2 MTB_ TG SB Q1 W3.doc

June 12, 2019 | Author: Rodrigo | Category: Grammatical Number, Reading Comprehension, Plural, Reading (Process), Folklore
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Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)  Teacher’s  Teacher’s Guide

Sinugbuanong Binisaya

2 Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Teacher’s Guide (Unit 1- Week 3)

Sinugbuanong Binisaya

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education – Grade 2 Teacher’s Guide: Sinugbuanong Binisaya irst Edition! 2"#$ %SB&: '''''''''''  eublic *ct +2,$! section #. states that: No coyright sha!! subsist in any "ork o# the Go$ern%ent o# the &hi!iines' o"e$er rior aro$a! o# the go$ern%ent agency or o##ice "herein the "ork is created sha!! be necessary #or  e*!oitation o# such "ork #or ro#it' Such agency or o##ice %ay a%ong other things i%ose as a condition the ay%ent o# roya!ties' Borro"ed %ateria!s (i'e' songs stories oe%s ictures hotos brand na%es trade%arks etc') inc!uded in this book are o"ned by their resecti$e coyright ho!ders' +$ery e##ort has been e*erted to !ocate and seek er%ission to use these %ateria!s #ro% their resecti$e coyright o"ners' The ub!isher and authors do not reresent nor c!ai% o"nershi o$er the%' &ub!ished by the ,eart%ent o# +ducation Secretary: Br' r%in ' .uistro /S0 Undersecretary: o!anda S' 2uiano &h',' 0e4elo1ent Tea1 o the Teacher’s Guide

onsultant and oordinators! Gurmensinda Sasam, Carmencita C. Denampo "uthors! Caren S. Selgas, Gea C. Alonso, Irene T. Pilapil, a. ari!a A. anlangit, "ucia ". #apanta, $ochelle ". Binoya, %o&elyn C. 'uindao, "orna C. ahilum. Re#ie$ers! (ena ). i*o!a, a. %esusa C. Despo+o, arcelita S. Dignos %llustrators! $osanna S. Andales La&out "rtist! %ocelyn . Conta, Tomas T. Pastor, Sheila arie

/rinted in the /hiliines by ''''''''''''  0eart1ent o Education-%nstructional Materials 3ouncil Secretariat (0eEd%M3S) 4##ice ddress: 5nd /!oor ,or% G &hi!sorts 0o%!e* 6era!co $enue &asig 0ity &hi!iines 1788 Te!e#a*: (85) 739-189 739-18;5 +-%ai! ddress: i%csetdation roer sacing bet"een "ords and correct unctuation %arks' 3' Word ?ecognition a' Gi$e %eaning o# the "ords being read through %atching the% "ith ictures doing the action or gi$ing its synony%s' b' ?ead hrases and sentences consisting "ith "ords being studied and ans"er higher order @uestions about the%' 9' /!uency a' ?ead a!oud Grade 5 !e$e! te*t "ith an accuracy o# A C 188' ' Se!!ing a' Se!! correct!y "ords "ith consonant c!usters (aroriate to the 6T)' 7' and"riting a' 4bser$e %echanics "hen coying="riting sentences aragrah and storiesD caita!i>ation roer sacing bet"een "ords and correct unctuation %arks' ;' 0o%osing a' Write through dictation si%!e hrases sentences and aragrahs obser$ing correct unctuation %arks caita!i>ations indentions and #or%at' E' Gra%%ar   a' Use nouns in cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrah inD 1) Singu!ar #or% (ang) 5) &!ura! #or% (ang %ga) 3) These are=those are "ith !ura! nouns A' Focabu!ary a' ?ecogni>e co%%on abbre$iation (e'g' an' Sun' St' 6r' 6rs)' 18' ?eading 0o%rehension a' cti$ating Sche%a and &rior Hno"!edge 1) &redict a #o!kta!ebased on ersona! e*eriences and based on "hat one kno"s about' 5) 0on#ir% redictions a#ter !istening to a story' 3) 6odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the #o!kta!e' 9) Se@uence 3 e$ents in the #o!kta!e by te!!ing "hich haened #irst second or !ast' 11' 0o%rehension o# .iterary Te*ts


a' ,escribe ora!!y in si%!e sentences a character in a !iterary se!ection according to his=her actions' b' Gi$e the correct se@uence o# e$ents in !iterary se!ections c' Se@uence the e$ents o# a !iterary se!ection read using cohesi$e de$ices (create icture)' 15' ttitude To"ards .anguage .iteracy and .iterature a' Sho" !o$e #or reading by !istening attenti$e!y during story reading and ans"ering higher order thinking @uestions' Sub8ect Matter   ' Nouns (Singu!ar I &!ura! /or%) B' ?ecogni>e 0o%%on bbre$iations 0' Synony%s eerences 1' JT"o-Track roach to Teaching &ui!sto ?ead and Write Their /irst .anguage (.1):  Guidebook #or TrainersK Susan and ,ennis 6a!one 5818 5' ,e$e!oing 0o%rehension in oung ?eaders (.esson &!ans #ro% ?& 0on$entions -Fo!' 1) Materials  rtic!e: J5hy 3hic6ens Scratch the Ground9D Source: 0ebuano and Fisayan /o!kta!es &ictures o# a hen "ith chicks and a cro"D story JWhy 0hicken scratch the GroundK ictures o# co%%unity he!ers na%e card o# co%%unity he!ers chart o# a song JThe co%%unity he!ersK The1e Things L +noy and &eo!e L .ike C e'g' #ood - #ruits $egetab!es !oca! de!icacies alue ocus Ne$er en$y others' /rocedure:

0ay # 78ecti4es a; b' c' d' e'

.isten and rete!! a story heard in their o"n "ords citing the characters setting and i%ortant e$ents' Gi$e the %eaning o# the "ords being read through %atching the% "ith ictures doing the action or gi$ing its synony%s' &redict a #o!kta!ebased on ersona! e*eriences and based on "hat one kno" about' 0on#ir% redictions a#ter !istening to a story' Sho" !o$e #or reading by !istening attenti$e!y during story reading and ans"ering higher order thinking @uestions'

/re-eading 1' Un!ocking o# ,i##icu!ties  !ahas (through icture c!ue) &arada(through icture c!ue) Hakha (through de%onstration) i%ungaan (through icture) U"ak (through icture) 5' cti$ating &rior Hno"!edge (,e$e!oing 6oti$ation #or the story)  sk: a$e you seen a hen scratching the groundM (Nakakita ba ka%o og hi%ungaan nga nangakha sa yutaM) What is it !ooking #orM (Unsa %an ang iyang giangitaM) When a cro" sees the hen "ith the chicks "hat does it do to the chicksM (Hon %akakita ang u"ak og hi%ungaan nga adunay %ga is unsa %an ang buhaton sa u"akM) What does %other hen do tooM (Unsa %an ang buhaton sa hi%ungaanM) ,o you ha$e any idea "hy the cro" "ou!d get the chicks and "hy do chickens scratch the groundM (duna ba ka%o’y ideya nganong kuhaon sa u"ak ang %ga is ug ngano %an nga %angakha ang %anok sa yutaM) o" about youM What are the things that you !o$e to doM (Ha%oM Unsa %an ang inyong ganahan buhatonM) −

− −

Unsa %an ang re!asyon sa %anok ug sa u"ak niadtong unaM

Nganong nag-a"ay %an si!aM Lsu!ti ang anghitabo base sa istorya'

Nganong %angakha %an ang %anokM

Unsaon %an agkuha og ba!ik sa u"ak sa iyang ku!intasM Unsa %an ang i!ang gikasabutanM Lhu!ag"ay ang i!ang %ga kinaiya'

 sa %an nagsige og angita ang %anok sa na"a!a nga ku!intasM Nganong %angakha %an ang %anok sa yutaM 3' ,e$e!oing a urose #or reading Say: Ln the story that "e "i!! be reading today !et’s #ind out "hy the chickens scratch the ground and "hy the cro" "ou!d sei>e the chick=s


#ro% the hen'(Sa istorya nga atong basahon karon atong susihon nganong %angakha %an ang %anok sa yuta ug nganong kuhaon %an sa u"ak ang is sa hi%ungaan') 0uring eading L%STE&%&G ST7< 1' ?ead a short one-age story to the ui!s' a' Te!! the ui!s to !isten as you read the story about the the%e #or the "eek' b' ?ead the story to the ui!s in a !i$e!y and interesting "ay' c' s you read sto 5 or 3 ti%es to ask the ui!s JWhat do you think "i!! haen ne*tMK (Unsa kaha ang sunodM) .et the ui!s ans"er' Then say: We "i!! continue reading so "e "i!! kno" "hat haen ne*t' (6oadayon kita og basa aron %ahiba!oan nato unsay sunod') d' ?ead the "ho!e story' When you are #inished reading ask the ui!s to su%%ari>e the story then ask the% higher !e$e! thinking @uestions about the story' e' .et the ui!s oen their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 3 (6agbasa Hita) /ost eading 1' 0o%rehension @uestions (.itera! and 6oti$e) a' What "as the re!ationshi o# the chicken and the cro" at #irstM (Unsa %an ang re!asyon sa %anok ug sa u"akM) b' Why did they beco%e ene%iesM ?e!ate the e$ents as they haen in the story' (Nganong nag-a"ay %an si!aM Lsu!ti ang anghitabo base sa istorya') c' o" "ou!d the cro" be ab!e to get its neck!ace backM What "as their  agree%entM ,escribe the attitude o# the cro"' (Unsaon %an sa u"ak agkuha og ba!ik ang iyang ku!intasM Unsa %an ang i!ang kasabutanM Lsu!ti ang kinaiya sa u"ak') d' Where did the chicken seek #or the !ost neck!aceM (sa %an nagsige og angita ang %anok sa na"a!a nga ku!intasM) e' What is the reason #or the chicken to kee scratching the groundM (Unsa ang rason sa %anok nga nagsige %an siya og kakha sa yutaM)

0ay 2 7b8ecti4es a' Gi$e the %eaning o# the "ords being read through %atching the% "ith ictures doing the action or gi$ing its synony%s' b' .isten and rete!! a story heard in their o"n "ords citing the characters setting and i%ortant e$ents' c' 4bser$e so%e %echanics "hen coying="riting sentences: caita!i>ation roer sacing bet"een "ords and correct unctuation %arks' d' Se@uence 3 e$ents in the #o!kta!e by te!!ing "hich haened #irst second or  !ast'


e' Gi$e the correct se@uence o# e$ents in !iterary se!ections' #' ,escribe ora!!y in si%!e sentences a character in a !iterary se!ection according to his=her actions' /reli1inary *cti4ity ?e$ie" the Story JNganong 6angakha ng 6anokMK +ngage%ent cti$ities a' Ga%e (6essage ?e!ay) 1) ,i$ide the ui!s into t"o grous and gi$e an en$e!oe containing "ord cards to the #irst grou'  !ahas &arada Hakha i%ungaan U"ak 5) e=She then gi$es Grou 5 an en$e!oe "ith ictures that %atch the "ord cards in Grou 1' 3) t the count o# three instruct the #irst ui! #ro% Grou 1 to get one "ord card read it si!ent!y and "hiser it to the ui! ne*t to hi%=her in the !ine' 9) .et the ui!s ass the "ords to the grou %ate ne*t to the% ti!! they reach the !ast %e%ber' ) Lnstruct the !ast ui! to run in #ront and say the "ord' 7) .et Grou 5 #or% a circ!e and !ook #or the icture that %atches the "ord announced by the !ast ui! in Grou 1' ;) The grou that earns the %ost oints "ins the ga%e' Gi$e incenti$es to the "inning ga%e' E) &ost the %atched "ord cards and ictures on the board and ask the ui!s to read the "ords a!oud' • • • • •

b' J6atch 6y Skit Ga%eK 1) a$e ui!s re-te!! yesterday’s story' 5) ,i$ide the ui!s into tea%s and gi$e each tea% a #e" %inutes to !an a 3-9 %inute skit about the story' 3) Tea%s take turns in doing their skits' 9) When e$eryone is #inished instruct the ui!s to !ook into the J%ystery cornerK to #ind the hrase or sentence "hich has si%i!ar thought or  %eaning as the one they uttered in their skit' c' JWriting #ro% ,ictationK (4bser$ing %echanics o# "riting') (Use the 6other Tongue) 1) Nangakha nga %anok (chicken scratching) (cro" #!ying ) 2) Nag!uad nga u"ak 3) Nanagan nga iso (chicks running) 4) Nindot nga ku!intas (beauti#u! neck!ace) 5) L!a!o% sa ako (under the "ings) d' ?e-na%e the under!ined "ords Think o# other na%es that you can gi$e that %atch to the "ords !isted be!o"'


(&aghunahuna og !ain nga nga!an nga i%ong ikahatag nga areha og kahu!ugan sa %ga u!ong nga anaa sa ubos') (Synony%s ) scratch cro" chicks neck!ace "ings (kakha u"ak is ku!intas ako) 0e4elo1ental *cti4ity 1' ,iscussion (based on the story resented) by grou' .et ui!s #i!! u chart be!o"' ST4? 0?0T+?S &agdala sa %storya 1' U"ak 5' i%ungaan

 TTLTU,+ =inaiya


F.U+=S Bili

5' &rocessing the cti$ity Teacher rocesses the resonses gi$en by the grou as "ritten in the chart to arri$e at the $a!uing !e$e!' a' Ls it roer #or a hen to en$y the cro"M WhyM(usto ba nga %angige ang hi%ungaan sa u"akM Ngano %anM) b' L# you "ere the cro" "hat "i!! you do "ith the henM Wi!! you do the sa%e as the cro" didM (Hon ika" ang u"ak unsa %an ang i%ong buhaton sa hi%ungaanM Buhaton ba usab ni%o ang gibuhat sa u"akM) Enrich1ent *cti4ity Se@uencing +$ents 1' &reare ictures and arrange the% in the center' Te!! the #irst e$ent o# the story and ask the ui!s to start singing' 5' &ui!s#or% a circ!e "ith the teacher and the ictures at the center' 3' Lnstruct the% to se@uence the e$ents in the story heard yesterday and ho!d green #!ag!et in the one hand and red #!ag!et in the other hand "hi!e ui!s ass around the ba!! "hi!e singing a song' 9' When the teacher ho!ds u the red #!ag ui!s sto singing and "hoe$er  ho!ds the ba!! gi$es the ne*t e$ent in the story'

0ay $ 7b8ecti4es a' Use nouns in cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrah in: a') singu!ar #or% (ang)D b') !ura! #or% (ang %ga)' b' ,escribe ora!!y in si%!e sentences a character in a !iterary se!ection according to his=her actions' c' ?ead hrases and sentences consisting "ith "ords being studied and ans"er higher order @uestions about the%


G*MM* LESS7& /reli1inary *cti4ity 1' Singing a song &ui!s "i!! oen their .earners 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 3 6anganta Hita' 5' Who are the eo!e %entioned in the songM What are their "orks or  occuationM o" are "e going to ca!! the%M (Hinsa %an ang %ga ta"o nga gihisgotan sa atong kantaM Unsa %an ang i!ang trabahoMUnsa %an atong ta"ag ni!aM) 0e4elo1ental *cti4ity 1' Ga!!ery "a!k Work "e do in the co%%unity Te!! the ui!s that you "ant the% to see the "ork that eo!e do in the co%%unity through ictures being dis!ayed' #ter singing !et the ui!sstand beside the icture o# the erson they "ant to beco%e in the #uture' 5' &ost the chart on the board' .et the ui!s obser$e the ictures' .et the% say so%ething about it' (Teacher "i!! ro$ide ictures o# the co%%unity he!ers) *ng

*ng 1ga




teachers ta!king





3' sk the #o!!o"ing @uestions !eading to the !esson on JngK Jng%gaK a' .ook at the ictures in the #irst co!u%n' (Tan-a"a ang %ga hu!ag"ay sa unang !ing-on o co!u%n') b' When are "e going to use the "ord JangKM(Hanus-a %an nato ga%iton ang u!ong JangKM) c' Ln the second co!u%n ho" %any ersons are being %entionedM What are "e going to use "hen "e %ean t"o or %ore ersonsM (Sa ikaduha nga co!u%n i!a %an ka ta"o ang atong gihisgotanM Unsa ang atong ga%iton kon duha o daghan nga %ga ta"o ang atong hisgotanM) 9' Genera!i>ation When are "e going to use JangKM Jang %gaKM  ng JangK atong ga%iton kon usa ka ta"o o butang ang atong gihisgotan'  ng Jang %gaK atong ga%iton kon duha o daghan nga %ga ta"o o butang ang gihisgotan' ' !ication .et the ui!s oen their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 3 Unang Bu!uhaton' 0ay >


7b8ecti4es a' Use nouns in cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrah in: a') singu!ar #or% (ang)D b') !ura! #or% (ang %ga)' b' 0orrect!y se!! "ords "ith consonant c!usters (aroriate to the 6T)' c' ?ecogni>e co%%on abbre$iation (e'g' G'Gng' Bb' ,r' +ngr'etc')' /reli1inary *cti4ity 1' ?e$ie" .et the ui!s gi$e sentences using ang ang 1ga' 5' Se!!ing Write dictated "ords #ro% the story JNganong 6angakha ng 6anokK a' %anok

b' u"ak

c' %angakha

d' Hu!intas

0e4elo1ental *cti4ity 1' J&uet Sho"K: (Se!ect ui!s to act as a doctor a teacher and an engineer' +ncourage the others to obser$e and !isten to the con$ersation' &ui! 1:

L a% ,r' ,e!os ?eyes' L a% a doctor' L "i!! cure sick erson' (ko si ,r' ,e!os ?eyes'Usa ako ka doctor') (kong ta%ba!an ang %asakiton')

&ui! 5: L a% 6r' Santos' L a% a teacher' L "i!! teach the chi!dren ho" to read and "rite'

&ui! 3' L "i!! design houses'

(ko si 6r' Santos'Usa ako ka %atutud!o') (Tud!oan nako ang %ga bata sa agbasa ug agsu!at') L a% +ngr .oe>' L a% an engineer'

(ko si +ngr' .oe>'Usa ako ka engineer') (6odisenyo ako og %ga ba!ay') 5' Gi$e ui!s #e" %inutes to study the con$ersation and ask the #o!!o"ing @uestions ' a' o" do "e ca!! the under!ined "ordsM (Unsa %an ang %ga u!ong nga gibad!isanM) b' What ha$e you obser$ed in the "ordsM (Unsa %an ang inyong nabantayan sa %ga u!ongM) c' 0an you gi$e e*a%!es o# abbre$iated "ordsM (6akahatag ba ka%o og %ga u!ong nga %inubo o abbre$iatedM) 3' .et the ui!s read the co%%on abbre$iations on their .earner’s6ateria! Unit 1 Week 3 6agbasa Hita' 9' Genera!i>ation  sk: What does abbre$iation %eanM (6inubo sa %ga u!ong) Why do "e need to abbre$iate "ordsM


*lication .et the ui!s oen their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 3 Lkaduhang Bu!uhaton'

0ay ? 7b8ecti4es a' 4bser$e so%e %echanics "hen coying="riting sentences: caita!i>ation roer sacing bet"een "ords and correct unctuation %arks' b' Use nouns in cu!tura!!y aroriate %anner in sentences and aragrah in: a') singu!ar #or% (ang)D b') !ura! #or% (ang %ga)' c' Write si%!e hrases sentences and aragrahs obser$ing correct unctuation %arks caita!i>ations indentions and #or%at' d' 6odi#y rior kno"!edge based on ne" kno"!edge #ro% the story' E4aluation (*ssess1ent 0ay) &ui!s ans"er their .earner’s 6ateria! Unit 1 Week 3 Lkatu!ong Bu!uhaton   B 0'  ' .ook at the ictures' Write sentences using JangK and J ang %gaK' B' Based on the story JWhy ,o the 0hickens ScratchMK"rite short sentences or  aaragrah on this' 0' ?e"rite the aragrah using correct unctuation %arks caita!i>ationindentions and #or%at on your aer' there "as once a cro" that bought a #ine neck!ace #ro% a %erchant' he "as $ery roud o# his neck!ace "hich he i%%ediate!y ut around his neck #or e$erybody to see it' then he #!e" a"ay and ca%e to a beauti#u! !itt!e garden "here he %et his o!d #riend the hen strutting about "ith her  chicks #o!!o"ing her' the hen said to hi% O4h "hat a #ine neck!ace you ha$e' %ay i borro" itM i "i!! return it to you to%orro"'


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