2016 Emcee Script Drama Competition

April 21, 2018 | Author: Audrey Rose | Category: N/A
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TEXT The competition is going to start any minute from now. All the contestants and the guests are invited to come inside the hall and take your seats. Thank you. Please be reminded, to turn your mobile phones to silent mode throughout the competition. Audience are reminded to observe silence and minimize movements during the competition to avoid distractions of both the udges and actors. !ood morning, ladies and gentlemen. "y name is ############# and $ am your "aster of %eremony for today. &e are gathered here today for the 'ota 'inabalu (istrict level (rama %ompetition )*+. -n behalf of the organising committee, we are pleased to welcome everyone to '' igh /chool.

.0irst, it is with great pleasure to adudicators1udges for today2s competition.



-ur %hief Adudicator13udge for today is ########################### from ################### -ur /econd is ##################### from ##################### and last but not least, our third udge is ####################### from ##################. -ur time keeper today is #########################. •

Rules & Regulation

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0or everyone2s information, we have a total of 4 schools competing in this year2s competition. 5efore we proceed, allow me to give a brief e6planation of the rules and guidelines of the competition. Every team is to observe the following rules7 The competition is open to all government8aided schools2 students with a ma6imum of 9 participants from 0orm  which is optional. . Each team comprises a ma6imum of +: participants. All team members must be from the same school. The selection of theme is open but should not touch on sensitive

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issues. such as races, religion, stereotyping, politics and so on. Teams are encouraged to produce their own scripts. The use of /cripts or translated scripts of established plays must be adapted and cited. $t is compulsory to use English language throughout the drama performance. owever, limited use of certain local "alaysia registers is allowed. The use of vulgar words and gestures and gruesome scenes are strictly prohibited. The use of sets and props should be minimized. Time allocated for each presentation is )* minutes. The timing of the presentation stats with the first movement, first word uttered by the actor;s< or any sound effects. "arks will be deducted after the )* th minute. Each team is also given e6tra : minutes for the setting up and another : minutes for the purpose of clearing of sets and props. =ast but not least, all the udges2 deci sions are final and individual marks will not be disclosed.

=adies and voices !entlemen, once again as a kind reminder, lower down your and ensure that your mobile phones please are switched off or set into silent mode. >our consideration is very much appreciated.


&ithout further ado, let us begin with the first team, from school ?o.+ with their (rama presentation entitled ################### @@ Thank you /chool ?o.+ @@

?e6t, let us give a big round of applause to /chool ?o. ) with their drama presentation entitled ############################### @@@Thank you /chool ?o.)@@@ ?e6t, $ would like to call upon /chool ?o. 9 to present a performance entitled ####################################### @@Thank you Team ?o 9. =adies and gentleman, let us put our hands together for school no. with their presentation entitled ############################ @@Thank you Team no.@@ ?ow, let us welcome our :th team from ################# with their presentation entitled #################################

Thank you to Team no.:. ?e6t, Please put ur hands together for Team no  with their drama presentation entitled ######################## Thank you Team no. ?e6t, =et us give a round of applause for -ur B th presentation today is from /chool no.BC entitled #################### Thank you team no.B =adies and gentlemen, our final drama presentation today is from school ?o. 4 entitled ############################### &ith that all teams have delivered their drama presentation. &e will now take a one hour1half hour1: minute break for lunch. Please return to the hall at ########### for the closing ceremony.


All teams and teachers are reDuired to remain inside the hall.

&e shall proceed with our ceremony once the udges have come to a decision. Thank you.

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