The deployme deployment nt of organizati organizational onal resour resources ces to achieve strategic strategic goals goals refers refers to organiz organizing. ing. True
Organ Organizi izing ng define definess !hat !hat to do !hil !hilee strate strategy gy define definess ho! to to do it. it. True
The duty duty to perform perform the tas# or or activity activity an employee employee has has )een )een assigned assigned is is called called accounta)il accounta)ility ity.. True
Authority Authority is the the right right to use resourc resources$ es$ ma#e ma#e decisions decisions and issue issue orders orders in an organi organization zation.. True
The princip principle le of unity of command command suggest suggestss that managers managers !ithin !ithin an organizati organization on should should reach reach agreement on the goals and o)*ectives of the organization. True
Despite Despite the the apparent apparent advantage advantagess of special specializati ization$ on$ many many organizat organizations ions are are moving moving a!ay a!ay from from this this principle. True
A organi organization zational al map is a visual visual represe representatio ntation n of an organizat organization&s ion&s struct structure$ ure$ sho!ing sho!ing communicati communication on and lines of po!er. p o!er. True
The frame! frame!or# or# in !hich the organiz organization ation define definess ho! tas#s are divided$ divided$ resources resources are are deployed deployed and and departments are coordinated is called organizational structure. True
ost organizati organizations ons today today discour discourage age managers managers to to delegate delegate authori authority ty to the lo!er lo!er levels levels given the the challenges to meet customer needs and adapt to the environment. True
The acceptance theory of authority argues that managers have authority )ecause employees do not have a choice in choosing to accept their commands. True
/ine departments perform tas#s that reflect the organizations primary goal and mission. True
The right to advise$ recommend$ and counsel in the staff specialists& area of epertise is included in staff authority. True
The num)er of employees reporting to a supervisor is his or her span of management. True
Traditional Traditional vie!s of organizational design recommend a span of management of a)out + to 10 su)ordinates per manager. manage r. True
any hierarchical levels and a correspondingly narro! span of management refers to a flat structure. True
The trend in recent years has )een to!ard narro!er spans of control as a !ay !a y to facilitate delegation. True
A tall structure structure is a management structure characterized ) y an overall narro! span of management and a relatively large num)er of hierarchical levels. True
Certainty in the environment is usually associated !ith decentralization. True
The )asis for grouping positions into departments and departments into the total organization is referred to as departmentalization. True
For companies to operate effectively$ the amount of centralization or decen tralization should fit the firms strategy. True
At Fo 2nd$ people are grouped together in departments )y common co mmon s#ills and !or# activities$ including a sales department and a production produc tion department. This is an eample of vertical functional approach. True
The functional structure offers a !ay to decentralize decision ma#ing and provide direction from the teams in the field. True
3ecause the chain of command converges at the top$ the functional structure provides a !ay to decentralize decision ma#ing and provide unified direction from all managers. True
4uic# response to eternal changes is an advantage of vertical functional structure. True
Divisions are created$ in functional structures$ as self-contained units !ith separate functional departments for each division. True
The divisional structure encourages decentralization. True
5n a geographic-)ased structure$ all functions in a specific country or region report to the same d ivision manager. True
6ith 6ith a mati structure$ the entire organization is made up of horizontal teams that coordinate their !or# and !or# directly !ith customers to accomplish the organizations goals. True
Aspects of )oth functional and divisional structures simultaneously in the same part of the organization are com)ined in the virtual net!or# approach. True
The horizontal structure provides traditional control !ithin functional departments$ and the vertical structure provides coordination across departments. True
The confusion and frustration caused )y the dual chain of command is a ma*or pro)lem of the matri structure. True
The overseer of )oth the product produc t and functional chains of command$ responsi)le for the entire matri is the matri )oss. True
False 3
The modular approach is similar to virtual net!or#ing. True
The divisional structure fosters ecellent coordination !ithin divisions$ )ut coordination across divisions is often poor. True
5n the divisional approach$ coordination across divisions is great !hereas coo rdination !ithin divisions is often poor. True
The matri approach can )e highly effective in a comple$ rapidly changing environment in !hich the organization needs to )e flei)le and adapta)le. True
One ma*or disadvantage of the virtual net!or# ap proach is the lac# of hands-on control. True
Coordination is the 7uality of colla)oration across departments. True
8eengineering is the outcome of information and cooperation. True
A pro*ect manager is a person responsi)le for coordinating the activities of several departments for the completion of a specific pro*ect. True
8eengineering )asically means preserving the past )y esta)lishing the se7uence of activities )y ho! !or# !as done. True
The radical redesign of )usiness processes to achieve dra matic improvements in cost$ 7uality$ service$ service$ and speed is called reengineering. True
The distinctive feature of the pro*ect manager position is that the person is not a mem)er of one on e of the departments )egin coordinated. True
6hen an organization uses a differentiation strategy$ strategy$ it strives for internal efficiency. True
The pure functional structure is appropriate for achieving internal efficiency goals. True
A vertical vertical structure that emphasizes specialization and centralization is appropriate !hen environmental uncertainty is high. True
A rigid$ rigid$ vertical structure in an uncertain environment prevents the organization form adapting to change. True
The functional structure is appropriate !hen the primary goal is innov ation and flei)ility. True
9mall-)atch production is distinguished )y standardized production runs. True
6hich of the follo!ing refers to the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals: A. ;lanning 3. Controlling C. Organizing D. /eading 2. 9trategic management 9trategy defines
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