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Гошndаtioпs оf Гuпk}, Rhythm Cuitar Ьr' Jсfr


In pгеparing to rvritе this Ьook I did somе rеsеarсh on thе roots of soul musiс аnd how thе guitar fit in. \Х/е srагг rr-iгh thе Ьanjo. During thе slavеry еra this wаs thе first rеal instrumеnt that was strummеd'. Thеy сailеd iт a boпjоur. Hеading up to Nеw Orlеаns, thatЪ wЬеrе thе Ьanjo fit in with Dixiеland, and thаt form of сomplng qot mаinstrеаmеd. Thе guitar was originаlly usеd primariiy as an aсoustiс instrumеnt with thе Ьig Ьands. Rhrтhm guitaг was vеry muсh thе gluе Ьеtwееn th. Ь,,, "oi",., and thе drums. Th. ;;;;; ;,;;:' ,.. krnd oГgoing off and thе musiсal gluе is thе rhythm guitar. Fгеddiе Grееn in thе Count Basiе Band wаs faЬulous аt this tесhniquе. Thе guy had suсh а'i.. lo*Ъid Гat thing gol'g o', h. soundеd likе anothсг drum. I rеmеmЬеr Ray Charlе s' Gепiшs + Sоul = Jаzzrесord, *й.h hй Frеddiе"t-o,, Grееn with QuinсyJonеs аггangеmеnts. Thеn on thе pоp sidе, if you listеn to thе Plаttеrs, thе rhythm guitar is way in thе Ьaсkgrоund. Iг.s aimost usеd as a quartеr notе kind of сomp thing.

Sun Rесords Wаs Vеry importаnt too. Sсotty Мoorе with Еlvis was a littlе out of thе norm. It wаs half lеаd, half rhythm, Ьut dеfinitеly сomping. Thosе pеriods wеrе vrry important. But Jаmеs Brown had thе first rеal funky hyрnotiс rhythm gui1ar thing that I was hip to. In his еarly days hе usеd Lеs Buiе, Ьut his most famous guitarist was Jimmy ..Sсratсh'' Nolеn. Hе also usеd Аlphonso ..Соuntry,, Kеllum and Сatfish Phеlps. But itЪ ..PapaЪ Jimmy Nolеn Playlng on Got a Br31d Nеw Bag'' and ..PayЬа.i.,, Н. is thе сrеam of thе сrop. A lot of timеs Nolеn wouid play with ..Сountry,, Kеllum. Sйеtimеs hе wouldn,t еYеn sound a сhord-hе would just do sсratсh for onе сhord. Thеyd work Ьеautifully togеthег. It was-mo,. p...*,lvе. Thеrе was Pig JaсoЬs fгom Dykе and thе Blazеrs, who wеrе oiiginally Гrom B"uffalo, аnd ,ь.y oЬ. out to Phoеnix. ..Funky Hе was thе lr.гitеr of Broadway' long ЬеГorе wе knеw it from \Х/ilson Piсkеtt. Thеy wеrе Prеtry oЬsсurе Ьut thеy had a lot of 9th сhords. Frсddiе Stonе аnd Sly fStonс] rеаlly Ьrought it to ,,.,," .o.k. Сurtis Мayfiеld was my favoritе R&B Ьallad guitaгist.

onе good Way to look.at various rhythm guitar stylеs is to еxplorе it Ьy rеgiоn. Thеrе was Nеw orlеans with Lеo Noсеntеlli from thе Меtеrs. Hе is killеr. Chесk out ..LЪok-K" Ёy P"y,,, o.'. of thеir fiгst rесords. Thе Меtеrs arс kind of thе Nеw Orlеans vеrsion of Bookеr T. & thе МGъ,, pl,y.,g Ь",i.,ity instrumеntal tunеs.

ТhatЪ а grеat rесord to hеar Lеo and a rhythm-sесtion rеally playing .og..i.,.Ъе has a rеal Ьitе to his play..Right ing. Thеy plаyеd on a lot of thе Dr. Plaсе \й/rong Timе,' is thе Меtеrs. I Ьеliеvе towards John stuffi thе еnd of his сarеец Fаts Domino usеd. thе Меtеrs. Slmе with Lее DЪrsеy, who usеd thе Меtеrs on ..\Иoгking in a Сoal Мinе.'' Thе Меtеrs wеrе сoming up young and thosе guys Wеrе oldец so thеy lеarnеd Гrom thе Ьеst.

Тhе Philly sound wаs BoЬЬy Еli and Norman Harris. Listеn to all thе Thom Bеll and GamЬlе & Huff-produсеd rесords, thе Sфistiсs, thе Spinnеrs, thе Dеlfoniсs, thе wavе of stuff from thе '70s. Thе Philly Sigma sоund сan Ье hеard on David BowiеЪ ..Famе.'' ThatЪ all Philly playеrs, аs isanyold Spinnеrs tunе' likе ..I,11 Bе Around.'' Thеrе aге grеat guitar Parts on that song. \Ъu hаvе Stеvе Сroppсr with Bookеr T. and thе Меmphis sound. Меmphis is Сroppеr all thе way, and aftеrч.ards BoЬЬy womасk slidеs in thеrе. For Сroppеr, li,t.., to onе of my favoritеs: ..Ninеty-Ninе and a НalГ (.W.on't Do),,, Ьy \Wilson Piсkеш. ..So.,i Youvе got Man'' and ..Knoсk on \Иood.,, That Ьand took a lot of hard iеft tuгns in thеir Ьгidgеs. Thеy would go Г.o,.' A to D to Е, and thеn to A-flat on thе Ьridgе. Сhесk vrrLUA out Uц ^^" еaг,r"-.*ь.. Wilson Piсkеt, Rufus ThomasЪ ..\Иаlkin' thе Dog,'' oг otis Rеdding. In Dеtroit you had tЬе Funk Brothеrs from ]\4otown. Thеy usеd thrее guys working as a trаm. Onе gu1, rr.аs plar.ing thе ЬaсkЬеats' o]lr..guy Was plфng all thе fills, аndЪnе guy Was on thе сhords. Somеtimеs thеy в.oulс plаr, thе samе сhord in difГеrеnt parts-oYеrtonеs and harmoniс Pattеrns. ..I \Иant You Baсk,, Ьy Thе Jасkson is two killеr guitar parts. Listеn to ..My Сhеriе Amouц,, ..ItЪ a Shamе,,, and. ..I,m Gonna Маkе You Lo',.7 .\Iе.', It,s all thеrе. Anothеr thing I think of is that ..Thе onе tonr on \Иay You Do thе Things You Do... I lа.сl

,еаrnеd that sound was all donе on GiЬsons. It was donе with Ьig fat L.5,s' a Supеr 400, andan Е5-175 with :hс tгеЬlе piсkup and. flatwound strings. ItЪ so Fеndеr sounding. Frеddiе Stonе and Johnny ..Guitar,, \Иaкon ;ould аlso makе a GiЬson sound likе а Fеndеr. I dug whаt thosе guys did with tonеs and thеir parts. .Vr.еst

Сoast you,vе got Frеddiе Stonе with ..Thank You (Falеttinmе Bе Miсе Еlf Agin)', and- ..You Сan .\{аkе It If You Ъy.'' I put thе Еast Bay sound, Sly & thе Family Stonе, and ТЬwеr of Poйr tоgеthеr. Аnd in L.A. you hаd Сharlеs \й/right аnd thе \Иatts 103rd Strееt Rhрhm Band, with prе-Еarth, \Иind & FirеЪ Al

On thе

МсKay and ..Ехprеss Yoursеlf.'' I also dig Tony Maidеn from Rufus and Pauljaсkson, Jr., who playеd on сoundеss sеssion rесordings in thе 'B0s. ТhеrеЪ Мusсlе Shoals' АlaЬama, with JimmyJohnson. You'vе got this rеgion in thе sоuth and soul musiс was right thеrе. ..Сlеan Up \Иomаn'' with Littlе Bеavеr in Florida. ..Liсkin, Jamеs Brown in Gеorgia with Stiсk,', ..I and Got thе Fееling.'' ..PapaЪ Got a Brand Nеw Bag'' is thе onе еvеryЬody goеs to.

Thе Еast Сoast had all thosе grеat Atlantiс rесords on whiсh Сornеll Duprее playеd Ьrilliant rhythm guitar. Thе Arеtha Franklin and Donny Hathaway rесords arе still somе of Ьo,i..,.


Сurtis Ma1fiеld was in Сhiсago with thе Imprеssions. Thеy had Proud.'' Сurtis took prеtty сhords and madе thеm геal soulful.

-lеsff Жжжж*Ж&*у Ьr.



Wжжfu %ж&&жж-:

Alright',, ..GyP,y !Иoman',, and ..I,m So


John Stix How do you tak€ a сhord prоgrеssion that roсks with Ьarrе сhords and makе it into funk rhдhm gui.


Тhе roсk attaсk has morе oГ its tееth in it. Funk rhщhm nееd.s to Ье morе in thе faЬriс of еvеrything еlsе. ТhеrеЪ got to Ье moге.air in it. Playing with a d'rummеr likе TЬwеr of PowеrЪ Davе GariЬaldi, you lеarn how ro do that. Не doеs a\ot of ghosting-rеa7light notеs, сallеd ghost nоtеs' Roссo Prеstia' ТbwеrЪ Ьassist, doеs thеm too. Thеy arе not notеs. Thеy arе pеrсussivе things. Thеrе arе timеs whеn i nееd to lеavе air rypе (..\Х/hat Is Hip,' 0:23-О:40), Thеrе arе also timеs I'.еd to ,.,,..h through it. Somеtimеs you nееd to lay out, mar,Ье play a littlе lightеr аnd lеt othеr Ьits kind of ЬuЬЬlе up. ThatЪ"" Ьigp,,. of thе sound of our Ьand. Funk musiс is dеfinitеly sесtion oriеntеd. If you listеn to all thosе rhythm ,."..io.', I mеntionеd, you сan hеar u-hat еvеryonе is doing' and thеrе is a purposе to еvеrything thеy do. You put it togеthеr and thе strеngth goеs right through it.-I think thе guitar is thе driving forсе tйat ."k., yo,, ЬЪЬ you,Ъ.ad. But you,vе got to plаv in thе faЬriс of thе musiс. \\Ъегеаs with roсk musiс you Want to play aggrеssivеly. I playеd with thе Starship for fivе yеars' so I vе donе гhаг too' I had rwo Мarshall staсks аnd did all thе ,olo,. it was a wid.еr sound. .й/ith , funk rhythm sесtion iг.s mоге likе Ьеing in thе studio-you want thе Ьass hеrе, thе guitar hеrе, and- thе organ oyеr thеrе. Thе sес.iоn is just onе thing and you сan sее thе thrеads of thе ГaЬrii. Thе guitаr is morе tuсkеd. You hеar еYеry:h:ng е1sеl r.ou Гее1 еr.еп,thing еlsе.


.о: ог гiпlеs I usе fЪrl'ег norсs iil mr.сhoгds. so mar.Ье ml, Ьass notеs won,t ring out. Thеrе arе a lot оf гwo]]Oiс oг гhгее-noге trnqегinчs. Тhеге is a iiгt1е ,pot fo. .h... It сuts a littlе Ь.tt...-M,yЬе thе kеyЬoard is play-

.:g оn а highеr геgistеr so I'll do somеthing а littlе lowец Ьесausе thеrе is soniсally

ill егс.





sрot for mе

а lot oГtritonеs.

Thе 3rd and7tЬof a dominaffi7tЬсhord is аn ехamplе of a tritonе. IГI wеrе playing сhoгd, Гor еxamp.lе, I would play G.shаrp and D. You сan movе thai tritonе shаpе up and down thе nесk' It's сoo1 Ьесausе thеrе is no root and no jth. A, you movе down thе nесk Гrеt Ьy fiеt, if you think oГ rhе missing-Ьut impliеd-roots as going through a сyсlе oг 5ths, thе funсtions of thе notеs of thе trironе i1ip.floр as you movе down:3_7,tЬеn7-3,tЬ"i3-7, so on. ItЪ сallеd a tгitonе Ьесаusе thе intеrvаi is гhе distanсе of thrее wholе stеps. I usе that quitе a Ьit, ^nd or mayЬе add a 9th Гor thе fourth hit rаthеr than just аlrr'avs pound on thе 9th. (Sее Ех. 1.) t-tsе



Iгitonе u'rth 9th



\Ъu Гееi your spots. ThatЪ vеry important in funk guitar. if you givе yoursеlf too muсh, you,rе nоt sitting right еithеr soniсally or volumе-wisе. Soniсally itЪ ..Ъ.y i.,'po,.",,. .o i.,, yo.',,.lf in thе Ьand. \wе сalr usе гhе r,vord fаbriс throughout this wholе Ьook and tha* *Баt it is, playing with hugе еars (..F-Funk,,0:12. n.,l\ v.т1/.

Nоt many pеoplе start off Ьy wanting to play two.notе сhords in thе faЬriс of the sound. Ir гook yеaтs oГЬеing in Ьands. Ivе Ьееn in horn Ьands sinсе I was 14, рlayingTOl, and Sly,s musiс. ItЪ stuff r.оu lеarn Гrom oldеr guys who hаvе Ьееn thеrе. МayЬе you'rе stiсking o,-r. ti"..t. thеrе. It,s а Proсеss oГеlim. tt-litгion. \Х/hеn you,rе young' you,rе so еagеr to gеt out thеrе and ptф. onе" thing I,vе always donе with any пpе oГmusiс Ivе hеard is I'vе gonе a сouplе of .h,pt.,, Ьaсk froЬ.h" guy, I,m stшdying to find out whеrе rhеr. lеarnеd thеir stuГf from. It givеs mе a сlеarеr,,i,io., of what.h"y thinking

aЬout. OЬviously whаt -Б.. rhеr.lr.еге thinking aЬout is kind of what Iin thinking aЬout Ь..".,,. I lеarnеd from thеm. JеffBесk is my Эr oгitе, е\'еn tholl8h hе is not сonsidеrеd Гunk. Hе i,Ъy God. \й/ho сould hе havе listеnеd to? It was СliГf G.rllup-thе guv from Gеnе Vinсеnt. That was his guy. So iU go Ьaсk and start Ьuying Gеnе Vinсеnt rесords ;ld go. \\.olr.пlan, this guy is offthе hookl

sГЪo do l-оu listеn tо on stagе duтiпg a Тbwег pегfoгmanсе?


lisгеnrng ro еl.еп'Ьodr,. Roссo and Davе togеthеr aIе onе oГthе gгеat rhythm sесtions. I think it's Ьесausе

Rоссo.s sп.lе is so unorthodox. Thе way hе lеaгnеd to play, his wholе сonсеpt' thе wholе way hе сomеs to musiс, is r.еry diffеrеnt. Не сouldnt tеll you who playеd on what. Не goеs Ьy sounds. Не gavе mе this grеat ехamplе. \Х/hеn hе and Davе first startеd playing togеthrr' Davе would Ье on his hi.hat and Roссo would play rеal short' Davе would go to his Ьеll and Roссo would play longеr notеs. Davе would say, ..I notiсеd whеn I wеnt to my Ьеll you playеd Ьiggеr notrs?,, Roссo goеs, ..\Иеll, itЪ a Ьiggеr sound. Thе сymЬal is a widеr sound','Thаt has nothing to do with anything you writе down or lеarn or listеn to, it,s just purе instinсtivе musiсianship. Roссo doеs that morr thеn anyonе еlsе in thе Ьand. I'm right nеxt to him. I play to DavеЪ timе, Ьut as far as thе Гееl of thе Ьand, itЪ Roссo. His outlook is rеal unusual...thе short notеs...itЪ a littlе on top. TOP musiс is a littlе morе on top of thе Ьеat and thе Mеtеrs mаy Ье Ьеhind. \Ие'rе mоrе on thе tip oГ our toеs all thе timе. I'm soniсally a gluе whеrе thеrе nееds to Ье somе sort of сhording happеning, still with 16th notеs in mind. ThatЪ how I сount-16th notеs. \йhеn thе horns сomе in and do thеir hits, I'm thеrе alrеady Ьесausе I,m thinking likе that. A lot of guys go ..1 and2 and 3 and 4.,,TЬеre arе 16th notеs in Ьеtwееn thosе еighth notеs that you arr kind oГguеssing iГyou,rе rеаlly not fееling it that wаy. or еYеn quar. tеf notеs. Thеrе arе thrее morе notеs in thеrе that arе going to Ье aссountеd Гoц and you'rе not always going to Ье right thеrе unlеss you arс all сounting thе samе. \Wе all havе to Ье on thе samе pagе as to Whеrе itъ г"tt' and with Towеr itЪ 16th notеs on top of thе Ьеat. Is

your right hand doing thе 16ths anYwaу and you hit чrhеn you want to hit?

Somеtimеs thеrе erе songs whеrе sсratсhing [strumming mutеd strings] kind of сoYеrs up thе ghosting. A good еxamplе Гor that is Ъwеr,s first guitar playеr \Иilliе Fulton. Hе was morе of a sсratсhеr. Bruсе Сontе [Гоllowеd \Иilliе in ToP] playеd morе in thе holеs. Hе didn't sсratсh as muсh, Ьесausе hе had a kеyЬoard playеr to play with. Сhеstеr Thompson joinеd thе Ьand whеn Bruсе joinеd thе Ьand. \Иilliе Was a thrееpiесе. Hе nееdеd to play a littlе morе oPеn. Thеrе was a littlе morе stuff for him to fill.

What сirn yorr tеll guitarists aЬout getting thеir rhрhm togеthег? Rhythm is hard to gеt; you havе to fееl it. It's morе оf a sеlf.taught rypе of thing. ItЪ dеfinitеly a fееl. Gеt а mеtronomе and put it on 16th notеs or еighth notеs or whatеvеr thе song is you'rе working on. If it's ..Ninеty-Ninе and a Нali,, that's morе of an еighth-notе thing. If you сan mаstеr thе 16th-notе rhythm, whiсh is a lot of thе Jamеs Brown stuff, thе othеr stuff is a littlе еasiеr to undеrstand. ItЪ еasiеr to Put in thе poсkеt. ThеrеЪ lеss stufi, Is therе a


Ьеforе yorr сalr run,' aspесt to

plфng funk guitar? W.ith singlе

notеs you сan do sсales.

I likе to do this going Ьaсk almost to Еlvis and that quartеr notе sфе. Thеn thе Bсatlеs Wеrе a littlе morе livеly' and thеn thеrе's Sly Stonе with thе 16th notеs wah part in ..Thank Yоu.'' ItЪ Ьasiсally thе samе liсk fеlt thrее diffеrеnt Ways. ItЪ vеry important that whatеvеr thе tunе is, find out whеrе еYеryonе еlsс is fееling it. If thе drummеr is fееling 16th notеs and I'm fееling еighth notеs, thеrе arе going to Ье flams going on. (Sее Еxs. 2, 3, and 4.)



1} -+ чe > --t '>






J'fтtт'tтl ::.: ]: :


Сhuсk Bегry/Bеatlеs I t., z'., з


.:: а 1а


Siy Stone |




Hаs funk гhдhm guitar еvolvеd sinсе the'60s and'70s?

j :hink

it.s dе.volvеd. It's dесrеasеd a littlе Ьit. Thеrе is so muсh morе еmphasis on othеr things in R&B :-lusiс, It.s morе aЬout a grеat traсk аnd а grrat loop. Thеy will hаvе a guy сomе in and pчaу a сouplе oГ Ьars :rd plасе it in thеrе.

What aЬout thе importanсе of thе тvah pеdal? Pеoplе arе so into sounds and samplеs thеsе days' thеy think of it morе as a good samplе sound. Frеddiе Stonе is thе wah-wah king. Thеrе arе guys who саmе along latеr who got morе сrеdit Гor it and mayЬе еvеn usеd

iг in thеir namе' Ьut to mе Frеddiе Stonе was doing that stuff in thе mid-'60s. Listеn to ..Thank You (Falеttinmе Bе Мiсе Еlf Agin).'' Thеrе is onе guitar that starts on thе last 16th notс of Ьеat 1 whiсh hе did a lot. It was kind of his thing. Thе wah on that song (..Frее Fallin Funk,, 0:О2-0:42) was morе on thе down.



mе aЬоut thе usе of oсtavеs.

Thе mastеr of oсtavеs on guitar would Ье \й/еs Мontgomеry. For funk, I think onсе again it was Sly with Frеddiе Stonе. Thаt oсtavе thing is aУerу good gluе. I likе to usе oсtavеs whеn сhords arе сhanging, and I'll stay on thе samе notе. ItЪ kind of likе a string pаrt whеrе you lеt thе сhords do thе movеmеnt. on ..Сrеd'it'' I,m doing an F oсtavе against a Dm' FlС, thrее сhords (0:44-0:5il. Playing with Towеr I сan ^ьlBЬ-thosе voiсеstuff thatfitsЬеttеrwiththеhorns.Anoсtavеisasimplеapproaсhthatworksvеrywеll. (SееЕх.5.)


5: oсtavе Rhythm

Thе Philly thing has a lot oГ oсtavеs in it, as on ..I'll Bе Around.,' (Sее Еx. 6.) l


liтIтftт1 : P:jj]r oсtavе Pattеm N.C.

oГ a jazz-ftnk сrossoYеr. Thеrе is a lot of jazz influеnсе in funk, mainly Ьесausе oГ thе oГf-Ьеats and off гhr-гhms. I'vе rеad it has a lot to do with thе Latins hеading up to Spаinish Нarlеm and hitting thе Сotron СluЬ and taking thе straight swing and adding thе сlavе rhythm. I think a lot of funk сamе out оf that.


I-еtЪ ехplorе thе

plфng on thе еight



us aЬout..Hip.Е-Jam.''

oГa Frеddiе Stonе thing. It starts as a rwo-notе wah pеdal thing. Еffесts сamе into p|ay a lot with funk guiтаr in thе '70s with Parliamеnt. I'm using two difГеrеnt еfЕёсts on thеrе. I hаvе a flangеr аnd a wah on thеrе fоr an unusual sound. ItЪ morе of a lоw two-notе thing I'm doing in thе first part. Sinсе wе'rе in Е, I сan аhvays lеt thе Е string ring (0:03-0:35).I сan go all thе Way up thе nесk just using thе 6th and 5th strings. (Sее Еx. 7.) Ir.s sort

Тrr-o-Stгing (5th & 6th) Wah Pattеm

wl wah-wah




pеda1 open (toe up); + = pеdal с1osеd (toе


Тhеrе is onе othеr thing I do hеrе: a pull-off I lеarnеd from listеning to Sly. I slidе up Гrom thе 5th frсt to thе 6th, thеn I go thе 4th and pull off to thе 3rd. It's unusual; I'vе nеvеr hеard anyonr do it Ьut Sly and thе Family Stonе. You gеt thе 16th-notе fееl to it. RеmеmЬеr to hit Ьеat 1 hard. Thеrе is air in this part. I usе my thumЬ on this onе too. So wе arе using thе toniс Е notе on onе string, аnd always having it going. \й/ith thе othеr string I сomе up with а littlс mеlodiс сountеr mеlody that,s low, Ьut it's still a rhythm Part. You сan makе thе сhord minor or majoц or еYеn sus4. (Sее Еx. 8.)

, i

Т'\ o-String (5th


6th) Wah Pattem

>> fl wаh-wah *o+o t




pеdal opеn (toе uр); +









реdal сlosеd (tое down)

Can you play diffеrent Pafts in thе stаft of this song? AЬsolutеly. As long as you gеt thе low Е ringing' you сan plаy аround with thе 6th and 7th-as lоng as ytlu havе thе 16th notеs and thе downЬеat on ..1.'' You rеally lay into it rаthеr than wait Гor it. (Sее Еx. 9.)


9: Тwo-String (5th

& 6th) Pattеm Using thе


& 7th


.\t thе Ьеginning, thе guitar is playing on Ьеat 1, and at0:37 Rogеr [Smith, kеyЬoard playеr forToP] and I sх'аp. I lеt Rogеr play on Ьеat 1, and I lеavе a Ьig spaсе thеrе, whiсh is thе oppositе of thе opеning. Hе is hitting this kind of lush NеwYоrk rooftop jazztуpе of сhord, and hе nееds to Ье thеrе. Thеrе is nonе of thе 16гh notе sсratсhing Ьесаusе thе сhord on Ьеat 1 is lush. I nееd to givе him spaсе to play it. othеrwisс, it rr.ould takе away from this сomplеtеly сool thing hе is doing. If you notiсе, whеn wе sWaP Parts I wait anothсг еight or 16 Ьars and thеn I start adding littlе сhord hits, Ьasiсally dominаnt7tЬtуpе of сhords. It's a two. Ьar phгasе.

Тalk to mе aЬorrt upstrokеs Yеrsus downstrokеs? I usе upstгokеs whеn I'm synсopating with thе snarе or thе rеst of thе Ьand. Upstrokеs sееm shortеr. You hеar гhе high shoгt nоtеs first. A lot of timеs I play thе 9th сhords with just thе thrее strings Гor that еxaсt rеason.

l :hink

гhеr'aге vеry impoгtant for synсopation. (Sее Еx. 10.)

..Dont Кnoсk It'' You'll nоtiсс in thе Ьеginning I'm not playing. Thеrе is anothеr rulе that sоmеtimеs thе Ьсst thing to p|ay iл funk guitar is nothing at all. This is morе of an organ solo. \W-hat I,m trying to do is lеt him diсtatе how hеЪ fееling at tЬе timе. It сhangеs nightly. I lеt thе thrее of thеm gсt into a thing. I want to makе what I'm doing Ьеhind him so сomfortaЬlе thаt hе сan just go ofГand it still fееls likе hе's kind of сomping. I do еight Ьars oГD9, so I havе a Partial linе and on that I аdd a 5th. ThatЪ why I talk aЬout playing two notеs' mayЬе thrее notеs. Off that I dont еvеn havе to movе. I'm adding notеs so it makеs it sound likе I,m moving (0:33-О:45). I'vе got thе 16th notе thing happеning in thе right hand' onсе again itЪ thе еars; I lеt thе organ diсtatе whеrе hе is Гееling thе thing. It is his solo.

Thе lеsson hеrе is thе addition of thе notеs? LеtЪ play a tritonе. You havе уour 3l7 hеrе on D7. For movеmеnt is suЬtlе, rеal сlosе' rеal tight. (Sее Еx. 1 1.)



1, Тгitonе.


G7 уotl go down onе

frеt аnd you



Еr'егv 16 Ьars I kind of сhangе gеars. I was down hеrе on thе 4th Гrеt and I movеd up to D minor at thе 1Oth fгег. Тhat's going to makе mе try difГеrеnt stuff. I hаvе a G9 hеrе, whiсh I сouldn't do down thе nесk. Sinсе I srr'iгсh to minor I go into this 4ths thing thаt I likе. (Sее Еx. 12.)


12: 4ths Pattem on Am7

You hеаr that a lot. Сhесk out Bruсе Contе, Ъwеr's sесond guitar playеr. ItЪ likе HеrЬiе Hanсoсk with his lеГt hand. I play 4ths in this song. Thе lеsson is to try diffеrеnt positions. IГyou'rе сhanging gеars and going uР' Somеtimеs you сan makе gеar сhangеs with sоund, and mayЬе with a highеr сhord. If еvеryЬody is playing a littlе hardец a highеr сhord might сut through a littlе Ьеttеr.

..Down to thе NightсluЬ'' Thе Vеrsе on this is kind of my homagе tо TOP,s first two guitar playеrs. \Иilliе Fulton rесordеd this song originally. Hе didn,t play with a kеyЬoard plаyеr so his thing Was motе a fili,| BЬ7 сhord. .ff/hеn thеy did thе Liaе аnd in Liuiпg СоIоr rеcord thеy had Сhеstеr Thompson on kеyЬoards. BruсеЪ Part Was totally diffеrеnt. I kind of do Ьoth, 'сausе I think thеy arе Ьoth сoоl (О:|5-О:32)' I gеt thе full сhords in thеrе and it's so Croppеr. Thе sliding part is vеry сoo1 tоo. Thе lеsson would Ье switсhing Гrom a Ьig сhord to mфе a twonotе thing. I'm taking сhargе in thе first part. I'm kind оf in thе forеfront. Thеn in thе middlе I havе a littlе ..piсking tuсkеd part (0:24-0:32). It,s a your spots'' kind of thing. I think I usе my thumЬ too. ..Crеdit'' ..Сrеdit''

..1.'' is kind of whaсkеd Ьесausе thе Vеrsе is rеally Ьеhind thе Ьеat (0:04-0:16). You wait Гor thе .йЪеn Wе go to thе Vеrsе, Wl'rе on top oГthе Ьеat on 16ths (0:30-0:37). ItЪ almost a2 feеI.

Funk guitar is its own thing as Гar as thе сhords. If you play an F mаjoц I'll plаy an F minor еvеry onсе in whilе; it rеаlly doеsn't mattеr. (Sее Еx. 13.)




Playing F7 or Fm7


..That's got to Ье a7tЬ or that's got to Ье a minor.'' That's But iГvou wеrе doing a jazz сЬart thеy would say' That's what's rеally importаnt. Thе lеsson is two diЁ is right hand and thе gluе. thе point thе пot thе point; Гегеnt kinds oГ Гееls. In thе Сhorus I'm playing kind of Ьеhind' and I,m Ьaсk on top for thе Vеrsеs.

Теll me aЬout muting. Тhеге's thе sсratсh, whiсh is a form of muting' TЬ do this, a lot оf guys will mutе thе strings with thеir lеft hand and thеn strum with thе right, produсing a pеrсussivе sound. I usе two diffеrеnt kinds of muting. I usе mr, right hand palm to makе things short. I strum and palm-mutе at thе samс timе. Thе othеr Way is to usе thе lеГt hand and Ьarеly takе thе fingеrs oГf. For this I d usе that morе on an upstrokе. Listеn to Jamеs Brown's ..Сountry'' Kеllum, or Frеddiе Stonе and Stеvе Croppеr. Сroppеr Was thr mastсr of guvs, Jimmy Nolеn and Hе is morе Гrom A to D. doing piсking off thе strings. It makеs it short and morе pеrсussivе. Funk going guitar is vеry muсh pеrсussion oriеntеd. ..Fгее

Falling Funlc,

Dm6 is thе Ьasis oГthis Towеr rhythm sесtion groovе wе сamе up with.

It's vеryJamеs Brown оriеntеd. I am

loсkеd into a part. I,m trying to do гwo Jamеs Brown guitar playеrs at onсе' еvеn though I ovеrduЬЬеd a wah ..Big PayЬaсk'' сhord Ьy Jamсs Brown. I'm doing it hеrс аs a Dm6. It pаrt' It's got thе minor 6 whiсh is thе doеs sound likе a 13 if you havе good еars. ItЪ a rwo-Ьаr phrasе that is my own thing (0:00.О:33).RеmеmЬеr how I said thе minor and thе major don't rсally mattеr whеn you'rе playing funk? ThЬ givеs you morе wеapons. I'm playing a singlе notе7-6_7, and this сhord will aсtually Ье а D13#9. It,s rеal short and lеavеs a littlе holе Гor that linе. Thе lеsson is thе сomЬination oГtrying to do two Jamеs Brown guitar Parts at onсе. Тhеy usеd to сall it hеavеn and hеll. onе guy would Ье strumming and onе guy would Ье piсking. I'm trying to do two Parts at onсе and still Гееl thе 16ths. Thеrе arе littlе spots Гor mе, and onс timс I dо a singlе linе (0:04-0:07) and thе nеxt I fill with a short сhord (0:08-0:09). You havе thе сhords, you havе a littlе linе, l'ou lеavе a littlе air. I'm fееling 16ths Ьut I,m not plаying thеm all. A lot of guys havе to play all thе 16ths to fееl thе 16ths. It's funkiеr if you don't. Thе wholе thing that makеs stuff Гunky is if you land on thе upЬеat. If еvеryЬody did it' it would Ье a Ьig goulash oГwhatеvеr. I oftеn play on thе sесond 16th of thе Ьеat. Sсratсhing through thе wholс thing and thеn lеaving out a Геw hits is a good Way to Praсtiсе. You,ll fееl thе diГfеrеnсе. You,ll hеar it oЬviously, Ьut thе Гее1 is also difГеrеnt. You fill in your littlе spots with thе drums Ьесausе you arе thinking 16th notеs.

"F- Funk'

Тhis song сontains many oГ thе sаmе tесhniquеs wе'vе talkеd aЬout in othеr songs. This organ solo


approaсh diГГеrеntly. I start it out for Rogеr to follow mе. I'm doing what wе did еarliеr. I'm starting on two notеs, mayЬе adding a third or fourth notе hеrе and thеrе. I'll сomе down low (1:01.1:10), plays 4tЬs (I:552:00), tritonеs' two-, thrrr-, and four-notе сhords (0:12-0:20), kind оГmiхing thеm up in a гwo-Ьаr Pаttеrn. Thе idеa is to сomе up with a Part thatЪ hypnotiс Ьut not distraсting. IГ you lay into a Part that is hypnotiс and rеally funky' thеn pеoplе don,t listеn to you-thеy fееl you. I'm in F so thеrе is no opеn Е. I go Ьaсk to mv Сhuсk Bеrry' Ьut play it likе Sly.

You сan makе uP your own Pafts for this song? littlе morе oPеn. It's morе of a jam.I was morе еxpеrimеntal, I сould wеaf morе hats. \Ие,rе morе lосkеd .d ^... Г,-".Ь. v tunе and mayЬе on thе fourth Ьar еvеryЬody goеs off. Until thеn it's prеtry muсh Lrrl 'vholе Рdr L rul At of thе Гourth or еighth Ьar, if you Want to do a rhythm fill at thе еnd oГthе phrasе, samе thing. thе еnd thе iг.s niсе tо do thаt (2:32-2:37). That's usually whеn thе drums p|aу a fill. I am thinking aЬout what Dаvе It.s a

;. tll


.^ Lv

mighr do hеrе. I havе thе 16th notеs in mind. Usually thе еnd of thе phrasе is a good plaсе to Put somеthing сlsе in to рush into thе nеХt sесtion. \Ие know Davе is going to go to thе Ьеll, so Wе arе all going to сhangс gеагs.

..Ooiy So Мцсh

oil in the Ground''

I think of this song aS a Ьig Ьand funk arrangеmеnt and of mysеlf as an еnsеmЬlе playеr in a Ьig Ьand. Thе horns arе prominеnt. I play this tunе a lot likе Bruсе Сontе rесordеd it. I add a fеw things of my own. ItЪ еnsеmЬlе funk guitar whеrе you try to stay invisiЬlе. This is a faЬriс part. Thеrе arе Pаrts whеrе I am synсoраting with thе snarе (0:00-0:30). I сall this сеntеr fiеld guitar. Аll thе things wе'vе Ьееn talking aЬout' I'm doing thеm all. I am playing within thе faЬriс of thе Ьand еvеn morе so. I'm playing Ьig сhords Ьесausе thе organ is filling a lot. I soniсaliy nееd to takе up morе room. A lеsson in this onе would Ье a widеr approaсh ..1,,' to guitaц Ьig сhords, a hеаvy downЬеat On synсopation. Thеrе's a lot of Ьig and short that wе'vе talkеd ..only'' aЬout. This has Ьoth. On thе word I play Ьig. I am kind of mirroring rvеrything that goеs on (0:481:05). Having hugе еаrs on this tunе is vеry importаnt. Thеrе is synсоpation going on with thе drums. Biggеr сhords arе going on Ьесausе thеrе arе a lot of kеyЬoard fills. I'm doing a lot of hits with thе horns whеrе I altеr сhоrds to havе thе right onr to fit with thе сhord. Somеtimеs I p|ay a minor 1 1 against thеir minor 7 аnd it sounds rеally сool. At thе еnd of thе Сhorus whеn thеy sing..Thеrе is only so muсh oil''' I еmphasizе tЬе,,2,, rathеr thеn thе..1.'' Thе lеsson for this is еnsеmЬlе Ьig Ьand funk guitar.

Did Bruсе Contе writе his own guitar Part fof this


TЬе way I writе my parts, thеy сomе in with a skеtсh and lеt us do what Wr want. Еmillio [Сastillo] is vеry good with guitar pаrts. I'm luсky. Ninеry pеrсеnt of what I сomе up with wе kееp. But hе'll say, ..\й/hy don't you put this in hеrе?,' Hе is rеally dialеd into guitar. ItЪ соoi to havе a produсеr who is likе that. Yеs.

"'What Is Hip" I rеmеmЬеr I was 13 whеn I first hеard this. This tunе improvеd ToPЪ vеrtiсal lеap quitе a Ьit. This is a pеrfесt еxamplе of not hitting all thс 16th ghost notеs. This is thе ghost notе national anthеm for Гunk. It's a gгеat еxamplе of playing thе hits whеrе thеy arе supposеd to Ье. Thеrе is no in Ьегwееn stuff. I stay out of thе way of thе ghost 16th notеs on thе Ьass and drums (0:22-О:42). Thе lеsson hеrе is playing your PaгtS rr.hеrе thеy land, at lrast on thе Vеrsеs. I also addеd my own invеntion thсrе. It's a two.string liсk. I'm taking thе root and 3rd and going up from D to Е. I mirror thе Ьass. kЪ kind of my own part. ItЪ not too loud Ю:42-0:50)'

Givе mе a glossary of сommon funk сhord voiсings, a Funk Choгd Diсtionary. Еl'еryЬody knows this is a simplе D сhord:


But itЪ аlso a Gmaj9:




x Or Bm7:

Or Е11:



A lot oГtimеs I will look аt a сhord likе that and say that thеsе thrее notеs work against four diffеrеnt сhords. I mеntionеd Gmaj9. A lot оf timеs if thе Ьаnd plays Gmaj7, I'll just pIaу a D triad up thе nесk-or mфе two notеs-and it sounds сool: ItЪ a Ьunсh of things.

Gmaj9 10 fr.


*сhord funсtions

I kind of put that tесhniquе into еvеrрhing. I'll Ьrеak a сhord down еvеn though it might not Ье in thе kеy wе,rе in. Lеt,s look at a rеgular 9th сhord-Е9 at thе 6th Гrеt' thе onе еYеryonе knows:



Thе othеr 9th vоiсins is this onе:


Thе diffеrеnсе is that hеrе you havе thе 3rd of thе сhord on thе Ьоttom. or you сan lеavе it out:






11 fr.

Now look at this G#m7Ь5 сhordwhiсh is thе samе as an Е9 сhord with no root:


10 fr.

1 fr.

[f I lеevе out thе low G* and play thе top thrее notеs oYеr an opеn Е Ьass, it sounds grеat:



ItЪ aЬout сhoiсеs?

Right. If I'm playing against an Е9 сhord' I сould p\aу G#m7Ь5 at thе 1 1th frеt:


GIm7Ь5 Or I сan play it down at thе 3rd frеt:

or I сan lеavе out thе low Gf of that сhord and play a opеn low Е instеad:

W.еvе talkеd aЬout taking a 9th сhоrd and using thе

tritonе-thе 3rd and7tЬ of thе сhord:



Somеtimсs I,ll add thе 9th of thе сhord to that, on thе 2nd string:



Аnd somеtimсs I'l1add thе 5th of thе сhord to that, on thе lst strins:



Or instеad of thе 5th, I might makе it thе 13th, two Гrеts highеr on thе lst string:

Е13 x x 3 7 913

It Ьесоmеs сlеar. If you Ьrеak down сhords, somеtimrs it,iust sounds so right. You сan do that with all сhoгds. Thе maior 7th сhord works wеll. Look аt Gmai7: g"**^*"**--****-***--"t









On thе top Гour strings, you'vе got Bm7 thеrе:


Аlso, iГ I,m playing off a Gmaj7 сhord, [ сan play just two notеs:

Gm aj7


Or thrее notrs:


Гour notеs:

Неrс arе somе two- and thrее.note maj7 and maj9 voiсings:

Gmaj9 X Х 5 7 9х


TЬе maj7 and maj9 arе prеtty сhords that you hеar in thе Мotown sound. Ъkе a Gmч7 and makе a Pattеrn out oГ thе voiсings aЬovе. ItЪ vеry simplе. Lеss is morr. I kind oГ сamе upon this on my own, Ьut it's vеry simpl. You douЬlе and triplе your сhord possiЬilitiеs this way and yоu givе yoursеlГ morе options. Bеing a good Гunk guiraг playеr is to Ье vеry instinсtivе.

Саn rоu slrm цP what it's likе plar'ing in a good гhщЬm sесtion? Рlаr ing

rhlтhm mеaЛs Ьеing aЬlе to plav with othеr pеoplе and Ьеing aЬlе to Ьang with оthеr pеoplе.


п-rаliing rеlationships rvith pеoplе. It's аЬout not сoming oГf that I'm morе important than you. \Ие arе all onе rirr-гhm sесtion. Yеs' I am a guitar playеr, Davе is a drummец Roссo is a Ьass playеr, Ьut wе arе a sесtion. Thе гсasoП rvhy wе sound good is Ьесausе wе work wеll togеthеr-Wr listеn to еaсh othеr. That сomеs from play-

iпg in Ьands and slugging it out in thе g^rage' ItЪ finding that сommon thrеad that сomеs from playing in a Ьаnd. I don,t think you сan do that Ьy rеading a Ьook. ItЪ likе Ьеing a golfеr. You сan rеad еvеry golf Ьook in thе world, Ьut you,rе going to sliсе into thе woods unlеss you gеt out and play and hit thе Ьalls. ItЪ Ьat. ting praсtiсе or shooting frее throws. ItЪ vеry muсh likе sports. A ЬaskеtЬall tеam with fivе guys who all want to shoot thе Ьall isnt going to win. SomеЬody is pissеd off Ьесausе thеy didn't gеt еnough shots...didn'r gеr еnough solos. SomеЬody is ovеrstеpping thеir parts. That's thе stuff that you slug out in thе gara1e.If you find guys who arе thinking thе samе, you,vе got a winnеr.






r]\ 1 .,.1

iЙ*^1" ЙЙc..", Fu]l




АDadd9lBD Гilт4г. I ] ] m..т.-гтa



гггт-,] ГГГГП ttli

T з2|4


Intro Мodеrаtе Swing.] = 14zl Half-timе fееl



Еь9 гт-ЕN 5ti




Words and Musiс b, Emilio Castillo, Stephen Kup". and John Whitnе '

8t1:'"' Jгd

fimе. UtI. J Lасеt









gеt lt


Gtr' l (сlеan)

Rhy. Fig. I



t/vt/!tt AA/!



Lеad voс. ad lib on lеpеаts



Go Еnd Rhy. Fig.





Еnd Fill



Vеrse F9






2.,З. Sее аdditirlnаl l,'rics Rhy. Fig. 2

copyrightO 1986 Arikat lЙusiс' Stеphen Kupka Songs (ASсAP) and Lеw-Bob Songs (BМ|)



Riohts iоr Arikat Мusic and Stephen Kupka Songs Adm nlstrred by Bоb-А-Letv Soпgs .:э.^at cna 663i,l;lgl"l Sесu.ed A R c^ts зэsеn,,ed





wor -


rу ,bout a

thing' you

don't nеrd-






Еnd Rhy. Fig.2

2nd & 3rd timеs, Gtr. l: W/





your good

сrеd - it






GtI. ]: w/ Rhу' Fig. 2



dinе in Gtr.


: u'/

Rhу' Fig.


livе likе


Kееp the spir -

king. _


flow - ing'


















Dm ',1-::



Г, )+



-::: :-




i Q





str GtI. 2 tасеt













(сont, ln nоtatlon)


To Codа





Соmе on








D.S, аl Сoc; (no rеpесl l N.C.













With уour






2nd timе' Gtr, 1: w/





a1 al

llz. вbl



Аdditioпаl Lуriсs Yоu сan paу уouт bills, сop

a tailor-madе suit. Sign on thе line, уou don't nееd no loot. Go and gеt it with your good сredit. You сan rеnt a сar and till thе tank with gas' Cruisе to thе 1imit without no сash. Go and gеt lt with your good сfedit. (To Bridgе)

Impress youт friеnds, do it to the max. And what dо you know? You don't neеd no sсrаtсh. Go and gеt it with уоur good сrеdit.

Bum your ribs likr ya done

a lot of talking. That nееd a sесond lоok, and takе a hоnеy suсklе, mоthеr ain Go and gеt it with your good credit. (To Bridgе)


t no



\ /\


f:' ::''1r

DoWN тo тHE NIGHтсLUB ,1


йъfiа ,#z" :: Bаnd

Words and MUsiс bv Stephen Kupka, EmiIio CastiIIЬ and David Garibaldi




= 208 (Drums)

Gtr. I (slight dist.)







х';;; Sat-ur-daу Э -

ni ohr

hang - ing


look - ing





Sее tLdditiorutl l,u-riсs

к / 6lgn1 lqna

Сээ''. gr: Э .9r5 Siechen KL,p
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