2 MTB_ TG SB Q1 W6.doc

June 12, 2019 | Author: Rodrigo | Category: Reading Comprehension, Reading (Process), Semiotics, Linguistics, Communication
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Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)  Teacher’s  Teacher’s Guide

Sinugbuanong Binisaya

2 Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Guide (Unit 1- Week 6)

Sinugbuanong Binisaya

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 2 Teacher’s Guide: Sinugbuanong Binisaya irst Edition! 2"#$ %SB&: '''''''''''  eublic *ct +2,$! section #. states that: No coyright sha!! subsist in any "ork o# the Go$ern%ent o# the &hi!iines' o"e$er rior aro$a! o# the go$ern%ent agency or o##ice "herein the "ork is created sha!! be necessary #or  e*!oitation o# such "ork #or ro#it' Such agency or o##ice %ay a%ong other things i%ose as a condition the ay%ent o# roya!ties' Borro"ed %ateria!s (i'e' songs stories oe%s ictures hotos brand na%es trade%arks etc') inc!uded in this book are o"ned by their resecti$e coyright ho!ders' +$ery e##ort has been e*erted to !ocate and seek er%ission to use these %ateria!s #ro% their resecti$e coyright o"ners' The ub!isher and authors do not reresent nor c!ai% o"nershi o$er the%' &ub!ished by the ,eart%ent o# +ducation Secretary: Br' r%in ' .uistro /S0 Undersecretary: o!anda S' 2ui3ano &h',' 0e4elo1ent Tea1 o the Teacher’s Guide

onsultant and oordinators! Gurmensinda Sasam, Carmencita C. Denampo "uthors! Caren S. Selgas, Gea C. Alonso, Irene T. Pilapil, a. ari!a A. anlangit, "ucia ". #apanta, $ochelle ". Binoya, %o&elyn C. 'uindao, "orna C. ahilum. Re#ie$ers! (ena ). i*o!a, a. %esusa C. Despo+o, arcelita S. Dignos %llustrators! $osanna S. Andales La&out "rtist! %ocelyn . Conta, Tomas T. Pastor, Sheila arie

/rinted in the /hiliines by ''''''''''''  0eart1ent o Education-%nstructional Materials 3ouncil Secretariat (0eEd%M3S) 4##ice ddress: 5nd /!oor ,or% G &hi!sorts 0o%!e* era!co $enue &asig 0ity &hi!iines 1677 Te!e#a*: (75) 689-179 689-17;5 +-%ai! ddress: i%csetdecognition a' >ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er higher order ?uestions about the%' 9' /!uency a' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' ' Se!!ing a' Se!! correct!y the !ist o# content "ords in the $ocabu!ary 6' and"riting a' Write short narrati$e stories that inc!ude e!e%ents o# setting and characters ;' 0o%osing a' 0o%ose a story using aroriate "ords and coherent te*t @' Gra%%ar "areness a' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%ika%o ug si!a) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs A' ocabu!ary and 0oncet ,e$e!o%ent a' >ead a!oud ersona! ronouns 17' >eading 0o%rehension: cti$ating Sche%a C &rior =no"!edge a' odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #ab!e b' Se?uence 8 e$ents in the story by te!!ing "hich haened #irst second and !ast c' &redictoutco%es in #ab!e based on conte*t 11' >eading 0o%rehension: 0o%rehension o# Dn#or%ationa! Te*ts a' 0o%are and contrasting di##erent !iterary e!e%ents b' >ead a $ariety o# chi!dren’s !iterature and resond to it both ora!!y and in "riting 15' >eading 0o%rehension: ttitudes to"ards .anguage .iteracy and .iterature a' Sho" !o$e #or reading by !istening attenti$e!y during story reading and %aking co%%ents and ans"ering higher order thinking ?uestions Sub8ect Matter   ' /ab!e EThe Bee and the /!yF  uthor:Gea 0ata!an !onso B' &ersona! &ronouns Materials /ab!es(The oney Bee and the /!y) ictures and songs


The1e Things D .o$e to ,o (#a$orites acti$ities hobbies sorts) 9alue ocus ,o not send a!! your ti%e ha$ing #un' Work and sa$e #or the #uture' 4ne shou!d be roud o# hisCher o"n #a%i!y' /rocedure

0ay # 7b8ecti4es a' .isten to and interact "ith others in a grou or c!ass discussion on te*ts heard' b' Te!! their o"n stories re!ated to icture using a $ariety o# "ords "ithroer  hrasing and ausing' c' Te!! the distinguishing #eatures o# a #ab!e' d' Ta!k about the #ab!e reca!!ing i%ortant detai!s' e' >ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er  higher order ?uestions about the%' #' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' g' odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #ab!e' h' &redict outco%es in #ab!es based on conte*t' i' Sho" !o$e #or reading by !istening attenti$e!y during story reading and  3' ake co%%ents and ans"ers higher order thinking ?uestions' /re-reading *cti4ities 1' Guessing Ga%e: (Sho" a icture o# di##erent ani%a!s) a) ag!uad-!uad kada ad!a" D!a!o% sa init sa ad!a"'Unsa kini b' hu!%igas b' utyokan c' ios 5' .earning Ne" Words through ictures and gesture' (T&> ictures and T&> body)' Use it in a sentence' sk a ui! $o!unteer to read the sentence' !inga"




8' oti$ation: a) sk the ui!s the #o!!o"ing ?uestions: 1' Nakasu!ay naba ka og tigo% gikan sa i%ong ba!on 5' ,iin ni%o gihios 8' aayo ba ang %agtigo%Ngano %an b) Sho" a icture o# oney Bee and the /!y' sk the ui!s to say so%ething about the character o# the oney Bee and the /!y' 0uring eading 1' >ead a short story to the ui!s: a) Te!! the ui!s you "ant the% to !isten as you read to the% the the%e #or  the "eek'

b) >ead the story in a !i$e!y and interesting "ay c) s you read sto 5-8 ti%es to ask the ui!s ?uestions about the story' d) >ead the "ho!e story' When you’re #inished ask the ui!s to su%%ariHe the story then ask the% higher order thinking ?uestions about the story' 5' .et the ui!s oen their .earner’s ateria! Unit 1 Week 6 #or the se!ection' /ost eading  sk: a) =insa ang %anaghiga!asa atong istorya b) Unsay hi!ig sa utyokan Unsay hi!ig sa !anga" c) Unsay nahitabo sa !anga" sa dihang nibaha d) Unsay iyang gibati ,iin siya nangayo og tabang e) Nganong nagtigo% og agkaon ang utyokan #) Unsay nahitabo sa katausan sa istorya a!iayon ba si!ang duha Ngano %an 0ay 2 7b8ecti4es a' .isten to and interact "ith others in a grou or c!ass discussion on te*ts heard' b' Ta!k about the #ab!es reca!!ing i%ortant detai!s' c' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' d' Write short narrati$es that inc!ude e!e%ents o# setting and characters' e' odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #ab!e' #' Se?uence 8 e$ents in the story by te!!ing "hich haened #irst second and !ast' /reli1inary *cti4ity >e$ie" the story read yesterday >ete!! the story EThe oney Bee and the /!yF (T&> Story) "hi!e the ui!s !isten' a' ou %ode! and de%onstrate the action' b' sks $o!unteer to do the action "hi!e narrating the story' c' &ui! te!!s the story and acted by another ui!'

Engage1ent *cti4ities .et the% oen their . Unit 1 Week 6 and do Unang Bu!uhaton 1' &icture Story (Gi$e a icture and !et the ui!s arrange it according tothe se?uence o# the story') 5' .et the ui!s rete!! the story in their o"n "ords and understanding' *lication 1' Guided +*ercise &resent another #ab!e EThe othF (#o!!o" T&> story icture) 5' Dndeendent +*ercises .et the ui!s rete!! the story and other ui!s do the action'

0ay $ /

7b8ecti4es a' Ta!k about the #ab!es reca!!ing i%ortant detai!s' b' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%o si!a og ka%i) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs' c' >ead a!oud ersona! ronouns' d' >ea!iHe that one shou!d be roud o# his C her o"n #a%i!y' Gra%%ar  /reli1inary *cti4ities 1' >e$ie" a' Sho" ictures o# yesterday’s !esson' b' sk "hat the icture is a!! about' 5' oti$ation  sk: a' ,o you ha$e ets at ho%e (,una ba ka%o’y binuhi nga hayo sa ba!ay) b' o" do you sho" your !o$e #or the% (Giunsa ninyo agakita nga inyo si!ang gihigug%a) *nalysis and 0iscussion 1' &resent the #ab!e again EThe oney Bee and the /!yF 5' sk the #o!!o"ing ?uestions !eading to the !esson on ronouns: a' =insa ang duha ka %anaghiga!asa atong istorya b' ,iin nahitabo ang istorya c' Unsay hi!ig sautyokan Giunsa kini niya ag-istorya ' d' Unsa nga u!ong ang giga%it u!i sa nga!an nga .anga" sa ENagsige ra siya og du!a'F e' Unsay giga%it u!i sa nga!an nga &utyokan sa Eko kang a%iga !anga" busa a%ina"'F #' Eaka!u!uoy kaI oabot ang ad!a" ngaika"%agangita og agkaon' &agtigo% na karonIF =insa %an ang giingnan ni utyokan ani g' Giguto% ang !ukton' Wa!a na siya’y %akaon' Nganong "a!a na%an siyay %akaon h' Unsay giga%it nga u!ong u!i sa u!ong nga &utyokan sa EDka" ra gayod ang nakatabang nakoF su!ti sa !anga"' i' Gihatagan ni utyokan ang !anga" og %akaon' Unsa nga u!inga!an ang atong iu!i sa i!ang nga!an  3' Giunsa agta"ag sa dihang nagsu!ti siya kang !anga" kabahin sa i!ang kinaiya k' =on hatagan ka og higayon nga %akig-istorya sa !anga"ug utyokan unsaon ni%o si!a agta"ag /ost *cti4ities .et the%oen their . Unit 1 Week 6 and do Dkaduhang Bu!uhaton' 1' Tan-a"a ang %ga hu!ag"ay' Dsu!at ang hustong u!ong nga iu!i sa nga!an sa b!angko'(.ook at the ictures' Write the correct ronoun on the sace ro$ided')


1' D!!us' gir! dancing Nagsaya" _______ ' 5' i!us' boy !aying Nagdu!a JJJJJJJJ' 8' D!us' Gir! !anting seed!ings  JJJJJJJ%aoy nagtano% ana nga bu!ak'

=insa ang nagtano% niini nga bu!ak

9' D!!us' %other nursing the chi!d Giangga ko  JJJJanak ko

5' Ga%ita sa ahayag EsentenceF ang ako ika" siya ka%i ka%o ug si!a' 8' =anus-a ga%iton ang %ga u!ong nga ako ika" siya ka%i ka%o ug si!a Generali;ation  ko Dka" Siya ang ga%iton u!i sa nga!an sa ta"o' (D ou eCShe We and they) are &ersona! &ronouns that take the !ace o#  nouns'

0ay  7b8ecti4es a' .isten to and interact "ith others in a grou or c!ass discussion on te*ts heard' b' Se!! correct!y the !ist o# content "ords in the $ocabu!ary' c' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%o si!a og ka%i) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs' d' >ead a!oud ersona! ronouns' /reli1inary *cti4ities 1' .et the ui!s sing the Song to the tune o# .ubi-!ubi .unes artes iyerko!es u"ebes Biyernes Sabado ,o%inggo %ga ad!a" sa Se%ana !ubi-!ubi'

 sk: Unsang ad!a"a karon d!a" nga JJJJJJJJJJJJ karon'


Unsang ad!a"a kagahaon d!a" nga JJJJJJJJJJJJ kahaon' Unsang ad!a"a ug%a d!a" nga JJJJJJJJJJJ ug%a' Selling Write dictated "ords #ro% the story a' nagtigo%

b' !anga"

c' inangga

d' utyokan

Enrich1ent *cti4ities .et the% oen . Unit 1 Week 6 and do Dkatu!ong Bu!uhaton' 1' Guided &ractice &artnerC,ia!ogue: &resents a dia!ogue attern' .et the ui!s #ind the noun then re!ace it "ith the correct ersona! ronoun' &ui!s take turn reading acting the dia!ogue' &artner 1: Na%ina" og a"it si Kohn ' &artner 5: Na%ina" siya og a"it' &artner 1: Gitabangan sa bata ang .o!a sa ag!abang sa da!an' &artner 5: ko ang nitabang sa .o!a' 5' .et the ui!s #or% their o"n sentences using the correct ronoun' (Guided by the teacher)

0ay < 7b8ecti4es a' Te!! their o"n stories re!ated to icture using a $ariety o# "ords "ithroer  hrasing and ausing' b' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' c' Write short narrati$es that inc!ude e!e%ents o# setting and characters' d' 0o%ose a story using aroriate "ords and coherent te*t' e' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%o si!a og ka%i) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs' #' 0o%are and contrast di##erent !iterary e!e%ents' g' >ead a $ariety o# chi!drenLs !iterature and resond to it both ora!!y and in "riting' *ssess1ent  ' .et the ui!s "rite a si%!e short #ab!e that inc!udes e!e%ents o# setting and characters(teacher guided acti$ity) sk a $o!unteer to read hisCher "ork to the "ho!e c!ass' 0heck the "orks o# the ui!s gi$e co%%ents and ost the% at strategic corner' B' .et the ui!s oen their .s on "eek 6 day  Dka-uat nga Bu!uhaton *ssign1ent Write 5 sentences each using ako ika" siya kita ka%o si!a ug ka%i'



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