234836576 Introduction to PAUT
April 16, 2017 | Author: ndtitc | Category: N/A
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What is Phased Array
Phased Array Ultrasonic Inspection is the computer controlled triggering of individual element in a multi element probe. The PA probe consists of many small ultrasonic elements, each of which can be pulsed independently.
In conventional UT, a single piezoelectric element converts an electrical signal into a mechanical vibration.
What is Phased Array
A Phased Array probe is a long conventional probe cut into many small elements, which are individually excited. All elements can be triggered individualy Full coverage from a calculated distance.
What is Phased Array
It is like having many small conventional UT probes integrated inside a single probe.
128 elements !
How Does Phased Array Work?
Ultrasonic phased arrays consist of a series of individual elements, each with its own connector, time delay circuit. Elements are acoustically insulated from each other. Elements are pulsed in groups with precalculated time delays for each element (i.e., “phasing”).
How Does Phased Array Work?
By Applying Delay we can achieve
Beam Steering Beam Focusing Beam Steering + Focusing
How Does Phased Array Work? Beam Steering
Provides the capability to modify the refracted angle of the beam generated by the array probe. Allows for multiple angle inspections, using a single Phased Array probe. Conventional UT (simulating the refracted angle by applying delay) (angle beam probe)
How Does Phased Array Work? Beam Focusing
Provides the capability to converge the acoustic energy onto a small focal spot. Allows for focusing at several depths, using a single probe.
How Does Phased Array Work? Beam Steering + Focusing
By combining both steering and focusing focal laws (delay applied to each element is in green), the focal point can be angled.
How Does Phased Array Work?
Using a single group of elements, on the same probe, different beam configurations can be performed: No time delay
Steering + focusing
Phased Array Scanning Type Linear Electronic Scan
The movement of the acoustic beam is along the axis of the array, without any mechanical movement.
Phased Array Scanning Type Sectorial Scan
The ability to scan a complete sector of volume without any probe movement. Useful for inspection of complex geometries, or geometries with space restrictions. 11
Faster Inspection. Reliable. Advantages of Phased Array Improved inspection capabilities through software control of beam characteristics Technique sheet development based on job configuration. Inspection with multiple angles with single, electronically controlled probe No Radiation Hazard. Permanent record of scanning data. Software generated report with indication details.
Phased Array Data Views
A Scan
B Scan
C Scan
S Scan
Phased Array Data Views
A display in which the received pulse amplitude is represented as a displacement along one axis (usually the y-axis) and the travel time of the ultrasonic pulse is represented as a displacement along the other axis (usually the xaxis)
Amplitude Axis
A Scan
Sound Travel Time Axis
B Scan
Phased Array Data Views
The B-scan presentations is a profile (cross-sectional) view of the test specimen
Depth Axis
Depth Axis
Scan Axis
Scan Axis
C Scan
A two dimensional presentation of data displayed as a top or planar view of a test piece.
Scan Axis
Phased Array Data Views
PA Probe
Ultrasound Axis
S Scan
Phased Array Data Views
Sectorial scan view is unique to phased array equipment. In a linear scan, all focal laws employed a fixed angle with sequencing apertures. Sectorial scans, on the other hand, use fixed apertures and steer through a sequence of angles. Ultrasound Axis
Phased Array Probes Element arrangement of Phased Array probes
1D Linear- This is the most commonly used array plan in both straight beam and angle beam inspections. Easily manufactured and mounted on wedges, focuses in one axis at different depths and angles.
2D Square- Steering capability in dimensions, spherical or single-axis focus.
1.5D Square- Excellent steering capability, focuses in one axis at different depths and angles
1D Annulardepths
2D Annular- Elliptical or spherical beam with steering capability at different depths and angles.
1D Circular- Elliptical or spherical beam with steering capability at different depths, typically used for curved targets
Spherical focusing at different
Scanning Scanning will be carried out with the help of suitable Probes, Scanner & Inspection unit.
Weld Inspection by using Omniscan MX2 & HSMT Compact Scanner
Thin wall tube inspection by using Omniscan MX & Cobra Scanner
Corrosion mapping using Omniscan MX2 & Glider Scanner 19
Scanned data will beAnalysis analyzed by PC based software
The images mentioned above are captured from Tomoview software. TomoView is a PC-based software developed by Olympus used for design, data acquisition, and analysis of ultrasonic signals.
Software generatedReporting report with indication details
Phased Array Equipment
Omniscan MX2 Manufacturer- Olympus, Canada
Phasor XS Manufacturer- GE, USA
Isonic Manufacturer- Sonotron NDT, Israel
TOPAZ Manufacturer- ZETEC, China 22
SUPOR Manufacturer- SIUI, China
TD FOCUS SCAN Manufacturer- Technology Design, UK
Scanners Can be operated from 6” OD to flat surface.
Automatic movement. Laser guide to maintain proper index. Can hold maximum 6 probes at a time. Strong Magnetic wheels.
WeldRover Manufacturer- Olympus, Canada
HSMT Manufacturer- Olympus, Canada
Can be operated from 4.5” OD to flat surface. Manual movement. Can hold maximum 8 probes at a time. Magnetic wheels.
Can be operated from 0.84” OD to 4.5” OD Scanners
Cobra Scanner Manufacturer- Olympus, Canada
Manual movement. Can hold maximum 2 probes at a time. Spring loaded design to hold onto carbon steel and stainless steel pipes Can be configured to make one-sided inspections with only one probe. Clearance -12mm
Magman Manufacturer- Phoenix, UK
Can be operated from 1.5” OD to flat surface. Manual movement. Can hold maximum 12 probes at a time. Magnetic wheels.
Can be operated from 0.5” OD to 4” OD Scanners
Manual movement. Can hold maximum 2 probes at a time. Designed to hold onto carbon steel and stainless steel pipes Can be configured to make one-sided inspections with only one probe. Clearance -13mm
Bracelet Manufacturer- Phoenix, UK
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