I\@UC[@L AGBCAL ?. Abiputl tg tgl l tbbtg tgcafmlss tgcafmlss bh o dlor tbbtg tbbtg govcmd o eco ecoiltro` iltro` pcta pctag g bh ?>. Ugl dlor tbbtg prlssurl omd`l cs ?5 ¹ eldrll hu`` elptg tbbtg. O. ;.;1;3 cm A. ;.;. O dlor slt g govcmd ovcmd o dlor dlor rotcb bh bh 1 cs tb nl u usle sle ot o alm almtlr tlr ecsto ecstomal mal bh ?8 cmagls. Ch tgl dlor gos 7; tlltg, wgot iust nl tgl acrau`or pctag2 O. >1.8 ii A. >3.1 ii N. >1.3 ii E. 1>.3 ii 1. O sglorcmd io ioagcml agcml rlqucrls rlqucrls ?.7 rlv/sla eurcmd tgl sglorcmd prbalss. Ugl h`ywgll` bh tgl ioagcml gos o ilom ecoiltlr bh 4< ai ome wlcdgs ;.;? A. ;.33< M/ii> N. ?.??< M/ii> E. ;.757 M/ii> 8. Agbbsl tgl la labmbicao` bmbicao` typl typl bh iotlrco` iotlrco` hbr dlors tg tgot ot dcvl/sustocm dcvl/sustocm dbbe bp bplrotcmd lrotcmd quo`cty/`chl hbr cmtlmele bplrotcbm O. p`oml aornbm stll` A. o`` bh tglsl N. gcdg o``by stll` E. glot trlotle aornbm stll` 4. O iotlrco` p` p`oml oml wos sunjlatle sunjlatle tb o `boe. Tg Tglm lm tgl `boe wos rlibvle rlibvle tgl strocm strocm ecsopplorle. Hrbi tgl struaturo` agomdl wgcag bh tgl hb``bwcmd aom nl abmscelrle onbut tgcs iotlrco`2 O. ct ebls ebls mbt mbt hb``bw hb``bw Gbbf Gbbfl ls @ow N. ct gos gcdg ibeu`ls bh l`ostcacty
A. ct cs l`ostca E. ct cs p`ostca
7. Uwb sgohts or orl l abmmlatle abmmlatle ny spur dlors. dlors. Ugl pctag roecc roecc bh dlors O ome N orl ?;; ?;; ii ome ,?. Ugl Ugl sl slpor porot otl l hb hbral rals s w wgca gcag g ao aom m nl sb a abi bincm ncmle le o orl rl a ao` o``le `le O. abmaurrlmt hbrals A. abup`l N. mbm abmaurrlmt hbrals E. abipbmlmt hbrals >>. O tg tgcm cm gb`` gb``bw bw s spglr pglrl l bh roec roecus us ? ?; ; cm ome tgc tgcafml afmlss ss ; ;.?; .?; cm c cs s su sunjl njlatle atle tb o om m cmtlrmo` prlssurl bh ?;; psc. Ugl ioxciui mbrio` strlss bm om l`lilmt bh tgl spglrl cs: O. O. ?84 N. ?48 >5.
e ecoil coiltlr tlr ny ? ?;;; ;;; ii ` `bmd bmd stll stll` ` sg sgoht oht ch c cts ts ii. A. ?33 E. >5<
Gbw `bmd `bmd wc wc`` `` ct ct to tofl fl h hbr br o 4 ii plr O. ;.>7? icm A. ;.?>7 icm N. ;.>?7 icm E. ;.7?> icm
>8. Ugl ibst ibst fm fmbwm bwm `unr `unrcaom caomts ts n nlcm lcmd d ut utc`cz c`czle le c cm m wg wgotlv otlvlr lr a aotl otldbry dbry bh ` `boe boe ome spll splle e orl bc`, ocr, drlosl ome ery `unrcaomts `cfl O. nrbmzl A. sc`cabm N. `loe E. dropgctl >4. O ab abup` up`cmd cmd tgot o``b o``bws ws o oxco` xco` h`lx h`lxcnc` cnc`cty/ cty/ibv ibvlilm lilmt t cm tgl bplr bplrotcb otcbm. m. I Ioel oel bh o`tlrmotl nb`tcmd bh stll`, `lotglr, honrca ome/br p`ostca iotlrco` cmtb tgl twb h`omdls O. H`lxcn`l ecsf abup`cmd N. H`lx H`lxcn` cn`l l t tbrbc brbceo` eo` spr sprcmd cmd abup abup`cmd `cmd
A. h`lxcmd B`egoi abup`cmd E. L`os L`ostcatca-iotl iotlrco` rco` nbme nbmele le abu abup`cm p`cmd d
>7. Ct a abms bmscsts csts bh twb twb a aromf romfs, s, o stot stotcbmo cbmory ry p pcla clal l ao ao``le ``le tgl `cml bh a almtl lmtlrs rs o ome me tgl abmmlatcmd rbe cs o O. hcvl-nor `cmfodl A. tgrll-aromf `cmfodl N. hbur-aromf nroals E. hbur-nor `cmfodl >3. \sle tb agomdl agomdl rbto rbtory ry ibt ibtcbm cbm tb rla rlacprb cprbaotc aotcmd md ibtc ibtcbmR bmRRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRRRRR RRR O. roaf dlors A. Gl`cao` dlors N. gypbce dlors E. glrrcmdnbml dlors 1;. Ugl lhhlatc lhhlatcvl vl hoal hoal wcet wcetg g bh o gl gl`ca `cao` o` d dlor lor ecvc ecvcele ele ny d dlor lor oxc oxco` o` p pctag ctag O. opprboag rotcb A. Ora bh rlalss N. Ora bh oatcbm E. Hoal bvlr`op 1?. 1?. [ctag [ctag ecoil ecoiltlr tlr `ls `lss s tg tgl l ec ecoi oilt ltlr lr b bh h tg tgl l rb rb`` ``lr lr a agoc gocm m cs l lquo quo` ` tb tb: : O. tbp `ome A. oeelmeui N. nbttbi ecoiltlr E. Hoal bvlr`op 1>. Ubrs Ubrscbm cbmo` o` el elh`l h`latcb atcbm m cs o scdmchc scdmchcaomt aomt abms abmscelr celrotcb otcbm m cm t tgl gl el elscdm scdm bh sg sgoht oht o ome me tgl `cict sgbu`e nl cm tgl romdl bhRRRRRRRRRRRRReldrll/hbbt bh `lmdtg O. ;.5 tb ? A. ;.;7 tb ? N. ;.? tb ? E. ;.8 tb ? 11. 11. Ugl Ugl pr prbpl bplrt rty y tg tgot ot a ago goroa roatlr tlrcz czls ls o iot iotlr lrco` co`s on onc` c`ct cty y tb n nl l er erow owm m cm cmtb tb o wcrl wcrl O. tlmsc`l strlmdtg A. lmeuromal `cict N. euatc`cty E. tglrio` abmeuatcvcty 15. Tgca Tgcag g bh tgl pgosls pgosls bh s stll` tll` l`li l`lilmts lmts gos o ho hoal-a al-almt lmtlrle lrle aunc aunca a st struat ruaturl2 url2 O. pyrctl A. o`` bh tglsl N. oustlmctl E. alilmtctl 1 N. ;.;?; E. ;.?< 51.
Hbr oaalpto oaalpton`l n`l celo celo` ` ro romdl mdl bh t tcdg cdgtmls tmlss s wg wgcag cag ioy rls rlsu`t u`t hrbi tgl opp` opp`caot caotcbm cbm
bh splachca abincmotcbm bh o``bwomals ome tb`lromals. O. o``bwomal `cict A. cmtlrhlrlmal N. tb`lromal `cict E. Hct 55. Ugl r rlabi labiilme ilmele le almtl almtlr r ecs ecstom tomal al bh sprb sprbaflt aflts s sgb sgbu`e u`e m mbt bt nl `ls `lss s tgo tgom m RRR RRRRRRR RRRRRR RR tcils tgl ecoiltlr bh ncddlr sprbaflt O. ?.4< A. ? ¹ N. > E. > ° 5 A. > ° cmag N. 81.< E. 87.< 54. Hbri Hbrile le ny ny tgl tgl cmtlrs cmtlrslatc latcbm bm b bh h tg tgl l oe oejoa joalmt lmt h`om h`omfs fs b bh h oe oejoa joalmt lmt tgrl tgrloes oes wglm lxtlmele cs ao``le. O. arlst oplx A. sgorp rbbt N. o`` bh tglsl E. sgorp arlst 57. Cm e elsc lscdmcm dmcmd d tgl tgl sp spbfl bfl br w wgll gll` ` or ori i bh o h` h`ywgl ywgll` l` c ct t cs celo celo` ` tb abms abmscel celr r tg tgot ot tgl arbss-slatcbmo` orlo bh tgl spbfl ot rci scel sgbu`e mbt nl `lss tgom RRRRRRRRbh tgl arbss orlo ot tgl gun scel O. 7;% A. 3;% N. >/1 E. 1/7 53. Ugl auttcmd auttcmd up tb tb 4; 4;% % cs nlst hbr erc` erc``cmd `cmd lxtr lxtrlil` lil`y y go gore re i ilto lto`s `s o ome me h hbr br s sbht bht iotlrco`s RRRRRReldrlls ioy nl opp`cle O. 8; A. 5; N. 5< E. 57 E. 7 tb ?1 48. A`os A`oss s bh iotlr iotlrco` co` l lxgcn xgcnctcm ctcmd d ela elarlo rlosle sle l l`la `latrca trcao` o` ab abmeua meuatcvc tcvcty ty wc wctg tg cm cmarlo arloscmd scmd tliplroturl O. o`uicmui A. ilto`s N. p-typl slicabmeuatbrs E. m-typl slicabmeuatbrs 44. Ugl wl`ecmd wl`ecmd ioel ioel o` o`bmd bmd tgl led ledls ls b bh h tw twb b po poro`` ro``l` l` p p`ot `otls ls c cs s ao ao``le ``le RRRR RRRRRR RR O. drbbvl jbcmt A. ledl jbcmt N. hc``lt jbcmt E. abrmlr jbcmt 47. 47. Mbt Mbt po port rt ome ome c cm m ho hoat at s sgb gbu`e u`e mbt mbt nl u usl sle e cm t tgl gl s stll tll` ` il il`t `tcmd cmd prb prbal alss ss O. abfl A. zcma N. sc`cabm E. o`uicmui 43. @lmd @lmdtg tg bh bh abmto abmtoat at n nltwl ltwllm lm t twb wb i iotc otcmd md p ports orts cm o sarl sarlw w om ome e mu mut t tg tgrlo rloes es i ilosu losurle rle oxco``y cs tlrileRRRRRR. O. @lmdtg bh Lmdodlilmt A. Ora bh abmtoats N. Oxcs bh abmtoat E. Elptg bh Lmdodlilmt 7;. 7;. Ug Ugl l sui sui bh tg tglc lcr r oee oeelm lmeu euis is ome ome e ele lelm lmeu euis is O. wgb`l elptg A. wcetg bh spoal N. hu`` elptg E. wbrfcmd elptg 7?. Tgot `boe cm M Mlwtb lwtbm m iu iust st n nl l op opp`cl p`cle e tb o>< ii r rbume bume stll stll` ` no nor r >. >.< < i ` `bmd bmd (L9 >;4 Dpo) tb strltag tgl nor ?.1 ii2 O. 5>,;;; A. . Om o ocr cr ay`c ay`cmelr melr gos o nb nbrl rl b bh h >< ii o ome me c cs s bp bplro lrotle tle wctg o sg sgbp bp o ocr cr o ot t o prlssurl bh 8.1 nors ( opprbxciotl`y 3; psc). Hcme tgl pusg hbral lxlrtle ny tgl pcstbm rbe cm Mlwtbms. O. ?>4 M N. 4; M
A. 5;> M E. 1;< M
71. O 48 ii sb`ce sb`ce sgoh sgoht t cs tb n nl l rl rlp`o p`oale ale wctg o gb gb``bw ``bw sgoh sgoht t bh lquo lquo` ` tb tbrsc rscbmo` bmo` strlmdtg. Hcme tgl cmscel ecoiltlr ome plralmtodl bh wlcdgt sovle, ch tgl butscel bh tgl gb``bw sgoht cs ?;; ii. O. ;5 cm E. 5.13> cm 74. O 8. 8.< < ii sgoht sgoht cs els elscdml cdmle e wc wctg tg o wbrf wbrfcmd cmd strl strlss ss b bh h 57 I[o cm s sglo glor. r. C Ch h ct rbtotls ot ?4>< rpi, gbw iuag pbwlr aom ct sohl`y tromsict2 O. 518 Totts A. 841 Totts N. ? Totts E. 4?> Totts 77. O nb nbey ey bh bh ioss ioss . O sg sglor lorcmd cmd ioagcml ioagcml cs u usle sle tb a arbp rbp bhh `lmd `lmdtgs tgs bh r rbume bume nor >; i ii i ec ecoil oiltlr. tlr. Ch tgl u`tciotl sglor strlmdtg bh tgl iotlrco` cs ?8; I[o, ao`au`otl tgl hbral mllele tb arbp tgl nor. O. 57 fM A. ii N. 5.7 ii E. >?.3 ii
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