2009-11 Wood Magazine

February 23, 2017 | Author: PhebusMalbec | Category: N/A
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WOOD LATHE with Digital Readout Motor: 2 HP; 110V. ~ ing l,,- ph " se

PreciS io n groo oo east iron bed & cast iro n le gs Swin g over bed 16 S'IW~l' I " x 8TPI RH headstock spioo'e TACIIOMUUI: wI~t1AL

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In Momori. m _ E. r. M~r . d;'h III (1933-2003) Our ;ubhop. Have you come up with a clever time- or money-saving alternative for getting great reulb ill your ,>hop-perhaps a smarter or safer way to machine parts, cut joints, or get an eye-catching finhh (jU'it to name a ft;'w)! If so, please take a few minutl;'s to tell us about your project or technique. You can I;'arn up to '>1;'VC'ral hundred dollars if we publish your idea. (And, of course, you'll bl;' tht;' I;'nvy of your woodworking buddies.) Simply 'iend up to five photO'> and describe your project or tedlllique in 100 words or less. If we choose your idea we'll get back to you for more information, so don't forget to include your e-mail addre" and daytiml;' phone number. Send your material'> via e-mail to: woodmail~(.woodrnagazine.coIl1; or writl;' to WOOD magazine, 1716 Locu'>t 51., LS-221, Des I\.-Ioines, Iowa 50309. -WOOD magazine editors

Readers approve of digital WOOD~ magazine editions Thank you for puttlllg online the digital version of WOOD magazine. Now I can make thl;' type a'> large a'i I want, and print Ollt only tho'iC articles that need to go out to the shop. I still like the ink-on-paper ver,>ion a'> well, and plan to make good use of both. -Bill hJh, New GOJhen, 100

I want to -ay how impresavvy. -Mike Ti!tf[Jult,


Cent"', Ont

If you subscribe to the print version of WOOD magazine, the digital version is free.

Just go to woodmagaline,comldlgitaimag. WOOD magaZIne editors

Please work safely In order to show you precise details in photos, we frequently remuve safely guards. In your work, be sure to use all safety devices, as well as wearing vision and hearing protection. -WOOD magazine ,w,/ars

HOW TO REACH US • for woodworking ~dvice: POll )'OUf woodworking questiOOI Uillnery, finlsning. tools. tumirlg, end y~r (omml'llts viil e-milll to [email protected]; or wr~e 10 WOOD r'ldgilllTre, 1716locUlt 51., lS--221, Dts MoilN's, IA 50309


• Submiption amlt~nc~: To notIfy us of an oddress change or to g~1 h~1fl WIth )'(lll" subsc:riptNln, vi>!t woo-dmlgazine.com/service. Or write to WOOD milgazin1, P.O. Bo~ 37439, BooTJ€, fA 50037-1)4 J9. PI ~oIse endolt yOUf oddrels lab~ from a recent mog~llne issue, • To find past articles: 5e! OIJr inde~ ilt woodmagazlnMom/inliu

• To order past is~ues and artidM: For poIIlt ilSU ~l of WOOD mag~lilN', our >pedal issu~~ (l" dowriaodobl! ilnkles, VISIt oor oolil1! stor! ilt woodmagaziM.cDIIIIstorl. SoITll' i\\lJt", are sold oot • Updates to previously published projectl: ror an up-to-date ~\tir\(j ci changes In dimeflsion5 Mld buyill9-gu idt >OlJrCel from is>ue 1tnruugh todilY, go to woolimaga~mMom/editorial.

WOOD m ~ga dn "

Navemi:ter 2009

Shop Tips Helping you work faster, smarter, and !;afer

No-guesswork frames with mitersled modification pkWre IIlltkr\tand Ihe challenge or

If rOU\'C ('WI IfiN to lila\.;(' fram~. '"OU

si zing 11:(' !came mcmber\ 10 flt vOu r


Ti lill ·~

tx'(au '-C the (111 ...... 1 the l('ntim~, I wam the same finish on wOrkPIl'lrudingdown to "eep it from nloving. It's high enough to accmmnodatc t he OpCTll'd sande r. 1b create the slot for the drum, 1 instalk'd J6...grlt l>a IX'f, clamped the box In place, turned on thl: drum (but not the feed belt) and ral-;('d It untlllt touched the undel'lkle of the tabletopiUS! t'nough to JcJVC a m.lrJ,:. Theil, I rclTlovcd the top, anll I"OlJlOO y.,,!" slots through the top at elt il l' r elld of t he mark to accommoda te Ihe exposed ends of the drum where Ihe sandpllpcr does.n't reach. I replaced the top arK.! $Iowly raised t he '\andlng dr um u nt il It protruded slightly from t he top. _Paul Milo,

">.l"llIng drum

(jltnda~, AliI.



tu,n~'"lt l'


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Magnet! tnpe, and

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glue ilf hI. brush I u.. lo.I"K t"pe bruoh con'



roll _'~', Ind .. ~ hn>lle> >Ill clean

1II1II•••l1li ..... In .... USA.

Shelvc s secure sh!:!lvl:!s I inl\o.lI.,d Wtvlns b01. Ilow=r, illl00

,..,-.:, ,,"vents ~n,1 /loi,h .. within ,_" of sm all ho oo, !O I ll1t t hol t .lcts as a SlOp. \\lith the ~tri r width ~ I, I poSI tion Ihe

table!wlw #;;ncl' and flip the IIg guide out of the way to make the ( ut. I flip the guide had. down agdi n to ~ttio l1 the workpiece and I('[\CI' fot tlw Ill''''! cu t. T he !...nob on till' lunged gUlI.!c si mply makes it casi.:'r to flip_ 011':" [OIlS!, Mound City; Mo.


After '.ettlng fe-re Il,pout ,ftht·"a)/.

" 12

Breathe Easler with a One Stop Dust Collection Solution With 20 yeats e.llperienCf! and a superior prOduct line, the experts at Penn State Industries will provide you effective soIu1ions IOf a cleaner shop, TEMPEST ™ S-series Cyclones ... 2,5Hp· 1450CFM · $995 ... 3.5HP· 1700CFM - $11 25 ... 5.0HP - 1800CFM - $1395

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Unmasking a burn-free edge rcmo\'lng rQu te:! hum m.u"s (July 2009, no 19 1, F"gc 22) was w r y tld l,ruJ, Il cl;;>\ 11K' lIldhod I Us..illg il to tht workplcce, Aft er using a pattern h it to ma"" an Initial pa~~, I {e:lHove the ma~king tape alld 1II00 "e a fi nal shallow pa~~ wi th the mutl'r, eliminating any hu m mOl rh, -EvrrPlf BIau, ~ flo,

He's a tough gUY. But he

cleans UP after himself.

I'm a sole magnet! '10 protect the blade and sole o f your hand planes when not In usc, pick up a shed 01 magno.:tic air durt grill ,0Vtl frtlm t he halelwar" \tore. Tra ce th~ ,hape of th.; " la ne >ole on t ht' magnetic


,mel cut 11 out With scl\sors, Your

new nugnetlC cover shields lhe blade and >ole from hump. and [ostks, ......Tn in the ix)\\om of a looll:x),'I:,

......(;grr w(I/)./l, f~r~, m

Hand plane

No Residue Duer Tape


3M COlltjllllf'1009 ll1. ~",,"'. th. ~""'''' To",h 0"", Doten ..,~ th~ PI.fd De\91 ........ ta kl!. It holds clamps by t heir h ,mdl ~, no t by thl' fixed jaws. ,IS wc'd Sl't"'11 Loul\tle~~ lIme ...

Wit h thi~ "brKkward" dC)lgn. clamps ca n" fall offltle rack, and It kC'Cl'sthe movable jaw frorn ~Ilding down the bar whe n hung.

rhe key to bullcling tilts damp llOldel is to minimiz.e tht gap Uctw Cl!rl the front ,m" bad. pit-en. Thl' light!:'! the opening around the dam p handle, tht! more vertical a clamp will hang-J


gap works I,d!. A slight rOtlnd-ol'er ,llong the top in)lde l' create hole, from . to greater thim " . l hese bi t s no t ooly bore cil' lab 11' _ Atll'r le;ling ""gh l b 01t't~ of Forstne r:., we recomm",nd the Ihree b elm"_Alileal Urf' prmlt"d or Imbf>d(lt'(I d iam ett'r m , Ih.: hlJde on Ihe plane bod)' [Photo HJ. T h L'n .ldjusl the cutting dept h to m ake shallow pa...ses I\ith no tear·out [Ph oto I). Because it cuts fasler than a sanding h!ocL.:, stop frequem ly


hand-cut dtwelaib, ~hCl.' strail;ht Ij nes lor clean joints and Sh:lVl' pHIS 10 fll the

ta ils; sq \lare ~Iupped rahh",ts [PhOIo El

Success secrets: Hone lilt' ht'\el ;lnd nallen llie had: for an ed):t' sha rp enough 10 sh;n e th ... t!dirs on YOllr arm. A c h i!oel follow~ grain as it nll ~ r'Or paring ("uts with the gram, cut from the oppo~ite di r~tion i f \'Ou negln to f~ l thl' (:hisei plul~'" iJown inlo Ihl' wood.

Where that's not an option, hold the ch isel perp{-ndlcular ILl the grJin and tap it to mak .. V,.' stup CUb. T hl' n remove th l' wood between th e stops.

Use the whks! chls~'llhal fits till' joint area you're cutting. To trim th e walls of a 2'-wide morti se, for exa mple, two cuts with a 1" m 1'/, ' chlscllenvc cleaner, str,llghter linC5 than four or five cuts with a '!.{-wide chisel.

~uch as mitered end s on hand-sa\\ n frame pieces; trim t'Ilds or edges t hat sta n d proud of an ad lacen t wurkpll'C~'; make drawe r side edges flush with the d rawer fm nt. S u cce.~_~ sec:: .. et.~: Ch{'Ck the plane ~,-,l e for flat ness. The best plane worb only a. well b the sharpne ss o f the hlade (For a video un how to hon e a ra wrsharp edge using sandpaper, go to wood magazine.comJsharpcningv id.) Test the plane's cutting depth on ~rap unW each pass takes a con~htent, translucently thin curl [Photo G1. Before tackllng a workpiece, practice contrOlli ng th e plane balanced on the edg.. or end of a ,/,'-thick practice sc rap.

to te~t· fit parts. •


ShOUld" plane. ~edi1.JmYlouldefpLme oo.05P41.o1 Iwlth ~ h.Ird A2 steel b ~ f",le$s ~peni"9J. m5. Lee

Valley lools. 800·871·8158 ",Ietvlli~.com. Bloc k r hine. Ver~al AplOI'1 f'I.1ne no. OSP27.G2, $85 W1t h !Ill A:l bLIdoe, Let Valley Tool •.

workpleCI! htlp. 90"to the l'dgc.

• •

PIIUl!ion lheedge of a scrap blade prOd llW tight cur ls of even thk kneu " om . ide to "de. 26

WOOD .... a.guln..

N"""mber lOO9



Curves as gentle as a flowe r petal surround a glass vase nestled within this simple project. Cut a base and va se holde r


Glue toge ther a vast'·ho lder blan k from three piec('s of '/.>< 2 k>ting woods such as ash and walnut (be/ow), with rahbeted corners joined hy plugged screws, The Country Fresh

option (be/ow right), shown in pine, also

Label each corner and top edge so you can match pieces properly when laying out the dovetails and assembling the joint.

Set the gauge to V.," more than the panel (A, B) thickness so the pins and tails protrude slightly. Sand them flush after assembly.

feature:; rabbeted corners. For that stylI;;', we reoommend cut nails to hold the

joint together. If you like the dovetailed look but don't have a jig, challenge yourself by hand-cutting those joints. You might be surprised with how nice your results turn out. Start by cutting practice jOints in scrap, following the steps on these pages. After a few attempts, you should feel ready to show off your new skills. And here's an extra safety net: On pages 34 and 35 you'll find two easy tips for fixing any less-than-perfect joints.

Prep the panels, then cut some tails


Glue up material for the front/back

Use a ratio to set a dovetail angle You'll often see the angle of a dovetail expressed as a ratio of slope to rise (1 :8, for example) instead of in degrees. Why? Because it's easier to set a bevel gauge using a ratio instead of a degree setting. Here's how. For the 1:8 angle used on the blanket chest, mark a 1"-long segment on the edge of a piece of paper. Then, beginning at one end of the line, draw a perpendicular line 8 " long. Use a straightedge to connect the ends of the two lines to make a triangle, then place your bevelgauge handle along the edge of the paper and pivot the blade to align with the long line.

(A) and sides (B) [More Resources, page

36) and cut them to size [Materials List, page 36]. When cutting dovetails, it's especially important that the panels be flat and of con:,istent tllickness. If you're building the chest with rabbet joints, refer to Joinery Options on puge 35.


c'amp the front/back (Aj and sides (B) together, label them [Photo Al, then layout the dovetail spacing on each cnd of the front/back [Drawing 1a].

Same chest, different styles Different woods and base profiles provide a variety of looks forthe blanket chest. See Joinery Options onpQge 35for detaIls of the rabbet joints used on these versions.



QU"Ic TIp! GUlIge your layout."\rlw Use a marking gauge instead of a II pencil to mark baselines. The gauge cuts a clean line that provides a trough for your chisel later and emphasize:, the hand-cut look of the jOint. Set a marking gauge as shown in Photo B; then scribe a baseline across both faces on each end of each panel. Set a bevel gauge to a 1:8 angle as shown in the Shop Tip above. Then extend the dovetail spacing marks from each end of lhe front/back (A) down to the baseline. Mark the waste areas between the tails [Photo C[. Clamp a front/back (1\) in a vise orto the front of your bench. Staying on the waste side of the lines, cut to the baseline on both faces rPhotoD]. 1\ gUide block with a 1:8 angle on the end helps start your nIt accurately [Photo D inset]. With a panel facedown on your bench, pres~ a chisel into the baseline in the waste area between the tails to establish an edge. Then make chopping cuts halfway through the panel's


5 woodrn"g .. ,lne.com


~~~~~~~~~~0:' line. 5~w




( le an edge. The n ,

down aboul ha lfway Ihrou 9h Ihe p an~1.



Ih~ bdsel,n~ cr~at~

PreU your chisel in on(' [oint at it time. onc(' all four joi n ts t it together, apply glu('" II) t h ... edges of the p ins and glu,' up l li(' box IPhotoL]. Quid ~


Tip! H.t~/If(·~ g1,,.·


tl".~. DoIl'I


for the base sides (0), Note: The bu.ws (or tile Casuul Camempomry uud Call1ltty Fresll versions arc di((cr~11t width, [MOIteriOIls Lists]. Tilt your tablesaw blade to 45° and miter-nit the base pieces to 1W' longer than the outside dimensions of the ca~e IDrawi ng 2J. ~lake a copy of the Traditional American Blanket Chest Base Pattern (or t he pattern for the chest you're building) from the WOOD Patten/.I® insert and spray-adhere it to a piece of Yi' plywood or hardboard. Cut the pattern to shape and sand the edges smooth. Use this template to layout the profile on the ends of the base front/back (C) and sides (D). Cut each profile to rough shape on the bandsaw, then sand and file up to the lines. Rout a profile around the top edges of the base front/back (Cl and sides (D) fDrawings2a, 2b]. Cut 16 glue blocks (El to size and set 12 of them aside for the moment. Glue up the base with a glue block vertical in each corner, pulling the corners tight with band clamps. Then glue and clamp the remaining glue blocks in place [Photo M, Drawing 2] . A Cut the bottom (F) to fit inside the ~ase (CID/E). Drill one countersunk pilot hole in each horizontal glue block (E) IDrawing 2bJ and screw the base to the bottom. FliP the case (A/B) upside down, center the base (C-F) on it and screw the base to the case IPhotoN].


bother gluing the face grain of the pim

Instead of dovetails, these versions of the chest use rabbet joints, reinforced with cut nails or screws. On the ends of the front/back (A), cut rabbets the same width as the thickness of the sides (B). Lay out the fastener locations, then clamp the front, back, and sides together. For the cut-nail chest, drive the nails. For the screw-andplug chest, drill counterbores with shank and pilot holes and drive the screws. Glue walnut plugs into the counterbores and sand them flush. CUT-NAIL JOINERY


or tails. These surfaces contact end grain-a weak bond. Use clamping cauls behind the pins to draw the joint tight

across the full width of the front/back (AJ. Check for square by comparing diagonal measurements. After the glue dries, sand the pim


and tails flush with the adjilC€l1t

face s. Avoid rounding over the corners by clamping a scrap to the adjacent panel, flush with the surface of the panel you're sanding. Quick Tip! Zap (@ gaps. Fix gaps under YJ2" by squeez- ij ing in a small dab of glue, then sand-

W ra bbet




::;c... .~


ing the panel with 220-grit sandpaper. The sanding dust StiCk5 to the glue. cre-

ating a patch that blends with the joint's end grain.

Build a drop-proof lid

Give It a base to stand on


Joinery options


Edge-glue stock for the lid (G) and cut it to size. Sand the lid to 150 grit, then rout a profile around it [Drawing 1c].

Cut two 4>" common

standard cut nail



shank flole. counte"~nk

bottom face, with


'I..." pilot hole

.,. . c,

/ W'p l~g


til x 1)1," F.H.

wood screw

bores IDr...wi ng 1b] and screw the cleats to Ihe underside of the lid [Drawing 1].


Do nOI use gl ue.


Screw the lid-sl;!)' torsio ll hinges to tI1.e lid (G) and ellSt' (AlB) IDrawing 1,


PhotoO ). We used tI'O tiO- lb hinges with J :UI-Ih h inge in the middle. Hott: The


IIl1mlJ,rr n{ InllS6 ''',/lIir...1 drptllJ~

./Ild wt'ight Of rOllr liol





a chest that stores clQ(hes or blan-

smells great.


Cut the ~lag (I) and cleat) (Jj to size. Houl round-ove rs where shown in


C1am;> ihe slats (I) and cleats U) together with ~. bet","~n the ~lag. Drill ("ountersunJ... pilot holes through the cle "t~ ,,-oct into the slats; then screw the tray toget her [D rllwlng l ]. Add rubber bumpers to the bottom oi the cleats to Ilit the tray oif the bottom oi the case. Do not apply a fin ish to the trrh,r be roll Ing In dougll. L!y the time fully ml!h:d wood \Jidcs Into ~ home-ccnte-r lumbe r bIn (a fter

being individual!y tagged. ,hrinkwrapp..'id(;' (AJ [Drawing 1J. Add an auxiliary fence to your rip fence and cut the rabbets in th(;' sid(;'s. sand the side,,> (A) and the shelf and bottom (B) to 180 grit. Glue and clamp them [Photo A]. Drill }1." mounting holes in the top cleats (C) where shown [Drawing 11. Then glue and clamp them to the sides (Al using ,>quaring brace~. Cut to Sill' the face-frame stiles Wj, top rails (E). and bottom and middle rails (F). Drill pocket holes on the ends of the top and bottom rails. Then glue and screw the frames on a flat SUI face [Photo BI. After the glue dries. glue and screw the middle raih in place. sand the frames to t80 grit. Then glue and clamp them to the case with the stiles fJush with the sides (Al and the raiJs flush with the bottom (B) and top cleats (C).

3 4



ee! this bench into action fa,,>!. A pair of legs adjus t to suit uneven floors, while dual· locking casters keep the other end from


budging. And you can do it all for around $125 in materials and hardware.


Make the case and frame


Cut the sides (A), shelf and bottom (B), and top cleats (C) to size [Materials List. pr.We 441. Drill shank holes where shown on the bottom. (I'm tile #8 screws in this project, drill Y'l' shank holes.)

Now add the feet


Measure the caster height, then rip the foot (G) to that width and cut it WOOD magazine




I 5" '-

1m '




J ~ 251/••

r~c~~ l


1 ".

J ('

!to " washe r

\100 T. nu\ -',-~x ]" g tip_ A


t- •

'1" (O, where shown. Seat the T-nu ts In the ~' countcrbnres. Glue and suew the n)ot braces (HJ tn the foot (G). Glue and damp the r(\('lt

( I) to) the C"d!oe whe re shown.



aS$ClIlbly (GIH) to the c,]sc, \eavillA a :y..-

Top it off with 2 x4s Cut to lengt h 16 s tJo\ h faces

of t>oth hal\'('S 10 the same t hi d,n~ Depending 011 t he fI.lwS in Ihe lumber. t his can be from 1" h) ,~ '/(" \h ld;. W ille su rface flaw:. mar n('oo to be fil led with epoxy, as sho"l1 In the Shop Tip b('/ol" . A Glue and clamp t he top (l J hal\es ""'ttogether. S3lld the hal\b flush Oil the 1eyand force it into Ihe VOids until they're r Ued. Afler lhe epo"'y hardens overn ghl, sand t flush with the top.

Cutting Diagram


"'I'IQIImogm· • '''''' ",",U;.en(hpI.1m • FIiIIten ... unevtnbenr:IIIq>.oI -...:;IQd


Materials List


r .. rt

,, C 0


sl1e1ffoou om

t~d... ts





W" JO W 27 ' 8P '~" 20 W 14 ~" 81'

( bI! II)



j±"'W , 2


F mi

, " '« ~ 48 x gc " S'lCh plywood

• Mt ..... _hCorpor......... 100\1 All 'i9M' ,.,., ....


'" """,,","

Bud Vase Page 28



,h. U.S A, """,,di,h C"'P. 'h< ""bhh IIIOSt

}Vhell lOuting ({'rtain t"dgl' profill'~ on yOU! lou ter table, suc h a~ thl" door lip shown IIlly),y, the bit removes coough stoc k t hat tile profilw ("{lSi.' no longC"! bears aga inst the o ulfeed fe nce. In these ease~, shim the o lll /cell fence-we atlactll'd j..\z-·thick plastic la lllinai r wilh double-faced 1"1)('-10 prOViul' a bt'anng surfaa' lor t he workpi("C lap IPhotoS]. Any (: h ip"

lim" in a

rip both edge~ of the frollllo bring it to

bottle, lJut }OU ran bullo thi~ beautiful d oc\.. to t rOld; its p~r SJgc. Dreo-s up a 5implc mite red (3Iuc\.. (F) lPhotoC]. A' tilt' t'lbli'SJ\\', trim Yo' from the lowl'r e'nd~ and €'(lg.:~ of the handle


bl" round-over with a y",·shoukl.... 'It"

In91 J. Set the back aside

for the moment. Rcmovc the top assembly (E/F) and


apply a fini5h to all

parts. (We used boiled li nseed oil. topped with a('rosoi



t hanc,sanuingb ctwecn



~" cove!



,-=~.=.~~:; ;:,@c,-; ;~r-JJ 1

1'>" (Qunt.,,-oore coats with a J20-grit 'M" deep with san ding sponge.) ~." hole cent",ed After the finish has inside cured, tUTn the clock upside' down, drill 'li6" pilot holes for the f(>('t, and dIivc srcd screws to thr('ad the holes before driving the brass 5GeWS [Drawing '1. Secure the handle to the top assem bly (E/F) [Drawing 2], then screw the top assembly to t he case. Set tile tillle on t he clock move ment, press it into t he case, then add the back (H) and turnbuttons. If al! has gone well, you should finish with time to spare . •

y,"pilot hole" countersunk


" , 0 , ,






Written by Craiy Ru e g.egger wilh Jeff Mertz Pro],,! d.,ign: Ke vin Boyl~ Illu,tr~!ion>= Ro xann e Le MOine; L!>",~ johns!>n


top!bottom wvemold ill9 rap haroJlebiock


." '"" "."" '" ... ,..-" ,.''" W W


W 5Y4"






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Materials key: C-cherry; BP-birch plywood. Suppl lt!s: DoubJe..foced t"pe, t&1" flathead wood screws 18~ .8x1 '/i" fl.jlheod wood SCrEW\ 12). Bib: W ,traight. lIi" rOll"id--(l';er, W core--box, yj" rmdover, lio" cove r.

Cutting Diagra m

Source Hardware kit (ontains: 5:4" -diom. qwr1z clock br." h"rrle (21SA · ,0.




' >010

• SOlUe blades du il ul1. For most ohhl.' work you'll do with hardwoods and softwOO/lipW." 1'111"" ;ppIi(lb~

Our recommendations .\11 the blades in the ch.trt aoov/' pafOrml2l\ well givell their prICe, but tht! bl.:ld.· .. "tWWfl bdl'''' nudh't.'d ahead of the field to gai n our Top Tnol.' m"}r'>~n~nt·


Thl' Top Vnlut! honor gc>Cs ILl the GO-hXlth Irwin Classic l5370. Thi .. S~5 CT,}SSCut bl~\1c (,MnNt gr.1ctes of A- or be1\cr in five of ,i x CTO~~C un! ng c~u~go.:lT II'S . • W"ll.n bv Bob Hunlu wilh 800

B~k ~ r

Grips wood, elevates woodworking Rocl.:leri. new Ik nch Cookies arc n-volUliol1 il.ing Ihe w(>{hhop. :dIm. ing fill Sl~bk routing, s,\OJmg ollll! ( "",ins lYi d lOUf tradi lional ( hlm!»_The .ecH'I) N,m. nurn ng rubber P.\Js Ih,,\ pip hoc h rho: ]",m ch 3JId

t,lur " Mkp ILU f,)f wlid holds and ~i ml)lc !>Ctl.lp. rl us. we've designL-d rhe {knell Cookie 10 Jouhl .. ~~ ,\ Plujcd sUPIJO(!. It .,!"v.lres yt)ur work for complt"le acees.' \0 fl'fty eJge filh Ih,;

emllt' in is\ue 1$15 ls.eptl'ml:..:r ZOOS), page 68 More R,wurus, PbII!





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• "Contr other thdn 90' on 1I'~ldt' comer), ul:'att' d bd(k bevel, as shown ,)l far righi, on th e b(lS('uo'ere fl3 t at Ihe t;oa sehoard~ may stili h ave wavts a t t h a lr-ra l! h clght. Chec k wa lls with a st ratg ht c~" o r taut string. T he n p3tc h d ip> w Uh j(l\ lIt com pou nd ilnd repai nt. Ik-cau St.' hoth t h~ c h,lJ r tad ~ nd shel f show n have rou tt>d pro tiles t ha t d o [\'t lend themSelves to COpe-LUI '. m It e r the im id e and outside .:orncrs, . \ ~ wit h the base boa rd. ~gi n by m ite r c ut tIng a ch a ir ra il tv fit t ho: 10u gC" t wa ll ti rq. Attach t h ilt ~~t lon wi th a 1-"- o r 16-gauFe IMII.. r a t t h.. stud s ma rl;ed ~arller, If the n .. ,t pleLt' goe~ l>e t\\een IWO im ,ide cornns. measu r.. lor I.:n g. th and m Iter the e nili w ith graduOII c ut .. un til )00 achieve a tig ht fit . I$..--..:- " Insta ll wall mo ldi ng_ m .... a P r( ' ,"' count plu. free .hipping and handling and pay only $297 deli\'ered for the GEN3 Model 500 and $397 delivered forthe GEN3 Modd 1000 if yon order within 10 days. The EdenPIJREt GEN3 comes in the decorator color of black with burled wood accent which goes with any decor. There is I strict limit of 3 unil' .t the di,coun! price - no ex~p!ion' pleas... Check below ",hich model and nu!llb.r vou WJnt GEN3 Model 500, number _ _ " GEN3 Model 10CXl number • To order by phone, c.1I TOLL FREE 1-800-588-5608 Authorization Code EHSI246 . Place yoor order by ~,ing your credit card. OperJtOl'. are on duty Monday - Friday 6am - 3am, Saturday 7,m - 12 Midnight and S~nday 7amllpm, EST. • To order ooline, ,i,it wwwedenpnre.comernerAlllhorizalionCode: EIIS I2..tti • To order by mail, by check or credit card, fill out Jnd mail in this coopon. This product carries a 6O-day satisfactioo g~arant"" .If yoo are mx totally satisfied return at our eXjX'nse, and your purchase price will be rdi.!nckd - no q~e,tions alhd, Tbere i, also a thre. year warranty.



ew STATE ZIP CODE Check below to get di..count: I am ordering within 10 day' of the dat. ofthi, publicalion, tberefore I get a 575 discoont plus free shipping and handling and my pric. is only $297 for GEt'!3 Model 500 and $397 forGEN3 Model lOOJ delivered. n I am ordering p',l 10 day' of the date ofthi, publication, lherefore Tpay shipping and h.andling and full price totaling 5389 forGEN3 Model 500 and $.t99 for GEN3 "lode! 1001 Enclos..d i. 5 in: 0 Cash 0 Credo 0 Mooey Orc",r (/l.lake check payable to BioTech ReseaJ"{'h) or charge my: o VISA 0 MasterCard 0 Am. E'piOptim;; 0 Discov. fiNO\us Account 1\0. Exp. Date Signature : MAlL TO: BioTech Re>earch : : AmhoriLation Code EHSI2-J.6 : 7800 Whipple AYe. N.W. : Canton,OH-I4767 :



Shop-ProVt!I1 Products These woodworking wares passed our shop trials

About our product tests We It'Sl huooredl of toob and I((esscri~s, but only lnose lh~l e,rn at least three IliI/S fplilter/ blade-guard assembly; but 10 access it I had to first remove three screws in the throat insert. Uust before we went to press, we learned that Ridgid had issued a recall for this saw to replace arbor shafts that could potentially break under heavy load. If you bought one of these saws b€fore August 2009, call Ridgid at 866-539-1710 -Tested by Doug HICK., or go to ridgid.com to see if your saw qualifies for a formfr J.hop ttocher and the recal1.) woodworking magOlineedltor

Granite-Top HybridTablesaw, IIR4511 Perform3nce Price

* * * '" '"



800_474_3443; ridgld.com

Heavyweight lathe turns In impressive showing \Vith Laguna's Platinum Series 18-47 lathe YOIl can turn a workpiece up 10 18" in diameter and 47" long. Despite turning a piece thatlarge, J couldn't bog down its 2-hp, 220-volt motor no matter how hard I tried. I like its digital readout and electronic variable speed that ranges from zero to 3,200 rpm. And when finished shaping a workpiece, its reverse feature comes in handy: I was able to ,and smoother than in just the forward rotation. The heavy-duty ca'>l-iron legs and ways (500 lbs IOtal weight) ellminated vibration, even when I roughed out a near-capacity bowl blank. This machme sports many big-lathe features, including a 1';" x 8 tpi headstock spindle and 36 mdexing stops, for a mid-size price. However, there's no handwheel on the headstock. and the locks for the headstock and tailstock sit on the back side of each, making it difficult to reach over to make adjustments. And it comes with a 6" faceplate, which work> well for large turnings, but is just too big for medium to small bowls and vessels. -T211td by Mar/en ~2mmel, Manoging Editor

18" Wood lathe, ,A175017 Performdnce Price LJgun3 TOOl 800-234-1976; lagurKltools,com


*"''''* * 51,855

Families Have Soved Up To 50% On Heating (osts

Route r -bit set makes no-ca nvas tambour doors

And never hove to buy fuel· ,oil, gos, kerO'Sellp., wood - ever tlgail1!

Few woooworking tasks prove more tediom and messy than gluing slab to canvas to make tambour roll-up doors. Alter making one years ago, I swore I'd never do it again. And premade tambours cost from about %0 for a b~ad box to nearly ,~200 for a de~k. Nnw, thanks to Amana's three-piece tambour-door router-bit set, there's no glue 01.. C"anva~ involved. You simply shape the slats on a router table, and fit them logether loosely in ball-ands.xket-type joints. as shown at bottom. The big profile bit routs both profiles of two slats onto one blank; the ball-tipped bit cuts the socket. The included lj," round-over bit eases the sharp edges on the bottolll ~lat. (tike many woodworkers, I already have a Lj," round-over bit, so Amana could leave this bit out of the set to make il more affordable.) Rip the two slats apart on your tahlesaw, and then fit them together. The finished door slides he,t in it 0/"," groove; if YOl.l don't have a hit thut size, rout it in two passes with a smaHer one.

YOlll' Itlltlih witil Hydro-5i1: • Sllllll h~lil'lj (OIlwilh Hrdl~·~1

• Fum"" frM - dLKI fr .. • lif.tlm ••"."III'I. ~O"'I"C wnlr~(h • 5~11, wmphle ,,"U(I .:fedible


"'" ~ hu~~ ~"nnmc,,! f 1:"" 'h~r lei Y"U \ -smo"c, flu,h lmll, ~h:Wll'" , .101 ..... ~c ~"-..... , ~,I





Visit www.kregtool.com/beaded lodoy 10 watch Ihe video and leorn morel



Auto,lxxly repa ir shops have used


stiff-foam (similar to swimmlllg-pool

and it

"noodles") Soft-Sanders for years, hut only recently did these cOTltour-sanding accessories find their way into wood-

working shops. The kit features six distinctly shapt:'d sanding pdds in three densities and includes 80-, 120-, and 180-grit adhesIVe-backed sandpapt:r. I began my testing by sanding a It:ngth of home-cenkr red-oa\... crown molding. I used three pads to match the dIfferent molding contt)urs, and wor\...ed my way through the three grits tL) produce a slippery-smooth surfJCe. Next, I went to work on a cabinetdoor rabed pt t he brn i..;.'11 screw. Because their o ut er diamet('n ma tch ("ommon plug'Lutte r SlzC'i, yo u simply fill t he hole with it plug CUI flmn ,I )CTitJl of the S.ime wmxt, h iding the mistake. One word of ca ullo n : Don't ovcr tigh ten t h(,' chuc k when inserting Ihi: ex t ractot in your d rill, as you cou ld clUsh t he tube. Bra_'IS sC rew~ art· fragi li:. O n you r next atlemrlt, be sure to pIc-drill a rlOp('fl~ Stud p,lo t hole. T hen d rive dnd lemove II sleel SClew of the lkunC SIZC CC

in 'tore-bough t dowels. Joint and

plane a t>lanl: down to the d(",,'cl'\ diameter-In )'ou r caS(' v..)< Yo

square-then cut it about 3"longcl than the dowel YOli. wll! n('('d. Imtall a fOund·over bit with a ,aJim half that of You r dowel blank-y,.' for you~,v, " dow..:! stock. Set the fCI\(:c flu\h to the bit'S bearing. Then, ~{'! the bit hdSh! to make an even roundevc! in yo ur 'toek. Make a te~t r()undovcr 011 a cutoff to veri fy your \etup. Mark ,IMI and ~IOp lines on aU four faces of the blank about ]' from each cnd. By louting lx'tw('('n t he§.(' marh, you keep the ends ~uare tu act 11 .. guides .\ftcr ealh pa~~ rotate the blank 90° for the next pa'~. r-in alJ y cut off 11K' squart· ('nd~ and cut t he dnwel to lengt h on yuur ba nd~aw.

Ali",,,, mlfk,willl

1.1;0,.",,,10; lE"u ... ,.. lnll C",,,",..t« With 'he Matf!rial Eatinl8'01 you ean quickly .nd easilY cak:utate Y",ds, Fee l, Incr\IJs. F'Jetlor,. and Meltlrs and rna/ena! costs and a~OIfIIanc..s '" get ~'aet~ tilu matorlalli you need. Pr ovent eebmatitlg ""ors and save tm~...-.J IT"()I"',ey MOd$1 4019

Construdion Maste~ Pro Adva"" .. d " .."".I""II· F... "llon Con. truclion_Ma111 Calelliator 1,lijaoll6ij3 more POI'IWf.- bU llt·.r, 9Olltlon s . ir. add ition \(l 100"", r'-""',)llnd ml\eori M_ 40115

Home "roiectCal(~ D""lt ·Y.... ~ .....,.."1 c,,1,,"''''0II" S'"1ll,fy your n.-nll ""I;lI"OVeIlIIIIl' projects ""'" this ~Squa,e ...ut....d ndu a",~'nsll"~f ... ( •. (l'I/lIIIU,lf ()II ",1,\\

kIr PIOfIl QClnCrele. 1;ize 1)l1.11S to bl l id Grades, rocking IlcrSes, c¥.:>ck.l n:)j rn:xe, Also hardwaro:;CJd wood cre'!t SliW i es, Circle No. 556.

GORILLA WOOD GLUE H';lh slrer(lth. sh(XtPr C:~llflP firre, ,,:xl no dyes frx-,., nnlurnl ficish liy it too::1dy C:J bulfng & more Circle No. 558.

Circle No. 50.

GRIZZLY INDUSTRIAL, INC. 12,0C() w(j()jwcrki:-.;) and mPla!w«(\c:esl Circle No. 563.

TITEBOND'" III ULTIMATE WOOD GLUE Superio: oo,;j slro',otII3, 101 D I

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ollce as v.. ell Visit II pllr t icipll l ing Slan/er ' dealer near rou I(J own yours lor/ay.

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