232416343 Romero v Estrada

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ROMERO V. ESTRADA G.R. No. 174105 | April 2, 2009 Petitioners: Reghis Reghis M. Romero Romero II (Romero (Romero II), Edmond Edmond Q. ese, ese, !eopoldo !eopoldo ". #n$he%, #n$he%, Reghis M. Romero Romero III &Romero &Romero III', Mi$h#el Mi$h#el !. Romero, Romero, N#(h#niel N#(h#niel !. Romero #nd )erome R. *#nl#s Respondents: en. en. )ingg )inggo+ o+ E. Es(r Es(r#d #d# # #nd #nd Senate Senate Committee Committee on Labor, Labor, Empo!ment and "#man Reso#r$es De%eopment (Committee) Velasco, Jr., J. S&MMAR': e(i(ion e(i(ioners ers -ere ini(ed ini(ed (o # en#(e en#(e /e#ring /e#ring (o #ns-er #ns-er es(ions es(ions $on$erning (he ines(men(s o 3A nds in (he moe+ Mon(#in pro6e$(. "his -#s done + (he en#(e *ommi((ee in #id o legisl#(ion 8 (o de(ermine proprie(+ o  #mending #mending Migr#n( orers A$( #nd en#$(men( en#$(men( o l#-s l#-s (o pro(e$( pro(e$( 3A 3A nds. e(i(ione e(i(ioners rs iled (his pe(i(ion pe(i(ion (o #ss#il #ss#il (he $ons(i((i $ons(i((ion#l on#li(+ i(+ o (he ini(#(io ini(#(ions ns #nd spoen#s issed + (he en#(e on (he grond (h#( (he s6e$( m#((er o (he inir+ is sub judice e$#se judice e$#se o (he penden$+ o *h#e% . N/A $#se. * t+e s#be$t matter o- t+e Committees In/#ir! is sub judice0 judice0 *O. * *O. * held (h#( i( is no longer s 6di$e e$#se (he *h#e% $#se &-hi$h pe(i(ioners s#+ h#s (he s#me isse #s (he s6e$( m#((er o (he en#(e inir+' -#s #lre#d+ de$ided -i(h in#li(+ l#s( 200:. Moreoer, een #ssming i( -#s s(ill pending, mere penden$+ o  #n+ prose$(ion or #dminis(r#(ie #$(ion &or -hile i( is on #ppe#l' sh#ll no( #r #n+ inir+ inir+ in #id o legisl#(i legisl#(ion. on. Re#son is (h#( inir+ #nd $or( pro$eedin pro$eedings gs h#e dieren( prposes. &no(e; s 6di$e me#ns $ommen(s e($. (o #oid pre6dgmen(>i#s or inlen$e in (he de$ision'

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1ACTS: •

e(i e(i(i (ion on or or proh prohi ii( i(io ion, n, "R3 "R3 #nd #nd rel relim im.. In6 In6n$ n$(i (ion on assaiin2 assaiin2 t+e Constit#tionait! o- t+e in%itations and ot+er $omp#sor! pro$esses iss#ed + iss#ed + (he Senate Committee in $onne$(ion -i(h i(s in%esti2ation on t+e in%estment o 3erse#s 3erse#s orers orers el#re el#re Adminis( Adminis(r#(io r#(ion n (OA) -#nds in -#nds in (he Smo3e! Mo#ntain Proe$t  Ag. 15, ?00@; e(i(ioner Romero Romero II &o-ner o RII Bilders, In$.' re$eied #n in%itation rom in%itation rom (he *ommi((ee #sing him (o go (o (he he#ring #nd #ns-er  iniries + (he en#(e inoling (he ines(men( o 3A nds. I( re#ds;

rs#n( rs#n( (o P.S. Reso#tion *o. 456, 456, en(i(led; “RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE L!OR CO""ITTEE TO INVESTIGTE, IN ID O# LEGISLTION, THE LI!ILIT$ #OR %LUNDER O# THE #OR"ER %RESIDENT  R"OS ND OTHERS, #OR THE ILLEGL ILLEGL INVEST"ENT INVEST"ENT O# O&& #UNDS IN THE S"O'E$  "OUNTIN %ROJECT, %ROJECT, CUSING  LOSS TO O&& O# %(().*+ "ILLION = #nd P.S. P.S. Resolution No. 5 43, 43, e-i-led “RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CO""ITTEE ON L!OR ND E"%LO$"ENT, IN ITS ONGOING IN/UIR$ IN ID O# LEGISLTION, ON THE LLEGED O&& LOSS O# %0*) "ILLION TO #OCUS ON  THE CUL%!ILIT$ O# THEN %RESIDENT #IDEL R"OS, THEN O&& D"INISTRTOR &ILHEL"  SORINO, ND R1II !UILDERS O&NER REGHIS RO"ERO II,= II,= (he *ommi((ee on !#or, Emplo+men( #nd /m#n Resor$es Ceelopmen( $h#ired + en. )inggo+ Es(r#d# -ill $ond$( # pli$ he#ring #( 1M on :>2?>0@ #( (he en. G.". e$son Room, 2nd loor, en#(e o (he hil., #s#+ *i(+. "he inir+>ines(ig#(ion is spe$ii$#ll+ intended to aid t+e Senate in t+e re%ie7 and possibe amendments to t+e pertinent pro%isions o- RA 89;,
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