep nedya amangun kekuwataning jiwa kalis ing sagung godha lan rubeda amrih bisa angayomi maring sesami sunaring cahaya kekuwataningsun senadyan lebur tanpa wekas wus bakal makarti lan wus makarti utawane tumpes tanpa tapis madhangi kang lagi mandang pepeteng Ingsun ora bakal gigrig mencorong sumilak tansah madhep mantep ing pangudi ndayani marang sapadha-padha marang gegayuhan margining warih wilujeng wilujeng wilujeng kuat kuat kuat. Repeat this chant for a total of 111x in each session. Ritual may be conducted on a routine basis. Each time that you require some extra moral strength while facing a problem recite the

A representation of Semar, the spiritual guardian of Indonesia. Sometimes symbolizing the highest aspect of the microcosm. He is characterized as short, physically deformed, but spiritually wise and displaying the positive feminine aspects of the spirit such as compassion, love, understanding, etc.

chant once.

THE ISMUL A'DHOOM PRAYER One of the many secret methods applied by local ritualists here in Indonesia to acquire a financial windfall through magickal means is one that comes from the book, "Sa'adatul Daroin," by Syekh Taqiyuddin Addimasyaqi. It is stated in the author's work that whosoever recites the prayer verse "Ismul a'dhoom" for one thousand times in a single day will be given something valuable in an occult manner. Certain pratitioners have observed that it may take more than a single-day's recitation, sometimes demanding seven successive days before results may be seen. The ritual recitation is to be done in the proper setting and with the holy observances of fast and holy wash.

A Javanese calligraphic representation of Semar.

The prayer: Allaahumma innii as-aluka bis-mikala'dhomiil maktuubi min nuuri wajhikal-a'laal mu-a'bbadiddaa-imiil-baaqi, al-mukholladi fii qolbi nabiyyika wa rosuulika Muhammad. Wa as-aluka bismikal-a'dhomil waahidi biwahdatil-aahad, al-muta'aali 'an wahdatilkammi wal a'adadil-muqoddasi 'an kulli ahad, wa bihaqqi, bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim, Qull huwallaahu ahad, allaahush-shomad, Lam yalid walam yuulad, Wa lam yakul-lahu kufuan ahad. An-tushollia 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin sirri hayaatil wujuudi wassababil 'a-dhoomi likulli maujuudi sholaatan tusyabbitu fii qolbiil-iimaana watuhaffidhuuniil qur-aana watufahhimunii minhul 'aayaati wataftahulii bihaa nuuroo jannaati wanuuroon-na 'iimi wanuuroonnadhori ilaa wajhikal kariim. Wa a'laa aalihi washohbihii wasallim wal hamdulillaahirobbil 'aa-lamiin. Those that have carried-out the prayers have stated that they recitated for three days before there were results. Some required a little longer period. There have been cases where a single day-recitation was sufficient to cause an almost instant manifestation; however, this is rare and is dependent upon a person's sincerity, good karma, motive, magickal energy, spiritual attunement, purity, etc. In the prayer we request divine assistance from Allah. When successful, sometime after we will be approached by a holy being magickally manifested. Without requesting anything from

Called "Gunungan," or "Mountain," this symbol is waved about at the opening of every "wayang kulit" or "shadow-puppet"play of the Kejawenese tradition. These wayang kulit shows are moral-spiritual stories based mostly on the Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Gunungan symbolizes the macrocosmos and the spirit foundation of matter. The central figure is the "Pohon Kahuripan," or the Javanese "Tree of Life" which strangely resembles its Qabalistic cousin. The tree is supported by wings which signifies its mystical, transcendent nature.

this individual he will give us something valuable that may be sold for cash. The angelic being will appear to us in our physical plane whether it be morning, afternoon, or night. We will interact physically and clairvoyance or other paranormal powers are not required to see or communicate with it. It is advised that whatever is recieved always remember to tithe, otherwise, one's financial gain would be reversed.

Pronunciation Guide to the Mantras/Prayers/Chants A = Ah as in father C = Ch as in choose E = a as in pay G = Gh as in grape I = ee as in tree U = oo as in tool Letters not mentioned are pronounced as in the English language.

RITUALS 2 To Heal Someone Possessed by a Jin or a Negative Entity One of the methods of exorcising someone possessed by a negative entity is to burn some benzoin incense while reciting the prayer below seven times. If it pleases God, the entity will feel uneasy and leave the body. It is advisable that beforehand one accumulates cosmic energy of a high frequency. This may be done by reciting the Divine Names of God. Purity of mind, body, and soul helps to attract and maintain cosmic energy in the body. The prayer: Wayaa rabii bilasmaai as alu daatyan. Wabilmulki walfurqaani mulkii takawwanat.

Discovering Treasure If you would like the ability to know whether there are buried treasures in a certain area recite the following Divine Name often: "Khabiirun" In every chanting session recite the Name 812 times followed by the following prayer 14 times:

Khabiirun fakhabbirnii manaaman wayaqzhatan. Bimaa fiihi ishlaahii waqashdii wamaa hawat. Sa-altuka yaa khallaaqu khalqa maqaashidii. Fa-anta ilaahii khaaliqul khalqi ajma'at. It it pleases God, by conducting the ritual above, you will soon have the ability to see and know the whereabouts of hidden treasure. Each time you would like to do some detection, say the prayer once and feel the vibrations of the ground if there is something odd about it. It is possible you might get visionary flashes.

To Know the Hidden Side of Nature To know the occult side of life first commence a vegetarian fast, i.e., do not consume meat. Let this fast be carried-out for a period of seven days. Such a fast increases one's sensitivity towards the higher vibrations. Every night during the fast get into a secluded room, empty if possible, and recite: "Allah" Recite this for countless times. In the day do not speak to anyone but continue with the chant mentally. Within the week, at night, while in the meditative state, you will see clairvoyantly, what you will of remote places. Prolong this ritual for another week and you will see the inner planes. Continue for a total of 40 days and you will be shown your spiritual virtues and you would be able to direct the forces around you like the Auliya (Saints.) By this time your temperament would have changed significantly for the better.

To Manifest Your Desires To manifest your legitimate desires, conduct the following ritual: Perform a holy wash then enter into your prayer room and face the kiblat (the Kaaba at Mecca--a power spot). Then recite the following 12,000 x : "Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahim." After every thousand times recite the following Nabi Muhammad Shalawat verse 12x : "Allaahumma shalli wa sallim 'alaa sayyidinaa." After the recitation you may request from God what you will, and if it pleases God, your desire shall manifest.

To Acquire Advanced Knowledge To acquire the knowledge that you desire conduct the following seven-day ritual:

On a Friday recite the following 1000 x : "Allah." On a Saturday recite the following 1000 x : "Laa ilaaha illallaah." On a Sunday recite the following 1000 x : "Yaa Hayyu Ya Qayyuu." On a Monday recite the following 1000 x : "Laa Haula Walaa Quwwata illaa Billaahil 'aliyyil 'azhiim." On a Tuesday recite the following 1000 x : "Allaahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad." On a Wednesday recite the followng 1000 x : "Astaghfirullah." On a Thursday recite the following 1000 x : "Subhaanalaahi wabihamdih."

RITUALS 3 Empowering an Agate/Natural Stone The ritual below is for the purpose of empowering a stone so that its wearer will be protected by the spiritual vibrations that it radiates. Agate/natural stones are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The method is to first prepare onself with an ordinary fast (no eating/drinking from dawn to dusk) and a holy wash before you commence the rite. After the obligatory prayers, while holding the stone, recite the following verse 440 x : "Allahumma shalli 'ala sayyidina muhammadin Wa 'alihii wa shahbihi wa sallim Badanku rasa sejati Sejati-ne rasa manjing ana ing tengah-tengahing kakbatullah." After every single recitation of the verse blow upon the stone that you wish to charge, visualizing divine energy flowing and being locked into it. As the chanting of the verse requires 440 x, so the blowing and the charging. If you wish to give this stone to someone, then first hold his/her navel and pray to God/Goddess for their protection. It is said by Islamic occultists that those who wear the stone will be protected against all sharp weapons and physical dangers.

Developing Clairvoyance There are many Javanese and Islamic occultic methods of developing clairvoyance and opening the third-eye. Below is just one of the many to be found in the latter tradition. While in your prayer room after the necessary preparations, recite the following 1000 x : "Ya Khabiiru Ya Bathiinu Ya Fattahu." Do this for seven consecutive days, and then routinely.

Soul-Mate Attractor Spell If you are single and wish to attract a soul-mate quickly, then conduct the following ritual at 6 pm in the evening and at 12 midnight, for a total of 49 days :

While in your prayer room and after the necessary preparations (ablutions, obligatory prayers, etc.) and benzoin incense burning, recite 7 x the Javanese chant below : "Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahim. Niat ingsun matak ajiku. Pulungguno pulungsri Sun tabuka-ke petiku siwisi. Gemebyar-gebyar marang dadaku. Wong sabuwono teka welas, teko sih marang badanku. Asih welas, welas asih Kersa-ne Allah. Laa ilaaha illallaah Muhammadur Rasuulullah."

To know Something in Your Dreams If you would like any information regarding anything at all given to you in dreams then conduct the rite below. Before going to sleep recite this chant 3 x : "Allaahumma rabba ibraahiima wamuusaa warabba ishaaqa waya'quuba wa'iisaa warabba jibraaiila wamiikaaaiila wa israafiila wa'izraaiila wamunazzilat tauraati wal injiili wazzabuuri walfurqaanil 'azhiimi arinii fii manaamii maa taraa lii fiihil khaira walmasarraati nabba-aniyal 'aliimul khabiir." Then continue chanting for countless times while drifting-off : "Yaa 'Aliimu--Yaa Khabiiru."

The Munjiat Shalawat Verse It is said that whosoever recites the prayer verse below for 1000 x at midnight will have his/her desires, whether mundane or spiritual, manifested or granted to him/her by Allah--faster than lightning! This has been explained by writers such as Al-Bauni and Imam Jazuli. "Allaahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidinaa muhammadin shalaatan tunjiinaa bihaa min jamii'il ahwaali wal aafaat. Wataqdhii lanaa bihaa min jamii'il haajaat. Watuthahhirunaa bihaa min jamii'issayyi-aat. Watarfa'unaa bihaa 'indaka a'laddarajaat. Watuballighunaa bihaa aqshal ghaayaat. Minjamii'il khairaat filhayaati waba'dal mamaat. Washalaahu 'alaa khairi khalqihii sayyidinaa muhammadin wa'alaa aalihii washahbihii wasallam.

RITUALS 4 Invoking a Jin King According to the occultist/mystic Syaikh Ahmad Ad Dairobi, Jin entities may be invoked. The following verse invokes a king of the Jin spirits. Although there are no proper instructions, traditionally, this should be done at midnight, in an empty, dark room with the appropriate incense (Apel-Jin) burning. The invoker should be alone. After the necessary preparations he should commence with the obligatory prayers, and a recitation of the Surat Al Jin 100 x. Then the prayer verses below (mostly from Surat Yaasiin) may be recited in their following order for countless times until the Jin king appears (When he appears what are you going to do?--webmaster) "Wa nufikho fish shuuri faidzaa hum minal ajdaatsi ilaa robbihim yansiluun. Qooluu yaa wailanaa mam ba'atsanaa mim marqodinaa, haadzaa maa wa'adar rohmaanu wa shodaqol mursaluun. Ing kaanat illaa shoihataw waahidatan faidzaa hum jamii'ul ladainaa muhdhoruun."

"Wa laqod 'alimatil jinaatu innahum lamuhdhoruun." "Haadzihi jahannamul latii kuntum tuu'aduun." "Ishlauhal yauma bimaa kuntum takfuruun."

Surat Al Jin "Bismillahir rahmmanir rahiim. "Qul uuhiya ilayya annahus tama'a nafarum minal jinni fa qaaluu innaa sami'naa qur-aanan 'ajabaa yahdii ilar rusydi fa aamannaa bihii wa lan nusyrika bi rabbinaa ahadaa wa annahuu ta'aalaa jaddu rabbinaa mat takhadza shaahibataw wa laa waladaa wa annahuu kaana yaquulu safiihunaa 'alallaahi syathathaa."

To Locate a Lost Object If you have misplaced an object and wish to re-locate it, get into a dark room and recite for countless times the following: "Yaa Haadii Ihdinii." If you conduct this rite you will soon be led intuitively to the place of the lost object or will be able to see it, cause sometimes mischievous spirits love to play tricks with our eyes. This is quite a rare rite.

Sembogo Cahyo To appear extremely attractive and radiant, conduct the following rite: Enter into a secluded retreat. Begin a complete fast beginning at dawn on a Thursday (no eating or drinking) and ending on a Friday (24 hours). Without speaking or seeing anyone, morning and night, recite the following verse for countless times in your prayer room. This should be done for five sessions (you may rest between sessions) : "Bismilahir rahmanir rahiim "Coyo coyo nur cahyo "Cahyaku cemening koyo seloko Dadaku mancur koyo kencono "Prapatan pendito songo "Ora ono wong lanang sejati "Aku sejatining wong lanang." The following is an option but it may be done on the following week, on the same day, with the same type of fast and preparations. The rite makes others pay heed to our words. The rite/chant is called "Sembogo Pengasihan." "Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim. "Gilang-gilang sak lungaku "Guyu guyu sak lukuku "Gunung sari lelungguhku "Prabu sari iku rupaku "Allah ngirut nyowo "Nyawa-ne wong sak buwono kirut marang aku "Sembaga-ne wong sak buwono kirut marang sembagaku "Teko welas teko asih wong sak bwono pandulu-ne marang aku." Again, the complete rite actually consist of three stages. The past two have been explained. The third is conducted as

the previous two and on the following week. It is called "Sembogo Pangerupan." It has the virtue of attracting others to us by the power of our voice. "Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim "Hong hong Hyang kakang cahyo "Adam adegku "Rasulullah pengawakku "Sekabehing cahyo manungso "Kang akrungu, adoh kanyut "Cedhak karut "Karut kanyut -- karut kanyut "Saking kersa-ne Allah."

The Secret of Combating Black Magick If you would like to accumulate cosmic power within your body that would help you combat negative forces, conduct everyday the ritual explained below. The discipline would eventually cause a fiery power to emanate from your being and effectually instill discomfort in negative entities. Thoughtforms and energy-fields producing ill-effects would be neutralized. This ritual is a legacy of Syaikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani. The method is as follows: After the morning and evening prayers recite this prayer verse 7 x : "Bismil laahir rahmaanir rahiim. Rabbi innii maghluubun fantasir wajbur qalbil munkasir wajma' syamlii. Tahabu 'aisyal abadi li ahlii aakhirah fahab lii. Umran thawiilan maziidam min 'aafiyatika wa ridhaaka. 'Fa innaka waliiyu dzaalika fid dunyaa wal aakhirati wal qaadiru 'alaiih." Do this while sitting cross-legged or in a lotus/half-lotus position. Place your hands upon the knee, palms up. After reciting the chant, blow upon the palms of your hands 3 or 5 times visualizing cosmic power flowing with your breath and onto your palms. Then rub your face, your chest, your abdomen, feet, etc., being confident that the power is being transferred to every part of your body.

Mosquito Remover If these miniature vampires disturb your beauty sleep and you wish to get rid of them, just do the simple ritual below. Hold a glass of water in your hand and recite over it the following verses : "Wa maa lanaa allaa natawakkala 'alallaahi wa qad hadaanaa subulanaa, wa lanashbiranna 'alaa maa aaadzaitumuunaa, wa 'alallaai fal-yatawakkalil-mutawakkiluun." 7 x "In kuntum mu'minien fa kuffuu syarrakum 'annaa." 1 x Then sprinkle the water all over your room. Hopefully this works, otherwise just spray some Raid.

Magickally Calling Someone to Visit You

To telepathically request someone to visit you, chant the prayers below while visualizing the person in question: "Wa nisy syayaathieni may yaghuushuuna lahuu wa ya'maluuna 'amalan duuna dzaalika, wa kun-naa lahum haafizhien." Recite the above prayer 1000 x. After every 100 recitations, chant this prayer once : "Yaa khuddaama haadzihil-aayatisy-syariefah, ji'fie mitsaalie wa shuuratie ilayya N . . . (name of the person) wa muruuhu an yajie-anie."

RITUALS 5 Tolak Gaman Power If you would like to become invulnerable to sharp weapons and bullets you may conduct this ritual for the desired effect. It is advised, however, that you do not misuse this power and to always live according to a spiritual code of life, otherwise the power will not be forthcoming. On every Thursday night at midnight, after performing a holy wash and saying a general devotional prayer, recite the prayer verse below 777 x : "Bismillahirrohmaanirrohimm. "Ta-'azzaztu birobbil 'izzatiwal jabaruut, wa tawakkaltu 'alal hayyil ladzii laa yamuut. syaahatil wujuuh (3 x), wa'amatil abshooru (3x), tawakkaltu 'alal waahidil qohhaar. Wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaahil 'aliyyil 'azhiim." Please note that the power would be apparent only if there is a real need. It will not work if you show-off or attempt to exhibit it in front of others. You may also use the chant above to charge a protective vest designed for that purpose. After every single recitation blow upon the vest visualizing divine energy flowing into it. After 777 recitations lock the energy by making the sign of a cross or any universal symbol upon it and run it through incense smoke. Repeat this consecration session for 3/7 Thursdays.

Facing Wild Animals If you are ever in a situation where you are face-to-face with a wild animal and wish to save your hide, then recite the following chant: "Jaddu qithmiir, sallim 'alaihi."

Nabi Yusuf Attraction Prayer If you would like to increase your sex appeal and appear handsome to your lover or attract women in general, just as Joseph, son of Jacob of biblical times, simply perform this short rite: Recite the prayer verses below (3 times) in your room consecrated for spiritual work and after the necessary preparatory step of cleansing. "Idz qaala yuusufu li-abiihi yaa abati innii ra-aitu ahada 'asyara kaukabaw wasy syamsa wal qamara ra-aituhum lii saajidiin."

"Wal alqaitu 'alaika mahabbatam minnii wa litushna'a'alaa 'ainii." After the recitation blow upon the palms of your hands visualizing energy flowing into it, then rub your face with it being confident that the radiant energy is being transferred to your face and that it would emanate an attractive aura. Whenever you are about to meet your loved one, say the prayer once.

Subsiding Strong Winds To cause gales to abate you might want to say the following prayer: "Allahumma innii as-aluka khaira haadzihir riyaahi wa khaira ma fiihaa wa khaira maa arsalta fiihaa wa a'uudzu bika min syarrihaa wa syari maa fiiha wa syarri maa arsalta fiihaa." 1 x "Allaahumma sallimnaa." 3 x The prayer should be accompanied with the appropriate visualization. See and feel the winds calming down. If you are successful in contacting the Sylphs, and with the authority of the divinity within you, the winds shall abate.

Unwanted Guest Remover If there is a desire to get rid of an unwanted visitor quickly, visitors who have unduly overstayed their welcome, and to do so subtly without having to threaten with a shotgun, simply recite this prayer : "Wa hiya tadzruuhur riyaah, wa kaanallaahu 'alaa kulli syai-im muqtadiraa. Rabbanaksyif 'annal 'adzaaba innaa mukminuun, yaumaidzin yashdurunnaasu asytaataa, infiruu khifaafauw watsiqaalaa." Again, like most of the rituals, this should be accompanied by the appropriate visualization. We would like to take the opportunity here to say that there are certain keys that makes rituals work. The seasoned occult student would know of these keys. If you are a novice we would advise you to study in an occult school. Or you might want some extra boost in your rituals with supported power. You might find the magickal items for sale on this site of interest.

Syekh Abdul Qadir Jaelani's Hizib Aurad The chant below originates from the famous Sufi Saint and "Wali Kutub," Syekh Abdul Qadir Jaelani. Among its virtues or effects are protection against all sorts of catastrophies, and prosperity. The chant should be said 3 times-everyday--and at any hour during the day, but preferably towards dawn. The chant: "Allahumma kafi rabbunal kafi, qashadnal kafi, wajadnal kafi, li kullin kafi kafanal kafi, wani'mal kafi, alhamdulillah. Hasbunallahu wani'mal wakil, ni'mal maula wa nikman wakafallahul mukmini nal qital." 3 x "Amin" 5 x. "Ya Allah rabbal'alamin." 3 x

Invulnerability If you desire protection from the powers of the universe against physical harm then conduct the rite below This rite is to be carried-out for three days. Commence on Tuesday and ending on a Thursday. Fast for those three days, neither eating nor drinking from dawn to dusk. On Tuesday and Wednesday night recite the following prayer for 100 x. On Thursday night recite it for 1000 x. And for every succeeding day recite it for 3 x after the obligatory prayers. The prayer: "Allahumma ibna 'alwaan yaa sayyidisysyaih muhyiddin abdal qaadiril jiilaani haadlirh laa yamuut laa yamuut laa yamuut illaa bi idznillaahi laa haulaa walaa quwwata illaa billaahil 'aliyyil adhiim." By carrying-out this rite, if it pleases God, you will be protected from physical harm and become invulnerable to sharp weapons. You will not be hurt unless God wills it--unless Karma decrees it--but there is always the law of grace to neutralize this. Cleanse yourself with the violet flame and the appropriate prayers.

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