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Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Teacher’s Guide
Sinugbuanong Binisaya
2 Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Guide (Unit 1- Week 6)
Sinugbuanong Binisaya
Department of Education Republic of the Philippines
Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 2 Teacher’s Guide: Sinugbuanong Binisaya irst Edition! 2"#$ %SB&: ''''''''''' eublic *ct +2,$! section #. states that: No coyright sha!! subsist in any "ork o# the Go$ern%ent o# the &hi!iines' o"e$er rior aro$a! o# the go$ern%ent agency or o##ice "herein the "ork is created sha!! be necessary #or e*!oitation o# such "ork #or ro#it' Such agency or o##ice %ay a%ong other things i%ose as a condition the ay%ent o# roya!ties' Borro"ed %ateria!s (i'e' songs stories oe%s ictures hotos brand na%es trade%arks etc') inc!uded in this book are o"ned by their resecti$e coyright ho!ders' +$ery e##ort has been e*erted to !ocate and seek er%ission to use these %ateria!s #ro% their resecti$e coyright o"ners' The ub!isher and authors do not reresent nor c!ai% o"nershi o$er the%' &ub!ished by the ,eart%ent o# +ducation Secretary: Br' r%in ' .uistro /S0 Undersecretary: o!anda S' 2ui3ano &h',' 0e4elo1ent Tea1 o the Teacher’s Guide
onsultant and oordinators! Gurmensinda Sasam, Carmencita C. Denampo "uthors! Caren S. Selgas, Gea C. Alonso, Irene T. Pilapil, a. ari!a A. anlangit, "ucia ". #apanta, $ochelle ". Binoya, %o&elyn C. 'uindao, "orna C. ahilum. Re#ie$ers! (ena ). i*o!a, a. %esusa C. Despo+o, arcelita S. Dignos %llustrators! $osanna S. Andales La&out "rtist! %ocelyn . Conta, Tomas T. Pastor, Sheila arie
/rinted in the /hiliines by '''''''''''' 0eart1ent o Education-%nstructional Materials 3ouncil Secretariat (0eEd%M3S) 4##ice ddress: 5nd /!oor ,or% G &hi!sorts 0o%!e* era!co $enue &asig 0ity &hi!iines 1677 Te!e#a*: (75) 689-179 689-17;5 +-%ai! ddress: i%csetdecognition a' >ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er higher order ?uestions about the%' 9' /!uency a' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' ' Se!!ing a' Se!! correct!y the !ist o# content "ords in the $ocabu!ary 6' and"riting a' Write short narrati$e stories that inc!ude e!e%ents o# setting and characters ;' 0o%osing a' 0o%ose a story using aroriate "ords and coherent te*t @' Gra%%ar "areness a' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%ika%o ug si!a) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs A' ocabu!ary and 0oncet ,e$e!o%ent a' >ead a!oud ersona! ronouns 17' >eading 0o%rehension: cti$ating Sche%a C &rior =no"!edge a' odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #ab!e b' Se?uence 8 e$ents in the story by te!!ing "hich haened #irst second and !ast c' &redictoutco%es in #ab!e based on conte*t 11' >eading 0o%rehension: 0o%rehension o# Dn#or%ationa! Te*ts a' 0o%are and contrasting di##erent !iterary e!e%ents b' >ead a $ariety o# chi!dren’s !iterature and resond to it both ora!!y and in "riting 15' >eading 0o%rehension: ttitudes to"ards .anguage .iteracy and .iterature a' Sho" !o$e #or reading by !istening attenti$e!y during story reading and %aking co%%ents and ans"ering higher order thinking ?uestions Sub8ect Matter ' /ab!e EThe Bee and the /!yF uthor:Gea 0ata!an !onso B' &ersona! &ronouns Materials /ab!es(The oney Bee and the /!y) ictures and songs
The1e Things D .o$e to ,o (#a$orites acti$ities hobbies sorts) 9alue ocus ,o not send a!! your ti%e ha$ing #un' Work and sa$e #or the #uture' 4ne shou!d be roud o# hisCher o"n #a%i!y' /rocedure
0ay # 7b8ecti4es a' .isten to and interact "ith others in a grou or c!ass discussion on te*ts heard' b' Te!! their o"n stories re!ated to icture using a $ariety o# "ords "ithroer hrasing and ausing' c' Te!! the distinguishing #eatures o# a #ab!e' d' Ta!k about the #ab!e reca!!ing i%ortant detai!s' e' >ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er higher order ?uestions about the%' #' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' g' odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #ab!e' h' &redict outco%es in #ab!es based on conte*t' i' Sho" !o$e #or reading by !istening attenti$e!y during story reading and 3' ake co%%ents and ans"ers higher order thinking ?uestions' /re-reading *cti4ities 1' Guessing Ga%e: (Sho" a icture o# di##erent ani%a!s) a) ag!uad-!uad kada ad!a" D!a!o% sa init sa ad!a"'Unsa kini b' hu!%igas b' utyokan c' ios 5' .earning Ne" Words through ictures and gesture' (T&> ictures and T&> body)' Use it in a sentence' sk a ui! $o!unteer to read the sentence' !inga"
8' oti$ation: a) sk the ui!s the #o!!o"ing ?uestions: 1' Nakasu!ay naba ka og tigo% gikan sa i%ong ba!on 5' ,iin ni%o gihios 8' aayo ba ang %agtigo%Ngano %an b) Sho" a icture o# oney Bee and the /!y' sk the ui!s to say so%ething about the character o# the oney Bee and the /!y' 0uring eading 1' >ead a short story to the ui!s: a) Te!! the ui!s you "ant the% to !isten as you read to the% the the%e #or the "eek'
b) >ead the story in a !i$e!y and interesting "ay c) s you read sto 5-8 ti%es to ask the ui!s ?uestions about the story' d) >ead the "ho!e story' When you’re #inished ask the ui!s to su%%ariHe the story then ask the% higher order thinking ?uestions about the story' 5' .et the ui!s oen their .earner’s ateria! Unit 1 Week 6 #or the se!ection' /ost eading sk: a) =insa ang %anaghiga!asa atong istorya b) Unsay hi!ig sa utyokan Unsay hi!ig sa !anga" c) Unsay nahitabo sa !anga" sa dihang nibaha d) Unsay iyang gibati ,iin siya nangayo og tabang e) Nganong nagtigo% og agkaon ang utyokan #) Unsay nahitabo sa katausan sa istorya a!iayon ba si!ang duha Ngano %an 0ay 2 7b8ecti4es a' .isten to and interact "ith others in a grou or c!ass discussion on te*ts heard' b' Ta!k about the #ab!es reca!!ing i%ortant detai!s' c' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' d' Write short narrati$es that inc!ude e!e%ents o# setting and characters' e' odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #ab!e' #' Se?uence 8 e$ents in the story by te!!ing "hich haened #irst second and !ast' /reli1inary *cti4ity >e$ie" the story read yesterday >ete!! the story EThe oney Bee and the /!yF (T&> Story) "hi!e the ui!s !isten' a' ou %ode! and de%onstrate the action' b' sks $o!unteer to do the action "hi!e narrating the story' c' &ui! te!!s the story and acted by another ui!'
Engage1ent *cti4ities .et the% oen their . Unit 1 Week 6 and do Unang Bu!uhaton 1' &icture Story (Gi$e a icture and !et the ui!s arrange it according tothe se?uence o# the story') 5' .et the ui!s rete!! the story in their o"n "ords and understanding' *lication 1' Guided +*ercise &resent another #ab!e EThe othF (#o!!o" T&> story icture) 5' Dndeendent +*ercises .et the ui!s rete!! the story and other ui!s do the action'
0ay $ /
7b8ecti4es a' Ta!k about the #ab!es reca!!ing i%ortant detai!s' b' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%o si!a og ka%i) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs' c' >ead a!oud ersona! ronouns' d' >ea!iHe that one shou!d be roud o# his C her o"n #a%i!y' Gra%%ar /reli1inary *cti4ities 1' >e$ie" a' Sho" ictures o# yesterday’s !esson' b' sk "hat the icture is a!! about' 5' oti$ation sk: a' ,o you ha$e ets at ho%e (,una ba ka%o’y binuhi nga hayo sa ba!ay) b' o" do you sho" your !o$e #or the% (Giunsa ninyo agakita nga inyo si!ang gihigug%a) *nalysis and 0iscussion 1' &resent the #ab!e again EThe oney Bee and the /!yF 5' sk the #o!!o"ing ?uestions !eading to the !esson on ronouns: a' =insa ang duha ka %anaghiga!asa atong istorya b' ,iin nahitabo ang istorya c' Unsay hi!ig sautyokan Giunsa kini niya ag-istorya ' d' Unsa nga u!ong ang giga%it u!i sa nga!an nga .anga" sa ENagsige ra siya og du!a'F e' Unsay giga%it u!i sa nga!an nga &utyokan sa Eko kang a%iga !anga" busa a%ina"'F #' Eaka!u!uoy kaI oabot ang ad!a" ngaika"%agangita og agkaon' &agtigo% na karonIF =insa %an ang giingnan ni utyokan ani g' Giguto% ang !ukton' Wa!a na siya’y %akaon' Nganong "a!a na%an siyay %akaon h' Unsay giga%it nga u!ong u!i sa u!ong nga &utyokan sa EDka" ra gayod ang nakatabang nakoF su!ti sa !anga"' i' Gihatagan ni utyokan ang !anga" og %akaon' Unsa nga u!inga!an ang atong iu!i sa i!ang nga!an 3' Giunsa agta"ag sa dihang nagsu!ti siya kang !anga" kabahin sa i!ang kinaiya k' =on hatagan ka og higayon nga %akig-istorya sa !anga"ug utyokan unsaon ni%o si!a agta"ag /ost *cti4ities .et the%oen their . Unit 1 Week 6 and do Dkaduhang Bu!uhaton' 1' Tan-a"a ang %ga hu!ag"ay' Dsu!at ang hustong u!ong nga iu!i sa nga!an sa b!angko'(.ook at the ictures' Write the correct ronoun on the sace ro$ided')
1' D!!us' gir! dancing Nagsaya" _______ ' 5' i!us' boy !aying Nagdu!a JJJJJJJJ' 8' D!us' Gir! !anting seed!ings JJJJJJJ%aoy nagtano% ana nga bu!ak'
=insa ang nagtano% niini nga bu!ak
9' D!!us' %other nursing the chi!d Giangga ko JJJJanak ko
5' Ga%ita sa ahayag EsentenceF ang ako ika" siya ka%i ka%o ug si!a' 8' =anus-a ga%iton ang %ga u!ong nga ako ika" siya ka%i ka%o ug si!a Generali;ation ko Dka" Siya ang ga%iton u!i sa nga!an sa ta"o' (D ou eCShe We and they) are &ersona! &ronouns that take the !ace o# nouns'
0ay 7b8ecti4es a' .isten to and interact "ith others in a grou or c!ass discussion on te*ts heard' b' Se!! correct!y the !ist o# content "ords in the $ocabu!ary' c' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%o si!a og ka%i) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs' d' >ead a!oud ersona! ronouns' /reli1inary *cti4ities 1' .et the ui!s sing the Song to the tune o# .ubi-!ubi .unes artes iyerko!es u"ebes Biyernes Sabado ,o%inggo %ga ad!a" sa Se%ana !ubi-!ubi'
sk: Unsang ad!a"a karon d!a" nga JJJJJJJJJJJJ karon'
Unsang ad!a"a kagahaon d!a" nga JJJJJJJJJJJJ kahaon' Unsang ad!a"a ug%a d!a" nga JJJJJJJJJJJ ug%a' Selling Write dictated "ords #ro% the story a' nagtigo%
b' !anga"
c' inangga
d' utyokan
Enrich1ent *cti4ities .et the% oen . Unit 1 Week 6 and do Dkatu!ong Bu!uhaton' 1' Guided &ractice &artnerC,ia!ogue: &resents a dia!ogue attern' .et the ui!s #ind the noun then re!ace it "ith the correct ersona! ronoun' &ui!s take turn reading acting the dia!ogue' &artner 1: Na%ina" og a"it si Kohn ' &artner 5: Na%ina" siya og a"it' &artner 1: Gitabangan sa bata ang .o!a sa ag!abang sa da!an' &artner 5: ko ang nitabang sa .o!a' 5' .et the ui!s #or% their o"n sentences using the correct ronoun' (Guided by the teacher)
0ay < 7b8ecti4es a' Te!! their o"n stories re!ated to icture using a $ariety o# "ords "ithroer hrasing and ausing' b' >ead short stories "ith ease and #!uency' c' Write short narrati$es that inc!ude e!e%ents o# setting and characters' d' 0o%ose a story using aroriate "ords and coherent te*t' e' Use ersona! ronouns (ako ika" siya ka%o si!a og ka%i) in a cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrahs' #' 0o%are and contrast di##erent !iterary e!e%ents' g' >ead a $ariety o# chi!drenLs !iterature and resond to it both ora!!y and in "riting' *ssess1ent ' .et the ui!s "rite a si%!e short #ab!e that inc!udes e!e%ents o# setting and characters(teacher guided acti$ity) sk a $o!unteer to read hisCher "ork to the "ho!e c!ass' 0heck the "orks o# the ui!s gi$e co%%ents and ost the% at strategic corner' B' .et the ui!s oen their .s on "eek 6 day Dka-uat nga Bu!uhaton *ssign1ent Write 5 sentences each using ako ika" siya kita ka%o si!a ug ka%i'
5or in6uiries or 7eedbac8, please rite or call9
%nstructional Materials ouncil 'ecretariat (%M')
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