
July 3, 2019 | Author: krzysiu101 | Category: Euro, Dividend, Economics, Economies, Money
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Unit Test 6 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.

VOCABULARY: FINANCIAL TERMS 1 Complete this report with the terms from the box.

 bankruptcy / debt / dividend / earnings earnings per share / forecast / investment / pre-tax profits / profit margin / recession / shares Overall, it has not been a particularly good year for Bornan Engineering. (!""""""""""""""" are up by only #.$ million, and the (%!""""""""""""""" for the next &uarter is rather gloomy. 'oever, despite the effects of the global ()!""""""""""""""", the (*!""""""""""""""" have increased to #+.$, from #+.* last year. he meeting of shareholders has approved the payment of a total ($!""""""""""""""" of #+.% per share. e do not plan to issue ne (!""""""""""""""" in the immediate future as e have decided to halt our expansion in 0entral 1sia. 'oever, e shall continue to increase our (2!""""""""""""""" in plant and e&uipment in all our markets. Our performance in 3lovenia has improved significantly oing to to factors. 4irstly, our  biggest competitor ent into (5!""""""""""""""". (5!""""""""""""""". 3econdly, 3econdly, as a result of using a ne distributor, our costs fell, giving us a (!""""""""""""""" of )+ percent on our main product line. e ill use any extra cash to reduce the level of our (+!""""""""""""""". (+!""""""""""""""".

L ANGUAGE REVIEW: DESCRIBING TRENDS 2 Study the sales figures in the box. Then write one word in each space to complete the report below. The first letter is gien. SA!"S #in








% m






.2m 5.*m

;n 6anuary, sales (! s""""""""""""""" at @%m and then (%! f""""""""""""""" to @5.$m the next month, hen they hit their loest ()! p""""""""""""""" in the first half year. 3ales (*! r""""""""""""""" to @+.5m in 8arch and then ($! f""""""""""""""" beteen @m and @.$m in the period 1pril A 6une. his as folloed by a (! d""""""""""""""" increase in 6uly, hen sales umped (2! f""""""""""""""" @.$m to @.2m. he recovery continued in 1ugust, hen sales (5! r""""""""""""""" a (! p""""""""""""""" of @5.*m.

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