2 Days Workshop Staad-pro

August 16, 2018 | Author: Prashant Patil | Category: Structural Engineering, Structural Load, Design, Civil Engineering, Science And Technology
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Short Description



 TWO DAYs DAYs Multistoried Building Design Workshop in STAAD-Pro for Civil & Design Engineers On Three Dimensional Static, Dynamic Analysis and Design of Buildings using STAAD-PRO ST AAD-PRO software


STAAD-PRO Training Need for Ciil !ngineers 

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"hom is this course intended for#

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Software knowledge is essential in design field owing to adoption of various advanced analysis option. Analysis of high-rise structure involves prediction of a structure for dynamic effects, which is otherwise difficult to predict without software. Many MNC’s  Consultancies use S!AA"-#$% as a main design tool. !hese MNC’s  Consultancieslook for the "esignStructural &ngineers who has the e'pertise in either S!AA"-#$% software tools. !his workshop will align the industry needs and e'pectations from S!AA"#$%SA(& certified "esignStructural &ngineers.

!his training course of S!AA"-#$% is ideal for any )eginners or for  advanced users. !he course would )e particularly )eneficial for *ndergraduate students of civil engineering +third year  final year #ostgraduate students of structures. $ecent graduate  post graduate students.

STAAD-PRO and SA$! "or%sho& Contents   

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/ntroduction to S!AA"-#$% Creating a Model in S!AA"-#$%. /ntegrated concrete )ased )uilding model of column-)eam frame  shearwall structure. /mporting architectural gridplan. "efining material, frame, wall properties. Making a model with )eamframecolumnfloor options. Common la)eling of o)0ects. &diting the model with move, merge replicate etc. options. Auto line constraints Meshing options for floors. "efinition of semi rigid  rigid "iaphragms 1oad com)inations.

AP!' CONS()TANT *+NT!RAT!D C++) SO$T"AR! SO)(T+ONS.Pge !

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"efining load patterns. Analysis of Model Static analysis "ynamic analysis for wind  earth2uake. Modal )ehavior  interpretation. "rift  displacement criteria. $esponse spectrum for dynamic analysis. /nterpretation of results. !orsional effects "esign

"or%sho& Duration / Content  Note 3 %ne day training program consist of 4 hrs duration.



"ay 5

01211 TO 03211 03211 TO 0211 0211 to 4211 4211 to 4205 4205 to 6211

Topic 

/ntroduction, $CC design aspect in S!AA"-#ro in accordance with /S code

1unch 6reak 

1oading cases3 "ead 1oad, 7ind 1oad, &arth2uake 1oad as per /S code in 859 model in Staad-#ro

!ea 6reak 

Modeling of 859 storey )uilding in S!AA"-#$%, #ractical Session for students )y !rainers

"ay :

01211 TO 03211 03211 TO 0211

"esign aspect of $CC water tank in accordance with S!AA"-#ro

!ea 6reak 

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0211 to 4211 4211 to 4205 4205 to 6211

7ater pressure, Seismic load in S!AA"-#ro

!ea 6reak 

"esign of 7ater !ank in S!AA"-#$%, #ractical Session for students )y !rainers

&'tra #ractice session as per students re2uirement

"ay ;

01211 TO 6211 5.

"or%sho& $ee Structure Batch Min 6atch of ;9 #articipants


Fees Per Participant $s. ing  viewing results after modeling. &'tracting  comparison of design results after modeling. ?arious checks to ensure the correctness of modeling after analysis  particularly for freshers.

Excellent Course Material

AP!' CONS()TANT *+NT!RAT!D C++) SO$T"AR! SO)(T+ONS.Pge #

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"esign manual for step )y step procedure of S!AA"-#$% modeling. "esign manual also includes steps for static  dynamic analysis. Calculations for wind parameters.

Certification 

#articipants will get certification @APE C!"#$%TA"T &'"TEG(ATED C')'% #!FT*A(E #!%$T'!"#+ After successful completion of training.

,D Models of #TAAD-P(!

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AP!' CONS()TANT *+NT!RAT!D C++) SO$T"AR! SO)(T+ONS.Pge %

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