
April 13, 2017 | Author: Radu Chibzui | Category: N/A
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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Petroleum Engineering Summer Course 2015 Wellhead Design & Completions

Clemens Langbauer www.starse.com.cn

Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Well Structure / Wellhead Design

Christmas Tree



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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Well Structure Wellhead Casing Shoe

Marine conductor Conductor casing Intermediate casing/

Liner hanger with LH packer

Production casing

Production liner

Production liner wt. extension Page 3

Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Bit / Casing Size Selection

Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Drilling Engineering

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Bit / Casing Size Selection Example RAG: Wellbore Diameter

Casing Diameter Conductor


17 ½”

Surface Casing

13 3/8”

12 ¼”

Intermediate Casing

9 5/8”

8 ½”

Intermediate Casing


6 ¼ od. 6”

Production Liner

4 ½”

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Wellhead Tubing Head Adapter

Tubing Hanger

Tubing Head

Casing Spool

Secondary Seal Primary Seal Casing Hanger

Casing Head

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Cellar A dug-out area, lined with cement or very large diameter thin-wall pipe, located below the rig. -

Depth of the cellar is such that the master valve of the Christmas tree is easy to reach from ground level Prior to setting surface casing, the cellar also takes mud returns from the well Cavity for the casing spools



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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Base Plate The base plate is a load-supporting device attached to the starting casing head by means of either mechanical or permanent (welding) connection. Baseplate Size 11" 13 5/8" 16 3/4" 20 3/4" & 21 1/4"

Current Load Capacity 2200 kN vertical load 3300 kN vertical load 4400 kN vertical load 4400 kN vertical load



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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Casing Head -

attached to the top end of the surface casing


provides a support for the other strings and a sealing of the annular space between two casing strings


composed of a casing-hanger bowl to support the smaller casing


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook

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Casing Hanger The Casing Hanger is a mechanism/ device that seats in the bowl of the casing head / casing spool to suspend the next smaller casing string securely and provide a seal between the suspended casing and the casing head bowl.


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Casing Spool A Casing Spool is an intermediate casing head attached to the top flange to the top flange of the underlying casing head to provide a support for the next smaller casing string and a sealing of the annular space between the two casing strings.


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook


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Primary / Secondary Packoff The primary and secondary packoffs are used to seal the annular space between two casing strings.

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Tubing Head A Tubing Head is a spool type unit attached to the top flange of the uppermost casing head to provide a support for the tubing string and to seal the annular space between the tubing string and the production casing string.


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook

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Tubing Hanger A Tubing Hanger is a device used to provide a seal between the tubing and the tubing head.


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook


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Tubing Head Adapter A Tubing Head Adapter provides a transition from the wellhead to the master valve of the tree.


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook

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Wellhead Installation

Flanged valve Casing head

Pressure gauge

Threaded ball valve Base plate

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Wellhead Installation

Casing hanger Casing spool

Flanged valve Casing head

Pressure gauge

Threaded ball valve Base plate

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Wellhead Installation Tubing head

Casing hanger Casing spool

Flanged valve Casing head

Pressure gauge

Threaded ball valve Base plate

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Subsea / Land Wellhead

Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Drilling Engineering

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Subsea / Land Wellhead

Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook: Drilling Engineering

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Evaluate the required components, the size, the height and the weight of a wellhead that must support three casing strings (13 3/8”, 9 5/8”, 7”) and a 2 7/8” tubing string.

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Ex: Casing Head

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Ex: Casing Hanger

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Ex: Casing Packoffs

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Ex: Casing Spool

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Ex: Tubing Head

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Ex: Tubing Hanger

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Ex 1: Tubing Head Adapter

Vetcogray: FC wellhead systems

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Homework 1 Homework 1 Deadline: 25.08.2015


Evaluate the required components, the size, the height and the weight of a wellhead that must support four casing strings (20”, 13 3/8”, 9 5/8”, 7”) and a 3 1/2” tubing string. (Include the product number of the selected component!)

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Christmas Tree Assembly The Christmas Tree is an assembly of valves and fittings used to control production and provide access to the production tubing string. It includes all equipment above the tubing head top flange.


Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Christmas Tree Assembly The purposes of the Christmas tree are to -

provide the primary method of closing in a well


isolate the well from adjacent wells


connect the flowline


provide vertical access for well interventions (slickline, electricline, coiled tubing etc.) whilst the well is live


interface with the tubing hanger


Connect or interface the tree to the wellhead

Source: Petroleum Engineering Handbook

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Christmas Tree Assembly

J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Oil Well Tree Assembly

Renpu: Advanced Well Completion Engineering

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Gas Well Tree Assembly

Renpu: Advanced Well Completion Engineering

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Subsea Christmas Tree Assembly


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Christmas Tree – Safety System

J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Completion Engineering A completion is the interface between the reservoir and the surface. The objective is to allow a safe and environmental friendly protection.


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Completion Components • Surface Components • Christmas Tree • Well Head

• Intermediate Components • • • •

Subsurface Safety Valves Tubing Injection Lines Completion Fluids

• Reservoir Components • Perforations • Sand screens • Packers l

• Pumps Page 39

Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Completions Completion as part of the well control envelope: ‘At least two tested independent barriers between hydrocarbons in the reservoir and the environment at all times’ Primary barrier: barrier that initially prevents hydrocarbons from escaping e.g. the mud, the tubing or the Christmas tree Secondary barrier: backup to the primary barrier – it is not normally in use until the primary barrier fails. The secondary barrier must be independent of the primary barrier. Any event that could destroy the primary barrier should not affect the secondary barrier.

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J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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Source: Well Completion Design Book

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The role of a Completion Engineer

J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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The role of a Completion Engineer

J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Types of Completions Objectives of wells: Producer: - Oil - Gas - Water Injector / Disposal: - Gas - Water - Steam Combination: - Gas storage - Time shifted (produce HC and then convert to water injection duty) - Produce through the tubing and inject down the annulus Page 45

Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Types of Completions Reservoir Completion: connection between reservoir and well Decisions: - Well trajectory and inclination - Open hole versus cased hole - Sand control requirement and type of sand control - Stimulation (proppants or acid) - Single or multi-zone (commingled or selective) Upper Completion: conduit from reservoir completion to surface facilities Page 46

Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Reservoir Completions

J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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Chair of Petroleum & Geothermal Energy Recovery

Upper Completions

J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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J. Bellarby: Well Completion Design

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