
April 23, 2018 | Author: Ezra Villar | Category: Surety Bond, Guarantee, Decree, Overtime, Ex Post Facto Law
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Persons and Family Relation Compliled Case Digest

Bautista, Bryan, Bautista, Paulo, Bilas, Gelliane Christine, Bogbog, Aleli, Bolide, Rouelli Gift, Corres, Kaiser John, De Guzman, Mageryl hay, Diaz, Charina, Donggayao, Bryan Christo!her Gironella, Jsa "oble, Mabitazan, #edd, Ma$arim!as, Raihanah arah, "arag, Janro, Reyes, Jareed, Rosario, Keouh, a%ellano, Mi$hael "i&o Jesus, olda, A$e Aries

CaseTitle EFFECTIVITY Lara v. Del Rosario DATE!FEFFECTIVITY Ta"a#a v. T$vera Phili))i"es I"ter"atio"al Tra#i"* Cor). v. A"*eles Natio"al Ele,tri-,atio" A#i"istratio" v. Go"a*a 1asa v. 2er,a#o Asso,iatio" o So$ther" Ta*alo* Ele,tri, Coo)eratives I",. v. E"er*5 Re*$lator5 Coissio" C!2P6TATI!N!FTI2E Coissio"er o I"ter"al Reve"$e v. Prieto" Peo)le v. Del Rosario

G.R./SCRANo. 94 Phil 77 %&' SCRA (7 G.R. %+4'% No. G.R. No. %07'% G.R. L3 No. 4(((' G.R. %9(7%7 No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'(%00 L37(&4

PRES62PTI!N !F 8N!LEDGE !F T:E LA D.2. Co"s$";i I", v. Co$rt o A))eals Peo)le v. Gasa,ao PR!CESS6ALPRES62PTI!N Yao 8ee v. S5 Go"ales La$re"o v. Co$rt o A))eals Phili))i"e E6RIA C$sto#io v. Co$rt o A))eals E$ita=le 1a"?i"* Cor)oratio" v. Cal#ero"

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%%'%++ %0'%'

V!LENTI N!N FIT IN>6RIA :otel Ni??o v. Re5es

G.R. No.


LIA1ILITY !F EB32ALEFICI! !R EB3DELICT! 2a"$el v. Peo)le o the Phili))i"es Roero v. Peo)le o the Phili))i"es

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'04( %'704'

ACTS C!NTRA 1!N!S 2!RES Pe v. Pe


:erosisia v. Co$rt o A))eals

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No.

L3 %7&9'

G.R. No.

L3 %4'( )

Gala"* v. Co$rt o A))eals Gashee Shoo?a*t 1a?sh v. Co$rt o A))eals asser v. Vele Nativi#a# v. T$"a,

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

L3 %7(4 97&&' L3 (++9 %4&%&+

6N>6STENRIC:2ENT Shi"r5o Co)a"5 I",. v. RRN I",. Car Cool Phili))i"es v. 6S:I! Realt5 a"# Develo)e"t Cor)oratio" Ele*ir v. Phili))i"e Airli"es

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%7(0(0 %&+ %%990

PARENSPATRIAED!CTRINE Vale"$ala v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No.

L3 0'%'

RIG:T T! PRIVACY Co",e),io" v. Co$rt o A))eals Pa#alhi" v. Lavi"a

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%(+7+' %&+('

N!N3FEASANCE@ 2ISFEASANCE@ 2ALFEASANCE Phile< 2i"i"* Cor). v. Coisio"er o I"ter"al Reve"$e

G.R. No.


ACTI!N F!R DA2AGES 1ASED !N CRI2E 2a"a"ta" v. Co$rt o A))eals N$*$i# v. Ni,#ao Peo)le v. A*a,er

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%+7%0( %0+70 %7770%

INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N !T:ER S!6RCES !F !1LIGATI!NSH Peo)le v. 1a5otas Ca",io@ >r. v. Isi) :eirs o G$ari"* v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%+(++7 %&&97 %+&90

INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N DEFA2ATI!N@ FRA6D@ P:YSICAL IN>6RIESH Ara-les v. Phili))i"e >o$r"alists@ I",.

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No.



I"ter"atio"al Flavors a"# Fra*ra",e Phils.H I",. v. Ar*os R$i v. 6,ol

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%&+&'( L3 404+4

INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N VI!LATI!N !F C!NSTIT6TI!NAL RIG:TSH Vi"o"s3Chato v. Fort$"e To=a,,o Cor). Co;$a",o v. Co$rt o A))eals 2a"ila Ele,tri, Co)a"5 v. Castillo,ase

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%4%&+9 %%9&9 %(97'

INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N 6ASI3 DELICTS/T!RTSH 1arre#o v. Gar,ia Sae*$ar# Se,$rit5 A*e",5 v. Ta"*,o

G.R. No. G.R. No.

4++' %'07&(

PRE>6DICIAL6ESTI!N Cit5 o Pasi* v. C!2ELEC 1eltra" v. Peo)le 2er,e# v. Die Do"ato v. L$"a Te"e=ro v. Co$rt o A))eals PRES62PTIVE CIVIL PERS!NALITY Gel$ v. Co$rt o A))eals RESTRICTI!NS !R 2!DIFICATI!N !N CAPACITY T! ACT Catala" v. 1asa Doi"*o v. Co$rt o A))eals 2e"#eo"a v. !ais !)osa v. Fa,tora" >r. 8INDS!FD!2ICILE 2ar,os v. C!2ELEC

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'07&( %(0'4' L3 %0&%0 L3 0&'4( %0+70

( SCRA +% G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%09'07 %(704+ %4&&7+ %+%+&



Persons and Family Relation


Ar$e*o >r. v. Co$rt o A))eals 1er"a=e v. Ale;o

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%%(%9& %4+0++


A",heta v. A",heta A=a#illa v. Ta=ilira"

%40&7+ 2T>3 9(37%'

PRES62PTI!N IN FAV!R !F EBISTENCE AND VALIDITY !F 2ARRIAGE Dela Rosa v. :eirs o R$stia v#a. De Daia" E$*e"io v. Vele 1alo*=o* v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%007&& 0%4+ &09

LEGAL CAPACITY Silverio v. Re)$=li, Re)$=li, v. Ca*a"#aha"

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%74'9 %'''7'

A6T:!RITY !F S!LE2NIING !FFICER 1eso v. >$#*e Da*$a"

A.2. No.

Ara"es v. !,,ia"o

A.2. No.

2T>3 993 %(%% 2T>3 +(3 %&9+

2ARRIAGELICENSE Al,a"tara v. Al,a"tara Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals Cari"o v. Cari"o S5 v. Co$rt o A))eals Sevilla v. Car#e"as A==as v. A==as

G.R. %'774' No. 477 SCRA (77 G.R. %&(0(9 No. &&+ SCRA 00+ G.R. %'7'4 No. G.R. %&9' No.


Persons and Family Relation

A.2. No.

2T>3 ++3 %&(9 

Ni"al v. 1a#a5o* Cos,a v.Pala5)a5o"

G.R. No. A.2. No.

%&&77 2T>3 9(37(%



2ore"o v. 1er"a=e

A.2. No.

2T>3 9439'&

Navarro v. Doa*to5

A.2. No.

2T>3 9'39'&

G.R. No.


2ori*o v. Peo)le T:REE3F!LDLIA1ILITY

2ARRIAGECERTIFICATE V#a. De >a,o= v. Co$rt o A))eals F!REIGNDIV!RCE Re)$=li, v. I5o5 Re)$=li, v. !=re,i#o III Va" Dor" v. Roillo Sa" L$is v. Sa" L$is Cor)$ v. Sto. Toas Gar,ia3Re,io v. Re,io

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%0(077 %04&+ L3 '47+ %&&74& %'07% %&&((

N!2ARRIAGELICENSE Atie"a v. 1rilla"tes

A.2. No.

2T>3 9(7+'

1IGA2!6S/ P!LYGA2!6S 2ARRIAGES E"ri$e V#a. De Catala" v. Catala" Lee $ita v. Co$rt o A))eals Te"e=ro v. Co$rt o A))eals >arillo v. Peo)le o the Phili)))i"es 2a,arr$=o v. 2a,arr$=o ei*el v. Se)io D5 2o"ta"e v. Ci)ria"o

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. A.C. No. G.R. No. G.R.

%&'(( %(4'( %0+70 %'44&0 '%4 L3 0&7+& %%+9 -

No. VALID 1IGA2!6S 2ARRIAGES Re)$=li, v. Nolas,o Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals 1ie"ve"i#o v. Co$rt o A))eals 2a"$el v. Peo)le o the Phili))i"es Re)$=li, v. 1er$#es Calisterio v. Calisterio Re)$=li, v. Gra"a#a

G.R. 94+0& No. 477 SCRA (77 G.R. %%%7%7 No. G.R. %'04( No. G.R. No. %'+(0 G.R. %&'4'7 No. G.R. %70%( No.

2ARRIAGE IN VI!LATI!N !F ART. 4+ FC Doi"*o v. Co$rt o A))eals Atie"a v. 1rilla"tes

G.R. No. A.2. No.

%+4%  2T>3 9(7+'

C:ARACTERISTICS !F PSYC:!L!GICAL INCAPACITY Chi 2i"* Tsoi v. Co$rt o A))eals a"# Lao Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals :er"a"#e v. Co$rt o A))eals Ya=ao v. Re)$=li, o the Phili))i"es

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%%9%9+ %%(+%9 %('+%+ %4+'&

G6IDELINES IN DETER2INING PSYC:!L!GICAL INCAPACITY Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals a"# 2oli"a 1ar,elo"a v. Co$rt o A))eals To"*ol v. To"*ol 2ar,os v. 2ar,os Te v. Te A*ravia#or v. A*ravia#or 2ara=le v. 2ara=le

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%+7'& %&++7 %07'%+ %&'49+ %'%79& %7+7(9 %774%


A$relio v. A$relio Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%70&'7 %09094

!T:ER >6RISPR6DENCE !N PSYC:!L!GICAL INCAPACITY Re)$=li, v. E",ela" 2e"#oa v. Re)$=li, Re)$=li, v. Gala"* !,hosa v. Ala"o Caa,ho3Re5es v. Re5es Tori"* v. Tori"* Li*eral#e v. Patil$"*h$* S$ao v. S$ao As)illa*a v. As)illa*a Al,aar v. Al,aar Na;era v. Na;era :alili v. Sa"tos3:alili Paras v. Paras aora v. Co$rt o A))eals Pere3Ferraris v. Ferraris A"to"io v. Re5es Carati"* v.3Sia5"*,o v. Sia5"*,o Villalo" v. Villalo" 1$e"ave"t$ra v. Co$rt o A))eals Re)$=li, v. $i"tero3:aa"o

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%7++(( %07'49

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.


G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.


%'7409 %0(' %'0&(% %'79' %'449& %7+9(0 %7440%

%'04(4 %47(4 %4%9%7 %'(&' %00++ %09' %'7(+' %(7&0 %4949 /

De#el v. Co$rt o A))eals Re)$=li, v. Da*#a* Pes,a v. Pes,a

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%0%'7 %+9970 %&'9(%

ACTI!N F!R DECLARATI!N !F N6LLITY !F 2ARRIAGE@ GR!6NDS 2allio" v. Al,a"tara PR!PER ACTI!N AND PR!CED6RE Leo"or v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No.


G.R. No.


PARTIES >$lia;vo3Llave v. Re)$=li, E"ri,o v. :eirs o 2e#i"a,eli Catala" v. Co$rt o A))eals Ni"al v. 1a#a5o* Carlos v. Sa"#oval A=laa v. Re)$=li,

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'97'' %7&'%4 %'7%+9 %&&77 %799(( %0(9

APPEARANCE !F T:E STATE 2a$ila" v. 2a$ila" Re)$=li, v. C$iso"32el*ar 2al,a)o3Si" v. Si" T$aso" v. Co$rt o A))eals Cor)$s v. !,hotore"a

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. A.2. No.

%004+9 %&9'7' %&709+ %%''+7 RT>3+43 %'%

DEFA6LT >6DG2ENT AND >6DG2ENT !N T:E PLEADINGS Pa,ete v. Carria*a FINAL >6DG2ENT AND S61SE6ENT PR!CEEDINGS 2ar=ella31o=is v. 1o=is T5 v. Co$rt o A))eals

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R.

L3 0&+ %&0+9 %(74+' '0

No. EFFECTS Val#es v. RTC a"# Val#es Di"o v. Di"o

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%((749 %7+44

V!IDA1LE 2ARRIAGES@ C!NCEAL2ENT Villa"eva v. Co$rt o A))eals A"a5a v. Palaroa" 1$,,at v. 1$,,at32a"*o"o"

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%&(900 L3 (79&+ 47%+%

F!RCE@ INTI2IDATI!N@ 6ND6E INFL6ENCE Villa"eva v. Co$rt o A))eals 2a,arr$=o v. 2a,arr$=o Re5es v. a=allero

G.R. No. A.C. No. G.R. No.

%&(900 '%4 L3&0'%

D!CTRINE !F TRIENNIAL C!:A1ITATI!N Al,aar v. Al,aar Villa"$eva v. Co$rt o A))eals >ie"e v. Ca"iares LEGALSEPARATI!N@GR!6NDS !"* E"* 8ia v. !"* Ga$#io",io v. Pe"ara"#a Pria Partosa3>o v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%7440% %&(900 L3 %(79+ %0&(+ 79(4 ('+'

DEFENSES@C!ND!NATI!N/PARD!N Arro5o v. Co$rt o A))eals Gi"e v. 1$*a5o"* Peo)le v. a)ata De !,a)o v. Flore",ia"o DEFENSES@C!NSENT 2at$=is v. Pra6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ C!2P!NENTS Dela Pe"a v. Avila Tita" Co"str$,tio" Co. v. Davi# C!N>6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ LIA1ILITIES A5ala I"veste"t  Develo)e"t Co. v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%749+ %'904



Persons and Family Relation


:eirs o Go@ Sr. v. Servavio Ros v. Phili))i"e Natio"al 1a"? Sio,hi v. Goo" A**a=ao v. Par$la" F$e"tes v. Ro,a C!N>6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ DISS!L6TI!N 2etro)olita" 1a"?  Tr$st Co. v Pas,$al

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%070&7 %7+%'' %'99++ %'0+& %79+(

G.R. No.


G.R. No.


C!N>6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ LI6IDATI!N $iao v. $iao V!ID 2ARRIAGES !R LIVE3IN RELATI!NS:IPS Di"o v. Di"o 2a$a"ia v. >ose

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%&(0(9 %&7'0+ %0%9'7 %04'40 %0+'%% L3 0+%(73 '*

( A#ria"o v. Co$rt o A))eals C!VERAGE !F FA2ILY RELATI!NS G$errero v. Re*io"al Trial Co$rt S6ITS A2!NG 2E21ERS !F T:E SA2E FA2ILY :i5as v. A,$"a :o"tiveros v. Re*io"al Trial Co$rt V#a. De 2a"alo v. Co$rt o A))eals Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals PR!:I1ITEDC!2PR!2ISE 2e"#oa v. Co$rt o A))eals FA2ILY :!2E Tri"i#a#3Raos v. Pa"*ili"a" 2o#e$illo v. 1reva >ose v. Sa"tos 8elle5@ >r. v. Pla"ters Pro#$,t@ I",. Goe v. Sta. I"es 2a"a,o) v. Co$rt o A))eals Ta"eo v. Co$rt o A))eals Fortalea v. La)ita"

G.R. No.


((9 SCRA (74 0++ SCRA 0%4 &+9 SCRA &4+ G.R. %(9(4( No. 470 SCRA % %9 SCRA 70' G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%09(+ '&00 %'0+'+ %7(('& %&(0&7 979 %+0&( %7(

8INDS/STAT6S!FC:ILDREN De Asis v. Co$rt o A))eals Fer"a"#e v. Fer"a"#e

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%+0&( %4&(0'

ACTI!N T! I2P6GN LEGITI2ACY@ GR!6NDS Co",e),io" v. Co$rt o A))eals A"*eles v. 2a*la5a >ao v. Co$rt o A))eals 1a=iera v. Catotal

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%(&40+ %0&79 L3 49%'( %&49&


ACTI!N T! I2P6GN LEGITI2ACY Li5ao@ >r.v. Ta"hoti3Li5ao De >es$s v. Estate o Dio"

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%&9'% %4(77

ACTI!N T! CLAI2 LEGITI2ACY Ti;i"* v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No.


V!L6NTARY REC!GNITI!N Ca=ata"ia v. Co$rt o A))eals E,eta v. E,eta Al=erto v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%(4%4 %07+&7 ''&9

C!2P6LS!RYREC!GNITI!N Rivero v. Co$rt o A))eals Peo)le v. 1a5a"i Peo)le vs. 2a"aha"

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%4%(7& %(+94 %(%07

PR!!F!FILLEGITI2ACY Ne)o$,e"o v. Lo)e Rivera vs. :eirs o Villa"$eva Cr$ v. Cristo=al Perla v. 1ari"*

G.R. No.


49' SCRA %&0 G.R. %4+4(( No. G.R. %7(47% No.

PR!1ATIVE VAL6E !F DNA TESTS IN PATERNITY CASES Ti;i"* v. Co$rt o A))eals A*$sti" v. Co$rt o A))eals :errera v. Al=a Peo)le v. Valle;o Estate o !"* v. Dia

G.R. %(09+% No. 4'+ SCRA &%0 4'+ SCRA %97 G.R. %44'0' No. G.R. %7%7%& No.

C!2P6LS!RYREC!GNITI!N G$5 v. Co$rt o A))eals 2ar$i"o v. Itere#iate A))ela5e Co$rt

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'&7+7 7(+7 '

Ta5a* v. Ta5a*3Gallor

G.R. No.


RIG:TS !F ILLEGITI2ATE C:ILDREN 1rio"es v. 2i*$el Re)$=li, v. A=a#illa Ver,eles v. Posa#a Peo)le v. Gla=o To"o* v. Co$rt o A))eals 2osses*el# v. Co$rt o A))eals Silva v. Co$rt o A))eals Davi# v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%0'&4& %&&+04 %0970 %(9(4 %((9+' %%%400 %%474( %%%%+

RIG:TS !F LEGITI2ATE C:ILDREN De Sa"tos v. A"*eles A=a#illa v. Ta=ilira" :! 2AY AD!PT Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals Re)$=li, v. Tole#a"o Re)$=li, v. Alar,o"3Ver*ara

G.R. %+0'%9 No. (49 SCRA 44 G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%++&0 94%47 9000%

RE6IRE2ENTSF!RAD!PTI!N I" reJ a#o)tio" o 2i,helle a"# 2i,hael Li La"#i"*i" v. Re)$=li, Ca"* v. Co$rt o A))eals De)arte"t o So,ial elare a"# Develo)e"t v. 1ele"

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. A.2. No.

%'99( %'494 %+0&+ RT>39'3 %&'(

NAT6RE AND EFFECTS !F AD!PTI!N Re)$=li, v. :er"a"#e Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals I" reJ a#o)tio" o Ste)ha"ie Nath5 Astor*a Gar,ia

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R.

%%7(+9 %+&'90 %4&%% '-

Teoti,o v. Del Val

No. G.R. No.

L3 %70&

RESCISSI!N!FAD!PTI!N Laho v. Si=$lo

G.R. No.


G.R. No.


S6PP!RT La v. Ch$a :!ISENTITLEDT!S6PP!RT 1rio"es v. 2i*$el $ii*i"* v. I,ao Fra",is,o v. a"#$eta Sa"tero v. Co$rt o A))eals Gotar#o v. 1$li"*

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%0'&4& L3 ('790 4&794 L3 '%7++ %'0%''

:ENDE2ANDA1LE La,so" v La,so"

G.R. No.



Li v. Li Ver,eles v. Posa#a 2a"*o"o" v. Co$rt o A))eals De G$a" v. Pere

No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'&(+9 %0970 %(0+4% %0'+%&

RIG:TS !F T:IRD PERS!NS :! PAY La,so" v. La,so"

G.R. No.


S6PP!RTPENDENTLITE Estate o R$i v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No.


G.R. No.

L3 4(%9

G.R. No.


S6PP!RT D6RING PR!CEEDINGS Re5es v. I"es3L$,ia"o C:ARACTERISTICS !F PARENTAL A6T:!RITY Silva v. Co$rt o A))eals

Persons and Family Relation


:! EBERCISES PARENTAL A6T:!RITY AND C6ST!DY To"o* v. Co$rt o A))eals Va",il v. 1eles 1o"#a*;5 v. Fo$i Ali 1o"#a*;5 Sa*ala3Eslao v. Co$rt o A))eals So=o"* v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%((9+' %&&&(& %4+%7 %%'77& %%%7'

TENDER AGE PRES62PTI!N R6LE Ga=oa3:irs,h v. Co$rt o A))eals Pa=lo3G$al=erto v. G$al=erto Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals Gola"*,o v. Co$rt o A))eals Davi# v. Co$rt o A))eals Es)irit$ v. Co$rt o A))eals Pere v. Co$rt o A))eals RIG:TS AND D6TIES !F PERS!NS EBERCISING PARENTAL A6T:!RITY Li=i v. I"tere#iate A))ellate Co$rt Taar*o v. Co$rt o A))eals

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%7440 %04994 %%&+04 %(47(4 %%%%+ %%0'4+ %%7+

7+9+ 0+44

SPECIAL PARENTAL A6T:!RITY A$i"as S,hool v. I"to" St. >ose)hs Colle*e v. 2ira"#a St. 2ar5s A,a#e5 v. Car)ita"os Aa#ora v. Co$rt o A))eals Salvosa v. I"tere#iate A))ellate Co$rt Phili))i"e S,hool o 1$si"ess A#i"istratio" v. Co$rt o A))eals

Persons and Family Relation

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%4(+( %(&0& %4&&'& L3 47740 L3 7+40 4'9 '/

6SE!FS6RNA2E1Y!2EN Reo v. S,retar5 o Forei*" Aairs Yasi" v. >$#*e Sharis Distri,t Co$rt

G.R. No. G.R. No.

%'9(+( 949'

6SE!FS6RNA2E1Y C:ILDREN I" reJ a#o)tio" o Ste)ha"ie Nath5 Astor*a Gar,ia I" re >$lia" Li a"* I" re Cha"*e o "ae o 2aria Estrella Vero"i,a Priitiva D$terte 6SE!FDIFFERENTNA2E

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

Peo)le v. Estra#a 6rs$a v. Co$rt o A))eals

%4&%% %099'' L3 0%(+%

%'4&' %%(%7+

A22END2ENTS/ C!RRECTI!NS !F ENTRIES Re)$=li, v. Cosete"*32a*)a5o Lee v. Co$rt o A))eals I" re ,ha"*e o "ae o >$lia" a"* Silverio v. Re)$=li, Re)$=li, v. Ca*a"#aha" 1raa v. Cit5 Civil Re*istrar o :iala5a" Cit5

G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.

%947' %%&7 %099'' %74'9 %'''7' %%%74


April 20, 9!"

F#$%s& I" %90+ #ee"#a"t Petro"ilo Del Rosario@ >r.@ o"er o te"t53-ve ta$e*o@ a ,o"str$,tio" or?er o D.2. Co"s$";i@ I",.@ ell %4 oors ro the Re"aissa",e Toer@ to his #eath. >ose >$e*oMs i#o the" -le# a )etitio" or #aa*es i" the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt a*ai"st the #e,ease# e)lo5er. The e)lo5er raise# the #ee"se that 2aria >$e*o alrea#5 availe# o the =e"e-ts )rovi#e# =5 the State I"s$ra",e F$"#. Co"si#eri"* the r$li"* i" Pa,arra vs. Ce=$ A$to=$s Co)a"5@ a" i";$re# or?er has a ,hoi,e o either to re,over ro the e)lo5er the -$e*o. !" a))eal =5 D.2. Co"s$";i@ the Co$rt o A))eals aire# the #e,isio" o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt.


hether or "ot res)o"#e"t is )rohi=ite# ro re,overi"* #aa*es $"#er the Civil Co#e.

Persons and Family Relation


R'li)*& No. Res)o"#e"t is "ot =arre# ro re,overi"* #aa*es $"#er the Civil Co#e altho$*h she has alrea#5 availe# the =e"e-ts o the State I"s$ra",e F$"#. The res)o"#e"tMs ,ase is a" e$"e %7@ %97 ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt RTCH o 2a?ati a Petitio" or Assista",e i" the Li$i#atio" o I"ter,it5 Savi"*s a"# Loa" 1a"?@ I",. I"ter,it5 1a"?H alle*i"* that sai# =a"? as alrea#5 i"solve"t a"# its ,o"ti"$a",e i" =$si"ess o$l# i"volve )ro=a=le loss to #e)ositors@ ,re#itors a"# the *e"eral )$=li,. The trial ,o$rt *ave it #$e ,o$rse.Petitio"er Phili))i"e De)osit I"s$ra",e Cor)oratio" as eve"t$all5 s$=stit$te# as the therei" )etitio"er@ li$i#ator o I"ter,it5 1a"?. I" the ea"tie@ Re)$=li, A,t No. 9&+( hi,h )rovi#es that KAter the )a5e"t o all lia=ilities a"# ,lais a*ai"st the ,lose# =a"?@ the Cor)oratio" shall )a5 a"5 s$r)l$s #ivi#e"#s at the le*al rate o i"terest@ ro #ate o ta?eover to #ate o #istri=$tio"@ to ,re#itors a"# ,laia"ts o the ,lose# =a"? i" a,,or#a",e ith le*al )riorit5 =eore #istri=$tio" to the sharehol#ers o the ,lose# =a"?. Rel5i"* o" Re)$=li, A,t No. 9&+( PDIC -le# o" A$*$st @ (++0 a 2otio" or A))roval o the Fi"al Distri=$tio" o Assets a"# Teri"atio" o the Li$i#atio" Pro,ee#i"*s

Iss'(& hether or "ot Se,tio" %( o RA 9&+( sho$l# =e a))lie# retroa,tivel5 i" or#er to e"title I"ter,it5 1a"? ,re#itors to s$r)l$s #ivi#e"#s.

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that Stat$tes are )ros)e,tive a"# "ot retroa,tive i" their o)eratio"@ the5 =ei"* the or$latio" o r$les or the $t$re@ "ot the )ast. :e",e@ the le*al a$sti,e D!>H !r#er No. %( D! No. %(H@ #ire,ti"* all Re*io"al State Prose,$tors@ Provi",ial Prose,$tors@ a"# Cit5 Prose,$tors to orar# all ,ases alrea#5 -le# a*ai"st Delos A"*eles@ >r.@ et al. to the Se,retariat o the D!> S)e,ial Pa"el i" 2a"ila or a))ro)riate a,tio". Thereater@ the )etitio"ers #ire,tl5 e"t to the S$)ree Co$rt via )etitio" or ,ertiorari@ )rohi=itio" a"# a"#a$s@ as,ri=i"* to res)o"#e"t Se,retar5 o >$sti,e *rave a=$se o #is,retio" i" iss$i"* D!ES No %(. The5 $rther ar*$e# that

Persons and Family Relation


D! No. %( as a" o=str$,tio" o ;$sti,e a"# a violatio" o the r$le a*ai"st e"a,te"t o las ith retroa,tive ee,t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the iss$a",e o D!> !r#er No. %( sho$l# ,over o"l5 $t$re ,ases a*ai"st Delos A"*eles@ >r.@ et al.@ "ot those alrea#5 =ei"* i"vesti*ate#.

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that as a *e"eral r$le@ las shall have "o retroa,tive ee,t. :oever@ e !r#er No. %( ,a" =e a))lie# retroa,tivel5 i" the ,ases the )etitio"ers -le# a*ai"st Delos A"*eles.

AIVER OF RIGTS ICAEL C. GY vs. CO RT OF AEALS G.R. No. 63505 S(p%((r !, 2006 F#$%s& !" !,to=er (9@ %99(@ Sia ei #ie# i" 2a?ati Cit5 leavi"* a" estate val$e# %+ illio" ore or less. :is ?"o" heirs are his s)o$se Shirle5 G$5 ith their ,hil#re" -ve ,hil#re". !" >$"e %&@ %997@ )rivate res)o"#e"ts 8are" !a"es ei a"# 8aille !a"es ei re)rese"te# =5 their other Ree#ios -le# a )etitio" or letters o a#i"istratio" =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt alle*i"* that the5 are #$l5 a,?"ole#*e# ille*itiate ,hil#re" o

Persons and Family Relation


Sia ei. :oever@ )etitio"er a"# ,o3heirs alle*e# that )rivate res)o"#e"tMs ,lai ha# =ee" )ai#@ aive#@ a=a"#o"e#@ or otherise e CO., INC. vs. R CONSTRCTION CORORATION

Persons and Family Relation


G.RN. o.15!2

#r$ =", 202

F#$%s& Soetie i" (++4@ FFCCI e"tere# i"to a ,o"tra,t ith the De)arte"t o P$=li, or?s a"# :i*ha5s DP:H or the ,o"str$,tio" o the 2a*sa5sa5 Via#$,t@ ?"o" as the Loer A*$sa" Develo)e"t Pro;e,t. !" A$*$st 9@ (++4@ FFCCI@ i" t$r"@ e"tere# i"to a S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t ith :R Co"str$,tio" Cor)oratio" :RCCH or the s$))l5 o aterials@ la=or@ e$i)e"t@ tools a"# s$)ervisio" or the ,o"str$,tio" o a )ortio" o the sai# )ro;e,t ,alle# the East 1a"? Levee a"# C$t3! Cha""el i" a,,or#a",e ith the s)e,i-,atio"s o the ai" ,o"tra,t. P$rs$a"t to the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t@ :RCC o$l# s$=it to FFCCI a o"thl5 )ro*ress =illi"* hi,h the latter o$l# the" )a5@ s$=;e,t to sti)$late# #e#$,tio"s@ ithi" &+ #a5s ro re,ei)t thereo. The )arties a*ree# that the re$ests o :RCC or )a5e"t sho$l# i",l$#e )ro*ress a,,o)lishe"t o its ,o)lete# or?s as a))rove# =5 FFCCI. A##itio"all5@ the5 a*ree# to ,o"#$,t a ;oi"t eas$ree"t o the ,o)lete# or?s o :RCC to*ether ith the re)rese"tative o DP: a"# ,o"s$lta"ts to arrive at a ,oo" $a"tit5. Thereater@ :RCC ,oe",e# the ,o"str$,tio" o the or?s )$rs$a"t to the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t. :oever@ =eore the )ro;e,t as ,o)lete#@ :RCC )$rs$a"t to the ar=itratio" ,la$se i" the s$=,o"tra,t a*reee"t -le# ith the Co"str$,tio" I"#$str5 Ar=itratio" Coissio" a ,o)lai"t )ra5i"* that FFCI )a5 the over#$e a))li,atio" )l$s le*al i"terests the5 have "ot )ai#. FFCCI ai"tai"e# that :RCC aile# to ,o)l5 ith the ,o"#itio" state# $"#er the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t or the )a5e"t o the latterMs )ro*ress =illi"*s@ i.e. ;oi"t eas$ree"t o the ,o)lete# or?s@ a"#@ he",e@ it as ;$sti-e# i" "ot )a5i"* the ao$"t state# i" :RCCMs )ro*ress =illi"*s.

Iss'(& hether or "ot FFCCI is alrea#5 =arre# ro ,o"testi"* :RCCMs val$atio" o the ,o)lete# or?s havi"* aive# its ri*ht to #ea"# the ;oi"t eas$ree"t re$iree"t.

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that FFCCI ha# aive# its ri*ht to #ea"# or a ;oi"t eas$ree"t o :RCCMs ,o)lete# or?s $"#er the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t. F$rther@ o" a,,o$"t o its ail$re to #ea"# the ;oi"t eas$ree"t o :RCCMs ,o)lete# or?s@ ha# ee,tivel5 aive# its ri*ht to as? or the ,o"#$,t o the sae as a ,o"#itio" si"e $a "o" to :RCCMs s$=issio" o its o"thl5 )ro*ress =illi"*s. 1asi,all5@ the i"sta"t iss$e ,alls or a #eteri"atio" as to hi,h o the )artiesM res)e,tive val$atio" o a,,o)lishe# or?s sho$l# =e *ive" ,re#e",e. FFCCI ,lais that its

Persons and Family Relation


val$atio" sho$l# =e $)hel# si",e the sae as the res$lt o a eas$ree"t o the ,o)lete# or?s ,o"#$,te# =5 it a"# the DP:. !" the other ha"#@ :RCC ai"tai"s that its val$atio" sho$l# =e $)hel# o" a,,o$"t o FFCCIMs ail$re to o=serve the ;oi"t eas$ree"t re$iree"t i" as,ertai"i"* the e$ a" e$a" 2i,ia"o@ the ;$#i,ial a#i"istrator o the estate let -le# a s,hee o )artitio". :oever@ A"#re 1rio@ o"e o the =rothers o the #e,ease#@ 1rioMs o))ositio" is =ase#oo" the a,t thatill the )artitio" i"o))ose# $estio"it. )$ts i"to ee,t the )rovisio"s >ose)h 1rioMs hi,h are "ot i" a,,or#a",e ith the las o his T$r?ish "atio"alit5@ or hi,h reaso" the5 are voi# as =ei"* i" violatio" o Arti,le %+ o the Civil Co#e.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the "atio"al la o the testator is the o"e to *over" his testae"tar5 #is)ositio".

R'li)*& >ose)h 1rio@ a T$r?ish ,itie"@ tho$*h he #e,lare# i" his ill that Phili))i"e las $st *over" the #is)ositio" o his estate hoever@ it $st "ot )re;$#i,e the heir or le*atee o the testator. Thereore@ the testatorMs "atio"al la $st *over" i" a,,or#a",e ith Arti,le %+ o the Civil Co#e.Tho$*h the last )art o the se,o"# ,la$se o the ill e$l5 %94@ over its )ar,els o la"# i",l$#i"* i)rovee"ts thereo"@ lo,ate# at 1arrio Sto. Cristo@ Sa" >ose Del 2o"te@ 1$la,a"@ a"# hi,h are ,overe# =5 Tra"ser Certi-,ate o Title Nos. T37709@ T377'+@ T377'%@ T377'( a"# T377'&.

Persons and Family Relation


The #e=tors aile# to )a5. Th$s@ )etitio"er -le# ,olle,tio" s$its i" orei*" ,o$rts to e"or,e the loa". S$=se$e"tl5@ it -le# a )etitio" i" the Sheri to e$#*e. Ater the e##i"* herei" )etitio"er as a=a"#o"e# =5 her h$s=a"# he",e )ro)ti"* her to ,he,? ith the Civil Re*istrar to i"$ire re*ar#i"* the arria*e ,o"tra,t to hi,h it as o$"# o$t that the arria*e as "o re*istere#. She "o -le# this a#i"istrative ,o)lai"t a*ai"st herei" res)o"#e"t >$#*e alle*i"* that the arria*e as sole"ie# o$tsi#e o his ;$ris#i,tio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot the >$#*e has a$thorit5 to sole"ie the arria*e.

R'li)*& Arti,le 7 o the Fail5 Co#e )rovi#es that the >$#*e ,a" sole"ie a arria*e ithi" the ,o$rt ;$ris#i,tio". Co"si#eri"* that the res)o"#e"t >$#*eMs ;$ris#i,tio" ,overs the $"i,i)alit5 o Sta. 2ar*arita3Tara"*a"3 Pa*sa";a" Saar o"l5@ he as "ot ,lothe# ith a$thorit5 to sole"ie the arria*e i" the Cit5 o Cala=a5o* here herei" arria*e as sole"ie#.

ATORITY OF A SOLENI+ING OFFICER ERCEDITA ATA ARAES vs. /DGE SALVADOR . OCCIANO A.. No.T/-02-390 April , 2002 F#$%s& !" %7 Fe=r$ar5 (+++@ res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sole"ie# )etitio"erMs arria*e to her late *roo Doi"a#or 1. !ro=ia itho$t the re$isite arria*e li,e"se a"# at Na=$a@ Caari"es S$r hi,h is o$tsi#e his territorial ;$ris#i,tio". The5 live# to*ether as h$s=a"# a"# ie o" the stre"*th o this arria*e $"til her h$s=a"# )asse# aa5. :oever@ si",e the arria*e as a "$llit5@ )etitio"erMs ri*ht to i"herit the Kvast )ro)erties let =5 !ro=ia as "ot re,o*"ie#. She as li?eise #e)rive# o re,eivi"* the )e"sio"s o !ro=ia@ a retire# Coo#ore o the Phili))i"e Nav5.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sho$l# =e sa",tio"e# or sole"ii"* arria*e ith la,? o arria*e li,e"se a"# =e5o"# his ;$ris#i,tio"

R'li)*& 6"#er the >$#i,iar5 Reor*a"iatio" A,t o %9+@ or 1.P.%(9@ the a$thorit5 o the re*io"al trial ,o$rt ;$#*es a"# ;$#*es o i"erior ,o$rts to sole"ie arria*es is ,o"-"e# to their territorial ;$ris#i,tio" as #e-"e# =5 the S$)ree Co$rt. I" the ,ase at =ar@ the territorial ;$ris#i,tio" o res)o"#e"t ;$#*e is liite# to the $"i,i)alit5 o 1alata"@ Caari"es S$r. :is a,t o sole"ii"* the arria*e o )etitio"er a"# !ro=ia i" Na=$a@ Caari"es S$r thereore is ,o"trar5 to la a"# s$=;e,ts hi to a#i"istrative lia=ilit5. :is a,t a5 "ot ao$"t to *ross i*"ora",e o the la or he alle*e#l5 sole"ie# the arria*e o$t o h$a" ,o)assio" =$t "o"etheless@ he ,a""ot avoi# lia=ilit5 or violati"* the la o" arria*e. The res)o"#e"t >$#*e Salva#or 2. !,,ia"o@ Presi#i"* >$#*e o the 2$"i,i)al Trial Co$rt o 1alata"@ Caari"es S$r@ is -"e# P0@+++.++)esos ith a STERN ARNING that a re)etitio" o the sae or siilar oe"se i" the $t$re ill =e #ealt ith ore severel5.

ARRIAGE LICENSE RESTITTO . ALCANTARAvs.ROSITA A. ALCANTARA #)< CORT OF AEALS GR No.655"6 A'*'s2%1, 2005 F#$%s& !" De,e=er @%9(@ Rosita Al,a"tara res)o"#e"tH a"# Restit$to Al,a"tara )etitio"erH e"t to the 2a"ila Cit5 :all or the )$r)ose o loo?i"* or a )erso" ho ,o$l# arra"*e a arria*e or the. The5 et a )erso" K-ose #e 2a"$*$it Ch$r,h i" To"#o@ 2a"ila o" 2ar,h ('@ %9& $tilii"* the sae arria*e li,e"se. The arria*e li,e"se "$=er K7+04%&& is "ot i#e"ti,al ith the arria*e li,e"se "$=er hi,h a))ears i" their arria*e ,o"tra,t. There is also a ,ase -le# =5 the res)o"#e"t a*ai"st herei" )etitio"er =eore the 2TC o 2a"#al$5o"* or ,o",$=i"a*e.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the arria*e =etee" the )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t is voi#.

R'li)*& The arria*e i"volve# herei" havi"* =ee" sole"ie# )rior to the ee,tivit5 o Fail5 Co#e@ the a))li,a=le la o$l# =e the Civil Co#e hi,h as the la i" ee,t at the tie o its ,ele=ratio". A vali# arria*e li,e"se

is a re$isite o arria*e $"#er Arti,le 0& o the Civil Co#e@ the a=se",e o hi,h re"#ers the arria*e voi# a= i"itio )$rs$a"t to Arti,le +&H i" relatio" to Arti,le 0& o the sae Co#e. The la re$ires that the a=se",e o s$,h arria*e li,e"se $st =e a))are"t o" the arria*e ,o"tra,t@ or at the ver5 least@ s$))orte# =5 a ,erti-,atio" ro the lo,al ,ivil re*istrar that "o s$,h arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# to the )arties. I" the ,ase at =ar@ the arria*e ,o"tra,t =etee" the )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t ree,ts a arria*e li,e"se "$=er. 2oreover@ the ,erti-,atio" iss$e# =5 the lo,al ,ivil re*istrar s)e,i-,all5 i#e"ti-e# the )arties to ho the arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# $rther vali#ati"* the a,t that a li,e"se as iss$e# to the )arties herei". Iss$a",e o a arria*e li,e"se i" a ,it5 or $"i,i)alit5@ "ot the resi#e",e o either o the ,o"tra,ti"* )arties@ a"# iss$a",e o a arria*e li,e"se #es)ite the a=se",e o )$=li,atio" or )rior to the ,o)letio" o the %+3#a5 )erio# or )$=li,atio" are ,o"si#ere# ere irre*$larities that #o "ot ae,t the vali#it5 o the arria*e. The ,o$rt still hol#s that there is "o s$i,ie"t =asis to a""$l their arria*e. A" irre*$larit5 i" a"5 o the oral re$isites o arria*e #oes "ot ae,t its vali#it5 =$t the )arties or )art5 res)o"si=le or the irre*$larit5 are ,ivill5@ ,rii"all5@ a#i"istrativel5 lia=le.

The #is,re)a",5 =etee" the arria*e li,e"se "$=er i" the ,erti-,atio" o the 2$"i,i)al ,ivil re*istrar@ hi,h states that the arria*e li,e"se "$=er iss$e# to the )arties is No. 7+04%&&@ hile the arria*e ,o"tra,t states that the arria*e li,e"se "$=er o the )arties is "$=er 7+04+&&. It is "ot i)ossi=le to ass$e that the sae is a ere t5)o*ra)hi,al error. It thereore #oes "ot #etra,t ro o$r ,o",l$sio" re*ar#i"* the e$"e (+@ %9'9.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the to arria*es ,o"tra,te# =5 the #e,ease# SP!4 Sa"tia*o S. CariZo are vali# i" #eteri"i"* the =e"e-,iar5 o his #eath =e"e-ts

R'li)*& 6"#er the Civil Co#e hi,h as the la i" or,e he" the arria*e o )etitio"er S$sa" Ni,#ao a"# the #e,ease# as sole"ie# i" %9'9@ a vali# arria*e li,e"se is a re$isite o arria*e a"# the a=se",e thereo@ s$=;e,t to ,ertai" re"#ers a arria*e voi# a= i"itio. ,ase at #oes =ar@ there is "oe$a"@ 2etro 2a"ila@ their oi,e has "o re,or# o s$,h arria*e li,e"se. The ,erti-,atio" iss$e# =5 the lo,al ,ivil re*istrar e";o5s )ro=ative val$e@ he =ei"* the oi,er ,har*e# $"#er the la to ?ee) a re,or# o all #ata to the iss$a",e o a arria*e li,e"se. Thereore@ the arria*e =etee" )etitio"er S$sa" Ni,#ao a"# the #e,ease# havi"* =ee" sole"ie# itho$t the "e,essar5 arria*e li,e"se@ a"# "ot =ei"* o"e o the arria*es e$#*e"t as re"#ere#

#issolvi"* their ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s a"# a))rovi"* a re*ie o se)aratio" o )ro)erties =ase# o" the 2eora"#$ o A*reee"t eaie@ he "ever a))lie# or a arria*e li,e"se or his s$))ose# arria*e to Carelita a"# "ever #i# the5 o=tai" a"5 arria*e li,e"se ro a"5 Civil Re*istr5@ ,o"se$e"tl5@ "o arria*e li,e"se as )rese"te# to the sole"ii"* oi,er. !" 2ar,h (@ %994@ a ,o)lai"t as -le# =5 >aie !. Sevilla =eore the RTC. I" its De,isio" #ate# >a"$ar5 (0@ (++(@ the RTC #e,lare# the "$llit5 o the arria*e o the )arties or la,? o the re$isite arria*e li,e"se. Carelita -le# a" a))eal ith the Co$rt o A))eals. I" a De,isio" #ate# (+ De,e=er (++4@ the Co$rt o A))eals #isa*ree# ith the trial ,o$rt. >aie -le# a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" #ate# ' >a"$ar5 (++0 hi,h the Co$rt o A))eals #e"ie# i" a Resol$tio" #ate# ' A)ril (++0. This #e"ial *ave rise to the )rese"t Petitio" -le# =5 >aie.

Iss'(& hether or "ot a vali# arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# i" a,,or#a",e ith la to the )arties herei" )rior to the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*es i" $estio"

R'li)*& Give" the #o,$e"tar5 a"# testio"ial evi#e",e to the ee,t that $tost eorts ere "ot ea"$ar5 9@ %99&@ at aro$"# 0 oM,lo,? i" the ater"oo"@ he as at his other3i"3laMs resi#e",e@ lo,ate# at ('7' F. 2$Zo St.@ 2alate@ 2a"ila@ he" his other3i"3la arrive# ith to e". :e testi-e# that he as tol# that he as *oi"* to $"#er*o soe ,ereo"5@ o"e o the re$iree"ts or his sta5 i" the Phili))i"es@ =$t as "ot tol# o the "at$re o sai# ,ereo"5. D$ri"* the ,ereo"5 he a"# Gloria si*"e# a #o,$e"t. :e ,laie# that he #i# "ot ?"o that the ,ereo"5 as a arria*e $"til Gloria tol# hi later. :e $rther testi-e# that he #i# "ot *o to Caro"a@ Cavite to a))l5 or a arria*e li,e"se@ a"# that he ha# "ever resi#e# i" that area. I" >$l5 o (++&@ he e"t to the !i,e o the Civil Re*istrar o Caro"a@ Cavite@ to ,he,? o" their arria*e li,e"se@ a"# as as?e# to sho a ,o)5 o their arria*e ,o"tra,t herei" the arria*e li,e"se "$=er ,o$l# =e o$"#. The 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar@ Leo#ivi"ia C. E",ar"a,io"@ iss$e# a ,erti-,atio" o" >$l5 %%@ (++& to the ee,t that the arria*e li,e"se "$=er a))eari"* i" the arria*e ,o"tra,t he s$=itte#@ 2arria*e Li,e"se No. 99'99'7@ as the "$=er o a"other arria*e li,e"se iss$e# to a ,ertai" Arli"#o Getala#o a"# 25ra 2a=ila"*a". I" its !,to=er 0@ (++0 De,isio"@ the Pasa5 Cit5 RTC hel# that "o vali# arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# =5 the 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar o Caro"a@ Cavite i" avor o Gloria a"# S5e# th$s their arria*e o" >a"$ar5 9@ %99& as voi# a= i"itio. Gloria -le# a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" #ate#

Nove=er 7@ (++0@ =$t the RTC #e"ie# the sae@ )ro)ti"* her to a))eal the $estio"e# #e,isio" to the Co$rt o A))eals. The CA *ave ,re#e",e to GloriaMs ar*$e"ts@ a"# *ra"te# her a))eal. It hel# that the ,erti-,atio" o the 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar aile# to ,ate*ori,all5 state that a #ili*e"t sear,h or the arria*e li,e"se o Gloria a"# S5e# as ,o"#$,te#@ a"# th$s hel# that sai# ,erti-,atio" ,o$l# "ot =e a,,or#e# )ro=ative val$e. The CA r$le# that there as s$i,ie"t testio"ial a"# #o,$e"tar5 evi#e",e that Gloria a"# S5e# ha# =ee" vali#l5 arrie# a"# that there as ,o)lia",e ith all the re$isites lai# #o" =5 la. S5e# the" -le# a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" #ate# A)ril %@ (++ =$t the sae as #e"ie# =5 the CA i" a Resol$tio" #ate# >$l5 (4@ (++ he",e@ this )etitio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot the Co$rt o A))eals erre# i" reversi"* a"# setti"* asi#e the #e,isio" o the RTC *ra"ti"* the )etitio" or #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o arria*e

R'li)*& The 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar o Caro"a@ Cavite@ here the arria*e li,e"se o Gloria a"# S5e# as alle*e#l5 iss$e#@ iss$e# a ,erti-,atio" to the ee,t that "o s$,h arria*e li,e"se or Gloria a"# S5e# as iss$e#@ a"# that the serial "$=er o the arria*e li,e"se )ertai"e# to a"other ,o$)le@ Arli"#o Getala#o a"# 25ra 2a=ila"*a". A ,erti-e# a,hi"e ,o)5 o 2arria*e Li,e"se No. 99'99'7 as )rese"te#@ hi,h as iss$e# i" Caro"a@ Cavite@ a"# i"#ee#@ the "aes o Gloria a"# S5e# #o "ot a))ear i" the #o,$e"t. As to the otive o S5e# i" see?i"* to a""$l his arria*e to Gloria@ it a5 ell =e that his otives are less tha" )$re@ that he see?s to eva#e a =i*a5 s$it. 1e that as it a5@ the sae #oes "ot a?e $) or the ail$re o the res)o"#e"t to )rove that the5 ha# a vali# arria*e li,e"se@ *ive" the ei*ht o evi#e",e )rese"te# =5 )etitio"er. The la,? o a vali# arria*e li,e"se ,a""ot =e attri=$te# to hi@ as it as Gloria ho too? ste)s to )ro,$re the sae. The la $st =e a))lie#. As the arria*e li,e"se@ a oral re$isite@ is ,learl5 a=se"t@ the arria*e o Gloria a"# S5e# is voi# a= i"itio. The )etitio" is thereore *ra"te#.

ARRIAGES E;ET FRO ARRIAGE LICENSE RE7IREENT ERINIA 4OR/A-AN+ANO vs. /DGE RO7E R. SANCE+ A.. No. T/-00-329 #r$= 1, 200 F#$%s& :eri"ia 1or;a32a"a"o avers that she as the la$l ie o the late Davi# 2a"a"o@ havi"* =ee" arrie# to hi o" (% 2a5 %9'' i" Sa" Ga=riel Ar,ha"*el Parish@ Ara"eta Ave"$e@ Caloo,a" Cit5. Fo$r ,hil#re" ere =or" o$t o that arria*e. !" (( 2ar,h %99&@ hoever@ her h$s=a"# ,o"tra,te# a"other arria*e ith o"e L$vii"#a Pa5ao =eore res)o"#e"t >$#*e. he" res)o"#e"t >$#*e sole"ie# sai# arria*e@ he ?"e or o$*ht to ?"o that the sae as voi# a"# =i*ao$s@ as the arria*e ,o"tra,t ,learl5 state# that =oth ,o"tra,ti"* )arties ere Kse)arate#. For this a,t@ ,o)lai"a"t :eri"ia 1or;a32a"a"o ,har*es res)o"#e"t >$#*e ith *ross

i*"ora",e o the la i" a sor" Co)lai"t3Ai#avit -le# ith the !i,e o the Co$rt A#i"istrator o" %( 2a5 %999. Ater a" eval$atio" o the Co)lai"t a"# the Coe"t@ the Co$rt A#i"istrator re,oe"#e# that res)o"#e"t >$#*e =e o$"# *$ilt5 o *ross i*"ora",e o the la a"# =e or#ere# to )a5 a -"e o P(@+++.++@ ith a ar"i"* that a re)etitio" o the sae or siilar a,t o$l# =e #ealt ith ore severel5. Res)o"#e"t >$#*e -le# a 2a"iestatio" reiterati"* his )lea or the #isissal o the ,o)lai"t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the Res)o"#e"t >$#*e is *$ilt5 o *ross i*"ora",e o the la

R'li)*& Res)o"#e"t >$#*e ?"e or o$*ht to ?"o that a s$=sisti"* )revio$s arria*e is a #irie"t i)e#ie"t@ hi,h o$l# a?e the s$=se$e"t arria*e "$ll a"# voi#. I" a,t@ i" his Coe"t@ he state# that ha# he ?"o" that the late 2a"a"o as arrie# he o$l# have #is,o$ra*e# hi ro ,o"tra,ti"* a"other arria*e. A"# res)o"#e"t >$#*e ,a""ot #e"5 ?"ole#*e o 2a"a"oMs a"# Pa5aoMs s$=sisti"* )revio$s arria*e@ as the sae as ,learl5 state# i" their se)arate ai#avits hi,h ere s$=s,ri=e# a"# sor" to =eore hi. Clearl5@ res)o"#e"t >$#*e #eo"strate# *ross i*"ora",e o the la he" he sole"ie# a voi# a"# =i*ao$s arria*e. The aessell A=io*. :oever@ the5 ere s$r)rise# he" res)o"#e"t 1aro5 re)orte# or #$t5 as ,ler? o ,o$rt o" !,to=er (%@ %99%. The5 later o$"# o$t that res)o"#e"t 1aro5 as the o"e a))oi"te# =e,a$se she *ave a =ra"#3"e air3,o"#itio"i"* $"it to res)o"#e"t ;$#*e. Fi"all5@ res)o"#e"ts are ,har*e# ith ,olle,ti"* #o,?et ees ro the R$ral 1a"? o Ti"a=a,@ Caari"es S$r@ I",. altho$*h s$,h e"tit5 is er.@ ith a ster" ar"i"* that a"5 re)etitio" o the sae or siilar oe"ses i" the $t$re ill #e-"itel5 =e severel5 #ealt ith. Res)o"#e"t Nelia Eseral#a31aro5 is here=5 #isisse# ro the servi,e@ ith oreit$re o all retiree"t =e"e-ts a"# ith )re;$#i,e to e)lo5e"t i" a"5 =ra",h@ a*e",5 or i"str$e"talit5 o the Gover"e"t@ i",l$#i"* *over"e"t3o"e# or ,o"trolle# ,or)oratio"s.

ARRIAGE CEREONY LCIO ORIGO vs. EOLE OF TE ILIINES G.R. No. "!226 F(r'#r8 6, 200" F#$%s& L$,io 2ori*o a"# L$,ia 1arrete ere =oar# ates at the ho$se o Catali"a Tortor at Ta*=ilara" Cit5@ Provi",e o 1ohol@ or a )erio# o o$r 4H 5ears ro %9743%97H. Ater s,hool 5ear %97737@ L$,io2ori*o a"# L$,ia 1arrete lost ,o"ta,t ith ea,h other. I" %94@ L$,io2ori*o as s$r)rise# to re,eive a ,ar# ro L$,ia 1arrete ro Si"*a)ore. The orer re)lie# a"# ater a" e$#*e o" !,to=er %0@ %99& o"l5 to -"# o$t that she ,o$l# "ot *et the arria*e ,o"tra,t =e,a$se the !i,e o the Lo,al Civil Re*istrar aile# to iss$e a arria*e li,e"se. She ,lais that Res)o"#e"t >$#*e ,o""ive# ith the relatives o 2ar,elo 2ore"o to #e,eive her. I" his ,oe"t@Res)o"#e"t #e"ie# that he ,o"s)ire# ith the relatives o 2ar,elo 2ore"o to sole"ie the arria*e or the )$r)ose o #e,eivi"* the ,o)lai"a"t.The Res)o"#e"t >$#*e ,o"te"#s that he #i# "ot violate the la "or #i# he have the sli*htest i"te"tio" to violate the la he" he@ i" *oo# aith@ sole"ie# the arria*e@ as he as ove# o"l5 =5 a #esire to hel) a =e**i"* a"# )lea#i"* ,o)lai"a"t ho a"te# soe ?i"# o ass$ra",e or se,$rit5 #$e to her )re*"a"t ,o"#itio". I" or#er to )a,i5 ,o)lai"a"t@ 2ar,elo 2ore"o re$este# hi to )eror the arria*e ,ereo"5@ ith the e$#*e is *$ilt5 o *rave is,o"#$,t a"# *ross i*"ora",e o the la =5 sole"ii"* the arria*e itho$t the re$ire# arria*e li,e"se

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt r$le# that Res)o"#e"t >$#*e@ =5 his o" a#issio" that he sole"ie# the arria*e =etee" ,o)lai"a"t a"# 2ar,elo 2ore"o itho$t the re$ire# arria*e li,e"se@ has #isall5 aile# to live $) to his ,oite"t to =e the Oe=o#ie"t o ,o)ete",e@ i"te*rit5 a"# i"#e)e"#e",eOa"# to his )roise to =e Oaith$l to the la.O Res)o"#e"t ,a""ot hi#e =ehi"# his ,lai o *oo# aith a"# Christia" otives hi,h@ at ost@ o$l# serve o"l5 to iti*ate his lia=ilit5 =$t "ot e$#*e is *$ilt5 o *ross is,o"#$,t@ as ell as i"ei,ie",5 i" oi,e a"# i*"ora",e o the la

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt -"#s res)o"#e"t to have a,te# i" *ross i*"ora",e o the la. The le*al )ri",i)les a))li,a=le i" the ,ases =ro$* ht to o$r atte"tio" are elee"tar5 a"# $",o)li,ate# )ro)ti"* $s to ,o",l$#e that res)o"#e"ts ail$re to a))l5 the is #$e to a la,? o ,o)rehe"sio" o the la. The ;$#i,iar5 sho$l# =e ,o)ose# o )erso"s ho@ i "ot ea,o= a"# as a))oi"te# S)e,ial A#i"istrati< or the vario$s estates o the #e,ease# =5 virt$e o a re,o"str$,te# 2arria*e Co"tra,t =etee" hersel a"# the #e,ease#. Dee"#a"t3a))ellee o" the other ha"#@ ,laie# to =e the le*all53a#o)te# so" o Alre#o. I" s$))ort o his ,lai@ he )rese"te# a" !r#er #ate# % >$l5 %9'% iss$e# =5 the" Presi#i"* >$#*e >ose L. 2o5a@ CFI@ Caari"es S$r@ *ra"ti"* the )etitio" or a#o)tio" -le# =5 #e,ease# Alre#o i" avor o Pe#ro Pila)il. D$ri"* the )ro,ee#i"*s or the settlee"t o the estate o the #e,ease# Alre#o@ the #ee"#a"t3a))ellee Pe#ro so$*ht to i"terve"e therei" ,laii"* his share o the #e,ease#Ms estate as Alre#os a#o)te# so" a"# as his sole s$rvivi"* heir. Pe#ro $estio"e# the vali#it5 o the arria*e =etee" a))ella"t Toasa a"# his a#o)tive ather Alre#o. A))ella"t Toasa o))ose# the 2otio" or I"terve"tio" a"# -le# a ,o)lai"t or i";$",tio" ith #aa*es $estio"i"* a))ellees ,lai as the le*al heir o Alre#o. The Re*io"al Trial Co$rt re"#ere# a #e,isio" i" avor o Pe#ro Pila)il a"# a*ai"st ToasaG$iso". S$,h #e,isio" as aire# i" toto =5 the Co$rt o A))eals.

Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the arri a*e =etee" the )lai"t i ToasaV#a. De >a,o= a"# #e,ease# Alre#o E. >a,o= as vali# =H hether or "ot #ee"#a"t Pe#ro Pila)il is the le*all5 a#o )te# so" o Alre#o E. >a,o=

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that the ea,o= a"# )etitio"er live# to*ether as h$s=a"# a"# ie or at least -ve 5ears. A" ai#avit to this ee,t as ea,o= a"# )etitio"er. Clearl5 the"@ the arria*e as e$sti,e@ i"#sor@ !"tario@ Ca"a#a *ra"te# Ger=ertMs )etitio" or #ivor,e o" De,e=er @ (++0. The #ivor,e #e,ree too? ee,t a o"th later@ o" >a"$ar5 @ (++'. To 5ears ater the #ivor,e@ Ger=ert has ove# o" a"# has o$"# a"other Fili)i"a to love. Desiro$s o arr5i"* his "e Fili)i"a -a",[e i" the Phili))i"es@ Ger=ert e"t to the Pasi* Cit5 Civil Re*istr5 !i,e a"# re*istere# the Ca"a#ia" #ivor,e #e,ree o" his a"# Dais5l5"Ms arria*e ,erti-,ate. Des)ite the re*istratio" o the #ivor,e #e,ree@ a" oi,ial o the Natio"al Statisti,s !i,e NS!H i"ore# Ger=ert that the arria*e =etee" hi a"# Dais5l5" still s$=sists $"#er Phili))i"e la to =e e"or,ea=le@ the orei*" #ivor,e #e,ree $st -rst =e ;$#i,iall5 re,o*"ie# =5 a ,o)ete"t Phili))i"e ,o$rt@ )$rs$a"t to NS! Cir,$lar No. 4@ series o %9(. A,,or#i"*l5@ Ger=ert -le# a )etitio" or ;$#i,ial re,o*"itio" o orei*" #ivor,e a"#/or #e,laratio" o arria*e as #issolve#  petitionH ith the RTC.

Altho$*h s$o"e#@ Dais5l5" #i# "ot -le a"5 res)o"sive )lea#i"* =$t s$=itte# i"stea# a "otarie# letter/a"iestatio" to the trial ,o$rt. She oere# "o o))ositio" to Ger=ertMs )etitio" a"#@ i" a,t@ alle*e# her #esire to -le a siilar ,ase hersel =$t as )reve"te# =5 -"a",ial a"# )erso"al ,ir,$sta",es. She@ th$s@ re$este# that she =e ,o"si#ere# as a )art53i"3 i"terest ith a siilar )ra5er to Ger=ertMs. I" its !,to=er &+@ (++ #e,isio"@ the RTC #e"ie# Ger=ertMs )etitio". The RTC ,o",l$#e# that Ger=ert as "ot the )ro)er )art5 to i"stit$te the a,tio" or ;$#i,ial re,o*"itio" o the orei*" #ivor,e #e,ree as he is a "at$ralie# Ca"a#ia" ,itie". It r$le# that o"l5 the Fili)i"o s)o$se ,a" avail o the ree#5@ $"#er the se,o"# )ara*ra)h o Arti,le (' o the Fail5 Co#e@ i" or#er or hi or her to =e a=le to rearr5 $"#er Phili))i"e la.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the se,o"# )ara*ra)h o Arti,le (' o the Fail5 Co#e e$"e 0@ %9'0. A*ai"@ "either )art5 a))lie# or a arria*e li,e"se. !"*?i?o

a=a"#o"e# res)o"#e"t %7 5ears a*o@ leavi"* their ,hil#re" to his ,are a"# ,$sto#5 as a si"*le )are"t. Res)o"#e"t ,lais that he" he arrie# De Castro i" ,ivil rites i" Los A"*eles@ Calior"ia o" De,e=er 4@ %99%@ he =elieve#@ i" all *oo# aith a"# or all le*al i"te"ts a"# )$r)oses@ that he as si"*le =e,a$se his -rst arria*e as sole"ie# itho$t a li,e"se.

Iss'(& hether or "ot Arti,le 4+ o the Fail5 Co#e a))l5 to res)o"#e"t ,o"si#eri"* that arria*ehile too? the )la,e i" %9'0 a"# as *over"e# the Civil Co#e o his the-rst Phili))i"es se,o"# arria*e too? )la,e i"=5 %99% a"# *over"e# =5 the Fail5 Co#e.

R'li)*& 6"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ there $st =e a ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o the "$llit5 o a )revio$s arria*e =eore a )art5 thereto ,a" e"ter i"to a se,o"# arria*e. Arti,le 4+ o sai# Co#e )rovi#esJ The a=sol$te "$llit5 o a )revio$s arria*e a5 =e i"vo?e# or the )$r)oses o rearria*e o" the =asis solel5 o a -"al ;$#*e"t #e,lari"* s$,h )revio$s arria*e voi#. Arti,le 4+ is a))li,a=le to rearria*es e"tere# i"to ater the ee,tivit5 o the Fail5 Co#e o" A$*$st &@ %9 re*ar#less o the #ate o the -rst arria*e. 1esi#es@ $"#er Arti,le (0' o the Fail5 Co#e@ sai# Arti,le is *ive" Oretroa,tive ee,t i"soar as it #oes "ot )re;$#i,e or i)air veste# or a,$ire# ri*hts i" a,,or#a",e ith the Civil Co#e or other las.O This is )arti,$larl5 tr$e ith Arti,le 4+@ hi,h is a r$le o )ro,e#$re. Res)o"#e"t has "ot sho" a"5 veste# ri*ht that as i)aire# =5 the a))li,atio" o Arti,le 4+ to his ,ase. The a,t that )ro,e#$ral stat$tes a5 soeho ae,t the liti*a"ts ri*hts a5 "ot )re,l$#e their retroa,tive a))li,atio" to )e"#i"* a,tio"s. Res)o"#e"t a#e a o,?er5 o the i"stit$tio" o arria*e a"# e)lo5e# #e,eit to =e a=le to ,oha=it ith a oa"@ ho =e*et hi -ve ,hil#re". Res)o"#e"t )asse# the 1ar e$#i,ial Ethi,s a"#ates that the ,o"#$,t o a ;$#*e $st =e ree o a hi o i)ro)riet5@ "ot o"l5 ith res)e,t to his )erora",e o his ;$#i,ial #$ties =$t also as to his =ehavior as a )rivate i"#ivi#$al. There is "o #$alit5 o oralit5. A )$=li, -*$re is also ;$#*e# =5 his )rivate lie. A ;$#*e@ i" or#er to )roote )$=li, ,o"-#e",e i" the i"te*rit5 a"# i)artialit5 o the ;$#i,iar5@ $st =ehave ith )ro)riet5 at all ties@ i" the )erora",e o his ;$#i,ial #$ties a"# i" his ever5#a5 lie. These are ;$#i,ial *$i#e)osts too sel3evi#e"t to =e overloo?e#. No )ositio" e$"e ('@ (++'@ 1ra",h 7+ o the RTC o 1$r*os@ Pa"*asi"a" #isisse# the Petitio" or the iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" -le# =5 )etitio"er a"# *ra"te# that o )rivate res)o"#e"t. The CA hel# that )etitio"er $"#ertoo? the ro"* ree#5. Petitio"er ove# or a re,o"si#eratio" o this De,isio". !" >$"e (+@ (++@ the CA #e"ie# her otio".:e",e@ this Petitio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot the #ivor,e is vali#.

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt r$le# that $"#er the )ri",i)les o ,oit5@ o$r ;$ris#i,tio" re,o*"ies a vali# #ivor,e o=tai"e# =5 a s)o$se o orei*" "atio"alit5. This #o,tri"e as esta=lishe# as earl5 as %90 i" Va" Dor" v. Roillo@ >r. herei" e sai#JIt is tr$e that oi"* to the "atio"alit5 )ri",i)le e=o#ie# i" Arti,le %0 o the Civil Co#e@ o"l5 Phili))i"e "atio"als are ,overe# =5 the )oli,5 a*ai"st a=sol$te #ivor,es@ the sae =ei"* ,o"si#ere# ,o"trar5 to o$r ,o",e)t o )$=li, )oli,5 a"# oralit5. :oever@ alie"s a5 o=tai" #ivor,es a=roa#@ hi,h a5 =e re,o*"ie# i" the Phili))i"es@ )rovi#e# the5 are vali# a,,or#i"* to their "atio"al la. I" this ,ase@ the #ivor,e i" Neva#a release# )rivate res)o"#e"t ro the arria*e ro the sta"#ar#s o Aeri,a" la@ $"#er hi,h #ivor,e #issolves the arria*e. 1eore a orei*" ;$#*e"t is *ive" )res$)tive evi#e"tiar5 val$e@ the #o,$e"t $st -rst =e )rese"te# a"# a#itte# i" evi#e",e. A #ivor,e o=tai"e# a=roa# is )rove" =5 the #ivor,e #e,ree itsel. I"#ee# the =est evi#e",e o a ;$#*e"t is the ;$#*e"t itsel. The #e,ree )$r)orts to =e a ritte" a,t or re,or# o a" a,t o a" oi,ial =o#5 or tri=$"al o a orei*" ,o$"tr5.

6"#er Se,tio"s (4 a"# (0 o R$le %&(@ o" the other ha"#@ a riti"* or #o,$e"t a5 =e )rove" as a )$=li, or oi,ial re,or# o a orei*" ,o$"tr5 =5 either %H a" oi,ial )$=li,atio" or (H a ,o)5 thereo atteste# =5 the oi,er havi"* le*al ,$sto#5 o the #o,$e"t. I the re,or# is "ot ?e)t i" the Phili))i"es@ s$,h ,o)5 $st =e aH a,,o)a"ie# =5 a ,erti-,ate iss$e# =5 the )ro)er #i)loati, or ,o"s$lar oi,er i" the Phili))i"e orei*" servi,e statio"e# i" the orei*" ,o$"tr5 i" hi,h the re,or# is ?e)t a"# =H a$the"ti,ate# =5 the seal o his oi,e. $ote# arti,les %%@lo"*er %& a"#=o$"# 0(H o =5 the Phili))i"e Fail5 Co#e Co)lia",e is "ot "e,esith sar5the res)o"#e"t as "o )erso"al las ater he a,$ire# A$stralia" ,itie"shi) i" %99(. Nat$raliatio" is the le*al a,t o a#o)ti"* a" alie" a"# ,lothi"* hi ith the )oliti,al a"# ,ivil ri*hts =elo"*i"* to a ,itie". Nat$ralie# ,itie"s@ ree# ro the )rote,tive ,loa? o their orer states@ #o" the attires o their a#o)tive ,o$"tries. 15 =e,oi"* a" A$stralia"@ res)o"#e"t severe# his alle*ia",e to the Phili))i"es a"# the vinculum juris that ha# tie# hi to Phili))i"e )erso"al las. Th$s@ it is i)erative or the trial ,o$rt to -rst #eteri"e the vali#it5 o the #ivor,e to as,ertai" the ri*ht$l )art5 to =e iss$e# the letters o a#i"istratio" over the estate o !rla"#o 1. Catala".

4IGAOS?OLYGAOS ARRIAGES FE D. 7ITA vs. CORT OF AEALS #)< 4LANDINA DANDAN G.RN . o. 2"162 D($((2 r 2, 991 F#$%s& Fe D. $ita a"# Art$ro T. Pa#la"@ =oth Fili)i"os@ ere arrie# i" the Phili))i"es o" % 2a5 %94%. Soehere alo"* the a5 their relatio"shi) so$re#. Eve"t$all5 Fe s$e# Art$ro or #ivor,e i" Sa" Fra",is,o@ Calior"ia@ 6.S.A. !" >$l5 (&@ %904 she o=tai"e# a -"al ;$#*e"t o #ivor,e. Three &H ee?s thereater she arrie# a ,ertai" Feli< T$)a i" the sae lo,alit5 =$t their relatio"shi) also e"#e# i" a #ivor,e. Still i" the 6.S.A.@ she arrie# or the thir# tie@ to a ,ertai" er"io"t. !" A)ril %'@ %97( Art$ro #ie#. :e let "o ill. >avier I",io"* -le# a )etitio" ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o $eo" Cit5 or iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" ,o",er"i"* the estate o Art$ro i" avor o the Phili))i"e Tr$st Co)a"5. Res)o"#e"t 1la"#i"a Da"#a"@ ,laii"* to =e the s$rvivi"* s)o$se o Art$ro Pa#la"@ a"# Claro@ Ale$#*e Alre#o 1. Pere@ >r. Te"e=ro a"# A",a;as live# to*ether ,o"ti"$o$sl5 a"# itho$t i"terr$)tio" $"til the latter )art o %99%@ he" Te"e=ro i"ore# A",a;as that he ha# =ee" )revio$sl5 arrie# to a ,ertai" :il#a Villare5es o" Nove=er %+@ %9'. I"vo?i"* this )revio$s arria*e@

)etitio"er thereater let the ,o";$*al #elli"* hi,h he share# ith A",a;as@ stati"* that he as *oi"* to ,oha=it ith Villare5es. !" >a"$ar5 (0@ %99&@ )etitio"er ,o"tra,te# 5et a"other arria*e@ this o"e ith a ,ertai" Nil#a Ville*as@ =eore >$#*e Gera" Lee@ >r. he" A",a;as lear"e# o this thir# arria*e@ she veri-e# ro Villare5es hether the latter as i"#ee# arrie# to )etitio"er hi,h as ,o"-re# =5 Villare5es. A",a;as thereater -le# a ,o)lai"t or =i*a5 a*ai"st )etitio"er. !" Nove=er %+@ %997@ the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o La)$3la)$ Cit5@ 1ra",h 04@ re"#ere# a #e,isio" -"#i"* the a,,$se# *$ilt5 =e5o"# reaso"a=le #o$=t o the ,rie =i*a5 Arti,le &49 the o the Revise# Co#e. !" a))eal@ theoCo$rt o $"#er A))eals aire# #e,isio" o Pe"al the trial ,o$rt. Petitio"erMs otio" or re,o"si#eratio" as #e"ie# or la,? o erit.

Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the CA err e# i" airi "* the #e, isio" o the Co$r t a $o ,o"vi,ti"* )etitio"er o the ,rie o =i*a5 #es)ite "o"3e$l5 (4@ (++7 a"# =eore her arrai*"e"t@ res)o"#e"t@ thro$*h ,o$"sel@ -le# a 2otio" to $ash I"oratio" a"# Disissal o the Crii"al Co)lai"tH alle*i"* that her arria*e ith So,rates ha# alrea#5 =ee" #e,lare# voi# a= i"itio i" (++&@ th$s@ there as "o ore arria*e to s)ea? o )rior to her arria*e to Silverio o" >a"$ar5 (4@ %9& that the =asi, elee"t o the ,rie o =i*a5@ i.e.@ to vali# arria*es@ is thereore a"ti"*. She also ,laie# that si",e the se,o"# arria*e as hel# i" %9&@ the ,rie o =i*a5 ha# alrea#5 )res,ri=e#. !" Se)te=er (4@ (++7@ the RTC iss$e# its assaile# !r#er #isissi"* the ,ase. Dissatis-e#@ a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" as -le# =5 the )rose,$tio"@ =$t o))ose# =5 res)o"#e"t. I" a Resol$tio" #ate# >a"$ar5 (@ (++@ the RTC #e"ie# the sae r$li"*@ ao"* others@ that the ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o res)o"#e"ts arria*e is ta"tao$"t to a ere #e,laratio" or ,o"-ratio" that sai# arria*e "ever ea"$ar5 %9(@ res)o"#e"t arrie# >a"et 2o"i,a Par?er i" Sa" >ose@ A"ti$e@ i" Catholi, rites oi,iate# =5 Fr. :e"r5 va" Til=or* i" the Cathe#ral o Sa" >ose. Res)o"#e"t Nolas,o $rther testi-e# that ater the arria*e ,ele=ratio"@ he o=tai"e# a"other e)lo5e"t ,o"tra,t as a seaa" a"# let his ie ith his )are"ts i" Sa" >ose@ A"ti$e. Soetie i" >a"$ar5 %9&@ hile or?i"* overseas@ res)o"#e"t re,eive# a letter ro his other i"ori"* hi that >a"et 2o"i,a ha# *ive" =irth to his so". The sae letter i"ore# hi that >a"et 2o"i,a ha# let A"ti$e. Res)o"#e"t ,laie# he the" ie#iatel5 as?e# )erissio" to leave his shi) to ret$r" hoe. :e arrive# i" A"ti$e i" Nove=er %9&. Res)o"#e"t $rther testi-e# that his eorts to loo? or her hisel he"ever his shi) #o,?e# i" E"*la"# )rove# r$itless. :e also state# that

all the letters he ha# se"t to his issi"* s)o$se at No. & Rave"a Roa#@ Allerto"@ Liver)ool@ E"*la"#@ the a##ress o the =ar here he a"# >a"et 2o"i,a -rst et@ ere all ret$r"e# to hi. :e also ,laie# that he i"$ire# ro ao"* rie"#s =$t the5 too ha# "o "es o >a"et 2o"i,a. !" 0 A$*$st %9@ res)o"#e"t Gre*orio Nolas,o -le# =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o A"ti$e@ 1ra",h %+@ a )etitio" or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath o his ie >a"et 2o"i,a Par?er@ i"vo?i"* Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e. The )etitio" )ra5e# that res)o"#e"ts ie =e #e,lare# )res$)tivel5 #ea# or@ i" the alter"ative@ that the arria*e =e #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi#.The trial ,o$rts ,o$rt *ra"te# )etitio".The Co$rt A))eals aire# the trial #e,isio"@Nolas,os hol#i"* that res)o"#e"t ha#os$i,ie"tl5 esta=lishe# a =asis to or a =elie that his a=se"t s)o$se ha# alrea#5 #ie#.

Iss'(& hether or "ot Nolas,o has a ell3o$"#e# =elie that his ie is alrea#5 #ea#.

R'li)*& The )rese"t ,ase as -le# =eore the trial ,o$rt )$rs$a"t to Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e hi,h )rovi#es thatJ Art. 4%. A arria*e ,o"tra,te# =5 a"5 )erso" #$ri"* the s$=siste",e o a )revio$s arria*e shall =e "$ll a"# voi#@ $"less =eore the ,ele=ratio" o the s$=se$e"t arria*e@ the )rior s)o$se ha# =ee" a=se"t or o$r ,o"se,$tive 5ears a"# the spouse present had a wellfounded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. I" ,ase o #isa))eara",e here there is #a"*er o #eath $"#er the ,ir,$sta",es set orth i" the )rovisio" o Arti,le &9% o the Civil Co#e@ a" a=se",e o o"l5 to 5ears shall =e s$i,ie"t. The Fail5 Co#e )res,ri=es as "well founded belief" that the a=se"tee is already dead =eore a )etitio" or #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath ,a" =e *ra"te#. As )oi"te# o$t =5 the Soli,itor3Ge"eral@ there are o$r 4H re$isites or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath $"#er Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#eJ %. That the a=se"t s)o$se has =ee" issi"* or o$r ,o"se,$tive 5ears@ or to ,o"se,$tive 5ears i the #isa))eara",e o,,$rre# here there is #a"*er o #eath $"#er the ,ir,$sta",es lai# #o" i" Arti,le &9%@ Civil Co#e (. That the )rese"t s)o$se ishes to rearr5 &. That the )rese"t s)o$se has a ell3o$"#e# =elie that the a=se"tee is #ea# a"# 4. That the )rese"t s)o$se -les a s$ar5 )ro,ee#i"* or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath o the a=se"tee.

The Co$rt =elieves that res)o"#e"t Nolas,o aile# to ,o"#$,t a sear,h or his issi"* ie ith s$,h #ili*e",e as to *ive rise to a Oell3o$"#e# =elieO that she is #ea#.I" the ,ase at =ar@ the Co$rt ,o"si#ers that the i"vesti*atio" alle*e#l5 ,o"#$,te# =5 res)o"#e"t i" his atte)t to as,ertai" >a"et 2o"i,a Par?ers herea=o$ts is too s?et,h5 to or the =asis o a reaso"a=le or ell3o$"#e# =elie that she as alrea#5 #ea#. The Co$rt also vies res)o"#e"ts ,lai that >a"et 2o"i,a #e,li"e# to *ive a"5 i"oratio" as to her )erso"al =a,?*ro$"# eve" ater she ha# arrie# res)o"#e"t too ,o"ve"ie"t a" e$lato". !" 2a5 (@ (++%@ the Re)$=li, o the Phili))i"es@ thro$*h the !i,e o the Soli,itor Ge"eral !SGH@ -le# a 2otio" to Disissthe )etitio"@ hi,h as@ hoever@ #e"ie# =5 the ,o$rt. At the heari"*@ Ala" a##$,e# evi#e",e that he a"# Lea ere arrie# o" >a"$ar5 (+@ %990 i" Cat=alo*a"@ Saar.:e testi-e# that@ o" Fe=r$ar5 '@ %990@ Lea arrive# hoe late i" the eve"i"* a"# he =erate# her or =ei"* ala5s o$t o their ho$se. Ala" "arrate# that@ he" he re)orte# or or? the olloi"* #a5@ Lea as still i" the ho$se@ =$t he" he arrive# hoe later i" the #a5@ Lea as "ohere to =e o$"#.:oever@ Lea #i# "ot ret$r" to their ho$se a"5ore.Soetie i" >$"e %990@ he #e,i#e# to *o to 2a"ila to loo? or Lea@ =$t his other as?e# hi to leave ater the to" -esta o Cat=alo*a"@ ho)i"* that Lea a5 ,oe hoe or the -esta. :e aile# to -"# o$t LeaMs herea=o$ts #es)ite his re)eate# tal?s ith >a"eth. Ala" #e,i#e# to or? as a )art3tie taa)a" here A$relio a"# L$isita ha# =ee" livi"* si",e %90. There ere i"sta",es #$ri"* L$isita a"# A$relios arria*e he"@ =e,a$se o their $arrels@ o"e or the other let the #elli"* )la,e or lo"* )erio#s o tie. I" her ,ase L$isita sta5e# o" those o,,asio"s at vario$s ties i" Davao Cit5@ :o"*?o"* or >a)a".I" %9'7 A$relio et )etitio"er Ne"ita T. 1ie"ve"i#o@ ho ha# =ee" estra"*e# ro her h$s=a"#@ L$is Rivera. A$relio ,o$rte# her a"# a))are"tl5 o" her heart =e,a$se ro >$"e %9' $"til A$relios #eath o" 2a5 (@ %9@ he live# ith her@ the last tie i" a #$)le< a)arte"t o" 4 S,o$t Del*a#o Street@ $eo" Cit5. Petitio"ers #a$*hter@ Na"ette@ sta5e# ith the as #i# A$relios so"@ Chito@ ho live# ith the or a=o$t a 5ear i" %97'. !" A)ril &+@ %9(@ A$relio =o$*ht the ho$se a"# the lot o" Del*a#o Street i" hi,h the5 ere sta5i"* ro the o"ers@ Pa Lore"o I"a"te a"# S$ette I"a"te32oZo,a. I" the #ee# o sale a"# Tra"ser Certi-,ate o Title No. (&0+ o the Re*istr5 o Dee#s o $eo" Cit5@ iss$e# i" his "ae@ A$relio as #es,ri=e# as si"*le.!" Nove=er ('@ %94@ A$relio e$"e %@ (++4@ the CA re"#ere# ;$#*e"t airi"* the #e,isio" o the RTC ith o#i-,atio" as to the )e"alt5 o the a,,$se#.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the )etitio"erMs ie ,a""ot =e le*all5 )res$e# #ea# $"#er Arti,le &9+ o the Civil Co#e as there as "o ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath as )rovi#e# $"#er Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e.

R'li)*& The )etitio" is #e"ie# or la,? o erit.The reaso" h5 =i*a5 is ,o"si#ere# a elo"5 is to )reserve a"# e"s$re the ;$ri#i,al tie o arria*e esta=lishe# =5 la.The )hrase Oor =eore the a=se"t s)o$se ha# =ee" #e,lare# )res$)tivel5 #ea# =5 ea"s o a ;$#*e"t re"#ere# i" the )ro)er )ro,ee#i"*sO as i",or)orate# i" the Revise# Pe"al Co#e =e,a$se the #raters o the la ere o the i)ressio" that Oi" ,o"so"a",e ith the ,ivil la hi,h )rovi#es or the )res$)tio" o #eath ater a" a=se",e o a "$=er o 5ears@ the ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o )res$e# #eath li?e a""$le"t o arria*e sho$l# =e a ;$sti-,atio" or =i*a5.O

For the a,,$se# to =e hel# *$ilt5 o =i*a5@ the )rose,$tio" is =$r#e"e# to )rove the elo"5J aH he/she has =ee" le*all5 arrie# a"# =H he/she ,o"tra,ts a s$=se$e"t arria*e itho$t the orer arria*e havi"* =ee" la$ll5 #issolve#. The elo"5 is ,o"s$ate# o" the ,ele=ratio" o the se,o"# arria*e or s$=se$e"t arria*e.It is esse"tial i" the )rose,$tio" or =i*a5 that the alle*e# se,o"# arria*e@ havi"* all the esse"tial re$iree"ts@ o$l# =e vali# ere it "ot or the s$=siste",e o the -rst arria*e. The re$ir ee"t or a ;$#*e"t o the )res$ )tive #eath o the a=se"t s)o$se is or the =e"e-t oothe s)o$se arria*e@ )rese"t@ as )rote,tio" ro the )ai"s a"# the ,o"se$e",es a se,o"# )re,isel5 =e,a$se he/she ,o$l# =e ,har*e# a"# ,o"vi,te# o =i*a5 i the #ee"se o *oo# aith =ase# o" ere testio"5 is o$"# i",re#i=le.The re$iree"t o ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" is also or the =e"e-t o the State. 6"#er Arti,le II@ Se,tio" %( o the Co"stit$tio"@ the OState shall )rote,t a"# stre"*the" the ail5 as a =asi, a$to"oo$s so,ial i"stit$tio".O 2arria*e is a so,ial i"stit$tio" o the hi*hest i)orta",e. P$=li, )oli,5@ *oo# orals a"# the i"terest o so,iet5 re$ire that the arital relatio" sho$l# =e s$rro$"#e# ith ever5 sae*$ar# a"# its severa",e o"l5 i" the a""er )res,ri=e# a"# the ,a$ses s)e,i-e# =5 la.The las re*$lati"* ,ivil arria*es are "e,essar5 to serve the i"terest@ saet5@ *oo# or#er@ ,oort or *e"eral elare o the ,o$"it5 a"# the )arties ,a" aive "othi"* esse"tial to the vali#it5 o the )ro,ee#i"*s. A ,ivil arria*e a",hors a" or#ere# so,iet5 =5 e",o$ra*i"* sta=le relatio"shi)s over tra"sie"t o"es it e"ha",es the elare o the ,o$"it5. I" a real se"se@ there are three )arties to ever5 ,ivil arria*e to illi"* s)o$ses a"# a" a))rovi"* State. !" arria*e@ the )arties ass$e "e relatio"s to ea,h other a"# the State to$,hi"* "earl5 o" ever5 as)e,t o lie a"# #eath. The ,o"se$e",es o a" i"vali# arria*e to the )arties@ to i""o,e"t )arties a"# to so,iet5@ are so serio$s that the la a5 ell ta?e ea"s ,al,$late# to e"s$re the )ro,$ree"t o the ost )ositive evi#e",e o #eath o the -rst s)o$se or o the )res$)tive #eath o the a=se"t s)o$seater the la)se o the )erio# )rovi#e# or $"#er the la. !"e s$,h ea"s is the re$iree"t o the #e,laratio" =5 a ,o)ete"t ,o$rt o the )res$)tive #eath o a" a=se"t s)o$se as )roo that the )rese"t s)o$se ,o"tra,ts a s$=se$e"t arria*e o" a ell3*ro$"#e# =elie o the #eath o the -rst s)o$se.

VALID 4IGAOS ARRIAGES RE4LIC OF TE ILIINES vs. GLORIA 4ERDE+-LORINO G.R. No. 602!1 /#)'#r8 9, 200! F#$%s& Res)o"#e"t Gloria 1er$#e3Lori"o a"# her h$s=a"# ere arrie# o" >$"e %(@ %97. 1e,a$se o her h$s=a"#Ms viole"t ,hara,ter@ Gloria o$"# it saer to leave hi =ehi"# a"# #e,i#e# to *o =a,? to her )are"ts to*ether ith her three &H ,hil#re". I" or#er to s$))ort the ,hil#re"@ Gloria as ,o)elle# to or? a=roa#. Fro the tie o her )h5si,al se)aratio" ro her h$s=a"# i" %99%@ Gloria has "ot hear# o hi at all. She ha# a=sol$tel5 "o ,o$"i,atio"s ith hi@ or ith a"5 o his relatives. !" A$*$st %4@ (+++@ "i"e 9H 5ears ater she let her h$s=a"#@ Gloria -le# a veri-e# )etitio" ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt RTCH. I" a #e,isio" #ate# Nove=er 7@ (++%@ the RTC@ -"#i"* erit i" the s$ar5 )etitio"@ re"#ere# ;$#*e"t *ra"ti"* the sae. I" a #e,isio" #ate# Se)te=er (&@ (++&@ the Co$rt o A))eals@ treati"* the ,ase as a" or#i"ar5 a))eale# ,ase $"#er R$le 4% o the Revise# R$les o" Civil Pro,e#$re@ #e"ie# the Re)$=li,Ms a))eal a"# a,,or#i"*l5 aire# the a))eale# RTC #e,isio".

Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the Co$rt o A))eals #$l5 a,$ire# ;$ris#i,tio" over the a))eal o" a -"al a"# e6DICIAL PR!CEEDINGS IN T:E FA2ILY LA@ sets the te"or or ,ases ,overe# =5 these r$les. I" S$ar5 >$#i,ial Pro,ee#i"*s $"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ there is "o re*lee"tar5 )erio# ithi" hi,h to )ere,t a" a))eal@ )re,isel5 =e,a$se ;$#*e"ts re"#ere#

there$"#er@ =5 ea"$ar5 (++9 Resol$tio"@ the a))ellate ,o$rt *ra"te# Yola"#aMs 2otio" to Disiss o" the *ro$"# o la,? o ;$ris#i,tio". Citi"* Re)$=li, v. 1er$#e3Lori"o@the CA r$le# that a )etitio" or #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath $"#er R$le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e is a s$ar5 )ro,ee#i"*.


aH hether the CA serio$sl5 erre# i" #isissi"* the Petitio" o" the *ro$"# that the De,isio" o the RTC i" a s$ar5 )ro,ee#i"* or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath is ie#iatel5 -"al a"# e$"e 0@ %9'0. A*ai"@ "either )art5 a))lie# or a arria*e li,e"se. !"*?i?o a=a"#o"e# res)o"#e"t %9 5ears a*o@ leavi"* their ,hil#re" to his ,are a"# ,$sto#5 as a si"*le )are"t. Res)o"#e"t ,lais that he" he arrie# De Castro i" ,ivil rites i" Los A"*eles@ Calior"ia o" De,e=er 4@ %99%@ he =elieve#@ i" all *oo# aith a"# or all le*al i"te"ts a"# )$r)oses@ that he as si"*le =e,a$se his -rst arria*e as sole"ie# itho$t a li,e"se.

Iss'(&hether or "ot res)o"#e"t is *$ilt5 o a" ioral a"# ille*al a,t =5 ,oha=iti"* ith De Castro.

R'li)*& 6"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ there $st =e a ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o the "$llit5 o a )revio$s arria*e =eore a )art5 thereto ,a" e"ter i"to a se,o"# arria*e. Arti,le 4+ is a))li,a=le to rearria*es e"tere# i"to ater the ee,tivit5 o the Fail5 Co#e o" A$*$st &@ %9 re*ar#less o the #ate o the -rst arria*e. 1esi#es@ $"#er Arti,le (0' o the Fail5 Co#e@ sai# Arti,le is *ive" Oretroa,tive ee,t i"soar as it #oes "ot )re;$#i,e or i)air veste# or a,$ire# ri*hts i" a,,or#a",e ith the Civil Co#e or other las.O This is )arti,$larl5 tr$e ith Arti,le 4+@ hi,h is a r$le o )ro,e#$re. Res)o"#e"t has "ot sho" a"5 veste# ri*ht that as i)aire# =5 the a))li,atio" o Arti,le 4+ to his ,ase. Res)o"#e"t is the last )erso" alloe# to i"vo?e *oo# aith. :e a#e a o,?er5 o the i"stit$tio" o arria*e a"# e)lo5e# #e,eit to =e a=le to ,oha=it ith a oa"@ ho =e*ot hi -ve ,hil#re". :is ail$re to se,$re a arria*e li,e"se o" these to o,,asio"s =etra5s his si"ister otives a"# =a# aith. It is evi#e"t that res)o"#e"t

aile# to eet the sta"#ar# o oral -t"ess or e=ershi) i" the le*al )roessio". hile the #e,eit e)lo5e# =5 res)o"#e"t e$l5 %97@ >$lia *ave =irth to a =a=5 =o5@ a"# he as ,hriste"e# Leo$el Sa"tos@ >r. The e,stas5@ hoever@ #i# "ot last lo"*. It as =o$"# to ha))e"@ Leo$el averre#@ =e,a$se o the re$e"t i"terere",e =5 >$lias )are"ts i"to the 5o$"* s)o$ses ail5 aairs. !,,asio"all5@ the ,o$)le o$l# also start a O$arrelO over a "$=er o other thi"*s@ li?e he" a"# here the ,o$)le sho$l# start livi"* i"#e)e"#e"tl5 ro >$lias )are"ts or he"ever >$lia o$l# e$lia -"all5 let or the 6"ite# Sates o Aeri,a to or? as a "$rse #es)ite Leo$els )leas to so #iss$a#e her. Seve" o"ths ater her #e)art$re@ or o" +% >a"$ar5 %99@ >$lia ,alle# $) Leo$el or the -rst tie =5 lo"* #ista",e tele)ho"e. She )roise# to ret$r" hoe $)o" the e$lia =$t all his eorts ere o "o avail. A )ossi=le ,oll$sio" =etee" the )arties to o=tai" a #e,ree o "$llit5 o their arria*e as r$le# o$t =5 the !i,e o the Provi",ial Prose,$tor i" its re)ort to the ,o$rtH.

Iss'(& hether or "ot Leo$elMs arria*e ith >$lia ,a" =e #e,lare# i"vali#.

R'li)*& It ,o$l# ell =e that@ i" s$@ the Fail5 Co#e Revisio" Coittee i" $ltiatel5 #e,i#i"* to a#o)t the )rovisio" ith less s)e,i-,it5 tha" e$sti,e >os$e N. 1ellosillo i" Salita vs . Hon. Magtolis G.R. No. %+'4(9@ %& >$"e %994H th$sJThe Coittee #i# "ot *ive a"5 ea"$ar5 %@ (+++@ E#ar# -le# a )etitio" =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o $eo" Cit5 or the a""$le"t o his arria*e ith Roe"a o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. !" A$*$st (&@ (+++@ the !i,e o the Cit5 Prose,$tor s$=itte# a" i"vesti*atio" re)ort stati"* that it ,o$l# "ot #eteri"e i there as ,oll$sio" =etee" the )arties a"# thereore@ re,oe"#e# trial o" the erits. 6)o" the -"#i"*s o the ,li"i,al )s5,holo*ist o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o E#ar# #e)e"#e"t )erso"alit5 #isor#erH a"# Roe"a "ar,issisti, a"# a"tiso,ial )erso"alit5 #isor#erH@ the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt #e,lare# the arria*e "$ll a"# voi#. :oever@ the A))ellate Co$rt reverse# a"# set asi#e the Trial Co$rtMs #e,isio" o" the *ro$"# that the ,li"i,al )s5,holo*ist #i# "ot e$v5@ $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e@ as ae"#e#. :e alle*e# that >$v5 as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to e$v5J aH re$se# to a?e $) earl5 to )re)are =rea?ast =H let their ,hil# to the ,are o their "ei*h=ors he" she e"t o$t o the ho$se ,H s$a"#ere# a h$*e ao$"t o the P%0@+++.++ that the res)o"#e"t e"tr$ste# to her #H stole the res)o"#e"tMs AT2 ,ar# a"# atte)te# to ith#ra the o"e5 #e)osite# i" his a,,o$"t eH alsi-e# the res)o"#e"tMs si*"at$re i" or#er to e",ash a ,he,? H a#e $) alse stories i" or#er to =orro o"e5 ro their relatives a"# *H i"#$l*e# i" *a=li"*.A,,or#i"* to the res)o"#e"t@ >$v5 s$ers ro Ke"tal #e-,ie",5@ i""ate iat$rit5@ #istorte# #is,er"e"t a"# total la,? o ,are@ love a"# ae,tio" toar#s hi a"# their ,hil#. :e )osite# that >$v5Ms i",a)a,it5 as Ke$v5 a letter re$esti"* or a" i"tervie@ =$t the latter #i# "ot res)o"#. !" >a"$ar5 ((@ (++%@ the RTC "$lli-e# the )artiesM arria*e. !" Nove=er (0@ (++4@ the CA aire# the RTC #e,isio" i" toto e$v5Ms i"#ole",e a"# la,? o res)o"si=ilit5 ,o$)le# ith her *a=li"* a"# si"#li"* $"#eri"e# her ,a)a,it5 to ,o)l5 ith her arital o=li*atio"s. The testio"5 o )s5,holo*ist A""a Lia S. G$ia"* ,hara,terie# >$v5Ms ,o"#itio" as )era"e"t@ i",$ra=le a"# e$v5Ms "e*ative traits. First@ the )s5,holo*ist #i# "ot i#e"ti5 the t5)es o )s5,holo*i,al tests to #eteri"e the root ,a$se o >$v5Ms )s5,holo*i,al ,o"#itio". Se,o"#@ the re)ort aile# to )rove the *ravit5 or severit5 o >$v5Ms ,o"#itio". Lastl5@ the re)ort aile# to )rove i",$ra=ilit5. The )s5,holo*istMs testio"5 as totall5 #evoi# o a"5 i"oratio" or i"si*ht i"to >$v5Ms earl5 lie a"# asso,iatio"s@ ho she a,te# =eore a"# at the tie o the arria*e@ a"# ho the s5)tos o a #isor#ere# )erso"alit5 #evelo)e#. Si)l5 )$t@ the )s5,holo*ist aile# to tra,e the histor5 o >$v5Ms )s5,holo*i,al ,o"#itio" a"# to relate it to a" eose as ote" assi*"e# to vario$s )arts o the Phili))i"e ar,hi)ela*o as a" oi,er i" the AFP. 1o"a #i# "ot ,oha=it ith hi i" his )osts@ )reerri"* to sta5 i" her hoeto" o 1asila". Neither #i# 1o"a visit hi i" his areas o assi*"e"t@ eose as a))oi"te# as the 1attalio" Coa"#er o the Se,$rit5 Es,ort Gro$). :e a"# 1o"a@ alo"* ith Rao"a@ ere *ive" livi"* $arters at Fort 1o"ia,io@ 2a?ati Cit5 here the5 resi#e# ith their ilitar5 ai#es.I" %97@ >ose as ,har*e# ith re=ellio" or his alle*e# )arti,i)atio" i" the aile# ,o$) #Metat. :e as i",ar,erate# i" Ca) Crae.

Eve" at the o"set o their arria*e he" >ose as assi*"e# i" vario$s )arts o the ,o$"tr5@ 1o"a ha# illi,it relatio"s ith other e". 1o"a e"tertai"e# ale visitors i" her =e#roo he"ever >ose as o$t o their livi"* $arters at Fort 1o"ia,io. !" o"e o,,asio"@ 1o"a as ,a$*ht =5 Deetrio 1a;et 5 Lita@ a se,$rit5 ai#e@ havi"* se< ith >oseMs #river@ Cor)oral Ga*ari". R$ors o 1o"aMs seose ,o$l# "o lo"*er =ear these r$ors@ he *ot a ilitar5 )ass ro his ;ail ar#e" a"# ,o"ro"te# 1o"a.D$ri"* their ,o"ro"tatio"@ 1o"a a#itte# her relatio"shi) ith Cor)oral Ga*ari" ho also a#e a siilar a#issio" to >ose. >ose #rove 1o"a aa5 ro their livi"* $arters. let ith Rao"a a"#It e"t 1asila".I" %994@ Rao"a let 1o"a1o"a a"# ,ae to live ith >ose. is >osetoho is ,$rre"tl5 s$))orti"* the "ee#s o Rao"a. >ose -le# a Petitio" or De,laratio" o N$llit5 o 2arria*e@ see?i"* to "$lli5 his arria*e to 1o"a o" the *ro$"# o the latterMs )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 to $l-ll the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e.I" a De,isio" #ate# %% >a"$ar5 %999@ the trial ,o$rt *ra"te# the )etitio" a"# "$lli-e# the )artiesM arria*e. The !SG a))eale# ith the CA hi,h *ra"te# the a))eal@ reverse# a"# set asi#e the #e,isio" o the RTC.

Iss'(& hether or "ot 1o"a sho$l# =e #eee# )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s.

R'li)*& No. There is i"a#e$ate ,re#i=le evi#e",e that her K#ee,ts seose@ seose a"# his it"esses. This a,t$al ,ir,$sta",e evo?es the )ossi=ilit5 that the i"oratio" e# to the )s5,hiatrist is tai"te# ith =ias or >oseMs ,a$se@ i" the a=se",e o s$i,ie"t ,orro=oratio". It is a))are"t ro the a=ove3,ite# testio"ies that 1o"a@ ,o"trar5 to >oseMs assertio"@ ha# "o a"iest #esire to a=a"#o" >ose at the =e*i""i"* o their arria*e a"# as@ i" a,t@ livi"* ith hi or the ost )art o their relatio"shi) ro %97& $) to the tie he" >ose #rove her aa5 ro their ,o";$*al hoe i" %9. !" the ,o"trar5@ the re,or# shos that it as >ose ho as ,o"sta"tl5 aa5 ro 1o"a =5 reaso" o his ilitar5 #$ties a"# his later i",ar,eratio". A reaso"a=le eose i" his ilitar5 assi*"e"ts i" other )arts o 2i"#a"ao a5 =e si)l5 that those lo,atio"s ere ?"o" ,o"i,t areas

i" the seve"ties. A"5 #o$=t as to 1o"aMs #esire to live ith >ose o$l# later =e erase# =5 the a,t that 1o"a live# ith >ose i" their ,o";$*al hoe i" Fort 1o"ia,io #$ri"* the olloi"* #e,a#e. I" vie o the ore*oi"*@ the =a#*es o 1o"aMs alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5@ i.e.@ her seose a"# "ot to the i",e)tio" o the sai# arria*e.

OTER /RISRDENCE ON SYCOLOGICAL INCAACITY CAACO-REYES vs. REYES G.R. No. 1!216 A'*'s% 1, 200 F#$%s& Petitio"er 2aria So,orro Caa,ho3Re5es et res)o"#e"t Rao" Re5es at the 6"iversit5 o the Phili))i"es 6PH@ Dilia"@ i" %97( he" the5 ere =oth "i"etee" %9H 5ears ol#. Petitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t *ot arrie#o" De,e=er 0@ %97'. At that tie@ )etitio"er as alrea#5 -ve 0H o"ths )re*"a"t a"# e)lo5e# at the Po)$latio" Ce"ter Fo$"#atio".Thereater@ the5 live# ith the Rao"Ms ail5 i" 2a"#al$5o"* Cit5. All livi"* eo,el5" let A"*elito soetie i" >$l5 %97. A"*elito thereater o$"# a"other oa" ith ho he has si",e live#. The5 "o have ,hil#re". Te" 5ears ater their se)aratio"@ or o" !,to=er @ %997@ >o,el5" -le# ith the RTC a )etitio" or #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o arria*e $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e@ as ae"#e#. Sh e ,laie# that A"*elito as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e. I" a##itio" to the a=ove histori,al "arrative o their relatio"shi)@ she alle*e# i" her ,o)lai"t that ro the start o their arria*e $"til their se)aratio" i" >$l5 %97@ their relatio"shi) has =ee" arre# ith =itter $arrels that ,a$se# $"=eara=le )h5si,al a"# eotio"al )ai" i"i,te# $)o" =5 A"*elito that o"e o the ai" reaso"s or their $arrels as A"*elitoMs re$sal to or?@ his i"#ole",e a"# eo,el5"Ms a$"t@ ,orro=orate# >o,el5"Ms testio"5. The )s5,holo*ist testi-e# that A"*elito hae# Chro"i, A"tiso,ial Disor#er hi,h as )era"e"t a"# i",$ra=le. The RTC a""$lle# the arria*e o" the *ro$"#s )rovi#e# =5 Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals. The CA reverse# a"# set asi#e the #e,isio" o the RTC.

Iss'(& hether or "ot A"*elito is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s.

R'li)*& No. 1oth the )s5,holo*istMs testio"5 a"# the )s5,holo*i,al re)ort #i# "ot ,o",l$sivel5 sho the root ,a$se@ *ravit5 a"# i",$ra=ilit5 o A"*elitoMs alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al ,o"#itio". The )s5,holo*ist #erive# all her ,o",l$sio"s ro i"oratio" ,oi"* ro >o,el5" hose =ias or her ,a$se ,a""ot o ,o$rse =e #o$=te#. >o,el5" erel5 testi-e# o" A"*elitoMs ha=it$al #r$"?e""ess@ *a=li"*@ re$sal to see? e)lo5e"t a"# the )h5si,al =eati"*s she re,eive# ro hi Q all o hi,h o,,$rre# ater the arria*e. Si*"i-,a"tl5@ she #e,lare# i" her testio"5 that A"*elito shoe# "o si*"s o viole"t =ehavior@ ass$i"* this to =e i"#i,ative o a )erso"alit5 #isor#er@ #$ri"* the ,o$rtshi) sta*e or at the earliest sta*es o her relatio"shi) ith hi. She testi-e# o" the alle*e# )h5si,al =eati"*s ater the arria*e@ "ot =eore or at the tie o the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*e. She #i# "ot ,lari5 he" these =eati"*s ea)a"ese ,$lt$re@ literat$re a"# la"*$a*e. Des)ite the #ista",e@ Ro#olo a"# A$rora ai"tai"e# ,o$"i,atio". I" %9+@ ater A$rora ret$r"e# to the Phili))i"es@ she a"# Ro#olo *ot arrie#. The5 =e*ot to ,hil#re"@ =$t Ro#olo ,laie# their arria*e as Kt$$lt$o$s. :e #es,ri=e# A$rora as #oi"eeri"* a"# re$e"tl5 h$iliate# hi eve" i" ro"t o his rie"#s. :e ,o)lai"e# that A$rora as a s)e"#thrit as she overs)e"t the ail5 =$#*et a"# a#e ,r$,ial ail5 #e,isio"s itho$t ,o"s$lti"* hi. Ro#olo a##e# that A$rora as ta,tless@ s$s)i,io$s@ *ive" to "a**i"* a"# ;ealo$s5 as evi#e",e# =5 the latterMs -li"* a*ai"st hi a ,rii"al ,ase ,o", $=i"a*eH a"# a" a#i"istrative ,ase. :e

let the ,o";$*al hoe@ a"# -le# o" 2ar,h 7@ %990@ a )etitio" or a""$le"t o arria*e o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o" the )art o A$rora. :e averre# that A$rora aile# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e. A$rora@ or her )art@ alle*e# that soetie i" %99%@ Ro#olo *ave her a )la"e ti,?et to >a)a" to e"a=le her to ass$e her tea,hi"* )ositio" i" a $"iversit5 or a )erio# o three o"ths. I" A$*$st %99%@ $)o" her ret$r" to 2a"ila@ she #is,overe# that hile she as i" >a)a"@ Ro#olo =ro$*ht i"to their ,o";$*al hoe her ,o$si"@ Le,ita Rose A. 1esi"a@ as his ,o",$=i"e. A$rora alle*e# thatarria*e Ro#oloMsa"# ,oha=itatio" ith her ,o$si" to the #isi"te*ratio" o their their eve"t$al se)ara tio". le# I" 2a5 %99(@ Ro#olo a=a"#o"e# their ,o";$*al hoe to live ith 1esi"a. A$rora ,laie# ,$sto#5 o the ,hil#re". Ps5,hiatri, eval$atio" =5 Dr. E#$ar#o 2aa=a reveale# that =oth )arties s$ere# )s5,holo*i,al ha"#i,a)s tra,e# ro $"health5 at$ratio"al #evelo)e"t. 1oth ha# stri,t@ #oi"eeri"*@ #is,i)li"aria" role o#els. :oever@ res)o"#e"tMs istr$st@ shallo heteroseose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ the hoeto" o res)o"#e"tMs )are"ts. Thereater@ the "el5e#s e"t =a,? to 2a"ila@ =$t res)o"#e"t #i# "ot live ith )etitio"er at the latterMs a=o#e at ('+%3C >ose A=a# Sa"tos Ave"$e@ To"#o@ 2a"ila. !" (& !,to=er (+++@ res)o"#e"t let or Sa$#i or?i"* Ara=ia@ here he or?e# as a" $)holsterer a Ri5a#h@ $r"it$re8i"*#o sho). o hile i" Ri5a#h@ res)o"#e"t #i# "oti" ,o$"i,ate ith )etitio"er =5 )ho"e or =5 letter. Petitio"er trie# to ,all res)o"#e"t or -ve ties =$t res)o"#e"t "ever a"sere#. A=o$t a 5ear a"# a hal ater res)o"#e"t let or Ri5a#h@ a ,o3tea,her i"ore# )etitio"er that res)o"#e"t as a=o$t to ,oe hoe to the Phili))i"es. Petitio"er as s$r)rise# h5 she as "ot a#vise# =5 res)o"#e"t o his arrival. Petitio"er $rther averre# i" her Co)lai"t that he" res)o"#e"t arrive# i" the Phili))i"es@ the latter #i# "ot *o hoe to )etitio"er at ('+%3C >ose A=a# Sa"tos Ave"$e@ To"#o@ 2a"ila. I"stea#@ res)o"#e"t )ro,ee#e# to his )are"tsM ho$se i" Sa" >ose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro. 6)o" lear"i"* that res)o"#e"t as i" Sa" >ose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ )etitio"er e"t to see her =rother3i"3la i" Velas$e St.@ To"#o@ 2a"ila@ ho ,laie# that he as "ot aare o res)o"#e"tMs herea=o$ts. Petitio"er travele# to Sa" >ose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ here she as i"ore# that res)o"#e"t ha# =ee" livi"* ith his )are"ts si",e his arrival i" 2ar,h (++(. Petitio"er asserte# that ro the tie res)o"#e"t arrive# i" the Phili))i"es@ he "ever ,o"ta,te# her. Th$s@ )etitio"er ,o",l$#e# that res)o"#e"t as )h5si,all5 i",a)a=le o ,o"s$ati"* his arria*e ith her@ )rovi#i"* s$i,ie"t ,a$se or a""$le"t o their arria*e )$rs$a"t to )ara*ra)h 0@ Arti,le 40 o the Fail5 Co#e o the Phili))i"es Fail5 Co#eH. There as also "o ore )ossi=ilit5 o re,o",iliatio" =etee" )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t. D$ri"* trial@ )etitio"er )rese"te# hersel@ her other Lolita Ca=a,$"*a" Ca=a,$"*a"H@ a"# ,li"i,al )s5,holo*ist Ne#5 L. Ta5a* Ta5a*H as it"esses. The )s5,holo*ist #ia*"ose# the res)o"#e"t to have Nar,issisti, Perso"alit5 Disor#er. The RTC #e"ie# )etitio"erMs ,o)lai"t or a""$le"t o her arria*e. The )etitio"er ove# or re,o"si#eratio" =$t as #e"ie#. The CA aire# RTCMs #e,isio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot Re5 is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s.

R'li)*& No. Arti,le 4' o the Fail5 Co#e ,o"te)lates a" a""$le"t o arria*e o" the *ro$"# o-",a)a,it5 to ,o"s$ate s)e,i-,all5 #e"oti"* the )era"e"t #isa=ilit5 o" the s)o$ses to )eror a"# ,o)lete the a,t o seose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ a"# "ot ith )etitio"er i" To"#o@ 2a"ila a"# that res)o"#e"t also #i# "ot ,o"ta,t )etitio"er at all si",e leavi"* or a=roa#. These testio"ies tho$*h #o "ot *ive $s $,h i"si*ht i"to res)o"#e"tMs )s5,holo*i,al state. Ta5a*@ i" eval$ati"* res)o"#e"tMs )s5,holo*i,al state@ ha# to rel5 o" i"oratio" )rovi#e# =5 )etitio"er. :e",e@ e e$"e (9@ %99@ the RTC iss$e# a" !r#erteri"ati"* the )re3trial ,o"ere",e ater the )arties si*"e# a Foral 2a"iestatio"/2otio"@ hi,h state# that the5 ha# a*ree# to #issolve their ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s a"# #ivi#e e$all5 their ,o";$*al )ro)erties.Ps5,holo*ist Cristi"a Gates testi-e# that the ,ha",es o ,$ra=ilit5 o res)o"#e"tMs )s5,holo*i,al #isor#er ere "il. Its ,$ra=ilit5 #e)e"#e# o" hether the esta=lishe# or*a"i, #aa*e as i"ial 33 reerri"* to the al$",tio" o the ,o)osites o the =rai" =ro$*ht a=o$t =5 ha=it$al #ri"?i"* a"# ari;$a"a@ hi,h )ossi=l5 ai,te# res)o"#e"t ith =or#erli"e )erso"alit5 #isor#er a"# $",o"trolla=le i)$lses.F$rther@ SP!% So""5 Dela Cr$@ a e=er o the PNP@ 1$*allo"@ Pa"*asi"a"@ testi-e# that o" >$l5 &@ %994@ he re,eive# a ,o)lai"t ro )etitio"er that res)o"#e"t arrive# at their ho$se $"#er the i"$e",e o li$or a"# a$le# )etitio"er itho$t )rovo,atio" o" her )art@ a"# that res)o"#e"t trie# to ?ill her. The ,o)lai"t as e"tere# i" the .

)oli,e =lotter


hether or "ot the totalit5 o )etitio"erMs evi#e",e as a=le to )rove that res)o"#e"t is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e arra"ti"* the a""$le"t o their arria*e $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e.

R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt a*ree# ith the Co$rt o A))eals that the totalit5 o the evi#e",e s$=itte# =5 )etitio"er aile# to satisa,toril5 )rove that res)o"#e"t as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e .The root ,a$se o res)o"#e"tMs alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al "ot s$i,ie"tl5 )rove" =5 e$sto\s #e,ease# #a$*hter Ci"#5 Rose Paras. :e also #e"ie# or*i"* her si*"at$re i" o"e ort*a*e tra"sa,tio". :e ai"tai"e# that he #i# "ot #is)ose o a ,o";$*al )ro)ert5 a"# that he a"# Rosa )erso"all5 si*"e# the re"eal o a s$*ar ,ro) loa" =eore the =a"?Ms a$thorie# e)lo5ee. :e #i# "ot a=a"#o" his ail5 i" the 6"ite# States. For his )art@ he as *ra"te# o"l5 three &H o"ths leave as $"i,i)al a5or o 1i"#o5@ th$s@ he ie#iatel5 ret$r"e# to the Phili))i"es. :e s)e"t or his ,hil#re"Ms e#$,atio". At -rst@ he rese"te# s$))orti"* the =e,a$se he as ;$st starti"* his la )ra,ti,e a"# =esi#es@ their ,o";$*al assets ere ore tha" e"o$*h to )rovi#e or their "ee#s. :e a#itte# tho$*h that there ere ties he aile# to *ive the -"a",ial s$))ort =e,a$se o his la,? o i",oe. hat ,a$se# the i"evita=le ail5 =rea?3o$t as RosaMs a,t o e=arrassi"* hi #$ri"* his =irth#a5 ,ele=ratio" i" %97. She #i# "ot )re)are oo# or the *$ests. he"

,o"ro"te#@ she retorte# that she has "othi"* to #o ith his =irth#a5. This ,o"vi",e# hi o her la,? o ,o",er". This as $rther a**ravate# he" she #e"ie# his re$est or e"*i"e oil he" his vehi,le =ro?e #o" i" a o$"tai"o$s a"# NPA3i"este# area. As to the ,har*e o ,o",$=i"e@ he alle*e# that >o,el5" Chi"* is "ot his istress@ =$t her se,retar5 i" his La !i,e. She as i)re*"ate# =5 her =o5rie"#@ a ,ertai" GrelleLe,,io"ess. C5"#ee Rose Chi"* Le,,io"ess is "ot his #a$*hter. Ater trial or o" Fe=r$ar5 (@ %990@ the RTC re"#ere# a De,isio" $)hol#i"* the vali#it5 o the arria*e. !" De,e=er @ (+++@ the Co$rt o A))eals the RTC De,isio" i" the ,ase@ hol#i"* Othe evi#e",eaire# o the )lai"ti RosaH alls short o )rese"t the sta"#ar#s re$ire#that =5 la to #e,ree a "$llit5 o arria*e.O It r$le# that >$stoMs alle*e# #ee,ts ori#ios5",rasies Oere s$i,ie"tl5 e$sto.

R'li)*& A rea#i"* o the Co$rt o A))ealsM De,isio" shos that she has "o reaso" to eel a**rieve#. I" a,t@ the a))ellate ,o$rt eve"ass$e# that her ,har*es Oare tr$e@O =$t ,o",l$#e# that the5 are i"s$i,ie"t to #e,lare the arria*e voi# o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. >$stos alle*e# i"-#elit5@ ail$re to s$))ort his ail5 a"# alle*e# a=a"#o"e"t o their ail5 hoe are tr$e@s$,h traits are at =est i"#i,ators that he is $"-t to =e,oe a" i#eal h$s=a"# a"# ather. :oever@ =5 theselves@ these *ro$"#s arei"s$i,ie"t to #e,lare the arria*e voi# #$e to a" i",$ra=le )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. These *ro$"#s@ e $st e)hasie@ #o "ota"iest that he as tr$l5 i" ,o*"itive o the =asi, arital ,ove"a"ts that he $st ass$e a"# #is,har*e as a arrie# )erso". hilethe5 a5 a"iest the O*ravit5O o his alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5@ the5 #o "ot "e,essaril5 sho \i",$ra=ilit5M@ s$,h that hile hisa,ts violate# the ,ove"a"ts o arria*e@ the5 #o "ot "e,essaril5 sho that s$,h a,ts sho a" irre)ara=l5 ho)eless state o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 hi,h )reve"ts hi ro $"#erta?i"* the =asi, o=li*atio"s o arria*e i" the $t$re.

The root ,a$se o the )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 $st =e aH e#i,all5 or ,li"i,all5 i#e"ti-e#@ =H alle*e# i" the ,o)lai"t@ ,H s$i,ie"tl5 )rove" =5 e$"e ((@ %990@ the trial ,o$rt re"#ere# its #e,isio". The )lai"ti ,o"se"te# to #ee"#a"tMs tri) to the6"ite# States i" %974. She X#ee"#a"t a"te# to ear" o"e5 there =e,a$se she a"te# to hel) her h$s=a"# =$il# a =i* ho$se at the1everl5 :ills@ Ce=$ Cit5. The )lai"ti hisel a#itte# that he has a ,hil#@ a"# the ,o$rt is also ,o"vi",e# that he has to ,hil#re".:oever@ "othi"* i" the evi#e",e o )lai"ti shos that the #ee"#a"t s$ere# ro a"5 )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 or that she aile# to,o)l5 ith her esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s. There is "o evi#e",e o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o" the )art o #ee"#a"t so that she,o$l# "ot ,arr5 o$t the or#i"ar5 #$ties re$ire# i" arrie# lie. Neither has it =ee" sho" that there as a" i",$ra=le #ee,t o" the)art o #ee"#a"t.

Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the Co$rt o A))eals isa))lie# a,ts o ei*ht a"# s$=sta",e ae,ti"* the res$lt o the )rese"t ,ase =H hether or "ot the )rese"tatio" o )s5,holo*ists a"#/or )s5,hiatrists is still #esira=le@ i evi#e",e i" this ,ase alrea#5 shosthe )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o )rivate res)o"#e"t

,H hether or "ot )rivate res)o"#e"tMs re$sal to live ith )etitio"er $"#er o"e roo or ore tha" te"t5 (+H 5ears@ her re$salto =ear ,hil#re" ith )etitio"er@ a"# her livi"* a solitar5 lie i" the 6"ite# States or alost three &H #e,a#es are e"o$*h i"#i,atio"s o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 to ,o)l5 ith esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e.

R'li)*& The Co$rts erel5 sai# i" that ,ase that Othe ell3,o"si#ere# o)i"io"s o )s5,hiatrists@ )s5,holo*ists@ a"# )erso"s ithea)a"ese "atio"al@ o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. She a"# Toshio starte# a ,oo"3la relatio"shi) i" >a)a" a"# live# i" the Phili))i"es or a o"th. Thereater@ Toshio e"t =a,? to >a)a" a"# sta5e# the re or hal o %97. Lolita the" *ave =irth o" Nove=er %'@ %97. I" %9@ Lolita a"# Toshio *ot arrie# i" 2TC31a,oor@ Cavite. Ater a o"th o their arria*e@ T oshio ret$r"e# to >a)a" a"# )roise# to ret$r" =5 Christas to ,ele=rate the holi#a5s ith his ail5. Toshio se"t o"e5 or to o"ths a"# ater that he sto))e# *ivi"* -"a",ial s$))ort. She rote hi several ties =$t "ever res)o"#e"t. I" %99%@ she lear"e# ro her rie"# that To shio visite# the ,o$"tr5 =$t #i# "ot =other to see her "or their ,hil#. Toshio as "o lo"*er resi#i"* at his *ive" a##ress th$s s$o"s iss$e# to hi reai"e# $"serve#. Co"se$e"tl5@ i" %99'@ Lolita -le# a" e< )arte otio" or leave to ee,t ser vi,e o s$o"s =5 )$=li,atio". The otio" as *ra"te# a"# the s$o"s@ a,,o)a"ie# =5 a ,o)5 o the )etitio"@ as )$=lishe# i" a "es)a)er o *e"eral ,ir,$latio" *ivi"* Toshio %0 #a5s to -le his a"ser. Toshio -le# to res)o"# ater the la)se o '+ #a5s ro )$=li,atio"@ th$s@ Lolita -le# a otio" to reer the ,ase to the )rose,$tor or i"vesti*atio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot a=a"#o"e"t =5 o"e s)o$se ta"tao$"t to )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5.

R'li)*& The ,o$rt -"# that the totalit5 o evi#e",e )rese"te# ell short o )rovi"* that Toshio as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ass$e his arital res)o"si=ilities. ToshioMs a,t o a=a"#o"e"t as #o$=tlessl5 irres)o"si=le =$t it as "ever alle*e# "or )rove" to =e #$e to soe ?i"# o )s5,holo*i,al ill"ess. Ater res)o"#e"t testi-e# o" ho Toshio a=a"#o"e# his ail5@ "o other evi#e",e as )rese"te# shoi"* that his =ehavior as ,a$se# =5 a )s5,holo*i,al #isor#er. A=a"#o"e"t is also a *ro$"# or le*al se)aratio". There as "o shoi"* that the ,ase at =ar as "ot ;$st a" i"sta",e o a=a"#o"e"t i" the ,o"teor#a"ia" "atio"al. Des)ite the treate"t =5 a ,li"i,al )s5,hiatrist@ Sharo" #i# "ot sto) her illi,it relatio"shi) ith the >or#a"ia"@ ho she arrie# a"# ith ho she ha# to ,hil#re". he" the >or#a"ia" "atio"al let the ,o$"tr5@ Sharo" ret$r"e# to Davi# =ri"*i"* alo"* her to ,hil#re" =5 the >or#a"ia" "atio"al. Davi# a,,e)te# her =a,? a"# eve" ,o"si#ere# the ille*itiate ,hil#re" as his o". :oever@ Sharo" a=a"#o"e# Davi# to ;oi" the >or#a"ia" "atio"al ith her to ,hil#re". Si",e the"@ Sharo" o$l# o"l5 ret$r" to the ,o$"tr5 o" s)e,ial o,,asio"s. Dra. Nativi#a# Da5a" testi-e# that she ,o"#$,te# a )s5,holo*i,al eval$atio" o Davi# a"# o$"# hi to =e ,o"s,ie"tio$s@ har#or?i"*@ #ili*e"t@ a )ere,tio"ist ho a"ts all tas?s a"# )ro;e,ts ,o)lete# $) to the -"al #etail a"# ho e$#*e"t o" the *ro$"# that the #e,isio" as )reat$rel5 re"#ere# si",e he as *ive" $"til >a"$ar5 (@ %99% to a"iest hether he as )rese"ti"* ,o"troverti"* evi#e",e. The !i,e o the Soli,itor Ge"eral li?eise -le# a

2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" o the #e,isio" o" the *ro$"# that the sae is "ot i" a,,or#a",e ith the evi#e",e a"# the la. Si",e the trial ,o$rt #e"ie# the 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio"@ the Soli,itor Ge"eral a))eale# to the CA. The CA aire# the #e,isio" o the trial ,o$rt hol#i"* that KAveli"o Da*#a* is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# "ot o"l5 =e,a$se he aile# to )eror the #$ties a"# o=li*atio"s o a arrie# )erso" =$t =e,a$se he is eotio"all5 iat$re a"# irres)o"si=le@ a" al,oholi,@ a"# a ,rii"al.

Iss'(& hether or "ot Aveli"o Da*#a* is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate#.

R'li)*& Erli"#a 2atias a"# Aveli"o Da*#a* ,o"tra,te# arria*e o" Se)te=er 7@ %970. The5 =e*ot to ,hil#re". A ee? ater the e##i"*@ Aveli"o starte# leavi"* his ail5 itho$t e$"e (9@ %99+@ the trial ,o$rt re"#ere# ;$#*e"t #e,lari"* the "$llit5 o Vi,toriaMs arria*e to Eilio a"# aar#e# ,$sto#5 o the ,hil#re" to 2s. Lo)e. Eilio -le# a )etitio" or relie ro ;$#*e"t =$t as #e"ie#.

Iss'(& hether or "ot a )etitio" or relie ro ;$#*e"t is arra"te# $"#er the ,ir,$sta",e o the ,ase here )etitio"er as #e,lare# i" #ea$lt #$e to "o"3a))eara",e #$ri"* the heari"*.

R'li)*& R$le &@ Se,tio" ( o the Revise# R$les o Co$rt@ *over"s a )etitio" or relie ro ;$#*e"t. 6"#er the r$les@ a -"al a"# ea"$ar5 (0@ %99' a"# alle*e#l5 a thir# arria*e ith a ,ertai" >$lia Sall5 :er"a"#e. 1ase# o" )etitio"erMs ,o)lai"t a " i"oratio" or =i*a5 as -les a*ai"st res)o"#e"t. Soetie thereater@ res)o"#e"t i"itiate# a ,ivil a,tio" or the ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o a=sol$te "$llit5 o his -rst arria*e o" the *ro$"# that it as ,ele=rate# itho$t a arria*e li,e"se. Res)o"#e"t -le# a otio" to s$s)e"# the )ro,ee#i"*s i" the ,rii"al ,ase or =i*a5 i"vo?i"* the )e"#i"* ,ivil ,ase as a )re;$#i,ial $estio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot the )e"#e",5 o the ,ivil ,ase or #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the arria*e )ose# a )re;$#i,ial $estio" to the #eteri"atio" o the ,rii"al ,ase o res)o"#e"t


The S$)ree Co$rt or#ere# the Trial Co$rt to ie#iatel5 )ro,ee# ith the Crii"al Case. A )e"#i"* ,ivil ,ase is "ot a )re;$#i,ial $estio". A )re;$#i,ial $estio" is o"e hi,h arises i" a ,ase the resol$tio" o hi,h is a

lo*i,al a"te,e#e"t o the iss$e i"volve# therei". I t is a $estio" =ase# o" a a,t #isti",t a"# se)arate ro the ,rie =$t so i"tiatel5 ,o""e,te# ith it that it #eteri"es the *$ilt or i""o,e",e o the a,,$se#.

FINAL /DGENT AND S4SE7ENT ROCEEDINGS TY vs. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 25"06 Nov((r 25, 2000 F#$%s& I" %977@ )rivate res)o"#e"t E#*ar#o Re5es arrie# A"a 2aria Re*i"a Villa"$eva i" a ,ivil ,ereo"5. A ,h$r,h e##i"* e"s$e#. :oever@ the >$ve"ile a"# Doesti, Relatives a"t to #e,lare their arria*e "$ll a"# voi# a= i"itio la,? o a vali# arria*e li,e"se. The ,h$r,h e##i"* as also #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# a= i"itio or la,? o ,o"se"t o the )arties. I" %979@ =eore the #e,ree as iss$e# "$lli5i"* his arria*e to A""a 2aria@ E#*ar#o Re5es arrie# !elia T5 i" a ,ereo"5 oi,iate# =5 a ;$#*e@ the" a ,h$r,h e##i"* olloe#. I" %99%@ E#*ar#o re5es -le# a ,ivil ,ase ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt )ra5i"* that his arria*e ith !elia =e #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# o" the *ro$"# that here as "o arria*e li,e"se he" the5 *ot arrie#. :e also averre# at that tie he arrie# !elia@ the #e,ree o "$llit5 o the arria*e to A""a 2aria as re"#ere# o"l5 he" his

,ivil arria*e to )etitio"er@ !elia T5@ "$ll a"# voi# a= i"itio. The Co$rt o A))eals aire# the #e,isio"

Iss'(& hether or "ot the #e,ree o "$llit5 o the -rst arria*e is re$ire# =eore a s$=se$e"t arria*e ,a" =e e"tere# i"to vali#l5

R'li)*& The se,o"# arria*e o )rivate res)o"#e"t as e"tere# i"to i" %979@ =eore the ,ase o ie*el. At that tie@ the )revaili"* r$le as o$"# i" !#a5at@ 2e"#oa a"# Ara*o"@ herei" as "o or =eore ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o a arria*e or la,?there o li,e"se a"#"ee# ,o"se"t@ s$,h )erso" a5 ,o"tra,t a se,o"# arria*e. The -rst arria*e o )rivate res)o"#e"t =ei"* voi# or la,? o li,e"se a"# ,o"se"t@ there as "o "ee# or ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o its "$llit5 =eore he ,o$l# ,o"tra,t a se,o"# arria*e. I" this ,ase thereore@ the Co$rt ,o",l$#e# that )rivate res)o"#e"tMs se,o"# arria*e to !elia T5 is vali#. 2oreover@ the )rovisio" o the Fail5 Co#e ,a""ot =e retroa,tivel5 a))lie# here to #o so o$l# )re;$#i,e the veste# ri*hts o a )art5 a"# her ,hil#re". As hel# i" >iso" vers$s Co$rt o A))eals@ the Fail5 Co#e has retroa,tive ee,t $"less there is i)aire"t o veste# ri*hts. Petitio" *ra"te#@ ;$#*e"t a"# resol$tio" #e,lare# vali# a"# s$=sisti"*.

EFFECTS VALDES vs. RTC AND VALDES G.R. No. 225"9 /'l8 3, 996 F#$%s& A"to"io Val#es a"# Co"s$elo Goe ere arrie# o" >a"$ar5 0@ %97%. 1e*otte" #$ri"* their arria*e ere -ve ,hil#re". I" a )etitio" #ate# >$"e ((@ %99(@ Val#es so$*ht the #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the arria*e )$rs$a"t to arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e. Ater heari"* the )arties olloi"* the

;oi"#er o iss$es@ the arria*e o A"to"io Val#es a"# Co"s$elo Goe is #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e@ o" the *ro$"# o their $t$al Ps5,holo*i,al I",a)a,it5 to ,o)l5 ith their esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s. The three ol#er ,hil#re" shall ,hoose hi,h )are"t the5 o$l# a"t to sta5 ith@ the 5o$"*er ,hil#re" shall =e )la,e# i" the ,$sto#5 o their other. The )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t are #ire,te# to start )ro,ee#i"*s o" the li$i#atio" o their ,oo" )ro)erties. Co"s$elo Goe so$*ht a ,lari-,atio" o" that )ortio" #ire,ti"* ,o)lia",e ith Arti,les 0+@ 0% a"# 0( o the Fail5 Co#e. She asserte# that the Fail5 ,o"tai"e# "o )rovisio"s o" the )ro,e#$re or the li$i#atio" o Co#e ,oo" )ro)ert5 i" K$"io"s itho$t arria*e. Pare"theti,all5@ #$ri"* the heari"* o" the otio"@ the ,hil#re" -le# a ;oi"t ai#avit e@ the latter aire# the #isissal o Att5. Dia III =$t or#ere# the i",l$sio" o res)o"#e"t Villa#ores as a" a,,$se# i" the to ,rii"al ,ases. A,,or#i"*l5@ the ori*i"al i"oratio"s ere ae"#e# to i",l$#e the res)o"#e"t ao"* those ,har*e#. Folloi"* the arrai*"e"t@ the )rivate )rose,$tor@ Ri,o a"# Asso,iates@ -le# a "e 2otio" to A#it Ae"#e# I"oratio"s alle*i"* #aa*es s$stai"e# =5 the )etitio"er as a res$lt o the ,ries ,oitte# =5 the a,,$se#. The otio" as a#itte# =5 the trial ,o$rt. The res)o"#e"t ove# or re,o"si#eratio" =$t the sae as #e"ie#. S$=se$e"tl5@ res)o"#e"t ove# or the #is$ali-,atio" o Ri,o a"# Asso,iates a"# the a))ellate ,o$rt )ro"o$",e# that )etitio"er #i# "ot s$stai" a"5 #aa*es or the ,rie ,oitte# =5 the res)o"#e"t a"# the sae has re#o$"#e# to his =e"e-t. Ri,o a"# Asso,iates o))ose# s$,h )ro"o$",ee"t si",e it is a ere o=iter #i,t$.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the )ro"o$",ee"t o a))ellate ,o$rt that )etitio"er Villa"$eva is "ot a" oe"#e# )art5 is a ere o=iter #i,t$.


The )ro"o$",ee"t o a))ellate ,o$rt that )etitio"er Villa"$eva is "ot a" oe"#e# )art5 is "ot a ere o=iter #i,t$. A" a#;$#i,atio" o" a"5 )oi"t ithi" the iss$e )rese"te# =5 the ,ase ,a""ot =e ,o"si#ere# as o=iter

#i,t$@ a"# this r$le a))lies to all )erti"e"t $estio"s@ altho$*h i",i#e"tall5 i"volve#@ hi,h are )rese"te# a"# #e,i#e# i" the re*$lar ,o$rse o the ,o"si#eratio" o the ,ase a"# le# $) to the -"al ,o",l$sio" a"# to a"5 statee"t as to atter o" hi,h the #e,isio" is )re#i,ate#. :e",e@ i" the i"sta"t ,ase@ the )ro"o$",ee"t o the a))ellate ,o$rt is "ot a" o=iter #i,t$ as it to$,he# $)o" a atter ,learl5 raise# =5 res)o"#e"t Villa#ores i" his )etitio" assaili"* the a#issio" o the ae"#e# i"oratio"s. Ar*$e"t o" hether )etitio"er Villa"$eva as the oe"#e# )art5 as@ th$s@ ,learl5 raise# =5 res)o"#e"t. The =o#5 o #e,isio" ,o"tai"s the #is,$ssio" o" that )oi"t a"# it ,learl5 e"tio"e# ,ertai" )ri",i)les o la.


Nov((r 26, 950

F#$%s& Plai"ti A$rora a"# #ee"#a"t Fer"a"#o ere arrie# o" De,e=er 4@ %90& that #ee"#a"t Fer"a"#o -le# a" a,tio" or a""$le"t o the arria*e o" >a"$ar5 7@ %904 o" the *ro$"# that his ,o"se"t as o=tai"e# thro$*h or,e a"# i"tii#atio". Fer"a"#o ha# #iv$l*e# to A$rora that several o"ths )rior to their arria*e he ha# a )re3arital relatio"shi) ith a ,lose relative o his a"# that Kthe "o" #iv$l*ee"t to her o the aoree"tio"e# )re3arital se,ret o" the )art o the #ee"#a"t that #e-"itel5 re,?e# their arria*e@ hi,h a))are"tl5 #ooe# to ail eve" =eore it ha# har#l5 ,oe",e#]Plai"ti herei" ro *oi"* thr$ the arria*e that as sole"ie# =etee" the ,o"stit$te# \FRA6DMM i" o=tai"i"* her ,o"se"t@ She )ra5e# or the a""$le"t o the arria*e a"# or oral #aa*es.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the "o"3#is,los$re to a ie =5 her h$s=a"# o his )re3 arital relatio"shi) ith a"ither oa" is a *ro$"# or a""$le"t o arria*e


No"3#is,los$re o a h$s=a"#Ms )re3arital relatio"shi) ith a"other oa" is "ot o"e o the e"$erate# ,ir,$sta",es that o$l# ,o"stit$te a *ro$"# or a""$le"t a"# it is $rther er. I1C %& a))eale# to the Natio"al La=or Relatio"s Coissio". Th$s the to ,o)lai"ts or alsi-,atio" o )$=li, #o,$e"t ere -le# =eore the 2a"ila Cit5 Prose,$torMs !i,e. The ,har*es a*ai"st

Res)o"#e"t Villa#ores a"# Att5. E$lalio Dia %%% ere #isisse# =5 the Cit5 Prose,$tors !i,e.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the ,o$rt erre# i" aili"* to a))re,iate that Fra",is,o Villa"$eva >r. as i" a,t a" a**rieve# )art5.

R'li)*& Fra",is,o Villa"$eva is "ot the oe"#e# )art5 i" these ,ases. It $st =e $"#ers,ore# that it as I1C %& ho se,$re# the alsi-e# s$ret5 =o"# or the )$r)ose o the a))eal it ha# ro a" a#verse ;$#*e"t o the la=or ,ase -le# =5 Villa"$eva. eta?e" see "o reaso" ho Villa"$eva ,o$l# have s$stai"e# #aa*es as a res$lt o the alsi-,atio" o the s$ret5 a))eal =o"# a"# its ,o"-ratio" letter he" it ,o$l# have re#o$"#e# to his o" =e"e-t i the a))eal o$l# =e #isisse# as a res$lt o the or*er5. I there =e a"5o"e ho as )re;$#i,e#@ it as I1C %& he" it )$r,hase# a a?e s$ret5 =o"#.


F(r'#r8 25, 200"


This is a #is=are"t ,ase a*ai"st Att5. E#$"#o 2a,,arr$=o. Co)lai"a"t Flore",ie 2a,,arr$=o averre# that she as starte# ,o$rti"* =5 res)o"#e"t Att5. E#$"#o 2a,,arr$=o i" A)ril %99%@ he re)rese"ti"* hisel as a =a,helor that the5 eve"t$all5 ,o"tra,te# arria*e hi,h as ,ele=rate# o" to o,,asio"s a#i"istere# =5 Rev. Ro*elio >. 1olivar@ the -rst o" De,e=er %@ %99% i" the latterMs 2a"ila oi,e@ a"# the se,o"# o" De,e=er (@ %99% at the Asia" I"stit$te o To$ris :otel i" $eo" Cit5 a"# that altho$*h res)o"#e"t a#itte# that he as arrie# to :ele" Es)ara o" >$"e %'@ %9(@ he s$,,ee#e# i" ,o"vi",i"* ,o)lai"a"t@ her ail5 a"# rie"#s that his )revio$s arria*e as voi#. Co)lai"a"t $rther averre# that res)o"#e"t i"to,o)lai"a"t a thir# arria*e ith ,hil#re" o"e >ose)hi"e T. Co"sta"ti"o a"# that he e"tere# a=a"#o"e# a"# their itho$t )rovi#i"* the a"5 re*$lar s$))ort $) to the )rese"t tie@ leavi"* the i" )re,ario$s livi"* ,o"#itio"s. 1$t res)o"#e"t -le# a )etitio" or "$llit5 o arria*e si",e it as ,o"tra,te# ith vitiate# ,o"se"t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the #is=are"t ,ase =e #isisse# =asi"* it ro the ,o$rtMs #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the arria*e.

R'li)*& hile the arria*e =etee" ,o)lai"a"t a"# res)o"#e"t has =ee" a""$lle# =5 -"al ;$#*e"t@ this #oes "ot ,lea"se his ,o"#$,t o ever5 ti"*e o i)ro)riet5. :e a"# ,o)lai"a"t starte# livi"* as h$s= a"# a"# ie i" De,e=er %99% he" his -rst arria*e as still s$=sisti"*@ as it as o"l5 o" A$*$st (%@ %99 that s$,h -rst arria*e as a""$lle#@ re"#eri"* hi lia=le or ,o",$=i"a*e. S$,h ,o"#$,t is i",o"siste"t ith the *oo# oral ,hara,ter that is re$ire# or the ,o"ti"$e# ri*ht to )ra,ti,e la as a e=er o the Phili))i"e =ar. It i)orts oral t$r)it$#e a"# is a )$=li, assa$lt $)o" the =asi, so,ial i"stit$tio" o arria*e. :e",e the res)o"#e"t as #is=arre# or *ross is,o"#$,t.


#283, 9!

F#$%s& This ,ase ori*i"ate# ro a loa" o P'@0++ ith i"terest at %+ )er ,e"t )er a""$ )a5a=le i" a#va",e@ a#e =5 Dr. Ceasar Re5es to A*ri)i"o a=allero o" !,to=er %@ %94(. a=allero se,$re# the )a5e"t ith a -rst ort*a*e o" te" )ar,els o la"#. The i"stalle"ts #$e or %94( a"# %94& totali"* the s$ o P%@&++ )l$s i"terest ere )ai# i" >a)a"ese 2ilitar5 S,ri)t a"# the Pa5e"ts ere $"reserve#l5 a,,e)te#. !" Nove=er &+@ %944@ a=allero oere# to )a5 the thir# i"stalle"ts a"# its i"terests hi,h ell #$e o" !,to=er o the sae 5ear@ =$t Re5es re$se# to a,,e)t o" the *ro$"# that it as ioral a"# $";$st that the )a5e"t =e a#e i" >a)a"ese 2ilitar5 "otes hi,h ha# ,o"si#era=l5 #eval$ate#@ a"# that he ha# a" o)tio" a,,or#i"* to the ,o"tra,t to have the )a5e"t i" Phili))i"e or 6"ite# States ,$rre",5. a=allero a""o$",e# that the "eie"e i" a ,o)lai"t )ra5s or a #e,ree a""$lli"* his arria*e to the #ee"#a"t Ree#ios CaZiares $)o" the *ro$"# that the oi,e o her *e"itals or va*i"a as too sall to allo the )e"etratio" o a ale or*a" or )e"is or ,o)$latio" that the ,o"#itio" o her *e"itals as #es,ri=e# a=ove eose >o alias :o :a"*.:oever@ i" %9+@ the )etitio"er -le# a ,o)lai"t a*ai"st >o or ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o ,o";$*al )ro)ert5@ i" a##itio" to a" earlier a,tio" or s$))ort@ also a*ai"st hi. The to ,ases ere ,o"soli#ate# a"# trie# ;oi"tl5. Thereater@ the ;$#*e re"#ere# a #e,isio" o le*al se)aratio" =etee" the s)o$ses a"# $rther or#ere# the )a5e"t o s$))ort =5 :o :a"* to )etitio"er. :oever@ there as "o #e-"ite #is)ositio" or the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o their )ro)ert5. :e",e@ the )etitio"er -le# a" a))eal =eore the Co$rt o A))eals see?i"* or the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o their ,o";$*al )ro)erties. The Co$rt o A))eals hoever #isisse# the ,o)lai"t or ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o )ro)ert5 or la,? o a ,a$se o a,tio" a"# o" the *ro$"# that se)aratio" =5 a*reee"t as "ot ,overe# =5 Arti,le %7 o the Civil Co#e si",e the se)aratio" o the ,o";$*al )ro)ert5 as a*ree# =5 the s)o$ses.he" their otio"s or re,o"si#eratio" ere #e"ie#@ =oth )arties ,ae to this Co$rt or relie.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the ,o$rts erre# i" -"#i"* that the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o )ro)ert5 as "ot alloe#.

R'li)*& A s)o$se is #eee# to have a=a"#o"e# the other he" he or she has let the ,o";$*al #elli"* itho$t a"5 i"te"tio" o ret$r"i"*. The s)o$se ho has let the ,o";$*al #elli"* or a )erio# o three o"ths or has aile# ithi" the sae )erio# to *ive a"5 i"oratio" as to his or her herea=o$ts shall =e )ria a,ie )res$e# to have "o i"te"tio" o ret$r"i"* to the ,o";$*al #elli"*.6"#er the this )rovisio"@ the a**rieve# s)o$se a5 )etitio" or ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o" either o these *ro$"#sJ %. A=a"#o"e"t =5 a s)o$se o the other itho$t ;$st ,a$se a"# (. Fail$re o o"e s)o$se to ,o)l5 ith his or her o=li*atio"s to the ail5 itho$t ;$st ,a$se@ eve" i she sai# s)o$se #oes "ot leave the other s)o$se. The re,or# shos that as earl5 as %94(@ the )rivate res)o"#e"t ha# alrea#5 re;e,te# the )etitio"er@ ho he #e"ie# a#issio" to their ,o";$*al hoe i" D$a*$ete Cit5 he" she ret$r"e# ro a=oa"*$ita. The a,t that she as "ot a,,e)te# =5 >o #eo"strates all too ,learl5 that he ha# "o i"te"tio" o res$i"* their ,o";$*al relatio"shi). 2oreover@ =e*i""i"* %9' $"til the #eteri"atio" =5 this Co$rt o the a,tio" or s$))ort i" %9@ the )rivate res)o"#e"t re$se# to *ive -"a",ial s$))ort to the )etitio"er. The )h5si,al se)aratio" o the )arties@ ,o$)le# ith the re$sal =5 the )rivate res)o"#e"t to *ive s$))ort to the )etitio"er@ s$i,e# to ,o"stit$te a=a"#o"e"t as a *ro$"# or the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o their ,o";$*al )ro)ert5. I" a##itio"@ the )etitio"er a5 also i"vo?e the se,o"# *ro$"# alloe# =5 Arti,le %(@ or the a,t is that he has aile# itho$t ;$st ,a$se to ,o)l5 ith his o=li*atio"s to the ail5 as h$s=a"# or )are"t. A)art ro re$si"* to a#it his la$l ie to their ,o";$*al hoe i" D$a*$ete Cit5@ >o has reel5 a#itte# to ,oha=iti"* ith other oe" a"# siri"* a"5 ,hil#re" =5 the. It as his re$sal to )rovi#e or the )etitio"er a"# their #a$*hter that )ro)te# her to -le the a,tio"s a*ai"st hi or s$))ort a"# later or se)aratio" o the ,o";$*al )ro)ert5@ i" hi,h a,tio"s@ si*"i-,a"tl5@ he eve" #e"ie# =ei"* arrie# to her. The )rivate res)o"#e"t has "ot esta=lishe# a"5 ;$st ,a$se or his re$sal to ,o)l5 ith his o=li*atio"s to his ie as #$ti$l h$s=a"#.

CONDONATION?ARDON EDARDO ARROYO, /R. vs. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 96602 Nov((r 9, 99 F#$%s& Dr. >or*e 1. Neri -le# a ,rii"al ,o)lai"t or a#$lter5 a*ai"st his ie@ R$=5 Vera Neri@ a"# E#$ar#o Arro5o ,oitte# o" ( Nove=er %9(

i" the Cit5 o 1a*$io. 1oth #ee"#a"ts )lea#e# "ot *$ilt5 a"# ater trial@ the RTC ,o"vi,te# )etitio"er a"# 2rs. R$=5 Vera Neri o a#$lter5. A,,or#i"* to the a,ts o the ,ase@ the a,,$se# R$=5 Neri i" the ,o)a"5 o a rie"# e"t to 1a*$io Cit5 a"# )ro,ee#e# at 2i"es Vie Par? Co"#oi"i$. At 7J++ i" the eve"i"*@ ,o3a,,$se# E#$ar#o Arro5o e"tere# the $"it a"# thereater )ro,ee#e# i"si#e the asters =e#roo here R$=5 Neri a"# her rie"# as aiti"*. R$=5 Neris rie"# as thereater i"str$,te# to leave the roo. Ater 40 i"$tes@ =oth R$=5 Neri a"# E#$ar#o Arro5o ,ae o$t ro the roo a"# ;oi"e# R$=5 Neris rie"# at the livi"* roo. 1oth R$=5 a"# E#$ar#) -le#=5a R$=5 otio" or re,o"si#eratio" ,o"te"#i"* that aNeri )ar#o" has =ee"Arro5o ea"$ar5 %+@ %94&. For ail$re to a*ree o" ho the5 sho$l# live as h$s=a"# a"# ie@ the ,o$)le a*ree# to live se)aratel5 ro ea,h other@ hi,h stat$s reai"e#

$",ha"*e# $"til the )rese"t. !" A)ril &@ %94@ )lai"ti a"# #ee"#a"t e"tere# i"to a" a*reee"thi,h )rovi#es ao"* others that K"either o the ,a" )rose,$te the other or a#$lter5 or ,o",$=i"a*e or a"5 other ,rie arisi"* ro their se)aratio". I" >a"$ar5@ %900@ #ee"#a"t =e*a" ,oha=iti"* ith o"e As$",io" Re=$la#o a"# sai# As$",io" *ave =irth to a ,hil#. It as sho" also that #ee"#a"t a"# As$",io" #e)orte# theselves as h$s=a"# a"# ie a"# ere *e"erall5 re)$te# as s$,h i" the ,o$"it5. Plai"ti thereater -le# a" a,tio" or le*al se)aratio" a*ai"st the #ee"#a"t. The trial ,o$rt hoever #isisse# the a,tio" o" the *ro$"# that $"#er %+( ithi" o the o"e "e5ear Civilro Co#e@ a"ater a,tio" le*al ,a""ot =e -le#Art. ea"$ar5@ %900. The ,o)lai"t as -le# o" A)ril (4@ %90'. The )rese"t a,tio" as@ thereore@ -le# o$t o tie. Also@ arti,le %++ o the "e Civil Co#e )rovi#es that the le*al se)aratio" a5 =e ,laie# o"l5 =5 the i""o,e"t s)o$se@ )rovi#e# there has =ee" "o ,o"#o"atio" o or ,o"se"t to the a#$lter5 or ,o",$=i"a*e. As sho" i" the a,ts@ the )lai"ti has ,o"se"te# to the ,oissio" o ,o",$=i"a*e =5 her h$s=a"# as )rove" =5 their Ka*reee"t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the )lai"ti ,o"#o"e# the a,ts o the #ee"#a"t.

R'li)*& A" a,tio" or le*al se)aratio" ,a""ot =e -le# eose Ar,alas. Toar#s the e"# o >$"e@ %90(@ he" #ee"#a"t ha# -"ishe# st$#5i"* her ,o$rse@ she let )lai"ti a"# si",e the" the5 ha# live# se)aratel5. !" >$"e %@ %900@ )lai"ti s$r)rise# his ie i" the a,t o havi"* illi,it relatio"s ithi"te"tio" a"other oa" =5a the "aeor o le*al Nelso" !rae. to Plai"ti si*"i-e# his -li"* )etitio" se)aratio"@ hi,h #ee"#a"t a"ieste# her ,o"orit5 )rovi#e# she is "ot ,har*e# ith a#$lter5 i" a ,rii"al a,tio". A,,or#i"*l5@ )lai"ti -le# o" >$l5 0@ %900@ a )etitio" or le*al se)aratio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot ,oll$sio" e$"e %90% to st$#5 =ea$t5 ,$lt$re@ here she sta5e# or o"e 5ear. A*ai"@ )lai"ti #is,overe# that hile i" the sai# ,it5 #ee"#a"t as *oi"* o$t ith several other e"@ asi#e ro >ose Ar,alas. Toar#s the e"# o >$"e@ %90(@ he" #ee"#a"t ha# -"ishe# st$#5i"* her ,o$rse@ she let )lai"ti a"# si",e the" the5 ha# live# se)aratel5. !" >$"e %@ %900@ )lai"ti s$r)rise# his ie i" the a,t o havi"* illi,it relatio"s ith a"other a" =5 the "ae o Nelso" !rae. Plai"ti si*"i-e# his i"te"tio" o -li"* a )etitio" or le*al se)aratio"@ to hi,h #ee"#a"t a"ieste# her ,o"orit5 )rovi#e# she is "ot ,har*e# ith a#$lter5 i" a ,rii"al a,tio". A,,or#i"*l5@ )lai"ti -le# o" >$l5 0@ %900@ a )etitio" or le*al se)aratio". 1oth loer a"# a))ellate ,o$rts #e"ie# the )etitio" o" the *ro$"# that there as ,o"essio" o ;$#*e"t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot there as ,o"essio" o ;$#*e"t.

R'li)*& Art. %++ o the Civil Co#e #o "ot e$#*e a*ai"st res)o"#e"t Clee"te Raos or le*al se)aratio"@ o" ,o",$=i"a*e o" the res)o"#e"ts )art a"# a" atte)t =5 hi a*ai"st her lie =ei"* alle*e#. She li?eise so$*ht the iss$a",e o a rit o )relii"ar5 a"#ator5 i";$",tio" or the ret$r" to her o hat she ,laie# to =e her )ara)her"al a"# eose-"a a"# E#$ar#o as "$ll a"# voi# or =ei"* =i*ao$s.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the s$=;e,t )ro)erties ere )ara)her"al )ro)ert5 o >ose-"a a"# ,a""ot =e hel# lia=le or the E#$ar#oMs )erso"al o=li*atio"s.

R'li)*& No. The s$=;e,t )ro)erties are "ot the )ara)her"al )ro)ert5 o >ose-"a a"# ,a" =e hel# to a"ser the lia=ilities o E#$ar#o. Eve" tho$*h E#$ar#o a"# >ose-"aMs arria*e is =i*ao$s@ the )ro)erties ,a""ot =e hel# ,o";$*al@ >ose-"a aile# to a##$,e )re)o"#era",e o evi#e",e that she ,o"tri=$te# o"e5@ )ro)ert5 or i"#$str5 i" the a,$isitio" o the s$=;e,t )ro)ert5 a"# he",e@ is "ot a ,o3o"er o s$,h. Also@ the Co$rt #o$=te# that he" she a,$ire# the )ro)ert5 at (& 5ears o

a*e@ she ha# e"o$*h $"#s to )a5 or it. :er ,lai that the $"#s or the )ro)ert5 ere )rovi#e# =5 her other a"# sister@ the Co$rt =elieve#@ as ;$st a" atertho$*ht.



F#$%s& I" the arria*e =etee" Lo$r#es Re5es a"# the #e,ease# h$s=a"# Ro#olo Re5es@ Ro#olo has a" illi,it relatio"shi) ith 2ila*ros >oa$i"o. The #e,ease# alle*e#l5 O)$t i"to ,$sto#5O soe o the ,o$)les ,o";$*al )ro)erties to 2ila*ros. !" >$l5 %(@%979@ there is a tra"ser o )ro)ert5 i" avor o the )etitio"er a"# or hi,h Tra"ser Certi-,ate o Title No. 9+(9& o the Re*ister o Dee#s o 2etro 2a"ila@ Distri,t IV as iss$e# i" the "ae o )etitio"er 2ila*ros 1. >oa$i"o. The ,o)lai"a"t alle*es that that the $"#s $se# to )$r,hase the )ro)ert5 ere ,o";$*al $"#s a"# ear"i"*s o the #e,ease#. The ,o)lai"t -"all5 alle*es that the #e,ease# ha# to ,ars i" )etitio"erMs )ossessio" a"# that the real a"# )erso"al )ro)erties i" )etitio"erMs )ossessio" are ,o";$*al )art"ershi) )ro)erties o the s)o$ses Lo$r#es P. Re5es a"# Ro#olo A. Re5es a"# o"e3hal =elo"*s e$l5 %97@ she et >a,i"to@ )etitio"er@ ater a =rie ,o$rtshi) the5 #e,i#e# to ,oha=it as h$s=a"# a"# ie. I" %99'@ the ,o$)le #e,i#e# to e"# $) their "i"e35ear ,oha=itatio". !" >a"$ar5 9@ %997@ res)o"#e"t -le# a ,o)lai"t or Partitio" a"# Re,over5 o Perso"al Pro)ert5 ith Re,eivershi) a*ai"st the )etitio"er i" the RTC. She )ra5e# that she =e #e,lare# the sole o"er o the )erso"al )ro)erties she ,o"tri=$te# #$ri"* her ,oha=itatio" ith >a,i"to a"# the ao$"t o 7+@+++.++ re)rese"ti"* her ,o"tri=$tio" to the ,o"str$,tio" o their ho$se =e rei=$rse# to her.

Iss'(& hether or "ot Gi"a Re5 is e"title# to the o"ershi) o the )erso"al )ro)erties a"# rei=$rsee"t o her ,o"tri=$tio"s to the ,o"str$,tio" o their ho$se.

R'li)*& Yes@ Gi"a is e"title# to the o"ershi) o the )erso"al )ro)erties a"# rei=$rsee"t o her ,o"tri=$tio"s to the ,o"str$,tio" o their ho$se. It is "ot #is)$te# that Gi"a a"# >a,i"to ere "ot ,a)a,itate# to arr5 ea,h other =e,a$se the orer as vali#l5 arrie# to a"other a" at the tie o her ,oha=itatio" ith the latter. Their )ro)ert5 re*ie thereore is *over"e# =5 Arti,le %4 o the Fail5 Co#e@ hi,h a))lies to =i*ao$s arria*es@ a#$ltero$s relatio"shi)s@ relatio"shi)s i" a state o ,o",$=i"a*e@ relatio"shi)s here =oth a" a"# oa" are arrie# to other )erso"s@ a"# $lti)le allia",es o the sae arrie# a". 6"#er this re*ie@ O]o"l5 the )ro)erties a,$ire# =5 =oth o the )arties thro$*h their a,t$al ;oi"t ,o"tri=$tio" o o"e5@ )ro)ert5@ or i"#$str5 shall =e o"e# =5 the i" ,oo" i" )ro)ortio" to their res)e,tive ,o"tri=$tio"s...OProo o a,t$al ,o"tri=$tio" is re$ire#. The a,t that the ,o"troverte# )ro)ert5 as title# i" the "ae o the )arties to a" a#$ltero$s relatio"shi) is "ot s$i,ie"t )roo o ,o3o"ershi) a=se"t evi#e",e o a,t$al ,o"tri=$tio" i" the a,$isitio" o the )ro)ert5.

hile there is "o $estio" that =oth )arties ,o"tri=$te# i" their ;oi"t a,,o$"t #e)osit@ there is@ hoever@ "o s$i,ie"t )roo o the e$"e 7@ %9&+ to A$*$st @ %9&' ere all #aa*e#. The )i,t$res he )rese"te# #o "ot also ,o"stit$te )roo o -liatio".

ACTION TO IGN LEGITIACY GERARDO 4. CONCECION vs. CORT OF AEALS, (% #l. G.R. No. 23"!0 A'*'s% 3, 200! F#$%s&

Gerar#o 1. Co",e),io" a"# 2a. Theresa Alo"teere arrie# o" De,e=er (9@ %99. A 5ear later@ the5 =e*ot >ose Gerar#o. !" De,e=er %9@ %99%@ Gerar#o -le# a )etitio" to a""$l his arria*e to 2a. Theresa o" the *ro$"# o =i*a5. This as =e,a$se it as o$"# o$t that 2a. Theresa ha# alrea#5 arrie# a 2ario Go)iao "i"e 5ears =eore their arria*e. S$,h arria*e o 2a. Theresa to 2ario as "ever a""$lle#. The trial ,o$rt r$le# that Gerar#o a"# 2a. TheresaMs arria*e as =i*ao$s a"# that her arria*e to 2ario is vali# a"# s$=sisti"*. It #e,lare# the ,hil# as =ei"* ille*itiate. The Co$rt o A))eals aire# the loer ,o$rtMs #e,isio" =$t o" a))eal@ reverse# its r$li"* a"# hel# that >ose Gerar#o as "ot the so" o 2a. Theresa =5 Gerar#o =$t =5 2ario #$ri"* her -rst arria*e.

Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the ,hil# =or" o$t o a =i*ao$s arria*e is ,o"si#ere# le*itiate. =H hether or "ot Gerar#o ,o$l# assail >ose Gerar#oMs le*itia,5.

R'li)*& Yes@ a ,hil# =or" o$t o a =i*ao$s arria*e is ,o"si#ere# le*itiate. The le*itia,5 o$l# ,oe ro the vali#it5 o the -rst arria*e a"# "ot o" the =i*ao$s arria*e or that =i*ao$s arria*e is voi# ro the ver5 =e*i""i"*a= i"itioH. 2a. Theresa as arrie# to 2ario Go)iao@ a"# that she ha# "ever e"tere# i"to a la$l arria*e ith the Gerar#o si",e the so3 ,alle# Karria*e ith the latter as voi# a= i"itio. 2a. Theresa as le*itiatel5 arrie# to 2ario Go)iao he" the ,hil# >ose Gerar#o as =or" o" De,e=er @ %99+. Thereore@ the ,hil# >ose Gerar#o Q $"#er the la Q is the le*itiate ,hil# o the le*al a"# s$=sisti"* arria*e =etee" 2a. Theresa a"# 2ario Go)iao he ,a""ot =e #eee# to =e the ille*itiate ,hil# o the voi# a"# "o"3er. It as alle*e# that illia Li5ao )ai# or all the er. a"# also that o Corao" a"# her to ,hil#re" ro her s$=sisti"* arria*e #$ri"* their ,oha=itatio". illia >r. as sai# to =eillia i" ,o"ti"$o$s )ossessio" e";o5e"t the stat$s o the ,hil#,hil# o sai# Li5ao@ havi"* =ee"a"# re,o*"ie# a"#oa,?"ole#*e# as s$,h =5 the #e,e#e"t #$ri"* his lietie. 6)o" the #eath o his alle*e# ather@ illia >r. )ra5s that he =e re,o*"ie# as a" ille*itiate ,hil# a"# a" heir =5 the ail5 o the #e,ease# ro his s$=sisti"* arria*e. The #e,ease#Ms le*itiate ,hil#re" o" their )art@ alle*es that the #e,ease# ,o$l# "ot have athere# )etitio"er or their ather a"# other have "ever =ee" se)arate#.

Iss'(& hether or "ot )etitio"er a5 i)$*" his le*itia,5 ith that o his otherMs s$=sisti"* arria*e a"# esta=lish his ,lai o -liatio" ith the late illia Li5ao.

R'li)*& :ol#i"* that Corao"Ms arria*e ith Rao" Y$lo is still s$=sisti"*@ it is )res$e# that )etitio"er is the le*itiate ,hil# o Rao" Y$lo a"# "ot the ille*itiate ,hil# o illia Li5ao. 6"#er the Ne Civil Co#e@ a ,hil# =or" a"# ,o",eive# #$ri"* a vali# arria*e is )res$e# to =e le*itiate. This )res$)tio" is *ro$"#e# i" a )oli,5 to )rote,t i""o,e "t os)ri"* ro the o#i$ o ille*itia,5. The )res$)tio" o le*itia,5 o the ,hil#@ hoever@ is "ot ,o",l$sive a"# ,o"se$e"tl5@ a5 =e overthro" =5 evi#e",e to the ,o"trar5. Arti,le (00 o the Ne Civil Co#e )rovi#esJ KChil#re" =or" ater o"e h$"#re# a"# ei*ht5 #a5s olloi"* the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*e@ a"# =eore three h$"#re# #a5s olloi"* its #issol$tio" or the se)aratio" o the s)o$ses shall =e )res$e# to =e le*itiate. No evi#e",e other tha" that o )h5si,al i)ossi=ilit5 o the h$s=a"# havi"* a,,ess to his ie ithi" the -rst o"e h$"#re# a"# te"t5 #a5s o the three h$"#re# hi,h )re,e#e# the =irth o the ,hil# ,a" =e a#itte#. S$,h )h5si,al i)ossi=ilit5 a5 =e ,a$se# =5J aH 15 the i)ote",e o the h$s=a"# =H =5 the a,t that h$s=a"# a"# ie ere livi"* se)aratel5 i" s$,h a a5 that a,,ess as "ot )ossi=le ,H =5 the serio$s ill"ess o the h$s=a"#. Petitio"er ,a""ot i)$*" his o" le*itia,5. Arti,le (00 o the Civil Co#e )rovi#es that o"l5 the h$s=a"#@ or i" )ro)er ,ases@ his heirs $"#er the ,o"#itio"s set orth $"#er Arti,le ('( o the Civil Co#e ,a" i)$*" s$,h le*itia,5. A"#@ i" the ,ase at =ar@ the )etitio" as i"itiate# =5 )etitio"er

hisel thro$*h his other@ Corao" Gar,ia@ a"# "ot thro$*h E"ri$e a"# 1er"a#ette Y$lo ho are the $"#is)$te# ,hil#re" o Corao" a"# Rao" Y$lo. The ,hil# hisel ,a""ot ,hoose his o" -liatio".

ACTION TO IGN LEGITIACY /IN:IE CRISTIE A. DE /ESS vs. ESTATE OF DECEDENT /AN GA4OA DI+ON G.R. No. "2155 O$%o(r 2, 200 F#$%s& Da"ilo a"# Caroli"a #e >es$s ere arrie# o" (& A$*$st %9'4. It as ithi" this arria*e that the )etitio"ers@ >i"?ie a"# >a,$eli"e ere =or". I" %99% tho$*h@ >$a" Dio" a,?"ole#*e# )etitio"ers as his o" ille*itiate ,hil#re" thro$*h a "otarie# #o,$e"t. Thereater@ >$a" #ie# i"testate a"# )etitio"ers -le# a )ra5er that the5 =e *ive" their le*itie a"# =e re,o*"ie# as ille*itiate ,hil#re" =5 the s$rvivi"* s)o$se a"# le*itiate ,hil#re" o >$a" Dio".

Iss'(& hether or "ot )etitio"ersM le*itia,5 as ,hil#re" o Da"ilo a5 =e i)$*"e# a"# the5 =e re,o*"ie# as ille*itiate ,hil#re" o >$a" Dio".

R'li)*& No. The )etitio"ers ere =or" $"#er the s$=sisti"* arria*e o Da"ilo a"# Caroli"a. It is )res$e# that ,hil#re" =or" i" e#lo,? are le*itiate. This )res$)tio" =e,oes ,o",l$sive i" the a=se",e o )roo that there is )h5si,al i)ossi=ilit5 o a,,ess =etee" the s)o$ses #$ri"* the -rst %(+ #a5s o the &++ #a5s hi,h ie#iatel5 )re,e#es the =irth o the ,hil# #$e to aH the )h5si,al i",a)a,it5 o the h$s=a"# to have ser.@ "o "ae# >oh" Thoas Lo)e. >oh" is "o =ei"* ,laie# =5 A"*elita as her o" so"@ sire# =5 her ,oo"3la h$s=a"# Toas Lo)e #$ri"* their ,oha=itatio". 1ie"ve"i#a "o alle*es that the ,hil# ,a""ot )ossi=l5 =e =or" to A"*elita a"# Toas or it as the latterMs o" =rother ho a#itte# that Toas as re"#ere# sterile@ ,a$se# =5 a" a,,i#e"t. Toas =e*ot "o ,hil#re" ro his le*al arria*e "or ith the ,oha=itatio" ith A"*elita. ToasM =rother eve" testi-e# that Toas hisel a#itte# to hi that the s$=;e,t ,hil# as a#o)te#.

Iss'(& ho ao"* the ,laia"ts is the tr$e )are"t o the s$=;e,t ,hil#.

R'li)*& 1ie"ve"i#a. It as 1ie"ve"i#a ho as a=le to )ro#$,e the ,o)ete"t evi#e",es to esta=lish the ,hil#Ms -liatio" ith her a"# her h$s=a"#. She s$=sta"tiate# her ,lai ith s$i,ie"t ,li"i,al re,or#s@ )rese"ti"* the

)ro)er a"# ,re#i=le it"esses ho assiste# her i" her ,hil#Ms =irth. Not to e"tio" the a,t that it ,o$l# =e rea#il5 o=serve# that 1ie"ve"i#a a"# the ,hil# have stro"* siilarities i" their a,es@ e5es@ e5e=ros a"# hea# sha)es. Rese=la",e =etee" a i"or a"# his alle*e# )are"t is ,o)ete"t a"# aterial evi#e",e to esta=lish )are"ta*e. hereas@ A"*elita ha# =ee" ?"o" to have $"#er*o"e li*atio" 5ears =eore the alle*e# =irth o the ,hil# a"# the a#issio" o ToasM o" =rother that Toas as sterile a?es it i)ossi=le that he a"# A"*elita ,o$l# have )ro#$,e# s$=;e,t ,hil#. 2ore i)orta"tl5@ the =irth ,erti-,ate o the ,hil# state# Toas Lo)e a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t ere le*all5 arrie# hi,h is alse =e,a$se eve" )rivate res)o"#e"t ha# #ata a#itte# she is a ,erti-,ate. ,oo"3la ie. This alse e"tr5 )$ts to #o$=t the other i" sai# =irth

:INDS OF RECOGNITION CAELO CA4ATANIAvs. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 2"1" O$%o(r 2, 200" F#$%s& Flore",ia is the other o the res)o"#e"t. :er h$s=a"# let her i" %9% a"# she as hire# as )etitio"erMs ho$sehol# hel). It as the" that )etitio"er a"# Flore",ia ha# se$a" 2. Al=erto@ elle# =5 a =$llet ro a" assassi"Ms *$"@ #ie# i"testate. :is i#o@ Yola"#a R. Al=erto@ -le# a )etitio" or the a#i"istratio" o his estate. The )etitio" as *ra"te# =$t as reo)e"e# as )etitio"er -le# a otio" that she =e #e,lare# to have a,$ire# the stat$s o a "at$ral ,hil#the a"# =e e"title# share i" thes$,h estate o the #e,ease#. The ,o$rt avore# )etitio"er =$tto CA reverse# r$li"*.

Iss'(& hether or "ot )etitio"er =e #e,lare# to have a,$ire# the stat$s o a "at$ral ,hil#.

R'li)*& Yes. D$ri"* his lietie@ #e,ease# a,te# i" s$,h a a""er as to evi",e his i"te"t to re,o*"ie )etitio"er as his esh a"# =loo#@ -rst@ =5 alloi"* her ro =irth to $se his ail5 "ae se,o"#@ =5 *ivi"* her a"# her other s$s o o"e5 =5 a5 o s$))ort a"# lastl5@ =5 o)e"l5 i"tro#$,i"* her to e=ers o his ail5@ relatives a"# rie"#s as his #a$*hter. S$))lee"ti"* s$,h $"ista?a=le a,ts o re,o*"itio" ere those o his ?i" a"# *a"* ates@ a"# o)e"l5 visiti"* his #a$*hter i" s,hool@ ha# eeti"*s ith her at the 2!PC@ a"iesti"* o)e" a,,e)ta",e o s$,h relatio"shi). Ta?e" alto*ether@ the ,laie# -liatio" o$l# =e har# to #is)rove. De,ease# #ie# #$ri"* the i"orit5 o the )etitio"er@ th$s@ Art (0 o the Civil Co#e allos her to -le a" a,tio" or re,o*"itio" 4 5ears ro the tie she rea,hes a;orit5 a*e. S$,h otio" as -le# seaso"a=l5 =eore the ea"e@ #a$*hter o the #e,ease#@ =$t later o" si*"e# a ,o)roise a*reee"t ith 1e"e#i,?@ re,o*"ii"* the latter as ille*itiate so" o her ather a"# *ivi"* hi his share i" the estate. Atta,he# to the a*reee"t as a SPA a))oi"ti"* 2ar5 >a"e to re)rese"t her =rothers ho are ,o"-"e# i" a e"tal hos)ital. S$,h ,o)roise a*reee"t as a))rove# =5 the ,o$rt@ th$s re$iri"* the ,o)$lsor5 re,o*"itio" o 1e"e#i,?. Thereater@ the D53Chiao =rothers@ thro$*h their $",le@ assaile# s$,h ,o)roise a*reee"t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the re,o*"itio" o 1e"e#i,?Ms ille*itia,5 =5 2ar5 >a"e is vali# =ase# o" the ,o)roise a*reee"t a#e.

R'li)*& No. Arti,le (+&0%H o the Ne Civil Co#e )rovi#es that "o ,o)roise $)o" the ,ivil stat$s o )erso"s shall =e vali#. As s$,h@ )ater"it5 a"# -liatio"@ or the la,? o the sae@ is a relatio"shi) that $st =e ;$#i,iall5 esta=lishe#@ a"# it is or the ,o$rt to #eteri"e its eoh" Thoas Lo)e. >oh" is "o =ei"* ,laie# =5 A"*elita as her o" so"@ sire# =5 her ,oo"3la h$s=a"# Toas Lo)e #$ri"* their ,oha=itatio". 1ie"ve"i#a

"o alle*es that the ,hil# ,a""ot )ossi=l5 =e =or" to A"*elita a"# Toas or it as the latterMs o" =rother ho a#itte# that Toas as re"#ere# sterile@ ,a$se# =5 a" a,,i#e"t. Toas =e*ot "o ,hil#re" ro his le*al arria*e "or ith the ,oha=itatio" ith A"*elita. ToasM =rother eve" testi-e# that Toas hisel a#itte# to hi that the s$=;e,t ,hil# as a#o)te#.

Iss'(& ho ao"* the ,laia"ts is the tr$e )are"t o the s$=;e,t ,hil#.

R'li)*& 1ie"ve"i#a. She )rese"te# s$i,ie"t ,li"i,al re,or#s@ )rese"ti"* the )ro)er a"# ,re#i=le it"esses ho assiste# her i" her ,hil#Ms =irth. Not to e"tio" that it ,o$l# =e rea#il5 o=serve# that 1ie"ve"i#a a"# the ,hil# have stro"* siilarities i" their a,es@ e5es@ e5e=ros a"# hea# sha)es. Rese=la",e =etee" a i"or a"# his alle*e# )are"t is ,o)ete"t a"# aterial evi#e",e to esta=lish )are"ta*e. hereas@ A"*elita ha# =ee" ?"o" to have $"#er*o"e li*atio" 5ears =eore the alle*e# =irth o the ,hil# a"# the a#issio" o ToasM o" =rother that Toas as sterile a?es it i)ossi=le that he a"# A"*elita sire# s$=;e,t ,hil#. 2ore i)orta"tl5@ the =irth ,erti-,ate o the ,hil# state# Toas Lo)e a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t ere le*all5 arrie# hi,h is alse =e,a$se eve" A"*elita ha# a#itte# she is a ,oo"3la ie. This alse e"tr5 )$ts to #o$=t the other #ata i" sai# =irth ,erti-,ate. I" this ,ase@ the S$)ree Co$rt a#e e"tio" o the DNA test or i#e"ti-,atio" a"# )are"ta*e testi"*. The DNA ro the other@ the alle*e# ather a"# ,hil# are a"al5e# to esta=lish )are"ta*e. The $se o DNA test as evi#e",e is still o)e" to ,halle"*e@ =$t as the a))ro)riate ,ase ,oes@ ,o$rts sho$l# "ot hesit ate to r$le o" its a#issi=ilit5. Tho$*h it is "ot "e,essar5 i" this ,ase to resort to DNA testi"*@ i" $t$re it o$l# =e $se$l to all ,o",er"e# i" the )ro)t resol$tio" o )are"ta*e a"# i#e"tit5 iss$es.

RLES ON DNA EVIDENCE AGSTIN V. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 62!5 /')( !, 200! F#$%s&

Res)o"#e"ts Fe A"*ela a"# her so"@ 2arti" s$e# 2arti"Ms alle*e# =iolo*i,al ather@ )etitio"er A*$sti"@ or s$))ort a"# s$))ort )e"#e"te lite =eore the RTC. The res)o"#e"ts alle*e# that the )etitio"er i)re*"ate# her a"# =ore a so" 2arti" o$t o e#lo,?. The =a=5Ms =irth ,erti-,ate as )$r)orte#l5 si*"e# =5 the )etitio"er as the ather. Ar"el eve" sho$l#ere# the )re"atal a"# hos)ital e$"e (+++@ the trial ,o$rt #e"ie# )etitio"erMs otio" or re,o"si#eratio". !" (9 Nove=er (+++@ the a))ellate ,o$rt iss$e# a #e,isio" #e"5i"* the )etitio" a"# airi"* the $estio"e# !r#ers o the trial ,o$rt. The a))ellate ,o$rt state# that )etitio"er erel5 #esires to ,orre,t the trial ,o$rtMs eval$atio" o evi#e",e. Th$s@ a))eal is a" availa=le ree#5 or a" error o ;$#*e"t that the ,o$rt a5 ,oit i" the e$"e %&@%997 the i"ors ere re)rese"te# =5 their other Ree#ios !a"es ho -le# a )etitio" or the iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" =eore the RTC o 2a?ati Cit5. Petitio"er ho is o"e o the ,hil#re" o the #e,ease# ith his s$rvivi"* s)o$se@ -le# or the #isissal o the )etitio" alle*i"* that his ather let "o #e=ts he",e@ his estate a5 =e settle# itho$t the iss$a",e o letters a#i"istratio". The other heirs -le# a ;oi"t otio" to #isiss alle*i"* that the ,erti-,atio" o "o"3or$ sho))i"* sho$l# have =ee" si*"e# =5 Ree#ios a"# "ot =5 ,o$"sel. Petitio"ers $rther alle*e# that the ,lai has =ee" )ai# a"# aive# =5 reaso" o a Release o Clai or aiver stati"* that i" ea)a"ese "atio"al a"# is )rese"tl5 resi#i"* i" >a)a". The )etitio"er )ra5s that the ,$sto#5 o his so" 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a =e *ive" to hi as his =iolo*i,al ather a"# has #eo"strate# his ,a)a=ilit5 to s$))ort a"# e#$,ate hi.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the "at$ral ather a5 =e #e"ie# the ,$sto#5 a"# )are"tal ,are o his o" ,hil# i" the a=se",e o the other ho is aa5.

R'li)*& :avi"* =ee" =or" o$tsi#e a vali# arria*e@ the i"or is #eee# a" ille*itiate ,hil# o )etitio"er a"# Res)o"#e"t Loreta. Arti,le %7' o the Fail5 Co#e o the Phili))i"es ea"$ar5 %97@ he" she isse# her e"str$atio"@ she sai# she rote )etitio"er that she eare# she as )re*"a"t.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the -liatio" o Ver"a Aia Posa#a as the ille*itiate ,hil# o )etitio"er as )rove".

R'li)*& The letters are )rivate ha"#ritte" i"str$e"ts o )etitio"er hi,h esta=lish Ver"a AiaMs -liatio" $"#er Arti,le %7( (H o the Fail5 Co#e. I" a##itio"@ the arra5s o evi#e",e )rese"te# =5 res)o"#e"ts@ the #ates@ letters@ )i,t$res a"# testio"ies@ to $s@ are ,o"vi",i"*@ a"# irre$ta=le evi#e",e that Ver"a Aia is@ i"#ee#@ )etitio"erMs ille*itiate ,hil#. Petitio"er "ot o"l5 aile# to re=$t the evi#e",e )rese"te#@ he hisel )rese"te# "o evi#e",e o his o". :is =are #e"ials are telli"*. ell3settle# is the r$le that #e"ials@ i $"s$=sta"tiate# a"# evi#e",e@ are "e*ative a"# sel3servi"* hi,h erit =5 "o ,lear ei*ht i" ,o"vi",i"* la a"# ,a""ot =e *ive" *reater evi#e"tiar5 val$e over the testio"5 o ,re#i=le it"esses ho testi5 o" airative atters.


D($((r52 , 00


!"e ater"oo" i" !,to=er@ %99%@ (%35ear ol# vi,ti 2ila Lo=ri,o@ a e"tal retar#ate@ a"# her %%35ear ol# sister@ >$#ith@ ere s$o"e# =5 >$sti"ia"o Gla=o@ their ater"al $",le@ to his ho$se. :e tol# the to ash the ,lothes o his ie. Ater the to sisters -"ishe# their ,hore@ a,,$se#3 a))ella"t or#ere# >$#ith to ash the #ishes i" the "ear=5 ,ree?@ a=o$t (++ eters aa5 ro his ho$se. he" >$#ith as *o"e@ a,,$se#3a))ella"t #ra**e# 2ila ro the 5ar#@ here she as ha"*i"* the ashe# ,lothes@ i"to the ho$se. :e )$she# her to the oor a"# a#e her lie #o". :e $"#resse# the vi,ti@ a"# the" he i"serte# his )e"is i"to her )rivate or*a" a"# a#e )$sh a"# )$ll ot io"s. 2ila as over) oere# =5 a,,$ se#3 a))ella"tMs =r$te stre"*th. She sho$te# or hel)@ =$t there ere "o "ei*h=ors "ear=5. S$##e"l5@ it starte# to rai" har#@ so >$#ith ha# to r$" =a,? to the ho$se or shelter. She e"t #ire,tl5 $"#er the ho$se@ hi,h as elevate# & eet a=ove the *ro$"#. hile $"#er"eath the ho$se@ she hear# soeo"e ,r5i"* o" the oor a=ove. She loo?e# $) thro$*h the =a=oo oor a"# sa a,,$se#3a))ella"t o" to) o her el#er sister. 1oth ere "a?e#. >$#ith e"t

to the ?it,he"@ a"# she sa a,,$se#3a))ella"tMs )e"is as he stoo# $) a"# raise# his =ries. The to *irls e"t hoe sile"tl5. The5 #i# "ot sa5 a or# a=o$t the i",i#e"t. :oever@ the vi,ti =e,ae )re*"a"t as a res$lt o the ra)e@ a"# ater si< o"ths her ,o"# itio" ,o$l# "o lo"*e r =e ,o",eale#. Severi"o Lo=ri,o@ 2ilaMs ather@ ,o"ro"te# her@ =$t she sai# "othi"*. It as her sister@ >$#ith@ ho tol# their ather that a,,$se#3a))ella"t ra)e# 2ila. Severi"o =ro$*ht 2ila to the )oli,e a"# -le# a ,o)lai"t or ra)e =eore the 2$"i,i)al Trial Co$rt.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the os)ri"* is ille*itiate.

R'li)*& Arti,le &40 o the Revise# Pe"al Co#e )rovi#es or three ?i"#s o ,ivil lia=ilit5 that a5 =e i)ose# o" the oe"#erJ aH i"#e"i-,atio"@ =H a,?"ole#*ee"t o the os)ri"*@ $"less the la sho$l# )reve"t hi ro so #oi"*@ a"# ,H i" ever5 ,ase to s$))ort the os)ri"*. ith the )assa*e o the Fail5 Co#e@ the ,lassi-,atio" o a,?"ole#*e# "at$ral ,hil#re" a"# "at$ral ,hil#re" =5 le*al -,tio" as elii"ate# a"# the5 "o all $"#er the s)e,ie o ille*itiate ,hil#re". Si",e )are"tal a$thorit5 is veste# =5 Arti,le %7' o the Fail5 Co#e $)o" the other a"# ,o"si#eri"* that a" oe"#er se"te",e# to reclusion perpetua a$toati,all5 loses the )oer to e. is a" ille*itiate ,hil# si",e at the tie o his ,o",e)tio"@ his ather Villar@ as arrie# to a"other oa" other tha" his other. As s$,h@ )$rs$a"t to Art. %7'@ FC@ he is $"#er the )are"tal a$thorit5 o his other@ ho@ as a ,o"se$e",e o s$,h a$thorit5@ is e"title# to have ,$sto#5 o hi. A"# =e,a$se she has =ee" #e)rive# o her ri*ht$l ,$sto#5 o her ,hil# =5 Villar@ Daisie is e"title# to iss$a",e o the rit o ha=eas ,or)$s. R$le %+(@ Se,. % a?es "o #isti",tio" =etee" the ,ase o a other ho is se)arate# ro her h$s=a"# a"# is e"title# to the ,$sto#5 o her ,hil# a"# that o a other o a" ille*itiate ,hil# ho@ =5 la@ is veste# ith sole )are"tal a$thorit5@ =$t is #e)rive# o her ri*ht$l ,$sto#5 o her ,hil#. The a,t that Villar has re,o*"ie# the Christo)her a5 =e a *ro$"# or or#eri"* hi to *ive s$))ort to the latter@ =$t "ot or *ivi"* hi ,$sto#5 o the ,hil#. 6"#er Arti,le (%&@ FC@ O"o ,hil# $"#er seve" 5ears o a*e shall =e se)arate# ro the other $"less the ,o$rt -"#s ,o)elli"* reaso"s to or#er otherise.O

GRN . o. 0!69


F#$%s& !" Fe=r$ar5 7@ %94%@ Dr. A"to"io #e Sa"tos arrie# So-a 1o"a@ hi,h $"io" as =lesse# ith a #a$*hter@ herei" )etitio"er 2aria Rosario #e Sa"tos. Ater soe tie@ their relatio"shi) =e,ae strai"e# to the =rea?i"* )oi"t. Thereater@ A"to"io ell i" love ith a ello #o,tor@ Co",hita Tala*@ )rivate res)o"#e"t herei". A"to"io so$*ht a oral #issol$tio" o his -rst arria*e =5 o=tai"i"* a #ivor,e #e,ree ro a Neva#a ,o$rt i" %949. A"to"io )ro,ee#e# to To?5o@ >a)a" i" %90% to arr5 )rivate res)o"#e"t@ ith ho he ha# =ee" ,oha=iti"* si",e his #e a,tose)aratio" ro So-a. This $"io" )ro#$,e# eleve" ,hil#re". !" 2ar,h &+@ %9'7@ So-a #ie# i" G$ateala. Less tha" a o"th later@ o" A)ril (&@ %9'7@ A"to"io a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t ,o"tra,te# a arria*e i" Ta*a5ta5Cit5 ,ele=rate# $"#er Phili))i"e las. !" 2ar,h @ %9%@ A"to"io

#ie# i"testate leavi"* )ro)erties ith a" estiate# val$e o P%0@ +++@+++.++. !" 2a5 %0@ %9%@ )rivate res)o"#e"t e"t to ,o$rt or the iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" i" her avor i" ,o""e,tio" ith the settlee"t o her late h$s=a"#s estate. She alle*e#@ ao"* other thi"*s@ that the #e,e#e"t as s$rvive# =5 telve le*itiate heirs@ "ael5@ hersel@ their te" s$rvivi"* ,hil#re"@ a"# )etitio"er. Ater si< 5ears o )rotra,te# i"testate )ro,ee#i"*s@ hoever@ )etitio"er #e,i#e# to i"terve"e. Th$s@ i" a otio" she -le# soetie i" Nove=er %97@ she ar*$e# i"ter aliathat )rivate res)o"#e"ts ,hil#re"the ere ille*itiate. This as res)o"#e"t altho$*h latter a#itte# #$ri"* the ,halle"*e# heari"* that=5 all)rivate her ,hil#re" ere =or" )rior to So-as #eath i" %9'7. The ,o$rt@ #e,lare# )rivate res)o"#e"ts te" ,hil#re" le*itiate# a"# there$)o" i"stit$te# a"# #e,lare# the@ alo"* ith )etitio"er a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t@ as the heirs o A"to"io #e Sa"tos. :e",e@ she -le# the i"sta"t )etitio" or certiorari o" >$"e %'@ %99(@ ,o"te"#i"* that si",e o"l5 "at$ral ,hil#re" ,a" =e le*itiie#@ the trial ,o$rt ista?e"l5 #e,lare# as le*itiate# her hal =rothers a"# sisters.

Iss'(& hether or "ot "at$ral ,hil#re" =5 le*al -,tio" =e le*itiie#.

R'li)*& Art. ('9. !"l5 "at$ral ,hil#re" ,a" =e le*itiate#. Chil#re" =or" o$tsi#e e#lo,? o )are"ts@ ho@ at the tie o the ,o",e)tio" o the orer@ ere "ot #is$ali-e# =5 a"5 i)e#ie"t to arr5 ea,h other@ are "at$ral. I" other or#s@ a ,hil#s )are"ts sho$l# "ot have =ee" #is$ali-e# to arr5 ea,h other at the tie o ,o",e)tio" or hi to $ali5 as a O"at$ral ,hil#.O I" the ,ase at =e",h@ there is "o $estio" that all the ,hil#re" =or" to )rivate res)o"#e"t a"# #e,ease# A"to"io #e Sa"tos ere ,o",eive# a"# =or" he" the latters vali# arria*e to )etitio"ers other as still s$=sisti"*. That )rivate res)o"#e"t a"# the #e,e#e"t ere arrie# a=roa# ater the latter o=tai"e# i" Neva#[email protected]. a #e,ree o #ivor,e ro his le*itiate ie #oes "ot ,ha"*e this a,t@ or a #ivor,e *ra"te# a=roa# as "ot re,o*"ie# i" this ;$ris#i,tio" at the tie. Evi#e"tl5@ the #e,e#e"t as aare o this a,t@ hi,h is h5 he ha# to have the arria*e sole"ie# i" To?5o@ o$tsi#e o the Phili))i"es. It a5 =e a##e# here that he as li?eise aare o the "$llit5 o the To?5o arria*e or ater his le*itiate@ tho$*h estra"*e# ie #ie#@ he hastil5 ,o"tra,te# a"other arria*e ith )rivate res)o"#e"t@ this tie here i" Ta*a5ta5@ atte"tio" $st =e #ra" to the a,t that this ,ase has =ee" #e,i#e# $"#er the )rovisio"s o the Civil Co#e@ "ot the Fail5 Co#e hi,h "o re,o*"ies o"l5 to ,lasses o ,hil#re"J

le*itiate a"# ille*itiate. ONat$ral ,hil#re" =5 le*al -,tio"O are "othi"* i "ot )$re -,tio".


A4ADILLA vs. TA4ILIRAN A No. T/-92-56

O$%o(r 2!, 99!

F#$%s& 2a. 1l5th A=a#illa@ a Cler? o Co$rt@ -le# a ,o)lai"t a*ai"st >$#*e Ta=ilira" o" the *ro$"#s o *ross ioralit5@ #e,eit$l ,o"#$,t@ a"# ,orr$)tio" $"=e,oi"* o a ;$#*e. ith res)e,t to the ,har*e o" *ross ioralit5@ she ,o"te"#e# that the ;$#*e s,a"#alo$sl5 a"# )$=li,l5 ,oha=ite# ith Pris,illa 1a5=a5a" #$ri"* s$=siste",e o his arria*e ith Teresita 1a"$ela. Ta=ilira" a"# Pris,illa *ot arrie# i" 2a5 %9'. !" the other ha"#@ ith res)e,t to the ,har*e o" #e,eit$l ,o"#$,t@ )etitio"er ,lais that the ;$#*e ,a$se# his & ille*itiate ,hil#re" ith Pris,illa =e re*istere# as le*itiate =5 alsel5 eose)h Al,ala.Arti,le %4@ )ara*ra)h three o Er@ a e=er o the 6"ite# States Air For,e@ is a" Aeri,a" ,itie" ho resi#e# at the Clar? Air 1ase i" Pa)a"*a. :is ie Rosali"a is a orer Fili)i"o ho =e,ae a "at$ralie# Aeri,a". The5 have to ,hil#re". 2ari,el a"# Alvi" D$e@ as ell as their "at$ral )are"ts@ *ave their ,o"se"t to the a#o)tio". The Re)$=li, -le# this )etitio" or revie o" a )$re $estio" o la@ ,o"te"#i"* that the s)o$ses D5e are "ot $ali-e# $"#er the la to a#o)t

2ari,el a"# Alvi" D$e. As a *e"eral r$le@ alie"s ,a""ot a#o)t Fili)i"o ,itie"s. Sa$el Ro=ert D5e@ >r. ho is a" Aeri,a" a"#@ thereore@ a" alie" is #is$ali-e# ro a#o)ti"* the i"ors 2ari,el a"# Alvi" D$e =e,a$se he #oes "ot all $"#er a"5 o the three aore $ote# eose)h A"tho"5@ =or" o" >a"$ar5 &@ %9%. D$ri"* the earl5 5ears o their arria*e@ the Ca"* ,o$)leMs relatio"shi) as $"#ist$r=e#. Not lo"* thereater@ hoever@ A""a 2arie lear"e# o her h$s=a"#Ms alle*e# e$#i,ial Distri,t Co$rt o the State o Neva#a. Sai# ,o$rt iss$e# the #ivor,e #e,ree that also *ra"te# sole ,$sto#5 o the three i"or ,hil#re" to A""a 2arie@ reservi"* Kri*hts o visitatio" at all reaso"a=le ties a"# )la,es to )etitio"er. Thereater@ )etitio"er too? a" Aeri,a" ie a"# th$s =e,ae a "at$ralie# Aeri,a" ,itie". I" %9'@ he #ivor,e# his Aeri,a" ie a"# "ever rearrie#.6)o" lear"i"* o the )etitio" or a#o)tio"@ )etitio"er ie#iatel5 ret$r"e# to the Phili))i"es a"# -le# a" o))ositio" thereto@ alle*i"* that@ altho$*h )rivate res)o"#e"ts Ro"al# a"# 2aria Clara Clava"o ere -"a",iall5 ,a)a=le o s$))orti"* the ,hil#re" hile his -"a",es ere Ktoo ea*er ,o)are# to theirs@ he ,o$l# "ot Ki" ,o"s,ie",e@ allo a"5=o#5 to stri) hi o his )are"tal a$thorit5 over his =elove# ,hil#re".

Pe"#i"* resol$tio" o the )etitio" or a#o)tio"@ )etitio"er ove# to rea,$ire ,$sto#5 over his ,hil#re" alle*i"* that A""a 2arie ha# tra"serre# to the 6"ite# States there=5 leavi"* ,$sto#5 o their ,hil#re" to )rivate res)o"#e"ts. !" >a"$ar5 %%@ %9@ the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o Ce=$ Cit5@ 1ra",h %9@ iss$e# a" or#er -"#i"* that A""a 2arie ha#@ i" ee,t@ reli"$ishe# ,$sto#5 over the ,hil#re" a"#@ thereore@ s$,h ,$sto#5 sho$l# =e tra"serre# to the ather. The ,o$rt the" #ire,te# the Clava"os to #eliver ,$sto#5 over the i"ors to )etitio"er.


Ca" i"or ,hil#re" =e le*all5 a#o)te# itho$t the ritte" ,o"se"t o a "at$ral )are"t o" the *ro$"# that the latter has a=a"#o"e# the

R'li)*J This Co$rt -"#s that =oth the loer ,o$rt a"# the Co$rt o A))eals aile# to a))re,iate a,ts a"# ,ir,$sta",es that sho$l# have eli,ite# a #iere"t ,o",l$sio" o" the iss$e o hether )etitio"er has so a=a"#o"e# his ,hil#re"@ there=5 a?i"* his ,o"se"t to the a#o)tio" $""e,essar5. I" its or#i"ar5 se"se@ the or# Ka=a"#o" ea"s to orsa?e e"tirel5@ to orsa?e or re"o$",e $tterl5. The #i,tio"aries tra,e this or# to the root i#ea o K)$tti"* $"#er a =a". The e)hasis is o" the -"alit5 a"# )$=li,it5 ith hi,h a thi"* or =o#5 is th$s )$t i" the ,o"trol o a"other@ he",e@ the ea"i"* o *ivi"* $) a=sol$tel5@ ith i"te"t "ever to res$e or ,lai o"eMs ri*hts or i"terests. I" reere",e to a=a"#o"e"t o a ,hil# =5 his )are"t@ the a,t o a=a"#o"e"t i)orts Ka"5 ,o"#$,t o the )are"t hi,h evi",es a settle# )$r)ose to ore*o all )are"tal #$ties a"# reli"$ish all )are"tal ,lais to the ,hil#. It ea"s K"e*le,t or re$sal to )eror the "at$ral a"# le*al o=li*atio"s o ,are a"# s$))ort hi,h )are"ts oe their ,hil#re". I" the i"sta"t ,ase@ re,or#s #is,lose that )etitio"erMs ,o"#$,t #i# "ot a"iest a settle# )$r)ose to ore*o all )are"tal #$ties a"# reli"$ish all )are"tal ,lais over his ,hil#re" as to ,o"s tit$te a=a"#o"e"t. Ph5si,al estra"*ee"t alo"e@ itho$t -"a",ial a"# oral #esertio"@ is "ot ta"tao$"t to a=a"#o"e"t. hile a#itte#l5@ )etitio"er as )h5si,all5 a=se"t as he as the" i" the 6"ite# States@ he as "ot reiss i" his "at$ral a"# le*al o=li*atio"s o love@ ,are a"# s$))ort or his ,hil#re". :e ai"tai"e# re*$lar ,o$"i,atio" ith his ie a"# ,hil#re" thro$*h letters a"# tele)ho"e. :e $se# to se"# )a,?a*es =5 ail a"# ,atere# to their his. t a=a"#o"e# the.The $estio"e# De,isio" a"# Resol$tio" o the Co$rt o A))eals@ as ell as the #e,isio" o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o

Ce=$@ are SET ASIDE there=5 #e"5i"* the )etitio" or a#o)tio" o 8eith@ Charai"e a"# >ose)h A"tho"5@ all s$r"ae# Ca"*@ =5 the s)o$se res)o"#e"ts Ro"al# a"# 2aria Clara Clava"o. This De,isio" is ie#iatel5 e$ve"ile a"# Doesti, Relatio"s Co$rts@ has a#e a ,ase st$#5 o the ,hil# to =e a#o)te#@ his "at$ral )are"ts as ell as the )ros)e,tive a#o)ti"* )are"ts@ a"# has s$=itte# its re)ort a"# re,oe"#atio"s o" the atter to the ,o$rt heari"* s$,h )etitio". The De)arte"t o So,ial elare shall i"terve"e o" =ehal o the ,hil# i it -"#s@ ater s$,h ,ase st$#5@ that the )etitio" sho$l# =e #e"ie#. Cir,$lar No. %(@ as a ,o)lee"tar5 eas$re@ as iss$e# =5 this Co$rt )re,isel5 to o=viate the isha"#li"* o a#o)tio" ,ases =5 ;$#*es@ )arti,$larl5 i" res)e,t to the aoree"tio"e# ,ase st$#5 to =e ,o"#$,te# i" a,,or#a",e ith Arti,le && o Presi#e"tial De,ree No. '+& =5 the DSD itsel a"# i"volvi"* the ,hil# to =e a#o)te#@ its "at$ral )are"ts@ a"# the a#o)ti"* )are"ts. It #e-"itivel5 #ire,ts Re*io"al Trial Co$rts heari"* a#o)tio" ,asesJ

%H To N!TIFY the 2i"istr5 o So,ial Servi,es a"# Develo)e"t@ thr$ its lo,al a*e",5@ o the -li"* o a#o)tio" ,ases or the )e"#e",5 thereo ith res)e,t to those ,ases alrea#5 -le# (H To stri,tl5 C!2PLY ith the re$iree"t i" Arti,le && o the aoresai# #e,ree . . . The Sta Assista"t V. So,ial or?erH o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rts@ i a"5@ shall ,oor#i"ate ith the 2i"istr5 o So,ial Servi,es a"# Develo)e"t re)rese"tatives i" the )re)aratio" a"# s$=ittal o s$,h ,ase st$#5. .The error o" the )art o =oth res)o"#e"t ;$#*e a"# so,ial or?er is th$s all too evi#e"t. P$rs$a"t to Cir,$lar No. %(@ the )ro)er ,o$rse that res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sho$l# have ta?e" as to "oti5 the DSD at the o$tset a=o$t the ,oe",ee"t o S)e,ial Pro,ee#i"* No. 0&+ so that the ,orres)o"#i"* ,ase st$#5 ,o$l# have =ee" a,,or#i"*l5 ,o"#$,te# =5 sai# #e)arte"t hi,h $"#o$=te#l5 has the "e,essar5 ,o)ete",e@ ore tha" that )ossesse# =5 the ,o$rt so,ial elare oi,er@ to a?e the )ro)er re,oe"#atio". 2oreover@ res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sho$l# "ever have erel5 )res$e# that it as ro$ti"el5 or the so,ial elare oi,er to ,oor#i"ate ith the DSD re*ar#i"* the a#o)tio" )ro,ee#i"*s. It as his #$t5 to ea"$ar5 (&@ %99(@ the Co$rt o A))eals aire# in toto the #e,isio" o the RTC. The Co$rt o A))eals r$le# that the ,ase o Cru@ v. Aepublic@ i"vo?e# =5 the )etitio" er i" s$))ort o its )lea that the trial ,o$rt #i# "ot a,$ire ;$ris#i,tio" over the ,ase@ as i"a))li,a=le =e,a$se that ,ase i"volve# a s$=sta"tial error. Li?e the trial ,o$rt@ it hel# that to re$ire the )etitio"ers to -le a se)arate )etitio" or ,orre,tio" o "ae o$l# e"tail Oa##itio"al tie a"# eose-"a 2ortera as her sole a"# $"iversal heir to all the reai"#er o her )ro)erties "ot otherise #is)ose# o i" the ill. Vi,e"te Teoti,o -le# a )etitio" or the )ro=ate o the ill =eore the CIF o 2a"ila hi,h as set or heari"* ater the re$isite )$=li,atio" a"# servi,e to all )arties ,o",er"e#. A"a #el Val Cha"@ ,laii"* to =e a" a#o)te# ,hil# o Fra",is,a 2ortera@ a #e,ease# sister o the testatriose =e,ae a"iest o"l5 ater the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*e he" he re$e"tl5 aile# to *o hoe@ i"#$l*e# i" oa"ii"* a"# irres)o"si=le a,tivities@ s$,h as@ isa"a*i"* the ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s i" or#er to save hat as let o the ,o";$*al )ro)erties@ she as or,e# to a*ree ith >ose o" the #issol$tio" o their ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s a"# the se)aratio" o )rese"t a"# $t$re )ro)erties sai# a*reee"t as a))rove# =5 the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o 2a?ati Cit5 1ra",h %49H i"a"# a De,isio" #ate# Fe=r$ar5 %994 the5 ha#o lo"* =ee" se)arate# i" =e# =oar# the5 have a*ree#(@ that the ,$sto#5 their ,hil# ill =e ith her@ s$=;e,t to visitatio" ri*hts o >ose. A#ria"a )ra5e# that the arria*e =etee" her a"# >ose =e #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# =$t she aile# to ,lai a"# )ra5 or the s$))ort o their ,hil#@ >oh" Pa$l.

Iss'(J Sho$l# >ose *ive the ,orres)o"#i"* s$))ort

R'li)*J The Pasa5 RTC sho$l# have =ee" aare that i" #eteri"i"* the ao$"t o s$))ort to =e aar#e#@ s$,h ao$"t sho$l# =e i" )ro)ortio" to the reso$r,es or ea"s o the *iver a"# the "e,essities o the re,i)ie"t@ )$rs$a"t to Arti,les %94@ (+% a"# (+( o the Fail5 Co#e. It is i",$=e"t $)o" the trial ,o$rt to =ase its aar# o s$))ort o" the evi#e",e )rese"te# =eore it. The evi#e",e $st )rove the ,a)a,it5 or reso$r,es o =oth )are"ts ho are ;oi"tl5 o=li*e# to s$))ort their ,hil#re" as )rovi#e# or $"#er Arti,le %90 o the Fail5 Co#e a"# the o"thl5 eoe5 D. 1rio"es -le# a Petitio" or :a=eas Cor)$s a*ai"st res)o"#e"ts 2ari,el Pi"e#a 2i*$el a"# Fra",is,a Pi"e#a 2i*$el@ to o=tai" ,$sto#5 o his i"or ,hil# 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a. !" A)ril (0@ (++(@ the )etit io"er -le# a" Ae"#e# Petitio" to i",l$#e Loreta P. 2i*$el@ the other o the i"or@ as o"e o the res)o"#e"ts. A rit o :a=eas Cor)$s as iss$e# =5 this Co$rt o" 2ar,h %%@ (++( or#eri"* the res)o"#e"ts to )ro#$,e =eore this Co$rt the livi"* =o#5 o the i"or 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a o" 2ar,h (%@ (++( at (J++ oM,lo,? i" the ater"oo". The )etitio"er alle*es that the i"or 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a is his ille*itiate so" ith res)o"#e"t Loreta P. 2i*$el. :e as =or" i" >a)a" o" Se)te=er %7@ %99' as evi#e",e# =5 his 1irth Certi-,ate. The res)o"#e"t Loreta P. 2i*$el is "o arrie# to a >a)a"ese "atio"al a"# is )rese"tl5 resi#i"* i" >a)a". Res)o"#e"t Loreta P. 2i*$el )ra5s that the ,$sto#5 o her i"or ,hil# =e *ive" to her a"# i"vo?es Arti,le (%&@ Para*ra)h ( o the Fail5 Co#e a"# Arti,le &'& o the Civil Co#e o the Phili))i"es

Iss'(J hether or "ot as the "at$ral ather@ a5 =e #e"ie# the ,$sto#5 a"# )are"tal ,are o his o" ,hil# i" the a=se",e o the other ho is aa5.

R'li)*J Petitio"er ,o",e#es that Res)o"#e"t Loreta has )reere"tial ri*ht over their i"or ,hil#. :e i"sists@ hoever@ that ,$sto#5 sho$l# =e aar#e# to hi he"ever she leaves or >a)a" a"# #$ri"* the )erio# that she sta5s there. I" other or#s@ he a"ts ;oi"t ,$sto#5 over the i"or@ s$,h that the other o$l# have ,$sto#5 he" she is i" the ,o$"tr5. 1$t he" she is a=roa#@ he 33 as the =iolo*i,al ather 33 sho$l# have ,$sto#5. A,,or#i"* to )etitio"er@ Loreta is "ot ala5s i" the ,o$"tr5. he" she is a=roa#@ she ,a""ot ta?e ,are o their ,hil#. The $"#e"ia=le a,t@ he a##s@ is that she lives ost o the tie i" >a)a"@ as evi#e",e# =5 her S)e,ial Poer o Attor"e5 #ate# 2a5 (@ (++%@ *ra"ti"* to her sister te)orar5 ,$sto#5 over the i"or. At )rese"t@ hoever@ the ,hil# is alrea#5 ith his other i" >a)a"@ here he is st$#5i"*@ 9 th$s re"#eri"* )etitio"erMs ar*$e"t oot. hile the

Petitio" or :a=eas Cor)$s as )e"#i"* =eore the CA@ )etitio"er -le# o" >$l5 &+@ (++(@ a" O6r*e"t 2otio" or a :ol# De)art$re !r#er@O alle*i"* therei" that res)o"#e"ts ere )re)ari"* the travel )a)ers o the i"or so the ,hil# ,o$l# ;oi" his other a"# her >a)a"ese h$s=a"#. The CA #e"ie# the 2otio" or la,? o erit. :avi"* =ee" =or" o$tsi#e a vali# arria*e@ the i"or is #eee# a" ille*itiate ,hil# o )etitio"er a"# Res)o"#e"t Loreta. Arti,le %7' o the Fail5 Co#e o the Phili))i"es e$l5 (%@ %994 ith the Co$rt o A))eals. The Co$rt o A))eals@ hoever@ #isisse# the )etitio" a"# i"stea# aire# the or#er o the trial ,o$rt. Not ,o"te"te#@ Re"e a))eale# the resol$tio" o the Co$rt o A))eals airi"* the or#er #ate# >$l5 (%@ %994 =eore this Co$rt. !" >$l5 %7@ %990@ the Co$rt resolve# to #isiss the )etitio" or ail$re o )etitio"er Re"e to sho that *rave a=$se o #is,retio" ha# =ee" ,oitte# =5 the a))ellate ,o$rt. !" A$*$st %0@ %990@ L$,ia -le# ith the trial ,o$rt a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" ith )ra5er or the iss$a",e o a rit o )relii"ar5 i";$",tio". She so$*ht re#ress #$e to a" alle*e# i",i#e"t o" >$l5 0@ %990@ i" hi,h her estra"*e# h$s=a"# )h5si,all5 a=$se# their so" >$sti". D$e to the i",i#e"t@ a ,rii"al ,o)lai"t or sli*ht )h5si,al i";$ries as -le# o" >$l5 %990 a*ai"st Re"e =5 his so" >$sti" ith the 2etro)olita" Trial Co$rt o 2a?ati o" the =asis o >$sti"Ms ,o)lai"t3ai#avit. !" A$*$st %'@ %990@ the trial ,o$rt iss$e# a te)orar5 restrai"i"* or#er a*ai"st hi a"# set the heari"* o the otio". Ater it as #e,i#e# i" avor o L$isa@ Re"e -le# a )etitio" or ,ertiorari $"#er R$le '0 o the Revise# R$les o Co$rt =eore the Co$rt o A))eals@ alle*i"* *rave a=$se o #is,retio" o" the )art o the trial ,o$rt i" iss$i"* the !,to=er 4@ %990 or#er.

Iss'(& hether or "ot Re"e is #e"ie# o #$e )ro,ess o la.

R'li)*& The trial ,o$rt *ave =oth )arties the o))ort$"it5 to )rese"t their res)e,tive evi#e",e a"# it"esses. A" a#e$ate heari"* as ,o"#$,te# a"#@ =ase# o" the evi#e",e@ the trial ,o$rt #eee# it )ro)er to *ra"t the rit o )relii"ar5 i";$",tio". The assesse"t a"# eval$atio" o evi#e",e i" the iss$a",e o the rit o )relii"ar5 i";$",tio" i"volves -"#i"*s o a,ts or#i"aril5 let to the trial ,o$rt or its ,o",l$sive #eteri"atio". It is a $"#ae"tal a"# settle# r$le that ,o",l$sio"s a"# -"#i"*s o a,t =5 the trial ,o$rt are e"title# to *reat ei*ht a"# sho$l# "ot =e #ist$r=e# o" a))eal@ $"less stro"* a"# ,o*e"t reaso"s #i,tate otherise. This is =e,a$se the trial ,o$rt is i" a =etter )ositio" to e.@ as =or" o" 2ar,h 9@ %90 to the. Christo )her >. as olloe# =5 to ore ,hil#re"@ =oth *irls@ "ael5 Christi"e@ =or" o" >$"e 9@ %9'@ a"# Cath5 2ae o" A)ril (4@ %9. The relatio"shi) =e,ae ?"o" to )rivate res)o"#e"ts ie he" Daisie too? Christo)her >@ to Villars ho$se at Villa Teresa i" A"*eles Cit5 soetie i" %9' a"# i"tro#$,e# hi to Villars le*al ie. Ater this@ the ,hil#re" o Daisie ere reel5 =ro$*ht =5 Villar to his ho$se as the5 ere eve"t$all5 a,,e)te# =5 his le*al ail5.I" the s$er o %99%@ Villar as?e# Daisie to allo Christo)her >.@ the" si< 5ears o a*e@ to *o ith his ail5 to 1ora,a5. Daisie a*ree#@ =$t ater th e tri)@ Villar re$se# to *ive =a,? the ,hil#. Villar sai# he ha# e"rolle# Christo)her >. at the :ol5 Fail5 A,a#e5 or the "ee""iers a#o)ti"* )are"t a"# )etitio"er s)o$ses Celso a"# A$relia Taar*o@ >e""iers "at$ral )are"ts a*ai"st res)o"#e"t s)o$ses Vi,tor a"# Clara 1$"#o,@ A#el=ertos "at$ral )are"ts ith ho he as livi"* at the tie o the tra*i, i",i#e"t. Prior to the i",i#e"t@ the s)o$ses Sa=as a"# Felisa Ra)is$ra ha# -le# a )etitio" to a#o)t the i"or A#el=erto 1$"#o, i" S)e,ial Pro,ee#i"*s =eore the the" CIF o Ilo,os S$r. This )etitio" or a#o)tio" as *ra"te# that is@ ater A#el=erto ha# shot a"# ?ille# >e""ier. Res)o"#e"t s)o$ses 1$"#o,@ A#el=ertos "at$ral )are"ts@ re,iti"* the res$lt o the ore*oi"* )etitio" or a#o)tio"@ ,laie# that "ot the5@ =$t rather the a#o)ti"* )are"ts@ "ael5 the s)o$ses Sa=as a"# Felisa Ra)is$ra@ ere i"#is)e"sa=le )arties to the a,tio" si",e )are"tal a$thorit5 ha# shite# to the a#o)ti"* )are"ts ro the oe"t the s$,,ess$l )etitio" or a#o)tio" as -le#.

Petitio"ers i" their re)l5 ,o"te"#e# that si",e A#el=erto 1$"#o, as the" a,t$all5 livi"* ith his "at$ral )are"ts@ )are"tal a$thorit5 ha# "ot ,ease# "or =ee" reli"$ishe# =5 the ere -li"* a"# *ra"ti"* o a )etitio" or a#o)tio". The trial ,o$rt #isisse# )etitio"ers ,o)lai"t@ r$li"* that res)o"#e"t "at$ral )are"ts o A#el=erto i"#ee# ere "ot i"#is)e"sa=le )arties to the a,tio".

Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot )etitio"ers@ "otithsta"#i"* loss o their ri*ht to -lea5 the still i"sta"t =H a))eal@ hethera5 the still Co$rt ta?e)etitio". ,o*"ia",e o the ,ase eve" thro$*h )etitio"ers a))eal ha# =ee" -le# o$t o tie.

R'li)*& S$)ree Co$rt *ra"te# the )etitio". Retroa,tive ae,t a5 )erha)s =e *ive" to the *ra"ti"* o the )etitio" or a#o)tio" here s$,h is esse"tial to )erit the a,,r$al o soe =e"e-t or a#va"ta*e i" avor o the a#o)te# ,hil#. I" the i"sta"t ,ase@ hoever@ to hol# that )are"tal a$thorit5 ha# =ee" retroa,tivel5 lo#*e# i" the Ra)is$ra s)o$ses so as to =$r#e" the ith lia=ilit5 or a tortio$s a,t that the5 ,o$l# "ot have oresee" a"# hi,h the5 ,o$l# "ot have )reve"te# o$l# =e $"air a"# $",o"s,io"a=le. Pare"tal lia=ilit5 is a "at$ral or lo*i,al ,o"se$e",e o #$ties a"# res)o"si=ilities o )are"ts@ their )are"tal a$thorit5 hi,h i",l$#es i"str$,ti"*@ ,o"trolli"* a"# #is,i)li"i"* the ,hil#. I" the ,ase at =ar@ #$ri"* the shooti"* i",i#e"t@ )are"tal a$thorit5 over A#el=erto as still lo#*e# ith the "at$ral )are"ts. It ollos that the5 are the i"#is)e"sa=le )arties to the s$it or #a a*es. KPare"ts a"# *$ar#ia"s are res)o"si=le or the #aa*e ,a$se# =5 the ,hil# $"#er their )are"tal a$thorit5 i" a,,or#a",e ith the ,ivil ,o#e.

SECIAL ARENTAL ATORITY A7INAS SCOOL vs. INTON G.R. No. 1"202 /#)'#r8 26, 20 F#$%s& This ,ase is a=o$t the )rivate s,hoolMs lia=ilit5 or the o$tsi#e ,ate,histMs a,t o shovi"* a st$#e"t a"# ?i,?i"* hi o" the le*s he" he #iso=e5e# her i"str$,tio" to reai" i" his seat a"# "ot ove aro$"# the ,lassroo. I" %99@ >ose L$is I"to" >ose L$isH as a *ra#e three st$#e"t at A$i"as S,hool A$i"asH. Res)o"#e"t Sister 2ar*arita Ya5ai" Ya5ai"H@ a reli*io" tea,her ho =e*a" tea,hi"* at that s,hool o"l5 i" >$"e o that 5ear@ ta$*ht >ose L$isM *ra#e three reli*io" ,lass. >ose L$is let

his seat a"# e"t over to a ,lassate to )la5 a ;o?e o s$r)risi"* hi. Ya5ai" "oti,e# this a"# se"t hi =a,? to his seat. Ater a hile@ >ose L$is *ot $) a*ai" a"# e"t over to the sae ,lassate. Ya5ai" a))roa,he# the >ose L$is a"# ?i,?e# hi o" the le*s several ties. She also )$lle# a"# shove# his hea# o" the ,lassateMs seat. She also a#e the ,hil# ,o)5 the "otes o" the =la,?=oar# hile seati"* o" the oor. Res)o"#e"ts >ose a"# Vi,toria I"to" the I"to"sH -le# a" a,tio" or #aa*es o" =ehal o their so" >ose L$is a*ai"st Ya5ai" a"# A$i"as =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt RTCH o Pasi* Cit5 i" Civil Case '74(7. The I"to"s also -le# a ,rii"al a,tio" a*ai"st Ya5ai" or violatio" o Re)$=li, A,t 7'%+ to hi,h she )lea#e# as so$*ht se"te",e# ith oral@ re*ar# to theeose L$isM avor@ hol#i"* Ya5ai" lia=le to hi or oral #aa*es o P(0@+++.++@ eaes Da"iel II a"# his )are"ts@ >aes Da"iel Sr. a"# G$a#a Da"iel@ the vehi,le o"er@ Vive",io Villa"$eva a"# St. 2ar5Ms A,a#e5 =eore the RTC o Di)olo* Cit5 a"# ,laie# or #aa*es.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the )etitio"er St. 2ar5Ms A,a#e5 is lia=le or #aa*es or the #eath o Sheri" Car)ita"os.

R'li)*& GRANTED a"# RE2ANDED to the RTC or #eteri"atio" o a"5 lia=ilit5 o the s,hool. The Co$rt hel# that or the s,hool to =e lia=le there $st =e a -"#i"* that the a,t or oissio" ,o"si#ere# as "e*li*e"t as the )rooh"Ms Cathe#ral@ Da*$)a" Cit5@ hile the sa,rae"t o ,o"-ratio" as =ei"* )erore# =5 the 1isho)@ a a" ro the ,ro# al?e# toar#s the ,e"ter o the altar a"# sat o" the 1isho)Ms ,hair. Crisa"to Sa"tilla"@ ho as a" assista"t@ sa this. :e re$este# the a,,$se# to va,ate@ =$t the latter re$se#. The5 ,alle# o" the *$ar#. Des)ite re)eate# re$est@ he #i# "ot ove. As the *$ar# as atte)ti"* to stri?e the vi,ti ith his "i*htsti,? to a?e hi leave a,,$se#3a))ella"t #re a ?"ie a"# sta==e# 2arara,. :e re)eate# it a lot. Ater@ he *ot $) a"# sho$te# via the i, No o"e ,a" =eat e hered SP!% Fra",is,o sa a a"@ ith re# stai"s o" his shirt a"# a ?"ie i" o"e ha"# sitti"* o" a ,hair. :e a#vise# hi to #ro) the ?"ie. A,,$se#3a))ella"t o=e5e#@ 2arara,@ the se,$rit5 *$ar#@ as =ro$*ht to the hos)ital here he ea"$ar5 @ (++9@ the trial ,o$rt *ra"te# res)o"#e"tMs )etitio". The Re)$=li, o the Phili))i"es Re)$=li,H

-le# a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" =$t it as #e"ie# =5 the trial ,o$rt =5 !r#er o >$l5 (@ (++9@ he",e@ it@ thr$ the !SG@ lo#*e# the )rese"t )etitio" or revie to the Co$rt o" )$re $estio" o la.

Iss'(& aH hether or "ot the )etit io" or ,ha" *e o "ae i"volvi"* ,ha"*e o ,ivil stat$s sho$l# =e a#e thro$*h a))ro)riate a#versarial )ro,ee#i"*s. =H hether or "ot the trial ,o$rt e$l5 %9@ the trial iss$e# a" or#er re$iri"* the iss$a",e o a" alias s$o"s $)o" ALFA thro$*h the D1P as a ,o"se$e",e o Lee a"# La,#aos letter i"ori"* the ,o$rt that the s$o"s or ALFA as erro"eo$sl5 serve# $)o" the ,o"si#eri"* that the a"a*ee"t o ALFA ha# =ee" tra"serre# to the D1P. I" a a"iestatio" #ate# (( >$l5 %9@ the D1P ,laie# that it as "ot a$thorie# to re,eive s$o"s o" =ehal o ALFA si",e the D1P ha# "ot ta?e" over the ,o)a"5 hi,h has a se)arate a"# ,or)orate )erso"alit5 ea"$ar5 %99 a"# #e,lare# that servi,e $)o" Lee a"# La,#ao ho ere "o lo"*er ,or)orate oi,ers o ALFA ,a""ot =e ,o"si#ere# as )ro)er servi,e o s$o"s o" ALFA. !" %0 2a5 %99@ Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. ove# or a re,o"si#eratio" o the !r#er hi,h as aire# =5 the ,o$rt i" is !r#er #ate# %4 A$*$st %99 #e"5i"* Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al.s otio" or re,o"si#eratio". !" % Se)te=er %99@ a )etitio" or ,ertiorari as =elate#l5 s$=itte# =5 Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. =eore the Co$rt o A))eals hi,h@ "o"etheless@ resolve# to *ive #$e ,o$rse thereto o" (% Se)te=er %99. !" %7 !,to=er %99@ the trial ,o$rt@ "ot havi"* =ee" "oti-e# o the

)e"#i"* )etitio" or ,ertiorari ith the a))ellate ,o$rt iss$e# a" !r#er #e,lari"* as -"al the !r#er #ate# (0 A)ril %99. Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. i" the sai# !r#er ere re$ire# to ta?e )ositive ste)s i" )rose,$ti"* the thir# )art5 ,o)lai"t i" or#er that the ,o$rt o$l# "ot =e ,o"strai"e# to #isiss the sae or ail$re to )rose,$te. S$=se$e"tl5@ o" (0 !,to=er %99 Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. -le# a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" o" hi,h the trial ,o$rt too? "o $rther a,tio". !" %9 2ar,h %99+@ ater Lee a"# La,#ao -le# their a"ser to Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al.s )etitio" or ,ertiorari@ the a))ellate ,o$rt re"#ere# its #e,isio"@ setti"* asi#e the or#ers o trial ,o$rt ;$#*e #ate# (0 A)ril %99 a"# %4 A$*$st %99. !" %% A)ril %99+@ Lee,o$rt a"# La,#ao ove# or re,o"si#eratio" #e,isio" o the a))ellate hi,h resolve# to a #e"5 the sae o" o %+the 2a5 %99+. Lee a"# La,#ao -le# the )etitio" or ,ertiorari. I" the ea"tie@ the a))ellate ,o$rt i"a#verte"tl5 a#e a" e"tr5 o ;$#*e"t o" %' >$l5 %99+ erro"eo$sl5 a))l5i"* the r$le that the )erio# #$ri"* hi,h a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" has =ee" )e"#i"* $st =e #e#$,te# ro the %03#a5 )erio# to a))eal. :oever@ i" its Resol$tio" #ate# & >a"$ar5 %99%@ the a))ellate ,o$rt set asi#e the aorestate# e"tr5 o ;$#*e"t ater $rther ,o"si#eri"* that the r$le it relie# o" a))lies to a))eals ro #e,isio"s o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rts to the Co$rt o A))eals@ "ot to a))eals ro its #e,isio" to the S$)ree Co$rt )$rs$a"t to the S$)ree Co$rts.

Iss'(& aH hether the e$lia" Li" Car$lasa" a"*. Petitio"er so$*ht to #ro) his i##le "ae a"# have his re*istere# "ae ,ha"*e# ro >$lia" Li" Car$lasa" a"* to >$lia" Li" a"*. Petitio"er theories that it o$l# =e or his =est i"terest to #ro) his i##le "ae as this o$l# hel) hi to a#;$st easil5 to a"# i"te*rate hisel i"to Si"*a)orea" so,iet5.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the la allos o"e to #ro) the i##le "ae ro his re*istere# "ae o" the ,a$se e"tio"e#.


The to$,hsto"e or the *ra"t o a ,ha"*e o "ae is that there =e \)ro)er a"# reaso"a=le ,a$seM or hi,h the ,ha"*e is so$*ht. To ;$sti5 a re$est or ,ha"*e o "ae@ )etitio"er $st sho "ot o"l5 soe )ro)er or ,o)elli"* reaso" thereore =$t also that he ill =e )re;$#i,e# =5 the $se o his tr$e a"# oi,ial "ae. Ao"* the *ro$"#s or ,ha"*e o "ae hi,h have =ee" hel# vali# areJ a.H he" the "ae is ri#i,$lo$s@ #isho"ora=le r ee a"# her *e"#er to Kale.

She as =or" i" >a"$ar5 %&@ %9%@ a"# as re*istere# as eale@ havi"* the "ae K>e""ier Ca*a"#aha". hile *roi"* $)@ she as #ia*"ose# to have Co"*e"ital A#re"al :5)er))lasia CA:H@ a ,o"#itio" here the )erso" th$s ai,te# )ossesses =oth ale a"# eale ,hara,teristi,s. She as also #ia*"ose# to have ,litoral h5)ertro)h5@ sall ovaries@ "o =reast@ a"# e"str$al #evelo)e"t. She alle*e# that or all i"terests a"# a))eara",es as ell as i" i"# a"# eotio"@ she has =e,oe a ale )erso".

Iss'(&hether or "ot the ,orre,tio" o e"tries i" her =irth ,erti-,ate =e *ra"te#.

R'li)*& Yes. The ,o$rt ,o"si#ere# the ,o)assio"ate ,alls or re,o*"itio" o the vario$s #e*rees o i"terse< as variatio"s hi,h sho$l# "ot =e s$=;e,t to o$tri*ht #e"ial. The Co$rt vies that here a )erso" is =iolo*i,all5 or "at$rall5 i"tersea"$ar5 %&@ %997@ that he as le*itiate# =5 virt$e o s$=se$e"t arria*e o his )are"ts o" A)ril ((@%99 at 2a"ila@ a"# that he shall =e ?"o" as Patri,? Tit$lar 1raa.2a. Cristi"a li?eise o=tai"e# a ,o)5 o a arria*e ,o"tra,t shoi"* that Pa=lo a"# L$,ille ere arrie# o" A)ril ((@ %99@ #rai"* her a"# her ,o3)etitio"ers her three le*itiate ,hil#re" ith Pa=loH to -le o" De,e=er (&@ (++0 =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o :iala5a" Cit5@ Ne*ros !,,i#e"tal a )etitio" to ,orre,t the e"tries i" the =irth re,or# o Patri,? i" the Lo,al Civil Re*ister. Co"te"#i"* that Patri,? ,o$l# "ot have =ee" le*itiate# =5 the s$))ose# arria*e =etee" L$,ille a"#Pa=lo@ sai# arria*e =ei"* =i*ao$s o" a,,o$"t o the vali# a"# s$=sisti"* arria*e =etee" 2a. Cristi"aa"# Pa=lo@ )etitio"ers )ra5e# or %H the,orre,tio" o the e"triesi" Patri,?s =irth re,or# ith res)e,t to hisle*itiatio"@ the "ae o the ather a"# his a,?"ole#*e"t@ a"# the $se o the last "ae O1raaO (H a#ire,tive to Leo"@ Ce,ilia a"# L$,ille@ all s$r"ae# Tit$lar@ as *$ar#ia"s o the i"or Patri,?@ tos$=it Patri,? to DNA testi"*to #eteri"e his )ater"it5 a"# -liatio"s a"# &H the #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the le*itiatio" o Patri,? as state# i" his =irth ,erti-,ate a"#@ or this )$r)ose@ the#e,laratio" o the arria*e o L$,ille a"#Pa=lo as =i*ao$s. TC #isisse# the )etitio"@ hol#i"* that i" a s)e,ial )ro,ee#i"* or ,orre,tio" o e"tr5@ the ,o$rt@ hi,h is "ota,ti"* as a ail5 ,o$rt $"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ has "o ;$ris#i,tio" over a" a,tio" to a""$l the arria*e o L$,ille a"# Pa=lo@ i)$*" the le*itia,5 o Patri,?@ a"# or#er Patri,? to =e s$=;e,te# to a DNA test@ he",e@ the ,o"trovers5 sho$l# =e ve"tilate# i" a" or#i"ar5 a#versarial a,tio".2R as #e"ie#.

Iss'(& hether or "ot the ,o$rta5 )ass $)o" the vali#it5 o arria*e a"# $estio"s o" le*itia,5 eve" i" a"a,tio" to ,orre,t e"tries i" the ,ivil re*istrar.

R'li)*& No. I" a s)e,ial )ro,ee#i"* or ,orre,tio" o e"tr5 $"#er R$le %+ Ca",ellatio" or Corre,tio" o E"tries i" the !ri*i"al Re*istr5H@ the trial ,o$rt has "o ;$ris#i,tio" to "$lli5 arria*es a"# r$le o" le*itia,5a"# -liatio"s. R$le %+ o the R$les o Co$rtvis a visArti,le 4%( o the Civil Co#e ,harts the )ro,e#$re =5 hi,h a"e"tr5 i" the ,ivil re*istr5 a5 =e ,a",elle# or ,orre,te#. The )ro,ee#i"* ,o"te)late# therei" a5 *e"erall5=e $se# o"l5 to ,orre,t ,leri,al@ s)elli"*@ t5)o*ra)hi,al a"# other i""o,$o$s errors i" the ,ivil re*istr5. A,leri,al error is o"e hi,h is ,ler? visi=le totra"s,ri=er the e5es or a o=vio$s to the $"#ersta"#i"* a" error a#e =5 a ora ista?e i" ,o)5i"* or riti"*@ or a harless ,ha"*e s$,h as a ,orre,tio" o "ae that is,learl5 iss)elle# or o a isstatee"t o the o,,$)atio" o the )are"t. S$=sta"tial or ,o"te"tio$salteratio"s a5 =e alloe# o"l5 i" a#versarial )ro,ee#i"*s@ i" hi,h all i"tereste# )arties are i)lea#e# a"##$e )ro,ess is )ro)erl5 o=serve#. The )etitio"ersM ,a$se o a,tio" is a,t$all5 to see? the #e,laratio" o Pa=lo a"# L$,illeMs arria*e as voi# or=ei"* =i*ao$s a"# i)$*" Patri,?Ms le*itia,5@ hi,h ,a$ses o a,tio" are *over"e# "ot =5 R$le %+ =$t=5 A.2. No. +(3%%3%+3SC hi,h too? ee,t o" 2ar,h %0@ (++&@ a"# Art. %7% o the Fail5 Co#e@ res)e,tivel5@he",e@ the )etitio" sho$l# =e -le# i" a Fail5 Co$rt as e
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