19383568 Tense Chart Hindi to English

May 9, 2017 | Author: Akash Bangotra | Category: N/A
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Tense हाँ वाचक Positive Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous


Helping Verb

Form of the verb

Verb +?

ता है, ते है, ती है, ता हू ँ रहा है, रहे है, रही है चुका है, चुके है, चुकी है रहा है, रहे है, रही है with point

कोई नही


Is3, am4 , are5 has6, have7


Verb+S या es in third person singular Verb+ing


कोई नही

has been6, have been7


Past Indefinite

आ , ऐ, ई

कोई नही


Verb+ing with since or for. Since with certainty and for with uncertainty कोई नही

Past Continuous Past Perfect

रहा था, रहे थे, रही थी चुका था, चुके थे, चुकी थी रहा था, रहे थे, रही थी with

was8, were9





कोई नही

had been10


Verb+ing with since or for. Since with certainty and for with uncertainty

Future Indefinite Future continuous

गा, गे, गी

shall11, will12


कोई नही

रहा होगा, रहे होगे, रही होगी

shall be11, will be12



Future Perfect

चुके होगा, चुके होगे, चुकी होगी

shall have11, will have12


कोई नही

Future Perfect Continuous

रहा होगा, रहे होगे, रही होगी

shall have been11, will have been12


Past Perfect Continuous

of time

point of time

with point of time

. Akash Kumar BBA 1st Year 2012 Class In charge Ms.Ruby Attri

ना वाचक

Negative helping verb do not1, does not2 Is not, am not, are not has not, have not has not been, have not been did not, First form of the verb was not, were not had not had not been

पशन वाचक

Interrogative Helping verb do1, does2 subject से पहले Helping Verb Subject से पहले Helping Verb Subject से पहले Helping Verb Has, Have Subject से पहले

Helping verb did का पयोग Subject से पहले with first form of the verb Helping verb का पयोग Subject से पहले Helping verb का पयोग Subject से पहले Helping verb had का पयोग Subject से पहले

shall not, will not shall not be, will not be shall have not, will have not

verb+ing with since or shall not have for. Since with been, will not certainty and for with have been uncertainty Tense Chart For translation from Hindi to English

Helping verb का पयोग Subject से पहले Helping verb Shall or Will का पयोग Subject से पहले Helping verb Shall or Will का पयोग Subject से पहले Helping verb Shall or Will का पयोग Subject से पहले

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