1900 Sage Higher Course in Personal Magnetism

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A HIGHER COURSE ----- I N ------

Personal Magnetism, Hypnotism, Suggestive Therapeutics and Magnetic Healing.

-----B Y ------

X. LaMOTTE SAGE, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D. President New York Institute of Science, ROCHESTER, N. Y.

MAGNETIC HEALING. L E S S O N I. One of th e principal elem ents of success in M agnetic H ealing is con­ fidence on the p art of the operator in his ab ility to cure people. You m ust im press the patient by every w ord, deed and action th a t you can cure disease, and th a t you u n derstand your business. Do not try to m ake this im pression by b rag g in g ab o u t y o u r ability, b u t m ake it by the way in which you go about y our work. If the patient is skeptical you need not w orry; sim ply say it does not m ake any difference, you can cure him w h eth er he believes o r not. Go about y our work in a plain business-like way ; throw energ y and life into w hat you do and avoid all argum ents th at would excite the patient. T h is is v ery im portant. If th e patient has peculiar notions let him have them . If he m akes statem ents you do n o t like to hear, sim ply pass them , ap p aren tly unnoticed, and go rig h t on w ith y our work. In tim e he will change his m ind and be sorry for w hat he has said, and he will respect you for y our tolerance, your judgm ent and your ability. Many M agnetic H ealers m ake a v ery serious m istake in endeavoring to convince people against their wills th a t th ey can cure them . Study the a r t of m aking friends of y our enem ies and endeavor to make people like you; try to gain .their confidence. T h e m ost successful physician is he who has the confidence of his p atien ts and your vocation is the sam e as th a t of th e physician. If a patient says to you, as m any w ill: “ I do not believe in your tre a tm e n t," sim ply sm ile and say th at you are sorry, b u t th at his belief will have n o th in g to do w ith its efficacy, and if he will allow you to try, you are sure you can cause him to change his mind. T hen, yo-J. m ight, casually, m ention the nam es of several persons whom you have cured or benefited. Of course, this will be after you have treated several persons successfully. Im p ress y our p atien ts with the fact th a t your tre a t­ m ent cannot possibly do any harm and th a t it will not interfere with any treatm ent they are then taking. Do n o t ask them to discontinue taking m edicine, b u t sim ply endeavor to induce them to try M agnetic H ealing. We have found from long experience th a t we could g e t the best results by having th e p atien ts close th e ir eyes d u rin g the treatm ent. By th is m eans, they will not learn y our m ethods, and it will fu rth e r im press them with the fact th at you u n d erstan d y our business. W hen it is con­ venient, have th e patien t sit in a chair. If he is so sick th a t he cannot g e t up, tell him to assum e an easy position in bed, so th a t you can readily reach the affected p ortions of the body; now, m a k e u p your m ind th at



you will cure th e patient, th a t you m ust cure him, and th a t it is impossible for you to fail. You m ust b ear these points in mind. A vacillating disposition n ev er accom plished anything. Do not expect too g re a t results at first. A fte r you have had practical experience you will be able to cure a m uch larg er num ber of persons th a n you can cu re w hen you first com­ m ence. T h ere is a knack in M agnetic H ealing th a t only comes from practice and experim enting. T h e re is no other w ay of g ettin g it. If you wish to follow M agnetic H ealin g as a profession, we would advise you to m ake no charge for th e first few cases. T his will give you a chance to experim ent and afford you an opportunity to m ake a rep u tatio n for yourself. Do n o t expect too m any patients, b u t do th e very best you can for each one you u n d ertak e to treat. Avoid all appearance of egotism , by referrin g to y our w ork in an unassum ing b u t positive m anner. T ell y our patients th a t you believe you can help them ; a t th e sam e tim e do not g u arantee to cu re them . T e ll them you are going to work hard and ask them to assist you in ev ery w ay possible. G et them to follow your instructions im plicitly, and, u n d er no circum stances, m u st they do any­ th in g different from w h at you tell them , unless th ey first consult you. Insom e instances ag o o d im pressionis made by w orking in a m ysterious m anner, b u t we would not advise you to assume any air of m ystery until you have had practical experience and possess th e faculty of read in g your p atien ts thoroughly, because in m any cases in w hich th e patient is skep­ tical he m ay becom e d isg u sted w ith you on account of the m ystery which you affect. By w orking m ysteriously, w e mean to m ake an exam ination of th e p atien t's pulse, a t th e sam e tim e closing your eyes and appearing as though you w ere th in k in g deeply and th a t you w ere u n d er g reat m ental and nervous strain. M agnetic H ealing is chiefly accom plished through th e agency of passes and m assage. A certain am ount of suggestion is used; in fact, th e passes are w ithin them selves a suggestion; y our whole m anner is a suggestion to your patient. You m ay act so as to b eg et confidence or to destroy confi­ dence. We would not advise you to tre a t cases of contagious diseases, as you m ight contract th e disease yourself and you cannot afford to ru n th e risk. T o avoid th e possibility of g ettin g hold of a case of this kind, we would suggest th a t you in q u ire carefully into th e sym ptom s of the disease and endeavor to ascertain its character before com m encing tre a t­ m ent. You should read o u r in stru ctio n s over and over, as each tim e you read them you will gain additional inform ation. T h ere is no w ay of tellin g th e exact len g th of tim e req u ired to cure any particu lar disease. You m ay cure som e in one treatm en t, o th ers will tak e m onths, b u t never give up, as you will often effect a cu re w hen you least expect to do so. U se of the B reath .—T h e b re a th is of g reat assistance in th e treat­ m en t of disease. W ith it you can produce a heat which has a w onderfully soothing effect upon pain. F old a handkerchief so as to produce four thicknesses of cloth, place th e handkerchief over th e seat of th e pain and force the w arm b reath th ro u g h it. W arm b reath is produced b y placing-



th e m outh in position to say, “ O h !" Y ou m ay tak e along- breath, place y our m outh on the handkerchief and exhale slowly, b u t with sufficient force to drive the heat through th e handkerchief into th a t portion of the body w here th e p atien t suffers p a in ; o r p e rh ap s a b e tte r w ay is to place th e m outh against th e handkerchief and inhale th ro u g h th e nose and exhale through the m outh for th ree or four tim es. Place a handkerchief upon your own arm and practice this upon yourself until you g e t th e knack. In treatin g toothache or n euralgia of th e face you should blow th e h o t breath into the ear th ro u g h the handkerchief. You should use th e hot b reath in all cases except for sores o r burns, in which in stances you should n o t use the handkerchief, b u t sim ply blow a cold wave upon th e affected p a rt for two minutes. L E S S O N II. P asses. — In g iving M agnetic T re a tm e n ts, dow nw ard passes should be m ade from th e seat of pain, and as you b rin g your hands off shake them as though you were try in g to throw off m olasses or som e sticky substance from your fingers. Passes a re m ade lig h tly an d slowly. A lw ays wash your hands in cold w ater im m ediately a fte r giving treatm ents. T h ere is no m eans of telling ju s t how long it will take to cure any particu lar disease. In m any cases a cure will be effected im m ediately, and you will be astonished a t y our own results. Persons who have been given u p to die, are often restored to p erfect health in a very few m inutes by the hands of the M agnetic H ealer. In som e cases it m ay tak e m onths to effect a com­ plete cure, b u t n ev er give up, you w ill often cure when you least expect it.

L E S S O N III. Review Lessons Nos. 1 and 2 carefully before un d ertak in g this lesson. In g iving M agnetic T reatm en ts, th e follow ing things should be ob­ served : F i r s t :— H ave th e p atien t take a seat in a com fortable position, or if he is not well enough to sit up, have him lie dow n upon a couch o r upon a bed. S ec on d :— H ave th e patien t close his eyes. T h i r d :— Place a handkerchief on th e seat of the pain and blow hot b reath thereon, as previously explained. F o u r t h :— Rem ove th e handkerch ief and m ake passes from five to fifteen m in u tes o v er th e affected portion of th e body. A t th e close of th e treatm en t, it is well to have th e p atien t take a long breath and expel it q u ick ly ; as he does so, you should m ake passes over the seat of th e disease, b rin g in g y our hands off at th e exact m om ent th a t th e p atien t expels his breath. T h is m ay be rep eated three times. T h e en tire treatm en t should not occupy longer th a n fifteen or tw en ty m inutes. O ften te n is sufficient, and som etim es five m inutes. W hen convenient, th e tre a t­ m en t should be g iv en d irectly on the flesh; th a t is, th e clothing should be rem oved. H ow ever, excellen t re su lts are usually obtained w ithout having










th e patient rem ove any clothing, w hatever. If th e operator is a gentlem an and the patient is a lady, it is unnecessary to ask h er to rem ove any of her clothing until a fte r you have treated h e r a few tim es, then, if you find you a re doing h er good and wisli to obtain definite results m ore rapidly, the patient may rem ove h er clothing and w rap herself in a sheet, Passes can be m ade over this sheet. T h e use of th e b reath m ay be dispensed w ith entirely; w hile itis a very excellent th in g and often relieves pain alm ost im ­ m ediately, the p atien t m ay be treated first w ith passes and if he is not cured o r greatly benefited th e o p erato r m ay reso rt to th e use of th e hot breath. Every M agnetic H ealer should have a definite m ethod of procedure. Study and practice until you know exactly w hat to do—first, second, third, fourth, and so on. I f you stop and hesitate, o r if you do not seem to know exactly w hat to do, th e patien t will lose confidence in you; b u t if you go about your w ork in a business-like w ay and never stop to m editate on y our next step, you will inspire confidence in th e patient and you will surprise yourself a t th e large n u m b er of diseases you are able to cure. In talking to th e patient, tell him of th e n um ber of diseases you have cured and th at his case is not nearly as bad as m any you have relieved, and th a t you feel sure you can cure him w ithout difficult}'. If a patient thinks he is going to die, it will be difficult to cure him. T he influenc­ in g of a m ind is a m ost p otent factor in th e treatm en t of disease. G et his m ind rig h t and it will be m uch easier to g et his body rig h t. A m ind w ith a delusion will pollute th e soundest body. V ery few people realize the pow er of the m ind an d its w onderful influence over the body. T his can be very easily d em onstrated by the influence of H y p ­ notism . N o reasonable person who h as ever seen another u n d er H ypnotic influence can, a fte r th a t, d oubt th e m arvelous pow er of th e m ind over the functions of the body. Frequently, M agnetic T re a tm e n t is n o t effective at th e tim e it is given, b u t takes effect an h our o r so afterw ards. If the patient says he does not feel relieved, you m ight tell him th a t it often takes som e little tim e for the treatm en t to tak e effect, and th a t w ithin a few hours he will probably feel very much better. L E SSO N IV. W e will now proceed to give you instruction in th e exact modus operandi of M agnetic H ealing. Before reading th is instruction it is well to review th e three previous lessons. R heumatism :— Should the patien t have R heum atism in the arm , have him take a seat in a com fortable ch air w ith the arm restin g on his knee, and with his eyes closed. M ake passes w ith both your hands from his shoulder to the end of his finger tips, and as you b rin g your hands off at his finger tips, shake them as if you w ere try in g to throw molasses or some sim ilar substance from them . Before m aking th e passes you m ay use the hot breath, as explained in Lesson 2. If the arm is n o t too badly swollen, we would advise the use of m assage; th at is, roll the arm betw een your hands and ru b it as hard as the p atien t can sta n d w ithout causing him


S U G G ES TI V E T H E R A P E U T I C S , M A G N E T I C H E A L I N G , E T C .


pain. T h e entire tre a tm e n t should n o t occupy m ore th a n fifteen or tw enty m inutes. Proceed according to instru ctio n given in Lesson 3. T he m ethod of procedure referred to in Lesson 3 should be used in tre a tin g every disease. P ains in t h e B ack : — H ave the p atien t stan d up o r lie upon his stom ach, and com m ence passes ab o u t six inches above w here he com­ plains of pain; m ake dow nw ard passes w ith both hands to th e thighs, then bring y our hands off and shake them as if throw ing som ething away. Increase the speed of th e passes and throw away as before. I t is also a good plan to slap the affected p a rt briskly. O ften m ost excellent results a re produced by m aking passes from th e neck dow n th e spine to the kidneys, and th en horizontally across th e kidneys, passing your hands off a t th e sides of the patient. P ains in t h e S to m a c h :—W ith the patient upon his back, m ake down­ w ard passes, com m encing six inches above th e scat of pain. W e would not advise hard ru b b in g over the region of th e stom ach and bowels. In tre a tin g all diseases rem em ber th a t you m ay com m ence b y using th e warm breath, th en m ake the passes, and a t the close of the treatm en t you may m ake the patient expel his breath. W c do not state th e details for each trouble, as this p a rt of th e m ethod of treatm en t is practically th e same. H ea rt D isease :— Make passes in half circles over th e h e a rt w ith the rig h t hand, and shake fingers a t th e end of each pass. I nflammatory R heumatism :—In tre a tin g th is disease you should have a basin of cold w ater convenient, and every three o r fo u r tim es you m ake passes over the inflamed portions of the body, hold y o u r hands in th e cold w ater for a few seconds. Should th e R heum atism be in the ankle, place your hands on each side of th e ankle about four inches above the seat of pain, and slowly draw your hands over the ankle to th e end of th e toes, and shake the hands as previously explained. R heumatism in t h e L e g :— If th e p atien t has rheum atism along the side of the leg, have him lie down on the o th er side o r sit in a chair if more convenient; place your hands upon his le g about four inches above the pain, an d draw th em down the leg to th e end of th e toes, and shake your hands as previously explained. N e u r a l g ia :—I f th e disease is located in the side of th e face, seat the patien t in a chair w ith a high back so th a t he m ay rest his head upon it; if he is unable to sit up have him lie upon th e unaffected side; then lay both y our hands upon his face and hold th em there for two m inutes. Be sure th a t your hands are w arm before d oing th is ; if they are n o t perfectly warm you should ru b them to g e th e r until they are in this condition. By holding y our hands upon th e face of th e p atien t for a few seconds he will become accustom ed to them and it will n o t h u rt him so m uch w hen you commence to m ake th e passes. Make the passes from th e to p of the head to th e point of th e jaw bone in a q u arter-circle for fifteen m inutes; shake y our hands a t the end of each pass as previously explained. In g iving any form of M agnetic H ealing, th e operator should always concentrate his m ind strongly upon the point th a t the p a tie n t m ust get






well. Make up y our mind th at you can cure him, and keep saying, m en ­ tally, th a t the patient m u st g e t well. T h is m ental effort directs your energy in the proper channel and you w ill find it has a stro n g er effect. L E S S O N V. Review first p a rt of Lesson 3 before com m encing th e study of this one. T o o t h a c h e :— H ave the patien t take a seat in a high-backed chair, w ith his head resting thereon, and tell him to close his eyes. If th e pain is in a tooth in th e upp er jaw , place y our left hand on top of th e head; th en draw it down slowly u n til th e tips of y our fingers com e to th e m outh, and throw aw ay quickly; blow hot breath in th e ear through the handker­ chief; then drop th e handkerchief; m ake five o r six passes, and have the p atien t take a long b reath , expelling it quickly. I f th e disease is in a low er jaw tooth, place your rig h t hand upon th a t p a rt of th e jaw w here the pain is situated and draw y our hand down slowly until your finger tips reach the chin. T h is tre a tm e n t should continue for from five to twelve m inutes. If the pain is n o t en tirely cured a t th e first treatm en t, it is p er­ fectly proper to give an o th er one im m ediately. A t th e beginning of each treatm en t, always have patien t close his eyes and sit in com fortable position. E arac he :— H ave th e p atien t lie dow n so th a t you can see the ear th at is affected. Blow hot breath into th e ear; m ake passes with th e rig h t hand around th e e a r and b rin g the ends of th e finger tips u p u n d er the lobe of th e e a r and hold th em th e re a m om ent firm ly, th en throw away. Blow w arm breath into th e e ar again and m ake passes as before; finally have th e p atien t take a long b reath a n d expel it quickly. H ea d ach e :— Place th e p atien t in an ordinary chair with both your hands upon the sides of his head. E x e rt a slig h t pressure, place your rig h t hand in front of th e p a tie n t’s head and y o u r left han d on th e back, and ex ert a very stro n g pressure for ab o u t one m in u te ; then stroke the patient's forehead w ith your rig h t hand and throw away. If the p atien t is suffering in th e back p a rt of his head, m ake passes with both hands down th e back of th e head to th e shoulders and throw away. If the disease is situated in the to p of the head, stroke w ith both hands from th e top to th e side of the face. Both y our hands should be used a t th e sam e tim e. A t th e close of th e treatm en t, stand in fro n t of th e patient, place th e hands upon the forehead sidewise so th at the finger tips touch in th e center of th e fo reh ead ; now m ake passes from the cen ter of the forehead o u t over th e tem ples. A fter doing this th ree o r fo u r tim es, have th e p atien t expel his breath quickly. Tell him to keep his eyes closed. M ake upw ard passes w ithout contact, about one inch from his face, for a few seconds; or tak e an ordinary fan and fan th e patient, a fte r which tell him to open his eyes. U sually, one treatm en t will cure th e w orst headache. Should it for any reason fail, you may rep eat th e treatm ent. H eadaches, which have th e ir origin from bad cases of dyspepsia and other sim ilar derangem ents, cannot be perm anently cured until th e cause of the headache is removed.




L E S S O N V I. You are now beginning to u n derstand th e process of M agnetic H ealing. R em em ber, you m ust a t all tim es have confidence. T h is is one o f the principal elem ents of success in any line of work. Be enthusiastic; have a real desire to cure people; go about your w ork in a business-like way and you will be astonished a t th e results. Y ou can be as g re a t a healer as any of th e celebrated persons who have tu rn ed cities wild with the cures th ey have effected. You possess every pow er th a t they possessed. N o man can possess any pow er th a t is n o t possessed by others. I t is sim ply a question of being able to utilize the forces w ithin yourself. Persevere. You cannot hope to a tta in th e g reatest degree of proficiency in one day, or even in a single week. Men who have clim bed to dizzy heights of success have been m en w ho possessed rem arkable pow ers of perseverance. How to T rea t E ye T rouhi . es :— H ave the p a tie n t seated in a chair and lay the palm s of your hands upon his closed eyes for five m inutes; next, use hot b reath , a fte r w hich stroke th e p atien t's eyes very lightly with your finger tip s; throw aw ay each tim e. If you touch th e eyelids, always rub from the outer edge tow ard th e nose; n ev er rub th e eyeballs outw ard. Close your own eyes, ru b the eyeballs inw ard for a few seconds, open them and notice the effect; now , close them again and ru b th e eyeballs outw ard for a few seconds, and open y our eyes and notice w hat a different sensation has been produced. I-low to T rea t H eart T roub le :— T reatm en t of all affections of the h e a rt are practically th e same. Place th e palm s of your hands upon th e left b reast over the heart, hold th em th e re for several m inutes, then m ake passes w ith the rig h t hand in h alf circles around th e h eart, first one side and th en th e other. Continue th is for five m inutes; use th e hot b re a th ; th en m ake some more passes as above described. T ell the patient to take a long b reath and expel it quickly. T h is should be done three times. As the patient expels his b reath m ake half circle passes. Tell him when he opens his eyes he will feel m uch b etter. Loss of t h e V oice :—T h is should be tre a te d b y passes m ade with both hands, startin g at the back of the p a tie n t's neck and draw ing the hands around th e sides of th e neck until the fingers m eet; then m ake the passes down th e breast and throw away. You should stan d in fro n t of th e patient, repeat passes fo r ten m inutes, use hot breath, and continue passes for several m inutes more. T o T reat C o n st ip a t io n :— H ave th e p atien t lie down upon his back, o r stand u p if m ore convenient, m ake passes w ith both hands from the side of th e body over abdom en down low er regions of th e body, and throw away. R u b the abdom en w ith the rig h t han d in th e direction of the hands of a watch. T h is is very im portant. If you ru b in th e w rong direction you will do the patient m ore harm th an good. R u b your hands together briskly,place one on the abdom en and th e o th er on th e back directly opposite th e abdom en, an d hold them still for several m in u tes; th en repeat the



passes and ru b in th e direction of th e hands of a watch, as previously directed. In stru c t the p atien t to d rink a glass of ice w ater im m ediately upon arising in th e m orning an d e a t considerable fruit. T he treatm en t should be given twice a day. If you will persevere, you can cure any case of chronic constipation. Do n o t allow your p atien ts to take cathartics unless for some reason th ey should be absolutely necessary. Constipation cannot be cured w ith m edicine. E ach dose of m edicine exhausts the secre­ tions of the alim entary canal, and re ta rd s instead of accelerating the cure. L E S S O N V II. K indly review th e previous lesson. Be sure to m aster the treatm en t given for constipation, as this disease is the u nderlying cause of num erous o th e r com plaints, and som e form of hypnotic treatm en t is th e only th in g th a t will cure it. F alling of t h e W om b :— M ake passes with both hands (use firm pressure) upw ard from th e low er regions to th e pit of the stomach, shaking hands a t the end of each pass. T h is should be done for ten m inutes. T h e p atien t should lie down upon a sofa, o r you should stand behind the patient. A fter m aking passes, hold y our hands on the low er part of th e abdom en for th re e m inutes, use s tro n g p ressure upw ard. M ake ad­ ditional passes over abdom en, and req u est patient to lie still for an hour. T h e treatm en t should be given a t least every day, and the p atien t should n o t take any violent exercise a t any tim e until she is fully cured. T o T reat P aralysis :—T h is disease usually requires heroic treatm ent. I t is generally b e tte r to have th e affected lim b or limbs exposed, and ru b th em very briskly, m aking dow nw ard passes the entire length of the limb. If th e leg is paralyzed, m ake passes from th e hips to th e toes; slap th e affected lim bs w ith y our open hand as hard as th e p atien t can stand it; m assage the lim b very thoroughly; ru b th e back th e entire length of th e spine, also slap th e spine w ith your hands until the flesh assum es a pink hue, th en try to force th e p a tie n t to walk o r move his arm s. H e m ay tell you he ca n n o t; pay n o atten tio n to this. Speak to him very positively. Before finishing tre a tm e n t it is well to ru b the p atien t with alcohol. T re a tm e n t should be given twice a day. U nless you assum e a v e ry positive m anner you will experience g reat difficulty in treatin g cases of paralysis. In this disease you should pay very little attention to w h at th e patien t says, o r you will n e v e r effect a cure. T o T rea t D yspepsia :— Indigestion and dyspepsia are very troublesom e com plaints, and a re usually practically incurable by the use of any m edici­ nal treatm en t. T hey a re readily am enable to M agnetic and H ypnotic treatm en t. Make passes w ith both hands from the upper p a rt of the chest down over th e stom ach; th e n across to the hips, and shake the hands. R epeat passes for five m inutes; use h o t b reath ; rub your hands to gether briskly and ru b the p atien t's stom ach with your rig h t hand; m assage th e stom ach very thoroughly; re p e a t th e passes. T reatm en t should be con­ tinued for fifteen o r tw enty m inutes, and in severe cases should be given

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twice a day. T h e w orst case can be cured if you will only persevere. H ave th e p atien t eat light food. H e should n o t d rin k m uch a t the tim e of meals, b u t about th ree q u arts of w ater should be drunk d u rin g th e day a t various tim es betw een m eals. If th e p atien t eats ice cream o r ices, th ey should be taken a t a tim e when th ere is no solid food in th e stom ach, as ices reduce the tem p eratu re of the stom ach so th a t solid foods will not digest. If th e ices are tak en independently of solid foods, they usually produce no disagreeable effects. C onclusion :— D iseases which have n o t been previously specified may be treated by the general rules which have been outlined in our course of instruction. You cannot expect to be so successful at first as those who have had long experience. A fter tre a tin g patients for a while, you will find th a t you can rapidly cure cases w hich a t first you apparently did not benefit. W hile w e can tell you in detail ju st w hat to do, you m ust have som e experience before you can expect the g reatest possible success. T he am ount of pain you can relieve by M agnetic H ealing is m arvelous. It n ev er in ju res anyone, b u t on th e co n trary is beneficial in all hum an diseases. I t builds up the p atien t, im p arts to him life and vigor, and puts th e system in a condition to throw off and resist disease. G et the patient to thin k he is going to g e t well. By th is m eans you will secure his co­ operation. E ndeavor to direct his m ind so th a t it will, through the nerves, act upon his body. T h is is w here a larg e n u m b er of M agnetic H ealers fail. T h ey give very good treatm en t, b u t th ey do not study th eir patients. T h e patien t m ust, th ro u g h his own m ind, control th e vital forces w ithin him self, and y our success depends upon th e tact you em ploy in g ettin g the p atien t to co-operate w ith you. If you expect to m ake M agnetic H ealing a profession, you had b e tte r w rite us frequently, telling us how you are g ettin g along, and we will criticise y o u r work, telling you ju s t w herein you fail and how to suc­ ceed. You will find us a t all tim es re a d y and w illing to help you. T re a t all the people you can. T h is will give you experience. W rite us the n atu re of the diseases you are treatin g , telling us ju st w h at effect you have produced, and we m ay be able to be of g re a t service to you.



SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. L E S S O N V III. O ur instru ctio n in S uggestive T herapeutics will cover psycho-thera­ peutics and all phases of healing in which the body is influenced by the m ind, o r in which th e p atien t is in a hypnotic condition, or in a stage of p artial hypnosis. I t is n o t necessary to p u t a patient to sleep to cure him, though this is often th e m ost certain way. N ever tell your patient th a t for you to tre a t him successfully he m ust go into deep hypnotic sleep; you m ay tell him th a t it is ju s t as well for him to go to sleep, b u t th at such is n o t necessary. If you lead him to believe th a t a sleeping stage is a necessary p re-requisite of successful treatm ent, you will destroy, in a measure, th e force of suggestions given in th e w aking state. U se the m ethods of inducing hypnosis explained in our general course of instruc­ tion, and g et the subject into as deep a sleep as possible; th en give your suggestions. If you do not induce a condition of hypnosis, give y o u r su g ­ gestions ju st the sam e. S uggestions w ill take effect in th e w aking state if properly given. If you are a physician, we would not advise you to let th e patien t know th a t you a re going to tre a t him by hypnotism . I t is an easy m atter to deceive th e patien t in this. S ven by calling it suggestion, th e average person will n o t know th a t you intend to em ploy hypnotic treatm ent. H o w t o ' T r e a t a P erson W it h o u t P utti ng H im to S l e e p :— F o r this form of treatm en t have th e su b ject lie down on a couch; tell him to close his eyes and allow him self to believe th a t w hat you say is tru e; tell him to endeavor to go to sleep; re p e a t th e w ords “ sleepy, sleepy, sound asleep," several tim es. You m ay also make a few passes over him, then give y our suggestions in a low, positive, determ ined m anner. Be sure to find o u t th e exact n a tu re of his trouble before you a tte m p t to treat him , and give suggestions to co unteract all th e various sym ptom s of the disease. T h is treatm en t should be given once o r twice a day. M ethod ok T reating L iver and K idney T roub le :—P u t the patient in to a sound sleep, m ake passes dow nward over the liver and-kidneys w ith both hands, Give suggestions as follows: “ T h ere is no pain in y our back; your liver and kidneys a re entirely w ell; th ere is n o thing the m a tte r w ith y o u ; you w ill have no m ore tro u b le; you will n o t be sick; y our disease has left you." F ind out ju st w hat pains th e p atien t suffers before you hypnotize him , and give him suggestions to counteract these pains. If he has a pain in his side, tell him he will not have any more pains in his side; as you give these suggestions p u t y o u r hand on the affected part. T h is localizes th e suggestion. Many persons m ake a very



serious m istake in m aking th e ir suggestions too general in character. T h ey sim ply hypnotize the patien t and tell him he will be all rig h t when he aw akes, etc., and awaken him. N o definite results should be expected from such m ethod of treatm en t. You m u st give suggestions to counteract each individual sym ptom of th e disease, an d as you give your suggestions p u t y our hands on th at portion of the p atien t’s body in which the disease is situated, and w hile g iving suggestions g e n tly m assage th e affected parts. One tre a tm e n t of this kind is w orth a dozen ordinary treatm en ts. T he trouble w ith nearly all persons using S uggestive T herapeutics is th a t the treatm en t is too g e n e ra l; it does not have th e p ro p er effect because it is n o t sufficiently specific in character. If w e could teach you in th re e or four lessons th at you m u st be specific w ith y our treatm ent, th e tim e would be well spent on your part. L E S S O N IX. R eview Lesson V III, constantly keeping before your m ind th a t your suggestions m u st be specific in character. Always localize your sugges­ tions by placing y our hands upon th a t p art of th e body in which the disease is situ a te d ; give your suggestions positively. I f you cannot give positive suggestions, go into a room by yourself and practice until you can, if it takes you five years. U nless you a re able to give good, strong, positive suggestions, you will n ev er m eet w ith success in any walk of life; you will be a nonentity. T his is one of th e principal secrets of success. Positive suggestions carry w eight; th ey produce effects; th ey influence people; they cure disease; they are a pow er in ev ery phase of hum an life. L et us hear a m an 's voice, th e character of the suggestion he gives, and w e will read th e n a tu re of th e man. W e will tell you w h eth er he will be successful or unsuccessful. A m an who can give su g g estions properly is alw ays suc­ cessful; he cannot be a failure; he w ill be successful a t som e th in g ; he has it in him. T h e m an who cannot give suggestions properly will inevitably be a fa ilu re ; he m ay have m oney le ft h im by relatives, an d ina.y possibly have sense enough to keep a portion of it, b u t still he will be a failure. If he had n o t inherited w ealth he would have been doomed to poverty all his life. I nsomnia :— To tre a t th is disease, p u t the p atien t into a sound sleep and say to him : “ You will find th a t you will not be nervous a t n ig h t; on th e contrary you will be able to sleep well. Y ou will go to bed at ten o'clock and sleep until six or seven th e n e x t m orning; you will not be restless; you will feel well d u rin g th e day and you will sleep well every night. ” R ep eat these suggestions several tim e s; make a few passes around th e h e a rt and over the abdom en, an d tell the p a tie n t he will feel well when you aw aken him, and th en aw aken him slowly. In tre a tin g a person n ev er awaken him quickly; give him plenty of tim e to come o u t of th e hypnotic state, and always be sure to tell th e p a tie n t he will feel well w hen he aw akens. Iii giving suggestions, be su re to use such language as th e p atien t can understand. If you are tre a tin g a p atien t w ith a very



lim ited vocabulary, use words th a t w ill convey ideas to him. If you are treating; a p atien t w ith kidney tro u b le who is possessed of a very m eager or ordinary education and tell him th a t the parenchym a of the kidney will regenerate itself, he will, perhaps, not understand you, and your treatm ent will be fruitless; you cannot use too sim ple words. Physicians especially, a re cautioned against th e use of medical term s. R em em ber, you m ust speak so as to be understood. L E S S O N X. K indly practice upon g iv in g suggestions until you learn how to speak positively and w ith force. T h is will only come from experience. The voice is an index to the m ind. You cannot speak positively unless you th in k positively. Do not m istake a loud tone for a positive tone. W hen a man w ith stro n g will-power en ters a room everyone feels his presence, and he feels him self m aster of the situation. If you will m aster th e instruction which we give, it will develop y our will to a m arvelous degree, and give you a control over people of which you now little dream . Iiow to T reat S t a m m e r in g :— P u t the patient into a sound sleep. Tell him th at he w ill not stam m er a g a in ; th a t he can talk ju st as well as anybody; th a t th e re is nothing the m atter w ith him. H ave him open his eyes (do n o t awaken him ) and m ake him read to you o u t of a book. W hile in th e hypnotic condition, you can m ake him read w ithout stam ­ m ering. T h e w orst stam m erer will, in th e hypnotic state, read p racti­ cally as well as anybody. T ell him th a t he will always read well and talk well. T hen have him close his eyes, and, a fter giving suggestions th a t he will have no trouble in speaking in th e fu tu re, awaken him. T re a t him every day. T h e tre a tm e n t may continue for half a n hour. T h e principal results m u st be accom plished b y having th e p atien t read and talk w hile in a hypnotic condition. Notice th e words which are most difficult for th e stam m erer to pronounce in his w aking state, and m ake him say these words o v er and o v er when hypnotized. You can cure m any people of stam m erin g w ith a very light degree of hypnosis. T hey n eed not be unconscious. Plow to T rea t M o r p h in e H a b i t :—P ut th e patient into a deep sleep. T hen say: “ W hen I awaken you, y our desire for m orphine will be entirely gone. You can n o t use it. You will not crave it. You will feel well. You will not be nervous. You will be disgusted with m or­ phine; you w ill h ate the v ery sight of it. T h e taste of it will m ake you deathly sick; you will loathe and despise it.” T hese suggestions should be given over five o r six times. In som e instances it is, perhaps, b etter to tell th e patien t th a t each day he will care less and less for m orphine, and not stop th e use of th e d ru g a t once; in chronic cases we would recom m end this m ethod of procedure. You m ust w atch y our p atien ts a fte r you stop the use of th e drug. T h e y m ay g e t nervous. If so, you m ust hypnotize them and give them

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suggestions to counteract th e nervousness, b u t don't let them tak e more m orphine. L E S S O N X I. Y ou cannot conceive of th e larg e n u m ber of diseases th a t you can im m ediately cure by H ypnotism , until you have had th e actual experience. W e do n o t over-estim ate it w hen we tell you th a t it is beyond all question the m ost valuable therapeutic ag en t know n to man. How to T reat L iquor H a b i t :— P u t th e p atien t into a deep sleep and give him suggestions as follows: “ W hen I aw aken you your desire for liquor will be entirely gone. You will hate liquor. You will despise it. T h e v ery sight of it will m ake you deathly sick; you cannot stan d the sm ell of it. You will feel well w ithout it. You will not crave it. Each day you will d etest it m ore and more. If you attem p t to drink it, it will m ake you vo m it.” Give these suggestions over and over fo r a period of from fifteen m inutes to h alf an hour. T h e n awaken th e patient. H ow t o T rea t H abits :— P u t th e p atien t into a deep sleep and give such suggestions as are calculated to destroy th e habit which you w ish to cure. If th e patien t bites his finger nails, tell him th a t in the fu ture he will not put his fingers in to his m o u th ; th at if he does so his fingers will taste b itte r; it w ill m ake him sick, etc. If th e patient uses tobacco, tell him th a t in th e fu tu re he will not crave i t ; it will m ake him deathly sick. Should the patien t be nervous in society, tell him th a t he w ill be calm ; th a t he will feel perfectly easy and at home, no m atte r w here he is. H ow to T rea t R heumatism :— P u t th e patient into a deep sleep and m ake ten o r tw elve passes over th e affected parts w ith both hands, shak­ ing th e hands, as in g iving m agnetic treatm en ts. T ell th e p atien t that he will have no m ore rheum atism ; th a t he is en tirely w ell; th a t when he awakens he will feel strong; th at he will have no pain. Give these sug­ gestions over a n u m b e r of tim es. T hen aw aken the patient. How to T rea t C o l i c :— P u t the p atien t in to a deep sleep and give him suggestions as follows: “ W hen I aw aken you th ere will be no pain in your stom ach; you w ill feel well, b e tte r th an you ever felt before in your life.” Make passes over the stom ach and aw aken th e patient. How to T rea t D yspepsia :— P u t th e p atien t into a sound sleep, m ake passes over th e stom ach w ith both hands, th en give suggestions as follows: “ In th e fu tu re y our food will digest w ell; your stom ach will be w arm ; m ore blood will flow to y our stom ach, and you will feel well every way. You will have no h ead ach e; you can ea t an y thing you wish; nothing will disagree w ith you. You positively will n o t be troubled any m ore w ith dyspepsia.” Give the su ggestions over several times. How t o T rea t B li ndness :— A fter p u ttin g th e patient into a deep sleep, use hot breath, as described in m agnetic healing, over each eye. T hen hold th e palm s of y our hands over the eyes and say to th e patient: “ W hen I awaken you, you will find th a t you can see m uch b etter; your



eyes will be restored to th e ir norm al condition; you will have no difficulty in seeing; each day you will see b e tte r and better. Y our eyes will grow stro n g er. W hen I awaken you, you will feel w ell." Give these suggestions four or five tim es very positively. T h e force w ith which you give your suggestions will larg ely d eterm in e th e effects they produce. L E S S O N X II. If you expect to be successful in S uggestive T herapeutics, you m u st study y our patients, ascertain th e sym ptom s of the diseases you have to treat, an d give suggestions to counteract said symptoms. E very patient will be affected differently, and you m ust m ake your suggestions specific in character so as to su it each p atien t whom you have to treat. H ow to T rea t P aralysis :— A fter placing the p atien t in a sound sleep, give suggestions as follows: “ W hen I count three, you will bh entirely w ell; y our paralysis will have disappeared; there will be nothing th e m a tte r w ith y o u .” T hen count, “ One, two, th re e ,” and as soon as you say, th ree, to th e p a tie n t, say, “ N ow you are all rig h t.” If th e p atien t is paralyzed in th e legs, have him open his eyes (do not aw aken him ) and tell h im to g e t up and walk. If he is paralyzed in the arm s, tell him to m ove his arm s. Look straig h t in his eyes and tell him th a t he is all rig h t. In sist th a t he can walk, and m ake him follow you. H ow to T rea t D eaf ne ss :—A fte r p u ttin g the patient into a deep sleep, blow hot b reath in th e ear. T hen state to the patient, “ W hen I aw aken you, you will find th a t you are entirely well; you can hear as w ell as anybody. T h ere is n o th in g the m atte r w ith you.” T h en have th e patien t open his eyes and talk to him. In sist th at he can hear you. T alk in a low tone of voice, and m ake him answ er you. A fte r which, have him close his eyes and b rin g him out of th e hypnotic condition. H ow to T rea t H y s t e r ia :—P u t th e patient into a deep sleep and suggest to h e r: “ W hen I aw aken you, you will be perfectly well. You will n o t be nervous. You will feel well in every way. You will have perfect control over yourself; you w ill feel stro n g ." T hen blow hot b reath four o r five tim es over the h e a rt and say, “ Now, rem em ber, when I awaken you all of this nervousness will be gone, and you will be entirely well. ” T h e n aw aken the patient. How t o T rea t D iseases of t h e T h r o a t :— P ut the p atien t into a sound sleep, m ake passes w ith both hands over th e throat, beginning at the lobe of th e e a r and m aking passes down to th e chest. T h en blow hot breath over th e tonsils and say to th e p atient, “ W hen I awaken you. your th ro a t will be entirely well; th e soreness will have disappeared; there will be no inflam m ation.” Give these suggestions seven or eight tim es; th en awaken th e patient. L E S S O N X III. W henever you g e t a p a tie n t into a deep sleep once, always give him suggestions th a t in th e fu tu re he will go to sleep very quickly; th at w henever you tell him to go to sleep for the purpose of treatin g him , he



will im m ediately pass into a deep sleep. By th is m eans he will become very susceptible to hypnotic su g g estio n ; and you m ay hypnotize him a t any tim e w ithin a few seconds. If he is afraid of being too susceptible, give him suggestions th a t he will never go to sleep unless he w ants to do so, and know s beforehand th e purpose for which he is going to sleep. How to T rea t B ashfulness :— A fter p u ttin g the patient to sleep, give him suggestions as follows: “ In th e fu tu re you will not be bashful; it does not m ake any difference how m any people are present, you will feel perfectly a t ease and a t home. You can address a crow d of people w ithout becom ing em barrassed in the slightest degree; you will have perfect com m and of yourself." H ow to T rea t N ervousness :— A fter p u ttin g th e patient to sleep, m ake passes from th e base of th e brain down the spine, ten o r fifteen tim es. Blow hot breath over the h e a rt and give suggestions as follows: “ W hen I awaken you your nervousness w ill have en tirely disappeared; you will feel b e tte r th an you ever felt in y o u r life. T h e re will be nothing th e m atte r w ith you. Y our nerves w ill feel stro n g ; you will be well in every w ay." How to T rea t A sth ma :—A fter p u ttin g th e p atien t to sleep, make e ig h t o r ten passes over th e chest down to the abdom en, also across the shoulders and down to th e sm all of th e back. T h en say to th e p atien t: “ Now, when I aw aken you, you will have no difficulty, w hatever, in breathing. You will b reath e natu rally ; you will feel w ell; your disease has en tirely disappeared. ” R epeat these suggestions over several tim es and awaken th e patient. H ow to T rea t S t . V it u s D a n c e :—A fter p u ttin g th e p atien t into a deep sleep, tell him , w hen you awaken him, his nervousness will have en tirely disappeared; th at he w ill not be bothered w ith tw itching of any kind in th e future, and th a t he will be en tirely well. You should study the p atien t's actions when he is in th e w aking sta te ; notice all the peculiarities of his case, and give suggestions to counteract such. How to T rea t C o n s t ip a t i o n :— P u t th e p atien t into a deep sleep, m assage th e bowels, and give th e patien t suggestions th a t he w ill have a m ovem ent a t a certain specified tim e each day; lay great stress on this; fix a definite hour. H ypnotic treatm en t, if properly applied, w ill positively cure th e w orst cases of chronic constipation. T his disease is practically incurable by th e use of m edicine, and it is th e cause of a large n u m ber of oth er diseases. G eneral I nstr uc tion s for T reating D iseases :— R em em ber th at all the suggestions m u st be given in very positive to nes; n ev er forget to localize y our suggestion by placing y our hands on th e affected p a rts w henever possible, and above all m ake y our suggestions specific in ch ar­ acter. S tudy th e p a tie n t’s case thoroughly, ascertain all th e various sym ptom s of the disease, and give suggestions to counteract these sym ptom s. Be sure at all tim es to use such language as th e p atien t can



understand. If th e p a tie n t’s know ledge of words is very lim ited, then you m u st confine yourself to th e u se of the m ost ordinary term s. R em em ber th a t y o u r mission is to cu re th e patient ra th e r th an to use elegant diction o r exceptional phraseology. If you do n o t g et the patient to sleep, give th e suggestions anyway. H undreds of persons may be cured of sim ple diseases w ithout ev er p u t­ tin g them to sleep. T h e m ost certain way is to produce a deep stage of hypnosis; b u t never lead the patient to think th a t such a state is necessary for his cure. If you do not g e t the p atien t to sleep the first time, keep trying. Perseverance is th e price of success. Suggestive T herapeutics is especially adapted to diseases of a functional a n d nervous character, b u t m ay be used in the treatm en t of all hum an ailm ents. I t can never, in any case, produce th e slightest harm , if properly adm inistered.

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ENTERTAINMENTS. L E S S O N X IV . In giving entertain m en ts in a parlor, a t a club, o r in a theatre, you should com m ence by g iving a sh o rt explanation of th e fundam ental princi­ ples of hypnotism . Read the principles explained in th e first p a rt of our book entitled, “ H ypnotism A s I t Is ." E xplain briefly the benefits of hypnotic influence, and be sure to im press upon th e audience th a t suscepti­ bility to hypnotism in no respect shows a m ental weakness. Commence by draw ing th e subject backw ard and fo rw ard ; th e n fasten the hands to g eth er; th en fasten th e eyes; m ake the arm s stiff, and m ake him walk stiff legged. In fastening hands together, you m ay try them first collectively, then individually. A fter try in g a num ber of te sts in which th e subjects are in a waking state, you may try a te st in w hich they a re in a light sleep. Ask them to close th e ir eyes, and endeavor to g e t them all into a light degree of hyp­ notic sleep; tell them th a t when th ey aw aken th eir backs will be covered w ith fleas. T h e exact m ethod of procedure would be as follows: H ave the subjects seated in a sem i-circle and stan d out in front of them . Say to th e m : “ Close your eyes and think of sleep; you will find th a t y o u r eyes feel heavy; y our lim bs feel n u m b ; you a re going sound asleep; you feel dro w sy ; sleepy, s-l-e-e-p-y, sound a sleep ; fast asleep ; s-l-e-e-p-y, s-l-e-e-p-y; asleep. G et y our m inds upon m y suggestions and try to believe w h at I tell you is tru e and when I tell you to open your eyes, you will find I have put a handful of fleas down y our back and th e longer you sit there, the m ore th ey will b ite .” T h e n go to each subject, individually, have him open his eyes and tell him his back is covered w ith fleas. W hen you make this sta te m e n t tap him on the back a n u m b er of tim es very cptickly so as to give him th e im pression th at fleas are b itin g him. A fter p u ttin g all the subjects th ro u g h this scene, w ake them up , have them take a seat, and you can put on another. If desired, you can tak e subjects from one scene to an o th er w ithout w aking them , b u t in m ost instances it is funnier to aw aken them at the close of each scene, as the aw akening is often the best p a rt of the scene; g e t the subjects in a very ludicrous position and awaken them quickly, so th a t they will be startled a t th e ir surroundings. B alloon S c e n e :— P u t the subjects to sleep; tell them th a t when they open th e ir eyes they will see a balloon u p in th e a ir; th en say the m om ent th ey open th e ir eyes: “ Look u p there, boys, see th a t large balloon,” and poin t u pw ard; m ake passes in fro n t of th e ir faces; if they can see the balloon, tell them it is com ing nearer and n e a re r; then s a y :



“ T h ere is th e basket, boys, g e t in and sit dow n." You can have them sit down on th e floor; th en tell them you are going to cut th e rope th at fastens it an d it will go u p so rapidly it will alm ost take th e ir b reath away; then say: “ H ere we go, look over the side and see th e girls flirting with you.” T h e n in a few m om ents, say: “ T h ere we go over C hicago," and point o u t a few places of interest, and show them different cities of the U nited States, anyw here you desire. A good clim ax to th e scene is to tell them th ey a re going over L ak e E rie and an eagle is tearin g th e balloon, and in a m om ent it will fall into th e w ater; th en have them fall, and tell them to ju m p and swim for th e ir lives, and aw aken them w hile they are swimming. Below we give a list of scenes which you m ay use. In th e event th a t you do not u n derstand how to p u t on any of them , w rite us and we shall be glad to give you explanation in detail: Stam m ering, Y acht Race, Bicycle Race, Laughing, Cannot Speak Nam e, R ub b er Nose, Stum p Speech, C annot S it Down, B arber Scene, Cat Fight, Baseball, C annot J um p Stick, S elling Fish, Toothache, H ot Chair, Photographer, Banjo Scene, Sulky Race, Selling Corn Salve, D entist P ulling T ooth, M aking Faces a t Audience. In the Catalepsy-N eedle T est,

S U G G E S T I V E T H E R A P E U T I C S , M A G N E T I C H E A L I N G , ETC.



If you would be successful in Personal M agnetism , you m ust have absolute confidence in yourself. By th is w e do not m ean th a t you m ust be egotistical. Those achieve th e g re a te st success who are m odest in m anner, calm, cool and self-possessed an d of unlim ited confidence. A salesm an is n ev er successful in selling goods in which he has no confidence; he m u st have faith ; he m u st believe th a t he can sell; he m u st be able to talk a b o u t his goods as if his h e a rt and soul w ere centered upon w hat he is explaining. You cannot be successful if you talk m echan­ ically ; th ere is n o force in w hat you say. If you wish to sell an ything you m ust study all the good qualities of y our w ares so th a t you will have som e­ th in g to talk about. L earn how every little piece is p u t to g eth er; con­ vince y our custom er th a t you u n d erstan d y our business; no m atte r w hat you wish to sell, obtain a thorough know ledge of it yourself before a t­ te m p tin g to sell it to others. W hen you desire to m ake people think as you do for any purpose, or do w hat you w ant them to do, always stu d y y o u r suggestions well and have the whole subject well in m ind b efore you Start o u t for business. You m u st stu d y the people w ith whom you come in contact. In some cases, it would be best not to say m uch; in others, you will have to say a g re a t deal. In some instances, you should be very m odest and retiring; in others, you will have to assum e an a rro g a n t m an n er. Y ou m u st use tact and judgm ent. A lways tr y to be agreeable, and never try to influence one w hile you have th e “ blu es," o r are n o t feeling well. If you do not feel like work, take a rest. You m ay spoil a sale by going to a prospective custom er when you are in bad condition. N ever argue with people, whom you wish to influence, in a way th a t will offend them . S tudy th eir weak points. E v ery m an has certain weaknesses, and if you find these out and will attack him along these lines, you are absolutely sure of success. W hen you first m eet a person whom you w ish to influence, shake hands w ith him, if it is convenient, in th e follow ing m anner. G rasp the hand firm ly, b u t n o t so hard as to cause pain; ta k e hold of as m uch o f the hand as you can hold; n ev er take hold of th e fingers; tak e th e hand quickly, so th at th e person cannot sh u t his fingers down and prev en t you from g rasp in g the full h a n d ; th en shake his han d up and dow n once only, an d w hen you g e t to the down shake, hold th e h a n d a few seconds and as you draw y o u r hand away, let y o u r fingers pass over th e palm of the hand



and your thum b pass slowly over his first finger. V ery few people know how to shake hands. If you will follow th is system , you will find it will be of g re a t service to you. In shaking hands it is well to b ring y our body slightly forw ard toward th e individual and look a t th e root of his nose, w ithout blinking, and will determ inedly, w hat you desire to im press upon him. Practice the process of shaking hands until you can follow the instructions com pletely w ithout th in k in g of what you are doing. If you wish to be successful, you m u st m aster the little things. M any persons a re unw illing to do this, and herein lies th eir failure. I t is th e little th in g s th at m ake perfection, and he who is not content to m aster details, will never attain perfection. L E S S O N XVI. T h e basis of Personal M agnetism , or personal influence, is a good, strong, will-power. T h e m ajority of people have done b u t little to stren g th en their w ill-pow er; they have assum ed th at this would grow and become stro n g w ithout exercise. One would hardly expect to have a strong arm w ithout using it; one would hardly expect to become an ath lete w ithout subjecting him self to a rigorous course in th e gym nasium ; one scarcely expects to im prove his m em ory w ithout training in this d i­ rection. M any of u s have p u t forth stro n g efforts to develop our musical talents, o u r m athem atical talents, etc., b u t we ask, in all candor, how m any have done an y th in g to develop th e ir will-power? If so, w hat has been done? W hat exercise have you taken? You certainly do not expect this faculty to grow pow erful w ithout exercise. No faculty of the mind increases in stre n g th w ithout use. People usually im agine th ey have very strong wills, b u t as a rule, the contrary is true. A high tem per, stubbornness, or som ething of this kind, is m istaken for stro n g will-power, w hen, in fact, such reflects a weak will-power. T h e very fact th a t th e tem p er is ungovernable shows that th e will has n o t been trained to control it. You cannot expect to m anage and control others when you cannot control yourself. L earn first to exercise y o u r will upon y o u rse lf; stren g th en it by m aintaining an absolute control w ith it over the o th e r faculties of the mind. I t should be the m aster. In how m any cases is this so? D eterm ine each day to have a strong w ill-pow er; determ ine to control others by yo u r w ill; determ ine to control yo u rself. Make your will m aster of th e other faculties. T h is will dem onstrate its strength. T hink of th is several tim es a day, and especially, think of it before retirin g at night. D eterm ine to be successful. T h ere is a subtle, invisible influence th a t goes o u t from a strong, firm w ill w hich m oves and controls people more th a n all w ords ever spoken. Surely its possessor m ay be said to have an invincible power. T h e v ery m om ent you come in contact w ith a person having such a power, you cannot help feeling it. T h e re is no reason why you m ay not possess


S U G G E S T I V E T H E R A P E U T I C S , M A G N E T I C H E A L I N G , ETC.

this power. You have th e proper m ental faculties, all th a t rem ains is to develop them . Do not expect to accom plish this in a day o r a week, b u t persevere. If you had n ev er used your rig h t arm , it would han g helpless by your side Would you expect to develop this arm in- a day o r a w eek o r a m onth? T rue, th e above is h ard ly an a p t com parison, as you h av e used your will to some extent, and it has been developed to som e degree, b u t it has n o t been developed, in proportion to the o th er faculties of your mind, unless you have done so by some system of exercise sim ilar to w hat we give. L E SSO N X V II. T h e following exercises, if faithfully followed, will positively develop y our will-power to a m arvelous extent, and give you a- w onderful control over those with whom you come in contact. W rite th e exercises off on slips of w hite paper, one exercise on each slip, take one a t a tim e and look at it several tim es d u ring th e d ay ; look at it five o r ten m inutes im m ediately before retirin g at nig h t; let it be the last th in g you are th in k in g of when you go to sleep. In th is way, your m ind will act as you sleep, and th e suggestions will become a p a rt of yourself. 1.

“ M y W ill - P ower I nf lu en ce . ”


“ I S hall N ever get D is cou rag ed ; I S hall N ever H ave t h e ‘B lues '."




“ I S hall be S uccessful C annot F ail ."


“ No

am a

S uccess ; I

one c an



R esist




D etermined in



one can

R esist


S ucceed ."

M y U nd e rta k in g s ; I

S trong W i l l ; I H ave


S trong

W ill . ” 6.






C ontrol P e o ple ; T hey C annot R esist M e."

D et er mined t o C ontrol P e o p l e ; I H ave P erfect C ontrol O ver M y T em per ; I K now no S uch T hing as F ailure ."

A t th e end of th e week, take th e e n tire seven exercises and review them several tim es each day for one o r two -weeks, th en tak e up the follow ing exercises, one each day, until th e entire list is finished, and then review as previously in stru cted : 1.

“ I W ill

B ashful ; I t W ill not M ake M e N er ­ T alk w it h A n y o n e ; I S hall be P erfectly PI omf. U nder any and all C ircumstances " not be

vous to at



S uccess ; I S hall S ucceed ; I M ust S uccee d ; N othing S hal l K eep M e from S ucceeding . ”

am a




“ I S hall not W orry O ver A n y t h in g ; N othing S hall B other M e ; I W il l n o t let A nything W orry M e ."


“ I S hall C ontrol M y T emper a t all T im es ; I H ave A bsolute C ontrol over Mys elf ; M y W ill - P ower is S tr on g . ”


“ I C an I nflu en ce P e o ple ; P eople must like M e ; T hey C annot R esist M e ; I W ill make them like M e ."

If you rigidly adhere to th e above exercises th ey will positively de­ velop a pow er w ithin you of which you have never dream ed. T hey seem innocent enough w ithin them selves, b u t when properly practiced, the results they produce a re m arvelous. L E S S O N X V III.

You know som e persons a re m ore m agnetic than others. N ow, let us inquire, w hat is H um an M agnetism and w hat m akes one m agnetic? H um an m agnetism , or nerve force, is a subtle, invisible fluid throw n off by th e nervous system . I t is of different kinds; som e are m agnetic to one person and n o t to an o th e r; no one can be m agnetic to everyone else, b u t you m ay develop such a w onderful am ount of Personal M ag­ netism th a t you can be m agnetic to nin ety or ninety-five per cent, of th e people w ith whom you com e in contact. T h is N erve Fluid is u n d er the control of the will-power, and th e m ore you exercise your will, w ith this purpose in view, the m ore m agnetic you will become, and the m ore people you will be able to influence. You m ust, however, be w illing to practice and persevere. Do n o t expect to becom e m agnetic in a single day. M any persons practice on th e ex er­ cises given in Lesson 17, for a day or so, and sim ply because th e ir entire ■nature is not changed in this len g th of tim e, they think there is nothing in it. W ould you expect to m aster a rith m etic in one d ay ’s study? W ould you expect to becom e a lin g u ist by rapidly glancing through a gram m ar for a few hours? T h e m ost im p o rtan t acquisition in th e world is Personal M agnetism . T h is is w orth m ore to you th a n an y th in g else. I t gives you pow er over people; it gives you influence; it brin g s happiness; it brings health and wealth. You know these th in g s ju st as well as we do. T hen, if you realize the g re a t im portance o f a m agnetic personality, are you n o t willing to persevere until you attain it? You positivelycan become m agnetic; you can develop a wonderful force of character. It m atters n o t how deficient you m ay be, if you follow o u r instru ctio n s; do ju st as w e tell you, and keep at w ork day a fte r d ay ; tim e will b rin g its su re rew ard, and you will becom e m agnetic to a degree of w hich you now little dream . T h e hard p a rt is g e ttin g the start. T h is is tru e in everything. You know in m aking m oney it is th e gen eral opinion of the ablest financiers th a t the first few hundred or few thousand dollars is the most difficult to accum u­ late ; after th a t it is easier. T h e sam e is true of Personal M agnetism .


S U G G ES TI V E T H E R A P E U T I C S , M A G N E T I C H E A L I N G , ETC.

A fter you once g e t started ; after you begin to develop your will-power, and to develop m agnetism , you will have no tro u b le; you will get along v ery m uch fa ste r than you now anticipate. W e have had some persons com pletely change th eir entire natures w ithin a single w eek; others it took two o r th re e weeks before th ey made any apparent change, and in one case a g entlem an studied tw o m onths before he accom plished an y th in g ; th en he began to notice a change in him self, and in one m onth from th a t tim e h e was an entirely different m an. H e was richly rew arded for his perseverance, b u t it took him th ree m onths to m aster this subject. H e would n o t now take thousands of dollars for the inform ation we gave him . H e says he would ra th e r have studied h ard fo r five o r even seven years th an be w ithout the pow er w hich he has acquired. Practice w ell on th e exercises given in Lesson 17. In the nex t lesson w e will give you m ore pow erful m ethods for developing Personal M agnet­ ism th an any we have before given you. W e have an en tirely different process for you, and you are sure to succeed if you do as we tell you. L earn everything thoroughly. L E S S O N X IX . W e assum e th a t you have practiced th e exercises thoroughly given in Lesson 17. If so, you are re a d y to u n d ertak e this lesson. If you will follow the instructions herein given, th ey will positively develop your Personal M agnetism to an ex ten t of which you now little dream. W rite the follow ing exercises on slips of w hite paper, one exercise; on each slip. W rite in a large, bold h and: “I

am a

S uccess ; I


D etermined



D eter mined


Control P eople ."


S ucceed . ”

“ I C an C ontrol P eople . ” “ T hey W ill L ike M e, to


T hey S hall

do as

I W ish T hem


“ I S h a l l C ontrol M ys elf ; I C an C ontrol


T em per ; I C an

C ontrol O t h e r P e o p l e ; T hey C ann ot R esist M e. ”

“ I W ill “I

am to


S uccessful


L i f e ; I C ann ot F ail ."

D etermined P eople S hall L ike M e ; I


D etermined

C ontrol T h e m ; T hey C annot R esist M e ; I M ust

S ucceed ; I C annot F a i l ; I

am a

S uccess ."

A fter w ritin g the above exercises on slips of paper as instructed, fill an ordinary glass pitcher tw o-thirds full of w ater; if you have no glass pitcher, you m ay use a glass full of w ater instead. Place the pitch er of w ater before you on a tab le; take a seat so th a t your eyes shall be two o r



th ree feet from th e p itch er; sit in an easy position; gaze intently into the cen ter of th e pitcher for several m inutes, then read exercise upon slip 1, and again look intently into the pitcher, never rem oving your eyes therefrom ; keep rep eatin g the w ords on the slip over and over. If you begin to feel drow sy and y our eyes close, you m ay perm it them to do so, b u t hold them open as long as you c a n ; keep repeating to yourself th e words on the paper. T h is should be continued for about half an hour. N ex t take slip 2, and use sam e as slip 1, and so on until you have used all the slips. T h is will take seven days. W hen you have finished you should sta rt ovei again from th e first and review them , at least, once or twice. If you have any tendencies which these slips do not correct, you should w rite some suggestions for y ourself on slips of paper, and use them w ith the p itch er of w ater. In some instances, w hile looking into th e pitcher you will, probably, see th e w ords on th e slip of p a p e r in th e w ater. If so, continue gazing intently, as th is is evidence th a t the suggestions have taken a very strong hold upon you. L E S S O N XX. Be su re to drill on exercises given in Lesson 19, as they will posi­ tively develop in you a wonderful m agnetic power. T his is no theory of ours, b u t som ething th at we have learned from long experience. W e have ta u g h t these m ethods to a large num ber of persons, and have not had a single failure; they are th e only tru e m ethods for th e developm ent of Personal M agnetism in a sh o rt space of tim e; they s ta rt you rig h t a t the foundation; they d rill into you th e first principles, and if you m aster th e se principles your success is as certain as one and one are two. Now we wish you to practice to develop w hat is known as the “ M agnetic F lu id ." T ak e a p itch er of w ater, as instructed in Lesson 19, place it on th e table in fro n t of you; gaze intently into th e cen ter of the pitcher, and while so gazing d eterm in e th a t you shall be m agnetic; th at you have a larg e am ount of Personal M agnetism ; th a t you can and will control people; th a t you propose to m ake people like you. You should look into th e p itc h e r for about half an h o u r a t a time, unless you should go to sleep before th e h alf hour expires. If th ere is any particu lar person whom you wish to control, think of him w hile gazing into the pitcher of w ater, and determ ine to control h im ; w ill th a t he cannot disobey you; th a t he shall dc as you wish him to do. If you will do this a num ber of tim es you will acquire a wonderful control over nearly everyone. O f course, th e re a re some people whom you cannot influence; th e ir m agnetism seem s to be so unsuited to yours th a t it is h a rd for you to develop a power over them , but these people are rare, and they m ig h t be very easily influenced by som e one o th er th an yourself. If you wish to sell a m an som ething and you will look into the pitcher of w ater and d eterm in e th a t you can sell him a certain specific article; th a t he m u st b u y ; th a t he cannot resist you, etc., and you will go to him



w ith these suggestions firm ly im planted upon your m ind, you will be, practically, an invincible power in his presence. If you do not succeed in selling him a t th e tim e you go to him , th e probabilities are th a t you will m ake such an im pression upon him th a t he will g e t to thinking over th e m atter afterw ard and buy y o u r goods. In addition to th e instruction which w e have given, you m ust employ tact. Y ou can n o t expect to sell a m an an article about w hich you know nothing, neither can you expect to handle people successfully unless you study them , and use tact in regard to w h at you say and do. W e have n ev er m aintained th a t Personal M agnetism is the only th in g necessary for success. O ur circular m atter m akes no such claim , b u t we have stated, and we now state to you again, th a t it m atters n o t w hat other qualifications you may possess, unless you have developed Personal Mag­ netism you will n ev er attain th e full m easure of success to which your other qualifications entitle you. Personal M agnetism is w orth m ore to you th an any o th er one thing, b u t if you combine w ith it a thorough know ledge of your business, you will a tta in a m easure of success which it w ould be im possible for you to a tta in otherwise. Some persons develop Personal M agnetism to a considerable extent, b u t th ey a re so injudicious in their speech and actions th a t th ey destroy the good effect th a t they would otherw ise have. Read the in structions carefully on Personal M agnetism w hich are given in o u r G eneral Course. T hese in structions give you th e first principles of this g re a t subject.

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