22 DCL38A Rev 3 Navigation Audit Checklist

May 9, 2017 | Author: SunilGangwar | Category: N/A
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bridge navigation audit checklist...



File Ref 150.3 M 21

DCL 38A Page 1 of 4 (06/11 Rev 3)

NAVIGATION SAFETY AUDIT CHECKLIST (To be completed by the Master within 30 days of joining the vessel and by June & December of each year) Name of Vessel: UACC FALCON Name of Port: Date of Audit: 22/12/2012 Date of Report: No. Item A. Hardware All navigational equipment in good working order 1 All communication equipment in good working order 2 Magnetic & Gyro compass is clearly visible to the helmsman and illuminated 3 Spare magnetic compass is available, no bubbles. 4 Shapes are readilly available and in good condition.(3 balls,1cylinder,1diamond) 5 Gong is available on the bridge.(Vessels > 100 Mtrs) 6 Repeaters aligned with master Gyro 7 Rudder angle and rpm indicators on the bridge and bridge wings 8 working and properly illuminated. Aldis lamp battery for vessels whose keel was laid after the 1st of July'04 9 GMDSS hand held walkie talkies to be operational and charged. 10 Primary batteries for the above to be within their expiry date and seals are 11 intact.Batteries are stored in the vicinty of the sets and suitably marked. Both Radars to be in working order, at least one equiped with an ARPA 12 speed input from the log, Interswitching device to be provided. AIS is located adjacent to a radar if not interfaced with one 13 EPIRB Mountings are in good condition and can float free from its location 14 HRU for the EPIRB is within its expiry/service date and in good condition 15 Operating instructions for all equipment is displayed beside each of them. B.Charts, Publications & Voyage Info All charts and publications onboard are corrected to latest NTM 1 2 All required charts and publications for the voyage are available and corrected to latest NTM Temporary/ Preliminary notices pasted in the file & charts are corrected to latest 3 NTM & ANM. ANM corrected to latest NTM. ALRS, list of lights & tide table volumes are kept updated to latest NTM 4 5 Sailing directions, updated to latest NTM and corrections pasted to file. Radio and navigational warnings taken, relevant charts updated and then filed. 6 Climactic and weather information regularly taken and filed. 7 Master's monthly checks on chart corrections made as per D-35. 8 9 Charts are in good condition (i.e not torn, taped,course lines not deeply etched, details not smudged , surface not worn due to excessive erasure etc) Proper chart correction methods being followed 10 C.Passage Planning Berth to Berth passage planning conducted 1 Passage plan and actual courses /distances laid on chart match exactly 2 Passage planning discussed with all officers and engineers 3 Company's UKC & air draft policy complied with 4 Charts marked with NO GO areas in pencil 5 Course alterations and Wheel over posn clearly marked 6 Aborts and contingencies planned and indicated 7 All passage plan changes agreed by Master and notifed to all officers 8 Parallel indexing used whenever possible. 9 Positions transferred to the next chart on changing charts. 10 Echo Sounder used in critical passages. 11 Descriptive section of the plan should contain general details of the following: 12 Parallel indexing, currents, no go areas & other hazards, Contigency anchorage Squat, Reporting, Bridge manning, Tides & tidal streams ,anti-piracy measures and abort point. Evidence of alternate means of position fixing for sea passage, coasting 13 and approach. (Visual, radar,sun and star sights) Position fixing as per interval decided in passage plan 14 Large scale charts available for the particualr area is always used 15 Vessel reporting to authorities as per requirements (as listed in chart, ALRS, etc) 16 17 Passage plan meeting the IMO/ local regulations (violation of TSS, Area to be avoided, etc) and company's requirement (passing distance off shallow, etc) D.Other Bridge Requirements 1 Navigating officers familiarised on joining and records of the same sighted. Officers must be able to demonstrate their familiarity with Nav & GMDSS equipment. 2 3 4

Gyro/ Mag. compass errors regularly obtained and recorded Valid magnetic compass deviation card Bell book used for marking various buoys/ Marks passing

Yes No Remarks no telegraph printer not working Yes Yes Yes to confirm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


no Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

tide table corrn to check

No voyage chart BA-2412 taped Yes

chartco ocean master

Yes Yes No to be logged in deck log book Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

printing start posn to mark on chart


5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43

File Ref 150.3 M 21

Master-Pilot exchanges - both ways in evident usage. Pilot card is being completed Yes with all the information provided. Bridge team members are fully aware of their duties duirng navigation with pilot on Yes board. Yes Appropriate watch levels are being maintained for various watch conditions. Watch schedules in evidence to prevent fatigue control Yes Daily and Weekly hours of rest as stipulated in flag/ company manuals Yes Evidence of maintaining proper lookout and same in compliance with Yes the company's bridge manning and watchlevel requirements Master's day/night orders maintained and followed Yes Duty officer keeping a good watch on helmsman during handstg. Yes During pilotage radar/ Visual position fixing regularly done by OOW Yes Mooring Plan/Arrangement of mooring displayed on bridge Yes Log book entries are correctly made and the log completed. Yes Time when master takes the conn, to be logged Yes Control tests as per (33 CFR 164.25) to be logged . Yes Testing of steering gear prior arrival / departure port as per SOLAS Reg 26 carried Yes out and log entry made Vessel participating in POSREP systems such as AMVER Yes Chronometer error known and logged. Yes Checklists DCL 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 where applicable is completed Yes and filed. If vessel is at anchor, turning circle to be drawn on the chart and vessels Yes position to be logged at regular intervals. GMDSS log: daily,weekly and monthly tests to be logged. External test record Yes with a CRS to be attached. Ships Arials to be grounded at the time of operations. (tankers only) NA AIS to be switched off in port or power reduced to 1 Watt as per terminal 2 Watt requirement AIS annual inspection carried out as per flag requirements. Echo sounder print out available, with details of voy, time and port Yes Publications as required by company. Yes Following to be posted on Bridge:1)Man.Characteristics including turning circles 2)SRT certificate 3)IMPA Guidelines 4)Table of Life saving signals 5)Master's standing orders 6)Watchkeeping Schedule 7) Squat diagram 8)Muster List Radar log book is maintained and the results of the performance monitor test is Yes indicated in the log book for every watch.Intial pages with PM readings filled Posters depicting the following emergency procedures for Yes DSC/MF/HF/VHF/SAT-C NBDP are available in the vicinity of the equipment: -Reception of distress msg / alert Yes -Transmission of distress msg / alert Yes -Guidance to Masters in distress situations as per ALRS Vol 5 displayed Yes -Cancellation of False alert or Inadvertent transmission Yes Officers are familiar with the procedure for handling distress Tx/Rx Yes VHF is switched off or on 1 Watt in port as per requirements(Tankers only) 1 watt Quarterly training for officers operating GMDSS equipment being provided and Yes recorded in the GMDSS log book Verify close out and completion of corrective action from previous Nav.Audit AMOS PMS routines are available and updated for all bridge equipment Inventory of all nav equipment spares and list of critical spares are available Yes onboard EPIRB annual service and test report available onboard. Yes Prior departure and whenever there are changes parameters such as draft/Haz Yes cargo destination/ETA/Nav status etc are being updated in the AIS equipment. SVDR certificate of compliance and annual test report is available onboard. Yes -Equipment for downloading back up data is available onboard Yes -Equipment for continuous recording in an emergency is available onboard Yes -Instructions for downloading of data is displayed close to the equipment and Yes officers are familiar with the procedure for carrying out the same. LRIT certificate of compliance and test report available onboard If vessel is fitted with an ECDIS is it operational and do all officers have ECDIS Yes training.A back up system of charts or duplication is available and updated Verify compliance with company's alcohol policy. (3-monthly unannounced test, yearly unannounced test & Mastre's random check Yes of the bridge team prior arrival port)

Name and Signature of Auditor

to check

to confirm

to check & verify

to check

DCL 38A Page 2 of 4 (06/11 Rev 3)


File Ref 150.3 M 21

DCL 38A Page 3 of 4 (06/11 Rev 3)



Name & Signature Auditor

Corrective Action

High Risk Obsrv Y/N


Target Date

Completion Date


File Ref 150.3 M 21

DCL 38A Page 4 of 4 (06/11 Rev 3)

Navigation High Risk List As per Safety Circular No. S45 [Navigation Audit Observation Summary] Rev 4, the navigational high risk observations are: 1

Monitoring of UKC & air draft. (Ref: C 4)


Charts and Publications other than required for voyage, not corrected to the latest NTM on board. (Ref: B 2)


Temporary and preliminary corrections file not being updated and corrected on voyage charts. (Ref: B 3)


Inadequate Passage plan – Not meeting the IMO/ Company requirements. (Ref: C 17)


Absence of a system to compile Navigational Warnings and updation of the charts for relevant warnings. (Ref: B 6)


Watch keeping officer – Lack of familiarity with the operation of some of the bridge equipments. (Off course alarm of Gyro, AISInformation & changing to low power, SVDR) (Ref: D 1)


Bridge team management during navigation with pilot on board was not effective. (Ref: D 5 & 6)


Hour of work & rest form is not filled up correctly. (Ref: D 9)


Appropriate watch levels not being maintained. (Ref: D 7)


Inadequate demonstration of compliance with company’s alcohol policy. (Ref: D 43)

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