19. Maxima Hemedes vs CA DIGESTS
Short Description
Hemedes v. CA
G.R. No. 107132, October 8, 1999 Gonzaga-Reyes, J.
A parcel of land was originall owned b t!e late "ose #e$edes, fat!er of %a&i %a&i$a $a #e$e #e$ede des s and and 'nri 'nri() ()e e #e$e #e$ede des. s. "ose "ose #e$e #e$ede des s e&ec)t ec)ted ed a doc) doc)$e $ent nt enti entitl tled ed *+ona +onati tion on nte nterr -ios ios wit! wit! Resol esol)t )tor or /ond /ondit itio ions ns w!ereb !e coneed owners!ip oer t!e s)bect land, toget!er wit! all its i$pr i$pro oe$ e$en ents ts,, in faor faor of !is !is t!ir t!ird d wife wife,, ")st ")sta a a)ap a)apin in,, s)be s)bect ct to t!e t!e following resol)tor conditions 4a5 6pon t!e deat! or re$arriage of t!e +ON'', t!e title to t!e prope propert rt donated donated s!all s!all reer reertt to an of t!e c!ildr c!ildren, en, or t!eir t!eir !eirs, of t!e +ONOR e&pressl designated b t!e +ON'' in a p)blic doc)$ent coneing t!e propert to t!e latter or 4b5 n absence of s)c! an e&press designation $ade b t!e +ON'' +ON'' befor before e !er deat! or re$ar re$arri riage age contai contained ned in a p)blic p)blic instr instr)$e )$ent nt as aboe aboe proi proided ded,, t!e title title to t!e prope propert rt s!all s!all a)to$aticall reert reert to t!e legal !eirs of t!e +ONOR in co$$on. )rs ) rs)an )antt to t!e t!e rst rst cond condit itio ion n abo aboe e $ent $entio ione ned, d, ")st ")sta a a)s a)sap apin in e&ec)t ec)ted ed a *+eed +eed of /on /one ean ance ce of 6nr 6nregis egiste terred Real eal roper opert t b Reersion coneing to %a&i$a #e$edes t!e s)bect propert. An O/: was iss)ed in t!e na$e of %a&i$a #e$edes b t!e Registr of +eeds of ;ag)na, wit! t!e annotation t!at *")sta a)sapin s!all !ae t!e )s)fr)ct)ar rig!ts oer t!e parcel of land !erein described d)ring !er lifeti$e or widow!ood. %a&i$a #e$edes and !er !)sband Ra)l Rodrig)e< constit)ted a real estate $ortgage oer t!e s)bect propert in its faor to sere as sec)rit for a loan w!ic! t!e obtained in t!e a$o)nt of =,000.00 fro$ > ? ns)rance. :!e latter e&tra)diciall e&tra)diciall foreclosed t!e $ortgage since %a&i$a #e$edes failed to pa t!e loan een after it beca$e d)e. :!e land was sold at a p)blic a)ction wit! R > ? ns)rance as t!e !ig!est bidder and a certicate of sale
was iss)ed b t!e s!eri@ in its faor. :!e annotation of )s)fr)ct in faor of ")sta a)sapin was $aintained in t!e new title. +espite t!e earlier coneance of t!e s)bect land in faor of %a&i$a #e$edes, ")sta a)sapin e&ec)ted a *as)nd)an w!ereb s!e transferred t!e sa$e land to !er stepson 'nri()e #e$edes, p)rs)ant to t!e resol)tor condition in t!e deed of donation e&ec)ted in !er faor b !er late !)sband "ose #e$edes. 'nri()e #e$edes later sold t!e propert to +o$ini)$ Realt and /onstr)ction /orporation 4+o$ini)$5. ")sta a)sapin e&ec)ted an adait ar$ing t!e coneance of t!e s)bect propert in faor of 'nri()e #e$edes as e$bodied in t!e *as)nd)an, and at t!e sa$e ti$e dening t!e coneance $ade to %a&i$a #e$edes. +o$ini)$ leased t!e propert to its sister corporation Asia ?rewer, nc. 4Asia ?rewer5 w!o, een before t!e signing of t!e contract of lease, constr)cted two ware!o)ses $ade of steel and asbestos costing abo)t 10,000,000.00 eac!. 6pon learning of Asia ?rewerBs constr)ctions )pon t!e s)bect propert, R > ? ns)rance sent it a letter infor$ing t!e for$er of its owners!ip of t!e propert and of its rig!t to appropriate t!e constr)ctions since Asia ?rewer is a b)ilder in bad fait!. A conference was !eld between R > ? ns)rance and Asia ?rewer b)t t!e failed to arrie at an a$icable settle$ent. %a&i$a #e$edes also wrote a letter addressed to Asia ?rewer w!erein s!e asserted t!at s!e is t!e rig!tf)l owner of t!e s)bect propert and t!at, as s)c!, s!e !as t!e rig!t to appropriate Asia ?rewerBs constr)ctions, to de$and its de$olition, or to co$pel Asia ?rewer to p)rc!ase t!e land. n anot!er letter of t!e sa$e date addressed to R > ? ns)rance, %a&i$a #e$edes denied t!e e&ec)tion of an real estate $ortgage in faor of t!e latter. ISSUE:
w!et!er or not R > ? ns)rance s!o)ld be considered an innocent p)rc!aser of t!e land in ()estion
Ces. :!e annotation of )s)fr)ct)ar rig!ts in faor of ")sta a)sapin )pon %a&i$a #e$edesB O/: dose not i$pose )pon R > ? ns)rance t!e obligation to inestigate t!e alidit of its $ortgagorBs title. 6s)fr)ct gies a rig!t to eno t!e propert of anot!er wit! t!e obligation of presering its for$ and s)bstance. :!e )s)fr)ct)ar is entitled to all t!e nat)ral, ind)strial and ciil fr)its of t!e propert and $a personall eno t!e t!ing in )s)fr)ct, lease it to anot!er, or alienate !is rig!t of )s)fr)ct, een b a grat)ito)s title, b)t all t!e contracts !e $a enter into as s)c! )s)fr)ct)ar s!all ter$inate )pon t!e e&piration of t!e )s)fr)ct. /learl, onl t!e jus utendi and jus fruendi oer t!e propert is transferred to t!e )s)fr)ct)ar. :!e owner of t!e propert $aintains t!e jus disponendi or t!e power to alienate, enc)$ber, transfor$, and een destro t!e sa$e. :!is rig!t is e$bodied in t!e /iil /ode, w!ic! proides t!at t!e owner of propert t!e )s)fr)ct of w!ic! is !eld b anot!er, $a alienate it, alt!o)g! !e cannot alter t!e propertBs for$ or s)bstance, or do ant!ing w!ic! $a be pre)dicial to t!e )s)fr)ct)ar. :!ere is no do)bt t!at t!e owner $a alidl $ortgage t!e propert in faor of a t!ird person and t!e law proides t!at, in s)c! a case, t!e )s)fr)ct)ar s!all not be obliged to pa t!e debt of t!e $ortgagor, and s!o)ld t!e i$$oable be attac!ed or sold )diciall for t!e pa$ent of t!e debt, t!e owner s!all be liable to t!e )s)fr)ct)ar for w!ateer t!e latter $a lose b reason t!ereof. ?ased on t!e foregoing, t!e annotation of )s)fr)ct)ar rig!ts in faor of ")sta a)sapin is not s)cient ca)se to re()ire R > ? ns)rance to inestigate %a&i$a #e$edesB title, contrar to p)blic respondentBs r)ling, for t!e reason t!at %a&i$a #e$edesB owners!ip oer t!e propert re$ained )ni$paired despite s)c! enc)$brance. R > ? ns)rance !ad a rig!t to rel on t!e certicate of title and was not in bad fait! in accepting t!e propert as a sec)rit for t!e loan it e&tended to %a&i$a #e$edes.
316 SCRA 347
Jose Hemedes executed a document entitled “Donation Inter Vivos With Resolutory
Conditions” conveying ownershi a arcel o! land" together with all its imrovements" in !avor o! his third wi!e" Justa #auain" su$%ect to the resolutory condition tha t uon the latter&s death or remarriage" the title to the roerty donated shall revert to any o! the children" or heirs" o! the D'('R exressly designated $y the D'())* +ursuant to said condition" Justa #ausain executed a “Deed o! Conveyance o! ,nregistered Real +roerty $y Reversion” conveying to -axima Hemedes the su$%ect roerty* -axima Hemedes and her hus$and Raul Rodrigue. constituted a real estate mortgage over the su$%ect roerty in !avor o! R / 0 Insurance to serve as security !or a loan which they o$tained* R / 0 Insurance extra%udicially !oreclosed the mortgage since -axima Hemedes !ailed to ay the loan even* 1he land was sold at a u$lic auction with R / 0 Insurance as the highest $idder* 2 new title was su$se3uently issued in !avor the R/0* 1he annotation o! usu!ruct in !avor o! Justa #ausain was maintained in the new title* Desite the earlier conveyance o! the su$%ect land in !avor o! -axima Hemedes" Justa #ausain executed a “#asunduan” where$y she trans!erred the same land to her steson )nri3ue D* Hemedes" ursuant to the resolutory condition in the deed o! donation executed in her !avor $y her late hus$and Jose Hemedes* )nri3ue D* Hemedes o$tained two declarations o! real roerty" when the assessed value o! the roerty was raised* 2lso" he has $een aying the realty taxes on the roerty !rom the time Justa #ausain conveyed the roerty to him* In the cadastral survey" the roerty was assigned in the name o! )nri3ue Hemedes* )nri3ue Hemedes is also the named owner o! the roerty in the records o! the -inistry o! 2grarian Re!orm o!!ice at Calam$a" 4aguna* )nri3ues D* Hemedes sold the roerty to Dominium Realty and Construction Cororation 5Dominium6* Dominium leased the roerty to its sister cororation 2sia 0rewery" Inc* 52sia 0rewery6 who made constructions therein* ,on learning o! 2sia 0rewery&s constructions" R / 0 Insurance sent it a letter in!orming the !ormer o! its ownershi o! the roerty* 2 con!erence was held $etween R / 0 Insurance and 2sia 0rewery $ut they !ailed to arrive at an amica$le settlement*
-axima Hemedes also wrote a letter addressed to 2sia 0rewery asserting that she is the right!ul owner o! the su$%ect roerty and denying the execution o! any real estate mortgage in !avor o! R/0* Dominium and )nri3ue D* Hemedes !iled a comlaint with the C7I !or the annulment o! 1C1 issued in !avor o! R / 0 Insurance and8or the reconveyance to Dominium o! the su$%ect roerty alleging that Dominion was the a$solute owner o! the land* 1he trial court ruled in !avor o! Dominium and )nri3ue Hemedes* ISSUE:
W8( the donation in !avor o! )nri3ue Hemedes wa s valid9
('* )nri3ue D* Hemedes and his trans!eree" Dominium" did not ac3uire any rights over
the su$%ect roerty* Justa #ausain sought to trans!er to her steson exactly what she had earlier trans!erred to -axima Hemedes the ownershi o! the su$%ect roerty ursuant to the !irst condition stiulated in the deed o! donation executed $y her hus$and* 1hus" the donation in !avor o! )nri3ue D* Hemedes is null and void !or the urorted o$%ect thereo! did not exist at the time o! the trans!er" having already $een trans!erred to his sister* ;imilarly" the sale o! the su$%ect roerty $y )nri3ue D* Hemedes to Dominium is also a nullity !or the latter cannot ac3uire more rights than its redecessor? ins)rance for %a&i$aBs fail)re to pa t!e loan s!e obtained.
%eanw!ile, despite t!e earlier coneance b "6D:A to %AE%A, "6D:A e&ec)ted a *as)nd)an coneing t!e sa$e propert to !er stepson 'NRF6'. 'nri()e t!en sold t!e propert to +O%N6% R'A;:C.
!ic! of t!e two coneances $ade b "6D:A 41 st in faor of %a&i$a 2 nd in
faor of 'nri()e5 e@ectiel transferred owners!ip oer t!e land. HELD:
:!e allegation t!at t!e *+eed of /oneance b Reersion e&ec)ted b ")sta in
faor of %a&i$a is sp)rio)s is not s)pported b eidence. D)c! is $erel gro)nded on t!e denial of ")sta a)sapin !erself. ")sta is a biased witness. D!e is 80 ears old, s)@ering fro$ worsening p!sical
inr$ities, and co$pletel dependent on 'nri()e for s)pport. •
/A erred w!en it declared t!e *+eed of /oneance b Reersion in faor of %a&i$a oid for fail)re to co$pl wit! // 1332 4// 1332 !en one of t!e parties is )nable to read, or if t!e contract is in a lang)age not )nderstood b !i$, and $istaHe or fra)d is alleged, t!e person enforcing t!e contract $)st s!ow t!at t!e ter$s t!ereof !ae been f)ll e&plained to t!e for$er5. n t!is case, ")sta denies Hnowledge of t!e deed of coneance. #ence, // 1332 is inapplicable as it was )seless to deter$ine w!et!er or not ")sta was ind)ced to e&ec)te t!e doc)$ent b $eans of fra)d w!en s!e denies Hnowledge of e&istence in t!e rst place.
#ence, t!e donation in faor of 'NRF6' is n)ll and oid for t!e p)rported obect
t!ereof did not e&ist at t!e ti$e of t!e transfer, !aing alread been transferred to !is sister.
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