'S(S v). *eir) o+ ,ernando ,. Caballero ,ac): Fernando ,ac): Fernando and his wife, Sylvia Caballero, secured a mortgage secured by their residenal lot from peon peoner er Governm Government ent Service Service Insur Insuranc ance e Syst System em (GSIS) (GSIS) in the amoun amountt of !",""" !","""#"" #""## $owev $owever er,, Fernando defaulted defaulted on the payment of his loan with the GSIS# GSIS wrote a le%er to Fernando, informing informing him of the consolidaon of tle in its favor, and re&uesng payment of monthly rental in view of Fernando's connued occupancy of the subect property# egoaon as to repurchase also ta*es place# GSIS scheduled the subect property for a !nd public bidding a+er a failed negoaon with Fernando to buy bac* his property# In this bidding, ocelyn Caballero, Fernando-s daughter submi%ed a bid but unfortun unfortunatel ately y defeate defeated d by C./C# C./C# 0ith this, Fernando Fernando,, 1led with the 2egional 2egional /rial /rial Court (2/C) of 3abacan, Cotabato a Complaint against C./C, the GSIS and its responsible o4cers Fernando prayed, among others, that udgment be rendered5 declaring GSIS 6oard of /rustees 2esoluon o# 788, dated .ay 79, 78:8, null and void for the irregularies in the conduct of the bidding# GSIS and its o4cers 1led their ;nswer with ;4rmave
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