TOPIC TOPIC 2 Slope Deflection Method for Statically Indetermin Indeterminate ate Portal Frames by: SALIA!ATI "I#TI $AMA%&AMA# CI'IL (#)I#((%I#) D(PA%TM(#T
Learnin* O+tcome &pon completion of this topic, st+dents sho+ld be able to: &nderstand the basic concept of slope deflection method for sol3in* the indeterminate beams: 0
(/plain the portal frame
Disc+ss the factors that ca+se frame to s1ay or not to s1ay
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Calc+late the internal moment at portal frame s+pport and 4o 4 oint s+b4ected to point loads and distrib+ted loads +p to three &nno1ns +sin* the slope deflection method Dra1 shear force and bendin* moment dia*ram 2
Learnin* O+tcome &pon completion of this topic, st+dents sho+ld be able to: &nderstand the basic concept of slope deflection method for sol3in* the indeterminate beams: 0
(/plain the portal frame
Disc+ss the factors that ca+se frame to s1ay or not to s1ay
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Calc+late the internal moment at portal frame s+pport and 4o 4 oint s+b4ected to point loads and distrib+ted loads +p to three &nno1ns +sin* the slope deflection method Dra1 shear force and bendin* moment dia*ram 2
250 Frames •
+sed in b+ildin*s and are composed of beams and col+mns that are either pin or fi/ed connected lie tr+sses, frames e/tend in t1o or three dimensions5 the loadin* on a frame ca+ses is *enerally 6indeterminate7 from a standpoint of analysi analysis5 s5
the stren*th of s+ch a frame is deri3ed from the moment interactions bet1een the beams and the col+mns at the ri*id 4o 4 oints5
Both the columns are of the same length , having similar end conditions(i.e either hinged or xed) Subected to s!mmetrical loading
• •
"he oints of such a #ortal frame $ill not be subected
Unsymmetrical portal frames
either the columns are not s!mmetrical , or the frame is not s!mmetricall! loaded Subected to some hori%ontal movement, &no$n as s$a!, to one side or the other
"he rigid oints bet$een the columns and beams $ill have motion of translation 4
252 Symmetrical Portal Frames (Nonsway) A symmetrical portal frame is that in 1hich; a "oth col+mns are of the same len*th5 b 9 2522 #m; F(MC" > 0500 #m
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