1.NMC-Anatomy-Week-01 (14-09-2014)

June 27, 2016 | Author: drpnnreddy | Category: Types, School Work
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Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 1.Which of the following describes the number of chromosomes and amount of DNA in a gamete? (A) 46 chromosomes, 1N (B) 46 chromosomes, 2N (C) 23 chromosomes, 1N (D) 23 chromosomes, 2N (E) 23 chromosomes, 4N

(B) Pairing of homologous chromosomes (C) Reducing the amount of DNA to 1N (D) Achieving the diploid number of chromosomes (E) Producing primordial germ cells 9.A young woman enters puberty with approximately 40,000 primary oocytes in her ovary. About how many of these primary oocytes will be ovulated over the entire reproductive life of the woman? (A) 40,000 (B) 35,000 (C) 480 (D) 48 (E) 12

2.Which of the following chromosome compositions in a sperm normally results in the production of a genetic female if fertilization occurs? (A) 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes (B) 22 homologous pairs of chromosomes (C) 23 autosomes plus an X chromosome (D) 22 autosomes plus a Y chromosome (E) 22 autosomes plus an X chromosome

10. Fetal sex can be diagnosed by noting the presence or absence of the Barr body in cells obtained from the amniotic fluid. What is the etiology of the Barr body? (A) Inactivation of both X chromosomes (B) Inactivation of homologous chromosomes (C) Inactivation of one Y chromosome (D) Inactivation of one X chromosome (E) Inactivation of one chromatid

3.All primary oocytes are formed by (A) week 4 of embryonic life (B) month 5 of fetal life (C) birth (D) month 5 of infancy (E) puberty 4.When does formation of primary spermatocytes begin? (A) During week 4 of embryonic life (B) During month 5 of fetal life (C) At birth (D) During month 5 of infancy (E) At puberty

11.During meiosis, pairing of homologous chromosomes occurs, which permits large segments of DNA to be exchanged. What is this process called? (A) Synapsis (B) Nondisjunction (C) Alignment (D) Crossing over (E) Disjunction

5.In the production of female gametes, which of the following cells can remain dormant for 12–40 years? (A) Primordial germ cell (B) Primary oocyte (C) Secondary oocyte (D) First polar body (E) Second polar body

12.During ovulation, the secondary oocyte resides at what specific stage of meiosis? (A) Prophase of meiosis I (B) Prophase of meiosis II (C) Metaphase of meiosis I (D) Metaphase of meiosis II (E) Meiosis is completed at the time of ovulation

6.In the production of male gametes, which of the following cells remains dormant for 12 years? (A) Primordial germ cell (B) Primary spermatocyte (C) Secondary spermatocyte (D) Spermatid (E) Sperm

13.Concerning maturation of the female gamete (oogenesis), when do the oogonia enter meiosis I and undergo DNA replication to form primary oocytes? (A) During fetal life (B) At birth (C) At puberty (D) With each ovarian cycle (E) Following fertilization

7.Approximately how many sperm will be ejaculated by a normal fertile male during sexual intercourse? (A) 10 million (B) 20 million (C) 35 million (D) 100 million (E) 350 million

14. Where do primordial germ cells initially develop? (A) In the gonads at week 4 of embryonic development (B) In the yolk sac at week 4 of embryonic development (C) In the gonads at month 5 of embryonic development (D) In the yolk sac at month 5 of embryonic development (E) In the gonads at puberty

8.Which of the following is a major characteristic of meiosis I? (A) Splitting of the centromere

15. A 20-year-old woman presents at the emergency department with severe abdominal pain on the right side


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 with signs of internal bleeding. She indicated that she has been sexually active without contraception and missed her last menstrual period. Based on this information, which of the following disorders must be included as an option in the diagnosis? (A) Ovarian cancer (B) Appendicitis (C) Normal pregnancy (D) Ectopic tubal pregnancy (E) Toxemia of pregnancy

22. Between which two layers is the extraembryonic mesoderm located? (A) Epiblast and hypoblast (B) Syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast (C) Syncytiotrophoblast and endometrium (D) Exocoelomic membrane and syncytiotrophoblast (E) Exocoelomic membrane and cytotrophoblast 23.The prochordal plate marks the site of the future (A) umbilical cord (B) heart (C) mouth (D) anus (E) nose

16. How soon after fertilization occurs within the uterine tube does the blastocyst begin implantation? (A) Within minutes (B) By 12 hours (C) By day 1 (D) By day 2 (E) By day 7

24. Which of the following are components of the definitive chorion? (A) Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm and epiblast (B) Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm and cytotrophoblast (C) Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm and syncytiotrophoblast (D) Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm, cytotrophoblast, and syncytiotrophoblast (E) Extraembryonic visceral mesoderm, cytotrophoblast, and syncytiotrophoblast

17. Where does the blastocyst normally implant? (A) Functional layer of the cervix (B) Functional layer of the endometrium (C) Basal layer of the endometrium (D) Myometrium (E) Perimetrium 18. Which of the following structures must degenerate for blastocyst implantation to occur? (A) Endometrium in progestational phase (B) Zona pellucida (C) Syncytiotrophoblast (D) Cytotrophoblast (E) Functional layer of the endometrium

25. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is an oncofetal antigen that is generally associated with which one of the following tumors? (A) Hepatoma (B) Germ cell tumor (C) Squamous cell carcinoma (D) Colorectal carcinoma (E) Teratocarcinoma

19. Which of the following is the origin of the mitochondrial DNA of all human adult cells? (A) Paternal only (B) Maternal only (C) A combination of paternal and maternal (D) Either paternal or maternal (E) Unknown origin

26. At what location does the amniotic cavity develop? (A) Between the cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast (B) Within the extraembryonic mesoderm (C) Between the endoderm and mesoderm (D) Within the hypoblast (E) Within the epiblast

20. In oogenesis, which of the following events occurs immediately following the completions of meiosis II? (A) Degeneration of the zona pellucida (B) Sperm penetration of the corona radiata (C) Formation of a female pronucleus (D) Appearance of the blastocyst (E) Completion of cleavage

27. At the end of week 2 of development (day 14), what is the composition of the embryonic disk? (A) Epiblast only (B) Epiblast and hypoblast (C) Ectoderm and endoderm (D) Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (E) Epiblast, mesoderm, and hypoblast

21. Which of the following components plays the most active role in invading the endometrium during blastocyst implantation? (A) Epiblast (B) Syncytiotrophoblast (C) Hypoblast (D) Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm (E) Extraembryonic visceral mesoderm

28. Which germ layers are present at the end of week 3 of development (day 21)? (A) Epiblast only (B) Epiblast and hypoblast (C) Ectoderm and endoderm (D) Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (E) Epiblast, mesoderm, and hypoblast 29. Which process establishes the three definitive germ layers?


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 (A) Neurulation (B) Gastrulation (C) Craniocaudal folding (D) Lateral folding (E) Angiogenesis

(D) Ectoderm and mesoderm (E) Endoderm and mesoderm 38. The most common interventricular septal defect (VSD) seen clinically is (A) persistent truncus arteriosus (B) membranous VSD (C) common ventricle (D) foramen secundum defect (E) premature closure of foramen ovale

30. The first indication of gastrulation in the embryo is (A) formation of the primitive streak (B) formation of the notochord (C) formation of the neural tube (D) formation of extraembryonic mesoderm (E) formation of tertiary chorionic villi 31. Somites may differentiate into which following? (A) Urogenital ridge (B) Kidneys (C) Notochord (D) Epimeric and hypomeric muscles (E) Epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract


39. Which of the following clinical signs would be most obvious on examination of a patient with either tetralogy of Fallot or transposition of the great vessels? (A) Sweaty palms (B) Lack of femoral artery pulse (C) Pulmonary hypertension (D) Cyanosis (E) Diffuse red rash


40. Which of the following congenital cardiovascular malformations is most commonly associated with maternal rubella infection? (A) Isolated dextrocardia (B) Patent ductus arteriosus (C) Persistent truncus arteriosus (D) Coarctation of the aorta (E) Double aortic arch

32. Intermediate mesoderm will give rise to the (A) neural tube (B) heart (C) kidneys and gonads (D) somites (E) notochord 33. The developing embryo has a distinct human appearance by the end of (A) week 4 (B) week 5 (C) week 6 (D) week 7 (E) week 8

41. The most common atrial septal defect (ASD) seen clinically is (A) common atrium (B) foramen secundum defect (C) premature closure of the foramen ovale (D) persistent truncus arteriosus (E) probe patency of the foramen ovale

34. The lateral mesoderm is divided into two distinct layers by the formation of the (A) extraembryonic coelom (B) intraembryonic coelom (C) cardiogenic region (D) notochord (E) yolk sac

42. The ventral surface of the adult heart as seen on gross examination or radiography is comprised primarily of the (A) left atrium (B) left ventricle (C) inferior vena cava (D) bulbus cordis (E) right ventricle

35. The epiblast is capable of forming which of the following germ layers? (A) Ectoderm only (B) Ectoderm and mesoderm only (C) Ectoderm and endoderm only (D) Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm (E) Mesoderm and endoderm only

43. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve recurs around the (A) left primary bronchus (B) left subclavian artery (C) left subclavian vein (D) ductus arteriosus (E) left common carotid artery

36. A male newborn has a hemangioma on the left frontotemporal region of his face and scalp. The cells forming the hemangioma are derived from which of the following cell layers? (A) Ectoderm only (B) Mesoderm only (C) Endoderm only

44. Which of the following arterial malformations is very common in premature infants? (A) Patent ductus arteriosus (B) Coarctation of the aorta (C) Right aortic arch (D) Double aortic arch


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 (E) Abnormal origin of the right subclavian artery

(A) Posterolateral arteries (B) Lateral arteries (C) Ventral arteries

45. A physician monitoring a newborn infant’s heart sounds using a stethoscope hears the characteristic murmur of a patent ductus arteriosus. How soon after birth should this murmur normally disappear? (A) 1–2 months (B) 1–2 weeks (C) 1–2 days (D) 1–2 hours (E) Immediately

53. The gonadal arteries are derived from which of the following? (A) Posterolateral arteries (B) Lateral arteries (C) Ventral arteries 54. The proximal part of the internal carotid artery is derived from which of the following? (A) Aortic arch 1 (B) Aortic arch 2 (C) Aortic arch 3 (D) Aortic arch 4 (E) Aortic arch 6

46. How soon after birth does the foramen ovale close? (A) 1–2 months (B) 1–2 weeks (C) 1–2 days (D) 1–2 hours (E) Immediately

55. The portal vein is derived from which of the following? (A) Vitelline veins (B) Umbilical veins (C) Anterior cardinal veins (D) Posterior cardinal veins (E) Subcardinal veins

47. The coronary sinus is derived from which of the following? (A) Truncus arteriosus (B) Bulbus cordis (C) Primitive ventricle (D) Primitive atrium (E) Sinus venosus

56. The renal veins are derived from which of the following? (A) Vitelline veins (B) Umbilical veins (C) Anterior cardinal veins (D) Posterior cardinal veins (E) Subcardinal veins

48. The conus arteriosus is derived from which of the following? (A) Truncus arteriosus (B) Bulbus cordis (C) Primitive ventricle (D) Primitive atrium (E) Sinus venosus

57. During the later stages of pregnancy, maternal blood is separated from fetal blood by the (A) syncytiotrophoblast only (B) cytotrophoblast only (C) syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast (D) syncytiotrophoblast and fetal endothelium (E) cytotrophoblast and fetal endothelium

49. Tricuspid atresia is a cardiac malformation that involves which of the following septa? (A) Aorticopulmonary septum (B) Atrial septum (C) Atrioventricular septum (D) Interventricular septum 50. Tetralogy of Fallot is a cardiac malformation that involves which of the following septa? (A) Aorticopulmonary septum (B) Atrial septum (C) Atrioventricular septum (D) Interventricular septum

58. The maternal and fetal components of the placenta are (A) decidua basalis and secondary chorionic villi (B) decidua capsularis and secondary chorionic villi (C) decidua parietalis and tertiary chorionic villi (D) decidua capsularis and villous chorion (E) decidua basalis and villous chorion

51. A faulty fusion of the right and left bulbar ridges and AV cushion will result in which of the following? (A) Persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA) (B) Ebstein’s anomaly (C) Transposition of the great arteries (D) Common ventricle (E) Membranous VSD

59.What is a normal amount of amniotic fluid at term? (A) 50 mL (B) 500 mL (C) 1000 mL (D) 1500 mL (E) 2000 mL

52. The superior mesenteric artery is derived from which of the following?

60. Which of the following does not pass through the primitive umbilical ring?


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 (A) Allantois (B) Amnion (C) Yolk sac (D) Connecting stalk (E) Space connecting extraembryonic coeloms



(A) Pineal gland (B) Hypothalamus (C) Hippocampus (D) Optic nerve (CN II) (E) Globus pallidus


68. Which of the following conditions results from failure of the anterior neuropore to close? (A) Hydrocephalus (B) Anencephaly (C) Mongolism (D) Craniosynostosis (E) Meningoencephalocele

61. Which of the following best describes the placental components of dizygotic twins? (A) One placenta, two amniotic sacs, one chorion (B) One placenta, two amniotic sacs, two chorions (C) Two placentas, two amniotic sacs, one chorion (D) Two placentas, two amniotic sacs, two chorions (E) One placenta, two amniotic sacs, two chorions

69. Which of the following structures is derived from the diencephalon? (A) Caudate nucleus (B) Cerebellum (C) Olfactory bulbs (D) Neurohypophysis (E) Adenohypophysis

62. When are the axons of the corticospinal tracts fully myelinated? (A) In the late embryonic period (B) In the mid-fetal period (C) At birth (D) By the end of the first postnatal year (E) By the end of the second postnatal year

70. Caudal herniation of the cerebellar tonsils and medulla through the foramen magnum is called (A) Dandy-Walker syndrome (B) Down syndrome (C) Arnold-Chiari syndrome (D) cranium bifidum (E) myeloschisis

63. Which of the following represents the general somatic efferent (GSE) column of the pons? (A) Abducent nucleus (B) Nucleus ambiguus (C) Hypoglossal nucleus (D) Inferior olivary nucleus (E) Inferior salivatory nucleus

71. Which of the following is the most common cause of congenital hydrocephalus? (A) Cranium bifidum with meningoencephalocele (B) Cranium bifidum with meningohydroencephalocele (C) Aqueductal stenosis (D) Arnold-Chiari syndrome (E) Dandy-Walker syndrome

64. Which of the following statements best describes the pathogenesis of hydranencephaly? (A) Results from failure of midline cleavage of the embryonic forebrain (B) Results from atresia of the outlet foramina of the fourth ventricle (C) Results from blockage of the cerebral aqueduct (D) Results from internal carotid artery occlusion (E) Results from failure of the anterior neuropore to close

72. Which structure is derived from the cranial neural crest cells? (A) Lens of the eye (B) Pia mater (C) Dura mater (D) Pineal gland (E) Olfactory placode, CN I

65. The anterior and posterior neuropores close during which week of embryonic development? (A) Week 2 (B) Week 3 (C) Week 4 (D) Week 5 (E) Week 6

73. The most common type of anorectal malformation is (A) imperforate anus (B) anal agenesis (C) anorectal agenesis (D) rectal atresia (E) colonic aganglionosis

66.At birth the conus medullaris is found at which vertebral level? (A) T12 (B) L1 (C) L3 (D) S1 (E) S4

74. A 4-day-old baby boy has not defecated since coming home from the hospital even though feeding has been normal without any excessive vomiting. Rectal examination reveals a normal anus, anal canal, and rectum. However, a large fecal mass is found in the colon, and a large release of flatus and feces follows the

67. Which of the following structures is derived from the telencephalon?


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 rectal examination. Which of the following conditions would be suspected? (A) Imperforate anus (B) Anal agenesis (C) Anorectal agenesis (D) Rectal atresia (E) Colonic aganglionosis

syndrome. What structure would most likely be involved with the syndrome? (A) Hyoid bone (B) Stapes (C) Malleus (D) Thyroid gland (E) Inferior parathyroid gland

75.Which one of the following structures is derived from the midgut? (A) Appendix (B) Stomach (C) Liver (D) Pancreas (E) Sigmoid colon

82. When does the metanephros become functional? (A) At week 3 of development (B) At week 4 of development (C) At week 10 of development (D) Just before birth (E) Just after birth 83. A urachal cyst is a remnant of the (A) urogenital sinus (B) urogenital ridge (C) cloaca (D) allantois (E) mesonephric duct

76. Development of which of the following is the first sign of respiratory system development? (A) Tracheoesophageal septum (B) Hypobranchial eminence (C) Primitive foregut (D) Tracheoesophageal fistula (E) Respiratory diverticulum

84. The transitional epithelium lining the urinary bladder is derived from (A) ectoderm (B) endoderm (C) mesoderm (D) endoderm and mesoderm (E) neural crest cells

77. In which stage of lung maturation is the blood–air barrier established? (A) Embryonic period (B) Pseudoglandular period (C) Canalicular period (D) Terminal sac period (E) Alveolar period

86. The podocytes of Bowman’s capsule are derived from (A) ectoderm (B) endoderm (C) mesoderm (D) endoderm and mesoderm (E) neural crest cells

78. The most common site of a thyroglossal cyst is (A) dorsal aspect of the neck (B) anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (C) superior mediastinum (D) midline close to the hyoid bone (E) base of the tongue

87. The proximal convoluted tubules of the definitive adult kidney are derived from the (A) ureteric bud (B) metanephric vesicle (C) mesonephric duct (D) mesonephric tubules (E) pronephric tubules

79. Taste sensation from the oral part (anterior two thirds) of the tongue is predominantly carried by (A) trigeminal nerve (CN V) (B) chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve (CN VII) (C) glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) (D) superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve (CN X) (E) recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve (CN X)

88.The trigone on the posterior wall of the urinary bladder is formed by the (A) incorporation of the lower end of the mesonephric ducts (B) incorporation of the lower end of the pronephric ducts (C) incorporation of the metanephric blastema (D) incorporation of the mesonephric tubules (E) incorporation of the pronephric tubules

80. The intermaxillary segment forms via the fusion of the (A) maxillary prominences (B) mandibular prominences (C) palatine shelves (D) lateral nasal prominences (E) medial nasal prominences

89. A 6-year-old girl presents with a large abdominal mass just superior to the pubic symphysis. The mass is tender when palpated and fixed in location. During surgery, a fluid filled mass is noted connected to the

81. A newborn presents with midfacial and mandibular hypoplasia, defects of the first pharyngeal arch consistent with the diagnosis of Treacher Collins


Narayana Medical PG Coaching - Anatomy Week-01 Test (14-09-2014 umbilicus superiorly and to the inferiorly. What is the diagnosis? (A) Pelvic kidney (B) Horseshoe kidney (C) Polycystic disease of the kidney (D) Urachal cyst (E) Exstrophy of the bladder



(A) testosterone (B) MIF (C) testes-determining factor (TDF) (D) progesterone (E) estrogen 97. The anterior fontanelle is usually closed by (A) birth (B) age 6 months (C) age 18 months (D) age 2 years (E) age 5 years

90. The indifferent embryo begins phenotypic sexual differentiation during (A) week 3 of development (B) week 5 of development (C) week 7 of development (D) week 12 of development (E) week 20 of development

98. The condition where the pedicles of the vertebral arches fail to fuse with the vertebral body is called (A) block vertebrae (B) cleft vertebrae (C) hemivertebrae (D) spondylolisthesis (E) spina bifida occulta

91. A structure found within the adult female pelvis formed from the gubernaculum is the (A) broad ligament (B) suspensory ligament of the ovary (C) round ligament of the uterus (D) medial umbilical ligament (E) median umbilical ligament

99. A female newborn presents with a square shaped skull with a short occipital–frontal diameter. Premature closure of which of the following sutures is the most likely cause of this finding? (A) Sphenofrontal (B) Sphenoparietal (C) Lambdoidal (D) Sagittal (E) Coronal

92. The labia minora arise embryologically from which of the following structures? (A) Phallus (B) Labioscrotal swellings (C) Sinovaginal bulbs (D) Urogenital folds (E) Paramesonephric duct

100. During weeks 6–8, the upper limb will rotate (A) Medially 90_ (B) Laterally 90_ (C) Medially 180_ (D) Laterally 180_ (E) No rotation occurs

93. The uterine tubes of the adult female are derived embryologically from which of the following? (A) Mesonephric duct (B) Mesonephric tubules (C) Paramesonephric duct (D) Paramesonephric tubules (E) Uterovaginal primordium 94. The most common cause of female pseudointersexuality is (A) a 46,XO genotype (B) a 47,XXY genotype (C) lack of androgen receptors (D) congenital adrenal hyperplasia (E) inadequate production of testosterone and Müllerianinhibiting factor (MIF)


95. In the male, failure of the urethral folds to fuse completely results in (A) hypospadias (B) epispadias (C) cryptorchidism (D) congenital inguinal hernia (E) hydrocele 96. The Y chromosome carries a gene on its short arm that codes for


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