200+ Struts Realtime Interview Questions

February 22, 2017 | Author: JavaEra.com | Category: N/A
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www.JavaEra.com 1. struts comes under which layer of three tire architecture in real time projects plz i need explaination? 2. Difference between struts1.2 and struts2.0? 3. is it possible to see actionservlet in my system. if yes how 4. what is the difference between page and pageContext implicit variables 5. Where can i get jar file for use the struts-tags in struts2? 6. How can I make own ActionServlet? with example 7. How do you customize ActionServlet? 8. while working struts in intellij 7.0error unable to initialize tld location cache: zip file is closed is displayed anybdy can answer me immdialy .ungert 9. In web.xml file instead of *.do can i write *.ibm, Specify with example 10. If we close the browser,when the specific user session is active.Again if we open browse how to retrive it same user??what code i have to da??? 11. multiple instances for action class is it possible 12. what is the difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig? 13. Is Struts Action class Thread Safe? 14. Which parser is used in Struts to parse the Structconfig.xml file. 15. life cycle of struts? 16. Is it possible to create mulitple instance of one Action Class in struts? 17. can anyone help me to send the code for Jasper Reporting in java?plz 18. How to explain Software Bank Loan descriptions 19. why do we typecast ActionForm into our plain java bean class in Action class? What is the reason? 20. How to explain struts work flow 21. what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping & path mapping.What is those difference in work effect? 22. how can you switch onemodule to another module by switch action class plz explain with exapmle? 23. What is MVC? 24. how canu done chechin and check out of u r project using with sample examples? 25. what is purpose cvs and vss in eclipse? 26. if u r using eclipse tool how can u debbaging u r application? plz explain with sample code 27. explain method overridding method overloding with examples? 28. session menagement in servlets explaion briefly? 29. how handle when client send multiple request at atime for multiple servlets servlets? 30. how handle when client send multiple request at atime for single servlet 31. collection framework hirarchy? 32. explain the struts-configuration file? 33. how can u handle run time exceptions in struts and jsp plz explain briefly not single word answer? 34. i have 500 jsps in my application,and i have same forward name for each jsp,so it lokks in strutsconfig.xml,from 1 to 500,but i want send 498 page directly,how can i cingigure my application 35. What is the differnce between 2-tier architecture and 3- tier architecture in java? 36. What is meant by portals???


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www.JavaEra.com 37. What is Portlet???? when,where and why we use it ?? 38. we have 7 jsp pages .At last page we have a submit button when we click it it will store all jsps data which we provide will store into database. when we starting providing data in jsp pages when we are at 3rd jsp at that time sessions timeout where the data will be store which we r provide in last two jsps? 39. what is the use of cvs in struts? 40. how to write my own Action servlet by extending pre-defined Action servlet in struts config. 41. How to add ms-word file in struts at the same time how to add images 42. Even though Servlets and JSP are web based concepts .wht is the use of using Struts using then 43. what is diffrence between Dynaactionform,actionform and Dynavalidateform 44. what is difference between and tag 45. why do we typecast ActionForm into out plain java bean class in Action class? 46. tell me struts flow ? 47. what is request processor class ? 48. What is Hibernate? 49. What is the DynaActionForm? How we implement the dynaactionform ? can u please tell me the way to implement? in understandable way? 50. what is a RequestProcessor? 51. What is the difference between RequestProcessor and RequestDispatcher? 52. What is the main difference between Mvc1 and Mvc2 Architecture?? 53. advantages& 5 disadvantages of MVC architecture 54. what are the disadvantages of MVC architecture 55. What is Struts Flow? 56. what is project architecture?give brief explanation about project architecture? 57. drawback of Validation Framework where and how to write the connection pool object in the programe how to debug the programe and application in struts without using eclips 58. drawback of Validation Framework where and how to write the connection pool object in the programe how to debug the programe and application in struts without using eclips 59. How to forward from Array List to Jsp in Struts ActionServlet class? 60. what is the difference between SAX Parser and DOM Parser?? 61. How data transfered from one formbean to another formbean? 62. What is Request Dispatcher and What is reuest Processor?? 63. which MVC architecture struts follows and why? 64. where you will implement the tiles in struts? 65. its a ActionForm controller or model? 66. whats is mean Actionerrors and Actionerror? 67. how the error can be showed in the jsp page in struts? 68. what are the type of forward class in Struts? 69. who will run the execute method in struts? 70. how will you view ur jsp page to the client by using properties file? 71. what is mean by custom tag? 72. wahts the diif between Mvc1 and Mvc2? 73. what are the actions in struts? 74. what are tiles in struts?


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www.JavaEra.com 75. how you implement and maintain your struts project by using MVC2 arch? 76. How is the Struts framworl related to MVC2? 77. what are componeents presents in Strutsconfig.xml? 78. what are the componenets of struts? 79. what r the disadvantages of MVC-2 Architecture? 80. struts is thread safe or not ?give me answer as early as possible 81. when connecting with the database,if database server is down,ho can we handle this exception in struts,how can we send error message to the user? 82. what is BUSINESS DELIGATE PATTERN,DAO,VO,DTO? 83. what is the disadvantages of using DynaActionForm in struts framework? 84. Is form beans are serializable or not? 85. what is the disadvantage of struts frame work? 86. project architechture in java 87. How to depoly your struts application in JBOSS 88. What are Struts properties? 89. In Struts Programming which is the controller,which is the model? 90. Wat is Difference between Mvc1 architecture and Mvc2 Architecture? 91. What is Request Dispatcher and what is Request Process? 92. What is Struts Frame Work Architecture(With Diagram) ? 93. what is the advantages and diadvantages of Struts? 94. How do you know what to give for the "path " under in struts-config.xml ? 95. Is struts thread safe? 96. What is difference between perform() used in struts1.0 and execute() used in 1.1 ? 97. How many types of action clases are there in stuts and their uses? 98. How to set email notification using struts.Plz give the example code? 99. How to create validations?what are struts validation components? 100. why servlet is used as controller not JSP? 101. How to pass runtime Parameter in Struts1.2? 102. how to create a search field in struts.with code 103. what is ForwardAction and IncludeAction in struts? 104. How Struts will follow the MVC? 105. What is MVC Architecture? 106. what is the purpose of action servlet and action? 107. what is tiles in struts? 108. what is frame work in struts? 109. What is the difference between a Strut and a Class? 110. Difference between JSF Framework and Struts Framework. 111. What are the classes and interfaces for servlets? 112. How are Sessions are more advantage than using of Cookies or URLReWriting? 113. What is session variable in servlets? 114. What are cookies and how will you use them? 115. What happens, when client requests for server object, which is not yet loaded into the memory? 116. Explain life cycle of a Servlet? 117. what is multiple server? 118. In howmany ways applet-servlet communication can be done?


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www.JavaEra.com 119. Explain in detail about applet to servlet communication? 120. Can a servlet be called by passing its name as a parameter in the URL? 121. which type of data passing is used in realtime? 122. How will you open a new page after certain interval of time (5 sec), on clicking of a button in an html page? 123. Is there any need to shutdown the web server, if you want to modify a servlet? 124. How do you create connections for number of users, if you want to improve performance? 125. How session tracking can be achieved, if your browser doesn't support cookies (or) if cookies are disabled? 126. What happens, if server sends a cookie to a browser that doesn't supports cookies? 127. What methodology can be followed to store more number of objects in a remote server? 128. How values can be passed from HTML page to servlet? 129. what are the way a client can be tracked? 130. How many Cookies can a host support? 131. How to handle the debug errors in servlets? 132. How to pass JavaBeans data to JSP using Servlets? 133. How an Image can be loaded in a Servlet ? 134. How to invoke a Servlet? 135. What method is used to create database connection in servlets? 136. How to debug a servlet? 137. How two servlets communicate with each other? 138. How variables can be accessed across the sessions? 139. How threads are implemented in servlets? 140. How multiple simultaneous requests can be handled by servlets? 141. How native code can be used in a servlet? 142. How servlets can be automatically reloaded? 143. How to run a servlet program? 144. Can threads be used in Servelet? 145. What is the difference between doGet and doPost? 146. What are the difference between HttpServlet and GenericServlets? 147. Is it possible to send a mail from a servlet? Explain? 148. Can we use servlets in JavaScript? 149. Can we use javascript in Servlets? 150. What is Single Threaded Model in Servlets? Explain this with an example? 151. What is Generic Servlet and how it is different from Http Servlet? 152. What is connection pooling? 153. What is HTTP Tunneling? 154. waht is the main diference b/w servelts and JSP ?


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where the session data will stored? Why setMaxAge() and getMaxAge() methods are used in Cookies? In servlets, Why do we need both GET and POST method implementations? What is the need of session tracking in HttpServlet ? init() method of servlet loaded by? When the methods init() and Distroy() will be called? What is with the javax.servlet package naming? What methods do we use in Servlet to Applet communication? What is use of parseQueryString? Name the webserver that is used to run Servlets? What are setSecure() and getSecure() methods in Cookies? What are setComment and getComment methods in Cookies? What is the use of Servlets? What is the role of the webserver? What is the protocol used by Server & Client? Explain the methods in Generic and HTTP Servlets? Explain the difference between GET and POST methods? What is the difference between ExecuteUpdate and ExecuteQuery? what is the advantage of using Servlets over CGI programming? What is the default HttpRequest method? What is the capacity that doGet method can send to the server? What is the advantage of Servlets when compared with other server side technologies? What is the ServletConfig() and what is its use? how a user session can be tracked in servlets? What is servlet tunnelling? What is servlet exception? What is ServletContext() and what is its use? What are the parameters of the service method ? What is context switching? What is Client-Server Computing? What is a Proxy Server? What is a Session Id? What is URL Rewriting ? What is Servlet Context? Explain Servlet Chaining ? What is Server-Side Includes? What is HTTP Session ? What is DSN and System DSN and what is the difference between them? What are different types of SessionTracking? What are the types of ServletEngines? What are different types of Servlets? What type of protocols are used in HttpServlet? What are the security issues in Servlets?


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What are the methods in HttpSession and their use? What are the methods in HttpServlet? What are the exceptions thrown by Servlets? Name the servers that can be used to develope and deploy Servlets?

1. Is it possible to call servlet with parameters in the URL? 2. Why should we go for interservlet communication? 3. What are cookies and how will you use them? 4. How do you track a user session in servlets? 5. If you want to modify the servlet,will the Webserver need to be ShutDown ? 6. What is use of parseQueryString ? 7. What is the difference between an applet and a servlet? 8. can i call destroy() method in init() method of servlet 9. can i call init() method in destroy() method of servlset. ? 10. 1.HttpSession 2.Hidden fields 3.URL Rewriting these primitive type of Session maintainance. What is the other type of process that could help to maintain the Session? pls Explain the process if u know? 11. Which method the Servlet container call to create the instance of the servlet? 12. Directive Include and Action Include how both are working in JSP, what is the difference between both?In which suituation we have to choose these elements? 13. Difference between Include, Forward and sendRedirect in Servlet? 14. what is the difference between Servlet and JSP?Advantage of JSP over Servelt?Any concept present in JSP which we cant implement in Servlet? 15. How ThreadSafe page attribute will be working in Servlet as well as in JSP?Automatically ThresdSafe is true in JSP so service method will be destroy in each and every request or not?so how thresd will handle srevice method? 16. What is difference between Forward() and sendRedirect() methode? 17. What advantages do servlets have over CGI programs? 18. what is servlet life cycle? 19. How we can check in particular page the session will be alive or not 20. Can we override the ActionServlet? 21. Servlet Chaining? How do you do the Filtering in Servlets? 22. How do you pass the data from one servlet to another servlet? 23. How to deal with multi-valued parameters in a servlet? 24. How to set a cookie that is persisted only for the duration fo the clients session? 25. How to pass a requrest object of one servlet as a request object to another servlet? 26. How long do servlets last? 27. How to prevent browser from caching the page content? 28. what is a session object? 29. What is servlet? 30. Is the init(ServletConfig sc) throws IOException or not? 31. what is SSL? 32. In which cases Destroy() is invoked? 33. what is meant by servlet to servlet communication?


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www.JavaEra.com 34. HTTP tunneling means what? 35. How to maintain security in servlets? 36. How to make servlet thread safe? 37. what are the disadvantages of cookies? 38. how the HTML data stored in web server? 39. how do you maintain sessions in servlets? 40. how can you give alias to servlets? 41. what are the different services provided by the web server? 42. what are binding listners? 43. How can you maintain servlet chaining? 44. Life Cycle of servlets? 45. what is servlet and what you get when we use servlets? 46. what are the CGI Programs? 47. What are the Internal servlets maintained by the web server? 1. Is there any differance b/w getting servlet context from servlet config and session? if yes then what is that? 2. what is the difference between do get/dopost 3. difference between forward and sendredirect 4. can it possible to validate form field before execution of a servlet service method if yes how?? 5. can anybody send me j2ee softwares such as tomcat,weblogic server ,netbeans 6. can we override service method in my servlet class..?? if yes or no why ?? 7. Can we write a constructor for a Servlet class ? if yes how ? if no why not ? 8. If we disable cookies in our web page, what will happen? 9. please give url to get orinal software for I-net crystal clear java report tools? 10. What is a parser. What does a parser do with a XML? Why do we need it? 11. can v create a constructor 4 servlet? 12. What is the use of RequestDispatcher in servlet? 13. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The path of an ForwardConfig cannot be null while working with struts it displayed pls very ungent 14. How many ways to remove the session object in the container 15. How do u authorize and authenticate without of web.xml 16. Is classes folder is compulsory in web-inf/ even though u r deploying ur application with war file? 17. What is done after deploying a war file and before client gives a request 18. How to work with Chinese login page (internationalization).if he enters user name and password in chinese, how is it converted to English and validate in db? And in reverse it should display welcome message in Chinese,if user is valid 19. In jsp custom tags from child tags to how many levels of parent tags you can acess 20. How to get ip address in jsp login page and how to validate like all should not be greater than 255 21. what is meant by Transaction Isolation Levels?


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www.JavaEra.com 22. when the webcontainer creates ServeletConfig,ServletContext objects? befoure creating the Servlet object or not? 23. Difference between web container & web server........... Difference between web server & application server????????? 24. What is the difference between Get and Post Method? 25. How can a servlet refresh automatically if some new data has entered the database? 26. what is the difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig 27. how to use servlets with j2ee ? 28. how a servlet is instantiated, whether the container calls init() or by calling any other method? please somebody reply.. 29. what is session tracking?what are types of session tracking ?and when to cookies,when to use sessionmanagement,whent use url rewriting technique,plz explain briefly? 30. hi.... i have problem in running of servlet. i am using Tomcat server in my pc.. The problem is when i am click on strat it will display like below FAIL - Application at context path /first could not be started.. How i can slove the problem.. help plz 31. i have 500 jsp in my application ,with same forward name,it lokks for appropritae jsp from 1 to 500,but i want to send response to 498 page,what should i do 32. if u havea .class file ,how can u say whether it is servlet or not ,dont use java decompliler 33. difference between sendredirect,forward and url rewritting 34. can servlet have instance variables? 35. can we create more than ServletContext and ServletConfig in your application 36. how the jsp page can be regenerated? 37. when you comppile the servlet is it neccesary to restaet the tomcat server? 38. where the generated jsp source file are stored? 39. how the server will know its the same jsp page? 40. when the jsp page is translated to servlet? 41. i have class files in class folder. but i have no java files. but i want to modify the java files which are related to class files . how ? 42. how can we create object to a class in a jsp file? 43. we cant Override Jsp Service method?Why? 44. what is the difference between?when we write the code in following manner? class One extends httpservlet { } and class One extends genericservlet { } 45. What is the difference between servlet config and servlet context. 46. Can you send the mail from a servlet ,if yes tell how?


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1. How to explain struts work flow 2. what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping & path mapping.What is those difference in work effect? 3. how can you switch onemodule to another module by switch action class plz explain with exapmle? 4. What is MVC? 5. how canu done chechin and check out of u r project using with sample examples? 6. what is purpose cvs and vss in eclipse? 7. if u r using eclipse tool how can u debbaging u r application? plz explain with sample code 8. explain method overridding method overloding with examples? 9. session menagement in servlets explaion briefly? 10. how handle when client send multiple request at atime for multiple servlets servlets? 11. how handle when client send multiple request at atime for single servlet 12. collection framework hirarchy? 13. explain the struts-configuration file? 14. how can u handle run time exceptions in struts and jsp plz explain briefly not single word answer? 15. i have 500 jsps in my application,and i have same forward name for each jsp,so it lokks in strutsconfig.xml,from 1 to 500,but i want send 498 page directly,how can i cingigure my application 16. What is the differnce between 2-tier architecture and 3- tier architecture in java? 17. What is meant by portals??? 18. What is Portlet???? when,where and why we use it ?? 19. we have 7 jsp pages .At last page we have a submit button when we click it it will store all jsps data which we provide will store into database. when we starting providing data in jsp pages when we are at 3rd jsp at that time sessions timeout where the data will be store which we r provide in last two jsps? 20. what is the use of cvs in struts? 21. how to write my own Action servlet by extending pre-defined Action servlet in struts config. 22. How to add ms-word file in struts at the same time how to add images 23. Even though Servlets and JSP are web based concepts .wht is the use of using Struts using then 24. what is diffrence between Dynaactionform,actionform and Dynavalidateform 25. what is difference between and tag 26. why do we typecast ActionForm into out plain java bean class in Action class? 27. tell me struts flow ? 28. what is request processor class ? 29. What is Hibernate? 30. What is the DynaActionForm? How we implement the dynaactionform ? can u please tell me the way to implement? in understandable way? 31. what is a RequestProcessor? 32. What is the difference between RequestProcessor and RequestDispatcher? 33. What is the main difference between Mvc1 and Mvc2 Architecture?? 34. advantages& 5 disadvantages of MVC architecture 35. what are the disadvantages of MVC architecture 36. What is Struts Flow? www.JavaEra.com

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www.JavaEra.com 37. what is project architecture?give brief explanation about project architecture? 38. drawback of Validation Framework where and how to write the connection pool object in the programe how to debug the programe and application in struts without using eclips 39. drawback of Validation Framework where and how to write the connection pool object in the programe how to debug the programe and application in struts without using eclips

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

How to forward from Array List to Jsp in Struts ActionServlet class? what is the difference between SAX Parser and DOM Parser?? How data transfered from one formbean to another formbean? What is Request Dispatcher and What is reuest Processor?? which MVC architecture struts follows and why? where you will implement the tiles in struts? its a ActionForm controller or model? whats is mean Actionerrors and Actionerror? how the error can be showed in the jsp page in struts? what are the type of forward class in Struts? who will run the execute method in struts? how will you view ur jsp page to the client by using properties file? what is mean by custom tag? wahts the diif between Mvc1 and Mvc2? what are the actions in struts? what are tiles in struts? how you implement and maintain your struts project by using MVC2 arch? How is the Struts framworl related to MVC2? what are componeents presents in Strutsconfig.xml? what are the componenets of struts? what r the disadvantages of MVC-2 Architecture? struts is thread safe or not ?give me answer as early as possible when connecting with the database,if database server is down,ho can we handle this exception in struts,how can we send error message to the user? what is BUSINESS DELIGATE PATTERN,DAO,VO,DTO? what is the disadvantages of using DynaActionForm in struts framework? Is form beans are serializable or not? what is the disadvantage of struts frame work? project architechture in java How to depoly your struts application in JBOSS What are Struts properties? In Struts Programming which is the controller,which is the model? Wat is Difference between Mvc1 architecture and Mvc2 Architecture? What is Request Dispatcher and what is Request Process? What is Struts Frame Work Architecture(With Diagram) ? what is the advantages and diadvantages of Struts?


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www.JavaEra.com 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.

How do you know what to give for the "path " under in struts-config.xml ? Is struts thread safe? What is difference between perform() used in struts1.0 and execute() used in 1.1 ? How many types of action clases are there in stuts and their uses? How to set email notification using struts.Plz give the example code? How to create validations?what are struts validation components? why servlet is used as controller not JSP? How to pass runtime Parameter in Struts1.2? how to create a search field in struts.with code what is ForwardAction and IncludeAction in struts? How Struts will follow the MVC? What is MVC Architecture? what is the purpose of action servlet and action? what is tiles in struts? what is frame work in struts? What is the difference between a Strut and a Class? Difference between JSF Framework and Struts Framework.


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