236928293 How to Date Hotter Women Notes Jason Capital

January 15, 2017 | Author: r6tyu | Category: N/A
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Secret 1: Dominant Body Language 1. Slower Movements a. Cut speed of every movement in half b. Stop being fidgety… i.e. stop nail biting 2. Take up more space a. Spread legs and arms b. Wider stances! 3. Lean back!!!! 4. Look her in the eyes when talking, look away when she talks a. DON’T LOOK DOWN… DOWN IS SUBMISSIVE! b. 60-40 when she talks, 80-85% when I talk 5. Crotch central a. Bring attention to it. Wide stances and all that good shit. Secret 2: Tonality 1. Have a deep voice a. Done 2. Change tones, speeds, etc. Secret 3: Reading the kind of girl she is 1. Four types- THESE ARE NOT STATIC!!!! a. Secure and Guarded b. Insecure and Guarded c. Secure and Unguarded d. Insecure and Unguarded 2. Secure and Guarded a. How to know she’s secure i. Not looking for external validation. Not putting others down. Teasing playfully and lightly. (e.g. Gwen?) b. How to know she’s guarded i. Body language not open. Scowls every 10 minutes? ii. Cold towards people… lack of warmth. c. How to deal with i. Challenge! ii. Steal the frame. Challenge, Challenge, Challenge! iii. Once shield broken, have fun. 3. Secure and unguarded a. How to know she’s secure i. Same as Secure and Guarded b. How to know she’s unguarded i. Teases a lot of people ii. Interacts with many people she doesn’t know iii. Smiles a lot. Has as much fun as I am… c. How to interact with i. BEWARE OF THE FUCKING FRIENDZONE!

ii. Come in fun and confident iii. Put her in your friend-zone iv. More challenging than fun once in? d. Examples from my life i. Lauren. 4. Insecure and guarded a. How to know she’s insecure i. Is hot looking? ii. Derives validation from others, not internally validated. iii. Insulting… knocks others down to increase value b. How to know she’s guarded i. Body language faces away ii. Not interacting with other people iii. Scowls c. How to interact with i. Say “hi,” provide a few genuine compliments ii. One about personality, other about clothes/jewelry iii. When she lets you in, pull back. (She lets you in when body language improves) iv. She will chase. 5. Insecure and unguarded a. How to know she’s insecure i. See above b. How to know she’s unguarded i. See “Secure and unguarded” c. How to interact with i. Fun, not challenging ii. Light and playful is key Secret 4: Playing Games a. Biggest mistakes i. Either being too available ii. Too easy (fun and challenging is a POWERFUL FUCKING COMBINATION) b. How to play games i. Don’t always be available ii. Challenge, don’t always be easy. iii. Say “no” iv. Text back immediately sometimes, other times wait all day. Basically, you shouldn’t be at her beck and call Secret 5: Testing 1. Why?

a. She wants to find real guys. You can’t fake confidence forever (this is the big problem with a lot of the PUA/ “game” stuff) 2. How to pass a. Don’t let her see it affect you b. Give a ridiculous response i. “Is that your pick up line?” “Yeah, it is.” 3. Why else? a. If you come on too fun and challenging, she tests to see if you’re as good as you think. Know how to moderate it. 4. Being ridiculous a. “Hey, I’ll be hitting on you tonight.” b. This stuff is all there. Just read the book Secret 6: Being Alpha 1. Traditional conceptions of Alphaness are wrong a. Being a douchebag and confrontational IS NOT alpha 2. What is alpha? a. Let everything you do and say come from inside i. Don’t hold back, drop the fucking filters b. Say the shit you want. Do the stuff you want. c. Write down values i. 3 most common types of people you spend time with ii. 3 most common types you don’t like to iii. 3 most normal things you like to do Secret 7: Pre-approach social proof 1. Have fun before you talk to her a. Enjoy yourself 2. She will notice a. Then bring those emotions to her; she’ll be into you already. Secret 8: Social proof 1. Have interesting stuff to talk about a. Assume what you’re talking about is interesting Secret 9: Being non-reactive and willing to walk away 1. Testing a. Don’t let her see you affected i. Defuse it (already mentioned) and keep having fun ii. Indifference. Just keep talking iii. Indifference is VERY attractive Secret 10: Be Unique Secret 11: Patience

1. You can wait… she’s not that important a. The “3 second rule” (approach a woman 3 seconds after getting eye contact) is total horseshit.

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