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Commentary Report
Document Number: AD-D-09 First Edition - May 2013
Document No: AD-D-09 First Edition May 2013 Department of Transport PO Box 20 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
© Copyright 2013, by the Department of Transport. All Rights Reserved. This manual, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher.
Contents Approval and Amendment Record This report has been issued and amended as follows:
Report to accompany draft final of Pavement Design Manual submitted to Review Committee
Page i
Lead Author
Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
Lead Reviewer
Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. iii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ iii Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2
methodology .......................................................................................................................... 3
background and history ........................................................................................................ 4
base documents .................................................................................................................... 5
1993 AASHTO Empirical method ...................................................................................... 5
Austroads Mechanistic-empirical method .......................................................................... 5
Abu Dhabi Municipality Pavement Design Manual ............................................................ 7
scope of manual .................................................................................................................... 8 5.1
Application of this manual ................................................................................................. 8
Content and format ........................................................................................................... 8
Document development ...................................................................................................... 10 6.1
Progress meetings .......................................................................................................... 10
Consultation meetings .................................................................................................... 10
Formal submission .......................................................................................................... 10
Workshop ....................................................................................................................... 11
Comment Review ........................................................................................................... 11
Final submission ............................................................................................................. 11
Acknowlegment ................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix A: compiled comments from Dot/ stakeholders ...................................................... 15 Appendix B: workshop presentation ......................................................................................... 26
Page ii
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Mechanistic-Empirical Design Method Flowchart .............................................................. 7
LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Technical Meetings Information ........................................................................................ 12
Page iii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2010, the Department of Transport commenced with the “Unifying and Standardizing of Road Engineering Practices” Project. The objective of the project was to enhance the management, planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of all roads and related infrastructures in the Abu Dhabi Emirate and ensure a safe and uniform operational and structural capacity throughout the road network. To achieve this objective a set of 36 standards, specifications, guidelines and manuals were developed in consultation with all relevant authorities in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. In future, all authorities or clients involved in roads and road infrastructures in the Emirate shall exercise their functions and responsibilities in accordance with these documents. One of these 36 manuals is the Pavement Design Manual (PDM). The PDM focuses on the material characterization, traffic estimation and climatic influence for the structural design of the pavements structural layers. Combining conditions and resources from different international manuals, while including ways to use sustainable and economical materials, this manual is highly applicable to Abu Dhabi. This manual provides comprehensive information needed to develop complete structural pavement designs for both flexible (asphalt) and rigid (concrete) pavements. Topics covered in PDM include required traffic and climatic data for pavement design, material characterization, new pavement design, rehabilitation techniques, pavement maintenance, pavement management, low volume roads, evaluation of existing pavements condition and life cycle cost (LCC) analysis. This manual also covers the empirical and the mechanistic-empirical (M-E) design methods. Using the information in this manual, a designer can apply several design methods and select a final design based on a life cycle cost analysis. In coordination with DoT and Aurecon (Project Manager), following process was identified and followed: • • • • • • • • •
Get comprehensive brief from DoT Staff to understand their requirements. Submit Preliminary report to confirm DoT’s requirements. Review the existing International pavement design manuals. Conduct an initial workshop to discuss the draft contents and methodology to be adopted. Prepare and submit a first draft Manual for comments and review by DoT. Receive comments from DoT and improve the draft. Submit a second draft for DoT / Stakeholders review. All agencies to attend a workshop to receive comment and thereby improve the draft. Collect comments from the workshop outcome and prepare a final manual.
All the Chapters and Appendices of the PDM were developed in complete co-ordination with DoT. Several chapters were submitted individually for DoT review during the development process. However, the first complete draft of the PDM was delivered for review in April 2012. The document has been subject to further rigorous review during several meetings with DoT lead reviewer. The second full draft of the document was delivered for review in September 2012. In November 2012 a workshop was held for all agencies to present the draft final and collect their comments. In mid December 2012 after meeting with DoT and other manuals developer a new chapter was requested to be added. Finally, in February 2013 the final draft manual was submitted. Page 1
1 INTRODUCTION Pavement design, an integral and critical part of the transportation system, focuses on thickness design of pavement layers. In general, pavement design requires knowledge about the materials in any existing pavement layers, the foundation upon which the pavement will reside, traffic levels, and climatic conditions. Selecting a final design, however, depends on the availability of materials, funding, and local experience. The manual’s approach is consistent with DoT’s objective to upgrade the existing pavement design methodology by incorporating advanced technology and pavement design procedures. This manual provides comprehensive information needed to develop complete structural pavement designs for asphalt and concrete pavements. Topics include required data, material characterization, new pavement design, rehabilitation techniques, pavement maintenance, pavement management, low volume roads, and life cycle cost (LCC) analysis. This manual also covers the empirical and the mechanistic-empirical (M-E) design methods. Several pavement design methods are currently used by different agencies and countries. These methods vary somewhat for differing local conditions and resources. The procedures range from empirical to M-E approaches. New M-E pavement design analysis procedures developed over the last 20 years focus on the design and construction of high quality, long-lasting and well-performing highways that accommodate the increase in traffic volumes and loads in ways that exceed the empirical methods. These new approaches are challenging in that they require advanced analysis methods and material characterization. In response to these technical advances and increasingly easy computation, DoT has incorporated the newer and more fundamental mechanistic-empirical design approaches in this new manual. Combining conditions and resources from different international manuals, while including ways to use sustainable and economical materials, this manual is highly applicable to Abu Dhabi. It covers different options for obtaining traffic count and loads, environmental factors, and advanced material characterizations that apply to Abu Dhabi. Brief descriptions for some pavement design topics are given since other DoT manuals cover such topics in more details. This report supports the PDM manual, as it summarizes the approach followed in developing the PDM. The report also, provides the activities undertaken and communications with DoT to develop the PDM in its final version.
Page 2
2 METHODOLOGY The method followed to develop the pavement design manual was set from the start of the project with the DoT and Aurecon (Project Manager). The following process was identified and followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Get comprehensive brief from DoT Staff to understand their requirements. Submit Preliminary report to confirm DoT’s requirements. Review the existing International pavement design manuals. Conduct an initial workshop to discuss the draft contents and methodology to be adopted. Prepare and submit a first draft Manual for comments and review by DoT. Receive comments from DoT and improve the draft. Submit a second draft for DoT / Stakeholders review. All agencies to attend a workshop to receive comment and thereby improve the draft. Collect comments from the outcome of the workshop and prepare a final manual.
These steps were followed as practical as possible to develop the manual. Since the pavement design manual is special design manual consultation with stakeholders were conducted mainly during the workshops that was held during the project. Also, meetings with consultants developing other manual were held to coordinate the interaction between the pavement design manual and the other manuals. The DoT instructions from the beginning were to incorporate a mechanistic-empirical method in the new design manual, include new material characterization and add sections for pavement maintenance and life cycle cost analysis. All the Chapters and Appendices of the PDM were developed in complete co-ordination with DoT. An initial table of contents of the topics that expected to be covered in the manual was given by the DoT. Some changes were introduced on the table of content. However, all topics were covered in the developed manual. The DoT requirements were included in a preliminary report that was submitted to DoT in March 2011. Following this submission a workshop was held in March 2011 to the DoT /Stakeholders. The purpose of this workshop was to present the updated topics and table of contents that will be incorporated in the manual as well as address comments received on the preliminary report. Once the general outline was set from the workshop the manual development started. All the Chapters and Appendices of the PDM were developed in complete co-ordination with DoT. Several chapters were submitted individually for DoT review during the development process. The following sections will cover the document development and the consultation with the DoT.
Page 3
3 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Historically, pavement design had been based on empirical models formulated from pavement test tracks or lab testing. These empirical methods use nomographs and simple equations to obtain the layers thickness. While these nomographs were developed using limited data, the issue that had faced many agencies is when the conditions extend beyond the nomograph limits, is the resulting thickness acceptable from an economical and safety viewpoints or not. There had been a huge advance in the technology which led to the easiness to perform complicated computations using computer. At the same time, there had been a significant increase in the traffic loads, traffic counts, advance in material characterization and better modelling of the environmental factors. Accordingly, agencies started looking into using mechanistic – empirical (M-E) methods that is based on fundamental properties and advanced material characterization to better design economical pavement structure. Countries around the World either use a method that was developed locally or adopt an international method but modify it to the country local condition. The manuals that were considered for the pavement design manual were the following: 1. A Guide to Structural Design of Road Pavements – Austroads – Australia and New Zealand. 2. South African Mechanistic Pavement Design Method – South Africa 3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) – USA. 4. Asphalt Institute Thickness Design Guide – MS-1 5. Shell Oil Methodology – UK. 6. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993) – USA. 7. Abu Dhabi Municipality (ADM) pavement design manual 8. Dubai Pavement Design Manual 9. Saudi Arabia Pavement Design Manual 10. Qatar Pavement Design Manual The first 4 methods are mechanistic-empirical methods that are based on fundamental material characterization and mechanistic analysis of pavement structure. While the remaining methods are empirical methods developed from test tracks and lab testing analysis. Qatar PDM provides a catalog type of pavements design manual in which a pavement section can be selected based upon allowable traffic and foundation conditions. These listed manuals were studied and evaluated for the Abu Dhabi. ME methods are based on similar concepts with different models development. Accordingly, it was decided to rely on only one empirical method and one ME method. The 1993 AASHTO was selected for the empirical method because all agencies and clients are familiar with this method. 1993 ASSHTO guide has been used for long time in Abu Dhabi as the base for Abu Dhabi Municipality Roadway Design Manual. While, Austroads was selected for the M-E method because the models used in Austroads were developed for similar climatic conditions to Abu Dhabi. In addition to these two main manuals Abu Dhabi Municipality Roadway Design Manual referenced to obtain inputs that was set for Abu Dhabi and is common to all pavement designers.
Page 4
4 BASE DOCUMENTS The three manuals selected for the new Abu Dhabi pavement design manual were: 1. A Guide to Structural Design of Road Pavements – Austroads – Australia and New Zealand. 2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993) – USA. 3. Abu Dhabi Municipality (ADM) pavement design manual This section gives a general overview and summary to these manual.
4.1 1993 AASHTO Empirical method The 1993 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for Design of Pavement Structures is based on empirical method. Most countries around the world use the 1993 AASHTO guide with some modification to reflect local experience and conditions. Abu Dhabi Municipality Roadway Design Manual, which is based on the 1993 AASHTO guide, is an example. To develop the Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, AASHTO compiled results from road tests conducted from 1958 to 1960 in Ottawa, Illinois, U.S.A. Data from these tests reflect one climatic condition, one foundation type, and one million equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). From 1960 to 1993, AASHTO added several enhancements, such increased reliance on traffic data and a limiting layer approach. Covering both flexible and rigid pavement design, The 1993 AASHTO Guide describes material characterization, equivalent traffic estimation, life cycle costs, and existing pavement evaluation. It applies an ESAL as the basic unit for traffic estimation. Its material characterizations use an empirical factor to reflect layer stiffness. Pavement designers around the world have used this guide successfully for many years. Reasons for designers’ success with this guide include the following: 1. Pavement designers can easily use the Nomograph or software. 2. Inputs defined by the guide are simple, many of which can be assumed easily. 3. Designers are very familiar with the methodology.
4.2 Austroads Mechanistic-empirical method Advances in technology have encouraged the pavement community to start shifting from the empirical method to the M-E method, which is based on fundamental material properties and actual traffic loads. Applying the fundamental stresses and strains of the materials in different layers at different depths of the pavement structure, the mechanistic method enables designers to evaluate the validity of proposed layer thicknesses. Designers calculate stresses and strains using either linear elastic analysis or a more complicated model that focuses on finite elements under actual traffic loads. Analysis using the mechanistic method also depends on detailed material characterizations, which vary based on temperature (for hot mix asphalt layers), ground water table depth, and moisture
Page 5
content (for granular layers). All M-E methods involve using a software package to analyse and design the pavement structure. Austroads, the association of Australian and New Zealand road transport and traffic authorities, has developed an M-E pavement design guide, Guide to Pavement Technology, Part 2: Pavement Structural Design. This manual contains ten different sections that cover all aspects of pavement design, including structural design, surfacing, materials, pavement evaluation and treatment, maintenance, construction work practices, and drainage. Austroads also has a software package for pavement analysis. According to the Austroads guide, engineers apply structural analysis of the trial pavement configuration to quantify critical strains and stresses that are caused by traffic loads. They can vary the method to consider pavement layers as either fully elastic (viscoelastic), uniform in lateral extent, or variable, with either full friction or no friction between the layers. By using these variations, engineers attempt to establish theoretical estimates that agree with observed reactions to traffic loading. In addition, engineers can analyse pavement designs based on varying traffic loads, from a single vertical load with uniform tire contact stress to multiple loads with multi-directional components and non-uniform stress distribution. They can also vary traffic speeds to further assess potential traffic loads. Engineers must be careful, however, to ensure that the sophistication of the analysis method is compatible with the quality of the input data. Otherwise, they need to make too many assumptions to fill the gaps, resulting in misleading, if not worthless, analysis. Austroads states that engineers can reliably obtain required input for analysis based on the M-E method. Results from such analysis provide predictions of pavement performance that reasonably match pavement performance in Australasian. Upon completing the structural analysis, engineers can use the results to estimate the allowable loading of the pavement configuration. Austroads states that, in the M-E method, most performance criteria assigned to pavement materials and to the subgrade relate the level of strain induced by a standard single axle load and the number of such loads that exceed the pavement’s tolerance level, based on material characteristics.
Page 6
Project Reliability
Performance Criteria
Material Properties
Trial Section
Pavement Analysis
Yes Comparison of Designs
Viable Design
Select Design
Figure 1 Mechanistic-Empirical Design Method Flowchart
4.3 Abu Dhabi Municipality Pavement Design Manual Abu Dhabi Municipality (ADM) pavement Design Manual was developed based on the 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. The inputs required for the pavement design had been tailored for local conditions. ADM follows deep strength concept in pavement design. Using inputs from ADM manual in the 1993 AASHTO guide will provide pavement structure with thicker asphalt concrete layers. ADM also imposed minimum layer thickness for each road category to meet the standard specifications and mixture requirements available locally.
Page 7
5 SCOPE OF MANUAL 5.1 Application of this manual Information in this manual focuses on structural pavement design, with methods for determining layer thickness and pavement structural capacity. This manual is intended for use by pavement engineers conducting structural design for either existing or new pavement structures. Structural calculations for pavement design require knowledge of existing traffic flow, predictions of anticipated future traffic, and environmental factors at the road’s location. Pavement designers must also obtain information about the properties of the materials (such as asphalt, Portland cement, or granular road base) that will be used in each pavement layer. Designs must account for these material properties in conjunction with the material specifications and asphalt mixture designs, as detailed in the Abu Dhabi DoT Standard Specifications for Road Works manual. Completing the pavement design process involves using either the 1993 AASHTO nomograph or Austroads software to determine the required layer thickness. After generating several design options using different methods, a pavement engineer shall conduct an LCC analysis to compare the designs for cost effectiveness. For details about LCC analysis, refer to Chapter 9, Life-cycle Cost Analysis, in this manual, as well as the Abu Dhabi DoT’s Project Cost Estimating and Standard Bill of Quantities manuals. Pavement design requires not only designing new pavements, but also evaluating existing pavement. Ensuring that existing pavement facilities have sufficient functional capacity and ride quality involves maintenance, possibly including the construction of additional layers. Optional methods for maintaining existing pavements include chip sealing, fog sealing, slurry sealing, and crack sealing. Such maintenance or rehabilitation requires accessing the pavement condition surveys database, which is part of the Abu Dhabi DoT’s pavement management system, to get information about the condition of the existing pavement. Refer to Chapter 10, Pavement Management Systems, in this manual for information about the pavement management system and Chapter 11 for the existing pavement evaluation and pavement condition surveys. Evaluating existing pavements requires significant engineering judgement and effective application of the backcalculation procedure. Based on the pavement design guidelines in this manual, design engineers apply their own methodologies and experienced judgment to arrive at final rehabilitation methods. This manual provides guidelines for the design of new and rehabilitation of asphalt and concrete pavements. The concrete pavement design guidelines are given in less detail. Applicable international standards for concrete pavement design are followed in the manual.
5.2 Content and format This manual includes sections detailing inputs such as traffic, climate, and material properties, as well as sections on maintenance, rehabilitation, and LCC analysis. It also provides appropriate charts and nomographs. The section on low-volume roads is particularly relevant for rural areas. Because different design methodologies deal with inputs in different ways, this manual advises designers on how to estimate these inputs and how to obtain valid condition inputs for Abu Dhabi. It also includes ways to ensure that pavement designs support sustainability. Page 8
This manual includes the following chapters: • •
• • • • • • • •
Chapter 1 – Introduction: Outlines the purpose, scope, intended users, and application of this manual. Chapter 2 – Pavement design components: Describes elements, such as environmental and traffic factors, that must be considered in pavement design, and provides instructions on how to determine such factors. Chapter 3 – Pavement material characterization: Identifies properties of pavement materials and provides instructions on how to determine such properties through tests of the use of models. Chapter 4 – Pavement rehabilitation: Details the rehabilitation of flexible and rigid pavement structures. Chapter 5 – Rigid pavement design: Details the design of new flexible and rigid pavement structures. Chapter 6 – Low-volume roads: Covers the design of low-volume roads. Chapter 7 – Drainage design: Focuses on the design of granular drainage layer in a pavement structure. Chapter 8 – Flexible pavement maintenance: Offers different maintenance options. Chapter 9 – Life-cycle cost analysis: Details LCC analysis for pavement structures. Chapter 10 – Pavement management systems: Provides an overview of the Abu Dhabi PMS and summarises related concepts. Chapter 11 - Existing Pavement Evaluation: Provides overview of different methods to conduct pavement condition surveys and how to analysis the collected distress data.
The appendices of this manual provide supplementary charts and tables for the design on the rigid pavements.
Page 9
6 DOCUMENT DEVELOPMENT The development of the manual document required progress meeting with DoT and Aurecon, submission of separate chapters for early review, and meetings with DoT and other consultants. The Table below includes the dates of meetings and presentations held during the progress of the manual development. The overall Schedule for Parsons International Limited’s completion of the Pavement design manual is shown on the schedule included in PIL’s Project Management Plan (PMP). The key milestone dates for the delivery of the Pavement Design manual are as follows. • • • • • • • • • •
Preliminary Study and List of Contents: First workshop Completion of Stakeholder Review: Delivery of First Draft Document: Completion of DOT Reviews Submission of Draft Document: Second Workshop: Final Comments: Final Draft Document: Final Document:
10 March 2011 14 March 2011 31 March 2011 April 2012 July 2012 September 2012 12 November 2012 01 December 2012 February 2013 01 May 2013
6.1 Progress meetings Monthly progress meetings were being held with DoT and Aurecon to update on the progress of the manual development. The progress meeting were attended by the Parsons Project Director. Progress and information presented in these meeting were collected from each manual lead developer.
6.2 Consultation meetings The progress meeting were mainly on the project management level not on the technical level. Several technical meetings were held with the DoT pavement design manual lead reviewer (Dr. Salim Sulaiman). Also, meetings were held with other consultants (TrafQuest and Halcrow) developing other manual to discuss interaction between the pavement design manual and these manual. The manuals that had interaction with pavement design manual were the Geotechnical Investigation and Design Guidelines developed by Halcrow and the Road Performance Manual by TrafQuest. In mid December 2012, a meeting was held at the DoT with DoT, Aurecon and the Getechnical investigation manual developer (Halcrow). The outcome of this meeting was to add a new section in the pavement design manual to cover the evaluation of the existing pavement structures.
6.3 Formal submission All the Chapters and Appendices of the PDM were developed in complete co-ordination with DoT. The initial plan was to submit chapter by chapter to the DoT lead reviewer. This plan was followed for the first few chapters that were submitted individually for DoT review. However, due to the interaction between different chapters and complication of the manual, all chapters were submitted together as a first complete draft. Page 10
The first complete draft of the PDM was delivered for review in April 2012. The document has been subject to rigorous review during several meetings with DoT lead reviewer and DoT reviewer panel. The comments obtained from this first review were addressed in a second draft. The second full draft of the document was delivered for review in September 2012. The second draft was distributed to the Stakeholders for their review. Initial comments from Aurecon reviewers were send on the second draft. Comments that were received for the Pavement Design Manual are listed in Appendix A. In November 2012 a workshop was held for all agencies to present the draft final and collect their comments. After the presentation additional comments were received from the Stakeholders mainly Al-Ain Municipality. All comments were addressed and included in the final document. In mid December 2012 after meeting with DoT and other manuals developer a new chapter on the evaluation of the existing pavement structures was requested to be added. Initially, this new section was added as an appendix and in February 2013 the final draft manual was submitted. Then the DoT requested that it should be added as a new chapter to the main text which was done in the final version that was submitted in beginning of May 2013.
6.4 Workshop Two workshops were given during the project; the first was given in March 2011 to discuss the initial outline of the manual. The second workshop was given on November 12th 2012. The second workshop presented the final developed manual. The workshop discussed the new features and methods described in the pavement design. A design example using the empirical and the M-E method was presented to compare the two methods. The presentation given during the second workshop is included in Appendix B.
6.5 Comment Review The comments received from the DoT / Stakeholders were reviewed carefully. Most of the comments incorporated in the pavement design manual. None of the comments was major due to the coordination with the DoT lead reviewer throughout the manual development. The few comments that were not included require the standardization of certain inputs to the design process. The standardization of certain inputs would disagree with one of the main requirement of the manual that it should be applicable to all clients and projects. The standardization can be done individually by local agencies to accommodate their local requirements.
6.6 Final submission The final document was updated with the final format that was request by the project manager (Aurecon). The cover and back pages were added to the PDF file. A final version was submitted in May 2013.
Page 11
The following table list the technical meeting held during the development of the PDM. Table 1 Technical Meetings Information Date
PDM Preliminary Discussion of the Preliminary 20-Feb-11 report report and manual outline
Attendees Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Dr. Rasin Mufti (PIL), Dr. Walid Nassar (PIL)
Parviz Djahani (DoT), Dr. Salim Discussion of the Preliminary PDM Preliminary Suliman (DOT), Willie Victor 10-March-11 report and preparation for the report (Aurecon), Dr. Rasin Mufti (PIL), first workshop Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL) Updated outline, schedule PDM Workshop and the comments received 05-April-11 comments on the PDM during the workshop 08-June-11
PDM progress meeting
Discuss comments on Chapters 1,2,and 3
Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Dr. Rasin Mufti (PIL), Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL) Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Dr. Rasin Mufti (PIL), Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
PDM and RPMS Discuss interaction between 14-June-11 Manual PDM and RPMS Manual
Rob Hranac (TrafQuest), Mohamed El-Basyouny (PIL), Ahmed Abdel Dayem, (Trafquest)
15PDM progress Septembermeeting 11
Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Dr. Rasin Mufti (PIL), Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
Progress in PDM
PDM Review
Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Dr. Nabil Salman (DoT), Dr. Rasin Comments of PDM First Draft Mufti (PIL), Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
PDM Review
Comments of PDM First Draft
Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
Parviz Djahani (DoT), Dr. Salim Suliman (DOT), Jihad Sawan 19Meeting on Discuss location and content (DoT), Abdulla Al Shaibani DecemberPavement of Pavement Condition (DoT), Willie Victor (Aurecon), 12 Condition Survey Survey Andrew Harley (Halcrow), Mohamed Elbasyouny (PIL)
Page 12
7 ACKNOWLEGMENT This document was developed by Parsons International Limited. The document consultants would like to express their personal thanks and gratitude to: Dr Parviz Djahani: For overall leading and steering of the project. Dr. Salim Sulaiman (DoT Review Committee Lead): For his clear and thoughtful guidance throughout the development of PDM. Willie Victor, For his time and support during the project progress. Members of the DoT review Committee For their time and input to aid the development of the PDM. All remaining stakeholders :For having shared their thoughts, comments and ideas to develop the PDM. Parsons Staff: • • • • • • • • •
Dr. Rasin Mufti, Project Director Dr. Mohamed Elbasyouny, manual lead author Eng. Sohila Bemanian, maintenance author Eng. Keith Hixson, drainage author Dr. Walid Nassar, peer reviewer Eng. Ramesh Vishwakarma, rigid pavement author Gaylin Gardette, editor Ron Manns, editor Abdul Vasid, Cad designer
Page 13
Page 14
APPENDIX A: COMPILED COMMENTS FROM DOT/ STAKEHOLDERS This appendix provides the comments received for the Pavement Design Manual draft final version by December 2012.
Page 15
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Deliverable Ref:
Revision No:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Page / Section No
Priority (H,M,L) M
Reviewer’s Comment Bus stop pavement area should be laid with bitumen modified red colored asphalt wearing course.
Reviewer's Organization DOT-Public Transport Division
DDC Response
Bus stops
Par 1.4 Content and Format
Page 3
Chapter 8 - Flexible pavement maintenance: Change "offers" to "Offers"
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 1.5.1Flexible pavements
Page 4
In second paragraph change "contactors" to "contractors"
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 2.1 Overview
Page 9
First paragraph. Careful study and characterization of these factors is … Change "is" to "are"
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 2.2 Environment
Page 9
Environment includes a many variables…. Omit "a".
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Figure 2-2
Page 12
Cannot read some rainfall figures
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Table 2-1
Page 12
Start table on next page to fit the whole table on 1 page
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Paragraph 2.3.2 Vehicle classification
Page 16
Vehicle classifications on paragraph 3 should start with numbering 1 and not 7 to be similar to numbering in Figure 2-4 on page 17
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Paragraph 2.3.10 Truck factor and Paragraph 2.3.11 Equivalent axle load factor
Page 21 and Page 22 These paragraps should be changed around because the method to calculate EALF used in equation 2-9 in paragraph 2.3.10 is only provided in paragraph 2.3.11
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Paragraph 2.3.11
Page 22
Last sentence of first paragraph: "As an alternative method, can apply L .." Add "designers" before "can apply"
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Chapter 3 Pavement Materials
Page 25
Second paragraph. Add "a" to "Pavement is composed of .."
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page 1 of 10
Added to Roads Specification manual
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Deliverable Ref:
Revision No:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Reviewer's Organization Aurecon Docment Reviewer
DDC Response
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
The title of this figure is on the page following the figure and should be L moved to the bottom of the figure on page 29
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
page 30
Add "In the AASHTO Road Test the basis of these correlations is" to M the second sentence of the paragraph reading " Granular subbase has a base layer …" Refer to page II-20 of 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Figure 3-2
Page 31
This figure copied from the AASHTO manual page II-21 should be M revised so that the footers which include AASHTO manual references are not shown.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 3.2.2 Mechanistic design for granular base and subbase materials
Page 32
Change the last sentence of the third paragraph to: "The top half of Table 3-2 is applicable for granular material that has a CBR greater than 30%." Refer Table 6.4 on page 52 of Austroads manual.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 3.3 modified granular materials
Page 33
Last sentence of first paragraph : Change "stabilised" to "modified" in M the sentence "Austroads specifies that stabilised granular materials …". Refer page 53 Autroads Manual
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Figure 3-3
Page 35
This figure copied from the AASHTO manual page II-23 should be M revised so that the footers which include AASHTO manual references are not shown.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page / Section No
Par 3.2.1 Empirical design for granular base and subbase materials
Page 28
Figure 3-1
Page 29
Figure 3-1
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer’s Comment
Add "The AASHTO Road Test basis of these correlations is" to the M second sentence of the second paragraph reading "A granular base of has a layer …" Refer to page II-17 and II-20 of 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures This figure copied from the AASHTO manual page II-19 should be M revised so that the footers which include AASHTO manual references are not shown.
Johan Calitz
page 29
Par 3.2.1 Empirical design for granular base and subbase materials
Page 2 of 10
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Deliverable Ref:
Revision No:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Reviewer's Organization Aurecon Docment Reviewer
DDC Response
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page 42
Change "asphalt" in title to "asphalt concrete". Refer Austroads figure M 6.10 page 71
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Figure 4-3
Page 55
Change "Foundatio" to "Foundation" and "Climat" to "Climate". Refer Austroads page 97.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par of a granular base layer's elastic parameters
Page 58
First paragraph. Change "because" to "Because"
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 4.3.2 Empirical pavement design Page 61
Second parapraph. Reference is made to Appendix C for design traffic calculation procedure. Appendix C on page 202 contains AASHTO slab thickness design tables. Correct reference.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par required structural design
Page 67
First paragraph. "Refer to section X.". Provide correct reference
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par required structural design
Page 67 - 69
Please provide reference to the design figures: Figure 4-6, Figure 47, Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9. Could not be found in AASHTO or Austroads Design manuals
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page / Section No
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer’s Comment
Figure 3-4
Page 36
This figure copied from the AASHTO manual page II-24 should be M revised so that the footers which include AASHTO manual references are not shown.
Johan Calitz
Par 3.5.1 Empirical design for asphalt concrete materials
Page 38
Change the second paragraph to the following: "The structural M coefficient of AC varies between 0.2 and 0.44 and AC with a layer coefficient of 0.44 (per inch), corresponds to an AC resiient modulus of 3.1 Gpa (450,000 psi)" Reference AASHTO manual page II-17
Par 3.5.2 Mechanistic design for asphalt concrete materials
Page 41
First bullet "… modulus of the bitumen…" Second bullet. "…percentage bitumen in the asphalt.." Directly from Austroads manual page 71. This is the convention used in AAHTO and Austroads design manuals. In this design manual the authors used aphalt binder and asphalt concrete.
Figure 3-7
Page 3 of 10
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Deliverable Ref:
Revision No:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Reviewer's Organization Aurecon Docment Reviewer
DDC Response
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page 74
Change "Designers shall use Equation 4-12.." to "Designers shall use M equation 4-11.." in the line below the equation. Refer Austroads Manual page 130, equation 9.2
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Equation 4-12
Page 74
Change title of Equation 4.12 to "Allowable axle load repitions when stress (Sr) is between 0.45 and 0.55." Refer Autroads manual page 130 equation 9.3
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Equation 4-12
Page 75
Change "designers shall use Equation 4-13.." to "designers shall use M equation 4-12.." in the line below the eqation. Refer Austroads Manual page 130, equation 9.3
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Equation 4-13
Page 75
Change title of Equation 4-13 to: "Equivalent Stress for use in equations 4-11 and 4-12". Refer Austroads manual page 130
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 4.4.3 Construction procedure
Page 78
Recommend that the use of stabilised layers beneath interlock paver blocks be mentioned. Also bedding sand layer thickness of 50 mm might be changed to 25 to 50 mm.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par Design factors
Page 79
Change "The Four .." to "The four …" in the first paragraph
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 5.4.2 Functional evaluation of existing pavement
Page 93
In the third bullet change "Refer to table 4-1 .." to "Refer to Table 5-1 .."
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page / Section No
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer’s Comment
Par 4.3.4 Joint details
Page 70
Change "joint" to "joints" in first paragraph
Johan Calitz
Par4.3.5.1Rigid pavement types
Page 72
Third sentence of first paragraph. Change "LPCP" to "JPCP"
Equation 4-10
Page 73
Provide details for the symbols used in equation as in Austroads manual page 127. Note that according to Austroads manual the maximum value for subgrade CBR determined according to this method is 15%.
Equation 4-11
Page 4 of 10
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Deliverable Ref:
Revision No:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Reviewer's Organization Aurecon Docment Reviewer
DDC Response
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
page 156
In the third paragraph mention is made of adding "bitumen". This is the M Australian and American thermodology which is used worlwide. In this manual "bitumen" is called "asphalt".
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Par 9.4 LCCA example
page 171
The first line reads:"Figure 9-5 shows a step- by -step process…" This is not correct because Figure 9-5 is a photo of a highway.
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Appendix A: Developing Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction
page 185
The first paragraph says "This appendix provides an excerp from the M 1993 American Association of State …" This exerp is not as on page ii-37 par 3.2.1 of the 1993 AASHTO manual. The reference should be corrected
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Cited References
page 220
Add Austroads: Guide to Pavement Technology, Part 5: Pavement Evaluation and Treatment Design. Synney Australia: Austroads Incorporated, 2008. 978-1-921551-22-2
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Glossary to be added
Johan Calitz
Aurecon Docment Reviewer
Page / Section No
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer’s Comment
Par 5.5.6 Mechanistic design
Page 102
Reference should be made to Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology Part 5: Pavement Evaluation and Treatment Design
Johan Calitz
Par 8.4 Pavement preservation treatments
Page 144
Recommend that paragraph 8.5 Preservation Treatments be placed M before Paragraph 8.4 Pavement preservation treatments. The reason being that the individual treatments mentioned in paragraph 8.4 are discussed in detail in paragraph 8.5.
Table 8-2: Pavement treatments and Page 147 and page Table 8-3 Pavement treatment cost 148 and expected life
Abbreviation "CIR" for cold in place recycling is used in comparison with pages 136, 137 and 155 where the abreviation "CIPR" is used. Recommend change to "CIPR" in these tables.
Profile milling, cold in place recycling, page 155 to page 157 These paragraphs should be numbered ;;; Hot-in -place asphalt recycling, Full8.5.2.9 respectively depth asphalt repair (patching)
Hot -in-place asphalt recycling
Page 5 of 10
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Revision No:
Deliverable Ref:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Traffic Projections
Page / Section No
Reviewer’s Comment
Please include rational growth rate for major town (example Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, western region, any other major city area) based on the latest studies (steam model 2015etc) conducted by the transport agencies to enable the designer to have fair assumption to predict future traffic.
Priority (H,M,L)
Al Ain Municipality
Reviewer's Organization
DDC Response This is included in the traffic manual
Al Ain Municipality
PDM is general manual however, clients need to include local axles.
Equivlent Axle load factor
Modified granular material
IT will be better if we used Standard axel load from GCC truck manufacturing specification, or the truck weight that adopted by DOT to defined standard axel load that used in UAE. Also consider different type of busses and their standard axle load factor for each one seperately
Provide extract of the specification for modified granular material, percentage of cement, lime to be added, expected stiffness, indirect tensile strength, other properties etc.
Provide Figure showing the relationship between indirect tensile strength, field stiffness of stabilized material with layer coefficient.
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality There are many relationships and none is recommended
Stabilized material
Page 6 of 10
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Revision No:
Deliverable Ref:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Recycled Material
Page / Section No
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer’s Comment
There is no Design guide line provided in the manual for the use of recycled pavement material for rehabilitation of pavement structure. In fact most part of the world these techniques have been adopted long ago. As the Abu Dhabi Emirates mandates to use sustainable design technique, the manual should have more emphasized on these techniques by providing design guideline, design example. Furthermore this chapter should be expanded by taking into consideration of case studies.
Include Methodology for Cold In situ Recycling with form bitumen, foamed asphalt mixes.
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Reviewer's Organization
DDC Response Added but more information is included in the specification manual
Al Ain Municipality
Added in the maintenance chapter 6
Recycled Material
Interlocking Pavers Design
Al Ain Municipality PDM is not entended for heavy duty such as in airport. General guideline for regular interlocking pavers is given
The manual does not provide guideline for heavy duty interlocking pavers design. The information provided under this section is bare minimum.
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
reference added. However, this is an approximation that was recommended by ICPI
Interlocking Pavers Design
Layer coefficient for, Concrete paver, sand bedding considered in the example (section, paragraph 3) is incorrect as per the table 4-3.Layer coefficient for sand bedding cannot be the same as Asphalt and table 43 does not provide layer coefficient for concrete paver as well.
Page 7 of 10
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Document Title:
Pavement Design Manual
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Revision No:
Deliverable Ref:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Page / Section No
Unbound Granular material
Reviewer’s Comment
The last paragraph of the above section states that the minimum CBR for the sub base is 65%.But sub base, CBR 60% material used in Al AIn , Similarly, Subbase with CBR 30% used in Dubai. Therefore please provide reference to the above requirement to justify.
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer's Organization
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
DDC Response added
Al Ain Municipality
Modified as possible 10
Pavement treatment cost and expected life
The Manual should use the cost inputs based on the local condition rather than referring to US condition.
Pavement treatment cost and expected life
The envinmental impact should be considered for the cases, Alternatives 1 &2
The proposed method does not include the envirnmental effect.
The manual covers Austrailian as well as American standards
Cited references
General Comment
The manual is more biased towards American Standards. The author did not refer important design guidelines adopted in the other developed countries standards. The Author should also refer other standards as well while compiling comprehensive documents. Example .For heavy duty paving block design Author should refer BS 7533-1:2001 which provide comprehensive design guideline. Similarly, Recycle Asphalt pavement design (Cold in situ recycling/ Hot in place recycling as stated in the life cycle cost example) no design guideline provided. Author could have referred other standards adopted in the developed countries
Page 8 of 10
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Revision No:
Deliverable Ref:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
Page / Section No
Pavement Design Check list
General Comment
Emperical Pavement Design Example
1 Pavement Design Manual
2 Pavement Design Manual
3 Pavement Design Manual
4 Pavement Design Manual
5 Pavement Design Manual
6 Pavement Design Manual
7 Pavement Design Manual
8 Pavement Design Manual
9 Pavement Design Manual
10 Pavement Design Manual
11 Pavement Design Manual
12 Pavement Design Manual
Priority (H,M,L)
Reviewer’s Comment
Reviewer's Organization
Provide check list sheet that include requirements information for the pavement design to assess designer in revising pavement design documents
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Provide detailed example for pavement design using ME method
Al Ain Municipality
Al Ain Municipality
Traffic requires more details on Traffic count and axle configurations
Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel
Add Examples Techniques for Stabilization and Material selection More details on Pavement Management Systems Maintenance chapter need to include diagnostic and methods Graphics throughout the manual need to be improved and made clearer. Add Chapter on over-weighted trucks and up-normal loads damage to pavement Add section on analysis and data interpretation of Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing Add section on Paver interlocking blocks design – use UK Add sketches for axle types Adjust design lane, % of trucks and other traffic factors. Check equation 2.9 and add example
Page 9 of 10
DDC Response This would differ from one client to the other and each should have his own requirements.
Provided and added to chapter 4.
addressed in the final version
DOT added
DOT added
DOT This would be covered in the management manual
DOT added chapter on pavement evaluation
DOT All graphs are fixed
Added reference but no specific method is added since it will depend on the software used for the backcalcualtions. Added
DOT Added
DOT Corrected
DOT Corrected
Document Title:
ACONEX Document No. of Interim Deliverable Reviewed: Package Name: Sub-Package Name:
Pavement Design Manual MAN-000540
Revision No:
Deliverable Ref:
Consolidated Comments Submitted to DDC:
Geometry Geometry 2
Title of Interim Deliverable:
Second Draft Document
#################### ACONEX Document No. of Approved Content Outline:
#################### Due Date for Initial Responses:
Priorities: High Priority (H):
Comments that will cause the document to be unacceptable. Medium Priority (M): Comments which require the document to be revised and resubmitted. Low Priority (L): Observations such as typographical errors which may be corrected during next revision.
13 Pavement Design Manual
14 Pavement Design Manual
15 Pavement Design Manual
16 Pavement Design Manual
17 Pavement Design Manual
18 Pavement Design Manual
Page / Section No
Reviewer’s Comment
Priority (H,M,L)
Add more details to page 23 and describe “traffic wander” and other factors listed.
Emphasize that better quality material should be at the top for empirical design. Add more details on the Geo-grids functionality and description Comment on reliability and its impact on structure design Adjust the drainage coefficient to include 1.2 for drainage layers.
Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel
Adjust Road Classes to reflect Highway classes (Truck route, freeway, expressway, collector and local).
Dr.Salim/ Dr. Nabel
Include CBR power model
Reviewer's Organization
DDC Response Corrected
DOT Added
DOT text is added
Geo-grids specification is added in the specification manual. Geogird impact in pavement design is not proven yet Text updated
DOT Corrected
DOT Corrected
19 Pavement Design Manual
Page 10 of 10
APPENDIX B: WORKSHOP PRESENTATION This appendix provides the slides for the presentation given by PIL on the pavement design manual draft final version during the second workshop on 12 November 2012.
Page 26
Pavement Design Manual
Workshop on 12 November 2012
Unifying and Standardization of Highway Engineering Practices Manuals Developed by Parsons
Geometry 2
Roads and Highway Drainage Manual
Road Landscape Manual
Pavement Design Manual
Standard Specification for Roads and Structures Works
Volume 1 – Road Works
Volume II – Structure Works
Standard Bill of Quantities
Project Cost Estimating Manual
Overall Objectives
Unify the approach for preparing BoQ and Cost Estimation for all Road Projects in the Emirates
Update to recent international standards and practices
Inclusive for all conditions and types of road construction within the Emirate
Produce high quality manuals and documents that are most applicable for the longest term possible
Customize Manuals for Abu Dhabi environment utilizing Parson’s local work experience
Objective of Pavement Design Manual
Provides detailed guidelines for Pavement Structural Design, that includes:
Structure Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements,
New and rehabilitation of pavement structures
Low Volume Roads
Life Cycle Cost analysis
Pavement Maintenance strategy
More details and analysis that require the Engineers involvement and understanding of traffic, material, environment and pavement structural design to provide a sustainable and economical design.
Preparation Approach and Methodology
Mechanistic Pavement Design based on Guide to Pavement Technology – Part 2, Austroads, 2008, Australia.
Empirical Pavement Design based on AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993, USA.
Other Documents
The manual shall be read in conjunction with the following documents.
AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993
Guide to Pavement Technology – Part 2, Austroads, 2008,
DoT Standard Specifications
DoT Roads Drainage Manual
DoT Standard Bill of Quantities
DoT Cost Estimating Manual
Organization of the Pavement Design Manual The PD manual is divided into ten different Chapters: 1. Introduction 2. Pavement Components 3. Pavement Materials 4. New Pavement Design 5. Rehabilitation Design 6. Low Volume Roads 7. Drainage Design 8. Pavement Maintenance 9. Life Cycle Cost Analysis 10.Pavement Management System.
Chapter 2 Pavement Components Environmental Empirical design – correct subgrade modulus using Relative Damage (Uf) ME design – rainfall for subgrade modulus and temperature for asphalt modulus
Traffic Analysis Equivalent Single Axle load – 80 kN
Chapter 2 Pavement Components
Rainfall 56.3 mm
Chapter 2 Pavement Components
Weighted mean annual air temperature 45.0° C to 38.7° C, 43.5° C
Chapter 2 Pavement Components Traffic
Design life Vehicle classification Axle group configuration Tire pressure Vehicle count Traffic projections Design lanes Directional factor Percentage of trucks Truck factor Equivalent axle load factor ESAL calculation
Chapter 2 Pavement Components
Axle Group type Single axle, single tire Single axle, dual tire Tandem axle, single tire Tandem axle, dual tire Tridem axle, dual tire Quad axle, dual tire
Load (kN) 53 80 90 135 181 221
Design Method Empirical Mechanistic – Control Fatigue Mechanistic – Control Rutting
Load Damage Exponent (m) 4 5 7
EALF = (L/SL)m
Chapter 3 Pavement Materials Material Characterization for pavement layers: Subgrade Subbase/Base Cement Stabilized Asphalt concrete Plain concrete
General information on; Geotextile and geogrid Recycled Materials Warm Mix Asphalt
Chapter 3 Pavement Materials Subgrade Soils Mr = 10 * CBR CBR < 20% (Empirical) 0.64 Mr = 2555 * CBR CBR > 20% (Empirical) Log CBR = 2.494 - 1.131 log (DCP) (ME) Back calculations Using Falling Weight Deflectometer testing (ME)
Chapter 3 Pavement Materials Aggregate Base Material a2 = 0.249(log10EBS) - 0.977 (per inch) a3 = 0.227(log10ESB) - 0.839 (per inch) Mr Testing Default Values
(Empirical) (Empirical) (ME) (ME)
Chapter 3 Pavement Materials Cement Stabilized Material a2 = 0.25 (Empirical) 28 days Unconfined Testing (ME) Default Values (ME)
Lean Mix Concrete
Base 4-5% cement
Range of Modulus (MPa) Typical Modulus (MPa) Degree of anisotropy Range of Poisson’s ratio Typical value of Poisson’s ratio
5000-15000 7000 1 0.1-0.3 0.2
3000-8000 5000 1 0.1-0.3 0.2
Subbase quality crushed rock 2-4% cement 2000-5000 3500 1 0.1-0.3 0.2
Subbase quality crushed rock 4-5% cement 1500-3000 2000 1 0.1-0.3 0.2
Chapter 3 Pavement Materials Asphalt Concrete Materials a1 = 0.44 (Empirical) Asphalt Modulus testing (ME) Shell Nomograph based on temperature, binder and loading time (speed) (ME)
Chapter 4 New Design Flexible, Rigid pavements Interlocking pavers Blocks design Empirical Design Based on 1993 AASHTO Mechanistic Design Based on 2008 Austroads (requires CYCRLY software) Step by Step is given.
Chapter 4 New Design
Chapter 4 New Design
Chapter 4 New Design - ME Traffic
Project Reliability
Performance Criteria
Material Properties
Trial Section
Pavement Analysis
Yes Comparison of Designs
Viable Design
Select Design
Chapter 4 New Design - ME
Chapter 4 New Design Rigid Pavement Empirical Design Based on AASHTO Mechanistic Design Based on 2008 Austroads (requires CYCRLY software) Joint details is given Dowels and tie bars design
Chapter 5 Rehabilitation Important consideration Pre-overlay repair Milling Recycling Structural or functional overlay
Pavement Evaluation – structural Capacity Empirical overlay design – 1993 AASHTO ME overlay design – 2008 Austroads
Chapter 5 Rehabilitation - Investigation For Example Cause of Rutting Total pavement thickness inadequate Unstable granular layer due to saturation Unstable layer due to low shear strength Unstable AC mix (including stripping) Compaction by Traffic Studded tire wear
Layer(s) Causing Rut Subgrade Base or subbase Base Surface Surface, base, subbase Surface
Solution Thick overlay Remove unstable layer over thick overlay Remove unstable layer or thick overlay Remove unstable layer Surface milling and/or levelling overlay Surface milling and/or levelling overlay
Chapter 5 Rehabilitation Repairs needed before overlay Distress Type Alligator cracking
Linear cracks
Rutting Surface irregularities
Required Repair • Repair all high-severity alligator cracking. • Repair medium-severity cracking, unless using reflective crack control or paving fabric. • Remove soft subsurface material. • Patch high-severity cracks. • Fill linear cracks greater than 0.25 inch with sand-asphalt mixture or crack filler. • Apply reflective crack control for transverse cracks with significant opening and closing. • Apply milling or place a levelling course to remove ruts. • Investigate which layer caused any severe rutting. • Investigate depressions, humps, ad corrugations; apply treatment as necessary, which typically involves removal and replacement.
Chapter 5 Rehabilitation Structural Evaluation Visual Survey and material testing Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Estimation of Remaining surface life
Chapter 5 Rehabilitation ME Overlay Design Similar to New design Evaluate Existing layer properties Assume existing layers are fully cracked (no remaining life)
Chapter 6 Low Volume Roads LVR Traffic is less than 1 million ESAL Asphalt or Aggregate surfaced roads Only 1993 AASHTO design Lower Level of inputs Aggregate surface treatment for stabilization Asphalt treated Cement treated
Minimum AC thickness of 60 mm.
Chapter 8 Pavement Maintenance Distress Identification and Treatment options Linked to Pavement Management System Why Routine Maintenance Extend Pavement service life Reduce cost – no major reconstruction
Chapter 8 Pavement Maintenance Distress identification – FHWA Distress Manual 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8
Fatigue (alligator) cracking Bleeding Block cracking Corrugation and shoving Depression Joint reflection cracking Longitudinal cracking Patching
3.1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 3.1.12 3.1.13 3.1.14 3.1.15 3.1.16 3.1.17
Polished aggregate Potholes Ravelling Rutting Slippage cracking Stripping Transverse (thermal) cracking Water bleeding and pumping Edge Cracking
Chapter 8 Pavement Maintenance Treatment options and cost Pavement Treatments 1. Do nothing 2. Crack seal/fill 3. Fog seal 4. Scrub seal (broom seal) 5. Slurry seal 6. Chip seal 7. Microsurfacing 8. Micro-m ill 9. CIR 10. HIPAR 11. Thin hot mix overlay 12. Patching 13. Thick overlay 14. Full-depth reclamation 15. Total reconstruction
Chapter 9 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Based on FHWA LCCA Steps: Establish alternatives Determine an analysis period Determine a discount rate Determine maintenance and rehabilitation frequencies Estimate costs Calculate life-cycle costs Analyze LCCA results
Chapter 9 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Maintenance and Rehabilitation Frequencies
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Treat ment 50 mm overlay 50 mm mill and overlay Scrub seal Slurry seal Chip seal Microsurf acing
7) Micro mill (25mm) 8) Cold-in-place recycling and overlay 10) Hot-in-place recycling 11) Thin hot mix overlay (
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