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Integrated Management System Manual
INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL (ISO 9001:2008, ISo 14001:2004, OhsAS 18001:2007)
IMS 001, Revision No. 04, Dated: 01-04-2013
Prepared & Issued BY QA/QC Manager
Approved By
General Manager
ﻣﺼﻨﻊ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﺣﺔ ﻟﻠﻘﻮﺍﻟﺐ ﺍﻟﺨﺮﺳﺎﻧﻴﺔ
Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
AMMENDMENT RECORD SHEET ABBREVIATIONS TERMS & DEFINITIONS INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL 1.0 SCOPE & EXCLUSIONS 1.1 Scope 1.2 Exclusions 2.0 QUALITY, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY & EVIROMENTAL (QHSE) Policy 3.0 COMPANY OVERVIEW 4.0 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.1 GENERAL 4.2 Documentation Requirements 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 DPF IMS Manual 4.2.3 Control of Documents & records 5.0 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 5.1 MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT 5.2 (a) CUSTOMER FOCUS 5.2 (b) LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS 5.3 DPF’s IMS POLICY 5.4 NTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLANNING 5.4.1 Objectives, Targets and Program 5.4.2 (a) Environmental Aspects 5.4.2 (b) Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control 5.5 RESPONSIBILITY, AUTHORITY AND COMMUNICATION 5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority 5.5.3 Internal & External Communication & Consultation 5.6 MANAGEMENT REVIEW 5.6.1 General Requirements 6.0 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 6.1 PROVISION OF RESOURCES 6.2 COMPETENCE, TRAINING & AWARENESS 6.3 INFRASTRUCTURE 6.4 WORK ENVIRONMENT 7.0 PRODUCT REALISATION 7.1 PLANNING OF PRODUCT REALISATION 7.2 CUSTOMER RELATED PROCESS 7.2.1 Determination of Requirements related to the Service 7.2.2 Review of Requirements related to Contracts 7.2.3 Customer Communication 7.3 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 7.4 PURCHASING 7.5 PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION 7.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision Current Revision No: 06
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
7.5.2 Validation of Processes for production & service provision 7.5.3 Identification & Traceability 7.5.4 Customer Property 7.5.5 Preservation of Product 7.6 CONTROL OF MONITORING AND MEASURING EQUIPMENTS 8.0 MEASUREMENT/ ANALYSIS IMPROVEMENT 8.1 GENERAL 8.2 MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT 8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction 8.2.2 Internal Audit 8.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes and Evaluation of Compliance 8.2.3 (a) Monitoring & Measurement of Processes 8.2.3 (b) Evaluation of Compliance 8.2.4 Monitoring & Measurement of Product 8.3 Control of Non-Conforming Products 8.4 Analysis of Data 8.5 Improvement 8.5.1 Continual Improvement 8.5.2 Corrective Action 8.5.3 Preventive Actions 9.0 OPERATIONAL CONTROL 10.0 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE 11.0 INCIDENT INVESTIGATION CROSS REFERENCE TABLE
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
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Document Change Note Reference As per the requirement of Internal Audit Document Change Request No. 12/2010-01 As per the requirement of External Audit Document Change Request No. 01/2011-01 In Scope Precast Element is explained in Clause Term and Definition - Division Manager replaced by General Manager - Modify the scope (Precast Element for Manhole system) - In Policy Statement: update Item No.7 (Complying with statutory, Regulatory and other requirements.
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected] Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
Current Revision No: 06
Definition Integrated Management System Doha Precast Factory Quality, Occupational health, Safety & Environment Quality Management System Occupational health & safety management system Environmental review Hazard Risk assessment Aspect Impact analysis Environmental Management Program Environmental Management System Health, Safety, Environment Management Representative Document Controller Management Review Meeting Preventive Action Corrective Action Non conformity International Organization for Standardization Health Safety Management Programme Quality management programme Internal Audit Mesaieed Industrial City
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
TERMS & DEFINITIONS Audit: Systematic, Independent, Documented Process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled Audit Criteria: Set of policies, procedures or requirements Auditor: Person with the competence to conduct an audit Audit Scope: Extent and boundaries of an Audit Audit Criteria: Set of Policies, Procedures or Requirements Acceptable Risk: Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having regard to its legal obligations and its own Continual Improvement: Recurring activities to increase the ability to fulfil the requirements Conformity: Fulfilment of requirement Customer: Organization/person that receives product Customer Satisfaction: Customer’s perception of the degree to which the customer’s requirements have been fulfilled Competence: Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills Corrective Action: Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation Document: Information and its supporting medium Effectiveness: Extent which activities are planned activities are realized and planned results are achieved Environment: Surrounding in which an organization operates including air, water , land , natural resources, flora , fauna, humans and their interrelation
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
Environmental Management System: A documented system that ensures consistency and improvement of working practice that has an impact on an environment. Hazard: Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a combination of these Hazard Identification: Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics Internal Audit: Systematic, interdependent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the environmental management system audit criteria set by the Organization are fulfilled Infrastructure: Organization (system) of facilities, equipment and services needed for the operation of an organization Incident: Work related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or fatality occurred or could have occurred Ill Health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity and / or work-related situation Non Conformity: Non fulfilment of requirement Objective: Something sought or aimed for Organizations: Company, Corporation, firm enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own function and administration Occupational Health and safety (OH & S) Conditions and factors that affect or could affect the health and safety of employees or other workers (including temporary workers and contractor personnel), visitors or any other person in the workplace. OH & S Management System: Part of an organization‘s management system used to develop and implement its OH &S policy and manage its OH &S risks
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
Precast Element: Reinforced concrete Pipe Fittings such as Elbow, Tee and branches and Reinforced Concrete Manhole system such as Benches, Shaft and Covers manufactured in DPF Procedure: Specified way to carry out an activity or Process Process: Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs Product: Defined as a result of Process Project: Unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements, including the constraints of time, cost and resources. Performances: Measurable results of an organization’s management of Risk (in terms of all applied standards) Preventive Action: Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity or other undesirable potential situation Quality: Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements Quality Manual: Document Specifying the Quality Management System of an Organization Quality Management System: Management System to direct and control an organization with regard to quality Quality Policy: Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to quality as formally expressed by Top Management Review: Activity undertaken to determine the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the subject mater to achieve established objectives Requirements: Need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligated (Expression in content of the document conveying criteria to be filled if compliance with the document is to be claimed and from which no deviation is permitted) Record: Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
Risk: Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure (s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure Risk assessment: Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or nit the risk(s) is acceptable Standards: A document produced by an International Committee of experts setting the guidelines how things should be done Significant Aspects: These are those aspects that can most put the organization at risk Supplier: An organization or person who receives a product Traceability: Ability to trace the history, application or location of what which is under considerations Top Management: Person or group of people who directs or controls an organization at the highest level Validation: Conformation, through the provision of objectives that the requirements for the specific intended use or application have been fulfilled Work Instructions : Provide more detail than described in the procedure. The complexity of an organization helps it to determine whether detailed work instructions are needed in addition to procedures. More of its defining the job of an individual how is to be done to reduce mistakes.
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected] Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL Doha Precast Factory (DPF) is committed towards the continual improvement of its Quality, Environmental, and Occupational Health & Safety performance. To ensure this goal is achieved it has implemented an Integrated Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards. This manual describes the plan to achieve DPF’s Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety requirements and is mandatory for all employees of the company. It includes the: − − − − − − − −
Policy Statement, Organisation and Responsibility Structure, Key Processes, Criteria and the Systematic Controls for managing the processes, Significant Environmental Aspects and their Impact, Objectives, Targets and Environmental Program, Hazard identification & Risk assessment, and Risk Control Measures & OH&S Management Programmes.
The whole content of this Manual describes the activities that must be carried out to achieve the company’s Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety objectives. Unless there is a company procedure or work instruction, these activities are carried out in a manner appropriate to the business process and its complexity. In the documentation of the Integrated Management System, wherever DPF is mentioned, it is understood that the same is Doha Precast Factory, Mesaieed Industrial City, State of Qatar.
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
1.0 SCOPE & EXCLUSIONS 1.1 Scope Scope of the integrated management system is as follows,
Design, Manufacture and Supply of Precast elements for Manhole System & Reinforced Concrete Pipes and fittings for Low Head and Gravity Flow Systems 1.2 Exclusions No exclusions are proposed within clause 7.0 of ISO 9001:2008 standard from the scope of this Integrated Management System.
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected] Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
2.0 Quality, Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental (QHSE) Policy DOHA PRECAST FACTORY is involved in the design, manufacture and supply of reinforced concrete pipes and fittings for low head and gravity flow systems and Precast Element. DPF undertake the production of these in healthy & safe working conditions and take at most care in environmental protection. DPF intend to be one of the best reinforced concrete pipe manufacturers in the Middle East and to enhance all of its industry-related activities. DPF endeavour to achieve this by; • Produce durable and reliable products that meet the requirements of our client. • Raise the benchmark quality of its products in terms strength and durability that fortifies its position in the industry from time to time. • Increase its market share by supplying products which have resulted from improved production methods and design. • Establish a strong partnership with its clients by ensuring their total satisfaction, welcoming their enriching comments and sharing knowledge and engineering advancements with them. • Prevent occupational ill health and injuries by providing a safe and secure work environment to its employees whom it considers a valuable wealth. • Minimizing environmental pollution and resource wastage • Complying with statutory, Regulatory and other requirements. • Motivating employees and improving individual’s competency • Continually improve the effectiveness of its Management System. This policy is regularly reviewed to ensure its continuing suitability. Along with this, DPF make available all resources necessary to achieve its commitments and objectives.
(S/d) General Manager
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
3.0 COMPANY OVERVIEW Doha Precast Factory (DPF) established in 2008 as a subsidiary of Qatar Building Company (QBC). DPF produces reinforced concrete pipes primarily for low head systems based on gravity flow. DPF is the first and only supplier for concrete pipe for water drainage, sewage and surface water drainage in Qatar, offering its products in a wide variety of size and designs. DPF is now specialized in the production of high quality reinforced concrete pipes and fittings for the Qatar market and soon the regional markets. DPF designs, manufactures and distributes reinforced, standard jacking pipes and fittings for a variety of purposes. Our products are perfectly suited for drainage pipes even in the corrosive soil conditions in GCC. The pipes are designed to withstand suitable external loads depending on project stipulations and to meet any client specifications and site conditions.
DPF uses the latest manufacturing technologies at its state of the art facility to deliver durable and cost effective pipes. The production facility of DPF is capable of producing pipes of different length to meet site requirements employing a state of the art KOLB cutting and milling machine for very high performance and accuracy. Pipes are designed using TOK rubber ring gaskets with the option of lining them with PVC, HDPE or GRP liner or external/internal coating of coal tar epoxy. DPF’s reinforced concrete products are designed and manufactured in accordance with international standards. In the quest to provide world class product to our customers, DPF is equipped with modern equipment and technology from leading manufactures across Europe and USA.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
4.0 Integrated Management System 4.1 GENERAL For the effective implementation of this Integrated Management System, DPF has Identified & Determined: − Process flow and their sequence, major processes through procedures which are identified in Document Master list (DC-OF-01) − All the key processes, its applications and its interactions through Activity chart (Appendix 2); − Aspects which have significant impact on the environment, achievable programs for continual improvement; − Assessed risks which have been rated as extremely high and control measures and supporting Action Plans as and when required. Defined: − Operation Criteria, − Policy statement, objectives and targets for Quality, Environment and Occupational health & Safety processes; − Measuring and monitoring of aspects from various activities/process which have significant impact on the environment, Hazards and risk assessment and risk control activities, through various clauses of this manual, Established Procedures, Work Instructions and Job descriptions; − Details of activities of the company through Procedures, Work Instruction, Process Flows and various clauses of this manual; − Method of control through established documents which are listed in Document Master list (DC-OF-01) − Method for periodically reviewing and evaluating the Management system, as well as to identify the opportunities for improvement; − Emergency plans to control the process during abnormal or emergency conditions.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
All the above mentioned processes are established, documented, implemented, monitored and analysed for the performance to achieve the planned results and continual improvement of these processes as per Analysis of Data and Management Review as detailed later in this manual. The outsource process and their controls which affects the product conformity are identified through Purchasing Procedure (IMS-PR-008). The System is applicable to all the Activities, Product, Processes and Services of DPF. For adapting to changing circumstances, DPF is periodically reviewing and evaluating its Management System in order to identify the opportunities for improvement and their implementation. 4.2 Documentation Requirements 4.2.1 General The documentation of the Integrated Management System developed by DPF includes − − − −
The statement of the Integrated QHSE Policy and objectives The Integrated Management System Manual Documented Procedures (as referred in Form No. DC-OF-01 Document Master list) Documents and records required by the integrated management system to ensure that there is effective planning, operation and control over it s processes. − Records for all the processes as identified under relevant sections and procedures 4.2.2 DPF IMS Manual This IMS Manual is developed and established to include the: − Scope of the IMS; including exclusions where applicable − The procedures for the IMS, which are stated through various clauses of this Manual and where additional procedures exist, and referenced to; − The processes and their interactions are described through the different clauses of this manual; − Systems established to control the Significant environmental aspects as well as maintain the applicable legal or statuary requirements; − Controls established to eliminate or minimize risk to employees and other interested parties who may be exposed to OH&S risks associated with its activities.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
4.2.3 Control of Documents & records Records which are special type of documents that are controlled and identified in Procedure for Control of Documents and Records (IMS PR 001). The procedure demonstrates its commitment, control and method for approval of documents for adequacy and prior to issue, document review, update and re-approval, controls needed in case there is a change and identification of current revision of documents, availability of current versions at point of use, identification and legibility, controls ,identification and distribution of external documents determined by the organisation to the necessary for planning & operation, apply suitable identification and method of retention of obsolete and controls applied to prevent unintended use and archival documents and data retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes or both. A system is established for controlling the records, within the organization as per the procedure for control of documents and records, which demonstrate its commitment, control and method for maintaining records which are legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. Controls for identifications, storage, protection and retrieval, time of retention and deposition of records are defined and implemented. These records are stored appropriable so that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss. 5.0 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY 5.1 MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT Top management is committed to the development and implementation of the documented Management System and to continually improve the effectiveness of the system. Top management of DPF plans to achieve this through, − Communicating to all levels of the organization the importance of meeting the customer requirements with Quality, timely delivery, aspects which have significant impact on the environment and identify the hazards and ensure that effective control measures are taken for risks which have been categorized as high or extremely high. − Meeting and fulfilling statutory/legal requirements by ensuring that those performing the activities are made aware of these requirements and the compliance is ensured through adequate supervision. − Defining, Establishing and communicating of QHSE policy and making everyone understand the policy and purpose of the organization − Deployment of functional or departmental Objectives/Targets/ on quality, environment, occupational health and safety and Action Plans across all levels and periodical monitoring of the performance through:
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
− Management Review Meetings − Reviewing and ensuring the availability of resources during Management Review Meeting. 5.2 (a) CUSTOMER FOCUS DPF ensures that all the Customer requirements are determined and fulfilled to their expectations and thereby achieving customer satisfaction; the system is established and maintained keeping in view the further enhancement of the same through All the process of IMS, which is explained through this manual: − Determining requirements stated and implied by customer − Identifying, Establishing, maintaining and updating the legal and statutory requirements those are applicable to the activities, products or services. − Requirements on delivery and post delivery activities − Additional requirements considered necessary − Identifying the environmental aspects of its activities, which have significant impact on the environment by focusing the customer, employees and interested parties and informing them about the significance, if required. − Ongoing identification of hazards, assessments of risks and implementation of necessary control measures. − Providing information related to products and services through company profile. 5.2 (b) LEGAL AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS DPF’s applicable legal and other environmental and OH&S requirements are identified and are updated periodically. The applicable legal requirements and other requirements which DPF subscribes have been taken into account while establishing, implementing and maintaining the IMS. The operations department together with MR is responsible for identifying, updating and communicating the applicable legal and other requirements to the processes as established in the Procedure for Legal Requirements identification and its compliance (IMS-PR-002). Relevant information on legal and other requirements to its employees is communicated during appointment of the employee and if necessary, is updated during meetings. Relevant Legal requirements on environmental and OH&S are communicated to customers and interested parties through company profile, company manual and other documents and meetings. Records of Assessment and programmes are also provided upon request.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
5.3 DPF’s IMS POLICY The extent to which the company is committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the documented and established management system and the purpose of the organization are documented as company policy of the organization as defined earlier in this manual (2.0). Top management of DPF ensures that the QHSE policy is appropriate to the purpose of company and to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, occupational health & safety (OHS) risks. QHSE policy includes a commitment to comply with requirements including legal and others, prevention of pollution, injury & ill health and continually improve the effectiveness of the integrated management system. Objectives on quality, environmental and occupational health and safety are in line with the commitments in the QHSE policy. QHSE policy is communicated through out the organization through display in Arabic and English at various locations in the work sites and offices. The QHSE policy is published in the company website to make it available to the public. The role of each employees working under the control of DPF in implementing the QHSE policy is conveyed through their interactions and meetings with the management. QHSE policy is also included in the induction training of the new employees as well as in the IMS training, contractor’s training and safety trainings conducted periodically. Management reviews the QHSE policy during the management review meeting to determine the policy’s continuing suitability, relevance and appropriateness for the company. 5.4 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLANNING 5.4.1 Objectives, Targets and Programmes DPF has established Company Objectives (Appendix 3) which are in line with the stated company policy. The General Manager in co-ordination with MR and process owners, reviews (and revises where needed) these measurable parameters in the Management Review Meeting. The respective owner of the processes is responsible for implementing and monitoring Objectives, Management Programme and implementing the control measures. The status of the same is reviewed in the Management Review Meeting.
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Doha Precast Factory
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
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Quality objectives are established to support DPF’s efforts in achieving our QHSE policy and reviewed for achievement during the departmental monthly review meeting. Objectives have been established to ensure that all customer/process requirements are met. Quality objectives are measurable, and reviewed against performance goals at each management review meeting. Environmental Objectives are identified based on the significance of the identified environmental aspects and legal requirements. Factors such as technological options, financial, operational, business requirements, and views of interested parties and prevention of pollution are also considered when establishing the environmental objectives. Occupational Health and Safety objectives are identified based on the OH&S hazards and risks and the identified control measures. Factors such as technological options, financial, operational, business requirements, and views of interested parties are also considered when establishing the OH&S objectives. OH&S and Environmental Objectives, Management Programmes are identified which designations, responsibility and authority for achieving the objective and a clear description of the means and time frame by which the objectives are achieved. Action plan to achieve the objectives are provided as Management Programme (HE-OF-01). When there are changes required in the existing service requirements, MR ensures through management review meeting that the suitability & integrity of the Management System is maintained during the planning and the implementation to the smooth transition of the system. . 5.4.2 (a) Environmental Aspects DPF has established implemented and maintained a system to determine those aspects that have or can have significant impact on the environment. Details of the same have been identified in Procedure for environmental review (IMS-PR-003). Methods to identify the aspects of its activities and controls have been implemented. New developments, planned activities or modified activities have also been taken into consideration. Records relating to identifications of its aspects and the level of impact are recorded in (EROF-01) Environmental Review form. Aspects which are considered as significant are taken in account in establishing, implementing and maintaining DPF’s Environmental objectives, action plans and operational controls.DPF conducts its environmental review and determines it’s Aspects on yearly basis or when there are new or modified developments, worksites, activities or product /services.
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5.4.2 (b) Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control DPF has established, implemented and maintained a system for ongoing identification of hazards, assessment of risks and implementation of necessary controls and the same has been defined in Procedure for hazard risk Analysis (IMS-PR-004). Records relating to identifications of its hazards and risks are recorded in hazard and risk analysis form (RA-OF-01). Risks of higher magnitudes are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining OHS objectives, action plans and operational controls. The methodology of hazard identification and risk assessment is defined with respect to the scope nature and timings to ensure it is pro active than reactive, Provide identification prioritization and documentation of risk and the application of controls. For the management of change (MOC) the organization shall identify the OH & S hazards and OH & S Risks associated with changes in the organization, OH & S management system, or its activities prior to the introduction of the changes. The organization also ensures that the results of these assessments are considered when determining controls Risk control measures are taken for the identified potential hazards in Safety Risk Assessment. Determining controls or considering changes to existing controls, consideration is given to reducing the risk according to the following hierarchy − − − − −
elimination substitution engineering controls signage / warning and / or administrative controls personal protective equipments
DPF conducts its hazard identification and risk assessment process on yearly basis or when there are new or modified developments, activities or product/services.
5.5 RESPONSIBILITY, AUTHORITY AND COMMUNICATION 5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority An organizational chart (appendix 1), has been established to show the interrelation of personnel in DPF.
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Management representative (MR) has been appointed by the top management who is taking overall responsibility of IMS and specific responsibility on quality management system. For effective implementation of integrated management system, assistant management representatives are nominated for environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system. MR ensures that all the personnel doing the above functions are trained and competent. The General Manager is responsible for providing the resources required for maintaining IMS. The responsibilities and the authorities of the person doing work affecting quality, performing tasks that have the potential to cause a significant environmental impact and having an effect on OH& S risk of DPF’s activities, facilities and processes are defined through the Job Descriptions of the individual. The same is also communicated through regular meetings (Including safety meetings), notice boards, internal memos, and work instructions in order to facilitate integrated management system. Trainings will be identified as required to impart the job descriptions and responsibilities in each processes throughout the organization. Job descriptions and the organizational chart are reviewed and approved by top management for adequacy. These documents are available to help employees understand responsibilities and authorities. Respective process linkages and the interrelation of the all the organizational personals are defined in process flow Chart (Appendix 2). Management representative (IMS) The Management Representative (MR) appointed by the top management of the Organization has the following specific responsibilities and authorities for QMS, EMS and OHS management systems in DPF in addition to the regular functional responsibilities as below. − Ensure that the requirements needed for the IMS are established, implemented, and maintained; − Reporting to Top management regarding the status, progress and the performance of organization in implementing the IMS − Ensure the promotion of awareness of customer requirements − Controlling the management systems related documents − Conducting internal audits and reporting results − Verification of implementation of the corrective action − Interacting with external agencies like certification body and interested parties;
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− Implementation of decision and action of management review meeting Document controller − Custodian for safe keeping of all management system related documents − Incorporation of changes to the documents as directed by MR − Uploading/distribution of the documents − Controlling the access to the documents by the user as directed by the MR − Editing of the documents as approved by the management representative Internal auditors − Perform the internal audits as per internal audit schedule − Maintaining competencies of auditing − Reporting audit findings to MR − Verifying corrective action proposal and implementation − Follow up audits as requested by MR − Reporting the status of the system audited to the MR Quality and HSE personals − Ensures ongoing identification of hazards, assessment of risks and implementation of the identified control measures is done; − Ensures ongoing environmental review, significant aspect identification and Environmental management programmes are done; − Ensures that information regarding the status of the objectives and the identified control measures is kept updated; − Ensures that legal and other requirements within the scope of the company are identified and communicated to the employees and other interested parties; − Ensuring that integrated management system requirements are established implemented and maintained in accordance with to the specifications; − Reports on the performance of the integrated management system are presented to the MR for review and basis for improvement of the Integrated management system; − Conducts periodic inspection of the premises and work activities to ensure that appropriate safety rules are adhered and identification of any new potential hazards or environmental incidents which needs further actions; − Ensures that appropriate training is provided to employees and communicating the impact of Integrated Management System in the workplace; − Periodically test and assist in the review of the company’s emergency preparedness and response plans and procedures; − Handling and investigation of accidents, incidents and non conformances;
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− Ensure that Internal Audit is conducted smoothly as per audit plan; − Ensures that pertinent integrated management system information is communicated to the employees and received from the employees in coordination with their respective processes; − Reports the status of the Safety and Environmental system to the MR for review in management review meetings. Activities and related responsibilities related to IMS given in the following matrix. # Activity Responsibility 1. Review & approval of QHSE policy General Manager 2. Conducting ER & HRA Process owner 3. Setting Objectives & Targets Process owner Approval & Establishment of 4. Process owner Management Programme 5. Review of Objectives Process owner Identification of Legal & Other 6. MR/ Process owner Requirements Communicating legal requirements 7. to all working under DPF’s control & MR/ Process owner and to interested parties Providing resources for 8. General Manager Implementation of OHSMS 9. Appointing MR General Manager 10. Identifying training requirements Process owner 11. Organize Training MR/Administration manager 12. Internal Communication MR/ Process owner 13. External Communication MR 14. Participation & consultation MR/ Process owner 15. Document Control MR & document controller 16. Implementing Operational Control Process owner Emergency Preparedness & 17. Process owner Response Review of procedures after 18. Process owner & MR Emergency Calibration of Instruments for Process owner 19. monitoring/measurements 20. Handling and Investigating NC’s Process owner 0B
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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21. 22. 23. 24.
Initiating Corrective & Preventive Actions Maintaining Records Conducting Internal Audits Conducting Management Review
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Process owner Process owner MR/internal auditors General Manager
Detailed Accountability (Activities and Responsibilities) related to IMS given in Appendix: 4 5.5.3 Internal & External Communication & Consultation As a part of this Integrated Management System, effective communication system is established through out organization is done in line wit the Procedure for communication, participation and consultation (IMS-PR-005). Method for internal communication among the various levels and functions of DPF which includes receiving, documenting and response to relevant communication from external interested parties has been defined in the same procedure. The Top Management of DPF decided to communicate externally about its significant environmental aspects to interested parties if they ask or enquire about it. It will be the responsibility of the MR to give a report to the interested parties about the significant environmental aspects. Change of decision to communicate to be discussed during MRM and method for the same to be finalised. Participation & Consultation The Top Management has ensured that the employees are involved in hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of controls. Workers are involved in incident investigations and also in review of OHS policies and objectives. Workers are consulted when there are any changes that affect their OHS like any changes that affect the workplace, introduction of new machinery or other health and safety matters. Workers representatives are selected for attending safety meetings. Consultation with contractors is done whenever there are changes affect their OHS. When appropriate, consultation with relevant external interested parties are done about the OHS matters Feedbacks from the employees/contractors received by the QHSE personals and these would be discussed in the safety meetings.
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
5.6 MANAGEMENT REVIEW 5.6.1 General Requirements DPF reviews established IMS to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness which includes assessment for opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the IMS as per the Procedure for Management Review (IMS-PR-006) Management Review meeting is conducted once in a year. The review committee consists of the following members and is chaired by the GM. − − − − −
Management Representative (MR) Quality Manager (QM) Document Controller (DC) All section heads/ managers Any other special invitee
Inputs for the period of review to Management Review Meeting related to the process performance are prepared by the process owners & QHSE representatives and the system related performances are provided by the Management representative. The output of the meeting includes the decisions and actions related to the improvement of the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. The minutes, after approval by the GM, is circulated to attendees and management representative for further review and discussion and following up the implementing the actions decided in the meeting. 6.0 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 6.1 PROVISION OF RESOURCES The resources required for implementation is provided by the management to implement and maintain the integrated management system and continually improve its effectiveness and performance. 6.2 COMPETENCE, TRAINING & AWARENESS Personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements, having the potential to cause a significant environmental impact and perform tasks that may impact on OH&S are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience. The Management ensures this through recruitment of the most appropriate personnel for the required jobs in terms of competency.
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Competence requirements are determined through job descriptions. Where additional training is required to enhance the competence of personnel, these are handled in accordance with Procedure for Training (IMS-PR-007). All training carried out is evaluated for effectiveness. The method for this is also defined in the above mentioned procedure. 6.3 INFRASTRUCTURE The infrastructure facilities required to achieve planned results are identified and maintained as follows: − All equipments required for provision of production are identified and made available. − Their maintenance activities are carried out in planned manner to ensure reliability. − Software and hardware used are controlled and maintained to ensure the availability of licensed and updated versions as required. − Equipments and supporting services are identified and maintained as per the established communication, & preventive maintenance system. The availability of the process equipment and supporting services are reviewed by management also during the Management Review Meeting and internal meetings, for the capability to meet to the requirements of the customers and interested parties. DPF ensures the availability of latest versions of software that may be needed for carrying out the activities as required. Arrangements are made with the relevant suppliers for updates. 6.4 WORK ENVIRONMENT A work environment suitable for achieving conformance to product requirements is maintained. Data from the quality system is also evaluated to determine if the work environment is sufficient for achieving conformance to the requirements, or if preventive or corrective action related to the work environment is to be taken. The present work environment is determined to be suitable to the range and scopes of the service carried out by DPF: − Work instructions are available for all general safety rules. − Safety Rules and Protective Equipments – To create awareness, respective safety instructions are displayed and provided with the necessary protective equipments.
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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− Other welfare facilities are also provided to the employees like drinking water facility, transport from the accommodation to the work place, free accommodation facilities and food. − Proper house keeping is maintained taking safety into consideration. − Maintaining the environment by planting trees and promoting greenery in the camp areas. Top management reviews the suitability of the work environment needed to achieve the conformity of the product requirements and to enhance the organization in achieving the QHSE Policy, Objectives, Targets and system performance etc through Management Review Meeting. 7.0 PRODUCT REALISATION 7.1 PLANNING OF PRODUCT REALISATION Planning for the realisation of DPF’s products/services is an ongoing process. The production planning is done by the General Manager along with production engineer. The controls needed to achieve the product conformity as well as activities associated with the identified significant environmental aspects and identified risks are established and maintained through various procedures, method statement and work instructions During planning, DPF determines: − The objectives and requirements of the contract/agreement with client. − The need to establish processes, documents, and provide resources specific to the service. − Required verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test as per procedure (IMS-PR-017) and activities specific to the contract/service agreement and the criteria for service acceptance. − Records needed to provide evidence that the realization process and resulting contract meets the requirements. − The output of this planning process is in a manner suitable for DPF and is identified through the relevant operating procedures in the IMS. The complete flows of planning activities are defined through Procedure for Plan & Process (IMS-PR-020)
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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7.2 CUSTOMER RELATED PROCESS 7.2.1 Determination of Requirements related to the Service DPF determines the requirements related to the services (stated/implied) as below, but not limited to: − Customer/Market needs − Cost involved − Relevant statutory & regulatory requirements (if applicable) − Reference to the international standard (if applicable) − Organizational Codes of Practice − Organizational Policies & Objectives − Organizational capability − Relevant similar past experience in new product/service launching − Source of purchase − Mode of transportation − Present storage, handling & delivery methods − Present over heads − Storage reliability − Suppliers reliability − Product/Service reliability − Competitors Product/Service − Competency of present available personals − Inspection requirements − Anticipated market requirements − Inventory cost − Identification & Traceability requirements − Product specifications − Stages of inspection and requirement − Reports of qualification tests − Transport requirement − Post delivery Activities
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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7.2.2 Review of Requirements related to Contracts DPF reviews the requirements related to the Contract and service prior to the commitment to supply to the client by reviewing the requirements from the client. The review is carried out by the General Manager and the Production Engineer/Supervisor who determines if the service can be provided or not. Requirements related to the client are also identified clearly at the tendering process itself. The scope of work and the project deliverables clearly indicates the needs of the client. The specifications and instructions that accompany the tender documents are clear in identifying the requirements of the client related to the contract. Clarifications and further information is received through the pre-tender meetings, or discussions and meetings with the client, visits to the site or proposed site areas, etc. Document and records which are controlled during the contract period are as follows. − − − − − − − − − − − − −
Tender Documents Authorisation for Pricing Order transfer note Progress Report Supplier quotation Quotation to customer Job card QA/QC documents Estimation sheets Order receipt Customer and contract document Intermediate completion of services Customer product / data sheet
In situations where the client is not provided any documented statement of requirement, the same is confirmed by DPF before making final commitment. Where contract requirements are changed, DPF ensures that the relevant documentation is amended and relevant personnel are made aware of the changed requirements. Details of contract review is given in the procedure (IMS-PR-016)
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7.2.3 Customer Communication For the effective implementation to meet the requirements of DPF’s customer, appropriate channels of communication is established in relation to product information, enquiries, contracts, order handling, amendments, Contract information, enquiries, and feedback including customer complaints and interested party communication. Detailed process communication is given Procedure for communication, participation and consultation (IMSPR- 005) 7.3 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DPF carries out its design and development activities as per the procedure for Design and Development (IMS-PR-025). Design requirements of customers pertaining to their product needs are reviewed by the General Manager along with related specifications and international standards. Design clarifications are discussed with the customers to ensure conformity to their requirements. Design drawings and concrete mix designs are forwarded to the customers including technical submittals for their approval.
Design inputs are identified and reviewed by the General Manager before handing over to the QA/QC Manager Design outputs are verified against the inputs by the QA/QC Manager and General Manager. Outputs are in the form of design drawings and concrete mix designs. These outputs are likewise submitted to the customer for their approval. Review of designs is performed internally by the QA/QC Manager and General Manager. Verification and validation arrangement and maintenance of results are detailed and can be referred to in procedure for Design and Development. Changes in design are discussed, through variations, and agreed upon with the customer. These changes undergo the same process of review, verification, testing/validation and approval. Records for these activities are appropriately maintained. 7.4 PURCHASING DPF has established a system to demonstrate its commitment and method through following section on its commitment and method for Purchasing process, Purchasing Information and Verification of Purchased products.
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
DPF extends the control over supplier and outsourced processes and to the purchased products through the Procedure for purchasing (IMS-PR-008). Quality performance of suppliers is monitored. Suppliers showing inadequate performance may be asked to implement corrective actions, and be downgraded or discontinued. In case there are identified OH&S risks of goods, equipment and services purchased, the controls are identified and if required communicated to the supplier or sub-contractor. Purchased products are inspected by requestor or the relevant managers. This includes verification of product identity and quantity, visual inspection and, where applicable, verification that all requested certificates and quality records are available. Review also ensures that the purchased product meets the specified requirements. When deviations are identified, the supplier is contacted to discuss the corrective action. 7.5 PRODUCTION AND SERVICE PROVISION 7.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision DPF established control procedures covering all areas of company like general working areas, project sites, contract/project management, manufacturing, installation etc to make sure its activities are carried out under controlled conditions. Controlled conditions include the following: (where applicable) − The availability of information that describes the characteristics of the products and services offered by DPF. − The availability of work instructions as necessary − The availability of information that describes the characteristics of the project through timing plan and method statement − The use of suitable equipment identified through resource planning. − The availability and use of monitoring and measuring equipments. − The implementation of monitoring and measurement, and − The implementation of product release, delivery, and post delivery activities. To ensure this, DPF develops ‘Method Statements/Work Instructions’ as required by the clients or needs of the projects. A standard method statement contains the details on how to ensure quality of the products in line with the requirements of the customer. The final customization is approved by the General Manager prior to sending out to the client for approval. Details are available in the procedure for Production process (IMS-PR-021).
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7.5.2 Validation of Processes for production & service provision DPF validates special processes where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring and measurement. Validation arrangements include review and approval of processes and use of specific method statements and procedures. Equipment used for these processes are presented to the customer for approval. Qualification of personnel is evaluated to ensure competence in performing tasks associated with these processes. 7.5.3 Identification & Traceability For Identification and Traceability, a procedure has been established to define the requirements for identification of materials or manufactured items during all stages of production. DPF applies traceability back to source in its product to ensure that each uniquely identified pipe is capable of being linked, through the appropriate records and test results, to concrete batches and source materials. This ensures that the delivered product meets the Customer's requirements. Records, particularly those relating to monitoring and measurement, identify the product status at various stages. All records necessary to maintain traceability are retained for a period of not less than 3 years. When required by contracts, laws and regulations, or voluntary standards traceability is implemented to the extent specified. Traceability may also be implemented for internal reasons, to facilitate corrective action. Details are available in procedure for Identification & Traceability (IMS-PR-018). 7.5.4 Customer Property Customer-supplied products are received and inspected by the organization, in the event the supplied products fail receiving inspection, or are not suitable for any other reason, the customer shall be reported and records of the same shall be maintained. Storage, handling, and preservation of customer-supplied products follow the same procedures that apply to purchase products. Customer’s software, documents, and other intellectual property are protected to the same extend as would internal documents of similar content, unless there are contractual requirements for special measure to protect customer’s intellectual property. When specified in a contract, special handling instructions from customers will take precedent over the company's standard procedures. Customers are contacted in the event of loss, damage, deterioration, or unsuitability of their products.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
7.5.5 Preservation of Product Preservation of Product by DPF describes in the relevant procedures, the conformity of its product at every stage from receipt of raw materials to delivery to its intended destination. It includes the identification, handling, storage and protection of both the pipes and the constituents of the pipes in order to maintain the conformity requirements. Details are mentioned in procedure for storing and delivery (IMS-PR-023). 7.6 CONTROL OF MONITORING AND MEASURING EQUIPMENTS DPF determines the required monitoring and measurement to be undertaken, and the suitable devices that are needed to provide evidence of conformity of product to determined requirements. Processes are established to ensure that monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are carried out in a manner that is consistent with the monitoring and measurement requirements. Where there is a requirement, the measuring equipments are calibrated and certified. In order to ensure valid results, all monitoring and measuring equipments are calibrated or verified or both at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurements which are traceable to international or national standards. Where no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification is: − documented − adjusted or re-adjusted as required − identified as to its calibration status − safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result − protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. List of equipment, schedule for maintenance, records Inspection & Testing for etc are retained as quality records for those internal equipments that require to be maintained for ensuring accuracy of the system. All such equipment are protected and stored so that it is prevented from un-authorized adjustments. The procedure for Inspection, Calibration and Verification (IMS-PR-019) and Maintenance of Equipment (IMS-PR-024) includes the details.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
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Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
8.0 MEASUREMENT/ ANALYSIS IMPROVEMENT 8.1 GENERAL DPF plans and implements the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes to demonstrate conformity of the product/process; the key characteristics of its operations that can have a significant environmental impact and OH&S performance is to ensure conformity with the Integrated Management System and to continually improve the effectiveness of the Management System. 8.2 MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT 8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is measured by collecting and analyzing direct customer feedback, and by measuring secondary indicators of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction data is used by the Top Management to identify opportunities and priorities for improvement. The General Manager and the QA/QC Manager is responsible for developing suitable indicators of customer satisfaction, and for defining methods for collecting and analyzing the pertinent information in their areas. Information and data pertaining to customer satisfaction are collected from several sources such as but not limited to: − On-going feedback from customers, − Surveys using Customer suggestion and Survey Form (CN-OF-01) at the completion of each project, − Analysis of trends of Customer satisfaction/complaints/Safety Reports issued by client − Awards and recognitions, − Repeat customer rates, and Market share. − Lost business analysis Results of Customer Satisfaction Surveys and the perception of the customers is analysed by the Management Representative and presented during the Management Review Meetings.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
8.2.2 Internal Audit Internal audits aims to verify conformance of the planned arrangements to the requirements of the standards and to that of the integrated management system established. DPF carries out internal audit of the Integrated Management System of the process once in 6 months. During the internal audit, it is ensured that all activities are audited. Company maintains required number of trained internal auditors to carryout the internal audit programme. The internal audit process is defined in the Procedure for Internal Audit (IMS-PR-009). 8.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes and Evaluation of Compliance 8.2.3 (a) Monitoring & Measurement of Processes The Integrated Management System processes are monitored by variety of approaches and techniques, as appropriate for a particular process and its importance. These include: − Conducting internal audits of the management system; − Monitoring trends in corrective and preventive action requests; − Analysing product conformity and other quality performance data and trends. Progress monitoring and measurement through appropriate stages of product/ service provision. Monitoring and Measurement of Product performed at all stages according to Inspection and Testing procedures (IMS-PR-017). − Measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction; − Monitoring of environmental objectives that monitors compliance with Environmental Management Programmes taken for the identified Significant Impacts; − Monitoring of the Safety Management Programmes that monitors compliance with the Risk Control Measures taken for the identified Risks; − Legal Requirements and compliance to applicable legislation and regulatory requirements; − Non-Conformance Reports used to monitor the measures taken during accidents, ill health, incidents to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to eliminate, control or mitigate the root cause; − Regular Inspections by Quality and HSE personals in order to review the OH&S and environmental status in DPF. When an Integrated system process does not conform to the requirements, Non-Conformity Report is raised and the correction & corrective action is taken by the relevant Project Managers /Process Owners.
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
8.2.3 (b) Evaluation of Compliance DPF has committed to compliance of applicable legal and other requirements it subscribes related to its environmental aspects and OH&S issues. Compliance evaluation of applicable legal and other requirements is done by the process owner and MR together and the results of the evaluation are discussed during MRM. 8.2.4 Monitoring & Measurement of Product DPF has established measuring and monitoring of its products and services through one or more of the following methods: − Progress monitoring and measurement through appropriate stages of product/service provision; − Evidence of conformity of product/service through feedback from clients and where applicable certifications by third parties is recorded and maintained for every pipe before it leaves the factory premises. Details of testing and inspection are mentioned in Procedure for Testing and Inspection (IMS-PR-017). − Product release is conditional to having met the requirements, if not it has to be approved by the General Manager in consultation with the QA/QC Manager and the client. − Monitoring the status of the objectives and action plan. − Records indicating authorised persons releasing the products for delivery to the clients. 8.3 Control of Non-Conforming Products DPF has established and maintains a system for Identifying, Controlling, Handling and Taking proper action and authorities for dealing with detected non-conformity. These methods are defined through the Procedure Control of Non-Conforming products (IMS-PR-PR 010). 8.4 Analysis of Data DPF collects, complies and analyses information and data required for evaluating the suitability and effectiveness of the management system and for identifying opportunities for continual improvement. Data and information available in records are compiled and analysed periodically to determine trends in the performance and effectiveness of the management system and to identify opportunities for improvement. The Management Representative is responsible for coordinating these activities and for reporting conclusions and trends to the Top Management. This is usually done within the framework of management reviews of the Integrated Management System. Following categories of information and data are recorded, compiled and analysed:
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
− OH&S and Environmental Performance and records of communication from Employees. − Conformance to product/service requirements − Status of Non-Conformances and areas of re-occurrence. − Action against non conformances − Characteristics and trend of processes and products including opportunities for preventive action − Supplier quality performance recorded in Supplier Re-Evaluation and evaluated for trends by purchasing dept. − Customer Satisfaction Levels – recorded in Customer Satisfaction Survey Form − Customer Complaints – recorded in Non-Conformance Report and evaluated for trends. − Effectiveness of Training – recorded in Training Record. − Effectiveness of Integrated Management System – recorded in Audit Observation Sheet and evaluated for trends. 8.5 Improvement DPF has deployed continual improvement principle throughout the entire organisation. The improvement effort is driven by goals defined in the policy and objectives. Improvement opportunities are identified by analysing quality, environmental and OHS performance data and information. Improvement projects are defined and implemented through the system of corrective and preventive actions, and management review actions. Causes of identified non-conformities are investigated and, where appropriate, corrective actions are implemented to ensure that non-conformities do not recur. Preventive Actions are implemented to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities. Corrective and preventive actions taken are recorded and are followed up to ensure that they have been properly implemented and that they are effective. 8.5.1 Continual Improvement Top management of DPF ensures the improvement in effective implementation and performance of the integrated management system by systematically reviewing and updating the QHSE policy, Quality, OHS and environmental objectives, analysing audit results and other data from monitoring and measurement relevant to quality, environment and safety performance, corrective and preventive action and the management review.
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
System performance is evaluated by management reviews of the management system. Where the performance falls short of a defined objective, the management review identifies specific improvement actions to reach the objective. When an objective is reached, the management review may set a new, higher objective in this area and specify new improvement actions for reaching it. In addition to management reviews, process owners identify improvement opportunities continually, based on daily feedback from their operations and other activities. Employees are also encouraged to come forward with ideas for improving products, processes, systems, productivity, and working environment. These improvement opportunities are evaluated and prioritised by the Managers and, where appropriate, are discussed during the Management Reviews. 8.5.2 Corrective Action The need for corrective action is determined on the basis of identified actual nonconformities. Corrective action requests are typically triggered by such events as a failed inspection, customer complaint, deviation from work instruction/legal requirements/regulations, non-conforming delivery from a supplier, or a system audit finding. DPF has established a procedure for handling corrective actions as below, details of which are available in Procedure for Corrective and Preventive Action (IMS-PR- 011)
8.5.3 Preventive Actions The need for preventive action is determined on the basis of information and data regarding capability and performance of processes, product non-conformity rates, post-production experience feedback, service records, customer complaints, and system audit findings. Such information and data are collected and analysed to detect unfavourable trends that, if not checked, will increase the risk of non-conformities. The system for collecting and analysing quality performance information and data is as per the following procedure, and details of which are available in Procedure for Corrective and Preventive Action (IMS-PR-011).
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P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected]
Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
9.0 Operational control DPF identified all operations and other processes that have associated with the identified significant environmental aspects and OH&S risks, objectives and targets in order to ensure that they are carried out under controlled conditions. Documented work instructions are prepared for those aspects and risks which cab be managed by carrying out the associated operations under specified conditions. These controls are put in place for situations where their absence could lead to deviation from the organization’s policy, objectives or targets as per the Procedure for Operational Controls (IMS-PR-012). Required operating criteria and records to maintain in which this parameter are recorded are specified in the work instructions.
10.0 Emergency Preparedness & Response DPF has identified potential emergency situations which have greater impact on the environment, occupational health and safety and defined Emergency Response Plans (ERP’s) on how to respond to them. Method to review its emergency preparedness and response plans and procedures, particularly after occurrence of incidents or emergency situations has been defined in Procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response (IMS-PR-013). 11.0 Incident investigation All Incidents with OHS concerns are reported to the HSE Representative by the section/site supervisor immediately after the incident. HSE representative upon receiving the information, immediately visit the site to collect all possible available information from incident site. After assessing the potential/actual severity of the incident, HSE representative reports the same to MR who in turn reports the matter to General Manager. Decision to investigate the incident is taken by GM and once decided to investigate the incident, MR constitutes an investigation team to investigate & analyze the incident as per the Procedure for Incident Investigation (IMS-PR-014) The investigation team submits a report with in a week by including Underlying OHS deficiencies & factors causing & contributing to the incidents, need for corrective action, opportunities for preventive action and for continual improvement. Concerned process owner has to initiate corrective/preventive action as per the investigation report.
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected] Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2.2 4.2.3 5.0 5.1 5.2 a 5.2 b 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.6 6.0 6.1 6.2
Title Amendment Record Sheet Scope and Exclusion Introduction to DPF Manual DPF Policy Company Overview and Structure Approach to Integrated Management System General/Documentation Requirement General DPF Manual Control of Document Control of records Management Responsibility Management Commitment Customer Focus Legal & Other Requirements Policy Planning Objectives & Targets Environmental Aspects Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control Responsibility, Authority & Communication Responsibility & Authority Management Representative & Appointees Internal & External Communication Management Review Resource Management Provision of Resources Competence, Awareness &
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ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18001:2007
4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 5.0 5.1 5.2
4.4.4 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.5.4 4.4.1 4.2
4.3.2 4.2
4.3.2 4.2
4.3.3 4.3.1
5.3 5.4.1
4.4.5 4.5.3 4.4.1
6.1 6.2.2
4.4.1 4.4.2
4.4.1 4.4.2
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected] Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
Training Infrastructure Work Environment Product Realisation, Implementation & Operations Planning of Product Realization Customer Related Processes Determination of Requirements related to the product Review of requirements related to the product Customer Communication
Design & Development
7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3
Purchasing Purchase Process Purchasing Information Verification of Purchased Product Training, Awareness, Competence Production & Service Provision Control of Production & Service Provision Validation of Processes for production and service provision Identification & Traceability Customer Property Preservation of Product Control of Monitoring & Measuring Equipments Measurement / Analysis and Improvement General Monitoring and Measurement Customer Satisfaction Internal Audit Monitoring & Measurement of processes
6.3 6.4 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2
6.2 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 a
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6.3 6.4
4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.4.6
4.3.1, 4.4.6
7.2.3 Not in Scope
7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3
4.4.6 4.4.6 4.4.6
4.4.6 4.4.6 4.4.6
Not in Scope 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5
8.2.1 8.2.2
4.5.1 4.5.4
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Doha Precast Factory
P.O. Box No.50311, Doha, State of Qatar, Tel: 44903836, Fax:44903835, Email:
[email protected] Document No: IMS-01 Effective date : 01/04/2013
8.2.3 b
8.4 8.5
Evaluation of Compliance Monitoring & Measurement of 8.2.4 Product Control of Non Conformances & Emergency Preparedness Control of Non Conformances 8.3 Emergency Preparedness & Response Analysis of Data 8.4 Improvement
8.5.1 a
Continual Improvement
8.5.1 b
OH&S Management Programmes Accidents Incidents, Corrective & Preventive Action Accidents & Incidents Corrective Action Preventive Action
8.5.2 8.5.2 8.5.3
4.5.2 4.5.2 4.5.2
8.2.4 8.3 8.3 a 8.3 b
8.5.2 8.5.2 a 8.5.2 b 8.5.2 c
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4.5.2 4.5.1
4.4.7, 4.5.3 4.4.7
4.2, 4.3.3, 4.6
4.5.3 4.5.3
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