231211997 Transit of Planets L R Chawdhri

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TANTRA SAMRA T Dr. LR. CHAWDHRI MA. (Astrology) Superintending Engineer (Retd.)





4. 5.

Transit and Aspects 1-16 Hindu versus Western Astrology, Types of Transit, Method to find and use transit, Terms explained, Table of aspects. Timings of Transit. 17-43 Rule for the transit, Vedha, Strength of Planets, Dasa and Bhukti, Triple Transits, Eclipses and its effect. Transit of Planets in Houses. 45 Sun 50 Moon 51 Mars 59 Mercury Venus 62 65 Jupiter 76 Saturn Retrograde Planets 80 Rahu/Ketu 87 93 Uranus Neptune 96 98 Pluto Through Nakshatras 102 Aspects in Transit Transit of Planets in Ascendant and 10th house In Ascendant all planets 132 In 10th House alll planets 142


105-131 132-151




Transit of Planets over Natal Planet 152-169 I The Sun 169-182 II The Moon 182-194 III The Mercury IV The Mars 195-209 209-223 V The Venus 223-238 VI The Jupiter VII The Saturn 238-257 257-277 Vm Rahu and Ketu 277-295 IX The Uranus 295-310 X The Neptune 310-323 XI The Pluto Transit of planets to Ascendant and Mid Heaven Summary of Planets in transit Eclipses Effects on decanates, on Houses of horoscope, and in Mundane Astrology Just off the Beat Mutual relations of various signs, Linking the signs, How opposite signs attract?


324-347 348-374


PREFACE With the complete birth record and Horoscope, the day to day delineations can be found more accurately from the effects of Transits of Planets over the Natal planets in the Horoscope, to the Ascendant, 10th house, in signs and houses. A transit occurs when a planet, moving in its orbit forms an aspect to planet, or enters in any house, in your natal horoscope. The special significance is attached to yearly birth chart, solar chart or in Varsh Phal as known in Hindu Astrology. In Western Astrology it is called Progressed Horoscope. The study of transit is one of the most fundamental techniques in astrology. The transit indicates important trends and issues in your life is one of the few points upon which all astrologers agree. Along with directions and progressions, there are basis to Astrologer's predictive methodology. Under each transit, the people are most likely to learn and experience, emotionally, psychologically and circumstantially and these points are to be delineated through the birth chart. The transit indicates times that are appropriate for certain kinds of actions and inappropriate for others, and certain kinds of events often do occur with particular transit. But I may add also that transit should never be viewed, as signifying events that will inevitably come to pass, with you as a helpless observer. Extensive delineations of the transits of Sun, Moon and planets to all of the major factors in the horoscope by conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition aspects have been provided in this volume. A great difficulty is being experienced by all the astrologers to pin point an event without any detailed volume in the market. So all efforts have been made to provide maximum combinations of transits of all planets with other all planets. Keeping this in view, the author feels this to be a complete book on "Transit of planets". Chapter No 4 has been

added with more detailed effectsof transit of planets over Natal 0ne

The delineations are based on Hindu Astrology. One can object, that in Hindu Astrology, the above aspects are not counted, but author disagrees with this viewpoint. I have already indicated in my famous book, "Prasna Deepika" that these are Hindu Aspects and ar e originally from Hindu Astr ology but have been adopted by in Western Astrology very widely. To sum up these major transits' we provide that:1. Conjunction is a first House aspects. 2. Sextile is a 3rd and llthhouse aspect. 3. Trine is a 5th and 9th house aspect. 4. Square is a 4th and 10th house aspect. 5. Opposition is a 7th house aspect. Likewise Applying and Seperating terms used in Western Astrology are actually aspects of Hindu Astrology as mentioned in our ancient treatises like Phaldeepika, Sanketa Niddi, Jatak Tatva, Uttarakalamrita etc. These are known as ITTHASAL A and MASARIPHA aspects. So all the aspects are originally from Hindu Astrology keeping this in view, this volume has been designed and been provided with maximum details. Transit of planets in Houses and Signs have been provided with sufficient accuracy. Three planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto not included in Hindu Astrology find a place like other planets as their effects stand investigated and powerful by the Western Astrologers. So to gain knowledge from other sources always pays. VEDHA means obstructions and is not used in Western Astrology, but in Hindu Astrology, this term finds a prominent place during transit for delineations and has been explained in detail for use of the learned astrologers. Contrary to the general practice, behef and as detailed in our old treatises that transit be considered from Moon Sign but in day to day practice, it is found that the transit gives more

accurate results when analysed from ASCENDANT ORLAGNA. Full house be taken. Flowever degrees of planets at birth and in transit be taken into consideration. This method has given your author a good success rather working from Moon Sign. Let us try and find the difference. As indicated in opening paragraph of this Preface that transit of planets has great significance in Ascendant and 10th house, soa separate chapter in detail has been provided indicating the specific effects of such transits. Transit of planet in nakshatras indicates specific results which have been expanded. In addition ECLIPSES are special kind of transits and are more effective when it either conjoins or oppose a natal planet. Eclipses are often said to be difficult, which is indicated upon the condition of the natal planet as indicated by the house position and aspects to it from the other natal planets. The effects of Eclipses have been detailed in a separate chapter, which is not commonly available in other books. The effects of Eclipses have been detailed onDecanates, on houses of horoscope, and in Mundane Astrology. The last chapter, "Just off the Beat" is quite useful' instructive and educative for the Astrologers and particularly for the public at large who do not know Astrology but have bent of mind for this celestial Science. The author is thankful in the end for inspiration and help extended to me by a versatile, educated and soft spoken coy. "Planets in Transit" and "Astrology for Millions" books were a great source of help for which we are thankful to authors. This book will be of great assistance and help to all Astrologers, ametures, and public at large. If the readers are benefitted, we are greatly rewarded. Jyotish Tantra Kendra

(Dr. L.R. Chawdhri)

1 CHAPTER-1 TRANSIT AND ASPECTS When a planet passes over the Zodiacal degree occupying any influential point of horoscope such as M.C. Ascendant, Sun's place etc. it is said to transit that point by Ephemeral motion. Transit in Hindu Astrology is termed as GOCHAR. In GOCHAR the planets forms an aspect with the natal planets, may be conjunction, opposition or square, sextile, trine etc. This needs a careful study and analysis. Major aspect has more value than the minor. In Hindu Astrology transit is generally reckoned from MOON SIGN,* which is called Chander Lagan or Janam Rashi in a birth chart. A movement or transit is the normal feature but its importance lies when in transit occurs whenever a planet, moving in orbit during your life time, forms an aspects to a planet, in your birth chart. Also when planet passes through the part of the Zodiac occupied by a house in your chart, we say that a planet is transiting that house. Direction and Progression are the two terms connected with transit and are explained for better understanding. There is aslight difference between the effects of transit and a same aspect by a direction. Aspect by direction lasts longer than those by transitTo know the effects of aspects by Direction, one should be familiar with the effects of aspects by direction, which are modified due to the shorter duration DIRECTION:- The calculations made are after birth from the nativity for the purpose of ascertaining the time of event. These are classed under two heads, Primary and Secondary. Indirection the Mid Heaven, Ascendant,Sun and Moon, are the most important centres and when, working by what are called Primary directions,

2 each of these points in the nativity may be turned into right ascension found by measuring from the first point of Aries Zero degree. The planetary positions at birth are always considered as fixed and stationery through out the life, the influences it were being impressed upon that spot which they hold at the moment of birth. The most popular and simple method application of Direction is that in which Sun and Moon play the most prominent part, the plan adopted being to consider each day after birth as year of life. The Sun, by progression each day after birth, forms aspects to the radical position of the planets, mid heaven and ascendant, and these are termed PRIMARY ASPECTS .In addition to these the planets are also continuously moving from the radical to progressive positions, these are termed as Mutual aspects These mutual aspects point out the nature of the events likely to happenjudgement being given from the signs and houses from which they occur, while, when Moon forms any aspect to these primary or mutual aspects that help to fix the time when the events will occur. The simple rule to find out the Directions in operation is as follows: Count the number of days after birth day equal to the number of years that have elapsed since birth, and either fill into the radical map the planetary positions, including the Sun and Moon for the birth time on that day, or tabulate the positions seperately, but the object is to find the aspect between the radical positions and progressive, as these are termed for the birthday required. The Sun moves one degree per year and Moon one degree five minutes per month but the exact position has to be ascertained for each month from the good ephemeris. Progressed Horoscope:- A horoscope erected for as many days after birth as the native is years of age, and from which directions are calculated. In Hindu astrology this is called "VARSH PHAL" or Annual chart or Solar chart etc. The study of the transit is one of the most fundamental techniques in astrology. The transit indicates the timing as well as

3 important trends and issues in your life, This is one of the few points upon which all astrologers agree. The Directions and Progressions, form the basis of the astrologer for predective methodology .Under each transit, people are most likely to learn and experience, emotionally, psychologicaly and circumstantially and these points can be delineated through the birth chart. The transit indicates the times that are appropriate for certain kinds of actions and inappropriate for others, and what kind of events often do occur in particular transitBut I may also add that transit should never be viewed as signifying event that will inevitably came to pass, with you as a helpless observer. The birth chart indicates that certain incidents which will come in your life but the transit denotes how these will be unfolded in time exactly as progression does the transit gives greaterdetails over short range. The progression indicates a more general structure over a longer time. HINDU VERSUS WESTERN ASTROLOGY In Hindu astrology transit is always considered from the Moon sign at birth, whether it is beginning, middle or end of the sign,the movement of planets are also taken sign by sign, and the relative position or the exact longitudinal distance between Moon and planets is not taken for consideration. It may also be mentioned that the extent to which a planet can give its result would be according to the strength and weakness, whether it is exalted, vergotama, or in neutral sign, friend's house, enemy's camp or debilitated.The position of sign denotes extent to which it can do good or otherwise. Hindu sages have said that Dasa should also be considered while analay sing transits, they are of the opinion that unless Dasas agree with the transit whatever is said for transit system will not operate, it will stand amended. Another dictum known as vedha should also be paid due consideration. In Western system, they take into consideration the cusps of houses both in birth chart as well as in Progression chart. In Western Astrology no planet is stationary excepting those for a short period during the time when they commence retrograde

4 motion. Therefore we note down the position of planets at the time of birth and in a progressed horoscope these planets will either be transiting over th epoint occupied by the planets or while transiting they may foim either favourable or the unfavourable aspects .In Western system, conjunction or strong aspects of30,60.90,120 and 150 degrees and so on are taken into consideration. In progressed horoscope, the effects will be experienced for a long period whereas in Transit the duration will be short. AUTHOR'S VIEWS Inday to day practice, it is found that the transit gives more accurate results when are analysed from Ascendant or Lagna. Full house be taken into account. I have already detailed in this book that conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Opposition, etc aspects have been borrowed by Western from Hindu Astrology and so the aspects should be considered while analysing the results. The above method has given y ourauthoragood fair degree ofsuccessratherthanworkingfromMoonsign. Letustryand find the difference. PERIOD OTI KM UEKCE The duration or effects of transits depend on two factors. First, note which planet is transiting, for each planet moves through the Zodiac at its own rate of motion, the Moon being the fastest. Their order of speed is, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupitar, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto respectively. Secondly, it should be checked that whether the transiting planet becomes retrograde before it gets out of or of aspect with the transited house or planet? Frequently a planet while in transit reaches a certain point, turns retrograde and recrosses that point, then turns direct, crosses that point third time thus affecting a house or planet for much longer period than usual. When the' aspect is complete, taking intoconsideration'ORB'theeffectsare quickly diminished, unless the planet transiting becomes retrograde and goes back

5 over the aspect. During a period of good direction, the potency of good transit is enhanced and the adverse transits diminishes the influence and vice versa. A progressed or directional aspect is technically due to operate when the aspect is exactly complete, but the transit of a planet over the place of a directional aspect which is still forming may excite it into action prematurely within a degree or so. If we find a directional aspect which is still forming, look carefully through the current ephemeries and note down when Sun or any otherplanetmore especially major plant will cross overthe critical point, and record the date when effects will be felt particularly. TYPES OF TRANSITS The transits can be classed as good ones and bad ones. The good one make every thing smooth and ensure success and also any enterprise begun under their influence, whereas during bad transit everything goes wrong and a man becomes helpless. Bad transits can be classed as opposition (Except for Jupiter), Squares, and about half of the conjunctions, where as the good ones are sextiles, and other conjunctions. There are certain combinations, which are usually difficult, particularly square and opposition aspects. These includes SunSaturn, Sun-Uranus, Sun-Neptune, Moon Mars, Moon Saturn, Moon-Neptune, Moon-Pluto, Mercury-Neptune. Venus-Neptune, Mars-Saturn, Mars-Uranus, Mars-Neptune, Mars-Pluto, Jupiter-Saturn, Saturn-Uranus, Saturn-Neptune, Saturn-Pluto, Uranus-Neptune,Rahu and Ketu with all planets. The above transits are destructive from the point they precisely indicate, which you can handle, it includes sickness, and accidents as well as the actionsofotherpeople. They do not cause destruction, but will change the weak area of your life. Actually such transit reforms a person, in the sense that all your short comings and wrong type of actions are halted. You are renewed, revitalized and purified. Sometime you may remain without any appreciable trouble.

6 Secondly there are easy transits suchas trines, sextiles, and several conjunction including opposition of Jupiter which include: Sun-Moon, Sun Mercury, Sun Venus, Sun Jupiter, Moon-Venus, Moon-Jupiter, Venus-Mars, Venus-Jupiter, Mars-Jupiter, The transits create circumstances that one has to confront certain issues in his life at a particular time. The reaction of your mind makes the transit good or bad. Various personal strengths may enable you to overcome any negative indication. Similarly, your weakness may make mess out of a most favourable transit. HOW TO FIND AND USE TRANSIT? The chart of transit be prepared and be annexed with the horoscope permanently in order to check the results of transit of the planets in different signs. An easy way to find the transit and record them is to make a table showing for each planet the degrees of the Zodiac which is in exact aspect or Conjunction (1st house aspect), Sextile (3rd and llthhouse aspects). Square (4thand 10th house aspects), trine (5th and 9th houses aspects), and opposition (7th house aspect). But in addition, the aspects of Mars to 8th house and that of Saturn to 3rd & 10th houses alongwith Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu to 5th and 9th houses should definitely be recorded. Then look in the current ephemeris and note when any planet will pass through the degrees you have recorded. In that way you will know the dates whenyour radix is affected by transiting planets and then you will be in a position to prepare the chart according to which you will know whether the aspect formed is good or adverse. The effects of transit begins about eight degrees prior to actual completion to major aspects. The influence of a transit expires quickly after culmination of the aspect. Transit over minor aspects are hardly perceptible, where as transit over major aspects are important. From the difference of degrees and motion, the date of incident can be found.

7 As far example, the transit of Sun over the conjunction, square or opposition of the radical Saturn causes mental and physical depression, and such periods are very unfortunate for beginning any new or important undertaking. The Sun's orb of aspect is 12 degrees applying as it moves about Idegree in a day. Unfavourable period continues for 12 days and then begins to wane. Even though there be favourable directional for important affairs. But when favourable transit occurs during favourable direction or progresses aspects it may be depended upon as fortunate period especially those days, when the Moon also forms good aspect but their effect is not so lasting because their period of operation is shorter. TERMS EXPLAINED Before we approach Transit for further analysis, it is of utmost importance to understand the real meanings of the ASPECTS in birth chart. Transit, ProgressionorDirection.these terms are originally from Hindu Astrology but have been adopted in Western Astrology very widely. l.Conjunction:- The first house aspect. When two heavenly bodies are together at the same point of Zodiac, they are said to be in RAPAT CONJUNCTION with each other. The Orb forwhichis 8 degrees. The effects of conjunctiondepends on the resultant force created, which varies according to the angle between them and strength of each force and likewise planets transmit their influence by means of subtile vibrations through such other subtile of the solar system, the effects will however, vary according to whether the waves of one, supplement or contradict those of others. The conjunctionof planets are peculiar in their capacity to do good or evil which is gauged according to their ownership of houses, their natural qualities. So check the resultant force for delineation. Conjunctions of Lords 1,4,7 and 10 houses and of Times (1 and 5 houses) when unassociated with lords of other houses are not only powerful in producing good effects of the signification of houses located and owned by them, but also brings honour, wealth & general prosperity even if located in evil

8 houses. But these very lords if very powerful and strong by position, in ownsign orin exaltation, regardless of othersources of evils, suchas their union with evil house lord, becomes not only powerful to do good but help other planets associated with them towards the same objective. Conjunction of trine lords are always good irrespective of their location. But if lords of these houses are associated with the lords of 8 or 11 houses, success is endangered. Planets in conjunction with maraka or death inflicting houses viz 2nd and 7th becomes powerful enough to cause death in their period and sub periods according to their relative strength in the birth chart. The Conjunction of Rahu or Ketu with other planets if it occurs in houses other than trine and Quadrants are always good, will produce good or bad results according to the strength of planete in the chart with which they are associated. With the transit by conjunction of one planet over another planet or over a house cusp, there then begins a process or a series of developments according to the nature of planet involved. The transiting planet imposes its energy expansion on that of the transited planet. 2. Sextile:- It is 3rd and 11th house aspect. It indicates relationships with groups, integration of the self with immediate surroundings, contact with those surroundings. It can be regarded as opposition of the trine series. It indicates state of balance, degree of initiative, one can not remain passive to a sextile. This is an easy aspect and reinforces your weak point. This influence does not impel you toaction. Time of reviewand actasperchanged time. A benefic aspect of 60 degrees of the nature, it is more or less colourless aspect and chieflydepends on the planets and signs between which it occurs. It is often more potent and favourable than the trine, as it seems to blend two influences of more or less like nature such as fire and air or earth and water. This aspect contains the potentiality of the future. You can take initiative during this transit.

9 S.Trtne:- It is 5th and 9th house aspect. It includes creative flow of the life energies that allow for easy self expression, the liability to expand one's experience of the world and to growinthe knowledge. It is a period of easy energy flow and relative lack of stress, when you can make creative changes but tempted to just flow along with the correct time when your experience and self expression expand to make you more wiser and more effective; a period of little change, even when there is a considerable activity; little resistance to your efforts, withmatiers oftenworking out withlittle efforts on your part. It is a strong benefic aspect of 120 degrees. It harmonises the bodies or vehicles, represented by the sign occupied by planets. Through Watery signs, it influences the astral or emotional body, and through Fiery signs the mental body. It is fortunate aspect, for it establishes harmony, between the influences without and attitude of the mind, so that its nature is without friction, antagonism or harshness. It is peaceful, forgiving and charitable. This aspect does much to improve the otherwise adverse nativity. When occurring between the luminaries it is more fortunate than any other favourable aspects to the benefic alone, especially if one of the benefic planets going in the triangle. 4. Square:-It is 4th and 10th aspect. It indicates challenges from circumstances or others that force you to prove yourself or to make necessary changes; at a time when a course of action proves incorrect or, if the challenge is withstood, a time of new initiative and active forward motion; a challenge of your self expression, which may force changes in your way of relating to others or may inaugurate a period of new effectiveness. A strongmaleficaspectof90degreesof the nature of Saturn. The square is the most critical and conflicting of aspects. It never fails to give an attitude which is disturbed accompanying it. It is also like Saturn, aseparative aspect usually affectingthemoral tone of the nativity. It is known as the angle of pain and sorrow, bringing remorse and a perturbed state of mind and feeling with worry, anxiety and despondency. Illnesses produced by the square aspects are oftenslowandlingering but when acute, they are never

10 soquicklyoveras the opposition. Everyconditionoreventarising out of this aspect is critical and turns the tide of fortune one way or other definitely with more or less permanent results. 5. Opposition:- This is a 7th house aspect and includes confrontation and partnership, the self as experienced through others. The conflict between one's personal world and external world. It is a time of confrontation with others; the culmination of your affairs in someway or the total collapse of some area of your life that has not worked successfully; events that increase sdfconsciousness through meetings with ofhers interaction between your inner and outer worlds; a time of dynamic changes. When two planets are 180 degree apart, this aspect is formed. This is anaspectofhatered,orontheother hand of perfect balance. Probably thebalance is onlyreached when the opposition is only partial and it may well be that the hatered engendered by an incomplete opposition is due to the disharmony arising out of the incompleteness of this balance, rather than to the opposition aspect itself. Jupiter's opposition is benefic always and is an exception. Esoterically the opposition denotes the ending or finishing of fate or Karma, and is of the nature of Uranus and Sun. On the other hand a number of things can occur during this transit. If the process has gone well, this is the time when your affairs reach a culmination and you begin to reap the reward of your efforts. But you must consider the opposition not as it is a transitional phase in which you have done and reforms a native to moveontonewlevel. You willgetrewardforwhat you have done. The future beckons, and a new stage of development is about to begin. 6. Semi Sextile (30°):- This aspect seems to create some tension, because it bridges the two adjacent signs, which have no connection with each other symbolically. Adjacent signs are of different elements, quadruplicity and polarity. The Semi Sextile generates a sense of discomfort about the issues signified by the planets or houses involved in the transit.

11 7. Semi Square (45°):- This is like a square but less strong. This represents a dynamic linkbetween the energies that is likely to produce change and tension, if one is unable to go along with the changes involved. Experience has shown that these aspects are quite significant in transit, but only when several occur at once of when one occurs in connection with a major transit. SEPARATING ASPECTS (ASARIPHA) Having explained the major expects, we feel that one should understand separating aspects which includes separating sextile,square and trine which are also of importance. SEPARATING SEXTILE:- After the conjunction, the planet start separating. It indicates the process that began with the conjunction is nowonastable path and functioning well. Now you have seen what happened at the conjunction, and you should examine it and see how well it works. If it is not working well, this is the time to make adjustments. Necessary changes that are left under will have an unfortunate effect at the next stage, the transit by square. Success at the time of Sextile does not guarantee anything without this process of scrutiny. 2. Separating Square:-If should be noted that this approach to transits make a distinction between a separating aspect by transit in which the transiting planet is moving away from the last conjunction towards the opposition, and the approaching aspect by transit, in which the transiting planet is moving back toward the next conjunction away from last opposition. The Separating square is a time of crisis whichdoes not mean disasterbutcanbeanextremelyproductivetime. The processthat began at the last conjunction now undergoes a period of testing to determine its weak points and to find out if thecourse of events should be continued or not. Remember that at this point a psychological change in you is an event. Unfortunately you will not always realize that a failure has occured. You may be able to piece together and structure that is basically not viable in your life and keep it working for a time. But if you can, it is better to be as realistic as possible now, write off any effort that has failed and begin looking about a new course to follow. If you do this, next opposition will be the time of new beginningqustasifit were a

12 conjunction. Of course, if you succeed in overcoming the challenges signified by the square, then this will be a time of great forward motion leading to the culmination of your efforts, which will come at the next opposition. 3. Separating Trine: - The trine is like the sextile in that it is a time of relative ease scanning the series of events of this cycle. If you have overcome the crisis of square, you should get everything into shape forthe culmination of the cycle at the opposition. On the other hand, the square showed that your efforts have been unsuccessful or harmful, you should take this time to think about what has happened and learn as much as you can from it, so that when opposition comes, you will be able to make anew start. The danger of this trine is that if you have managed to keep going at something that is basically not a good idea, you will persist in it now, convinced that you have managed to save yourself or what youaredoing. But the opposition willshow that youhavenotwon by bringing about a more complete downfall. APPLYING ASPECTS (ITTHASALA) 1. The Applying Trine:- This transit is analogous to the separating sextile rather than separating trine, because it is the first easy state equilibrium after the initial crisis symbolished by the opposite. Be ready to meet the needs of the changing future for good. Check what kind of changing roles you can play in the times to come. If you began a new phase of activity at the opposition, this is the equivalent stage in every way to the separating sextile. 2. The Applying Square:- This challenge is quite different from that of the separating square. You may suddenly be forced to adopt a new situation, for nothing is evensogood that it can go on forever, although most people try todojustthat.Even the most successful creation reaches a peak merely to give rise to another phase of activity. Thatis what is happening now. Events will proceed smoothly if you adopt and change to allow smoothly change over up to next phase. Otherwise you will be heading towards a crisis that will lead to total collapse at the next conjunction. The functionof this is identical to that of as separating square. 3. The Applying Sextile:- After a square, this is jj^eriodof Equilibrium. If everything has gone well at the last square, this sextile is a time of making final preparations for thechanges. You

13 should be making an effort to fit yourself in the new order that is taking shape now. If you do this well, you will be able to take advantage of the time at the next conjunction. APPLYING AND SEPARATING We have used the terms Separating and Applying, the author would like to expand these terms for further clarity. So far we haveseen that Westernnamed aspects are actually Aspects of Hindu Astrology and likewise Applying and separating terms are also two from Hindu Astrology. Since these aspects are being used by Westerns commonly by above names, where as in our treaties like Phaldeepika, Sanketa Nidhi, Jatak Tatva, LTttrakalamrita ete. these aspects are known by 3rd, 5111,7111,9111 house etc. aspects. The aspects are operative within a specified range and this point has been explained as under. ORB The term'ORB' usually means anarea in which events concerning a transit occurs. It is measured inspace and considered to be so many degrees along the ecliptic. Space can be converted into time, because the transiting planet is moving, so an orb of so many degrees and minutes indicates the length of time in which a transit is likely to indicate an event. Technically the term means a distance in longitude within which the influence of a planet or aspect will operate. The limits of orb for conjunction or opposition allow 12 degrees, when Sun aspects the Moon,about lOdegrees wheneither luminary aspects a planet, and it is about 8 degrees for planets aspecting each other. The orb allowed to the various planets specifically as are indicated in our texts is tabulated belowApplying Sun Moon Other Planets

12° 8° 6°

Separating ir 12° 8>oC

Applying and Separating:- When twoplanetsare within the range of conjunction or aspect and notin exact rapt conjunction, the

14 fast moving planet is placed behind the slow moving planet and will move forward to conjunct or aspect the slow moving planet unless and otherwise the planet is retrograde. The conjunction or aspect becomes stronger and stronger as the planet reaches nearer to each other andforms an exact orrapt conjunction or aspect, but when the fast moving planet begins to move away from the slow moving planet the effect remains but start decreasing slowly. When the planet goes fully beyond the orb of conjunction, the influence completely ceases. Incase the faster planet, if behind the sfowmovingplanet itis saidtobe "APPLYIN G" to latter and when the fast moving planet moves away from the slow moving planet, it is said to be 'SEPARATING'. In Ram Dayalu's Sanketanidhi San III sIoka2 and 3, the definitionoflTTHASALA means applying aspect and AS ARIPHA means separating Aspect had beendetailed thousands ofyears ago and so these aspects are not Western but from Hindu Astrology. The difference is that Hindus have used these words as Yogas and particularly apply in Tajaka System in Annual Horoscope Reading, Directions or Progression where as Westeners have adopted it as an aspect. There are other minor aspects of 18°, 24°, 36°, 54° etc. which are all tabulated as follow: Mutual Application: When two planets are within the range of an aspect and oneofthem is inretrograde motion, each will move towards the other, this is called Mutual Application. Difference: Comparing Mutual application with applying aspect, it is concluded that mutual application is stronger than the applying aspect. Combustion: A planet is said to lose its power completely when it is within a certain distance or ORB from the Sun. Mercury being an exception. In that condition, the planet is called 'COMBUST'. When the planet is posited in the same degrees and minutes of longitude as the one occupied by the Sun, then it is said to be in RAPT CONJUNCTION" It is considered to be eclipsed and becomes utterly powerless. Within 5 degrees from Sun, there is also combustion, whenlO degrees apart from Sun, there is also


Name of the aspects

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Conjunction Vigintile Quindecile Semi Sextile Decile Semi Square 54 degrees Sextile Quintile Square Tredecile Trine 126 degrees Ses quiquadrate Biquintile Quincunx 162 degrees Opposition Parallel




Same" 18 24 30 36 45 54 60 72 90 108 120

V X 1 L ★' P A ±
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