2 Otura Ogbe Otura Oriko Otura Orire 16 Ese Ifa

April 24, 2018 | Author: Ifagbile | Category: Agriculture, Religion And Belief, Nature
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SOLAGBADE Lagos, Nigeria. May, 2009. 2009 .



Ifa says that you are not the oldest in your household, but everybody will be loo ook king forward to you for guidance and leadership. leadership. Ifa says says you should should propitiate propitiate your ori and and oer ebo ebo for longevity longevity.. Ifa advises advises you you to oer ebo with 2 roosters and one!. You will consult Ifa to know know what what you will use use to propiti propitiate ate your your ori. On this, Ifa says; A ha nii senu koto muti ia fun Orimado, abeso wankaka !iku o ma pa Orimado laigbo Orimado oba igi ni o !arun, e"o, ofo o ma se Orimado laigbo Orimado oba igi ni  #ranslation  #ranslation$$  #he calabash cup is it that drinks alcohol with its wide mouth  #he Ifa cast for Orimado, Orimado, with its strong strong fruits fruits %ay death not kill orimado prematurely Orimado is the king of trees %ay a&ic &iction tion,, cont ontenti ention on and los osss not not a&ict ict Orimado prematurely Orimado is the king among trees


Ifa foresees ire of leadership whereby people will always be at your service. Ifa says that that your Ori Ori will never let you down. Ifa advises you to propitiate propitiate your Or" with #"$eon% &o'ants% "tter-&o'a and $"n. You are are also also advised advised to to $"nea ea *o *o+' +'s% s% 2 roos rooste ters rs%% 2 +,"t +,"te e oe oer ebo with ith 2 $"n #"$eons and one! . On this, Ifa says; 'osoro Awo abata ia fun Oloriire Apesin 'osoro o de o, Awo Apesin (yin o mo wipe Oloriire laa pee sin

 #ranslation$ 'osoro the Awo of the 'wappyland )e cast Ifa for Oloriire Apesin, the *ucky man who shall be worshipped by all )ere comes 'osoro, the Awo of Abata on+t you know that it is only those who are lucky that people gather to worship


Ifa assures you in this stan-a that all your endeavours shall be successful. Ifa advises you to oer ebo with #"$eon% $"nea *o+'% d& and one! . On this, Ifa says; o"umo ba mo (kiti a la pereperepere ia fun agilinti  #i n sunkun oun o lowo lowo (bo ni won ni ko waa se Agilinti gba mi o, Agilinti Aba a"e, aya, omo ti mo da Ifa dakun ma gbagbe mi Agilinti, gba mi o  #ranslation$ /hen the day dawns  #he sun rays will enter through the cracks on the wall  #his was the Ifa cast for Agilinti /hen weeping that he lacked wealth )e was advised to oer ebo Agilinti, please come to my rescue I propose for me to be blessed with wealth, spouse, children and long life Ifa, please do not forget me Agilinti, please come to my rescue


Ifa reiterates again in this stan-a that you must be propitiating your Ori at all times in order for you to be 0nancially successful. Ifa also advises you to propitiate the spirit of the dead. If your parents are still alive, you can propitiate the spirit of your grand1parents or any of  your dead family. You also need to oer ebo with 2 guinea1fowls, 2 pigeons, and money. On this, Ifa says; 3enpe lapa eye 0 n"u itan eye lo ia fun Ori, omo Atete1niran Omo Atete gbeni ku f+oosa Owo ti mo ni lonii Orii mi ma ni o Opelope Otura1Oriko Aya, omo, ire gbogbo ti mo ni lonii Orii mi ma ni o Opelope Otura1Oriko  #ranslation$  #he birds arm is "ust a bit bigger that its thigh 4ast Ifa for Ori, the ospring of Atete1niran Ospring of the one who 5uickly supports someone in the presence of Oosa  #he wealth I have today It is the work of my Ori It is Otura1Oriko 'pouse, children and all the good things of life that have today It is the eorts of my Ori  #hanks to Otura1Oriko


Ifa advises you to oer ebo so that whatever you lay your hands upon shall prosper. You need to feed Ifa with one #"$. You will also feed O$n with one rooster. After all these, Ifa says you will have course to smile. On this, Ifa says; Aase lo fo bayii

Aase lo ba bayii Aase lo babaaba 6i o ri ibi ti yoo gbee ba si mo *o kose me"ee"i wanwa saruru alaruru ia fun won lagbaa Out ife 6ibi won nf+eledee bo+gun Akuko ni won 0 nbo Ikin won  #i Ifa ba gba elede, akuko ni won nfun /on a 0 elede bo Ogun 6nkan won o wa dogba Ayee won wan lo lodi leso Ayee won wan lo lekoro1lekoro (bo ni won ni ki won se Oba Alade waa f+elede rubo 7bede lara o maa de wa lo 7bede  8ekara o de mi ki n kole 7bede lara o maa de wa lo 7bede  8ekara o de mi ki n laya 7bede lara o maa de wa lo 7bede  8ekara o de mi ki n bimo 7bede lara o maa de wa lo 7bede  8ekara o de mi ki n nire gbogbo 7bede lara o maa de wa lo 7bede  #ranslation$ It is Aasee bird that 9ies like this It is Aasee bird that perch It is Aasee bird that perch and perch It did not see where to perch anymore (:cept the roof of another person  #hese were the declarations of Ifa to the elders of  Ile1Ife /here they use pig to feed Ogun And use rooster to feed Ifa

If Ifa takes pig, they will use rooster to feed him  #hey used pig to propitiate Ogun *ife became miserable for them  #heir life were going contrarily  #hings were no longer going on smoothly for them  #hey were advised to oer ebo  #he crowned Oba used pig for ebo (asiness has come to us (asiness *et comfort be mine so that I can build house (asiness has come to us (asiness *et me be convenient so that I can get good spouse (asiness has come to us (asiness *et things be very easy for me so that I can have children (asiness has come to us (asiness *et me be comfortable so that I can have all the good things of life (asiness has come to us (asiness 6.

 Ifa says that you have four dierent things in mind that have been bothering you. Ifa assures you that all these thoughts which have been giving you restlessness shall goes the way you want it. #hat is, your prayers shall be answered. You need to oer ebo with . roosters and one!. You also need to propitiate 'ango and Oya. On this, Ifa says; ( o le see ni  #abi e o ni le see Awo ile Oniware1O"oniware ia fun Oniware1O"oniware Omo eye kan eye kan

 #ii gori ebe tii gbonwu oweere1"ako Aayun o yun Aawa o wa Aayun o yun+se Aweremegun ia fun Alaase O "i ti nkonu a"ogun merin Aboyun ile Alaase yoo bii ni  #abi o bi ni (nikan o mo Ifa ominuu re n ko ni Onya"o ile Alaase  Yoo de ni tabi o nii de (nikan o mo Ifa ominuu re n koni Okunrin tin be nile Alaase  Yoo dide ni tabi o ni dide (nikan o mo Ifa ominuu re n koni Igi eyinkunle ile Alaase  Yoo wo sile ni tabi yoo wo sita (nikan o mo Ifa ominuu re n koni Aboyun waa se haa o bi Onya"o waa se haa o ta"o bo Okunrin waa se haa o dide Igi eyinkunle wa se haa o wo sita ( ba mi ki 'ango o ( ba mi ki Oya o Arira (welere Iifa mo dupe  #ranslation$ /ill you be able to do it Or you won+t  #he resident Awo of Oniware1O"oniware  #he ospring of that great bird /hich landed on the crop1head And removed cottons all over the farm  #hose who were supposed to go never did

And those who were to come never came And foot1sore cannot aect Aweremegun+s monkey  #hey cast Ifa for Alaase /ho woke up with four problems at the back of his mind  #he pregnant woman in Alaase+s house will deliver safely or not 6obody knows, Ifa it gives concern  #he so"ourner in Alaase+s house /hether he would come back or not 6obody knows Ifa, it gives concern  #he man in Alaase+s house )e would get up or would not 6obody knows Ifa, it gives concern  #he tree at the backyard of Alaase+s home It will fall inside or outside 6obody knows Ifa, it gives concern Alas #he pregnant woman delivered safely  #he so"ourner arrived safely  #he sick man got up healthily  #he tree at the backyard fell outside )elp me salute 'ango )elp greet Oya Arira (welere, Ifa I thank you


Ifa foresees ire of childbearing for you. Ifa advises you to cook o&ro so# +"t, /s,  and use it to feed Ifa. You will also oer ebo with #'ent! /s, and one! . On this, Ifa says; Are"a dala Arakasa sebe olo"o ia fun *egoo

 #ii se yeye Akuko adie ban se kuku ka ma bu Omo, loyele n sunkun pe Omo  #ranslation$ 'he who has 0sh to cook okra soup And has 0ngerling to cook soup for the visitor  #hey cast Ifa for *egoo, the )en  #he mother of Akuko, the
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