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Persons and Family Relation Compliled Case Digest
Bautista, Bryan, Bautista, Paulo, Bilas, Gelliane Christine, Bogbog, Aleli, Bolide, Rouelli Gift, Corres, Kaiser John, De Guzman, Mageryl hay, Diaz, Charina, Donggayao, Bryan Christo!her Gironella, Jsa "oble, Mabitazan, #edd, Ma$arim!as, Raihanah arah, "arag, Janro, Reyes, Jareed, Rosario, Keouh, a%ellano, Mi$hael "i&o Jesus, olda, A$e Aries
CaseTitle EFFECTIVITY Lara v. Del Rosario DATE!FEFFECTIVITY Ta"a#a v. T$vera Phili))i"es I"ter"atio"al Tra#i"* Cor). v. A"*eles Natio"al Ele,tri-,atio" A#i"istratio" v. Go"a*a 1asa v. 2er,a#o Asso,iatio" o So$ther" Ta*alo* Ele,tri, Coo)eratives I",. v. E"er*5 Re*$lator5 Coissio" C!2P6TATI!N!FTI2E Coissio"er o I"ter"al Reve"$e v. Prieto" Peo)le v. Del Rosario
G.R./SCRANo. 94 Phil 77 %&' SCRA (7 G.R. %+4'% No. G.R. No. %07'% G.R. L3 No. 4(((' G.R. %9(7%7 No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'(%00 L37(&4
PRES62PTI!N !F 8N!LEDGE !F T:E LA D.2. Co"s$";i I", v. Co$rt o A))eals Peo)le v. Gasa,ao PR!CESS6ALPRES62PTI!N Yao 8ee v. S5 Go"ales La$re"o v. Co$rt o A))eals Phili))i"e E6RIA C$sto#io v. Co$rt o A))eals E$ita=le 1a"?i"* Cor)oratio" v. Cal#ero"
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%%'%++ %0'%'
V!LENTI N!N FIT IN>6RIA :otel Ni??o v. Re5es
G.R. No.
LIA1ILITY !F EB32ALEFICI! !R EB3DELICT! 2a"$el v. Peo)le o the Phili))i"es Roero v. Peo)le o the Phili))i"es
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'04( %'704'
ACTS C!NTRA 1!N!S 2!RES Pe v. Pe
:erosisia v. Co$rt o A))eals
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No.
L3 %7&9'
G.R. No.
L3 %4'( )
Gala"* v. Co$rt o A))eals Gashee Shoo?a*t 1a?sh v. Co$rt o A))eals asser v. Vele Nativi#a# v. T$"a,
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
L3 %7(4 97&&' L3 (++9 %4&%&+
6N>6STENRIC:2ENT Shi"r5o Co)a"5 I",. v. RRN I",. Car Cool Phili))i"es v. 6S:I! Realt5 a"# Develo)e"t Cor)oratio" Ele*ir v. Phili))i"e Airli"es
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%7(0(0 %&+ %%990
PARENSPATRIAED!CTRINE Vale"$ala v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No.
L3 0'%'
RIG:T T! PRIVACY Co",e),io" v. Co$rt o A))eals Pa#alhi" v. Lavi"a
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%(+7+' %&+('
N!N3FEASANCE@ 2ISFEASANCE@ 2ALFEASANCE Phile< 2i"i"* Cor). v. Coisio"er o I"ter"al Reve"$e
G.R. No.
ACTI!N F!R DA2AGES 1ASED !N CRI2E 2a"a"ta" v. Co$rt o A))eals N$*$i# v. Ni,#ao Peo)le v. A*a,er
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%+7%0( %0+70 %7770%
INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N !T:ER S!6RCES !F !1LIGATI!NSH Peo)le v. 1a5otas Ca",io@ >r. v. Isi) :eirs o G$ari"* v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%+(++7 %&&97 %+&90
INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N DEFA2ATI!N@ FRA6D@ P:YSICAL IN>6RIESH Ara-les v. Phili))i"e >o$r"alists@ I",.
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No.
I"ter"atio"al Flavors a"# Fra*ra",e Phils.H I",. v. Ar*os R$i v. 6,ol
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%&+&'( L3 404+4
INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N VI!LATI!N !F C!NSTIT6TI!NAL RIG:TSH Vi"o"s3Chato v. Fort$"e To=a,,o Cor). Co;$a",o v. Co$rt o A))eals 2a"ila Ele,tri, Co)a"5 v. Castillo,ase
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%4%&+9 %%9&9 %(97'
INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTI!N 6ASI3 DELICTS/T!RTSH 1arre#o v. Gar,ia Sae*$ar# Se,$rit5 A*e",5 v. Ta"*,o
G.R. No. G.R. No.
4++' %'07&(
PRE>6DICIAL6ESTI!N Cit5 o Pasi* v. C!2ELEC 1eltra" v. Peo)le 2er,e# v. Die Do"ato v. L$"a Te"e=ro v. Co$rt o A))eals PRES62PTIVE CIVIL PERS!NALITY Gel$ v. Co$rt o A))eals RESTRICTI!NS !R 2!DIFICATI!N !N CAPACITY T! ACT Catala" v. 1asa Doi"*o v. Co$rt o A))eals 2e"#eo"a v. !ais !)osa v. Fa,tora" >r. 8INDS!FD!2ICILE 2ar,os v. C!2ELEC
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'07&( %(0'4' L3 %0&%0 L3 0&'4( %0+70
( SCRA +% G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%09'07 %(704+ %4&&7+ %+%+&
Persons and Family Relation
Ar$e*o >r. v. Co$rt o A))eals 1er"a=e v. Ale;o
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%%(%9& %4+0++
A",heta v. A",heta A=a#illa v. Ta=ilira"
%40&7+ 2T>3 9(37%'
PRES62PTI!N IN FAV!R !F EBISTENCE AND VALIDITY !F 2ARRIAGE Dela Rosa v. :eirs o R$stia v#a. De Daia" E$*e"io v. Vele 1alo*=o* v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%007&& 0%4+ &09
LEGAL CAPACITY Silverio v. Re)$=li, Re)$=li, v. Ca*a"#aha"
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%74'9 %'''7'
A6T:!RITY !F S!LE2NIING !FFICER 1eso v. >$#*e Da*$a"
A.2. No.
Ara"es v. !,,ia"o
A.2. No.
2T>3 993 %(%% 2T>3 +(3 %&9+
2ARRIAGELICENSE Al,a"tara v. Al,a"tara Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals Cari"o v. Cari"o S5 v. Co$rt o A))eals Sevilla v. Car#e"as A==as v. A==as
G.R. %'774' No. 477 SCRA (77 G.R. %&(0(9 No. &&+ SCRA 00+ G.R. %'7'4 No. G.R. %&9' No.
Persons and Family Relation
A.2. No.
2T>3 ++3 %&(9
Ni"al v. 1a#a5o* Cos,a v.Pala5)a5o"
G.R. No. A.2. No.
%&&77 2T>3 9(37(%
2ore"o v. 1er"a=e
A.2. No.
2T>3 9439'&
Navarro v. Doa*to5
A.2. No.
2T>3 9'39'&
G.R. No.
2ori*o v. Peo)le T:REE3F!LDLIA1ILITY
2ARRIAGECERTIFICATE V#a. De >a,o= v. Co$rt o A))eals F!REIGNDIV!RCE Re)$=li, v. I5o5 Re)$=li, v. !=re,i#o III Va" Dor" v. Roillo Sa" L$is v. Sa" L$is Cor)$ v. Sto. Toas Gar,ia3Re,io v. Re,io
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%0(077 %04&+ L3 '47+ %&&74& %'07% %&&((
N!2ARRIAGELICENSE Atie"a v. 1rilla"tes
A.2. No.
2T>3 9(7+'
1IGA2!6S/ P!LYGA2!6S 2ARRIAGES E"ri$e V#a. De Catala" v. Catala" Lee $ita v. Co$rt o A))eals Te"e=ro v. Co$rt o A))eals >arillo v. Peo)le o the Phili)))i"es 2a,arr$=o v. 2a,arr$=o ei*el v. Se)io D5 2o"ta"e v. Ci)ria"o
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. A.C. No. G.R. No. G.R.
%&'(( %(4'( %0+70 %'44&0 '%4 L3 0&7+& %%+9 -
No. VALID 1IGA2!6S 2ARRIAGES Re)$=li, v. Nolas,o Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals 1ie"ve"i#o v. Co$rt o A))eals 2a"$el v. Peo)le o the Phili))i"es Re)$=li, v. 1er$#es Calisterio v. Calisterio Re)$=li, v. Gra"a#a
G.R. 94+0& No. 477 SCRA (77 G.R. %%%7%7 No. G.R. %'04( No. G.R. No. %'+(0 G.R. %&'4'7 No. G.R. %70%( No.
2ARRIAGE IN VI!LATI!N !F ART. 4+ FC Doi"*o v. Co$rt o A))eals Atie"a v. 1rilla"tes
G.R. No. A.2. No.
%+4% 2T>3 9(7+'
C:ARACTERISTICS !F PSYC:!L!GICAL INCAPACITY Chi 2i"* Tsoi v. Co$rt o A))eals a"# Lao Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals :er"a"#e v. Co$rt o A))eals Ya=ao v. Re)$=li, o the Phili))i"es
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%%9%9+ %%(+%9 %('+%+ %4+'&
G6IDELINES IN DETER2INING PSYC:!L!GICAL INCAPACITY Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals a"# 2oli"a 1ar,elo"a v. Co$rt o A))eals To"*ol v. To"*ol 2ar,os v. 2ar,os Te v. Te A*ravia#or v. A*ravia#or 2ara=le v. 2ara=le
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%+7'& %&++7 %07'%+ %&'49+ %'%79& %7+7(9 %774%
A$relio v. A$relio Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%70&'7 %09094
!T:ER >6RISPR6DENCE !N PSYC:!L!GICAL INCAPACITY Re)$=li, v. E",ela" 2e"#oa v. Re)$=li, Re)$=li, v. Gala"* !,hosa v. Ala"o Caa,ho3Re5es v. Re5es Tori"* v. Tori"* Li*eral#e v. Patil$"*h$* S$ao v. S$ao As)illa*a v. As)illa*a Al,aar v. Al,aar Na;era v. Na;era :alili v. Sa"tos3:alili Paras v. Paras aora v. Co$rt o A))eals Pere3Ferraris v. Ferraris A"to"io v. Re5es Carati"* v.3Sia5"*,o v. Sia5"*,o Villalo" v. Villalo" 1$e"ave"t$ra v. Co$rt o A))eals Re)$=li, v. $i"tero3:aa"o
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%7++(( %07'49
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'7409 %0(' %'0&(% %'79' %'449& %7+9(0 %7440%
%'04(4 %47(4 %4%9%7 %'(&' %00++ %09' %'7(+' %(7&0 %4949 /
De#el v. Co$rt o A))eals Re)$=li, v. Da*#a* Pes,a v. Pes,a
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%0%'7 %+9970 %&'9(%
ACTI!N F!R DECLARATI!N !F N6LLITY !F 2ARRIAGE@ GR!6NDS 2allio" v. Al,a"tara PR!PER ACTI!N AND PR!CED6RE Leo"or v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No.
G.R. No.
PARTIES >$lia;vo3Llave v. Re)$=li, E"ri,o v. :eirs o 2e#i"a,eli Catala" v. Co$rt o A))eals Ni"al v. 1a#a5o* Carlos v. Sa"#oval A=laa v. Re)$=li,
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'97'' %7&'%4 %'7%+9 %&&77 %799(( %0(9
APPEARANCE !F T:E STATE 2a$ila" v. 2a$ila" Re)$=li, v. C$iso"32el*ar 2al,a)o3Si" v. Si" T$aso" v. Co$rt o A))eals Cor)$s v. !,hotore"a
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. A.2. No.
%004+9 %&9'7' %&709+ %%''+7 RT>3+43 %'%
DEFA6LT >6DG2ENT AND >6DG2ENT !N T:E PLEADINGS Pa,ete v. Carria*a FINAL >6DG2ENT AND S61SE6ENT PR!CEEDINGS 2ar=ella31o=is v. 1o=is T5 v. Co$rt o A))eals
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R.
L3 0&+ %&0+9 %(74+' '0
No. EFFECTS Val#es v. RTC a"# Val#es Di"o v. Di"o
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%((749 %7+44
V!IDA1LE 2ARRIAGES@ C!NCEAL2ENT Villa"eva v. Co$rt o A))eals A"a5a v. Palaroa" 1$,,at v. 1$,,at32a"*o"o"
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%&(900 L3 (79&+ 47%+%
F!RCE@ INTI2IDATI!N@ 6ND6E INFL6ENCE Villa"eva v. Co$rt o A))eals 2a,arr$=o v. 2a,arr$=o Re5es v. a=allero
G.R. No. A.C. No. G.R. No.
%&(900 '%4 L3&0'%
D!CTRINE !F TRIENNIAL C!:A1ITATI!N Al,aar v. Al,aar Villa"$eva v. Co$rt o A))eals >ie"e v. Ca"iares LEGALSEPARATI!N@GR!6NDS !"* E"* 8ia v. !"* Ga$#io",io v. Pe"ara"#a Pria Partosa3>o v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%7440% %&(900 L3 %(79+ %0&(+ 79(4 ('+'
DEFENSES@C!ND!NATI!N/PARD!N Arro5o v. Co$rt o A))eals Gi"e v. 1$*a5o"* Peo)le v. a)ata De !,a)o v. Flore",ia"o DEFENSES@C!NSENT 2at$=is v. Pra6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ C!2P!NENTS Dela Pe"a v. Avila Tita" Co"str$,tio" Co. v. Davi# C!N>6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ LIA1ILITIES A5ala I"veste"t Develo)e"t Co. v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%749+ %'904
Persons and Family Relation
:eirs o Go@ Sr. v. Servavio Ros v. Phili))i"e Natio"al 1a"? Sio,hi v. Goo" A**a=ao v. Par$la" F$e"tes v. Ro,a C!N>6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ DISS!L6TI!N 2etro)olita" 1a"? Tr$st Co. v Pas,$al
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%070&7 %7+%'' %'99++ %'0+& %79+(
G.R. No.
G.R. No.
C!N>6GAL PARTNERS:IP !F GAINS@ LI6IDATI!N $iao v. $iao V!ID 2ARRIAGES !R LIVE3IN RELATI!NS:IPS Di"o v. Di"o 2a$a"ia v. >ose
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%&(0(9 %&7'0+ %0%9'7 %04'40 %0+'%% L3 0+%(73 '*
( A#ria"o v. Co$rt o A))eals C!VERAGE !F FA2ILY RELATI!NS G$errero v. Re*io"al Trial Co$rt S6ITS A2!NG 2E21ERS !F T:E SA2E FA2ILY :i5as v. A,$"a :o"tiveros v. Re*io"al Trial Co$rt V#a. De 2a"alo v. Co$rt o A))eals Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals PR!:I1ITEDC!2PR!2ISE 2e"#oa v. Co$rt o A))eals FA2ILY :!2E Tri"i#a#3Raos v. Pa"*ili"a" 2o#e$illo v. 1reva >ose v. Sa"tos 8elle5@ >r. v. Pla"ters Pro#$,t@ I",. Goe v. Sta. I"es 2a"a,o) v. Co$rt o A))eals Ta"eo v. Co$rt o A))eals Fortalea v. La)ita"
G.R. No.
((9 SCRA (74 0++ SCRA 0%4 &+9 SCRA &4+ G.R. %(9(4( No. 470 SCRA % %9 SCRA 70' G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%09(+ '&00 %'0+'+ %7(('& %&(0&7 979 %+0&( %7(
8INDS/STAT6S!FC:ILDREN De Asis v. Co$rt o A))eals Fer"a"#e v. Fer"a"#e
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%+0&( %4&(0'
ACTI!N T! I2P6GN LEGITI2ACY@ GR!6NDS Co",e),io" v. Co$rt o A))eals A"*eles v. 2a*la5a >ao v. Co$rt o A))eals 1a=iera v. Catotal
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%(&40+ %0&79 L3 49%'( %&49&
ACTI!N T! I2P6GN LEGITI2ACY Li5ao@ >r.v. Ta"hoti3Li5ao De >es$s v. Estate o Dio"
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%&9'% %4(77
ACTI!N T! CLAI2 LEGITI2ACY Ti;i"* v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No.
V!L6NTARY REC!GNITI!N Ca=ata"ia v. Co$rt o A))eals E,eta v. E,eta Al=erto v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%(4%4 %07+&7 ''&9
C!2P6LS!RYREC!GNITI!N Rivero v. Co$rt o A))eals Peo)le v. 1a5a"i Peo)le vs. 2a"aha"
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%4%(7& %(+94 %(%07
PR!!F!FILLEGITI2ACY Ne)o$,e"o v. Lo)e Rivera vs. :eirs o Villa"$eva Cr$ v. Cristo=al Perla v. 1ari"*
G.R. No.
49' SCRA %&0 G.R. %4+4(( No. G.R. %7(47% No.
PR!1ATIVE VAL6E !F DNA TESTS IN PATERNITY CASES Ti;i"* v. Co$rt o A))eals A*$sti" v. Co$rt o A))eals :errera v. Al=a Peo)le v. Valle;o Estate o !"* v. Dia
G.R. %(09+% No. 4'+ SCRA &%0 4'+ SCRA %97 G.R. %44'0' No. G.R. %7%7%& No.
C!2P6LS!RYREC!GNITI!N G$5 v. Co$rt o A))eals 2ar$i"o v. Itere#iate A))ela5e Co$rt
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'&7+7 7(+7 '
Ta5a* v. Ta5a*3Gallor
G.R. No.
RIG:TS !F ILLEGITI2ATE C:ILDREN 1rio"es v. 2i*$el Re)$=li, v. A=a#illa Ver,eles v. Posa#a Peo)le v. Gla=o To"o* v. Co$rt o A))eals 2osses*el# v. Co$rt o A))eals Silva v. Co$rt o A))eals Davi# v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%0'&4& %&&+04 %0970 %(9(4 %((9+' %%%400 %%474( %%%%+
RIG:TS !F LEGITI2ATE C:ILDREN De Sa"tos v. A"*eles A=a#illa v. Ta=ilira" :! 2AY AD!PT Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals Re)$=li, v. Tole#a"o Re)$=li, v. Alar,o"3Ver*ara
G.R. %+0'%9 No. (49 SCRA 44 G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%++&0 94%47 9000%
RE6IRE2ENTSF!RAD!PTI!N I" reJ a#o)tio" o 2i,helle a"# 2i,hael Li La"#i"*i" v. Re)$=li, Ca"* v. Co$rt o A))eals De)arte"t o So,ial elare a"# Develo)e"t v. 1ele"
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. A.2. No.
%'99( %'494 %+0&+ RT>39'3 %&'(
NAT6RE AND EFFECTS !F AD!PTI!N Re)$=li, v. :er"a"#e Re)$=li, v. Co$rt o A))eals I" reJ a#o)tio" o Ste)ha"ie Nath5 Astor*a Gar,ia
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R.
%%7(+9 %+&'90 %4&%% '-
Teoti,o v. Del Val
No. G.R. No.
L3 %70&
G.R. No.
G.R. No.
S6PP!RT La v. Ch$a :!ISENTITLEDT!S6PP!RT 1rio"es v. 2i*$el $ii*i"* v. I,ao Fra",is,o v. a"#$eta Sa"tero v. Co$rt o A))eals Gotar#o v. 1$li"*
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%0'&4& L3 ('790 4&794 L3 '%7++ %'0%''
:ENDE2ANDA1LE La,so" v La,so"
G.R. No.
Li v. Li Ver,eles v. Posa#a 2a"*o"o" v. Co$rt o A))eals De G$a" v. Pere
No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'&(+9 %0970 %(0+4% %0'+%&
RIG:TS !F T:IRD PERS!NS :! PAY La,so" v. La,so"
G.R. No.
S6PP!RTPENDENTLITE Estate o R$i v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No.
G.R. No.
L3 4(%9
G.R. No.
S6PP!RT D6RING PR!CEEDINGS Re5es v. I"es3L$,ia"o C:ARACTERISTICS !F PARENTAL A6T:!RITY Silva v. Co$rt o A))eals
Persons and Family Relation
:! EBERCISES PARENTAL A6T:!RITY AND C6ST!DY To"o* v. Co$rt o A))eals Va",il v. 1eles 1o"#a*;5 v. Fo$i Ali 1o"#a*;5 Sa*ala3Eslao v. Co$rt o A))eals So=o"* v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%((9+' %&&&(& %4+%7 %%'77& %%%7'
TENDER AGE PRES62PTI!N R6LE Ga=oa3:irs,h v. Co$rt o A))eals Pa=lo3G$al=erto v. G$al=erto Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals Gola"*,o v. Co$rt o A))eals Davi# v. Co$rt o A))eals Es)irit$ v. Co$rt o A))eals Pere v. Co$rt o A))eals RIG:TS AND D6TIES !F PERS!NS EBERCISING PARENTAL A6T:!RITY Li=i v. I"tere#iate A))ellate Co$rt Taar*o v. Co$rt o A))eals
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%7440 %04994 %%&+04 %(47(4 %%%%+ %%0'4+ %%7+
7+9+ 0+44
SPECIAL PARENTAL A6T:!RITY A$i"as S,hool v. I"to" St. >ose)hs Colle*e v. 2ira"#a St. 2ar5s A,a#e5 v. Car)ita"os Aa#ora v. Co$rt o A))eals Salvosa v. I"tere#iate A))ellate Co$rt Phili))i"e S,hool o 1$si"ess A#i"istratio" v. Co$rt o A))eals
Persons and Family Relation
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%4(+( %(&0& %4&&'& L3 47740 L3 7+40 4'9 '/
6SE!FS6RNA2E1Y!2EN Reo v. S,retar5 o Forei*" Aairs Yasi" v. >$#*e Sharis Distri,t Co$rt
G.R. No. G.R. No.
%'9(+( 949'
6SE!FS6RNA2E1Y C:ILDREN I" reJ a#o)tio" o Ste)ha"ie Nath5 Astor*a Gar,ia I" re >$lia" Li a"* I" re Cha"*e o "ae o 2aria Estrella Vero"i,a Priitiva D$terte 6SE!FDIFFERENTNA2E
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
Peo)le v. Estra#a 6rs$a v. Co$rt o A))eals
%4&%% %099'' L3 0%(+%
%'4&' %%(%7+
A22END2ENTS/ C!RRECTI!NS !F ENTRIES Re)$=li, v. Cosete"*32a*)a5o Lee v. Co$rt o A))eals I" re ,ha"*e o "ae o >$lia" a"* Silverio v. Re)$=li, Re)$=li, v. Ca*a"#aha" 1raa v. Cit5 Civil Re*istrar o :iala5a" Cit5
G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No. G.R. No.
%947' %%&7 %099'' %74'9 %'''7' %%%74
April 20, 9!"
F#$%s& I" %90+ #ee"#a"t Petro"ilo Del Rosario@ >r.@ o"er o te"t53-ve ta$e*o@ a ,o"str$,tio" or?er o D.2. Co"s$";i@ I",.@ ell %4 oors ro the Re"aissa",e Toer@ to his #eath. >ose >$e*oMs i#o the" -le# a )etitio" or #aa*es i" the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt a*ai"st the #e,ease# e)lo5er. The e)lo5er raise# the #ee"se that 2aria >$e*o alrea#5 availe# o the =e"e-ts )rovi#e# =5 the State I"s$ra",e F$"#. Co"si#eri"* the r$li"* i" Pa,arra vs. Ce=$ A$to=$s Co)a"5@ a" i";$re# or?er has a ,hoi,e o either to re,over ro the e)lo5er the -$e*o. !" a))eal =5 D.2. Co"s$";i@ the Co$rt o A))eals aire# the #e,isio" o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt.
hether or "ot res)o"#e"t is )rohi=ite# ro re,overi"* #aa*es $"#er the Civil Co#e.
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R'li)*& No. Res)o"#e"t is "ot =arre# ro re,overi"* #aa*es $"#er the Civil Co#e altho$*h she has alrea#5 availe# the =e"e-ts o the State I"s$ra",e F$"#. The res)o"#e"tMs ,ase is a" e$"e %7@ %97 ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt RTCH o 2a?ati a Petitio" or Assista",e i" the Li$i#atio" o I"ter,it5 Savi"*s a"# Loa" 1a"?@ I",. I"ter,it5 1a"?H alle*i"* that sai# =a"? as alrea#5 i"solve"t a"# its ,o"ti"$a",e i" =$si"ess o$l# i"volve )ro=a=le loss to #e)ositors@ ,re#itors a"# the *e"eral )$=li,. The trial ,o$rt *ave it #$e ,o$rse.Petitio"er Phili))i"e De)osit I"s$ra",e Cor)oratio" as eve"t$all5 s$=stit$te# as the therei" )etitio"er@ li$i#ator o I"ter,it5 1a"?. I" the ea"tie@ Re)$=li, A,t No. 9&+( hi,h )rovi#es that KAter the )a5e"t o all lia=ilities a"# ,lais a*ai"st the ,lose# =a"?@ the Cor)oratio" shall )a5 a"5 s$r)l$s #ivi#e"#s at the le*al rate o i"terest@ ro #ate o ta?eover to #ate o #istri=$tio"@ to ,re#itors a"# ,laia"ts o the ,lose# =a"? i" a,,or#a",e ith le*al )riorit5 =eore #istri=$tio" to the sharehol#ers o the ,lose# =a"?. Rel5i"* o" Re)$=li, A,t No. 9&+( PDIC -le# o" A$*$st @ (++0 a 2otio" or A))roval o the Fi"al Distri=$tio" o Assets a"# Teri"atio" o the Li$i#atio" Pro,ee#i"*s
Iss'(& hether or "ot Se,tio" %( o RA 9&+( sho$l# =e a))lie# retroa,tivel5 i" or#er to e"title I"ter,it5 1a"? ,re#itors to s$r)l$s #ivi#e"#s.
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that Stat$tes are )ros)e,tive a"# "ot retroa,tive i" their o)eratio"@ the5 =ei"* the or$latio" o r$les or the $t$re@ "ot the )ast. :e",e@ the le*al a$sti,e D!>H !r#er No. %( D! No. %(H@ #ire,ti"* all Re*io"al State Prose,$tors@ Provi",ial Prose,$tors@ a"# Cit5 Prose,$tors to orar# all ,ases alrea#5 -le# a*ai"st Delos A"*eles@ >r.@ et al. to the Se,retariat o the D!> S)e,ial Pa"el i" 2a"ila or a))ro)riate a,tio". Thereater@ the )etitio"ers #ire,tl5 e"t to the S$)ree Co$rt via )etitio" or ,ertiorari@ )rohi=itio" a"# a"#a$s@ as,ri=i"* to res)o"#e"t Se,retar5 o >$sti,e *rave a=$se o #is,retio" i" iss$i"* D!ES No %(. The5 $rther ar*$e# that
Persons and Family Relation
D! No. %( as a" o=str$,tio" o ;$sti,e a"# a violatio" o the r$le a*ai"st e"a,te"t o las ith retroa,tive ee,t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the iss$a",e o D!> !r#er No. %( sho$l# ,over o"l5 $t$re ,ases a*ai"st Delos A"*eles@ >r.@ et al.@ "ot those alrea#5 =ei"* i"vesti*ate#.
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that as a *e"eral r$le@ las shall have "o retroa,tive ee,t. :oever@ e !r#er No. %( ,a" =e a))lie# retroa,tivel5 i" the ,ases the )etitio"ers -le# a*ai"st Delos A"*eles.
AIVER OF RIGTS ICAEL C. GY vs. CO RT OF AEALS G.R. No. 63505 S(p%((r !, 2006 F#$%s& !" !,to=er (9@ %99(@ Sia ei #ie# i" 2a?ati Cit5 leavi"* a" estate val$e# %+ illio" ore or less. :is ?"o" heirs are his s)o$se Shirle5 G$5 ith their ,hil#re" -ve ,hil#re". !" >$"e %&@ %997@ )rivate res)o"#e"ts 8are" !a"es ei a"# 8aille !a"es ei re)rese"te# =5 their other Ree#ios -le# a )etitio" or letters o a#i"istratio" =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt alle*i"* that the5 are #$l5 a,?"ole#*e# ille*itiate ,hil#re" o
Persons and Family Relation
Sia ei. :oever@ )etitio"er a"# ,o3heirs alle*e# that )rivate res)o"#e"tMs ,lai ha# =ee" )ai#@ aive#@ a=a"#o"e#@ or otherise e CO., INC. vs. R CONSTRCTION CORORATION
Persons and Family Relation
G.RN. o.15!2
#r$ =", 202
F#$%s& Soetie i" (++4@ FFCCI e"tere# i"to a ,o"tra,t ith the De)arte"t o P$=li, or?s a"# :i*ha5s DP:H or the ,o"str$,tio" o the 2a*sa5sa5 Via#$,t@ ?"o" as the Loer A*$sa" Develo)e"t Pro;e,t. !" A$*$st 9@ (++4@ FFCCI@ i" t$r"@ e"tere# i"to a S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t ith :R Co"str$,tio" Cor)oratio" :RCCH or the s$))l5 o aterials@ la=or@ e$i)e"t@ tools a"# s$)ervisio" or the ,o"str$,tio" o a )ortio" o the sai# )ro;e,t ,alle# the East 1a"? Levee a"# C$t3! Cha""el i" a,,or#a",e ith the s)e,i-,atio"s o the ai" ,o"tra,t. P$rs$a"t to the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t@ :RCC o$l# s$=it to FFCCI a o"thl5 )ro*ress =illi"* hi,h the latter o$l# the" )a5@ s$=;e,t to sti)$late# #e#$,tio"s@ ithi" &+ #a5s ro re,ei)t thereo. The )arties a*ree# that the re$ests o :RCC or )a5e"t sho$l# i",l$#e )ro*ress a,,o)lishe"t o its ,o)lete# or?s as a))rove# =5 FFCCI. A##itio"all5@ the5 a*ree# to ,o"#$,t a ;oi"t eas$ree"t o the ,o)lete# or?s o :RCC to*ether ith the re)rese"tative o DP: a"# ,o"s$lta"ts to arrive at a ,oo" $a"tit5. Thereater@ :RCC ,oe",e# the ,o"str$,tio" o the or?s )$rs$a"t to the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t. :oever@ =eore the )ro;e,t as ,o)lete#@ :RCC )$rs$a"t to the ar=itratio" ,la$se i" the s$=,o"tra,t a*reee"t -le# ith the Co"str$,tio" I"#$str5 Ar=itratio" Coissio" a ,o)lai"t )ra5i"* that FFCI )a5 the over#$e a))li,atio" )l$s le*al i"terests the5 have "ot )ai#. FFCCI ai"tai"e# that :RCC aile# to ,o)l5 ith the ,o"#itio" state# $"#er the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t or the )a5e"t o the latterMs )ro*ress =illi"*s@ i.e. ;oi"t eas$ree"t o the ,o)lete# or?s@ a"#@ he",e@ it as ;$sti-e# i" "ot )a5i"* the ao$"t state# i" :RCCMs )ro*ress =illi"*s.
Iss'(& hether or "ot FFCCI is alrea#5 =arre# ro ,o"testi"* :RCCMs val$atio" o the ,o)lete# or?s havi"* aive# its ri*ht to #ea"# the ;oi"t eas$ree"t re$iree"t.
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that FFCCI ha# aive# its ri*ht to #ea"# or a ;oi"t eas$ree"t o :RCCMs ,o)lete# or?s $"#er the S$=,o"tra,t A*reee"t. F$rther@ o" a,,o$"t o its ail$re to #ea"# the ;oi"t eas$ree"t o :RCCMs ,o)lete# or?s@ ha# ee,tivel5 aive# its ri*ht to as? or the ,o"#$,t o the sae as a ,o"#itio" si"e $a "o" to :RCCMs s$=issio" o its o"thl5 )ro*ress =illi"*s. 1asi,all5@ the i"sta"t iss$e ,alls or a #eteri"atio" as to hi,h o the )artiesM res)e,tive val$atio" o a,,o)lishe# or?s sho$l# =e *ive" ,re#e",e. FFCCI ,lais that its
Persons and Family Relation
val$atio" sho$l# =e $)hel# si",e the sae as the res$lt o a eas$ree"t o the ,o)lete# or?s ,o"#$,te# =5 it a"# the DP:. !" the other ha"#@ :RCC ai"tai"s that its val$atio" sho$l# =e $)hel# o" a,,o$"t o FFCCIMs ail$re to o=serve the ;oi"t eas$ree"t re$iree"t i" as,ertai"i"* the e$ a" e$a" 2i,ia"o@ the ;$#i,ial a#i"istrator o the estate let -le# a s,hee o )artitio". :oever@ A"#re 1rio@ o"e o the =rothers o the #e,ease#@ 1rioMs o))ositio" is =ase#oo" the a,t thatill the )artitio" i"o))ose# $estio"it. )$ts i"to ee,t the )rovisio"s >ose)h 1rioMs hi,h are "ot i" a,,or#a",e ith the las o his T$r?ish "atio"alit5@ or hi,h reaso" the5 are voi# as =ei"* i" violatio" o Arti,le %+ o the Civil Co#e.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the "atio"al la o the testator is the o"e to *over" his testae"tar5 #is)ositio".
R'li)*& >ose)h 1rio@ a T$r?ish ,itie"@ tho$*h he #e,lare# i" his ill that Phili))i"e las $st *over" the #is)ositio" o his estate hoever@ it $st "ot )re;$#i,e the heir or le*atee o the testator. Thereore@ the testatorMs "atio"al la $st *over" i" a,,or#a",e ith Arti,le %+ o the Civil Co#e.Tho$*h the last )art o the se,o"# ,la$se o the ill e$l5 %94@ over its )ar,els o la"# i",l$#i"* i)rovee"ts thereo"@ lo,ate# at 1arrio Sto. Cristo@ Sa" >ose Del 2o"te@ 1$la,a"@ a"# hi,h are ,overe# =5 Tra"ser Certi-,ate o Title Nos. T37709@ T377'+@ T377'%@ T377'( a"# T377'&.
Persons and Family Relation
The #e=tors aile# to )a5. Th$s@ )etitio"er -le# ,olle,tio" s$its i" orei*" ,o$rts to e"or,e the loa". S$=se$e"tl5@ it -le# a )etitio" i" the Sheri to e$#*e. Ater the e##i"* herei" )etitio"er as a=a"#o"e# =5 her h$s=a"# he",e )ro)ti"* her to ,he,? ith the Civil Re*istrar to i"$ire re*ar#i"* the arria*e ,o"tra,t to hi,h it as o$"# o$t that the arria*e as "o re*istere#. She "o -le# this a#i"istrative ,o)lai"t a*ai"st herei" res)o"#e"t >$#*e alle*i"* that the arria*e as sole"ie# o$tsi#e o his ;$ris#i,tio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot the >$#*e has a$thorit5 to sole"ie the arria*e.
R'li)*& Arti,le 7 o the Fail5 Co#e )rovi#es that the >$#*e ,a" sole"ie a arria*e ithi" the ,o$rt ;$ris#i,tio". Co"si#eri"* that the res)o"#e"t >$#*eMs ;$ris#i,tio" ,overs the $"i,i)alit5 o Sta. 2ar*arita3Tara"*a"3 Pa*sa";a" Saar o"l5@ he as "ot ,lothe# ith a$thorit5 to sole"ie the arria*e i" the Cit5 o Cala=a5o* here herei" arria*e as sole"ie#.
ATORITY OF A SOLENI+ING OFFICER ERCEDITA ATA ARAES vs. /DGE SALVADOR . OCCIANO A.. No.T/-02-390 April , 2002 F#$%s& !" %7 Fe=r$ar5 (+++@ res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sole"ie# )etitio"erMs arria*e to her late *roo Doi"a#or 1. !ro=ia itho$t the re$isite arria*e li,e"se a"# at Na=$a@ Caari"es S$r hi,h is o$tsi#e his territorial ;$ris#i,tio". The5 live# to*ether as h$s=a"# a"# ie o" the stre"*th o this arria*e $"til her h$s=a"# )asse# aa5. :oever@ si",e the arria*e as a "$llit5@ )etitio"erMs ri*ht to i"herit the Kvast )ro)erties let =5 !ro=ia as "ot re,o*"ie#. She as li?eise #e)rive# o re,eivi"* the )e"sio"s o !ro=ia@ a retire# Coo#ore o the Phili))i"e Nav5.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sho$l# =e sa",tio"e# or sole"ii"* arria*e ith la,? o arria*e li,e"se a"# =e5o"# his ;$ris#i,tio"
R'li)*& 6"#er the >$#i,iar5 Reor*a"iatio" A,t o %9+@ or 1.P.%(9@ the a$thorit5 o the re*io"al trial ,o$rt ;$#*es a"# ;$#*es o i"erior ,o$rts to sole"ie arria*es is ,o"-"e# to their territorial ;$ris#i,tio" as #e-"e# =5 the S$)ree Co$rt. I" the ,ase at =ar@ the territorial ;$ris#i,tio" o res)o"#e"t ;$#*e is liite# to the $"i,i)alit5 o 1alata"@ Caari"es S$r. :is a,t o sole"ii"* the arria*e o )etitio"er a"# !ro=ia i" Na=$a@ Caari"es S$r thereore is ,o"trar5 to la a"# s$=;e,ts hi to a#i"istrative lia=ilit5. :is a,t a5 "ot ao$"t to *ross i*"ora",e o the la or he alle*e#l5 sole"ie# the arria*e o$t o h$a" ,o)assio" =$t "o"etheless@ he ,a""ot avoi# lia=ilit5 or violati"* the la o" arria*e. The res)o"#e"t >$#*e Salva#or 2. !,,ia"o@ Presi#i"* >$#*e o the 2$"i,i)al Trial Co$rt o 1alata"@ Caari"es S$r@ is -"e# P0@+++.++)esos ith a STERN ARNING that a re)etitio" o the sae or siilar oe"se i" the $t$re ill =e #ealt ith ore severel5.
ARRIAGE LICENSE RESTITTO . ALCANTARAvs.ROSITA A. ALCANTARA #)< CORT OF AEALS GR No.655"6 A'*'s2%1, 2005 F#$%s& !" De,e=er @%9(@ Rosita Al,a"tara res)o"#e"tH a"# Restit$to Al,a"tara )etitio"erH e"t to the 2a"ila Cit5 :all or the )$r)ose o loo?i"* or a )erso" ho ,o$l# arra"*e a arria*e or the. The5 et a )erso" K-ose #e 2a"$*$it Ch$r,h i" To"#o@ 2a"ila o" 2ar,h ('@ %9& $tilii"* the sae arria*e li,e"se. The arria*e li,e"se "$=er K7+04%&& is "ot i#e"ti,al ith the arria*e li,e"se "$=er hi,h a))ears i" their arria*e ,o"tra,t. There is also a ,ase -le# =5 the res)o"#e"t a*ai"st herei" )etitio"er =eore the 2TC o 2a"#al$5o"* or ,o",$=i"a*e.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the arria*e =etee" the )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t is voi#.
R'li)*& The arria*e i"volve# herei" havi"* =ee" sole"ie# )rior to the ee,tivit5 o Fail5 Co#e@ the a))li,a=le la o$l# =e the Civil Co#e hi,h as the la i" ee,t at the tie o its ,ele=ratio". A vali# arria*e li,e"se
is a re$isite o arria*e $"#er Arti,le 0& o the Civil Co#e@ the a=se",e o hi,h re"#ers the arria*e voi# a= i"itio )$rs$a"t to Arti,le +&H i" relatio" to Arti,le 0& o the sae Co#e. The la re$ires that the a=se",e o s$,h arria*e li,e"se $st =e a))are"t o" the arria*e ,o"tra,t@ or at the ver5 least@ s$))orte# =5 a ,erti-,atio" ro the lo,al ,ivil re*istrar that "o s$,h arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# to the )arties. I" the ,ase at =ar@ the arria*e ,o"tra,t =etee" the )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t ree,ts a arria*e li,e"se "$=er. 2oreover@ the ,erti-,atio" iss$e# =5 the lo,al ,ivil re*istrar s)e,i-,all5 i#e"ti-e# the )arties to ho the arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# $rther vali#ati"* the a,t that a li,e"se as iss$e# to the )arties herei". Iss$a",e o a arria*e li,e"se i" a ,it5 or $"i,i)alit5@ "ot the resi#e",e o either o the ,o"tra,ti"* )arties@ a"# iss$a",e o a arria*e li,e"se #es)ite the a=se",e o )$=li,atio" or )rior to the ,o)letio" o the %+3#a5 )erio# or )$=li,atio" are ,o"si#ere# ere irre*$larities that #o "ot ae,t the vali#it5 o the arria*e. The ,o$rt still hol#s that there is "o s$i,ie"t =asis to a""$l their arria*e. A" irre*$larit5 i" a"5 o the oral re$isites o arria*e #oes "ot ae,t its vali#it5 =$t the )arties or )art5 res)o"si=le or the irre*$larit5 are ,ivill5@ ,rii"all5@ a#i"istrativel5 lia=le.
The #is,re)a",5 =etee" the arria*e li,e"se "$=er i" the ,erti-,atio" o the 2$"i,i)al ,ivil re*istrar@ hi,h states that the arria*e li,e"se "$=er iss$e# to the )arties is No. 7+04%&&@ hile the arria*e ,o"tra,t states that the arria*e li,e"se "$=er o the )arties is "$=er 7+04+&&. It is "ot i)ossi=le to ass$e that the sae is a ere t5)o*ra)hi,al error. It thereore #oes "ot #etra,t ro o$r ,o",l$sio" re*ar#i"* the e$"e (+@ %9'9.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the to arria*es ,o"tra,te# =5 the #e,ease# SP!4 Sa"tia*o S. CariZo are vali# i" #eteri"i"* the =e"e-,iar5 o his #eath =e"e-ts
R'li)*& 6"#er the Civil Co#e hi,h as the la i" or,e he" the arria*e o )etitio"er S$sa" Ni,#ao a"# the #e,ease# as sole"ie# i" %9'9@ a vali# arria*e li,e"se is a re$isite o arria*e a"# the a=se",e thereo@ s$=;e,t to ,ertai" re"#ers a arria*e voi# a= i"itio. ,ase at #oes =ar@ there is "oe$a"@ 2etro 2a"ila@ their oi,e has "o re,or# o s$,h arria*e li,e"se. The ,erti-,atio" iss$e# =5 the lo,al ,ivil re*istrar e";o5s )ro=ative val$e@ he =ei"* the oi,er ,har*e# $"#er the la to ?ee) a re,or# o all #ata to the iss$a",e o a arria*e li,e"se. Thereore@ the arria*e =etee" )etitio"er S$sa" Ni,#ao a"# the #e,ease# havi"* =ee" sole"ie# itho$t the "e,essar5 arria*e li,e"se@ a"# "ot =ei"* o"e o the arria*es e$#*e"t as re"#ere#
#issolvi"* their ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s a"# a))rovi"* a re*ie o se)aratio" o )ro)erties =ase# o" the 2eora"#$ o A*reee"t eaie@ he "ever a))lie# or a arria*e li,e"se or his s$))ose# arria*e to Carelita a"# "ever #i# the5 o=tai" a"5 arria*e li,e"se ro a"5 Civil Re*istr5@ ,o"se$e"tl5@ "o arria*e li,e"se as )rese"te# to the sole"ii"* oi,er. !" 2ar,h (@ %994@ a ,o)lai"t as -le# =5 >aie !. Sevilla =eore the RTC. I" its De,isio" #ate# >a"$ar5 (0@ (++(@ the RTC #e,lare# the "$llit5 o the arria*e o the )arties or la,? o the re$isite arria*e li,e"se. Carelita -le# a" a))eal ith the Co$rt o A))eals. I" a De,isio" #ate# (+ De,e=er (++4@ the Co$rt o A))eals #isa*ree# ith the trial ,o$rt. >aie -le# a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" #ate# ' >a"$ar5 (++0 hi,h the Co$rt o A))eals #e"ie# i" a Resol$tio" #ate# ' A)ril (++0. This #e"ial *ave rise to the )rese"t Petitio" -le# =5 >aie.
Iss'(& hether or "ot a vali# arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# i" a,,or#a",e ith la to the )arties herei" )rior to the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*es i" $estio"
R'li)*& Give" the #o,$e"tar5 a"# testio"ial evi#e",e to the ee,t that $tost eorts ere "ot ea"$ar5 9@ %99&@ at aro$"# 0 oM,lo,? i" the ater"oo"@ he as at his other3i"3laMs resi#e",e@ lo,ate# at ('7' F. 2$Zo St.@ 2alate@ 2a"ila@ he" his other3i"3la arrive# ith to e". :e testi-e# that he as tol# that he as *oi"* to $"#er*o soe ,ereo"5@ o"e o the re$iree"ts or his sta5 i" the Phili))i"es@ =$t as "ot tol# o the "at$re o sai# ,ereo"5. D$ri"* the ,ereo"5 he a"# Gloria si*"e# a #o,$e"t. :e ,laie# that he #i# "ot ?"o that the ,ereo"5 as a arria*e $"til Gloria tol# hi later. :e $rther testi-e# that he #i# "ot *o to Caro"a@ Cavite to a))l5 or a arria*e li,e"se@ a"# that he ha# "ever resi#e# i" that area. I" >$l5 o (++&@ he e"t to the !i,e o the Civil Re*istrar o Caro"a@ Cavite@ to ,he,? o" their arria*e li,e"se@ a"# as as?e# to sho a ,o)5 o their arria*e ,o"tra,t herei" the arria*e li,e"se "$=er ,o$l# =e o$"#. The 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar@ Leo#ivi"ia C. E",ar"a,io"@ iss$e# a ,erti-,atio" o" >$l5 %%@ (++& to the ee,t that the arria*e li,e"se "$=er a))eari"* i" the arria*e ,o"tra,t he s$=itte#@ 2arria*e Li,e"se No. 99'99'7@ as the "$=er o a"other arria*e li,e"se iss$e# to a ,ertai" Arli"#o Getala#o a"# 25ra 2a=ila"*a". I" its !,to=er 0@ (++0 De,isio"@ the Pasa5 Cit5 RTC hel# that "o vali# arria*e li,e"se as iss$e# =5 the 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar o Caro"a@ Cavite i" avor o Gloria a"# S5e# th$s their arria*e o" >a"$ar5 9@ %99& as voi# a= i"itio. Gloria -le# a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" #ate#
Nove=er 7@ (++0@ =$t the RTC #e"ie# the sae@ )ro)ti"* her to a))eal the $estio"e# #e,isio" to the Co$rt o A))eals. The CA *ave ,re#e",e to GloriaMs ar*$e"ts@ a"# *ra"te# her a))eal. It hel# that the ,erti-,atio" o the 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar aile# to ,ate*ori,all5 state that a #ili*e"t sear,h or the arria*e li,e"se o Gloria a"# S5e# as ,o"#$,te#@ a"# th$s hel# that sai# ,erti-,atio" ,o$l# "ot =e a,,or#e# )ro=ative val$e. The CA r$le# that there as s$i,ie"t testio"ial a"# #o,$e"tar5 evi#e",e that Gloria a"# S5e# ha# =ee" vali#l5 arrie# a"# that there as ,o)lia",e ith all the re$isites lai# #o" =5 la. S5e# the" -le# a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" #ate# A)ril %@ (++ =$t the sae as #e"ie# =5 the CA i" a Resol$tio" #ate# >$l5 (4@ (++ he",e@ this )etitio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot the Co$rt o A))eals erre# i" reversi"* a"# setti"* asi#e the #e,isio" o the RTC *ra"ti"* the )etitio" or #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o arria*e
R'li)*& The 2$"i,i)al Civil Re*istrar o Caro"a@ Cavite@ here the arria*e li,e"se o Gloria a"# S5e# as alle*e#l5 iss$e#@ iss$e# a ,erti-,atio" to the ee,t that "o s$,h arria*e li,e"se or Gloria a"# S5e# as iss$e#@ a"# that the serial "$=er o the arria*e li,e"se )ertai"e# to a"other ,o$)le@ Arli"#o Getala#o a"# 25ra 2a=ila"*a". A ,erti-e# a,hi"e ,o)5 o 2arria*e Li,e"se No. 99'99'7 as )rese"te#@ hi,h as iss$e# i" Caro"a@ Cavite@ a"# i"#ee#@ the "aes o Gloria a"# S5e# #o "ot a))ear i" the #o,$e"t. As to the otive o S5e# i" see?i"* to a""$l his arria*e to Gloria@ it a5 ell =e that his otives are less tha" )$re@ that he see?s to eva#e a =i*a5 s$it. 1e that as it a5@ the sae #oes "ot a?e $) or the ail$re o the res)o"#e"t to )rove that the5 ha# a vali# arria*e li,e"se@ *ive" the ei*ht o evi#e",e )rese"te# =5 )etitio"er. The la,? o a vali# arria*e li,e"se ,a""ot =e attri=$te# to hi@ as it as Gloria ho too? ste)s to )ro,$re the sae. The la $st =e a))lie#. As the arria*e li,e"se@ a oral re$isite@ is ,learl5 a=se"t@ the arria*e o Gloria a"# S5e# is voi# a= i"itio. The )etitio" is thereore *ra"te#.
ARRIAGES E;ET FRO ARRIAGE LICENSE RE7IREENT ERINIA 4OR/A-AN+ANO vs. /DGE RO7E R. SANCE+ A.. No. T/-00-329 #r$= 1, 200 F#$%s& :eri"ia 1or;a32a"a"o avers that she as the la$l ie o the late Davi# 2a"a"o@ havi"* =ee" arrie# to hi o" (% 2a5 %9'' i" Sa" Ga=riel Ar,ha"*el Parish@ Ara"eta Ave"$e@ Caloo,a" Cit5. Fo$r ,hil#re" ere =or" o$t o that arria*e. !" (( 2ar,h %99&@ hoever@ her h$s=a"# ,o"tra,te# a"other arria*e ith o"e L$vii"#a Pa5ao =eore res)o"#e"t >$#*e. he" res)o"#e"t >$#*e sole"ie# sai# arria*e@ he ?"e or o$*ht to ?"o that the sae as voi# a"# =i*ao$s@ as the arria*e ,o"tra,t ,learl5 state# that =oth ,o"tra,ti"* )arties ere Kse)arate#. For this a,t@ ,o)lai"a"t :eri"ia 1or;a32a"a"o ,har*es res)o"#e"t >$#*e ith *ross
i*"ora",e o the la i" a sor" Co)lai"t3Ai#avit -le# ith the !i,e o the Co$rt A#i"istrator o" %( 2a5 %999. Ater a" eval$atio" o the Co)lai"t a"# the Coe"t@ the Co$rt A#i"istrator re,oe"#e# that res)o"#e"t >$#*e =e o$"# *$ilt5 o *ross i*"ora",e o the la a"# =e or#ere# to )a5 a -"e o P(@+++.++@ ith a ar"i"* that a re)etitio" o the sae or siilar a,t o$l# =e #ealt ith ore severel5. Res)o"#e"t >$#*e -le# a 2a"iestatio" reiterati"* his )lea or the #isissal o the ,o)lai"t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the Res)o"#e"t >$#*e is *$ilt5 o *ross i*"ora",e o the la
R'li)*& Res)o"#e"t >$#*e ?"e or o$*ht to ?"o that a s$=sisti"* )revio$s arria*e is a #irie"t i)e#ie"t@ hi,h o$l# a?e the s$=se$e"t arria*e "$ll a"# voi#. I" a,t@ i" his Coe"t@ he state# that ha# he ?"o" that the late 2a"a"o as arrie# he o$l# have #is,o$ra*e# hi ro ,o"tra,ti"* a"other arria*e. A"# res)o"#e"t >$#*e ,a""ot #e"5 ?"ole#*e o 2a"a"oMs a"# Pa5aoMs s$=sisti"* )revio$s arria*e@ as the sae as ,learl5 state# i" their se)arate ai#avits hi,h ere s$=s,ri=e# a"# sor" to =eore hi. Clearl5@ res)o"#e"t >$#*e #eo"strate# *ross i*"ora",e o the la he" he sole"ie# a voi# a"# =i*ao$s arria*e. The aessell A=io*. :oever@ the5 ere s$r)rise# he" res)o"#e"t 1aro5 re)orte# or #$t5 as ,ler? o ,o$rt o" !,to=er (%@ %99%. The5 later o$"# o$t that res)o"#e"t 1aro5 as the o"e a))oi"te# =e,a$se she *ave a =ra"#3"e air3,o"#itio"i"* $"it to res)o"#e"t ;$#*e. Fi"all5@ res)o"#e"ts are ,har*e# ith ,olle,ti"* #o,?et ees ro the R$ral 1a"? o Ti"a=a,@ Caari"es S$r@ I",. altho$*h s$,h e"tit5 is er.@ ith a ster" ar"i"* that a"5 re)etitio" o the sae or siilar oe"ses i" the $t$re ill #e-"itel5 =e severel5 #ealt ith. Res)o"#e"t Nelia Eseral#a31aro5 is here=5 #isisse# ro the servi,e@ ith oreit$re o all retiree"t =e"e-ts a"# ith )re;$#i,e to e)lo5e"t i" a"5 =ra",h@ a*e",5 or i"str$e"talit5 o the Gover"e"t@ i",l$#i"* *over"e"t3o"e# or ,o"trolle# ,or)oratio"s.
ARRIAGE CEREONY LCIO ORIGO vs. EOLE OF TE ILIINES G.R. No. "!226 F(r'#r8 6, 200" F#$%s& L$,io 2ori*o a"# L$,ia 1arrete ere =oar# ates at the ho$se o Catali"a Tortor at Ta*=ilara" Cit5@ Provi",e o 1ohol@ or a )erio# o o$r 4H 5ears ro %9743%97H. Ater s,hool 5ear %97737@ L$,io2ori*o a"# L$,ia 1arrete lost ,o"ta,t ith ea,h other. I" %94@ L$,io2ori*o as s$r)rise# to re,eive a ,ar# ro L$,ia 1arrete ro Si"*a)ore. The orer re)lie# a"# ater a" e$#*e o" !,to=er %0@ %99& o"l5 to -"# o$t that she ,o$l# "ot *et the arria*e ,o"tra,t =e,a$se the !i,e o the Lo,al Civil Re*istrar aile# to iss$e a arria*e li,e"se. She ,lais that Res)o"#e"t >$#*e ,o""ive# ith the relatives o 2ar,elo 2ore"o to #e,eive her. I" his ,oe"t@Res)o"#e"t #e"ie# that he ,o"s)ire# ith the relatives o 2ar,elo 2ore"o to sole"ie the arria*e or the )$r)ose o #e,eivi"* the ,o)lai"a"t.The Res)o"#e"t >$#*e ,o"te"#s that he #i# "ot violate the la "or #i# he have the sli*htest i"te"tio" to violate the la he" he@ i" *oo# aith@ sole"ie# the arria*e@ as he as ove# o"l5 =5 a #esire to hel) a =e**i"* a"# )lea#i"* ,o)lai"a"t ho a"te# soe ?i"# o ass$ra",e or se,$rit5 #$e to her )re*"a"t ,o"#itio". I" or#er to )a,i5 ,o)lai"a"t@ 2ar,elo 2ore"o re$este# hi to )eror the arria*e ,ereo"5@ ith the e$#*e is *$ilt5 o *rave is,o"#$,t a"# *ross i*"ora",e o the la =5 sole"ii"* the arria*e itho$t the re$ire# arria*e li,e"se
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt r$le# that Res)o"#e"t >$#*e@ =5 his o" a#issio" that he sole"ie# the arria*e =etee" ,o)lai"a"t a"# 2ar,elo 2ore"o itho$t the re$ire# arria*e li,e"se@ has #isall5 aile# to live $) to his ,oite"t to =e the Oe=o#ie"t o ,o)ete",e@ i"te*rit5 a"# i"#e)e"#e",eOa"# to his )roise to =e Oaith$l to the la.O Res)o"#e"t ,a""ot hi#e =ehi"# his ,lai o *oo# aith a"# Christia" otives hi,h@ at ost@ o$l# serve o"l5 to iti*ate his lia=ilit5 =$t "ot e$#*e is *$ilt5 o *ross is,o"#$,t@ as ell as i"ei,ie",5 i" oi,e a"# i*"ora",e o the la
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt -"#s res)o"#e"t to have a,te# i" *ross i*"ora",e o the la. The le*al )ri",i)les a))li,a=le i" the ,ases =ro$* ht to o$r atte"tio" are elee"tar5 a"# $",o)li,ate# )ro)ti"* $s to ,o",l$#e that res)o"#e"ts ail$re to a))l5 the is #$e to a la,? o ,o)rehe"sio" o the la. The ;$#i,iar5 sho$l# =e ,o)ose# o )erso"s ho@ i "ot ea,o= a"# as a))oi"te# S)e,ial A#i"istrati< or the vario$s estates o the #e,ease# =5 virt$e o a re,o"str$,te# 2arria*e Co"tra,t =etee" hersel a"# the #e,ease#. Dee"#a"t3a))ellee o" the other ha"#@ ,laie# to =e the le*all53a#o)te# so" o Alre#o. I" s$))ort o his ,lai@ he )rese"te# a" !r#er #ate# % >$l5 %9'% iss$e# =5 the" Presi#i"* >$#*e >ose L. 2o5a@ CFI@ Caari"es S$r@ *ra"ti"* the )etitio" or a#o)tio" -le# =5 #e,ease# Alre#o i" avor o Pe#ro Pila)il. D$ri"* the )ro,ee#i"*s or the settlee"t o the estate o the #e,ease# Alre#o@ the #ee"#a"t3a))ellee Pe#ro so$*ht to i"terve"e therei" ,laii"* his share o the #e,ease#Ms estate as Alre#os a#o)te# so" a"# as his sole s$rvivi"* heir. Pe#ro $estio"e# the vali#it5 o the arria*e =etee" a))ella"t Toasa a"# his a#o)tive ather Alre#o. A))ella"t Toasa o))ose# the 2otio" or I"terve"tio" a"# -le# a ,o)lai"t or i";$",tio" ith #aa*es $estio"i"* a))ellees ,lai as the le*al heir o Alre#o. The Re*io"al Trial Co$rt re"#ere# a #e,isio" i" avor o Pe#ro Pila)il a"# a*ai"st ToasaG$iso". S$,h #e,isio" as aire# i" toto =5 the Co$rt o A))eals.
Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the arri a*e =etee" the )lai"t i ToasaV#a. De >a,o= a"# #e,ease# Alre#o E. >a,o= as vali# =H hether or "ot #ee"#a"t Pe#ro Pila)il is the le*all5 a#o )te# so" o Alre#o E. >a,o=
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt hel# that the ea,o= a"# )etitio"er live# to*ether as h$s=a"# a"# ie or at least -ve 5ears. A" ai#avit to this ee,t as ea,o= a"# )etitio"er. Clearl5 the"@ the arria*e as e$sti,e@ i"#sor@ !"tario@ Ca"a#a *ra"te# Ger=ertMs )etitio" or #ivor,e o" De,e=er @ (++0. The #ivor,e #e,ree too? ee,t a o"th later@ o" >a"$ar5 @ (++'. To 5ears ater the #ivor,e@ Ger=ert has ove# o" a"# has o$"# a"other Fili)i"a to love. Desiro$s o arr5i"* his "e Fili)i"a -a",[e i" the Phili))i"es@ Ger=ert e"t to the Pasi* Cit5 Civil Re*istr5 !i,e a"# re*istere# the Ca"a#ia" #ivor,e #e,ree o" his a"# Dais5l5"Ms arria*e ,erti-,ate. Des)ite the re*istratio" o the #ivor,e #e,ree@ a" oi,ial o the Natio"al Statisti,s !i,e NS!H i"ore# Ger=ert that the arria*e =etee" hi a"# Dais5l5" still s$=sists $"#er Phili))i"e la to =e e"or,ea=le@ the orei*" #ivor,e #e,ree $st -rst =e ;$#i,iall5 re,o*"ie# =5 a ,o)ete"t Phili))i"e ,o$rt@ )$rs$a"t to NS! Cir,$lar No. 4@ series o %9(. A,,or#i"*l5@ Ger=ert -le# a )etitio" or ;$#i,ial re,o*"itio" o orei*" #ivor,e a"#/or #e,laratio" o arria*e as #issolve# petitionH ith the RTC.
Altho$*h s$o"e#@ Dais5l5" #i# "ot -le a"5 res)o"sive )lea#i"* =$t s$=itte# i"stea# a "otarie# letter/a"iestatio" to the trial ,o$rt. She oere# "o o))ositio" to Ger=ertMs )etitio" a"#@ i" a,t@ alle*e# her #esire to -le a siilar ,ase hersel =$t as )reve"te# =5 -"a",ial a"# )erso"al ,ir,$sta",es. She@ th$s@ re$este# that she =e ,o"si#ere# as a )art53i"3 i"terest ith a siilar )ra5er to Ger=ertMs. I" its !,to=er &+@ (++ #e,isio"@ the RTC #e"ie# Ger=ertMs )etitio". The RTC ,o",l$#e# that Ger=ert as "ot the )ro)er )art5 to i"stit$te the a,tio" or ;$#i,ial re,o*"itio" o the orei*" #ivor,e #e,ree as he is a "at$ralie# Ca"a#ia" ,itie". It r$le# that o"l5 the Fili)i"o s)o$se ,a" avail o the ree#5@ $"#er the se,o"# )ara*ra)h o Arti,le (' o the Fail5 Co#e@ i" or#er or hi or her to =e a=le to rearr5 $"#er Phili))i"e la.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the se,o"# )ara*ra)h o Arti,le (' o the Fail5 Co#e e$"e 0@ %9'0. A*ai"@ "either )art5 a))lie# or a arria*e li,e"se. !"*?i?o
a=a"#o"e# res)o"#e"t %7 5ears a*o@ leavi"* their ,hil#re" to his ,are a"# ,$sto#5 as a si"*le )are"t. Res)o"#e"t ,lais that he" he arrie# De Castro i" ,ivil rites i" Los A"*eles@ Calior"ia o" De,e=er 4@ %99%@ he =elieve#@ i" all *oo# aith a"# or all le*al i"te"ts a"# )$r)oses@ that he as si"*le =e,a$se his -rst arria*e as sole"ie# itho$t a li,e"se.
Iss'(& hether or "ot Arti,le 4+ o the Fail5 Co#e a))l5 to res)o"#e"t ,o"si#eri"* that arria*ehile too? the )la,e i" %9'0 a"# as *over"e# the Civil Co#e o his the-rst Phili))i"es se,o"# arria*e too? )la,e i"=5 %99% a"# *over"e# =5 the Fail5 Co#e.
R'li)*& 6"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ there $st =e a ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o the "$llit5 o a )revio$s arria*e =eore a )art5 thereto ,a" e"ter i"to a se,o"# arria*e. Arti,le 4+ o sai# Co#e )rovi#esJ The a=sol$te "$llit5 o a )revio$s arria*e a5 =e i"vo?e# or the )$r)oses o rearria*e o" the =asis solel5 o a -"al ;$#*e"t #e,lari"* s$,h )revio$s arria*e voi#. Arti,le 4+ is a))li,a=le to rearria*es e"tere# i"to ater the ee,tivit5 o the Fail5 Co#e o" A$*$st &@ %9 re*ar#less o the #ate o the -rst arria*e. 1esi#es@ $"#er Arti,le (0' o the Fail5 Co#e@ sai# Arti,le is *ive" Oretroa,tive ee,t i"soar as it #oes "ot )re;$#i,e or i)air veste# or a,$ire# ri*hts i" a,,or#a",e ith the Civil Co#e or other las.O This is )arti,$larl5 tr$e ith Arti,le 4+@ hi,h is a r$le o )ro,e#$re. Res)o"#e"t has "ot sho" a"5 veste# ri*ht that as i)aire# =5 the a))li,atio" o Arti,le 4+ to his ,ase. The a,t that )ro,e#$ral stat$tes a5 soeho ae,t the liti*a"ts ri*hts a5 "ot )re,l$#e their retroa,tive a))li,atio" to )e"#i"* a,tio"s. Res)o"#e"t a#e a o,?er5 o the i"stit$tio" o arria*e a"# e)lo5e# #e,eit to =e a=le to ,oha=it ith a oa"@ ho =e*et hi -ve ,hil#re". Res)o"#e"t )asse# the 1ar e$#i,ial Ethi,s a"#ates that the ,o"#$,t o a ;$#*e $st =e ree o a hi o i)ro)riet5@ "ot o"l5 ith res)e,t to his )erora",e o his ;$#i,ial #$ties =$t also as to his =ehavior as a )rivate i"#ivi#$al. There is "o #$alit5 o oralit5. A )$=li, -*$re is also ;$#*e# =5 his )rivate lie. A ;$#*e@ i" or#er to )roote )$=li, ,o"-#e",e i" the i"te*rit5 a"# i)artialit5 o the ;$#i,iar5@ $st =ehave ith )ro)riet5 at all ties@ i" the )erora",e o his ;$#i,ial #$ties a"# i" his ever5#a5 lie. These are ;$#i,ial *$i#e)osts too sel3evi#e"t to =e overloo?e#. No )ositio" e$"e ('@ (++'@ 1ra",h 7+ o the RTC o 1$r*os@ Pa"*asi"a" #isisse# the Petitio" or the iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" -le# =5 )etitio"er a"# *ra"te# that o )rivate res)o"#e"t. The CA hel# that )etitio"er $"#ertoo? the ro"* ree#5. Petitio"er ove# or a re,o"si#eratio" o this De,isio". !" >$"e (+@ (++@ the CA #e"ie# her otio".:e",e@ this Petitio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot the #ivor,e is vali#.
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt r$le# that $"#er the )ri",i)les o ,oit5@ o$r ;$ris#i,tio" re,o*"ies a vali# #ivor,e o=tai"e# =5 a s)o$se o orei*" "atio"alit5. This #o,tri"e as esta=lishe# as earl5 as %90 i" Va" Dor" v. Roillo@ >r. herei" e sai#JIt is tr$e that oi"* to the "atio"alit5 )ri",i)le e=o#ie# i" Arti,le %0 o the Civil Co#e@ o"l5 Phili))i"e "atio"als are ,overe# =5 the )oli,5 a*ai"st a=sol$te #ivor,es@ the sae =ei"* ,o"si#ere# ,o"trar5 to o$r ,o",e)t o )$=li, )oli,5 a"# oralit5. :oever@ alie"s a5 o=tai" #ivor,es a=roa#@ hi,h a5 =e re,o*"ie# i" the Phili))i"es@ )rovi#e# the5 are vali# a,,or#i"* to their "atio"al la. I" this ,ase@ the #ivor,e i" Neva#a release# )rivate res)o"#e"t ro the arria*e ro the sta"#ar#s o Aeri,a" la@ $"#er hi,h #ivor,e #issolves the arria*e. 1eore a orei*" ;$#*e"t is *ive" )res$)tive evi#e"tiar5 val$e@ the #o,$e"t $st -rst =e )rese"te# a"# a#itte# i" evi#e",e. A #ivor,e o=tai"e# a=roa# is )rove" =5 the #ivor,e #e,ree itsel. I"#ee# the =est evi#e",e o a ;$#*e"t is the ;$#*e"t itsel. The #e,ree )$r)orts to =e a ritte" a,t or re,or# o a" a,t o a" oi,ial =o#5 or tri=$"al o a orei*" ,o$"tr5.
6"#er Se,tio"s (4 a"# (0 o R$le %&(@ o" the other ha"#@ a riti"* or #o,$e"t a5 =e )rove" as a )$=li, or oi,ial re,or# o a orei*" ,o$"tr5 =5 either %H a" oi,ial )$=li,atio" or (H a ,o)5 thereo atteste# =5 the oi,er havi"* le*al ,$sto#5 o the #o,$e"t. I the re,or# is "ot ?e)t i" the Phili))i"es@ s$,h ,o)5 $st =e aH a,,o)a"ie# =5 a ,erti-,ate iss$e# =5 the )ro)er #i)loati, or ,o"s$lar oi,er i" the Phili))i"e orei*" servi,e statio"e# i" the orei*" ,o$"tr5 i" hi,h the re,or# is ?e)t a"# =H a$the"ti,ate# =5 the seal o his oi,e. $ote# arti,les %%@lo"*er %& a"#=o$"# 0(H o =5 the Phili))i"e Fail5 Co#e Co)lia",e is "ot "e,esith sar5the res)o"#e"t as "o )erso"al las ater he a,$ire# A$stralia" ,itie"shi) i" %99(. Nat$raliatio" is the le*al a,t o a#o)ti"* a" alie" a"# ,lothi"* hi ith the )oliti,al a"# ,ivil ri*hts =elo"*i"* to a ,itie". Nat$ralie# ,itie"s@ ree# ro the )rote,tive ,loa? o their orer states@ #o" the attires o their a#o)tive ,o$"tries. 15 =e,oi"* a" A$stralia"@ res)o"#e"t severe# his alle*ia",e to the Phili))i"es a"# the vinculum juris that ha# tie# hi to Phili))i"e )erso"al las. Th$s@ it is i)erative or the trial ,o$rt to -rst #eteri"e the vali#it5 o the #ivor,e to as,ertai" the ri*ht$l )art5 to =e iss$e# the letters o a#i"istratio" over the estate o !rla"#o 1. Catala".
4IGAOS?OLYGAOS ARRIAGES FE D. 7ITA vs. CORT OF AEALS #)< 4LANDINA DANDAN G.RN . o. 2"162 D($((2 r 2, 991 F#$%s& Fe D. $ita a"# Art$ro T. Pa#la"@ =oth Fili)i"os@ ere arrie# i" the Phili))i"es o" % 2a5 %94%. Soehere alo"* the a5 their relatio"shi) so$re#. Eve"t$all5 Fe s$e# Art$ro or #ivor,e i" Sa" Fra",is,o@ Calior"ia@ 6.S.A. !" >$l5 (&@ %904 she o=tai"e# a -"al ;$#*e"t o #ivor,e. Three &H ee?s thereater she arrie# a ,ertai" Feli< T$)a i" the sae lo,alit5 =$t their relatio"shi) also e"#e# i" a #ivor,e. Still i" the 6.S.A.@ she arrie# or the thir# tie@ to a ,ertai" er"io"t. !" A)ril %'@ %97( Art$ro #ie#. :e let "o ill. >avier I",io"* -le# a )etitio" ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o $eo" Cit5 or iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" ,o",er"i"* the estate o Art$ro i" avor o the Phili))i"e Tr$st Co)a"5. Res)o"#e"t 1la"#i"a Da"#a"@ ,laii"* to =e the s$rvivi"* s)o$se o Art$ro Pa#la"@ a"# Claro@ Ale$#*e Alre#o 1. Pere@ >r. Te"e=ro a"# A",a;as live# to*ether ,o"ti"$o$sl5 a"# itho$t i"terr$)tio" $"til the latter )art o %99%@ he" Te"e=ro i"ore# A",a;as that he ha# =ee" )revio$sl5 arrie# to a ,ertai" :il#a Villare5es o" Nove=er %+@ %9'. I"vo?i"* this )revio$s arria*e@
)etitio"er thereater let the ,o";$*al #elli"* hi,h he share# ith A",a;as@ stati"* that he as *oi"* to ,oha=it ith Villare5es. !" >a"$ar5 (0@ %99&@ )etitio"er ,o"tra,te# 5et a"other arria*e@ this o"e ith a ,ertai" Nil#a Ville*as@ =eore >$#*e Gera" Lee@ >r. he" A",a;as lear"e# o this thir# arria*e@ she veri-e# ro Villare5es hether the latter as i"#ee# arrie# to )etitio"er hi,h as ,o"-re# =5 Villare5es. A",a;as thereater -le# a ,o)lai"t or =i*a5 a*ai"st )etitio"er. !" Nove=er %+@ %997@ the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o La)$3la)$ Cit5@ 1ra",h 04@ re"#ere# a #e,isio" -"#i"* the a,,$se# *$ilt5 =e5o"# reaso"a=le #o$=t o the ,rie =i*a5 Arti,le &49 the o the Revise# Co#e. !" a))eal@ theoCo$rt o $"#er A))eals aire# #e,isio" o Pe"al the trial ,o$rt. Petitio"erMs otio" or re,o"si#eratio" as #e"ie# or la,? o erit.
Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the CA err e# i" airi "* the #e, isio" o the Co$r t a $o ,o"vi,ti"* )etitio"er o the ,rie o =i*a5 #es)ite "o"3e$l5 (4@ (++7 a"# =eore her arrai*"e"t@ res)o"#e"t@ thro$*h ,o$"sel@ -le# a 2otio" to $ash I"oratio" a"# Disissal o the Crii"al Co)lai"tH alle*i"* that her arria*e ith So,rates ha# alrea#5 =ee" #e,lare# voi# a= i"itio i" (++&@ th$s@ there as "o ore arria*e to s)ea? o )rior to her arria*e to Silverio o" >a"$ar5 (4@ %9& that the =asi, elee"t o the ,rie o =i*a5@ i.e.@ to vali# arria*es@ is thereore a"ti"*. She also ,laie# that si",e the se,o"# arria*e as hel# i" %9&@ the ,rie o =i*a5 ha# alrea#5 )res,ri=e#. !" Se)te=er (4@ (++7@ the RTC iss$e# its assaile# !r#er #isissi"* the ,ase. Dissatis-e#@ a 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" as -le# =5 the )rose,$tio"@ =$t o))ose# =5 res)o"#e"t. I" a Resol$tio" #ate# >a"$ar5 (@ (++@ the RTC #e"ie# the sae r$li"*@ ao"* others@ that the ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o res)o"#e"ts arria*e is ta"tao$"t to a ere #e,laratio" or ,o"-ratio" that sai# arria*e "ever ea"$ar5 %9(@ res)o"#e"t arrie# >a"et 2o"i,a Par?er i" Sa" >ose@ A"ti$e@ i" Catholi, rites oi,iate# =5 Fr. :e"r5 va" Til=or* i" the Cathe#ral o Sa" >ose. Res)o"#e"t Nolas,o $rther testi-e# that ater the arria*e ,ele=ratio"@ he o=tai"e# a"other e)lo5e"t ,o"tra,t as a seaa" a"# let his ie ith his )are"ts i" Sa" >ose@ A"ti$e. Soetie i" >a"$ar5 %9&@ hile or?i"* overseas@ res)o"#e"t re,eive# a letter ro his other i"ori"* hi that >a"et 2o"i,a ha# *ive" =irth to his so". The sae letter i"ore# hi that >a"et 2o"i,a ha# let A"ti$e. Res)o"#e"t ,laie# he the" ie#iatel5 as?e# )erissio" to leave his shi) to ret$r" hoe. :e arrive# i" A"ti$e i" Nove=er %9&. Res)o"#e"t $rther testi-e# that his eorts to loo? or her hisel he"ever his shi) #o,?e# i" E"*la"# )rove# r$itless. :e also state# that
all the letters he ha# se"t to his issi"* s)o$se at No. & Rave"a Roa#@ Allerto"@ Liver)ool@ E"*la"#@ the a##ress o the =ar here he a"# >a"et 2o"i,a -rst et@ ere all ret$r"e# to hi. :e also ,laie# that he i"$ire# ro ao"* rie"#s =$t the5 too ha# "o "es o >a"et 2o"i,a. !" 0 A$*$st %9@ res)o"#e"t Gre*orio Nolas,o -le# =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o A"ti$e@ 1ra",h %+@ a )etitio" or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath o his ie >a"et 2o"i,a Par?er@ i"vo?i"* Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e. The )etitio" )ra5e# that res)o"#e"ts ie =e #e,lare# )res$)tivel5 #ea# or@ i" the alter"ative@ that the arria*e =e #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi#.The trial ,o$rts ,o$rt *ra"te# )etitio".The Co$rt A))eals aire# the trial #e,isio"@Nolas,os hol#i"* that res)o"#e"t ha#os$i,ie"tl5 esta=lishe# a =asis to or a =elie that his a=se"t s)o$se ha# alrea#5 #ie#.
Iss'(& hether or "ot Nolas,o has a ell3o$"#e# =elie that his ie is alrea#5 #ea#.
R'li)*& The )rese"t ,ase as -le# =eore the trial ,o$rt )$rs$a"t to Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e hi,h )rovi#es thatJ Art. 4%. A arria*e ,o"tra,te# =5 a"5 )erso" #$ri"* the s$=siste",e o a )revio$s arria*e shall =e "$ll a"# voi#@ $"less =eore the ,ele=ratio" o the s$=se$e"t arria*e@ the )rior s)o$se ha# =ee" a=se"t or o$r ,o"se,$tive 5ears a"# the spouse present had a wellfounded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. I" ,ase o #isa))eara",e here there is #a"*er o #eath $"#er the ,ir,$sta",es set orth i" the )rovisio" o Arti,le &9% o the Civil Co#e@ a" a=se",e o o"l5 to 5ears shall =e s$i,ie"t. The Fail5 Co#e )res,ri=es as "well founded belief" that the a=se"tee is already dead =eore a )etitio" or #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath ,a" =e *ra"te#. As )oi"te# o$t =5 the Soli,itor3Ge"eral@ there are o$r 4H re$isites or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath $"#er Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#eJ %. That the a=se"t s)o$se has =ee" issi"* or o$r ,o"se,$tive 5ears@ or to ,o"se,$tive 5ears i the #isa))eara",e o,,$rre# here there is #a"*er o #eath $"#er the ,ir,$sta",es lai# #o" i" Arti,le &9%@ Civil Co#e (. That the )rese"t s)o$se ishes to rearr5 &. That the )rese"t s)o$se has a ell3o$"#e# =elie that the a=se"tee is #ea# a"# 4. That the )rese"t s)o$se -les a s$ar5 )ro,ee#i"* or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath o the a=se"tee.
The Co$rt =elieves that res)o"#e"t Nolas,o aile# to ,o"#$,t a sear,h or his issi"* ie ith s$,h #ili*e",e as to *ive rise to a Oell3o$"#e# =elieO that she is #ea#.I" the ,ase at =ar@ the Co$rt ,o"si#ers that the i"vesti*atio" alle*e#l5 ,o"#$,te# =5 res)o"#e"t i" his atte)t to as,ertai" >a"et 2o"i,a Par?ers herea=o$ts is too s?et,h5 to or the =asis o a reaso"a=le or ell3o$"#e# =elie that she as alrea#5 #ea#. The Co$rt also vies res)o"#e"ts ,lai that >a"et 2o"i,a #e,li"e# to *ive a"5 i"oratio" as to her )erso"al =a,?*ro$"# eve" ater she ha# arrie# res)o"#e"t too ,o"ve"ie"t a" e$lato". !" 2a5 (@ (++%@ the Re)$=li, o the Phili))i"es@ thro$*h the !i,e o the Soli,itor Ge"eral !SGH@ -le# a 2otio" to Disissthe )etitio"@ hi,h as@ hoever@ #e"ie# =5 the ,o$rt. At the heari"*@ Ala" a##$,e# evi#e",e that he a"# Lea ere arrie# o" >a"$ar5 (+@ %990 i" Cat=alo*a"@ Saar.:e testi-e# that@ o" Fe=r$ar5 '@ %990@ Lea arrive# hoe late i" the eve"i"* a"# he =erate# her or =ei"* ala5s o$t o their ho$se. Ala" "arrate# that@ he" he re)orte# or or? the olloi"* #a5@ Lea as still i" the ho$se@ =$t he" he arrive# hoe later i" the #a5@ Lea as "ohere to =e o$"#.:oever@ Lea #i# "ot ret$r" to their ho$se a"5ore.Soetie i" >$"e %990@ he #e,i#e# to *o to 2a"ila to loo? or Lea@ =$t his other as?e# hi to leave ater the to" -esta o Cat=alo*a"@ ho)i"* that Lea a5 ,oe hoe or the -esta. :e aile# to -"# o$t LeaMs herea=o$ts #es)ite his re)eate# tal?s ith >a"eth. Ala" #e,i#e# to or? as a )art3tie taa)a" here A$relio a"# L$isita ha# =ee" livi"* si",e %90. There ere i"sta",es #$ri"* L$isita a"# A$relios arria*e he"@ =e,a$se o their $arrels@ o"e or the other let the #elli"* )la,e or lo"* )erio#s o tie. I" her ,ase L$isita sta5e# o" those o,,asio"s at vario$s ties i" Davao Cit5@ :o"*?o"* or >a)a".I" %9'7 A$relio et )etitio"er Ne"ita T. 1ie"ve"i#o@ ho ha# =ee" estra"*e# ro her h$s=a"#@ L$is Rivera. A$relio ,o$rte# her a"# a))are"tl5 o" her heart =e,a$se ro >$"e %9' $"til A$relios #eath o" 2a5 (@ %9@ he live# ith her@ the last tie i" a #$)le< a)arte"t o" 4 S,o$t Del*a#o Street@ $eo" Cit5. Petitio"ers #a$*hter@ Na"ette@ sta5e# ith the as #i# A$relios so"@ Chito@ ho live# ith the or a=o$t a 5ear i" %97'. !" A)ril &+@ %9(@ A$relio =o$*ht the ho$se a"# the lot o" Del*a#o Street i" hi,h the5 ere sta5i"* ro the o"ers@ Pa Lore"o I"a"te a"# S$ette I"a"te32oZo,a. I" the #ee# o sale a"# Tra"ser Certi-,ate o Title No. (&0+ o the Re*istr5 o Dee#s o $eo" Cit5@ iss$e# i" his "ae@ A$relio as #es,ri=e# as si"*le.!" Nove=er ('@ %94@ A$relio e$"e %@ (++4@ the CA re"#ere# ;$#*e"t airi"* the #e,isio" o the RTC ith o#i-,atio" as to the )e"alt5 o the a,,$se#.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the )etitio"erMs ie ,a""ot =e le*all5 )res$e# #ea# $"#er Arti,le &9+ o the Civil Co#e as there as "o ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath as )rovi#e# $"#er Arti,le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e.
R'li)*& The )etitio" is #e"ie# or la,? o erit.The reaso" h5 =i*a5 is ,o"si#ere# a elo"5 is to )reserve a"# e"s$re the ;$ri#i,al tie o arria*e esta=lishe# =5 la.The )hrase Oor =eore the a=se"t s)o$se ha# =ee" #e,lare# )res$)tivel5 #ea# =5 ea"s o a ;$#*e"t re"#ere# i" the )ro)er )ro,ee#i"*sO as i",or)orate# i" the Revise# Pe"al Co#e =e,a$se the #raters o the la ere o the i)ressio" that Oi" ,o"so"a",e ith the ,ivil la hi,h )rovi#es or the )res$)tio" o #eath ater a" a=se",e o a "$=er o 5ears@ the ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o )res$e# #eath li?e a""$le"t o arria*e sho$l# =e a ;$sti-,atio" or =i*a5.O
For the a,,$se# to =e hel# *$ilt5 o =i*a5@ the )rose,$tio" is =$r#e"e# to )rove the elo"5J aH he/she has =ee" le*all5 arrie# a"# =H he/she ,o"tra,ts a s$=se$e"t arria*e itho$t the orer arria*e havi"* =ee" la$ll5 #issolve#. The elo"5 is ,o"s$ate# o" the ,ele=ratio" o the se,o"# arria*e or s$=se$e"t arria*e.It is esse"tial i" the )rose,$tio" or =i*a5 that the alle*e# se,o"# arria*e@ havi"* all the esse"tial re$iree"ts@ o$l# =e vali# ere it "ot or the s$=siste",e o the -rst arria*e. The re$ir ee"t or a ;$#*e"t o the )res$ )tive #eath o the a=se"t s)o$se is or the =e"e-t oothe s)o$se arria*e@ )rese"t@ as )rote,tio" ro the )ai"s a"# the ,o"se$e",es a se,o"# )re,isel5 =e,a$se he/she ,o$l# =e ,har*e# a"# ,o"vi,te# o =i*a5 i the #ee"se o *oo# aith =ase# o" ere testio"5 is o$"# i",re#i=le.The re$iree"t o ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" is also or the =e"e-t o the State. 6"#er Arti,le II@ Se,tio" %( o the Co"stit$tio"@ the OState shall )rote,t a"# stre"*the" the ail5 as a =asi, a$to"oo$s so,ial i"stit$tio".O 2arria*e is a so,ial i"stit$tio" o the hi*hest i)orta",e. P$=li, )oli,5@ *oo# orals a"# the i"terest o so,iet5 re$ire that the arital relatio" sho$l# =e s$rro$"#e# ith ever5 sae*$ar# a"# its severa",e o"l5 i" the a""er )res,ri=e# a"# the ,a$ses s)e,i-e# =5 la.The las re*$lati"* ,ivil arria*es are "e,essar5 to serve the i"terest@ saet5@ *oo# or#er@ ,oort or *e"eral elare o the ,o$"it5 a"# the )arties ,a" aive "othi"* esse"tial to the vali#it5 o the )ro,ee#i"*s. A ,ivil arria*e a",hors a" or#ere# so,iet5 =5 e",o$ra*i"* sta=le relatio"shi)s over tra"sie"t o"es it e"ha",es the elare o the ,o$"it5. I" a real se"se@ there are three )arties to ever5 ,ivil arria*e to illi"* s)o$ses a"# a" a))rovi"* State. !" arria*e@ the )arties ass$e "e relatio"s to ea,h other a"# the State to$,hi"* "earl5 o" ever5 as)e,t o lie a"# #eath. The ,o"se$e",es o a" i"vali# arria*e to the )arties@ to i""o,e"t )arties a"# to so,iet5@ are so serio$s that the la a5 ell ta?e ea"s ,al,$late# to e"s$re the )ro,$ree"t o the ost )ositive evi#e",e o #eath o the -rst s)o$se or o the )res$)tive #eath o the a=se"t s)o$seater the la)se o the )erio# )rovi#e# or $"#er the la. !"e s$,h ea"s is the re$iree"t o the #e,laratio" =5 a ,o)ete"t ,o$rt o the )res$)tive #eath o a" a=se"t s)o$se as )roo that the )rese"t s)o$se ,o"tra,ts a s$=se$e"t arria*e o" a ell3*ro$"#e# =elie o the #eath o the -rst s)o$se.
VALID 4IGAOS ARRIAGES RE4LIC OF TE ILIINES vs. GLORIA 4ERDE+-LORINO G.R. No. 602!1 /#)'#r8 9, 200! F#$%s& Res)o"#e"t Gloria 1er$#e3Lori"o a"# her h$s=a"# ere arrie# o" >$"e %(@ %97. 1e,a$se o her h$s=a"#Ms viole"t ,hara,ter@ Gloria o$"# it saer to leave hi =ehi"# a"# #e,i#e# to *o =a,? to her )are"ts to*ether ith her three &H ,hil#re". I" or#er to s$))ort the ,hil#re"@ Gloria as ,o)elle# to or? a=roa#. Fro the tie o her )h5si,al se)aratio" ro her h$s=a"# i" %99%@ Gloria has "ot hear# o hi at all. She ha# a=sol$tel5 "o ,o$"i,atio"s ith hi@ or ith a"5 o his relatives. !" A$*$st %4@ (+++@ "i"e 9H 5ears ater she let her h$s=a"#@ Gloria -le# a veri-e# )etitio" ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt RTCH. I" a #e,isio" #ate# Nove=er 7@ (++%@ the RTC@ -"#i"* erit i" the s$ar5 )etitio"@ re"#ere# ;$#*e"t *ra"ti"* the sae. I" a #e,isio" #ate# Se)te=er (&@ (++&@ the Co$rt o A))eals@ treati"* the ,ase as a" or#i"ar5 a))eale# ,ase $"#er R$le 4% o the Revise# R$les o" Civil Pro,e#$re@ #e"ie# the Re)$=li,Ms a))eal a"# a,,or#i"*l5 aire# the a))eale# RTC #e,isio".
Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the Co$rt o A))eals #$l5 a,$ire# ;$ris#i,tio" over the a))eal o" a -"al a"# e6DICIAL PR!CEEDINGS IN T:E FA2ILY LA@ sets the te"or or ,ases ,overe# =5 these r$les. I" S$ar5 >$#i,ial Pro,ee#i"*s $"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ there is "o re*lee"tar5 )erio# ithi" hi,h to )ere,t a" a))eal@ )re,isel5 =e,a$se ;$#*e"ts re"#ere#
there$"#er@ =5 ea"$ar5 (++9 Resol$tio"@ the a))ellate ,o$rt *ra"te# Yola"#aMs 2otio" to Disiss o" the *ro$"# o la,? o ;$ris#i,tio". Citi"* Re)$=li, v. 1er$#e3Lori"o@the CA r$le# that a )etitio" or #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath $"#er R$le 4% o the Fail5 Co#e is a s$ar5 )ro,ee#i"*.
aH hether the CA serio$sl5 erre# i" #isissi"* the Petitio" o" the *ro$"# that the De,isio" o the RTC i" a s$ar5 )ro,ee#i"* or the #e,laratio" o )res$)tive #eath is ie#iatel5 -"al a"# e$"e 0@ %9'0. A*ai"@ "either )art5 a))lie# or a arria*e li,e"se. !"*?i?o a=a"#o"e# res)o"#e"t %9 5ears a*o@ leavi"* their ,hil#re" to his ,are a"# ,$sto#5 as a si"*le )are"t. Res)o"#e"t ,lais that he" he arrie# De Castro i" ,ivil rites i" Los A"*eles@ Calior"ia o" De,e=er 4@ %99%@ he =elieve#@ i" all *oo# aith a"# or all le*al i"te"ts a"# )$r)oses@ that he as si"*le =e,a$se his -rst arria*e as sole"ie# itho$t a li,e"se.
Iss'(&hether or "ot res)o"#e"t is *$ilt5 o a" ioral a"# ille*al a,t =5 ,oha=iti"* ith De Castro.
R'li)*& 6"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ there $st =e a ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o the "$llit5 o a )revio$s arria*e =eore a )art5 thereto ,a" e"ter i"to a se,o"# arria*e. Arti,le 4+ is a))li,a=le to rearria*es e"tere# i"to ater the ee,tivit5 o the Fail5 Co#e o" A$*$st &@ %9 re*ar#less o the #ate o the -rst arria*e. 1esi#es@ $"#er Arti,le (0' o the Fail5 Co#e@ sai# Arti,le is *ive" Oretroa,tive ee,t i"soar as it #oes "ot )re;$#i,e or i)air veste# or a,$ire# ri*hts i" a,,or#a",e ith the Civil Co#e or other las.O This is )arti,$larl5 tr$e ith Arti,le 4+@ hi,h is a r$le o )ro,e#$re. Res)o"#e"t has "ot sho" a"5 veste# ri*ht that as i)aire# =5 the a))li,atio" o Arti,le 4+ to his ,ase. Res)o"#e"t is the last )erso" alloe# to i"vo?e *oo# aith. :e a#e a o,?er5 o the i"stit$tio" o arria*e a"# e)lo5e# #e,eit to =e a=le to ,oha=it ith a oa"@ ho =e*ot hi -ve ,hil#re". :is ail$re to se,$re a arria*e li,e"se o" these to o,,asio"s =etra5s his si"ister otives a"# =a# aith. It is evi#e"t that res)o"#e"t
aile# to eet the sta"#ar# o oral -t"ess or e=ershi) i" the le*al )roessio". hile the #e,eit e)lo5e# =5 res)o"#e"t e$l5 %97@ >$lia *ave =irth to a =a=5 =o5@ a"# he as ,hriste"e# Leo$el Sa"tos@ >r. The e,stas5@ hoever@ #i# "ot last lo"*. It as =o$"# to ha))e"@ Leo$el averre#@ =e,a$se o the re$e"t i"terere",e =5 >$lias )are"ts i"to the 5o$"* s)o$ses ail5 aairs. !,,asio"all5@ the ,o$)le o$l# also start a O$arrelO over a "$=er o other thi"*s@ li?e he" a"# here the ,o$)le sho$l# start livi"* i"#e)e"#e"tl5 ro >$lias )are"ts or he"ever >$lia o$l# e$lia -"all5 let or the 6"ite# Sates o Aeri,a to or? as a "$rse #es)ite Leo$els )leas to so #iss$a#e her. Seve" o"ths ater her #e)art$re@ or o" +% >a"$ar5 %99@ >$lia ,alle# $) Leo$el or the -rst tie =5 lo"* #ista",e tele)ho"e. She )roise# to ret$r" hoe $)o" the e$lia =$t all his eorts ere o "o avail. A )ossi=le ,oll$sio" =etee" the )arties to o=tai" a #e,ree o "$llit5 o their arria*e as r$le# o$t =5 the !i,e o the Provi",ial Prose,$tor i" its re)ort to the ,o$rtH.
Iss'(& hether or "ot Leo$elMs arria*e ith >$lia ,a" =e #e,lare# i"vali#.
R'li)*& It ,o$l# ell =e that@ i" s$@ the Fail5 Co#e Revisio" Coittee i" $ltiatel5 #e,i#i"* to a#o)t the )rovisio" ith less s)e,i-,it5 tha" e$sti,e >os$e N. 1ellosillo i" Salita vs . Hon. Magtolis G.R. No. %+'4(9@ %& >$"e %994H th$sJThe Coittee #i# "ot *ive a"5 ea"$ar5 %@ (+++@ E#ar# -le# a )etitio" =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o $eo" Cit5 or the a""$le"t o his arria*e ith Roe"a o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. !" A$*$st (&@ (+++@ the !i,e o the Cit5 Prose,$tor s$=itte# a" i"vesti*atio" re)ort stati"* that it ,o$l# "ot #eteri"e i there as ,oll$sio" =etee" the )arties a"# thereore@ re,oe"#e# trial o" the erits. 6)o" the -"#i"*s o the ,li"i,al )s5,holo*ist o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o E#ar# #e)e"#e"t )erso"alit5 #isor#erH a"# Roe"a "ar,issisti, a"# a"tiso,ial )erso"alit5 #isor#erH@ the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt #e,lare# the arria*e "$ll a"# voi#. :oever@ the A))ellate Co$rt reverse# a"# set asi#e the Trial Co$rtMs #e,isio" o" the *ro$"# that the ,li"i,al )s5,holo*ist #i# "ot e$v5@ $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e@ as ae"#e#. :e alle*e# that >$v5 as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to e$v5J aH re$se# to a?e $) earl5 to )re)are =rea?ast =H let their ,hil# to the ,are o their "ei*h=ors he" she e"t o$t o the ho$se ,H s$a"#ere# a h$*e ao$"t o the P%0@+++.++ that the res)o"#e"t e"tr$ste# to her #H stole the res)o"#e"tMs AT2 ,ar# a"# atte)te# to ith#ra the o"e5 #e)osite# i" his a,,o$"t eH alsi-e# the res)o"#e"tMs si*"at$re i" or#er to e",ash a ,he,? H a#e $) alse stories i" or#er to =orro o"e5 ro their relatives a"# *H i"#$l*e# i" *a=li"*.A,,or#i"* to the res)o"#e"t@ >$v5 s$ers ro Ke"tal #e-,ie",5@ i""ate iat$rit5@ #istorte# #is,er"e"t a"# total la,? o ,are@ love a"# ae,tio" toar#s hi a"# their ,hil#. :e )osite# that >$v5Ms i",a)a,it5 as Ke$v5 a letter re$esti"* or a" i"tervie@ =$t the latter #i# "ot res)o"#. !" >a"$ar5 ((@ (++%@ the RTC "$lli-e# the )artiesM arria*e. !" Nove=er (0@ (++4@ the CA aire# the RTC #e,isio" i" toto e$v5Ms i"#ole",e a"# la,? o res)o"si=ilit5 ,o$)le# ith her *a=li"* a"# si"#li"* $"#eri"e# her ,a)a,it5 to ,o)l5 ith her arital o=li*atio"s. The testio"5 o )s5,holo*ist A""a Lia S. G$ia"* ,hara,terie# >$v5Ms ,o"#itio" as )era"e"t@ i",$ra=le a"# e$v5Ms "e*ative traits. First@ the )s5,holo*ist #i# "ot i#e"ti5 the t5)es o )s5,holo*i,al tests to #eteri"e the root ,a$se o >$v5Ms )s5,holo*i,al ,o"#itio". Se,o"#@ the re)ort aile# to )rove the *ravit5 or severit5 o >$v5Ms ,o"#itio". Lastl5@ the re)ort aile# to )rove i",$ra=ilit5. The )s5,holo*istMs testio"5 as totall5 #evoi# o a"5 i"oratio" or i"si*ht i"to >$v5Ms earl5 lie a"# asso,iatio"s@ ho she a,te# =eore a"# at the tie o the arria*e@ a"# ho the s5)tos o a #isor#ere# )erso"alit5 #evelo)e#. Si)l5 )$t@ the )s5,holo*ist aile# to tra,e the histor5 o >$v5Ms )s5,holo*i,al ,o"#itio" a"# to relate it to a" eose as ote" assi*"e# to vario$s )arts o the Phili))i"e ar,hi)ela*o as a" oi,er i" the AFP. 1o"a #i# "ot ,oha=it ith hi i" his )osts@ )reerri"* to sta5 i" her hoeto" o 1asila". Neither #i# 1o"a visit hi i" his areas o assi*"e"t@ eose as a))oi"te# as the 1attalio" Coa"#er o the Se,$rit5 Es,ort Gro$). :e a"# 1o"a@ alo"* ith Rao"a@ ere *ive" livi"* $arters at Fort 1o"ia,io@ 2a?ati Cit5 here the5 resi#e# ith their ilitar5 ai#es.I" %97@ >ose as ,har*e# ith re=ellio" or his alle*e# )arti,i)atio" i" the aile# ,o$) #Metat. :e as i",ar,erate# i" Ca) Crae.
Eve" at the o"set o their arria*e he" >ose as assi*"e# i" vario$s )arts o the ,o$"tr5@ 1o"a ha# illi,it relatio"s ith other e". 1o"a e"tertai"e# ale visitors i" her =e#roo he"ever >ose as o$t o their livi"* $arters at Fort 1o"ia,io. !" o"e o,,asio"@ 1o"a as ,a$*ht =5 Deetrio 1a;et 5 Lita@ a se,$rit5 ai#e@ havi"* se< ith >oseMs #river@ Cor)oral Ga*ari". R$ors o 1o"aMs seose ,o$l# "o lo"*er =ear these r$ors@ he *ot a ilitar5 )ass ro his ;ail ar#e" a"# ,o"ro"te# 1o"a.D$ri"* their ,o"ro"tatio"@ 1o"a a#itte# her relatio"shi) ith Cor)oral Ga*ari" ho also a#e a siilar a#issio" to >ose. >ose #rove 1o"a aa5 ro their livi"* $arters. let ith Rao"a a"#It e"t 1asila".I" %994@ Rao"a let 1o"a1o"a a"# ,ae to live ith >ose. is >osetoho is ,$rre"tl5 s$))orti"* the "ee#s o Rao"a. >ose -le# a Petitio" or De,laratio" o N$llit5 o 2arria*e@ see?i"* to "$lli5 his arria*e to 1o"a o" the *ro$"# o the latterMs )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 to $l-ll the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e.I" a De,isio" #ate# %% >a"$ar5 %999@ the trial ,o$rt *ra"te# the )etitio" a"# "$lli-e# the )artiesM arria*e. The !SG a))eale# ith the CA hi,h *ra"te# the a))eal@ reverse# a"# set asi#e the #e,isio" o the RTC.
Iss'(& hether or "ot 1o"a sho$l# =e #eee# )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s.
R'li)*& No. There is i"a#e$ate ,re#i=le evi#e",e that her K#ee,ts seose@ seose a"# his it"esses. This a,t$al ,ir,$sta",e evo?es the )ossi=ilit5 that the i"oratio" e# to the )s5,hiatrist is tai"te# ith =ias or >oseMs ,a$se@ i" the a=se",e o s$i,ie"t ,orro=oratio". It is a))are"t ro the a=ove3,ite# testio"ies that 1o"a@ ,o"trar5 to >oseMs assertio"@ ha# "o a"iest #esire to a=a"#o" >ose at the =e*i""i"* o their arria*e a"# as@ i" a,t@ livi"* ith hi or the ost )art o their relatio"shi) ro %97& $) to the tie he" >ose #rove her aa5 ro their ,o";$*al hoe i" %9. !" the ,o"trar5@ the re,or# shos that it as >ose ho as ,o"sta"tl5 aa5 ro 1o"a =5 reaso" o his ilitar5 #$ties a"# his later i",ar,eratio". A reaso"a=le eose i" his ilitar5 assi*"e"ts i" other )arts o 2i"#a"ao a5 =e si)l5 that those lo,atio"s ere ?"o" ,o"i,t areas
i" the seve"ties. A"5 #o$=t as to 1o"aMs #esire to live ith >ose o$l# later =e erase# =5 the a,t that 1o"a live# ith >ose i" their ,o";$*al hoe i" Fort 1o"ia,io #$ri"* the olloi"* #e,a#e. I" vie o the ore*oi"*@ the =a#*es o 1o"aMs alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5@ i.e.@ her seose a"# "ot to the i",e)tio" o the sai# arria*e.
OTER /RISRDENCE ON SYCOLOGICAL INCAACITY CAACO-REYES vs. REYES G.R. No. 1!216 A'*'s% 1, 200 F#$%s& Petitio"er 2aria So,orro Caa,ho3Re5es et res)o"#e"t Rao" Re5es at the 6"iversit5 o the Phili))i"es 6PH@ Dilia"@ i" %97( he" the5 ere =oth "i"etee" %9H 5ears ol#. Petitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t *ot arrie#o" De,e=er 0@ %97'. At that tie@ )etitio"er as alrea#5 -ve 0H o"ths )re*"a"t a"# e)lo5e# at the Po)$latio" Ce"ter Fo$"#atio".Thereater@ the5 live# ith the Rao"Ms ail5 i" 2a"#al$5o"* Cit5. All livi"* eo,el5" let A"*elito soetie i" >$l5 %97. A"*elito thereater o$"# a"other oa" ith ho he has si",e live#. The5 "o have ,hil#re". Te" 5ears ater their se)aratio"@ or o" !,to=er @ %997@ >o,el5" -le# ith the RTC a )etitio" or #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o arria*e $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e@ as ae"#e#. Sh e ,laie# that A"*elito as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e. I" a##itio" to the a=ove histori,al "arrative o their relatio"shi)@ she alle*e# i" her ,o)lai"t that ro the start o their arria*e $"til their se)aratio" i" >$l5 %97@ their relatio"shi) has =ee" arre# ith =itter $arrels that ,a$se# $"=eara=le )h5si,al a"# eotio"al )ai" i"i,te# $)o" =5 A"*elito that o"e o the ai" reaso"s or their $arrels as A"*elitoMs re$sal to or?@ his i"#ole",e a"# eo,el5"Ms a$"t@ ,orro=orate# >o,el5"Ms testio"5. The )s5,holo*ist testi-e# that A"*elito hae# Chro"i, A"tiso,ial Disor#er hi,h as )era"e"t a"# i",$ra=le. The RTC a""$lle# the arria*e o" the *ro$"#s )rovi#e# =5 Sa"tos v. Co$rt o A))eals. The CA reverse# a"# set asi#e the #e,isio" o the RTC.
Iss'(& hether or "ot A"*elito is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s.
R'li)*& No. 1oth the )s5,holo*istMs testio"5 a"# the )s5,holo*i,al re)ort #i# "ot ,o",l$sivel5 sho the root ,a$se@ *ravit5 a"# i",$ra=ilit5 o A"*elitoMs alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al ,o"#itio". The )s5,holo*ist #erive# all her ,o",l$sio"s ro i"oratio" ,oi"* ro >o,el5" hose =ias or her ,a$se ,a""ot o ,o$rse =e #o$=te#. >o,el5" erel5 testi-e# o" A"*elitoMs ha=it$al #r$"?e""ess@ *a=li"*@ re$sal to see? e)lo5e"t a"# the )h5si,al =eati"*s she re,eive# ro hi Q all o hi,h o,,$rre# ater the arria*e. Si*"i-,a"tl5@ she #e,lare# i" her testio"5 that A"*elito shoe# "o si*"s o viole"t =ehavior@ ass$i"* this to =e i"#i,ative o a )erso"alit5 #isor#er@ #$ri"* the ,o$rtshi) sta*e or at the earliest sta*es o her relatio"shi) ith hi. She testi-e# o" the alle*e# )h5si,al =eati"*s ater the arria*e@ "ot =eore or at the tie o the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*e. She #i# "ot ,lari5 he" these =eati"*s ea)a"ese ,$lt$re@ literat$re a"# la"*$a*e. Des)ite the #ista",e@ Ro#olo a"# A$rora ai"tai"e# ,o$"i,atio". I" %9+@ ater A$rora ret$r"e# to the Phili))i"es@ she a"# Ro#olo *ot arrie#. The5 =e*ot to ,hil#re"@ =$t Ro#olo ,laie# their arria*e as Kt$$lt$o$s. :e #es,ri=e# A$rora as #oi"eeri"* a"# re$e"tl5 h$iliate# hi eve" i" ro"t o his rie"#s. :e ,o)lai"e# that A$rora as a s)e"#thrit as she overs)e"t the ail5 =$#*et a"# a#e ,r$,ial ail5 #e,isio"s itho$t ,o"s$lti"* hi. Ro#olo a##e# that A$rora as ta,tless@ s$s)i,io$s@ *ive" to "a**i"* a"# ;ealo$s5 as evi#e",e# =5 the latterMs -li"* a*ai"st hi a ,rii"al ,ase ,o", $=i"a*eH a"# a" a#i"istrative ,ase. :e
let the ,o";$*al hoe@ a"# -le# o" 2ar,h 7@ %990@ a )etitio" or a""$le"t o arria*e o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o" the )art o A$rora. :e averre# that A$rora aile# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e. A$rora@ or her )art@ alle*e# that soetie i" %99%@ Ro#olo *ave her a )la"e ti,?et to >a)a" to e"a=le her to ass$e her tea,hi"* )ositio" i" a $"iversit5 or a )erio# o three o"ths. I" A$*$st %99%@ $)o" her ret$r" to 2a"ila@ she #is,overe# that hile she as i" >a)a"@ Ro#olo =ro$*ht i"to their ,o";$*al hoe her ,o$si"@ Le,ita Rose A. 1esi"a@ as his ,o",$=i"e. A$rora alle*e# thatarria*e Ro#oloMsa"# ,oha=itatio" ith her ,o$si" to the #isi"te*ratio" o their their eve"t$al se)ara tio". le# I" 2a5 %99(@ Ro#olo a=a"#o"e# their ,o";$*al hoe to live ith 1esi"a. A$rora ,laie# ,$sto#5 o the ,hil#re". Ps5,hiatri, eval$atio" =5 Dr. E#$ar#o 2aa=a reveale# that =oth )arties s$ere# )s5,holo*i,al ha"#i,a)s tra,e# ro $"health5 at$ratio"al #evelo)e"t. 1oth ha# stri,t@ #oi"eeri"*@ #is,i)li"aria" role o#els. :oever@ res)o"#e"tMs istr$st@ shallo heteroseose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ the hoeto" o res)o"#e"tMs )are"ts. Thereater@ the "el5e#s e"t =a,? to 2a"ila@ =$t res)o"#e"t #i# "ot live ith )etitio"er at the latterMs a=o#e at ('+%3C >ose A=a# Sa"tos Ave"$e@ To"#o@ 2a"ila. !" (& !,to=er (+++@ res)o"#e"t let or Sa$#i or?i"* Ara=ia@ here he or?e# as a" $)holsterer a Ri5a#h@ $r"it$re8i"*#o sho). o hile i" Ri5a#h@ res)o"#e"t #i# "oti" ,o$"i,ate ith )etitio"er =5 )ho"e or =5 letter. Petitio"er trie# to ,all res)o"#e"t or -ve ties =$t res)o"#e"t "ever a"sere#. A=o$t a 5ear a"# a hal ater res)o"#e"t let or Ri5a#h@ a ,o3tea,her i"ore# )etitio"er that res)o"#e"t as a=o$t to ,oe hoe to the Phili))i"es. Petitio"er as s$r)rise# h5 she as "ot a#vise# =5 res)o"#e"t o his arrival. Petitio"er $rther averre# i" her Co)lai"t that he" res)o"#e"t arrive# i" the Phili))i"es@ the latter #i# "ot *o hoe to )etitio"er at ('+%3C >ose A=a# Sa"tos Ave"$e@ To"#o@ 2a"ila. I"stea#@ res)o"#e"t )ro,ee#e# to his )are"tsM ho$se i" Sa" >ose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro. 6)o" lear"i"* that res)o"#e"t as i" Sa" >ose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ )etitio"er e"t to see her =rother3i"3la i" Velas$e St.@ To"#o@ 2a"ila@ ho ,laie# that he as "ot aare o res)o"#e"tMs herea=o$ts. Petitio"er travele# to Sa" >ose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ here she as i"ore# that res)o"#e"t ha# =ee" livi"* ith his )are"ts si",e his arrival i" 2ar,h (++(. Petitio"er asserte# that ro the tie res)o"#e"t arrive# i" the Phili))i"es@ he "ever ,o"ta,te# her. Th$s@ )etitio"er ,o",l$#e# that res)o"#e"t as )h5si,all5 i",a)a=le o ,o"s$ati"* his arria*e ith her@ )rovi#i"* s$i,ie"t ,a$se or a""$le"t o their arria*e )$rs$a"t to )ara*ra)h 0@ Arti,le 40 o the Fail5 Co#e o the Phili))i"es Fail5 Co#eH. There as also "o ore )ossi=ilit5 o re,o",iliatio" =etee" )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t. D$ri"* trial@ )etitio"er )rese"te# hersel@ her other Lolita Ca=a,$"*a" Ca=a,$"*a"H@ a"# ,li"i,al )s5,holo*ist Ne#5 L. Ta5a* Ta5a*H as it"esses. The )s5,holo*ist #ia*"ose# the res)o"#e"t to have Nar,issisti, Perso"alit5 Disor#er. The RTC #e"ie# )etitio"erMs ,o)lai"t or a""$le"t o her arria*e. The )etitio"er ove# or re,o"si#eratio" =$t as #e"ie#. The CA aire# RTCMs #e,isio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot Re5 is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s.
R'li)*& No. Arti,le 4' o the Fail5 Co#e ,o"te)lates a" a""$le"t o arria*e o" the *ro$"# o-",a)a,it5 to ,o"s$ate s)e,i-,all5 #e"oti"* the )era"e"t #isa=ilit5 o" the s)o$ses to )eror a"# ,o)lete the a,t o seose@ !,,i#e"tal 2i"#oro@ a"# "ot ith )etitio"er i" To"#o@ 2a"ila a"# that res)o"#e"t also #i# "ot ,o"ta,t )etitio"er at all si",e leavi"* or a=roa#. These testio"ies tho$*h #o "ot *ive $s $,h i"si*ht i"to res)o"#e"tMs )s5,holo*i,al state. Ta5a*@ i" eval$ati"* res)o"#e"tMs )s5,holo*i,al state@ ha# to rel5 o" i"oratio" )rovi#e# =5 )etitio"er. :e",e@ e e$"e (9@ %99@ the RTC iss$e# a" !r#erteri"ati"* the )re3trial ,o"ere",e ater the )arties si*"e# a Foral 2a"iestatio"/2otio"@ hi,h state# that the5 ha# a*ree# to #issolve their ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s a"# #ivi#e e$all5 their ,o";$*al )ro)erties.Ps5,holo*ist Cristi"a Gates testi-e# that the ,ha",es o ,$ra=ilit5 o res)o"#e"tMs )s5,holo*i,al #isor#er ere "il. Its ,$ra=ilit5 #e)e"#e# o" hether the esta=lishe# or*a"i, #aa*e as i"ial 33 reerri"* to the al$",tio" o the ,o)osites o the =rai" =ro$*ht a=o$t =5 ha=it$al #ri"?i"* a"# ari;$a"a@ hi,h )ossi=l5 ai,te# res)o"#e"t ith =or#erli"e )erso"alit5 #isor#er a"# $",o"trolla=le i)$lses.F$rther@ SP!% So""5 Dela Cr$@ a e=er o the PNP@ 1$*allo"@ Pa"*asi"a"@ testi-e# that o" >$l5 &@ %994@ he re,eive# a ,o)lai"t ro )etitio"er that res)o"#e"t arrive# at their ho$se $"#er the i"$e",e o li$or a"# a$le# )etitio"er itho$t )rovo,atio" o" her )art@ a"# that res)o"#e"t trie# to ?ill her. The ,o)lai"t as e"tere# i" the .
)oli,e =lotter
hether or "ot the totalit5 o )etitio"erMs evi#e",e as a=le to )rove that res)o"#e"t is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e arra"ti"* the a""$le"t o their arria*e $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e.
R'li)*& The S$)ree Co$rt a*ree# ith the Co$rt o A))eals that the totalit5 o the evi#e",e s$=itte# =5 )etitio"er aile# to satisa,toril5 )rove that res)o"#e"t as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ,o)l5 ith the esse"tial o=li*atio"s o arria*e .The root ,a$se o res)o"#e"tMs alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al "ot s$i,ie"tl5 )rove" =5 e$sto\s #e,ease# #a$*hter Ci"#5 Rose Paras. :e also #e"ie# or*i"* her si*"at$re i" o"e ort*a*e tra"sa,tio". :e ai"tai"e# that he #i# "ot #is)ose o a ,o";$*al )ro)ert5 a"# that he a"# Rosa )erso"all5 si*"e# the re"eal o a s$*ar ,ro) loa" =eore the =a"?Ms a$thorie# e)lo5ee. :e #i# "ot a=a"#o" his ail5 i" the 6"ite# States. For his )art@ he as *ra"te# o"l5 three &H o"ths leave as $"i,i)al a5or o 1i"#o5@ th$s@ he ie#iatel5 ret$r"e# to the Phili))i"es. :e s)e"t or his ,hil#re"Ms e#$,atio". At -rst@ he rese"te# s$))orti"* the =e,a$se he as ;$st starti"* his la )ra,ti,e a"# =esi#es@ their ,o";$*al assets ere ore tha" e"o$*h to )rovi#e or their "ee#s. :e a#itte# tho$*h that there ere ties he aile# to *ive the -"a",ial s$))ort =e,a$se o his la,? o i",oe. hat ,a$se# the i"evita=le ail5 =rea?3o$t as RosaMs a,t o e=arrassi"* hi #$ri"* his =irth#a5 ,ele=ratio" i" %97. She #i# "ot )re)are oo# or the *$ests. he"
,o"ro"te#@ she retorte# that she has "othi"* to #o ith his =irth#a5. This ,o"vi",e# hi o her la,? o ,o",er". This as $rther a**ravate# he" she #e"ie# his re$est or e"*i"e oil he" his vehi,le =ro?e #o" i" a o$"tai"o$s a"# NPA3i"este# area. As to the ,har*e o ,o",$=i"e@ he alle*e# that >o,el5" Chi"* is "ot his istress@ =$t her se,retar5 i" his La !i,e. She as i)re*"ate# =5 her =o5rie"#@ a ,ertai" GrelleLe,,io"ess. C5"#ee Rose Chi"* Le,,io"ess is "ot his #a$*hter. Ater trial or o" Fe=r$ar5 (@ %990@ the RTC re"#ere# a De,isio" $)hol#i"* the vali#it5 o the arria*e. !" De,e=er @ (+++@ the Co$rt o A))eals the RTC De,isio" i" the ,ase@ hol#i"* Othe evi#e",eaire# o the )lai"ti RosaH alls short o )rese"t the sta"#ar#s re$ire#that =5 la to #e,ree a "$llit5 o arria*e.O It r$le# that >$stoMs alle*e# #ee,ts ori#ios5",rasies Oere s$i,ie"tl5 e$sto.
R'li)*& A rea#i"* o the Co$rt o A))ealsM De,isio" shos that she has "o reaso" to eel a**rieve#. I" a,t@ the a))ellate ,o$rt eve"ass$e# that her ,har*es Oare tr$e@O =$t ,o",l$#e# that the5 are i"s$i,ie"t to #e,lare the arria*e voi# o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. >$stos alle*e# i"-#elit5@ ail$re to s$))ort his ail5 a"# alle*e# a=a"#o"e"t o their ail5 hoe are tr$e@s$,h traits are at =est i"#i,ators that he is $"-t to =e,oe a" i#eal h$s=a"# a"# ather. :oever@ =5 theselves@ these *ro$"#s arei"s$i,ie"t to #e,lare the arria*e voi# #$e to a" i",$ra=le )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. These *ro$"#s@ e $st e)hasie@ #o "ota"iest that he as tr$l5 i" ,o*"itive o the =asi, arital ,ove"a"ts that he $st ass$e a"# #is,har*e as a arrie# )erso". hilethe5 a5 a"iest the O*ravit5O o his alle*e# )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5@ the5 #o "ot "e,essaril5 sho \i",$ra=ilit5M@ s$,h that hile hisa,ts violate# the ,ove"a"ts o arria*e@ the5 #o "ot "e,essaril5 sho that s$,h a,ts sho a" irre)ara=l5 ho)eless state o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 hi,h )reve"ts hi ro $"#erta?i"* the =asi, o=li*atio"s o arria*e i" the $t$re.
The root ,a$se o the )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 $st =e aH e#i,all5 or ,li"i,all5 i#e"ti-e#@ =H alle*e# i" the ,o)lai"t@ ,H s$i,ie"tl5 )rove" =5 e$"e ((@ %990@ the trial ,o$rt re"#ere# its #e,isio". The )lai"ti ,o"se"te# to #ee"#a"tMs tri) to the6"ite# States i" %974. She X#ee"#a"t a"te# to ear" o"e5 there =e,a$se she a"te# to hel) her h$s=a"# =$il# a =i* ho$se at the1everl5 :ills@ Ce=$ Cit5. The )lai"ti hisel a#itte# that he has a ,hil#@ a"# the ,o$rt is also ,o"vi",e# that he has to ,hil#re".:oever@ "othi"* i" the evi#e",e o )lai"ti shos that the #ee"#a"t s$ere# ro a"5 )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 or that she aile# to,o)l5 ith her esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s. There is "o evi#e",e o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o" the )art o #ee"#a"t so that she,o$l# "ot ,arr5 o$t the or#i"ar5 #$ties re$ire# i" arrie# lie. Neither has it =ee" sho" that there as a" i",$ra=le #ee,t o" the)art o #ee"#a"t.
Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the Co$rt o A))eals isa))lie# a,ts o ei*ht a"# s$=sta",e ae,ti"* the res$lt o the )rese"t ,ase =H hether or "ot the )rese"tatio" o )s5,holo*ists a"#/or )s5,hiatrists is still #esira=le@ i evi#e",e i" this ,ase alrea#5 shosthe )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 o )rivate res)o"#e"t
,H hether or "ot )rivate res)o"#e"tMs re$sal to live ith )etitio"er $"#er o"e roo or ore tha" te"t5 (+H 5ears@ her re$salto =ear ,hil#re" ith )etitio"er@ a"# her livi"* a solitar5 lie i" the 6"ite# States or alost three &H #e,a#es are e"o$*h i"#i,atio"s o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5 to ,o)l5 ith esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e.
R'li)*& The Co$rts erel5 sai# i" that ,ase that Othe ell3,o"si#ere# o)i"io"s o )s5,hiatrists@ )s5,holo*ists@ a"# )erso"s ithea)a"ese "atio"al@ o" the *ro$"# o )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5. She a"# Toshio starte# a ,oo"3la relatio"shi) i" >a)a" a"# live# i" the Phili))i"es or a o"th. Thereater@ Toshio e"t =a,? to >a)a" a"# sta5e# the re or hal o %97. Lolita the" *ave =irth o" Nove=er %'@ %97. I" %9@ Lolita a"# Toshio *ot arrie# i" 2TC31a,oor@ Cavite. Ater a o"th o their arria*e@ T oshio ret$r"e# to >a)a" a"# )roise# to ret$r" =5 Christas to ,ele=rate the holi#a5s ith his ail5. Toshio se"t o"e5 or to o"ths a"# ater that he sto))e# *ivi"* -"a",ial s$))ort. She rote hi several ties =$t "ever res)o"#e"t. I" %99%@ she lear"e# ro her rie"# that To shio visite# the ,o$"tr5 =$t #i# "ot =other to see her "or their ,hil#. Toshio as "o lo"*er resi#i"* at his *ive" a##ress th$s s$o"s iss$e# to hi reai"e# $"serve#. Co"se$e"tl5@ i" %99'@ Lolita -le# a" e< )arte otio" or leave to ee,t ser vi,e o s$o"s =5 )$=li,atio". The otio" as *ra"te# a"# the s$o"s@ a,,o)a"ie# =5 a ,o)5 o the )etitio"@ as )$=lishe# i" a "es)a)er o *e"eral ,ir,$latio" *ivi"* Toshio %0 #a5s to -le his a"ser. Toshio -le# to res)o"# ater the la)se o '+ #a5s ro )$=li,atio"@ th$s@ Lolita -le# a otio" to reer the ,ase to the )rose,$tor or i"vesti*atio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot a=a"#o"e"t =5 o"e s)o$se ta"tao$"t to )s5,holo*i,al i",a)a,it5.
R'li)*& The ,o$rt -"# that the totalit5 o evi#e",e )rese"te# ell short o )rovi"* that Toshio as )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# to ass$e his arital res)o"si=ilities. ToshioMs a,t o a=a"#o"e"t as #o$=tlessl5 irres)o"si=le =$t it as "ever alle*e# "or )rove" to =e #$e to soe ?i"# o )s5,holo*i,al ill"ess. Ater res)o"#e"t testi-e# o" ho Toshio a=a"#o"e# his ail5@ "o other evi#e",e as )rese"te# shoi"* that his =ehavior as ,a$se# =5 a )s5,holo*i,al #isor#er. A=a"#o"e"t is also a *ro$"# or le*al se)aratio". There as "o shoi"* that the ,ase at =ar as "ot ;$st a" i"sta",e o a=a"#o"e"t i" the ,o"teor#a"ia" "atio"al. Des)ite the treate"t =5 a ,li"i,al )s5,hiatrist@ Sharo" #i# "ot sto) her illi,it relatio"shi) ith the >or#a"ia"@ ho she arrie# a"# ith ho she ha# to ,hil#re". he" the >or#a"ia" "atio"al let the ,o$"tr5@ Sharo" ret$r"e# to Davi# =ri"*i"* alo"* her to ,hil#re" =5 the >or#a"ia" "atio"al. Davi# a,,e)te# her =a,? a"# eve" ,o"si#ere# the ille*itiate ,hil#re" as his o". :oever@ Sharo" a=a"#o"e# Davi# to ;oi" the >or#a"ia" "atio"al ith her to ,hil#re". Si",e the"@ Sharo" o$l# o"l5 ret$r" to the ,o$"tr5 o" s)e,ial o,,asio"s. Dra. Nativi#a# Da5a" testi-e# that she ,o"#$,te# a )s5,holo*i,al eval$atio" o Davi# a"# o$"# hi to =e ,o"s,ie"tio$s@ har#or?i"*@ #ili*e"t@ a )ere,tio"ist ho a"ts all tas?s a"# )ro;e,ts ,o)lete# $) to the -"al #etail a"# ho e$#*e"t o" the *ro$"# that the #e,isio" as )reat$rel5 re"#ere# si",e he as *ive" $"til >a"$ar5 (@ %99% to a"iest hether he as )rese"ti"* ,o"troverti"* evi#e",e. The !i,e o the Soli,itor Ge"eral li?eise -le# a
2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio" o the #e,isio" o" the *ro$"# that the sae is "ot i" a,,or#a",e ith the evi#e",e a"# the la. Si",e the trial ,o$rt #e"ie# the 2otio" or Re,o"si#eratio"@ the Soli,itor Ge"eral a))eale# to the CA. The CA aire# the #e,isio" o the trial ,o$rt hol#i"* that KAveli"o Da*#a* is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate# "ot o"l5 =e,a$se he aile# to )eror the #$ties a"# o=li*atio"s o a arrie# )erso" =$t =e,a$se he is eotio"all5 iat$re a"# irres)o"si=le@ a" al,oholi,@ a"# a ,rii"al.
Iss'(& hether or "ot Aveli"o Da*#a* is )s5,holo*i,all5 i",a)a,itate#.
R'li)*& Erli"#a 2atias a"# Aveli"o Da*#a* ,o"tra,te# arria*e o" Se)te=er 7@ %970. The5 =e*ot to ,hil#re". A ee? ater the e##i"*@ Aveli"o starte# leavi"* his ail5 itho$t e$"e (9@ %99+@ the trial ,o$rt re"#ere# ;$#*e"t #e,lari"* the "$llit5 o Vi,toriaMs arria*e to Eilio a"# aar#e# ,$sto#5 o the ,hil#re" to 2s. Lo)e. Eilio -le# a )etitio" or relie ro ;$#*e"t =$t as #e"ie#.
Iss'(& hether or "ot a )etitio" or relie ro ;$#*e"t is arra"te# $"#er the ,ir,$sta",e o the ,ase here )etitio"er as #e,lare# i" #ea$lt #$e to "o"3a))eara",e #$ri"* the heari"*.
R'li)*& R$le &@ Se,tio" ( o the Revise# R$les o Co$rt@ *over"s a )etitio" or relie ro ;$#*e"t. 6"#er the r$les@ a -"al a"# ea"$ar5 (0@ %99' a"# alle*e#l5 a thir# arria*e ith a ,ertai" >$lia Sall5 :er"a"#e. 1ase# o" )etitio"erMs ,o)lai"t a " i"oratio" or =i*a5 as -les a*ai"st res)o"#e"t. Soetie thereater@ res)o"#e"t i"itiate# a ,ivil a,tio" or the ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o a=sol$te "$llit5 o his -rst arria*e o" the *ro$"# that it as ,ele=rate# itho$t a arria*e li,e"se. Res)o"#e"t -le# a otio" to s$s)e"# the )ro,ee#i"*s i" the ,rii"al ,ase or =i*a5 i"vo?i"* the )e"#i"* ,ivil ,ase as a )re;$#i,ial $estio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot the )e"#e",5 o the ,ivil ,ase or #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the arria*e )ose# a )re;$#i,ial $estio" to the #eteri"atio" o the ,rii"al ,ase o res)o"#e"t
The S$)ree Co$rt or#ere# the Trial Co$rt to ie#iatel5 )ro,ee# ith the Crii"al Case. A )e"#i"* ,ivil ,ase is "ot a )re;$#i,ial $estio". A )re;$#i,ial $estio" is o"e hi,h arises i" a ,ase the resol$tio" o hi,h is a
lo*i,al a"te,e#e"t o the iss$e i"volve# therei". I t is a $estio" =ase# o" a a,t #isti",t a"# se)arate ro the ,rie =$t so i"tiatel5 ,o""e,te# ith it that it #eteri"es the *$ilt or i""o,e",e o the a,,$se#.
FINAL /DGENT AND S4SE7ENT ROCEEDINGS TY vs. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 25"06 Nov((r 25, 2000 F#$%s& I" %977@ )rivate res)o"#e"t E#*ar#o Re5es arrie# A"a 2aria Re*i"a Villa"$eva i" a ,ivil ,ereo"5. A ,h$r,h e##i"* e"s$e#. :oever@ the >$ve"ile a"# Doesti, Relatives a"t to #e,lare their arria*e "$ll a"# voi# a= i"itio la,? o a vali# arria*e li,e"se. The ,h$r,h e##i"* as also #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# a= i"itio or la,? o ,o"se"t o the )arties. I" %979@ =eore the #e,ree as iss$e# "$lli5i"* his arria*e to A""a 2aria@ E#*ar#o Re5es arrie# !elia T5 i" a ,ereo"5 oi,iate# =5 a ;$#*e@ the" a ,h$r,h e##i"* olloe#. I" %99%@ E#*ar#o re5es -le# a ,ivil ,ase ith the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt )ra5i"* that his arria*e ith !elia =e #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# o" the *ro$"# that here as "o arria*e li,e"se he" the5 *ot arrie#. :e also averre# at that tie he arrie# !elia@ the #e,ree o "$llit5 o the arria*e to A""a 2aria as re"#ere# o"l5 he" his
,ivil arria*e to )etitio"er@ !elia T5@ "$ll a"# voi# a= i"itio. The Co$rt o A))eals aire# the #e,isio"
Iss'(& hether or "ot the #e,ree o "$llit5 o the -rst arria*e is re$ire# =eore a s$=se$e"t arria*e ,a" =e e"tere# i"to vali#l5
R'li)*& The se,o"# arria*e o )rivate res)o"#e"t as e"tere# i"to i" %979@ =eore the ,ase o ie*el. At that tie@ the )revaili"* r$le as o$"# i" !#a5at@ 2e"#oa a"# Ara*o"@ herei" as "o or =eore ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o a arria*e or la,?there o li,e"se a"#"ee# ,o"se"t@ s$,h )erso" a5 ,o"tra,t a se,o"# arria*e. The -rst arria*e o )rivate res)o"#e"t =ei"* voi# or la,? o li,e"se a"# ,o"se"t@ there as "o "ee# or ;$#i,ial #e,laratio" o its "$llit5 =eore he ,o$l# ,o"tra,t a se,o"# arria*e. I" this ,ase thereore@ the Co$rt ,o",l$#e# that )rivate res)o"#e"tMs se,o"# arria*e to !elia T5 is vali#. 2oreover@ the )rovisio" o the Fail5 Co#e ,a""ot =e retroa,tivel5 a))lie# here to #o so o$l# )re;$#i,e the veste# ri*hts o a )art5 a"# her ,hil#re". As hel# i" >iso" vers$s Co$rt o A))eals@ the Fail5 Co#e has retroa,tive ee,t $"less there is i)aire"t o veste# ri*hts. Petitio" *ra"te#@ ;$#*e"t a"# resol$tio" #e,lare# vali# a"# s$=sisti"*.
EFFECTS VALDES vs. RTC AND VALDES G.R. No. 225"9 /'l8 3, 996 F#$%s& A"to"io Val#es a"# Co"s$elo Goe ere arrie# o" >a"$ar5 0@ %97%. 1e*otte" #$ri"* their arria*e ere -ve ,hil#re". I" a )etitio" #ate# >$"e ((@ %99(@ Val#es so$*ht the #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the arria*e )$rs$a"t to arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e. Ater heari"* the )arties olloi"* the
;oi"#er o iss$es@ the arria*e o A"to"io Val#es a"# Co"s$elo Goe is #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# $"#er Arti,le &' o the Fail5 Co#e@ o" the *ro$"# o their $t$al Ps5,holo*i,al I",a)a,it5 to ,o)l5 ith their esse"tial arital o=li*atio"s. The three ol#er ,hil#re" shall ,hoose hi,h )are"t the5 o$l# a"t to sta5 ith@ the 5o$"*er ,hil#re" shall =e )la,e# i" the ,$sto#5 o their other. The )etitio"er a"# res)o"#e"t are #ire,te# to start )ro,ee#i"*s o" the li$i#atio" o their ,oo" )ro)erties. Co"s$elo Goe so$*ht a ,lari-,atio" o" that )ortio" #ire,ti"* ,o)lia",e ith Arti,les 0+@ 0% a"# 0( o the Fail5 Co#e. She asserte# that the Fail5 ,o"tai"e# "o )rovisio"s o" the )ro,e#$re or the li$i#atio" o Co#e ,oo" )ro)ert5 i" K$"io"s itho$t arria*e. Pare"theti,all5@ #$ri"* the heari"* o" the otio"@ the ,hil#re" -le# a ;oi"t ai#avit e@ the latter aire# the #isissal o Att5. Dia III =$t or#ere# the i",l$sio" o res)o"#e"t Villa#ores as a" a,,$se# i" the to ,rii"al ,ases. A,,or#i"*l5@ the ori*i"al i"oratio"s ere ae"#e# to i",l$#e the res)o"#e"t ao"* those ,har*e#. Folloi"* the arrai*"e"t@ the )rivate )rose,$tor@ Ri,o a"# Asso,iates@ -le# a "e 2otio" to A#it Ae"#e# I"oratio"s alle*i"* #aa*es s$stai"e# =5 the )etitio"er as a res$lt o the ,ries ,oitte# =5 the a,,$se#. The otio" as a#itte# =5 the trial ,o$rt. The res)o"#e"t ove# or re,o"si#eratio" =$t the sae as #e"ie#. S$=se$e"tl5@ res)o"#e"t ove# or the #is$ali-,atio" o Ri,o a"# Asso,iates a"# the a))ellate ,o$rt )ro"o$",e# that )etitio"er #i# "ot s$stai" a"5 #aa*es or the ,rie ,oitte# =5 the res)o"#e"t a"# the sae has re#o$"#e# to his =e"e-t. Ri,o a"# Asso,iates o))ose# s$,h )ro"o$",ee"t si",e it is a ere o=iter #i,t$.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the )ro"o$",ee"t o a))ellate ,o$rt that )etitio"er Villa"$eva is "ot a" oe"#e# )art5 is a ere o=iter #i,t$.
The )ro"o$",ee"t o a))ellate ,o$rt that )etitio"er Villa"$eva is "ot a" oe"#e# )art5 is "ot a ere o=iter #i,t$. A" a#;$#i,atio" o" a"5 )oi"t ithi" the iss$e )rese"te# =5 the ,ase ,a""ot =e ,o"si#ere# as o=iter
#i,t$@ a"# this r$le a))lies to all )erti"e"t $estio"s@ altho$*h i",i#e"tall5 i"volve#@ hi,h are )rese"te# a"# #e,i#e# i" the re*$lar ,o$rse o the ,o"si#eratio" o the ,ase a"# le# $) to the -"al ,o",l$sio" a"# to a"5 statee"t as to atter o" hi,h the #e,isio" is )re#i,ate#. :e",e@ i" the i"sta"t ,ase@ the )ro"o$",ee"t o the a))ellate ,o$rt is "ot a" o=iter #i,t$ as it to$,he# $)o" a atter ,learl5 raise# =5 res)o"#e"t Villa#ores i" his )etitio" assaili"* the a#issio" o the ae"#e# i"oratio"s. Ar*$e"t o" hether )etitio"er Villa"$eva as the oe"#e# )art5 as@ th$s@ ,learl5 raise# =5 res)o"#e"t. The =o#5 o #e,isio" ,o"tai"s the #is,$ssio" o" that )oi"t a"# it ,learl5 e"tio"e# ,ertai" )ri",i)les o la.
Nov((r 26, 950
F#$%s& Plai"ti A$rora a"# #ee"#a"t Fer"a"#o ere arrie# o" De,e=er 4@ %90& that #ee"#a"t Fer"a"#o -le# a" a,tio" or a""$le"t o the arria*e o" >a"$ar5 7@ %904 o" the *ro$"# that his ,o"se"t as o=tai"e# thro$*h or,e a"# i"tii#atio". Fer"a"#o ha# #iv$l*e# to A$rora that several o"ths )rior to their arria*e he ha# a )re3arital relatio"shi) ith a ,lose relative o his a"# that Kthe "o" #iv$l*ee"t to her o the aoree"tio"e# )re3arital se,ret o" the )art o the #ee"#a"t that #e-"itel5 re,?e# their arria*e@ hi,h a))are"tl5 #ooe# to ail eve" =eore it ha# har#l5 ,oe",e#]Plai"ti herei" ro *oi"* thr$ the arria*e that as sole"ie# =etee" the ,o"stit$te# \FRA6DMM i" o=tai"i"* her ,o"se"t@ She )ra5e# or the a""$le"t o the arria*e a"# or oral #aa*es.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the "o"3#is,los$re to a ie =5 her h$s=a"# o his )re3 arital relatio"shi) ith a"ither oa" is a *ro$"# or a""$le"t o arria*e
No"3#is,los$re o a h$s=a"#Ms )re3arital relatio"shi) ith a"other oa" is "ot o"e o the e"$erate# ,ir,$sta",es that o$l# ,o"stit$te a *ro$"# or a""$le"t a"# it is $rther er. I1C %& a))eale# to the Natio"al La=or Relatio"s Coissio". Th$s the to ,o)lai"ts or alsi-,atio" o )$=li, #o,$e"t ere -le# =eore the 2a"ila Cit5 Prose,$torMs !i,e. The ,har*es a*ai"st
Res)o"#e"t Villa#ores a"# Att5. E$lalio Dia %%% ere #isisse# =5 the Cit5 Prose,$tors !i,e.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the ,o$rt erre# i" aili"* to a))re,iate that Fra",is,o Villa"$eva >r. as i" a,t a" a**rieve# )art5.
R'li)*& Fra",is,o Villa"$eva is "ot the oe"#e# )art5 i" these ,ases. It $st =e $"#ers,ore# that it as I1C %& ho se,$re# the alsi-e# s$ret5 =o"# or the )$r)ose o the a))eal it ha# ro a" a#verse ;$#*e"t o the la=or ,ase -le# =5 Villa"$eva. eta?e" see "o reaso" ho Villa"$eva ,o$l# have s$stai"e# #aa*es as a res$lt o the alsi-,atio" o the s$ret5 a))eal =o"# a"# its ,o"-ratio" letter he" it ,o$l# have re#o$"#e# to his o" =e"e-t i the a))eal o$l# =e #isisse# as a res$lt o the or*er5. I there =e a"5o"e ho as )re;$#i,e#@ it as I1C %& he" it )$r,hase# a a?e s$ret5 =o"#.
F(r'#r8 25, 200"
This is a #is=are"t ,ase a*ai"st Att5. E#$"#o 2a,,arr$=o. Co)lai"a"t Flore",ie 2a,,arr$=o averre# that she as starte# ,o$rti"* =5 res)o"#e"t Att5. E#$"#o 2a,,arr$=o i" A)ril %99%@ he re)rese"ti"* hisel as a =a,helor that the5 eve"t$all5 ,o"tra,te# arria*e hi,h as ,ele=rate# o" to o,,asio"s a#i"istere# =5 Rev. Ro*elio >. 1olivar@ the -rst o" De,e=er %@ %99% i" the latterMs 2a"ila oi,e@ a"# the se,o"# o" De,e=er (@ %99% at the Asia" I"stit$te o To$ris :otel i" $eo" Cit5 a"# that altho$*h res)o"#e"t a#itte# that he as arrie# to :ele" Es)ara o" >$"e %'@ %9(@ he s$,,ee#e# i" ,o"vi",i"* ,o)lai"a"t@ her ail5 a"# rie"#s that his )revio$s arria*e as voi#. Co)lai"a"t $rther averre# that res)o"#e"t i"to,o)lai"a"t a thir# arria*e ith ,hil#re" o"e >ose)hi"e T. Co"sta"ti"o a"# that he e"tere# a=a"#o"e# a"# their itho$t )rovi#i"* the a"5 re*$lar s$))ort $) to the )rese"t tie@ leavi"* the i" )re,ario$s livi"* ,o"#itio"s. 1$t res)o"#e"t -le# a )etitio" or "$llit5 o arria*e si",e it as ,o"tra,te# ith vitiate# ,o"se"t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the #is=are"t ,ase =e #isisse# =asi"* it ro the ,o$rtMs #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the arria*e.
R'li)*& hile the arria*e =etee" ,o)lai"a"t a"# res)o"#e"t has =ee" a""$lle# =5 -"al ;$#*e"t@ this #oes "ot ,lea"se his ,o"#$,t o ever5 ti"*e o i)ro)riet5. :e a"# ,o)lai"a"t starte# livi"* as h$s= a"# a"# ie i" De,e=er %99% he" his -rst arria*e as still s$=sisti"*@ as it as o"l5 o" A$*$st (%@ %99 that s$,h -rst arria*e as a""$lle#@ re"#eri"* hi lia=le or ,o",$=i"a*e. S$,h ,o"#$,t is i",o"siste"t ith the *oo# oral ,hara,ter that is re$ire# or the ,o"ti"$e# ri*ht to )ra,ti,e la as a e=er o the Phili))i"e =ar. It i)orts oral t$r)it$#e a"# is a )$=li, assa$lt $)o" the =asi, so,ial i"stit$tio" o arria*e. :e",e the res)o"#e"t as #is=arre# or *ross is,o"#$,t.
#283, 9!
F#$%s& This ,ase ori*i"ate# ro a loa" o P'@0++ ith i"terest at %+ )er ,e"t )er a""$ )a5a=le i" a#va",e@ a#e =5 Dr. Ceasar Re5es to A*ri)i"o a=allero o" !,to=er %@ %94(. a=allero se,$re# the )a5e"t ith a -rst ort*a*e o" te" )ar,els o la"#. The i"stalle"ts #$e or %94( a"# %94& totali"* the s$ o P%@&++ )l$s i"terest ere )ai# i" >a)a"ese 2ilitar5 S,ri)t a"# the Pa5e"ts ere $"reserve#l5 a,,e)te#. !" Nove=er &+@ %944@ a=allero oere# to )a5 the thir# i"stalle"ts a"# its i"terests hi,h ell #$e o" !,to=er o the sae 5ear@ =$t Re5es re$se# to a,,e)t o" the *ro$"# that it as ioral a"# $";$st that the )a5e"t =e a#e i" >a)a"ese 2ilitar5 "otes hi,h ha# ,o"si#era=l5 #eval$ate#@ a"# that he ha# a" o)tio" a,,or#i"* to the ,o"tra,t to have the )a5e"t i" Phili))i"e or 6"ite# States ,$rre",5. a=allero a""o$",e# that the "eie"e i" a ,o)lai"t )ra5s or a #e,ree a""$lli"* his arria*e to the #ee"#a"t Ree#ios CaZiares $)o" the *ro$"# that the oi,e o her *e"itals or va*i"a as too sall to allo the )e"etratio" o a ale or*a" or )e"is or ,o)$latio" that the ,o"#itio" o her *e"itals as #es,ri=e# a=ove eose >o alias :o :a"*.:oever@ i" %9+@ the )etitio"er -le# a ,o)lai"t a*ai"st >o or ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o ,o";$*al )ro)ert5@ i" a##itio" to a" earlier a,tio" or s$))ort@ also a*ai"st hi. The to ,ases ere ,o"soli#ate# a"# trie# ;oi"tl5. Thereater@ the ;$#*e re"#ere# a #e,isio" o le*al se)aratio" =etee" the s)o$ses a"# $rther or#ere# the )a5e"t o s$))ort =5 :o :a"* to )etitio"er. :oever@ there as "o #e-"ite #is)ositio" or the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o their )ro)ert5. :e",e@ the )etitio"er -le# a" a))eal =eore the Co$rt o A))eals see?i"* or the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o their ,o";$*al )ro)erties. The Co$rt o A))eals hoever #isisse# the ,o)lai"t or ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o )ro)ert5 or la,? o a ,a$se o a,tio" a"# o" the *ro$"# that se)aratio" =5 a*reee"t as "ot ,overe# =5 Arti,le %7 o the Civil Co#e si",e the se)aratio" o the ,o";$*al )ro)ert5 as a*ree# =5 the s)o$ses.he" their otio"s or re,o"si#eratio" ere #e"ie#@ =oth )arties ,ae to this Co$rt or relie.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the ,o$rts erre# i" -"#i"* that the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o )ro)ert5 as "ot alloe#.
R'li)*& A s)o$se is #eee# to have a=a"#o"e# the other he" he or she has let the ,o";$*al #elli"* itho$t a"5 i"te"tio" o ret$r"i"*. The s)o$se ho has let the ,o";$*al #elli"* or a )erio# o three o"ths or has aile# ithi" the sae )erio# to *ive a"5 i"oratio" as to his or her herea=o$ts shall =e )ria a,ie )res$e# to have "o i"te"tio" o ret$r"i"* to the ,o";$*al #elli"*.6"#er the this )rovisio"@ the a**rieve# s)o$se a5 )etitio" or ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o" either o these *ro$"#sJ %. A=a"#o"e"t =5 a s)o$se o the other itho$t ;$st ,a$se a"# (. Fail$re o o"e s)o$se to ,o)l5 ith his or her o=li*atio"s to the ail5 itho$t ;$st ,a$se@ eve" i she sai# s)o$se #oes "ot leave the other s)o$se. The re,or# shos that as earl5 as %94(@ the )rivate res)o"#e"t ha# alrea#5 re;e,te# the )etitio"er@ ho he #e"ie# a#issio" to their ,o";$*al hoe i" D$a*$ete Cit5 he" she ret$r"e# ro a=oa"*$ita. The a,t that she as "ot a,,e)te# =5 >o #eo"strates all too ,learl5 that he ha# "o i"te"tio" o res$i"* their ,o";$*al relatio"shi). 2oreover@ =e*i""i"* %9' $"til the #eteri"atio" =5 this Co$rt o the a,tio" or s$))ort i" %9@ the )rivate res)o"#e"t re$se# to *ive -"a",ial s$))ort to the )etitio"er. The )h5si,al se)aratio" o the )arties@ ,o$)le# ith the re$sal =5 the )rivate res)o"#e"t to *ive s$))ort to the )etitio"er@ s$i,e# to ,o"stit$te a=a"#o"e"t as a *ro$"# or the ;$#i,ial se)aratio" o their ,o";$*al )ro)ert5. I" a##itio"@ the )etitio"er a5 also i"vo?e the se,o"# *ro$"# alloe# =5 Arti,le %(@ or the a,t is that he has aile# itho$t ;$st ,a$se to ,o)l5 ith his o=li*atio"s to the ail5 as h$s=a"# or )are"t. A)art ro re$si"* to a#it his la$l ie to their ,o";$*al hoe i" D$a*$ete Cit5@ >o has reel5 a#itte# to ,oha=iti"* ith other oe" a"# siri"* a"5 ,hil#re" =5 the. It as his re$sal to )rovi#e or the )etitio"er a"# their #a$*hter that )ro)te# her to -le the a,tio"s a*ai"st hi or s$))ort a"# later or se)aratio" o the ,o";$*al )ro)ert5@ i" hi,h a,tio"s@ si*"i-,a"tl5@ he eve" #e"ie# =ei"* arrie# to her. The )rivate res)o"#e"t has "ot esta=lishe# a"5 ;$st ,a$se or his re$sal to ,o)l5 ith his o=li*atio"s to his ie as #$ti$l h$s=a"#.
CONDONATION?ARDON EDARDO ARROYO, /R. vs. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 96602 Nov((r 9, 99 F#$%s& Dr. >or*e 1. Neri -le# a ,rii"al ,o)lai"t or a#$lter5 a*ai"st his ie@ R$=5 Vera Neri@ a"# E#$ar#o Arro5o ,oitte# o" ( Nove=er %9(
i" the Cit5 o 1a*$io. 1oth #ee"#a"ts )lea#e# "ot *$ilt5 a"# ater trial@ the RTC ,o"vi,te# )etitio"er a"# 2rs. R$=5 Vera Neri o a#$lter5. A,,or#i"* to the a,ts o the ,ase@ the a,,$se# R$=5 Neri i" the ,o)a"5 o a rie"# e"t to 1a*$io Cit5 a"# )ro,ee#e# at 2i"es Vie Par? Co"#oi"i$. At 7J++ i" the eve"i"*@ ,o3a,,$se# E#$ar#o Arro5o e"tere# the $"it a"# thereater )ro,ee#e# i"si#e the asters =e#roo here R$=5 Neri a"# her rie"# as aiti"*. R$=5 Neris rie"# as thereater i"str$,te# to leave the roo. Ater 40 i"$tes@ =oth R$=5 Neri a"# E#$ar#o Arro5o ,ae o$t ro the roo a"# ;oi"e# R$=5 Neris rie"# at the livi"* roo. 1oth R$=5 a"# E#$ar#) -le#=5a R$=5 otio" or re,o"si#eratio" ,o"te"#i"* that aNeri )ar#o" has =ee"Arro5o ea"$ar5 %+@ %94&. For ail$re to a*ree o" ho the5 sho$l# live as h$s=a"# a"# ie@ the ,o$)le a*ree# to live se)aratel5 ro ea,h other@ hi,h stat$s reai"e#
$",ha"*e# $"til the )rese"t. !" A)ril &@ %94@ )lai"ti a"# #ee"#a"t e"tere# i"to a" a*reee"thi,h )rovi#es ao"* others that K"either o the ,a" )rose,$te the other or a#$lter5 or ,o",$=i"a*e or a"5 other ,rie arisi"* ro their se)aratio". I" >a"$ar5@ %900@ #ee"#a"t =e*a" ,oha=iti"* ith o"e As$",io" Re=$la#o a"# sai# As$",io" *ave =irth to a ,hil#. It as sho" also that #ee"#a"t a"# As$",io" #e)orte# theselves as h$s=a"# a"# ie a"# ere *e"erall5 re)$te# as s$,h i" the ,o$"it5. Plai"ti thereater -le# a" a,tio" or le*al se)aratio" a*ai"st the #ee"#a"t. The trial ,o$rt hoever #isisse# the a,tio" o" the *ro$"# that $"#er %+( ithi" o the o"e "e5ear Civilro Co#e@ a"ater a,tio" le*al ,a""ot =e -le#Art. ea"$ar5@ %900. The ,o)lai"t as -le# o" A)ril (4@ %90'. The )rese"t a,tio" as@ thereore@ -le# o$t o tie. Also@ arti,le %++ o the "e Civil Co#e )rovi#es that the le*al se)aratio" a5 =e ,laie# o"l5 =5 the i""o,e"t s)o$se@ )rovi#e# there has =ee" "o ,o"#o"atio" o or ,o"se"t to the a#$lter5 or ,o",$=i"a*e. As sho" i" the a,ts@ the )lai"ti has ,o"se"te# to the ,oissio" o ,o",$=i"a*e =5 her h$s=a"# as )rove" =5 their Ka*reee"t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the )lai"ti ,o"#o"e# the a,ts o the #ee"#a"t.
R'li)*& A" a,tio" or le*al se)aratio" ,a""ot =e -le# eose Ar,alas. Toar#s the e"# o >$"e@ %90(@ he" #ee"#a"t ha# -"ishe# st$#5i"* her ,o$rse@ she let )lai"ti a"# si",e the" the5 ha# live# se)aratel5. !" >$"e %@ %900@ )lai"ti s$r)rise# his ie i" the a,t o havi"* illi,it relatio"s ithi"te"tio" a"other oa" =5a the "aeor o le*al Nelso" !rae. to Plai"ti si*"i-e# his -li"* )etitio" se)aratio"@ hi,h #ee"#a"t a"ieste# her ,o"orit5 )rovi#e# she is "ot ,har*e# ith a#$lter5 i" a ,rii"al a,tio". A,,or#i"*l5@ )lai"ti -le# o" >$l5 0@ %900@ a )etitio" or le*al se)aratio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot ,oll$sio" e$"e %90% to st$#5 =ea$t5 ,$lt$re@ here she sta5e# or o"e 5ear. A*ai"@ )lai"ti #is,overe# that hile i" the sai# ,it5 #ee"#a"t as *oi"* o$t ith several other e"@ asi#e ro >ose Ar,alas. Toar#s the e"# o >$"e@ %90(@ he" #ee"#a"t ha# -"ishe# st$#5i"* her ,o$rse@ she let )lai"ti a"# si",e the" the5 ha# live# se)aratel5. !" >$"e %@ %900@ )lai"ti s$r)rise# his ie i" the a,t o havi"* illi,it relatio"s ith a"other a" =5 the "ae o Nelso" !rae. Plai"ti si*"i-e# his i"te"tio" o -li"* a )etitio" or le*al se)aratio"@ to hi,h #ee"#a"t a"ieste# her ,o"orit5 )rovi#e# she is "ot ,har*e# ith a#$lter5 i" a ,rii"al a,tio". A,,or#i"*l5@ )lai"ti -le# o" >$l5 0@ %900@ a )etitio" or le*al se)aratio". 1oth loer a"# a))ellate ,o$rts #e"ie# the )etitio" o" the *ro$"# that there as ,o"essio" o ;$#*e"t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot there as ,o"essio" o ;$#*e"t.
R'li)*& Art. %++ o the Civil Co#e #o "ot e$#*e a*ai"st res)o"#e"t Clee"te Raos or le*al se)aratio"@ o" ,o",$=i"a*e o" the res)o"#e"ts )art a"# a" atte)t =5 hi a*ai"st her lie =ei"* alle*e#. She li?eise so$*ht the iss$a",e o a rit o )relii"ar5 a"#ator5 i";$",tio" or the ret$r" to her o hat she ,laie# to =e her )ara)her"al a"# eose-"a a"# E#$ar#o as "$ll a"# voi# or =ei"* =i*ao$s.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the s$=;e,t )ro)erties ere )ara)her"al )ro)ert5 o >ose-"a a"# ,a""ot =e hel# lia=le or the E#$ar#oMs )erso"al o=li*atio"s.
R'li)*& No. The s$=;e,t )ro)erties are "ot the )ara)her"al )ro)ert5 o >ose-"a a"# ,a" =e hel# to a"ser the lia=ilities o E#$ar#o. Eve" tho$*h E#$ar#o a"# >ose-"aMs arria*e is =i*ao$s@ the )ro)erties ,a""ot =e hel# ,o";$*al@ >ose-"a aile# to a##$,e )re)o"#era",e o evi#e",e that she ,o"tri=$te# o"e5@ )ro)ert5 or i"#$str5 i" the a,$isitio" o the s$=;e,t )ro)ert5 a"# he",e@ is "ot a ,o3o"er o s$,h. Also@ the Co$rt #o$=te# that he" she a,$ire# the )ro)ert5 at (& 5ears o
a*e@ she ha# e"o$*h $"#s to )a5 or it. :er ,lai that the $"#s or the )ro)ert5 ere )rovi#e# =5 her other a"# sister@ the Co$rt =elieve#@ as ;$st a" atertho$*ht.
F#$%s& I" the arria*e =etee" Lo$r#es Re5es a"# the #e,ease# h$s=a"# Ro#olo Re5es@ Ro#olo has a" illi,it relatio"shi) ith 2ila*ros >oa$i"o. The #e,ease# alle*e#l5 O)$t i"to ,$sto#5O soe o the ,o$)les ,o";$*al )ro)erties to 2ila*ros. !" >$l5 %(@%979@ there is a tra"ser o )ro)ert5 i" avor o the )etitio"er a"# or hi,h Tra"ser Certi-,ate o Title No. 9+(9& o the Re*ister o Dee#s o 2etro 2a"ila@ Distri,t IV as iss$e# i" the "ae o )etitio"er 2ila*ros 1. >oa$i"o. The ,o)lai"a"t alle*es that that the $"#s $se# to )$r,hase the )ro)ert5 ere ,o";$*al $"#s a"# ear"i"*s o the #e,ease#. The ,o)lai"t -"all5 alle*es that the #e,ease# ha# to ,ars i" )etitio"erMs )ossessio" a"# that the real a"# )erso"al )ro)erties i" )etitio"erMs )ossessio" are ,o";$*al )art"ershi) )ro)erties o the s)o$ses Lo$r#es P. Re5es a"# Ro#olo A. Re5es a"# o"e3hal =elo"*s e$l5 %97@ she et >a,i"to@ )etitio"er@ ater a =rie ,o$rtshi) the5 #e,i#e# to ,oha=it as h$s=a"# a"# ie. I" %99'@ the ,o$)le #e,i#e# to e"# $) their "i"e35ear ,oha=itatio". !" >a"$ar5 9@ %997@ res)o"#e"t -le# a ,o)lai"t or Partitio" a"# Re,over5 o Perso"al Pro)ert5 ith Re,eivershi) a*ai"st the )etitio"er i" the RTC. She )ra5e# that she =e #e,lare# the sole o"er o the )erso"al )ro)erties she ,o"tri=$te# #$ri"* her ,oha=itatio" ith >a,i"to a"# the ao$"t o 7+@+++.++ re)rese"ti"* her ,o"tri=$tio" to the ,o"str$,tio" o their ho$se =e rei=$rse# to her.
Iss'(& hether or "ot Gi"a Re5 is e"title# to the o"ershi) o the )erso"al )ro)erties a"# rei=$rsee"t o her ,o"tri=$tio"s to the ,o"str$,tio" o their ho$se.
R'li)*& Yes@ Gi"a is e"title# to the o"ershi) o the )erso"al )ro)erties a"# rei=$rsee"t o her ,o"tri=$tio"s to the ,o"str$,tio" o their ho$se. It is "ot #is)$te# that Gi"a a"# >a,i"to ere "ot ,a)a,itate# to arr5 ea,h other =e,a$se the orer as vali#l5 arrie# to a"other a" at the tie o her ,oha=itatio" ith the latter. Their )ro)ert5 re*ie thereore is *over"e# =5 Arti,le %4 o the Fail5 Co#e@ hi,h a))lies to =i*ao$s arria*es@ a#$ltero$s relatio"shi)s@ relatio"shi)s i" a state o ,o",$=i"a*e@ relatio"shi)s here =oth a" a"# oa" are arrie# to other )erso"s@ a"# $lti)le allia",es o the sae arrie# a". 6"#er this re*ie@ O]o"l5 the )ro)erties a,$ire# =5 =oth o the )arties thro$*h their a,t$al ;oi"t ,o"tri=$tio" o o"e5@ )ro)ert5@ or i"#$str5 shall =e o"e# =5 the i" ,oo" i" )ro)ortio" to their res)e,tive ,o"tri=$tio"s...OProo o a,t$al ,o"tri=$tio" is re$ire#. The a,t that the ,o"troverte# )ro)ert5 as title# i" the "ae o the )arties to a" a#$ltero$s relatio"shi) is "ot s$i,ie"t )roo o ,o3o"ershi) a=se"t evi#e",e o a,t$al ,o"tri=$tio" i" the a,$isitio" o the )ro)ert5.
hile there is "o $estio" that =oth )arties ,o"tri=$te# i" their ;oi"t a,,o$"t #e)osit@ there is@ hoever@ "o s$i,ie"t )roo o the e$"e 7@ %9&+ to A$*$st @ %9&' ere all #aa*e#. The )i,t$res he )rese"te# #o "ot also ,o"stit$te )roo o -liatio".
ACTION TO IGN LEGITIACY GERARDO 4. CONCECION vs. CORT OF AEALS, (% #l. G.R. No. 23"!0 A'*'s% 3, 200! F#$%s&
Gerar#o 1. Co",e),io" a"# 2a. Theresa Alo"teere arrie# o" De,e=er (9@ %99. A 5ear later@ the5 =e*ot >ose Gerar#o. !" De,e=er %9@ %99%@ Gerar#o -le# a )etitio" to a""$l his arria*e to 2a. Theresa o" the *ro$"# o =i*a5. This as =e,a$se it as o$"# o$t that 2a. Theresa ha# alrea#5 arrie# a 2ario Go)iao "i"e 5ears =eore their arria*e. S$,h arria*e o 2a. Theresa to 2ario as "ever a""$lle#. The trial ,o$rt r$le# that Gerar#o a"# 2a. TheresaMs arria*e as =i*ao$s a"# that her arria*e to 2ario is vali# a"# s$=sisti"*. It #e,lare# the ,hil# as =ei"* ille*itiate. The Co$rt o A))eals aire# the loer ,o$rtMs #e,isio" =$t o" a))eal@ reverse# its r$li"* a"# hel# that >ose Gerar#o as "ot the so" o 2a. Theresa =5 Gerar#o =$t =5 2ario #$ri"* her -rst arria*e.
Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot the ,hil# =or" o$t o a =i*ao$s arria*e is ,o"si#ere# le*itiate. =H hether or "ot Gerar#o ,o$l# assail >ose Gerar#oMs le*itia,5.
R'li)*& Yes@ a ,hil# =or" o$t o a =i*ao$s arria*e is ,o"si#ere# le*itiate. The le*itia,5 o$l# ,oe ro the vali#it5 o the -rst arria*e a"# "ot o" the =i*ao$s arria*e or that =i*ao$s arria*e is voi# ro the ver5 =e*i""i"*a= i"itioH. 2a. Theresa as arrie# to 2ario Go)iao@ a"# that she ha# "ever e"tere# i"to a la$l arria*e ith the Gerar#o si",e the so3 ,alle# Karria*e ith the latter as voi# a= i"itio. 2a. Theresa as le*itiatel5 arrie# to 2ario Go)iao he" the ,hil# >ose Gerar#o as =or" o" De,e=er @ %99+. Thereore@ the ,hil# >ose Gerar#o Q $"#er the la Q is the le*itiate ,hil# o the le*al a"# s$=sisti"* arria*e =etee" 2a. Theresa a"# 2ario Go)iao he ,a""ot =e #eee# to =e the ille*itiate ,hil# o the voi# a"# "o"3er. It as alle*e# that illia Li5ao )ai# or all the er. a"# also that o Corao" a"# her to ,hil#re" ro her s$=sisti"* arria*e #$ri"* their ,oha=itatio". illia >r. as sai# to =eillia i" ,o"ti"$o$s )ossessio" e";o5e"t the stat$s o the ,hil#,hil# o sai# Li5ao@ havi"* =ee"a"# re,o*"ie# a"#oa,?"ole#*e# as s$,h =5 the #e,e#e"t #$ri"* his lietie. 6)o" the #eath o his alle*e# ather@ illia >r. )ra5s that he =e re,o*"ie# as a" ille*itiate ,hil# a"# a" heir =5 the ail5 o the #e,ease# ro his s$=sisti"* arria*e. The #e,ease#Ms le*itiate ,hil#re" o" their )art@ alle*es that the #e,ease# ,o$l# "ot have athere# )etitio"er or their ather a"# other have "ever =ee" se)arate#.
Iss'(& hether or "ot )etitio"er a5 i)$*" his le*itia,5 ith that o his otherMs s$=sisti"* arria*e a"# esta=lish his ,lai o -liatio" ith the late illia Li5ao.
R'li)*& :ol#i"* that Corao"Ms arria*e ith Rao" Y$lo is still s$=sisti"*@ it is )res$e# that )etitio"er is the le*itiate ,hil# o Rao" Y$lo a"# "ot the ille*itiate ,hil# o illia Li5ao. 6"#er the Ne Civil Co#e@ a ,hil# =or" a"# ,o",eive# #$ri"* a vali# arria*e is )res$e# to =e le*itiate. This )res$)tio" is *ro$"#e# i" a )oli,5 to )rote,t i""o,e "t os)ri"* ro the o#i$ o ille*itia,5. The )res$)tio" o le*itia,5 o the ,hil#@ hoever@ is "ot ,o",l$sive a"# ,o"se$e"tl5@ a5 =e overthro" =5 evi#e",e to the ,o"trar5. Arti,le (00 o the Ne Civil Co#e )rovi#esJ KChil#re" =or" ater o"e h$"#re# a"# ei*ht5 #a5s olloi"* the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*e@ a"# =eore three h$"#re# #a5s olloi"* its #issol$tio" or the se)aratio" o the s)o$ses shall =e )res$e# to =e le*itiate. No evi#e",e other tha" that o )h5si,al i)ossi=ilit5 o the h$s=a"# havi"* a,,ess to his ie ithi" the -rst o"e h$"#re# a"# te"t5 #a5s o the three h$"#re# hi,h )re,e#e# the =irth o the ,hil# ,a" =e a#itte#. S$,h )h5si,al i)ossi=ilit5 a5 =e ,a$se# =5J aH 15 the i)ote",e o the h$s=a"# =H =5 the a,t that h$s=a"# a"# ie ere livi"* se)aratel5 i" s$,h a a5 that a,,ess as "ot )ossi=le ,H =5 the serio$s ill"ess o the h$s=a"#. Petitio"er ,a""ot i)$*" his o" le*itia,5. Arti,le (00 o the Civil Co#e )rovi#es that o"l5 the h$s=a"#@ or i" )ro)er ,ases@ his heirs $"#er the ,o"#itio"s set orth $"#er Arti,le ('( o the Civil Co#e ,a" i)$*" s$,h le*itia,5. A"#@ i" the ,ase at =ar@ the )etitio" as i"itiate# =5 )etitio"er
hisel thro$*h his other@ Corao" Gar,ia@ a"# "ot thro$*h E"ri$e a"# 1er"a#ette Y$lo ho are the $"#is)$te# ,hil#re" o Corao" a"# Rao" Y$lo. The ,hil# hisel ,a""ot ,hoose his o" -liatio".
ACTION TO IGN LEGITIACY /IN:IE CRISTIE A. DE /ESS vs. ESTATE OF DECEDENT /AN GA4OA DI+ON G.R. No. "2155 O$%o(r 2, 200 F#$%s& Da"ilo a"# Caroli"a #e >es$s ere arrie# o" (& A$*$st %9'4. It as ithi" this arria*e that the )etitio"ers@ >i"?ie a"# >a,$eli"e ere =or". I" %99% tho$*h@ >$a" Dio" a,?"ole#*e# )etitio"ers as his o" ille*itiate ,hil#re" thro$*h a "otarie# #o,$e"t. Thereater@ >$a" #ie# i"testate a"# )etitio"ers -le# a )ra5er that the5 =e *ive" their le*itie a"# =e re,o*"ie# as ille*itiate ,hil#re" =5 the s$rvivi"* s)o$se a"# le*itiate ,hil#re" o >$a" Dio".
Iss'(& hether or "ot )etitio"ersM le*itia,5 as ,hil#re" o Da"ilo a5 =e i)$*"e# a"# the5 =e re,o*"ie# as ille*itiate ,hil#re" o >$a" Dio".
R'li)*& No. The )etitio"ers ere =or" $"#er the s$=sisti"* arria*e o Da"ilo a"# Caroli"a. It is )res$e# that ,hil#re" =or" i" e#lo,? are le*itiate. This )res$)tio" =e,oes ,o",l$sive i" the a=se",e o )roo that there is )h5si,al i)ossi=ilit5 o a,,ess =etee" the s)o$ses #$ri"* the -rst %(+ #a5s o the &++ #a5s hi,h ie#iatel5 )re,e#es the =irth o the ,hil# #$e to aH the )h5si,al i",a)a,it5 o the h$s=a"# to have ser.@ "o "ae# >oh" Thoas Lo)e. >oh" is "o =ei"* ,laie# =5 A"*elita as her o" so"@ sire# =5 her ,oo"3la h$s=a"# Toas Lo)e #$ri"* their ,oha=itatio". 1ie"ve"i#a "o alle*es that the ,hil# ,a""ot )ossi=l5 =e =or" to A"*elita a"# Toas or it as the latterMs o" =rother ho a#itte# that Toas as re"#ere# sterile@ ,a$se# =5 a" a,,i#e"t. Toas =e*ot "o ,hil#re" ro his le*al arria*e "or ith the ,oha=itatio" ith A"*elita. ToasM =rother eve" testi-e# that Toas hisel a#itte# to hi that the s$=;e,t ,hil# as a#o)te#.
Iss'(& ho ao"* the ,laia"ts is the tr$e )are"t o the s$=;e,t ,hil#.
R'li)*& 1ie"ve"i#a. It as 1ie"ve"i#a ho as a=le to )ro#$,e the ,o)ete"t evi#e",es to esta=lish the ,hil#Ms -liatio" ith her a"# her h$s=a"#. She s$=sta"tiate# her ,lai ith s$i,ie"t ,li"i,al re,or#s@ )rese"ti"* the
)ro)er a"# ,re#i=le it"esses ho assiste# her i" her ,hil#Ms =irth. Not to e"tio" the a,t that it ,o$l# =e rea#il5 o=serve# that 1ie"ve"i#a a"# the ,hil# have stro"* siilarities i" their a,es@ e5es@ e5e=ros a"# hea# sha)es. Rese=la",e =etee" a i"or a"# his alle*e# )are"t is ,o)ete"t a"# aterial evi#e",e to esta=lish )are"ta*e. hereas@ A"*elita ha# =ee" ?"o" to have $"#er*o"e li*atio" 5ears =eore the alle*e# =irth o the ,hil# a"# the a#issio" o ToasM o" =rother that Toas as sterile a?es it i)ossi=le that he a"# A"*elita ,o$l# have )ro#$,e# s$=;e,t ,hil#. 2ore i)orta"tl5@ the =irth ,erti-,ate o the ,hil# state# Toas Lo)e a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t ere le*all5 arrie# hi,h is alse =e,a$se eve" )rivate res)o"#e"t ha# #ata a#itte# she is a ,erti-,ate. ,oo"3la ie. This alse e"tr5 )$ts to #o$=t the other i" sai# =irth
:INDS OF RECOGNITION CAELO CA4ATANIAvs. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 2"1" O$%o(r 2, 200" F#$%s& Flore",ia is the other o the res)o"#e"t. :er h$s=a"# let her i" %9% a"# she as hire# as )etitio"erMs ho$sehol# hel). It as the" that )etitio"er a"# Flore",ia ha# se$a" 2. Al=erto@ elle# =5 a =$llet ro a" assassi"Ms *$"@ #ie# i"testate. :is i#o@ Yola"#a R. Al=erto@ -le# a )etitio" or the a#i"istratio" o his estate. The )etitio" as *ra"te# =$t as reo)e"e# as )etitio"er -le# a otio" that she =e #e,lare# to have a,$ire# the stat$s o a "at$ral ,hil#the a"# =e e"title# share i" thes$,h estate o the #e,ease#. The ,o$rt avore# )etitio"er =$tto CA reverse# r$li"*.
Iss'(& hether or "ot )etitio"er =e #e,lare# to have a,$ire# the stat$s o a "at$ral ,hil#.
R'li)*& Yes. D$ri"* his lietie@ #e,ease# a,te# i" s$,h a a""er as to evi",e his i"te"t to re,o*"ie )etitio"er as his esh a"# =loo#@ -rst@ =5 alloi"* her ro =irth to $se his ail5 "ae se,o"#@ =5 *ivi"* her a"# her other s$s o o"e5 =5 a5 o s$))ort a"# lastl5@ =5 o)e"l5 i"tro#$,i"* her to e=ers o his ail5@ relatives a"# rie"#s as his #a$*hter. S$))lee"ti"* s$,h $"ista?a=le a,ts o re,o*"itio" ere those o his ?i" a"# *a"* ates@ a"# o)e"l5 visiti"* his #a$*hter i" s,hool@ ha# eeti"*s ith her at the 2!PC@ a"iesti"* o)e" a,,e)ta",e o s$,h relatio"shi). Ta?e" alto*ether@ the ,laie# -liatio" o$l# =e har# to #is)rove. De,ease# #ie# #$ri"* the i"orit5 o the )etitio"er@ th$s@ Art (0 o the Civil Co#e allos her to -le a" a,tio" or re,o*"itio" 4 5ears ro the tie she rea,hes a;orit5 a*e. S$,h otio" as -le# seaso"a=l5 =eore the ea"e@ #a$*hter o the #e,ease#@ =$t later o" si*"e# a ,o)roise a*reee"t ith 1e"e#i,?@ re,o*"ii"* the latter as ille*itiate so" o her ather a"# *ivi"* hi his share i" the estate. Atta,he# to the a*reee"t as a SPA a))oi"ti"* 2ar5 >a"e to re)rese"t her =rothers ho are ,o"-"e# i" a e"tal hos)ital. S$,h ,o)roise a*reee"t as a))rove# =5 the ,o$rt@ th$s re$iri"* the ,o)$lsor5 re,o*"itio" o 1e"e#i,?. Thereater@ the D53Chiao =rothers@ thro$*h their $",le@ assaile# s$,h ,o)roise a*reee"t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the re,o*"itio" o 1e"e#i,?Ms ille*itia,5 =5 2ar5 >a"e is vali# =ase# o" the ,o)roise a*reee"t a#e.
R'li)*& No. Arti,le (+&0%H o the Ne Civil Co#e )rovi#es that "o ,o)roise $)o" the ,ivil stat$s o )erso"s shall =e vali#. As s$,h@ )ater"it5 a"# -liatio"@ or the la,? o the sae@ is a relatio"shi) that $st =e ;$#i,iall5 esta=lishe#@ a"# it is or the ,o$rt to #eteri"e its eoh" Thoas Lo)e. >oh" is "o =ei"* ,laie# =5 A"*elita as her o" so"@ sire# =5 her ,oo"3la h$s=a"# Toas Lo)e #$ri"* their ,oha=itatio". 1ie"ve"i#a
"o alle*es that the ,hil# ,a""ot )ossi=l5 =e =or" to A"*elita a"# Toas or it as the latterMs o" =rother ho a#itte# that Toas as re"#ere# sterile@ ,a$se# =5 a" a,,i#e"t. Toas =e*ot "o ,hil#re" ro his le*al arria*e "or ith the ,oha=itatio" ith A"*elita. ToasM =rother eve" testi-e# that Toas hisel a#itte# to hi that the s$=;e,t ,hil# as a#o)te#.
Iss'(& ho ao"* the ,laia"ts is the tr$e )are"t o the s$=;e,t ,hil#.
R'li)*& 1ie"ve"i#a. She )rese"te# s$i,ie"t ,li"i,al re,or#s@ )rese"ti"* the )ro)er a"# ,re#i=le it"esses ho assiste# her i" her ,hil#Ms =irth. Not to e"tio" that it ,o$l# =e rea#il5 o=serve# that 1ie"ve"i#a a"# the ,hil# have stro"* siilarities i" their a,es@ e5es@ e5e=ros a"# hea# sha)es. Rese=la",e =etee" a i"or a"# his alle*e# )are"t is ,o)ete"t a"# aterial evi#e",e to esta=lish )are"ta*e. hereas@ A"*elita ha# =ee" ?"o" to have $"#er*o"e li*atio" 5ears =eore the alle*e# =irth o the ,hil# a"# the a#issio" o ToasM o" =rother that Toas as sterile a?es it i)ossi=le that he a"# A"*elita sire# s$=;e,t ,hil#. 2ore i)orta"tl5@ the =irth ,erti-,ate o the ,hil# state# Toas Lo)e a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t ere le*all5 arrie# hi,h is alse =e,a$se eve" A"*elita ha# a#itte# she is a ,oo"3la ie. This alse e"tr5 )$ts to #o$=t the other #ata i" sai# =irth ,erti-,ate. I" this ,ase@ the S$)ree Co$rt a#e e"tio" o the DNA test or i#e"ti-,atio" a"# )are"ta*e testi"*. The DNA ro the other@ the alle*e# ather a"# ,hil# are a"al5e# to esta=lish )are"ta*e. The $se o DNA test as evi#e",e is still o)e" to ,halle"*e@ =$t as the a))ro)riate ,ase ,oes@ ,o$rts sho$l# "ot hesit ate to r$le o" its a#issi=ilit5. Tho$*h it is "ot "e,essar5 i" this ,ase to resort to DNA testi"*@ i" $t$re it o$l# =e $se$l to all ,o",er"e# i" the )ro)t resol$tio" o )are"ta*e a"# i#e"tit5 iss$es.
RLES ON DNA EVIDENCE AGSTIN V. CORT OF AEALS G.R. No. 62!5 /')( !, 200! F#$%s&
Res)o"#e"ts Fe A"*ela a"# her so"@ 2arti" s$e# 2arti"Ms alle*e# =iolo*i,al ather@ )etitio"er A*$sti"@ or s$))ort a"# s$))ort )e"#e"te lite =eore the RTC. The res)o"#e"ts alle*e# that the )etitio"er i)re*"ate# her a"# =ore a so" 2arti" o$t o e#lo,?. The =a=5Ms =irth ,erti-,ate as )$r)orte#l5 si*"e# =5 the )etitio"er as the ather. Ar"el eve" sho$l#ere# the )re"atal a"# hos)ital e$"e (+++@ the trial ,o$rt #e"ie# )etitio"erMs otio" or re,o"si#eratio". !" (9 Nove=er (+++@ the a))ellate ,o$rt iss$e# a #e,isio" #e"5i"* the )etitio" a"# airi"* the $estio"e# !r#ers o the trial ,o$rt. The a))ellate ,o$rt state# that )etitio"er erel5 #esires to ,orre,t the trial ,o$rtMs eval$atio" o evi#e",e. Th$s@ a))eal is a" availa=le ree#5 or a" error o ;$#*e"t that the ,o$rt a5 ,oit i" the e$"e %&@%997 the i"ors ere re)rese"te# =5 their other Ree#ios !a"es ho -le# a )etitio" or the iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" =eore the RTC o 2a?ati Cit5. Petitio"er ho is o"e o the ,hil#re" o the #e,ease# ith his s$rvivi"* s)o$se@ -le# or the #isissal o the )etitio" alle*i"* that his ather let "o #e=ts he",e@ his estate a5 =e settle# itho$t the iss$a",e o letters a#i"istratio". The other heirs -le# a ;oi"t otio" to #isiss alle*i"* that the ,erti-,atio" o "o"3or$ sho))i"* sho$l# have =ee" si*"e# =5 Ree#ios a"# "ot =5 ,o$"sel. Petitio"ers $rther alle*e# that the ,lai has =ee" )ai# a"# aive# =5 reaso" o a Release o Clai or aiver stati"* that i" ea)a"ese "atio"al a"# is )rese"tl5 resi#i"* i" >a)a". The )etitio"er )ra5s that the ,$sto#5 o his so" 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a =e *ive" to hi as his =iolo*i,al ather a"# has #eo"strate# his ,a)a=ilit5 to s$))ort a"# e#$,ate hi.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the "at$ral ather a5 =e #e"ie# the ,$sto#5 a"# )are"tal ,are o his o" ,hil# i" the a=se",e o the other ho is aa5.
R'li)*& :avi"* =ee" =or" o$tsi#e a vali# arria*e@ the i"or is #eee# a" ille*itiate ,hil# o )etitio"er a"# Res)o"#e"t Loreta. Arti,le %7' o the Fail5 Co#e o the Phili))i"es ea"$ar5 %97@ he" she isse# her e"str$atio"@ she sai# she rote )etitio"er that she eare# she as )re*"a"t.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the -liatio" o Ver"a Aia Posa#a as the ille*itiate ,hil# o )etitio"er as )rove".
R'li)*& The letters are )rivate ha"#ritte" i"str$e"ts o )etitio"er hi,h esta=lish Ver"a AiaMs -liatio" $"#er Arti,le %7( (H o the Fail5 Co#e. I" a##itio"@ the arra5s o evi#e",e )rese"te# =5 res)o"#e"ts@ the #ates@ letters@ )i,t$res a"# testio"ies@ to $s@ are ,o"vi",i"*@ a"# irre$ta=le evi#e",e that Ver"a Aia is@ i"#ee#@ )etitio"erMs ille*itiate ,hil#. Petitio"er "ot o"l5 aile# to re=$t the evi#e",e )rese"te#@ he hisel )rese"te# "o evi#e",e o his o". :is =are #e"ials are telli"*. ell3settle# is the r$le that #e"ials@ i $"s$=sta"tiate# a"# evi#e",e@ are "e*ative a"# sel3servi"* hi,h erit =5 "o ,lear ei*ht i" ,o"vi",i"* la a"# ,a""ot =e *ive" *reater evi#e"tiar5 val$e over the testio"5 o ,re#i=le it"esses ho testi5 o" airative atters.
D($((r52 , 00
!"e ater"oo" i" !,to=er@ %99%@ (%35ear ol# vi,ti 2ila Lo=ri,o@ a e"tal retar#ate@ a"# her %%35ear ol# sister@ >$#ith@ ere s$o"e# =5 >$sti"ia"o Gla=o@ their ater"al $",le@ to his ho$se. :e tol# the to ash the ,lothes o his ie. Ater the to sisters -"ishe# their ,hore@ a,,$se#3 a))ella"t or#ere# >$#ith to ash the #ishes i" the "ear=5 ,ree?@ a=o$t (++ eters aa5 ro his ho$se. he" >$#ith as *o"e@ a,,$se#3a))ella"t #ra**e# 2ila ro the 5ar#@ here she as ha"*i"* the ashe# ,lothes@ i"to the ho$se. :e )$she# her to the oor a"# a#e her lie #o". :e $"#resse# the vi,ti@ a"# the" he i"serte# his )e"is i"to her )rivate or*a" a"# a#e )$sh a"# )$ll ot io"s. 2ila as over) oere# =5 a,,$ se#3 a))ella"tMs =r$te stre"*th. She sho$te# or hel)@ =$t there ere "o "ei*h=ors "ear=5. S$##e"l5@ it starte# to rai" har#@ so >$#ith ha# to r$" =a,? to the ho$se or shelter. She e"t #ire,tl5 $"#er the ho$se@ hi,h as elevate# & eet a=ove the *ro$"#. hile $"#er"eath the ho$se@ she hear# soeo"e ,r5i"* o" the oor a=ove. She loo?e# $) thro$*h the =a=oo oor a"# sa a,,$se#3a))ella"t o" to) o her el#er sister. 1oth ere "a?e#. >$#ith e"t
to the ?it,he"@ a"# she sa a,,$se#3a))ella"tMs )e"is as he stoo# $) a"# raise# his =ries. The to *irls e"t hoe sile"tl5. The5 #i# "ot sa5 a or# a=o$t the i",i#e"t. :oever@ the vi,ti =e,ae )re*"a"t as a res$lt o the ra)e@ a"# ater si< o"ths her ,o"# itio" ,o$l# "o lo"*e r =e ,o",eale#. Severi"o Lo=ri,o@ 2ilaMs ather@ ,o"ro"te# her@ =$t she sai# "othi"*. It as her sister@ >$#ith@ ho tol# their ather that a,,$se#3a))ella"t ra)e# 2ila. Severi"o =ro$*ht 2ila to the )oli,e a"# -le# a ,o)lai"t or ra)e =eore the 2$"i,i)al Trial Co$rt.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the os)ri"* is ille*itiate.
R'li)*& Arti,le &40 o the Revise# Pe"al Co#e )rovi#es or three ?i"#s o ,ivil lia=ilit5 that a5 =e i)ose# o" the oe"#erJ aH i"#e"i-,atio"@ =H a,?"ole#*ee"t o the os)ri"*@ $"less the la sho$l# )reve"t hi ro so #oi"*@ a"# ,H i" ever5 ,ase to s$))ort the os)ri"*. ith the )assa*e o the Fail5 Co#e@ the ,lassi-,atio" o a,?"ole#*e# "at$ral ,hil#re" a"# "at$ral ,hil#re" =5 le*al -,tio" as elii"ate# a"# the5 "o all $"#er the s)e,ie o ille*itiate ,hil#re". Si",e )are"tal a$thorit5 is veste# =5 Arti,le %7' o the Fail5 Co#e $)o" the other a"# ,o"si#eri"* that a" oe"#er se"te",e# to reclusion perpetua a$toati,all5 loses the )oer to e. is a" ille*itiate ,hil# si",e at the tie o his ,o",e)tio"@ his ather Villar@ as arrie# to a"other oa" other tha" his other. As s$,h@ )$rs$a"t to Art. %7'@ FC@ he is $"#er the )are"tal a$thorit5 o his other@ ho@ as a ,o"se$e",e o s$,h a$thorit5@ is e"title# to have ,$sto#5 o hi. A"# =e,a$se she has =ee" #e)rive# o her ri*ht$l ,$sto#5 o her ,hil# =5 Villar@ Daisie is e"title# to iss$a",e o the rit o ha=eas ,or)$s. R$le %+(@ Se,. % a?es "o #isti",tio" =etee" the ,ase o a other ho is se)arate# ro her h$s=a"# a"# is e"title# to the ,$sto#5 o her ,hil# a"# that o a other o a" ille*itiate ,hil# ho@ =5 la@ is veste# ith sole )are"tal a$thorit5@ =$t is #e)rive# o her ri*ht$l ,$sto#5 o her ,hil#. The a,t that Villar has re,o*"ie# the Christo)her a5 =e a *ro$"# or or#eri"* hi to *ive s$))ort to the latter@ =$t "ot or *ivi"* hi ,$sto#5 o the ,hil#. 6"#er Arti,le (%&@ FC@ O"o ,hil# $"#er seve" 5ears o a*e shall =e se)arate# ro the other $"less the ,o$rt -"#s ,o)elli"* reaso"s to or#er otherise.O
GRN . o. 0!69
F#$%s& !" Fe=r$ar5 7@ %94%@ Dr. A"to"io #e Sa"tos arrie# So-a 1o"a@ hi,h $"io" as =lesse# ith a #a$*hter@ herei" )etitio"er 2aria Rosario #e Sa"tos. Ater soe tie@ their relatio"shi) =e,ae strai"e# to the =rea?i"* )oi"t. Thereater@ A"to"io ell i" love ith a ello #o,tor@ Co",hita Tala*@ )rivate res)o"#e"t herei". A"to"io so$*ht a oral #issol$tio" o his -rst arria*e =5 o=tai"i"* a #ivor,e #e,ree ro a Neva#a ,o$rt i" %949. A"to"io )ro,ee#e# to To?5o@ >a)a" i" %90% to arr5 )rivate res)o"#e"t@ ith ho he ha# =ee" ,oha=iti"* si",e his #e a,tose)aratio" ro So-a. This $"io" )ro#$,e# eleve" ,hil#re". !" 2ar,h &+@ %9'7@ So-a #ie# i" G$ateala. Less tha" a o"th later@ o" A)ril (&@ %9'7@ A"to"io a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t ,o"tra,te# a arria*e i" Ta*a5ta5Cit5 ,ele=rate# $"#er Phili))i"e las. !" 2ar,h @ %9%@ A"to"io
#ie# i"testate leavi"* )ro)erties ith a" estiate# val$e o P%0@ +++@+++.++. !" 2a5 %0@ %9%@ )rivate res)o"#e"t e"t to ,o$rt or the iss$a",e o letters o a#i"istratio" i" her avor i" ,o""e,tio" ith the settlee"t o her late h$s=a"#s estate. She alle*e#@ ao"* other thi"*s@ that the #e,e#e"t as s$rvive# =5 telve le*itiate heirs@ "ael5@ hersel@ their te" s$rvivi"* ,hil#re"@ a"# )etitio"er. Ater si< 5ears o )rotra,te# i"testate )ro,ee#i"*s@ hoever@ )etitio"er #e,i#e# to i"terve"e. Th$s@ i" a otio" she -le# soetie i" Nove=er %97@ she ar*$e# i"ter aliathat )rivate res)o"#e"ts ,hil#re"the ere ille*itiate. This as res)o"#e"t altho$*h latter a#itte# #$ri"* the ,halle"*e# heari"* that=5 all)rivate her ,hil#re" ere =or" )rior to So-as #eath i" %9'7. The ,o$rt@ #e,lare# )rivate res)o"#e"ts te" ,hil#re" le*itiate# a"# there$)o" i"stit$te# a"# #e,lare# the@ alo"* ith )etitio"er a"# )rivate res)o"#e"t@ as the heirs o A"to"io #e Sa"tos. :e",e@ she -le# the i"sta"t )etitio" or certiorari o" >$"e %'@ %99(@ ,o"te"#i"* that si",e o"l5 "at$ral ,hil#re" ,a" =e le*itiie#@ the trial ,o$rt ista?e"l5 #e,lare# as le*itiate# her hal =rothers a"# sisters.
Iss'(& hether or "ot "at$ral ,hil#re" =5 le*al -,tio" =e le*itiie#.
R'li)*& Art. ('9. !"l5 "at$ral ,hil#re" ,a" =e le*itiate#. Chil#re" =or" o$tsi#e e#lo,? o )are"ts@ ho@ at the tie o the ,o",e)tio" o the orer@ ere "ot #is$ali-e# =5 a"5 i)e#ie"t to arr5 ea,h other@ are "at$ral. I" other or#s@ a ,hil#s )are"ts sho$l# "ot have =ee" #is$ali-e# to arr5 ea,h other at the tie o ,o",e)tio" or hi to $ali5 as a O"at$ral ,hil#.O I" the ,ase at =e",h@ there is "o $estio" that all the ,hil#re" =or" to )rivate res)o"#e"t a"# #e,ease# A"to"io #e Sa"tos ere ,o",eive# a"# =or" he" the latters vali# arria*e to )etitio"ers other as still s$=sisti"*. That )rivate res)o"#e"t a"# the #e,e#e"t ere arrie# a=roa# ater the latter o=tai"e# i" Neva#
[email protected]. a #e,ree o #ivor,e ro his le*itiate ie #oes "ot ,ha"*e this a,t@ or a #ivor,e *ra"te# a=roa# as "ot re,o*"ie# i" this ;$ris#i,tio" at the tie. Evi#e"tl5@ the #e,e#e"t as aare o this a,t@ hi,h is h5 he ha# to have the arria*e sole"ie# i" To?5o@ o$tsi#e o the Phili))i"es. It a5 =e a##e# here that he as li?eise aare o the "$llit5 o the To?5o arria*e or ater his le*itiate@ tho$*h estra"*e# ie #ie#@ he hastil5 ,o"tra,te# a"other arria*e ith )rivate res)o"#e"t@ this tie here i" Ta*a5ta5@ atte"tio" $st =e #ra" to the a,t that this ,ase has =ee" #e,i#e# $"#er the )rovisio"s o the Civil Co#e@ "ot the Fail5 Co#e hi,h "o re,o*"ies o"l5 to ,lasses o ,hil#re"J
le*itiate a"# ille*itiate. ONat$ral ,hil#re" =5 le*al -,tio"O are "othi"* i "ot )$re -,tio".
A4ADILLA vs. TA4ILIRAN A No. T/-92-56
O$%o(r 2!, 99!
F#$%s& 2a. 1l5th A=a#illa@ a Cler? o Co$rt@ -le# a ,o)lai"t a*ai"st >$#*e Ta=ilira" o" the *ro$"#s o *ross ioralit5@ #e,eit$l ,o"#$,t@ a"# ,orr$)tio" $"=e,oi"* o a ;$#*e. ith res)e,t to the ,har*e o" *ross ioralit5@ she ,o"te"#e# that the ;$#*e s,a"#alo$sl5 a"# )$=li,l5 ,oha=ite# ith Pris,illa 1a5=a5a" #$ri"* s$=siste",e o his arria*e ith Teresita 1a"$ela. Ta=ilira" a"# Pris,illa *ot arrie# i" 2a5 %9'. !" the other ha"#@ ith res)e,t to the ,har*e o" #e,eit$l ,o"#$,t@ )etitio"er ,lais that the ;$#*e ,a$se# his & ille*itiate ,hil#re" ith Pris,illa =e re*istere# as le*itiate =5 alsel5 eose)h Al,ala.Arti,le %4@ )ara*ra)h three o Er@ a e=er o the 6"ite# States Air For,e@ is a" Aeri,a" ,itie" ho resi#e# at the Clar? Air 1ase i" Pa)a"*a. :is ie Rosali"a is a orer Fili)i"o ho =e,ae a "at$ralie# Aeri,a". The5 have to ,hil#re". 2ari,el a"# Alvi" D$e@ as ell as their "at$ral )are"ts@ *ave their ,o"se"t to the a#o)tio". The Re)$=li, -le# this )etitio" or revie o" a )$re $estio" o la@ ,o"te"#i"* that the s)o$ses D5e are "ot $ali-e# $"#er the la to a#o)t
2ari,el a"# Alvi" D$e. As a *e"eral r$le@ alie"s ,a""ot a#o)t Fili)i"o ,itie"s. Sa$el Ro=ert D5e@ >r. ho is a" Aeri,a" a"#@ thereore@ a" alie" is #is$ali-e# ro a#o)ti"* the i"ors 2ari,el a"# Alvi" D$e =e,a$se he #oes "ot all $"#er a"5 o the three aore $ote# eose)h A"tho"5@ =or" o" >a"$ar5 &@ %9%. D$ri"* the earl5 5ears o their arria*e@ the Ca"* ,o$)leMs relatio"shi) as $"#ist$r=e#. Not lo"* thereater@ hoever@ A""a 2arie lear"e# o her h$s=a"#Ms alle*e# e$#i,ial Distri,t Co$rt o the State o Neva#a. Sai# ,o$rt iss$e# the #ivor,e #e,ree that also *ra"te# sole ,$sto#5 o the three i"or ,hil#re" to A""a 2arie@ reservi"* Kri*hts o visitatio" at all reaso"a=le ties a"# )la,es to )etitio"er. Thereater@ )etitio"er too? a" Aeri,a" ie a"# th$s =e,ae a "at$ralie# Aeri,a" ,itie". I" %9'@ he #ivor,e# his Aeri,a" ie a"# "ever rearrie#.6)o" lear"i"* o the )etitio" or a#o)tio"@ )etitio"er ie#iatel5 ret$r"e# to the Phili))i"es a"# -le# a" o))ositio" thereto@ alle*i"* that@ altho$*h )rivate res)o"#e"ts Ro"al# a"# 2aria Clara Clava"o ere -"a",iall5 ,a)a=le o s$))orti"* the ,hil#re" hile his -"a",es ere Ktoo ea*er ,o)are# to theirs@ he ,o$l# "ot Ki" ,o"s,ie",e@ allo a"5=o#5 to stri) hi o his )are"tal a$thorit5 over his =elove# ,hil#re".
Pe"#i"* resol$tio" o the )etitio" or a#o)tio"@ )etitio"er ove# to rea,$ire ,$sto#5 over his ,hil#re" alle*i"* that A""a 2arie ha# tra"serre# to the 6"ite# States there=5 leavi"* ,$sto#5 o their ,hil#re" to )rivate res)o"#e"ts. !" >a"$ar5 %%@ %9@ the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o Ce=$ Cit5@ 1ra",h %9@ iss$e# a" or#er -"#i"* that A""a 2arie ha#@ i" ee,t@ reli"$ishe# ,$sto#5 over the ,hil#re" a"#@ thereore@ s$,h ,$sto#5 sho$l# =e tra"serre# to the ather. The ,o$rt the" #ire,te# the Clava"os to #eliver ,$sto#5 over the i"ors to )etitio"er.
Ca" i"or ,hil#re" =e le*all5 a#o)te# itho$t the ritte" ,o"se"t o a "at$ral )are"t o" the *ro$"# that the latter has a=a"#o"e# the
R'li)*J This Co$rt -"#s that =oth the loer ,o$rt a"# the Co$rt o A))eals aile# to a))re,iate a,ts a"# ,ir,$sta",es that sho$l# have eli,ite# a #iere"t ,o",l$sio" o" the iss$e o hether )etitio"er has so a=a"#o"e# his ,hil#re"@ there=5 a?i"* his ,o"se"t to the a#o)tio" $""e,essar5. I" its or#i"ar5 se"se@ the or# Ka=a"#o" ea"s to orsa?e e"tirel5@ to orsa?e or re"o$",e $tterl5. The #i,tio"aries tra,e this or# to the root i#ea o K)$tti"* $"#er a =a". The e)hasis is o" the -"alit5 a"# )$=li,it5 ith hi,h a thi"* or =o#5 is th$s )$t i" the ,o"trol o a"other@ he",e@ the ea"i"* o *ivi"* $) a=sol$tel5@ ith i"te"t "ever to res$e or ,lai o"eMs ri*hts or i"terests. I" reere",e to a=a"#o"e"t o a ,hil# =5 his )are"t@ the a,t o a=a"#o"e"t i)orts Ka"5 ,o"#$,t o the )are"t hi,h evi",es a settle# )$r)ose to ore*o all )are"tal #$ties a"# reli"$ish all )are"tal ,lais to the ,hil#. It ea"s K"e*le,t or re$sal to )eror the "at$ral a"# le*al o=li*atio"s o ,are a"# s$))ort hi,h )are"ts oe their ,hil#re". I" the i"sta"t ,ase@ re,or#s #is,lose that )etitio"erMs ,o"#$,t #i# "ot a"iest a settle# )$r)ose to ore*o all )are"tal #$ties a"# reli"$ish all )are"tal ,lais over his ,hil#re" as to ,o"s tit$te a=a"#o"e"t. Ph5si,al estra"*ee"t alo"e@ itho$t -"a",ial a"# oral #esertio"@ is "ot ta"tao$"t to a=a"#o"e"t. hile a#itte#l5@ )etitio"er as )h5si,all5 a=se"t as he as the" i" the 6"ite# States@ he as "ot reiss i" his "at$ral a"# le*al o=li*atio"s o love@ ,are a"# s$))ort or his ,hil#re". :e ai"tai"e# re*$lar ,o$"i,atio" ith his ie a"# ,hil#re" thro$*h letters a"# tele)ho"e. :e $se# to se"# )a,?a*es =5 ail a"# ,atere# to their his. t a=a"#o"e# the.The $estio"e# De,isio" a"# Resol$tio" o the Co$rt o A))eals@ as ell as the #e,isio" o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o
Ce=$@ are SET ASIDE there=5 #e"5i"* the )etitio" or a#o)tio" o 8eith@ Charai"e a"# >ose)h A"tho"5@ all s$r"ae# Ca"*@ =5 the s)o$se res)o"#e"ts Ro"al# a"# 2aria Clara Clava"o. This De,isio" is ie#iatel5 e$ve"ile a"# Doesti, Relatio"s Co$rts@ has a#e a ,ase st$#5 o the ,hil# to =e a#o)te#@ his "at$ral )are"ts as ell as the )ros)e,tive a#o)ti"* )are"ts@ a"# has s$=itte# its re)ort a"# re,oe"#atio"s o" the atter to the ,o$rt heari"* s$,h )etitio". The De)arte"t o So,ial elare shall i"terve"e o" =ehal o the ,hil# i it -"#s@ ater s$,h ,ase st$#5@ that the )etitio" sho$l# =e #e"ie#. Cir,$lar No. %(@ as a ,o)lee"tar5 eas$re@ as iss$e# =5 this Co$rt )re,isel5 to o=viate the isha"#li"* o a#o)tio" ,ases =5 ;$#*es@ )arti,$larl5 i" res)e,t to the aoree"tio"e# ,ase st$#5 to =e ,o"#$,te# i" a,,or#a",e ith Arti,le && o Presi#e"tial De,ree No. '+& =5 the DSD itsel a"# i"volvi"* the ,hil# to =e a#o)te#@ its "at$ral )are"ts@ a"# the a#o)ti"* )are"ts. It #e-"itivel5 #ire,ts Re*io"al Trial Co$rts heari"* a#o)tio" ,asesJ
%H To N!TIFY the 2i"istr5 o So,ial Servi,es a"# Develo)e"t@ thr$ its lo,al a*e",5@ o the -li"* o a#o)tio" ,ases or the )e"#e",5 thereo ith res)e,t to those ,ases alrea#5 -le# (H To stri,tl5 C!2PLY ith the re$iree"t i" Arti,le && o the aoresai# #e,ree . . . The Sta Assista"t V. So,ial or?erH o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rts@ i a"5@ shall ,oor#i"ate ith the 2i"istr5 o So,ial Servi,es a"# Develo)e"t re)rese"tatives i" the )re)aratio" a"# s$=ittal o s$,h ,ase st$#5. .The error o" the )art o =oth res)o"#e"t ;$#*e a"# so,ial or?er is th$s all too evi#e"t. P$rs$a"t to Cir,$lar No. %(@ the )ro)er ,o$rse that res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sho$l# have ta?e" as to "oti5 the DSD at the o$tset a=o$t the ,oe",ee"t o S)e,ial Pro,ee#i"* No. 0&+ so that the ,orres)o"#i"* ,ase st$#5 ,o$l# have =ee" a,,or#i"*l5 ,o"#$,te# =5 sai# #e)arte"t hi,h $"#o$=te#l5 has the "e,essar5 ,o)ete",e@ ore tha" that )ossesse# =5 the ,o$rt so,ial elare oi,er@ to a?e the )ro)er re,oe"#atio". 2oreover@ res)o"#e"t ;$#*e sho$l# "ever have erel5 )res$e# that it as ro$ti"el5 or the so,ial elare oi,er to ,oor#i"ate ith the DSD re*ar#i"* the a#o)tio" )ro,ee#i"*s. It as his #$t5 to ea"$ar5 (&@ %99(@ the Co$rt o A))eals aire# in toto the #e,isio" o the RTC. The Co$rt o A))eals r$le# that the ,ase o Cru@ v. Aepublic@ i"vo?e# =5 the )etitio" er i" s$))ort o its )lea that the trial ,o$rt #i# "ot a,$ire ;$ris#i,tio" over the ,ase@ as i"a))li,a=le =e,a$se that ,ase i"volve# a s$=sta"tial error. Li?e the trial ,o$rt@ it hel# that to re$ire the )etitio"ers to -le a se)arate )etitio" or ,orre,tio" o "ae o$l# e"tail Oa##itio"al tie a"# eose-"a 2ortera as her sole a"# $"iversal heir to all the reai"#er o her )ro)erties "ot otherise #is)ose# o i" the ill. Vi,e"te Teoti,o -le# a )etitio" or the )ro=ate o the ill =eore the CIF o 2a"ila hi,h as set or heari"* ater the re$isite )$=li,atio" a"# servi,e to all )arties ,o",er"e#. A"a #el Val Cha"@ ,laii"* to =e a" a#o)te# ,hil# o Fra",is,a 2ortera@ a #e,ease# sister o the testatriose =e,ae a"iest o"l5 ater the ,ele=ratio" o the arria*e he" he re$e"tl5 aile# to *o hoe@ i"#$l*e# i" oa"ii"* a"# irres)o"si=le a,tivities@ s$,h as@ isa"a*i"* the ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s i" or#er to save hat as let o the ,o";$*al )ro)erties@ she as or,e# to a*ree ith >ose o" the #issol$tio" o their ,o";$*al )art"ershi) o *ai"s a"# the se)aratio" o )rese"t a"# $t$re )ro)erties sai# a*reee"t as a))rove# =5 the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o 2a?ati Cit5 1ra",h %49H i"a"# a De,isio" #ate# Fe=r$ar5 %994 the5 ha#o lo"* =ee" se)arate# i" =e# =oar# the5 have a*ree#(@ that the ,$sto#5 their ,hil# ill =e ith her@ s$=;e,t to visitatio" ri*hts o >ose. A#ria"a )ra5e# that the arria*e =etee" her a"# >ose =e #e,lare# "$ll a"# voi# =$t she aile# to ,lai a"# )ra5 or the s$))ort o their ,hil#@ >oh" Pa$l.
Iss'(J Sho$l# >ose *ive the ,orres)o"#i"* s$))ort
R'li)*J The Pasa5 RTC sho$l# have =ee" aare that i" #eteri"i"* the ao$"t o s$))ort to =e aar#e#@ s$,h ao$"t sho$l# =e i" )ro)ortio" to the reso$r,es or ea"s o the *iver a"# the "e,essities o the re,i)ie"t@ )$rs$a"t to Arti,les %94@ (+% a"# (+( o the Fail5 Co#e. It is i",$=e"t $)o" the trial ,o$rt to =ase its aar# o s$))ort o" the evi#e",e )rese"te# =eore it. The evi#e",e $st )rove the ,a)a,it5 or reso$r,es o =oth )are"ts ho are ;oi"tl5 o=li*e# to s$))ort their ,hil#re" as )rovi#e# or $"#er Arti,le %90 o the Fail5 Co#e a"# the o"thl5 eoe5 D. 1rio"es -le# a Petitio" or :a=eas Cor)$s a*ai"st res)o"#e"ts 2ari,el Pi"e#a 2i*$el a"# Fra",is,a Pi"e#a 2i*$el@ to o=tai" ,$sto#5 o his i"or ,hil# 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a. !" A)ril (0@ (++(@ the )etit io"er -le# a" Ae"#e# Petitio" to i",l$#e Loreta P. 2i*$el@ the other o the i"or@ as o"e o the res)o"#e"ts. A rit o :a=eas Cor)$s as iss$e# =5 this Co$rt o" 2ar,h %%@ (++( or#eri"* the res)o"#e"ts to )ro#$,e =eore this Co$rt the livi"* =o#5 o the i"or 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a o" 2ar,h (%@ (++( at (J++ oM,lo,? i" the ater"oo". The )etitio"er alle*es that the i"or 2i,hael 8evi" Pi"e#a is his ille*itiate so" ith res)o"#e"t Loreta P. 2i*$el. :e as =or" i" >a)a" o" Se)te=er %7@ %99' as evi#e",e# =5 his 1irth Certi-,ate. The res)o"#e"t Loreta P. 2i*$el is "o arrie# to a >a)a"ese "atio"al a"# is )rese"tl5 resi#i"* i" >a)a". Res)o"#e"t Loreta P. 2i*$el )ra5s that the ,$sto#5 o her i"or ,hil# =e *ive" to her a"# i"vo?es Arti,le (%&@ Para*ra)h ( o the Fail5 Co#e a"# Arti,le &'& o the Civil Co#e o the Phili))i"es
Iss'(J hether or "ot as the "at$ral ather@ a5 =e #e"ie# the ,$sto#5 a"# )are"tal ,are o his o" ,hil# i" the a=se",e o the other ho is aa5.
R'li)*J Petitio"er ,o",e#es that Res)o"#e"t Loreta has )reere"tial ri*ht over their i"or ,hil#. :e i"sists@ hoever@ that ,$sto#5 sho$l# =e aar#e# to hi he"ever she leaves or >a)a" a"# #$ri"* the )erio# that she sta5s there. I" other or#s@ he a"ts ;oi"t ,$sto#5 over the i"or@ s$,h that the other o$l# have ,$sto#5 he" she is i" the ,o$"tr5. 1$t he" she is a=roa#@ he 33 as the =iolo*i,al ather 33 sho$l# have ,$sto#5. A,,or#i"* to )etitio"er@ Loreta is "ot ala5s i" the ,o$"tr5. he" she is a=roa#@ she ,a""ot ta?e ,are o their ,hil#. The $"#e"ia=le a,t@ he a##s@ is that she lives ost o the tie i" >a)a"@ as evi#e",e# =5 her S)e,ial Poer o Attor"e5 #ate# 2a5 (@ (++%@ *ra"ti"* to her sister te)orar5 ,$sto#5 over the i"or. At )rese"t@ hoever@ the ,hil# is alrea#5 ith his other i" >a)a"@ here he is st$#5i"*@ 9 th$s re"#eri"* )etitio"erMs ar*$e"t oot. hile the
Petitio" or :a=eas Cor)$s as )e"#i"* =eore the CA@ )etitio"er -le# o" >$l5 &+@ (++(@ a" O6r*e"t 2otio" or a :ol# De)art$re !r#er@O alle*i"* therei" that res)o"#e"ts ere )re)ari"* the travel )a)ers o the i"or so the ,hil# ,o$l# ;oi" his other a"# her >a)a"ese h$s=a"#. The CA #e"ie# the 2otio" or la,? o erit. :avi"* =ee" =or" o$tsi#e a vali# arria*e@ the i"or is #eee# a" ille*itiate ,hil# o )etitio"er a"# Res)o"#e"t Loreta. Arti,le %7' o the Fail5 Co#e o the Phili))i"es e$l5 (%@ %994 ith the Co$rt o A))eals. The Co$rt o A))eals@ hoever@ #isisse# the )etitio" a"# i"stea# aire# the or#er o the trial ,o$rt. Not ,o"te"te#@ Re"e a))eale# the resol$tio" o the Co$rt o A))eals airi"* the or#er #ate# >$l5 (%@ %994 =eore this Co$rt. !" >$l5 %7@ %990@ the Co$rt resolve# to #isiss the )etitio" or ail$re o )etitio"er Re"e to sho that *rave a=$se o #is,retio" ha# =ee" ,oitte# =5 the a))ellate ,o$rt. !" A$*$st %0@ %990@ L$,ia -le# ith the trial ,o$rt a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" ith )ra5er or the iss$a",e o a rit o )relii"ar5 i";$",tio". She so$*ht re#ress #$e to a" alle*e# i",i#e"t o" >$l5 0@ %990@ i" hi,h her estra"*e# h$s=a"# )h5si,all5 a=$se# their so" >$sti". D$e to the i",i#e"t@ a ,rii"al ,o)lai"t or sli*ht )h5si,al i";$ries as -le# o" >$l5 %990 a*ai"st Re"e =5 his so" >$sti" ith the 2etro)olita" Trial Co$rt o 2a?ati o" the =asis o >$sti"Ms ,o)lai"t3ai#avit. !" A$*$st %'@ %990@ the trial ,o$rt iss$e# a te)orar5 restrai"i"* or#er a*ai"st hi a"# set the heari"* o the otio". Ater it as #e,i#e# i" avor o L$isa@ Re"e -le# a )etitio" or ,ertiorari $"#er R$le '0 o the Revise# R$les o Co$rt =eore the Co$rt o A))eals@ alle*i"* *rave a=$se o #is,retio" o" the )art o the trial ,o$rt i" iss$i"* the !,to=er 4@ %990 or#er.
Iss'(& hether or "ot Re"e is #e"ie# o #$e )ro,ess o la.
R'li)*& The trial ,o$rt *ave =oth )arties the o))ort$"it5 to )rese"t their res)e,tive evi#e",e a"# it"esses. A" a#e$ate heari"* as ,o"#$,te# a"#@ =ase# o" the evi#e",e@ the trial ,o$rt #eee# it )ro)er to *ra"t the rit o )relii"ar5 i";$",tio". The assesse"t a"# eval$atio" o evi#e",e i" the iss$a",e o the rit o )relii"ar5 i";$",tio" i"volves -"#i"*s o a,ts or#i"aril5 let to the trial ,o$rt or its ,o",l$sive #eteri"atio". It is a $"#ae"tal a"# settle# r$le that ,o",l$sio"s a"# -"#i"*s o a,t =5 the trial ,o$rt are e"title# to *reat ei*ht a"# sho$l# "ot =e #ist$r=e# o" a))eal@ $"less stro"* a"# ,o*e"t reaso"s #i,tate otherise. This is =e,a$se the trial ,o$rt is i" a =etter )ositio" to e.@ as =or" o" 2ar,h 9@ %90 to the. Christo )her >. as olloe# =5 to ore ,hil#re"@ =oth *irls@ "ael5 Christi"e@ =or" o" >$"e 9@ %9'@ a"# Cath5 2ae o" A)ril (4@ %9. The relatio"shi) =e,ae ?"o" to )rivate res)o"#e"ts ie he" Daisie too? Christo)her >@ to Villars ho$se at Villa Teresa i" A"*eles Cit5 soetie i" %9' a"# i"tro#$,e# hi to Villars le*al ie. Ater this@ the ,hil#re" o Daisie ere reel5 =ro$*ht =5 Villar to his ho$se as the5 ere eve"t$all5 a,,e)te# =5 his le*al ail5.I" the s$er o %99%@ Villar as?e# Daisie to allo Christo)her >.@ the" si< 5ears o a*e@ to *o ith his ail5 to 1ora,a5. Daisie a*ree#@ =$t ater th e tri)@ Villar re$se# to *ive =a,? the ,hil#. Villar sai# he ha# e"rolle# Christo)her >. at the :ol5 Fail5 A,a#e5 or the "ee""iers a#o)ti"* )are"t a"# )etitio"er s)o$ses Celso a"# A$relia Taar*o@ >e""iers "at$ral )are"ts a*ai"st res)o"#e"t s)o$ses Vi,tor a"# Clara 1$"#o,@ A#el=ertos "at$ral )are"ts ith ho he as livi"* at the tie o the tra*i, i",i#e"t. Prior to the i",i#e"t@ the s)o$ses Sa=as a"# Felisa Ra)is$ra ha# -le# a )etitio" to a#o)t the i"or A#el=erto 1$"#o, i" S)e,ial Pro,ee#i"*s =eore the the" CIF o Ilo,os S$r. This )etitio" or a#o)tio" as *ra"te# that is@ ater A#el=erto ha# shot a"# ?ille# >e""ier. Res)o"#e"t s)o$ses 1$"#o,@ A#el=ertos "at$ral )are"ts@ re,iti"* the res$lt o the ore*oi"* )etitio" or a#o)tio"@ ,laie# that "ot the5@ =$t rather the a#o)ti"* )are"ts@ "ael5 the s)o$ses Sa=as a"# Felisa Ra)is$ra@ ere i"#is)e"sa=le )arties to the a,tio" si",e )are"tal a$thorit5 ha# shite# to the a#o)ti"* )are"ts ro the oe"t the s$,,ess$l )etitio" or a#o)tio" as -le#.
Petitio"ers i" their re)l5 ,o"te"#e# that si",e A#el=erto 1$"#o, as the" a,t$all5 livi"* ith his "at$ral )are"ts@ )are"tal a$thorit5 ha# "ot ,ease# "or =ee" reli"$ishe# =5 the ere -li"* a"# *ra"ti"* o a )etitio" or a#o)tio". The trial ,o$rt #isisse# )etitio"ers ,o)lai"t@ r$li"* that res)o"#e"t "at$ral )are"ts o A#el=erto i"#ee# ere "ot i"#is)e"sa=le )arties to the a,tio".
Iss'(s& aH hether or "ot )etitio"ers@ "otithsta"#i"* loss o their ri*ht to -lea5 the still i"sta"t =H a))eal@ hethera5 the still Co$rt ta?e)etitio". ,o*"ia",e o the ,ase eve" thro$*h )etitio"ers a))eal ha# =ee" -le# o$t o tie.
R'li)*& S$)ree Co$rt *ra"te# the )etitio". Retroa,tive ae,t a5 )erha)s =e *ive" to the *ra"ti"* o the )etitio" or a#o)tio" here s$,h is esse"tial to )erit the a,,r$al o soe =e"e-t or a#va"ta*e i" avor o the a#o)te# ,hil#. I" the i"sta"t ,ase@ hoever@ to hol# that )are"tal a$thorit5 ha# =ee" retroa,tivel5 lo#*e# i" the Ra)is$ra s)o$ses so as to =$r#e" the ith lia=ilit5 or a tortio$s a,t that the5 ,o$l# "ot have oresee" a"# hi,h the5 ,o$l# "ot have )reve"te# o$l# =e $"air a"# $",o"s,io"a=le. Pare"tal lia=ilit5 is a "at$ral or lo*i,al ,o"se$e",e o #$ties a"# res)o"si=ilities o )are"ts@ their )are"tal a$thorit5 hi,h i",l$#es i"str$,ti"*@ ,o"trolli"* a"# #is,i)li"i"* the ,hil#. I" the ,ase at =ar@ #$ri"* the shooti"* i",i#e"t@ )are"tal a$thorit5 over A#el=erto as still lo#*e# ith the "at$ral )are"ts. It ollos that the5 are the i"#is)e"sa=le )arties to the s$it or #a a*es. KPare"ts a"# *$ar#ia"s are res)o"si=le or the #aa*e ,a$se# =5 the ,hil# $"#er their )are"tal a$thorit5 i" a,,or#a",e ith the ,ivil ,o#e.
SECIAL ARENTAL ATORITY A7INAS SCOOL vs. INTON G.R. No. 1"202 /#)'#r8 26, 20 F#$%s& This ,ase is a=o$t the )rivate s,hoolMs lia=ilit5 or the o$tsi#e ,ate,histMs a,t o shovi"* a st$#e"t a"# ?i,?i"* hi o" the le*s he" he #iso=e5e# her i"str$,tio" to reai" i" his seat a"# "ot ove aro$"# the ,lassroo. I" %99@ >ose L$is I"to" >ose L$isH as a *ra#e three st$#e"t at A$i"as S,hool A$i"asH. Res)o"#e"t Sister 2ar*arita Ya5ai" Ya5ai"H@ a reli*io" tea,her ho =e*a" tea,hi"* at that s,hool o"l5 i" >$"e o that 5ear@ ta$*ht >ose L$isM *ra#e three reli*io" ,lass. >ose L$is let
his seat a"# e"t over to a ,lassate to )la5 a ;o?e o s$r)risi"* hi. Ya5ai" "oti,e# this a"# se"t hi =a,? to his seat. Ater a hile@ >ose L$is *ot $) a*ai" a"# e"t over to the sae ,lassate. Ya5ai" a))roa,he# the >ose L$is a"# ?i,?e# hi o" the le*s several ties. She also )$lle# a"# shove# his hea# o" the ,lassateMs seat. She also a#e the ,hil# ,o)5 the "otes o" the =la,?=oar# hile seati"* o" the oor. Res)o"#e"ts >ose a"# Vi,toria I"to" the I"to"sH -le# a" a,tio" or #aa*es o" =ehal o their so" >ose L$is a*ai"st Ya5ai" a"# A$i"as =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt RTCH o Pasi* Cit5 i" Civil Case '74(7. The I"to"s also -le# a ,rii"al a,tio" a*ai"st Ya5ai" or violatio" o Re)$=li, A,t 7'%+ to hi,h she )lea#e# as so$*ht se"te",e# ith oral@ re*ar# to theeose L$isM avor@ hol#i"* Ya5ai" lia=le to hi or oral #aa*es o P(0@+++.++@ eaes Da"iel II a"# his )are"ts@ >aes Da"iel Sr. a"# G$a#a Da"iel@ the vehi,le o"er@ Vive",io Villa"$eva a"# St. 2ar5Ms A,a#e5 =eore the RTC o Di)olo* Cit5 a"# ,laie# or #aa*es.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the )etitio"er St. 2ar5Ms A,a#e5 is lia=le or #aa*es or the #eath o Sheri" Car)ita"os.
R'li)*& GRANTED a"# RE2ANDED to the RTC or #eteri"atio" o a"5 lia=ilit5 o the s,hool. The Co$rt hel# that or the s,hool to =e lia=le there $st =e a -"#i"* that the a,t or oissio" ,o"si#ere# as "e*li*e"t as the )rooh"Ms Cathe#ral@ Da*$)a" Cit5@ hile the sa,rae"t o ,o"-ratio" as =ei"* )erore# =5 the 1isho)@ a a" ro the ,ro# al?e# toar#s the ,e"ter o the altar a"# sat o" the 1isho)Ms ,hair. Crisa"to Sa"tilla"@ ho as a" assista"t@ sa this. :e re$este# the a,,$se# to va,ate@ =$t the latter re$se#. The5 ,alle# o" the *$ar#. Des)ite re)eate# re$est@ he #i# "ot ove. As the *$ar# as atte)ti"* to stri?e the vi,ti ith his "i*htsti,? to a?e hi leave a,,$se#3a))ella"t #re a ?"ie a"# sta==e# 2arara,. :e re)eate# it a lot. Ater@ he *ot $) a"# sho$te# via the i, No o"e ,a" =eat e hered SP!% Fra",is,o sa a a"@ ith re# stai"s o" his shirt a"# a ?"ie i" o"e ha"# sitti"* o" a ,hair. :e a#vise# hi to #ro) the ?"ie. A,,$se#3a))ella"t o=e5e#@ 2arara,@ the se,$rit5 *$ar#@ as =ro$*ht to the hos)ital here he ea"$ar5 @ (++9@ the trial ,o$rt *ra"te# res)o"#e"tMs )etitio". The Re)$=li, o the Phili))i"es Re)$=li,H
-le# a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" =$t it as #e"ie# =5 the trial ,o$rt =5 !r#er o >$l5 (@ (++9@ he",e@ it@ thr$ the !SG@ lo#*e# the )rese"t )etitio" or revie to the Co$rt o" )$re $estio" o la.
Iss'(& aH hether or "ot the )etit io" or ,ha" *e o "ae i"volvi"* ,ha"*e o ,ivil stat$s sho$l# =e a#e thro$*h a))ro)riate a#versarial )ro,ee#i"*s. =H hether or "ot the trial ,o$rt e$l5 %9@ the trial iss$e# a" or#er re$iri"* the iss$a",e o a" alias s$o"s $)o" ALFA thro$*h the D1P as a ,o"se$e",e o Lee a"# La,#aos letter i"ori"* the ,o$rt that the s$o"s or ALFA as erro"eo$sl5 serve# $)o" the ,o"si#eri"* that the a"a*ee"t o ALFA ha# =ee" tra"serre# to the D1P. I" a a"iestatio" #ate# (( >$l5 %9@ the D1P ,laie# that it as "ot a$thorie# to re,eive s$o"s o" =ehal o ALFA si",e the D1P ha# "ot ta?e" over the ,o)a"5 hi,h has a se)arate a"# ,or)orate )erso"alit5 ea"$ar5 %99 a"# #e,lare# that servi,e $)o" Lee a"# La,#ao ho ere "o lo"*er ,or)orate oi,ers o ALFA ,a""ot =e ,o"si#ere# as )ro)er servi,e o s$o"s o" ALFA. !" %0 2a5 %99@ Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. ove# or a re,o"si#eratio" o the !r#er hi,h as aire# =5 the ,o$rt i" is !r#er #ate# %4 A$*$st %99 #e"5i"* Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al.s otio" or re,o"si#eratio". !" % Se)te=er %99@ a )etitio" or ,ertiorari as =elate#l5 s$=itte# =5 Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. =eore the Co$rt o A))eals hi,h@ "o"etheless@ resolve# to *ive #$e ,o$rse thereto o" (% Se)te=er %99. !" %7 !,to=er %99@ the trial ,o$rt@ "ot havi"* =ee" "oti-e# o the
)e"#i"* )etitio" or ,ertiorari ith the a))ellate ,o$rt iss$e# a" !r#er #e,lari"* as -"al the !r#er #ate# (0 A)ril %99. Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. i" the sai# !r#er ere re$ire# to ta?e )ositive ste)s i" )rose,$ti"* the thir# )art5 ,o)lai"t i" or#er that the ,o$rt o$l# "ot =e ,o"strai"e# to #isiss the sae or ail$re to )rose,$te. S$=se$e"tl5@ o" (0 !,to=er %99 Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al. -le# a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" o" hi,h the trial ,o$rt too? "o $rther a,tio". !" %9 2ar,h %99+@ ater Lee a"# La,#ao -le# their a"ser to Sa,o=a 2a"$a,t$ri"*@ et. al.s )etitio" or ,ertiorari@ the a))ellate ,o$rt re"#ere# its #e,isio"@ setti"* asi#e the or#ers o trial ,o$rt ;$#*e #ate# (0 A)ril %99 a"# %4 A$*$st %99. !" %% A)ril %99+@ Lee,o$rt a"# La,#ao ove# or re,o"si#eratio" #e,isio" o the a))ellate hi,h resolve# to a #e"5 the sae o" o %+the 2a5 %99+. Lee a"# La,#ao -le# the )etitio" or ,ertiorari. I" the ea"tie@ the a))ellate ,o$rt i"a#verte"tl5 a#e a" e"tr5 o ;$#*e"t o" %' >$l5 %99+ erro"eo$sl5 a))l5i"* the r$le that the )erio# #$ri"* hi,h a otio" or re,o"si#eratio" has =ee" )e"#i"* $st =e #e#$,te# ro the %03#a5 )erio# to a))eal. :oever@ i" its Resol$tio" #ate# & >a"$ar5 %99%@ the a))ellate ,o$rt set asi#e the aorestate# e"tr5 o ;$#*e"t ater $rther ,o"si#eri"* that the r$le it relie# o" a))lies to a))eals ro #e,isio"s o the Re*io"al Trial Co$rts to the Co$rt o A))eals@ "ot to a))eals ro its #e,isio" to the S$)ree Co$rt )$rs$a"t to the S$)ree Co$rts.
Iss'(& aH hether the e$lia" Li" Car$lasa" a"*. Petitio"er so$*ht to #ro) his i##le "ae a"# have his re*istere# "ae ,ha"*e# ro >$lia" Li" Car$lasa" a"* to >$lia" Li" a"*. Petitio"er theories that it o$l# =e or his =est i"terest to #ro) his i##le "ae as this o$l# hel) hi to a#;$st easil5 to a"# i"te*rate hisel i"to Si"*a)orea" so,iet5.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the la allos o"e to #ro) the i##le "ae ro his re*istere# "ae o" the ,a$se e"tio"e#.
The to$,hsto"e or the *ra"t o a ,ha"*e o "ae is that there =e \)ro)er a"# reaso"a=le ,a$seM or hi,h the ,ha"*e is so$*ht. To ;$sti5 a re$est or ,ha"*e o "ae@ )etitio"er $st sho "ot o"l5 soe )ro)er or ,o)elli"* reaso" thereore =$t also that he ill =e )re;$#i,e# =5 the $se o his tr$e a"# oi,ial "ae. Ao"* the *ro$"#s or ,ha"*e o "ae hi,h have =ee" hel# vali# areJ a.H he" the "ae is ri#i,$lo$s@ #isho"ora=le r ee a"# her *e"#er to Kale.
She as =or" i" >a"$ar5 %&@ %9%@ a"# as re*istere# as eale@ havi"* the "ae K>e""ier Ca*a"#aha". hile *roi"* $)@ she as #ia*"ose# to have Co"*e"ital A#re"al :5)er))lasia CA:H@ a ,o"#itio" here the )erso" th$s ai,te# )ossesses =oth ale a"# eale ,hara,teristi,s. She as also #ia*"ose# to have ,litoral h5)ertro)h5@ sall ovaries@ "o =reast@ a"# e"str$al #evelo)e"t. She alle*e# that or all i"terests a"# a))eara",es as ell as i" i"# a"# eotio"@ she has =e,oe a ale )erso".
Iss'(&hether or "ot the ,orre,tio" o e"tries i" her =irth ,erti-,ate =e *ra"te#.
R'li)*& Yes. The ,o$rt ,o"si#ere# the ,o)assio"ate ,alls or re,o*"itio" o the vario$s #e*rees o i"terse< as variatio"s hi,h sho$l# "ot =e s$=;e,t to o$tri*ht #e"ial. The Co$rt vies that here a )erso" is =iolo*i,all5 or "at$rall5 i"tersea"$ar5 %&@ %997@ that he as le*itiate# =5 virt$e o s$=se$e"t arria*e o his )are"ts o" A)ril ((@%99 at 2a"ila@ a"# that he shall =e ?"o" as Patri,? Tit$lar 1raa.2a. Cristi"a li?eise o=tai"e# a ,o)5 o a arria*e ,o"tra,t shoi"* that Pa=lo a"# L$,ille ere arrie# o" A)ril ((@ %99@ #rai"* her a"# her ,o3)etitio"ers her three le*itiate ,hil#re" ith Pa=loH to -le o" De,e=er (&@ (++0 =eore the Re*io"al Trial Co$rt o :iala5a" Cit5@ Ne*ros !,,i#e"tal a )etitio" to ,orre,t the e"tries i" the =irth re,or# o Patri,? i" the Lo,al Civil Re*ister. Co"te"#i"* that Patri,? ,o$l# "ot have =ee" le*itiate# =5 the s$))ose# arria*e =etee" L$,ille a"#Pa=lo@ sai# arria*e =ei"* =i*ao$s o" a,,o$"t o the vali# a"# s$=sisti"* arria*e =etee" 2a. Cristi"aa"# Pa=lo@ )etitio"ers )ra5e# or %H the,orre,tio" o the e"triesi" Patri,?s =irth re,or# ith res)e,t to hisle*itiatio"@ the "ae o the ather a"# his a,?"ole#*e"t@ a"# the $se o the last "ae O1raaO (H a#ire,tive to Leo"@ Ce,ilia a"# L$,ille@ all s$r"ae# Tit$lar@ as *$ar#ia"s o the i"or Patri,?@ tos$=it Patri,? to DNA testi"*to #eteri"e his )ater"it5 a"# -liatio"s a"# &H the #e,laratio" o "$llit5 o the le*itiatio" o Patri,? as state# i" his =irth ,erti-,ate a"#@ or this )$r)ose@ the#e,laratio" o the arria*e o L$,ille a"#Pa=lo as =i*ao$s. TC #isisse# the )etitio"@ hol#i"* that i" a s)e,ial )ro,ee#i"* or ,orre,tio" o e"tr5@ the ,o$rt@ hi,h is "ota,ti"* as a ail5 ,o$rt $"#er the Fail5 Co#e@ has "o ;$ris#i,tio" over a" a,tio" to a""$l the arria*e o L$,ille a"# Pa=lo@ i)$*" the le*itia,5 o Patri,?@ a"# or#er Patri,? to =e s$=;e,te# to a DNA test@ he",e@ the ,o"trovers5 sho$l# =e ve"tilate# i" a" or#i"ar5 a#versarial a,tio".2R as #e"ie#.
Iss'(& hether or "ot the ,o$rta5 )ass $)o" the vali#it5 o arria*e a"# $estio"s o" le*itia,5 eve" i" a"a,tio" to ,orre,t e"tries i" the ,ivil re*istrar.
R'li)*& No. I" a s)e,ial )ro,ee#i"* or ,orre,tio" o e"tr5 $"#er R$le %+ Ca",ellatio" or Corre,tio" o E"tries i" the !ri*i"al Re*istr5H@ the trial ,o$rt has "o ;$ris#i,tio" to "$lli5 arria*es a"# r$le o" le*itia,5a"# -liatio"s. R$le %+ o the R$les o Co$rtvis a visArti,le 4%( o the Civil Co#e ,harts the )ro,e#$re =5 hi,h a"e"tr5 i" the ,ivil re*istr5 a5 =e ,a",elle# or ,orre,te#. The )ro,ee#i"* ,o"te)late# therei" a5 *e"erall5=e $se# o"l5 to ,orre,t ,leri,al@ s)elli"*@ t5)o*ra)hi,al a"# other i""o,$o$s errors i" the ,ivil re*istr5. A,leri,al error is o"e hi,h is ,ler? visi=le totra"s,ri=er the e5es or a o=vio$s to the $"#ersta"#i"* a" error a#e =5 a ora ista?e i" ,o)5i"* or riti"*@ or a harless ,ha"*e s$,h as a ,orre,tio" o "ae that is,learl5 iss)elle# or o a isstatee"t o the o,,$)atio" o the )are"t. S$=sta"tial or ,o"te"tio$salteratio"s a5 =e alloe# o"l5 i" a#versarial )ro,ee#i"*s@ i" hi,h all i"tereste# )arties are i)lea#e# a"##$e )ro,ess is )ro)erl5 o=serve#. The )etitio"ersM ,a$se o a,tio" is a,t$all5 to see? the #e,laratio" o Pa=lo a"# L$,illeMs arria*e as voi# or=ei"* =i*ao$s a"# i)$*" Patri,?Ms le*itia,5@ hi,h ,a$ses o a,tio" are *over"e# "ot =5 R$le %+ =$t=5 A.2. No. +(3%%3%+3SC hi,h too? ee,t o" 2ar,h %0@ (++&@ a"# Art. %7% o the Fail5 Co#e@ res)e,tivel5@he",e@ the )etitio" sho$l# =e -le# i" a Fail5 Co$rt as e