(2012) No. #1 Super Book of Puroresu Techniques!! (Japanese Pro Wrestling)

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No. #1 Super Book of Puroresu Techniques!!!! (Japanese ProWrestling)

Translated to English by K_KJD

Summary Technically professional wrestling is about one’s own personal style and the degree of freedom in the techniques used is very high. The genre has grown to absorb many of the elements of various martial arts and many wrestlers include these skill sets.

Pro Wrestling techniques can be mainly be classified into the following eight basic categories1. The Art of Striking 2. The Art of Throwing 3. The Art of Locking 4. The Art of Restricting 5. The Art of Flying 6. The Art of Dropping 7. The Art of Pinning 8. The Art of Special Techniques

In addition to these also 4 sub categories1. One person stands on the second rope and throws person sitting off top rope- super moves (super-plex) 2. Apply techniques from the curb toward the apron - apron dive moves 3. Plant to someone who is leaning on the corner – corner moves (bronco buster) 4. Skill in working with partners to mount a tag match – double team moves Most techniques can be used under the subcategories.

The Art of Striking Striking techniques are moves that involve blows with various parts of the body to disable an opponent so you can set him up for a submission or pin. In professional wrestling holding a fist to hit the opponents face with is usually is a foul, you can use it up to 5 times in a row without being disqualified so other strikes are used to make up for this. Arm Strikes Typical arm strikes are done with the fist, knuckles, hammer, elbow, forearm etc. Hand StrikesPalm strike Thrust of the hand (spear hand/finger jab) Hell thrust (throat thrust) Karate chop (shuto) Horizontal Reverse chop (back hand) Chop off rope Tsubamegaeshi (Swallow Counter) Extended knuckle punch Thrust punch Hook punch Uppercut punch Overhand punch Gut punch Haymaker punch Elbow StrikesElbow Bat Elbow Stamp Elbow Smash Elbow Slash Horizontal Elbow Reverse Horizontal Elbow Spinning Elbow Elbow Chop Double Elbow Chop Mid-Air Elbow Strike 360 degree elbow Forearm SmashesLariat Open-hand blow Double Tomahawk smash

Leg Strikes Typical leg strikes are done with the foot, shin, knee, thigh etc. Shin & Instep kicksLow kicks Arikikku Middle kick High Kick Medulla oblongata cut Jumping high kick 619 Angle kick Down Roundhouse Kick FlatfootStomping Front High Kick (Big Boots) Kick sixteen statements Fight kick (Yakuza kick) Sobatto Rolling Sobatto kick Torasu Kick (Super Kick) Back of Heel kicksDrop heel Scorpio Rising Spinning Heel Kick Axe Heel Kick Calf KicksScissor kick Spin kick Water surface kick Toe KicksToe kick Gut shot Knee strikesKnee Stamp Knee bat Shining Wizard Flying knee (muay thai knee) Clinch & knee strike Roundhouse knee strike

Body Strikes Head strikesHeadbutt Shoulder strikesShoulder block Spear Striking spear Butt StrikesHip attack (hip check) Face to tink Spiking moves Moves where one wrestler lifts up the other and spikes him down on his knee or onto the ground. ExamplesBack Wanhando Breaker (formula one hand crushed hip) Pendulum back Breaker (crushed hip pendulum) Schmidt Back Breaker (crushed hips holding formula) Keburadora Hero Con (back Breaker formula windmill) Mac storage block (break down stomach-stomach) Shoulder Buster (crushed shoulder) Knee Crusher (crushed knee) (Crushed knee deformation) Yokosuka foot Breaker arm shoulder (folded arms) Atomic drop (crushed ass) Breaker neck (neck crushed) Chin Crusher (crushing jaw) (End coconut) Coconut Crush Sutana Ground Spikes Slap your opponent on the ground and using the momentum of the opponent's body & gravity. ExamplesBulldog head lock (Burudoggingu) Face Crusher Diamond Cutter Stunner Breaker neck and drop DDT F5

The Art of Throwing

There are several types of throwing techniques, there is a name attached in situations when thrown respectively. Having a body throw ~ Slam Warp to throw behind it from the rear Kumitsui ~ suplex Throw Kumitsui warp behind it from the front ~ Salto ~ suplex Drop from the top of the head life ~ Driver or Buster Drop back from the back of the head in the direction of the lift before ~ Bomb Grasp the part of the body throw ~ Whip Using throw with the feet, under special circumstances ~ Special These are only guidelines, technically they aren`t really separated. Some have been given a unique name by the technique also. SlamsBody slam Choke slam Olympic Slam SuplexesGerman suplex Dragon suplex Tiger Suplex Backdrop Salto SuplexesFront Suplex Reverse Amusaruto

Amusaruto double list Double-arm suplex Dropped waterwheel Northern Light Suplex Exploration slider Front Neck Chancery Drop Half-hatch Kyapuchudo Suroida Unda-Groff Drivers & HeadspikesBrain Buster Northern Light Bomb Michinoku Driver II Desubarebomu John Emerald Flow Pile driver Tombstone pile driver DDT-fall vertical BombsPole shift Burning Hammer Powerbomb (Pawabomu) Raigabomu Open legged jumping Powerbomb (Pawabomu) Falcon Arrow Tiger Driver Arm ThrowsWhip arm (arm drag) Flying Mare (neck throw) Dragon screw Special throwsRana Urakan (huricanrana) Frankensteiner Korubata (Satelite Head Scissors) Astro Scissor Whip Head Scissor Monkey flip Shoulder through Reverse suplex

The Art of Locking

Applying leverage to a joint in an awkward position with the aim to make your opponent give up. There are a variety of techniques depending on the position of the body. Arm Locks (wrists, elbows & shoulders) Foot Locks (ankles, toes & heels) Neck Locks Hip Locks Complex Locks (combine more than one joint into a lock)

Arm LocksDouble-lock list (chicken wing arm lock) Hammer lock Lock list Hishigi hardened cross arm (straight arm bar) Arm lock cross hold jump (flying arm bar) Compacted side (Fujiwara arm bar) Foot LocksToehold Step-over toe hold Spinning toe hold Figure-Four Leg Lock Achilles lock Ankle hold Cross-compaction knee Supuretto leg (leg split) Heel lock (hardened heels) Nagata Lock Hardened prison Neck LocksCross-face Front Face Lock Crook Head Scissors Faith Cross clip error (Nagata Lock II) Strangle Hold Hip LocksClub Boston ( boston crab ) Half Boston Club ( hardened piece of shrimp reverse ) Camel clutch (hardened camel) Bleecker back (spine fold) Bo-and-Arrow back Bleecker (hardened bow and arrow) Argentina back Bleecker Canadian back Bleecker Bleecker hijacking back Complex LocksScorpion Death Lock ( hardening scorpion ) Texas Hold clover (Yotsuba hardened) Chicken Wing Face Lock (tighten facial Haneori) Triangle Scorpion Reverse viper Hold Romero Special (mexican surfboard)

The Art of Restricting

Using the power of your muscles to tighten up your opponent with the aim to make them give up. The technique is similar to Joint Locks first glance, that the purpose of damage to the ligaments and blocking of blood flow caused by specific sites of the body tighten up. Head Restrictions & StretchesHeadlock Chinlock Head Scissor Iron Claw Neck RestrictionsSleeper Hold Cobra clutch (Hardened character of the neck 4) Figure Four Neck Lock Triangle choke Shoulder Claw Anaconda Vice Choke Dragon Sleeper Foot StretchesScarf Hold Reverse Indian Death Lock Body StretchesScissor body Bear Hug Mac claw strike Complex Stretches & CompressionsSTF Hardened sickle Abdominal stretch Octopus hold Golly special Tarantula

The Art of Flying (Jumping)

Jump techniques are divided into the following three types mainly. 1. Flying 2. Diving 3. Swan Diving Flying moves are usually executed from the top ropes. ExamplesDrop kick Flying Body Attack Flying Lariat Bat Flying Elbow Neil flying kick Jumping Knee Butt Body Flying Scissor-drop Diving Techniques Techniques flying towards the opponent primarily from the top corner. This style is primarily in Mexico which is developed its own pro wrestling style called lucha libre. ExamplesDiving elbow drop Diving Knee Drop Diving foot stamp Diving head butt Diving Hip Attack Deep Impact (DDT formula diving)

Senton dive Moonsault Press Diving Body Press Missile kick Apron Dive MovesCha Suishida plan Cha Konhiro plan Tope-Suishida Tope-Konhiro La Quebrada Torunijo Swan Dive Moves Jumped to the top rope from the apron side, moves toward the opponent flying mount in the ring with a recoil rope. Called a term from that fly like a swan from the lake are similar. At the time World Pro Wrestling where he was live in the Tsuji Yoshinari is Jiro Susumu Otani, due to the fact that formula called it a missile kick Swan Dive. In the English-speaking world is referred to as spring-boards. ExamplesSwan Dive missile kick Swan Dive kick Neil Ultra- Urakan Rana (ultra huricanrana) Dropping Moves Damage is caused to the opponent by dropping your weight. Heavyweight wrestlers are the best for this. Many dropping moves can be augmented using the corners’ increased height. ExamplesBuster scrap Spine Buster Back flip Oklahoma Stampede (avalanche-and-hold) Body Splash Power Slam Rock Bottom STO Guillotine drop Hip drop Leg breaker Senton Somersault drop Knee drop Elbow drop

The Art of Pinning

Techniques aimed at winning victory by pinning both shoulders on the mat for a specified time. ExamplesSolidified body Hardened shrimp Back Slide (Upside down Osaekomi) School Boy pin Small Package Hold (consolidated parcel, hardened neck) Shrimp solidified jackknife formula Rolling clutch hold (hardened shrimp rotation) Rolling Cradle (hardened rocker) Rana-inverso Urakan Tida (hardened shrimp high angle backward rotation) Kami-shiho-gatame (upper four quarter hold down) Kata-gatame (shoulder hold) Kesa-gatame (scarf hold) Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame (broken upper four quarter hold down) Kuzure-kesa-gatame (broken scarf hold) Tate-shiho-gatame (vertical four quarter hold) Yoko-shiho-gatame (side four quarter hold)

The Art of Special Techniques

There are many special techniques unique to Puroresu. Moves spinning the opponent around in circlesAirplane spin Giant Swing Takedown MovesDrop toe hold (scissors crab) Dive leg Blinding movesGreen Mist – Obscures the opponent's vision Red Mist – Burns rather than blinds Black Mist – An even more powerful mist that can severely blind an opponent and hurts Blue Mist – Puts an opponent to sleep Yellow Mist – Paralyzes the opponent Big Fire (fire ball)- Conceal a lighter & flash paper then light it and toss it into your opponents face. Provocation MovesHardening shame

The 4 main Sub Categories Avalanche Formula (Super Moves) Techniques where you launch your opponent from the top turnbuckle of the ring. It was named avalanche because you fall from a high angle. Any move with avalanche or super in front of it has a regular version too and it is possible to use almost any move as an avalanche. In English-speaking countries is called "super-plexes" and collectively (Superplex) the skill of the expression system suplex avalanche. But also to fall into the ring with his homologue trick most of the hook to the rope of his own feet, their technique is called derivation to not damage it in the fall and the expression "Spider" also. Also to fall to the ring with ones feet hooked to the ropes and the damage is not from the fall but stretching the limbs is referred to as a “spider.” It is also present in the state in which the ring also moves to mount. ExamplesSuperplex Avalanche expression Brain Buster Avalanche formula Back Drop Avalanche formula Frankensteiner (Falkensteiner) Avalanche formula DDT Avalanche formula Desubarebomu Avalanche formula Diamond Cutter Avalanche formula Dragon Screw Spider German Suplex (Germantown) Lead dead live Cliff Formula (Apron Dives) Also referred to as pit technique or apron dive. Drop technique to curb your opponent has top corners and side aprons, to runway. Of the 1990s Japan Pro Wrestling had been done in so-called pro wrestling Devas were generated in the middle of a battle in the game. Sometimes only the type and the expression cliff drop from the top corner, to distinguish the type of formula abyss drop apron side, from the runway. Because it cannot absorb the shock when landing, planted opponent chase the big damage. ExamplesTiger suplex cliff Hell Cliff Drop Stranglehold Cliff Formula Dragon Screw Apron Dive Elbow Drop Apron Dive Drop Kck Hell Drop Axe Kick

Skewered Formula (Running Techniques) Delivering a technique while your opponent is standing in the corner. Mostly striking technique. ExamplesSkewered formula lariat (running lariat in kick to cornered opponent) Skewered formula drop kick (running drop kick to cornered opponent) Skewered formula Elbow Bat (running elbow bat kick to cornered opponent Attack shoulder skewered formula (running spear kick to cornered opponent) Skewered body equation attack (running splash kick to cornered opponent) Neil kick skewered formula (running neil kick to cornered opponent) Knee Attack skewered formula (running knee to cornered opponent) Technique without the "crowded running"Wash face (Sometimes crowded plant running) Calf Branding (Press branded the calf) -to-Plato Formula (Double Team Techniques) Mainly Tag Match mount two people in the technique union thing. Examples-Plato-to- pile driver -Plato-to- Brain Buster -Plato-to- back drop Double Impact Super Pawabomu (powerbomb) 3D Powerplex Aided Head Scissor Takedown Aided Face Buster Rocket launcher Aided Senton Powerbomb, missile dropkick combination Backbreaker hold, top-rope legdrop combination Hart Attack (bearhug, lariat combination) Superkick, spinning leg sweep combination Total Elimination (spinning leg sweep, pinning heel-kick combonation) Slingshot catapult, clothesline combination Doomsday Device (combination of Flapjack, DDT) Double Drop Kick

Translated 2012

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