1st Year English Notes by IQRA CENTER (Sameeiqbal)
January 28, 2017 | Author: Samee Iqbal | Category: N/A
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English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Lesson No. 1
Button Button Qno1; Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive? Ans; Norma thought that it was a sales pitch. So, she did not want to talk with him and posed to be busy. Her attitude made Steward’s tone a bit offensive. QNo2; Why did Arthur disagree with his wife? Ans; Arthur knew the importance of moral values. He did not want to push the button to kill someone. He considered it a murder. So, he disagreed with his wife who was insisting him to push the button. QNo3; Why did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her? Ans; Norma was a greedy woman. She wanted to fulfill her desires even at the cost of killing someone. Therefore she wanted her husband to agree with her. QNo4; What were the reason Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer? Ans; She said that they would not even know the murdered person. Moreover she expressed her desires that they would make a trip to Europe and build a cottage on the island. They would buy nicer clothe, furniture and car. QNo5; Why did Mr. Steward continued persuading Norma? Ans; Norma was a greedy woman and as an agent he knew that she would definitely push the button to get his job done. QNo6; What was the message Norma received on pushing the button? Ans; The call was from Lenox hill hospital and it informed her that Arthur was pushed by someone in front of the train. QNo7; What was the significance of Arthur’s life insurance policy? Ans; The policy was significant because it was the amount that Norma got after pushing the button. QNo8; Did Norma remained normal on hearing the news of the accident of her husband? Ans; No, she could not remain normal. She could hardly walk and breathe. She was feeling pain in her head. QNo9; Write a note on the character of Arthur. Ans; Arthur is a good-natured man. He has firm belief and does not take wrong decisions. He is not ambitious and greedy. He loves her wife and refrains her from pushing the button. QNo10; Why did not Norma remain true to her husband? Ans; Greed had made her so selfish that she could not understand Steward’s evil thoughts. The thing she needed was money. So. she did not agree with her husband and pushed the button. QNo11; Do you agree with Norma’s assertion that death of someone you have never seen is not important? Ans; No, I do not agree with this assertion. Murder of an innocent person is actually the murder of whole humanity. QNo12; What moral lesson does the story “Button Button”. Teach? Ans; This story teaches us the lesson that greed can only lead us to the disastrous end. One who thinks evil for others has to face the music.
Reading Notes for synonyms Frown Gadget Intrigue Shrug Eccentric Impulsively Swallow Scoffing Glare Appalled Stack furor
Look expressing disapproval, dislike Small fitting in a machinery, device, instrument, Carry on underhand plot, interest Raise shoulders to express helplessness Odd, queer, abnormal Spontaneously, hastily, recklessly Take in Taunting, ridiculing Gaze, stare, frown Terrified, shocked, astounded Pile up in frame, collect Rage, craze, fury
Lesson No 2
Clearing in the Sky A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
QNo1; Why did the old man not follow the advice of the doctors? Ans; The old man had his own understanding about the life. He could not keep himself away from the rich soil. He wanted to dig it, cultivate it and then taste tomatoes, potatoes and yams grown in it. Therefore he did not follow the advice of the doctors. QNo2; What had the doctors told the old man? Ans; They advised him to live with his family and enjoy the few remaining days of his life. QNo3; Where did the old man take his son? Ans; The old man took his son to his farm that he had planted on the top of a hill. QNo4; Had the son ever been there before? Ans; Yes, the son had been there many times except the last three years. QNo5; What were the names of the vegetables that old man grew on his farm? Ans; The vegetables grown in his farm were yams, tomatoes and potatoes. QNo6; Why did the old man take the steep path? Ans ; The old man always took the steep path as it was a way of knowing that he was improving day by day. QNo7; Why had the son at the age of six cried? Ans; He cried because he lost his plough in the furrow. His father made him another plough but he did not love that anymore. QNo8; What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy? Ans; The old man always felt that he was healthy and energetic. He loved his farm and wanted to sift its soil through his fingers. He wanted to recall memories of his past life. He wanted to smell the dirt and taste the vegetables grown in his farm. Qno 9; Why had the old man planted his secret garden? Ans; The old man had a strong belief that anything grown in new land had a new taste. Moreover his garden was also a source of taking him back into his past. He always went there to recollect the happy moments of is past life. Qno 10; Describe the physical appearance of the old man? Ans; The old man has red-wrinkled face and pale blue eyes. He always carries a walking stick with him. Q no 11; How did the old man feel about the land? Ans; Land was like a mother for him. He had strong belief that anything grown in a new land had better flavor. He loved touching and smelling the soil of his land. Qno12; What did the son remember from his childhood? Were these good memories? Ans; Jess remembered that he was six years old when his parents brought him there and grew crops. His father made him a little wooden plough. He lost that in a furrow and started weeping. He got another plough but he did not love it much. Yes, all these memories were good.
Reading Notes for synonyms Fondling Protest Brag 97 in the shade A wisp of alfalfa Brace Sapling Bluff Curtly Loam Whiff Yam Stalwart Bandanna Good book Three score years and ten Mess of fox squirrels Black gum
Hugging, caressing, kissing Oppose, disagree Boast, praise oneself, show off Temperature of 97 Fahrenheit A thin stem of leafy green hay, a small bit of grass Support, secure, steady A young tree Headland with broad and steep face, cliff Hardly polite, sharply, rude A rich soil consisting of clay, sand Smell, inhale something , sniff Orange color sweat potato Strong and vigorous in body, sturdy, powerful Large and brightly colored handkerchief The Bible Seventy years A quantity of squirrels enough to cook for a meal A tree having light but tough wood
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Lesson No 3
Dark they were, And golden –eyed Qno1; Why did Harry want to go back to the earth? Ans; On reaching Mars, the severe climate badly effected Harry’s family. He thought it dangerous for him and his family to live there. The food and climate could change their identities. QNo2; What was the climate they faced on Mars? Ans; It was a sever climate with hot days and cold nights. The hot wind burned everything. There was a kind of virus that changed their physical appearance. QNo3; What was the condition of the Bittering family on hearing the news of war on earth? Ans; It was a horrible news or them. When Laura came stumbling and told them the news Harry could not believe at first. His wife held onto him and started weeping. Sweat poured out from his body and a strange fear caught them all. Qno4; What did they want to grow? Ans; They wanted to grow onion, peach tress and some other kinds of vegetables. Qno 5; What was the condition of the house? Ans; The condition of the house was very bad. The air burned it and at night, the fog had warped out the shapes of the boards. Qno6; What was the advice Harry gave to the people? Ans; Terrified by the sever climate and strange food, Harry advised the people to build a rocket to return to the earth. Qno7: How much dangerous can a Martian virus be? Ans; It can change the color of the people by making them dark and golden-eyed. It can change the physical appearance and make people thin and slender. Qno8; Under what circumstances did the Bittering family have to pass? Ans; They had to face sever climate, which was changing their physical appearance and thoughts. On the other hand food was bringing external changes. Hot days and cold nights were constant source of trouble and fear for them. Qno9; How much social were the people of mars? Ans; They were very friendly and peaceful. They learnt English very fast.
Reading notes for synonyms Whirl away Bulging pop Marrow Chin up Holler Strand Drenched Martian virus Flecks Tapestries Leaped out Flake away
Move or travel rapidly, rush Irregular sharp sound Soft fatty substance that fills the hollow part of bones, pith Be brave, Do not bother Yell and shout, roar, scream Be In a difficult position, grounded, isolated Made wet all over A microbe or disease germ found on Mars Small spots or patches, marks, scraps Decorations, embroideries Jumped out, rush out, stand out
Lesson No 4
Thank you M’Am Qno 1; What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman? Ans; It was about eleven o’clock at night. Qno2; What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse? Ans; When the boy snatched the purse its weight caused him to lose his balance. He fell down and his legs flew up. Qno 3; What was the reaction of the woman? Ans; She was very angry at this incident. She turned and kicked the boy on his back, and then she picked the boy up and shocked him until his teeth rattled. Qno 4; What was the conduct of the people who saw the incident? Ans; It was not a good conduct. Two or three people passed and looked at the boy and woman. No one came to help the woman. Qno 5; How did the boy look physically?
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Ans; He was fourteen to fifteen years old. He was frail willow-wild. He was wearing blue jeans and tennis shoes. Qno 6; What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him few jerks? Ans; His teeth rattled when the woman gave him few jerks. He got frightened and did not try to run. Qno 7; Why did woman ask the boy to wash his face? Ans; The face of the boy was dirty. She asked him to wash his face so that he might look good. Qno8; Why did the boy not run from the house of the woman? Ans; The woman’s conduct had changed him. He thought that she was a kind-hearted woman. She had started trusting him and he did not want to be mistrusted. QNo9; Why did the woman not watch the boy while preparing a dish? Ans; She wanted to show him that she trusted him. This assurance might bring positive change in his character and thoughts. Qno 10; What was the nature of woman’s job? Ans; She worked in a hotel beauty shop. Different kind of woman i.e. Spanish, redheads and blond came there. Her duty was to serve those women. Qno 11; What was the effect of the behavior of the woman on the boy? Ans; Her formative conduct had an instant effect on the boy. He started to trust her. He promised her to be a nice person in the future. Qno 12; Why did she treat the boy kindly in her home after punishing him in the street? Ans; The motive of the woman was to teach him a lesson. Punishment was for his crime. But when she brought the boy in her home she treated him well so that he might become a good person.
Reading notes for synonyms Slung Taking of full blast Stoop Rattle Frail Willow-wild Pop out Suede Latch onto embarrass
Looped round, hung, suspended Running away at full speed Bend the body forward and downward, lean down Make short successive sound Weak, feeble Thin that can easily be bent like willow-wild Come out quickly, bug out A kind of soft leather made from the skin of goat Cling to, getting possession of, clutch, grab Make to feel ashamed, humiliate
Lesson No 5
The piece of String Qno1; Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket book? Ans; In the morning Hubert picked up something from the mud and stood there for sometime. Manana thought that he had picked up the pocket book. Therefore, he accused him of theft. QNo2; What did the people think of Hubert when they heard that someone had returned the pocket book? Ans; Their thoughts were still disgraceful for Hubert. They were not ready to declare him an honest man rather; they said “those were laying excuses”. QNo3; Why did George give the pocket book to his employer? Ans; George was a simple country man. He did not know how to read so he gave the pocket book to his employer. Qno 4; What made Hubert shameful? Ans; Hubert was truthful and an honest man. But people started to call him a liar. This curse made him shameful. QNo5; Why did people make fun of his innocence? Ans; People made fun of his innocence and started to tell the story to the other people only to amuse themselves. Qno6; Why did he keep claiming his innocence till his death? Ans: People made him shameful by calling him a liar. He was truthful and an honest man. So, he kept claiming his innocence till his death so that he might get his lost status. Qno7; Why did the mayor not believe the innocence of Hubert? Ans; Mayor considered Manana a man of worthy credence. Manana told Mayer that Hubert had picked up the pocket book therefore, he did not believe the innocence of Hubert.
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Qno8; Was it necessary for Hubert to continue pleading his innocence? Ans; He should have taken some other plan of action because his continues pleading made people suspicious about him. Alternative plan of action could help him to gain his lost position. QNo9; What was engraved on his tomb stone? Ans; The words engraved on his tomb stone were “Here lies a man who told nothing but truth. Here lies the man who would not prove his innocence, but the flood proved it—“
Reading notes for synonyms Appetizing Astounded Stout Exasperating Indignation Public prosecutor Curiosity Rascal Havoc
Exciting, tempting Shocked, astonished, bewildered, stunned, surprised Very healthy, fat Irritating, angry, furious Annoyance, anger, wrath Legal official of the state Eagerness, inquisitiveness A knave, villain, rogue Destruction, devastation, ruin
Lesson No 6
The Reward Qno 1; What was the subject discussed at the club? Ans; The subject discussed at the club was of opportunity and determination. QNo2; What did Terbut think of Jorkens argument? Ans; Jorkens were of the view that only determination was required for success. But Terbut said that only opportunity was needed for success. QNo3; How did Jorkens convince that a man can become a skating champion of the Sahara? Ans; Jorkens says that if a man earns money, builds a skating rink and organizes a competition there he can surely become a skating champion of Sahara. Qno 4; How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong? Ans; In his speeches he told the people to create the post of acrobat. This practice would make their soldiers strong to win the rights of the nation. QNo5; What was the viewpoint of the parents of Gorgios? Ans; His parents were of the opinion that only determination could bring a man to his goal. Qno6; What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration? Ans; To inaugurate the function they turned the great throne room into a kind of gymnasium. Great curtain of red and gold were hung along the walls. High swings were hung with gilded ropes. On the polished floor, there was a row of neat hurdles. Light glittered and a band in pale played softly. QNo7; Describe the scene of inauguration. Ans; The doors opened with a flood of golden light and the man in his tight-fitting suit came in. Whenever he touched something to show a trick, people applauded him that no actual activity was expected from him. Q no8; What were the feelings of Gorgios on the occasion? Ans; He was a bit sad but his achievement made him happy. He could not perform tricks. He remained humble on the occasion. QNo9; Did Gorgios use any short cut to achieve his ambition? Ans; No, he did not use any short cut to achieve his ambition. He worked hard to win his goal. Qno10; For how long did Gorgios have to stick to get his ambition achieved? Ans; He had to stuck for more than sixty years to get his ambition achieved. Qno11; Discuss political views of Jorkens. Ans; Jorkens says that if someone wants to achieve his ambition he should go into politics. In politics, he has a chance to deliver his message by making speech. Although politics takes time and brings so many opposing arguments but your determination can succeed you in your mission. QNo12; How did Gorgios achieve his ambition? Ans; He went into politics and made speeches to reach his ambition. He made the people realize that how the post of acrobat would strengthen their nation. He stuck to his idea for a long time and at the end he achieved his ambition. Qno 13; Why were the brilliant dresses put in the shade at the inauguration? Ans; The entrance of the old man was a key point of the inauguration. They wanted to make his appearance prominent. So, all the brilliant dresses that the women were wearing were put in the shade at the inauguration. QNo14; What is the lesson of the story teaches?
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Ans; The story teaches us the lesson that only determination and struggle can lead us to our destination.
Reading notes for synonyms Skating-rink Hit on Inaugurate Wound In pale green and gold Was put in the shades The crowning
A place made for skating Think of Appoint officially, initiate, launch, start off Move in curve, twist, In pale green uniform with gold lace on them Seemed less brilliant by comparison The supreme moment, the reward, climax
Lesson No 7
The use of force Qno1; What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor? Ans; The condition of the parents was not so good. They did not trust even the doctor. QNo2; What was the behavior of the child with the doctor? Ans; The behavior of the child with the doctor was very rude. She did not want to be examined by the doctor. She saw the doctor with her cold eyes so that he might not examine her. QNo3; She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she? Ans; Yes, she had a fever for three days. Qno 4; Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said “Does your throat hurt you?” Ans; No, the child did not change her expression. QNo5; Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name? Ans; The doctor wanted her to show his love and affection so that she might allow him to examine her throat. QNo6; Did the sick girl promptly respond to the instructions of the doctor? Ans; No, the sick girl did not respond to the instruction given by the doctor. She continued to resist him. Qno 7; Why did parents rebuke her? Ans; When the girl attacked the doctor and threw his glasses, her parents felt ashamed. They rebuked her for her bad behavior. Qno 8; What was the threat of the doctor to the child for not showing her throat? Ans; The doctor warned her that he would use force if she did not examine her throat. Otherwise she could die of disease. QNo9; Why did she break the wooden blade? Ans; She did not want to be examined so, when the doctor forcefully inserted the wooden blade into her mouth she broke it into pieces. QNo10; What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl? Ans; The condition of the tonsils was very bad. They were covered with membrane. QNo11; How did the child look by appearance? Ans; She was a beautiful little girl. She had blonde hair and flushed face. She was as strong as a heifer. Qno 12; Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen? Ans; It was damp there sometime. So the parents took the girl to the kitchen to keep her warm. Qno 13; How did the doctor succeed in examining her throat? Ans; In his final assault, he overpowered the child’s neck and forced the silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat. At this moment he could see both of his tonsils covered with membrane. Qno14; Describe the feelings of the doctor in his struggle to diagnose the disease? Ans; It seemed that the doctor was in a duel. The girl’s resistance and attacks had made him furious. He could tear her apart to pacify himself. Qno15; Compare and contrast the conduct of a healthy child and a sick child? Ans; Sickness changes the mentality of the child and makes it rude and disobedient. He can not play and enjoy. On the other hand a healthy child looks active and fresh. He obeys the orders given to him. Qno16; Under what circumstances can the use of force be justified? Ans; Force should be used against injustice, cruelty, terrorism and violation of human rights.
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
The reading notes for synonyms Startled Motioned for him not to bother Distrustfully Heifer Eating me up Diphtheria Coax Embarrassment Admonish Contemptible Hysterically Furious Clench Spatula Splinters
Shocked, alarmed, anxious Directed him to remain in that position Not trusting or believing, doubtfully, nervously Young cow Looking angrily Acute infectious disease with inflammation of throat Get somebody to do something by kindness and patience, persuade To make feel ashamed Give mild warning, reprimand, rebuke Deserving or provoking contempt, hateful With violent motion, wildly Angry, infuriated, enraged Tightly shut Tool with a wide blade Pieces, fragments
Lesson No 8
The Gulistan of Sadi QNo1; What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people? Ans; He advised the people to fight against oppression and cruelty. He also advised them to pay for what they get from others. Qno2; What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king? Ans; The physicians suggested that the king could only be cured by the bile of a person having certain qualities. QNo3; Why did the boy look to the sky and smile? Ans; The boy was deprived from the love of his parents and justice from the Qazi. They had agreed to kill him. Therefore, he looked to God to seek justice. Qno 4; What should e the role of Qazi? Ans; A Qazi should remain impartial in his decisions. He should not make any difference between the rich and the poor. Qno 5; Why did the king weep? Ans; Boy’s speech and miserable condition melted his heart. He realized his mistake and the tears fell from his eyes. QNo6; How did the king recover? Ans; Allah loved his repentance and sacrifice and blessed him with health as his reward. QNo7; What should be the rule of king? Ans; A king should not be a selfish man. He should be a just and an honest person. His wisdom should be seen in his orders. Law and order should be his priority so that people may live a life free of threat. QNo8; Can an unjust king flourish? Ans; No, an unjust king can never flourish. His unjust decisions make people furious and makes him hateful person. Deprived people start thinking to bring revolution and they can end his tenure.
The reading notes for synonyms: Perpetually Parable Appreciated Culinary Versatile Calamity Toss Pacify Inconvenient Affection Afflict Trifling Tyrant Brutally
Forever, eternally, permanently Simple story designed to teach, moral tale Admired, cherished Of cooking or kitchen Having various uses, multipurpose Great and serious misfortune or disaster Shake, sway, rock Calm and quiet, sooth Causing discomfort, annoying Kind feeling, love, devotion Causing bodily or mental trouble Ordinary, small, having no value Cruel or unjust ruler, dictator, oppressor Cruelty, savagery
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal Punitive
for medium students
Punishing, revengeful
Lesson No 9
The foolish Quack Qno 1; What is a clump of trees? Ans; A group of trees growing very close to one another is called a clump of trees. QNo2; What was struck in the camel’s throat? Ans: A melon was struck in the camel’s throat. QNo3; What did the quack pretend to cure? Ans; The quack pretended to cure goitre. QNo4; what did the quack do with the old woman? OR How did the quack try to cure the old man? Ans; He tied up the woman’s throat with a blanket and struck it with full force that the old woman died. QNo5; what was the result of the cure? Ans; It was a horrible result. The woman died instantly. QNo6; What was the punishment inflected upon the quack by the villagers? Ans; First they asked him to dig the grave of the woman and after that they beat him badly. QNo7; For whom did the quack dig the grave? Ans; He dug the grave for the old woman. QNo8; what did the quack do in the next village? Ans; When the quack reached in the next village, he again pretended to be a doctor. Before treating an old man he asked the people not to force him to dig his grave if the old man died. QNo9; Why did the villagers not let the old man to be cured? Ans; It was because the quack had started to talk about digging up the old man’s grave before starting his treatment. QNo10; Why did the quack come back to the camel man? Ans; The quack wanted to tell them that they had not shown him the right way to cure the goitre. Moreover, he wanted to learn the right way to cure goitre. Qno 11; How did the camel-men cure their camel? Ans; They tied a blanket around camel’s throat and struck it with so much force that melon broke into pieces instantly. The camel easily swallowed the pieces. Qno 12; How did the quack came to realize his error? Ans; The camel man realized him of his stupid ideas. They made him understand the difference between a camel and a human. Upon this he realized his error. QNo13; How did camel-men prove the stupidity of quack? Ans; They showed him a demonstration. One of the camel-men struck a camel with a heave stick. The camel hardly felt the blow. Then he struck the quack who could not bear the blow and lost his senses. The difference between a camel and a man got him realized his error.
The reading notes for synonyms: Goiter Mallet Being minded Stiff Exhorted prodigious
Swelling of the thyroid gland Hammer with the wooden head With intention Hard, firm, stony Urged, scolded, warned Huge, colossal, enormous
Lesson No 10 A mild attack of Locusts QNo1; What are locusts? Ans; They are insects who fly from field to field and eat crops. They bring destruction to the land. QNo2; Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on the fire? Ans; They threw the wet leaves on the fires to make the smoke acrid and black. QNo3; What was the desire of every farmer? Ans; Every farmer hoped that the locusts should ignore his farm and go on to the next one.
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
QNo4; Did Margret know what to do to keep the locusts away? Ans; No, she did not know anything to keep the locusts away. QNo5; What was the condition of the trees? Ans; They were still and queer. The weight of the locusts had bent their boughs. They were fully covered with locusts. QNo6; How did old Stephen treat the stray locust? Ans; He split It with his thumbnail and saw it full of eggs. QNo7; Are the hoppers different from the locusts? Ans; Age is the only difference between these two insects. Hoppers are young locusts while locusts are fully grown insects. QNo8; Did Margaret lose heart on the loss of crops? Ans; No, she did not lose her heart instead she answered the calls and tried to help the people in different ways. She was trying to get used to the locusts. QNo9; Why are locusts compared with bad weather? Ans; Like bad weather locusts can come at any moment. They can destroy crops and trees. Therefore they are compared with bad weather. QNo10; Why did the men eat their supper with good appetite? Ans; People tried to prevent their farms and fought against locusts. This effort got them tired and hungry. So, they ate their supper with good appetite to refresh themselves. QNo11; How did the farmers try to prevent the main swarm of locusts from landing on their farm? Ans; They used different tricks to keep the locusts away from their land. They made noise by beating tins and drums. They burnt the fires to make black and acrid smoke. QNo12; Why, even after all the crops were destroyed, did the men continue to fight the swarm? Ans; The main swarm was heavy with eggs. If the locusts got a chance to settle and lay their eggs then hoppers could bring more destruction later on. So, they continued to fight the swarm even after all the crops were destroyed. QNo13; What was the condition of the land when the locusts had moved to the south? Ans; It was a terrible scene. The land was ruined and there was not a single blade left for the cattle. Everything was to be replanted.
Reading notes for synonyms: Devastated Gaze Clamor or gong Swell Drifted up Acrid Myriads Veldt Snap off Hoppers mangled
Destroyed, wasted, deformed Look, stare Sharp sound of metallic disc Increase in size, expand Carried along by air or water, rose Sharp, pungent, bitter, acid, harsh Very great number, countless Open gazing land in Africa Break away, make a sharp sound Young locusts Damaged, disfigured
Lesson No 11
I have a dream QNo1; What was the cause of Negroes discontentement? OR What was the condition of Negroes in his days? Ans; They were not given equal rights in the society. Their black skin had made them slaves of the white men. This treatment made them dejected. QNo2; What are the qualities of veterans of creative suffering? Ans; They are courageous, brave and continue to fight with the faith that unearned suffering is always redemptive. QNo3; What is the dream of Martin Luther king? Ans; He dreams for brotherhood, justice and assurance of equal rights. There should be no difference between a black and a white. QNo4; What should be the faith of Negroes? Ans; They should believe that one day they would win freedom. And their unearned suffering is redemptive. QNo5; What was the necessity of pleading the case of the Negroes freedom? A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Ans; Negroes were deprived of their basic rights. They were made slaves. These things made it important to plead their case of freedom. QNo6; What should be the criterion of judgment for a person? Ans; Character of a person should be the criterion of the judgment. Qno7; Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all parts of their country? Ans; No, they did not enjoy liberty instead they were made slaves and no basic rights were given to them. QNo8; From which part of the country did the Negroes gather there? Ans; The Negroes came from Missippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Lousiana and some Northern cities. Qno 9; What is the effect of the repetition of the words? Ans; Repetition of the words has magical effect on the people. It makes the people realize the importance of the spoken words and so keeps them in right direction.
Reading notes for synonyms: Persecution Veteran Redemptive Wallow Frustration Interposition Hew out
Punishment, torture, oppression A soldier of great experience especially of grief Rescue from evil ways, purifying Roll about, lurch Disappointment Making interruption, intervention, mediation Cut out with great labor, trim
Lesson No 12
The Gift of Magi QNo1; How much did Della save for Christmas? Ans; She saved only one dollar and eighty seven cents. QNo2; Why did Della feel pride in the beauty of her hair? Ans; Della had long hair that reached below her knee. She loved them and thought them more valuable than queen’s jewels. QNo3; Why did Della sell her hair? Ans; She sold her hair to buy a beautiful gift for Jim Qno 4; Why did Jim sell the golden watch? Ans; He sold his watch to buy a gift for Della at Christmas. QNo5; why did they want to present gifts? Ans; They both loved each other very much. So, they could not celebrate Christmas without giving gifts to each other. QNo6; Why did she feel sad about losing her hair? Ans; Della’s long hair were an important part of her beauty. She could not look beautiful to Jim without her hair. This thought made her sad. QNo7; Why did Jin not welcome her when he stepped in? Ans; He was shocked to see Della without her beautiful hair. The combs that he bought for her beautiful long hair were of no use. Therefore he did not welcome her when she came in. QNo8; What did Jim bring out from his coat? Ans; Jim brought out beautiful combs from his coat. QNo9; How beautiful was the gold watch chain? Ans; The chain was made with rich and pure material. It was simple, plain and shiny. QNo10; What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things? Ans; Love had taught them ho to sacrifice for each other. At Christmas, they wanted to buy gifts for each other but they did not have the money. The only wise decision they could make was to sell their valuable things to buy gifts. This act shows their wisdom clearly. QNo11; How did magi want to celebrate their Christmas? Ans; Magi were wonderfully wise men. They wanted to give gifts to the new-born Christ at Christmas. They brought with them gold, Frankincense and myrrh. QNo12; How much attached to each other are they in the story? Ans; They loved each other from the core of their hearts. They do not value their valuable things to buy gifts at Christmas. They weaken every force that weakens their bond of love. Qo13; Why did they sell their valuable things? Ans; They sold their valuable things to buy gifts for each other. Because they could not celebrate Christmas without giving gifts to each other.
Reading note for synonyms: A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal Made itself into a dress for her Nervously Seemed to fly Quietness and value Large-hearted
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Can cover her whole body Excitedly, apprehensively Looked in hurry, hasten Sober and precious, calm and worth Generous, open-handed, charitable
Lesson No 13
God be Praised QNo1; What was alias Abul’s full name? Ans; His full name was Maulvi Abul Barkat. QNo2; What was his turban known as and where from did it orginaly came? Ans; His turban was known as “Mashadi Lungi” and it originally came from Mashad Iran. QNo2; What did he always carry with him? Ans; He always carried with him a walking stick. QNo4; Describe Maulvi’s appearance. Ans; Maulvi had a slightly bulging eyes. He wore a turban on his head that had gilded tip. On his fingers he wore five silver rings with large stones. He always carried a walking stick with hm. For his hair, he used fragrant oil. QNo5; How much did Maulvi collect on every Eid? Ans; He collected about 150 to 200 rupees. Qno 6; How much was distributed among the needy and the poor? Ans; He used to distribute 40 to 50 rupees among the needy and the poor. QNo7; What was the name of his eldest daughter? Ans; The name of his eldest daughter was Mehrunisa. QNo8; What was the name of the member of the district board where the Maulvi lived? Ans; His name was Chaudhry Fatehdad. Qno9; What was the name of his wife? Ans; The name of his wife was Zaibunnisa. QNo10: Write the names of the other two daughters who are mentioned in the story? Ans; Their names are Zabda and Shamsun.
Reading note for synonyms: bulging Lingered Reprimanded Preliminary
Curving outward Hung around, leave slowly Rebook formally, scold, censure severely Initial, starting
Lesson No 14
Overcoat QNo1; What was the color of the overcoat of the young man? Ans; The color of the coat was brown. QNo2; What was his appearance? Ans; His hair was sleek and shining and he wore sideburns. He had thin moustache. He was wearing brown overcoat with a half opened rose in its button hole. He was wearing a green flat hat at rakish angle. A white silk scarf was knotted at his neck. In his hands, he had a walking stick. Qno 3: why did people come out on the mall? Ans: The cold had induced the people to find comfort in the pleasure. Therefore they came out on the Mall to refresh themselves. Qno 4: What were the people wearing who came on the Mall? Ans: They were wearing overcoats of many kinds, from astrakhan to rough military khaki. Qno 5: Why was the cat shivering? Ans: The cat was shivering with cold. Qno 6: Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident? Ans: When the driver realized that he had committed a serious mistake, he ran away in the dark to save himself from horrible outcome.
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Qno 7: Who took the young man to the hospital after the accident? Ans; Some passers by took the young man to the hospital. Qno 8: What was being played in one of the restaurants? Ans: An orchestra was being played in on of the restaurants. Qno 9: Give the list of the articles which was found from the coat of the young man? Ans: The things found from the coat were, a small black comb, a hand kerchief, six annas and few pies, a half smoked Cigarette, a little diary, a list of gramophone records and few handbills.
Reading note for synonyms: Dandy Sleek Icy gusts Amble Promenade Profligate Lapels Well creased Mite Connoisseur Amiably Thin down Togged
Unduly devoted to fashion show Smooth, glossy, shiny Biting cold puffs of wind, cold wind Move with gentle gait, stroll, wander Pleasure walk, stroll Recklessly extravagant, immoral, corrupt Part of either side of coat Well ironed, pressed A very small creature Expert, specialist, fan Respectfully, pleasingly Become less, decrease Dressed, clothed
Lesson No 15
The angel and the author-and others Qno 1: At what point of journey in his dream did the author hear the throbbing sound f wings? Ans: The author heard the throbbing sound of the wings of the angel when he could only see a luminous buried beneath the darkness. Qno 2: What time of the year it was? Ans: It was fortnight after Christmas. Qno 3: What does the author like about Christmas? Ans: He thinks that Christmas makes everybody generous and they start doing good deeds. Qno 4: Write down the good deeds the author has admitted are great joy at Christmas? Ans: Christmas changes every one and makes them generous. People give donations and do well to others. The writer himself has done good deeds that are real source of pleasure for him. Qno 5: Why noble deeds are always a great joy for author? Ans: Noble deeds are great joy for author because they give him eternal happiness. Whenever he does a noble deed he gets spiritual satisfaction.
Reading note for synonyms Vexing Luminously Throb Weary Shivering Shoveling out Jot down Subscribe Charity Raffle
Annoying, troublesome, bothersome Brightly, giving out light The rhyming beat of the angel’s wing, thumping Tired, worn, fatigued Trembling. Shaking Scooping out with a large tool or spoon Note down, write down To give a sum of money for a cause Help in from of money etc, donation Sale of an article by lottery, draw
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By Samee Iqbal
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Plays Heat Lightening Qno 1: Why couldn’t the girl describe the killer? Ans; She could not describe the killer because in dark she had not seen his face clearly. Qno 2: What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car? Ans: She left the car because it had run out of the gas. Qno 3: What was the condition of the weather? Ans: It was stormy weather with thunder and lightening at the sky. Qno 4: How did the second man accuse the first man of lying? Ans: The first man was lying that there was no other person in the room. On the other hand the second man had seen a girl through the glass of the window. Therefore, the second man accused the first man of lying. Qno 5: Did the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progress? Ans: No, the girl did not become suspicious of the first man as the play progress. Qno 6: What is the impression of her about the second man? Ans: She thought that the second man was the real killer. Therefore, she kept herself away from the second man. Qno 7: Why didn’t she accompany the second man? Ans: She did not accompany him because she thought that the second man was the killer. Qno 8: Why did the girl consider the first man her helper? Ans: When she entered the room the first man was standing alone. She thought that the name who was chasing her would be behind. So, she did not doubt the first man and consider him her helper. Qno 9: What are the factors that played their role in saving the girl? Ans: Flashlight, woods, second man and the doge are the main factors that played their role in saving the girl. Qno 10: How did she realize the truth? Ans: When she saw her flashlight she realized the truth that the first man was the killer.
Reading notes for synonyms: Hysterically Ran out of gas Break off Come one Just a little way
With outburst of emotion, Ran out of petrol Cut off, stop speaking, be quite Keep speaking, continue Only a short distance
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal I would lose him Give them a lead Rattle Viciously What’s the idea of Nondescript sort of person Pretty late In luck He didn’t get it I sure as hell am Suspiciously Stunned I got over it All by myself Piercing sob
for medium students
I would escape from him, go out of sight Give them a clue or hint Short successive sound, knock Doing something with evil intention, savagely What Is the reason for Uninteresting person Quite late Fortunate, lucky He did not understand I am very much sure Doubtfully, mistrustfully Shocked, stunned I recovered from it Without any help of some one, completely alone Sharp, going into through Weeping with sharp breath
Play No 2
Visit to a small planet Qno 1: How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers? Ans: He has magical powers that do not allow someone to touch him or his ship. He can read people’s mind. His ship has no instrument and he says that he is immortal. Qno 2: What is the purpose of the visit of Kreton? Ans: Earth is Kreton’s subject of interest. He has all the information about it and he wants to take hold of the planet. Qno 3: How much more advanced is the civilization of Kreton than that of earth? Ans: Their civilization is much more advanced than that of earth. They have the scientific theories that read minds and make the man immortal. They are wise and intelligent and learn languages very fast. Qno 4: Can the people of earth compete with the people of Kreton? Ans: No, they can not compete because they are much more advanced scientifically and emotionally. Qno 5: How much damaging is violence in life? Ans: Violence destroys the bond of love and life. It brings dejection and sorrows in the society. It makes people fearful and stops them from enjoying the happy moments of their life. Qno 6: What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000? Ans: If the scientific progress continues with the current pace we would be more advanced as that of Kreton’s people. We would read minds and control the space. Qno 7: How much impressive was the morals of Kreton? Ans: He was not emotional and took every decision with patience. He was tolerant, loving and courteous. Qno 8: What is the role of General Powers in the play? Ans: He is the member of National Guard. He is fearful from Kreton and considers him a threat for his country. But Kreton and other people do not like his rude behavior. Qno 9: What is the theme of the study of Kreton? Ans: Knowing about the people of earth and their civilization is the theme of the study of Kreton. Qno 10: How does Kreton impress General Powers? Ans: Kreton reads his mind and tells him that he is thinking about his promotion. And when General’s troops go to destroy the ship he draws an invisible wall around his ship. These tricks impressed Power well. Qno 11: How does the play writer expose the inferiority of the present race to that of future? Ans; By Kreton, the writer represents the future generation and tells us that it would be wise, patient and logical in its approach.
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Qno 12: Describe the scene of the arrival of the flying saucer? Ans: When the people saw a luminous object coming from the sky they thought that it was meteor. But it was a spaceship without instruments that landed right in Spelding’s garden. Qno 13: Compare and contrast the people of two planets? Ans; Here Kreton who is representative of other planet seems polite, patient, loving and immortal. While on the other hand people of earth are emotional, shortsighted and mortal.
Reading notes for synonyms; Luminous Unctuous Resonant Fidget Conjecture Lunatic Homestead Elude Walnut Cellar Hysteria Meteor Ominously Evasively Blandly Fascinating Patronizing Fragile Twirl Hunch Intergalactic Imposter Gad Impromptu Deliriously Intoxicate Sordid reconnoiter
Shining, bright, giving out light Smooth in speech or manner Deep and strong tone Make somebody nervous Guess, hypothesis, put forward an opinion Mad person, crazy, nonsense Farm house Avoid, escape Nut with an edible kernel In a hard shell An underground room for sorting something, basement Disturbance of nervous system with outburst of emotions A small sold extraterrestrial body that enters the earth atmosphere and becomes bright Threateningly Trying to evade Gently or politely, quiet manner Having strong charm, capturing interest Encouraging, snobbish Broken, weak, delicate, frail Turn round and round quickly Impression, idea, feeling In between the galaxies Person pretending to be somebody he is not, deceiver Go from place to place for pleasure Without preparation, spontaneous Wildly excited, hysterically Cause to lose self-control as a result of taking some drink or drug Wretched, shabby Explore with the goal of finding something
Play No 3
The oyster and the pearl Qno 1: Where does the play take place? Ans: It takes place in Harry’s shop in OK-by-the. Sea, California, population 909. Qno 2: Why is Harry sitting in barber’s chair? Ans: Harry is having his haircut therefore he is sitting in the barber’s chair. Qno 3: According to Harry how one can bring merriments to the tired old human hearts? Ans: Harry thinks that one can bring merriments to the tired old hearts by composing a symphony, painting a picture, writing a book or inventing a philosophy. Qno 4: What is Harry’s philosophy? Ans: His philosophy is “the take-it-easy way”. Qno 5: How much did Harry pay for his barber’s shop? How long has Harry been in OKby-the-Sea? Ans: He bought the shop in 75 dollars. He has been living in O.K-by-the-Sea for twenty four years. Qno 6: How many barbers are there in O.K-by-the-sea? Ans: Except Harry, there is no other barber in O.K-by-the-sea? Qno 7: How much does Harry charge for haircut? Ans: He charges one dollar for haircut but he often takes half or a quarter. Qno 8: Where is Clay going?
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
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Ans: He is gong to the beach to find something special. Qno 9: Why does Clay need money? Ans: He needs money to bring his father back. He also wants to give a gift to his mother. Qno 10: What has happened to Clay’s father? Ans: Clay’s father is a poor man and he can not fulfill the basic needs of his children. His wife always quarrels with him for this reason. Therefore he has left the house and has gone to Salinas to earn money. Qno 11: What has Clay put in the local paper? Ans: In his ad Clay requests his father to return home. His family is missing him a lot. Qno 12: Who is Miss McCutcheon? How does she fell about her job? Ans: She is a new teacher at the school of O.K.-by-the-Sea. She is unhappy about her job because the children do not take her seriously. Qno 13: What is Miss McCutcheon looking for? How does she feel about the children of the town? Ans : She is looking for the children to examine their interests and habits. She does not feel good about the children Of the town because they are careless and do not take her seriously. Qno 14: What does Harry advice her to do? Ans : He advices her to go back to San Francisco. He thinks that she is young and pretty girl who needs excitement. She could only get excitement in big city. He also asks her to marry a young man. Qno 15: What kind of haircut does Miss McCutcheon want? Ans: She wants poodle haircut. Qno 16: Can Harry give a poodle haircut? Ans: No, he can not give a poodle haircut. Qno 17: What does Miss McCutcheon think that a poodle haircut will do for her appearance? Ans : She wants to change her appearance by poodle haircut. She thinks that this haircut will make her simple and plain. Then she will easily adjust herself to the surroundings. Qno 18: Where has Clark Larrabee been? How does he get to O.K.-by-the-sea? Ans : He is working in Salinas. He comes to O.K.-by-the-sea by a truck. Qno 19: What does Clark give Harry? For what purpose? Ans : Clark gives Harry thirty dollars to give them to Clay so that Clay could give the money to his mother. Qno 20: How far is it to Hollywood from O.K.-by-the-sea? Ans : Hollywood is about two hundred miles away from O.K.-by-the-sea. Qno 21: What work does the man do? Ans: He is a writer. Qno 22: What did Clay find near black rock? Ans : He found one oyster near black rock. Qno 23: What does Clay believe in the oyster? How much is it worth? Ans : Clay believes that there is a pearl in the oyster worth of two to three hundred dollars. Qno 24: Does Miss McCutcheon believe that there is a big pearl in the oyster? Ans : No, she does not believe that there is a big pearl in the oyster? Qno 25: Why does Miss McCutcheon have a chair with three legs? Ans : Like many other people she has brought this chair from beach. She does not mean to use it. Qno 26: What kind of judge is Judge Applegarth? Ans : He is not judge of any court. Once he judged the dogs at county fair that gave him the name of judge Applegarth. Qno 27: What year is it? Ans : It is 1953. Qno 26: What does Greely have in a bottle? Ans : He has sea water in the bottle. Qno 29: Who suggests that they should open the oyster? Ans : Miss McCutcheon suggests that they should open the oyster. Qno30: Why do they want Wozzeck to come? Ans : Wozzeck is a watch repairer therefore they think that he can open the oyster without damaging its pearl. Qno 31; How does Gharry describe the inhabitants of O.K.-by-the-sea? Ans : Harry says that poor families live in the town. Every family has garden and children. They do not have jobs and earn their living mostly by selling vegetables and eggs. Those who get job can work only two months. A few get
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
pension. Qno 32: How does Miss McCutcheon view Harry’s thinking about the pearl in the oyster? Ans : She thinks that Harry is encouraging people to tell a lie. Instead he should show the people reality that there is no pearl in the oyster. But at the end Harry tells her that he is doing all this only to help Clay. Qno 33: Why does judge think that Miss McCutcheon will not last a teacher? What kind of teacher does he think he needed? Ans : He thinks that she is young and beautiful and can’t control the children. He favors an old experienced teacher to teach and control the children. Qno 34; What is Applegarth complain about the sea? Ans : He complains that the quality of stuff washed up by sea is not good. Qno 35: What kind of gadget does the writer describe? Ans : He describes about the gadget that is found in New York. He says that it is like a safety razor and with its help Anyone can have his haircut. Qno 36: Who buys the oyster? How much does he pay? Ans : The writer buys the oyster for three hundred dollars. Qno 37: Does the writer open the oyster? Why not? Ans : He does not open the oyster. He believes that the pearl is growing. But the fact is this that he buys the oyster only to help the poor family. He knows that there is no pearl in the oyster but the whole story is itself a pearl. Qno 38: Why does Clark Larrabee return? Ans : After reading the ad in the newspaper he realizes the worries of his family and decides to return his home. Qno 39: What does the writer do with the oyster? Ans : The writer turns it in his fingers and watches it carefully. After that he puts it into his pocket.
Poems Poem No 1
The Rain Qno1: How can a rainy day be enjoyed? Ans: We can enjoy rainy day by playing in the grounds. We can bath with the raindrops. We can go to the riverside or some historical place to enjoy picnic.
Poem No 2
Night Mail
Qno 1: What does Night mail bring? A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Ans : It brings cheques and letters for the people. Qno 2: Who can not turn its course? Ans : Sheep-dogs can not turn its course.
Poem No 3
Loveliest of the trees, the Cherry
now Qno Ans Qno Ans: Qno Ans
1: Which fruit is mentioned in the poem? : “Cherry” is the fruit which is mentioned in the poem. 2: What time of the year is mentioned In the poem? It is spring season. 3: How old is the poet? : He is seventy years old.
Poem No 4
O where are you going? Qno 1: What kind of feeling does the poet create in the minds of the reader? Ans : He creates the feelings that if we want to reach our destination we should be courageous and hardworking . We should face hardships and trials with patience. Qno 2: What does the title of the poem signify? Ans : It is a kind of warning that realizes us to reconsider our direction of decisions.
Poem No 5
In the street of fruit stalls Qno1: What are the feelings of poet standing in dark? Ans : The word dark signifies the hardships of the world. Although the children are enjoying in the street yet the poet’s point of view makes him sad. He feels dejected standing in dark. Qno 2: Why has the poet used “Cannonballs” to describe the fruits? Ans : He uses cannonballs to describe the fruits to show us the hard realities of life. Hardships changes everybody’s point of view.
Poem No 6
Sindhi woman
Qno 1: What did the poet reflect when he saw the woman? Ans : The poet says only those people can live with grace and dignity who face hardships of life manfully. Qno 2: What is the main idea of the poem? Ans : “Hardships make you strong and dignified” is the main idea of the poem. Qno 3: What kind of picture of Karachi slums do we get after reading the poem? Ans : It is very ugly picture of Karachi slums. Stones, pieces of glasses and bread are found everywhere.
Poem No. 8
Ozymandias Qno 1: What kind of feelings does the poem create in readers mind? Ans: This poem is a short description of the rise and fall of man’s life. It says that life is mortal. We should not be proud but a humble person. Qno 2: What did the traveler see in the desert? Ans: He saw a statue whose vast legs of stone were standing in the desert. Its frowned face was half-sunk in the sand
Poem No.9
The Feed
Qno 1: What does the sparrow hold in her beak? A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
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Ans: She is holding a grain of millet in her beak. Qno 2: How many young ones are to be fed? Ans: Ten young ones are to be fed.
Poem No. 10
The Hollow men
Qno 1: Why does the poet call modern men as hollow men? Ans: The poet says that modern men are lazy and powerless. They are speechless and do not have positive approach towards life. These shortcomes make them hollow men.
Poem No. 11
Leisure Qno 1: Why has the poet given poem the title “Leisure”? Ans: In this poem the poet says that man is spending very busy life. He does not have the time to see the real beauty of this world. Therefore the poet has given his poem the title “Leisure” because this spare time can allow a man to see the beauty of the world.
Poem No. 12
Qno 1: Who was Abraham (A.S) ? Ans: Hazrat Abraham (A.S) was the prophet of Allah. Qno 2: What is worse than slavery? Ans: To have no faith is worse than slavery. Qno 3: Who can not compete with the civilization of Makkah? Ans: The people of Europe can not compete with the civilization of Makkah. Because only Muslims have Makkah that unites them all over the world. Qno 4: What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless? Ans: The lack of love for Allah and humanity has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless.
Poem No. 13
A tale of two cities Qno 1: Why did the people of Japan look powerless and helpless? Ans: When America dropped atom bomb on Japan it destroyed everything. Therefore the survived people looked powerless and helpless. Qno 2: Under what circumstances the victims of atom bomb have to pass through? OR Describe the scene of devastation? Ans : It was terrible situation for them. They had nothing to eat and wear. Everything was destroyed. There was no scene but the weeping faces of helpless people. Qno 3: What is the moral lesson of the poem? Ans : “ Trail and tribulations make a nation great” is the moral lesson of the poem.
Poem No. 14
My neighbor friend breathing
his last Qno 1: When does a person remember God? Ans : When a person is in pain or in terrible condition, he remembers God. Because he finds no helper but God. Qno 2: What is the effect of the death scene?
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Ans : Death scene shows us the reality of this mortal world. Its shocking effect brings us near to Allah. Qno 3: Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a friend? Ans : It is because a man can not save his friend from death. He knows that his friend will never come again in this world. All these things make a person feel helpless. Qno 4: What does flare up flames in heart to height? Ans : The shock of separation of the poet from his spiritual guide flares up the flames in heat to height. Qno 5: Without whose love is Bullah in loss? Ans ; Without Allah’s love Bullah is in loss.
Poem No. 15
He came to know himself
Qno 1: Why does the poet emphasize on how to know himself? Ans : The “ self” of a person is a mirror to see Allah. One can not reach Allah without recognizing his “self”. Therefore The poet emphasizes to know himself. Qno 2: What makes a person entangled in love? Ans L When a person recognizes his “self” he starts seeing unlimited treasures of God. This feeling makes him Entangled in love. Qno 3: Why did Mansoor mount the gallows? Ans : Mansoor was blessed with the love of God. In his heart there was nothing but God. This world was meaningless For him. So, he mounted the gallows to reach his God. Qno 4: What is the bare truth? Ans The bare truth is this that there is nothing in this would but God. He is in the hearts of pious people. Once a man sees His light he submits himself before Him. Qno 5: What is the poet saying about his sojourn on the earth ? Ans : The poet says that there is nothing in this world but God. He has created everything and His light is everywhere in this universe.
Poem No. 16
God’s Attributes Qno 1: How many attributes of God are mentioned in the poem? Ans : Three attributes of God are mentioned in the poem. They are the “knowing”, the “Seeing” and the “Hearing”. Qno 2: What makes one scare of sinning? Ans: God is all “Seeing” makes every one scare of sinning. Qno 3: What are the effects of the attributes of God? OR How do the attributes help in refining the character of a person? Ans: The attributes of God make the character of a person exemplary. A person tries to keep himself away from evil deeds because he knows that Allah is seeing and hearing him every time. Qno 4: God calls himself “Hearing” How does this attribute of God help one in daily speech? Ans : When a person realizes that God is all “Hearing” he refrains himself from using harsh and bad words in his speech.
Poem No.17
The delight song
Qno 1: What do you understand hen the poet says “ I am the shadow that follows a child”? Ans : The poet is much impressed by the innocent nature of the child. A child always does folly and enjoyable tricks. So, the poet also wants to enjoy by following the child. Qno 2: How can the crust of the snow glitter?
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal
for medium students
Ans : The crust of the snow glitters when the rays of light fall on it. Qno 3: What is the result of man’s good relation with the earth and the lords? Ans: If a man is in good relations with the earth and the lords. He can spend a very happy and enjoyable life in this world. Qno 4: What are the things that keep a person alive? Ans : Everything that is beautiful and fruitful keeps a man alive.
Poem No. 18
Love’ An essence of all religions
Qno 1: Why does the poet put emphasize on love? OR What is the effect of love? Ans : The poet emphasizes on love because love is essence of all religions. Love can change a devil person into a pious man. It can make this world a paradise. Qno 2: Is life worth-living without love? Ans : No, life is not worth-living without love because love is the reality of this world.
Poem No.19
A man or words and not of deeds Qno 1: How does the life of a man pass through different phases of it? Ans : This poem is about a talkative man. The poet says that a talkative man spends an inactive life and does not use his abilities in right direction. So, with the passage of time his inactivity ruins his life completely. Qno 2: What happens when life is not of deeds but is full of words? Ans : The life, full of words and not of deeds always leads to ultimate destruction. Qno 3: What Is the condition of the garden when the weeds start growing.? Ans: The garden becomes useless when weeds start growing in it. Because you can not expect fruit from weeds.
Poem No 20
Broken Images
Qno 1: What is the condition of two persons, one who trusts clear images and the other who mistrusts the broken Images? Ans: The person who trusts the clear images assumes facts because he trusts them. But he gets confused when the facts fail him. The second person who mistrusts his broken images always questions their relevance and finds the reality Qno 2: Why does a person question his senses when the facts fail him? Ans : A person who assumes the facts does not question their relevance. But when the facts fails him he questions his senses. Qno 3: Who is in new confusion of his understanding? Ans: The person who trusts clear images and does not question their relevance is in new confusion of his understanding.
Reading notes of the entire poem for synonyms: Leave drinking rain Border Gradient Boulder Shovel Slumber Hung with bloom Three score years and ten Little room Fatal
The sound of rain falling on leaves gives one the impression as if leaves are drinking water with gulping sound Boundary. Frontier, edge Degree of ascent or descent on a roll-road, slope Rounded stone, a large round piece of rock Throw off, exhale, emit Sleep, doze Loaded with flowers Three sets of twenty and ten means seventy years Short life, small period of life Mortal, deadly, destructive
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
English Notes for 1st year
By Samee Iqbal Midden Odour Diligent Granite Dusk Horror Mandarin Rind Wick Pyramid Undulant Glide Tread Excrement Crumb Slums Stoop Antique Trunkless Visage Frown Wrinkled Sculptor Mock Pedestal Colossal Wreck Millet Tiny Conjoin Fissure Hollow Stuff Head piece Whisper Stake Captivate Concord Woeful Smashed Aghast Decamping Shriek Flare up Naught Cascade Gallows Sojourn Scare Discourse Camphor Luster Cluster Glitter Stake Wrath relevance
for medium students
Garbage dump, rubbish Smell which is bad Hard-working, careful, industrious Granular crystalline rock of quartz The darker stage of twilight, sunset Intense feeling of fear, fright, terror A type of small orange with a loose skin the hard outer skin of certain fruits A length of a string in the center of a candle Triangular shape Wave like motion or look, undulating Move along smoothly Walk, stride, gait Waste mater expelled from body Small pieces of dry food, scarps of food Street of small houses Bend forward, bow Old and valuable, ancient Without the main part of the body A person’s face To show anger Having of showing wrinkles, furrowed A person who makes sculptures, engraver To laugh at, make fun of The base, pillar Very large, gigantic Something which is damaged A small grain of cereal Very small Join, combine Open, split, break Having a hole or empty space inside, useless The material of substance out of which anything is or can be made, raw material A covering for the head Speak softly, murmur, mutter In danger, at risk Fascinate, attract Harmony, unity, agreement Doleful, grieved, melancholic Destroyed, broken Terrified, sorrowful, sad Going away secretly, passing away Cry , scream, howl Burst into bright flame Nothing Waterfall, fountain Wooden frame work on which to put criminals to death Stay at different places during a long journey Frighten, terrify Talk, conversation Strong smelling substance Soft reflected light, radiance Closely together, set Shine, light, spark Post to which a person is tied Great anger, indignation Connection with what is discussed
A humble effort from IQRA CENTER Contact: 0333-6042004
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