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24 Links and Articles to know about Pressure Vessel Design and Simulation
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Type: Conference Paper Keywords: Stress, Finite Element Analysis, Nozzles, WRC297 Finite Element Analysis for Nozzle With External Loads Hak-Sung Lee, Chang-Hoon Ha, Tae-Jung Park In this study, the nozzles in cylindrical vessel shells are developed as three dimensional finite element models, which are loaded with unit forces and moments. The stress intensities from finite element models are investigated through a comparison of WRC Bulletin 297. In addition, a methodology to apply the stress intensity results from WRC 297 to different lines is proposed. http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/proceeding.aspx ?articleid=1628004 Price: $25
Type: Article Keywords: Stress, Finite Element Analysis, Nozzles, WRC107 RESULTS OF FEA ANALYSES AT NOZZLE/SHELL JUNCTIONS SUBJECTED TO EXTERNAL LOADS This paper presents the results of several nozzle and shell dimensional configuration analyses utilizing finite element (FE). The authors utilized typical shell and nozzle dimensions with typically allowed external nozzle loading . These FE results are compared to WRC 107 results to determine if the FE results may be used to establish the critical variables necessary to construct a standard allowable piping load basis.
http://www.pm-engr.com/aboutpmi/pmipapers/pvp1999-vol388_4.pdf Price: Free
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PV links thematic collection Type: Article JSA 251 Vol.42 (Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design) Keywords: Stress concentration factor, Thick pressure vessels, Crossholes Elastic stress concentration at radial crossholes in pressurized thick cylinders T Comlekci*, D Mackenzie, R Hamilton, and J Wood Results of a parametric finite element analysis investigation of stress concentration at radial crossholes in pressurized cylinders are presented in numerical and graphical form. The analysis shows that the location of maximum stress does not generally occur at the junction between the bores, as is commonly supposed, but at some small distance up the crosshole from the junction. http://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/5068/1/Mackenzie_D_E_PRINTS_El astic_stress_concentration_at_radial_crossholes_in_pressurized_t hck_cylinders_Oct_07.pdf Price: Free Type: Article, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Keywords: Stress, Strain, Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Design and analysis of Stress on Thick Walled Cylinder with and with out Holes G.Raju, K. Hari Babu, N.Siva nagaraju, K.Kiran Chand Stresses that remain in material even after removing applied loads are known as residual stresses. These stresses occur only when material begins to yield plastically. Residual stresses can be present in any mechanical structure because of many causes. Residual stresses may be due to the technological process used to make the component. Manufacturing processes lead to plastic deformation. Elasto-plastic analysis with bilinear kinematic hardening material is performed to know the effect of hole sizes. It is observed that there are several factors which influence stress intensity factors. The Finite element analysis is conducted using commercial solvers. http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol5_issue1/Part%20%201/J501017583.pdf Price: Free
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Type: Book Keywords: Manual, Piping and pressure vessels J. Edward Pope - Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers assembles hundreds of shortcuts, calculations, practical "how-to" methods, and concise background reviews into one convenient volume. Easy-to-read descriptions on fluids, heat transfer, thermodynamics, seals, pumps and compressors, drivers, gears, and bearings, as well as piping and pressure vessels. Also covers tribology, vibrations, materials, stress and fatigue, instrumentation, and engineering economics. http://www.amazon.com/Rules-Thumb-Mechanical-EngineersEdward/dp/0884157903 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780884157908
Price: $120
Type: Article Keywords: FE Analysis, Skirt to dished end junction, Stress linearization Finite Element Analysis of Skirt to Dished junction in a Pressure Vessel
Skirt to dished end junction in vertical pressure vessel is one of such critical junction which is often subjected to different loads. These loadings include internal pressure inside vessel, wind & seismic shear force and moments, operating weight of vessel& thermal stresses in the welds near the junction. This paper re-presents guidelines in structural analysis for skirt to dished end junction. Analysis is carried out in compliance with ASME Section VII Division 2. http://www.ijmer.com/papers/Vol3_Issue4/CG3422152218.pdf Price: Free
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PV links thematic collection Type: Bulletin, Keywords: Stress Linearization WRC 429 - 3D Stress Criteria Guidelines for Application
This work is an outgrowth of previous PVRC work, which defines the problems and issues involved in assessing stress results from three-dimensional (3-D) finite element analyses (FEA) in terms of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code stress limits in the design by analysis Section III (Class 1, NB) and Section VIII, Division 2. The current project addresses four areas of consideration: (1) the relation between failure mechanisms and the ASME Code stress categories, (2) the appropriate stresses for each category, (3) the appropriate locations for assessing each stress category, and (4) the appropriate stresses for obtaining the membrane plus bending stresses. Although the relationships are interrelated, they are developed individually and then synthesized. To enhance understanding of the four areas of consideration, 11 geometries are defined and evaluated through discussion and finite element results. Each of the four areas of consideration is discussed in detail and two-dimensional (2-D) axisymmetric and 3-D example geometries are presented. https://forengineers.org/bulletin/wrc-429 Price: $162 Type: WEB Article Keywords: Pressure Vessel Design basic theory summary Introduction to PV Design by Analysis Background and Introduction to Design by Analysis Some Definitions Linear Elastic Analysis Linear-elastic Plastic Analysis Yield Criteria Limit and Plastic Collapse loads http://personal.strath.ac.uk/j.wood/CCOPPS_DBA/Notes/dba_intro _content_1.htm Price: Free
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PV links thematic collection Type: Master Thesis Keywords: Automation, Pressure vessel design, Stress categorization, ASME, EN
Parameterized model for stress analysis of nozzles The design of pressure vessels is often strictly regulated by codes in order to ensure that the products are safe and functional. Two commonly used codes for pressure vessels operating in the process industry are the American ASME VIII Division 2 and its European counterpart EN 13445-3. For common product configuration, such as when a nozzle intersects a larger cylindrical shell, specialized software based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) are available. Yet, problems occur when the designer wants to use product configurations that are not covered by these software. Therefore, there is a need for a calculation tool that covers such product configurations.
http://publications.lib.chalmers.se/records/fulltext/142656.pdf Price: Free
Type: Book Keywords: Pressure, Fatigue, Stress, Expansion joints, Thermal stresses, Stress analysis (Engineering),Design, Computer software, Fatigue life, Junctions
Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII Pressure Vessels, Fourth Edition, Chapter 8 Section VIII-2 requires stress analysis of vessel components when explicit design formulas are not given. This includes flued-in heads, head-to-shell junctions, expansion joints, thermal stresses, and stresses in components due to loads other than pressure. In performing the stress evaluation, the designer must determine the maximum stress at a given point or location. When computer programs such as ANSYS and NASTRAN are used to determine the stress, the output usually consists of the total combined stress at a given point. This stress must then be separated into its components of membrane, bending, and peak stresses. http://ebooks.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/content.aspx?bookid =256§ionid=38775756 Price: $25
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PV links thematic collection Type: Handbook Keywords: Corrosion and Cracking of PV, Fatigue Failure, Hydrotest failure and other Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis Volume 1 and 2, ASM INTERNATIONAL How others have solved failures in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, utilities, oil and gas, petrochemical, biomedical, ground transportation, off-highway vehicles, and more. Each case history adheres to a standard format starting with background information and guides you step by step through the failure investigation.
http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Histories-Failure-AnalysisVolume/dp/0871704536 Price: $446 for two volumes, two chapters are related with PV failures Type: Conference Paper Keywords: Pressure Vessel Design MATERIAL SELECTION FOR A PRESSURE VESSEL
Pressure vessels are designed to contain pressure and withstand the operating mechanical and thermal transients for a specified design life. In addition they are designed to safety to leak before break (LBB). LBB describes the situation in which a leak occurs before a complete double-ended break of a component. Ductile and tough materials are widely used in nuclear pressure vessels, because of their high resistance to catastrophic rupture. The design process involves fatigue analysis to demonstrate that there is insignificant crack growth a postulated surface crack during the entire design life. However in terms of LBB the significant parameter is the elastic-plastic fracture toughness, and the material strength. http://search.asee.org/search/fetch;jsessionid=b3icci60dbj2?url=fil e%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FE%3A%2Fsearch%2Fconference%2 F17%2FAC%25202008Full2887.pdf&index=conference_papers&s pace=129746797203605791716676178&type=application%2Fpdf &charset= Price: Free
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PV links thematic collection Type: Guide, Handbook Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Vessel, Design Codes
The Application of Finite Element Modelling to Pressure Vessel Design Codes Contents: Pressure Vessel Design codes Case Study: GD Engineering Bandlock closure Finite Element Modelling Application of Design Code Criteria Review of Results of Bandlock Closure Analyses Discussions on the Application of the Finite Element Method to Pressure Vessel Design Codes
http://www.nafems.org/publications/browse_buy/browse_by_topic/rev iews/r0071/ Price: $297 non members, $38 members
Type: Guide, Handbook Keywords: Pressure vessels, Surface acoustic waves, Boilers, Design, Teams, Tensile strength, Leadership, Pressure vessel construction, Technical writing Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Volume 2, Fourth Edition K. R. Rao
This fourth edition of the “Companion Guide” of ASME Pressure Vessel & Piping Codes has been updated to the current (2010) Code Edition and (2011) Addenda. This edition has 38 chapters authored by 49 experts who have considerably updated and extensively re-written chapters, as well as provided entirely new chapters. Chapter 22 Section VIII: Division 2—Alternative Rules 22.5 Part 3 — Materials Requirements 22.6 Part 4 — Design-By-Rule 22.7 Part 5 — Design-By-Analysis http://ebooks.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/book.aspx?bookid=4 04 Price: $359
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Type: Guide, Handbook Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Vessel, Design Codes Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Requirements Regarding the Use of FEA to Support a Pressure Equipment Design Submission The introduction shall describe the scope of the FEA analysis relating to the design, the justification for using FEA to support the design calculations, the FEA software used for the analysis, the type of FEA analysis (i.e. static, dynamic, elastic, plastic, small deformations, large deformations, etc.), and a complete description of the material properties used in the analysis http://www.absa.ca/Forms/AB520%20Finite%20Element%20Analysis%20(FEA)%20Requirements.pdf Price: Free
Type: Lecture, University Keywords: Pressure vessels, Design Rules, Component Design Rules Pressurized Systems - Lectures Aim of this class is to provide an overview of the background to pressurized systems in modern Codes and Standards. Fundamental shell analysis and plastic design concepts pave the way for component design for vessels and piping systems. http://homepages.strath.ac.uk/~clas16/16426mas.htm Price: Free
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PV links thematic collection Type: Book Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Vessel, Design Codes
Understanding How Components Fail Donald J. Wulpi One of the first books new engineers and technicians should read. This new third edition of the perennial best seller preserves the core of the previous editions, focusing on the metallurgical and materials evaluation for failure mode identification. Comprehensive information covering the basic principles and practices are clearly explained. Explanations of recent technical advances and new analysis tools have been added: - Fatigue striation counting, modeling, and crack rate prediction - Failures caused by microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) - Failures in elevated temperature environments http://www.asminternational.org/home//journal_content/56/10192/05363G/PUBLICATION
Price: $169
Type: Book Keywords: Pressure vessels, Design Rules, Component Design Rules
Pressure Vessels: Design and Practice Somnath Chattopadhyay Pressure Vessels: Design and Practice covers the basic theories and principles behind the stress limiting conditions in the codes. It is also a practical guide for designing and building pressure vessels of all types. Not just a 'cookbook,' this volume allows you to trace the origin of the design equations used in the construction codes, offering a valuable, physical insight into the design process.
http://www.amazon.com/Pressure-Vessels-Mechanical-AerospaceEngineering/dp/0849313694 Price: $217
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PV links thematic collection Type: Book Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Vessel, Design Codes
Pressure Vessel Design Manual, Fourth Edition Dennis R. Moss Pressure Vessel Design Manual is a solutions-focused guide to the many problems and technical challenges involved in the design of pressure vessels to match stringent standards and codes. It brings together otherwise scattered information and explanations into one easy-to-use resource to minimize research and take readers from problem to solution in the most direct manner possible. Covers almost all problems that a working pressure vessel designer can expect to face, with 50+ step-by-step design procedures including a wealth of equations, explanations and data. http://www.amazon.com/Pressure-Vessel-Design-ManualEdition/dp/0123870003/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0NNDG 3W2ED8NBBW6QYPV Price: $136
Type: Book Keywords: Pressure vessel, piping, reliability, risk, probabilistic risk assessment, fracture mechanics PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING SYSTEMS: RELIABILITY, RISK AND SAFETY ASSESSMENT F.A. Simonen Topics covered include: 1) probabilistic structural mechanics and fracture mechanics, 2) the role of probabilistic risk assessment evaluations, 3) application of failure event data from operating experience, 4) risk-informed in-service inspection, and 5) probabilistic design methods
http://www.desware.net/DESWARE-SampleAllChapter.aspx http://www.desware.net/sample-chapters/d09/e6-165-07-00.pdf Price: Membership required
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Type: Web Service Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Vessel, Design Codes CSB U.S. CHEMICAL SAFETY BOARD The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, also known as the Chemical Safety Board or CSB, is an independent U.S. federal agency charged with investigating industrial chemical accidents. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the agency's board members are appointed by the president and confirmed by the United States Senate. The CSB conducts root cause investigations of chemical accidents at fixed industrial facilities. http://www.csb.gov/investigations/current-investigations/?Type=1 Price: Free
Type: Web Forum Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Pressure Vessel, Design Codes
Boiler and Pressure Vessel engineering Forum
http://www.eng-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=794 Price: Free
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Type: Linkedin Group Keywords: Pressure Vessel, Discussion Group
ASME PVP - Pressure Vessel and piping division Linkedin group about pressure vessel design
https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=1794527&trk=anet_ug_ hm Price: Free
Type: Linkedin Group Keywords: Pressure Vessel, Discussion Group
ASME(American society of mechanical engineers) Linkedin group about pressure vessel design
https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=36972&trk=anet_ug_hm Price: Free
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