Xou `ust niswer oi tle questhoi pnper. Xou whkk ieef:
Hisert (eidkosef)
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Niswer nkk nkk questhois questhois hi Hifoieshni Hifoieshni.. Use n bkndm or fnrm bkue pei. Fo iot iot use use ni ernsnbke pei or dorredthoi ckuhf. Qrhte your in`e, deitre iu`ber nif dnifhfnte iu`ber hi tle boxes nt tle top oc tle pnae. Qrhte your niswer to endl questhoi hi tle spnde provhfef. Fo iot iot wrhte wrhte oi niy bnr dofes. Fhdthoinrhes nre iot iot nkkowef. nkkowef. Hc nffhthoink spnde hs requhref, you sloukf use tle khief pnae nt tle eif oc tlhs boomket= tle questhoi iu`ber or iu`bers `ust be dkenrky slowi.
HICOR@NVHOI ● Vle totnk `nrm cor tlhs pnper hs 57. ● Vle iu`ber oc `nrms cor endl questhoi or pnrt questhoi hs slowi hi brndmets ] P. ● Vle hisert doitnhis tle renfhia pnssnaes. HITVRUMTH ●
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