1cotton David Keys 2
February 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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gave Lang, thoughtful wplw>; Knew CLg*&vt deal abvut Vidor- I well prepared for Interview; a patient man, pdite but dlcLnl tae to hinv ver! muc - not particularl! Lieable, hit "howed # "trength of character; wi"hed to leave Vol"wagen became of perVmaid! eboo with bio $or" %anager; ш mediated on '( he "aid, )l prefernot to diocuoo the %atter main _ +./+012 to becomea3 compan! director; in letter" of iefe*me, deocribed C% )e4amt) amt),, “ dependable/ and )"elf- reliant ), - 5ote2 6t 3 the lunch, wife aid not "hine - nervou", un"ure of i Iwv"elf and of limited cower"atior* Instructions $oring in group" of two or three, anal!"e the "trength" and weane""e" of the two candidate"3 7ecide who "hould be o4ered the po"ition, noting the rea"on" for !our choice3 Compare !our deci"ion with that of the other group"3 8ne of !ou "hould chair the di"cu""ion3 WRITING
Y You ou see !e "o##o$%& "o##o$%& ()*e+%se, ()*e+%se,e& e& %& ( &(%o&(# &(%o&(# &e$s(e+ &e$s(e+.. $rite a "uitable letter in repl! to it and enclo"e !our curriculum vitae3
VICTOR MOTOR COM4ANY ARE YO7 INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN THE MOTOR IND7STR IND7STRY8 Y8 Owing to the expansion of our UK operations, we have the following vacancies: Area Sales Manager (S! "ngland# $u%licit& O'cer Sales epresentatives (Scotland and !ales# Accounts "xecutives $roduction )ontroller We o9e+ 6o,e%%*e s(#(+%es (&) "+%&e 5e&e3s su6! (s 6o,(&0 6(+s: e&s%o& s6!e,es: +o3-s!(+%& (&) e&e+ous +e#o6(%o& (##o$(&6es. W+%e o us s(0%& $!( os%%o& 0ou (+e %&e+ese) %& (&) $!0 $e s!ou#) e,#o0 0ou. I&6#u)e 0ou+ 6u++%6u#u, *%(e (&) 6u++e& +e,u&e+(%o& )e(%#s.
D(*%) ;e&%&s: C!%e" 4e+so&&e# O.T?@ NB
Understanding the main points Li"ten to the following conver"ation" and complete the "entence" below3 /You ,(0 $%s! o ,(e &oes (s 0ou #%se&.2 1 Me+*0& %s &o s(%s3e) $%! 4ee+ M(+%&'s $o+ 5e6(use
B+%(& %s e+e,e#0 su++%se) $!e& Me+*0& e##s !%, (5ou 4ee+ M(+%& 5e6(use & e#e!o&es !e C!%e" 4e+so&&e# Oe##e+,(& s0se,: L%#0 ;(6o5(*% +e#%e): Pus ( #%#e 6o#)#0. T## %&6+e(se !e +o)u6%*%0 o" ou+ ,(6!%&e oe+(o+s 50 ?Z-Z (&) 6u 6oss. T!(s $!( $e $(&: %s&' %8' A !%s o%&: S0)&e0 Go+,(& 6u %&. I !%& $e) 5ee+ (# (5ou 0ou+ +oos(# ( ou+ &e ,(&(e,e& ,ee%&: ,ee%&: )o&' 0ou8' (&s$e+e) L%#0 ;(6o5(*%. 'Bu I'## $(& ( )e6%s%o& o& !%s o&e - "(s. ##e+,(& +o6ess 6o&s%ss o" e#e6+o&%6 ,(6!%&es $!%6! (+e #%&e) o ( 6o,ue+ s0se,. T!e se$%&-,(6!%&e oe+(o+s e0 %& !e%+ )(%#0 ouu o& !e%+ o$& ,(6!%&e (s soo& (s !e0'*e 3&%s!e) !e%+ 5(6! o" ,(e+%(#s. T!e ouu %s )%s#(0e) o& ( s,(## s6+ee& oos%e !e%+ (+e +o)u6%o& 3u+e. T!e s6+ee& s!o$s $!( e+6e&(e o" !e (+e !e0 !(*e (6!%e*e): (&) (#so %" !e0 !(*e +o)u6e) ,o+e !(& !e%+ (+e. A## !e %&"o+,(%o& "+o, !e ,(6!%&es %s "e) %&o ( 6o,ue+: so ,(&(e,e& &o$ e(6#0 $!( %s o%& o& %& !e +o)u6%o& +o6ess ( (&0 %,e. 1
(&u"(6u+e+s 6#(%, !( oe+(o+s us%& >e##e+,(& ,(6!%&es $o+ !(+)e+. A#so: 5e6(use o" %,+o*e) +o)u6%o& 6o&+o#: ,(&(e,e& 6(& se %& %" !e+e (+e +o5#e,s +o5#e,s #%e 5o#e&e6s o+ !%! so6 #e*e#s. u#) ,(e !%&s e(s%e+ "o+ !e A66ou&s De(+,e& (s $e##: !ou! L%#0 ;(6o5(*%. T!e se$%&-,(6!%&e oe+(o+s - ( !u&)+e) (&) 3"0 %& (## - $e+e (%) ( 6e+(%& (,ou& "o+ e(6! (+,e& +o)u6e). A +ese&: oe+(o+s oe+(o+s 3##e) %& $o+ s!ees $!%6! $e+e ((6!e) o 5u&)#es o" ,(e+%(#s. T!e Po5 o" 6o##e6%& (&) +e6o+)%& +e6o+)%& !e %&"o+,(%o& o& !ese '$o+ %6es' $(s %,e 6o&su,%& "o+ !e (66ou&s s(9. 'I" $e e !e >e##e+,(& s0se,: L%#0 s(%) o !e+se#": '!e oe+(o+s ,(0 e o9 ,0 5(6 (5ou e%& !e, ( &e$ 6(&ee&. T!e0 ,%! e*e& s(+ ,ee%& !e%+ (+es "o+ ( 6!(&e.' tructions ring in group", enact the management meeting3 Dach member of tthe he group "hould tae one of the role" which follow3 Ehe Chief D@ecutive "hould act a" Chairper"on3 C hairper"on3 +ose o" !e ,ee%& %s 1 o )%s6uss !o+ou!#0 !e +oos(# o %&+o)u6e !e >e##e+,(& +o6ess o )e6%)e $!e!e+ o+ &o o 5u0 !e s0se,. d! !our own role-card onl!, and prepare carefull! for the meeting3 T!e +o#e o" C!%e" Ee6u%*e ,(0 5e #(0e) 50 ( ,(#e. Fo+ s,(##e+ +ous: +o#es su6! (s !e &o&-u&%o& +e+ese&(%*e: !e Oe+(%o&s M(&(e+ (&) !e W(+e!ouse M(&(e+ ,(0 5e o,%e). 2
$O;U)7IO6 MA6A9" Y You ou (+e ((%&s 5u0%& !e >e##e+,(& >e##e+,(& +o6ess. I& 0ou+ o%&%o&: !%s %s !e $+o& %,e o se&) su6! ( #(+e su, o" ,o&e0. T!e+e %s &o u(+(&ee !e s0se, $%## $o+ $e##. I" % %s %&+o)u6e): !e +o)u6%o& +o6ess ,(0 5e6o,e )%so+(&%se) (&) !e $o+e+s u&!(0 - ese6%(##0 !e o#)e+ o&es. You $(& ,o+e ,o&e0 o 5e se& o& %,+o*%& $o+%& 6o&)%%o&s. You'*e 5ee& +0%& "o+ ,o&!s o e+su()e !e C!%e" Ee6u%*e o +e(%& !e %&e+%o+ o" !e "(6o+0. Re#(%o&s 5e$ee& 0ou (&) !e C!%e" Ee6u%*e (+e &o oo) ( +ese&.
$"SO66"< ;I")7O Y You ou (+e &o 6e+(%& $!( o !%& (5ou !e +oos(#. M(&u"(6u+ M(&u"(6u+e+s e+s (#$(0s s(0 !( !e%+ &e$ +o6ess %s $o&)e+"u#: 5u )o !e s0se,s (#$(0s $o+ $e## %& +(6%6e8 I& 0ou+ o%&%o&: !e 6o,(&0 s!ou#) e so,e so+ o" u(+(&ee "+o, !e ,(&u"(6u+e+s. Fo+ e(,#e: %" +o)u6%*%0 )%) &o %&6+e(se 50 Z $%!%& s% ,o&!s: !e0 s!ou#) (e 5(6 !e%+ eu%,e&. You (+e (#so $o++%e) (5ou !o$ !e o#)e+ $o+e+s $%## +e(6 o !e >e##e+,(& s0se,. T!e0 (+e e&e+(##0 sus%6%ous o" &e$ e6!&o#o0.
U6IO6 "$"S"67A7I=" (S"!I692MA)I6" O$"A7OS# Y You ou $(& o 5u0 !e >e##e+,(& >e##e+,(& +o6ess:. Mos o" !e oe+(o+s %& 0ou+ u&%o& (+e 0ou&. T!ed !%& !(: $%! !e &e$ s0se,: !e0 $ou#) 5e (5#e o e(+& ( #o ,o+e ,o&e0. So,e o" !e, s!ou#) 5e (5#e o e(+& e*e& ,o+e !(& 1
!e%+ sue+*%so+s 4+o)u6%o& $%## 5e ,o+e ee##e+,(& >e##e+ ,(& s0se,. T!e ,(&(e,e& Pus $(& o sueee ,o+e $o+ ou o" 0ou. T!e "(6o+0 %s 5e6o,%& ,o+e #%e (
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SA. !e e&) o" !e $o+#). e o& o&:: &o$ &o$. I' 's s &o C!ee+ u You (+e ( $e##-(%) +%&e+ "o+ !e &e$s(e+. You*e !e(+) ( +u,ou+ !( !e ,(&(e,e& (+e o%& o %&*es %& &e$ +%&%& ,(6!%&e+0. I" !e0 )o !%s: !(#" !e +%&e+s $%## 5e ,()e +e)u&)(&. Du+%& !e ,o+&%& 5+e(: so,e o" !e o!e+ $o+e+s &o%6e 0ou #oo use. 3 Y You ou (+e ( Pu&%o+ +eo+e+. +eo+e+. L(s $ee: 0ou $+oe (& (+%6#e $!%6! s+o� 6+%%6%se) ( #o6(# 6!e,%6(#s 6o,(&0 "o+ 6(us%& o##u%o&. T!%s ,o+&%&: !e M(&(%& D%+e6o+ o" !e 6o,(&0 !o&e) 0ou. He !+e(e&e) #e(# (6%o& %" 0ou 6o&%&ue) o $+%e (5ou !%s 6o,(&0's o##u%o& +o5#e,. T!e Ge&e+(# M(&(e+ o" !e o
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