1MRK502002-BEN en REG 100 Generator Protection

December 20, 2018 | Author: Rana Abu Al Haija' | Category: Relay, Alternating Current, Electric Generator, Analogue Electronics, Transformer
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Download 1MRK502002-BEN en REG 100 Generator Protection...


Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 1 Issued June 1999 Changed since July 1998 Data subject to change without notice

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• The REG REG 100 100 seri series es of of gener generato atorr protection packages enables the user to design a sub-divided protection system. Different functions can be placed in the preferred subsystem or be included in both subsystems. • Protect Protection ion funct function ions s include included d in REG REG 150 - Diff Differ eren entia tiall cur curre rent nt - Stat Stator or eart earth h fau fault lt - I/O I/O inte interf rfa ace - Loss-o Loss-of-e f-exci xcitat tation ion (optio (optional nal)) - Reve Revers rse e powe powerr (opti (optiona onal) l) - Rotor Rotor earth earth fault fault (optio (optional nal)) - Therma Thermall overlo overload ad (optio (optional nal)) - Overex Overexcit citati ation/ on/ove overvo rvolta ltage ge and over/  over/  underfrequency (optional) • Protec Protectio tion n functi functions ons in REG REG 110 110 - Unde Underi rimp mped edan ance ce - Stat Stator or eart earth h fau fault lt - Inadve Inadverten rtentt breake breakerr closin closing g (dead machine) - Overvoltag tage - Under ndervo volt lta age - Negati Negative ve seque sequence nce curr current ent (opt (option ional) al) - Loss-o Loss-of-e f-exci xcitat tation ion (optio (optional nal)) - Reve Revers rse e powe powerr (opti (optiona onal) l)

- Rotor Rotor earth earth fault fault (optio (optional nal)) - Therma Thermall overlo overload ad (optio (optional nal)) • Protec Protectio tion n functio functions ns includ included ed in REG REG 100 - Over vercurrent - Stat Stator or ear earth th faul faultt - Over vervolt oltage - Und Undervo ervolt lta age - Negativ Negative e sequen sequence ce curre current nt (optio (optional nal)) - Loss-o Loss-of-e f-exci xcitat tation ion (optio (optional nal)) - Reve Revers rse e power power (op (opti tion onal al)) - Rotor Rotor earth earth fault fault (optio (optional nal)) - Therma Thermall overlo overload ad (optio (optional nal)) • StandStand-alo alone ne modu modules les provid provide e high high dependability • Struct Structure ured d design design with with separat separate e units units gives gives maximum reliability • Conti Continuo nuous us self-s self-supe upervi rvisio sion n of both both hardware and software • Small Small size size and and comple complete te units units make make the protection suitable for improvement of existing protection systems • Settin Settings, gs, serv service ice valu values es and and trip trip values values based on rated generator currents and voltages • Includ Included ed in PYRA PYRAMID MID fami family ly for serial serial communication with SCS and SMS

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 2


Due to generator protection dependability requirements, sub-divided systems are often used. Redundant functions should be used to electrical faults like phase short-circuits and stator earth faults to meet the requirement on clearance of faults even when one of the protection circuits is not functioning. Redundancy of other protection functions are determined by the customer. The REG 100 series comprises suitable packages for the design of sub-divided generator protection systems. By selection of desired relays with suitable options, a suitable system can be made up for different applications. The packages are designed to be easy to use when refitting generator power stations. The design with ready-make packages with small depth makes installation in existing cubicles easy. Test switch for simple secondary testing, new functions such as service values and trip values plus digital settings makes the installation and the commissioning simple and saves time. REG 100 and REG 110 contains the basic protection functions for generators. The difference is that the phase short-circuit protection is an over-current function in REG 100 and an impedance function in RE G 110. A 95% stator earth-fault protection measuring the neutral point voltage and a very sensitive zero-sequence current measuring protection are included in both packages. The current measuring function is mainly required for generators directly connected to the load bus. For generators with step-up transformers the zero-sequence current function can be used for shaft current protection. A special variant with extremely low burden, 20 µW at rated current 0.5 mA, is available in REG 110. In REG 100 the undervoltage protection can be programmed to seal-in on overcurrent start. In this way, a reliable phase short-circuit protection is obtained even when the shortcircuit current decreases to a low value within the set time delay of the protection.


The REG 100 series of generator protection is housed in a 19” equipment frame with a height of 6U (226 mm). All external connections are made with standard COMBIFLEX terminal sockets. The RTXP 24 switch is covered by a front plate.

REG 110

includes the inadvertent breaker closure function which gives instantaneous disconnection of the generator if accidentally energized at standstill. The reason for th is can be erroneous switching operations for faults in the maneuvering circuits. The over-voltage function protects against problems caused by the voltage regulator (AVR) and the two functions should therefore be connected to different VT groups. REG 150

is intended as primary protection package for generators. It has as phase shortcircuit protection a high impedance current differential function which provides a very sensitive protection. In order to get a redundant function for earthfaults, even REG 150 includes as basic function a 95% stator earth fault protection which measures the neutral point voltage. REG 150 is provided with a I/O unit which allows an external signal to be routed via REG 150 for tripping and indication, e.g. contacts from a Buchholz relay. The input can also be used as a simple contact based breaker failure relay for the generator breaker when there are both unit and generator breakers. When there is only a unit br eaker, a current measuring breaker failure relay should be used to increase the security. The available options are included in REG 100 or 110 for one subsystem and REG 150 for the other, according to the demands at hand. Some options e.g. reverse power, field failure, rotor earth fault and the thermal overload options may be used in all REG versions, which makes it possible to duplicate some functions for larger generators. Other options are dedicated to certain REG relays. This is the case for the negative sequence relay function available in REG 100 and 110 and the over/under frequency and overexcitation V/Hz functions for REG 150.

Below the test switch, a relay terminal base is mounted and space provided for a one seat relay. Two mother boards in the rear of the equipment frame provide the internal connections for the plug-in units.

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 3

The transformer unit RLHC 100/RLHD 100 is used to adapt the external inputs for use in the measuring circuits and to isolate the measuring circuits galvanically from the external circuits. The input signals from the transformer unit are passed through analogue filters and then transformed to dc voltages in RMS-converters. The dc voltages are multiplexed sequentially to the microprocessor, in which A/D conversion and comparison with set values is done. The setting parameters are stored in an internal EEPROM in the microprocessor, of  each measuring unit. The basic measuring unit RLOA 100 provides the following protection functions in REG 100: - phase overcurrent - undervoltage - overvoltage - neutral voltage (stator earth fault) - neutral current (stator earth fault) The basic measuring unit RLOB 100 provides the following protection functions in REG 110:


RLVA 100


RLOF 100

with thermal overload protection function (REG 100/110/150) with frequency/overexcitation protection function (REG 150)

Each measuring unit is optimized as regards the hardware and software required to perform the protection functions of the unit. In the basic units, the relevant analog signals are collected from the bus of t he mother board. The input signals pass analog filters and are then converted to dc voltages in r.m.s value converters. A multiplexer connects the signals sequentially to the microprocessor where analog/digital conversion and comparison with set values is made. All setting parameters are stored in an EEPROM in the measuring unit. Space is available in the rack for a total of  five measuring units. The units can be placed at will within the allocated space. If required it is possible to duplicate available units to increase the dependability. Light Emitting Diodes (LED’s) on the front of the individual measuring units indicate: - in service - test mode

- under impedance - inadvertent breaker closing (dead machine protection) - overvoltage - neutral voltage (stator earth fault) - neutral current (stator earth fault) The basic measuring unit RLOD 100 in REG 150 provides the following protection functions: - differential current - neutral voltage (stator earth fault) - I/O input external tripping through REG 150. Optional units - RLPB 100 with reverse power and lossof excitation protection function (REG 100/110/150)


RLZD 100


RLIB 100

with rotor earth fault protection function (REG 100/110/150) with negative sequence current protection function (REG 100/110)

- start, trip The measuring principle and the supervision system is in principle the same in the optional as in the basic measuring units. Some differences, however, exist depending on the requirements of the measuring functions. Self-supervision is performed continuously, comprising: - the normal microprocessor watchdog function - read-write-read cycling of memory cells and internal registers - check of the A/D-converter - checksum verification of the setting parameters Human-Machine-Communication (HMC) The HMC system is as much as possible, separated from the measuring system. It contains the following major parts:

- RLSC 100 HMC unit - RTIA HMC terminal

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 4

Design (cont’d)

- Star-structured serial bus - Software in RLSC 100 and the measuring units

Settings, service values and trip values are based on the set basic values of current and voltages, which normally correspond to the rated values of generator current and voltage.

RLSC 100 is the master of the HMC-system. It identifies installed units and establishes a cyclic poll of all units. An internal fault in a unit, leading to no answer from the microprocessor in the unit, will be alarmed by the HMC-unit. If a start and/or trip occurs within a measuring unit, the unit reports a change in status during the cyclic poll. RLSC 100 then automatically uploads the information related to this event and transfers it to the RTIA unit. The HMC display unit RTIA is plugged into the front of the RLSC 100 unit. It is used to set the relay, select various options and present information to the operator, (see Fig. 1. below).


Fig. 2

Programming switches for alarm relays

The tripping from the different protection functions is programmed to activate one or several of the four tripping relays. A software tripping matrix with four channels is thus obtained.


Fig . 1

Di sp la y un it RTIA

The selection of operating modes and individual parameters within the modes is done by the aid of a few push-buttons on the front of  the RTIA unit and software in the RLSC 100 unit. One can step forward or backward in the “menu tree”. The different parts of the menu tree are indicated by auxiliary text on the display, which has two rows, each containing max. 16 figures. When entering a setting, the counter-sunk  push-button “STORE”, placed below the RTIA unit, must be depressed. This ensures that settings cannot be unintentionally changed.

The four trip channels can on each individual measuring unit be set to give a trip of fixed length. For serial communication via SMS or SCS, the optional OBI-unit RTDC 100 and necessary software is required. Alarm relays One alarm relay is allocated to each individual protection function. By aids of dipswitches on signal relay unit RLKI 100, the alarm relays can be programmed to be activated at start or at tripping. DC supply The necessary dc supply for the units is obtained from the dc/dc supply unit RLMA 100, which is placed on the left-hand side of  the package. Faults in the supply unit is signalled by a dedicated signal relay contact.

Generator protection

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Measuring function notes 3Id, Differential current function is based on the high impedance principle requiring identical turns ratio and separate cores on the input CT’s. The sensitivity for primary faults is very high, normally 2-4% of Ir.

UN, The neutral point voltage function is heavily filtered against the third harmonic voltage generator by the machine. This results in the capability to set the maximum available neutral point voltage for a fully developed earth fault at the generator terminal. IN, Neutral current function can be released by the neutral voltage function UN. It can also be used as shaft current function (0.5 mA version) or as interturn fault protection for twin-generators. A time circuit to override transient interruptions of the shaft current is only provided in unit RLOB 100 of REG 110. U< I> Inadvertent breaker closing The inadvertent closing function secures instantaneous tripping of the generator if it is energized when at standstill. A logic w here overcurrent is allowed to trip the generator instantaneously is activated when the voltage in all three phases has been lower than t he set operating value for 20 seconds or more. A normal under-voltage function which trips the generator as a last back-up is also included. This function is released from digital input which can be activated by e.g. an auxiliary contact on a breaker. Z< Underimpedance function The impedance function has two impedance and time zones. The impedance zone 2 is normally set to “see” through the step-up transformer and to have a time delay to provide selectivity. The low set impedance zone should not “see” through the step-up transformer and has normally a very short delay. The relay can be set to measure phase-tophase or phase-to-neutral voltages. U> Overvoltage function The overvoltage function is provided with one instantaneous and one delayed trip level. The relay can be set to measure phase-tophase or phase-to-neutral voltages. P Overexcitation function The overexcitation function is provided with an inverse characteristic to allow a maximum utilization of the transformer capacity. The

function can be set to measure the overvoltage only or the magnetizing level i.e. U/f  (V/Hz). f> < Frequency function The frequency function has four frequency set levels that can be selected for over- or underfrequency operation. The function can be used for system reconnection to an “islanding” operation and/or trip the generator for unacceptable frequencies.

Technical data Table 1: Miscellaneous Rated phase current, Ir

1, 2 or 5 A

Basic phase current, Ib

(0,4-1,1) x Ir

Rated earth current, INr

0,5, 2, 5, 25, 125 mA

Rated voltage between phases, Ur

110 V

Basic voltage between phases, Ub

(0,7-1,1) x Ur

Rated neutral point voltage, UNr

240 V

Basic neutral point voltage, UNb

(0,25-1,1) x UNr

Rated frequency

50-60 Hz

Auxiliary voltage

48-60, 110-125 or 220-250 V dc ±20%

Prolongation of trip impulse t d1-td4

0-3 s

Delimiter of trip impulse t p1-tp4 (Re< and Ith functions)

0,5-5 s

Table 2: Power consumption Auxiliary supply normal service operational

maximum 18 W maximum 40 W

Phase current circuits, per phase at rated current Ir = 1 A Ir = 2 A Ir = 5 A

< 60 mVA < 120 mVA < 300 mVA

Reverse power and loss-of-excitation function (phase R) Ir = 1 A Ir = 2 A Ir = 5 A

< 60 mVA < 120 mVA < 300 mVA

Earth current circuit at IN r INr ≥ 2 mA INr = 0,5 mA

< 0,3 mVA 20 µW

Line voltage circuits, per phase at rated voltage (110 V)

< 50 mVA

Neutral point voltage circuit, at rated voltage (240 V)

< 200 mA

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 7

Table 3: Overload capacity Phase current circuit continuous for 1 s

4 x Ir 100 x Ir max. 500 A

Earth current circuit continuous for 1 s

100 x INr 2000 x INr

Line voltage circuits continuous

2 x Ur

Neutral point voltage circuit, continuous

2 x UNr

Table 4: Environmental condition Permitted service ambient temperature

-5°C to +55°C

Permitted storage ambient temperature

-40°C to +70°C

Humidity test

acc. to IEC 68-2-30


10 kg

Dimensions (see 1MRK 514 004-BEN)

6U 19”

H = 266

W = 483

Table 5: Insulation tests Dielectric test: current circuits other circuits

2,5 kV, 50 Hz, 1min 2,0 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min

Impulse voltage test

5 kV, 1,2/50 µs, 0,5 J

Table 6: Disturbance tests Power frequency test

0,5 kV, 50 Hz, 2 min

Fast transient test

4-8 kV, 2 min

1 MHz burst test

2,5 kV, 2 s

Electrostatic discharge test

IEC 255-22-2, class 3

Radiated electromagnetic field test

IEC 255-22-3, class 3

Electromagnetic emissivity test

EN 55011 (CISPR11), class A

Table 7: Mechanical tests Vibration test

IEC 255-21-1, class 1

Impact test

IEC 255-21-2, class 1

Seismic test

IEC 255-21-3, class 1

Table 8: Contact data for trip and alarm relays System voltage

250 V ac/dc

Test voltage over open contact

1,0 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min

Test voltage between contact and relay coil

2,0 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min

Current-carrying capacity continuous


D = 226 mm

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 8

Technical data (cont’d) Table 8: Contact data for trip and alarm relays Making and conducting capacity, L/R < 10 ms for 200 ms for 1 s Recommended min. contact loading

Breaking capacity ac, PF >0,4 dc, L/R < 40 ms 24 V 48 V 55 V 110 V 125 V 220 V 250 V

30 A 10 A 10 mA 5V 50 mW 8A 2,0 A 1,0 A 0,8 A 0,4 A 0,3 A 0,2 A 0,15 A

Table 9: Protection functions 3I> Three-phase O/C function Start function

I > = (1-2,5) x Ib

Time delays: Definite time t1 Definite time t2 Normal inverse time

t1 = 0,1-10 s t2 = t1 + (0,1-10 s) k = 0,05-1,2

In stantaneous function (can be blocked)

I >>= (1-12) x Ib

Limiting error for current measurement

±5% of set value

Operate time

< 60 ms at 2 x set operate value

Reset time

< 80 ms to zero from 10 x set operate value

Reset ratio

> 95%

Table 10: Protection functions 3Z < Underimpedance protection function

Start function

Z< = (0,10-1,00) x Zb Z 0,5 x I b) ±7% of set value (I < 0,5 x Ib)

Operate time

< 90 ms

Resetting time

< 80 ms

Resetting ratio

> 88%

Release of I> tripping

20,0 s after URS&UST&UTR tripping

150 ms after U RS or UST or UTR>Uset

Under voltage function: Start function

U < = 0,2-1,0 x Ub


±3% of set value

Operate time

< 80 ms

Resetting time

< 80 ms

Time delay

t1 = 0,10-10,0 s

Resetting ratio

< 110%

Table 12: Protection functions 3U < Three-phase U/V function

Start function

U < = (0,2-1,0) x Ub

Time delay

t1 = 0,1-10 s

Delay of external release

ten1 = 0,1-10 s

Holding of seal-in O/C relay

ten2 = 0,1-10 s

Limiting error for voltage measurement

±5% of set value

Operate time

< 70 ms from 2 x set operate value to zero

Resetting time

< 70 ms from zero to 2 x set operate value

Resetting ratio

< 105%

The undervoltage function, can be programmed to measure phase voltages and/or phase-to-phase voltages

Table 13: Protection functions 3U >Three-phase O/V function

Start function

U > = (1,0-1,4) x Ub

Time delay

t1 = 0,1-10 s

Instantaneous function (can be blocked)

U >> = (1,0-1,7) x Ub

Limiting error for voltage measurement

±5% of set value

Operate time

< 70 ms at 2 x set operate value

Resetting time

< 70 ms from 2 x set operate value to zero

Resetting ratio

> 91%

The overvoltage function can be programmed to measure phase voltages and/or phase-to-phase voltages

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 10

Technical data (cont’d) Table 14: Protection functions UN Neutral point voltage function (stator earth fault) Start function

UN = (0,04-0,25) x UNb

Time delays Trip, step 1 Trip, step 2

t1 = 0,1-10 s t2 = 0,1-10 s

Limiting error for voltage measurement

±5% of set operating value

Operate time

< 100 ms at 2 x set operate value

Resetting time

< 100 ms from 2 x set operate value to zero

Resetting ratio Damping factor 3

> 90% rd

harmonic voltage

> 20

Table 15: Protection functions IN Neutral overcurrent function (Stator earth fault, shaft current or interturn protection)

Start function

IN = (1-6) x INr

Time delays: Trip Prolongation of trip impulse

t1 = 0,1-10 s td = 0,0-10 s

Limiting error for current measurement

±5% of set operating value

Operate time

< 80 ms at 2 x set operate value

Resetting time

< 80 ms from 10 x set operate value to zero

Resetting ratio

> 90%

Table 16: Protection functions 3Id Current differential function

Start function

Id = 5-50 mA

High impedance resistor

R = 2000

Operating voltage

U R = R x Id


±5% of set value for Id ±5% for R

Operating time

≤ 30 ms at I > 2 x I d

Resetting time

< 100 ms from 2 x set operate value to zero

Resetting ratio

> 70%

Table 17: Protection functions

Φ < Loss of excitation function Start functions: directional current overcurrent release undervoltage release

Iα = (0,1-1) x I b I> = (1-1,5) x Ib U U<

> 85% > 97% < 103%

Voltage block level

U < 0,3 x Ub

Angular adjustment of RLPB Common to P← and Φ<

φadj = ±2,0°

Table 18: Protection functions P 82%

Voltage block level

U < 0,7 x Ub

Table 19: Protection functions Insc > Negative phase-sequence current function

Start function, trip

I2 >> = (0,08-0,4) x Ib

Start function, alarm

I2 > = (0,06-0,3) x Ib

Time delays: trip, inverse time characteristic

K t = ------------2 I2

 ---   Ib 

time setting

K = 5-40 s

trip, constant time (can be blocked)

t1 = 0,5 - 20 min


ta = 1-99,5 s

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 12

Technical data (cont’d) Table 19: Protection functions Insc > Negative phase-sequence current function Cooling down time a = 0-200 in steps of 1

tc = a x K

Operating range

43-72 Hz

Limiting error for inverse time measurement

±10% of set time

Limiting error for start current

±5% of set value

Resetting ratio

> 93%

Table 20: Protection functions Re < Rotor earth fault function

Start function trip alarm

Re Thermal overload protection function Start function

Ith = 1,02 x Ib


±2% of set value

Thermal time constant Cooling-down time constant

τ+ = 1-100 min τ- = 1-10 x τ+

Restart inhibit level


Thermal prewarning level


Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 13

Table 22: Protection functions U/f > Overexcitation protection function Start function

U/f > = (1,0-1,5) x Ub /fr U > = (1,0-1,5) x U b


±5% of set value


f = 50, 60 Hz

Time delays: trip, inverse time

0, 18K t = 0, 8 + --------------------2- s (M – 1)


U ⁄ f M = ---------------------------( U ⁄ f ) start

K = 1-63 trip, constant time

t1 = 0-600 s

trip, constant time (external release)

t2 = 0-10 s

Operating range

5-70 Hz

Operate time

< 60 ms at 2 x set operate value

Resetting time

< 80 ms at 2 x set operate value to zero

Resetting ratio

> 97%

Table 23: Protection functions f >< Over- and underfrequency protection functions

Number of stages



fr = 50, 60 Hz

Start function:

f1-f4 = 45-65 Hz

Overfrequency function when f set > fr Accuracy

< 30 mHz

Time delay

t1-t4 = 0-99 s

Operate time

< 100 ms

Resetting time

< 100 ms

Resetting ratio overfrequency function underfrequency function

> 99,8% < 100,2%

Voltage block level

U < 0,5 x Ub

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 14


Drilling plan 420




Fig. 3




Dimensions and mounting of a GKB box enclosure with voltage injection unit (7452 563-CA)


Drilling plan 4x

        0   .         6         5   .         6         2         8         2         2

        0   .         6         7         2

        0   .         8         3

        5   .         0        ±         5   .         0         9         1

465.0±0.5 8.5


465.0 482.0

Fig. 4

Dimensions and mounting of a apparatus plate with voltage injection unit for cubicle installation (7452 324-E)


Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 15

Ordering Ordering Number:

REG 100


RK 682 015-CA

REG 110


RK 682 016-CA

REG 150


RK 682 017-CA

Basic data: Rated frequency

50/60 Hz

Rated input phase voltage

110/√  3 V

Rated neutral point voltage


Basic data to specify Rated phase current Ir




Rated earth current INr

0,5 mA

2 mA

5 mA

25 mA

Dc/dc converter supply voltage EL

48/60 V

110/125 V

220/250 V

Interface relay voltage RL

48/60 V

110/125 V

220/250 V

125 mA

Options for REG 100, REG 110 and REG 150: Reverse power and loss-of excitation unit, RLPB 100

RK 682 006-BA

Rotor earth fault unit, RLZD 100

RK 682 008-BA

Voltage injection unit RTTK for RLZD 100. In box GKB 855 without heating U = 110/120 V ac. 1)

RK 682 009-AA

Voltage injection unit RTTK for RLZD 100. In box GKB 855 without heating, U = 220/240 V ac. 1)

RK 682 009-BA

Voltage injection unit RTTK for RLZD 100. In box GKB 855 with heating, U = 110/120 V ac. 1)

RK 682 009-CA

Voltage injection unit RTTK for RLZD 100. In box GKB 855 with heating, U = 220/240 V ac. 1)

RK 682 009-DA

Voltage injection unit RTTK for RLZD 100. On apparatus plate, semiprotected for installation in cubicle, U = 110/120 V ac. 1)

RK 682 009-EA

Voltage injection unit RTTK for RLZD 100. On apparatus plate, semiprotected for installation in cubicle, U = 220/240 V ac. 1)

RK 682 009-FA

Thermal overload unit, RLVA 100

RK 682 021-BA

OBI-unit, RTDC 100 for plastic fibre

RK 943 001-CB

OBI-unit, RTDC 100 for glass fibre

RK 943 001-DB


Only one alternative can be selected

Generator protection

REG 100 Series 1MRK 502 002-BEN Page 16

Ordering (cont’d) Options for REG 100 and REG 110:

Negative sequence current unit, RLIB 100

RK 682 007-BA

Option for REG 150:

Overexcitation and frequency unit, RLOF 100

RK 682 022-BB


Set of 3 MXA


RK 795 101-BA

Note:A set of MXA voltage dependent resistors are required across 3Id> input when the CTs have a kneepoint voltage above:

150 V at I r = 1A 100 V at I r = 2A 60 V at I r = 5A These resistors are mounted as a s et of 3 MXA (one for each phase) on an apparatus plate 4U for back-plane cubicle mounting. See 1MRK 514 004-BEN for dimensions.


On request



1MRK 502 002-UEN



1MRK 502 002-USV

SMS/BASE, basic program for SMS


RS 881 007-AA

Software Manual for SM/REG


1MRK 000 077-FA

Shaft current transformer type ILDD State inner diameter of the shaft current transformer in mm

Users Guide for REG 100 Series

For our reference and statistics we would be pleased if we are provided with the following application data:


End user:

Station name:

Voltage level:


User’s Guide, REG 100/110/150


ABB Automation Products AB Substation Automation Division SE-721 59 Västerås Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 21 34 20 00 Fax: +46 (0) 21 14 69 18

1MRK 502 002-UEN


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