224643870 PDOC 596 PEP 01 Project Execution Plan Rev 3
April 26, 2017 | Author: Showki Wani | Category: N/A
Short Description
Download 224643870 PDOC 596 PEP 01 Project Execution Plan Rev 3...
CONTRACT No: PDOC"#$"%-596
Palougue Produced Water Project Phase I
Re). No.
S*+,iion Dte
Re)iion Detil
P/e0/e1 23
A00/o)e1 23
Jan 24 2008
Submitted for approval
Apr 1 2008
Submitted for approval
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General General 1 1 11 Contents of (5e6ution )lan )lan 1 12 )urpose of (5e6ution )lan )lan 1 1 17 !be6tives of )roe6t )roe6t 1 1 14 (ssentials and *easures *easures 2 2
(ngineering (ngineering 4 4 21 &ntrodu6tion &ntrodu6tion 4 4 22 )roe6t *ission Statement Statement 4 4 27 Staffing Staffing 4 4 24 (ngineering (ngineering 23 )ro6urement Support9999999999999 Support9999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999998 998 2 Constru6tion Support Support 11 11 2: Comuni6ation;training Support999999999999 Support99999999999999999999999999 9999999999999917 17
)ro6urement )ro6urement 14 14 71 &ntrodu6tion &ntrodu6tion 14 14 72 !rgani 1: 73 Bid (valuation and ,endor ,endor Sele6tion Sele6tion 18 18 7 (5pediting (5pediting 1 1 7: &nspe6tion ? #esting999999999999 #esting99999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999991 99991 78 Shipment ? Air .reighting99999999999 .reighting9999999999999999999999999 999999999999999920 9920 7 &nland #ransportation #ransportation 21 21 710 +ogisti6 Support9999999999999999 Support999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999922 922 711 $e6iept of *aterial at Site999999999999999999 Site999999999999999999999999999924 999999999924 712 @a @arehouse rehouse and Sto6 )ile Area 9999999999 99999999999999999999 99999999999999923 9999923 717 Spare )arts and Consumble999999999999999 Consumble9999999999999999999999999992 9999999999992 714 #a5 #a5 (5emption Appli6ation Appli6ation 2: 2: 713 %se of +o6al )rodu6ts and Servi6es Servi6es 2: 2: 71 warrant> from *anufaturer *anufaturer 99999999999999 99999999999999999999999999 999999999999 2: 71: *aterial Control Control 28 28 718 *anagement of Surplus *aterials *aterials 2 2
4 Constru6tion999999999999999999999999999999999992 41 General General 2 2 42 Constru6tion Constru 6tion Arrangement Arrangement and )reparator> @or @or 999999999999999999972 999999999999999999972 47 Constru6tion )lan )lan 73 73 44 Statement of +abor *anagement *anagement and &ndustrial $elations $elations47 47 43 Civil wors wors 44 44 4 1 *ain @a @ater ter +ine999999999999999 +ine99999 99999999999999999999 9999999999999994: 999994: 4: 4000m7 9999999999999 999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999932 9999999932 )age 1 of 2
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48 , @ater @ater &ne6tion )ump ? 'iesel (ngine *ud )ump99999999999999933 )ump99999999999999933 4 'iesel (ngine S>stem99999999999999 S>stem99999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999993: 93: 410 (le6tri6al &nstallation9999999999999 &nstallation9999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999938 938 411 &nstallation of &nstrument (=uipment99999999999999 (=uipment999999999999999999999994 9999999994 412 Cable +a>ing 'own ? @iring99999999 @iring9999999999999999999999 9999999999999999993 99993 417 *aterial Dandling Storage ? 'eliver>99999999999999999999 'eliver>99999999999999999999999 999 414 Constru6tion Eualit> *anagement9999999999999999 *anagement9999999999999999999999998 999999998 413 Constru6tion Eualit> Control99999999999999999999999999 Control99999999999999999999999999 41 Constru6tion Eualit> Assuran6e Assuran6e *easure9999999 *easure999999999999999999999 99999999999999:0 :0 41: &mportant Eualit> Control *easurement in (a6h 'is6ipline99999999999999:2 'is6ipline99999999999999:2 418 Safet> Se6urit> )oli6ies in Constru6tion9999999 Constru6tion999999999999999999999 999999999999999:4 9:4 41 Constru6tion *anagement9999 *anagement999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999:: 999999999:: 417 Camp +iving .a6ilities and #empora #emporar> r> Constru6tion .a6ilities +a>out +a>out:8 :8 3
Commissioning Commissioning 82 82 31 !verview999999999999999999999999999999999982 32 )reCommissioning 999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999982 982 37 Commissioning !rgani > perf perform ormed ed on s6hed s6hedul ule e #hereforeH #hereforeH the engineering engineering group will immediatel> immediatel> start the engineering engineering performan6e performan6e in a professional and effi6ient manner (ngineering group shall verif> and update the information alread> supplied b> the !wner to as6ertain its ade=ua6>H update and perform an> investigation if ne6essar>H and also verif> and 6onfirm all the Basi6 'esign do6uments re6eived from the !wner and in6orporate an> 6hanges as re=uired to 6omplete the @or @or &n order to mae the engineering engineering a6tivities go smoothl> smoothl> and avoid the repetition repetition of design obsH and a nd to ensure the timel> submission and approval of engineering do6umentsH a good 6oordination 6hannel between the Contra6tor and !wner will be effe6tivel> established and maintained throughout the whole engineering phase #o ensure the diffi6ulties in 6ivil wor 6onstru6tion 6reated b> rain> season is redu6ed to the ma5imum e5tentH C)(CC will tr> the best to issue as earl> as possible the 6onstru6tion )age 2 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
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drawing for 6ivil worH espe6iall> for those a6tivities diffi6ult to perform in wet 6ondition C)(CC understand piling drawing is 6riti6al to a6hieve two mud pump first operation within 3 months months C)(CC will also give the prioriti deliver> to site of )roe6t e=uipment and materials is the basi6 6ondition for ensuring the 6ompletion of 6onstru6tion a6tivities on s6hedule #hereforeH the pro6urement group group shall shall mainta maintain in effi6ie effi6ient nt perform performan6e an6e in pro6ur pro6ureme ement nt a6tivit a6tivitiesH iesH for whi6h whi6h 6lose 6lose 6onta6t and 6ollaboration with engineering group is ne6essar> ne6essar > #he pro6urement a6tivities shall be planned around the overall )roe6t phases so that timel> availabilit> of materials for 6riti6al paths 6an be guaranteed #he long deliver>H 6riti6al items will be ordered on priorit> basis to meet their deliver> at site as per )roe6t s6hedule 144 Eualit> and Safet> IEualit> .undamental and ISafet> .irst shall be alwa>s ept in the mind of ever>bod> of C)(CC throughout the )roe6t e5e6ution Along with the effe6tive operation of a 6ertified Eualit> S>stemH C)(CC shall sti6 to observation and implementation of all the standardsH 6odes and spe6ifi6ations as re=uired b> the Contra6t and no =ualit> 6ompromise is allowed All the a6tivities in different phases shall be performed and 6ompleted in a66ordan6e with the approved pro6eduresH and shall be sube6t to supervision and =ualit> inspe6tion b> C)(CCKs =ualit> inspe6tors and )'!CKs representatives An> non6omplian6e as found must be re6 tified C)(CC will atta6h as well great importan6e to safet> all the time to provide a safe environment to C)(CC emplo>eesH visitorsH !wnerKs and sub6ontra6torKs personnel and minimi unsafe a6tsH 6onditions or omissions All the appli6able safet> regulations are mandator> and personnel at all level of C)(CC management shall be held a66ountable for their safet> responsibilities All C)(CC individual emplo>ees will be trained trained and en6ouraged en6ouraged to understand understand and promote promote the safet> standards standards all the time and to 6ooperate with the 6ompan> safet> program in ever> aspe6t to ensure the )roe6t is e5e6uted safel> and smoothl> s moothl>
)age 7 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
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#.! Int/o1*tion
C)(CCH as a *ain Contra6torH will provide the Isingle sour6e responsibilit> for all aspe6ts of the proe6t proe6t e5e6ut e5e6ution ionHH whi6h whi6h involv involves es overall overall proe6t proe6t managem management entHH engine engineerin eringH gH pro6urementH 6onstru6tionH site 6oordinationH =ualit> assuran6e;=ualit> 6ontrolH DS(H proe6t 6ontrolsH trainingH 6ommissioning and reporting China )etroleum (ngineering CoH +td FC)(H as an (ngineering Sub6ontra6tor to C)(CCH will provide all servi6es as ma> be re=uired for smooth e5e6ution of this )roe6tH mainl> as engineering designH pro6urement assistan6eH 6onstru6tion support as well as training and 6ommissioning instru6tions C)(CC will appoint a responsible person and some maor dis6i dis6ipl plin inee engi engine neer erss tai taing ng the the fun6 fun6ti tion on of supe superv rvisi ision on of engi enginee neeri ring ng wor wor and and 6oordi 6oordinat nation ion between between the (ngine (ngineerin ering g Sub6on Sub6ontra6 tra6tor torHH C)(CC C)(CC and the !wner !wner for the purpose of ensuring all the engineering a6tivities to be performed in 6onformit> with the re=uirements re=uirements of the Contra6t and to timel> satisf> the needs b> pro6urementH pro6urementH 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion and 6ommissioningH so as to a6hieve the final su66ess of this )roe6t in terms of =ualit> and s6hedule #.# P/o7et Miion Stte,ent
#o assist the main 6ontra6torH C)(CCH as re=uired to ensure the su66e ssful e5e6ution of this proe6tH 6omplete the proe6t within the budget and s6hedule 6onstraints laid out in the Contra6tH and to a6hieve a =ualit> that meets or e56eeds the re=uirements for a66ura6> and presentation of Client #.$ Stin4 #.$.! PDOC & CPECC Stin4 )'!C staffing will 6ompose of the following/
)roe6t *anager • )roe6t #eam +eader • )roe6t Coordinator #he personnel who will be assigned to the above posts will be introdu6ed during i6!ff •
*eeting *eeting DoweverH DoweverH )'!C )'!C will appoint appoint a C#S representative representative to be responsible responsible for the
)age 4 of 88
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)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
)roe6t *anagement role for this proe6t who is the approving bod> for all the issued for approval do6uments;drawings re=uired on this proe6t C)(CC as the main 6ontra6tor who will be responsible for the (ngineeringH )ro6urementH Constru6tion and Commissioning F()CC of this proe6t will dire6tl> 6ommuni6ate with C#S F)'!C C)( will be reporting to C)(CC for all engineering matter of this proe6t #.$.# CPECC Oie C)(CC;C)(Ks C)(CC;C)(Ks proposed (ngineering !ffi6e for the e5e6ution e 5e6ution of this proe6t is the offi6e in in
hartoumH Sudan #.$.$ CPE e5e6ution of the engineering wor s6ope C)( will undertae the following a6tivities/ • • • • • •
'etailed (ngineering )roe6t Controls on (ngineering @or @or in6luding planning ? 6ontrolsH and reporting Suppor Supportt on )ro6ur )ro6ureme ement nt Servi6 Servi6es es su6h su6h as prepara preparatio tion n of *#!K *#!Kss and #e6hni e6hni6al 6al (valuation of vendor proposal #e6hni6al #e6hni6al Assistan6e during 6onstru6tion and 6ommissioning a6tivities )repare asbuilt do6umentation and proe6t dossier Coordination with C)(CC
#.$.; O/4ni=tion )roe6t !rgani )ersonnel and
*anagement +evel #he following e> )ositions serve in the $oles as des6ribed and are a66ountable for the $esponsibilities as briefl> outlined below/
P/o7et Mn4e/
P/o7et En4inee/
A66ountable to C)(CC and C)( *anagementH for the overall su66essful e5e6ution of the )roe6t (nsures that all (ngineering servi6es are provided in a66ordan6e with the )roe6t S6hedule Assist C)(CC in the e5e6ution of the !verall )roe6t )lan )rovide engineering representation to the !wner as re=uested b> C)(CC $eport to C)(CC #eam +eader .o6al point for all 6orresponden6e for the (ngineering Servi6es $esponsible for assisting the )roe6t *anager in e5e6uting the overall overall )roe6t )roe6t De is responsible responsible for the te6hni6al te6hni6al wor under their review 'ire6ts dail> a6tivities of the proe6t team $esponsible for meeting engineering produ6tivit> obe6tives )age 3 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
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$esp $espon onsi sible ble for for over overse seei eing ng engi engine neer erin ing g and and desi design gn and and 6oordinating interdis6iplinar> wor $esponsible for the development and implementation of proe6t pro6edures and and the proe6t =ualit> plan plan $esponsible for 6oordinating do6ument 6ontrol $esponsible for auditing =ualit> s >stem $esponsibl $esponsiblee to ensure ensure 6onforman 6onforman6e 6e with budget and s6hedule s6hedule P/o7et Cont/ol goals Assist proe6t management in identif>ing varian6esH formulating En4inee/ re6ov re6over> er> plansH plansH revisi revising ng and updati updating ng s6hedu s6hedules lesHH pro6es pro6essin sing g 6hange orders and preparing 6ost and hour reports and fore6asts @ill @ill provid providee all the repor reportin ting g re=uir re=uireme ements nts as refere referen6e n6ed d in )roe6t $eporting >A " >C "ot dire6tl> involved in )roe6t (5e6ution $esponsible for 6he6ingH verif>ing and validating the design in a66ordan6e with Re0/eentti)e the Eualit> Assuran6e )lan in6luded in C)(Ks Eualit> )ro6edures
#he #he abov abovee perso personn nnel el are are ident identif ified ied on the the !rga !rgani ni )'!C .eed verifi6ation 6overs all dis6iplinesH in6luding ele6tri6alH 6ivil;stru6ture tan and C) et6 'uring this stage the output of engineering a6tivities 6an be summari outs ).'Ks ?) ? & 'Ks )iping GA'Ks and isometri6s +ine routing )lan )iling la> out )lan Substation Dousing #an #an installation insta llation Stru6ture steel Area Classifi6ation 'rawing #an C) s>stem +oad list *CC single line diagram #ransformer , swit6hgear and soft start )age of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
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&nstrument lo6ation )lan Cable s6hedule
#.;.# Site S*/)e3 #he Site Surve> will in6lude the following details/ • •
Site des6ription details A66omp A66ompan> an> C)(CC C)(CCKs Ks sub6o sub6ontr ntra6to a6torr for Geote6 Geote6hni hni6al 6al ? topogr topograph aphi6al i6al surve> surve> sele6ting route
#.;.$ Coo/1intion P/oe1*/e Contra6tual Contra6tual 6orresponden 6orresponden6e 6e shall be between between C)(CC;)'! C)(CC;)'!CK CKss proe6ts proe6ts managerH managerH su6h
letters shall be through fa5es or handdeliveredL C)( shall prepare *inutes of meetings with C)(CC or )'!C and release An> 6omments shall be re6orded in the following meetin meeting g minute minutesL sL Signif Signifi6an i6antt teleph telephone one 6onver 6onversati sations ons shall shall similar similarl> l> be 6onfirm 6onfirmed ed in writingL All 6orresponden6e will deal with a single sube6tH be datedH assigned a uni=ue identifi6ation numberH logged and be6ome part of the proe6t re6ords Site &nstru6tions shall be 6onfirmed in writingH using a numbered site instru6tionH signed b> C)(CC and C)( )rogress $eports for (ngineering @ors will be prepared b> C)( and s ubmitted to C)(CC in a weel> basis !n the last wee of the month a 6omprehensive *onthl> $eport will be prepared b> C)(L A separate separa te *onthl> $eport with manhours spent information will be prepared for C)( internal use #he )roe6t )roe6t )lan )lan will will be define defined d b> a 6ompre 6omprehen hensiv sivee s6hedu s6hedule le )erform )erforman6 an6ee will will be evaluated and 6ompared with the plan as part of the regular reporting progress C)( shall obtain all re=uired passes and permits from the appropriate authorities Site visit and all wor re=uiring a Site @or )ermit will be 6oordinated with C)(CC with ade=uate advan6e planning so as not to in6ur dela>s "o wor will be undertaen without the re=uired permits &n the event that instru6tion re6eived b> C)(CC ma> lead to a Change in the S6ope or the S6hedule of the )roe6tH the 6on6erned 'is6ipline (ngineer shall initiate a Change !rder "otifi6ation to identif > the impa6t #he Change !rder "otifi6ation will des6ribe des6 ribe the sour6e s our6e and nature of the deviation from the s6ope of wor or s6hedule and provide an estimate of the 6ost of the deviationL #he )roe6t *anager shall review the Change !rder "otifi6ation )age : of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
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)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
and review against C)(Ks obligations and re=uirements in the Agreement #he )roe6t *anager will de6ide whatever a Change !rder )roposal needs to be submitted to C)(CCL #he Change !rder will not be implemented unless approved b> the C)(CC in the form of Agreement amendment #.;.; (en1o/ Dt S*+,ittl ,endor ndor drawin drawings gs and data data are review reviewed ed for 6onfor 6onforman man6e 6e with with *ateria *ateriall $e=uis $e=uisiti ition on
spe6ifi6ationsH annotated with 6ommentsH stamped and signed and returned to the vendor in a timel> timel> manner manner All All ,endor ndor delive deliverabl rables es shall shall be sube6t sube6t to ,endor ndor S=uad S=uad Che6 Che6 as follows/ 'CC prepares the ,endor S=uad Che6 .orm and informs through email the +ead 'is6ipline (ngineers 6on6erned (a6h (ngineer shall properl> review and marup the do6umentation indi6ating the • re=uired a6tion in the ,endor ,endor S=uad Che6 .orm 'CC will provide for the distribution distribution of the revised S=uad Che6 'o6umentation 'o6umentation to • ,endorH C)(CC and )roe6t .ile ,endor ,endor 'ata of main e=uipments shall be submitted to )'!C for review • #.;.5 Te8nil 2i1 E)l*tion #e6hni6al proposals submitted b> manufa6turersH fabri6atorsH vendors and suppliers are •
evaluated on te6hni6al merit #he emphasis of these evaluations is on thoroughness and 6ompletenessH ensuring that all issues are resolved before a 6ommitment to pur6hase is madeH or a 6ontra6t is awarded (ngineering reviews and 6ompares the bids and maes a re6omm re6ommend endati ation on for pur6ha pur6hase se and award award As spe6ifie spe6ified d in )ro6ur )ro6ureme ement nt )ro6ed )ro6edure ureHH a te6hni6al bid tabulation spreadsheet is prepared 6omparing the bids #.5 P/o*/e,ent S*00o/t
)ro6urement will initiall> run parallel to 'etailed (ngineering and 'esign in order to allow review review of vendor vendorsK sK drawin drawings gs and in6lusi in6lusion on;mo ;modifi difi6ati 6ations ons to 6onstr 6onstru6t u6tion ion drawin drawings gs )ro6urement and e5pediting a6tivities as listed below will be the responsibilit> of C)(Ks )ro6urement (ngineer • • • • •
)reparation of *aterial $e=uisition F*$ do6umentation &ssue *aterial #ae #ae !ffsH *$Ks to C)(CC *aintain;update $.E log form !btain =uotations from )'!CKs approved vendors (valuate vendorKs te6hni6al =uotations )age 8 of 88
• • •
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
&ssue #e6hni6al #e6hni6al (valuation $eport F#($ to C)(CC (5pedite;followup final vendor do6uments;drawings *aintain;update ,endor ,endor 'o6umentation Status +og
#.5.! Co1e o Et8i #he 6ondu6t of engineers engaged in pro6urement servi6es is 6riti6al to the reputation and
longterm su66ess of C)( #husH it is essential that emplo>ees stri6tl> adhere toH and 6ompl> with General )rofessional (thi6sH and to the following spe6ifi6 re=uirements/ • • • • • • •
Cons Consid ider er first first the the Clie Client ntKs Ks reaso reasona nabl blee inter interest est and and se6o se6ond nd C)( C)( inter interest est in all all )ro6urement a6tivities Bu> without preudi6eH seeing to obtain the ma5imumH ultimate value for ea6h dollar of e5penditure .ollow pra6ti6al and 6osteffe6tive methods for 6ondu6ting pro6urement servi6es Subs6ribe toH and wor forH honest> in bu>ing and sellingH and denoun6e all forms of briber>L do not a66ept gifts or hospitalit> other than minor items of promotional promotional value Strive 6onstantl> to a6=uire uptodate nowledge with regard to ,endorKs materialsH manufa6turing pro6essesH and available servi6es A66ord A66ord prompt prompt and 6ourteou 6ourteouss re6epti re6eption on to all thoseH thoseH who 6ome on a legitim legitimate ate business mission $espe6 $espe6tt the 6onfid 6onfident entiali ialit> t> of suppli supplierKs erKsHH and vendorK vendorKss =uotati =uotations ons and te6hni6 te6hni6al al information
#.5.# Mte/il ReB*iition .or all proe6t re=uirements of materialsH e=uipment and servi6esH there must be a *aterial
$e=uisition F*$ with referen6e number in ea6h e=uipment and materials per dis6ipline Although in ea6h dis6ipline the responsible person ma> originate the re=uestH the )roe6t (ngineer and )roe6t *anager must approve itH after he has as6ertained the a6tual ne6essit> based on the )ro6urement )lan #he relevant 'is6ipline (ngineer will prepare the s6ope of worH data sheetH vendor data re=uir re=uireme ement nt formH formH re6omme re6ommende nded d a66esso a66essorie riess Fspare Fspares s formH formH field field servi6e servi6e rate table table for 6ommis 6ommissio sionin ning g and provis provision ion for trainin trainingH gH sour6e sour6e inspe6 inspe6tio tion n planH planH inspe6t inspe6tion ion levelsH levelsH te6hni6al spe6ifi6ation and ne6essar> ne6ess ar> drawings to be in6luded in the *$ #he #e6hni6al Bid (valuation Spread Sheet .orm has been prepared b> the dis6ipline engineer to indi6ate all main 6hara6teristi6s upon whi6h the te6hni6al evaluation should be based su6h as per the 6lient re=uirements #he *$ assembled as above shall be address b> 'o6ument Controller and sent to C)(CC )roe6t *anager for further obtaining te6hni6al and 6ommer6ial bids from various vendors )age of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
in6luded in the )'!C Approved ,endors +ist #he )ro6urement shall maintain and regularl> update the $.E +og b> re6ording all *$Ks and #($Ks issued and their status $elevant =uestions from the suppliers and;or updates to the the *$ will will be in6l in6lud uded ed and and trans transmi mitt tted ed to C)(C C)(CC C for for onwa onward rd tran transm smis issio sion n to the the involved suppliers All relevant dataH ie te6hni6al spe6ifi6ationH related do6uments and drawings et6H re6eived from the vendors will be tabulated in the #e6hni6al Bid (valuation Spread Sheet .orm b> the relevant 'is6ipline (ngineer #he final #($ whi6h 6ontains the te6hni6all> a66eptable vendors will be submitted to C)(CC C)(CC is responsible to de6ide to whom to award the order based on the final #($ and 6ommer6ial evaluation done b> C)(CC #.5.$ T8i/1 P/t3 In0etion Coo/1intion o/ C/itil Ite, C)( C)( will will prop propos osee to C)(C C)(CC C ; )'!C )'!C a list list of 6rit 6riti6a i6all items items re=u re=uir irin ing g #hir #hird d )art> )art>
&nspe6tion A reputed &nspe6tion Agen6> who will 6arr> out all inspe6tion servi6es will be re6ommended to C)(CC for their approval a pproval &f re=uir re=uiredH edH C)( pro6ur pro6uremen ementt engine engineer er is respon responsib sible le for the 6oordi 6oordinat nation ion between between manufa6turer and inspe6tor to ensure that the proper EA;EC supporting do6umentation is a66ompan>ing the materials being delivered #.5.; ?inl (en1o/ Do*,enttion ,endor ndor do6ume do6umenta ntatio tion n is re=uir re=uired ed to 6onfirm 6onfirm design design and manufa manufa6tu 6turing ring to satisf> satisf> the
re=uirements of the pur6hase orderH provide the engineering and design data to integrate the goods into the remainder of the fa6ilities provide the 6lient with information to operate and maintain the e=uipment and 6reate the data files of the e=uipment and materials C)( lead engineer is responsible to define the re=uirement of vendor do6umentation on the ,endor endor 'ata $e=uirement $e=uire ment .orm F,'$. #his shall define the item;t>pes;=uantities of data to be provided b> the ,endor C)(CC is responsible to follow up the re=uired data to vendors #.6 Cont/*tion Cont/*tion S*00o/t #.6.! Gene/l Constru6tion a6tivities will be 6arried out b> C)(CC C)( will provide the re=uired
support relative to engineering;6onstru6tion interfa6es )age 10 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#he (ngineering )ro6edure addressing (ngineering and Constru6tion &nterfa6e shall be produ6ed &t will 6over follows as a minimum/ &ssuan6e and administration of .ield Change &nstru6tion F.C& for amendment of or addi additio tions ns to engi engine neer erin ing g draw drawin ings gs and and asso asso6ia 6iate ted d desig design n do6u do6ume ment ntss su6h su6h as Corre6tion of errors and additions to the &ssued for Constru6tion F&.C drawingsL )'!C or C)(CC design 6hange re=uest during 6onstru6tion )reparation of AsBuilt 'rawings • &nitiation and administration of and response to te6hni6all> related =ueries from the • field &t serves as a 6oordination point for all pertinent data relating to 6onstru6tion &t • provides an eas> referen6e and an a66urate information transfer mode for all members of the proe6t management team #hroughout the 6ourse of proe6tH C)( will 6losel> monitor the progress of the engineering •
wors and will inform C)(CC C)(CC to 6ontinuousl> 6ontinuousl> planH monitor and 6ontrol 6ontrol all 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion a6tivities to ensure su66essful 6ompletion of the proe6t in a66ordan6e with all approved drawingsH spe6ifi6ationsH standardsH s6hedules and proe6t goals #.6.# En4inee/in4 n1 Cont/*tion Cont/*tion Inte/e C)( C)( will will prep prepare are and and issue issue engi engine neeri ering ng desi design gn do6u do6ume ments nts to C)(C C)(CC C for for )'!C )'!C
6onstru6tabilit> review and approval )'!C or C)(CC will provide all marups of do6uments that re=uire to be asbuilt #his information will be obtained from the start up C)( will do all ba6 drafting to update the related drawings up to as built status based on the approved red line marup drawings C)( will provide material taeoffs and re=uisitions as per 6onstru6tion re=uirements C)( )roe6t )roe6t *anage *anagerr shall shall be respon responsibl siblee for 6oordi 6oordinat nation ion of obsit obsitee a6tivi a6tivities ties with with C)(CC Site *anager and )'!C #.6.$ ?iel1 C8n4e Int/*tion Int/*tion @?CI Re0oni+ilit3 .C&Ks shall be issued b> C)(CCKs Constru6tion *anager and or C)( )roe6t *anager
C)(CC Constru6tion *anager or his designate shall sign all .C&Ks .C&Ks C)( do6ument 6ontroller will log all .C&Ks and distribute to obtain the ne6ess ar> approvals Approval of home offi6e generated .C&Ks will be b> C)( )roe6t *anager or his designate #hese do6uments will 6arr> an identifi6ation number for referen6e purposes #he amendment or addition defined in an approved .C& shall be e5e6uted b> C)(CC
)age 11 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
6onstru6tion staff PROCEDURE All referen6e is to be made to the latestH approved for 6onstru6tion drawings $eferen6e to
the latest drawing inde5 "o other revision to &.C drawings or do6uments will be made unless dire6ted b> C)(CC or )'!C All approved .C&Ks will be in6orporated in the IAsBuilt drawings at the 6ompletion of 6onstru6tion .C&Ks shall be emplo>ed to add or to amend &.C drawings or design #he .C& shall then be atta6hed to the master 6op> of the related drawings and in6orporated in the IAsBuilt .C&Ks .C&Ks shall be emplo> emplo>ed ed to e5e6ut e5e6utee 6hange 6hangess to &.C engine engineerin ering g drawin drawings gs or design design do6uments that are ne6essitated b>/ ,endor ,endor data re6eived after the &.C drawing 6utoff date )'!C dire6tions issued in the field • 'esign errors or omissions • #he details of the design 6hange shall be entered on the atta6hed .C& form b> C)( engineer •
and or C)(CC C)(CC field field engine engineer er An> An> ne6essa ne6essar> r> design design set6h set6hes es shall shall be prepar prepared ed and atta6hed to .C& form and shall be referen6ed on the form #his should be mared with the .C& referen6 referen6ee number number .C&Ks .C&Ks logs will will be mainta maintaine ined d b> C)(CC C)(CC site site 6oordi 6oordinat nator or &f additional materials are re=uired for the approved 6hangesH a referen6ed bill of materials will a66ompan> the .C& #.6.; ?iel1 >*e/ie &t is intended to ensure that all =ueries are initiatedH identifiedH logged and responded to in a
timel> and effe6tive manner (ither the C)(CC field te6hni6al staff or C)( site representative during 6ommissioning period will raise the te6hni6al =uer> C)( )roe6t (ngineer will be responsible for identif>ing the .ield Euer>H assigning the wor and ensuring 6ompletion C)( )roe6t Se6retar> will be responsible for maintaining an upto uptodat datee .ield .ield Euerie Eueriess log and hard hard 6op> 6op> #he #he approp appropriat riatee dis6ip dis6ipline liness will will be responsible for providing te6hni6al 6ontent of the repl> #he re6ipient of the response in the field FC)(CC Site *anager or C)( site representative shall ensure that the response is distributed to all appropriate parties #.6.5 P/e0/e A-2*ilt .ollow .ollowing ing the 6omple 6omplete te 6onstr 6onstru6ti u6tion on of )roe6t )roe6tHH all relevan relevantt drawin drawings gs and asso6iat asso6iated ed )age 12 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
do6uments shall be updated to represent the a6tual installation C)(CC as a main 6onstru6tion 6ontra6tor is responsible for the marup Fb> hand of the drawings All drawing marups are to be 6ompleted in (nglish Asbuilt marups shall be produ6ed to refle6t an> modifi6ations during 6onstru6tion or 6hanges due to operations re=uir re=uireme ements nts $ed Color Color maru marup p 6orresp 6orrespond ondss to identi identif> f> the additio additions ns and 6orre6t 6orre6ted ed information Blue Color marup 6orresponds to identif> the deletions Bla6 Color to identif> the additional notes and 6omments to 6larif> information #hese notes are for referen6e referen6e onl> and are not to be in6orporated in6orporated in the final Asbuilt Asbuilt #his should be verified and signed b> )'!C C)( will revise all &.C drawings based on the field re6ords;6hangesH approved marup drawin drawings gs and reissue reissue all drawin drawings gs IAsBui IAsBuilt lt upon upon 6omple 6ompletio tion n of the proe6t proe6t as per 6ontra6t agreement #he a66ura6> of the final asbuilt drawing will be dependant on the =ualit> of redline marups #he IAsBuilt drawings shall be issued as per C!"#$AC# re=uirement #. Co,,*nition Co,,*ni tion " T/ T/inin4 inin4 S*00o/t
%nder the intended Contra6t for this )roe6tH C)( are providing 'etailed (ngineering 'esign and )ro6urement ; Commissioning support servi6es onl> #hereforeH responsibilit> for pre6ommissioningH 6ommissioningH startup and handover for the fa6ilities lies with C)(CC .or C)(K C)(Kss hand hand over over s6ope s6ope shall shall be 6onsid 6onsidere ered d the point point when when )roe6t )roe6t 'ossiers 'ossiers and *anuals are forwarded to C)(CCH with onl> 6ommissioning support and asbuilt a6tivities remaining )re6ommissioningH 6ommissioning and startup support shall tae the form of/ $esponse to field in=uiries on an as needed basisL Site visits and training ; te6hni6al assistan6e b> C)( and;or ,endor representatives as • re=uired Asbuilt shall be 6ompleted on6e approved mared up Fred line drawings have been •
re6eived from C)(CC
$.! Int/o1*tion
#he pro6urement plan is figured out to guide the pro6urement wor to be performed b> )age 17 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
C)(CC to ensure that all material and e=uipment ne6essar> to 6omplete this proe6t will be pro6ured in 6onformit> to the re=uirements b> C!"#$AC# in terms of =ualit> and s6hedule )ro6urement a6tivities shall be planned around the overall proe6t s6hedule to ensure timel> availa availabil bilit> it> of materia materials ls as re=uir re=uired ed b> 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on C)(CC C)(CC shall prepare prepare a Bill Bill of *aterials and establish a pro6urement s6hedule #his s6hedule shall in6lude appropriate full duration for the !wner approval 6>6le for pro6urement do6uments After bid are awardedH C)(CC shall prepare pro6urement pro6edures and submit to the !wner for approval approval #he pro6edures pro6edures shall detail all aspe6ts of pro6urement pro6urement as re=uired b> the S6ope of @orH in6luding preparation of $e=uest for Euotation or )roposalH proposed manufa6turers listH evaluation of =uotations;proposalsH !wner review;auditH pla6ement of pur6hase order or 6ontra6tH e5peditingH third part> inspe6tionH marshalling;storageH importation and transportation to Site $.# O/4ni=tion n1 Re0oni+ilitie Re0oni+ilitie
After After 6ontra6 6ontra6tt awardH awardH a )ro6ur )ro6uremen ementt 'epartm 'epartment ent will will be dul> dul> formed formed same as other other fun6tio fun6tional nal departm departments ents for e5e6ut e5e6ution ion of the proe6t proe6t A pro6urem pro6urement ent manage managerr will will be responsible overall pro6urement management %nder the manager are bu>ersH e5peditors and engineers at different posts woring on various pro6urement related a6tivities #he )ro6urement 'epartment shall tae the fun6tions and duties mainl> at the following aspe6ts/
&nspe6tion and testing
Shipment and freight forwarding
#a5 #a5 e5emption for imported materials materia ls and e=uipment
Customs 6learan6e
Spare parts and 6onsumables preparation
*aterial 6ontrol and tra6ing
#he )ro6urement 'epartment shall be wholl> responsible for fulfillment of Contra6torKs duties and obligations stipulated in the Contra6t with regard to pro6urementH parti6ularl> as follows/ )age 14 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#o pro6ur pro6uree all e=uipm e=uipment entHH materia materialH lH transp transport ortatio ationH nH freigh freightt forwar forwardin dingH gH 6ustom 6ustom broeragesH laborH sub6ontra6tsH supplies and servi6es re=uired for the @orH @orH e56ept the items supplied b> the !wner
#o prepar preparee bid re=uest re=uestsH sH bid evalua evaluatio tionsH nsH re=uis re=uisiti itions ons and pur6ha pur6hase se orders orders in all dis6iplinesH and reviewH revise and a66ept vendor data in all dis6iplines and meanwhile with the !wner review and a66eptan6e $e=uisitionsH #B( and unpri6ed )!Ks that has been a66epted b> vendors for the 6riti6al and long lead items will be submittedH within 43 da>s after 6ontra6t effe6tive dateH to !wner for review and approval
#o obtain the !wner a66eptan6e of suppliers prior to issuan6e of $e=uest for Euotation for items supplied b> the Contra6torH in6luding an> 6hanges or substitutions
&n order order to mainta maintain in the effi6ie effi6ient nt perfor performan man6e 6e of pro6ur pro6ureme ement nt a6tivi a6tivities tiesHH )ro6ur )ro6uremen ementt 'epartment will wor alongside with (ngineering 'epartment;(ngineering Sub6ontra6tor #his effort will improve in the proe6t s6hedule and allow timel> resolution of all te6hni6al and 6ommer6ial 6on6erns with the vendors )ro6urement )ro6urement 'epartment 'epartment will also 6losel> 6ollaborate 6ollaborate with )roe6t Control 'epartment to well now the overall progress of proe6t and needs b> 6onstru6tion team on availabilit> of materials and e=uipment to be installed or 6ommissioned &n additionH )ro6urement 'epartment shall establish an effe6tive 6ommuni6ation 6hannel with the !wnerKs department 6on6erned for smooth liaison with the !wnerH so as to timel> obtain the 6omments and approvals from the !wner regarding the pro6urement a6tivities C)(CC shall endeavor to ma5imi providing that goodsH servi6es and personnel 6an be obtained on e=uall> advantageous 6onditions without 6ompro 6ompromis mising ing safet> safet>HH =ualit> =ualit> and the suitabi suitabilit> lit> of the purpo purpose se for whi6h whi6h the goodsH goodsH servi6es and personnel are intended $.$ P*/8in4
*ain *ain e=ui e=uipm pmen entt as diese diesell engi engine ne *%' *%' )%*) )%*)
and and @ater ater &ne6 &ne6ti tion on )%*) )%*)HH
#ransformer Fsuppl> power to , @ater &ne6tion )%*) H @ater 'raw !..H 1KK main water line are pur6hased b> )'!C C)(CC shall onl> be responsible for the following pur6hasing of these small items as indi6ate in the table as per Contra6t re=uirements S;"o
(=uipment 'es6ription
77,;400, #ransformer
)age 13 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
(=uipment 'es6ription
#an )late
1 bat6h
#an C) *aterial
Steel stru6ture
Small pipe and total fittings
Dousing material
Cable and bul material
1 bat6h
)ur6hase of e=uipment and materials as per the !wner Approved *anufa6turers +ist FA*+ and in a66ordan6e with the )roe6t s6hedule re=uirements
)ro6essing of re=uisitions from (ngineeringH the in=uir> and )! re=uisition shall in6lude all the te6hno6ommer6ial re=uirements related with the items being pro6uredH sparesH inspe6tion and testingH do6umentation in line with the Contra6tL
)repare in=uir> status reportH pur6hase order status report and pro6urement e5pediting report and update the same and issue on a monthl> basisL
)reparing pur6hase orders with pur6hase spe6ifi6ations 6omplete with all atta6hments and appli6able inspe6tionH testing and do6umentation re=uirementsH spare parts re=uirementsH vendorK vendorKss field field assistan assistan6e 6e re=uir re=uiremen ements ts and the !wnerKs !wnerKs spe6ifi spe6ified ed re=uir re=uireme ements nts for pro6urement related a6tivities as appli6ableL
#ogethe #ogetherr with (ngineering (ngineeringHH review vendorKs drawings;do6ume drawings;do6uments nts for 6onforman6e 6onforman6e to proe6t spe6ifi6ationsH appli6able standardsH 6odesH the !wnerKs re=uirementsH et6L
(nsure ade=uate inspe6tionH verifi6ation of material ? test 6ertifi6ates are performed and release note is issued prior to pa6ing and dispat6h from vendorsK wors as appli6ableL
Carr> out .a6tor> .a6tor > A66eptan6e #ests #ests F.A# F.A# for 6riti6al items it ems if ne6essar> and appli6able
$.; ReB*iition n1 InB*i/3
)ro6urement 'epartment will 6ollaborate 6losel> with (ngineering to assure timel> issuan6e of re=uisition re=uisitionss to meet the proe6t s6hedule )ro6urement )ro6urement 6oordinator 6oordinatorss will be assigned assigned for the purpose of maintaining a 6lose atta6h with (ngineering and )roe6t Control Generall>H long lead items will be engineered engineered first in the design effort So far as possibleH re=uisitions re=uisitions will be issued a66ompanied b> 6omplete 6omplete drawings and spe6ifi6ations DoweverH orders orders ma> )age 1 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
be pla6ed prior to the 6ompletion of design for long lead bul materials
&nitial bul
material orders ma>H thereforeH represent a portion of the ultimate order =uantit> for earlier deliver> with balan6e amounts to be defined and delivered later on Approved *anufa6turers +ist )ur6ha )ur6hasin sing g in=uir> in=uir> will be prepar prepared ed and issued issued in a66orda a66ordan6e n6e with with the materia materiall and e=uipment re=uisition provided b> (ngineering #he vendors;manufa6turers to be invited to bid will be sele6ted sele6 ted from A*+ C)(CC has noted the !wner re=uires that onl> e=uipment or material vendors listed on A*+ is to be pur6hased b> the Contra6torH sube6t to the following 6larifi6ation/
⑴ %se of e=uipment models with less than 3 >ears proven re6ordH even listed on the A*+H shall be sube6t to the prior a66eptan6e of the !wner
⑵ &n the event that C)(CC is unable to pur6hase in a66ordan6e with the A*+ due to/ •
#he re=uired e=uipment or material is not listed in an> of the A*+ 6ategoriesH or
&nabilit> of an> listed A*+ manufa6turer to suppl> in a66ordan6e with spe6ifi6ation and data sheets
C)(CC will propose to the !wnerH in writingH an optional itemH vendor or manufa6turer spe6ifi6ation for approvalH whi6h shall be 6onsidered on a 6aseb>6ase basis b> the !wnerH and shall se6ure the !wner written approval to the proposal prior to pro6eeding with pur6hase #he re=uisitions and do6umentation of sele6ted vendor for the 6riti6al path e=uipment;material pur6hase orders will be submitted to !wner for review and approval Su6h 6riti6al )!Ks )!Ks shall be identified b> !wner in first five wees of the proe6t &n=uir> will be international international tendering e56ept lo6al pro6ured pro6ured materials All =uotations =uotations will be b> sealed bids Euotation b> fa5 will be onl> appli6able to the small value in=uir> in=uir> &n=uir> sent to bidders will be 6omplete with all te6hni6al and 6ommer6ial re=uirementsH in6luding instru6tion to bidderH terms and 6onditionsH site servi6e agreementH and shipping and maring instru6tion to vendorH engineering re=uisition with detail des6ription of s6ope of worH sparesH inspe6tion and testingH drawingsH statutor> approvals as appli6able and relative spe6ifi6ationsH et6 $.5 2i1 E)l*tion n1 (en1o/ (en1o/ Seletion
C)(C C)(CC C shall shall pro6 pro6ur uree all e=ui e=uipm pmen entt and and mate materia rials ls in a66o a66ord rdan an6e 6e with with the the Cont Contra6 ra6tt spe6ifi spe6ifi6ati 6ations ons and Contra6 Contra6tor tor suppli supplied ed and !wner !wner a66epted a66epted data data sheets sheets C)(CC C)(CC shall shall submit #e6hni6al #e6hni6al Bid (valuation $eport of the proposed vendor for !wner review r eview )age 1: of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#he te6hni6al bid evaluation shall 6ontain the following information/
(valuation of minimum three vendors offers
Complete des6ription of items with spe6ifi6ations or appli6able data
All All devi deviat atio ions ns and and e56ep e56epti tion onss from from the the Cont Contra6 ra6tt re=ui re=uirem remen ents ts shal shalll be 6learl 6learl> > highlighted
Justifi6ation of the Contra6torKs re6ommendation of the proposed supplier
$e6ommended spare parts
$e=uirement of the vendor representative for testing and pre6ommissioning
Separate te6hni6al and 6ommer6ial evaluation on bids will be made to ensure the materials and e=uipment to be pur6hased satisf>ing the spe6ifi6ations and offered with 6ompetitive pri6e as well #he sealed bids re6eived from vendors will be opened under presen6e of two pro6urement staff #he pro6urement manager or deput> manager will be present in su6h opening #he evaluation at least for three vendor offers will be se6ured #he te6hni6al evaluation will 6onsider su6h aspe6ts as standardi and ease of operationH 6ost and ease of maintenan6eH servi6e fa6torH inter6hange abilit> and spare parts availabilit> After evaluation and 6omparison of the bidsH the optimum oneH viewed from both te6hni6al wise and 6ommer6ial wiseH shall be a66epted for 6ontra6t award Award Award to the lowest pri6ed bid shall be sube6ted to the te6hni6al a66eptabilit> of the bid C)(CC will prepare a $e=uisition Status $eport and a )ur6hase !rder Status $eport whi6h shall in6lude the information as detailed in C!"#$AC# C!"#$AC# C)(CC shall update these reports weel> and shall submit them to the !wner &n additionH C)(CC shall prepare a ,endor &nformation +ist F,&+ whi6h shall in6lude the data as re=uired in C!"#$AC#H and shall be updated and issued to the !wner monthl> $.6 E0e1itin4
C)(CC C)(CC shall shall undert undertae ae all e5pedit e5pediting ing ne6essa ne6essar> r> to a6hiev a6hievee or improv improvee the re=uir re=uired ed deliver> dates while maintaining the pur6hase order design spe6ifi6ation and 6onditions An> a6tual or potential deviation or slippage from these re=uirements shall be immediatel> informed to the !wner C)(CC will prepare and submit e5pediting pro6edure for the !wnerMs review and approval #he e5pediting wor will be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with the approved pro6edure C)(CC shall perform e5pediting of e=uipmentH materialsH vendors and manufa6turerKs )age 18 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
dataH manufa6turerKs te6hni6al assistan6e from bid invitation to deliver> to Site for vendor and manufa6turerKs items in6luding the materials on suborders C)(CC shall similarl> e5pedite all repla6ement materials and asso6iated do6umentsH whi6h are the sube6t of guarantee or insuran6e 6laims Su6h e5pediting shall be performedH as ne6essar>H for the duration of the Contra6t Complian6e with deliver> s6hedules will be enhan6ed b> assignment of des e5peditersH field e5pediters and;or b> intervention of management as ne6essar> #he e5pediters will send and re6eive e5pediting information b> means of telephoneH fa5H email or letter #he regular e5pediting a6tions and;or visits shall be performed to ensure the pur6hase order 6ommitm 6ommitment entss are being being met met *ore *ore fre=uen fre=uentt e5pedit e5pediting ing a6tions a6tions and;or and;or visits visits will will be arrangedH if the order e5e6ution is lagging behind the s6hedule and is liel> to affe6t the deliver> and overall )roe6t s6hedule &n order to meet the proe6t s6heduleH C)(CC will tae appropriate remedial a6tion with vendors and suppliers in 6ase the> are behind s6hedule C)(CC will promptl> re6ommend appropriate alternative remedial a6tion to the !wner and implement the same $egular status reports will be issued highlighting problemsH 6on6erns and 6orre6tive a6tions taen $. In0etion n1 Te Tetin4 tin4
C)(CC C)(CC shall be responsible responsible for inspe6tion inspe6tion of e=uipment and materialsH and will engage engage a reputable third part> inspe6tion 6ompan> a66eptable to the !wner to perform inspe6tion of maor e=uipment and materials pro6ured b> C)(CC C)(CC shall submit to the !wner for approval a proposed list of e=uipment and materials sube6t to third part> inspe6tion C)(CC shall also submit to the !wner for approval an &nspe6tion and #est )lan whi6h shall identif> all witness and hold points as re=uired during manufa6tureH assembl>H testing and final inspe6tion #o fa6ilitate the !wnerKs planningH C)(CC shall issue to !wner a monthl> looahead for all inspe6tion visits &n additionH C)(CC shall send to the !wner 3 woring da>s in advan6e a written noti6e for inspe6tion visit in Sudan and 10 woring da>s in advan6e a written noti6e for inspe6tion visit outside Sudan %pon %pon 6omp 6omple leti tion on of insp inspe6 e6ti tion on of mate materi rial al or e=ui e=uipm pmen entt and; and;or or revi review ew of the the *anufa *anufa6tur 6turing ing 'ata 'ata $e6ord $e6ordsH sH C)(CC C)(CC inspe6 inspe6tor torss shall shall fill out out an &nspe6t &nspe6tion ion $elease $elease Certifi6ate indi6ating that it has been full> inspe6ted #he &nspe6tion $elease Certifi6ate )age 1 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
shall be signed b> C)(CC inspe6tors C)(CC shall maintain a status log to be issued to !wner !wner for all &nspe6 &nspe6tio tion n "oti6eH "oti6eH &nspe6 &nspe6tio tion n $eport $eport and &nspe6 &nspe6tio tion n $elease $elease Certifi Certifi6ate 6ate issued on ea6h )ur6hase !rder $.% S8i0,ent n1 Ai/ ?/ei48tin4
C)(CC will be responsible for approving the release of 6ompleted goods for shipment after satisfa6tor> 6ompletion of final inspe6tions and will e5e6ute forwarding a6tivities for all e=uipment;material C)(CC shall ensure that the methods of transportation and pa6ing used are suitable for the t>pe of material and 6ompl> with environmental environmental re=uirements re=uirements )a6ing )a6ing shall tae into a66ount the t>pe of rough handling whi6h ma> o66ur during operations su6h as loading on or off shipsH and shall be designed to prevent damage to the materials C)(CC C)(CC shall shall inform inform !wner ever> wee wee with with advan6e advan6e informat information ion on the arrival arrival of ship shipme ment ntss and and the the natu nature re of the the mater material ial in ever> ever> ship shipme ment nt C)(C C)(CC C shal shalll prov provid idee information to !wner with 70 da>s noti6e on pa6ingH handlingH route surve> and transport of material involving spe6ial heav> lift and oversi a registered forwarding agent at ea6h entr> point into the $epubli6 of Sudan C)(CC shall liaise 6losel> with Sudan )ort authorities and airport authorities and shall agree on detailed pro6edures with them C)(CC shall be responsible for airfreighting of materials and e=uipment in the event this mode mode of tran transp spor ortat tatio ion n be6o be6ome mess ne6e ne6essa ssar> r> in orde orderr to meet meet the the )ro )roe6t e6t s6hed s6hedul ulee re=uirements as set forth in the Contra6t or as it ma> have been 6hanged in a66ordan6e with the Contra6t $.9 Inln1 T/ T/n0o/ttio n0o/ttion n
C)(CC has a6=uired man> su66essful transportation e5perien6es from previous proe6ts in Sudan C)(CC is full> aware of the diffi6ult> of inland transportation in Sudan &n order to provide the better transportation servi6e for this proe6tH a full investigation on SudanKs 6ustom re=uirements and inland transportation 6ondition will be made b> C)(CC at the proe6t outset #his will be essential for future traffi6 management and performan6e be6ause Sudan has a long rain> season and the Site is lo6ated remotel> from traffi6 6enters Cargoes arrived from overseas lo6ations to )ort of Sudan ; hartoum Airport need to go
)age 20 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
through some regulator> and 6ustoms formalities A lo6al broer entrusted b> C)(CC will handleH under instru6tion and supervision b> C)(CC responsible person on the following issues/
'efine the time limit for inland forwarder
$ e6eive e6eive and review the shipping do6uments in advan6e of 6argo arrival
Appl> !wnerKs approval for ta5 e5emption
)renoti6e (#A of 6on6erned 6argo and followup f ollowup the updated (#A from lo6al shipping agent and mae notifi6ation a66ordingl>
)repare all re=uired 6ustoms forms and 6omplete the 6ustoms formalities within 7 da>s
&n emergen6> of shortage of original B;+H 6oordinate with shipping 6o to get tele5 release of 6on6erned 6argo
Coordinate with the )ort Authorit> and the lo6al 6arrier for loading and delivering the 6argo to the site
&f an> damage or loss or short landing happened prior to our a66eptan6e of 6argoH mae it 6lear whi6h side should be responsible and arrange insuran6e surve> in time and obtain obtain the short short landin landing g and;or and;or dis6re dis6repan pan6> 6> 6ertifi6 6ertifi6ate ate from shippi shipping ng agent; agent;por portt authorities
"otif> the C)(CC +ogisti6 Coordinator of an> problems or dis6repan6ies asso6iated with the import shipment
#ransfer the import 6ertifi6ate of 6on6erned 6argo and other 6ustom do6uments to 6onsignee
#o guarantee the ontime and safe deliver>H a =ualified and e5perien6ed lo6al forwarder shall shall be sele6te sele6ted d throug through h biddin bidding g evalua evaluatio tionH nH and the follow following ing re=uire re=uiremen ments ts shall shall be fulfilled/
#r> to arrange all shipping 6argo to be transported b> dire6t wa> upon the vessel arrival of )ort Sudan
.or heav> or oversi as a part of a master plan in whi6h all phases of transportation from the fa6tor> in origin to the obsite are 6losel> intertwined
A wireless 6ommuni6ation and tra6ing s>stem must be established for follow up the )age 21 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
6urrent status of onwa> 6argo
A deliver> time limit must be imposed i mposed upon inland forwarder
'uring rain> season some urgent 6argoH if possibleH will be delivered b> air from )ort Sudan;hartoum Airport Airport dire6t to obsite
.or sensitive and e5pensive 6argoH prior to loading and offloadingH an e5pert of this field must be present
#he C)(CC C)(CC +ogis +ogisti6 ti6 Coordi Coordinat nator or will will issue issue regula regularr reports reports 6on6ern 6on6erning ing lo6al lo6al 6ustoms 6ustoms maters and port matters #he #he inte intern rnati ation onal al frei freigh ghtt forw forwar arde derr Fhav Fhavin ing g a lo6al lo6al offi offi6e 6e ma> also also be util utili< i > to ensu ensure re mana manage geme ment nt and and 6ont 6ontro roll is main maintai taine ned d to meet meet ob ob re=u re=uire ireme ment nts s +o6al +o6al pro6 pro6ur urem emen entt will will wor wor 6los 6losel> el> with with the the )ro )roe6t e6t *ana *anage gerr and and (ngineering group to ensure ade=uate support to the )roe6t +ogisti6 offi6es will perform the following as minimum fun6tions/
)repare =ualified bidders list of lo6al 6ompanies for provision of e=uipmentH materialsH supplies and servi6es
)ur6hase all ne6essar> material re=uired for support of 6onstru6tion in6luding the items listed above but not limited to
$esponsible for e5pediting and inspe6tionH 6oordination of all lo6al pur6hases and material shipmentsH in6luding e5pediting materials that ma> be pur6hased from lo6al vendors
$esponsible for 6oordinating all 6ustoms 6learan6e wor between C)(CC and the freigh freightt forward forwarder er for all proe6t proe6t related related materia materials ls and e=uipm e=uipment ent and the import import do6umentation re=uired for the same
$esponsible for routing and tra6ing all lo6al pur6hases and material shipments
$esp $espon onsi sibl blee for for re6ei re6eipt pt of all all )ro )roe6 e6tt mate materia rials lsHH in6lu in6ludi ding ng issu issuan an6e 6e of mater material ial re6eiving reportsH %!S?' reports as ma> be re=uired
$espon $esponsib sible le for filing filing insura insuran6e n6e damage damage 6laims 6laims and 6oordi 6oordinat nating ing resolut resolution ion of %!S?' reports )age 22 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
$esponsible for the 6ontrol and operation of the warehouse group and the maintenan6e of e=uipment while in storage and the issuan6e and disbursement of all )roe6t related e=uipmentH materials and supplies
Customs 6learan6es for all pro6ured )roe6t materials shall be pro6essed through a lo6al 6ustoms broer entrusted b> C)(CC T/i
#he lo6al traffi6 group shall be responsible for the following/
*onitor all shipments s6heduled to arrive at lo6al sea ports and airports to ensure the ne6essar> ne6essar> Customs Customs do6umentatio do6umentation n F6ommer6ial F6ommer6ial invoi6esH pa6ing listsH o6ean bills of ladingH 6ertifi6ates of originH insuran6e 6ertifi6atesH et6 to be available prior to the arrival of the 6argo
@or 6losel> with the )roe6t 6ustoms broer personnel to ensure proper 6lassifi6ation of materials as to import 6ategor> and tariff headingH and assist with the translation of do6uments b> providing te6hni6al definitions
*aintain logs of inbound 6argo shipmentsH assign 6ontrol numbers for all do6umentsH pa6ages and posting ea6h step of the pro6essing pro6ess ing through final 6learan6e and dispat6hH e5pedite the )roe6t 6ustoms broerKs personnel as ma> be ne6essar>H to ensure the e5peditious release of all )roe6t 6argo and materials
(nsure sure
e5peditio tious
6leara earan n6e
and and
moveme ement
personal;household effe6ts for all emplo>eesH in6luding famil> and single status personnel
+iaison with lo6al pur6hasing to route and tra6e lo6all> pro6ured materials
Coordinate with the 6ontra6ted tru6erFs in6luding the maintenan6eH in6oming freight logs logsHH both both o6ea o6ean n and and airH airH disp dispat6 at6h h logs logsHH prep prepara arati tion on of ship shippi ping ng noti6 noti6esH esH load load inspe6tionsH tra6ing and pro6essing of freight 6laims
!btain gate passes from !wner for all material and e=uipment deliveries
)repare and distribute of o6ean and air 6argo reportsH also dail> shipping reports to other other lo6al lo6al pro6ur pro6ureme ement nt groups groupsHH 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on group groupHH engine engineerin ering g group group or other other dis6iplines as re=uired
Coordinate insuran6e 6laims with !wnerKs insuran6e 6ompan>
(nsure !wner re6eives advan6e notifi6ation of all heav> and oversiers;e5pediters and the personnel in 6harge for traffi6 and 6ustoms affairs to re6eive and disburse all )roe6t pro6ured materials and supplies
Supervise a warehouse that ma> be deemed ne6essar> to re6eive and store )roe6t pro6ured materials
,erif> re6eived 6argoH 6he6 the =uantities against bills of ladingH freight billsH airwa> billsH in6luding inspe6tion of 6argo for for an> visible intransit damage
Che6 in detail the materials to ensure 6onforman6e to pa6ing slipFs and pur6hase orders Constru6tionH engineering and supplier =ualit> personnel ma> assist in te6hni6al inspe6tion if re=uired
)repare material re6eiving reports and an> %!S?' reportsH as ma> be re=uired from time time to time time and the notifi notifi6ati 6ation on of the field material material re=uisiti re=uisition on origin originato atorr that that materials have arrived
Store and prote6t pro6ured materialsH segregate and disburse as re=uiredH in6luding 6onsumable suppliesH small toolsH et6H within the warehouse and storage >ards
A material material withdrawal form shall be prepared prepared for all disbursements disbursements and must bear the ne6essar> approval signatures prior to release of an> materials
Coordination with #raffi6 for damaged material returns for repair or repla6ement
$.!! Reei0t o Mte/il t Site
C)(CC will 6ompile all fabri6ation and manufa6turing data dossiers;reports 6ontaining mill test 6ertifi6atesH ma6hiner> test 6ertifi6ates 6ertifi6ates and all other relevant relevant inspe6tion inspe6tion data after deliver> of e=uipment to SiteH as appli6able @arehouseman should inspe6t the relevant do6uments in6luding invoi6eH pa6ing listH mill test test 6ertifi 6ertifi6ate 6ateHH operati operating ng and mainten maintenan6e an6e manual manualHH inspe6t inspe6tion ion 6ertifi6 6ertifi6ateH ateH spares spares list list F6ommissioning spare listH vendor drawingsH 6ertifi6ate of originH et6 before the arrival of goods at site After offloadingH a detailed 6he6 of the e=uipment;material shall be 6ondu6ted a66ording to the deliver> do6ument &f there are an> dis6repan6ies or damage a %!S?' report will be issued in a timel> ti mel> manner @arehouseman will notif> C)(CC =ualit> inspe6tor and !wner engineer of all imminent delive deliveries ries of C)(CC C)(CC suppli supplied ed e=uipm e=uipment ent and materia materials ls After After initial initial inspe6 inspe6tion tionHH all )age 24 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
e=uipment and material being delivered dire6t to the Site will be inspe6ted b> C)(CC inspe6tor and !wner engineer on arrival C)(CC =ualit> inspe6tor and !wner engineer will indi6ate their a66eptan6e or ree6tion of the e=uipment;material A66epted material will be notified to the material 6ontroller of a re6eiving inspe6tion report &n the 6ase of non 6omplian6e e=uipment;material foundH =ualit> inspe6tor will 6omplete a non6omplian6e report Copies of the non6omplian6e report and the %!S?' report will be forwarded to e5pe e5pedi dito torr for for liais liaison on with with the the relev relevant ant dis6 dis6ip ipli line ness to 6lear 6lear the the %!S? %!S?' ' in the the most most e5pe e5pedi diti tiou ouss
man manner ner
@areh rehousem useman an
will will
notif otif> >
=ual =ualit it> >
insp inspe6 e6to torr
when when
the the
e=uipment;material is available for reinspe6tionH upon released b> =ualit> inspe6tor the %!S?' will be 6losed out and e=uipment ;material made available for 6onstru6tion use After 6ompletion of re6eiptH re6eiptH 6ertifi6ation 6ertifi6ation 6he6 and =ualit> inspe6tionH inspe6tionH material re6eiving report will be issued for ea6h deliver> against the shipping do6uments $.!# /e8o*e /e8o*e n1 Sto Pile A/e A/e
C)(CC will utiliardsH to re6eiveH storeH prote6tH issue andH when ne6essar>H ne6essar>H surplus all proe6t e=uipment e=uipment and materials materials DandingH DandingH preservation preservation and storage of e=uipment will be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with vendorKs instru6tionH also with the !wner re=uirements A 6ompreh 6omprehens ensive ive safet> safet> plan plan will will be initiat initiated ed involv involving ing trainin trainingH gH worer worer awarene awarenessH ssH teamworH an attitude of 6on6ern for others and individual emplo>ee safet> re6ognition $egula $egularr inspe6 inspe6tio tion n of stored stored items items will will be 6arried 6arried out to verif> verif> ade=ua6> ade=ua6> of storag storagee prote6tion provided Ini1e Sto/4e @/e8o*e
#he 6entral 6entral warehou warehouse se will will provid providee se6urit> se6urit> and prote6t prote6tion ion for all weathe weatherr sensiti sensitive ve materials or e=uipmentH su6h as ele6tri6al fittingsH instrumentsH 2 and below pipe fittingsH valvesH swit6hgearH spare parts and all other items designated designated for 6overed storage #his will generall> be through the use of the 6entral warehouse but ma>H at timesH have to be satellite;au5iliar> warehousing or through the use of C,ans as long as the> meet the minimum storage re=uirements &f re=uiredH some materials and e=uipment will be stored in air 6onditioned en6losed storage O*ti1e Sto/4e @Sto Pile Y/1 )age 23 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#hese >ards will be en6losed b> fen6ing with gate to 6ontrol all in6oming and outgoing traffi6 *aterials will be stored off the ground ground b> use of palletsH palletsH rough lumberH 6ross ties or a lie
(lemen (lementt prote6tio prote6tion n as ne6essa ne6essar> r> will be a66ompli a66omplishe shed d b> the proper proper use of
pol>eth>leneH tarps or temporar> stru6tures str u6tures All weather roadwa>s will be provided around and within re6eiving and storage areas and will be maintained with through spa6e for tru6s and operation of lifting e=uipment e=uipment #he area will be se6ured b> fen6ing no lower than 23 meters with barbed wire on the top #here will be meters meters wide traffi6 gates in at least two points #here will be personal gates ne5t to these and in other strategi6 str ategi6 lo6ations lo6a tions that will be appro5imatel> 13 meters wide and 2 meters 6lear height #here should be suffi6ient loadin loading;u g;unlo nloadi ading ng areas areas to a66ommo a66ommodat datee tru6s tru6sHH trailer trailersH sH 6ranesH 6ranesH forli forlifts fts and C,a C,ans simultaneousl> #here will be absolutel> "o Smoing Smoing in an> of the material storage areas $.!$ S0/e P/t n1 Con*,+le
As part part of $e=u $e=ues estt for for Euot Euotat atio ionH nH all all the the vend vendor orss will will be re=u re=uir ired ed to =uot =uotee for for 6ommissioning and startup spare partsH 6apital spare parts and 2 >ears operation spare parts in a66ordan6e with the !wner re=uirements C)(C C)(CC C will will supp suppl> l> 6ommi 6ommissi ssion onin ing g and and start startu up p spar sparee part partss as ne6es ne6essar sar> > up to the the )rovisional A66eptan6e b> !wnerH the 6ost of whi6h is in6luded in the Contra6t )ri6e C)(CC will provide a detailed list for 2 >ears normal operationH and the spare parts information shall be submitted in the Spare )art &nterChangeabilit> .orm FS)&$ C)(CC will also provide a list of parts of e=uipmentH e=uipment assemblies or 6omplete items of e=uipment whi6h are re=uired for repla6ement of items not sube6t to deterioration b> normal use but whose failure is 6riti6al for 6ontinual operation of the fa6ilities $.!; T T Ee,0tion A00lition
@ith the e56eption of import duties on materials and e=uipment to be in6orporated into the @or or to be supplied to !wner as ether spare parts or as 6onsumables imported for e56lusive e56lusive use under the Contra6tH C)(CC shall be responsible responsible for obtaining obtaining all ne6essar> ne6essar> do6uments and permits $.!5 Ue o Lol P/o1*t n1 Se/)ie
C)(CC C)(CC will sour6e materials and e=uipment e=uipment lo6all> so far as possibleH possibleH providing providing that the servi6eH servi6eH materia materials ls and e=uipm e=uipment ent 6an be obtaine obtained d on e=uall> e=uall> advant advantage ageous ous 6ondit 6ondition ionss
)age 2 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
without 6ompromising safet>H =ualit> and the suitabilit> of the purpose for whi6h the servi6eH materials and e=uipment re intended As per C)(CC e5perien6eH C)(CC ma> pro6ure some material from lo6al maret for 6ivil worH egH 6ementH reinfor6ement barH 6on6rete blo6H woodH et6 C)(CC ma> also pro6ure most 6onsumable gasH ie o5>genH a6et>leneH argon from lo6al manufa6turers and suppliers C)(CC will sub6ontra6t all 6ustom 6learan6e and inland transportation to lo6al 6ompanies $.!6 //nt3 /o, Mn*t*/e/
C)(CC will se6ure warranties from manufa6turers and vendors of e=uipmentH ma6hiner>H and materials or supplies pur6hased b> C)(CC and used in the @or Su6h warranties will be assigned to the !wner to the full e5tent thereof (a6h pur6hase order for e=uipmentH materials or supplies will bear the following 6lauses/ All arti6lesH materials and wor supplied b> sellers shall be of good =ualit> and free from an> defe6ts DoweverH pur6haserMs failure to inspe6t or ree6t an> arti6leH material material or wor shall not relieve seller of an> warranties or obligations provided hereunder Seller warrants that if an> arti6leH materialH or wor furnished fails to 6onform to the purpose e5pressl> e5pressl > spe6ified or manifestl> manifestl > implied in this order or is otherwise found to be defe6tive Fe56luding wear and tear from normal use and not due to 6onditions more severe than stated or implied in this orderH then seller shall promptl> 6orre6t or repla6e the defi6ient arti6le or material delivered to pur6haser at the address pres6ribed on this order at sellerMs sole e5pense #he arti6lesH materialsH or wor to be furnished are to be used in a fa6ilit> being 6onstru6ted b> pur6haser for the !wner &t is understood and agreed that all of the rights and benefits a66ruing hereunderH in6luding without limitationH all warranties and guarantees shall a66rue in favor of both pur6haser and the !wner and ma> be enfor6ed b> either of them All the vendors will be re=uired to provide twelve months warrant> after )rovisional A66eptan6e Certifi6ate $.! Mte/il Cont/ol
Sound material management will be essential to the proe6t su66ess #he sheer volume volume of pur6hases ordersH the number and geographi6al diversit> of vendorsH the numerous steps and a6tivities in the pro6urement pro6ess and the 6riti6al s6hedules 6reate a ver> 6omple5 s>stem to be managed
)age 2: of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
A66o A66ord rdin ingl> gl>HH a deta detaile iled d 6ompu 6ompute terr s>ste s>stem m will will be used used to tra6 tra6 perm perman anen entt a6tiv a6tivit> it>HH beginning with engineering re=uisitions re =uisitions and following f ollowing through the entire pro6urement and materials 6ontrol 6>6le in6luding warehousing and final issue at the 6onstru6tion sites #his s>stem s>stem will will 6olle6t 6olle6t and maintai maintain n s6hedu s6hedulin lingH gH re=uis re=uisitio itionin ningH gH pur6h pur6hasin asingH gH inspe6 inspe6tio tionH nH e5peditingH deliver>H shippingH site warehouse inventor> and field issue status &nformation from this s>stem will be used to provide the re=uired periodi6 reporting on pro6urement a6tivities C)(CC will prepare and submit material 6ontrol pro6edure for re6eivingH storageH issuan6e and tra6 abilit> of material or e=uipment for !wner review and approval #he material 6ontrol wor will be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with the approved pro6edure C)(CC will plan and e5er6ise materials 6ontrol through 6omputeri basis Sample of material status report form 6omputer inventor> s>stem is atta6hed herewith C)(CC will tae prompt pro6urement a6tion on all %!S?' reports to ensure timel> availa availabil bilit> it> or repla6e repla6emen ments ts for the short; short;dam damaged aged items items in line line with with the 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on re=uirements C)(CC C)(CC will will ensure ensure that that the spe6ifi spe6ifi6ati 6ations onsHH drawin drawingsH gsH test 6ertifi 6ertifi6ate 6atesH sH install installatio ation n and maintenan6e instru6tions for all e=uipment and materials from vendorsH are available at siteH for read> referen6e during the 6onstru6tion phase $.!% Mn4e,ent o S*/0l* Mte/il
All the surplus materials will be stored properl> and the surplus report will be issued to 6on6erned parties An> surplus materialH whi6h has been issued is sued to 6onstru6tionH will be removed from Site and return to warehouse after the @or 6ompletion #he warehouse will repeat the re6eivingH inspe6tionH storing pro6edures and update the inventor> re6ords %pon 6ompletion of the @orH C)(CC shall furnish !wner a list of all surplus and pri6e at whi6h C)(CC offers to sell ea6h item to !wner
)age 28 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
;.! Gene/l ;.!.! T8e O*tline o t8e P/o7et ! T8e Title o t8e P/o7et *elut Basin !il )roe6t N %pstream .a6ilities ()CC of )alouge )rodu6ed @a @ater ter )hase & # T8e One/: )etrodar !perating Compan> +td F)'!C $ T8e So0e o o/ o t8e P/o7et )rodu6ed water from produ6ed water sim #an #2770A of )alouge .). transfer to new 6onstru6t 4000m7 buffer tan b> 1K water linesH then ine6t to proposed wells b> 4sets of 1400@ *ud )ump and 2sets of , @ater @ater &ne6tion )ump #hat means one new )ump station need to be 6onstru6ted And install 4 water draw off pump whi6h flow rate 130 m 7; ;h to repla6e old 2sets of draw off pump pump whi6h flow rate is 30m7 ;h in old palouge palouge .). .). 4 #he Constru6tion +o6ation of the )roe6t )%*) station is outside south east to )alouge .). 3 *ain *ain .a6 .a6il iliti ities es in in the the )roe )roe6t 6t 1K water line 00m
4000 ,$ buffer tan 4 sets of 1400@ diesel engine drive mud pump 2sets of 800D) , water ine6tion pump 2 sets of 4000,A 4000,A 77;, transformer for water ine6tion )ump !ne *CC? , swit6hgear and soft start room 4 draw off water pump e> dates of the )roe6t/ Contra6t (ffe6tive date/ 'e6 1,2008 *obili 20 H 200 200 Se6tional *e6hani6al 6omplete date of two mud pump from b>pass line / *a> 1, 200 )rovisional A66eptan6e date/ !6tober 1 200 Geo4/08il Con1ition #he site area belongs to a part of the Sudan Savanna beltH and the 6limate is tropi6al #here
are twoseason patterns in one >earH a wet and dr> #he dr> season is from "ovember to ne5t >ear *a> and the wet from June to !6tober )age 2 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
*a5imum *a5imum rainfall for 24 hours is 1714mm 1714mm during rain> seasonH the ground ground vegetation is flourish and most of them are flooded b> water And the area is sube6t to 6onsiderable wind often a66ompanied with drifting sand and 6onsiderable thunderstorms and lightning in rain> season % T/n0 n0o/ o/t tti tion on a Dighwa>
&t is 1200m asphaltpaved road from )ort Sudan to $aba and 700m offroad from $aba to )A+!G%( #he offroad is in poor 6ondition and thus the transportation is restri6ted to a 0m mountainous passage from Agaba to )ort Sudan #he grading on this passage is appro5imatel> 1000KO7000K;13m 1000KO7000K;13m Some portions of the road will re=uire tempor temporar> ar> 6onstr 6onstru6te u6ted d b>pa b>pass ss road road and some some portio portions ns are impassa impassable ble during during the wet season Bridges and the @ad *adani bridges on the Blue "ileH appro5imatel> 1000m from )ort SudanH loadlimited and to pass the bridge re=uire spe6ial design of trailers with proper distribution of weightH reviewed and approved b> 6onsultant of the authorit> of $oad ? Bridges Corp Based on our observation the load on the road from )ort Sudan to the 6onstru6tion site is limited to 88 tons #he offroad portion of between $aba to )A+!G%( )A+!G%( will re=uire some earthmovem earthmovement ent and 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion e=uipment e=uipment to follow su6h 6onvo> for paving filling of deep valle> N pulling #he road is generall> in a good 6ondition in dr> seasons Ffrom 'e6ember to *a>H thereforeH we have to deliver largesi air %tili is our first 6hoi6e of the proposed transportation method b $ailwa> &t is appro5imatel> 1200m from )ort Sudan through hartoum to $aba b> railwa> But when the material arrives in $abaH it needs to be delivered )A+!G%( b> tru6 &t has been observed that this part of the road N 700m is in a ver> bad 6ondition maing the highwa> transportation e5tremel> diffi6ult during the wet season 6 Airfreight *ini *iniatu ature re airli airline nerr or 6argo 6argo air6r air6raft aft 6an fl> from from hart hartou oum m to )A+!G% +!G%( ( F if the the )A+!G%( airport 6an be used and it taes two F2 hours @oring staffs and some materials for urgent use 6an be transported b> airH but the 6ost is e5tremel> high d +o6al resour6es 1 +o6al 6al lab labor Basi6all> there are almost none permanent residents in )A+!G%( !ilfield due to the )age 70 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
in6lement natural 6onditions in this area Currentl>H the onl> people who live there are the ones who deal with oil e5plorationH development and produ6tion #he labors needed in the proe6t will be emplo>ed from outside this area C)(CC will emplo> Sudanese lo6al =ualified labors as man> as possible #his means we will tr> our best to hire lo6al sillful or semisillful labors &n parti6ularH we are planning to sub6ontra6t 6ivil wor to Sudanese 6ivil 6onstru6tion teams with vast lo6al e5perien6e and strength 2 +o6al +o6al &ndust &ndustrial rial $esour6 $esour6es es )%*) station is near )A+!G%( )A+!G%( .). .). we no need need to build build lo6al infrastru6ture C)(CC C)(CC )alouge 6amp 6an be used 7 +o6al +o6al *ater *aterial ial for Civil Civil @o @or #here are sandstone resour6es that 6an be used for foundation la>ers near the oilfield and )A+!G%( +!G%( region region SandH SandH
stoneH stoneH 6on6rete 6on6rete and wood material material need to be pur6hased pur6hased
elsewhere far off )A+!G%( Sili6a sand suitable for sand blasting 6an be obtained from a pla6e appro5imatel> 80m to 140m from )A+!G%( )A+!G%( ;.!.# ?et*/e o t8e P/o7et #he general features of the proe6t are/ large si season but we shall tr> to finish most installation before rain> season #his posses greater diffi6ult> to the proe6t arrangement &t is a fasttra6 6onstru6tion proe6t
2) )oor "atural Conditions @ater pump station is lo6ated in poor natural 6onditions it is ver> dr> and hot in dr> seasons and heav> rain in raining seasons a66ompan>ing thunder and strong wind #he bla6 6otton soil on surfa6e is dilative and loose after rainH whi6h is detrimental to 6onstru6tion a6tivities #he measures for waterproofH leaage prote6tion and water drainage s>stem must be taen during 6onstru6tion period $aining in the wet season ma> 6ause dela> progress of 6onstru6tionH whi6h maes it diffi6ult to do an> outdoor a6tivities @e must must pa> more attenti attention on to the person personal al safet> safet> and health health aspe6t aspe6t All All ne6essa ne6essar> r> prevention measures in6luding prevention against ha mobili C)(CC #he #he prop propos osed ed mobi mobili li wor wor in6lu in6lude desH sH but but not not limi limite ted d toH toH the the following/ 1 )roe6t )roe6t management management offi6e offi6e and and its staffing staffing for all all the preparato preparator> r> wor wor 2 A )roe6t )roe6t i6o i6off ff meeting meeting will be held and attended attended b> all managem management ent staffs staffs #he #he )roe6t )roe6t *anager *anager will e5plain the importan6e importan6e of this )roe6t to the petroleum industr> and and e6on e6onom omi6 i6 deve develo lopm pmen entt of the the $epu $epubl bli6 i6 of Suda SudanH nH a pro proe6 e6tt outl outlin ineH eH lo6al lo6al environmentH 6limateH and transportation 6onditions of the proe6t lo6ation will also be introd introdu6ed u6ed *eanwhi *eanwhile le the proe6t proe6t manager manager should should also also state state the C)(CC C)(CC general general e5e6ution plan of this proe6t 7 #he relevan relevantt staffs will be appoint appointed ed to do the preparat preparation ion wor wor in6ludin in6luding g but not limited to the following/
)roe6t *anagement regulations and rules "e6essar> do6umentation for )roe6t *anagement
+a>out of wor
(ngineering and design for the )roe6t
Control and management program plan for e=uipment manufa6turingH fabri6ation and transportation to the Site
.amilia .amiliarr with with !wnerKs !wnerKs re=uireme re=uirements nts of 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on =ualit> =ualit> and all the !wners !wners spe6ifi6ations
)reparation of 6onstru6tion pro6edures and =ualit> 6ontrol do6uments "e6essar> lo6al trainingH on matters su6h as the situation of $epubli6 of Sudan and
)age 72 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
its laws and DeathH Safet> and (nvironment FDS( to the staffs and worers
Sub6on Sub6ontra6 tra6tor torss shall shall be sele6ted sele6tedHH espe6ia espe6iall> ll> the sub6on sub6ontra6 tra6ts ts for 6ivil 6ivil wor wor and transportation shall be finali G>mur> .). 6ommissioning and operation with high =ualit> All the 6onstru6tion a6tivities will follow prin6iples as follows/
@ell @e ll organistemati6 approa6h Arranging
Guaranteed Eualit>H Stri6t *anagement
Client firstH Servi6e Satisfa6tor>
Safet> firstH )revention .irst
)rogress ControlledH S6hedule (nsured
;.#.$ Cont/*tion A//n4e,ent 1) S6ientifi6 Arrangement and (laborate !rgani C)(CC C)(CC based based on the )roe6t )roe6t features to organi shall be adhered t o /
%nderground wor firstH then the above ground wor
Civil earth wor firstH then installation
(=uipment firstH then piping
&nstallation of large s6ale e=uipment firstH then small e=uipment
Criti6al items firstH then general items
2 'ifferent 'ifferent Criti6al Criti6al @or or in different different )eriods )eriods #he overall overall proe6t proe6t is divided divided into into 3 phases phases in order order to ensure ensure the proe6t proe6t 6ompletio 6ompletion n )rovisional A66eptan6e )hase 1/ (ngineering shall be finished b> the end of .ebruar> 200 200 espe6iall> espe6iall> piling drawing shall be be finished before 23 Jan 200 200 )hase 2/ &ssuing of 6onstru6tion drawingsH and to start pro6urement wor for materials Criti6al wor/ #o #o finish finish engineering design b> the end of .ebruar> of 200 and to finish pla6ing pur6hase order b> A)$ A)$ 20 200 .inish pur6hasing and transportation of material b> the end of *a> 200
)age 77 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
)hase )hase 7/ 1K main main water water line weldin welding g .a6tor> .a6tor> air air pipe pipe and mud pum pump p diesel diesel pipe 6onstru6tion 'uration/ 1 *ar 200 70 *ar 200 Criti6a Criti6all wor/ wor/ "'# of main main 1K 1K pipe pipe H pressur pressuree testing testing and and pigg pigging ing Hpai Hpainti nting ng and and 6oating )hase 4/ #wo #wo mud pump Se6tional Completion b> the end of A)$ A)$ 200 Criti6al wor/ 4 sets *ud pump installation under Guidan6e of vender Commissioning of two sets of mud pump Conne6tion of b>pass water line 1K *ain pipe shut shut down tie in )hase 3/ 4000m7 tan installation H 'uration / 3 A)$ 20028 June 200 Criti6al wor/ C) installation of tan "'# of welding @ater @a ter filling test Blasting and painting )hase / 2 sets of , water ine6tion pump installation under Guidan6e of vender v swit6hgear and *CC installation 'uration / 1 Jul 200 N20 AG% AG% 200 Criti6al wor/ wor/ #ransformer installation v soft start installation Substation housing installation )hase :/ :/ .inal 6ommissioning 'uration / 23 23 AG% 200 N 18 S() 200 Criti6al wor/ transformer test &ne6tion )ump 6ommissioning B> pass line transfer to tan S>stem put into use
;.$ Cont/*tion Cont/*tion Pln ;.$.!
P/o7et P/ P/o4/e S S8e1*le
&n the light light of above above features features and ownerKs ownerKs re=uir re=uireme ements nts Hthe proe6t proe6t se6tional 6ompletion two mud pump b> the end of A)$ 200 )age 74 of 88
shall shall be
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$ )$!C('%$( (
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#/ %)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S Plo*4e P/o1*e1 te/ P/o7et P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#otal #otal finish shall be b> the end of S() S() So the following points will be prioriti'Map 1'm min
Air compressor
Electrical pressure:testing pump
Diving pump
:ray -ault "etector
:ray -ault "etector
2ltrasonic -ault "etector
Magnetic particle -ault "etector
,ic6ness measurer
Auto -ilm "eveloping
Film "eveloping an" -i?ing mac,ine
lasting e.uipment
+aint spraying mac,ine
oll aluminum plate mac,ine
E"ge roll -or aluminum plate
$nsulation e.uipment -or pipeline
$nternal epo?y coating e.uipment
$nternal +E -or trun6lines
o be +urc,ase"
)age 40 of 88
$tem No
C !" !"S #$ #$ %C %C #& #&! " ' () ()A$#* (" (" # )$ !C !C (' (' %$ %$ (
* (+ (+ %# %# BA BA S& S&" ! &+ &+ '( '( ,( ,( +! +! )* )* (" ("# )$ )$ !J !J (C (C # # %) %)S #$ #$ (A (A * .AC&+&(S/ PALOGUE 0/o1*e1 te/ 08e I
'!C%*(" # "A*( / )$!J(C# ( ((C% #& #&!" )+ )+A"
) $! $!C( '% '%$( "! "!/ )'!C3)()01
Categories o- E.uipment
4*n '1
@evelling instrument
4verall surveying instrument
Spar6 ,oli"ay "etector
Film t,ic6ness measurer
$n-ra:re" temperature "etector
Moisture meter
Auto pressure G temperature recor"er
&el" measure
+rocess instrument signal testing set
Digital multimeter
+iston manometer
Stan"ar" pressure gauge
Smart instrument communicator
Megger Hmotori/e"I
oltage meter
0>5 ≌0:500
ACDC amperemeter
0>5 0:1000mA
ACDC amperemeter
0>5 ≌0:100uA
Eart,ing resistance tester
or.ue *renc,
)age 41 of 88
o be +urc,ase"
C !" !"S #$ #$ %C %C #& #&! " ' () ()A$#* (" (" # )$ !C !C (' (' %$ %$ (
* (+ (+ %# %# BA BA S& S&" ! &+ &+ '( '( ,( ,( +! +! )* )* (" ("# )$ )$ !J !J (C (C # # %) %)S #$ #$ (A (A * .AC&+&(S/ PALOGUE 0/o1*e1 te/ 08e I
'!C%*(" # "A*( / )$!J(C# ( ((C% #& #&!" )+ )+A"
) $! $!C( '% '%$( "! "!/ )'!C3)()01
$tem No
Categories o- E.uipment
3ty 4*n
@evelling instrument
4verall surveying instrument
Spar6 ,oli"ay "etector
Film t,ic6ness measurer
$n-ra:re" temperature "etector
Moisture meter
Auto pressure G temperature recor"er
&el" measure
+rocess instrument signal testing set
Digital multimeter
+iston manometer
Stan"ar" pressure gauge
Smart instrument communicator
Megger Hmotori/e"I
oltage meter
0>5 ≌0:500
ACDC amperemeter
0>5 0:1000mA
ACDC amperemeter
0>5 ≌0:100uA
Eart,ing resistance tester
or.ue *renc,
o be +urc,ase"
)age 41 of 88
C !" !"S #$ #$ %C %C #& #&! " ' () ()A$#* (" (" # )$ !C !C (' (' %$ %$ (
* (+ (+ %# %# BA BA S& S&" ! &+ &+ '( '( ,( ,( +! +! )* )* (" ("# )$ )$ !J !J (C (C # # %) %)S #$ #$ (A (A * .AC&+&(S/ PALOGUE 0/o1*e1 te/ 08e I
'!C%*(" # "A*( / )$!J(C# ( ((C% #& #&!" )+ )+A"
) $! $!C( '% '%$( "! "!/ )'!C3)()01
$tem No
Categories o- E.uipment
3ty 4*n
Beavy *renc,
2niversal mec,anic tool
2niversal construction "evice
Arc -usion splicing mac,ine
4ptical time "omain re-lectometer
@ig,t source
4ptical po*er meter
4ptical cable cutter
St S tripping pincer
)age 42 of 88
o be +urc,ase"
C !" !"S #$ #$ %C %C #& #&! " ' () ()A$#* (" (" # )$ !C !C (' (' %$ %$ (
* (+ (+ %# %# BA BA S& S&" ! &+ &+ '( '( ,( ,( +! +! )* )* (" ("# )$ )$ !J !J (C (C # # %) %)S #$ #$ (A (A * .AC&+&(S/ PALOGUE 0/o1*e1 te/ 08e I
'!C%*(" # "A*( / )$!J(C# ( ((C% #& #&!" )+ )+A"
) $! $!C( '% '%$( "! "!/ )'!C3)()01
$tem No
Categories o- E.uipment
3ty 4*n
Beavy *renc,
2niversal mec,anic tool
2niversal construction "evice
Arc -usion splicing mac,ine
4ptical time "omain re-lectometer
@ig,t source
4ptical po*er meter
4ptical cable cutter
St S tripping pincer
o be +urc,ase"
)age 42 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
;.; Stte,ent o L+o/ Mn4e,ent n1 In1*t/il Reltion
'uring 'uring 1 182 82008 008HH more more than than ten lo6al lo6al Sudan Sudanese ese sub6o sub6ontr ntra6to a6tors rs parti6i parti6ipat pated ed in sub6ontra6t wor for C)(CCH in the field of 6ivil and power transmission line 6onstru6tion .or e5ampleH Deglig servi6e CoH sub6ontra6tor of 6ivil worH (lnourus "eifidi #ransport Co Fsub6ontra6tor of transportationH .utureH Bee and eer Co (t6 All of them possess 6ertain te6hni6al strength and sound reputation and maintain a good woring relationship with C)(CC
Suda Sudan n has a large large resour resour6e 6e of manp manpow ower erHH among among them them man> man> posses possesss 6ertai 6ertain n sills and have wored for C)(CC proe6ts &t is C)(CCMs intention to 6ontinue the engagement of lo6al te6hni6ians and labors @e understand the pro6edure of hiring lo6al labor and are familiar with Sudanese labor law &n our future proe6ts in SudanH all engagement of lo6al labor will be handled through lo6al labor offi6e and authorit> All lo6al emplo>ees whether having wored for C)(CC before or not will be re=uired to 6ontra6t with us through lo6al labor management offi6e in order to prevent an> disputes All lo6al emplo>ees will
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
;.; Stte,ent o L+o/ Mn4e,ent n1 In1*t/il Reltion
'uring 'uring 1 182 82008 008HH more more than than ten lo6al lo6al Sudan Sudanese ese sub6o sub6ontr ntra6to a6tors rs parti6i parti6ipat pated ed in sub6ontra6t wor for C)(CCH in the field of 6ivil and power transmission line 6onstru6tion .or e5ampleH Deglig servi6e CoH sub6ontra6tor of 6ivil worH (lnourus "eifidi #ransport Co Fsub6ontra6tor of transportationH .utureH Bee and eer Co (t6 All of them possess 6ertain te6hni6al strength and sound reputation and maintain a good woring relationship with C)(CC
Suda Sudan n has a large large resour resour6e 6e of manp manpow ower erHH among among them them man> man> posses possesss 6ertai 6ertain n sills and have wored for C)(CC proe6ts &t is C)(CCMs intention to 6ontinue the engagement of lo6al te6hni6ians and labors @e understand the pro6edure of hiring lo6al labor and are familiar with Sudanese labor law &n our future proe6ts in SudanH all engagement of lo6al labor will be handled through lo6al labor offi6e and authorit> All lo6al emplo>ees whether having wored for C)(CC before or not will be re=uired to 6ontra6t with us through lo6al labor management offi6e in order to prevent an> disputes All lo6al emplo>ees will be given a basi6 wor training 6ourse organi C)(CC &n the meanwhileH C)(C C)(CC C shal shalll prov provid idee lo6al lo6al empl emplo> o>ees ees with with a66o a66omm mmod odati ation onHH ne6es ne6essar sar> > insuran6e 6overing a66idental ris +abor prote6tion applian6es and medi6al 6are will also be provided to lo6al emplo>ees After the e5e6ution of proe6tH term termin inat atio ion n of empl emplo> o>me ment nt shal shalll onl> onl> be sett settle led d thro throug ugh h lo6a lo6all labo labor r management offi6e
C)(CC C)(CC hereb> solemnl> solemnl> 6ommits 6ommits to (mplo> (mplo>er er that we will will do our our best to use use lo6al laborH to in6rease the emplo>ment opportunitiesH and to provide ne6essar> woring training for those lo6al emplo>ees hired b> C)(CC @e will maintain the good relationship established with lo6al 6ompaniesH and 6arr> out our wor in stri6t a66ordan6e with Sudanese relevant law and regulations &n order to avoid an> ind of disputes between C)(CC and lo6al laborsH C)(CC will have legal 6onsultant during 6onstru6tion and warrant> period All the timeH an> disputes Fif an> happened will be settled immediatel> b> C)(CC pursuant to stipulation in 6ontra6t and C)(CC will bear the responsibilit> itself without impa6t on (mplo>er (mplo>er shall bear no responsibilit> for an> disputes between C)(CC and lo6al labor;s
)age 47 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
;.5 Ci)il o/ ;.5.!
#he 6ivil wors of the proe6t shall in6lude the followings/ earth worH 6on6rete worH pilingH assembl> of building and stru6tureH fen6ing et6 ;.5.#
E/t8 o/
1) S6ope of a6tivities in6ludes removal of garbageH topsoilH vegetationH et6 on siteH earth e56avationH ba6filling and final grading
2) $emoval of garbageH topsoilH vegetationH et6 on site a) C)(CC shall submit the following do6uments to !wner for approval
)rote6t )rote6tive ive measur measures es taen taen for publi6 publi6 and privat privatee proper properties ties affe6t affe6ted ed during during 6onstru6tion F&f an>
$emo $emova vall of an> an> stru6 stru6tu tures res hind hindra ran6 n6es es and and obstr obstru6 u6ti tion onss on the the surf surfa6e a6e or underground F&f an>
C)(CC shall 6omplete the topographi6 surve> of the area and define 6orre6t lo6ation and elevation to ensure 6onstru6tion to be performed in a66ordan6e with the design drawings prior to 6ommen6e of wor
c) !vere56avated surfa6es arisen from removing garbage or tree roots shall be refilled and 6ompa6ted a66ording to re=uirement boundar> defined b> drawings shall d) S6raped depth of the site surfa6e within the boundar> meet re=uirements of the design and !wner
3) (arth (56avation (56avation ion wor wor is 6ompos 6omposed ed of remova removall and transpo transportat rtation ion of e56ava e56avated ted a) (56avat materials and disposal of surplus material from e56avation
b) (56avation wor should be in a66ordan6e with the approved design drawingsH or !wne !wnerMs rMs inst instru ru6ti 6tion ons s @her @heree me6h me6hani ani6a 6all e56av e56avati ation on is for for e=ui e=uipm pmen entt foundationsH a bottom la>er of 200mm shall be manuall> removed
c) (56avation and grading below the designed foundation shall be 6ompleted prior to the 6ommen 6ommen6em 6ement ent of e56ava e56avatio tions ns for founda foundatio tionsH nsH underg undergrou round nd pipe pipe networs and utilities Surpluss earth earth e56ava e56avated ted shall shall be transpo transporte rted d to the pla6e pla6e where where the !wner d) Surplu designates as the lo6ation of surplus material
e) @hen earth e56avating and grading rea6h the design elevationH C)(CC shall report in writing to the !wner for approval !nl> upon the !wnerKs approval 6an the foundation 6onstru6tion or pipeline wor be 6ommen6ed )age 44 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
f) !ver e56avationH no matter 6aused b> an> reasonH shall be ba6 filled and 6ompa6ted a66ording to spe6ifi6ations
g) 'uring e56avationsH C)(CC shall tae ne6essar> measures to avoid 6aveins and landslides to prote6t e5isting fa6ilities
h) +o6ations and elevations of pipe tren6hes and e=uipment foundations shall be defin defined ed in a66o a66ord rdan an6e 6e with with dime dimensi nsion onss and and slop slopes es show shown n on the the desig design n drawings re=uirements for pipeline pipeline 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion and i) #he width of pipe tren6h shall meet re=uirements for 6ompa6tion of ba6 filled soil
j) *easures shall be taen to avoid landslides or 6ollapse of the dit6h wall pipelines k) #he tren6h bottom should be evenl> 6ompa6ted to bear the weight of pipelines All organi6 material shall be removed and over e56avation shall be ba6 filled and 6ompa6ted (a6h la> la>er of fill fill shal shalll be 6om 6ompa6t pa6ted ed in a66o a66ord rdan an6e 6e with with the the desig esign n l) (a6h re=uirements @ithin n two meters meters awa> from from under undergro ground und pipeli pipelines nes and 6ablesH 6ablesH manual manual m) @ithi e56avation shall repla6e me6hani6al e56avation
n) At road 6rossingsH measures shall be taen to eep the road unobstru6ted as re=uired b> !wner
4) Ba6fill a) C)(CC should notif> the !wner 7 da>s before filling and ba6 filling b) Granule material of stru6tural ba6 filling should be 6leanH finel> graded and inorgani6 General engine engineered ered fill materia materials ls shall shall 6ompris 6omprisee 6leanH 6leanH wellg wellgrad raded ed granul granular ar c) General soils or inorgani6 and lowplasti6 6ohesive soils
d) After the pipeline is laid and inspe6ted b> !wnerH the tren6h shall be ba6 filled in due due time time @hen @hen the the ba6 ba6fil filll rea6h rea6hes es a heig height ht of 1;4 1;4 pipe pipe diam diamet eter er all provisional supports and guards should be removed and the ba6 filling should 6ontinue a6hieve the ma5imum ma5imum densit>H densit>H the ba6 fillings should be 6ompa6ted 6ompa6ted in the e) #o a6hieve optimum water 6ut @atering if it is too dr> and airing if it is too wet
f) .or site fill and bund fillH the ma5imum dr> densit> shall a6hieve 3P g) #he final height of ba6 filled soil shall be 130mm above the surrounding surfa6e )age 43 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
!wner will will superv supervise ise the whole whole fillin filling g 6ompa6 6ompa6tion tion wor C)(CC C)(CC shall shall be h) !wner responsible for the densit> tests of ea6h fill la>er
5) .inal Grading on Site
.inal grading in6ludes e56avationH ba6 fillingH 6ompa6tionH disposal of materialH road pavementH et6
.or the area around wellheadH the surfa6e shall be graded in a slope with 130mm top la>er of gravel to drain water out
'uring the final gradingH suffi6ient drainage shall be provided to drain water from the site
'rain dit6hes shall have the 6orre6t elevationH slope and si l> as as shown shown on on the the drawin drawings gs
Cent Centre re lines lines of plat platee and and pile pile ma> not not be in alig alignm nmen entt due to hori< ori !wner Contra6tor shall ensure that the e=uipment is in good woring order before starting the wor
)ile )iless shal shalll be driv riven 6on 6ontinu tinuou ousl sl> > with witho out inte interr rru uptio ption n to a6hi a6hiev evee the the 6onditions as spe6ified on the drawings using drop hammers with a minimum rated driving energ> of 72H000 oules and a minimum minimum striing weight e=ual to the weight of the pile but not less than 1H700 g
)age 4 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
S6ope of wors in6ludes .en6ing of wellhead area and !G* areas with wire meshes
.en6ing shall be installed a66ording to design drawings
All the fen6ing wor shall be performed b> silled and e5perien6ed fen6e ere6tors in a66ordan6e with the 6onstru6tion drawings
Steel posts for fen6ing and 6on6rete foundation shall be 6onstru6ted as per design drawing
@ire meshes for fen6ing shall be lapped and properl> tensioned to avoid an> deformation
;.6 !6F ,in ,in te/ te/ line ;.6.!
)ro6edure for 1KK 6onstru6tion refers to the lo 8/t A.
)'!C provides provides line pipes with .B( 6oating 6oating Joint 6oating shall be down on site
1KK have internal li=uid epo5> 6oating
;.6.# Settin4 o*t n1 T/ T/en8in4 en8in4
#he surve> team sets out the route and sets up staes a66ording to the drawings #he surve> team shall verif> all e5isting elevationsH bends and straightline se6tions se6tions All e5isting utilities shall be mared and prote6ted from damage All addi additi tion onal al mar marss shal shalll be laid laid out out at this this time time An> dis6 dis6rep repan an6> 6> of the the information from that in the drawings has to be re6orded and submitted to the !wner representative in writing for final de6ision
(56avation shall be done with tren6hing ma6hineH digging b> hand shall be done when 6oming into 6lose 6onta6t with the elevation of pipe bottomH tren6h depth and width shall be in a66ordan6e with re=uirements in drawings
All pipelin pipelinesH esH 6ablesH 6ablesH founda foundatio tionsH nsH en6oun en6ountere tered d during during tren6h tren6hing ing shall shall be prote6ted #he !wner shall be 6onta6ted who will in turn 6onsult related department to prevent a66ident or damage
An> un=ualifi un=ualified ed tren6h tren6h shall shall be repair repaired ed or retren6 retren6hed hed to meet meet spe6ifie spe6ified d re=uirements after inspe6tion
St/in4in4 n1 Line *0
@ire rope slings shall not be used under an> 6ir6umstan6es for handling pipe )age 4: of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
Slings to be utili 6losed 6lose d in the end of ea6h da>Ms wor #he #he open ends shall not be reopened until wor is resumed at that point
#he beveled ends of pipes shall be 6leaned b> wire brushes or grinders before weldingH for a minimum distan6e of 23 mm F1 in6h from the prepared edge on both the inside and outside of the pipe
#he e5ternal lineup 6lamps 6lamps shall be firml> held in position position until the root pass is 100 per6ent 6omplete and the pipe has been properl> supported
)rior to weldingH the internal diameters of flange valvesH teesH elbowsH bends et6H shall be measured to ensure that the internal bore will allow the passage of a pig pig fitt fitted ed with with a gaug gaugin ing g plat platee of 3P 3P of the the nomi nomina nall bore boreHH bran bran6h 6h 6onne6tions shall not protrude inside the pipe
;.6.; Loe/in4 in
@eldingH "'# and 6oating ? insulation re6ords shall be inspe6ted and a66epted b> !wner before pipe is lowering inH and the dit6h should be inspe6ted to ensure no ro6sH hard obe6tsH organi6 material et6 whi6h 6ould damage the pipe 6oating ? insulation is present in the tren6h After piping has been inspe6ted and testedH the pipe 6an be lowered in Care should be taen during the lowering of pipe to prevent damage to the 6oating ?insulation A hole shall be e56avated around the oint to give welder freedom of a66ess to the weld #he welded oint shall be 6oated and insulated after welding and the 6oating shall be tested and a66epted ;.6.5 2illin4
After After loweri lowering ngin in and and inspe inspe6tio 6tion n have have been been madeH madeH the the follo followin wing g wor wor shall shall be 6ompleted and in 6onformit> with re=uirements of the Contra6t prior to ba6 filling/
Control mars Fatta6hed on pipeline
Status of tren6h )age 48 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
Colle6ted final do6uments #he #he writ writte ten n a66e a66ept ptan an6e 6e will will be issue issued d b> respo respons nsib ible le inspe inspe6t 6tor or and !wner !wner before ba6filling "o organi6 materialH materi alH ro6s et6 shall be allowed in the dit6h Ade=uate fa6ilities shall be prepared to drain water out of tren6h if re=uired All material used for ba6fill shall be of an a66eptable =ualit>H and free from ro6sH roots et6 After the dit6h has been ba6 filled above the surrounding groundH ba6fill shall be 6ompa6ted and tampedH the remaining ba6fill shall be spread over the pipelines
#iei #iein n refer refer to to wor wor done done to 6onn 6onne6t e6t the the se6ti se6tions ons of old old pipe pipelin line e
A66o A66ord rdin ing g to site site visit visit and agre agreee with with produ produ6t 6tio ion n #ie #ie in poin pointt shal shalll be at operating se6tion of e5isting 1K pipe on pipe ra6
A elbo elbow w se6tion se6tion shall shall be be 6ut after after shutd shutdown ownHH and one one new1 new1KK # 6onne 6onne6tio 6tion n shall shall be welded to repla6e elbow to a6hieve 6onne6t new 1K pipe to old pipe
#he #he welded welded oin oints ts will will be $# test tested ed and and visua visuall> ll> 6he 6he6 6ed ed "'# and and 6oati 6oating ng re6ords shall be inspe6ted and a66epted b> !wner before pipe is put into use
After the pipeline installation has been 6ompletedH blinds at both ends of the pipeline shall be removed and pigging e=uipment shall be installed #he finished finished pipelines pipelines shall be free from foreign foreign materials and obe6ts obe6ts All valves valves of the pipeline shall be in open position Sistem shall be 6he6ed thoroughl> &f the pressure press ure drops no more than 1P during 24 hours the test 6an be a66epted a66e pted All leas or pressure drops shall be dete6ted and repaired b> the testing 6rew )rior to repairH all water in the s>stem shall be dis6harged #he water used for test must be 6lean and free of siltH suspended materials or harmful 6orrosive 6omposition After the testH the water will be properl> drained or pumped to the ne5t se6tion to be tested
Ro1 /oin4
.or this proe6tH one .). road shall be 6rossed #he pipeline 6onstru6tion will be stri6tl> in a66ordan6e with the re=uirements and spe6ifi6ations spe6ified under the bid do6uments
&dentifi6ations for 6onstru6tion and lighting e=uipment shall be pla6ed at the road se6tions where the 6rossing operations is in progress after approval of lo6al traffi6 authorit> and owner and before 6ommen6ement of wor
A steel plate or other materials to ensure reopening of the road shall be pla6ed over the pipeline 6rossing dit6h at the end of wor
A steel plate or other materials to ensure reopening of the road shall be pla6ed over the pipeline 6rossing dit6h at the end of wor
.or pipeline 6rossing b> dit6hing ? ba6filling methodH the pipe dit6h shall be ba6filled immediatel> after the 6rossing pipeline has been installed on the bottom of the dit6h (a6h lift of ba6filling shall be 6orre6tl> 6ompa6ted to the levels of e5isting road base and surfa6e prior to 6ommen6ement of wor
#he road surfa6e shall be restored a66ording to the original original re=uirements re=uirements of the road
#he pipeline route will 6ross and tra6s or roads at an angle as 6lose as 6lose as 0°C to redu6e the length of the 6rossing
4000m7 buffer tan shall be fabri6ated in the fieldH duple5 assembled and installed b> wa> of upsidedown mounting in the field 4:1 4:1
#he 6ons 6onstru tru6ti 6tion on pro6e pro6edur duree of the the buffer buffer tan tan shal shalll be upsid upsidedo edown wn mount mounting ing// a .oun .ounda dati tion on inspe inspe6ti 6tion on a66ep a66epta tan6 n6ee b *aterials a66eptan6e )age 31 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
6 )refa )refabr bri6 i6ati ation on of of the sto stora rage ge tan tan d Bottom Bottom plate plate 6orros 6orrosion ion prote6 prote6tio tion n e &nsta &nstall llati ation on of of the the botto bottom m plate plate f
Shell Shell plate plate install installatio ation n of of the the first first ring ring
g $oof $oof plate plate insta install llati ation on h &nsta &nstall llati ation on of roof roof rails rails i
Shel Shelll pla plate te inst instal alla lati tion on
A66essories installation
D>dro test l
Corro Corrosio sion n prot prote6t e6tio ion n and and insu insulat latio ion n
4:2 4:2 .ounda .oundatio tion n &nspe6 &nspe6tio tion n A66eptan6 A66eptan6ee F1 C)(CC and and the !@"($ representative shall 6he6 surfa6e sier shall be leveled and free of of protrusionsH protrusionsH sags and 6ra6s #he slope shall be in a66ordan6e with the drawings and the spe6ifi6ations
4:7 4:7 *ateria *aterials ls &nspe6ti &nspe6tion on A66ep A66eptan tan6e 6e F1
#he storag storagee tan tan shall shall be be 6he6 6he6ed ed with with respe6t respe6t to the the =ual =ualit> it> 6ertifi6 6ertifi6ate ate of of steel steel and welding materialsH if doubts e5istH then 6hemi6al anal>sis and re6he6 are re=uired %n6ertified materials shall not be permitted
#he steel steel plate plate shal shalll be 6he6e 6he6ed d with with respe6t respe6t to mater materialH ialH surf surfa6e a6e 6ondi 6onditio tionH nH si fabri6ate fabri6ated d and free of su6h defe6ts as slagKsH slagKsH laminations or 6ra6s F4 #he 6ompon 6omponent entss shall shall be 6he6ed 6he6ed with with the templa template te to assure assure pre6isi pre6ision on during during )age 32 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
prefabri6ating F3 ,alid measure measuress shall shall be 6arried 6arried out to prevent prevent the 6omponen 6omponents ts from deformatio deformationH nH damage or rust in the period of storageH transportation and field pilingup 4:3 4:3 Bottom Bottom )late )late &nst &nstalla allatio tion n F1 )rior to the bottom plate la>ingH it shall be sandblasted and 6oated against 6orrosionH 30mm edge of the plate edges shall not be 6oated F2 (dge plates plates shall be laid s>mmetri6all> s>mmetri6all> both both sides and the seams seams are to be welded with base plates #he two moving plates shall be prepared as per a6tual siing la>ing of 6entral 6entral plate segments segments shall be 6arried out out from the 6enter 6enter to both sides sides and and gene general rall> l> long long plate platess shal shalll be laid laid prio priorr to septa septaria rian n plat plates es #hre #hreee overlapping overlapping plates shall be angle angle 6ut in a66orda a66ordan6e n6e with with the re=uirements re=uirements of the the drawings F4 #he #he bottom bottom weldin welding g shall shall be stri6tl> stri6tl> 6arri 6arried ed out out in a66ordan a66ordan6e 6e with with the @e @elding lding )ro6edure F3 #he welds of the the bottom plate shall be va6uum tested and free from leaage 4: 4: $oof $oof )late )late &nstall &nstallatio ation n F1 #he first ring of shell plates shall be installed installed on the bottom platesH platesH then the top angle installed and support legs legs or pontoons fabri6ated prior to the assembling of the roof plates F2 #he 6learan6e 6learan6e between between ever> ever> ada6ent ada6ent weld of of the roof roof plates shall shall be in a66ordan6e a66ordan6e with the drawings and the spe6ifi6ations F7 Support 6olumns for tan roof shall eep straight and verti6al allowan6e shall not be more than 01P of 6olumn height height F4 F4 $oof $oof plates plates shall shall be s>mmet s>mmetri6 ri6all all> > assem assembl bled ed as per per the the draw drawn n mean mean line #he #he overl overlap appi ping ng widt width h of roof roof plate platess shall shall be in a66o a66ord rdan an6e 6e with with draw drawin ings gs and and spe6ifi6ations 4:: 4:: Shell Shell )late )late &nstall &nstallatio ation n F1 #he shell plate of the first ring shall be installed and welded to the roof plateH then be lifted up with 6hain blo6s and the other other shell plates will be installed installed until the last ring of shell plates F2 #he en6los en6losing ing plate plate shall shall be hoisted hoisted to its positi position on a66ordi a66ording ng to the 6omposi 6ompositio tion n diag diagram ram and and then then 6lam 6lampe ped d After fter the the insta installa llatio tion n of the the en6l en6los osin ing g plate platesH sH the the 6learan6e of the verti6al oints and the verti6alit> shall be adusted and the levelness of upper ring surve>ed #he misalignments of girth welds shall be 20P less and that of verti6al welds shall be 10P less than the shell thi6ness of the upper plate F7 #he welds shall be dete6ted dete6ted in a66ordan6e a66ordan6e with the re=uirements re=uirements #he #he 6lamps 6lamps shall be removed H and dents polishedH and internal welds be ground with high velo6it> abrasive ma6hine or polishing ma6hine F4 #he assembl assembled ed weldin welding g shal shalll be be in in a66o a66orda rdan6e n6e with with the the follow follows/ s/ a #he shell height deviation allowan6e shall be in a66ordan6e with the drawings and the the spe6ifi6ations b #he deviation allowan6e of the wall verti6alit> shall be no more than 03P of shell )age 37 of 88
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*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
height 6 #he 6lamps shall be removed removed from the wall and the dents and welding residues repaired d After the welding of the tan bottomH the lo6al 6on6ave6onve5 deformation shall be in a66ordan6e with the drawings 4:8 4:8 @e @eldi lding ng and and .law 'ete 'ete6tio 6tion n #he welding and flaw dete6tion of the bottom plateH shell plate and roof plate shall be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with the stru6tural steel welding pro6edure 4: 4: A66esso A66essories ries &nstall &nstallatio ation n F1 #he #he installat installation ion of the the laddersH laddersH heaters heaters and platfo platforms rms shall shall be 6arried 6arried out as per drawings and spe6ifi6ations F2 #he 6enter 6enter positio position n devi deviatio ation n of of the the pipe pipe adap adapter ter of the tan tan open opening ing shall shall be as per re=uir re=uiremen ements ts of drawin drawings gs and spe6ifi6 spe6ifi6atio ations ns 'eviati 'eviation on of e5tens e5tension ion for pipe pipe adapter adapter shall be in a66ordan6e with drawings and spe6ifi6ations spe6ifi6ations #he 6urvature 6urvature of the opening pat6hing plate shall be the uniform as that of the tan 4:10 D>dro#est D>dro#est F1 All a66essor a66essories ies and 6ompone 6omponents nts welded welded with the tan shall shall be finished finished 6omplete 6ompletel> l> and the welding seam relating to leaage test shall not be painted F2 D>dro test shall shall be slowl> performed and be observed as respe6ts of the foundation settlingH strength and tightness leaage status of the tanH tan bottom and the roof F7 #he foundati foundation on settling settling test test shall be be 6arried out out to assure assure the unevenl> unevenl> settling settling within within the deviation allowan6e until the stabilit> is obtained #he bottom shall be =ualified again against st leaa leaage ge #he #he wall wall and and the the roof roof shall shall be free free of leaa leaage ge and and abno abnorm rmal al deformation F4 #he heater heater h>drot h>drotest est shall shall be 6arried 6arried out in a66ordan a66ordan6e 6e with the spe6ifi spe6ifi6ati 6ations ons and sustain the test pressure for a spe6ified period 4:11 Corrosion )rote6tion And And &nsulation F1 Corrosi Corrosion on prot prote6ti e6tion on shall shall be be 6arried 6arried out out in a66orda a66ordan6e n6e with with 6orr 6orrosi osion on pro6e pro6edur dure e F2 #he e=uipmen e=uipmentt re=uiring re=uiring insulatio insulation n shall be be 6arried out out in a66ordan a66ordan6e 6e with insulat insulation ion pro6edure 4:12 #he temporar> temporar> supports and other other foreign materials of the tan shall be removedH inspe6ted and a66epted b> !@"($ and 6losure re6ord affi5ed 48 6.6( te/ in7etion 0*,0 n1 1ieel en4ine M*1 0*,0
)age 34 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
;.%.! Gene/l
.oundation .oundationss shall be 6omplete 6ompleted d and and 6he6ed 6he6ed for for 6orre6tne 6orre6tness ss and levelness levelness as per drawings and spe6ifi6ations )rior to installationH foundation shall be 6lean with 6orre6t 6orre6t an6hor an6hor bolt bolt holes holes lo6ati lo6ationH onH 6enterl 6enterline iness mared maredHH elevatio elevations ns and levels levels established for 6orre6tness Shimming and wedging shall be 6arried out as per drawings and spe6ifi6ations
As re=uiredH perform onsite installation of the various various e=uipments as per approved 6onstru6tion
manufa6turer;vendor representative F7
.inal insulation insulation a6etin a6eting g shall shall be 6omple 6ompleted ted so that there there will will not be an e56essive e56essive amount amount of s6affol s6affoldin ding g ere6ted ere6ted in the plant areas areas where where operat operators ors will will wor wor during startup #he number of insulation 6rews still woring in the area shall not be e56essive
F4 At the time of *e6hani6al Completion Completion all fire proofing proofing and rough insulation shall be 6ompletedH ie all e=uipmentH pipingH instrumentsH instrument leadsH et6 re=uiring insulation for heat 6onservation shall be 6overed so that startup operations will not be dela>e dela>ed d due to e56essi e56essive ve heat heat loss loss &nsula &nsulatio tion n re=uir re=uired ed for person personnel nel prote6tion shall also be 6ompleted !nl> areas a reas that would be re=uired to be open for tightn tightness ess testing testing FflangesH FflangesH valve stemsH stemsH et6 et6 will will not be 6overed 6overed prior to *e6hani6 *e6hani6al al Comple Completio tion n (5pose (5posed d insula insulatio tion n is to be proper properl> l> prote6t prote6ted ed and sealed
Rottin4 EB*i0,ent Intlltion
)rior )rior to insta installat llation ionHH inspe6ti inspe6tion on for for e=uipm e=uipment ent a66ept a66eptan6 an6ee to be 6arried 6arried out out (=uipment installation in6ludes loadingH haulingH unloadingH inspe6tionH liftingH shimmingH aligningH pla6ingH and se6uring in its final position
$emove all temporar> supportsH bra6ing or other foreign obe6ts that were installed in the e=uipment or ma6hiner> to prevent damage during shipmentH storage and ere6tionH and repair an> damage sustained #his ma> need vendor assistan6e
Before positioning the e=uipmentH it shall be 6he6ed against the drawings to verif> the pipe installation of flangesH no be a66omplished a66omplished prior to final ere6tion of e=uipmentH e=uipmentH saving s6affolding s6affolding and baset wor
)age 33 of 88
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*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#he founda foundation tion and and an6hor an6hor bolts bolts preparation preparation shall be be 6ompleted 6ompleted and and 6he6ed 6he6ed b> C)(CCKs EC inspe6tor prior to installation of e =uipment
)repar )reparee foundat foundation ion surfa6 surfa6eH eH install install e=uipm e=uipment entHH and level level the e=uipme e=uipment nt as per approved drawings and spe6ifi6ations
F: &nspe6t &nspe6t and 6he6 the wor during during the 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion stageH stageH and perform su6h non non operational tests as are ne6essar> to assure the integrit> of the installation in a66ordan6e with the issued for 6onstru6tion drawingsH spe6ifi6ations and vendor instru6tions F8
.lush s>stems and and perform initial 6harge 6harge of all lubri6ants lubri6ants 'ispose of all flushing oil to an area approved b> !@"($
F F10 F10
Condu6t all operational tightness tests Eualifi Eualified ed 6raftsma 6raftsman n with e5per e5perien6 ien6ee in installi installing ng rotati rotating ng e=uipm e=uipment ent will will be assigned at site during the ere6tionH installationH 6ommissioning and startup period with vendor assistan6e as re=uired for all spe6ial e=uipment
$otate pumps b> hand to as6ertain that the> turn freel>
F2 Align Align pump with driver driver after 6oupling installation installationLL ensure that the a5ial and radial deviationsH and a5ial 6learan6es are within the approved toleran6es F7
'is6on 'is6onne6t ne6t the 6oup 6ouplin lingH gH 6he6 6he6 motor motor for for rotat rotation ionHH runin runin for for two two F2 F2 hour hourss un6oupled and 6he6 bearings Submerged pump;motor ma> be runin 6oupled After motor "oload testH re6ouple pump to motor
&nstall proper proper lubri6an lubri6ants ts FfuelH FfuelH 6oolant 6oolant prior prior to 6ommissi 6ommissioning oning after review with !@"($
&f the pump pump is is to be used used for for flushin flushingH gH instal installl tempor temporar> ar> pa6 pa6ing ing if if permane permanent nt pa6ing or me6hani6al seal is not suitable for flushing
F &nstall strainers strainers in the su6tion piping piping to prevent foreign foreign obe6ts obe6ts from entering the pump during 6ommissioning and initial operating period F:
$einstall permanent pa6ing or me6hani6al seal on an> pumps used for flushing flushing
F8 Che6 that ma6hiner> ma6hiner> guards guards are available and should should be fitted as per drawings and vendorKs re6ommendations F Che6 and runin pumpsH maintain them after *e6hani6al Completion F10 @hen ne6essar>H 6lean strainers b> operators after pumps have been in operation for a reasonable period F11 F11
Che6 Che6 the general general 6ompati 6ompatibili bilit> t> of the pumps pumps with with respe6t respe6t to an> 6avitati 6avitations ons problemH dis6harge headH e56essive vibrationsH e56essive noiseH et6 whi6h ma> hint at abnormal operation of the pump
F12 !btain the assistan6e of manufa6turers if re=uired
)age 3 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
Dieel En4ine S3te,
,endor e=uipment e=uipment drawings drawings shall be reviewed reviewed together together with the spe6ifi6ati spe6ifi6ation on re=uirement re=uirementss
before 6ommen6ing 6ommen6ing wor F2
.oundation surfa6es shall be 6lean prior to install
Before Before installati installationH onH all lo6ati lo6ationsH onsH elevat elevations ions and and orientatio orientations ns of the e=uipm e=uipment ent foundat foundationsH ionsH
an6h an6hor or bolt boltss shal shalll be 6he6 6he6e ed d and and veri verifi fied ed in a66o a66ord rdan an6e 6e with with appr approv oved ed draw drawin ings gs and and spe6ifi6ations F4
$emove all the prote6tive 6overs from all openings
'ata lines of levelsH and;or and;or a5is a5is shall shall be mared;painted on the foundation
F (nsure steel pa6s;shims pa6s;shims of ade=uate ade=uate number are are provided and leveled to the re=uired re=uired elevation on ea6h side of holding down bolt as per spe6ifi6ations and vendorKs re6ommendations F:
+evel the diesel engine sets with pa6s;shims supporting the base plate near the foundation
bolts and at an> point of the base plate 6arr>ing 6arr>ing a substantial weight weight load F8 &t is ver> important important that the siesel set base be set level level to avoid an> me6hani6al me6hani6al diffi6ulties diffi6ulties with the pump pump drive drive sets F
Che6 Che6 alignment alignment in a66ordan6e a66ordan6e with vendorKs re6omme re6ommendati ndations ons @hen the unit has been
leveled and alignedH the holding down bolts should be gentl> and evenl> tightened F10
Che6 Che6 rotation rotation of driver and and it is 6orre6t and and rotating rotating freel> after after the final final tightening tightening of
holding down bolts and pipe flange bolts F11 Chemi6all> 6lean an> an> 6ompleted lube and seal seal oil s>stemH when spe6ified spe6ified 'ispose of wastes wastes and 6leaning media in a66ordan6e a66ordan6e with !@"($ instru6tions F12 @hen @hen spe6ifiedH spe6ifiedH the lube oilH 6ontrol 6ontrol oil and oil 6ooling s>stems s>stems with flushing flushing oil and 6ir6ul 6ir6ulate ate for 6leani 6leaning ng purpos purposes es 'ispos 'isposee of an> flushi flushing ng oil in a66or a66ordan dan6e 6e with with !@"($ !@"($ instru6tions F17 Arrange Arrange for pipe wor to be finali independentl> b> the use use of proper pipe supports supports F14 F14
Charg Chargee the lube oilH diesel diesel
and water water6 6ool ooling ing s>stem s>stemss based on re6omm re6ommend ended ed of
manufa6turer )age 3: of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
)erform all the tests as spe6ified spe6ified in the relevant relevant data sheets sheets and spe6ifi6ations
;.! Elet/il intlltion Int/o1*tion
(le6tri6al wors of the proe6t in6lude 2 sets of 77v;, and one 77v;04v transformerH *CC for sand )ump H, swit6hgear and soft starter for , water ine6tion pump lightingH earthingH 6athodi6 prote6tion s>stem
#he power transformer supplied from near b> overhead transmission line whi6h shall be installed b> others
Intlltion o e/t8in4 e/t8in4 3te, 3te,
1 #he lo6atio lo6ation n for earthing earthing ele6trod ele6trodes es and the route for earthin earthing g trun shall shall be determined as per design drawings and site 6ir6umstan6es prior to tren6hing #he depth of tren6hes is not less than 00mmH earthing ele6trodes shall be so buried that their top ends are 100mm below ground ground 2 (arthi (arthing ng ele6trod ele6trodes es shall be 6opper 6opper bars with diameter diameter of 20mm and length length of 7m $emovable 6onne6tions are available between earthing ele6trodes and the earth earthin ing g grid grid #he #he unde underg rgro roun und d 6onn 6onne6t e6tio ions ns in the the earth earthin ing g s>ste s>stem m are a66omplished b> fusion welding 7 #he #he both both ends ends of main main ele6t ele6tri6 ri6al al e=ui e=uipm pmen entH tH in6l in6lud udin ing g swit swit6h 6hge gear arsH sH shall shall be earthed 4 #he earthing earthing resistan6e resistan6e of the the s>stem s>stem shall not be be more than than 10Q 10Q Intlltion Intllti on o t8o1i 0/otetion 3te, o tn
&nstallation of 6athodi6 prote6tion s>stems shall be referred to installation pro6edure 1 &nstall &nstallatio ation n of of re6tif re6tifier ier units units
a) )rior to installationH 6he6 and ensure the nameplate parameters in a66ordan6e with the unit data sheets and ensure the unit and meter surfa6e free from 6hemi6al damage
b) %nit foundation shall be level and flat in surfa6e and 6orre6t in lo6ation c) #he lo6ation of 6able inlet and outlet shall be 6orre6t d) $e6tifier unit shall be installed tightl> and reliabl> 2
&nsta &nstall llat atio ion n of tan botto bottom m anod anodee bedH bedH this this ob ob must must be down down befo before re tan foundation 6ompleted
a) )rior to anode installationH 6he6 the t>pe and spe6ifi6ation in a66ordan6e with the 6onstru6tion drawings and ensure anode to be free from an> damage )age 38 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
b) (nsure the installation depth and the spa6e between the lo6ation of anode ground bed and the prote6ted pipes to be in a66ordan6e with the 6onstru6tion drawings drawings
c) #he insulation resistan6e shall be measured prior to la>ing of anode 6ables +a>ing route and lo6ation of anode 6able shall be in 6omplian6e with the 6onstru6tion drawings #he 6onn 6onne6t e6tio ion n of anod anodee 6able 6abless shal shalll be tigh tightt and and its its seali sealing ng shal shalll be in d) #he a66ordan6e with spe6ifi6ation and manufa6turerKs instru6tion manual
e) #he spa6e between anode ground bed surfa6e and nonpiping stru6ture Feg 6able et6 shall be as a minimum of 07m 7 &nstall &nstallatio ation n of of the the un6t un6tion ion bo5
)rior to installation of the un6tion bo5H 6he6 and ensure the spe6ifi6ation and t>pe to 6ompl> with the 6onstru6tion drawings without me6hani6al damage
&nstallation lo6ation and height of the un6tion bo5 shall be in 6omplian6e with the detailed 6onstru6tion drawings
#he la>ing route of 6ables shall be as per that shown in the 6onstru6tion drawings
4 Cabl Cablee 6onn 6onne6 e6ti tion on
#he 6onne6tion of 6ables in the un6tion bo5es shall be reliable and tight with 6orre6t and 6omplete mars And And the inlet and outlet of 6able shall be glanded glanded properl>
#he 6onne6tion lo6ation of negative 6able with pipeline shall be as per that shown in the 6onstru6tion drawings
#he 6onne6t 6onne6tion ion of negati negative ve 6able 6able with with pipelin pipelinee shall shall be a66ompl a66omplish ished ed b> thermite welding or with stainless band and the painting shall be applied to 6oat the 6onne6tion
# oint shall be applied to 6onne6tion between anode 6ables and positive 6ables #he oint shall be insulated with heat shrinage material
3 &nspe6ti &nspe6tion on and and testi testing ng of of s>stem s>stemss
#esting and inspe6tion of the 6onne6tion of installed 6athodi6 prote6tion s>stem with 6ables ensures it to be proper
*easurement and adustment of the output voltage of re6tifier maes it to be 6omplian6e with the design value
*easurement of natural potential
)erform )erforman6e an6e of s>stem s>stem hoou hooup p and energi energi 6> voltage voltage withst withstand anding ing test shall shall be perfor performed med on the windings windings along with bushings pursuant to the spe6ifi6ation spe6ifi6ation re=uirements re=uirements onl> during .A#
&nsulation oil test
MCC n1 6.6( Sit84e/ intlltion ! Intlltion o Sit84e/ @MCC n1 6.6( Sit84e/ &nspe6tion b> opening pa6age against the 6onstru6tion details and progress
statu statuss with with the the EC pers person onne nell and and mae mae a re6o re6ord rd based based on the the resul resultt of inspe6tion
#he swit6hgear shall be bolted after its alignment An inspe6tion shall be made for horiH verti6alit> of ea6h 6abinet and front fa6e deviation and gap between 6abinets in a66ordan6e with relevant regulations
Swit Swit6h 6hge gear ar shal shalll be grou ground nded ed in a66or a66orda dan6 n6ee with with 6ons 6onstru tru6ti 6tion on deta detail ils s &nspe6tion e=uipment earthing s>stem and measure the grounding resistan6e
After installationH 6he6 the me6hani6al interlo6 and ele6tri6al interlo6 to ensure the> are e5a6t and 6he6 the 6onta6ts to see if the> are tight
Che6 breaers with tra6 and distribution units with drawer for the alignment of drawout me6hanism to mae sure the> 6an move freel>H units of same t>pe 6an be inter6hangeable
)age 1 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
)anel bod> and interior devi6es shall be 6onne6ted firml> with all stru6tural membersH 6he6 the fusesH C#?)#H indi6ators and rela> to ensure the> are all in 6omplian6e with design re=uirements
# T8e Intlltion o Elet/il Unit o Hi48 n1 Lo (olt4e: &f breaers and swit6hgears are pa6ed in separate 6asesH 6he6 the breaers
and 6ontrolling me6hanism when re6eived to ensure the parts are 6ompleteH free from me6hani6al damage damage or 6orrosionH and insulation insulation parts shall not be found deformation or damped
#he 6onne6tion parts at the end of insulation bra6e shall be stable and firm #he por6elainbusing surfa6e shall be smoothH free from 6ra6s or damages
#he a6tion of breaer 6ombined with 6ontrolling me6hanism shall be 6orre6t and e5a6tH free from blo6ade #he indi6ations for swit6h on and swit6hoff shall be 6orre6t #he a6tion of au5iliar> swit6h shall be 6orre6t and reliable
#he installation of isolating swit6h and load swit6h
*e6hanism;driving unit;au5iliar> swit6h and interlo6 devi6e shall be stable installedH the a6tion fle5ible and reliableH and position indi6ation 6orre6t
#he as>n6hronous value of 7 phases shall 6onform to the te6hni6al regulation of the produ6t when swit6h is on
#he 6onta6t shall 6onta6t well and firml> when the swit6h is on
Li48tin4 intlltion ! T8e Intlltion o Li48t ?it*/e: Che6 Che6 the the t>pe t>pe and and spe6i spe6ifi6 fi6ati ation on of ligh lightt fi5tu fi5tures res to ensu ensure re the> the> are are in
6omplian6e with area 6lassifi6ation regulations
Sele6t Sele6t light light fi5ture fi5ture and instal installati lation on mode mode in a66ord a66ordan6 an6ee with with engine engineeri ering ng drawings #he lighting fi5ture shall have 6omplete set of fitting partsH free from me6hani6al damageH deformationH 6ra6s on lamp or paint stripped and it shall be in good insulation as well
&n a66ordan6e with engineering drawingsH finish the assembling of light fi5tures and pole pole and 6omple 6omplete te install installatio ation n shall shall be uniform uniform %pon %pon 6omple 6ompletio tion n the fi5ture shall be powered up for the lighting test
#he swit6h height of light fi5ture installed in a same pla6e shall be uniform !n ever> la>er of e=uipment platformsH the light fi5tures shall be s>mmetri6all> arranged and aligned
)age 2 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#he light fi5ture and support shall be fi5ed firml> and stable #he light fi5tures shall be beautifull> installed and in good order #he pole shall be straightH stable and the welding points shall be treated with paint
#he orientation in whi6h the light fi5ture installed shall be adusted to give optimum lighting distributionL it 6an 6onform with the operating re=uirements
Attention should be given to installation of light fi5ture when highpressure sodium light is installed
%pon %pon the the inst install allat atio ion n 6omp 6omplet letio ion n of e5pl e5plos osio ion npr proo ooff ligh lightt fi5tu fi5tureH reH the the 6onne6tion interfa6es shall be glanded
Before streetlights are ere6tedH the assembl> of the fi5ture shall be first fitted on the ground groundHH and thenH thenH e5amine e5amine and test wiring wiring 6onne6t 6onne6tion ionss and insula insulatio tion n resistan6e After the lights is powered and litH lift the assembl> fi5ture with a 6rane and firml> fi5 it on the ground
# T8e Intlltion o Soet Che6 the t>pe and spe6ifi6ations of so6et to ensure the> are in 6omplian6e
with the re=uirements of area 6lassifi6ation
#he height of so6ets installed in the same pla6e shall be identi6al and the orienta orientatio tion n in whi6h whi6h the light light so6et so6etss install installed ed shall shall satisf> satisf> the operat operating ing re=uirements
#he 6onne6tion of so6et and 6able shall be in 6omplian6e with the terminal mar
#he 6able inlet of so6et installed in antie5plosion area shall be well glanded
Clear mars shall be made for so6ets of different voltage levels
H( +le Te/,intion #he fabri6ation for the terminals of power 6ables shall be undertaen b> the
6ompetent personnel who are familiar with the fabri6ation pro6ess as per the detailed set6hes supplied b> the manufa6turers
@hen fabri6ating the D, 6able terminals and midoints in outdoor spotsH no dust dust or forei foreign gn mater material ialss shal shalll be permi permitte tted d to fall fall into into the the insu insulat latio ion n Constru6tion under the fogg> or raining 6ondition shall be forbidden
#he leadsheathed 6ables shall be leadsealed #he leadsheathed and armored la>er of all terminals of 6ables shall be well earthed
)age 7 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#he D, 6ables terminals shall be made of thermal shrinage materials and 6arried 6arried with with the devi6e devi6ess of stress stress relievi relievingH ngH 6able shield shielding ingHH and armored armored earthing et6
Befo Before re the the 6able 6abless are fina finall> ll> 6onn 6onne6t e6ted edHH the the testi testing ng for for 6ond 6ondu6t u6tio ion n and and insulation resistan6e shall be made #he 'C withstand voltage test shall be made to the highvoltage 6ables as per the relevant stipulation
All the 6ables shall have the labels atta6hed on both ends of the 6ables whi6h mar mar the 6able 6able number numbersH sH t>pesH t>pesH spe6ifi spe6ifi6ati 6ations onsHH startin starting g points points and terminal terminal points from the 6able lists #he labels shall not be atta6hed on the 6onne6tion spots and 6ontrolling station of motors
Intlltion o Int/*,en ,ent EB*i0,en ,ent
#he height Ffrom 6enter of instrument to floor or platform of installed lo6al instrument shall 6ompl> with the re=uirementH 'ispla> instrument shall be installed at visible pla6es
&nstrument shall be installedH far awa> from magneti6 fields and heat sour6esH ept at vibration free pla6esH and prote6ted from 6orrosion
&nline installed instrument or measuring elements shall be removed from the linesH when pipelines are purgedL and reinstalled after purging
&nstrument shall be installed at pla6es providing eas> a66ess for reading
&nstrument supports shall be se6ure and safe and the> shall be 6oated
)ressure instrument .or pressure tapping of pressure instrumentH d>nami6 pressure affe6tion shall be avoided as possible
#emperature ins instrument #hermometers shall be installed in the pla6es where mediums flow smoothl> and the 6orre6t temperature 6an be refle6ted
#he sensors of thermometers shall be installed near the 6enterline of piping .or piping smaller than '"80H e5panded tubes shall be added pursuant to design stipulation
Bimetal thermometers shall be prote6ted from bending and deformation of prote6tion tubes in storageH transportationH installation insta llation and useH when the> have to be rotated in installationH e5erting for6e on the instrument shall be avoid in all 6ases
Bulb thermometers Ftemperature swit6hes shall be inspe6ted for damage of the )age 4 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
pressure tapping and seal fa6e before installationH a preinstallation shall be made prior to the a6tual installation #he Bulbs shall be able to be installed and removed freel> #he> shall be full> submerged in the medium Capillaries shall be prote6ted and shall be se6ured with tapes after a6tual installation #he bending radius shall be in a66ordan6e with the te6hni6al re=uirement 7
Control valves Control valves shall be installed verti6all> in the pla6es where operation and maintenan6e are eas>H supports shall be installed if ne6essar>
#he height height of valve valve pedesta pedestall above above floor floor shall shall be in a66orda a66ordan6e n6e with the re=uirement
#he solenoid valve separatel> installed shall be as near to the a6tuator as possible without interfering normal operation and maintenan6e
.ield 6ontrol panels
&nstallation of field 6ontrol panels fa6ilitates operation and maintenan6e
.ield 6ontrol panels shall possess safe and se6ure prote6tion earth bars
Eualifi Eualified ed person personnel nel shall shall 6he6 6he6 boardi boardinst nstalle alled d instrum instrument ent of field field 6ontro 6ontroll panels
C+le L3in4 Don n1 i/in4
Cable arr arrived at sit site sha shall be 6he6ed to mae sure that their t>pe t>pessH spe6ifi6ations and =uantities are in 6onformit> with the design re=uirementsH no visual damages and defe6ts e5ist and 6ertifi6ates are provided
A list list for 6able 6able allo allo6a 6atio tions ns shall shall be prep prepar ared ed a66or a66ordi ding ng to the the a6tual a6tual lengt length h of 6ables delivered to site and the length for la>ing #he se=uen6e for la>ing down shall be arranged and de6ided a66ording to site situation
Afte Afterr the the 6ons 6onstr tru6 u6ti tion on of 6abl 6ablee tra> tra>ss Ftre Ftren6 n6he hes s is 6ompl 6omplet eted ed the fore foreig ign n materials shall be removed from inside and 6ables will be laid down until 6onditions permit
)rio )riorr to la>in la>ing g downH downH 6abl 6ables es shall shall be inspe inspe6te 6ted d and teste tested d for their their 6ont 6ontin inui uit> t> and insulation propert> and re6ords shall be made in time
#he surf surfa6e a6e 6olo 6olorr of intri intrinsi6 nsi6 6able 6able is blue blue and and the> the> shall shall be laid down down separat separatee from the nonintrinsi6 6ables
General Generall> l>HH 6ables 6ables will will be laid laid down down in in a single single a6tio a6tionH nH Cauti Caution on shall shall be be taen taen to prote6t 6ables from damage &ndelible identifi6ation mars shall be tied at the ea6h end of the 6able #he arrangement of 6ables in tra>s Ftren6hes shall be )age 3 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
neat @hen 6ables are laid in verti6alH suitable supports will be provided to se6ure them :
Afte Afterr 6om 6ompleti letio on of 6ab 6able la> la>ingH ingH a furt furth her insp inspe6 e6ti tion on and and test test for for thei their r 6ontinuit> and insulation propert> shall be 6arried out A re6ord for 6able la>ing and for remeasu remeasurem rement ent of insulat insulation ion resistan resistan6e 6e shall shall be 6omple 6ompleted ted @hen @hen 6onfirm 6onfirmed ed satisfa6 satisfa6tor tor> > the 6able tra> 6overs 6overs shall shall be install installed ed as soon soon as possible to prote6t 6ables from me6hani6al damage and fire
@hen @hen 6abl 6ables es are are laid laid down down in tren tren6h 6hes esHH sand sand or soft soft soil soil will will be fille filled d and 6ompa6ted in a66ordan6e the drawing re=uirements
(le6tri6 (le6tri6al al 6onti 6ontinui nuit> t> shall shall be be well well mainta maintained ined for the the 6able 6able shie shields lds !ne !ne end of the 6able shield shall be earthed on the side of the 6ontrol room %nless re=uired otherwise in the design do6umentsH the indoor 6ables shall be earthed at the pla6e defined in the design drawings
10 .ieldmounte .ieldmounted d instrumen instruments ts shall shall be earthed in a66ordan a66ordan6e 6e with the re=uirem re=uirement ent in design do6uments and instru6tion 11 11
After After 6omp 6omplet letio ion n of instrum instrumen entt loop loop testsH testsH the entra entran6 n6ee of 6ables 6ables bene beneat ath h a 6abinet shall be 6leaned for prote6tion #he method of sealing and t>pe of material used will be de6ided before the 6abinets are delivered
;.!$ Mte/il Hn1lin4 Hn1lin4 Sto/4e Sto/4e n1 Deli)e/in4 Deli)e/in4 Mte/il Hn1lin4 1I
Materials s,all be ,an"le" *it, suitable slings pipe ,oo6s leat,er belts an" steel plate clamps to prevent prevent "amage to t,e materials> $- *ire ropes are use" liners s,oul" s,oul" be place" bet*een t,e rope an" t,e material>
$- sections o- steels or steel plate are ,an"le" t,e "istance bet*een *ire ropes an" t,e *eig,t o- t,e material s,all be consi"ere" to prevent "amage or "e-ormation o- t,e materials>
Cauti Caution on s,a s,allll be be mar6e mar6e" " on t,e mater material ial pac6a pac6age ges s *,ic, *,ic, are not to be be comp compact acte" e" or inverte" eac, pac6age s,all be ,an"le" as a unit>
)age of 88
4 5I
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
&f damaged damaged e=uipm e=uipment ent are found found during during handli handlingH ngH the the damaged damaged e=uipme e=uipment nt shall shall be re6ordedH and the pur6hasing department shall be informed ,e ,e e.ui e.uipm pmen entt an" an" materi material al s,all s,all be mar6e mar6e" " "uri "uring ng ,an" ,an"li ling ng an" an" transp transpor orta tati tion on
t,e mar6s or tags s,all not be remove" "amage" or erase">
Mte/il Reei0t n1 Sto/4e
1 #he warehouse warehouse shall be 6onstru6ted 6onstru6ted 6lose 6lose to the living areas areas with smaller sistem s>stem ensuring ensuring withdrawals withdrawals are made using a *aterial *aterial @ithdraw @ithdrawal al $e=uest F*@$ authori the Constru6tion *anager 7 $e6ei $e6eipt ptss must must be 6he6 6he6ed ed for for 6orre 6orre6t 6t =ual =ualit> it>HH spe6i spe6ifi6 fi6ati ation on =uant =uantit> it>HH and and model;tag numbers against 'rawings as ne6essar>H 6oding against the pa6ing list and pur6hase order A *aterials $e6eipt $eport F*$$ must be raised and issued to EC 4
#he #he EC depart departme ment nt shall shall ensu ensure re all e=ui e=uipm pmen entt and mater materia ials ls 6omp 6ompl> l> with with the the te6hni6al spe6ifi6ations and the se6ond 6lause herein and sign off the *$$ if satisfied &tems la6ing 6ertifi6ation shall be =uarantined until all defi6ien6ies are satisfied
.or *ate *aterial rial dis6r dis6repan epan6ies 6iesHH damage damagesH sH short shortage agesH sH overa overagesH gesH non6o non6onfo nformit rmit> > with with the )! or spe6ifi6ation spe6ifi6ation re=uirements re=uirements EC shall raise a "onConfo "onConformit> rmit> $eport F"C$ to *aterial Control to issue and una66eptable !verageH Shortage and 'amage $eport F%!S?'H interfa6ing with pro6urement and engineering to resolve
'amage 'amaged;d d;defe6 efe6tiv tivee materi materials als shal shalll be =uaran =uarantin tined ed and and tagg tagged ed "ot "ot for %se %se
#he #he engin enginee eerr shall shall de6ide de6ide whet whethe herr defe6t defe6tiv ivee materi material alss 6an be used used and and the use use of material not 6ompl>ing with the spe6ifi6ation is sube6t to )'!C written approval
All pa6 pa6ed ed mater materials ials shal shalll be repa repa6e 6ed d after after inspe6 inspe6tin ting g if not not used used imme immediat diatel> el>
*aterial *aterial Contro Controll shall shall prote prote6t 6t materi materials als agai against nst dama damage ge duri during ng re6ei re6eiptH ptH storag storagee and issueH 6orrosion and deterioration ensuring the *anufa6turerKs ne6essar> +ifti +ifting ngHH hand handli ling ng storag storagee and and prese preserv rvat atio ion n pro6 pro6ed edure uress are avail availabl ablee and and followed )age : of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
@elding @e lding *aterials *aterials shall shall be stored stored and lo6ed lo6ed in a se6ured se6ured dedi6ated dedi6ated warehou warehouse se and 6ontrolled b> spe6ifi6 personnel using temperature and humidit> 6ontrol e=uipment as ne6essar>
11 11
Steel Steel produ6t produ6tss shall be stored stored togeth together er on sleeper sleeperss to prevent prevent soil 6onta 6onta6tH 6tH but but segregated a66ording to gradeH si tagged
#he distan6e distan6e between between supports supports shall prevent prevent steel steel pipe pipe plates plates and se6tions se6tions from distorting Sta6ing height restri6ted to prevent weight damage and toppling @edges;stops shall be pla6ed at sta6 ends to prevent 6ollapsing and rolling )rote6tive *aterials shall be used for 6oated pipe
17 17
@here @here possibl possiblee maor and and heav> heav> e=uipme e=uipment nt must must be shipped shipped dire6t dire6t to the ob ob site to redu6e handling
14 14
Spe6ial Spe6ial tools tools must must be stored stored separatel separatel> >H signed signed out out for useH signed signed in on retur return n and maintained in good order
13 13
Cabl Cablee 6an 6an be stored stored outsi outside deHH on sleepe sleepers rs to prev preven entt soil soil 6onta6t 6onta6t Cabl Cablee reels reels shall be hooded to prote6t against sunlight
;.!; Cont/*tion Cont/*tion >*lit3 Mn4e,ent
1 C)(CC establishes a EA;EC department under proe6t management management offi6e #he EAE;EC department is responsible for =ualit> managementH supervision and inspe6tion #here are some fulltime EA engineers and EC inspe6tors in the EA;EC department and 6onstru6tion teams #he> will be in 6harge of the =ualit> =ualit> managem managementH entH superv supervisio ision n and inspe6 inspe6tio tionH nH 6arr>in 6arr>ing g out the proe6t proe6t =ualit> plan and the do6uments of &S! 000 =ualit> s>stem stri6tl> under the ownerKs supervision 2 #he #he proe6t proe6t managem management ent offi6e offi6e shall establish establish a =ualit> =ualit> assuran assuran6e 6e s>stem in a66ordan6e with &S! 000 =ualit> s>stemH prepare pro6edure do6uments for 6onstru6tion and for 6onstru6tion =ualit> 6ontrol prior to 6onstru6tion Constru6tion and inspe6tion a6tivities shall be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with the 6ontra6tH the spe6ifi6ations and the pro6edure do6uments ;.!5 Cont/*tion Cont/*tion >*lit3 Cont/ol Cont/ol @>C @>C
All All EC oper operat atio ions ns are are resp respo onsibl siblee for for enfo enfor6 r6in ing g the the =uali ualit> t> s>st s>stem em thu thus ensuring engineering meets the re=uired =ualit> obe6tives
A spe6 spe6if ifi6 i6 =uali ualit> t> insp inspe6 e6ti tion on plan lan shal shalll be prep repared ared for for ea6h ea6h dis6i is6ipl plin ine e )age 8 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
&nspe6t &nspe6tion ion Dold Dold )oints )oints shall shall be determ determine ined d for e> and maor maor operati operationa onall se=uen6es se=uen6es #he EC (ngineer (ngineer will not permit permit wor to pro6eed to the ne5t step until he;she has inspe6ted the Dold )oint and issued an &nspe6tion $elease "ote 7
Euali Eualit> t> supe superv rvisi ision on of four four leve levels ls as as fol follo lows/ ws/
+evel +evel A Eualit> Eualit> supervisi supervision on is 6arried 6arried out b> )'!C )'!C or the superv supervisio ision n 6ompan>
+evel B b> the proe6t EA;EC *anagement engineers
+evel C b> the sub6ontra6tors or the 6onstru6tion teams
+evel ' b> the 6onstru6tion groups
#he method for =ualit> managementH awards and penalties will be implemented EA;EC has the right to inspe6t the =ualit> of 6onstru6tion teams or sub6ontra6tors 6overing an> dis6ipline at an> time during 6onstru6tion #he> have the authorit> to ree6t 6onstru6tion wor stating the reasonsH and the right to issue timelimited list of remedial a6tionsFs re=uiredH pla6ing a hold on further wor until the re6tifi6ation until satisfied all 6orre6tions have met the EA;EC re=uirements
A wee weel> l> Eua Eualit lit> > meeti meeting ng will will be held held to dis6u dis6uss ss 6urren 6urrentt issues issues and and progr progres esss and the overall overall =ualit> =ualit> inspe6tio inspe6tion n and monthl> monthl> to dis6uss dis6uss and evaluate evaluate the operations of the =ualit> assuran6e s>stem and to anal> and effe6t a program of a6tions to resolve an> outstanding issues
.easib .easible le and and pra6ti pra6ti6ab 6able le measur measures es shall shall be be taen taen in in rain> rain> and and wind wind> > seaso seasons ns to provide good to guarantee guarantee the welding =ualit>
Stri Stri6t 6t insp inspe6t e6tio ions ns and and =ual =ualit> it> 6he6 6he6ss of oper operati ation onal al se=ue se=uen6 n6es es shall shall be 6ondu6 6ondu6ted ted @hen @hen 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on is 6omple 6ompleteH teH the re6ords re6ords shall shall be audited audited &nspe6tion &nspe6tion of e> operational operational se=uen6es se=uen6es against against holdpoints holdpoints shall be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with the re=uirements in the pro6edure do6uments and in the presen6e of representatives of parties F!wnerH Supervision Compan> and Contra6tor #he 6onstru6tion a6tivities of the ne5t operational se=uen6e 6annot be performed until the se=uential a6tion immediatel> prior has been a66epted and 6onfirmed in writing
;.!6 Cont/*tion >*lit3 A*/ne Me*/e A*/ne Me*/e )age of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
C)(CCKS shall be full> implement its EA poli6ies (ffe6tive =ualit> assuran6e s>stem shall be established and maintained throughout the 6onstru6tion phase #he Eualit> plan and =ualit> management regulations shall be prepared and 6arried out in during 6onstru6tion
Constru6tion 6rews will be trained in a66ordan6e with the re=uirements of the =ualit> s>stem to ensure the engineering =ualit> Staffs will be edu6ated to set up the 6ons6iousness of IEualit> .irst and Customer .oremostH to be familiar with with and and to foll follow ow the the 6ode 6odesH sH the the spe6i spe6ifi fi6at 6atio ions nsHH the the stan standa dard rdss and and the the pro6eduresH to re6eive the supervision and the inspe6tion of )'!C and the supervision 6ompan> and to perform the instru6tions from their representatives
*easures to be taen
(stabli (stablishm shment ent of of the the =ualit =ualit> > s>stem s>stem and 6omple 6ompletio tion n of the the =ual =ualit> it> mana managem gement ent organi management and =ualit> assuran6e
!nl> 6ertified and 6ompetent fulltime =ualit> management personnel will be assig assigne ned d #he #he =uali =ualit> t> mana managem gement ent depa departm rtmen entt has has the the righ rightt to 6ond 6ondu6 u6tt surveill surveillan6 an6ee inspe6t inspe6tion ion and award award and penali< penali > #he #he =ualit> =ualit> management department is responsible for inspe6tionH a66eptan6e and treatment of routine =ualit> issues
#he Eualit> Assuran6e (ngineer of the proe6t is the responsible person in 6harge of 6onstru6tion methodolog>H the =ualit> assuran6e persons are those who who are are in 6har 6harg ge of moni monito tori ring ng the the =ual =ualit it> > 6ons 6onstr tru6 u6ti tion on team teamss and and sub6ontra6tors
)rior to 6onstru6tionH all the staffs and management will be familiari 6odesH spe6ifi6ationsH standards and =ualit> re=uirements and 6onstru6tion drawings related to the proe6t #he> shall read and review the 6onstru6tion drawings on as ne6essar> on an interdis6iplinar> s=uad6he6 basis to familiariouts and inter6onne6tions of diff differe erent nt mater material ialss and and e=ui e=uipm pmen entt and and draw draw up an> an> spe6i spe6ial al oper operati ation onal al pro6edures and stipulate an> hold points
As materials and e=uipment arriveH the> shall be 6he6ed against the material re=uisition spe6ifi6ationsH drawings in terms of si and against )age :0 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
international 6odes and standards
An a66eptan6e "ote will then be issued &f the> are ree6tedH the reasons will be given on the ree6tion noteH prohibiting their useH and outlining a 6ourse of remedial a6tion or the> are repla6ed as ne6essar>
All raw materialsH fittingsH partsH 6omponentsH e=uipment for proe6t use must be supplied with material 6ertifi6ates and shop 6ertifi6ates .or spe6ial materialsH attention shall be paid to identifi6ationH maring and maring for 6utting Fensuring re6ords are made at the time and properl> ept
#esti #esting ng and meterin metering g apparat apparatus us or e=uipm e=uipment ent shall shall have have valid valid up to date date 6alibration 6ertifi6ates #he> shall be maintained and stored in a66ordan6e with the relevant regulations to ensure their a66ura6>
Carr>ing out stri6t pro6ess =ualit> 6ontrol C)(CCK will be full> responsible to the !wner for the timeliness and =ualit> of 6onstru6tionH proe6t handover and subse=uent ease during proe6t operation
#he Dandover shall be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with the stipulations in the I#able I#able for =ualit> Control of !perational Se=uen6es of )roe6t Constru6tion to insure insure agains againstt startin starting g the ne5t ne5t se=uen6 se=uen6ee from from an una66ep una66eptab table le se=uen6e se=uen6e )erio )eriodi di66 and and non nonpe perio riodi di66 insp inspe6t e6tio ions ns shall shall be orga organi ni inspe6tors inspe6tors to improve improve 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion =ualit> and 6orre6t =ualit> non6onformities arising in 6onstru6tion
.or e> spots and diffi6ult points in proe6t 6onstru6tionH e> and spe6iali manu manual al and and the the hold holdp poi oint nt insp inspe6t e6tio ions ns shal shalll be made made for for e> e> poin points ts in a66ordan6e with the spe6ified inspe6tion manners and 6onditions against the spe6ified inspe6tion tables b> the dedi6ated inspe6tors
#hor #horou ough ghl> l> manag managee =ualit> =ualit> well well into into 6onstr 6onstru6 u6ti tion onHH su6h as pressu pressure re testi testing ngHH 6ommissioning and start up
.or me6hani6all> 6ompleted s>stems FitemsH an overall inspe6tion shall be made before 6ommissioning #his is to 6onfirm the 6onstru6tion of the e> a6tivities a6tivitie s and pro6esses satisf> the re=uirements in spe6ifi6ations and standards Che6s are 6arried out to ensure 6orre6t materials and fittings are used in the high pressure and temperature te mperature s>stemsH no additional stress is e5erted on the rotar> e=ui e=uipm pmen entt b> pipi piping ngHH indi indi6at 6ator orss and and alarm alarm appa apparat ratus us opera operate te 6orre 6orre6tl 6tl> >H sensitivel> and reliabl>H and re6ordsH informationH dataH drawings and their )age :1 of 88
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*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
6opies are 6ompleteH and 6orre6t
A dedi6at dedi6ated ed departm department ent with with suffi6 suffi6ient ient manpow manpower er for pressu pressure re testing testing and 6ommis 6ommissio sionin ning g will will be establi establishe shed d &t shall shall prepare prepare pro6ed pro6edure uress and obtain obtain approval approval from the owner or the supervision supervision 6ompan> 6ompan> prior to pressure pressure testing and 6ommissioning
@here =ualit> problems are dis6overed during testing and 6ommissioning or later dis6overed during operationH and it is established that the> resulted from 6onstru6tionH the> shall be immediatel> re6tified without pre6onditions &f the> are 6aused b> produ6t defe6tsH manufa6turers shall be informed and ased to mobili< mobili r> spe6ia spe6ialist listFs; Fs;sit sitee servi6e servi6e engine engineers ers to resolve resolve as ne6essar> matter of priorit>
$e6ords and information about proe6t =ualit> shall be 6olle6ted and filed in time Asbuilt do6uments shall be sortedH 6ompiled and bound in volumes in a66ordan6e with the spe6ified re=uirementsH and handed over to the owner through the formal pro6edures
;.! ;.!
I,0o/ ,0o/t tnt nt >* >*l lit it3 3 Co Cont/o nt/oll Me Me* *//e,ent ,ent In E8 E8 Di Dii0 i0li line ne
Condu6t tests on raw materials su6h as 6ementH steel et6
*i5 $atio test of 6on6rete and mortar
%se of lo6ating formwor for an6hor bolts to embedded
)iling a66ording to spe6ifi6ation
@elding *ae sure that materials and fittings are in good =ualit>H pa> attention to a66eptan6e preservation and maring
'uring the period of 6onstru6tionH inspe6t the first 6ompleted weldH before allowing welding to 6ontinue
@eldin lding g param paramet eter erss shou should ld satis satisf> f> @) @)S S and and weld welders ers shall shall be =uali =ualifie fied d a66ordingl> before the> 6an pro6eed with welding
$e6ords for all @elding a6tivities shall be made for pro6ess 6ontrol
(nsure that an> s>stem to be pressure tested is totall> 6ompleted andH that installation is in a66ordan6e with )?&'H isometri6 drawingsH and other relevant data re=uirements
Stat Stati6 i6 e=u e=uip ipm ment ent and and stee steell stru stru6t 6tur uree Attention shall be paid to =ualit> 6ontrol of prefabri6ation of members )age :2 of 88
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*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
Assemb Assemblin ling g and fi5ing s6heme s6heme should should be prepare preparedH dH and members members shall shall be inspe6ted for 6orre6t dimension
#emporar> fasten measures shall be taen for beams to be butt welded
(=uipment hoisting
@or out lifting te6hni6al s6hemeH set up site 6ommanding s>stem
)rior to liftingH an overall inspe6tion shall be made for 6orre6t 6ondition of hoisting e=uipment and tools
All the hoisting a6tivities shall be under the 6ommand of the site 6ommander
(le6tri6it> (le6tri6ians shall report to dut> with 6ertifi6ates
*ae sure that the 6alibration 6ertifi6ates of instruments and devi6es are valid
Calibration room shall be provided with air 6onditioners to meet the ambient re=uirements
&nstruments 6alibrating staff shall be =ualified
)re6ommissioning s6heme shall be prepared in detail
)ainting and 6oating
)ain )ainti ting ng mater material ial shal shalll be 6he6 6he6ed ed for for 6omp 6omplet letee insp inspe6 e6tio tion n repo reports rts and and 6ertifi6ates
Coating and painting shall not be done until surfa6e preparation is a66eptable
#he ne5t pro6edure shall not be 6ontinued until !@"($ regard the hold point is a66eptable
;.!% Set3 Se*/it3 Se*/it3 Poliie Poliie in Cont/*tion Cont/*tion Gene/l
C)(C C)(CC C mana manage geme ment nt regu regulat latio ion n and and &S!1 &S!140 4000 00 prog progra ram m abou aboutt safet safet> > in produ6tion shall be followed at all time #he proe6t dire6tor is designated as the firstperson in 6harge of DS( management with the promise of stri6tl> b> the regulations of healthH safet> and environmentL respe6ting lo6al 6ustomsL ensuring safet> produ6tion
Safet> is number oneH edu6ation as leadingH wor for improving the safet> )age :7 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
=ualit> of staffH 6arr> out the safet> edu6ation and provide regularH espe6iall> to driversH operators in high overhead pla6e and those who wor in ha e5aminations to avoid an> possible a66idents from o66urring #he safeguard department is e5amination and dire6tion to safet> 6onstru6tion on site
)roe6t managers are the firstperson taing 6harge of the safet> in produ6tion Chief Chief engi engine neers ers are are in 6har 6harge ge of the the safet> safet> of te6h te6hno nolo log> g> Safeg Safegua uard rd department is in 6harge of safet> supervisions and e5aminations !perators 6ompl> with their own operating regulations and establish posts responsibilit> s>stem of safet> in produ6tion
&dentif> the fun6tion of ea6h management department (stablish and 6omplete the management regulations to form a integral safet> management s>stem and a 6omplete safet> management networ
Mn4e,ent Me*/e
#he staf stafff attend attended ed the the 6onstru 6onstru6tio 6tion n must must re6eiv re6eivee DS( DS( traini training ng edu6 edu6ati ation on #he #he 6ertifi6ate shall be obtained after passing of the test )ersonnel engaged in spe6ial t>pes of wor shall obtain the safet> training about te6hnolog> and go to posts with safet> operation 6ertifi6ates All the 6onstru6tion staff shall be familiar with DS( management regulations of )'!C upon their arrival at site
#he 6onstru6t 6onstru6tion ion teams teams must must be told told about about the the detail detail te6hnolo te6hnolog> g> #he #he whole whole staff shall obtain the edu6ation about healthH safet> and environment before starting wor
Carr> Carr> out out the safeg safeguar uard d regula regulatio tions ns of the the proe proe6t 6t stri6tl> stri6tl> Go to wor wor in fro6 fro6s s and wearing the safet> helmets #he safet> belts must be tied when operating operating in overhead pla6e #he e5amination to be made b> spe6ified safet> personnelH none of un=ualified man is allowed to enter the 6onstru6tion site
Aimi Aiming ng at the safet> safet> te6h te6hni ni6al 6al measu measures res tae taen n inH durin during g the 6onstr 6onstru6 u6ti tion on of fa6ilities and pipelines and during e5e6ution of nondestru6tive e5aminationsH weld weldin ingH gH h>dr h>drau auli li66 pres pressu sure re test testsH sH gas gas seal sealin ing g test testsH sH and and ele6 ele6tr tri6 i6 and and instruments testH et6 the detail management measures about healthH safet> and environment shall be established
Safet> Safet> inspe inspe6tio 6tion n is to elim elimina inate te the the unsafe unsafe fa6to fa6tors rs durin during g the the 6onstr 6onstru6ti u6tion on and and is to prevent prevent the happening happening of a66ident Spe6ified Spe6ified safet> offi6ers offi6ers e5amine the site at all the time to find out dangerous elements and eliminate them in time )age :4 of 88
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*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
&n 6ase of finding unsafe elementsH the> have the right to stop wor and tae a6tionH and report to 6onstru6tion teamFsub6ontra6tor for re6tifi6ation #he 6onstru6tion teams shall perform selfe5aminations dail>
'o season seasonal al e5amin e5aminat atio ions ns )rev )reven entt slidi sliding ngHH ele6t ele6tri6 ri6 stri striin ing g and and mos= mos=ui uito to biting in rain> seasonL and prevent heatstroe and fire in dr> seasons to prote6t the safet> of personnel and fa6ilities
#he #he full fullt tim imee perso erson nnel nel tae tae 6har 6harg ge of insp inspe6 e6ti tio onsH nsH e5am e5amin inat atio ions ns and and emergen6> rea6tions and the 6onta6t with lo6al relevant departments @or teams shall address healthH safet> and environment before wor and mae re6ords on dail> meetings
&nsis &nsistt on wor wor permiss permissio ion n s>stem s>stem prio priorr to enteri entering ng into into 6ons 6onstru tru6ti 6tion on site site &f an> welding or gas 6utting operation is neededH the safet> inspe6tor shall transa6t hot wor permission
@hen @hen operat operating ing in a 6onta 6ontaine inerH rH it it is ne6ess ne6essar> ar> that that a perso person n shall shall be be on wat6h wat6h .or lightingH the power suppl> shall be 7v &f the 6onstru6tion is 6arried out at nightH enough lighting shall be provided
10 #he team team roomsH roomsH 6onstru 6onstru6tion 6tion fa6ilitiesH fa6ilitiesH engineerin engineering g e=uipment e=uipmentHH materials materials and and semi finished arti6les on the site shall be laid out in a66ordan6e with the re=uirements of 6onstru6tion organi > 6abl 6ablesH esH swit swit6he 6hesH sH powe power r fa6ilities shall be 6omplete prote6ted with good earthing 6onne6tions #he ele6tri6ian on dut> shall e5amine that ever> da> &n 6ase of finding problemsH he shall settle them at on6e 17
(le6tri6al (le6tri6al testing testing shall shall to to be 6arried 6arried out b> more more than than two persons persons
14 #he insula insulatio tion n of ele6tri6al ele6tri6al fa6ili fa6ilities ties shall shall be prote6ted prote6ted from from be6omin be6oming g damp and pollution 'ampen ele6tri6al e=uipment shall be dried 13 #he high high voltag voltagee test and 6ompl 6ompli6at i6ated ed s>stem s>stem test must must be e5amine e5amined d b> the personnel who in 6harge of te6hnolog> before starting A noload test shall be 6arried out before the load test when testing swit6hgearsH relevant handles shall be taen down or lo6ed and warning 6ard shall be hung to prevent wrong swit6hing on )age :3 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
1 1 "o perso person n is permit permitted ted to stand stand unde underr the the 6rane 6rane booms booms durin during g the the lifti lifting ng operation All the riggings shall be stri6tl> 6he6ed before lifting A dangerous area shall be mared out when lifting bul materials #he warning 6ards shall be set up when ra> dete6tion or gas pressure test is 6arried out to prevent unauthoriMs da>Ms wor wor $emains $emains and rubbish shall be 6leaned awa> awa > from the wor area and disposed and buried in a66ordan6e with the rules 1 1 #he #he 6ons 6onstr tru6 u6ti tion on site shall shall be mana manage ged d pursu pursuan antt to the general general plan plan #he temporar> fa6ilitiesH material >ard and e=uipment shall be laid out as per la> out drawings drawings design Site materials shall be ept in good order and the utilit> fa6ilities shall be set up in order $emove the temporar> fa6ilities and 6lean awa> the rubbish in timeH and eep the area tid> and 6lean after the 6ompletion of 6onstru6tion a
rubber rubber tubes tubes of of gas tor6he tor6hess shall shall be brough broughtt ba6 in in tool tool rooms rooms and put put in good order after da>Ms wor
#he tools shall be returned to toolbo5es to prevent from missing Civilistem shall be performed (5amination a6tivities shal shalll be hold hold time timel> l> and and awar award d will will be give given n good good mana manage geme ment nt and and punishment for poor management
20 (merge (mergen6> n6> safet> safet> measur measures es shall be taen taen for 6ommissi 6ommissioni oning ng and warran warrant> t> period 21 .irefi .irefight ghting ing fa6ilit fa6ilities ies on site shall be e5amine e5amined d and 6hanged 6hanged regularl regularl> > #he fire permit shall be got and fire fighting measures taenH if the fire is used near the 6ombustible and e5plosive #he un6tion bo5es in hape Smoing is prohibited in hagen 6>linders and a6et>lene 6>linders shall be prote6ted against the isolation and put them separatel> with a safet> distan6e @a @arning rning signs shall be set up in dangerous area 22 #he swit6h swit6hbo5 bo5es es at site site shall be prote6te prote6ted d b> waterpr waterproof oof shelter sheltersH sH and ele6tri6 ele6tri6 leaage prote6tion prote6tion shall provide provide #he ele6tri6al ele6tri6al fa6ilities fa6ilities shall be well earthed )age : of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
!peration of power on or power off shall be 6arried out in a66ordan6e with wor ti6et s>stemH warning sign shall be set up @hen 6ables are laid down under the groundH 6onduits shall be used for road 6rossing 27 *a6hines *a6hines and tools shall be operated operated b> spe6ified personnel personnelHH the> go to posts with 6ertifi6ates and 6ompl> with relative safet> operating regulations ;.!9 Cont/*tion Cont/*tion Mn4e,ent Mn4e,ent Hn1lin4 o Site C8n4e n1 >*e/3 1 'rawing $evision at at Si Site
'urin 'uring g 6onstru 6onstru6tio 6tionH nH as found found a drawin drawing g unreaso unreasonab nable le or a substi substitute tute materia materiall ne6essar>H C)(CC Site representative will write to !wner Site representativeH the invo involv lved ed wor wor 6an 6an pro6 pro6eed eed onl> onl> after after obta obtain inin ing g the the appr approv oval al of !wne !wnerr Site Site representative &f !wner finds a design not in 6omplian6e with spe6ifi6ation or not satisf>ing satisf>ing operation operation re=uirementH re=uirementH for ensuring ensuring 6onstru6tion 6onstru6tion progressH !wner Site repr represe esent ntati ative vess 6an writ writee dire6 dire6tl> tl> to C)(C C)(CC C Site Site $epr $eprese esent ntati ative ve asin asing g for for modifi6ation of this design All above modifi6ations shall be indi6ated with red marup in the drawingsH whi6hH after verifi6ation b> !wner Site representativeH shall be in6orporated in asbuilt drawings 2
Site Change !rder
.or the modifi6ation or an> wor raised b> !wner be>ond Contra6torKs S6ope of @or spe6 spe6if ifie ied d in C!"# C!"#$A $AC# C#HH the> the> shal shalll be trea treate ted d in a66o a66ord rdan an6e 6e with with C!"#$AC# Condition of Contra6t for Change !rders &f an> dis6repan6> o66ur between two partiesH the wor 6an be done first as per re=uired b> !wnerH the dis6repan6> ma> be resolved later on b> 6onsultation Cont/*tion Cont/*tion P/tie 1 Constru6tion *e *eeting
&n order order to ensure ensure right right progres progresss of 6onstru6 6onstru6tio tionH nH C)(CC C)(CC will will have a meeting meeting ever ever> > nigh nightt atte attend nded ed b> a6hi a6hiev eves es of all all depa depart rtme ment ntss to 6he6 6he6 dail dail> > a6hievementH problems or 6on6erns appeared and resolution to be taenH and the planning for the ne5t da>
.or ensuring safet> of 6onstru6tion at SiteH a #ool #ool Bo5 *eeting shall be held ever> morning at Site prior to 6ommen6ement of worH briefing maor obs and safet> pre6autionsH whi6h normall> lasts for a 6ouple of minutes
&n 6rit 6riti6 i6al al stag stagee of 6ons 6onstr tru6 u6ti tion onHH C)(C C)(CC C Site Site repr repres esen enta tati tive ve will will repo report rt to )age :: of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
!wner Site representative ever> morningH mainl> about the maor a6hievement and 6on6ernsH for the purpose of ensuring smooth progress of 6onstru6tion through oint efforts made b> two parties 2
'istribution of Constru6tion 'o6uments
#he !wnerKs do6umentsH drawings or other )roe6t related do6uments as re6eived shall be distributed as per the instru6tion of C)(CC Site representative to relevant department or individuals for taing ne6essar> a6tion All the original 6opies of do6uments shall be ept b> 'o6ument Control 'epartment #he vendorsK do6uments shall be administrated b> )ro6urement 'epartmentH whi6h shall be borrowed to dis6ipline engineers for needs b> installation or related a6tivities during 6onstru6tion #he e=uipment and material material re6eiving re6eiving inspe6tion inspe6tion reporting do6uments do6uments shall be ept in order b> )ro6urement 'epartment #he 6orresponde 6orresponden6es n6es between the department departmentss shall be re6eived and distributed distributed b> the do6ument 6ontrol personnel of the departments All the do6uments signed off b> !wner for inspe6tion and for test re6ord shall be ept b> EA;EC 'epartment ;.# C,0 Li)in4 ?ilitie n1 Te Te,0o//3 ,0o//3 Cont/*tion ?ilitie L3o*t C,0 Li)in4 ?ilitie
.or providing 6onvenien6e to 6onstru6tionH we will use e5isting C)(CC )alougue 6amp 'uring 6onstru6tion siteH the !wnerKs personnel offi6e will be be furnished with all e=uipment and fa6ilities fa6ilitie s as spe6ified spe6if ied in C!"#$AC# S6ope of @or @or #he !wnerKs personnel offi6e is in C)(CC 6amp H C)(CC )alougue 6amp 6overing about 180H000 m 2H having 4 offi6e buildingH 10 dormit dormitor> or> buildi buildings ngsHH 2 dining diningro roomH omH 1 mainte maintenan nan6e 6e worsh worshopH opH 1 wareho warehouse useHH 1 roofless storage >ard about 0 H000 m 2 and paring areas for paring about 80 vehi6les #his 6amp shall satisf> the needs of a66ommodation for about 00 C)(CC personnel and 100 lo6al emplo>ees C)(CC use 7 nos 400@ generators to suppl> power to the 6amp C)(CC will drill wells for obtaining water for living purpose &n orde orderr to fa6il fa6ilit itate ate the the 6ommu 6ommuni ni6at 6atio ion n betw betwee een n the the site site and and the the 6ampH 6ampH radi radio o 6ommun 6ommuni6at i6ation ion s>stem s>stem betwee between n 6amp 6amp and site has e=uipp e=uipped ed with with some some walie walie talies )age :8 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
*ost of living in6idental will be pur6hased in hartoum and lo6alH partiall> from China C)(CC will set up an offi6e in hartoum and )ort Sudan for providing logist logisti6 i6 suppor supportt su6h as the 6onven 6onvenien ien6e 6e of pro6ed pro6edure ure of 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on permitH permitH material 6ustom 6learan6eH arrival of 6onstru6tion personnel and provision of dail> living needs Te,0o//3 Cont/*tion ?ilitie L3o*t
#he Contra6tor shall be responsibleH at his own 6ost and e5penseH for the ele6tri6it> and water for 6onstru6tion as per the Contra6t &n order order to fa6ilitate fa6ilitate the the 6onstru6tionH 6onstru6tionH we we have built simple wareho warehouse use reformed reformed from 6ontainers and offi6e in the s6heduled spa6e near maintenan6e worshop &n order to fa6ilitate 6onstru6tion and avoid material rehandlingH we will put most of e=uipm e=uipment ent and materia materiall on the site and the e5pens e5pensive ive and e> e=uipme e=uipment nt and material in the 6amp warehouse #he tool housesH the planned number of whi6h shall be 4H and simple brea roomsH the number of whi6h shall be 4 and the> will all be e=uipped with air 6onditioning #he radiographi6 test shall be arranged so far as possible to be performed at night time and all ne6essar> safet> pre6autions shall be taen at $# performan6e siteH ensuring no person within the dangerous area ar ea All $# related e=uipment shall be well stored under supervision of assigned person #o fa6ilita fa6ilitate te 6onstru 6onstru6ti 6tion on a6tivit a6tivities ies and to a66eler a66elerate ate 6onstru 6onstru6tio 6tion n progre progressH ssH an appro5imate appro5imate H000m H000m2 fabri6ation >ard and a H000m 2 sand blastingH painting and insulation fabri6ation >ard will be built near the 6amp
)age : of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
5. 5.!
#his se6tion will des6ribe the 6ommissioning planH s6hedule and pro6edure in order to meet the re=uirements spe6ified in C!"#$AC#
Commis Commissio sion n two , , water water ine6t ine6tion ion pumps pumps and 4 1400 1400@ @ mud mud pumps pumps produ6ed water from )alouge sim tan #2770 Htransfer to 4000m 7 buffer tanH then ine6t water to wells b> water ine6tion pumps and mud pumps
5.# 5.#.!
Gene/ ne/ll De De//i0t i0tion ion o P/e-o -o,,i ,,iio ion nin4 in4
1 C)(CC C)(CC shall 6omplete 6ompletel> l> 6he6H 6he6H 6lean 6lean and pre6om pre6ommis missio sionin ning g all s>stems s>stems and e=uipment before 6ommissioning !wner representative shall witness field tests a1 main water h>drotesting and pigging b
@ater @a ter filling test of 4000m7 buffer tan
6(arething and 6athodi6 prote6tion s>stem d
#esti sting on on tr transform formss
e#esting e#esting on diesel engine and , pump soft starter f +ighting and air6onditions 2 Che6 out out lists for all instrume instrumentsH ntsH ele6tri6al ele6tri6al loopsH loopsH rotating rotating e=uipmentH e=uipmentH et6 shall shall be prepared and submitted to !wner for review and approval one month prior to pre6ommissioning 7 .urnis .urnishH hH install install and 6ondu6t 6ondu6t tests tests where where re=uired re=uired in the presen6e presen6e of !wnerKs !wnerKs $epresentative Cleanup and inspe6t all s>stems fabri6ated and installed C)(CC to provide a 6omplete operating unit in a66ordan6e with all @or @or re=uirements 4 )rep )repar aree s>ste s>stem m test test and and ;or ;or indi indivi vidu dual al line line test test des6 des6rip ripti tion onss 6omp 6omple lete te with with identifi6ation of test obe6tives and a list of e=uipment and lines to be in6luded in the test for approval b> !wner 3 .ollow .ollow ,endo ,endorKs rKs re6omme re6ommenda ndatio tions ns and pro6edures pro6edures for install installing ing and 6he6i 6he6ing ng out e=uipment and obtain vendorKs agreement that e=uipment is satisfa6toril> installed )repare )repare pre6omm pre6ommissioni issioning ng materials materials and spare parts : All rotating rotating e=uipme e=uipment nt shall be rotatio rotational nall> l> 6he6ed 6he6ed All instrume instruments nts shall be loop and fun6tional 6he6ed All valves shall be stroed All temporar> blind flanges have been ba6outed 8 Che6 and re6tif> re6tif> all 6ontrollersH 6ontrollersH alarms and and shutdown shutdown devi6es devi6es )age 80 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#o 6omplete 6omplete and 6lear all maor maor pun6hlist pun6hlist items that affe6t affe6t the safet>H safet>H operabilit> operabilit> and integrit> of the )umping .a6ilities 5.#.#
In0etion P/ P/io/ to to P/ P/eo,,i ,iionin4
S6ope of inspe6tions prior to pre6ommissioning shall in6ludeH but not be limited to the following/
All materials and wors are sube6t to visual inspe6tion for surfa6e defe6ts
All welds shall be inspe6ted in a66ordan6e with the spe6ifi6ations @elds found to be outside the defe6t toleran6e shall be repaired or repla6ed Complete re6ords of all weld inspe6tions shall be maintained b> C)(CC and furnished to owner regularl>
,isuall> inspe6t of all instrument and ensure that the installations 6onform with the A.C drawings and shall meet the re=uirement of appli6able 6odes and area
Condu6t inspe6tions of all e=uipmentH 6he6 nameplate ratingH 6he6 ele6tri6al 6onne6tion dataH la>out and ensure 6onformit> to &nspe6tion on safet> features and earthing s>stem of ele6tri6al
,isual inspe6tion and ensure 6orre6t assembl> of all e=uipmentH 6orre6t tor=ue of all
insulation;installation of instrument and ele6tri6al 5.#.$
Do*,ent In0etion
Confirm the following do6uments prior to pre6ommissioning/
Dolida> test reports on outer 6oating of pipeline
)igging re6ord
D>drotest pa6age of pipeline F in6lude tra6eabilit> report
#ren6h inspe6tion report
+owin inspe6tion report
Ba6filling inspe6tion report
*ar up drawing
Coating inspe6tion report
&nsulation inspe6tion report
Co,,iionin4 O/ O/4ni=tion
Commissioning team will be assembled during the detailed engineering phase and and will will 6ons 6onsis istt of 6omm 6ommiss issio ioni ning ng manag manager erHH plan plan;s6 ;s6he hedu duli ling ng engi engine neer erHH pro6edure;6oordination engineers for management and pro6essH instrumentH me6hani6al and ele6tri6al engineers for te6hni6al support
)age 81 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
#he 6ommissioning personnel shall be e5perien6ed and =ualified in similar field produ6tion fa6ilities
#he 6ommissioning manager will be appointed b> proe6t manager and eep 6lose relationship with pro6urementH DS(H 6onstru6tion and other department managerH when neededH for the 6ommissioning wor
(ngineering ;vendorKs 6ommissioning spe6ialists shall be present at ob site for te6hni6al support servi6e
Co,,iionin4 Re0oni+ilit3 1 #he 6ommission 6ommissioning ing responsibil responsibilit> it> is briefl> des6ribe des6ribed d belowH whi6h whi6h will be detailed detailed after the establishment of the 6ommissioning team
a Comm Commiss issio ioni ning ng 'epart 'epartme ment nt
)rep )repar arat atio ion n and and 6omp 6ompil ilat atio ion n of plan planHH s6he s6hedu dule le and and pro6 pro6ed edur uree for for all all 6ommissioning a6tivities
$eview of operation and maintenan6e manual
$eview of 6ommissioning spare parts list
)restartup audit
b )ro6urement 'epartment Arrangement Arrangement and e5pediting of vendorKs vendorKs representatives representatives to be present present at ob site based on 6ommissioning s6hedule )ur6hase and storage of 6ommissioning spare parts and 6onsumables 6 DS( DS( 'ep 'epar artm tmen entt
Safet> training of all 6ommissioning personnel
Safet> audit whi6h shall be 6arried out before produ6ed water feeding
'ail> DS( management meeting during 6ommissioning phase
d Cons Constru tru6ti 6tion on 'epart 'epartme ment nt
.inal lea test for piping
.un6tion testing of instrumentH 6ontrol and safet> s>stem in6luding loop 6he6ing
(le6tri6al e=uipment s>stem testingH test on lightingH power
*aintenan6e support for 6ommissioning at ob site
e !ther 'epartment
Arrange for engineering engineers and 6ommissioning spe6ialists to be present at ob site for the 6ommissioning period
Co,,iionin4 Pln
1 #he 6ommission 6ommissioning ing plan shall shall be prepared prepared and and 6ompiled 6ompiled b> C)(CC C)(CC and report report to )'!CH to dis6uss the total 6ommissioning plan with )A+!G )A+!G%( %( .). .). 2 #he 6ontent 6ontent of the plan is is listed listed below below for for referen6e referen6e )age 82 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
'etailed design dataH fluid flow rate for 6ommissioning and startup
Commissioning and startup se=uen6e and s6hedule
*anpower and e=uipment resour6esH 6onsumables
(mergen6> maintenan6e servi6e
Co,,iionin4 S8e1*le
#he personnel of 6ommissioning department will be at the 6onstru6tion site four four wees wees befo before re me6h me6han ani6 i6al al 6omp 6omplet letio ion n and and pre pre6o 6omm mmiss issio ioni ning ng to be familiar with the )roe6t #he 6ommissioning s6hedule will detail all a6tivities
#he s6hedu s6hedule le shall shall also indi6a indi6ate te the engine engineerin ering g enginee engineers rs and vendorK vendorKss spe6ialists who will parti6ipate in the 6ommissioning
,endorKs ,endorKs spe6ialists will be re=uested to support s upport the 6ommissioning
#he engineering te6hni6al servi6e shall at least in6lude pro6essH me6hani6alH ele6tri6alH instrument and tele6ommuni6ation
#he #he vend vendorK orKss spe6 spe6ial ialist istss woul would d be invit invited ed to ob ob siteH siteH if an> an> defau default lt or defi6ien6ies are found and te6hni6al support is needed
Co,,iionin4 P/oe1*/e De)elo0,ent In0eti In0etion on n1 P/e0 P/e0/tio /tion n P/io/ to Co,,ii Co,,iionin4 onin4
1 All instrum instruments ents have have been been 6alibrat 6alibrated ed for for operatio operation n 2 #he instrume instruments nts have have been 6alibratedH 6alibratedH read> read> for for operation operation 7 (5amine (5amine all ele6tri6al ele6tri6al 6onne6tions 6onne6tions and and earthing earthing 6onne6tions 6onne6tions for for 6ompletion 6ompletion and se6urit> 4 !perators !perators are familiar familiar with operating operating manual manual and relevant relevant vendor vendorsK sK data 3 All re=uired re=uired person personnel nelHH e=uipm e=uipment ent and tools tools and re6ordi re6ording ng forms forms are read> for operation &nspe6ti &nspe6tion on and )repar )reparatio ation n
Confirm all me6hani6al 6ompletion re6ords have been signed off and there are no a 6ategor> pun6h items
(nsure that prior to start up that the area is suitabl> barri6aded offH suitable firefighting e=uipment and the relevant permit to wor are in pla6e
: )iping (nsure that all piping ;pipeline is read> to re6eive water 8 Confirm Confirm that drain drain s>stem s>stem is available available and and that all drain drain valves valves are 6orre6tl> 6orre6tl> lined lined up for operation ,ent )o )oint int All vent point vents shall be provided with 7;4 vent valves and fle5ible hose with drain 6ontainers #he vent shall be plugged after 6ommissioning 6ompleted + Co,,iionin4 P/oe1*/e )age 87 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
As a general des6ription of 6ommissioning and startup for the proe6tH the maor pro6edure is summari pass 1K 1K water water lineF round round tan tan !pen valves for b> pass line and drain water to *ud pump pump 2 Se6ond Se6ond stage stage H from from buffer buffer tan drain drain water to the water ine6tio ine6tion n s>stem 6lose 6lose valves whi6h 6onne6ted to b> pass 1K water line and open valves 6onne6t to tan su6tion and outlet &n the se6ond stage H 6ommissioning a6tivities as below/
Commissioning and startup for ele6tri6al s>stem to ensure that all ele6tri6al s>stems are powered properl>H
Commi Commissio ssionin ning g and Startu Startup p for &nstrum &nstrument entatio ation n S>stem S>stem to ensure ensure 6orre6t 6orre6t operating parameters
Commissioning and Startup for v water &ne6tion soft starter S>stem
Commissioning and Startup for Cathodi6 )rote6tion S>stem
P/o)iionl Ae0tne
a Appli6a Appli6atio tion n of )rovis )rovision ional al A66ep A66eptan tan6e 6e @hen C)(CC has 6ompleted the installationH it satisfies the following 6riteria/
&t 6onforms to all spe6ifi6ations and drawings
&t is free of an> defe6tive fabri6ationH installation and 6onstru6tion
&t is free of an> defe6t in engineering
&t meets all re=uirements of a 6ertif>ing authorit>H if an>
(=uipment and materials are fit for the intended purpose
All 6ommissioning a6tivities have been 6ompleted and the s>stem is read> for servi6e C)(CC will initiate notifi6ation for provisional a66eptan6e one month before the )rovisional A66eptan6e 'ateH as the whole s>stem 6ould not be put into servi6e for pro6ess startup without provisional a66eptan6e 6ertifi6ate signed b> )'!C
b Step for Dand!ver 'o6uments !n6e the )rovisional A66eptan6e Certifi6ate for )roe6t is issued b> )'!C and re6eived b> C)(CCH the wor is 6onsidered being handed over to )'!C #he provisional a66eptan6e dossiers shall in6lude the following/
!peration and maintenan6e manual
Commissioning pro6edures
Commissioning plan and s6hedule
All 6alibration sheets and re6ords )age 84 of 88
C!"S#$%C#&!" '()A$#*("# )$!C('%$(
*(+%# BAS&" !&+ '(,(+!)*("# )$!J(C#-%)S#$(A* .AC&+&(S PALOGUE P/o1*e1 te/ P8e I
'!C%*("# "A*(/ )$!J(C# ((C%#&!" )+A"
)$!C('%$( "!/ )'!C3)()01
Set points of rela>sH prote6tive devi6es
AlarmH range 6ontrol and trip setting register;s6hedule
All vendor data boo and utilit> e=uipment site a66eptan6e tests reports and 6ertifi6ates of utilit> e=uipment
)erforman6e tests sheets for pro6ess e=uipment whi6h shall be handedover after :2hours stable operation
#he hand over do6ument ma> be prepared portion b> portion whi6h will be made appli6able for provisional a66eptan6e
Pe/o/,ne Tetin4
C)(CC shall prepare and 6ompile )erforman6e #est F)# planH whi6h shall detail the measuring e=uipment;instruments to be usedH the method of sampling and sample anal>sis C)(CC shall also have the following responsibilities/
A6hievement of stable operation in a66ordan6e with the 'esign Basis and S6ope of @or
Close liaison and 6oordination with )'!C operations
C)(CC will 6onfirm/
:2 hour 6ontinuous operation shall be 6onsidered to satisf> all the re=uirements
for the performan6e testing FC)(CC will not tae the responsibilit> if the features of produ6ts supplied b> )'!C would not satisf> the re=uirements of design 5.!
Line o Co,,*nition
C)(CC reali a ver> important role and 6lose 6ooperation shall be ept (5pe6ted )'!C involvement is des6ribed below
)rovision of e5perien6edH =ualifiedH trained and 6ertified operation personnel who shall be organi audit to authori
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