(1944) Basic Handbook - The Hitler Youth

March 29, 2017 | Author: Herbert Hillary Booker 2nd | Category: N/A
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Page 1 PUT I

1 2



5 6 7 8


10 11 l2

13 l4 15 16 1.7 18


20 21

Die Jbgendbewegupg Beginnings of the HJ, Expansion of the HJ. ixrto a State Organisation Reichsjugenddienstpflicht (Cmrpulsary Youth Service)

3 3 4 k

Main Branches of the Hitler Youth Die Reichsju endf&rung (Reich Youth Dimctorate) HJ, kbiete I HJ. Regions) HJ, .Standort (Garriscm) HJ. Bame (Regiments) Specialist Units of the Barn Organisation below regimental level MtrmbePing of units

10 10 11 12 l2 12 12 12

Ccmscription Procedure Basic Training Vocational TrainSchools Gebietsftierschulen Reichsschulen Nationalpolitische Erziehungsaustalten The Reichsjugend AkaMe Adolf-Hitler-Schulen




23 24 25

26 .


28 29

30 31 cx




war Sezvice Liaison with the Axned Forcea Wehmrt&zhtigungslager (Pre-military


l-4 3.4 Training

Son&rei.nheitess (SpecialmSePvie Units) Nachrichten HJ. (Signals) Motor HJ. (lkhxised Hitler Youth) Marine HJ. (Naval Hitler Youth) Flieger I-U. (Aviation HJ.) HJ, Feldschere (First Aid bits) Streffmxdienst (Security Detachments and Patrol SWViC2e)

15 15

16 16 17 19 17 18


32 33



IlusikzUge (Band Units) GebirgaJi3. (Mountaheers)

18 19



HJ, Leaders

;z 37

Uniforms and Insignia of Rank Other Insignia and Badges

20 20 21 21


38 39

HJ, in Occupied Territories HJ. in Pareign Territories

23 23


40 41 42

Legal Measures regarding &man Pouth Unofficia3. Youth Organisations outside Repressive Measures-

Kfv, to Tables

Part We: HJ. Gebiete and Befehlsstellen (listed) Part Two: The MJ, Gebiete (details) Part!Fhree:HJ, Bame, numerically Part Four: H.3. Ekmne, alphabetically Part Five: Schools and Camps HJ, Auslandsf&r (Representatives Abroad) Part six:

HJ. Perscxmlfties


and Plates


the HJ,

25 26

Al A 2 A 4 .A 95 A 111 A 326

A 3-40






LEeJrSEXED Bbbreviathm3


HJ. Proricieby



A thirteen year old boy manned a machine gun against advancing Allied tanks on the Rhineland frontier, while his mates passed the ammunition. An execution squad composed of 14-16 year olds shot Polish civilian hostages. A monument was erected to a boy stil.1 living, commemorating the fact that he denounced his father “loyally to the Ptjhrer“: ( the father was executed for treason). Herbert Norkus, the Hitler Youth martyr, is the ITorst iHesse1 of most of Germany's young today. Seven years of Nazi indoctrination, at a most susceptible aQ=, in the Hitler Youth has done its work. The Hitler You&h is not a Boy Scout or Girl Guide organlsaIt is in no respercomparable to any organisation for tion, young people known to the Western World. It is a compulsory Nazi fomation, which has consciously sought to breed hate, treachery and cruelty into the mind and It is, in the true sense of the soul of every German child. word, "education for death", Under no circumstances should 'the Hitler. Youth be taken lightly or be considered a negligible factor fmm an operational or occupation point of view. Some 12 to 14 million youths are organised into the four branches of the Hitler Youth: The Hitler Youth proper (boys from V+-18) The German Young Folk (Isoys 1614) The League of Geman Girls (girls from 14-38) The Young Girls (girls fr0m 10-14) A mugh estimate on the, basis of overall figures available would place between 3,000,OOO and 3,5OO,OOOinto each branch, Of this number, 30,000 serve as fully-pal&, full-time leaders. Approximately 1,000 male and d,OOO female Banne (Regiments averaging 6,000 members sach) camy on administration and training. in 3943, the Hitler Youth'maeatained between In addition, 1,500,000 boys 7,000 and 8,000 camps and other establishments. (most of them over 14) attended special Hitler Youth training ‘courses there in one year. 514,000 47 year olds received Hitler Youth training in WeMilitary Training Camps, of which some 300 are at present'iy operation throughout the Reich. The emphasis of the following Basic Handbook and appended Order of Battle tables is on the 14-18 year old male group, the Hitler Youth proper, the primary potential source of disaffection _ and the primary source of replacements for the We&ma&$. The above figures not only indicate the vast scope of the Hitler Youth in German life today, but demonstrate the role tiich it plays in Germany's actual and potential military strengtk Both the SS and the Wehnaacht hve long since appmciate$ From me% liaison tith the Hitler Youth, their relationthis, ship with the IX3 has passed through the stage of superwision and has finally resulted in complete domination. The Hitler Youth has become a V'ebmacht replacement pool, a manpower reservoir for auxiliary war services, and a means of strengthening the increasingly pernicious hold on the German people of the most ruthless of all Nazi organisatiuns, the Ss,

A few courageous young Germans, risking their lives in order to salvage their minds, spirits and perhaps their country, have sought to escape from the tentacles of the Hitler Youth, and some underground cells composed of such young people are known to exist. But it must not be forgotten that every young German has been schooled by Nazi teachers, and that this "Junior Ax-my" is ready to take the fieid either individually, in small groups, on a larger, more organised scale, or as saboteurs, informers and even franctireurs in defence of Nazis:n, its fanatical creed.


Die Jugendbewegung (The German Youth Movement)

The growth and success of the HJ organisations cannot be properly appreciated without some reference to the earlier history of the Deutsche Jugendbewegunq (German Youth Movement). Since the end of the last centuky, the latter gave young people an opportunity to express themselves and to carry on various activities in organisations of their own. Young people of both sexes joined J~endgemeinschaften (Youth Communities) and formed groups of WandervBgel (Young Hikers) which had no political. prograrnms, but were animated by youth's determination to express itself unfettered by the* older generation. Their activities included hiking, camping and evening much emphasis was meetings for lectures and discussions; placed on the rediscovering and singing of old German folk songs* The %eissner Forrrmla", a proclamation made by a "Youth Rally" in 4913, shaped a general policy of "Inner lkeedorb: a reaction against the complacency and restrictions of German middle-class life, its prejudices and "bourgeois mind". After the First World War the youth movement developed at an accelerated pace and reached its peak in the twenties when many new groups sprang up, and the Mndische Jugend (League of Youth) partly took the place of the original Jugendbewemng. among them the At this point many political parties, NSDACF(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterparteiTNational Socialist Workers' Party) began to form their own youth and it is estimated that in the late nineteenorganisations, twenties four million German boys and girls belonged to the young people's sections of various political and non-political factions, some 80,000 being members of the original 3iindisohe Jugend (League of Youth). The Nazis were regar&ed as outsiders by virtually all, other youth fomations. 2.


of the I-U

On Xmrch 8th, 1922, Hitler, in his own newspaper, the "Vblkische Beobachter", announced ,-the establishment of the Jugendbund der NSD.AX'(Youth League of the Nazi Party), later known as the Jun&sturm Adolf X-fitler (Youth Shock Troop Adolf Hitler). Other youth gr&ps with National Socialist tendencies also existed, but were not directly affiliated to Hitler's Thus the Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterjugend Youth) operated in the rZhein and ;iuhr regions. In Enay 1925 the Wandersportverein VOGTLAND), in PLAUEN, Saxony, merged with the bun& in M8'NICH, Bavaria, under the new name of Hitle-Jugend, arnl coined by the notorious anti~semite Julius STREICHEK, thea Nazi "chieftain" of E'ranconia. 'this new Nazi organisation, culminating in the &I of today was under the leadership of Kurt GRIPER, of the ETIdJxN group*



Exoansion of HJ into -a---

8 State G~anisation

Although the &T had borrowed much of its technique and the old Ju~endbewe~~, from the very ssne of its~syrnbol~fran first it ad&d a nat~cqalistic and decidedly militaristic note. In 1925 it becme a junior branch of the SA (Stormtroopers) and -&jrectly suboM.inate to the SA High Co~~&nd. The movenltent, in true Nazi fashion was opposed to school, 'church and home ,and attracted many youwsters. In 1928 600 boys gatbred at the first national hJ rally At the ~5QQ3EEGParty Rally of the following at MD ST-. year 2,500 boys werq pqsent. In 1929 the Ns Schulerbund (Nazi Secondary School Boys tique) ~7~s recognised as an official affiliate of the Hitler Youth Organisation. (local groups) in By 1930 t&e &J i-lad 900 OrtS~ &xmany arx&:ttie W (Deutsohes, Junytolk-Gemla Young Folk) for boys aged IQ-l.4 and BUM (Bund Ueutscher b%del-Leagw of Gez3nn Girls) were founded as branches of the HJ. r;y ,193l the total membership had expanded to 15,000. Despite '@-k f'act that the I3J was temporarily bannedby the Republican Government, its ranla continued to swell &der the 1ead.crshi.p of B.&l&r von Z3XIRAcK and by 1932 its numbers In the 581:1eyear the EEJwas separated had risen to 250,000. from the Z&i, mainly to free it from the ban imposed on the Stomtmopers.

WhenHitler took over full. Governmental power in 1933, ~EZQTmore boys and girls joined, and all other youth organisatians were rapidly prohibited and disbanded, their &rs beinhi; subsequently ured to join the EL Considerable opposition was encountered at first from the Catholic and ILeft Wing Youth Movements, but these. organisat ions, too, were partly crushed and partly absorbd in ruthless fashion. A,fter the first year of the Nazi regime, the HJ, izxluding its branches, DJ, J&S, and BDH, mbered two million. One year later this figwe had actually doubled, and by the 1st. of &cer&er, 1934, when the HJ was de&red Staatsjuge_nd (Gmrement-sponsored Youth Orgmisation), the total amwr&ed to six million,of *oh one and a h&U million belonged to the BJ proper, the othera to its bran&es.

The Decree of Dece&er 1, 1936, providing for Reichs~enst33flioht (Compulsory Youth Service), not= legalised the existence of the HJ, but also completely destropdallthe remainiqyouth organisations ~~G~ZXULQY. The decree


three major points:

LLl German Youth shall join the &I. The mission of the HJ is to train all Geman Youthphysically, mentally and morally for national school service in the spirit of Natioti Socialism. and home are subordinated to the interests of the State. C (Reich Youth LRader) is ( > The mndf%hrer entrusted with all phases of the education of GeLman vouth. and is responsible or&y to the F&EFLXR.


Every child being compelled to serve in the W, the Farty gained an enormous influence over the youth of the country and an assured supply of recruits for its own ranks. By "voluntary application'! the highest age group may into any NSDAPGliederungen (formations) apply for transfer e.g. the SA, SS, or NSKX. Only the select are accepted for the XSDAI? (Nazi Party proper) itself. An attempt to maintain a Stamn+W (Original KJ) as a including only members of’ long standsuperimposed structure, ing or those who had proved themselves ardent Nazis, resulted in much confusion and had to be abandoned,

ORCAWISA'I'IOFT (See diagrams, Annexe C ) 5.

Main branches of the Hitler-Jwend The EitlepJugend


lb" (c) (d)

is organised


four main branches,

HitlerLfugend for boys aged 34-48 Deutsches Jungvolk (DJ or German Young Folk) for boys aged AC&q4 who subsequently transfer to the HJ proper. Bun& Deutscher mdel (ED4 or League of t;eman Girls) for girls aged 14-18. Jungmlldel (JM or Young Girls) for girls aged IO14 who subsequently transfer to the BDH proper.

The terCrrlsHJ and BDM are used very loosely, and require speaking KT refers to (a) above, a special note. Strictly , and m!4 to (c) above. In practice, however, HJ is wide1 used to cover both (a) and (b), and XDM to cover both (c 7 and (d). Further, the term X.7 is used in a third sense, to indicate the whole Youth Movement. For convenience all these meanings have been used in be clear this handbook, as the sense should invariably from the context. Orgmisation

of the four branches runs along parallel

lines. The program% of the IX consists of preparatory training for the HJ. Although special training in Sondereinheiten (Specialist Units) is officially limited to members of the w proper, specialist units such as l?lieger-AT (Aviation) and Nachrichten-LJ (Signals) have recently been reported in the IL The task of the BDM and JM is the emcation of girls for They are to be made '*conscious of their duty as German girls to become good housewives ard to have as many children as possible". Glaqbe und SchlSnheit_ (Faith and Zaaugy), k sub-section, organises women volunteers between the ages of 18 and 21 who aspire to careers in the girls* and women% organisations of the Nazi Party and its affiliates, e.g. the NSF (National Socialist Party Women's Branch) and the NSV (National Socialist Welfare Organisation). ‘+conpan ion ah ip , honour and faith".


Die -Xeichswndfhrung

( iieich YouthDirectorate

The.Reichs,jugendf%hmng (RJP - Reich,Youth Directorate) of the con8rols the policy a s well as the administration whole KJ, It is headed by a Reichsjugendmhrer (Reich Youth Leader) assisted by an Ad+jutant and a Stabsfihrer (Chief of The Reichsreferentin (BDWI)controls the lXH (Lund Staff). e of German Girls) and the S&l (JusqDeutscher M&del-Le to the m&de1 - Young Girls T , and she is responsible directly Heichsj,ugendfYlthrer.

The KJ3 is divided into five special executive branches (Zeotralamt, Auslaads-und Volkstumsamt, Kinderlandverschickung, Krie&wtreumgsdienst, A&SCand fnto six HauptItnter73rwprtments). The bureaur of the Xaupt&&er are known ater, and their sections and sub-sections as Hauptabteilung=d Abte$lurw?m respectively. AJJ 3eichsschulen the RJF. For chart Note:



and details


are oontrolled

of the l&IF see Anne=



Used in connection with the I&@, the abbreviation indicates Hmptamt (Department): iu the it stands for the Hawtabteiltmg See next paragraph,


H3 Gebiete (HZ Xegions)

The HJ inside Greater Gemany is orgaaised into 43 '1Rith the exception of the Gebiet SudetenGebieta (Regions). land and the Gebiet Befehlsstelle Ej&rnen und M$hmri, each such region corresponds to a Gau (district) of the Nazi Party For occupied territory, 866 para.2. For list of proper. Gebiete and corresponding Party Gau8, see Anoexe & Each Gebiet is headed by the Gebietsf%hreti (Regional Leader), deputy is his Stab er (Chief of Staff) . organised into -The GebietsfUmmg (Regional I%! t abbreviated to HA, Ha@-abteiluryr;en ~tive?Sections The functions of t #he and special semi-Dfndependent offices. to those of the HamtI HA HA . If HA I31 HA IV V HA HA VI

Personnel Training and Sports Ideological Training and Cultural Social Services buildings and Homes Legal MattL!rs


Ha tabteilun sec-tiwm

en are split


up iat0 Abteilunp:

The Gabietsf%rer my appoint a subordinate to perfom tasks which are nomally the function of a HA or its su& Such specially appointed officials are termed, for section. emxnple: GebietsbeauftMer (Regional Pleni&tentislry) f& K&V ~Kinderlsndverschic'kuq#Wacuation of Chil&wn) or Gebietsmusikmfereat (Regional I)irector of U.k3ic) or Gebietsarzt (Regional Director, of Medicine). A Gebietmekteq may be a general inspectoi of *he I%? be a specialist (e.g. Ikpector within the region, or he in charge of speciaILiat units. of Flying, Signals 0rCmrps


Each&&j.& adrainistemand maintains schools and camps. !Pwoor iora ~ebietsfWmmsch\ilen (ILegional Cffice1+9" Schools) provide training for the many executive post@ required by the Sow Gebiefe conduct Special schools, such as Orgaaisatiol3, music or medical schools or provide other specialist's courses. .

Although the Armed Forces have actually taken over the operation of the ~~ehrerticht&qungskger (Be-nilitary Training Ca~qs) the Gebietsfihnrng concerned still a&ministers, then). HIP youth hostels, nominally under the Deutsche Jqendherbergen (nTN or Geman Youth Hostels, an organisation CBYL ried over from the Republic) are actually under X3 administration and sqervision. Details of each Gebiet are givett ih Xnnexe A, Part TWO, 8.

'I'he H3 Standoxt

The IXJ Standort (Garrison) is the highest Local au‘i;i-ro,rrIt is under the ity on all matters concerning Geman Youth. command of the Standortftthrer(krri,son Connander) and handles all administrative details with regard to Xeichs(Compulsory National Youth Sehm enddienslqfficht The Standort naintains the individual youth's Ju,qet-idstmnlbla or simply the name of the HQ location, or both. Unit designations are usualt2y given in a.I?abiC nWnerak3, the first indicating the Gefolgs s the second indicating stands for first Gefolgs.chaft of Bann the Bann. Thus l/l00 stands for first NachrYichten-Gefo~gschaft 100. Na.'I/dOO (Signals Unit) of Bann 100. The Stis mcated by a Roman Numeral. Thus I/j00 stands fox first Stamn of Bann 100. Ma.I/lOO stands for 100. + the first Wachrichte~~ of%n The special. service,units ~nurnbered consecutively in a separate series for each branch within evar$ Bann.





Conscription proceeds each year a~ follows: the tan yeast old registers in January and receives his Meldeschein (iiegistration Card), Ln Karch he appears at the Aufna~~ell(P'reliminary Rollcall) of his Standort, Between the 10th and 19th April the Standort conducts a technischer Aufnahmedienst (Preliminary Technical Course) fenpmbe (hb's Entrance Exstmination) culminating in the On the 2Qth April, the Rihrer's birthday, a cerefionial Standortappel'fTotaE Rollcall) is staged, at which all HJ members, old and new, ZIUS~ appear, The new Pkpf (cub) of of’ the JM, the W and the new Jungmgdel, (“young girl”) together with the 14 year olds who are being transferred t&e the oath of into the KJ and the p;Du respectively, allegiance: "Ich gelobe meinem E%hrer Adolf Hitler Treue. Ich verspreche ihm und den mhrern, die er mir besttiznt, jeder zeit Rchtung und Gehorsam entgegen zu bringen" (% promise to be faithful to'my Fuehrer, Adolf HitZer, 1 promise obedience and respect to him and to the leaders he shall appoint over me"). I t is noteworthy that this oath is strikingly similar to that adxtinistered to the Waffen SS3. The new boy member is now entitled to wear the degger 93lu-t und 3hre" ("Blood and Honour"), with the inscription q40

Basic Traini*

Activities of the HJ membership are numerous and take up 8. good deal of' the Gernan boy's time; exactly how much it even though many regulations have is iqo3sible t3 estimate, been issued on this subject. It may be said, however, that most of the time not spent at work or school is spent Serb ing the IXJ, k-t present it appears that the day-t-day situation -eg:ulates the duties required of FJJ members, but the largely -L basic peace time progran:ae is carried on side-by-side vith the war duties resulting from &x~~~any*s manpuwer shortage, GeltanschauunA (ideological training) is at all times one of i;he tiaportant p'hasss in a young German's schooling. At least one evening each week is spent attending lectures given by specially trained leaders who use minutely worked out directives and Schulungsbriefe (educational pamphlets). Here the IU boys rnemorise xany stock phxascs of the Nazi political programle. Physical training in the FLJ is designed to dev8lOp the young Germans, in H3AerQ3 own wordst into junior supermen: "hard. as steel, tough as leather and swift as greyhoundart. All physical training is carried out with the help and Belck+ supervision of the lCUE3L, the Nationalsoziqlistiacher bund f& Leibestibunq (National. Socialist Lea&e for Physical 'Training .

Two of the three weekly meetings are usually devoted to sane form of physical exercise inevitably of'military nature (grenade thrbPrring, small arms practice, etc.). Thus when the boy w-rives at a Smerlwer (summer camp) or WehrertkhtiQmumlager @EL or Fre-rni.litaJy Training Camp), he is already well -quainted ppith basic military fomticms and drill. is permeated by The training, boG mtmta3. and physical, Nazi ideology and method, and in these caps, vacation periods are utilised by the Nazi Party to strengthen still further its hold over the young. (&sic Various contests, such as @A.scherBPettbewerb and Art Contest), Reichsberufswettkampf (National. Vocational Contest) and sports meetings on national +d regioIlal levels, are held in order to &Mate a spirit of competition and to promote higher staslda2d.s of performance, vinners are usually presented with certificates or badges, and receive ccmnensurate publicity in HJ publications, being hailed almost as junior heroes. Details of HJ Proficiency Examinatias are given in Annexe $, 15*

V0cati.ona.l Train*

The vocational guidance program-me of tie HJ is conducted in the closest co-operation with the Deutsche Arbeitsfrcmt (DAI? or GevlnavlLabour Front). Party Regional Youth Representatzve 'F1Piththe respective GebietsrUhrusP; 9n vocation&L guidavlce for the HJ. contrast to the LanddienE.", (Farm Service) in distinct Lsndjmgatory yesr in agriculture) involves four years of training in all phases of agriculture, part of which is conducted on a Landdienstlehrhof (model training farm): see hnexe A. In peacetime, upcm graduation at 'I8 the boy receives his Neubauemschein (Junior Fsrmer's Certificate). The aim of this training was to provide a number of young farmers to colonise the Eastern Territories. Land Service formerly claimed many HJ boys, but today, because of shortages elsewhere, they are called for such-work anly when a farm labour shortage is aoute eno!gh to*reqmre them, either local.Iy, or elsewhere in the Reich or m occupied territories. For girls this service year remains universally obligatory. The Bergd$.enst (Mining Service) of the HJ trains boys of q8 (also during war-time) for leading positions in the mining industry. The five gem course includes one year of Reich Labour ) and is divided into three Setice (RAD or Reichsarbeitsdienst phases. 3ach phase is completed by an exaraination, 8nd the candidate pregressively attains the rank of +appe @her), Hauer (Hewer+) and Steigeq (Foreman). Wages for productive work performed during the schooling range frcm 15 Bd to 45 FM per month, and an additional 17 I@ are deposited in the boy's Government Savings Account to which he has no personal access*


16. Schools The HJ has developed an extensive system of schools designed to trtin future leaders for its m and other NSDAP organisations, These potmtial leaders are carefully moulded into the pattern of National Socialism and emerge as conscious Nazis, applying their philosophy to all situations and person8. (Cases are on record of elderly citizens being thrm% into concentration camps merely for making cont~tuous references to HJ members.) Lists of all HJ schools will be found in Annexe A. 17.



Schools for Officers)

Gebiet&&.rerschulen (Regional Scksols for Officers) are controlled by the Gebietsv (Regina Ccmnand HQs) and serve as training centres for those boys who already lead large ~TOUPSor who are capable of doing so. The boys are g5ven special courses in physicaL training md Party doctrines by BJ training perscmnel and schooled to fill posts within the structure of the Gebiet. Instruction is given throughout th"E year, but primarily during holidays or summer months. 18.




These schools are under the direct supervision of the schools attended by HJ members tican HJF. They are specialist all Gebiete, ' Cumicula are based on military, naval, sport, administrative and other subjects, but leadership is stressed equally wi.th proficiency in the special subject. The Auslands- und Volkttmsamt (Bureau for Foreign Affairs and Gemmism) conducts courses in foreign languages and awards the HJ-Sprachmittlerschein (Interpreter's Certificate) for proficiency.

19. Nationalpolitische Political

Erziehungsansta&ten educational Institutions)


which are abbreviated to NPii These establishments, are types of secondary school and components of or Sola, the HJ organisation. An NPEA is usually organised as a HJ-Stmm, and is directed by a staff of SS Leaders whose pedagogical and intelIl.ectual qualifications are often outPireighed by their political reliability and previous services to the party. in Since physical training has first place9 instructian practically a11 kinds of military 'spouts", such 8s skitig, glider flying, motoring etc. is emphasmed. Tul-tam must be paid by parents.

Graduates are not particularly enjoined to enter party but are usually attracted to military careers because of preferential treatment in the attainment of commissicms.

or Government sentice,


The Reichsjugendakademie


Youth Academy)

The Reichsjugendakademie (National Youth Academy) in BRAUNSC~TG, a fomml institute of tigher leaming for senior HJ leaders, was set up ia 1939 when it took over the


enlarged functions of the Reichs&endf&.rerschule (Nation& Youth Officers School) still in operation in po1cSIwbI. Candidates for admission ~xust have sached their 17th birth-da2 and have completed secondary school or vocational tPain~ir24, The school trains W lca&rs WilO wish to make a career of their calling. The orrlinary course lasts two years and consists of f'ive phases embracing practical experience in Bann &ministration, three mszlas of manual labour in German in*ry and six months &road, Successful completion of studies entitles the student to the Jqgxn&Mhrerpatent (Youth Ieader Cormxission) and results in ixnmediate appoint!qent to a responsible position in the l-U. Recently



War veterns between the ages of 23.

28 have been admitted in large numbers, and various

shorter course- 3 in Administration, Nazi Ideology, l%ultural Kcalth Set-vice, Social Work ox Work*, Frcs.3 and Pqxqan&, Farm Service rvcre institxted for them, 21.


(Adolf Hitler


Adolf-Hitle~Schulen (Adolf Hitler Schools) arc free boardin;: school s conducted by the ?WXF, so called because they were conceived, ~$~~rtly endowed" and allegedly azcltitechkra~ planned by the 3Wxrcr himself. Each school is directlgunder the supwvision of the reqective N%%'P Gauleiter (Party District Executive). Stu&nts are selected at the age of twelve fx3m the ranL3 of the W, and arjmission depends on possession.of all the basic c1m&cteristics of a good fTazi. These schools coxbine a curiol:s mixture of toughness and They are on the secon6ax-y school level and place 1Q-w great chassis on military "sports", character building, and devotion to the Party-state. The teaching staff hzs received some or all of its training at the I?cichs;j~xp,en~~,~~~~~e. The skident is xqar&d as a me&er of the HJ th!ughout his five years of schooling. Upon gradwtion, the stuJf2nts designed for cventu;~ MSUP leadership are admitted into the Party proper. Cf the 4,000 graduates erner,@.r~s f’rOJA the d$ ~,[email protected]+ each yeear, 1,000 uv selected to reassemble after seven years of Party

or XJ work,

and, with




to enter one of the Ordensburgen (Castles of the Teutonic Order). Four Ordcnsburgen !xno~ as K$SSIXSXE, VOGXEQiG, SO?m Arnholdt oaf. > Amtz8n (OStaf.) Aust (W3af.) Axmann, Artur (Keichsjugendf%hmr)

G8b.17, WZL,rv (Le.) Geb.7, Nordsee (Abt.Ltr,) Geb.4.2, Westfalen-Stid, (IJtr.) Bann 57, Rees (KPBaf.) WF. (Flieger &dIl?8f,)


Bann 345, Amb8rg (K.-Baf.) Bann 85, kLasse1 oaf. 1 Gsb.26, Hamburg (G8b.Beauftr.lCZ'TT.) Geb.4.2, '/$estfalen-Stid

Badenhausen hf. > 3ahrs


(O.Staf,) Bald, Hx.qp (H.Baf,) Baltmsch, Alfons (Baf.) B&W33 (Baf.) Btlnsch, Hans (O.Baf.) Bartel (Baf.) Sarth, J, (CM&f.) ua.rk sch (R*3af, > 3 suer (0,8af.) Bauer, ai-, (O.l3af,) Ba2e~iw.',0 tto (B af, ) B&uerle (Iwe) BWSC!Uilidp Xishr:rd (KM,)


Seb. 1, ;>ztprsussen Bann 180 Ludwipbuq (IkL j &b.&, Hiederschlesien (Stabsleiter) "am& tistock BanyBBi:j


bb.23, m.ttelelb8 (Ii,-GM.) Y3an11"J", Xtinberg (Baf,) GGbe20, WititCSif~~~ (Gebietsarzt) Bann 323,Kaisamlautem (EM* >


B&p3r (Baf. ) Bayer, Hslxut (KBaf.) Bayer, Karl Beck, Hans t-f* > Backer (H.Geff.) B8cker (star.) Becker, Hermann (o.staf*) Becker, Rolf (B&m > B8Ckmm, Icurt (Saf.) Beer B88rtnann

Bennewitz, (Cabf.) Bmsch (Uhf.)


Berglar, Fritz (o.staf.)

Bernhard, 0-1

hb.21; Badm (Baf.) Bs.y1&2~ Eggmf8ld8n Bann Wars&au ' (Baf-.) Bann 288 St.Gaa.rshmsen (Bd BanyBzTj Ludwigshafen Geb*U!, Mosalland,


(L-k.) Bann&


Geb.22, Baymuth , (Stabsleiter) Bann Gasten, Geb.3 bf. > Befehlsstelle Belgien u-4 RJF., HUTI, An& R8chtsvemtitung (Chef) Geb,2, &bietsflihrerschx;llb Cottbus (L-b) RD.

Rolf Bann Pless, bf. >

"?% B . B-N& Big&off,

Bmn 3C6 W8iden (Baf ( EUF~6~!-!$VI, Wi&xmhaftsmt


Bann 693, ~remembrde Erich

bf* 1 Ban13 761 Melmngen (Baf. 5

BlasChk8 (H.Baf.) B18chschrnidt (C.Baf.) Blohm, Erich (H.Baf.) BlBthner (safm ) BtJcZPnann c-f* > Boeck, Heu;bert Bohl.>wj B!Ibrn (Staf.) 23Ohl8



Bann 236, Iserlohn (Baf* 1 Baan 228, Gelssnkirohen-Bum (Baf.) Geb.1, Ostpreussen (Baf.) Geb,l3, WXL, II, Hundstadt/Taunus (Ltr.) Bann 41, Tilsit (Bar.) Bann 667, Qstmw0 (Baf. )

Bohne, Gerhard (OStaf.) Bopp, Heinz (O.Baf-.) Borchert (H.Baf.) Bhger, Hichard (Baf.)



Brandl, (OStaf.) Brawn, '47illi (Staf.) Brwmer

Organisationsamnt Ban~B~~j


G-eb.13, Hessen-Nassau



(H.GefI".) Brink b-f. >

Geb,6, &?bietsf&xerschule

Brink, He322nlt Karl


BJ4!lCkXMU? (Baf,) Btickner, Alfred Brua; schf


aologna, Italy (sa?. > Geb.8, Niodersachsan (Baf.) Geb.9, Westfafen-NOti (Bar. ) Bann 305, Bambeq (Baf.) Geb.7, Nordsea (Bar.) Sann 745, Tann Sann 754 Stassfurt


(hf. I

Bticking (staff)

Budaus, Kurt (CH.lf. :, Budin, Alois (Bar.) BmLl (Baf.) Burgdorff (hf.) Burkert, ; Bann 329, Bin.-Lichtenber KBp?3tlMC

(HPhf.) LandesjugendfMxmr



xtzehoe (SW* )

Bann &2, Stralsund c-f* > BW 819, BNtEhfitt8l Geb.6, Nodmark (K,-Stabsleiter Bann 101, Grossenhain (K,-Baf.)i Bann Vorchtorf, Geb.29 b-f. > Bann 867, Xainburg (K.-B&) Geb.8, Nisdersachsen Geb.30, Steiermark (GM',) Geb, 33, SchClnwies~.Landeck (SOF.) Bann 747 Altkirch/Badsn (B f I RJI?, iaiso Obstlt.in GU.) (Elaichsinspekteur d.FliegercK7.) Barn 3I& Straubing @af 3 Bann 11'9, Stuttg& (Baf. and SOF.) Geb.1, Ostpreussen (M-f.) Geb.26, Hamburg Geb.31, K$rnten (Kreisjugendm3lter) Bann 494, Augsburg-Land (IL-Baf.) C&b&27, Wien Geb,Befe~ss,B6hmerr~-n (im Stab) Barn &81, Pilsen Gab,?, Nordsee (Stabslaiter) Geb.38, Warthel.md (im Stab) Bann 237 XOers (BBf 5 Bmn &I, Iirainbw3 @Et-E,>

NAM3 (& BANK) Eckl

Eder Edlinger

(Bafl )

Egged, Rudolf (Baf.) Eg ers 'f LGeff.) Bggers (staf.) Zhle rs Ehlers (Baf.) Eh3.crs (Staf.) Shrlichor (H.Baf,) Ehrlinger (H. Baf,) Eichelberger, Karl (Baf,)

Eiffert, Helmut (H.Baf.) Einf&ldt @af.) Infers, Hemann (H.Eaf,) Eblwmger (Baf,) Emsters (Gebf.) Zndling? Hans (Baf.) Engel (Fxeff,) Engel, Hans (HJaf.) EngelsWtter, 3r. Englcr (Baf.) ~xnst (H. Bar.) Eachle, Karl (U,aaf,) Ettinger, Benno (&D&f.) Ftzel, Fritz Pahmair,

S.O. J&xheh


Geb.26, aamburg (IL-Stabsleiter)

BWM 262 Bottrop * (sarJ


Landesjugendf'f.@er Spanien Eatm 235, Wesetinde (IL-aaf.) Emn 3@+ Cutiaven b-f. 3 Geb.l.9, Hochland, HA.IV (Ltr.) Bann 224, Marbuq . Geb. 4-1, Ost-Hannover (K.-Gebf.) Geb.27, Wien (Geb.l3eauftrXL'?.) 13ann 403 Tuttlingen (Baf sj Cab.39, Maitifranken

Bznn 13.7, Main2 (Ed?.) Eann 673, Gupen (K.-Uaf.)

Geb.22, &,yreuth (Gebietsarzt) Iku1n447;~ Memel Geb, 13, Hessen-Nassau (K.-C-ebf.) Geb.21.Badan. Geb,& Berlin C;eb,29, ObaA.onau (&if.)


(H&CL) Failenschiid~, iJtto (l?af. ) Fxitur, ,~erne r PaSOld (I-!, Baf , )

Geb.19, Hoohlmd, (sm.) Bann 324,I"ttrth (R.43a.f.) %ann Xied/Innkreis, (Baf.) G&.31, R&rnten

Bann 436, Ntirti.r,geri & -%af, > G&,31, Wlikrn-ten (Xbt eI&l?* ) Ccb, 2y, UbcrdQnall (;i * -Gebf. )

NAMEi6%R&UCi&US Paichtinger,




Faix (O*Baf.) Fe&i, Willi van (Baf, > Felden, Karl (O.Baf.)

Geb.32, Salzburg (Gebietsarzt) Geb.25, tPestmark, SRD. (Geb.Insp.SRD.) Bann In, Pirna t-f* > Geb. 3, Berlin hb.12, Moselland (Geb.Beeuftr. f. Jugendorganisation Gub. 7, Nor&we


Fe'ldemann ('Baf. > Fellenberg t-f* > Ferndt (BEG) Fensks, Walter (Bar.) "~~.&+$~

Bonn 583 SalzwLand t-f* I Bctnn Priedberg, Geb.36 t-f. > Banne 663, 664, Lit-nstadt @af. >


Geb.2, Urk



(G8b. Inq8k’kur)

F1eg.Baf.) Frank, Dr. Frank, Norbert (H&f.) Franke, Hans ' (H.Baf.) Frehse, Herbert (H.Baf.) Fr823>y)er Fr8ier

w+ > Frei&ller, Freddy t-f.) Fre$yf .> 1 Freitag, Wilhelm t-f* > Yraser, Dr. (Staf.) -eY c-f* 1 Fricke, Heluiut (0,Staf.) Fricke, Hermann t-f. > Fricke, Dr,KW't (CLRafJ Friederich Friedrich b-f,) Frian, Hans (W3af.)

Geb.21, Badee (&biefsarzt) Geb.21,. Baden (GebJnspakteur) Ml% 3 Zentralamt (K.-Chsf) Reichsschule KLV., Steinau/Oder (Ltr.) Bann 668, lCa.ttowitz tBBf* > Geb.20, *ternberg (Stabsleiter) Geb.19, Xl)ln-Aachen Geb.9, MSL.IV, Mariawald (Ltr.) G-eb.19, Ho&land ' (IL-GebJnsp.) G8b.19, Ho&land (&bietsarzt) Bann log, Karlsruhe (F&hrer SRD.) ant3 52, c0tths (IL-Baf.) Geb.9, WestfalewNowtd RJF., HAJV, Soziales (Hauptabtt. Ltr.) Geb.39, tiainfrankan Geb.1, Ostpreussen (b Stab) Geb.26, Hamburg




(Baf.) Fromrneyer, Paul

(Star.) Gadert, Rudolf Galse, Warner (KBaf.) Ganz (Baf.) Ganzel (hf.) Ganzsprengel (U3af?.) G3xaf3 (O.Baf.) Cattot{, VT. (Staf,)

Gauhl, Dr. (O.Paf .) Gauerke (Baf.) Gause, WiIheh (H.&f.!, Geiling (M-eff.) Geis, WilX (SW, ) Gelkrsen, Ervvi.n Gerlach Gersche 1 (Stof*) Geuo (o&f.) C;iebel.e~, EWE&I (Baf., Giese (%ELfj

Gigas (ss u. S-turmf.j



vcn i;lmlx?Yf f Eaf, j Gkeow, w. (Stdf. j Glashag3n G1e-q (3&f. j Ck-lllf2, Siegfried (Ii,Baf.) Gok.isseYt Gos?rm-l (lj.3af.j

Geb.35, Sudetenkrd (is Stab) Mann 61, Bln,NxMLln-Trepto \ (B af .I Geb.&, Ktmhessen (Bnf .) Bann 169, Lahr Banr~ 97, Keubrandenbuxz (Baf. ) RJF, , Dienststelle KLV. MF.,

HA., Adolf-EitlcrScbulen

Geb.12, Maselland, HA, III (Ltr.) Geb. 13, Her;sen-Nassau;

Geb,37, i;obf,Scshule ?$.arienw,rde.r (iL.-Ltr.) Geb, 16, Sachser (Gebf, > Geb.22, H~yreuth (ReT.f,Komn\.ilnal~~beit: Bann 381, 3cer (Baf. ) Geb.7, Nord~ae (Baf.) Geb, &, Mi~R’J@lr’d nde (SOP,> G&.37, Danzig-Westpreussen, [Lz;r.]


Geb.y, Westfdcn-No& (Zlet~ebs.jug~ndwalter) Bank-i 59, Wilbel.imhaven (I.3ir.f . j Geh.8, V&.11:, H&nelheide [Ltr. > Earl 22IYe zshrg (L-BaL) Ra1m J&S, c1mtits (&:f.) x.Jt1'. Geit>.37 ,cDanzig--w,:StUI”F~l.“,yi??l; WA,xl”1 (Jugc ndcl;1ttsl.cit&-; Emn

171, 3Fi ( f ')i


IGeb.J+,Grcsc ISCT (L~F, j Rmn 107, Leipzig (Daf, )

Graber, Joachim (St&)

Bann 273, Hamm~e~Land (Baf.) Geb.8, Niedersachsen, I-QI.~I~.

Grahn (Baf. >

Geb.28, Niede&mau


Gr8iling, Josef (H.Baf.) Greiser bf* > Gretner b‘f. > Griess, Ernst bf, 1 Gri88SXl~ (O.Baf.)

Grixnm, Ludw-& (Wf,) Grippe1 c-f* > Grolle, Dr. @8f*) Grate hYd38lnigg,


bf* > Grttder, Ernst (ostaf.)

GrWtner (H.Baf.) Grups (B=f. 1 Guck, Armin Gummel, Dr. anther F-f, > C&ache (Weff.) Ha&U38 (Whf.) "yif., Hakzn (D.Baf.) Hahn, Victor (aa&) H&n81 (O.Baf.) HaLT, Fritz (Baf,) Halter (0.sta.f.) Hamann

(G&fl )

Hamxr (Baf.)





Bann 516 StJ%lten . oaf I G8bi&$j8saen-Nassau Amt f.w8ltansckauan?. , &III, Licha Schulung (Chef) WF,, HA.vI (Chef) Bann 520, Zwettl @4



(0aupmpagandaleiter) Gek, 7, Oldenbum (YO3?.) Batm Lend, Geb.32 (Bar. > Gab.2. Mark Brandeabuq& I-I&III


RTF,, Dienststelle XLV. (Ltr.) Bann 93, Dessau (Bar.) Geb&, Dusseldorf (Geb.InsF,d,DliegersINJ,) Geb.4, Niederschlesien (G8bistsarzt) Ban~B$fr Recklinghausm Bann 197, IVitt;enberge (K.-Baf.) Bann 651 Possn (B arf 3 Geb.28, Niederdonau G8b.4, Niederschlosien (Ltr.) Geb,28, Xiedmdonau (Sonderbeauftragter) Geb.9, WestfalerMord Bann hxemburg, (Baf,) Geb, 36, HA.11 (L-h)

Geb.3, Berlin &bf.) Geb.27, Wien





(Baf.) Nauff, Gecwg (cuw. j Haupt, Jemer (hf. j Rausen (St&) Rawladen (Baf.) Hebbner (Bef.) Hehm (H.Wf.) Hei.& (N. WY.) He idemann (&Baf.) Hsidemann (Bar.) Hsi.mnn (Bafe) Heimann, Wan2 (11.Geff. ) Eein (B&f. >

Ez3::an 23fj < ‘Ihi 3lx.l rg-Stici (13 a f L/

1~29, k~t~.i.~~~8




Geb.4, Sickle r*schJeJs~.cn Geb.9, Westfalar,-Nord


Eann 3C;7,Rayxm~th (33a.f.) Bann 361, Kulmba& (Baf .i Crcb.37, A* 1%-Schule 3 3e i2k3.'A (wr.) c.kb. 6 I R-nrdlrn,cil-l~ (ixri Stab) 1iJ-F. ) mv. -ht Juge tx%ill'e

(Ltr, 3

Ge4.23., Baden L



Eann 67, rectum (KPIM’.) G&*&?,

Ke sWalen-sad,

HA, 1:LX

(Ltr.) Geb. 27, Wicn (Gcb.Tn~~~.d.Nachrichten-RJ,) Geb.22, Bayr8uth; 2kuem-2hsdienst (Geb,Beairft.) Bann 3&l., Deggendorf; Bann 863, ZVtit3S~l*

Heise (SW.) Helke, lS.tz (U.Yaf,) Helllnayr (O.Staf,) Helvos (Baf.) Henkel (H.Gef'f,) Henkel, Friedrich (3af.) Ee t-h-31, @f-f. j EIenkel, Rudolf (Gebf.) Herbst, Tal"cer (St&) Herb, Carl Friedrich (Bar.) Heydorn (K.Geff.) Hey1 (O.Baf.) Hildisch, Erich @a-L) Hilz

(Bar.) Geb23, MiZ;tela3_be, HA.IZ (KcI&r. ) a-l?, (Beauftragter fed, J~endsc'hrifttu3n) BaflyBz;;j Lin*Stadt


Su&3tenl~i-td (StabslsitE?r)

G&,7, No??&ee * EL4,xv m-, > Eeb. 6, ~$xb;lazk (hb,NRzSikrf3fer8nt) Rauerntirrn u,Landdi.enst

m, T:

(Ltr, )

Geb,37, Danzig-Westpreusscri (Gebfe) Bantl Ill+, Xotlstarz (Baf. and SO3',) Mann 76, Hamburg (Baf.) Bantl 282, HaxburpOst (Baf,) G0b.,20, ‘hYtit0iIllX3~~, (m.) Geb, 23,




(im Stab) Geb.27, Wien (WI. Inspbd.


Geb.37, DamCg-Westpreussea

Hinnerks @af* > Hinninghofen, (E.Baf.> 'sIinz


"ueb.24, Xecklenbuq (G~jugendgnrppenM3rer) AbteLlung Yfohnheime

Hi nz (Staf.) Hirsch, Gottlieb (H.Baf'.) Hirsch, Herbert (Gebf.) Mfer

Geb. 3, Berlin (Baf.) Geb.4, NfederscWesisn (Gebf.) ^ Geb.16, lTEL.fIf, Straschitz (Ltr. > NPEA. Rottweil

h'offlnann (ss Stubaf.) HQf’m@iSter Hohlfeld (3af.) Hornschild (O.Staf.) Huber, Mthias (Stabsf.) Huber, (Isitar (Bar.) Kf.iboer, -9r. (Baf.) X'tiboer kiuj.sgeu, Horst (H.33af.j ?k.pe, Kurt (CLBaf.)

(Beauftr.f.KLV.) Geb.10, RuhpNiederrhein

(Lb.) Geb.22, Lmddianstb3b?hOf

(Ltr.) Bannic82 Prag C-f* I RJF.


Gab. 31, Kbnten (Landesjugendwart) Geb.24, l$ecklenburg (Stabsleiter) Bann 157 Brieg (Baf'. r Geb.40, Oberschlesien (G&f.) Geb.27, i?ien

IPfSand, Kuti (cwff.) bnsaln (I-f.Geff.)

Bmn 427 Lconbers (Baf, 3 Bar-m 572 Kufstein b-f, j

J -er "9 Baf.) J&n, Dr.Hemann Jakobs (Baf.) Jan33

Bann 55$, Graz-Land (Bd.) Landesgm~+en~r Japan Bann 16r, Hameln (B a*f I Geb.20, ;Mrtte;nberg (Geb.1nsp.d. Marine-Ig.) Geb,l+O, Kattowitz (SOFS) &bJl,K8ln-Aachen (I+Gebf.) Geb.22, Xarktredtitz (SUF.) Bann 470, Geld=n (SteIlv.Baf.) Bann 581 'Mckel b-f 5 Geb.ll;K6ln-Aachen (StelWGebiotsnrzt)

Jnnus Je&atadt-3orc'mnert (H.Baf.) Jam J8ckef (H.Geff.) Jbrln (weff.) Juppisch,


Ge rliEtfi


NAJzi3(a RANK) Jung, Carl (H.Baf.) Jung, Dr,Gtinther Jungschaffer, (Baf.)


' Kadom, Wills (O.Baf.) '

Kaiser (LGeff.) Karbach, ,9olf (G&f.) Kaat (Baf.) Rastner Kautiann Gtinter (Gebf.j Keller, Wfhelm (Q.Baf.) Kemper, Friedhelm (O.Gebf.) Kern (O.Baf.) Kessinger (O.Baf.) Kessler (O.Baf.)

Kessler, Paul (H.Baf.) Kiel, Hubert (H.Geff) Kielmann (Baf.) Kirchhoff Paul (H.Baf.j Kirschner, Staf. (std.) Klahr, Herbert (H.Baf.) Klaus (03af.) Klausmeyer (O,&ff.) K3.88

(O.Baf.) Kleeberg, Hans (H.Baf.) Jm3ilW rt (Bar,) KJey, Werner (Gebf.) Klemer, Dr. Klintor, Karl-Heinz (E.Baf.) Kloue, Dr.

Geb.7, Nordsee (Gaubeauftr.f.d, K,-Berufsrsettkamf) Bann &i7, Ha&xx-g-llarburg (Baf. ) Geb. 35, K&n-ken Geb,Z!+, Mecklenburg, Landesjug6 il da&. (Ltr;) Ban13 3X5, Landau bf* 1 G&.12, Moselland (Gebf. ) Bann 40, Donaueschingm (BE& / Nl?E.k, Meissen Rx?:,iltf;lchsJugendp ' ' r es sedlenst * (Mr. ) Geb,25, Westmark (K.-Gebf.) Geb,21, Baden . (Gebf.) XF., Erhc,lungswerk (ljtr. j RJF. (Komunalreferentj Geb, 36, Schwaben (Bf3auftr.f. L3gerj Befeillsstelle


und IdKhrer-J



(Stabsle 35.


~eb.6, Nordmark, HA.III (Geb. BeauftrXW.) Geb.18, Fran1cen

GeII.31r KRrnten, 59X, Nbtsch (Ltr,) Geb.36, Schwaben, Iw.I (Ltr,) BanyBEj Dorhund G&,&l,


EJF., E&I, AI& HJ.-Gerichtsbark& (K.-Chef) Geb.31, WZL.d,Gcmanischen Jugend (Ltr,) Ff!JJ!'* s Inspektionsdienstatell~ RJF,, im AlnIt me-- Gerichtsbakkt C&b,&, Mecklenburg, (Geb.Sportlehrer)


Klosek (O.Baf.) Kndl (Baf.)

Knoop, Fritz (G&f*) Koch, 3rKl3t (SW.) Koch, Fritz (ILG6ff.) Kock (Staf.) mester (O.Baf.) m23,


K°Kaf.) Kohle (H.Wf.) Kohfer, Robftti (133.-mhrer) KBhler (Baf'.) Kahn (Baf.) KOlb

(Baf.) Kols (H.Gaff.) mnig (0,Schaf.) Ko-up, Hezmann IBaf.) R1J333er,Hors-k (0. Baf. j jcorn (o.staf,) K&tgen, Werner (O.Baf.) Kmatsch, 'Jalte r (Bar.) KYacke*SeZIl-er (K-f.) Krause (R.Baf.) Krause, Uilli (EM.) ~rt&wer, Alfred (H.Baf.) Kmnzer (O,saf*> Kress, fans (Bd


34, Geilenkirchen (Mr.)

Geb. 39, Mainfranken (Stabsleiter ) Befehlsstelle Bbhrnen und Id&hmn (Chef) Geb-2, XarIk Brandenburg (Gebf.) BJF. (Beichsjugendfachwart f. Bergsteigen) Bann 5, Gross-Danzig (Stellv,Baf.) Bann 85, Ileide (Baf.) Geb,v+, Uecklenburg (Beauftr,f.Schulan und Hochschu3.m) Dam 726, KehIL (K,-Baf.) Geb.16, Sachsen, EW.IV (Ltr.) Geb.27, 'ivies, m.11, SportabteilUngiLtr.) m-F Bann 211 Glauchti (4B Mann 64j Uanxig-Land(B f 3 &b,2$3aym&h Gerbe27, Wien, HA.II (Ltr.) Bann 862 Kmnach oaf I Geb&,*Kmpten (SOF,)

Bann 94, Got (Baf.)

Bann 491 VJiiet?-8ttakri1Ig 0-f 3 Geb.20;EVtlrttenberg or 36, Sckmaban Geb.39, Steiarmark (Tnsp,a.Xoto~H3.) Gab, 25, Niederdmau (Gebf.) RJF., I&V, &xumt (Chef) Bann 588 Geb.29, 0berilmt-u (Barf i


Sch~dm (Insp.d.IVt:L.) Barm Xiltenberg, (Baf.)


NA@i3(& &RANK) KretZ (Baf* 1

Kreutz, Heinz (O.Baf.) Krimmer (Baf* 1 Kr&her, Lapper, Dr.Kaz-9 (O.Baf*) Laroher (Baf.) Lassen, Heinz (0.13a.f.) Lauterbacher, Hans (H&f.) Lefefre, Hans (O.Baf.) Leggewie (O.Baf.) Lehmann (Baf



Bann 277, Danzig; Qann 64.3, Kcmit~ (=.


Bann 370, Teqlin (Bt3-f.) Bann 32, Hamburg-Altona

(Bnf.) Geb,25, \'lestmark (Geb, Reauftr. 1cLTr.j Geb,38, -#[arthe land (G&f. > Bann 20, JfAtei>og (K.-Baf,) Geb,U+, W&II, Eomberg (Ltr.) Bann 201, Bln,Moabit-Schtfneberg (Z3f. j Befehlss. R&men und M$hren, -W.lT GeS.36 Schwaben. FU.TII in G&J, 20) .

(may t?s

c&B. 16. (Stabsltr.) Bann 422, Hanburg-'iergedorf (aaf.) Geb.10, Ruhx+Jicderrhein WI&,


1X2? Metz-Stadt (Eaf.) Gebi31, K8rnten (Reichsredner) Bann 570, Landeck (13a.f.) Geb.37, ~~anzl~a~~estpreus~en (Stabsltr.) Geb.27, Wien (K.-Gebf.) Geb,Q, Osthannover



1.73, Xssen

(Baf.) Geb,&, Mecklenburg

Nti‘3 (c%RANQ Leiiing,


Leinen (C.Geff.) Leinenvreber (c.saf.> Leimer; Mmut (Cd%) Leistner, Hans

BMR 648 mom (Baf. j Bam 391, Hemeskeil (K.-Bar.) Geb.30, Staiemark (Gi3b.Beauftr.K.W.) me Reichsinspekteur Geb.,", Coburg (SOF \I Gel?. 22, ku3LK-g

Walter (Bar.3 Lemer (U.Baf.) Len2 (0.2af.) Leitt-Jer (ss ustuf) Leonhardt (Baf.) LeW3 (hf.) Liebenow, Dr. (LEaf.) 3Xzz.t (Baf l > Lohel (Gebf.) Loidl (Baf. > Loos,Fritz (O.Baf.) Lllsser (Q.Gaf.) LOwenthal, Hemann (Bar.) Mbbe, Cr, Lflbke (o.saf.) LlAC!hC, (O.Baf.) Ludwig, ilerinz

Jugendleiter WI?. (Stellv.Amtschef) Bann 2, stettin (Baf. j BanyB$~j Haldensleben

L&r (0.Gebf.j

Befehlsstelle (5hef')


Magnus (O,Staf.) MaWmann (Baf.) Marin (Staf.) Maier (aaf,) Maier (Staf.) Maihtifer, Half Mafev Bann 24, I%%rnlppin


(Baf.) Bmn 209, Schl)neb8ck (IL-Baf.) BamB~~j DBbeln


(Staf.) Martin (awf.) Matter (Baf.)



Geb.37, Daneig4Yestpruss8~

Mafo.aaf.) Medau, Hinrich

(Bafl ) Meier


Bann 26, Nagdsburg


Meier (StaC) IiCf'~f:~


(hf. > Bann 5$, Steyr hf. 1 Ckb.6, Nordmark (Gebf.) Geb.22, Bayreuth, HA..IV (Ltr.) hb.9, '#estfalen-Nod (Stellv.G8bf.)


Meilinger (H.Geff.) hfeiss (C.&if.) Melchior, fIannes (G.Eaf.)

Melitz (Geff.) ldeminger, (KBaf.,


Barn &,Prsnzlau (Baf* 1 &ctJF., &nI, PXTZSSS-U. Prupagandslrtmt. (chef) Geb.tl, Wesem&x38 (SOF.) BEWVI 336 Bad Reichenhall b.4 RJF.



(Staf.) Msrk, Karl (Baf.) Meyer, Hefrsut (Bar.) Mayer, Walter (Whf.) Michalk (H.Baf.)

Geb.34, Dtlsseldorf' (IL-Gebf.) G8b, 13, HeSsen-XasSau, & n


(0.Ba-f.) Mochar


Geb. 31, K#rnten, (Lb),


Idfckel, Helmt (stabsmhrer RJF) Moka, Dr,Hans-Ceorg ('%bf.) &@3118r,Erwin


WE’., Amt tiiegsbetreuungsdienst

(Ltr.) Bann 187, Ulbeck (k-hf.) Bann Waldmanchen-C%erviechtach, Geb.22. c-f* > Bann 221, hfuhlhausen (IL-Baf.) Bann 120 Ulm (saf r Bm 274 Elbing 03a*f I

Xt%ch (Baf .)

msig, otto (H&ff.) ahlbauer (O.Baf.) 34&1182' (Bar.)


Hill0~~ bf* > &itiller

Eknn 311 Regensbuq b-f 3 Bann $j W9.kemarkt B bd Bann 375 Waliienburg ('Ba.f I Geb.15, Btfite&nd, WE% a,

(Baf.) MQl8r @af. 1 MUl8r (o.staf.) bmler * (O.Geff.) Mller, A. (B&f,) hfiiller, Albert (O.Baf.) Miller, Ferdl (HoBaf.) Mller, Heinz (Baf* > Mfler, Johwmes (H.Baf.) &rswiek (Baf.)

Bann 2, Gross-St&tin (Baf. and SO%)


Geb.27, Wien, T&III

Geb.27, Wian (Kreisjugendwalter) Geb.38, Wartheland XJl?.,-Amt fir


Gebo22, l3ayreuth Eeb.19, Ho&land,



G8b.15, Mittelland


(Staf.) N 81 "$Baf.)




Bann 807 Ohlau (%af 3 Bann 3~,wure~Lmd



Jugendamt ljUblin (Ltr.) RJl?,,, Abt. '%.gend" beim Reich+ kampo;issar. Ostland (Ltr.) Bann 128 Danzig 03 f I

Nest8, fbdnr&ut (Baf.) N8lAIWUln (CL%&) N8UYlS.DII (B&f'.)

Bann 55;,

Niede~Schabbehard Mrmerfmh (ooschaf.) NC)118 (Bafo) M&mbsrg, HeZma;lP



""~~j Neqrnann Karl tBaf.5 Neon, Dr,Heinrich (Qbf.) Neun, Audi (O.Baf.) Neut&z,Adolf (0,Baf.) Nickel (H.Baf.: Niadermayar

H4Jv Geb.20, iVt!rttemberg (KA.LtrJ G8b.32, Salzburg




Befetistell8 OSt8# (ch4 Geb, 22, Simbacb/Inn (a?. > Bmm Loben, Geb.40 (Baf.) E%8fe3hLSstall8 Generalgouvernment

Geb.3, Berlin (Geb,Insp.&Fliege*~.) RXI?.


NAM3(& $3ANK) Obermaier 'Baf.) Oe3sterl.e, Hans

(O.Baf.) ogris I (Bar.) ObIn Ost, Leopold (IS&) Otto, &odor (Baf .) Otto, Rudolf' (Baf.) Overbeck (KBaf.) Pannenbo~ (O.Baf.) Panzer, Roland (H.Baf'.) Pascbke (saf.) Pastor, Hanz (KBaf.) Paul, Franz (O.Baf.)

van Paulberg


Peite (St&f.) Peklo, Georg (Baf.) Peters, Uiilly (O.Geff) Petri, H8maan (H,Baf,) Petter, Dr. (O&bf.) Pf'uderer, &zgen 0% ) Piebler (staf.) Planka (O.Saf.) Plath (Geff.) Pl#li!Cs (staf.) Pohle, Iieinz (ceff.) Pontasch (H.Geff.) Popp, Ernst (u.saf.)

Bann 309 iYlirzbu~-St3nt (Baf.3 Geb, 33, TimI--Vomrlbeq (~b.Iasp.d,Mot,-HJ.) Bane 568 Wolfsberg (B&j Geb.6, Nordma~k, GebietsfCihreschule I,




Geb. 38, ikrtheland (Abt@Ltr.) Geb.3, Wartheland Geb,22, Bayreuth (L-bbf.) Ban

382, OldenburpLand (Baf. >

Bann 669, &migsMltte (Baf, 1 RJR * Gab, 26, Hamburg (K.-Gebf.) Geb.28, Niederdonau (Stabsleiter) Bann 283, Hamburg-Sad (Bar.) Geb.32, Salzburg HJ in'Nordholl.and (Bannleiter) Geb.10, Ruhr+-Neid8rrhei.n (K.-Gebfw) sJF* 9 Kommandaur der Adolfmt1er4MIulen Geb.20,WMtemberg (Abt,Ltr..) Geb.$, ScImaben (Geb.Insp.d.Jugendlager) Bmn 452 Blmkenburg/Earz (B&d Bann 689, schlock (K.-Baf.) Geb.3, Berlin (Abt,Rechtsfrageb) Bann 35, Brandenburg Bann Villach, Geb, 31 (Baf.) A,H,Schule Iglau, Befst.B.u&


NAXEi(~5 &U%.. Porsch, Werner (H.Baf.) &3$38l?, <8~ (Gebf.) Prantz 8 (Staf.)

Geb.35, Sudetenland (Gebf.) Bmn

-. pr$zi:.,




b-f. 1 13-n 236, DuisbuxpNorcd

(Baf.) Bann 739, M01sha~ (Baf.) Geb.4, Niedersch~esien, (Ltr.)

Rad.81, Karl. (Baf.) Radimerski, Hans (Bar.) Radke (Baf.) Raetz, Hsinz (H&if.) Rakebrand, Dr.

Roeder (Bar,) Rossdeutscher (Q.Staf*)



G8b.&'W8n (Stabsleiter) Geb.4, Bred-au (sm.) bum 561, Klagentir*t;

Pmbst (Bar.) m81Sh8i3.D bf* > I?kthe (saf. >

~aschke, Dr.Alfrad (G8bf.j Ras8tschni.g (Baf'd Rauter,,min (Baf.) R8ckew8rth Richard (0.Gebf.j R8 8r r lLS&f,) Reichert (6.&f.) Reichert, Oswald (C.Baf.) Reinhardt (O.Geff.) Reinz (Baf.) Rickmann (Baf.) Riess, Werner (H.Gsff,) Rietz, y?eXYl837 (Bar,) ,Rodatz, ,Tohan#SS




Geb.3, Serlin (Stabsleiter) Gsb.10, EM~~i8de~hein (Gebietsarzt) . Geb.18, Franken (Gebf.) Gab.31, -titan (&b,Beauftr.~v.) Geb,31, K!!rnten (Stabsleiter) ~8b.15, tiittallmd (Gabf.) Gab.31, K&rnten (Gwbf.) Geb.38, Varthaland (Stabsleiter)


mb.35, K&L. Heinrichsgdn (Lb.) Geb.24, ticklenBann 532 Linz-~~viert8l (3 a.f 3 RJF* J Beauftr.des Reichsbauemf¶l.hrers lilJF* 3 Arbeitsausschss 'fiei&ibesc?mff'un& Bann 7U6 Kirchheirebo~md8n. (Ba 4l Bann 294 Creifswald (B@ 5 BHW 62; Komotau (3 tief I


Geb.12, tioselland (Stabsleiter) Bmy!E&J;j Wien

(3af.j Salbrechter (Geff.) Sausrlmd (W3af.) Schachtebeck 1 bf sddffiir

Bann 13, MIinster (Baf.) Geb.7, Kordsee



Schclz (St&)

Schott M-mm-n, Franz (O.Baf.) SChraprmel

(Baf.) Schreiber (Mhf.: Schreier (safe > Schroeder, Otto (Gebf.) Schubert, Otto (ss II.stunnf.) SChUlt8,


(Uebf,) schilz (0J3af.) s chulz (asaf.) Schulz,

Bayreuth (Geb.Beauftr.KLV.) Flkrtischs HJ, (m-r) C%b,L+2, "rirestfaM+Hd Geb.22,

(Bar.) Scharf (O.Staf.) Scheld (Baf.) Schimmelpf8nnig (H.Baf.) Schlllsser, Dr.Rainer (Mkbf.) Schltind8r, I)r. (O.Gebf.) Schmidt (H.13af.) Schmidt (H.&f.) Schmidt (C.Eaf.) Schmidt (safe > Schmidt (O.Staf.) Schmidt, Dr.Nalter (H.Baf.)



Schulze, Reinhold (O&M.)

Befehlsstelle kneralgouvemement &-Ch8f) RJR, &III (Chef) Km, M&Ix (f-f) Geb. a, Kurhessen (Gebf.) Gebe18, Prankan Bann.393, Hofgeismau, (K.-B&) Barn K&xQ.gr&tz, Befehlsst.B.u.& (B3f. > Barn 200 Bln,Steglitz4.8mpelbof (3 f I

RJF.,aA~slands-und VoIkstumsamt (K.-Chef) Geb. 13, H8ssewNassau (Gebietsarzt) Geb&O;tpreussen, H-ALU

~eb.26, HEW&IU~~ (K.-hf.) Geb, 37, i3anzig-Yestpreussen Bann Kauf%euren, Geb.36 bf. > Geb.23, &$ittelelb8 Bann Lienz, Geb.31 0-f. > Ml?., I&IV, Soziales Amt (Chef) I ~LkJ$w8siarnm, Wien Geb.17, +ngen (Gsbf.)

Geb.2, Kark Brandenburg (Stellv.Gebf.) Weissmthenische Jugend cm=4 Bum 723, i&thenm (K*-Baf.) RJF, (Beauf%r, in zlokio)

Schumann, (LGeff.) Schumann (G8ff.3 Sch&nann, (H&f%) Schumer (BEif, > ScMppel, Sctiantz,

Dr. Heinrich Werner

Bann 89, Schwerin-Stadt (safe > Barm 553, Leibnitz,/Steiemark




(O.Staf,) sctiartz,


(B&f.) SChwarZ

(O.Baf,) Schw8dler (Bar.) Schweitzer Sebanz (Eaf.) Sy$yy Seifert Gerhard a. (B f 5 Sickermann (R*Geff.) Sierk, Hans (Imaf.) Siegel (K.Baf*) Si8WelFtZ

(maf.) SiJlMXl (Baf 7 Skerb&h (H.Baf,) Sphl (baf.) Stahl (K, -Bar, ) Stange,- Alfred (ILGeff.)

Stasch (Bar.) Steffen

steger (Baf.) Steglich (C,Saf.)

Stein b-f4 Steirmetz


Geb.6, NEL. IV, Leek-Scbq6rhohn (Ltr,) Geb, 26, Uusikschula, Zaqburg

@af, 1


in Lissabon (Lisbon! GebeitsfYihrerschule


(Ltr.) Geb. 10, Ruh?MJiederrhein, (Ltr.) Geb, 5, Pumera, HA.11 (Ltr.) aan;B@j Jaxmm


Bat-m Eutin, Geb.6 (ii.-Baf.) Bann 502, Wian-Ost (In~p.d.Marine-ET.) Bann 75, Bremen (Baf,) Bann 11, Breslau-Stadt (ReiterfWrcr) Geb.10, -Niederrhein (Geb.Beauf'tr&LV.) Geb.8, Niedersachsen (K.-Gebf.) Csb,l"r, '#EZ. II, Ohrdmf (Ltr.) Bann 753, Gardelegen (Ltr.) Geb.25, Vestmark, EAAV (Ltr.) Geb.30, Stei8mark: (%d3S18it4

Geb,33, Tirol-Voradberg,


(Ltr.) Geb.13, Sommrlager Geilnau (Ltr.) Bann 752, Xanzleben (K,-Baf.) Bann 37, Nupp8rtal (Baf.) Geb.26, Hamburg (Em.) Geb.5, Eomxxern (Stabsleiter) ' Geb.37, Danzip%%@m3ussen 'Bann 100, Dresden (Baf.) Ban~B~~j Traunstein Bairn

655 Lima




SttrgF;yfrer Stbckl, Wmm (G8bf.j StBger, Hans (CLBaf.) Starch Storm, Erich. (H.Ceff.) St&m?

(Baf.) strah1 bf+ > Straub, Klaus (Baf.) Streng (Baf.) strobe31 (Baf.) Stroh bf.) sttramps (Baf.) Strunck (O.Baf.) Stfibing, Dr. Stunk8 (W3af.) Sundermann, Erich (Mbf.) 3uake, Richwd (Bar.) S&s, Christian (asaf.) Synianski (Uhf.) 3rohamwa (H.Baf.) Teichmann, Gerhard (H.Baf.) Thams (ati. >



(O.Baf.) Thiessen (maf.) Tholna (H.~af.) Thomas) Erha;tz. bf*) Thumm, Fritz

Geb.38, krthelaud Geb.36, Scknffaben (IL-Gebf,) Ckb.19, Hochland (hbf.) Geb.32, Salzbu (Stabsleiter 7 Bann Ijrmburg, GebeS (IL-Baf.) Bann 419, Neurdnster and Bann 822, Segeberg (L-Baf.) Geb. 32, salzburg Bum 1, Kbnigsberg (B&e > Geb.19, Hochland, SHD. (IL-Geb.Xnsp.SRD. Geb20, Wttrttemberg

Bann 91, Wk&urg (B&Q > Bi=yB;;;j R+kmdk Bann 9, Stargard hf. > Gsb22, Bayreuth (Gebietsrefermt) Reichsj endakademie Braunschwoig r, @t Y Geb.20, Wr&temberg (G&f.) BanyB~~j Beichenberg Geb.36, Sctiaban (Stabd8it8r)

Geb.8, KIV. in Ham (Ltr.) Rim.

RF. (Beauftr. in D&mark) Geb.26, Harnbuq, H&IV (Mr.) (iwQ.2, WestfaILen-s&3, HA.1. (Ltr.) Bann 5, Gross-Danzig (Baf.) RJF., Dienststelle underlandv&schickung (BeaWtr. in Ungarn) Baan 864, Vilshofen; Bann 316, Passau. (Baf. >



Tichy (O.Baf.) Tiedaxmann (H.C&ff.j IZrich Trefelt

((LB&) Tritschler (Baf .)

Tuchscherer (Baf.)

U'lrich (O.Baf.) Unger, Georg (Baf.)

Unger, Halter (KBaf.) Urban, Walter

Dr,%gen (H.Baf.)



(H&ff.) voss (O.Baf,) Voss, Dr. (Bar.) Waiblinger (O.Staf.) Wallrabe (O.Baf.) wTzi tvaming, Dr.Herbert (O.Baf*) Weber, Albert (O.Baf. > Weber, Martin (CGtaf.) Weber, Otto (H.Baf.) Weber, Rolf (Bar,) Wegner, Gerd

(H.Baf,) %hnert (O.Baf.) Weidmann (3af.) Weinzierl (3af. >

Bann 512 Bmckl%eitha f (BBf Gib.2j,*iiitt~l*lb* Bann.238, Kleve (K.-Baf.) Bann 256 Nort;he5zl (3 a.f 5 Gebe37, DanzwWestpreussen Geb.I.9, Hochland (in Stab) Geb.20, Wtittemberg (Abt.Ltr.) Gebr&, Mecklenburg (Gebf.) Bann 765, Rernkastel (K.-Baf.) Geb. 35, \YEL. Wildflecken (Ltr.) Geb.10, RutiNiederrhein HJ. in Barcelona/Span. (sm* 1 Befehlsstelle Niederlande (Stabsleiter) Geb.24, Mecklenbuq Bann 312, Memmingen (Baf. and SOF.) GebJl, Kbln Aachen BW

90, Restock-Stadt

Geb.7, Nordsea Bann 74.6, btuUm,xsen (Baf.) Bam 855, I%rstenfeldbruck

E&.33, Timl-Vomr~be~ (G&f.)

Geb.28, Nisdercionau, (Ltr.) Geb.5, Ponullarn (GM.)


G&,5, Rmne~ (Gayj~en~alter)

i3ann 533, Amstetten


(Beauftr.f.vomilit~sche. Ausbildung.)


(& lxinx)


Bann 545, Graz-Stadt (IL-Baf.) Gebb5, Pmmern, WEL,I

Weldegg (Baf.) Weller'




Wendt (OStaf,) Wentzlau (II,-Baf.) Werle, Ceorg hf.) %%sselmann, IMx3-t @B&f.) Wey, Klaus


Wicks (Baf.) k~iegmann, (asaf.)


Vflhebn (staf.)

Nillier Ulrich (J-f j Wirkkel.Lr&er (Star.) Winter (o.hf,) Witte (astaf.) JMAcfmm (B&f.)

Bann 60, Oberhausen @a Bann 299, GElstmw (Be*) Barn 125 Ttibingen c-f 3 Bann Z&, Recklinghausen (Stellv. Baf.) RJF,,HA.IV, Amt Bauezntwund Landdienst (Chef') Baan 820 Flansburg-Land (B8f 3 Bam& Frankenthal BanyBzyJ Doxnbirn

Woerner (Gem)


Wolff oaf*


Erster Adjutant des Reichsjugen-' ffuuw-3 G&,37, W&. Bodetinkel (Mr.! Bann Bernburg, kb.23 (Kdaf.) Bann 25, Aachen-Stadt (Baf*) Bana 1% Bielsfeld (B f I Geb.P~,"We&nark, Gebietsftlhrer schuls (Lfr.) Geb3, BerUn


Wollner (H.Baf.) Mirschinger, (H&f.)


Zachau (Baf *) Zaaeraz wit1i bf'*j Zander &LB&) Zeitlang (StaC) Zettl

(0. st8f.) ziY~~:l Zimmermann (J-f,) anther zy2j &mtt10r



Geb. 39, Mainfranken' (Geb,BeaufYx. XIX,) WF. (HA.Ltr.) Bann 92, Braunschw~ (J-f,) Barn 576, Imst (Baf.) Ii?-* ) IlAdIs, Kult-t; (chfd Geb.29, WZJ II (Mr.) Bann 569, Innsbmck-Stadt Bann 2&6 ItiObe;rstein t-f. 5 Geb.21, Badm Geb.23, Mittelelbe &&hJlsstelle (Raaom)


Dien(tanjug her tj7.

Bnnnfllhnt Im iion0orDlenpm~ug

smoqumrt DW ljl. Im gropon BommerDlonUnnjug mlt ooll~t Rurrllpung

Dienftanjug bee D7.

mwnqmer-jungp Im gropm


lung;ugfUhnr a04Dl. Im dlg~m~lnen uuntrrtllDnpon~ug

1ew0wk!w PII lrommelbube Im nllgemc4non 5omm~rblenpnnyg

lungbmm(Uhrn Im groUen D1.-fUhnr-DI~nffon)ug 4%



mlt BDfll.-Ulefle unb

mlt manrot



jungmtlbel In 5ommertraht

ttntqauftthterb In 5ummertrarht


!idwltecklappen unb Sckulter(tiickeher fi7.


Dl -Rrmpwbo I”. ““g**lip, ).I 0, lln,m 0D1,,““mmniu”l.,

q1.-RDlutonl bQl &VII.trller -\

@9 nrmrmeibo fur ato



6GbiPtOfUanBI nOFltlOn*ormtlcL?btn

Uborgou lk’tbltnburg Rtmtwlecb




b@rtleith~fUhr@r~dwlm~ 6, l,,>hm





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