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TEACHINGS OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI "On salvation and harmonious development"

Grigori P. Grabovoi

UNIFIED SYSTEM OF KNOWLEDGE The work "Unified system of knowledge" was created by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi in Russian in June, 1996  

Translation from Russian into English was made by PERMANENT CREATION




Grigori P. Grabovoi Unified system of knowledge –  knowledge –  Hungary:  Hungary: EHL Development Kft., 2013. –   –  44  44 p. ISBN: 978-615-5317-87-3 



ISBN: 978-615-5317-87-3

© Grabovoi G.P., 1996 © Gra bovoi G.P., English English translation, 2012 All rights reserved.  


Unified system of knowledge 


International Program for health improvement of man

Recently the world has shown great interest to the work of Grigori P. Grabovoi, head of the "International "International Program for health improvement of man". The method of health improvement includes diagnostics, information processing, recovery process. Grigori P. Grabovoi puts into practice all work cycl cycles, es, using his abilities of clairvoyance and remote iinformation nformation control control.. Digital diagnostics is  performed in addition. Grigori P. Grabovoi says: “I see my mission not only in curing. I perform matter regeneration (recovery) regardless of the initial state. This  proves irrationality of destruction, shows the technology of salvation, and implements the fundamental principles of the world’s ecological safety". th Since Grigori P. Grabovoi regenerates after natural death, cures the 4  stage of th cancer and the 4  stage of AIDS, when many organs are also destroyed, he naturally heals from any disease. Thus, Grigori P. Grabovoi implements the principle of nondying as a method of preventing the global catastrophe threatening the whole world. Recovery cycle can be performed remotely without distance limitations. The program includes both the elimination of man-made disasters that could lead to global catastrophes, as well as control of events that overcome critical conditions as a result.

© Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 

System of creative development  


This lecture focuses on the ability to have the basic data, having a common  perception, including preliminary perception for knowledge of fine structures, through the element of cognition. Certainly, each person’s level and the level of the listeners’ audience are taken into account.  account.   First - we will primarily speak about the geometry of information   form. I consider an external event, including the future, as some form of information. Elements of form composition are intertwined, as a kind of mosaic, on the DNA structure. By careful examining the protein form of matter organization (for example, the structure of DNA) and non-protein one, for instance, of a stone, we can derive the law telling that reflection of the protein forms has a kind of oscillations of the crystal structure, such as sstone tone (non-p (non-protein rotein form). That is, environment oscillations of inanimate forms of matter, fr om om a man’s point of view. Although it is conditional. Many people comprehend the world «correctly». «Correct» is relative, since the points of view are different.  I rely on the orthodox definition of animate and inanimate. I deliberately reduce some information spheres to simple forms for quick understanding without reducing their information value. This is due to the orthodox understanding, defined now in secondary schools, colleges and other educational institutions. Therefore, some concept introduced by me, take into account the current level of perception in an associative manner. But, at the level of spirit it is clear c lear to anyone, as salvation concerns every one. o ne. Second - I give the knowledge at the level of spirit cognition. I immediately note the law: the emission of crystal structure of an inanimate matter has a vibratory information form comparable to the vibratory information form emitted by animate beings. Therefore, we must get to the definition what is an animate being and inanimate matter. There is no such a notion in the given system of control. In controlling the external environment and, all the more, further on there is a notion of controlling the external volume of information, where only interaction with some kind of reactive medium is determined. And the speed control system is determined  by the degree of reaction. For eexample, xample, if we look at the future events and cons consider ider them as a kind of geometric construction, it is clear that the construction can be taken to some elements. When one takes to elements or creates the event construction, we can find out what can be done at the level of consciousness now for the construction to be proper. For curing diseases the task is to reconstruct the disease information and to construct the health information. Considering specific examples of health restoration by transforming information into forms, we should immediately generalize the result for curing any diseases. Thus, based on the © Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 


 principles of transformation into forms one can build specific techniques of any events control, including healing any disease. 08 For example, it is necessary to restore the gastrointestinal tract. This is the initial information form. It is cylindrical in nature. The base of the cylinder is located on a flat sheet and has a diameter and a height of 2 cm. In the future event, comparable to the terms of inspections, with the following condition to be proved: the gastro-intestinal tract has been restored, there is neither cancer, no tumor, - the information has a spheroidal form and geometrically is located on the opposite to the sheet plane and space. That is, the sheet is the center of the symmetry: on the one hand, there is a sphere with the radius of 2 cm, on the the other hand, there is a cyl cylinder inder with the radius of 2 cm. W hy do I introduce these numbers? I explain the structure. To understand that the sphere is an element that is an absolute coordinate system . It can be condensed in the spatiotemporal continuum if it is viewed from afar. If it is viewed closer, it can delaminate. In other words, iitt is the m mechanism echanism of reality research at the level of systems of cognition of a human being. When you understand this, you can watch the events both from afar and closely. The analysis is already in your hands. To see what an exfoliation is, I demonstrate the method of cognition layerness. Here you explore your own process in terms of past events. The element of the past is reflected here. The method of recovery is that you should bring into correlation the temporary element of the past time interval with the space of a modified tissue, and remove it from the information in the future.  This information should be removed without disturbing the construction of the event level, without destroying any of the new information objects. This can be achieved by increasing  some positive level in all the events of the macroenvironment and microenvironment . This is the ssystem ystem of development w without ithout destroying the external information. For example, there is a book on practical methods of information transformation on the table. A source of positive pos itive information comes from it, because it restores some structure through some element. Suppose, I take the book and turn over its pages up to the section on spiritual knowledge, and look at Page 52, Line 3 from above "... "... an awakening through detachm detachment, ent, leaving". The given information segment suggests that it is possible to have an awakening by stepping back, moving away from the event, being an external observer. Thus, calling a kind of restoration  power. It can be called a form of information of undetermined quality positive for a  person. A person may be re removed moved from being ab able le to optimize it, aanalyze, nalyze, measure, and so on. © Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 


Thus, it is necessary to find such sources that positively restore a person and have an effect upon him. Whether this can be a memory about past positive events, or one of the methods of reading books - I, take, for example, the book and find exactly this line, and so on. In principle, you can see such an element now. I give you back Page 52, Line 3. You read it, and I watch the way the information of your cylinder is changing. changing. The first syllable is outside the third lin line. e. I will show you only Line 3. If the analysis in your case is carried o out ut deeper, we have only "...wakening". The first syllable is above (Line 2 2)) . There is p plasma, lasma, aand nd there is protop protoplasm. lasm. Or, for example, exa mple, traditional knowledge and protoknowledge. Here there is a system of protoknowledge, that is, the system of archival doubles. Here at the information llevel evel you always have a canonical form - archival double o off your health. The aim is that your archiva archivall double, notably, protostructure, to become more intense and take the level of the real structure. One of the elements of control is control   through the activation of latent control structures. Why are some information links computer visualized? Because  perception is oriented. When it comes to imagination through the chakras, the action is performed there at the level of Nirvana. It is a fusion of the external mental structures into one absolute point where all pretty complex and simple knowledge is concentrated, and the process of vitality excitation starts.  A man gets into the control  structure and begins controlling c ontrolling through external sources.   If to consider Tibet  from   from a special position, we can see how the space, space color, space layerness are transformed there. There canonical domains are  simplified in understanding. There, if you conduct analysis of colors, you can understand where there is the power that restores.  Based on the shown, mentally take the spherical structure beyond the leaf, which is the reflection of your program but in a modified form, transformed to the canonical form. Next, you construct a positive event, at the same time constructing the thinking process. I don`t mention the fact that we have to eat, to go somewhere,  because it takes a long time. It is easier to learn to think faster than some information, concomitant to a disease, grows progressively worse. Therefore, based on this structure, you start looking for what is a spheroidal shape. You feel it, because it is logically comprehensible. co mprehensible. If it is logically comprehensible, it certainly exists. Recently, there are many people who live 100150 years having no problems. proble ms. It is clear, that, for instance there is some so me structure of a man’s initialization within general information.  information.  Thinking lets independently initiate the area of non-destruction of a man. If some organ is removed, it changes the original positions. The fact is that I had the data, when people who had their © Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 


organs removed came to me. Then, after my séance the people took an X -ray and the organs were found on their places. Specifically: ureter regeneration, removed during the resection, appearance of lung tissue, stomach regeneration, growth of extracted teeth in adults, and so on. We should not deny the possibility poss ibility of restoration of tissue structure removed surgically or through trauma. Although it is unusual for orthodox medicine, but the results on restoration of previously removed or destroyed body tissues after my séances are proven by X-ray X -ray examinations of such  patients, computer-aided tomography, even in real time during surgeries, when surgeons were observing recovery of organs during the séance, as well as by medical certificates. With my practical results, I proved the possibility of complete restoration of destroyed matter. This proves the necessity to develop along the path of creation. Let's follow the path of full recovery, and consider this area to be in canonical form, as a completely rrestored estored full struct structure. ure. There is attention concentration for solving this problem. Consciousness comes int into o contact with the human body and the environment. Physical matter, as well as the human spir spirit, it, creates the reality in the orders of the general relationships. Therefore, concentrating on parts of the body we can change the reality in generalized terms, and, therefore, harmonious in all a ll areas of creation. I will explain one of tthe he techniques of control. Certainly, it can be developed for an infinite number of applications. For this practice of cognition th thee following ttechnique echnique will be effective: 1. Focus on the forefinger of your right r ight hand from 10.02 p.m. to 10.04 p.m., i.e. for two minutes, envisaging the results you need. 19 This can be done by any person   who creatively controls with the help of my knowledge. I have just got attached to this starting system, and a nd it is unified. You can use any ssystem. ystem. I work with the elements of comprehension and the elements of your reaction, which I trace. 2. The second element is the concentration on calling to mind colors: pink, yellow, green, red, blue, purple. You pick up the colors and mentally begin to go over them. The most stable one  –   focus on it for five minutes. This is your training. It restores the scope of the required events in the future . How does it recover? This is what you have to guess. It is desirable to comprehend aand nd to understand  permanently. You must understand the way I think when I work on recovering. Then synchronization occurs and you will get results faster.

© Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 


Working with controlling information

During the work with controlling information there are stages when the ratio of control functions, i.e., the ratio of your controlling structure with the actual physical  processes taking place, is determined determined by the primary positi positional onal orientation. Stage One. It is defined as follows: while controlling it is desirable not to have any  soreness. You should seek to normalize you condition, although different tumors cause strong toxic effects associated with the tumor dissolution and elimination through some cellular tissue structures. Nevertheless, it is necessary to use the same system of control in order to eliminate these effects, in order to have no toxic reactions. When When controlling events you should have the standard of your own event  positions. Model of extramuscular information o output. utput. This is a practical model. The output of informative structure splitting up tumor into extramuscular tissue goes on. At this you imagine that you push split tumor tissue between the muscles and lead it out into the space where skin is informatively absent.  Logically, skin should  be on the way. When you lead the tumor out into a certain space, where it is converted to non-neoplastic environment, you create the information of this exact transformation. You should not be concerned about the fact that skin should exist and so forth. It is a completely different point of view on the body. Some of the  painful phenomena that pass through through the peripheral nervous system outside the the brain are conditioned by the cellular structure dependence of the neurosignals.  Previously, when the process was getting organized, matrix forms were identified, notably, the information on reproducing transformed cells.  It has a kind of non-cellular structure. Wherever there are transformed cells  –   typical for cancer cells, the environment of their reproduction in one embodiment has a form of intact tissue structure. It means a cell m might ight get organized out of the adipose layer of the intermuscular tissue, sometimes from a muscle, rarely from a bone. However, the surrounding cells at the time of this organization are not changed. Therefore, when the cell  starts walking along the information areas of the body –  body  –   along tissue base,  blood, muscle structure, capillary system, it may stop ssomewhere. omewhere. It can o organize rganize a site of induration around it here due to the fact that there are so-called drain cells and source cells. Drains appear when there is induration induration of a tumor type. Sources appear when there is tissue loosening. The information structure changes. In  particular, molecular structure of the surrounding surro unding cells cchanges hanges too. The nucleus of a healthy cell is displaced, and there appear other processes that you also should © Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 


know. But they relate to blood diseases. Nevertheless, whenever there are neoplastic  processes, blood is subject to change. Especially if a concomitant resection was  performed. To control co ntrol any events, you should transform the information intersected with the the information of standard cells into the informati information on of intracellu intracellular lar events. Then there is the the formation process of the norm of macroevents through the norm of microevents. Stage Two.  Now we will talk how to restore tissue structure, if it was removed .

When you restore a tumor structures you should be aware that one of catalyzing recovery factors is the structure of organs compensation. The information structure is the primary structure for the cellular restoration must go through the level of compensation. The organism should stay within the information canons, at least, when you work with it. Neuronic connection goes from the brain to the structure where there is a matrix form. It was formed earlier. You should comprehend one of the following forms of control through signals and cells. I do not give some information for comprehension. I give the information for understanding. In every moment you should understand something new. Comprehension is the final  point. Technique of access to information is such that at aany ny time there is a method, which can be interpreted in many ways, according to different criteria. You need to have initial knowledge. The initial structure can be developed on your own. I give the following system: if a person has decided not to die at all, then he will always have to think about something. This will be the theory and practice of knowledge. Speaking about the fact that Jesus predicted the era of undying, including the era of resurrected; the question of the spatiotemporal continuum of this reality arises. Where, when, in what a creative way? Where are the archives of the information that must be restored, in what space? Technologically the question of resurrection and immortality in the physical body is solved at the level of specific practices . For example, when I give the vibration of the word "immortality" or "resurrection" for a record, a cancer cell is destroyed. The words turn out to be positive. We should study these processes only because of this. But when people come without tissue structure (it is not found by an X-ray), then it arises, then it is the process of tissue restoration, regeneration. And if you go deeper into the structure of comprehension, it turns out to be possible to extend the effectiveness to all other organs, if the  person understands it. Those who understand this faster, solve the problem with greater speed. Structure of restoration of the organs that underwent the stage of removal

(resection). So far, I am a m talking about the level. It is not quite the level of the matrix, I will explain what it is connected with. This may be the level of your thinking and © Grabovoi G.P., 1996


Unified system of knowledge 


understanding of yourself . When it comes to the fact what is to be restored, there are criteria for consciousness resistance. They are determined by the fact that there is a very powerful sphere of information: after resection organs or decomposed tissue do not regenerate. Why do I use math? Because it is difficult to deny a formula. It is hard to remove it with anything. It is possible to write it, put on a sheet of paper and everything is ready. And at the level of thinking, there are some arguments for a

man to consider that it is impossible. This is a very important factor. For example, I conducted a case on matt matter er appearance. For a publication in a newspaper. I materialized matter (two subjects) in an apartment that I did not know. A report was drawn up, everything was recorded, seals affixed. There is one major element in the  phenomenon: you must not traumatize the perception of the witnesses who watch materialization for the first time. The experiment can be carried out when all are targeted unitedly, when everybody concedes the tissue emergence.  Once it was admitted by everybody, two elements appeared. At thi thiss point, in thi thiss space matter appears. Functi Functionally, onally, it may  be inorganic. When there appears a structure absent from a human body, it can be functioning. There iiss no llogical, ogical, determ deterministic inistic problem in th thee arisen m matter. atter. Here we have a problem of entering the tissue structure at the level of its functioning. For example, infinity. If a man has no part of a lung, it is possible to project the t he structure, not destructible in principle. principle. There are detailed historical facts. I am a  practitioner and a nd work in practice. When you restore a form of information, at least at the level of thinking, when you have information on this fact, you must be able to transfer information into int o reality. Here the basis is the element of tolerance , the element of the existence of this point of view. Once you accept this point of view, then it will w ill be much easier. Recovery will be performed on the basis of tthe he  phantom. But a person perso n must understand what he has to do for it to happen. There is a level of different techniques. I give, basically, what, in my view, connects many aspects. There are events of the future. They have an infinite series. This is the form of information, where an event has an infinite number of future events; this is the future information. Because the past is limited by the moment of its coming into  being. This is quite a complex psychological and social criteria. And the future is quite unclear. This element of incomprehensibility iiss the basis of cellular structures activation. The future eevent vent is aan n element o off information compression now. To create an organ, tissue or a whole body it is necessary to think about the consciousness contour activation at the moment of human perception. The contour of consciousness is a spatiotemporal concept . I immediately translate directly to the © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


specific terminology in order not to describe it at the level of geometry. These terms are clear anyway. Then, when we will talk about how to firm up the tissue to the level of absolute health, it is necessary to find among the future events those time structures-intervals and those spatiotemporal structures that we create. Speaking conventionally, it is  possible to obtain healthy tissue at the next moment, if to approach system of o f nondestruction of the external world correctly. It also can be seen on CT scanner as tumor tissue disappears during my séance. This process can be brief. The brief.  The question is how to do so, certainly, primarily with reaching the situation of normalization, that the resistance to be infinite in each structure. This endless line of future events has also a property of pressure. Pressure into the present. I have broken into intervals on  purpose. There is a scheme: future, past, present. The option is such that the weighing upon axis of infinite range of future events is sufficiently controlled. The  source of informative structure at measuring is a point between the eyebrows. At average a person has a segment of 5 meters long coming out of the point.  Everyone, at birth as well. Fluctuations in the length of the segment are ± 2 mm.  mm.   This information line is controlled. Technologically it is transformed into a vertical planar structure by concentration of attention on the right forefinger from sys tem of enhanced concentration. 10.00 p.m. to 10.17 p.m.  It is a system You concentrate once and there is a kind of double-space created, and then you concentrate on the same finger for the second time. Thus you obtain a system of duplication. You have two informative areas corresponding to one hand. The first area that really exists is one one thing. You enter th thee information about the second area, while creating its matrix simultaneously, and start creating the tissue.   This is the technology of tissue creation. With such a technology the event, which is perceived as a single outgoing beam (of varying thickness up to 1 - 2 mm), is projected immediately on the area of created matter at measuring. You need to know how to transform this this planar system of control into your perception in the space. You walk, eat, watch something, and this plane restores you permanently. It is about creating  some information structures str uctures that are constantly const antly restore some tissue. This is one of the elements of control through spatiotemporal view. Having this this perception one can not fall from the m mountain. ountain. The principle h here ere is levitation. The level of non-dying: fallen off - levitation. There is a system of survival. We must strive to make it absolute. Then many of the processes are easier to understand. When, in ideological terms, there is a desire for this natural survival and tissue recovery, many processes are easier understood. .Mathematics is a science, which operates infinite series, so mathematicians mathematicians are closer to reality. © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


In this article there are thoughts, techniques, and concrete practice. But there is one of the laws, according to which thoughts are already a practice of control. It is even more than something physical. There is only one aim - there is a problem and we need to solve it only only.. Th Thoughts oughts of philosophical pl plan, an, as well as of conceptual conceptua l and technological plan should be applicable to solving the problem in its entirety. entirety. Mechanism for withdrawal of active matrix cells

There is is a m mechanism echanism for withdrawal of active m matrix atrix cells, which reproduce transformed tumor cells through enhanced bile filtration. In fact, there appears an isomorphic form. The phenomenon of isomorphism at the level of information when the cell is separated by natural structures of withdrawal. In the intestines, and in in other organs there iiss a system for bile excretion. And the currents, which which are placed in this bil bilee shell, are not fixed and effectively excreted. Specificity here is the following: when bile is excreted in large quantity, there is an element of weakness . This is an inactive element. It is connected with the basic functions of the organism. It is secondary. There is an optimal process of bile excretion for the organism. When there is excess, there is an element of weakness. But in any case you should not have any complicated phenomena, even in the state of health. Objective process is one thing. It is better not to have any unwanted effects in the way one feels. The main thing is solving specific  problems with a sufficiently accurate correction for reality. It is necessary to solve real problems and to really diagnose their exact solution without any conditionality. For this reason, we must understand that there is an information center of a human being... I relate the information corresponding to the notion of such a center with the information of micro-and macroenvironment at the cellular level  –   one of the positions of comprehension of the concept of Kundalini. In each cell there are some microprocesses that are determined by the structure of cell functioning; and there is interaction with the entire external environment, including segments of a cell. Finally, there appears to be some point where there is nothing at allemptiness, infinity, and undefined in the static interaction at the level of visual  perception. Because if you break a cell into a million elements, each element interacts with all the external environment, with each element of the body. This again can be broken into a mill million ion pieces. And there the feeling of light emptiness begins, notably there is some white color, and there appears a © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


concept of a source. The concept of Kundalini is translated as folows: Kunfrom, dalini - coming from the light, ancient Arabic translation. In the Indian interpretation Kundalini is the energy, power characteristic. I explain it from the  point of view earlier in terms of time, that appeared in Egypt. Thus, the information center of man has one of the projections in the human consciousness, which is called Kundalini. One can identify other projections,

and match them with the well-known names or the new ones thanks to knowing the law of consciousness: the movement of thought is comprehended in the very idea.  If we consider that this is the source of everything, then it becomes clear that the source, of neoplastic processes as well, is defined by the light spectrum. It is necessary to understand the way of restoring other structures against the background of the white spectrum - the energy of white. It is necessary to deduce the structure of comprehending white. Comprehension of white and the energy of white are different information structures, different information  forms.  I talk about co comprehending mprehending white, as you can see everything against chan ge of white. If we study the body against the structure of white, then any change information of an organism is of other colors.  I give you the structure of the  primary diagnostics, self-diagnostics. The processes of rapid order  –   tumors, require constant diagnostics. Before you go to bed, concentrate attention on the right ear lobe and tune in to the system of perception of white. Any deviation from the white in your sleep, without the excessive waste of mental energy (no complications in your sleep) can lead to health monitoring. Monitoring itself is the solution to a problem. It is a calculation of the appearance of the following cells, prevention of recurrences. Another point - the negative information should not occur even at the thinking level . Information on the cellular structures that do not conform to your healthy body should not occur even in information. Therefore, if we talk about how to withdraw  tumor structures from tissues, it is necessary to think about   how to open information channels.  To do this there is the angle of the sky. The person perceives from his shoulders. Around the head he responds to the contour of the blue, and on top - to the sky. This is the opening of information channel, and the sky is perceived as a way out of information about cells from the head. This way out must be controlled. There is a ttrajectory rajectory of re relocation location of the cellular composition at the level of the intellectual process, where the intersecting

cells give the segment of the secondary matrix. There is a delay of events at the level of the matrix forms. Escaping cells at the level of information should not © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


overlap or give the light shades. There arises the need to control light pulses. When viewing is performed there appears an interesting picture. The main thing is not to let them intersect. intersect. It iiss necessary to arrange small parall parallel el systems of contours. It is necessary to determine a separate cont contour our for each cell. To imagine at the the level of the contour located around the head several small circles and cylinders.  It is necessary to withdraw each cell via a separate cylinder. At this, the cylinders should not intersect. This is a model of the brain. When there is an approximation to the matter, it is a model of the brain. When working with external endless structures the  brain works exactly in this model form. It works at the level of non-intersecting signals. Understanding of this structure speeds up the process of thinking considerably and qualitatively, and there is no time introduction of the process of cancer cells reproduction into the information of your organism.   Thus, mere understanding already protects. On the basis of this principle it is possible to protect from any adverse effects. Your organism begins to react quicker to external e xternal information than to the tumor. The tumor is a kind of intellectual power, possessing informative power, its own distribution laws, their objective functions. You should

overcome it. You must have a mechanism how to overcome. By using my information management structure, you make a decision: which method to use. I introduce purposely simplified options. This is one of the view points. But this point of view let people get completely healed of cancer after my séances or addressing to me mentally, mentally, even if they h had ad th thee IV stage of quickly m metastasizing etastasizing cancer. You must choose a point of view at this moment. Try to use any methods, even littleknown, but having positive structures. How to use them? The system of control is in front of you. Your own thoughts are with you. And now I am telling you about the system of mental space, the way this system intersects with the reality and where it can be used for control. Where is the difference between the notion and a nd the control? This can be understood. Structure of events control

The methodology of cognition for a particular addressing: cancer plus the unsettled state of life. T he pr ocess cess of wor wor k.  The  given information, formulated as a kind of problem, exists at the level of one’s forehead. There is a point between the eyebrows, in the middle. If you draw a  perpendicular ray from it to the surface of the forehead, there is a sphere with the radius of 2 cm. There is an informative source of problems in this sphere. When  problems are formulated, at the level of geometry they are located there, a little © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


further away from the skin of the forehead surface.  For these problems to be realized there is an upper information center over a man. This center is also located above the surface of the head, about 2 cm vertically. There is the lower point of the  sphere with the radius of 5 cm. The sphere is made up of seven segments. The first  segment is directed towards the nose. If we join the information relevant to the  problem with the information in this segment, its solution is getting started.  I give the technique of events control and cognizing external information. This structure allows you to quickly control the situation, if you understand the technology of concentration. The technology of concentration is when a person does not trace the studied geometric ties, but solves problems via the   concentration , such as concentrating on the little finger of his right hand from 10.00 p.m. to 10.03 p.m. How is it done? Before going to bed, let us say for three days, we mentally set up the information that in future you focus your attention with the simultaneous aim of solving the problem. You should not concentrate the attention itself on purpose, you should not to look at the finger. But you must take a decision that your attention will  be focused on the very finger for three days days from 10.00 p.m. to 10.03 p.m. p.m. I call this system of control the coordinate system of time. All the concepts to which I give special definitions, allow you to operate at the associative and logical levels based on the perception of concep concepts. ts. When you start doing this, in some cases, there some feeling appears in these time intervals. Notably, every disease has a temporary structure. Therefore, in order to recover the organism from a disease, you should be able to work with the temporary aspect of this process. One of the elements of getting rid of a disease or some disorderliness in life is extracting the information of the relevant time from the total form of events.   Each event has its form. This is clear logically, it can be seen via clairvoyance or from the results obtained from digital information processing. In order for our future event to have a canonical form corresponding to health, positive state of affairs, we can use the element of time extraction, which defined the negative element in the event at  present. The scheme is simple enough in its its logic. If there is a certain disease, then it has evolved over time. If there is unsettled life situation, then it has evolved in stages. Once you have made a decision and something did not happen. The time when it was formed, and the time that specifically led to this. Thus, the time is divided into a number of parallel processes. One time forms one situation, another element of time creates th thee second situation, and so on. If something is is formed in the world at every moment of time, there is its own time time at each site of the process. I suggest to pass to this model of thinking in a particular case adenocarcinoma. It is necessary to be able to omit the temporary configuration, which formed the process. To extract this temporary configuration co nfiguration from future © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


events. The p process rocess of eextracting xtracting tthese hese configurations is carried out by transformation. It is not like being taken from so somewhere, mewhere, and relocated somewhere, it is just converted into a positive time structure.  The process is based on concentrating of the attention on the little finger of your right hand. You can concentrate your attention on the color gamma from 10.00 p.m. once or twice an hour. You should should try to envisage all colors as clear as possible, it is the principle of harmonization and canonization of the information structure.  The logical connection is clear enough. I give the events control system. Events, health is the final essential element. In order to control events, you should know the specifics of the interaction of your own information with the information which you control. When I give the knowledge on an audio tape, the tape must be listened for comprehension. You can also implement the set task by concentrating on the result while listening to the audio tape. It gives a positive result while being listened to, as well as recovers within 27 meters if it is in the house or with you. Many people attach it to the sore parts of body and pains pass. You need to carry it around. When replicating, the form of information, which is incorporated, does not change. In the

remainder of the tape you can record any other information, music that you like, and listen to this tape. Everything mentioned above is applicable to videotapes with my techniques and results. Canonization of events at any level

You need to find a mechanism for cognizing your perceptions. You are occupied with a system of cognition between reality and control. The solution to your problem, such as healing, is a system of cognition: to make the event such that in future during any studies there will be improvement and normalization, and no deterioration under any conditions. You should understand where to take the information, and how to control it. This is the technique of control at the level of understanding of two structures. Vision is a system of hidden processes. processes . You practice the theory and practice of knowledge on controlling situation. The problem that you knew then, after listening to the recording once, is changed, the information level is shifted. With the acquisition of new knowledge you have a new form of information. There is a certain amount of the whole information across with the radius of two meters   (at a time when you came). You received new information - the radius increased by 1mm. Therefore, you, in many many ways, think iin n other constructions. constructions. This is the the practice, and y you ou should understand the specific practice. The sshape hape of information is © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


relocated. Now the active point of information is a geometric area - the continuation of the index finger of your left hand. If you draw a straight line on the nail of the finger, then at the distance of 2 mm there is a sphere with the diameter of 2 mm. Now this point is the most active. It is necessary to canonize it for today. I give you a method of cognition every time. A method of cognition is not a static structure. At each successive stage you have to learn something new, for the rate of cognition to be higher than the rate of the disease process, or the rate of development of any negative information. It is necessary to use the information directly. You have a process, and in order to have a healthy tissue, it is necessary to use the information in two ways: 1. The path of knowledge is already recovering. 2. When you start concretizing knowledge, you start using them. them. For example, you begin to control this information along the continuation of the index finger of your left hand. You felt that the sphere there had got normalized, the feeling comes later. This is a very long-lasting feeling. When there is the feeling  –   it is long. You should see at the level of logic - to understand. I give a picture of understanding. The point is that the rate of thinking is higher than the rate of the disease reaction.   A person obtains a protective environment through which information of the disease no longer penetrates. As soon as it stopped penetrating  –   that is the end, there is no disease. A man undergoes medical tests, and the results show the norm. How to get the rate of thought higher than the exchange of the information of another environment? Theoretically, all information objects have equivalent conditions.  A disease is an object of information as well. Some business is an object of information, too. In the future picture of life, during the events, an object will be a priority. The one that will take this point of space quicker. For you, in this system of events control, it is important to advance information exchange  between you and the environment to such a degree that you are able to realize how faster to get to the point where there is neither illness nor problem, for you or somebody else. This is theory and practice. I looked at the way dynamic goes. You have already transformed a lot of cells. You have to intensify this  process. The faster you increase the rate, the better better for you. Question: “Is the concentration on the little finger applicable to

adenocarcinoma only?” Answer : “No, this is a system of events control. Adenocarcinoma changes the shape of the event in the future. It has its © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


canonical form. For example, ellipsoidal, when it comes to a 20-year  period. Events related to this finger, when you were 20 years old, had an ellipsoidal shape. This is exact, I do not suggest anything here. This form has already begun to change. You should deal not only with the future aspect, but also to understand the reason. Why did d id this happen to you, at least at the level of information form? We need to apply the principle of scanning. You sit comfortably and imagine all the events of your life in the form of some form beside you. It can be different and diverse. Start to scan it with your  brain. The information is contained in a file on your computer, on a sheet of  paper or in some form. You need to scan tthe he array and find where it is cchanged, hanged, if it is easier for you to work in general, begin with the macrostructure. You have scanned th thee array, found changes in some area, understood why it happened. You have found the dark content, threw it away, put in so some me light”. Question: “How can I understand why this happened?”  happened?”   Answer: “It is  is  not obligatory for you to understand. You can first move forward, at least, based on your feelings. If you feel that the array is changed, it is the place where something so mething is wrong”. Every man has a system of canonization of his life, a system of internal diagnostics, notably, the norm of his social life, health and everything else. You strive for finding here your double, where everything is fine. You scan with his help. The double is your events that you build by yourself. I perform objectification of these issues. Th That at is why I al also so give you the meth method od of work with the form with the help of your feelings. Feelings may be different, but as an additional means of control over the state, they are unified. The organism is a hermetical medium. We must look for an entry  point. There may be no carcinoma on the kidney, but the kidney may be a conductor at the level of information. All organs, all cells of a person are in the information sphere. In the finite form he must be healthy. Many people can stay healthy.  Information of the disease, data array, is introduced into the sphere through the contact point on the outer surface.  Your contact point was the right kidney when you were 20 years old. Information started moving there aand nd gradually reached the point when a primary cell appeared 10 years ago. Then this cell began to extinguish impulses in the right hemisphere of the brain. And then the brain would lose control over the area of adenocarcinoma - a completely alien tissue. I mean your model of information exchange.  In the canonical form a person does not have diseases. Disease is an external information. Somewhere you let it inside the object of information, which © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


corresponds to a healthy you. I only talk about the form of information. I do not talk about what it is connected with. It does not matter. The main thing for you is to get rrid id of the d disease. isease. Of course, if the redemption requires knowledge of, for example, a strong teaching, then it must be considered. But, in this this case, I talk only about the for form. m. Question: “How should I visualize the little finger: true to nature or in the form of an X-ray?” X-ray?”   Answer: “It must be visualized m mentally, entally, or y you ou should look at the li little ttle finger”.   finger”. The time that I give is characterized by the greatest activity of information  sources that correspond to a person during the metabolic processes with the environment. This time is optimal for managing structures.  In order to obtain the desired result by concentrating at any time, you  should use the conversion values at the time of arbitrary concentration. Conversion values are determined based on the laws of the development of your knowledge . The next element of control: you look forward with your inner eye. You see the object of information corresponding to a rainbow. You have to tune in the entire e ntire visible color spectrum. And then move without w ithout effort. Now it is enough to visualize the color just for a moment.  It is the system of controlling events at any level, the canonization of events at any level.  I give bound to your  problem and a nd in terms of your know knowledge. ledge. The disease is one of your problems. pr oblems. You formulate for mulate any proble problem m and act, which means you control. c ontrol. Additional recipe: (a system of small concentrations) - 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort; - 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda; - 200 grams of boiled water. Stir, leave for three days. Filter, leave for three days. Wet the bandage ba ndage (cloth) and apply a compress for a night in the middle of your foot 10 days in a row. The composition is stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. This tool is used to ionize tissue. Method of controll controlling ing a situation at a certain time

The method is based on the fact that  for controlling a situation you need to know the information of the future, as well as what happened on previous  stages. How did the elements of control of the previous stage influence the situation? You can conduct a situation objectifi objectification cation by means of instrument © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


control, if, for instance, it is a disease. Or via a norm of situation, if the situation is an event. Means of medicine provides information on the human condition. Many diseases develop quite q uite dynamically. Therefore, it is necessary to k know now how the situation control works and to be able to diagnose your own control result. At this stage I give the system of control through diagnostics based on own results. The first element. Concentration of attention on the hands and feet from 10.00 p.m. to 10.05 p.m. This concentration is the concentration of the closed cycle, that is, diagnostic concentration, conducted as the need arises. You need to look at the nails of your thumbs. While focusing on the hands and feet, you look at the thumbnails, and see as if with your inner eye that there are some cut short segments extending from them upward. You may visualize hands arbitrary -here your imagination works. Imagination is the system controlling the structure.   You feel mentally, as these segments seg ments move, intersect. They can move very dynamically in different directions. Where they intersect, memorize this point (the segment that coming from the right thumb thu mb intersects with the segment coming from the left thumb). They obligatory intersect intersect for about a second. So, if y you ou concentrate for 4 seconds, you can already control four organs. It requires practice. It is an objective process. It must be understood. To understand means to fix first thing that occurs to you. Wherever they intersect there is a kind of glow. This is the center of the organ that has changes. Video facilities capture this effect. Question: “How can I determine which organ it is?”  is?”  Answer: “You first see the center of the organ, it glows.   Then try to let out some soft waves from the right and the left hemisphere to probe what organ it is, to understand it in accordance with w ith the anatomy”. If you do not know anatomy, then I will give the following view of the  body. The organism is divided into 10 parts, according to the segments. There is a scanning system of the body through visual observation. Starting with the left little finger (from the left to the right), the body is divided, starting with the feet and ending with the head on segments. You can concentrate on the same nails. Do not look for these rays, the second element, and just concentrate only on the thumbs and then - on the feet. If there is some feeling in a finger, then this segment of the body has changes. The segments are as follows: the left little finger corresponds to the lower segment (0.1 reduced to 1 of the the geometric length of the the body), the right little finger - the upper segment and so on. Take the entire length of the body: at the  bottom there is the little finger of your left hand, above - the next finger and sso o on, into 10 parts. As soon as you feel some tingling, activation of skin reactions during the concentration of attention, transfer the attention to the corresponding segment of © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


the body. For further details you can define an organ, a body cell, a microelement and so on. The elements of detailed elaboration are determined like the elements of the entire organism. If you perceive your finger the other way, for instance, like an x-rays, or otherwise, against the background of unchanged perception, then it is comparable to the feelings on the finger skin. The finger, which makes itself felt, reflects the change in the relevant part of the body. The second element. The system of dynamic cells. In order to withdraw a cell via the concentration on the finger, or redefine an event, you must first find the zone in which the indicator of a cell or an event is located. And then try to withdraw the cell through the urinary system, to transform the event through any information external to the event. You should continue the concentration on thumbs, but not on the place where the negative information was discovered.  All other processes are involuntary. The right little finger, if it gives you an indication (getting heated, any other feeling) from 10.00 p.m. to 10.17 p.m. is a diagnostic procedure. At the same time it is the  procedure of correlation, restoring you. By means of this concentration you can withdraw a cell, everything inappropriately altered in you, at the level of information. I can see the way the withdrawal is conducted, through which cells and methods. If you are interested, you can watch yourself according to the system of diagnosis. After watching you again turn to the system of concentration discussed above. This is the method of objectification of cellular structures. str uctures. A week later check yourself, look at what has changed. Perform diagnostics at least once a week. You can do it every da day, y, or more often. The more, the better. Diagnostics and control begin at the time of concentration, and are realized immediately and further on. After 10 days you will have the first structure of the diagnostics and control of the body and events. Fundamentals of cognition at the separation of organism phases at the level of information

We will consider drug addiction as an example of a problem. As in all other cases, the methods received for the solving the problem, are applicable for solving any other problems. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the development of the spiritual impulses of information control by the means of logical and associative perception of my texts. In relation to the spiritual control any problems are equivalent in terms of information. Definition of information  © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


Any objects of reality are information. Information is perceived as an abstract or concrete value. It can be felt, and the feeling can be transformed into future events. If you have some knowledge, they can alter the reality to come.  For example, if you have knowledge of the strength of materials, you can calculate the strength of a structure. A musician can play the notes, etc. This knowledge is for controlling an information structure. At the level of logic it is enough to understand that aany ny information is contained in some form. A book has one form, a table - another, etc. The volume of a video record during the computer processing also provides a form of information. Based on the logic of comparing information structures, I give the system of understanding the control structure. What is the control structure? In this context, the control structure is, primary, your perception.   A book, for example, can be quite easily perceived visually (if the person is not blind), or by hand, by the senses (cold, water, liquid). In the studied system it is necessary to perceive the control structure only at the level of primary knowledge.  This level of knowledge is paralleled by the fact that I work on a hidden level. Some people refer to it as a subtle world. I call it the hidden, implicit level of work that is not defined by a static concept. I give this technique to use at restoring a situation, your control of a situation, including those who listen, read, and begins to help (my material can be infinitely replicated), in order for the event e vent to be restored to ssuch uch a level to become controllable in the future. Then there is a constant (independent of any process) stability of the result. There is a non- normalized structure in this event - taking the drug. The person himself should also understand that this is not the norm. Events should be directed to a perfect recovery when there is no incentive reason. I talk about the level of control in a particular situation. But this is a common technique of control. Let us consider a body in terms of different perspectives: feelings of the body consider ider the coa coarse-grained rse-grained position of percept perception. ion.  When and control.  First we will cons you look at a person, he can be differentiated as a coarse-grained system. At the level of sensation, if you mentally touch the person’s information with your hand, you can feel some grit. You feel it according to the scheme of crystal conversion. Informative transformations possess the characteristic of o f mobility. Speculative at the level of control they can be moved the same way as a pianist plays and feels the keys. They can be soft. They are not amorphous, but they bend as if located on a green a soft pillow. This training of feelings is an access to the controlling structure of a man.  The second is a system of schematic lines, when a person is regarded as a cavitary system,  having information sources to some planes that divide him vertically. You have to understand that I give it tied to your perception. But this is a © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


common system of control that works in any case. Anyone can use it. In each cavity there is a kind of system of control that corresponds to all external and internal  processes.  In addition, there is a matrix form  of division horizontally, i.e. a perpendicular to the vertical axis of a person. There some cells appear. They are open on two sides. The principle of cognition of man from this perspective is the penetration into the cells by consciousness from face side and exit through the other side. When you  pass through each of the ce cells lls (they can be broken up to one million million), ), you ca can n find links between the various structures. For example, how is the heart related to the liver at the level of information areas? You can conduct this research from10.00  p.m. to 10.07 p.m. You rest and research a man. Once you have found a link, so right there the control on canonization takes place. The given method of control  suggests that finding directed links is already the canonization and the optimizing improvement of the information of a problem.   The way is the path of truth. So when you find it you begin controlling. In computer processing it is the so-called system of dynamic flashes, i.e. when your

consciousness is flexible. For example, a person does not want to give up drugs, and you must go faster than him in your intellectual process for the control to be effective. In this case, the control is the speed of thinking . When considering the structure of a man it is necessary to understand that this is only one model of control. There are other models of access to the controlling structure.  Now we will consider how to transform the situation for it to be normalized. The norm of the  situation is security not only in terms of health but in terms of all t he external  structures . All eexternal xternal information aalso lso includes security of macrocosmos, macroobjects (for a meteorite not to fall on the Earth, etc.). Therefore, when dealing with the structural form of information of the protein medium, which relates to a man, we must understand that macrostructures are certainly involved. At this, a man is the center with some processes developing in him, including the processes of self perception, of perception of the external universe, disease, social life, etc. In this regard, there is an idea of non-dying of the protein form.  According to the  prognostic character the protein tissue does not die, does not get destroyed.  This is  proved by physiological experiments.  But if under narcotic influence, then the element of curtailment of future life path occurs.  The DNA structure, or layered protein structure is different ffrom rom the visible visible structure. Unbroken layers can be seen . They stretch into infinity from the point of thinking, from the initial point, if we consider thinking to be information of a  person. Thus, at the narcotic effects they begin to roll up, like carpet runners, and come to a point. There occurs the phenomenon of the tissue structure parallax. The © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


cell begins to widen. For example, in the brain. It increases in size and the next dose is required. That is, compression of information happens according to the level of f or you to  transfer the structure compression depending on the drug.  It is important for of compression to the level of creative compression. When compression is  positive decisions in life. To canonize future events. Let him work, earn money, regardless of of drug use. You need to replace the input source. To put in th thee source of typical life on the side of infinity.  You should introduce the source of typical life from the side of infinity. At the level of simplified modeling it is the concentration of attention on the index fingers from 10.03 p. p.m.to m.to 10.04 p.m. (for 1 minute). Training: 5 days of concentration, break for 1 day, 5 more days of concentration. This concentration leads to what I said. Just reading of the mentioned above optimizes the event. Modeling the situation ahead leads to the fact that a person begins to have future positive events unrelated with the n narcoenvironment arcoenvironment as a source of information. In this case we are talking about the narcoenvironment as about the relative structure. In some cases it is a disease. In other cases it may be something else.  I call all this relative information structures (drugs, disease, problems, etc.). They are all neutral . I introduce the concept of neutral processes, where each  point of view is neutral, each st structure ructure is neutral. Knowing this, you should use an any y  point of view as one of the segments of information. Because if this is a conservative system, then when making a decision in advance you can decide in favor of this system, but but it might h have ave already been developed by the tim time. e. This is the law on the information form development. Since everything in the world is changing, then what I told you in a second gets generalized by the events that occurred within the second. Therefore, any information develops, including the one  I am giving you now.  There is direct access to this information, as well as to any Partially I gave it in a nonverbal source, as I gave it partially for your realization.   Partially version. Here the necessity o off superposition occurs, occ urs, when you need know knowledge ledge immediately. The system of instant knowledge, when something is done in advance, without focusing on some arguments of a man, models of a man, for man's salvation. Then what you are listening to is the guarantee of the fact that  you are already using the knowledge at the level of the secondary neural structures . That is, you already can change everything, not re remembering membering it. The  way of accumulating information of such a type, when the subconscious is at work.  I use the concept of consciousness and implicit information, which does not correlate with knowledge. I give the way to the increasing knowledge through the implicit

structure. You must must understand that ev everything erything that is accepted, m may ay be accepted in terms of positive knowledge (which helps you). © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


Knowing this, plus stepped orientation on modeling.  For example, there is a coarse-grained structure of modeling, where one visualizes that a person for w whom hom  you are asking is standing s tanding above. And at the bottom (under the model from this man there are some rays) there is the same person, but of a smaller size. Wherever the specifics to your point of view appears: that is turbulent eddies (which can be clearly seen during computer  processing), in the area where they begin to close an organ that is not well emerges. This the system of diagnostics, but iitt is coarse-grained. That is, grains of knowledge are beyond knowledge. The philosophical approach is anti-segmental structure. Therefore, there is a layered structure.  For For example, one of the layers l ayers is a man’s skin and on the sskin kin one can find zones corresponding to all organs. You consider skin to be a surface, and  you focus  on the entire volume of information corresponding to skin, and the first knowledge coming to you means problems . They may be connected not only with a disease. A man was walking aand nd injured his hand, for exa example, mple, it could be a  problem at such two-dimensional modeling. You can see structures of macrocosmos, the effects of radiation, meteorites, etc. The reference point is of good help when diagnosing the equipment. You can see whether there will be accident with the equipment, etc. There is a so-called system of knowledge - a system of target ties when you form the outer space based on an object’s motion target. The target. The situation is the following: the world around you you are forming it. If a person moves by some vehicles, or lives in a technocratic society, then, based on this, it is possible to understand the laws of safety functioning: how some equipment must be safe, how some chemicals must be safe. The next training  –   it it is necessary for you to think. My system is as follows: after a single information treatment it is possible to make up a prognostic report (to evaluate the function - what amount of work it is necessary to hold to receive normalization of events). In the future y you ou can learn the processing data and see what it is necessary for writing a prognostic report. Optimization of future events

The properties of this material:  Radius of action (optimization of events) up to 71 m. 1.  It is enough to have the text te xt of the material within these limits. 2.  Contains a recovery system of   implicit hidden knowledge  for changing the informational canonical domains. Knowing of what has been changed at the © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


level of information leads to conscious compensation. Recovery comes with time. 3.  Methods of control specific information at the level of specified actions. The range of a patient (the starting point of inf information, ormation, the li list st of modified structures): 1.  Adenoma of the thyroid gland. 2.  Diabetes mellitus. 3.  Skin itch. 4.  Cardiovascular pathology. 5.  Hysteromyoma. 6.  Mastopathy. 7.  I immediately introduced in addition the structure of the lymphatic system. This structure of control is unified. I will give a practical method of control. Theory has practice of cognition. You can ca n use this mechanism not only for the given  problem, but for any other as well.  At the level of future events optimization it is necessary to consider two stages in terms of the information set up corresponding to the person. 1. The first stage - the information of future events , when a person is regarded as a  system of horizontal plane layers . In fact, if we consider in more detail, for example, for a  day  or more ahead, then the person can be regarded as a form of information, which has the format of a person.  Informational double in the layered format at th thee horizontal level. The system of compression, of archiving of information. 2. The second stage –  stage  –  considering   considering the information of the past is accepted   as a  system of vertical layers.

3. At the level of present time real events, perceived by consciousness there is the perception of information as intersection (cross like structures in various areas from the top, from the bottom, botto m, etc.). An event at the level of information is constructed in such a way that crossing of these structures may be accompanied at the level of perception, objective measurements, instrument measurements on the following positions. When human consciousness is at work, i.e., the perception is   active, it can be focused on the events of the past, future or present. In order to evaluate actually what is namely this time at this moment and the person is namely in that time, it is necessary to use specially the activation of attention. At any other moments of time (80% of the time) there appear structures of dynamic consciousness, when it is dispersed. There is no concentration related to time. © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


The system of concentration, which will be given, is based on the fact that there is crossing of many processes that are relevant to the future period and to the  past. At combining these informational doubles, a structure of building foundation for future events appears. According to this position we should understand that the time interval is the interval of the given time zone . If a person is on the way, the tie will be the time zone of this area. Therefore, the coordinate system is chosen in relation to the time of the place, and practicing according to this method should be conducted in accordance with the locality where the person is . The time intervals are rather relative in terms of perception. At ultra-fast processes such as an electron spin, there are some positions that suggest the transformation of the time coordinate. Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that by understanding the time, we  perceive the ties of consciousness consciousnes s to some social factors for the outer world only as one of the points of coordinates. When we talk about the control of information, we will talk about controlling any form of information to which there is no concept of information time, including a stone, solid matter, any element. Therefore, we must  be able to convert the the temporary structure. For controlling events it is necessary to be able to convert the temporary structure in the direction of having the formation of information in the future. You must be able to separate this area.  The area where where there is the time in terms of our  perception, and the area of other objects of information for which this medium is neutral.  We will suppose that for zinc, magnesium, iron contained in the body as elements of matter, the concept of time is excluded from the scope of information. Therefore, in order to have ac access cess to this area of information and control iron (Fe - Ferrum - a chemical element) - to increase the concentration, especially in case of adenoma of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to have access to this area of information. So I give a specific technique in order to get access to the nformation is the a ability bility of approxima approximation. tion. It is neces necessary sary to information. Access to iinformation have a unified system of access to any source and input of information. The source is a zone of active output of information fields. The input is there where visually, on a hidden level, the information fields enter.  I propose a system when on the trajectory of the path from the source to the drain we find the entry point of information. At this, even if we have a concept of time, and the structure of iron is separated from this concept, we can enter the information of iron, magnesium, zinc and other metals, matter, any process in principle, at the transitional stage.  I  specifically introduce the system of time only as a person's perception. © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


There is a second way, the so-called way of parallel approximation, when we consider at the level of information what is time for a person, and the identical  process for any other process of an object of information is considered. Approximation of the superposition takes place at the level of identical  geometric structures. s tructures. For example, for a human time is a parallelepiped shaped area around the thyroid gland for one of the levels of perception. But for a stone the same sa me

area characterizes the location of the stone in the space concerning the geometrical environment. I talk about the practical sstructures tructures confirmed by research. res earch. The  superposition, in order to understand the  structure of control , for example, to see and understand the internal structure of the stone - in fact, this is the development of an irrational vision - clairvoyance. The processes of clairvoyance enable control. To understand, you should be able to superpose the concept of time of your structures of perception and of other information. The new point of view, which I give, is the very system entering control. All this is digitally measured and it is clear that it is unified.  Next I give the system o off superposition when you place your information level (event level of the future  –   of h horizontal orizontal layers) iinto nto present to build future events. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the events of o f the  past. That is, the former double must also be here. There is a structure of such a character: you used to eat something before, more active substances both organic and inorganic. They did not superpose with the information of your body in the  past. In the future you certainly do not anticipate this structure: w what hat you will eat in 2 ... 3, 50 years. Therefore, these structures from the future, called the zones of supposed information (nutrition will not include, for example, sulphuretted hydrogen and other inedible matters). On the other hand, in the past there certainly is organic and inorganic structure. Let us assume that an event must be built in such a way, that you undergo medical examination and there is absolutely no problem  –   you are a healthy person. Diagnosis is only a state of health. And there is external infrastructure, i.e. event level (for a car not to have accidents, to have no problems in principle and in information structures in general). So here it is necessary to consider that the information structure of the controlling order can be ti tied ed up as follows. For example, there is a man - a partner, visually he can be a tall, powerful man. But his infor information mation can be projected project ed for 5 years in the future at a zinc containing substance that was once taken with food. Information may cross quite vague way in terms of logic, with past or future moments. It is necessary to understand that I give theory of cognition and practice of cognition. This is one of the points of view, one of the ways of control. Based on this approach, you can build © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


a large number of ways and structures of control. I give it tied to tthe he digital mathematical processing and what is tied to the perception. Three positions were considered: the future, the past and the present. The structure of their superposition provides an informative structure of the correct form in the future. Moreover, it must permanently give the same shape. A problem appeared –  appeared  –  it  it is necessary to smooth out. Not only to have no diagnosis after a while, but for it not to exist under the condition of infinite life. You should always operate at the level of infinite processes. Mathematicians work with infinite domains and come to results, enclosed into a canonical form as an equation. System of optimization at the level of knowledge.   There is a structure of cross intersections. An introduction to a specific training on this issue (diagnosis) was given. The structure of the intersections of past and future events has been formulated, if we take the parallelepiped in the area of the thyroid gland. Its shape is changed. The intersection of horizontal and vertical areas gives the parallelepiped. The width (coordinate from a person) is 2 cm; along the human body there is a vertical of 3 cm, length of 4 cm. The parallelepiped is highlighted and is visible under the digital processing. Its facets must be in direct vision, and around it must be a sphere with the radius of about 8 cm. At this the center of the sphere must be located at the intersection of the diagonals of one of maximum planes in the ce center. nter. Therefore, there is now a definite shift in the geometry of this zone. The zone is shifted so that the sphere is deformed from the top for 2 cm. One of the sides (the small one) of the parallelepiped along the upper right side if to see from the side of your back, is reduced by 1 cm. In other words, these are the two zones of deformation of the information from the canonical level. To bring it to the canonical level, it is necessary to understand where the intersection of horizontal and vertical layers gives the spherical image. The system of spheroidal thinking is a process of the most rapid information  processing and exchange of information.   Compensation of information structures occurs when, for example, this sphere provides a greater rate of exchange of information than the system of planar structures, such as the layerness inside the  parallelepiped. If we consider the layerness inside the parallelepiped simply as a series of horizontal and vertical layers, that is, to find sites of combination of the future and past events, and focus on the fingers, for example, the index ones from 10.00 p.m. to 10.05 p.m., then it is the projection of this structure on the outer  sphere, and the bor borders ders of the sphere begin to improve . That is, in fact, focus on the fingers at this time let you control the situation in the future. The perspective of this © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


method is based on the fact that knowing the time and place of concentration of attention, you can control the situation.   But there is a structure, for instance, when a person sleeps . He works with theree is a structure of rubbing cer certain tain herbs consciousness inactively.  For this time ther in certain parts of the body.   It is necessary to take prescription for rubbing herbs now.  It is again the system of event control, which takes into account not only the restoration of tissue structure, but, to be exact, optimization of the events. It is desirable to recover some of the tissue structures so that the future event would be optimized harmoniously. That is, to quickly restore the tissue, it is necessary to understand all the previous course of events that formed this tissue. Because every tissue cell responds to all external data, all external infrastructures . Including the Chernobyl explosion and all the other things. It is therefore important to understand that in order to restore the information, canonize, you should be able, without damage to any information structures to correct your own sstructure. tructure. This is the concept of self-actualization of the system of control. Summary.

There is informational background, an informational logical double of the implicit plan (hidden), which defines the reality of event in the past, the present and the future. In the present it is a system of cross areas around the anatomical body. In the future it is the information structures of the horizontal type, in the past  –   of the vertical one.  At the intersection, they may give ce certain rtain parallelepiped zones. They may have de deformational formational cchanges. hanges. For example, e xample, respectively respect ively to the diagnosis, or there is some social, financial situation in life, which you need to  balance or optimize. To optimize it is necessary to get the speed of thought of a  greater characteristic, greater frequency . That is, clairvoyance, to control a wider area. For this purpose there is a system of concentration of attention. That is, the  focus on the fingers gives spheroidal projections . In practice we get to the zone of thinking of higher intensity. A more accurate process as it occurs at the site of spinal sp inal cord, brain, cell structure, I give at specialized courses. You should s hould try to understand the method at the level of the fundamental laws of the world. Structure of the connection between certain organs

There is a  sufficiently clear link between the organs at the level of certain  geometric structures. It is traced quite easily and can be fixed in the statics in the  form of cer certain tain informat informational ional spheres . But there is another link between the organs, so-called point structural form, when occasionally in some periods of time there © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


appears a luminous image (which is fixed in the optical range). If the process is watched, it is objective. These impulses are the sources of information. According to the color perspective: bright colors are the sources; dark colors are inputs. The  process corresponding to the thyroid gland is the process of macrocontrol of the  functions of the cellular structure, macrocontrol of organs.  The specificity of these micropulses which come from the thyroid gland is that the origination of deterministic logical connection is not traced. There is just a certain installed function of manifestations of the influence perspective of the thyroid gland, and this function is temporal. If we consider this t his point impulse every 5 minutes in the area of the right collar bone (there is scanning pulse), then this is the functional property of the thyroid gland. Now I me mentioned ntioned only the collar bone, and exactly in 5 minutes. There is a picosecond’s pulse of 10-9 10 -9 seconds displayed. This is the information on work of the thyroid gland. When the tissues begin to undergo changes in volumetric composition, then the impulse starts to distort. It begins to get a zigzag lightning-like shape. Normally, there must be direct rays. The structure of control of the thyroid gland is recurring rays, originating in different cells, in dif different ferent organs. Scanning occurs at measurements. For these rays to work normally, it is necessary to canonize the information, to lead to rectilinear rays, going to different organs straight from the  physical center of the thyroid gland. To do this, there is a certain training. The training is to hold concentration on index fingers and halluces and thumbs from 10.17 p.m. to 10.27 p. p.m. m. If there are crossings of different parameters, para meters, it is necessary only to copy them out into a table and, at least, to read them. It can be just  problematic to control a complicated structure for the first time. Therefore in the  beginning you can read, and gradually it will become the norm, and reading will compensate the training of parallel thinking. Why do I immediately talk about the system of concentration? Because the conditional re relationship lationship between this concentration and these impulses is quite simple. It lies in the fact that the receptors of the thyroid gland manifest themselves in the form of static sources. Exactly in these tissues, tissues , thumbs and index finger fingerss and in halluces. These receptor tissue characteristics, such as receptors-emitters manifest themselves in these volumetric tissues. When you concentrate, you simultaneously send all these rays. In the first wave variant such a characteristic is seen. I purposely do not explain the deep structure of relationships for you to conjecture and build your own constructions as a kind of exercise. Question: "On which fingers to focus at the same time?" © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


Answer: "On six fingers. Index fingers and thumbs and halluces. It is necessary to imagine that the rays simultaneously go on all these fingers from the thyroid  gland. If they cross (the system of secondary thinking), you can visualize a multiple form. That is, some different trainings may intersect at the same time. You can then assign to yourself. But no sooner than in one month". Question: "Can I see anything?" Answer: "I give you the the system of irration irrational al vision. What does the vi vision sion consist of? First there is what I say, what can be seen by means of objective control. Then, when you know it, you start practicing, it becomes the norm for you. But this is the physiological norm as well. That is, the information norm transfers into the  physiological norm. The purpose of this is for you to know where there are  geometric changes at the level of information and to bring them to the norm . Once they are brought to norm, your physiological corresponding zones get normalized as well according to the canons . It all depends on the speed of your training . I give you time for the first monthly co course. urse. You do what I say. It is a system of cognition. Having the starting base, you can develop it as you desire. Now you come with your problems. And in 20 years they are subject to change. You must have a tool in your hands, which would allow you to control. I give one of my points of view, as the theory and practice of cognition". Question: "How far should I keep the fingers?" Answer: "You should not hold, but visualize. I give the training of control without moving hands and feet. You can be engaged in aany ny activity, but try to control". Question: "I had a vision of a ball. Can this happen?" Answer: "It is irrational vision. You perceive correctly. Start seeing spheroidal segments. Your way is quite correct. At digital processing of information everything you feel is objectified. What you begin to see is exactly the system of control. This is what I seek, generally speaking". Question: "I want to look again at what I see". Answer: "You have to know for the future, that there is displacement of some objects over time. That is, at some point in some space there is an object. In the other space it may have another shape. You should be aware that repetition is optional . Let us suppose that there may be repetitions with a camera at recording. It is the same shape. The same clothes.  And informational fields are very changeable. Therefore, what you begin to see is your area of view. It exists. It can  be measured. That is, any form of mental activity, any form of view can be measured. You can even draw blueprints in this way. The mental construction is © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


measured. It is transferred to the scan (plotter), and you see the drawing. This is the  practice of objectification. What you see is your control. There is a controlling structure, and there is a structure of neutral type. I give you the controlling structure. What you see, you see properly. Therefore, you should not develop on repeated images, but on the developing of your own system of information control. Develop your spirit. It is desirable to concentrate more in the area of the cervical spine". Question: «Should I only visualize, feel this Question: t his part of spine?" Answer: "You feel your cervical spine up to the thoracic spine. That is, at least understand it geometrically. You just take a starting point, and there you concentrate your attention, and then begin to see this area again. This is a system of a greater  process objectification. You can c an feel it. Many mentally pass their hand over. Then a digital metering is made and it coincides. The fact is that these areas are quite objective. They have high pressure, and sometimes have a temperature perspective, color perspective, etc. I give you world-view of controlling tthis his hidden matter. Knowledge of the laws and forms of control is already controlling the  physical reality. This is not an end in itself - controlling only physical reality. You can control the external structures according to macrounderstanding. But the most dynamic controlled form, such as diagnoses or personal affairs of event plan. So you need to coordinate it for the practice. You conducted a set of exercises. Saw in real life what has been achieved aand nd how long it took. Again, held the ssystem ystem of adaptation, correlation of your knowledge. This path can be very rapid. The advantage of the consciousness is that the process can be tracked actually uninterruptedly. If we suggest that you take some herb, it acts only locally at the given period of time. And it acts locally anyway. But every function of consciousness always acts at the macrolevel. In this regard,  you should sometimes try to go out into the compensation system . That is, whether it makes sense to take some kind of herb, or to compensate this process by means of new knowledge. There are processes which, in my experience, you can optimize only through system of knowledge.  For example, when a process is co complicate mplicated d destruction of the body, then only system of knowledge is efficient. Here herbs are not very much constructive. Therefore, for health restoration it is necessary to  participate in training and an d correlation in pract practice ice . Although in practice training can solve all problems. Even the correlation is not required. The main thing is to know what are the forms and where they are located . Nevertheless, I think logically that it is desirable to set specific objectives, to see their solutions and see how much time is necessary for the solution to coincide with your practice. Then it is necessary to develop what is called clairvoyance, irrational vision. In your case the eelements lements appeared on the first try ". © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


Question: "What knowledge knowledge is necessary to have?" Answer: "It is necessary necessa ry to have a primary principle. A man, if he has no knowledge and has no improvised means to save himself, then he only has the  principle of o f his own thinking. The p principle rinciple of own thinking, at the logic level, can  build machines, for instance, etc. But in this case, we talk about salvation in a  particular situation, self-control and event control. Therefore, we must understand that the matter concerns a fundamental sense of being, where there is control over an external situation through the system of inner spirit, inner cognition. So, first of all, at a concentrating it is necessary to proceed from the fact, that it is a power characteristic. It is based on certain hidden laws which are objectified. You can look at it at the digital analysis. But we will consider the computer to be just the local  part of the observations. Moreover, it is the calculation part. And you need to understand all your external information structures. When doing the concentration all the factors have to be considered. We set a problem - the concentration is  performed. One of the methods that I am giving now is the solution to some problems. But

in the future, you must understand that it is desirable to build development into the concentration. Even now it is necessary to understand the refinements, perspective, approach: from which side, under what degree, and so on. " Question: "How often is necessary to work with your materials?" Answer: "It is desirable to do it at lleast east once a day. But you can do iitt as often as you desire. des ire. Some people ccame ame to me after diabetes. An eye al almost most did not see. The man listened to the cassette several times a day - the eye restored. In other cases healing o occurred ccurred due to th thee presence of my texts within the radius of five meters. People almost always address to me mentally. These are specific cases. The  process of recovery and optimization speeds up due to the intensity of work with with my materials and multiple mental appeal to me with specific requests".  requests".   Question: "Do you help me if I listen to the tape with your lectures or read your materials?" Answer: "Of course, I work with all those who appeal appea l to me mentally, read my texts, listen listen to th thee audiotapes with my knowledge, watch television programs in which I participate and so on. The deeper and faster you understand my knowledge, the more practical methods, and the less problems in the future you will w ill have". Question: "I have always been directed by the past. I absolutely cannot think about the future. Only yesterday I felt a little as if I were in the future. " Answer: "I understand. I will give you a specific training. Let us assume, it is 22 seconds now, but then I look  –  it   it is 25 seconds. Compare two of your states in terms of concentration on the fingers. At what time, how do you concentrate? It © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


could seem, it is a single-type line of perception. But there is a difference for the thyroid gland, where the point of superposing the past and future events at the level of geometry exists. To feel as if you were in the future, it is enough just to focus on the right area of the thyroid gland. Or focus on the little finger of your right hand. This will be your future state, something around one day. "   Question: "Should I understand this feeling?" Answer: "Yes, you can do with the help of information shape. This is the training of the shape of the future information. But actually, you will certainly be  present here. There is such s uch an untying structure as a clew shaped information. Clew like untying of information takes place . You can see it in the figures. When you enter the shape of the future information, every perspective of the connective tissue when you reach this future, is is observed as untying a clew. clew. You can see how it gets smaller and spins. In the area of the right shoulder this clew is a sphere with a diameter of 14 cm.  It reduces and this little clew passes through the stomach, heart and reaches the thyroid gland, and there it goes to the subcortex". Question: "Is the cell less important?" Answer: "In this case we talk about it. It appears there all the time. I can not  say that the cell is a less iimportant mportant tissue . I always take any information neutrally. I  just show the mechanism, the way wa y the future aspects is unwinding. That is, the work with the future is the work including the work with a shape of information". Question: "Do I lay the foundation of something in the future by means of emotions?" Answer: "If you express passivity, you obtain passivity. There is a problem, you transform it, solve it. Try to find an optimal structure of control. Use different  perspectives of the current c urrent understanding and state s tate in order to achieve quick res results ults of control co ntrol and salvation. There is an element as follows. In order to develop de velop irrational vision you should practice concentration on your feet from 10.00 p.m. to 10.05 p.m. In fact, the subcortical brain is being activated. This is one of the elements. That is, many issues can be solved by means of a system of concentration and specific answers will come . You have access to information. You do not just see the form, but b ut also get specific answers. The information is dynamic, it can be changed, transformed. Exactly in the same way you can get the answers you need. " Question: "Is man born with the information built-in?" Answer: "Certainly. There is a lot of built-in information. It can be changed. I give you the method of control without damage to any other parties". Question: "What is heredity?" Answer: " Heredity is also informative structure , where there is an event level. You should pay more attention to the information relevant to your health. This © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


may be not only your body. This may be ecological environment, external events, etc. Heredity can also be transformed by the same methods. The law is such that the more you restore the hereditary line, that is, the healthier you are, the healthier your future generations will be. That is, you do only good. There is no concept o off transmitting diseases. If you improved at least one elementary substance, one cell,  you have improved it all over . I give the development according to tthe he law of of universal links. Therefore, improvement in one area always results in improvement everywhere, and it happens through a corresponding improvement of all the links in the process of work. In this regard, my knowledge determines the creative structure of control. Therefore, T herefore, they can be propagated without restr restriction. iction. At this the  principle of o f sa salvation lvation is carried out, sa saying ying that the b bigger igger pa part rt of my knowledge is mastered, the more quickly the practical principles of salvation are realized. Points of view may change. You can go into a different perspective. If you want you can see one way or another. To enter the area of information in aan n intermediate form, there is also a specific training: from 10.17 p.m. to 10.22 p.m. Concentrate on the right index finger. There will be a more correct way. It is desirable for you to work stage wise. There is a level of organizing a form".   form". Information structures Declarative property of information structures is representational, when the  primary information structure is perceived by some body tissues, or some kind of substance relevant to a person. This structure may reflect the information but its form may not correspond to the structure of control. There a root control structure is necessary, where at any transformations the matrix canonical form is preserved, that is, the basic information structure that controls the information in any field. The declarative representational structure can have the same shape, but its difference is in the configuration of the shape in the internal projection . This refers to the internal projection  –   it is not the same as if you take a sphere and cut it by halves and see what is inside. But it is the internal projection in terms of perception i n terms of perception by consciousn consciousness. ess.  So  by consciousness.  I give everything only in here it is necessary to consider exactly how your perception lets to see this  projection. That is, if you approach a certain sphere of information, then at the contact the internal projection can appear as a homogeneous medium, equal in all directions, notably the base form and it can be represented as a kind of variety variety in the shape of a cylinder passing up. Or, for example, there is the so-called so- called Möbius

 band - you move on o one ne side aall ll the time and there is no intersection w with ith the othe otherr side. Some of such infinite structures are visualized during the objectification of © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


certain corridor structures. And there is a contact with the controlling structure. It happens only at the level of a high-speed reflex. That is, when you look at the information, you control only in the interval of their dynamic motion. At this stage of perception, of course. I speak only for this time, for this place, in order to broaden the system of conscious perception.  If we consider such a structure as a disease (information on disease, information on an undesirable development of event), then this is dynamic information. That is, one thinks of a structure of accumulating information and then some of its following change of characteristics: destruction, transformation, and so on. This is a dynamic structure at the level of a high-speed reflex perception of consciousness. Control is the ability to opportunely understand the time point at which you should get to control. The system is such that you can proceed to the control of high-speed version in statics as well. It suffices to find a system of concentration on the subcortex. Since the subcortex is an area not visualized by a  physical vision, then an approximating structure on the organs is given. These are index fingers of hands.

Concentration from 10.45 p. p.m. m. to 10.47 p.m., for two minutes. The concentration plus the dynamics of the green color. It is not imagining the green color, but so-called concept of the dynamics of the green. The way the green color is formed, the way it changes, the way it moves in a hidden world, and what form of information corresponds to the green. That is, it is the structure of the study. This will already be as a task. It is necessary to study any form of information in terms of a dynamic structure. structure. There is a concept of the green color. It should reflect on the questions and answer them. What is the green color in terms of information? Where is it geometrically located? How can we control this dynamics, if we change the form, to change the event to come, etc.? The same method can be applied to any other event. I talk about green in terms of the present data. It is desirable to realize that it has a structure of the primary output to the next stage. You can get to blue,  purple, etc. And you can work with a set of colors for the constructive development of events when you can decompose the color elements and to get the event of the desired spectrum. On the necessary spectrum - it is already an event, whichever you want. But it is more usual in formation. If we first consider in which spectral range, in which form the future event is, and want to withdraw a segment, and to replace it,  you can just change the spectrum mentally and the event is getting formed.  This is called the spectral structure of forming an event scheme. But it is necessary to be able to form for m a system of access via approach to basic structures. It can be immediately found. But there is an opportunity of improvement at the logical level and access to the structure of knowledge. I.e., I give the knowledge and it © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


compensates irrational methods. Gradually, it turns into irrational abilities, when you can study any other structures from this point. What is clairvoyance? This is a specific system of cognition. That is, knowing what is in the future or the past - the knowledge of certain aspects of another plan. I give tthe he path to this knowledge. Knowledge is control in this case. Therefore, the basic structure can be determined from any structures. It is a representation wave (area), or a secondary wave of information. There is a concept of a gas-dynamic wave. In gas dynamics, when it is measured we obtain the factor of a secondary event. Why did I take the gas-dynamic wave? Because the processes occurring at tthe he hidden levels often coincide. They coinci coincide de exactly at th thee level of secondary reflected waves. I have purposely transferred you to the wave structure of percepting information. Because the form is static, more rigid structure, but it can be perceived at the wave level, too . And now, for example, it is necessary to move to the perception of the wave  structure, i.e. to feel the waves.  Today, if you feel some momentum in the heart area, it was the wave diffraction. You transferred to the sensitive

 perception. Sometimes you can work with the form, it is equal. It doesn’t require concentration of attention to get the apprehensibility on the finger, somewhere on order der to comprehend the received r eceived ssignal ignal at the body. A wave requires more time in or the level of reflexes.  But this is a more sensitive version. The next variant at the level of a task is to be able to transform the information in terms of a form into the information of perception in the form of a wave structure and to obtain, if you have time, the feeling from the wave’s segmental effects effect s in some organ, at some point, etc. The process of tissue repair, what is called healing, occurs at the level of tissue-information structure recovery.  I will now give you the transition to the tissue structure. You can go through the basic form straight to the tissue structure, and you can do it through these wave criteria. Then all the highspeed processes (for instance, connection to the information that has a certain speed ) can be transferred to a fairly simple system of training on controlling the wave structure, and on decomposition of high-speed sectors into sectors with lower velocities. This does not mean you obligatory have to strain yourself and follow the high speed of these substances. You can go to the substructure of large time intervals and to work there. For a perception via clairvoyance, clairgnosis, including -9 logical, you can decompose a picosecond pulse (10  seconds) into smaller intervals to go out to the space of tim timee slowing down, at the the level of consciousness. Where any information, even very little can be seen as a form of seeing the space and to work not with the time, but with the space.   I purposely give the technology of changing the viewpoints. By constant changing the point of view, you can move © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


 from one level of cognition to another. This is the system of autonomous mobility in cognizing. This structure is measured as a vertical glowing column, very powerful at its level. Sometimes it is is necessary to restore many of the processes in the body. At this point, I give you, based on the level of sufficiently fast perception, the three main stages of thought, which will be formed as a task here". Question: "I have so many questions that it is necessary not to ask them, but to

 begin to cognize”. Answer: "Yes, it is necessary to cognize issues. Then cognition will determine the path contained in the questions tthemselves. hemselves. You, when listening to my audiotapes or TV programs, read my lecture, try to visualize tthe he areas. What happens at the level of visualizat visualization? ion? How do you see this at the level o off color? Earlier you saw a part of th thee sphere. It began to appear. What is th thee situation now? " Question: "I see a purple circle. The purple circle goes down". Answer: "Right. I`ve just given y you ou the system of transition to a blue, purple from green. You came out to the purple color. And it is advisable that you were able to work across the spectrum, without skipping a number of structures. I give you the task to work not only with color, but show the ability to control any structure through the development of shown by the example of color, areas of information, forms of information, etc. I give you the technology of training, which is transformed into the spiritual control. " Question: "What shall I do? I cannot concentrate at all". Answer: "Write down on a sheet of paper and look at the sheet. Information can be perceived not only as a necessary concentration, but as information stored in this volume, for example. All you have to do is to write down on a sheet and look at the sheet". Question: "What if I occasionally feel a lump in throat?" Answer: "This is a high dose of radiation that you received earlier. Gradually,  you begin to withdraw the radiation out of the thyroid gland and there appears a  feeling of lump in throat. It will decrease when you practice concentration. I give the system of restoring the cell structure. You experience the withdrawal of radio-active isotopes out of the cells. How can they be withdrawn? The optimum zone of maximal contact with the external environment is the thyroid gland. You act correctly". Question: "Even when I drink I feel some pain. May it happen?" Answer: "You overstrain, you have a reaction of muscle tissue. It is desirable to be able to control any structure, including your condition. It is desirable to find an © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


approach for the feeling in your throat to be within the normal range for this moment". Question: "Is it desirable to work at some certain time?" Answer: "It is desirable, from 10.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. And beyond the the time whenever you want, it is enough to mentally projecting this work at this hour, or to  perform correction leading to the independence of the work of the time. First, the time interval can be observed in order to understand the connection of the time with the geographical factor. The meridian, which passes through the common exit point to the information, the most active at the local time. Therefore, there remains a reaction to the time constant. The time is still going and it will go. When you get out of to the structure of secondary control, it is possible to shift the time and you will  be able to go to the setting of the t he hour. You can change the informational structures. The same way you came straight to the purple color, you can get to other control structures. But it is necessary to explore my lectures constantly from various aspects of your perception. Each recurring studying of my knowledge can be perceived as getting completely new knowledge each time". Structure of bipolar signals in a man

Let us consider the problem of recovery from Parkinson's disease Let us consider the structure of the bipolar signals in a man, where the polarity determines the cyclicity of your perception as a tissue one, and the perception by consciousness. The first element of polarity is the minus (-) factor  (not   (not in terms of something good or bad). When measuring by means of objective control at the level a voltmeter that gives some characteristics of voltage. The second element of  polarity is the plus (+) factor, which is also characterized by means of objective control. In the right little finger there is the minus factor structure. This is the  structure of descending events in terms of density, length distribution. The little  finger of the left hand is the structure of increasing events  according to the unified aspects. The source is the little finger of the left hand, input is the little finger of the right hand. There is  an arc of the peripheral eevent vent structure. It has various shades o off  perception corresponding to the t he rainbow colors. The most active is pink or the t he color of a bright red rose, etc. The most passive in this spectral aspect are green and  blue. Passivity and activity are determined from the perspective of your

 perception. It is divided into an active phase, where the controlling information coming from your side is in contact with red tones. And passivity is blue and green. © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


In order to restore the information, according to the given diagnosis, it is necessary to understand the primary principle. You can control the situation based on any informative source. That is, you perceive things and can use the theory in order to understand how to control it. Between these fingers there is a part of the segment, which could potentially  be used by you for control. It is necessary to find this informative arc. It is necessary to concentrate attention from 10.00 p.m.to 10.17 p.m. at the little fingers of your visualizee an arc closing up the little littl e hands. At the same time iitt is necessary to try to visualiz  fingers at the level of consciousness . Bear in mind that the information from the right little little finger is absorbed and from the left one is issued. If we draw a straight line to the tips of little fingers, then all that is above the vertical line is a process going in a clockwise direction. And all that is below is a process that runs counterclockwise, i.e. dividing the explicit and implicit consciousness (conscious aand nd subconscious).  In order to visualize the sphere, in order to unders understand tand it deeper it is necessary to understand the way the cross flow happens . That is why I immediately give the  practice of the sensible aspect as well. That is, it is necessary to feel, to sense. Through feelings you can obtain the reduction o off signals when external information does not cause phenomena of Parkinson's disease’s type.  type.   At this, you must also know the primary inorganic cause. It is necessary to consider the coccygeal vertebra (geometrically: bottom-up second vertebra). To consider the events of 7-10 years ago before be fore the disease origin. In order to control this structure, you transfer this information to the level of the arc (preferably the bottom arc). Look at the way the events happened. Try to guess the cause-effect ca use-effect relationships o off your co condition ndition and those eevents. vents. We can analyze any other informative structure in the same way. There is a method of a primary message when you feel some kind of informative environment perceiving the information for the first time (not seeing or decoding it yet). Begin controlling immediately at th thee llevel evel of th thee m means eans of objective control. Even technical devices can respond to the primary p pulse ulse and immediately give the secondary reaction. Computer sensors immediately start reacting to the external environment. In human beings it occurs through a system of remote primary signals. This is one of the points of view on a man. They are located within the radius of 7-10 meters from a man.   When you want to understand how to convert the impulse going to the direction of the arc, it is necessary to concentrate on this distance. Listen to yourself from 10.17 p.m. to 10.20 p.m. (listen and watch with with your inner eye). © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


When you have some opinion, then try to formulate the opinion on one of the angles of the arc. Either on the top or on the bottom. The upper is consciousness, the lower is implicit processes. And as soon as you have transferred there your  perception by an effort of will, in fact you have achieved the first level of stabilization. In principle, the given structure can be developed, additional points of view can be added. You have a dynamic process, i.e. you can work at the level of thinking with different thoughts, images, based on the following interpretation. Any action changes information. It is important just to understand what kind of action, where and in what place changes information. To understand that the temporary structure is working. At this, it is desirable to consider that the result should be constant. The deeper you master this theory and practice, the quicker the recovery  processes will be. Method of controlling the structure of the gastrointestinal tract and cerebrospinal fluid

I give you the practice of information control, that is, controlling events to come, where one component of the events is a healthy person. In this case I give the control of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract plus the control structure of the cerebrospinal fluid. Two str structures uctures in this case. And I consider the p problem roblem o off recovery of the left kidney. There is information that corresponds to these  processes. It is distributed as follows: the primary source of information is the reproducing structure and it is located at the level of the right hand, not more than 2 mm from the skin. This is the point, which organizes the information from the external environment when there are changes in the informational structure of the organs of the gastro-intestinal system. At the level of information the gastrointestinal tract has approximately three systems. The actual anatomical system is gastrointestinal. gastrointestinal. The second one is an informational reflection, something that can be understood in terms of diagnostics, for instance, by means of X-rays. The third system is matrix, canonical, as if it were the true information from the perspective of a positive event to come. That is, I consider this according to the following three factors. Each of them can have several systems and subsystems at the level of information. infor mation. In fact, I give you my method of of controlling this information. The point, which is located at tthe he level of a hand, emits, among the other, the structure of recovering events at performing digital  processing. Therefore, the method is is the following structure: 1. Restoration of self-consciousness. © Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 


2. The system of concentration of attention from 10.05 p.m. to 10.10 p.m. at index fingers. This means that you should either look at your fingers, or focus on them, or draw a diagram of the fingers and place it in front of you, and look through. Sometimes, if the work is performed, then a passive concentration is  performed. You can do something, keep the conversation going, but always keep track of these two fingers. This course is mean mean for cognition. Th Thee information of this course, going from general areas to specific and particular systems, develops the spiritual, logical and irrational level of creative control. Since the act of salvation should be achieved under any circumstances, it is necessary to combine and develop various control  practices towards the adequate adequate goal of salvation.

© Grabovoi G.P., 1996



Unified system of knowledge 



International Program for health improvement of man ............................................. ..................................... ........ 3 System of creative development de velopment .................... ........................................ .......................................... ....................................... ................. 4 Working with controlling information ..................... .......................................... .......................................... ............................ ....... 8 Mechanism for withdrawal withdrawal of active m matrix atrix cells ..................... ......................................... ............................. ......... 12 Structure of events control ..................................................................................... 14 Canonization of events at any level ...................... .......................................... .......................................... .............................. ........ 16 Method of controlling a situation at a certain time .................. ....................................... .............................. ......... 19 Fundamentals of cognition at the separation of organism or ganism phases at the level of information ............................................................................................................ 21 Optimization of future events .................... ......................................... ........................................... ........................................ .................. 25 Structure of the connection between certain organs ...................... ........................................... .......................... ..... 30 Information structures ............................................................................................ 36 Structure of bipolar signals in a man .......................................................... ..................................... ................................. ............ 40 Method of controlling the structure of the gastrointestinal tract and cerebrospinal fluid ....................................................................................................................... 42

© Grabovoi G.P., 1996


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