1.plan A Voyage and Conduct Navigation.

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Merencanakan pelayaran dan melaksanakan navigasi. ( Plan a voyage and conduct navigation )  

1.  When must a passage plan be prepared ? A.  At the start of the sea voyage. B.  Before the voyage commences. C.  When requested by a pilot. D.  After the pilot has disembarke 2.  What should a passage plan include ? A.  The plan should include the first 72 hours of the sea voyage. B.  The plan should include the entire voyage from berth to berth. C.  The plan should cover the first half of the sea voyage. D.  The master decides what to include in the passage plan

3.  The path that a vessel is expected to follow, represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival, is the __________. A.  DR plot B.  Track line  line  C.  Heading D.  Estimated course 4.  Which nautical charts are intended for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs and shoals? A.  Approach charts B.  General charts  charts  C.  Sailing charts D.  Coastal charts





5.  Which would you consult for information about the general current circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean? A.  Pilot chart B.  Coast Pilot C.  Current Table D.  Climatological Atlas 6.  Distance along a track line is measured me asured on a Mercator Mercat or chart by using the  __________..  __________ A.  Latitude scale near the middle of the track line B.  Longitude scale near the middle of the track line C.  Latitude scale at the mid-latitude of the chart D.  Latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale

7.  You will be loading in Boston Harbor to a maximum draft of 32'06". The charted depth of an obstruction in the channel near Boston Light is 30 feet and you wish to have 3 feet of keel clearance. The steaming time from the pier to the obstruction is 01h 05m. What is the latest time (ZD +4) you can sail on 17 May 1983 and meet these requirements? A.  1610 B.  1728 C.  1821 D.  2350 8.  In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumb line distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle distance? A.  The two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphere B.  The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere. C.  The two points are near the equator, but in different hemispheres D.  One point is near the equator, one point is in a high latitude, and both are near the 180th meridian.





9.  You are planning to enter an unfamiliar unfamiliar port. Which publication publication provides information about channel depths, dangers, obstructions, anchorages, and marine ma rine facilities available in that port? A.  American Practical Navigator B.   Notice to Mariners C.  Coast Pilot D.  Sailing Directions 10. The drift and set of tidal, river, and ocean currents refer to the __________. A.  Position and area of the current B.  Speed and direction toward which the current flows C.  Type and characteristic of the current's flow D.  None of the above

11. You are preparing to take a tow from San Diego to Portland, OR. Good seamanship would require that you have on board, available for reference and use, all of the following EXCEPT the __________. A.  Coast Pilot B.  Harbor and coastal charts for ports of refuge enroute C.  Sailing Directions (Enroute) D.  Light List 12. You are enroute to assist vessel Vessel A is underway at 4.5 knots on on course 233°T, and bears 264°T at 68 miles from you. What is the course to steer at 13 knots to intercept vessel A? A.  249° B.  256° C.  262° D.  268°





13. Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of __________. A.  Marine broadcast Notice to Mariners B.  Weekly Notices to Mariners C.  Corrected editions of charts D.  Light Lists 14. You are informed of defects or changes in i n aids to navigation by __________. __________. A.  Local Notice to Mariners B.  Weekly Notice to Mariner C.  Marine broadcasts D.  All of the above 15. You would expect to find channels marked with the IALA-A Buoyage System in  __________.  __________. A.  The Philippines B.  Australia C.  Republic of Korea D.  Chile 16. Which statement about radio navigational warnings is TRUE? A.  The topics for warnings warni ngs included in HYDROLANTS, HYDROPACS, HYDROPACS, and  NAVAREA warnings warnings are the same. B.   NAVAREA warnings warnings concern only coastal navigation and inland navigation in large bays or sounds such as Puget Soun C.  The United States is responsible for NAVAREA warnings in the North Atlantic north of 7°N, and west of 15°W. D.  Long range radio navigational warnings are usually broadcast by radiotelephone, radiotelegraph, and radio-teletypewriter.





17. In which country would you expect the channels to be marked with the IALA-B Buoyage System? A.  Poland B.  Morocco C.  Peru D.  Saudi Arabia 18. What is TRUE concerning new editions of Light Lists? A.  Supplements to new editions are issued monthly by the U.S. Coast Guar B.   New editions are published by the National Ocean Service. C.   New editions are corrected through the date shown on the title page. D.  None of the above 19. The world is divided into NAVAREAS NAVAREAS for the dissemination of important marine information. Which NAVAREAS include the Indonesian? A.  XI B.  IV and XI C.  V and X D.  VI and VII 20. In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain cert ain geographic area? A.  Chart No. 1 B.  Catalog of Charts C.  Guidance for Practical Navigator D.  Coast Guard Light List 21. What publication contains information about the port facilities and passage entry to  port ? A.  World Port Index B.  Coast Pilot C.   Nautical Index D.  Sailing Directions





22. The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is __________. A.  Unpredictable B.  Generally too weak to be of concern C.  Predicted in Tidal Current Tables D.  Generally constant 23. The Sailing Directions (Enroute) contain c ontain information on __________. A.  Well-charted inner dangers B.  Port facilities C.  Coastal anchorages D.  Offshore traffic separation schemes 24. On a chart, the characteristic characteri stic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector. The red sector __________. A.  Indicates the limits of the navigable channel B.  Indicates a danger area C.  Is used to identify the characteristics of the light D.  Serves no significant purpose 25. To which traffic separation schemes does Rule 10 apply? A.  Those adopted by the International Maritime Organization B.  Those set up by local authorities C.  Those defined on navigational charts D.  All of the above 26. The distance covered by a ship on four successive successi ve days were 320, 300, 310 and 330 nautical miles respectively. Find the average daily dail y run speed if each day is 24 hours long A.  330 naut. Miles B.  300 naut. Miles C.  320 naut. Miles D.  315 naut. Miles





27. How often is it recommended that a position fix is taken during a sea voyage if the ship is in open waters ? A.  Just before the change of watch B.  Twice a watch C.  At least every 30 minutes D.  Only when the visibility drops 28. What chart should be used when navigating ? A.  The largest scale chart onboard for the area which is properly corrected B.  Any chart which shows the area which the vessel is passing through as long as it is connected C.  The largest scale chart on board for the concerned area D.  The chart which covers the largest part of the passage

29. Define the required interval between position fixes. A.  Before the vessel is due to alter course B.  When the weather changes C.  Such as the vessel cannot be set into danger if the last two fixes were incorrect D.  Such that the vessel cannot be set appreciable off course, or into danger by the effects of wind, tide or current

30. The latest edition of a chart can be found from _______. A.  The chart catalogue B.  The Annual Notice to Mariners C.  The latest cumulative notices to mariners D.  The Guide to Port Entry 31. A cumulative list of notices to mariners are published _____ a year. A.  Three times B.  Once C.  Four times D.  Twice 8




32. Controls testing of bridge equipment should be carried out _______. A.  Every day at noon when at sea B.  On completion of maneuvering in port C.  One to two hours prior sailing D.  Whenever an item of navigation equipment is not functioning 33. You are asked to find if a particular port you are expected to visit has an Indian Embassy. Which of these publications publicati ons would you consult? A.  Port approach chart B.  Admiralty Sailing Directions C.  Admiralty list of Radio Signals D.  Guide to Port Entry 34. Which of the following foll owing factors may not be taken into consideration when planning a passage in coastal waters? A.  Under keel clearance B.  Clearing bearings and clearing ranges C.   No - Go areas D.  Choice of ocean route 35. A voyage passage plan is made from _____. A.  Pilot station to pilot station B.  Fairway buoy to fairway buoy C.  Berth to berth D.  Berth to drop of pilot of that particular port and from arrival pilot station to the berth

36. Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertic vertical al letters. This indicates the __________. A.  Rock is visible at low water springs only B.  Rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only C.  Rock is dry at high water D.  Exact position of the rock is doubtful 9




37. When the range of a ship is decreasing and its bearing remains constant,the ships are on: A.  Parallel courses B.  Opposite courses C.  Diverging courses D.  Collision courses 38.  According to the recommendations of International Navigational Congress in 1912, the ratio of length to width at the entrance for cargo vessels is A.  5.5 and 6.0 to 1 B.  6.2 and 6.8 to 1 C.  7.4 and 7.8 to 1 D.  8.2 and 8.5 to 1

39. Which one of the following land marks on the coast line must be depicted on hydrographic maps ? A.  Light houses B.  Church spires C.  Shore line D.  All the above 40. Pick up the correct statement from the following: A.  An artificial barrier which makes the enclosed area safe for anchorage of ships, is known as break water B.  The length of the quay wall is governed by the length of the largest vessel likely to be berthe C.  The break water whose inside is used as a plateform for loading and unloading is called a mole D.  All the above





41. You expect to sight land at 2100 where an alteration of course is marked on the chart. By 2120 no land has been sighted, the visibility visibility is very good What action would you take? A. Keep looking out. B. Call Master. C. Stop engines. D. Alter course. 42. How should a vessel cross a traffic lane when obliged to do so? A.  At a speed and heading that will cause the least encounters with vessels within the lane B.  On a heading that will cause her to t o spend the LEAST TIM TIME E in the lane C.  On a HEADING as nearly as practical at a t right angles to the direction dire ction of traffic flow D.  On heading so that her TRACK will be as nearly as practicable at right angles to the direction of traffic flow 43. A vessel is steaming in east ea st longitude on January 25 and crosses the International Date Line on an eastbound course at 0900 zone time. What is the date and time at Greenwich when the vessel crosses the line? A.  0900, 24 January B.  2100, 24 January C.  2100, 25 January D.  0900, 26 January 44. The period at high or low tide during which there is no change in the height of the water is called the __________. A.  Range of the tide B.  Plane of the tide C.  Stand of the tide D.  Reversing of the tide





45. Spring tides are tides t ides that __________. A.  Have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal B.  Have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal C.  Are unpredictable D.  Occur in the spring of the year 46. Mean high water is the reference plane used for __________. A.  All vertical measurements B.  Heights above water of land features such as lights C.  Soundings on the East and West Coasts D.  Water depths on the East Coast only 47. The range of tide is the __________. A.  Distance the tide moves out from the shore B.  Duration of time between high and low tide C.  Difference between the heights of high and low tide D.  Maximum depth of the water at high tide 48. The reference datum used in determining the heights of land features on most charts is __________ __________.. A.  Mean sea level B.  Mean high water C.  Mean low water D.  Half-tide level 49. Charted depth is the __________. A.  Vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom, plus the height of tide B.  Vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C.  Average height of water over a specified period of time D.  Average height of all low waters at a place





50. The datum from which the predicted heights of tides are reckoned in the tide tables is __________ __________.. A.  Mean low water B.  The same as that used for the charts of the locality C.  The highest possible level D.  Given in table three of the tide tables 51. When operated over a muddy bottom, a fathometer may indicate __________. A.  A shallow depth reading B.  A zero depth reading C.   No depth reading D.  Two depth readings 52. When the moon is at first quarter or third quarter phase, what type of tides will occur? A.  Apogean B.  Perigean C.   Neap D.  Spring 53. Priming of the tides occurs __________. A.  At times of new and full Moon B.  When the Earth, Moon, and Sun are lying approximately on the same line C.  When the Moon is between first quarter and full and between third quarter and new D.  When the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter





54. Region grooves traffic for ships does range TSS Traffic in shore's lines, traffic corresponds to that region is : A.  Traffic Areas B.  Traffic lines C.  Range of Traffic D.  Leading Area 55. Lines which shall follow for the ships to entering or outer an a n area A.  Course lines B.  Trafiic lines C.  Leading lines D.  Heading lines 56. All bridge member shall attended if there is available availa ble changing to passage plan : A.  Bridge attention B.  Plan Changes C.  Passage changing D.  All the above 57. Route with prescribed bounds where ships shall get navigations with extra caution is A.  Dangerous area B.  Area to be avoid C.  Precautionary area D.  No Go Area 58. Which stages following Apraisal stage of passage planning : A.  Checking, maintain and records B.  Planning, maintain and records C.  Excecution, maintain and monitoring D.  Planning, execution and monitoring





59. Area which may not navigate navigate to get bearing with depth and danger of navigation is : A.  Coution Area B.   No Go Area C.  Danger area D.  Area to be avoid 60. Area which shall be avoided by all ships or for ship by clasification indeed is : A.  Coution Area B.   No Go Area C.  Danger area D.  Area to be avoid 61. A point given given at navigational charts to revamp bow before ship arriving at way  point's is : A.  Way Point B.  Fix Position Cordinate C.  Wheel Over Point D.  Point to altering the course 62. Which nautical charts are intended for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs and shoals? A.  Approach charts B.  General charts C.  Sailing charts D.  Coastal charts 63. Under the IALA - A Buoyage System, a buoy used as a port hand mark would not show which light characteristic? A.  Isophase B.  Quick flashing C.  Long flashing D.  Group Flashing (2 + 1) 15




64. When possible, a DR plot should always be started from where? A.  Any position B.  A known position C.  An assumed position D.  None of the above 65. The scale on a chart is given as 1:5,000,000. This means that __________. A.  1 inch is equal to 5,000 inches on the Earth's surface B.  1 nautical mile on the chart is equal to 5,000 inches on the Earth's surface C.  1 inch is equal to 5,000,000 inches on the Earth's surface D.  1 nautical mile on the chart is equal to 5,000,000 inches on the Earth's surface

66. A ship is in longitude 54°00'W on a true course of 270°. The ship's clocks are on the proper time zone. At what longitude should the clocks be changed to maintain the proper zone time? A.  45°00'W B.  52°30'W C.  60°00'W D.  67°30'W 67. Which statement is TRUE concerning apogean tides? A.  They occur only at quadrature. B.  They occur when the Moon is nearest the Earth. C.  They cause diurnal tides to become mixe D.  They have a decreased range from normal. 68. Safe water buoys may show ONLY __________. __________. A.  Flashing red lights B.  Flashing green lights C.  White lights D.  Yellow lights





69. The description "Racon" beside an illustration on a chart would mean a  __________..  __________ A.  Radar conspicuous beacon B.  Circular radio beacon C.  Radar transponder beacon D.  Radar calibration beacon 70. The shoreline on charts generally represents the t he mean __________. A.  High water line B.  Low water line C.  Low water spring line D.  Tide level 71. On March 17, at 0500 zone time, you cross the 180th meridian steaming eastward to west longitude. What is your local time? A.  You are in -12 time zone. B.  It is 1700, March 18. C.  It is 0500, March 16. D.  It is 0500, March 18. 72. You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor, as your berth is not yet available. You are on a SW'ly heading, preparing to drop anchor, when you observe the range lights as shown on your starboard beam. bea m. You should __________. A.  Drop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructions B.  Drop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor C.  Ensure your ship will NOT block the channel or obstruct the range while at anchor D.  NOT drop the anchor until the lights lights are in line





73. A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) __________. A.  Running fix B.  Dead-reckoning position C.  Fix D.  Estimated position 74. A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) __________. A.  White light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheres B.  Occulting green light and may be lettered C.  Yellow light and will be numbered D.  Continuous quick white light and may be numbered 75. A coastal passage or voyage plan should indicate the appropriate methods of determining positions and include which of the following? A.  All of these suggested answers B.  Radar ranges and Parallel Indexing C.  Bearings and ranges from coastal navigational marks D.  Positions determined by GPS and plotted on the ECDIS

76. Can voyage planning be executed on ECDIS? A.  Yes B.   No C.  Only if approved by the Flag State D.  Only if approved by the owner





77. Is it necessary to construct a passage plan, (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal ca nal or river, when under pilot? A.  A passage plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is under pilot B.  A passage plan is required for all deep sea passages, but not for transiting a canal under pilotage. C.  A passage plan is required only when there is no pilot on board D.  A passage plan is required from departure from port to arrival at the pilot station at the destination.

78. What is the crucial aspect in executing a voyage in a safe and efficient way? A.  An effective detailed passage plan fully understood and followed by a competent bridge team. B.  All navigational equipment fully functional. C.  Bridge equipment effectively operating and being used efficiently D.  The bridge equipment includes ARPA radar, GPS and ECDIS in full and effective operation

79. When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship? A.  A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea B.  The passage is well established and known by the pilot and a plan is therefore not necessary C.  A pilot is responsible for the navigation whilst on board and will be very familiar with what is required, therefore discussing the passage plan is not necessary D.  The pilot would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship's characteristics and resist any passage planning discussions with the Master.





80. When planning a voyage crossing large oceans, which of the following answers would most suitably cover the most critical aspects to be considered when deciding the courses to steer? A.  The anticipated weather and the need for weather routing. The distances gained by sailing by great circle. The ship's draught and the loadline limits B.  The anticipated weather with the possibility of encountering ice and the need for weather weather routing. The prevailing currents and their advantage advantage to improved speeds C.  The passage time to the destination; the anticipated bunkers used and the need to arrive within prescribed schedule D.  The methods of determine position and avoiding areas of increased traffic density. The limitations of the ships draught and the loadline limits

81. What should you apply to a fathometer reading to determine the depth of water? A.  Subtract the draft of the vessel. B.  Add the draft of the vessel. C.  Subtract the sea water correction . D.  Add the sea water correction. 82. The path that a vessel is expected to follow, represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival, is the __________. A.  DR plot B.  Track line C.  Heading D.  Estimated course 83. A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a __________ __________.. A.  Sailing chart B.  General chart C.  Coast chart D.  Harbor chart





84. Tropic tides are caused by the __________. A.  Moon being at its maximum declination B.  Moon crossing the equator C.  Sun and Moon both being near 0° declination D.  Moon being at perigee

85. Which statement is TRUE concerning apogean tides? A.  They occur only at quadrature. B.  They occur when the Moon is nearest the Earth. C.  They cause diurnal tides to become mixe D.  They have a decreased range from normal. 86. An important lunar cycle affecting the tidal cycle is called the nodal perio How long is this cycle? A.  16 days B.  18 days C.  6 years D.  19 years 87. The class of tide that prevails in the greatest number of important harbors on the Atlantic Coast is __________ __________.. A.  Interval B.  Mixed C.  Diurnal D.  Semidiurnal 88. To make sure of getting the full advantage of a favorable current, you should reach an entrance or strait at what time in relation to the predicted time of the favorable current? A.  One hour after the predicted time B.  At the predicted time C.  30 minutes before flood, one hour after an ebb D.  30 minutes before the predicted time 21




89. IN REGION A of the IALA Buoyage System, when entering from seaward, the  port side of a channel would be marked marked by a __________. __________. A.  Red can buoy B.  Black can buoy C.  Red conical buoy D.  Black conical buoy 90. The depth of water on a chart is indicated as 23 meters. This is equal to  __________..  __________ A.  11.5 fathoms B.  12.6 fathoms C.  69.0 feet D.  78.6 feet 91. Which chart projection would be most suitable for marine surveying? A.  Gnomonic B.  Lambert conformal C.  Mercator D.  Polyconic 92.  As your vessel is heading southward along the east coast of the United States, you encounter a buoy showing a red flashing f lashing light. How should you pass this buoy? A.  Pass it about 50 yards off on either side. B.  Leave it to your starboar C.  Leave it to your port. D.  Pass it well clear on either side. 93.  Which statement about a simple conic chart projection is TRUE? A.  It is an equal-area projection. B.  It is a conformal projection. C.  Meridians appear as curved lines. D.  The scale is correct along any meridian.





94.  Your dead reckoning position should be plotted __________. A.  Whenever an estimated position is plotted B.  When it agrees with your loran position C.  When coming on or going off soundings D.  At least every hour on the hour in the open waters of the sea 95. A pilot chart does NOT contain information about __________. A.  Average wind conditions B.  Tidal currents C.  Magnetic variation D.  Average limits of field ice 96. Where will you find information about the duration of slack water? A.  American Practical Navigator B.  Sailing Directions C.  Tide Tables D.  Tidal Current Tables 97. All of the following foll owing can be found on a Pilot Chart EXCEPT information concerning the __________. A.  Percentage of frequency of wave heights B.  Percentage of poor visibility conditions C.  Sea surface temperatures D.  Amounts of precipitation 98. If you were sailing in the North Pacific and a nd were interested in the ice and iceberg limits, you could find this information in the __________. A.  Pilot Chart B.  Coast Pilot C.   Notice to Mariners D.  None of the above





99. When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes, angles a ngles such as bearings are measured in reference to __________. A.  The meridian through the object of the bearing B.  The meridian through the ship's position C.  The meridian midway between the ship and the object D.  Any meridian

100.  The marking A is __________. A.  Way point B.  Whell Over Point C.  Paralell index D.  Altering course

101.  The marking B is ___________. ___________. A.  Way point B.  Whell Over Point C.  Paralell index D.  Altering course 102.  The marking C is i s ___________. A.  Way point B.  Whell Over Point C.  Paralell index D.  Altering course 103.  The Sailing Directions (Enroute) contain information on __________. A.  Well-charted inner dangers B.  Port facilities C.  Coastal anchorages D.  Offshore traffic separation schemes





104.  Which statement is TRUE concerning the Inland Navigation Rules? A.  They list requirements for Traffic Separation Schemes. B.  They define moderate spee C.  They require communication by radiotelephone to reach r each a passing agreement. D.  All of the above 105.  During the survey of Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) equipment, which document must be available to the surveyor to demonstrate compliance with SOLAS? A.  A report giving the result of the Conformance Test issued by an Approved Service Provider on behalf of the flag B.  A report giving the result of the Performance Test, issued by the manufacturer in compliance with the Flag State Authority requirements. C.  The Certificate of Compliance with SOLAS V/19-1, bearing the serial number of the equipment installation. D.  A Statement of Installation and and Testing by the Approved Service Provider in compliance with SOLAS V/26-4.

106.  How often is the performance check of a Voyage Data Recorder by a competent  person required under SOLAS? SOLAS? A.  Annually. B.  At the Intermediate Safety Equipment Survey. C.  When the battery is replace D.  When the data media is downloade





107.  What is the main purpose of VTS? A.  Increase the safety of all ships and the protection of the environment in the vicinity. B.  Provide local information to all vessels navigating in the area C.  Improve the scheduling and traffic movement in the are D.  Increase safety for ships participating in VTS

108.  When planning a voyage crossing large oceans, which of the following answers would most suitably cover the most critical aspects to be considered when deciding the courses to steer? A.  The anticipated weather and the need for weather routing. The distances gained by sailing by great circle. The ship's draught and the loadline limits B.  The anticipated weather with the possibility of encountering ice and the need for weather weather routing. The prevailing currents and their advantage to improved speeds C.  The passage time to the destination; the anticipated bunkers used and the need to arrive within prescribed schedule D.  The methods of determine position and avoiding areas of increased traffic density. The limitations of the ships draught and the loadline limits

109.  A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which  __________..  __________ A.  Is located between the scheme and the nearest land B.  Separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite direction C.  Is designated as an anchorage area D.  Contains all the traffic moving in the same direction





110.  A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall __________. A.  Avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the scheme B.  Avoid crossing traffic lanes, but if obliged to do so, shall cross on as small an angle as is practical C.  Only anchor in the separation zone D.  Use the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is hindering other traffic due to her slower speed

111.  A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall NOT __________. A.  Cross a traffic lane B.  Engage in fishing the separation zone C.  Proceed in an inappropriate traffic lane D.  Enter the separation zone

112.  A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall __________. A.  Only anchor in the separation zone

B.  Avoid crossing traffic lanes, but if obliged to do so, shall cross on a heading at as small an angle as is practical C.  Avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the scheme D.  Use the separation zone for navigation through the scheme if she is hindering other traffic due to her slower speed

113.  BOTH INTERNATIONAL &A traffic separation separat ion zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which __________. A.  Is between the scheme and the nearest land B.  Contains all the traffic moving in one direction C.  Is designated as an anchorage area D.  Separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite direction


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