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1st mate orals by Capt. Deepak Kapoor 21.10.08 Internal : Capt. Deepak Kapoor External : Nil Function 1 1.what are your duties as mate in keeping a navigational watch? 2.how will train ur cadets in ROR pratically n theoritically? 3.from which rule u will start? 4.is seaplane a vessel? 5.buoyage system which region is europe? 6.safe water mark, special mark where it is used? (he has wooden shapes for these) 7.pilot transfer arrangement ? he also asked me if pilot falls overboard what r the liabilities towards the vessel? 8.ship reporting system what are mandatory n obligatory reports? 9.ship routeing u in TSS n engine breaksdown? action 10.he has a magnetic board in which he showed following lights identify the vessel, state its fog signal n action..... A) two white lights in vertical line and a green light right ahead action B)aground vessel light (2 red lights n 2 white light) C) CBD vessel seen from stern 11.right ahead fishing vessel u a Power driven vessel ROC exists action? 12.port bow a container crossing u ROC exists ? action then he told me there is vessel in stbd side overtaking u then ? ( i told reduce speed) he asked by which rule (rule 8) 13.how will identify a naval vessel ? 14.u r in somalian water n u seen some craft approaching ur vessel? Action n whom u will inform? 15.as mate how will u assist in bridge team management? 16.some how u r not able to recieve weather fax reports, how will predict weather? 17.if a master dies how will u take over ? 18.which all navigational equipments are required on board a vessel? n what all maintenance are required for same? 19.how many rules are there? 20.expected to encounter bad weather n moderate visibility? action as mate?

17.09.08 1st mate oral continue.. 1.what are M n MS notice? n what they give? 2.what is spring n neap tides? 3.gas freeing methods (displacement n dilution) 4.in bulk carrier bilge hold alarm requirement 5.alarms in IG system 17.09.08 1st mate orals Internal : Capt. Shukla External : Capt. Oak (DG Mumbai) Function II & III ( he asked me combine) 1.load density 2.grain intact stability criteria 3.how to load expolsives 4.how to prepare refer compartment for loading? 5.what is CSC plates 6.what is note of protest? 7.what is CAS, CAP, ESP n single hull phasing out dates? 8.what is OLB? (official log book) ( he used abbrivation alot) 9.what is QCV? (quick closing valve) fuction , how its operated, 10.what are statutory certificate? 11.who can visit ur ship in port to inspect cargo gear? 12.chain register? 13.PMS for newly built ship (gangway/accomodation ladder) 14.which certificate is required by ILO? 15.what is ILO? 16.ur second mates calls u n tell u that while loading vessel is unexpectedly listed to port? action 17.parts of lugless joining shackle? 18.how will u slip a anchor? 19.force 5 how will u tell bridge that vessel is brought up? 20.what all plans u will refer before going to dry dock? 21.contents of docking plan? 22.vessel is berthed at berth with 3+2 fwd n aft, n master not there n terminal wants u to shift 50 m ahead, how u will do it? 23. how will u drop anchor between two vessel, distance he give between them was 0.6nm, how will approach? current n wind r there 24.ur vessel (bulk carrier) is loading, n 4500 mt of cargo is still left to load in (two holds) ,n u require a trim of 20cm by stern, how will u calculate how much cargo to laoded in these two holds? ( answer, as we do in Hindship problems) 25.what is Sopep?

26.heavy lifts precaution? 27.what r disadvantage of container(stability wise) 28.fire in cargo compartment action? 29.how will u release CO2? 30.in a bulk carrier one of the cargo hold is damage ? how will u report to ur supriendent? 31.how are plates n frames numbered? 32.what is BLEVE? 33.change in trim due to change in density Internal : Capt. Shukla External : Capt. Oak (DG Mumbai) Function 1 1.what is tide n currents? 2.how will u take star sight? 3.towing vessel and towed vessel lights n shapes? 4.principle of gyro compass? 5.why gyro is not used in high latitudes? 6.Buoyage System (lights n shapes) (FAILING QUESTION) he ask me safe water mark , preferred channel buoys (region B) 7.various emergency he interlink all the emergency in one i.e. first situation (ROR situation), then ur radar fails, action then m/e fails action? then master not coming? action then master lying in his cabin? action then collision?action then ur 2 n 3 DB is filling water? action now u want drop anchor 8.information exchange after collision 9.NUC vessel lights n daysignal 10.aground vessel day ,night n sound signal? ( he made me sound the signal ) 11.synoptic n prognsis charts 12.difference between VDR n SVDR? 13.weather routing? 14.ROR situation: A) u a container 20 knots, there is head on vessel, n on port bow a crossing vessel. normal visibility, both having same TCPA. action b) zero visibilty, u have vessel in ur port bow n vessel in ur stbd quarter? action 15.u in narrow channel, one buoy in port bow, n one bow in stbd quarter how will u calculate gyro error

oral question fm others (thanks) ( He checked my form ,I had done 1 bulk carrier ,1st time as 3rd officer followed by all chemical/ petro chemical ships , so he started off with bulk carrier ) 1.what cargoes did u normally carry ? (I said coal, iron ore ) 2.Was the vessel under contract of carriage or contract of affreightment ? (since voyage charter- contract of carriage) 3.Obligations of the master towards the owner under the contract of carriage? 4.What items will u check in the contract of carriage? 5.You are master of a bulk carrier, panamax size ,have to load iron ore in Brazil .How will u go about it from statutory ,commercial, safety ….. point of view? (talked about NOR, safe port, BC code, precautions with concentrates, BLU code, safe stowage ,stability, seaworthiness, normal bulk carrier problems etc) 6.What is a safe port? (gave definition) 7.How will you know that the port is safe ? 8.What documents will u sign wrt loading? (B/L,LOP) 9.Will u sign B/L as presented? (no) 10.What will you check? ( …gave B/L details) 11. How will u know what is the correct quantity? ( .. from mate’s receipt ) 12. There is no Mate’s receipt .then ? (.. from draft survey report ) 13. No draft survey done. then? (.. from shore figures ) 14.which document will give u shore figures? ( .. I said I wasn’t sure of the name of the document) 15.Your obligations as master prior sailing ? (include reference to MSA sec 334,307) 16.You have to make a voyage through north atlantic ,ur statutory and other obligations as master. a tropical storm expected enroute ? 17.Have u heard about Solas amendments regarding master’s discretion (wrt above)? ( SOLAS Ch V..Charterers will not force master to follow a particular route if in professional judgement of master he thinks otherwise for the safety of the vessel.) 18. (A question leading to ) definition of master (MSA)?

19. Is master a seaman ? (No, except in two cases –refer section 148 and section oral question fm others ( thanks) Kiesler Pereira's oral questions 13.may.08 orals at dg Capt Jha.. 1. introduction and general questions as to what type of ships done as 3rd mate, 2nd mate, mate. 2. on cape size bulk loading iron ore in australia. hatches 08 nos. how will u go about loading? 3. can u load alternate holds? 4. stability booklet states u can load alternate holds. will u load now? 5. what laws n conventions pertain to loading of bulk carriers? 6. u have loaded this v/l. 1,00,000 tonnes. u now go to singapore to anchor. how will u go about it? 7. yr anchor now dragging. action. 8. u have dragged anchor n collided with a v/l stbd qtr. action. 9. u r to take over a new build v/l. what will u chk. n what all surveys will u want carried out. owner is new. advise him. 10. v/l out of yard. how will u undertake sea-trials n what actions / precautions necessary. 11. inform me abt annex - 6 marpol. 12. what cert. is issued under annex - 6. 13. how will u plan with ship personnel to abide by annex - 6 marpol. in seca n non-seca areas. 14. requirements of solas ch - 9. Capt Avasthi. 1. cape size bulker. how will u anchor in rough weather? give me the ans in as many conditions of current / wind as possible. 2. how will u double bank with another v/l? 3. have u heard of portable fenders? if so where r they used n how? 4. what info will u transmit to the other v/l master coming to double bank with u? 5. what info is exchanged to the other master when u have collided? 6. yr v/l is swinging port thence stbd. how will u tell d other double banking master to approach? 7. u r on cape sizer loaded. how will u plan yr approach n distribute yr crew fr anchoring rough n calm wx? also give me best possibilities of safe anchoring.. May 16 SAHIL.... Sahil Puri -Oral questions Surveyor : Capt D.Kapoor

External : None Result : Pass oral question fm others (thanks 4 their efforts) Anantharaman Ganeshans Oral Questions ASM ORALS 7TH MAY 2008 INTERNAL - CAPT. UPPAL EXTERNAL - CAPT. IYER 1. Chart with buoys shown; night time passage. Needed to manoeuvre, identify the buoys – Situations thereforth – A. Another P.D vsl coming out of port B. CBD vsl C. Fishing vsl D. Mine clearance vsl Abv vsls shown by cards, so had to identify them first. Finally all the above with 2 directions of current… 2. Plotting sheet given with abt 10 targets with rel. vectors, action to be taken in res. Vis…. 3. TRS positions for day 1, 2 & 3 shown. Action to be taken by vsl…. 4. Weather fax print shown…to interpret all weather….. 5. Passing constricted area, during night time…islands not lit….all possible recourses as master….. 6. Accelerated turn… 7. Turning vsl in heavy weather…. 8. Indian articles of agreement…. 9. Recruitment & placement rules (2005) of M.S. rules…. 10. Own vsl governed by hamburg rules…grain cargo damaged by due to unability to ventilate….liabilties to master….. 11. High expansion & low expansion foam…differences and places where they are used…. 12. Cadet working alone on deck in heavy weather….injured by a wave….

A. Actions? B. Injury very serious, actions? C. Evacuation, how? 13. Difference between nls and chemical cargo… 14. Taking out vsl after 2 ½ yrs of lay-up….what all things need to carried out….owner is new, doesn’t know, so as a master what will u advise him…. 15. Certificates on board, safecon expiring tmrw. Actions… 16. Prepare risk assessment for launching & recovery of rescue boat…. 17. Marpol, very basic stuff…. I was the first one in…abt 2+ hrs initially…i could not answer 4-5 questions to his satisfaction…so told me to find out by evening….at 1830, comes in and askes the answers which i had found out….he and uppal pass me…. One thing i would like to say….confidence and presentation matter as much as knowledge/preparation…. All the best…. May 13 Kevin

Oral question fm others (thanks 4 thier effort) FIRST MATE Function 2 Date :14.02.07 External examiner: Capt. Somasundaram SPO, NMA. 1. What all factors will you consider when you make a discharge plan in a Tanker? 2. How will you carry out COW onboard while discharging? 3. Few points from ship-shore safety checklist on a tanker? 4. Explain about the container lashing system? 5. What is Note of protest? When will you issue this? 6. What is concentrate? What are the hazards associated with concentrate? 7. How will you carry out the test to find the concentrate within TML ? 8. What is the new amendments in Marpol annex 2? 9. From where do you get the information about above test? 10. What are the responsibilities of chief officer with respect to the carriage of cargo onboard? 11. How will you go about Loading of Grain?

12. 13. 14. 15.

Draw and explain container bay plan? What is the latest amendment in IMDG code? What is the range of densities of bulk cargoes? Name different types of gas carriers?

My phase 2 viva questions hi the questions asked for viva function 2 ......... mishra and venki he advices me to ans as a management level officer ....... then starts with asking me 1.u r onboard as c.off on gearless cape size bulk carrier ........ on ballast passage ....... master gives you cargo to load ......... details of cargo ........ tell me how will you make a stowage / loading plan 2 cohesive and incohesive cargo.wat is 3.wat is air draught (This is hieght of shute from terminal level ) 4.wat is grain intact stab requirement 5. wat is loading manual Lawrence Mates orals Capt Baweja... 4 sep 2008 ( Dg shipping) Internal-Saggi External- Baweja (orals taken by external only) Passed all 3 fn first attempt.. Function-1: -------------1.Lights / shapes / sound signals for Nuc, Vsl aground, Constrained by her draft. 2.action Rv. tgt vsl right astern with radar and without radar..and whos action.. 3. lights for vsl aground or nuc from astern,..what action and why.... 4. Narrow channel overtaking procedures. 5. why weather routing...and general explanation. diff bet grounding and beaching. 6. Contigency plan in case of grounding.. 7. Cold weather precautions. Function-2: -------------1. Contents of Imdg supplement 2. Ammendments in new Isgott. 3. Types of containers 4. Heavy lift precautions..and securing 5. Hazards of concentrates. 6. Cow procedures and requirements. 7. ig failure and actions.

8. diff bet lpg and lng. 9. action in case if conc liquefies. 10. How to note of protest and defn and documents reqd.. 11. types of chemical tankers and their requirements....( as per ibc) 12. how are chemical tankers constructed...( as per what) Function-3: ------------1. Diff bet Mandatory and statutory cert. 2. Which cert are both mandatory and statutory. 3. Contents of chain register. 4. Diff types of b.o.l. 5. Which is more stringent psc or flag stste and why. 6. entries in oil record book...more specific entry in details loading,,,disch through odmcs.. 7. pms for anchor cable. 8. cont plan for cargo shifting 9. cont plan for explosion. 10. anchor dragging action as mate and master not on board.. 11.dry docking procedure. 12.D.d- Why slight trim and not excessive trim. capt bawejas questionn are straight fwd,,more on principles than details...want specific answers..change over question as soon as you answer that point.. give you a 2 chance to go out and find out and tries to pass you.. I jus couldnt stop jumping with joy...thanks all my family and friends for their Prayers and well wishes... Thank u god.. all the best guys...jus keep cool..vamos pa2 fn III 1. discharge criteria for annex I 2. surveys and certification what all r statutory and what all mandatory. 3. what all certificates covered in enhanced survey programme and interval? 4. master not on board, carry out all surveys and certifications. 5. make a risk analysis for mooring. 6. make whole plan, procedure and precaution for drydocking, when all r soundings taken, its thrice one before taking blocks to have initial condition af ballast etc., then after taking all over so as to

ascertain no damage taken place and no change, then before refloating to ensure vessel brought back to initial condition. i didn't answer muc so he din go further, then he and vaz had discussion, then came the vaz question:"what is the ambient temperature and pressure for radar horizon" i gave the best possible blank expression:) finally, unexpectedly but quite comfortably managed to fail all three functions:) well it was jus one of those days. the ambience temp and pressure as given in subra's shipbourne radar book is temp 15 deg celcius and pressure 1013.8 mb. this surveyor comes rarely, so dont bother muc with these questions, all the very best:)

Sep 2 ketan Capt. Panigrahi 1. Critical moment and Critical Period in drydock 2. Bilge blocks and side shorings..use of the same 3. Baltic Moor, Mediterranean Moor - why are the two used?? 4. List of all the certificates on board, issuing authority and their validity, also as per what conventions 5. STCW Code contents 6. ISM Code contents 7. Contingency for Foundering 8. Emergency steering reqs as per SOLAS 9. Advantages of Ground tackle over Tugs pa2 capt. kapoor (dg internal surv.) fn-I 1. has a magnetic board, on which he displays lights to identifywhite over red(pls remember to mention code flag H), red over white(also mention gear extending 150m or less, imp), 2 white lgt in vert.. line and a red lgt, 3 red lgts in vert. line and a white light below, some more lights and shapes. he wants correct, confident and quick reply in ror lights nd shapes, so b prepared. 2. situations, 3 rest. vis. situations askd to me, i said reduce speed for all 3 cases nd justified using rule 8(e) and rule 19(e), he was happy. a) o/v p/d, 3 targets p/d one on stbd bow crossing, one on stbd beam same speed, one on port quarter overtaking. roc exists with all 3. b) o/v p/d, 2 targets p/d one crossing from port bow, one on stbd

qtr. c) o/v p/d, 1 target rgt ahd disabled on a head-on sit, 1 tgt p/d right astern overtaking. 3. what r all the ammendments to collision avoidance rules, mention emergency wreck marking buoy, blue and yellow stripes, topmark a "+" yellow, flashing alternating blue and yellow of one sec duration with 0.5 sec interval. 4. principles of watchkeeping, his pet question. do it from cockcroft, in stcw explanatory notes. ques to me was, res. vis navigating in TSS. 5. solas chapter 5, do it thoroughly, particular stress to equipments required to be carried, publications, mates duties/obligations as per chapter 5, reportings. 6. master incapacitated, completing the voyage or " " , carrying out surveys or " " , vessel dragging anchor your confidence will be noted in your reply, very imp. 7. difference between AIS and LRIT, can LRIT receive information? he asks lots of questions, goes about the assessment in a strict way, but bottomline he tries to pass and very considerate. so put in the efforts and if ure lucky to get him, u wont fail, if u present well, be specific and most importantly confident. pa2 capt. krishnamurthy iyer(external surv.) date: 13th jun 2008 internal surv: capt. vaz but evaluated by external surv. fn I 1. he carries a charts with all cardinal, lateral, safe water, preferred channel, special marks buoys in it. he asked to take the ship and explain each buoy along the route. 2. he had PPI on relative motion display and rel. vectors drawn on a paper with targets on it and asked to report each target. 3. he showed another paper with true motion true vector display and asked how will determine risk of collision, without changing display or vector. i replied by increasing the vector time, then if the vectors meet at same time then there is risk of collision. 4. he showed another paper, two ships A and B. B is overtaking A from starboard side, at a unsafely close distance, then the ships come closer and after overtaking A, B swings to port and there is collision. he asked what has happ and discuss violation of rules in this case. ans: due to interaction the ships hav come closer when their parallel middle bodies overlapped and later due to +ve pressure built up at bow of A and stern of B, the repulsion has caused B to swing to port. B violated rule 13 and A rule 2. 5. he showed me a chart and asked to make passage plan in it in

clear visibility and asked ROT formula and how the factor F is determined. 6. the same chart in rest. vis he wanted me to discuss BTM. 7. if u are overtaking a TRS, what r the aspects involved? determination dang. semicircle, then he showed a paper with the track of a TRS(WNW) marked on it over 3 days, ur vessel is located north and well clear of the storm field, he asked what CTS and wich sector to be avoided. Ans: avoid sector from south to east clockwise and make a reciprocal heading to that of track of the storm(ESE). 8. showed a weather map, with the movement of warm and cold fronts marked and wanted to explain everything on it.(failing question!!!(fq)) 9. voy- india to australia, how to adjust mag. compass for H.E.(fq nitin my oral attempts. 5. where to find weight of tha anchor? 6. where to find bottom plug details& nos. 7. what does a docking plan gives? 8. where r tha plans kept? 9. plan issuied by whoom? 10. where to get locationn of all hull openings? 11. what r tha different openings on hull & where to find( in which 12. SMC window period? 13. different ISPS documents? 14. crew not working, how to resolve problem as a ch. off.? 15. guidence from what conventions?( MSA, log book, ILO etc.) 16. off. book entries & witness 17. piracy precaution & what is req. as per ISPS? 18. chain register what for & contents? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, 2nd attempt,09.04.08 internal-- capt. Awasthi external-- capt. Miranda passed-- Fuct. 1 function 1 1. as a ch mate how will u train 2nd mate for taking sight? 2. if no noon sight possible then? ( ex mer) 3. if only app. noon sight & no other obs, how to get pos & speed? ( do a back calculation & transfer PL) 4. N cardinal buoy seen right ahed on a northerly course -- action? 5. what could be tha reason of above,what went wrong? 6. whats parametric rolling ? actons to avoid?

7. whats cesmic tide or tsunami tide ? action? 8. TRS why recurve,action to avoid? whats advance quadrant? 9. ROR-- own vsl CBD , tow crosing u from port own vsl CBD , Ram crossing u from port in R.V. u are on powerdriven vsl RAM crossing from port 10. basic principal of Gyro & how to stabalise? my oral attempts.. function 2 1. in brief -- IMDG, BC code, BLU , IGC. def of dangerous & hazardous, harmful cargo? 2. isgott 5th edition. whats new in it? 3. sability criteria for timber vsl, damage stability criteria for tanker & bulk carr. 4. Solas ch 12 whats req. for bulk carr. ( survey, construction, stability) 5. timber load line 6. imdg pack group 3 content? 7. advance B/L & other diif types of B/L 8. loading dangerous cargo & a container containg dang. goods on fire action? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3rd attempt,08.05.08 internal-- capt. Uppal external-- capt. Miranda passed-- Fuct. 2 function 2 1.you r given a cargo 1 cubic meter in size & with load more than hold's permitted L.D. will you load, if yes - what precaution. 2. how will u lash that cargo & lashing eqp. of what size will u use & how will u decide? 3. rcvd info- to load 50000 mt bulk cargo. what things will u consider & how will u plan so that u load her even keel & reach destination port safely. 4. contents of stability booklet. ( drat, disp.,tpc, mctc ...) 5. whats heavy lift? ( if while lifting a cargo,special precaution has to be taken, for avoiding loss or reduction in GM) 6. what is pyrophoric iron oxide ? action for safety? 7. contengency plan & remedial action during oil leakage in discharge operation nitin my oral attempts

1st attempt,11.03.08 internal-- capt. Das external-- capt. Gupta passed-- Fuct. 3 function 1 1. HOW TO TAKE STAR SIGHT 2. HOW TO FIND SUN'S ANGULAR DIA. & WHERE ISIT GIVEN IN ALMANAC 3. SEXTANT ERRROR 4. GPS ERROR 5. U ARE A 2ND MATE WITH CH MATE LICENSE, HOW WILL U PREPARE PASSAGE PLAN? WHAT PRECAUTIONS WILL U TAKE? SOURCE OF WEATHER INFO. (he asked--any thing from WMO?) 6. PRECAUTION WHILE TRANSFERING POSITION FROM ECDIS TO PAPER CHART & WHAT INSTRUCTION WILL U GIVE TO OTHERS WHILE USING ECDIS&PAPER CHART TOGETHER? 7. YOUR SHIP GROUNDED. WHAT ADVICE WILL U GIVE TO UR MASTER & ACTIONS TO TAKE? 8. YOUR SHIP IN NARROW CHANNEL, APPROCHING A BEND,WHAT SOUND SIGNAL WILL GIVE& FOR HOW LONG & WHAT IF SAME SITUATION IN R.V.WHAT SOUND SIGNAL? 9. IN R.V GOING ASTERN WHAT SOUND SIGNAL? 10. HOW WILL U DECIDE A SHIP IS OVERTAKING OR NOT? WHAT SOUND SIGANL TO GIVE? 11. ROR CARD-- 1 SINGLE WHITE LIGHT. function 2 1. u have to load tea boxes, no info given from shipper,what action & how to find stowage factor? 2. where to find load density of a hold? 3, angle of repose? more is dangerous or less? 4. bc code in brief & 5 hazards of cargo mentioned in it. 5. u got steel coils to load, but no securing means, will u load or not? if yes then what precaution? loading procedure? 6. when is dangerous moment while lifting a heavy lift & what action to take if sudden list developes. 7. loading DRI, u as a ch off. going out what night order will u leave. 8. timber free board is more or less? & why? 9. after sailing out what checks for hatch covers?

function 3 1. what is condition of class? 2. what is storm valve & where to find there details? 3. what precautions to take b4 flooding drydock? 4. you r on C.B.D. vsl,what precaution b4 emmidiate stop & what is trasverse thrust Anirudha 3rd Attempt. 02/05/08 Capt. Khatri Fn-II Called me in at 1300 hrs What do u know abt acrgo related legislation? Prepare one page each with "Scope"; "Aim"; 'Salient features" of Hague, Hague-Visby, Hamburg Rules; COGSA, Multi-modal transport rules. Asked me to come at 1600hrs to discuss he same. We discussed the above rules. what led to the formation of each? wat is the difference b/w these rules? Passed Fn-II Harshad mates orals- 7th may 2008. capt khatri 7-05-2008 capt khatri only function 2 (no external) result- passed DAY ONE- 5th may 2008 1) which ships have u done??? 2) as a mate of an LPG ship give me details of all the jobs?? 3) complete procedure of changeover of gas from ammonia to lpg mix?? 4) ammonia no HC... then how will u check tank atmosphere?? 5) explain principle of tankscope?? 6) explain wheatstones bridge?? 7) explain principle of multi gas detector??? 8) explain gassing up procedure?? 9) explain cooling down process??? 10) what is the rate at which cooling down is carried out??? 11) How to do cargo calculations for lpg ships?? formaula to

calculate vapour weight?? (come tomm and tell) DAY TWO- 6th may 2006 1) explain to me the calculations i asked yesterday?? 2) what is shrinkage factor?? 3) explain airlock system on lpg ships?? come again tomm and explain all the safety feature of lpg ship.. DAY THREE- 7th may 2008 1) explain emergency shut down procedure and principle and requirements as per code?? 2) explain procedure and requirement of fixed water spray system on lpg?? 3) why water spray sprinklers near relief valves??? 4) what is BLEVE?? 5) what is the major differrence in fighting oil fire and lpg fire??? finally passed...... all the best mates orals- april capt mhaisale & capt j.b.singh april 2008 only function 2, 3rd attempt result- failed capt j.b. singh 1) angle of repose 2) why theres a grain code 3) sugar is in granular form. if loaded in bulk, will u follow grain code?? 4) who publishes ISGOTT?? amendments? 5) timber load line.. draw and explain? 6) steel coils each 25 tonnes.. show diagram how u will load it in holds?? preacautions 7) precautions while loading steel pipes?? 8) preacautions loading muriate of potash?? 9) livestock carrier precautions?? 10) how much food and water required for sheep?? 11) how much food and water required for cattle?? 12) what is veterinary officer requirement for livestock?? which animals require a vet?? 13) can u load producs on NLS carrier?? how?? 14) bill of lading?? 15) note of protest??

16) crain breakdown while loading heavylift.. actions as a mate?? 17) difference between bottlescrew and turnbuckle? after lunch...... capt mhaisale.. 1) ship at bombay anchorage.. barge alongside with explosives to load on ship in a container....... explain complete procedure?? 2) explain contents of document of complaince?? mandatory as per which reg?? 3) explain complete procedure of COW on oil tankers?? 2nd Attempt 01/04/08 Int: Capt. Awasthi, Ext: Don't know. Fn-I: Precautions to be taken while entering high lat Explain the above with ref to oil tankers. What are the constituents of anti-freeze added in P/V Breaker ROR: 1) R/V; Tgt vsl right astern; radar ops; ROC exists; action? 2) R/V; one tgt on port bow & other on stbd Qtr; ROC exists; action? 3) ROR cards Own vsl in TSS, Engine breakdown; action? TRS(everything tat is there to be asked abt it) Beaching Grounding Fn-II: Difference b/w new & old ISGOTT COW operation(precaution) IMDG Suppl. contents Load Density, Stowage Factor Heavy lift cargo(precautions while loading) Loading of MOP Difference b/w BC code & BLU Code Types of B/L Contents of DGL Mates Reciept Who prepares DGL? What info does it give? Passed Fn-I 1st Attempt 01/03/08 Int: Capt. Mhaisale ext: Capt. Oak Fn.-I : Navigation in high latitudes.

Ice navigation Gyro wandering-action Procedure for star sight Cards & Action: 1) towing vsl (crossing fm P/S & S/S) 2) pilot vsl (crossing, hd.on) 3) NUC vsl (hd.on, anchor fm asern) Which bridge equipt. has emgcy power source What is VDR & s-VDR Dates of VDR coming into force Fn.-II BC Code CSC Code P& A Manual on Chemical Tanker Tank Washing & Cleaning on Chemical Tankers Loading of Pet Coal( Full procedure from receiving orders to dep fm port) Trimming procedure for bulk cargo Discharging procedure for crude oil & COW.( Mention SMS checklists..I forgot to mention tat) Criteria for COW Wat is IG interlock Wat are the various IG alarms Wat is Pyrophoric Oxidation Fn.-III Dry-Docking Preparation Critical instant; critical period why r both of the above imp wat plans are required before dry-docking checks before flooding the docks how will u test the welds on ship-side While coming out of the dock, sdg of 2S WBT is continiously decreasing- Action( no wrk carried out in tank, tank was checked thoroughly inspected b4 un-docking) Anchoring procedure Slipping of Anchor Wat r statutory certificates & their validity Entries in Official Log Book Passed Fn-III 2nd attempt capt panigarhy capt panigarhy (no external) 01jan08 / dg shipping

1.what do u understand by rule 2 & 19 . 2. RV, Radar unoperational, v/l on port qtr action 3. PD v/l head on ,own v/l CBD dist 3 nm action 4.own v/l hdg 180 ,sees a south cardinal buoy right ahead action. 5.steering failure in channel departure port,master has handed over to you action 6.MOB in english channel (transmit distress msg) 7. what happens to magnetic compass in higher latitude. 8.meditterrenean / baltic moor 9.sudden onset of heavy wx at high seas ,no previous warnings(transmit TTT msg ) 10.load density/stowage factor define 11. contents bulk code 12. all the stresses experienced on bulkk carrier 13. SF & BM explain 14. Precautions on RO-RO ships at sea. 15. IBC code contents 16.IGC code contents 17. bonjean curves. 18.contents ISM code & what is ISM code 19. Contigency plan on foundering of v/l 20.certificates carried onboard chemical carrier. 21. critical moment did not get any function (15,16,18 failing questions) S.K.Das / Chandra(LBS), 2nd Apr 08 2nd Attempt Passed 1 & 3 , failed 2. All questions askd by Capt Chandra. Func 1 1)Diff bet tides & tidal streams 2)How do you cal. tides by harmonic constants, which Vols used etc. 3)Why & when are harmonic constants used 4)What are ocean currents, how are they formed 5)Direction of flow of Labrador, Peru & Chile current. 6)What is ship routing 7)What is weather routing. 8)Why is TRS called a revolving storm 9)What is DGPS, how is posn calculated by DGPS & why is it used 10)Name some DGPS stations on the Indian coast. 11)How will you check the error of the magnetic compass onboard 12)Situation: One CBD v/l & another RAM v/l on its port bow, aspect crossing. Whose duty to keep clear, according to which rule. 13)Difference bet. "Give way" & "not to impede" 14)Which rules mention about Give way, & which rules mention about not to impede.

Func 2 1)ORB: What are the changes in the entries according to the new MARPOL & old. 2)How will you load Sulphur on the Indian coast 3)IF during the voyage, concentrates liqufy, what action. 4)If loadictor fails how will you calculate stress/stability of the ship. 5)How will you calculate stress/stability of the ship using Bonjean curves. 6)Draw loadlines/timber load lines. Dist in spacing bet S,W,T,F, etc 7)Why buoyance improves if you load timber 8)If sawn timber is loaded every voyage in containers on deck, can they be assigned timber load lines. 9)Mast Riser catches fire, what action. 10)Contents of chain register 11)WHo is a competent person, who checks the lifting gear 12)Contents of timber code Func 3 1)Define Piracy 2)What are low lights in passenger ships 3)What is critical instant/period 4)What is dredging anchor 5)What is dragging anchor 6)Duties of C/O as per STCW 7)What will you do if a cadet misbehaves 8)On the shell expansion plan , what is "-5C" 9)Changes in the New ISGOTT 3rd attempt capt mahisale/capt baweja also class surveyor is a competent person 15.negotiable B/L 16.functions of B/L 17.note of protest 18.precautions prior ldg explosives 19.biparty /triparty agreement 20.statutarory certificates 21. how will u report dimensions of damage on shipside to company from where will u get those--- ga plan ,shell expansion plan 22. duties as per STCW of mate 23.Master ashore bunkering operation as a mate what will u do 24 screening of lights 25 A/B found sleeping on watch 3 times how will u take action according to MSA the 1st,2nd &3rd time respectively 26.enteries in log book regarding indiscipline 27.who tells u to drydock /why is it required/interval & plans

required after all this he asked what do u expect i said i have answered most of it so expect to pass but he said he is not giving me anything . so external passing you is useless?????? 3rd attempt capt mahisale / capt baweja capt mahisale /capt baweja (external) old mmd ,04feb 08, all 3 functions. initially capt baweja took orals after which he gave me 2 & 3, 1. single red light identify & action open sea 2. radar operational, tgt v/l's ahead and astern of own v/l action. 3.fog signal pilot v/l - v/l aground 4. semaphore..5.why is v/l drydocked ? who tells v/l 2 drydock ? what plans required & interval of drydocking. 6. note of protest---who gives it /why /in front of whom. 7. have u done dry docking ? yes floating docks, what is it? what r keel blocks & bilge blocks. 8.what is STCW code ,duties of ch/off as per that ,interruepting ok tell me of rest hours 9.ldg cargo why preffered in lower hold than tween deck also why load density of lower hold greater than tween deck(stability/ construction) after this asked to wait for capt mahisale ,when capt mahisale arrived baweja asked him to pass me in 2 & 3 but capt mahisale said he will asses me again. he started with 1. defn load density/stowage factor/angle of repose and all 2. Pms of enclosed life boat 3. how will u load sulphur from barge(DOC,MFAG,EMS,SF,BC CODE,LOAD AS PER GRAIN CRITERIA DG SHIPPING REQT) after answering these with confidence he asked me to wait & recalled me to tell he will take my orals next day morning 05feb08 1.latest amend to SOPEP 2.latest amend to ORB 3.why are bulk,grain,lashing & all other codes made 4.grain stability criteria 5.grain ldg why vol heeling moments reqd how do u use them (for vertical shift of grain) 6. loadicator fails how will u go about ldg.

7. what is CSC & ACEP(approved continuous examination programme) 8. ldg crude oil how will u go abt doing COW 9. pet coke loading 10.what 2 check & how will u load explosives 11.explosives are stuffed onboard containers bought by barges at mumbai anchorages what documentation reqd and precautions 2b taken 12. SF BM BONJEAN CURVES 13.precautions on transit with coal cargo laoded 14.entries made in chain register by whom -competent authority-eg dock inspector Mates Oral Internal S.C. Panigrhay Ist Attempt Passed in Function II & III Func-I 1. Performance Standards of Echo Sounder? 2. Quote rule no. 2? 3. Quote rule no. 10? 4. Aground v/l Fog signal? 5. Restricted Visibility own v/l hears the fog signal of a target v/l astern overtaking action? 6. A-Z flags and their meaining? Failed Func-I Func-II 1. What is Load Density? 2. What is Angle of Repose? 3. What is SWSF and SWBM? 4. What is Bonjean curve and what do you get? 5. Coal loaded in the hold fire what action? 6. How will you go about loading grain? 7. Sulphur mixes with water what happens? 8. You are sailing on a general cargo vessel and approaching port after a long voyage what precautions as a mate will you do? 9. What is IGC Code? and what is the purpose? 10. What is IBC Code and its purpose? 11. How will you go about loading LNG? 12. What is the different methods of COW? 13. What is Note of Protest and Extended Note of Protest? 14. DOA Contents? Func-III 1. Tell me all the Certificates under which convention, issuing authority, validity?

2. What IOPP certificate mentions and its contents? 3. What IOPP for the carriage of Noxious Liquid substance mentions and its contents? 4. What is ISM ? How many Chapters are there? 5. What is STCW'95 How many chapters? 6. What is Baltic moor and Mediterreanean moor and difference? 7. What is difference between Ground Tackle and Tug pulling a vessel? 8. What precautions while dry docking? 9. What is Critical period? Critical moment? 10. Critical moment in Floating Dock? 11. Contingency Plan for Foundering? 12. Precautions prior Bunkering Mates Oral External Dubhey Internal S.C. Panigrhay Ist Attempt Passed in Function II & III DUBHEYS QUESTION Func-I 1. How do you navigate in Polar Region? What Compass will you steer with 2. What are the principles of Gyro? Errors of Gyro? 3. Ristricted Visibility situations? 4. Where does TRS originate? 5. Conditions for formation of TRS? 6. From where TRS gets so much of energy? 7. Grounding and Beaching? Func-II 1. What is Load Density? 2. What is Angle of Repose? 3. How will you check a Loadicator? 4. What is SF and BM? 5. What is Bonjean curves? 6. When Loading Coal what precautions? 7. When sailing loaded with containers what will you check? 8. How will you load crude oil and what precautions will you take? 9. What is BC Code? 10. What is B/L and types of B/L? Func-III 1. Who does the survey after one year and who does it after 5 years? 2. What is Chain Register? 3. Mates Duties as per ISM/STCW'95? 4. Slipping of Cable and Hanging of Anchor? 5. Drydocking what precautions? 6. How will you calculate the stability to ensure adequate stability at

the time of Drydocking? 7. Formula for calculating virtual loss of GM? 8. Heavy weather Precautions? 9. Oil spill action? mates orals-capt khatri and capt yadav passed fn 1&2. failed fn 3. 1st attempt. 1) south cardinal buoy-all specifications 2)what is isgott.tell me everything bout isgott. 3)how will u load concentrates 4)how will u go about loading 85000 t of cargo on an oil tanker.tell me everything right from initial calculations to loading plans. 5)what is free water in crude oil 6)what is the magnetic compass affected by the most? 7)how will u berth a ship with tide and a tug..all the details including engine movements and berthing 8)what are the min requirements to join shipping? min marks reqd in english?(could not answer the min marks in english one...any answers??) 9)how will u train a cadet onboard for the first time? 10)on load release system? 11)load density?sf? 12)open moor and running moor? mates orals- Capt Avasthi & Capt Baveja 1st mates orals date held on: 5th mar all 3 functions result : PASSED FN-1 : 1. what is preffered for high latitude navigation- gyro or magnetic compass and why 2. what is optic fibre gyro 3. what is principle of working of a gyrocompass.errors of gyro compass and their corrections. 4. polar code 5. what are synopyic charts 6. as a mate what precautions will u take for high latitude navigation 7. as a mate what all information will u check for(obtain) in second mates passage plan 8. prepare a contingency plan for grounding 9. ROR cards 10. qoute and explain rule 19 11. what do u mean by immediate manoeuvre 12. SITUATION- restricted visibility- vsl right astern, no radar- what

action FN-2 : 1. changes in new isgott 2. diff betwn mates receipt & B/L 3. contents of IMDG and also of supplement 4. define stowage factor,load density,angle of repose 5. how will u measure angle of repose as per BC Code 6. define note of protest 7. in front of whom will u note a protest- ans: notary or indian councellor 8. if notary or counciller not there for that port then in front of whom will u note protest 9. what all evidencies (documents) are required while noting protest 10. precautions while loading heavy lift 11. if load density of deck increases then will u load? if yes how 12. define hazardous, dangerous & harmful substances, give examples of each 13. hazards & precautions for loading concentrates 14. what will u do if concentrate cargo shifts FN-3 : 1. how will u load if loadicator fails 2. how will u dry dock a ship & what trim will u prefer,why 3. define critical period, critical instant,declivity 4. what plans required for ry docking-with & without cargo 5. diff types of B/L 6. diff betwn statutory & mandatory cert. name some 7. prepare cont. plan for collision 8. biparty & triparty agreement 9. articles of agreement 10. disch criterea for annex 1 mach spaces 11. define cat Z substances 12. diff betwn flag state & port state inspections. which is more strict & why MATES ORALS CAPT PANIGHARE CAPT CHANDRA 05/03/08 ONLY FUNCTION 2 RESULT- FAILED 1. Prepare v/l for drydocking as a mate.. 2. What is Critical moment?? (ditto) 3. What is Ground tackle?? (I informed, i passed function 1 & 3 and only 2 remaining) 4. Define SF and BM? 5. Explain Bonjean curves?? 6. List all the contents of IBC code?

7. What is Intact stability criteria for RO-RO? 8. What is Windage Area for container ships.. How to find it?? (come after lunch) 9. Define angle of repose? 10. What is relation betwn stowage factor, permeabillity and broken stowage?? 11. A log floating in water R.D 0.80, (forgot the whole question) 12. ISGOTT- fullform.. latest ammendments?? Why NRV on shoreline required??? 13. Grain Code? What details r given? 14. Loading of bulk grain on ship without D.O.A?? 15. Stability Criteria for Grain?? 16. Explain Packing and Marking as per IMDG?? 17. Loadicator not working.. actions?? Draw Bonjean curves.. 18. Precaution to be taken prior, during and after loading of Banana??? 19. Draw Timber loadline... 20. What is requirement for LWNA and LW in timber load line?? 21. Freeboard requirement for timber carriers as per Load Line convention? 22. Intact stability criteria and general stability criteria for timber ships?? 23. Heavylift loading.. Crane stops working... actions as a MATE?? 24. Defination of OIL TANKER as per MARPOL?? 25. What is Autolock/Interlock on LPG??? 26. How much positive pressure is to be maintained inside compressor room on Lpg?? 27. Reliquifaction plant Valve gets stuck.. what r the reasons?? what action to take?? 28. Contents of Cert of Fitness and its validity?? 29. Explain Boatnote and Mates reciept?? What is difference between them?? 30. Can u put remarks of cargo condition on mates reciept?? 31. Is it a normal practise to give dirty B/L?? under what condition can u give clean B/L 32. What is Extended note of protest.. why master has to issue it?? 33. What is difference between Note of protest and Extended note of protest? 1st mates orals. Date : 18th Feb 2008 Day : Monday No External Internal : Capt Deepak Kapoor……. Function : 2 How will u load concentrates and coal, & what are hazards associated with it.

How will u load crude oil How will u load IMDG cargo What is DOC for IMDG cargoes Hazardous associated with timber cargoes What all factors will u take care in any kind of cargo operations Function : 3 What is class and psc and what is its difference Among flag state and psc whose inspection is tough What all surveys comes under Class U are mate and Master dies onboard what action will u take U are loading in port and oil spill takes place master is ashore what action will u take. What is PMS and on what all factors it depends How will u implement discipline onboard as chief officer How 2nd mate duties different from 3rd mate What is duties of chief officer relate to dry dock, i.e b4, during and on leaving dry dock What are base for issuing IOPP certificate What is SOPEP and what all information get it from it What all entries will u make in official log book What are the duties as per ISM and STCW Passed in both the function (2 & 3) One thing would like to tell about capt kapoor that he will concentrate more in function 3 i.e surveys and MSA 1st mate orals Date : 16th Jan 2008 Day : Wednesday External : capt Kutino Internal : Capt Mahisale Function 1 : what is VDR and SVDR, its reqmts and time by which its should be installed onboard ships. what is whirling pyshrometer and how do u use it. ur heading 000 and u see north cardinal buoy right ahead, what action will u take and when will u take it. RV radar not working u hear fog signal right ahead what action will u take. (dont forget to say about rigging fenders as safety precaution) U r mate coming on watch at 0400 hrs, how will u make out RV What all precaution will u take prior transiting mallaca strait Pirates attack what action will u take. Even after taking ur action if in case pirate board ur v/l and reaches to bridge wings what action will u take.

What are the errors of echo sounder, and what are its corrections. When will u take x meridian sight. What are its limits and how will u get it (He wants table 4 and even table A with its contents) Function : 2 Define load density, stowage factor with units How will u load pet coke, sulphur How will u load IMDG cargo How will u go about preparing cargo discharge plan incorporating COW on a crude oil tanker What are COW reqmts Why antenna onboard ship are grounded……… U have not COW the heavy weather ballast tank at discharge port and b’cos of bad weather u had to take ballast in that tank…….. now explain how will u discharge the oily water………. 10000 cum of oily water is left, behind what action will u take (tell him that I will flush ODMCS, heat the oily water and give sufficient time for settling, don’t directly tell him about shore reception ) Function : 3 What is AOA and its contents What are statutory certificates, name some of them How will u renew tank top plating Of 6 x 6 mtrs in ur cargo tank on oil tanker U r mate on anchor station, how will u make out that vessel is brought up. There no land and ships around, And Same situation in wind force 5 now how will u make out the same What is SWL and proof load Can load mor MATES ON ORAL ON 19 FEB 1) ON LOAD RELEASE SYSTEM OF LIFEBOAT? 2) AT WHAT HEIGHT CAN U RELEASE ON LOAD RELEASE SYSTEM? 3) WHAT ALL IS INCLUDED IN CAGO PLAN ? 4) IF U HAVE NEW CADET JOINING SHIP ,HE WILL BE THERE FOR NEXT 6 MONTH,HOW WILL U GO ABOUT HIS TRAINING? oral on 19 feb internal was capt saggi but he was not present in the office , external was capt yadav he alone took my orlas. function 1 1) how will u identify pole star without ny table n star identification table? 2) what is the day n night signal of vessel cbd ? 3) what are the dimension of cylinder? 4) what action if u see vessel at 4 points on stbd bow n u can see both mast light and side lights?

5) what is the soung and light signal of south cardinal buoy? 6) if u see a target on radar 12 m off commoind down in tss in ur lane,what action? 7) if u going on 180 course u see south cardinal buoy right ahead what action? 8) how will u navigate in tss? function 2 !) defn of load density? 2) unit of load density? 3) what information u requir to load concentrates? 4) full form of isgot and its content ? 5) from where do u get load density on ship? 6) masters call u and told we have o load 80,000 t of crude what prepartion u willl do as mate? 7) u r loading heavy lifts with ships gear what precaution will u take as chief officer? function 3 1) what is catenery towing? 2) if u are at last disch port n company give u around double the time od ur disch capacity to disch cargo and after this ship has to proceed to dry dock after this what preapartion as mate will u do? 3) why vessel is slightly trim when entering dry dock? 4) what entries are made by chief officer in offical log book/ 5) what are the duties of chief officer as pr ism and stcw? 6) what all entries are there in offical log book? 7) he gave me model n told this is 5 m from jeety at 12 knots n u will get tug at 0.5 m from bert ,current is from behind ,u can brth ny side u want ,and told me to tell him each movement and rudder helm and which lines u will pass first? 8)what is the running moor? 9) full form of stcw .he wanted exact terminology .,even he asked me the spelling of it. 10) and content of stcw? HE PASSED ME IN FUNC 1 AND 3 AND FAILED IN FUNCTON 2. AMIT SINGH mates orals for the month of feb 2008 2nd attempt Function 2 1)wat is load density,why Ld is lower hold is more than tw dk. 2)angle of repose definition 3)plans used for cargo loading 4)contents of b.c.code,lashing code, imdg code (supplement

contents ) 5)new amendments for isgott then he asked changes in ship shore check list 6)wat is bongean curve and hw will u calculate sf and bm 7)types of containers, 8)precautions while carrying sawn timber 9)wat is diff. bet roro and pcc vessel and wat precaution u will u take in car carrier 10)general precautions while carrying livestocks 11)define heavy lifts and precaution while loading 12)diff. betn lpg and lng carriers 13)hazards and precaution of coal and sulphur 14)dangerous,hazardous,harmful substances 15)mahishale asked wat is csc and hw will u load containers as per this,i did not understood. 16)wat is bill of lading and types of bill of loading 17)note of protest and in whose presence u make 18)oil spill contingency plan 19)sulphur barge a/s master tells u to load sulphur hw will u go about function 3 01)various ships plan 02)wat is statutory certificates and mandatory certificates 03)entries in official log book 04)contents of chain register 05)biparty and tri party agreement 06)ism/stcw c/o duties 07)wat is psc and flag state which is more stringent 08)pms for anchor cable 09)grounding contingency plan 10)wat u mean by slipping of cable and when u will carry out 11)heavy weather duties 13)preparation for drydocking including all terms like critical moment,critical period,declivity Mates Orals with Avasthi and capt Oak- 1st attempt On- 5th feb 2008, 1st attempt Internal- Avasthi, External- Capt Oak passed function 1 and 3... failed function 2 Function- 1 1) Ur vsl leaves out of port 4.15 am.master goes to sleep. 2nd eng calls saying prob in m/eng.. ur action as mate on watch?? ( normal n.u.c procedures) 2) Now in same condition u have a westerly wind causing 5 deg leeway and easterly current causing 5 deg set... ur true course is 000... how will u counteract??? 3) Now in same condition u see a vsl N.U.C right ahead...vtis not assisting..AIS not working.. risk of collision exists... ur action??

4) U r on a tug 90m length.. towing more than 200m.what lights u will display??? 5) U r on aground vsl 125m length... whats lights, shapes and sound signals?? 6) U r on a CBD vsl... what lights, shapes and sound signals u will display?? 7) What r errors of Aneroid barometer?? 8) What r the corrections for atm pressure that u will apply?? 9) How will u determine whether u r in dangerous or navigable semicircle?? 10) Heavy weather precautions??? 11) What info do u find in Bridge procedures guide?? 12) Errors of Gyro??? What happens as ur latitude increases? 13) south cardinal buoy rght ahd on course 180. action?? Function 2 1) Various plans u will refer for cargo loading?? 2) Have u seen Lashing code??? ( i said NO ) 3) How will u prepare for loading reefer ship??? 4) U load a reefer container.How will u determine if the refregeration was on, while the container was on jetty?? ( i said ill check present temp.he said they just started cooling for 1 hour to fool u and get the container loaded. i said i will check the past records of container temp provided by shore... he said they produce a false document showing cooling.. How will u determine?? i said ill check condition of cargo inside... he said, the container is sealed... finally i said i dont know ) 5) Cargo to b loaded 3000 tonnes in no.1 and no.5 holds... present trim 60cm by stern. desired final trim 20 cm... show me how will go about the calculations??? Continue Mates Orals with Avasthi &.... continued part3 12) He drew a ship alonside a berth.. astern of it and in perpendicular direction, he drew another ship passing and leaving her berth... he asked... what all forces will act on ur ship when this ship is passing astern of u in perpendicular direction???? 13) What all plans will u refer for dry-docking??? 14) What is difference between critical moment and critical period??? 15) What is PMS for Steering gear????

16) When will u slip the anchor cable??? When to slip from joining shackle and when to slip from bitter end???? 17) U heave up ur anchor and find that another anchor with a short length of cable is fouled on ur anchor... How will u clear the foul??? 18) Anchoring in heavy weather??? Waited outside for 15 min... Avasthi called in and asked... Whats ur problem in CARGO FUNCTION??? He was trying to give me function 2 also...... Asked me following... 1) Explain in detail LASHING CODE?? 2) Relation between lashing code and solas??? 3) Why lashing coed is so significant??? ( i didnt understand ) 4) do u know other codes like b.c, blu, timber etc.. ( i only said- yes i know ) Finally passed me in function 1 and 3 asked me to prepare again for function 2 next time..... Harshad Mates Orals with Avasthi &.... continued 6) U r in D.W 1.010... trim by stern 90 cms... u come out in S.W 1.025... how does this effect ur trim???? ( gave me a rough paper and pen for last 2 questions ) 7) How do u load LPG???? 8) What is P and A maual?? 9)What r procedures for COW??? when is it necessary?? ( i didnt give satisfactory answer) 10) What is BLEVE??? 11) How do u load coal?? 12) Heavy lift precautions??? 13) Now during heavy lift ur load is hanging in air.. when suddenly crane stops workin... ur actions as a mate??? (i cudnt answer how

to get the load down) 14) What is Note of Protest??? Procedures to issue the same? 15) What is Bill of lading and mates reciept??? 16) What is DG manifest??? Function 3 1) What r dangerous, harmful and hazardous substance?? 2) What is difference between vdr and s-vdr?? when did it come into force?? what is GRT requirement to carry vdr, s-vdr?? 3) Marpol annex 1 requirements.( i forgot which ones he asked ) 4) What is to be inspected under Dock Labours Reg??? 5) Enteries in OLB regarding Cargo carried??? 6) Ur cadet slapped ur A/B... How will u handle the situation as a mate?? (in the process i said ill warn the cadet, make entry in OLB etc... he said.. that means u will blindly trust ur A/B???? then i altered my answer) 7) What is biparty and triparty??? 8) Which company u r in??? which agreement do u sign?? 9) If u dont get ur wages for 1 month... ur allotment hasnt reached... company not willing to pay... Whom will u complain??? ( No answer ) 10) ( from the window of avasthi's office.. he should me a ship a/side )... and asked.. no current, no tugs... how will u unberth this ship?? 11) Now again he showed another ship inserted current... ok unberth this ship without tugs.. ( i think i must be right.. since i passed.. :-) ) Continued...... orals with capt jb singh func-1

principles of ice navigation principles of watch keeping restricted vis defination distress signals in which chapter in colreg and note down all lee tide , spring tide --define nav equipments on ur last ship tss rule quote or explain

ror u ar vsl cbd vsl u see vessel not under comand nearly right ahead vessel showing 2 red lights only . action restricted visibility on ur radar screen u see to trget one port 4 points and one stbd 4 points can u pass in between them as per rules of restricted visibility. u course 000 u see a red light right ahead and it suddenly disaaper what is the hdg of the other vessel in degrees. func-2 what is the use of al codes like imdg .blu , bc etc and why they ar called codes not regulations def - heavy lift, stack weight, mates recipt , dangerous cargo recipt , imdg how many classifications livestock carried why is so imp types of container , contagency plan, power break down and cargo work going on action. bigles leaking give reason why whr is prob func-3 statutory and mandatory cert, entries in offical log book , write down a entry for death on the ship,biparty triparty and under which convention it come , ism duties for chief officer , how does chief officer assist master on ship ,

how will u deal as a chief officer with multinational crew. continengency plans , u on vlcc u have to give anchor cable for sbm operation how will u go about , what is the link frm anchor to i shacke known , how will u turn a vlcc in heavy seas , imp dry dock duties as per chief officer , and why surveroyor comes in dock as ship is docked when there even thr is no survey capt. baweja 07/05/07 Function-1 1) diff. betn vdr and svdr and regulation for svdr? specific points. 2) ocean currents in north atlantic ? 3) best time to take star sight and betn which twilight? 4) latitude by meridian altitude sight calculation? 5) performance monitor of echo sounder? 6) few cards 7) 5-6 situations Function-2 1) types of chemical carried on chemical tankers? 2) types of gases carried on gas carrier? 3) diff. betn lpg carrier and lng carrier? 4) precuations while loading conc. ? 5) action on shifting of conc. cargo? 6) difference type of containers? ( livestock container is imp.) 7) precuation u will observer on livestock carrier? 8) pure car carrier and ro-ro vessels...what all things are loaded on both vessels and diff.? 9) crude oil washing procedure? 10) tanke cargo calculation? 11) principle of ullage temperature and interface? 12) tank scope , oxygen analyser and explosive meter working and principle? 13)changes taken place in new isgott? function 3 1)duties of chief officer as per ism? 2) biparty and triparty agreement? 3) port state and flag state inspection? 4) which one is more tougher...i gave no answer!!! 5) then he asked whom u r afraid of port state inspection or flag state inspection... i said flag state inspection...then little conversation took place on that...he was stressing tht it should be other way round.. 6) statuatory and mandatory certificates? 7)documents as per ism.

8)certificates as per ism. 9)contingency plan for grounding? 10) entries in oil record book? 11)who will issue bill of lading? 12)different types of bill of lading? 13)function of bill of lading with full explanation in erspect tp when charters r shipper also and when shipper and charters r diff. finally he told me to wait outside...and after 5 mins capt uppal called me and that i am passed in all 3 functions...that was very great moment ..thanks to all my friends who helped me during my preparations... all the very best to all ... capt. Sinha 05/12/07 1 :What is TRS? how is it formed? 2 :What is ODAS buoy? Describe? 3 :(Situation) own vsl CBD, RAM vsl on stbd bow? action? quote the rule (18)? 4 :Quote rule 19 (word to word not required) 5 :few cards random..... stops if u know the situation and action.. 6 :entering TSS collision with Fishing vessel, action?( stresses on reporting) 7 :Load density? loading of steel coils? each of 20T ships gear? (loading of heavy lift) securing of coils, how will u plan it? 8 : Vsl out of drydock at anchor, how will u prep. 4 compass adjustment next day? prepare?(location of spare magnets, greasing of nuts of spheres, previous correction report)? 9 : Critical period in a floating drydock? (danton). how graving and floating drydock operate? upthrust and how loss of GM occures? 10:Prep. when sailing out of drydock? 11:Vessel arriving port for loading Checkd to be carried out? 12: prep. for crude oil washing? in detail? 13: contents of lashing code? Required by which resolution? (check SOLAS chap VI..his fav.) who endorses it? 14:Contents of chain register? Who inspects? as per what regulation? 15: How will you prep. for bunkering? 16:Grain code? contents ? Vol heeling moments? how will u refer? 17:What is statutory certificate? Name all certificates with validity period? 18: Contents of official log book? repeats the same questions? wants quick answers and to the point? all the best... Capt baweja ...03/12/07 contd..

FUNCTION 3 1 entries in OLB regarding drills 2 frequency of all drills 3 define note of protest ..how n why carried out 4 diff betn psc n flag state inspections 5 name all psc mou s 6 triparty agreement ..name one..( CBA) 7 checks mate makes before flooding drydock.. 8 all procedures for arriving , entering dry dock , trim ,declivity, types of docks, loss of gm bilge blocks , keel blocks 9 plans required for drydocking to keep ready.. 10 pms for anchor cable 11 diff types of bills of lading.. 12 duties as mate as per stcw/ism fail 1 pass 2 repeat 05/12/07 3 which buoy to be used as a leading mark in a tss which buoy shall be used as a leading mark in a tss...and which side will you keep this buoy??? ...ruchir wat answers for the thumbrule for sf bm???? and air pipe above deck corrosion??? my question...capt df vaz.. limitation of indian coast guard wrt indian adminstration?? requirements for indian coastal vessels wrt isps code??? inauguration...wah wah.. Mates Orals Mumbai Internal : Capt Khatri External : None Functions : 1, 2 & 3. Ships Done : Bulk Carrier & Container 1. How are the maneuvering characteristics of a fully laden container ship affected? 2. What documents will you check prior loading containers? 3. How will you plan the loading of containers? 4. What thumb rule will you use to ensure that SF and BM are whithin acceptable limits if loadicator fails ? 5. What is ESP? Which ships does it apply to?



Dec 5 (3 days ago) Harshad.... plz tell the answers of the foll:1)HOW U WILL U FIND GYRO ERROR AT SEA IN CLOUDY ATMOSPHERE? 2) 4) WHAT IS MARGINE LINE(NOT PLATE)?

6:52 am (4 hours ago) KUNAL ans back 1) for gyro error i ansredthat i will make a entry in the logbook error unobtainable due to cloudy atmosphere. he didnt said anything.but if shore object like light house is available then by horizontal or verticle sextant angle u can take error. or by leading lights are available u can take. 2) i didn't get his quetion , margin line. i was knowing only margin plate.i asked him twice to confirm that the word is margin line!

7:43 am (3 hours ago) MANOJ Margin Line is .... Imaginary Line 760mm below deckline... it is given so as to calculate, that if a certain compartment breached, the ship will not sink below the above mentioned line... i.e. Margin Line I Guess, I am right...

7:47 am (3 hours ago) MANOJ And for Gyro Error Question, Vertical/ Horizontal Sextant Angle is not the method... as it will give you only an angle between 2 certain points, and not the Gyro bearing of the object, and hence it will not give you the Gyro Error,

I think, the correct method might be the back angle method, as the surveyor didn't said overcast... or it might be by double angle method, taking the body's bearing to its image to its reflection in a plate filled with mercury... Sorry, I don't know the exact answer...!!! oral by capt Vaz Guess i was te only guy to go to him on tat fateful day.As Capt Vaz is widely known in our circles as a tough surveyor,he indeed made me sweat.i would like te answers to te 5 questions he asked me for wich i cud not even twitch my eyes. 1. What is te legality of VTS? Obligation of master and officers towards them according to SOLAS? (specific and generals comments invited) 2. AIS implementation on coastal vessels - dates and waiver? ( dint find anything specific on coastal ships in SOLAS-V/REG 19) 3. As per ISPS code,wat is te vessels master required to know in specific about te personnel onboard? (tis was a complete bouncer.pls refer ISPS bfore answerin.i dont hav one) 4.Under wat conditions can u load explosives without DOC for explosives? (I made te blunder of sayin DOC is for ISM ) 5. this am not veri sure of but it goes like tis-wat is te new unified safety code and wen is comin to force? (it is not safety but sumthin related to it.sorry i 4got) Navigator MARPOL is back!!! With ref to MARPOL 73/78 1) What is Ratification? 2) What is Denunciation? (Ref: Article-18 MARPOL)

Dec 1 (7 days ago) kevin supp bro....gud qts.... neways the answers to ur qts are in solas " articles of the international convention for the safety of life at sea "...its ther in the the initial pages..probably ARTICLES IX AND XI..... AS FOR ratification....is basically acceptance by the organisation...there are 2 modes of ratification...1) tacit and 2) explicit....but m not sure under which ratification is MARPOL...i think its TACIT ratification.... ISGOTT 5TH EDITION yes , sid is right . ISGOTT is the just the guidlines for tankers and trminals for safe operations n management. i have found the latest 5th edition summery ,

The new edition is divided into four sections: “General Information”, “Tanker Information”, “Terminal Information” and “Management of the Tanker and Terminal Interface”. It includes the latest thinking on a number of issues including: • Generation of static electricity and stray currents • Tank cleaning • Use of mobile telephones and pagers • Use of new materials for mooring lines and emergency towing-off pennants • Toxicity and toxic effects of benzene and hydrogen sulphide • The principles underlying the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. Also, the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist has been revised to reflect better the individual and joint responsibilities of the tanker and the terminal few answers to capt vaz quests 1: radar range rings r on wat temp n pressure A- inner components r tested for -15 degrees to +55 degree celcius temp and outer( open to atmosphere ) r tested for -25 to +55 degree celcius , so range rings also r on these temprature. regarding pressure scanner should be able to withstand pressure of 100 knots winds 2: wat is 10.10.84 A- guys he asks wat is ten ten eighty four and not 10.10.84 it is actualy 101084 and it is the position of a container i.e. 10th bay , 5th row on port side and 2nd tier on deck

i hope ur distress quests r answered. all the best guys 1mate orals questions by Capt. Jha Capt. Das Function – I 1 How will you take over watch at night? 2 What is safe speed? 3 What is radar limitation? 4 How will you check radar is working properly? 5 What is performance test ? How will you carry it out? 6 What are day & night signals for CBD?

7 Distress signals? 8 Your obligations and actions on receiving distress signal? 9 If you are loaded tanker what actions? 10 What will you do when you spot a vessel at sea? (He does not specify where the v/l is just wants to know action that you will take. Check bearings and ascertain risk of collision exists) 11 What will you do if you are a stand on vessel & give way vessel does not take action? (again does not specify where the vessel is) 12 What are fronts? 13 How will you know you are approaching a cold front? 14 What all weather fax you will receive? 15 What all information is given in the weather fax? 16 What clouds are associated with Cold front? 17 Signs of approaching TRS? Your action? 18 How will you determine the dangerous semi circle? What action next? 19 You keep on altering to starboard in NH & finally come across an island, (constrained waters) now what? 20 You are a duty officer on watch, you see an AB fall into the water from forecastle your action? 21 What is shallow water Effect? 22 How will you know you are in shallow waters? 23 What is the best action to counter shallow water effect? Function II 1 How will you go about loading a product tanker? (my last ship) 2 How will you load heavy lift? 3 Contents of IMDG Code? 4 Different Classes of IMDG cargo? 5 Marine Pollutant label. (draw it) 6 What is critical marine pollutant? How is it shown? 7 How will you make a DG Manifest onboard? 8 Loading of containers? What containers where how & why? 9 How will you go about loading coal? 10 What is bill of lading? 1mate orals question by Capt. Jha Capt. Das contd....... 10 What is bill of lading? 11 To whom and how will you give the cargo? 12 What is LOI? Function III 1 What will you do if the cargo is short in loading port / discharge port? 2 What is note of protest? 3 What all inspections are there for a 15 year old tanker? 4 What is CAS? 5 What all surveys are there under classification society?

6 You come on watch and the AB on duty informs you that his reliever refuses to come on watch. What will you do? 7 How much can he be fined as per MSA Act? 8 If you have an incinerator onboard, what is the sludge tank capacity you are supposed to have? 9 What do you understand by Sox, Nox? 10 How will you keep them under control? 11 Discharge criteria for oil from cargo space. 12 What is ODMCS? How does it work? 13 Your duties when Pilot is on board? 14 Will you object if you think the pilot is wrong? 15 Vessel grounded. Your action as mate? What will Master do? What will you advice master? 16 Heavy weather precautions. 17 Anchor not holding Master decides to slip it. What will you do? How will you go about doing it? All questions asked by Capt Jha. He is a really nice person and gives time to think and answer. I cleared all three functions. Thanks to my faculty at LBS College & Friends for all their help and support. Also am very grateful to all those past mates who have put in an effort to write these sets. Best of luck. Keep writing the sets. Orals Questions--Capt.Vaz Friends Wel i went to vaz for ma 1st attempt.Hw can it be.... Well in Function-1 asked me only 2 questions... 1)what is radar permissibility? 2)The radar ranges what u get r at which temperature and pressure?? Function-2 1)Intact stability criteria of ur last ship? 2)Preparation of dry dock on tankers? 3)what is 10/10/84? 4)Crude oil washing? well he was pretty happy with the answers and was giving me function-2 but then he asked me 5)without DOC can u load Dangerous cargo if yes why if no why?? Regulations?? Function-3 1)Lifebuoy-description. 2)rocket parachutes,handflares-description. 3)Annex-4 which certificate and what surveys?? 4)Rescue boats?? Only gave me function-3...... but Vaz is not that bad as i used to think...Understand his questions

and then answer.. All d best to all guys whomsoever goes to old mmd 1 :What is TRS? how is it formed? 2 :What is ODAS buoy? Describe? 3 :(Situation) own vsl CBD, RAM vsl on stbd bow? action? quote the rule (18)? 4 :Quote rule 19 (word to word not required) 5 :few cards random..... stops if u know the situation and action.. 6 :entering TSS collision with Fishing vessel, action?( stresses on reporting) 7 :Load density? loading of steel coils? each of 20T ships gear? (loading of heavy lift) securing of coils, how will u plan it? 8 : Vsl out of drydock at anchor, how will u prep. 4 compass adjustment next day? prepare?(location of spare magnets, greasing of nuts of spheres, previous correction report)? 9 : Critical period in a floating drydock? (danton). how graving and floating drydock operate? upthrust and how loss of GM occures? 10:Prep. when sailing out of drydock? 11:Vessel arriving port for loading Checkd to be carried out? 12: prep. for crude oil washing? in detail? 13: contents of lashing code? Required by which resolution? (check SOLAS chap VI..his fav.) who endorses it? 14:Contents of chain register? Who inspects? as per what regulation? 15: How will you prep. for bunkering? 16:Grain code? contents ? Vol heeling moments? how will u refer? 17:What is statutory certificate? Name all certificates with validity period? 18: Contents of official log book? cleared 1 & 3 repeats the same questions? wants quick answers and to the point? capt. baweja 07/05/07 Function-1 1) diff. betn vdr and svdr and regulation for svdr? specific points. 2) ocean currents in north atlantic ? 3) best time to take star sight and betn which twilight? 4) latitude by meridian altitude sight calculation? 5) performance monitor of echo sounder? 6) few cards 7) 5-6 situations Function-2 1) types of chemical carried on chemical tankers? 2) types of gases carried on gas carrier? 3) diff. betn lpg carrier and lng carrier? 4) precuations while loading conc. ?

5) action on shifting of conc. cargo? 6) difference type of containers? ( livestock container is imp.) 7) precuation u will observer on livestock carrier? 8) pure car carrier and ro-ro vessels...what all things are loaded on both vessels and diff.? 9) crude oil washing procedure? 10) tanke cargo calculation? 11) principle of ullage temperature and interface? 12) tank scope , oxygen analyser and explosive meter working and principle? 13)changes taken place in new isgott? function 3 1)duties of chief officer as per ism? 2) biparty and triparty agreement? 3) port state and flag state inspection? 4) which one is more tougher...i gave no answer!!! 5) then he asked whom u r afraid of port state inspection or flag state inspection... i said flag state inspection...then little conversation took place on that...he was stressing tht it should be other way round.. 6) statuatory and mandatory certificates? 7)documents as per ism. 8)certificates as per ism. 9)contingency plan for grounding? 10) entries in oil record book? 11)who will issue bill of lading? 12)different types of bill of lading? 13)function of bill of lading with full explanation in erspect tp when charters r shipper also and when shipper and charters r diff. finally he told me to wait outside...and after 5 mins capt uppal called me and that i am passed in all 3 functions...that was very great moment ..thanks to all my friends who helped me during my preparations... all the very best to all orals continued What are the hazards of concentrates? What precautions will you take while loading coal? How do you carry out surface ventilation with mushroom vents? How will you sample the gas? Where are the sounding points? What are the new regulations for bulk carriers? If you load in the UK for India, how will you carry out ventilation? What is the difference between hazardous, harmful and dangerous substances?

Where will you get info about the same? What are the minimum Marpol requirements for COW? Discharge criteria for marpol annex 1 How will you purge a tank? When will you start gas freeing? What is pyrophoric sulphide? What are the precautions to be taken for the same? What is the inert gas system interlock? What is the fixed fire fighting arrangement on a LPG ship? What are its requirements? How will you prepare a Refer hold for loading? How do you prevent torsional stresses in a container ship from developing? How is heel corrected in a container ship while loading? How will you load a heavy lift? Your power cuts off while your heavy lift is lifted, what action? Function 3: Draw a ship with negative stability. What’s the difference between a mate’s receipt and a bill of lading? What is the difference between M and MS notices? What are the different types? A cadet complains about the helmsman slapping him. What will you do? What are the entries to be made in the official log book? Describe in brief the Annex 6 of Marpol. Name the special areas. Lots of other questions which I cannot recall at the moment guys capt jb singh oral ques hii this is a tricky ques u r a cbd and a nuc right ahead of u wat will b ur action??? can u violate tss? plz give an appropriate ans for the first ques yaar guys 1) which IMDG class is not mandatory to b mentioned in the DOC 2) a british flag vessel : is it mandatory for her to report to the VTS in dover straiit. 3) RV situation: own ship stopped radar conks off when a veesel is miles rigght stern. hear same fog signal of increasing intensity from stern. Action IMDG Class Only class 9 is not mentioned in the DOC for carriage of DG. The DOC (in tabular form and as a sketch) clearly shows which DG can and cannot be carried (so class 6 and 7 too are included) - on deck and in holds separately.

Jan 7 Manish overtaking!! own ship sights target v/l on port bow. radar inoperational. how will you determine tht u are overtaking the other v/l with bearings remaining constant.

Jan 9 Manish orals by Cpt. Deepak Kapoor Func 1: 8th and 9th... well I thank him alot for bearing me for a long time. he gave many chances to amend my answer ; also supplied me with a few books for reference... I owe him alot... here are his questions as far as i can remember as he asked me lotzz of them.. 1- latest amendment in the integarted navi system. ( is still dont know) 2- signifcance of it. 3- wht is marine electronic highway( check out in google..it's the latest gr8 project everlaunched...) 4- ship reporting and ship routeing system... general 5- high lattitude navigation ...problems with it 6- errrs in sextant 7- all type of sight for pos fixing 8- wht do u mean by " immediate manouvre" ...( u don't require to give notice to the E/R) 9- other name of the above...( all manouvres in ur wheel house poster) 10-buoyage systems....region A and B 11- to wht all ships ROR is applicable and whole of Rule no.1 12- wht is rule 38 and annex IV of ROR 13- principles of watchkeeping ( very specific answers) 14-obligation as Mate when Master dies onboard... do mention MSA also and it's points 15- as a Mate in command when Master dies ur duties for passage planning

Jan 9 Manish orals contd..

16- obligation in TSS 17- wht do u mean by near an area of restricted visibilty 18- wht do u mean by Heave To... ( check Danton) 19- same question; as a mate wht action out of 3 will u decide while heaving to 20- IMO circ. regarding quartely seas....( still don't know) 21- latest amendment in solas ch V ...( LRIT) ...how is it beneficial to u as mate. 22- as a person in command on event of death of Master how will u make a safe and economical voyage.... various factors.... 23- ur in TSS; ME fails ... ur actions.. 24- wht are the storm signals shown on the SW coast of India 25- dangers associated with beam seas... again refer Danton... well tht's all i can recall for the time being anyways he finally gave me the green signal.... thanks to him alot.... I wish to thank all fellow mates out here for helping me and wish this comm. to grow more ...let's b alive and kicking!!!! 2) Internal Cpt. Uppal external Cpt. Baweja Day1 ( 10th) no orals so next day Day2 ( 11th) Cpt. Baweja F1 1- Radar diff btwn RM and TMotion 3-The 3 displays namely N up, C up, H up are they mandatory and if in which all motions.. 4- Performance monitor and wht does it check 5- X band and S band radar frequency and which to b used when... are which one is compulsoryPrep for Ice Navigation 26- principle and errors of echo sounder 7- arpa and it's limitations. 8- ROR cards and he wants exaclty wht's wriiten on the bac side all the points.. i screwed up with the fog signals... so he stopped their and tht was the end of the road for F1 F2 1- load density and why do we load more in lower hold thn above on upper tween deck 2- plans used to load a bulk cargo 3- lashng code : i said never seen it ( on tankers) so he

stopped their 4- IMDG code and contents of the supplemnt 5- amendments to ISGOTT 6- use of Vol. Heelimg Moment 7- Diff between Crude tanker and Product Tanker 8- Infromation given by loadicator 9- Hazards of urea 10- can u load more than ur load density ( yes : proper dunnage using) 11- precautions to load refer container 12- diff between ro ro and pcc 13- preacutions for heavy lift 14- types og gas carriers as per imo 15- diff between hazardous, dangerous and harmful 16- use of UN number in IMDG 17- types of B/L and wht is Note of protest 18- def. contingency plan and explain with power failure was satisfied with my answers so F2 approved F3 1- def. environmental protection 2- wht are stat. certificates 3- entries in official log book relating to drills 4- contents of chain register 5- article of agreement in detail 6- mates duty as per stcw 95 7- diff btwn flag state and port state 8- pms for anchor cable : was not happy no matter wht i said still am not able to find the answer 9- contingency plan for collision 10- same for wet shift of cargo 11- slipping of cable 12- heavy wx preparation 13- prep for dry dock .. said him 10 points was till not happy 14- bilge blocks and bilge keel well that was it ... he was not very much sure whether to give or not f3 so asked me to come on 13th again Day3 13th Capt. Uppal ( was short and sweet) 1- wht info u get from dd plan 2- wht is declivity( in DD)

3- wht is critical period and why is it called so 4- wht does vessel suffer loss of GM 5- how will u find which plate is damaged as per which plan ( shell exp plan) 6- how are the numberings done for plates and frames 7- wht is stealer plate that is it.. he was satisfied and gave me F3 as for Capt. Baweja pls do make sure to have the orals form as he asks word by ord from there .... and to get F1 u need to crack the ROR card... he comes normally all days in the 2nd half... in DG so chances of him takin orals is high.... well i still have F1 left so let's c.....wht new year has in store for me ... All the best to all guys who are appearing for the orals..... cheers..... Mates Orals By Capt Awasthi and Capt. Miranda « on: May 16, 2008, 10:06:59 PM »


1. Reasons for failure in last attempt. 2. Synoptic charts and synoptic hours 3. TRS in detail 4. Duties of mates as per ISM code 5. Chain Register 6. Contigency plan for ISPS 7. Documents kept with Chief officer 8. Contents of Damage Stability booklet 9. Dry Docking kolkata capt mandal ext capt jawardhar sr f1 parts of ROR sound signal equipment requirements as per which rule, diff in ht betweenfwd and aft anchor lt, ht reqt for fwd mast head light port bow sailing v/l action(own v/l pd)/also propelled by machinery rule 18,good amount of discussion. on not altering to port.

ligts shown by composite unit tug and tow f3 anchor in given position with current from behind,no room for turning in anchorage.big ship what is mediteerean moor? diff between open moor and mediterrean moor? what is the new weekly inspection for lsa? different kinds of drill to be conducted on board? requirements of the aux steering steering gear as per solas. cargo gear maintainence as per dock labour act. chain register parts , surveys,testings of gear, piracy attack,teams,contigency plnning.actions,immediate,later,alarms fail 1,pass 3 advice; be thorough in ROR regardless of external Amarendra Kumar Mates questions... plz try to answer them 1. Can timber loadline be assigned to ship carrying sawn timber on containers on deck every voyage? 2. Whats the diff between turn buckle and bottle screw? 3. Is a Veterinary Required to sail on livestock carrier?? What are the requirements regarding VET on livestock carrier? 4. Can u load containers on tankers??? if yes how? 5. Latest amendments to ORB? Patanjali mates orals capt.uppal, capt.jha « on: May 16, 2008, 10:17:38 PM » Quote

1st attempt:- capt.saggi,capt.jha reasult:- passed ftn1,2 2nd attempt:- capt.uppal, capt.jha reasult :-passed ftn 3 1)As capt.jha had been the external 4 my 1st attempt as well, he only asked methe questions in which i had not been satisfactory. 1) Anchoring? as a mate, duties..how will u make out if the anchor has been brought up? what are the other uses of anchor bsides anchoring? 2) what is dredging of anchors? what r the advantages? 3) As per MSA, how will u resolve dispute betwn A/B and cdt?..what if u find A/B is drunk on watch? 4) statuatory certificates?..validity of SEQ cert?

5)duties while taking over frm relieving C/O? thats it..he asked me to wait outside..Capt.uppal didnt ask me again..and passed me Patanjali 1MFG orals with capt.Saggi, ext-capt.jha « on: May 16, 2008, 10:31:49 PM » Quote

1st attempt, all 3 ftn's. 1230hrs:- Capt.saggi had gone out. capt.jha took my orals. He made me easy and relaxed which im sure many of u might agree, is a very essential thing . asked about my company, type of ships done etc. he started with ftn -2 cargo. 1) u will be joining as a c/o, how would u take over frm thr relieving c/o? 2) loading IMDG cargo, what all u check? 3) asked IMDg in detail 4) asked DG manifest in detail 5) DG cargo leaking action? 6)how would u go about loading a 1,60,000 dwt bulky with iron sulphide? 1) how would u load a 1,60,000dwt capesize bulky?..draw a loading plan? 2) loading as per draft survey?..explain the working with calculations? 3) calculate damage stability? 4) describe code of intact stability? was quite happy with ftn 2..he said we'll move on 2 ftn 1.. FTn-1:1) ROR 4 situations:-a) u a PDV , head on with a CBD..action? b) U a PDV with a PDV on ur port side Xing..action? c) same with trgt vsl a nuc.. d)overtaking in a narrow channel..sound signals e) RV, u c on radar a vsl on port bow ..action? 2) how do u correct ECIDS/..how do u maintain these corrections? again , he quite happy with my ans and said we'll move on 2 ftn3 FTN-3 1)anchoring..how would u go about it?..i told him about whtr walk back or let go?..he said why let go?..why cant walk back?..wht all

situations would u let go? wasnt quite happy with my ans.. 2) contingency actions for grounding? 3) preparation of ships 4 renewal survey? 4) certificates as per statutory survey?..4 some strange reason i just got blank..i think tht was my failing question..anywayz.. 5) conflict betwn a/b and cdt/..how would u resolve?..wantd me quote MSA.. i just goofed it up on 2 questions otherwise i wuld have passed all 3 ..neverthless capt.jha is damn good external..he makes u feel at ease and comfortable, which is very imp..told me 2 wait as capt.saggi had the final say...came bck after lunch..capt. saggi called me inside..didnt ask anything.and passed in 1& 2..thats it guyz..best of luck p.s.:- 2 all of the mate candidates..aftr ur orals make it a point to post ur experience on this forum as it can b very helpful 4 1st timers like me... cheers!! pat Wasimahmed urgent oral question.....need answers hey friends.....this is really urgent......i am not gettin good answerrs to this question, if someones got it, plz revert back to me Q.how do i proceed for radio medical advice(full on theory...asked by khare)......no one liner...he needs complete procedure

7/10/07 Anonymous u hav information bout this given in the intl medical guide .. send this message to the dr by RT or DSC pan pan medico that inclludes .. name of vessel / call sign last port / nearest port / next port patients name / age / rank diagnosis illness medicens administrd treatment other info if any

i blv that will suffice all the wasim ..

7/10/07 Wasimahmed thanks bro......grt help Anonymous tidal streams DIFF. BETWEEN TIDAL STREAM AND TIDAL ATLAS? tidal streams - a (usually surface) current caused due to water flowing in / out - related to tides in a particular place. Where to get Info on this? tidal stream atlasses are published by BA only for British Isles. For other places, you would have to caculate the tidal stream as given in teh last pages of the tide tables. Good example - Malacca straits. U DO NOT HAVE TIDAL ATLAS ,HOW WILL U CALCULATE TIDAL STREAM? See the above answer. You can also figure it out based on the tides for a port. Eg: If Mumbai LW was 0800, you can assume that at 0900 water would be rushing into Mumbai port, hence the tidal stream will flow towards the port from sea. HOW WILL U REFER IMDG FOR COW OPERATION? Cannot - IMDG code is only for dangerous goods in packaged form (eg: oil in a bottle) while COW is for tanekrs (oil carried in bulk). COW info is given (only I guess) in Marpol.

7/12/07 MELVIN ... IMDG & COW IMDG is only for DG in packaged form(hope so) more details regarding COW is given in ISGOTT and requirements of COW etc are given in MARPOL annex-1,reg 33 ,35 etc.

nitin internal-- capt. Das « on: June 01, 2008, 04:00:12 PM »


nitin my oral attempts. 5. where to find weight of tha anchor? 6. where to find bottom plug details& nos. 7. what does a docking plan gives? 8. where r tha plans kept? 9. plan issuied by whoom? 10. where to get locationn of all hull openings? 11. what r tha different openings on hull & where to find( in which 12. SMC window period? 13. different ISPS documents? 14. crew not working, how to resolve problem as a ch. off.? 15. guidence from what conventions?( MSA, log book, ILO etc.) 16. off. book entries & witness 17. piracy precaution & what is req. as per ISPS? 18. chain register what for & contents? orals by Cpt. Deepak Kapoor Func 1: well I thank him alot for bearing me for a long time. he gave many chances to amend my answer ; also supplied me with a few books for reference... I owe him alot... here are his questions as far as i can remember as he asked me lotzz of them.. 3rd attempt,08.05.08 internal-- capt. Uppal « on: June 01, 2008, 04:08:27 PM »

2nd attempt,09.04.08 « on: June 01, 2008, 04:06:30 PM » orals on 3rd oct external

functn 1 -maintenance of nav lts -gyro n magnetic errors -star sight n sextant errors



-maint of gyro n magnetic compass -echo sounder principle n errors -man characteristics,tactical dia ,turning o head reach crash stop etc -shallow water effects -asd volumes n frm ver wd u get how many volumes n their headings -ror u r pdv n c a ram on ur port side -rv fog signal frm rt ahd actn???? -pd vl n towin vl on magnet board lts functn 2 imdg classess n sub classes -load density grain cap bale cap -precautions 4 heavy lift -how wil u load a cargo dat exceeds load density -ig system requiremnts igg n igs difference func 3 -immersion suits -tpa requiremnts n diffrnce -intact stab damage stab n trim tables --wt is it --1 line ansrs -panting n pounding n stresses -name ne 8 imo conventions -diff btwn convntn n code -workn aloft chklst -pilot ladder spec

internal khare func 1 -day signal n fog signal 4 cbd -spec of cylinder n fog signalling appliance -situatns --ovrtakin in a tss,fishing vl crossing a tss,rv 1 vl on stbd bow n d oder on port quarter rv fog signal hrd rt astern -rule 13 -18 n 19 -ror ammendments

functn 3 m n ms notices -lifebuoys n lifejakts requirement -medical scales n med chest -marpol sewage n garbage dish requiremnts

got func 1 n 3 frm xternal but capt khare grantd only 3 les c wat hapns now ALL U GUYS KINDLY SHARE WAT ULL R BEING ASKD --IT IS REALLY VERY HELPFUL--ESP MY BATCHMATES SAGAR SHELDON PRATH ETC ETC HAPPY STUDIES HAHAHAH External : capt Kutino Internal : Capt Mahisale « on: May 16, 2008, 10:25:39 PM » 1st mates orals. Date : 16th Jan 2008 Day : Wednesday


Function 1 : what is VDR and SVDR, its reqmts and time by which its should be installed onboard ships. what is whirling pyshrometer and how do u use it. ur heading 000 and u see north cardinal buoy right ahead, what action will u take and when will u take it. RV radar not working u hear fog signal right ahead what action will u take. (dont forget to say about rigging fenders as safety precaution) U r mate coming on watch at 0400 hrs, how will u make out RV What all precaution will u take prior transiting mallaca strait Pirates attack what action will u take. Even after taking ur action if in case pirate board ur v/l and reaches to bridge wings what action will u take. What are the errors of echo sounder, and what are its corrections. When will u take x meridian sight. What are its limits and how will u get it (He wants table 4 and even table A with its contents)

Rakesh Surveyors: Capt Oak and Capt Misale « on: May 17, 2008, 07:34:13 AM »


mates orals Function 1: How do you know which stars are available for sight in the morning? At what time will you take a star sight and how do you calculate it? What is the difference between tide and current? What are the causes of tides and currents? What are the problems with the gyro compass in the polar region? What are the forces acting on a gyro compass? What weather would you expect in the Pacific at this time of the year? How do you know if there is a TRS in the region? What avoiding action would you take in the northern hemisphere? Lots of ROR cards You?re a CBD in a TSS a fishing vessel is crossing from starboard, what action and why? What lights will you display? What sound signal to alert the other vessel? You are on a tug with tow length of tow more than 200 meters what lights will you show? You have a vessel on your starboard side actions? What is the definition of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver? Isn?t the tug you are on a REM vessel? What lights will she display to be called a REM vessel? What are the amendments to ROR? How will you as a chief officer insure a safe watch in congested waters? (Rest hours) In a bridge team, what are the duties of the Master, chief office and 3rd officer if on the bridge? ROR situations What will you check in the 2nd mate?s passage plan? You leave port and the master hands the con over to you. All of a sudden the CE says that the ME has a problem and he is stopping engines, what action? You now have a 2 degree list? What could be the reasons? Your 2 port DB is bilged, what will you do? While pumping out the DB you have a black out, what will you do? What is weather planning? How will you carry it out?

What is a gnomonic chart? Function 2: How will the trim of a vessel change when she goes from salt water to fresh water? Why? What info do you need to load 3000 tons of cargo in number 1 and 5 hold to get a trim of .2 meters? What are the hazards of concentrates What are the hazards of concentrates? What precautions will you take while loading coal? How do you carry out surface ventilation with mushroom vents? How will you sample the gas? Where are the sounding points? What are the new regulations for bulk carriers? If you load in the UK for India, how will you carry out ventilation? What is the difference between hazardous, harmful and dangerous substances? Where will you get info about the same? What are the minimum Marpol requirements for COW? Discharge criteria for marpol annex 1 How will you purge a tank? When will you start gas freeing? What is pyrophoric sulphide? What are the precautions to be taken for the same? What is the inert gas system interlock? What is the fixed fire fighting arrangement on a LPG ship? What are its requirements? How will you prepare a Refer hold for loading? How do you prevent torsional stresses in a container ship from developing? How is heel corrected in a container ship while loading? How will you load a heavy lift? Your power cuts off while your heavy lift is lifted, what action? Function 3: Draw a ship with negative stability. What?s the difference between a mate?s receipt and a bill of lading? What is the difference between M and MS notices? What are the different types? A cadet complains about the helmsman slapping him. What will you do? What are the entries to be made in the official log book? Describe in brief the Annex 6 of Marpol. Name the special areas. Lots of other questions which I cannot recall at the moment Bradsen

Orals date 7th Sept 07 Cleared all 3 first shot Capt Baweja Function 1 Performance standards for radar, echo sounder, Ecdis Polar code....Prepare a voyage for polar navigation What is Ground Stabalised and Sea Stabalised as per Radar 3 Restricted visibility situations 3 Normal Visibility Situations Tides Calculation and Currents in Atlantic Function 2 Contents of Inert gas Changes in New and old ISGOTT Carrying concentrates..cargo behaves as a liquid at sea action Loading Sulphur , Coal Load port preparations on a tankerWhat is a heavy lift ? (it is a relative term for a small ship something light might be a heavy lift dont mention any figures) Heavy lift procedures Hazards of DRI Function 3 Contingency plan Grounding, Collision ,Oil Spill During Loading What is difference between Port state and Flag state Certificates Prepare for Safcon ,Saf radio,Enhanced Survey Anchoring Capt Kapoor (Internal) Function 1 2 ROR situations (simple and practical ones) What are principles of safe navigation What are Ur duties in A tss (Just Quote the rule) Master Ill Request U to check 2nd mates passage plan...what will U Check ? Function 2 Loading Sulphur Concentrates and Grain as per MSA (Its different from the code) Vessel is +100A LR classed ship and master is ill...Another passenger ship has a doc on board and gives u permission to come along side and make fast..How do U proceed Please mention if calm weather ill use the lifeboats..additionally class +100A means she has a operational anchor Equipment...So mention that U will plan a contingency before ,aking

approach....rest all normal ops using transverse thrust What do U check in the weekly rounds made with the master ? If U find 2 stowaways......action if they request permission to work on board.wil u allow it ? as per what rule U wont allow it ? Cadet caught with drugs Action...Please remember Log book Entry What is pilot hoist ? what is the size of the wire....Please be practical....he knows U dont know the answer so tell him Man Instrs

9/8/07 Bradsen Planned maintenance for Emergency steering ? He doesnt want to know if U know about strg gr but want to know U know about planned maintenance...Eg rough weather Job so schedule it accordingly What is the use of an anchor Standing Moor, Running Moor, Open Moor...when will u prefer each Contingency plans....Various...Grounding Action if Strg fails in TSS Basic principles of Navigation What is rule 2 when wil U use it ? lOTS MORE ABOUT MSA AND Conduct with Crew as per MSA.. Etc Etc Etc 1. what is the latest mepc resolution no n give details 2. when was the last imo meeting held and wat was it about 3. what r the classes of ism 4. what is a wall test and how will u determine the thickness of a plate,which are the conventions it should comply with 5. sitiuation: ur a cbd vessel n u c a nuc vessel right ahead,she is not taking any action what will be ur action,and u are about to collide wat actions will u take thats wat i had for capt kohli. all the best to u my orals today..... capt. vaz. 19 nov 2007 my orals today..... capt. vaz. 1) What is the waiver for AIS for costal vessels? 2) Method of loggin in to EGC mode in SAT-C? 3) MEthod to send "ROUTINE" msg when in EGC mode? 4) SAT-C not operational (vsl in port), PSC checks...... Can the vessel be detained? If YES, under What req? IF NO , under what req?

1) What is the waiver for AIS for costal vessels? I said, Till 1 july 2008. he asked what other waiver can be applied......... I said, if vsl is taken out of service within two yrs of application date, then need not carry AIS..... he tried to ask if the company tried to fool surveyor / govt. how to believe the company.... i said dat the inspector will make a not in the Safety Equipment Certificate of the reason given by company for not havin AIS.... (was not sure of my answer but he moved onto second question) 2) Method of loggin in to EGC mode in SAT-C? I said i'll go to the SAT-C menu n select EGC mode.... was not too convinced....

3) MEthod to send "ROUTINE" msg when in EGC mode? i said will edit msg, n in transmit menu select, ROUTINE.... not convinced again...

4) SAT-C not operational (vsl in port), PSC checks...... Can the vessel be detained? If YES, under What req? IF NO , under what req? (THIS was the one which got me d "PASS") i said: Detained if : no further action had been taken to notify any concerned authority / company / ask for repairs..... which means dat crew not familiar with equipment....... Cannot Be detained if:

As per req: equipment need to be i) Duplicated or ii) Spares to b carried on board (which can be replaced without major req for calibration) iii) Shore-based maintenance (above statements in Chapter4 SOLAS) he was very happy bout the last answer n gave me the green jerson... « on: May 17, 2008, 07:40:45 AM » Quote 1 :What is TRS? how is it formed? 2 :What is ODAS buoy? Describe? 3 :(Situation) own vsl CBD, RAM vsl on stbd bow? action? quote the rule (18)? 4 :Quote rule 19 (word to word not required) 5 :few cards random..... stops if u know the situation and action.. 6 :entering TSS collision with Fishing vessel, action?( stresses on reporting) 7 :Load density? loading of steel coils? each of 20T ships gear? (loading of heavy lift) securing of coils, how will u plan it? 8 : Vsl out of drydock at anchor, how will u prep. 4 compass adjustment next day? prepare?(location of spare magnets, greasing of nuts of spheres, previous correction report)? 9 : Critical period in a floating drydock? (danton). how graving and floating drydock operate? upthrust and how loss of GM occures? 10:Prep. when sailing out of drydock? 11:Vessel arriving port for loading Checkd to be carried out? 12: prep. for crude oil washing? in detail? 13: contents of lashing code? Required by which resolution? (check SOLAS chap VI..his fav.) who endorses it? 14:Contents of chain register? Who inspects? as per what regulation? 15: How will you prep. for bunkering? 16:Grain code? contents ? Vol heeling moments? how will u refer? 17:What is statutory certificate? Name all certificates with validity period? 18: Contents of official log book? cleared 1 & 3 repeats the same questions? wants quick answers and to the point chief mate orals Q

Hi guys one Q , under which section number is isps introduced in MSA acts?

10/11/07 Anonymous Fol. parts of MSA were ammended to make provsions for the ISPS code Section 3 - clause 44 Sections 31, 99 clause 344 (maximum changes) See this page for complete details of the changes ashish chief mates orals Q What are latest amendments to Solas and marpol(annex wise)? i am in despriate need of answer as my orlas are next week , please reply thanks .

10/6/07 Atuldutt yr answers Go to IMO.org and click on SOLAS and Marpol u will find all the amendments there, the fav ones that r being asked these days r SOLAS Chapter V Chapter III Marpol Annex I , II all the best mates orals- 7th may 2008. capt khatri « on: May 16, 2008, 10:43:55 PM » 7-05-2008 capt khatri only function 2 (no external) result- passed DAY ONE- 5th may 2008


1) which ships have u done??? 2) as a mate of an LPG ship give me details of all the jobs?? 3) complete procedure of changeover of gas from ammonia to lpg mix?? 4) ammonia no HC... then how will u check tank atmosphere?? 5) explain principle of tankscope?? 6) explain wheatstones bridge?? 7) explain principle of multi gas detector??? explain gassing up procedure?? 9) explain cooling down process??? 10) what is the rate at which cooling down is carried out??? 11) How to do cargo calculations for lpg ships?? formaula to calculate vapour weight?? (come tomm and tell) DAY TWO- 6th may 2006 1) explain to me the calculations i asked yesterday?? 2) what is shrinkage factor?? 3) explain airlock system on lpg ships?? come again tomm and explain all the safety feature of lpg ship.. DAY THREE- 7th may 2008 1) explain emergency shut down procedure and principle and requirements as per code?? 2) explain procedure and requirement of fixed water spray system on lpg?? 3) why water spray sprinklers near relief valves??? 4) what is BLEVE?? 5) what is the major differrence in fighting oil fire and lpg fire??? finally passed...... all the best.. 3 of 3

9/4/07 Anonymous how to set draft setting switch in echo sounder? need explaination on how to set draft setting on echo sounder? how to know that a vessel is underway or making way?as some of ror cards say that vessel is underway/making way?

9/9/07 Anonymous as per i know underway means v/l is not moored,not at anchor ,making way is ur having some speed through water

10/3/07 Anonymous Draft setting Use the draft setting knob! It s one of the knobs on the lower part in thsi photo http://www.knudsenengineering.com/images/products/320M/320Ml g.gif If your vsl is to made fast or aground or moored she is underway. If she is moving thru water, she is making way thru water. Classic example - vessel drifiting in open seas - she is underway but not making way since she just 'goes with the water (current)'! Anonymous DIFFICULT Q 123 Q33. Before offering to tow a disabled ship, what factors would you consider? A vessel requiring a tow is not necessarily in distress. I would therefore carefully consider. 1) Whether the contract of carriage (as contained in the charter party or Bill of Lading) gives my vessel liberty to tow. 2) Whether I have sufficient bunkers and/or fresh water on board for the tow, and whether sufficient reserves can be maintained, throughout and after the tow, to meet the stipulations of owners or charterers. 3) Whether there is a possibility of missing a cancelling date under the charter party. 4) Whether the nature my cargo permits a lengthening of the voyage (which is especially relevant aboard a reefer) 5) Whether my vessel’s machinery is of adequate power and in good enough condition for towing; and 6) Whether the value of the vessel requesting the tow, plus her cargo, is likely to be of sufficient value to merit a salvage service by

my ship

Q) State where information on Traffic Separation Schemes may be obtained Q) Discuss the problems involved in making stellar observations in the Red sea Q) State, with reasons, the minimum number of stars required to obtain a reliable position Q) State the duties of the O.O.W. when under pilotage Q) State the advantages to the navigating officer of having Navtex Receiver on Bridge. Q) Discuss in general terms the realibility of navigation charts Q) State and explain what errors could be anticipated when radar plotting

5/27/07 Anonymous reg. distress and rescue a Mitsui tanker had collided with a vessel (off sri lanka) when she went to resacue her - large oil spill, etc. hence the above question can be expected (on the safety of a vessel when rescuing a distressed vessel) for some time. Remember, contrary to popular impression, there IS NO OBLIGATION to help a distressed vessel if you feel own vessel even MAY run into danger during the process. Capt.G.B.Singh`s questions Function 1 Rules 9,10 n 19. situation...RV a vessel overtaking u. ROR cards ur vessel heading south.The green light of the target just dissapears.target brg 2 points on port bow. latest ammendments to ror Function 2

angle of roll to which twist locks are tested. load on generators as a result of loading maxium reefers points to keep in mind while loading containers definitons of DG goods,harmful goods,etc Lashing systems on containers....reason why they are lashed in a particular way Function 3 description of IMO Shell expansion plan Marpol annex v...special areas latest ammendments to marpol FUNCTION ONE ORALS FUNCTION 1 FIRST ATTEMPT : CAPTAIN BHATIA AND CAPTAIN MHAISALE 1)how to determine risk of collision? what is compass bearing? its limitations like error, why dont we use true bearing? 2)passage plan. 3) correction of charts and sailing directions with supplements and all 3)ram while dredging lights making way, underway and at anchor 4)autopilot controls 5)diff between gyro and magnettic heading starts to increase ATTEMPT 2: CAPTAIN GUPTA AND CAPTAIN MHAILSALE 1)anchor at mumbai, lots of vessels, wind picks up, what u do? now u start dragging anchor, action. 2)sailing with invalid paper chart, how u correct and use it, detail of cumulative notice 3) wig craft and non displacement mode, seaplane lights. 4)you are sailing, six miles off, 4 points on stbd bow u see a boat with a man raising and lowering a handkerchief, whats ur action? 5)u see a conical buoy, which side will it lie, explain lateral system of buoys. 6)explain cardinal system of buoys. MORE GUYS NEED TO POST FOR THIS TO WORK new wreck marking buoy Good Day All, Do remember - a new wreck marking buoy has been introduced (on a trial basis) - it is the snazziest buoy around (yellow - blue flashing lights, yellow-blue stripes!). Introduced as a result of the Tricolor incidet more details can be found on the iala and imo websites

(google to the rescue). Are any of the examiners asking q's on this or is it already stale news

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