2 Profood=
Short Description
Company Name: Profood International Inc. Company Profle Profood International Corporation is the largest Philippine based dried fruit producer and the standard bearer of world class processed fruit products from the Philippine Islands. From the small company that once catered only to the local market, Profood International Corporation has grown to become the leading producer of various dried fruit, preserves, purees, concentrates, and juices. Its products are available all over the Philippines and exported to many countries in sia, the !iddle "ast, "urope, #orth, Central, and $outh merica, the Caribbean, and %ceania. n I$% &''()*''+, CCP,
head1uarters are based in Cebu, Central Philippines. 2his makes it strategically accessible to source mangoes year round from throughout the country. t present, the company has four manufacturing sites located in the north, central, southern, and western parts of the Philippines to be close to the sources of various regionally grown fruits. 3ith their sophisticated automated systems, fruit is processed e4ciently in a highly saniti5ed environment. In the aseptic process, the fruit puree is heated to sterili5ing temperatures then immediately cooled to room temperature within the system before it is packaged into sterile containers. 2his techni1ue allows retention of the fruit6s natural 7avor, color and aroma while prolonging shelf life.
$ince its inception in (&+'. Profood International Corporation has remained steadfast in its commitment to product excellence. 2his strict adherence to superior 1uality has earned not only satisfaction from discerning Filipino and foreign customers but also recognition from industry partners worldwide. Profood International Corporation continues to maintain market leadership driven by the passion for 1uality and professionalism that it6s global customers have come to rely on.
Primary Product 2he company8s main product is Philippine 9rand :ried !angoes.
Location . $. Fortuna $treet, !andaue City, Cebu, !andaue City, Cebu
Evaluation I.
Product Design 2he company8s main product is Philippine 9rand :ried !angoes. Its main ingredient is purely carab ao mango to assure 1uality and sweetness coming from various parts of the Philippines. It bene0ts the consumers in a way that it is nutritious and healthy for the body. It also bene0ts the Philippine market because the company needs raw materials from local suppliers throughout the country. Its main product is simple and has a shelf life is * years.
Process Strategy 2he entire processing, 0lling and
lines are fully
automated. :espite this, our production personnel do not rest content. 2hey still keep a close watch at every stage in the process to
guarantee strict compliance to 1uality standards. Facility Layout
Profood8s facility layout exhibits a product;oriented layout because this layout achieves a rapid 7ow of dried mangoes through the system. 2his is made possible because the dried mangoes are highly standardi5ed which allow a highly standardi5ed repetitive processing. 2he production of
dried mangoes is divided into a series of
standardi5ed tasks thereby permitting division of labor
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