October 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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... ...... ....... ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... .... do her hereby eby irre irrevoc vocabl ably y nom nomina inate, te, con consti stitut tute e and app appoin ointt
Shri ..................... ........................ ... son of ....... ............... ............... ............... .......... .. resid resident ent of ....... ............... ............ .... my attorn attorney ey and on my behalf to execute or do all or any of the acts or things hereinafter mentioned that is to say:-
1. To make inventory of all items of estate of my deceased father the late Shri ..................residing at the time of his death at ............. to take possession of all the properties left by my father and to ascertain the particulars of the property by my father by making correspondence with banks, companies, friends and relatives.
2. To ap appl ply y fo forr an and d ob obta tain in lett letter ers s of ad admi mini nist stra rati tion on in re resp spec ectt of th the e Es Esta tate te of la late te Shri ...................... who died on ....................... day of .......................... 19 .............. from the court of competent jurisdiction for my use and benefit.
3. To sign, dec declar lare e and file petit petition ion in the cour courtt an and d to sig sign n and to fil file e the acc accoun ountt and docu do cume ment nts, s, inve invent ntor ory y in resp respec ectt of th the e es esta tate te of th the e sa said id de dece ceas ased ed an and d to fi file le undertaking, administrator's oath required to be given in court.
4. To engage and app appoint oint any solic solicitor itor,, counse counsel, l, pleader pleader,, advocat advocate e or lawyer to apply for the letters of administration in the court and to sign and verify any application or petition for the grant and for doing other necessary work relating to the grant of letters of administration.
5. To pay fees, cha charges rges an and d expens expenses es requi required red to be paid for obta obtaining ining the the said limite limited d grant.
6. To co conte ntest st cave caveat at if any file filed d by any pers person on and to fil file e suc such h app applic licati ations ons and oth other er papers as may be required.
7. To re reco cove verr th the e es esta tate te,, rent rents s an and d prof profit its s of th the e im immo mova vabl ble e pr prop oper erti ties es,, pa pay y th the e ta tax x payable to State Government/Central Government or any Municipal or other authority and deposit the balance money with an account in any Bank to be opened in my name and to make the shares/debentures/securities, etc. in any locker with the same bank in my name or in the name of my Attorney.
8. To genera generally lly to do all other acts acts,, deeds and th things ings as may be nec necessa essary ry or require required d in connection with the grant as aforesaid.
And I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and confirm whatsoever my said attorney shall do or purport to do by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the said ..................... have hereto set and subscribed my hands this ................ day of ................ 2000.
Signed and delivered by the within named ..................
Identified by me ( Advocate
Before me Notary Public
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