
March 17, 2017 | Author: Maio Torres | Category: N/A
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Download 201848463-Peter-Greenfield-The-Mechanics-of-Metal-Lesson-5-100-Versatile-Licks-and-Runs.pdf...


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The Mechanics of Metal T • Series A state-of-lhe-art instruction course designed to help beginning, intermediate, and advanced guitarists master the art 01 heavy metal guitar playing.

Lesson 1: Heavy Metal Chord Guide (with accompanying cassette tape)

Lesson 2: Total Sea les and Modes (with accompanying cassette tape)

Lesson 3: Teehnique and Exereises (with accompanying cassette tape)

Lesson 4: Trieks ( with accompanying cassette tape) Lesson 5: 100 Versatile Lieks and Runs ( with accompanying casse tte tape)

Mechanics 01 Metal'· Publications P.O. Box 162 Howard Beach, N.Y. 11414

The Meehan ics of Melal'" Series A Sound and Organizcd Approach lo Ihe Maslcring of Heavy Melal GlI ilarTw Lesson 5: 100 Versalilc Lids and Ru ns

AII m:uerial wrilten, narrated, and pcrformcd by Pelcr Greenfield


COJIt".'" ft 1989 ~ Ptew:, 1011 • .po "'..... vN. No ¡o1iofo ,,/1"" in
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