206663517 Hyperion Planning Bootcamp
Short Description
Hyperion Planning Bootcamp...
Hyperion Planning 9.3 May 2009
Hyperion Planning Introduction Installing Hyperion Planning Backing up and Recovery of Hyperion applications Setting up An Application Working with Dimensions and Members Security Data Forms Workflow and Task lists Using Business rules Demo Application Test 2
A web-based budgeting and planning solution that drives collaborative, integrated, event-based planning processes throughout the organization for a wide range of financial and operational needs
Key Features and Benefits
Web Architected
Data Entry Reporting Process Management Server based application functionality – thin client
Zero footprint – No software to load on clients Low TCO Anytime, anywhere access Extended Enterprise Planning enabled 4
Key Features and Benefits
Process Management
Tracks the status Manages the plan progress Web Enabled
Co-ordinates whole company, single and sub-sets of users Supports complex organization structures Provides clear documentation of plan status Shortens cycle time Supports organizational collaboration 5
Key Features and Benefits
Business Rules
Graphical rules and planning methods builder Documentation provided Sophisticated calculations
Easy to use calculation generator Greater understanding of planning methodology and corporate assumptions Distribution and use of standard methods company wide Distribution of rule building if required for local needs 6
Key Features and Benefits
Powered by Hyperion Essbase
Multi-dimensional OLAP engine Analytic and calculation functions Multi-cube application support Scalable and open
Common analytic platform Industry leading technology Integrates planning with custom Hyperion Essbase applications 7
Hyperion Planning - Architecture
Hyperion Planning – Administrator Client
Classic Application Wizard
Create Application Delete Application Register Application
Hyperion Planning - Workspace
Manage Data Forms, Dimensions, Task Lists, User Variables and Shared Services Define Alias Tables Assign Member Access Copy Data (Including Supporting Details) View Statistics and Run Administration Reports
Entering Data, Supporting Details and Annotations Workflow
Managing the Planning Process Copy Data between Versions
Hyperion Planning – Application Tier
The Application tier consists primarily of these servers:
Hyperion System 9 BI+ Financial Reporting Server Hyperion System 9 Planning Server Hyperion System 9 Shared Services Server Web Server
Hyperion Planning – Database Tier
The Database tier consists of a third party RBMS and Hyperion Essbase. The relational database is used primarily to store the following:
Application Framework Dimensions, Members and Properties Exchange Rates Member Access (Security Filters) Data Form Design Definitions Planning Units Annotations Supporting Details Process Management Workflow Status
Hyperion Planning – Product Components Hyperion System 9 Planning Hyperion Essbase Analytics Hyperion Essbase Anaytics Administration Services Hyperion Business Rules Hyperion Smart View for Office Hyperion Financial Reporting Hyperion Shared Services
Installing Hyperion Planning
Hyperion Planning – Product Sequence Hyperion Shared Services Hyperion Essbase Hyperion Essbase Analytics Administration Services Hyperion Reporting & Analysis Services (Core Services) Hyperion R&A UI Services (Workspace) Hyperion Planning Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Architect
Installing Hyperion Shared Services Run the Installer Configure Database Deploy to Application Server Check for the installation
Login to http://:58080/interop/index.jsp Username – admin Password - password
Installing Hyperion Essbase Run the Installer Select Product Options Register with Shared Services
Username – admin Password - password
Register Essbase as Windows Service
Username – hyperion Password - password
Installing Hyperion Essbase AAS Run the Installer Configure Database Register with Shared Services
Username – admin Password - password
Deploy to Shared Service Run AAS Console Login to AAS and then to Essbase Move Security to Shared Services
Externalize Users 18
Installing Hyperion R&A (Core Services)
Run the Installer
Install in Hyperion\BIPlus directory
Register with Shared Services
Username – admin Password - password
Product Options Configure Database Deploy to Application Server
Workspace: 45000 Financial Reporting: 8200 Web Analysis: 16000
Install R&A Client
Install in Hyperion\BIPlusClient directory
Installing Hyperion R&A (UI Services)
Run the Installer
Install in Hyperion\BIPlus directory
Configure Web Server
Web Server – IIS/Apache Financial Reporting: 8200 Web Analysis: 16000 Performance Scorecard: 18080 Planning: 8300 BPM Architect: 19091 HTTP Port
IIS: 80 Apache: 19000
Configure R&A: IIS Web Server
Goto IIS Default Web Site and ensure the following virtual directories are present:
Go to Web Service Extensions and ensure that the following components are “allowed”:
InsightInstaller – Hyperion\BIPlus\Appserver\InstalledApps\workspace_static\zeroa dmin\component\Insight Jakarta – Hyperion\common\appServers\Tomcat\5.0.28\isapi workspace – Hyperion\BIPlus\AppServer\InstalledApps\workspace_static Ensure that these directories have execute permissions to “Scripts and Executables”
Active Server Pages ASP.Net v.2.x jakarta WebDAV
Ensure that “World Wide Web Publishing” service is 21 started
Installing Hyperion Planning Run the Installer Register with Shared Services
Username – admin Password - password
Deploy to Shared Service Configure Database Deploy to Application Server
Configuring Hyperion Planning
Product Instance Registration
Instance name: Assign a name Web tier host name: Server name/load balancer name (for multi-server environment) Server Port: 8300
Configure a data source
For every Planning application, it creates a link to relational database and Essbase Configure Relational database Configure Essbase server details
Configure Planning – Provision User Create a project in Shared Services for Planning Provision the user (e.g. hyperion):
R&A Administrator R&A Global Administrator
Application Creator Dimension Editor
Sequence to start Hyperion Services Hyperion Open LDAP Hyperion Shared Services Hyperion BI+ Core Services EPMA Hyperion Analytic Services Hyperion Administration Services Hyperion BI+ Interactive Reporting Services Hyperion BI+ Workspace Hyperion RMI Registry Hyperion Planning
Creating the Planning Application
Classic Planning Application
Create a Planning Application
Logon to Workspace and goto Administer >Classic Application Administration -> Planning Administration
Click on Create Application button: Select Data source
If no data source exist then goto Hyperion Configuration Utility to create a data source) Specify the name for the application Specify the Project Name in Shared Services Specify the Instance Name (Created using Configuration Utility)
Create a Planning Application – Cont’d
Specify Calendar
Specify Currencies
Select Base Period Option – 12 months, Quarters or Custom Fiscal Start Year Fiscal Start month Weekly Distribution – Even, 445, 454 or 544 Total Number of Years Whether multi-currency application
Specify Plan Types – Separate Databases in Essbase
Minimum 1 Plan Type Specify Plan Type names for upto 3 Plan Types
Creating the Planning Application
Performance Management Planning Application
EPM SmartSpace Architecture
Installing EPM Smartspace Install EPM SmartSpace Configure EPM Architect
Configure with Shared Services Configure database Deploy to Application Server
EPMA Web Tier: 19091 EPMA Data Synchronizer: 19101
Interface Datasource Configuration
Create a Planning Application
Create an Import Profile
Select Navigate -> Administer -> Dimension Library Select File -> Import -> Create Profile Name it as SampAp Select Flat File as Import Type Browse Hyperion\Planning\bin\Sampleapp\SampApp Source File.ads Click Ok and Next In the Map Dimensions section, select all dimensions in the Master View column by clicking Create dimensions for the non-mapped dimensions with the source dimension name 32 Click Next and Finish
Create a Planning Application - Cont’d
Create a Sample Application
Select Navigate -> Administer -> Dimension Library Select File -> New -> Application View Enter name as SampAp and type as Planning Select SampAp application view Drag and drop all dimensions from Master view into Application view In Properties grid for SampAp:
Category – Planning Valid for Plan1 Rename Plan1 to Consol Start Year – 2007 Start Month – Jan Default Currency – USD Activate all associations Performance Settings Save
Create a Planning Application - Cont’d
Deploy Sample Application
Select Navigate -> Administer -> Application Library Select SampAp view Right Click -> Validate Right Click -> Deploy
Instance Name Shared Services Project – Planning Data Source Name Create Outline – For new applications Refresh Outline – For existing applications
Hyperion Products Backup & Recovery
Shared Services Backup & Recovery
Backup Shared Services database \server\scripts\backup.bat
Shared Services Application Server Files (Apache Tomcat)
Domain.xml Slide.properties CSS.xml WorkflowEngine.properties Scheduler.properties Manage_data.properties
Open LDAP database Configuration file Slapd.conf
All Open LDAP data and log files *.dbd files Log.* files
For Recovery:
Restore Shared Services database Run \server\scripts\recover.bat
R&A Backup & Recovery
Backup R&A database R&A installation directory and all sub-folders e.g. \Hyperion\BIPlus Hyperion home common directory and all sub-folders e.g. \Hyperion\common OS registry including entries made by installer If Weblogic or Websphere used then directories corresponding to those ANDALE fonts (ANDALE.ttf file) in Windows font directory VPD properties file e.g. C:\Windows
Restore R&A database and all other files listed above37
Planning Backup & Recovery
Backup Planning database Essbase Security File Essbase Configuration File Essbase Application backup Planning installation directory and all sub-folders e.g. \Hyperion\Planning
Ensure that PlanningSystemDB.properties, HBRServer.properties, Essbase.properties files are copied
OS registry including entries made by installer Entire OS folder which contains many Planning libraries e.g. C:\Windows\System32 If Weblogic or Websphere used then directories corresponding to those VPD properties file e.g. C:\Windows
Restore Planning database and all other files listed above
HBR Backup & Recovery
Backup EAS database AnalyticAdministrationServices\storage directory AnalyticAdministrationServices\server directory
Dao.properties Hub.properties Locale.properties OlapAdmin.properties Workflowclient.properties HBR.properties *.xml
Restore EAS database and all other files listed above39
Planning Dimensions Overview
Required Dimensions
Six required dimensions:
Multiple Currency applications require 2 additional dimensions:
Period Year Scenario Version Entity Account
Currency HSP_Rates
Total 20 dimensions are allowed
Setting up Dimensions Setting up Currencies and Exchange Rates Setting up Period, Scenario and Version Dimension Setting up Entity Dimension Setting up Account Dimension Creating User-defined Dimensions, Attributes and Member Formulas
Setting up Currencies and Exchange Rates Add and Modify Currencies Create Exchange Rate tables Enter Exchange Rates Generate currency conversion calculation scripts
Setting up Dimensions Setting up Currencies and Exchange Rates Setting up Period, Scenario and Version Dimension Setting up Entity Dimension Setting up Account Dimension Creating User-defined Dimensions, Attributes and Member Formulas
Setting up Currencies and Exchange Add and Modify Currencies Create Exchange Rate Tables Enter Exchange Rates Generate Currency Conversion Calculation Scripts
Add/Modify Currencies Add and Modify Currencies using Dimension editor Select currencies from a pre-defined list or create your own Each currency has a 3-letter code
Create Exchange Rate Tables
3 types of rates associated with a member:
Historical Average Ending
Select Reporting and Triangulation Currencies
Time Periods
The Year and Period represents time. You can:
Add Years Create new summary time periods or change the name of summary time periods Add or change the aliases Add upto 100 years or 500 time periods to an application You cannot reduce the number of years or change the base time periods
You can define the following properties:
Valid start and end Year and Periods Exchange Rate table Include Beginning Balance Enable for Process Management Access Rights
Version Version provide process flexibility by providing iterative planning cycles Versions are independent of scenarios There are 2 version types:
Bottom-up Target
Workflow tasks are not allowed for Target versions Children of Target version must be #MI for data input to be allowed at the top/upper level Target members must be set to Store (Dynamic Calc 50 overrides data input with sum of children
Entities allow you to model the flow of budget information through the organization You can create an entity for each group or responsibility centre that submits plan for approval You can assign Plan Types to Entities Entities can have a base currency:
If base currency is defined, application default currency is used The base currency can be overwritten during data entry or data loads
You can assign Plan Types to Accounts
If more than one Plan Type is assigned to an Account, designate a source Plan Type Other Plan Types pull their values from the source Plan Type
Use aggregation options to define calculations in the account hierarchy
Account Types
User defined dimensions You can add upto 14 user defined custom dimensions User defined dimensions differ from Accounts and Entity in that you can assign valid Plan Types at dimension level itself
You do not assign Plan Types to individual members
Changing Other Properties UDA (User defined Attributes) Formula
Security Overview Determine user privileges Assign access rights to application elements
Dimension members – Scenario, Version, Accounts, Entity, Custom defined dimensions Data Forms Task list Business Rules
Create security filters
User Authentication Need a valid username and password Can be external or internal
Users and groups must exist in the authentication directory before they can be granted access in Hyperion
Task Security Specify the tasks that users and groups are authorized to perform Assign roles to users to implement task security Tasks for which users are not authorized are either removed from the menu or are not selectable
Data Forms and Folders Overview
Data Forms:
Each data form is associated with a Plan Type You assign access to Data Forms Data Forms with Target version enable entry into parent members
You can move folders within the hierarchy You cannot assign access rights to folders You cannot delete a folder unless it is empty You cannot move or delete top level folder called Forms 60
User Types and Rights
Access Options
Dimension Member and Data Form access:
Read Write None
Task List:
Assign Manage Manage and Assign None
Designing Data Forms
Data Form Contents Data Form Properties Row, Column layout Page and Point of View (POV) layout Display Options Business Rules Access Rights Substitution Variables User Variables
Managing Planning Process
Process Management Overview
Reviewer Actions
Impact of Entity Hierarchy on Review Process
Migrating Planning Application
Migrating Planning Application
Migrate Shared Services
Backup the source SS repository and restore it in target environment Use SS Import/Export command line utility
Migrate Planning application
Backup source environment
Source Planning repository Export business rules, calc scripts and outline using EAS Export data into files
Create a shell relational database in the target environment 70
Migrating Planning Application – Cont’d
Migrate Planning application
Create a target Planning application with the same name as in source Import relational database in target If the application owner is different in target, update the SIDs in target environment with application owner (user SIDs are in HSP_USERS table and user names are in HSP_OBJECT table) Restore calc scripts in target environment Restart SS, Essbase, Administration and Planning services in target environment Register/Re-register the application in target 71 environment
Migrating Planning Application – Cont’d
Migrate Planning application
Perform cube create to create Planning outline in Essbase Logon to EAS, import Essbase data and HBR XML files Assign Access to users Run \Planning\bin\ProvisionUsers.cmd Perform Create database in Planning Import Essbase data Refresh Security Filters
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