2 MTB_ TG SB Q1 W5.doc
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Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Teacher’s Guide
Sinugbuanong Binisaya
2 Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Guide (Unit 1- Week 5)
Sinugbuanong Binisaya
Department of Education Republic of the Philippines
Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 2 Teacher’s Guide: Sinugbuanong Binisaya irst Edition! 2"#$ %SB&: ''''''''''' eublic *ct +2,$! section #. states that: No coyright sha!! subsist in any "ork o# the Go$ern%ent o# the &hi!iines' o"e$er rior aro$a! o# the go$ern%ent agency or o##ice "herein the "ork is created sha!! be necessary #or e*!oitation o# such "ork #or ro#it' Such agency or o##ice %ay a%ong other things i%ose as a condition the ay%ent o# roya!ties' Borro"ed %ateria!s (i'e' songs stories oe%s ictures hotos brand na%es trade%arks etc') inc!uded in this book are o"ned by their resecti$e coyright ho!ders' +$ery e##ort has been e*erted to !ocate and seek er%ission to use these %ateria!s #ro% their resecti$e coyright o"ners' The ub!isher and authors do not reresent nor c!ai% o"nershi o$er the%' &ub!ished by the ,eart%ent o# +ducation Secretary: Br' r%in ' .uistro /S0 Undersecretary: o!anda S' 2ui3ano &h',' 0e4elo1ent Tea1 o the Teacher’s Guide
onsultant and oordinators! Gurmensinda Sasam, Carmencita C. Denampo "uthors! Caren S. Selgas, Gea C. Alonso, Irene T. Pilapil, a. ari!a A. anlangit, "ucia ". #apanta, $ochelle ". Binoya, %o&elyn C. 'uindao, "orna C. ahilum. Re#ie$ers! (ena ). i*o!a, a. %esusa C. Despo+o, arcelita S. Dignos %llustrators! $osanna S. Andales La&out "rtist! %ocelyn . Conta, Tomas T. Pastor, Sheila arie
/rinted in the /hiliines by '''''''''''' 0eart1ent o Education-%nstructional Materials 3ouncil Secretariat (0eEd%M3S) 4##ice ddress: nd /!oor ,or% G &hi!sorts 0o%!e* 6era!co $enue &asig 0ity &hi!iines 1788 Te!e#a*: (8) 79-185 79-18; +-%ai! ddress: i%csetde sound and sy%bo! re!ationshis in one’s o"n "riting' 9' Book and rint kno"!edge a' 4bser$e so%e %echanics "hen coying and? or "riting sentences: caita!i>ation roer sacing bet"een "ords and correct unctuation %arks' ' Word =ecognition a' =ead "ith understanding a story consisting o# "ords being studied' 5' Se!!ing a' Se!! correct!y content "ords in the !ist o# $ocabu!ary "ords' 7' and"riting a' 4bser$e %echanics "hen coying and? or "riting sentence aragrah and story: caita!i>ation sace bet"een "ords correct unctuation %ark indention and #or%at' ;' 0o%osing a' Write a story obser$ing correct unctuation %arks' @' Gra%%ar A' Use ossessi$e ronouns (%y you his her your)' 18' ocabu!ary a' recogni>ing co%%on %orhe%es in hrases and sentences (e'g' basic sy!!abication ru!es and honics) 11' =eading 0o%rehension: cti$ating Sche%a and &rior Cno"!edge a' &redict "hat story is about based on ersona! e*eriences and conte*t' Sub9ect Matter ' =hy%ing Words B' Using &ossessi$e &ronouns (%y you his her your) 0' +n$iron%enta! Signs?&rints eerence DT"o- Track roach to Teaching 0hi!dren to =ead and WriteTheir /irst .anguage): Guidebook #or TrainersE Susan and ,ennis 6a!one 818 Materials &icture o# a nature "ith ani%a!s The1e
6y /a$ourite ni%a!s and &!ants alue ocus 0are #or ani%a!s and nature /rocedure:
0ay # 8b9ecti4es a' .isten and rete!! a story heard in their o"n "ords citing the characters setting and i%ortant e$ents' b' =ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er higher order Fuestions about the%' c' &redict "hat the song is about based on ersona! e*eriences andbased on "hat one kno" about' /re- eading 1' Sho" a icture o# a >oo or nature "ith ani%a!s and ask Fuestions acti$ating the rior kno"!edge? e*eriences o# the ui!s' a' What do you see in the icture (Unsay i%ong nakita sa hu!ag"ay) ' Write do"n "hat the ui!s say and read it back to the% to de$e!o their rint a"areness' 9' sk each ui! to contribute "ords one sentence at a ti%e to co%ose a story' ' &rint "ords on chart (so c!ass has er%anent coy) reading each "ord as she "rites' Usua!!y ui!s reeat the "ords a#ter each sentence is "ritten' (Guide the ui!s through Fuestions to co%e u "ith con$ersationa! state%ents) 5' .et the ui!s oen their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 5 6agbasa Cita' 0uring eading 1' =ead #irst the entire story using a hand or ointer and asks the entire grou or indi$idua! ui! to read it' &ui!s en3oy reeated reading' =e%e%ber ui! %ay not be actua!!y readingbutsi%!y reeating "ords %e%ori>ed "ith the assistance o# $isua! cues' ' =ead the story using the reading !an' /ost eading a' Ta!k about the story and ask co%rehension Fuestions about the story in#using $a!ues' − Who "ent to the ark (Cinsa %an ang nangadto sa arke) − What did they do in the ark (Unsa %an ang i!ang gibuhat didto) − ,id Gino continue to icked #!o"ers in the ark Why (Niadayon ba og kut!o og bu!ak si Gino Ngano %an − What haened to Caren’s et dog
(Naunsa %an ang itoy ni Caren) − Who ha$e ets at ho%e (Cinsa %an ang adunay binuhing hayo sa ba!ay) − o" do you take good care o# your et (Giunsa %an ni%o ag-ati%an ang i%ong binuhing hayo b' sk the ui!s to redict the ending o# the story based on their ersona! e*eriences' 0ay 2 8b9ecti4es a' Use ossessi$e ronouns' b' =ead a!oud "ords (ossessi$e ronouns)' c' 0o%ose a story using aroriate "ords and coherent te*t' d' 0orrect!y se!! "ords in the !ist o# content "ords in the $ocabu!ary' /reli1inary *cti4ity 1' =e$ie" the story DHn the &arkE a' =ead again the story ca!!s so%e ui!s to read it a!oud in the c!ass then ask Fuestions about the story' b' Gi$e so%e e*a%!es o# ossessi$e ronouns #ro% the story(ko ika" iya niya i%o) (%y you his her your ) using 6+T 0=,S and ost the% on the board' c' ,iscuss the use o# ossessi$e ronoun and gi$e other e*a%!es' 0e4elo1ental *cti4ity ' +ngage%ent cti$ities ,i$ide the c!ass into three (9) grous and gi$e the ru!es #or grouing' a' cti$ity H .et the ui!s ans"er their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 5 Unang Bu!uhaton ' b' cti$ity Use the #o!!o"ing ossessi$e ronouns in the sentence' (Ga%ita ang %osunod nga ossessi$e ronouns sa ahayag o sentence') nako
c' cti$ity 9 0reate a short story using the #o!!o"ing ossessi$e ronoun' (&aghi%o og istorya ga%it ang %osunod nga ossessi$e ronouns')
&rocessing o# the cti$ity:
sk each grou !eader to resent their oututs androcess the acti$ity done by each grou' 9' +nrich%ent cti$ity a' Hdenti#y the co%%on !east %astered ossessi$e ronouns out o# the resentations o# each grou' b' Gi$e an enrich%ent acti$ity #or the %astery o# the !esson' .et the ui!s ans"er their .earner’s 6ateria!Unit 1 Week 5 Unang Bu!uhaton B'
0ay $ 8b9ecti4es a' =ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er higher order Fuestions about the%' b' 4bser$e roer %echanics "hen "riting sentences "ith unctuation' c' 0orrect!y se!! "ords in the !ist o# content "ords in the $ocabu!ary' d' Write sentences using correct unctuation %arks' e' =ecogni>e the co%%on %orhe%es in hrases and sentences (e'gbasic sy!!abication ru!es and honics)' /reli1inary *cti4ity a' Grou cti$ity (Word &u>>!e) Grou the ui!s into 5' +ach grou "i!! be gi$en an en$e!oe containing "ords #ound in the story DSa &arkeE' +*' ni
ako ng I akong
I niadto
%o kut!o gi
I %okut!o
I giduo!
b' ,iscuss on the basic sy!!abication ru!es and honics' - +$ery sy!!ab!e has on!y one $o"e! sound' The nu%ber o# $o"e! sounds in a "ord usua!!y eFua!s the nu%ber o# sy!!ab!es in that "ord' c' sk the ui!s to read the "ho!e te*t and instruct the% to obser$e ho" the sentences o# the story are "ritten such as caita!i>ation roer bet"een "ords correct unctuation %ark and roer indention bet"een aragrahs' d' igh!ight the %echanics in "riting sentences and aragrahs o# the story and the i%ortance o# roer caita!i>ation indention bet"een aragrahs sacing bet"een "ords and correct unctuation %arks through e*a%!es' Guided 5riting /ractice .et the ui!s coy the story DHn the &arkE "ith roer %echanics in "riting' Generali;ation sk: a' What are the roer %echanics in "riting sentences in a aragrah #or%
(Unsa %an ang husto nga a%aagisa agsu!at og ahayag o sentence sa aragrah nga or%a) b' Why do "e need to "rite correct sentences using roer caita!i>ation roer sacing bet"een "ords correct unctuation %arkand indention bet"een aragrahs (Nganong nagkinahang!an %an ta %osu!at og husto nga DsentencesE ga%it ang husto nga caita!i>ation husto nga sacing bet"een "ords husto nga unctuation %ark ug husto nga indention bet"een aragrahs) Engage1ent *cti4ity .et the ui!s "rite their o"n story based on their o"n e*eriences using roer caita!i>ation roer sacing bet"een "ords correct unctuation %ark and roer indention bet"een aragrahs'
0ay < 8b9ecti4es a' Hdenti#y rhy%ing "ords in a oe% consisting o# t"o to three stan>as' b' Su!y rhy%ing "ords to co%!ete a oe%' c' =ead hrases and sentences consisting o# "ords being studied and ans"er higher order Fuestions about the%' ' /re-eading 1' Sho" a icture o# a boy ho!ding his et dog and ask the ui!s to describe the icture' sk: ,o you ha$e ets at ho%e (duna ba ka%o’y binuhing hayo sa inyong ba!ay) ' sk the ui!s to recitea 9-5-stan>a !oca! rhy%es about the the%e andthen introduce the rhy%e to the ui!s' .et the% oen their .earners 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 5 Hkaduhang Bu!uhaton' 0uring eading Grou the ui!s into 5' +ach grou "i!! read the oe% creati$e!y' /ost eading 1' sk: a' Who has a et dog (Cinsa %an ang adunay itoy) b) What is the na%e o# your et (Unsay nga!an sa iyang itoy) c) What did Bitoy !ike to do (Unsa %an ang kanunay buhaton ni Bitoy) d) ,oes she !o$e her et dog (&inangga ba niya ang iyang itoy) Engage1ent *cti4ity
1' ,i$ide the c!ass into #i$e (5) grous and asks the% to recite the rhy%e together in #ront o# the c!ass "ith action i# ossib!e' &rocess the acti$ity and dec!are the best grou as the "inner' ' .et the ui!s ans"er their .earner’s 6ateria!Unit 1 Week 5 Hkaduhang Bu!uhaton'
0ay 7 8b9ecti4es a' Write sentences using correct unctuation %arks' b' 4bser$e roer %echanics "hen "riting sentences "ith unctuation' c' 0o%ose a story using aroriate "ords and coherent te*t' d' Use ossessi$e ronouns (akin iyo kani!a)' *lication Sho" a icture o# a chi!d ho!ding his?her et and !et the ui!s "rite at !east 5 sentences about the icture obser$ing correct unctuation %arks caita!i>ation indentions and #or%at "ith aroriate "ords and coherent te*ts' E4aluation ' .et the ui!s ans"er their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1Week 5 Hkatu!ong Bu!uhaton ' B' .et the ui!s ans"er their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 5 Hkatu!ong Bu!uhaton B'
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